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Mixed Conditional Exercise

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Put the verbs in brackets into their correct tenses. There may be more than one possible an
1. If you (Go) away, please.................................(Write) to me.
2- If she .(Be) in, I . (Give) it to her. Now its too late.
3. My aunt (Be able to) help us if she(Be) on time last night
4. If my brother.........................(Eat) another cake, he...............................(Get) sick soon,
5. If you..(Heat) water, it (Boil).
6. If we ..(Go) to London for our holiday last year. We(See) The Tower
7. I.(Speak) to Clement at the party if he.(Apologize) for what h
8. If I (Know) Rob's address in New York , I.(Visit) him.
9. I think Diane.. (Look) much nicer if she (Have) a new ha
10. She(Look) better if she (Wear)a dress to go to the con
11. John.(Not Get) such poor marks if he(Work) harder
12. If Katy..(Be) taller, she(Play) in the ladies' volle
13. If the weather.(Not Be) so bad last week, theyGo) fo
14. If I.(Be) George. I.(Not Go) to the concert withou
15. If Terry(Get up) earlier this morning, he.(Tidy) th
instead of leaving it for his mother.
16. Paul(Pass) his exams easily if he(Work) harder.
17. If I. (Not Have) so much work to do. I. (Go) to the cinema
18. My brother.. (Live) in the U.S A if he (Have) a work
19. If Jim..(Not Tell) so many lies, people..(Like) him.
20. If Donald.(Go) to the theatre with us, he(Not Enjoy) that c
21. If Ben.(Not tease) the cat yesterday, it. (Not scratch) him
he .. (Not have) to go to the hospital.
22. If he.(Tell) us his father was in hospital, we(Go) to see
23. If I.(Be) very wealthy. I.(Buy) a couple of good s
24. Evince(Share) his sweets if he.(Be) less selfish.
25. We..(Go) to see Jerry if we(Know) his address when we were
26. If Mary(Listen) to CNN occasionally while she was studying English, it
27. Camille(Not Pass) her driving test at the first attempt if she(Not Have) s
28. Sue.(Have) a better chance of being a model if she(Be
29. Marianne. (Not Go) to the theatre with Tom last night even if he
30. If we(Arrive) earlier, we (Save) his life.
31. If they (Take) a cruise. they(Have) a better holiday.
32. The Tylers(Be) pleased if she (Visit) them when she was in
33. I you (Heat) gold to 1063 degrees centigrades, it(Melt).
34. If someone (Heat) alcohol to 78 degrees, it (Boil)
2. Write a suitable reply for these situations. You can find the solutions below.
1. A friend wants you to drive him home. You don't have a car.
If ...
I wish ...
2. Peter eats lots of fast food. He isnt healthy.
If you ...

3. You had an argument with a friend. Then she had a party and didn't invite you.
If ...
I wish ...
4. It's your best friend birthday, but you don't have any money to buy him a present.
If ...
I wish ...
If only ...
5. Your sister is always chatting on the Internet. Your father gets angry with her.
If ...
6. You forgot to phone Carol and she didn't go to your birthday party.
If ...
I wish ...
If only ...
7. Your house is very small.
I wish ...
If only ...
8. You watch too much television. You don't have much time to study. Your mother says:
If ...
I wish ...
If only ...
9. You are in Germany. You can't speak German.
I wish ...
If only ...
10. Your father has to work next Saturday. He can't take you to Las Palmas.
If ...
I wish ...
If only ...
11. "It may rain this evening".
If ...

"Ok. We'll stay at home, then".

12. "Hurry up! We'll be late!"

Unless ...
13. Your little sister is making an annoying noise.
I wish ...
14. You didn't listen to your parents and you got into trouble.
If ...
I wish ...
If only ...

When can replace if in zero conditionals:
If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
When you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
In the other types of conditionals, we cannot use when instead of if:
Even if emphasises that something will happen, would happen or would have
happened whatever the condition:
Even if we leave right now, we still won't catch the train.
I wouldn't go into the water even if I could swim.
Even if we had booked our flight earlier, it wouldn't have been cheaper.

Only if makes the condition more restrictive: Acetamin is dangerous to children only
if dosage is too high.
If the if-clause is first, the subject and the auxiliary in the main clause are inverted:
Only if you like classical music is it worth coming tonight.
So/As long as and providing/provided (that) can be used instead of if to express a
condition. Note that providing/provided (that) is a bit formal: You can stay here as
long as you keep quiet.
Provided/Providing (that) the bills are paid, tenants will
not be evicted.
Suppose/supposing and what if can replace if, mainly in everyday conversation, and
are often used without a main clause: Suppose/supposing you won the lottery, what
would you do?
Suppose/supposing you can't find a job?
What if you are not accepted to university? What will you do then?
Unless is followed by an affirmative verb to express "if ... not":
My leg's broken. I can't stand up unless you help me. (I can't stand up if you don't help
ON CONDITION We'll sell you the ranch on condition you pay in cash.
IN CASE - You should take a dictionary with you in case you forgot some words.

A. Look at these sentences. They all use 'if. Rewrite each sentence, replacing 'if with the
words in bold. You may need to remove some of the other words.
1. You can borrow my dictionary if you return it before you go home. (providing that)
2. You can't go to university if you don't have good grades. (unless)
3. Pollution will get worse if we continue to live in a throwaway society. (as long as)
4. Many developed countries are willing to waive the Third World debt if the money is
reinvested ineducation and medicine. (on condition that)
5. Youll pass your exams if you study harder (unless)
6. Well go fishing this afternoon, if it doesnt rain. (providing )
7. If you work hard, you can stay here (as long as)
8. If you behave properly, you can come with us. (Providing/ provided)
9. Dont go there, if they dont call you (unless)
10. Nobody will know this secret if you keep quiet (as long as)

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