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The Role of Experimentation in Software

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Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

DFG Graduate School TrustSoft
26111 Oldenburg

Seminar Research Methods, Summer Term 2005

The Role of Experimentation in Software

Heiko Koziolek
7th July 2005

Research proposals need to be validated either by formal proofs or by applying empirical
methods (e.g. controlled experiments). Many authors have pointed out that the level of experimentation in software engineering is not satisfactory. The quantity of experimentation is too
low as a lot of software engineering publication do not contain any empirical validation at all.
But also the quality of software engineering experiments conducted so far is often weak, because
no proper methodological approach is applied and statistical methods are misused.
This paper provides an overview of the status of experimentation in software engineering.
First, the role of experimentation among other types of research is clarified. Several research
paradigms are introduced, a classification of different types of experiments in software engineering is provided, and a comparison with experimentation in other research disciplines is drawn.
Afterwards the current state of experimentation in software engineering is analysed with more
detail. Some discussion points from various researchers about the situation of experimentation are summed up. Their recommendations for improving the state of experimentation are
provided as well as possible future directions of experimentation in software engineering.

1 Introduction

1 Introduction
Any research proposal in computer science needs to be validated properly to check it claims,
improvements and also its applicability in practice. To conduct such a validation either the proposal
has to be proven formally or empirical methods have to be used to gather evidence. The fact
that formal proofs are only seldom possible in software engineering (SE), has lead researchers to
emphasize the role of empirical methods, which are traditionally more common in disciplines like
physics, social sciences, medicine or psychology.
Several different empirical methods are known. Quantitative methods try to measure a certain
effect, while qualitative methods search for the reasons of an observed effect. Examples for quantitative methods are experiments, case studies, field studies, surveys and meta-studies. Examples
for qualitative methods are interviews and group discussions.
The controlled experiment is the method with the highest degree of confidence into the results.
In such an experiment researchers try to control any variable influencing the outcome, except the
variable they want to analyse. For example, this involves testing a product or method with a larger
group of persons, so that the differences in the qualifications of the participants can be reduced by
averaging and thus do not influence the result. A less strict method is the case study, in which a
(possibly artificial) example is analysed and initial interpretations of the observed effects can be
drawn, but the results are normally not generalizable to other examples. Surveys include searching
the literature or passing out questionnaires to experts to gather evidence. Meta-studies analyse
other studies and try to gain knowledge by comparing different approaches. A more detailed
introduction into empirical methods in computer sciences can be found in several books, which
have appeared recently [WRH+ 00, Pre01, JM01].
Many authors have pointed out that the level of experimentation in SE is not satisfactory. The
quantity of experimentation is weak, as a lot of researchers are reluctant to validate their approaches
empirically. The quality of experimentation is also often not sufficient, as statistical methods are
used inappropriately or it is neglected to draw proper conclusions from experiments. Based on
these observations this paper discusses the role of experimentation in SE in more detail.
This paper is organised as follows: The following section 2 contains an overview of general
research approaches and describes how research is conducted in other disciplines. Afterwards, the
focus shifts specifically to experimentation and its application in SE. Section 3 analyses the status
quo of experimentation in SE, while section 4 sums up several common fallacies on this topic.
Section 5 summarizes future direction of experimentation and presents some ideas how to improve
the conduction of empirical studies. Section 6 contains a critical reflection of some of the statements
found in the literature analysed before. Finally, Section 7 concludes the paper.

2 Research and Experimentation in SE

Evolution in science disciplines is based on encapsulating experience into models and their verification and validation based on experimentation [Bas96]. The science process is a cycle of applying
ideas, analysing results and collection feedback. SE requires the same cycle of model building,
experimentation and learning to become a matured scientific discipline.
Scientific research in SE is conducted under the assumption that if we look long enough and
hard enough, we will find rational rules that show us the best ways to build the best software
In the following, first different levels of knowledge are presented before four general research
methods and the experimentation/learning cycle are introduced. To conduct empirical research,
multiple data collection methods can be applied, which are summed up in the third subsection.
Older scientific disciplines like physics and psychology have developed their own experimental

2 Research and Experimentation in SE

paradigms, which are shortly described in the fourth subsection. This section concludes with an
argumentation why SE is different from other scientific disciplines and why an own experimental
paradigm has to be developed.

2.1 Empirical Knowledge versus Theoretical Knowledge

Three levels of scientific investigations to gain knowledge can be identified [JM01]:
Survey inquiries observe an object or process and try to find out, which variables affect
other variables. The effect is neither quantified nor explained. Although other disciplines have
identified the relationships between important variables, most of the influencing variables in
SE are still not known.
Empirical inquiries aim at quantifying how variables affect other variables. The goal of
such inquiries is to construct an empirical model. According to Popper [Pop59] empirical
inquiries cannot prove any theory, they can only fail to falsify it. From this viewpoint scientific knowledge is nothing more than a system of untrue statements and claims that are
provisionally true as long as they are not contradicted. This insight should always be kept
in mind when reasoning about experimentation. Apart from the inability to prove a theory,
empirical inquiries are also not able to create an understanding of the observed phenomena.
Mechanistic inquiries represent the highest level of scientific investigation. The aim is
to explain why variables affect other variables in the observed manner and to construct a
theoretical model. Such a theoretical model contributes to the understanding of a phenomena
and additionally provides a basis for extrapolation, which is not possible with an empirical
model. Thus, predictions can be made about certain phenomena based on an theoretical
model. Theoretical models also provide a stricter representation of the response function to
a research question.

As survey inquiries have hardly been conducted in SE and not enough background knowledge
has been collected, it is not yet possible to construct theoretical models in SE. Empirical models
are a necessary step towards theoretical models for SE.

2.2 Research Paradigms and Methods

Basili distinguishes between two main research paradigms [Bas93]. The experimental paradigm
includes the scientific method with the engineering method and the empirical method as subsets,
while the analytical paradigm includes the mathematical method:
Scientific method: Observe the world, propose a model or a theory of behaviour, measure
and analyse, validate hypotheses of the model or theory, and if possible repeat the procedure.

Engineering method: Observe existing solutions, propose better solutions, build

or develop, measure and analyse, and repeat the process until no more improvements
appear possible.
Empirical method: Propose a model, develop statistical/qualitative methods, apply
to case studies, measure and analyse, validate model and repeat the procedure.
Mathematical method: Propose a formal theory or set of axioms, develop a theory, derive
results and if possible compare with empirical observations.

2 Research and Experimentation in SE

Figure 1: Iterative learning cycle [JM01]

The experimental paradigm is an inductive approach: it uses empirical evidence to formulate
generalised knowledge from the observations made. On the other hand the analytical paradigm
is deductive: it takes known theories and provides new evidence for special cases. In deductive
reasoning evidence provided must be a set about which everything is known before the conclusion
can be drawn. Since not all variables of SE (software artefacts, development processes, people,
environment) are known formally, it is difficult to fully apply such an approach in this discipline.
Thus, Basili concludes that the inductive paradigm might be best used when trying to understand
the software process, product, people, environment.
According to Glass [Gla94] the engineering, empirical and also the mathematical method are
applicable in computer science, however the scientific method (although a superset of the first two
methods) is problematic because of the phrase observe the world. Software is intangible and has
an invisible nature, so the phrase should be replaced by observe the problem space.
To clarify the relationship between deduction and induction, Juristo et. al. [JM01] illustrate
the iterative experimentation/learning cycle (Figure 1). Deduction proves something, induction
shows that something is operational and abduction suggests that something could be. The cycle
is composed as follows: a preliminary hypothesis is made about some phenomena. A process of
deduction from the hypothesis leads to results, which are compared against real data. Discrepancies
about the deduction results and reality can lead to a new hypothesis via induction. With the new
hypothesis the cycle starts again.
The two variations of the experimental paradigm are rather contrary [Bas93]. The engineering
method is evolutionary, it takes existing solutions and tries to improve them. For example the
knowledge that a method is less cost-intensive than another or that a new tool preforms better than
its predecessors might be the result of such an approach. Opposed to that, the empirical method
can be a revolutionary approach not based on existing solutions. For example the proposal of a new
method or model and the evaluation of its effect to the software development process or software
products is a result of this approach. For both approaches careful analysis and measurements are
critical for their success.
With these paradigms research activities and development can be differentiated. If someone
is neither applying the experimental nor analytical paradigm, his work cannot be considered as
research. For example, constructing a system or tool alone without validation is development and
not research. Only if an understanding is gained how a system works or why it is useful and this
is validated by experimentation, then a work qualifies as being research.

2 Research and Experimentation in SE

In his critique about the state of the art of computer science research Glass [Gla94] sums up
some observations about the research methods introduced above. Few studies in fact have used
the scientific method. Unfortunately, it is rather uncommon for computer scientists to formulate
and validate hypotheses and to do evaluation in an iterative cycle. The engineering method has
been used more frequently, as sometimes proposals aim to improve existing solutions. Yet the cycle
repeat, until no further improvement is possible can hardly be found in most approaches. The
empirical method is under-represented and only used by a few researchers. Glass criticizes that
most researchers have no interest in this approach, and if they do, they tend to use only student
experiments, not industrial case studies. The mathematical method is still the most common in
computer science because of the mathematical heritage of the discipline. Within this method it is
extremely rare that researchers compare their results with empirical observations. Glass concludes
to characterize the most common research method as seriously flawed in practice.

2.3 Data Collection Methods

Data collection from reality for the experimental/learning cycle can be done in multiple ways. A
taxonomy by Zelkowitz et. al. lists 12 different data collection methods:
Observational Methods: project monitoring, case study, assertion, field study
Historical Methods: literature search, legacy data, lessons-learned, static analysis
Controlled Methods: replicated experiment, synthetic environment experiment, dynamic
analysis, simulation

An overview of the empirical methods most common in computer sciences and SE (controlled
experiments, case studies, survey, meta-studies) can be found in [Pre01, WRH+ 00].
Basili provides a classification for several kinds of experiments [Bas96], which are identified by:
Type of results

Descriptive: relationships among variables have not been examined

Correlational: variation of dependent variables is related to variation of independent
Cause-effect: independent variable is only possible cause for variation of dependent
Type of participants

Novice: inexperienced students

Expert: practitioners experienced in the study domain
Type of environment

In vivo: in the field (i.e. the software industry) under realistic conditions
In vitro: in the laboratory (i.e. the university) under controlled conditions
Level of control

Controlled experiment: typically in vitro, mostly with students, strong statistically confidence in results, expensive, difficult to control
Quasi-experiment: typically in vivo, with practitioners, qualitative character

2 Research and Experimentation in SE

Observational study: no treatment or controlled variables, possibly no set of study
variables defined beforehand
Furthermore Basili examines, that in general two patterns of experiments have been performed so
far: human factor studies and project-based studies. Human factor studies are normally causeeffect studies and try to find out how software engineers perceive and solve problems. Project-based
studies are often correlational or descriptive studies and aim to help practitioners building models
of software product and processes.
Still, there is a disagreement about the right methodology in empirical SE, as discussed in
a panel session on the ICSE 2003 and summed up in a position paper by Walker [WBN+ 03].
Tichy favours controlled, quantitative, and statistically-analysable experiments, but like Popper
he also states that no silver-bullet experiments exists, which could provide a final answer to
a research question. Kitchenham also favours quantitative studies, but highlights the value of
field studies in an industrial environment. For Seaman, qualitative studies are a valuable addition
to quantitative studies. On one hand they can be used to replicate a study with a different
methodology, thereby improving the trust in the results. On the other hand qualitative studies
can help reducing the complexity of SE experiment resulting from the human factor, because
they were originally developed to analyse human behaviour. Murphy (also in [MWB99]) points
out that different evaluation treatments have to be applied according the degree of maturity of
a technology under analysis. Briand adds that the discipline of SE needs to develop its own
body of experience and strategies like other disciplines. Additionally, he states that qualitative
and quantitative methods actually complement each other. Furthermore, in his opinion controlled
experiments (with often high internal, but low external validity) and field studies (with often low
internal but high external validity) both are necessary to create a body of evidence. Notkin states
that empirical evidence is not always needed to transfer research results into practice. Because
of the uniquely high rate of change in SE, the application of research results must be arranged
differently. Although not each minor solution to a problem needs to be evaluated empirically, for
deeper solutions this is necessary (heavy claims require heavy evaluation).

2.4 Research in Other Fields

The science approach of the early Greeks was to observe something and then create knowledge by
a chain of logical thought. Experimentation was hardly used by the Greeks for scientific purposes.
One of the first popular scientific experiment in science history was performed by Galileo Galilei,
who allegedly dropped balls from the tower of Pisa to study the free fall. Over the course of history
each research field has developed experimental paradigms. Basili [Bas96] argues that SE needs to
follow this model of other physical sciences.
Physics: In physics researchers are usually either theorists or experimentalists. Models are
built by theorists to explain the universe, while experimentalists observe and measure the
environment with the goal of validating a theory or exploring new areas.
Medicine: Persons in the medical profession are divided into researchers and practitioners,
where the researcher aims at understanding the human body and the practitioner aims at
curing other people. In medicine knowledge is often built by feedback from the practitioner
to the researcher.
Manufacturing: In manufacturing the relationship between process and product characteristics is generally well understood. Progress is made by experimenting with varying processes,
building models of what occurs and measuring the effects on an over-worked product.

3 Current State of Experimentation in SE

Psychology: In psychology experiments have been used since the end of the 19th century,
to base knowledge not on the personal experience of single human beings, but to check claims
systematically and methodological controlled. Experiments are used to explain relationships
of different variables and to predict certain events.

2.5 The Difference of SE

However, SE embodies different characteristics than other disciplines. Unlike in physics but like
in manufacturing computer scientists are able to manipulate the essence of their product, because software and the corresponding development processes can easily be modified. But unlike in
manufacturing the problem in SE is not production (because software can easily be copied) but
development, because each new software product is different from the last [Bas96]. This implies
that the mechanisms for model building are different in SE than in other disciplines.
A lot of computer science methods and technologies are influenced by human behaviour. Unlike
in physics, the same experiment can produce different results based on the people involved. The
human factor in SE prevents researchers from directly applying the causal-deterministic model of
for example physics, because psychological and social influences are not completely determined by
preceding facts [JM01]. Pfleeger [Pfl99] notes that researchers still often view SE as a natural process
like in physics with deterministic effects to causes. But in fact software development is a social
process, which leads to stochastic effects to causes. The occurrence of an effect can be described best
by a probability function. For example, a software company with a high development certification
level is not guaranteed to develop high quality software. Yet, the customers are assured, that they
will actually get good software from this company with a high probability.
Another difference in SE is the amount of variables, which has to be considered on the outcome
of an experiment. Software products, processes, the goals to be achieved and the context are all
variable [Bas96]. A result of the high variability in SE is a lack of useful models for reasoning
about software processes and products can still be observed. Because researchers have not been
able to construct mathematical tractable models, like it is possible in physics and manufacturing,
they have the tendency to not build models at all. Few attempts have been made to construct
non-mathematical models, heuristics and models representing simple variable relationships, which
for example is common in medicine.

3 Current State of Experimentation in SE

After introducing research approaches in the preceding section, the status of experimentation in
SE shall be analysed in the following section. Two meta-studies about experimentation in SE are
often cited and will be described more detailed. Additionally, several authors have written articles
about the problems and trends in experimentation and some of their remarks will be summed up

3.1 Study by Tichy et. al. (1994)

In 1994 Tichy et. al [TLPH95, LHPT94] conducted a quantitative study surveying over 400 research
articles and looked for the amount of experimental validation. Included in this study for instance
were articles from the ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS), ACM Transactions on
Programming Languages (TOPLAS), IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), and a
random sample of articles published from the ACM in 1993. Also included for comparison with
other disciplines were journals entitled Neural Computing (NC) and Optical Engineering (OE).
The area NC was chosen because it overlaps with computer sciences (CS) and has a similar level

3 Current State of Experimentation in SE

of youth like CS. OE in contrast was chosen, because it has lots of immediate applications like CS,
but also has a longer history.
The metric used for measuring the amount of experimentation in design and modelling articles
was simply the physical space the authors reserved for experimental evaluation. This metric was
chosen because the physical space correlates with the importance the authors attached to their
experimental evaluation and also the quality of the experiments.
Interestingly, over 40% of CS papers about design and modelling completely excluded experimentation, in software engineering papers the number was even higher at 50%. In contrast, only
14% of the NC and OE articles did not contain experimental evaluations. The CS papers contained
a significantly lower amount of purely empirical papers than in NC and OE. Hypothesis testing
articles were rare in all samples (1%). The number of papers dedicating more than 20% of their
space to experimental validation was significantly lower in CS (31%) than in NC and OE (67%).
The authors of the study used these results to disprove a common perception in CS that the lack
of experimentation is resulting from the youth of the discipline. During the conduction of the study
the field of NC was only six years old, but had a much better level of experimentation established
that was comparable to the much older discipline of OE. Although NC overlaps with CS, computer
scientist are actually a minority among the NC community.
An explanation the authors offer for the lack of experimentation in CS is the lack of well established measuring techniques. Another problem is the fact, that a lot of conference committees
accept papers without experimental validations. The authors encourage conference committees to
set higher standards for accepting papers and also viewing empirical work as first class science.

3.2 Study by Zelkowitz et. al. (1997)

Zelkowitz and Wallace [ZW97] conducted a similar study like Tichy and analysed 612 SE papers and
137 papers from other sciences (for example physics, management science and behaviour theory).
SE papers were from three different years (1985, 1990, 1995) and were taken from IEEE Transactions
on Software Engineering, IEEE Software and the Proceedings of the International Conference on
Software Engineering (ICSE) of the corresponding year. The articles from other disciplines were
taken from various journals of the respective sciences from the years 1991-1996.
Similar to the study by Tichy, here, about one-third of the SE articles had no experimental
validation at all. But the percentage was decreasing over the years (1985: 36.4%, 1990: 29.2%,
1995: 19.4%). About one-third of the articles contained only assertions as experimental validation.
In assertions the developer of a technolgy becomes the experimenter and the subject of the study
and usually does not perform any kind of control. These are often preliminary forms of validation
and are potentially biased. 5% of the articles used simulation techniques for result validations,
while the other data collection methods (see section 2.3) were found in only 1-3% of the articles.
Concerning other sciences, the authors observed specific patterns of experimentation approaches
in each fields. Physical publications commonly contained dynamic analyses and simulations. In
psychological articles mainly replicated and synthetic experiments could be found, while anthropological papers used passive techniques on historical data like legacy data and literature search.
Additionally to the confirmation of Tichys result, that experimental validation is under-represented in CS, in this study the authors found out, that one-third of papers which actually contained
experimental validation only did it in an insufficient and weak way (with assertions). This means
that authors are starting to realize the need for experimental validation, yet still do not do it with
strong methods. Encouraging is the fact, that the authors observed a development with fewer
papers without experimentation comparing the numbers from 1985, 1990 and 1995.
Some qualitative observations of the study are mentioned in [ZW98]. Often, researcher do not
succeed in stating their goals explicitly and clearly. Sections containing experimental validation

3 Current State of Experimentation in SE

were sometimes not labelled accordingly and the terms case study, controlled experiment were
used very loosely with different meanings.

3.3 Further analyses

Fenton et. al. [FPG94] also discuss the current state of experimentation in SE. Although Basili et.
al. had made several recommendation for experimentation in SE [BSH86], most of the experiments
documented later did not follow their recommendation. The authors make five observations:
Intuitive research: Too many concepts in SE are still based on so-called analytical advocacy research, meaning that concepts have been described, analysed for their benefits
informally and recommended for practical use but that rigorous, quantitative experimentation of them is missing. For example, formal methods in SE, which use mathematical precise
specifications of software (e.g. the language Z [Spi88]) to prove its correctness, have been used
for decades. It has been claimed that these methods are cost saving and that they reduce
the amount of product failures. However, quantified evidence to support these claims does
not appear in the respective publications. Nevertheless, counter-examples, in which methods
have become a standard in SE because of empirical analysis, also exist (for example the use
of inspections to uncover code-defects).
Experimental design flaws: Experimental designs in SE are still often flawed. For example, Shneiderman showed with an experiment that program flowcharts did not increase the
comprehension of program behaviour better than pseudocode. Years later, Scanlan made a
comparison of flowcharts and pseudocode and investigated the amount of time needed to understand a program and the amount of time needed to make appropriate changes to it. In both
dimensions using flowcharts was superior to using pseudocode. Fenton et. al. claim that flaws
in experimental designs are a result of the thin representation of experimentation, statistical
analysis and measurement principles in the computer science curricula of universities.
Toy analysis: Empirical investigations in SE too often only analyse toy projects in toy
situations. The costs of large-scale industrial experiments lead most researchers to only
experiment with student groups on small artificial examples. It is often unknown how the
results of such experiments scale up and whether the results can be generalized at all. Because
of this a better cooperation of research institutes and the software industry is recommended.
Inappropriate statistics: Many experiments use inappropriate measures and misuse statistical methods. For example, several experiments can be found that use a nominal scale
for their data and apply means and standard deviations to that data, although this data can
only be analysed in terms of frequency and mode.
No long-term view: Some experiments are conducted over a too short period of time and
thus omit long-term effects. For example, the comparison of the benefits of the programming
languages Ada and Fortran at first showed that Ada programmers were less productive and
delivered programs with less quality than the Fortran programmers. However, the study did
not take into account that Ada has a long learning curve and that the actual benefits of Ada
can only be observed after the programmers had at least implemented three projects with
this language.

Perry et. al. [PPV00] mention that the amount of empirical studies and also their quality is
rising over the last 10-20 years. Empirical Validation is still not a standard part of research papers,
yet a powerful addition. Especially in the testing community empirical studies are quite common.
US funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Academy

4 Common Fallacies on Experiments

of Sciences are realizing the importance of empirical studies and are sponsoring for example the
Experimental and Integrative Activities program or a workshop on the topic of statistics and
software engineering [Pre96]. Furthermore, Perry et. al. observe, that the awareness for empirical
studies is growing, as can be seen in tutorials, panels and presentations at major conferences such
as ICSE, FSE and ICSM.
The authors notice that the discipline is still suffering from several systemic problems. Most
of them originate from misunderstandings about the reasons for experiments and their proper
conduction. Many researchers only use empirical studies retrospectively for early validation of
their research results, but do not remember, that studies can also be used pro-actively to direct
Additionally, it is often tried to make the perfect study without flaws, which in the authors
opinion is impossible. Instead, more interest should be directed to the conclusions drawn from
studies, which is often a weak part of such studies. Many studies only observe the obvious, thereby
encouraging an argument by intuition approach. More studies should investigate unintuitive relationships.
Data collection and analysis is sometimes done very extensive and precise in empirical studies
today, but the use of data to answer questions is neglected. In these cases no conclusions are drawn
making it difficult to learn anything from such a study. Often studies simply lack hypotheses,
do not ask insightful questions and therefore contain no well-defined end. Because the drawing
of conclusions is disregarded, researchers are reluctant to generalize their results. But without
generalized results it is hard to make any progress in SE.
Concluding this section, it can be stated that experimentation is still under-represented in SE,
but a positive trend can be observed. Although the awareness for the need of experimentation is
starting to increase, lots of the experiments conducted today are still flawed in their designs and
in the ability to draw proper conclusions.

4 Common Fallacies on Experiments

Researchers often try to justify their lack of experimentation. Tichy [Tic98] wrote an article refuting
common comments given by computer scientist when they are asked about why they neglect the
experimental validation of their research results:
Traditional scientific method isnt applicable: A major difference in computer sciences to other disciplines is that information is neither energy nor matter. Several researchers
conclude that traditional scientific methods are thus not applicable in computer science. This
is a fallacy, because researchers can use the same methods as in traditional sciences, like observation of phenomena, formulation of explanation and theories and testing, to gain an
understanding on the nature of information processes. The fact that the information itself is
different from energy or matter does not alter the treatment of information processes from
other sciences.
The current level of experimentation is good enough: This can easily be refuted
with the studies mentioned earlier [TLPH95, ZW98], which analysed the amount of experimentation in SE papers. Experimentation has the purpose of reducing uncertainty about
untested theories, may serve to start new areas of research and eliminates fruitless approaches
thus directing the science process.
Experiments costs too much: Tichy admits, that experiments cost a lot of effort, but
he states that this effort is justified, if the research question asked is of importance and the
gained insights outweigh the costs. For example, Isaac Eddington undertook an expensive


5 Future Direction of Experimentation in SE

expedition to West Africa in 1919 to observe a total solar eclipse. Doing so he was able to
check Einsteins theory that gravity bends light when passing large stars. In this case the
experiment required a lot of effort, but the importance of the answer to the research question
was tremendous.
A way to overcome the high costs of experiments might be involving software industry. Companies may be able to get competitive advantages out of experiments and thus may be interested in sponsoring such research. Furthermore, Tichy mentions that a possible cheaper
substitute to experiments might be simulations techniques.
Demonstrations will suffice: Demonstrations only provide proof of concepts, but not
hard evidence to research questions. Demos only illustrate a potential and are dependent on
the authors to generalize the results. The need for replication of results is not stressed by
There is too much noise in the way: Often researchers complain, that too many
variables have to be controlled in an experiment and that the results are hard to interpret
because they are swamped by noise. Tichy advises researchers to use benchmarks to simplify
repeated experiments. Noise created by human subjects may be reduced by using techniques
from areas like psychology and sociology.
Progress will slow: As experiments require a lot of effort to be conducted, many argue
that experimenting slows the flow of ideas down, if every idea must be extensively validated
with experiments. Contrary, Tichy replies, that experimenting might in fact speed up the
science progress, because fruitless approaches would be discarded earlier and science would
focus more on the most promising approaches.
Technology changes too fast: Problematic in computer science is the fact that technology changes so fast that ideas might not be relevant anymore if experimental validations
are finally available. If a research question falls into this category it is obviously formulated
too narrow. Experimentation techniques should be applied on deeper, fundamental questions
and not on the newest fashion of tools and methods.
You will never get it published: Theoretical computer scientists usually expect perfection and absolute certainty in results published. But because experiments are always flawed
in some way [PPV00], it is difficult to get experimentation papers accepted at important conferences. Tichy replies that several journals exists, that would welcome more experimental
papers, but that the supply is actually too low.

Tichy also states that intuition and personal experience is not sufficient to claim the applicability of
a product or process in a matured engineering discipline. Several examples are known in computer
science in which intuition falsely favoured an opinion (the need for meetings in code reviews, the
lesser failure probabilities of multi-version programs). It is also dangerous to simply trust wellknown experts and not to demand hard evidence of their claims. A fundamental precondition of
science is, that it is based on healthy scepticism.

5 Future Direction of Experimentation in SE

As the need for experimentation in SE has been emphasized before and problems of the discipline
have been examined, the following section deals with the possible future of experimentation. Most
of the authors, who have complained about the lack of experimentation in SE, have also made
recommendations about what could be improved (next subsection). An approach still neglected


5 Future Direction of Experimentation in SE

in SE experiments is the repetition of empirical studies and the creation of families of studies to
answer larger research questions (last subsection).

5.1 General Recommendations

Basili [Bas96] advocates the use of the Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) method (ref Klaus Krogmanns
Ausarbeitung) for a better direction of experimentation. Especially the level of sophistication of
the goals towards experiments are designed must improve. The results of experiments need to be
shared more and the results by one group need to be used by other groups. An organization called
International Software Engineering Research Network (ISERN) has been established especially
for this purpose. A forum for empirical researchers is provided by the International Journal of
Empirical Software Engineering by Kluwer.
Perry et. al. [PPV00] state that in order to improve the quality of empirical studies in SE, more
clarity about the goals of the studies is needed. Researchers must ask important and sophisticated
questions and establish causal, actionable and general principles. Causality implies constructing
a chain of factors influencing each other, while actionable principles require factors which can be
controlled effectively. Factors also have to be so much general, that the results are relevant to
multiple persons in multiple contexts.
Credible studies have a high degree of confidence in the results. To create such studies the
internal, external and construct validity have to be checked explicitly. Enough data has to be
published to let other researcher recheck the validity of a study. Additionally, studies should
always be conducted on the basis of hypotheses. If a study is not sufficient enough to create a
causal relationship of factors, several alternative explanations may be proposed and data from
other source might be used to discredit certain alternatives.
Glass [Gla94] emphasises the need for a close cooperation between practitioners and researchers
to improve the state of research in computer sciences. For him, the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) [BCM+ 92] as an institution involving academic (University of Maryland), industrial
(Computer Sciences Coporations) and governmental (NASA-Goddard, as sponsors) organizations
is an exemplary model which should be replicated by other researchers and countries to stimulate
the exchange between practice and research.
Recently, Kitchenham et. al. [KPP+ 02] have proposed a set of guidelines for empirical research
in SE, which are based on a review of guidelines for medical researchers. The guidelines cover six
Experimental context: It is important for studies to include information about the industrial context they were conducted in. The research hypotheses have to be discussed and also
how they have been derived. The main guidelines about the context are to state and discuss
the goal of the study and to include sufficient details for researchers as well as practitioners.
Experimental design: Studies must describe the population under analysis (e.g. students,
practitioners, . . . ) and the sampling technique used for it. It has to be documented what
intervention have been conducted and what method has been used to reduce bias and to
determine the sample size.
Conduct of the experiment and data collection: Because the measures for the outcome
of a study are not standardized they have to be documented in sufficient detail. The entity,
attribute, unit and counting rules of measures must be defined. Quality control methods used
on the data and data about subjects who dropped out of the study should be presented.
Analysis: Procedures used to control for multiple testing should be specified and a sensitivity
analysis should be performed. Additionally, the data must not violate the assumptions of the


5 Future Direction of Experimentation in SE

tests used on them and for the verification of the results appropriate quality control methods
should be applied.
Presentation of results: A reference should be provided for all statistical procedures used
and the statistical package used should be reported. The magnitude of effects and the confidence limits of quantitative results should be presented as well as confidence levels. If possible,
the raw data should be provided with the study, so that independent researchers can draw
their own interpretations from them. Descriptive statistics should be used in an appropriate
way. Graphics can increase the degree of understandability of a study if used correctly.
Interpretation of results: Researchers should differentiate between statistical significance
and practical importance. The type of the study needs to be define and limitations of it
should be discussed.

5.2 Repeatability and Families of Studies

Perry et. al. [PPV00] note, that it is often not possible to design studies for complex issues and
difficult questions, especially considering the effort and costs needed for empirical studies. In this
case it is necessary to focus on smaller problems and to create multiple studies, which results
possibly can be combined to answer more deep questions. The credibility of empirical studies is
improved drastically if other researcher are provided with enough information to reproduce the
The same is mentioned by Lewis et. al., who state: The use of precise, repeatable experiments
is the hallmark of a mature scientific or engineering discipline. [LHKS92]. In the history of science
several examples for experiments can be found, which could not be repeated by other scientists
as summarized by Juristo et. al. [JM01]. For example, the psychodynamic theories developed by
Freud are criticised as being unscientific because they cannot be verified or disproved empirically.
In 1989 two physicians claimed they had successfully conducted a cold fusion during an experiment,
but after they published the design of their experiment, other scientist were not able to reproduce
their result.
Apart from external replication run by independent researchers, also internal replications run
by the original experimentator are necessary to improve the trust in an experiment. This might
be hard to do in practice because a software project cannot be repeated precisely, yet it is not an
excuse for not experimenting at all.
Basili also emphasises the importance of replicated experiments [BSL99]. Too many SE experiments stay isolated and do not lead to a larger body of knowledge. This can only be achieved by
a set of unifying principles that allows the combination and generalization of results. The authors
propose a framework including the GQM method for a family of experiments.
Additionally the authors classify three major categories for replicated experiments:
Replication without a variation of the research hypothesis: These include strict
replications and replications that alter the way an experiment is run. Strict replications
aim at a very accurate replication of the original experiment and ensure the repeatability of
an observation. Replications that are run with a different experimental set-up than in the
original case but with the same hypothesis might reveal flaws of the internal validity of an
Replication with a variation of the research hypothesis: Included are variations of
independent, dependent and context variables. Varying independent variables means changing
variables intrinsic to the object under study, for example changing an attribute of the process
or product under study. This form of replication is only possible if the experimental design


6 Critical Reflection
has been made explicit by the original authors. Dependent variables are variables regarding
the focus of the study. An example of a replication with a change of the dependent variables
may be using other metrics or measurements for the effects that are be studied. Varying the
context of an experiment might help in identifying influencing environmental factors. For
example an experiment might be carried out with a group of professionals opposed to a group
of students to analyse the influence of personal experience to the studied effects.
Replications that extend the theory: Replications in this category change a large part
of the process or product under analysis to determine its limit of effectiveness.

6 Critical Reflection
After reviewing the literature about the role of experimentation in SE, some critical remarks about
this topic are summed up in this section.
Tichy tried to refute common comments by researchers, who neglect empirical evaluations of
their work, and tried to encourage scientists to put more emphasis on experimentation. However,
overcoming the organisational effort for proper controlled experiments is still a major problem.
Lots of research is conducted by PhD-students, who simply do not have the means and time to
conduct elaborate experiments. Including the software industry into experimentation as suggested
by Tichy is also very difficult, because practitioners are hard to motivate to put resources and
money on testing unproven new methods, if the direct value for their customers cannot be made
evident. Also, as pointed out by Tichy, it is not necessary to evaluate every small research proposal
with large controlled experiments. But criterias for necessity of experiments are still informal and
hard to determine.
One problem sometimes mentioned by the authors cited here is the researchers inappropriate
knowledge of empirical methods in software engineering. This point is clearly underestimated
by the empirical software engineering community. The researchers knowledge is inappropriate
because universities do not teach empirical methods, and such courses are not part of the standard
curriculums. If experiments are conducted, the methods of experimentation have often only been
learned ad-hoc by the researchers, if they have laid emphasis on a methodological approach at
all. Young researchers are seldomly taught the proper conduction of an experiment and have to
collect experience about it on their own. The facts that books about methods like experiments
or case studies for SE have appeared only recently (in the last 5 years) and that the methods are
still not established well enough also contribute to this situation. Additionally the inappropriate
application of statistical methods in experimentation can also be seen as a result of the missing
courses in the computer science curriculum.
As seen in the literature analysed above, researchers often criticize experiments that are carried
out with students as the subject under analysis, claiming that the results are not transferable to
experienced practitioners. Apart from the organisational difficulties and high effort of including
practitioners, there are other reason to counter this criticism. First, experienced under-graduate
students often become practitioners just a short time later, so that their qualification and performance is not as different to practitioners as it seems. Second, the experience by practitioners might
actually distort the results of an experiment, because specialists might have an unusual advantage
over common developers. Thus, the results obtained with some experienced specialists might not
be generalisable for the average developer.
Another reason why researchers are reluctant to experiment, which has been neglected in the
literature reviewed, is simply the fact that some researchers do not like to experiment and consider it
an inconvenient but necessary task. Most scientists rather want to create new ideas than spending
time on validating old ones. Computer scientists in particular are more interested in technical
problems and how to solve them. If their solutions are intuitively correct, most of them do not


7 Conclusions
bother to conduct further evaluation on them. They even might be scared to prove their solutions
empirically wrong. A stronger motivation for experimentation has to be created, possibly by
documenting popular experiments in SE, which revealed unexpected results.
In the future experiments will be conducted with a higher quality and also more experiments
will conducted. But whether a level of experimentation can and needs to be established in SE like
it has been in other disciplines (physics, medicine, psychology) remains doubtful.

7 Conclusions
In this paper the situation of experimentation in SE in the past, present and future has been
analysed. Experimentation is central to the scientific process [Tic98]. This statement is especially
true for SE, because most research proposals cannot be proven formally. It has been discussed that
experimentation is vital for SE to become a matured scientific discipline. Multiple data collection
methods are known for empirical SE, controlled experiments are the method with the highest degree
of confidence in the results. When analysing experimentation in SE, the special characteristics of
the discipline (like the human factor and the high variability) have to be kept in mind.
In the past experimentation in SE has not been sufficient as two studies from the mid-nineties have
shown, although an improving trend can be observed. The reluctance of researchers to experiment
can be refuted with multiple arguments. Researchers in SE should always remember that empirical
validation is an essential part of their work and that their proposals are not valid unless empirical
evidence has been provided. In the future hopefully not only the quantity but also the quality of
experiments can be improved. It should be easier to conduct good empirical studies in SE because
an increasing body of literature about the topic has been published (e.g. [WRH+ 00, Pre01, JM01].
Additionally, replicated experiments and families of studies should help to create larger bodies of


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