Revision Properties Polymer
Revision Properties Polymer
Revision Properties Polymer
Polymers form a very important class of materials without which the life
seems very difficult. They are all around us in everyday use; in rubber, in plastic, in
resins, and in adhesives and adhesives tapes. The word polymer is derived from greek
words, poly= many and mers= parts or units of high molecular mass each molecule of
which consist of a very large number of single structural units joined together in a
regular manner. In other words polymers are giant molecules of high molecular
weight, called macromolecules, which are build up by linking together of a large
number of small molecules, called monomers. The reaction by which the monomers
combine to form polymer is known as polymerization [1]. The polymerization is a
chemical reaction in which two or more substances combine together with or without
evolution of anything like water, heat or any other solvents to form a molecule of high
molecular weight. The product is called polymer and the starting material is called
Polymers have existed in natural form since life began and those such as
DNA, RNA, proteins and polysaccharides play crucial roles in plant and animal life.
From the earliest times, man has exploited naturally-occurring polymers as materials
for providing clothing, decoration, shelter, tools, weapons, writing materials and other
requirements. However, the origin of todays polymer industry is commonly accepted
as being the nineteenth century when important discoveries were made concerning the
modification of certain natural polymers. In eighteenth century, Thomas Hancock
gave an idea of modification of natural rubber through blending with ceatrain
additives. Later on, Charles Goodyear improved the properties of natural rubber
through vulcanization process with sulfur. The Bakelite was the first synthetic
polymer produced in 1909 and was soon followed by the synthetic fiber, rayon, which
was developed in 1911. The systematic study of polymer science started only about a
century back with the pioneering work of Herman Staudinger. Staudinger has given a
new definition of polymer. He in1919 first published this concept that high molecular
mass compounds were composed of long covalently bonded molecules.
Polymer is a generic name given to a vast number of materials of high
molecular weight. These materials exist in countless form and numbers because of
very large number and type of atoms present in their molecule. Polymer can have
different chemical structure, physical properties, mechanical behavior, thermal
characteristics, etc., and on the basis of these properties polymer can be classified in
different ways, which are summarized in Table 1.1, whereas, important and broad
classification of polymers are described in the next section.
Table1.1: Classification of Polymers
Basis of Classification
Polymer Type
Thermal Response
- Thermoplastic, Thermosetting
Mode of formation
- Addition, Condensation
Line structure
- Hetro, Homo-chain
On the basis of their occurrence in nature, polymers have been classified in
three types [2]:A. Natural polymer:- The polymers, which occur in nature are called natural
polymer also known as biopolymers. Examples of such polymers are natural
rubber, natural silk, cellulose, starch, proteins, etc..
B. Semi synthetic polymer:- They are the chemically modified natural polymers
such as hydrogenated, natural rubber, cellulosic, cellulose nitrate, methyl cellulose,
C. Synthetic polymer:- The polymer which has been synthesized in the laboratory is
known as synthetic polymer. These are also known as manmade polymers.
Examples of such polymers are polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene, polystyrene,
polysulfone, etc..
Thermal Response
On the basis of thermal response, polymers can be classified into two groups
B. Conden
nsation poly
ymer:- Theey are formeed from inteermolecularr reactions between
bifunctioonal or po
olyfunctionaal monomeer moleculees having rreactive fu
groups such
as OH
H, -COOH, -NH2, -NCO
O, etc..
1.3.4 Lin
ne Structuree
On the basiis of structu
ure, polymerrs are of thrree types.
A. Linear polymer:p
If the monoomer units are joined in
i a linear ffashion, polymer is
said to be
b linear pollymer.
Linear Hom
Linear Cop
Braanched Hom
plication an
nd Physicall Propertiees
1.3.5 App
Deppending on its ultimate form and use
u a polymer can be cllassified as [2]:A. Rubberr (Elastomeers):- Rubbber is high
h moleculaar weight ppolymer wiith long
flexible chains and
d weak interrmolecular forces. Th
hey exhibitss tensile strength in
000 psi andd elongation
n at break ranging
bettween 300-1000% .
the rangge of 300-30
Examplees are natural and synthhetic rubberr.
B. Plastics:- Plastics are
a relativelly tough substances wiith high moolecular weiight that
h (or withoout) the app
plication of heat. Thesee are usuallly much
can be molded
strongerr than rubbeers. They exxhibit tensiile strength ranging beetween 4000-15000
psi and elongation at break rannging usuallly from 20
0 to 200% oor even high
her. The
examplees of plastics are, polyeethylene, po
olypropylenee, PVC, pollystyrene, ettc.
C. Fibers:-- Fibers arre long- chhain polym
mers characterized by highly cry
regions resulting
from secondary forces.
y have a muuch lower elasticity
than plastics and elastomers. T
They also haave high ten
nsile strenggth ranging between
20,000- 150,000 psi., are light weight and
d possess mo
oisture absoorption prop
1.3.6 Taccticity:It may
be defined
as the geom
metric arran
ngement (oorientation) of the
characteristtic group off monomer uunit with reespect to thee main chainn (backbone) of the
polymers. On
O the basiss of structurre, polymer may be claassified into three group
ps:A. Isotacticc polymer:- It is the ttype of poly
ymer in whiich the charracteristic group are
arrangedd on the sam
me side of thhe main chaain.
Issotactic Pollypropene
B. Syndiottactic polym
mer:- A poolymer is said
to be syndiotactic
c if the sid
de group
(characteristic group) are arrannged in an alternate
Syyndiotatic Po
C. Atactic polymer:- A polymer is said to be
b atactic, iff the charactteristic grou
ups (side
group) are
a arranged
d in irregulaar fashion (rrandomness) around thee main chaiin. It has
proper strength and
d more elastiicity.
Atactic Poly
mposite are attractive m
materials beecause they combine ma
material prop
perties in
ways not foound in natu
ure. Such m
materials oftten result in
n lightweighht structuress having
high stiffneess and tailo
ored properrties for speecific appliccations, ther
ereby saving
g weight
and reducing energy needs [4-66]. Fiber-reeinforced pllastic compposites beg
gan with
cellulose fiber
in pheenolics in 1908, laterr extending
g to urea aand melamiine, and
reaching coommodity status
in thhe 1940s with
w glass fiber in unsaaturated polyesters.
From guitaars, tennis raacquets, andd cars to miicrolight airrcrafts, elecctronic comp
and artificiaal joints, co
omposites arre finding use
u in diversse fields.
mposite maaterials deriived from biopolymer
and synthhetic fibers such as
glass and carbon
also come undeer biocompo
osites. Biocomposites dderived from
m plantderived fibeer (natural/b
biofiber) annd crop/biod
derived plasstic (biopolyymer/bioplaastic) are
likely to be more ecofriendly, and such biocomposites are sometimes termed green
composites [4].
automotivee application
ns. Now froom need off society an
nd research point of viiew it is
much impoortant to worrk on leaf bbased nonwo
ood fibers [4
d as the
It can also be defined
fundamentaal process by
b which loow molecullar weight compounds
are converrted into
high moleccular weigh
ht compounnds. In addiition to thee structural and compo
differences between polymers
F lory stresseed the very
y significannt difference in the
m by which polymer m
molecules arre build up.. Although Flory contiinued to
use the teerms "addiition polym
merization" (polymerization by repeated addition
by repeated
where, m is the mass of the monomeric unit.
formed and a small molecule of by-product with a lower molecular weight is released.
The by-product eliminated is called as condensate. The reaction can take place
between two similar or different monomers. It is also called as step-growth
polymerization [8-9].
1.5.2 Addition Polymerization or Chain Polymerization
In addition polymerization, two or more molecules of monomers attach
together to form a polymer. In this polymerization, there is no elimination of any
molecule. It is a chain reaction and no by product is released. It is obtained by linking
together the monomer molecules by a chain reaction to give a polymer whose
molecular weight is exactly an integral multiple of that of the monomer as in the case
of polyethylene obtained by polymerization of ethylene. Only a single monomer is
involved in addition polymerization and hence the polymer is homopolymer and
contains the same monomer units. Addition polymerization reaction is usually
induced by light, heat or a catalyst for opening the double bond of the monomer and
creating the reactive sites [9].
n p
i 1
m p
i 1
When the molecular weight distribution is very narrow, the number average
and weight average molecular weights are essentially equal. When the distribution is
broad, the weight average molecular weight is considerably greater than the number
10 | P a g e
cellulose nitrate
and nylons; theey have hig
gh yield po
oints and hhigh modulu
us, high
strengths annd large elo
ongations. M
Most polym
mers of thiss group shoow cold-draawing or
"necking" during
the stretching
pprocess. Colld-drawing is importannt in syntheetic fiber
technologyy, and is ussed to deveelop strength. Polymerric materialls that are soft and
tough show
w low modu
ulus and yieeld values, moderate
strength at brreak, and very high
elongation ranging frrom 20 to 100 per cent.
This type
of strress-strain curve
characteristtic of plasticcized PVC and rubberss (elastomerrs).
Thee two mech
hanical perfformances creep
and stress
relaxaation are reelated to
each other. In creep, elongation
ttakes placee under the applicationn of constan
nt stress,
when a specimenn is held at constant
while in strress relaxatiion, decreasse in stress occur
and essenttially instan
ntaneously induced strain.
The varying sstress or strain
measured as
a a function
n of time. R
Repeated flexing of a saample throuugh a given distance
often causees a sample to fail at a lower stress than it could for a ssingle flexu
ure. This
feature is reeferred to ass fatigue.
15 | P a g e
VC's are
considered to be toug
gh. In generral, polymeeric materiaals are eithe
her brittle or tough,
depending on the tem
mperature annd rate of impact, i.e. rate of deeformation.. Impact
strength off polymers and derivved plasticss depends on the possition of th
he glass
transition temperature (Tg) wiith respectt to room
m temperatture and ease
crystallizatiion. Far beelow the gglass-transition, amorp
phous polym
mers break
k with a
brittle fractture, but they become tougher ass the service temperatuure approacches Tg..
Above Tg, amorphous polymers aare in a rub
bbery state so
s that the term impacct ceases
to have anyy significancce
on its dimeensional size weather itt is thinner or thicker in appearannce. The sizze of the
blend makees it usable in various ffields. Todaay polymerss are used eextensively in many
applicationns in thin film
m form, likke film coatiing, adheren
nt epoxy unnder fills to localize
16 | P a g e
the stress concentration during thermal expansion, in electronic packaging etc.. The
mechanical state within the polymer necessarily varies from point to point within the
thin film, as can the strength of the adhesion between the polymer and the substrate.
In most practical cases, even in thin film applications such as found in electronic
packaging applications, the typical dimensions of the polymer component are much
larger than the dimensions of individual molecules. At scales much larger than this,
the material can be considered as continuum and the usual mechanics can be invoked
to model the deformation behavior, and bulk tensile properties (which will vary with
resin and processing) can accurately describe the time dependent properties of the thin
1.7.2 Microhardness of a Polymer
If we discuss the mechanical properties of polymer and biocomposites,
hardness of the material is one of the most important aspects in its mechanical
characterization; it is generally defined as resistance of a material to plastic
deformation, usually by indentation. It is the property of a material, which gives it
the ability to resist permanent deformation (bend, break, or have its shape changed),
when a load is applied. The greater the hardness of the material, the greater is the
resistance it has towards deformation. The one of the best available definition is given
by Ashby [18], which states hardness is a measure of the resistance to permanent
deformation or damage.
Microhardness is the hardness of a material measured at low loads as
determined by forcing an indenter such as Vickers or Knoop into the surface of the
material under 5 g to 160 g load. Usually the indentations are so small that they must
be measured with a microscope. Micro indenters work by pressing a tip into a sample
and continuously measuring applied load, penetration, depth and cycle time. Nanoindentation tests measure hardness by indenting with very small (of the order of 1
nano-Newton) indentation forces and measuring the depth of the indention that is
The hardness test measures the mean contact pressure, when an indenter is
pressed onto the surface of a flat specimen.
study various properties of polymer and polymer biocomposite blends, which has also
been utilized by various workers. This typical hardness test involves applying a fixed
load to the indenter, and measuring the resultant size of indentation. This has been
related empirically to the yield stress of the material. This work presents the results of
micro-indentation testing on electrically stressed polymer thin films [19-26].
Materials such as glass, ceramics, polymers and biocomposites are non
conducting materials. They prevent flow of current through them. When these types
of non-conducting materials are placed in an electric field, they modify the electric
field and they themselves undergo appreciable changes as a result of which they act as
stores of electrical charges. When charge storage is the main function, the materials
are called dielectrics. For a material to be a good dielectric, it must be an insulator. As
good insulators, polymers posses excellent dielectric properties. Many authors have
reported theoretical and experimental work related to these properties [29-52]. The
common electrical properties of interest are discussed below:
Dielectric polarization
Polarization with the application of an electric field, due to the displacement
18 | P a g e
Electrical conduction
The electrical conductivity of polymer, x, measures the presence of free ions
plant fibers such as cotton, flax, hemp and fibers from recycled wood or waste paper,
or even by-products from food crops. Biocomposites offer a significant non-food
market for crop-derived fibers and resins.
Considerable growth has been seen in the use of biocomposites in the
automotive and decking markets over the past decade or so, but application in other
sectors has hitherto been limited. Nevertheless, with suitable development, the
potential exists for biocomposites to enter new markets and thus stimulate an increase
in demand for non-food crops. Fibers provide strength and stiffness and act as
reinforcement in fiber-reinforced composite materials; ultimately the properties of a
composite are governed by the inherent properties of these fibers. Natural fibers can
be subdivided into vegetable, animal and mineral fibers [55].
Biodegradation is the process by which organic substances are broken. The
term is often used in relation to ecology, waste management and environmental
remediation (bioremediation).
blends to improve their properties, which sometimes even reach the levels of the
conventional plastics. It is well known that the environmental conditions during
production, storage, and usage of these materials influence their mechanical
properties. The mechanical characterization can be made with the help of
Microhardness and Tensile Stress, tensile strength [56,58,59,63].
The study of
The sample has been prepared with different techniques. The structural, thermal and
mechanical characterization has been carried out. The effect of various types of
thermal pretreatment on the properties of biocomposites has been investigated.
Chiellini et al have studied composite films based on biorelated agro-industrial
waste with PVA and reported that the mechanical properties of prepared agroindustrial based biocomposite films were found to be dependent upon the nature and
environmental conditions [56]. Cinelli et al have studied the properties of injection
molded composition containing corn fiber and PVA and reported that the addition of
starch moderately reduces tensile properties of composite, lowering the elongation
and increasing Youngs modulus while tensile strength remains constant. Yun et al
have studied the mechanical properties with the functional group of additives for
starch/ PVA films and reported increase in flexibility and strength of films and degree
of swelling (DS) of films[68].
Mao et al have studied the mechanical properties, morphology and
biodegradability of Extruded Cornstarch- Glycerol PVA blends and reported that
addition of PVOH to blends slows down the biodegradation process and improves
physical and mechanical properties[59]. Jayshekara et al have studied biodegradation
by composting of surface modified starch and PVA blended films and reported that
PVA can be facilitate as biodegradation of composite films[69].
Imam et al have widely studied the composites based on PVA and reported
that the FTIR based biodegradation and hexamethoxymethyl-melamine (HMMM)
based composite for improving water resistance of PVA based biocomposite[64].
Rudnik has studied the thermal properties of biocomposite and reported increase in
thermal stability of modified starch[70]. The thermal stimulated discharge current in
polymer composite films has been reported by many authors on polymeric films
PVA is one of the most important polymeric materials to prepare composites
of biomaterials. The chemical structure of Polyvinyl alcohol is shown in Fig 1.5. The
general properties of PVA are appearance as white granule or powder, specific gravity
of 1.25~ 1.32, bulk density of above about 0.4 ~ 0.7, ph value is about to 5 ~ 7 with
glass transition temperature (Tg) = 850C, melting point of 210 ~ 2300C, thermally
stable, gradual discoloration at about 1000C, darkens rapidly above 1600C, gradual
23 | P a g e
Possible Outcome
incorporating the individual qualities of PVA and Palm Leaf powder. It may lead to
develop a green material with higher mechanical properties, improved microhardness,
improved structural morphology, improved thermal properties and improved charge
storage properties, providing high strength to weight ratio, for various applications as
biodegradable and environmental friendly material.
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1.12 References:
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and Francis Group, FL, USA, 2006.
Mohanty A. K., Misra M., Drzal L. T., Natural fibers, Biopolymers, and
Biocomposites, Chapter1, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, FL, USA, 2005.
Piringer O.G., Baner A.L., Plastic Packaging: interaction with food and
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[56] Emo
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[70] Ewa Rudnik, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 88(2), 495
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