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Polybius (Voyage To Africa in 146 B C)

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To estimate the time consumed by the voyage along the coast of Libya, three factors

are of primary importance: distance, prevailing winds and currents, and the efficiency
of the galley itself in the postulated circumstances.
The distance from Carthage to the Straits of Gilbraltar is about 1,000 miles;
then it is 30 miles through the Straits,
630 miles more from Cape Spartel1 (at the western entrance to the Straits) to Cape
Juby,2 just south of the Wadi Draa3 (the ancient Lixus River)4 .
From Cape Juby to the mouth of the Senegal River (the ancient Bambutis)5 is
another 1,000 miles.
The total distance involved, therefore, for the outward journey, and the return to the
western entrance to the Straits, is approximately 2,300 miles, if the expedition sailed
south only as far as the Wadi Draa or approximately 4,300 miles if it reached the
Modern discussions about the limits of the voyage may be divided into two groups.
The first favors the River Bambutis (modern Senegal) as the farthest point reached;

Cape Spartel (Arabic:[ ) 354802 N 55422 W] is a promontory in Morocco about

1,000 feet (300 m) above sea level at the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar, 12 km West of Tangier.
Cape Juby (Arabic: , trans. Ras Juby, Spanish: Cabo Juby) [275652 N 125524 W]
is a cape on the coast of southern Morocco, near the border with Western Sahara, directly east of the
Canary Islands.
Its surrounding area, called Cape Juby Strip or Tarfaya Strip, while making up presently the far
South of Morocco, is in a way a semi-desertic buffer zone between Morocco proper and the Western
Sahara, and was a Spanish protectorate in the first half of the 20th century.
The Draa (Berber: Dera, , Arabic: , , DMG Wad Dara, also spelled Dra or
Draa, in older sources mostly Darha or Dara) is Moroccos longest river (1100 km). It is formed
by the confluence of the Dad`es River and Imini River. It flows from the High Atlas mountains
south-(east)ward to Tagounit and from Tagounit mostly westwards to the Atlantic Ocean somewhat
north of Tan-Tan [ Ca. 10 km sudwestlich von Kap Nun (28 47 0 N 11 4 0 W), 20
km nordlich von Tan-Tan]. Most of the year the part of the Draa after Tagounit falls dry. [Mouth: 28
41 0 N 11 7 35 W]
Cf. Hu, Werner (Bamberg) in BNP s. v. Daras: River which rises in the Upper Atlas (Dqir),
flows through the region to the south of the Anti-Atlas mountains and into the Atlantic Ocean, today
known as Oued Dra. Other forms of the name: Dyris, Vitr. De arch. 8, 2, 6; Darat, Plin. HN 5,9;
Dqador or Dqar, Ptol. 4, 6, 6; 9; 14; Dara, Oros. 1, 2, 31. It is possible that the Daras can be
identified with the Knor mentioned by Hanno, Periplus 6 (GGM 1, 5) and the Nim mentioned by
[Scyl.] 112 (GGM 1, 93).
Hu, Werner (Bamberg) in BNP s. v. Lix [3]: River, probably identical to the Oued Dra. River
mentioned in the travel report of Hanno [1], probably identical to the Oued Dra (Morocco) (Hanno,
Periplus 7 [GGM I 6]). [W. Hu, Geschichte der Karthager, 1985, p. 79f.]
Senegal River: approaching its mouth, around the Senegalese island on which the city of Saint-Louis
is located, the river turns south. It is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a thin strip of sand called
the Langue de Barbarie before it pours into the ocean itself. Mouth: 15 57 50 N, 16 30 40 W
Cf. Hu, Werner (Bamberg) in BNP s. v. Nias: Nias (Mar). River in western Africa, probably in
Senegal (Ptol. 4, 6, 7). The Nias is probably correctly identified with the Chretes of Hanno (Wqtgr,
Hanno, Periplus 9, GGM 1 ,8), the Chremetes of Aristotle (Wqeltgr, Aristot. Mete. 1, 13 p. 350b)
and the Bambotus (Plin. HN 5,10) [W. Hu, Geschichte der Karthager, 1985, pp. 776, 8147].

the second believes that the expedition sailed only to the River Lixus (modern Wadi
In ideal conditions, the journey down the coast to the Wadi Draa would take a
minimum of fourteen days, allowing for nights ashore and for the reconnaissance of
the Carthaginian ports.
From Wadi Draa to the Senegal River stretches the inhospitable coast of the
Sahara desert, almost a thousand miles characterized by heavy breakers, a complete
absence of harbors, and a lack of water to provision the ships.7
From Wadi Nun [?? G. H.: Cape Nun], five miles northeast of the ancient Lixus,
the coastal currents and swell are described by the Africa Pilot as follows:
From Wadi Nun the coast curves outward, and the current, which hitherto has
nearly followed the direction of the shore, here strikes it obliquely, rendering
this the most dangerous part of the coast between Capes Spartel and Bojador,
and fully accounting for the numerous wrecks which have occurred here. ... The
swell too is almost invariably from the NW, and therefore sets directly into the
bight so that it is almost impossible for a sailing vessel embayed there to work
The Africa Pilot reports that north and south of Cape Nun9 there is an interesting
phenomenon, apparently caused by the immense volume of fine sand blown off the
desert: For some distance both north and south of Cape Nun, as well as to seaward,
the water has a red tinge, with a thick muddy appearance, so that the track of a vessel is
visible for some time.10 This is the sort of anomaly Polybius observed and consistently
reported: compare his description of the behavior of the Euphrates River, which seemed
strange to one accustomed to a Mediterranean climate: the river was lowest in winter,
highest in summer, and decreased in volume toward the mouth (9. 43). Although the
red sea may be a modern phenomenon, due to the accelerated drying-up of the Sahara
in historical times, there is no doubt that the same strange juxtaposition of desert and
fog existed then as now.
Eratosthenes is quoted by Strabo (17. 3. 8) as saying that the air along the coast of
the Sahara is thick and misty in the early morning and evening, an accurate description.
Artemidorus of Ephesus, who voyaged along the Mediterranean coast and along the
western coast of Africa in the first century B.C. disputes him, but neither Artemidorus



Commentators favoring the Bambutis are D. Harden, The Phoenicians, New York, 1962, p. 177;
M. Cary and E. H. Warmington, The Ancient Explorers, London, 21959, p. 68; B. H. Warmington,
Carthage, Baltimore, 1964, p. 79; and R. Carpenter, Beyond the Pillars of Hercules, New York, 1933,
p. 102. Advocates of the Lixus are J. Carcopino, Le Maroc antique, Paris, 1943, p. 158; and E. H.
Bunbury, A History of Ancient Geography2 (London, 1883; repr. New York, 1959), 2:42.
W. Kendrew, The Climates of the Continents, New York, 31942, pp. 31-39; P. Meigs, Geography of
Coastal Deserts, UNESCO Arid Zone Research, 28 (Paris, 1966), pp. 91 93.
Africa Pilot, pp. 92 93.
Cape Nun or Cape Chaunar or Cape Draa, fr. Cap de Noun, pt. Cabo de Nao or Cabo de Nant [28
47 0 N 11 4 0 W] is a cape on the Atlantic coast of Africa, south of Morocco, between Tarfaya
and Sidi Ifni. By the 15th century it was considered insurmountable by Arabs and Europeans, thus
resulting its his name meaning cape no in Portuguese. Cape Chaunar is the true northern coastal
limit of Sahara desert.
Ibid., p. 90.

nor Strabo cites Polybius in support of his statement.11 Surely, if Polybius had gone
very far down the coast past the Lixus, he could not have escaped all contact with the
fogs, which are prevalent in the summer months and which move onshore in the early
morning and evening hours; and he would have described the anomaly in his book on
If we estimate the time to reach the Senegal as twenty days, the head winds and
currents which the ships would encounter on the return voyage would probably double
the outgoing time allotment, so that the voyage from the Wadi Draa to the Senegal
and back would by itself consume two months. From the Wadi Draa back to the
western entrance to the Straits, the same adverse winds and currents would probably
double the outgoing time of fourteen days, so that the return would take about a month.
Considering these factors of time, currents and winds, and the comparative efficiency
of the galley, as well as the negative evidence from Strabos debate about fogs along
the coast of the Sahara desert, the Wadi Draa seems the farthest possible point the
expedition could have reached if it was still to have time to explore the Spanish and
Gallic coasts before September.
MARIJEAN H. EICHEL13 and JOAN MARKLEY TODD14 , A Note on Polybius Voyage to Africa in

146 B. C., in: Classical Philology, Vol. 71, No. 3 (1976), pp. 237-243.


Strabo 17. 3. 8 9. Strabo quotes from the lost Geography frequently; cf. Polyb. 34 in Paton.
Kendrew, Climates. pp 23, 27 30.
Virginia Commonwealth University
San Jose State University

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