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Pearl of Scandinavia Fire Report-AFF

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17 November 2010

PEARL OF SCANDINAVIA departed from Oslo on 16 November 2010 at 17:30 on a
voyage to Copenhagen.
At 05:58 a fire alarm indicated fire on the car deck and it was established that some cars
and trailers were on fire in two sections on the car deck aft in the port side. The fire was
extinguished by the ships sprinkler systems and subsequently by the ships fire-fighting teams
assisted by Swedish fire-fighters who had been flown to the ship by helicopter. The cause of the
fire was an electric car that was being charged during the voyage.
After having recognized the fire, all passengers were evacuated to safe areas in the ship.
Neither the passengers nor the crew were injured. PEARL OF SCANDINAVIA arrived at
Copenhagen on 17 November 2010 at 12:15 by its own power



Home port:
Call sign:
IMO no.:
Flag State:
DOC holder:
IMO Company No. (DOC):
Construction year:
Type of ship:
Engine power:
Stage of navigation:
Number of crewmembers and repairmen:
Number of passengers:

Ro-ro passenger ship
40,039 GT
Det Norske Veritas
176.10 m
23,760 kW
En route from Oslo to Copenhagen



The scene of the fire was deck 3, the car deck. The car deck is divided in to sections by
flooding control doors. The purpose of these walls is to prevent water from flowing freely
between the sections. The flooding control doors do not fit tight to the deck above. From the
upper edge of the flooding control door and up to the deck, there is a gap with a height of
approximately 0.5 meters.
The electric car was parked in the port side just behind such a flooding controldoor in
close proximity to a charging station. The flooding control door divided the car deck into
sections 5 and 6 in the port side.
The cars front end was pointing toward the rear end of the ship. The distance between
the rear end of the car and the flooding control door was approximately 1metre.
In section 6 there was another car and a trailer. In front of the flooding control
door (section 5), there were two trailers close to the flooding control door.
At 05:58 on 17 November 2010, an alarm sounded due to an electrical leak caused by a
current-carrying wire leaking to the ships metal construction. A few seconds later, a smoke
alarm sounded indicating a fire on deck 3. A smoke detector indicated that the fire was on the car
deck in section 5 close to the flooding control door. Shortly after, numerous smoke detectors
indicated fire all over the car deck. When the fire alarm first sounded, the ship was at a position 6
nm west of the peninsula of Kullen in Sweden.
A ships assistant who was the look out on the bridge was immediately sent to the car
deck to make observations. She opened a door to section 5 on the car deck and observed heavy
smoke and flames. She saw a trailer on fire close to the flooding control door. At 06:00 she
informed the bridge that there was a fire in a trailer on the car deck in section 5. The seat of the
fire was therefore believed to be in this section in front of the flooding control door.
Shortly after the first fire alarm at 05:58, the master was called to the bridge. Immediately
after the chief officer sounded the fire alarm in the crews quarters master arrived at the bridge at
06:03 and took over navigational command.
When the fire had been recognized, the master once again sounded a fire alarm only
audible in the crews quarters. He also called these quarters, informed about the fire and required
the crew to muster according to the muster lists. Designated members of the crew mustered on
the bridge. Among these were the catering officers who should control the evacuation of the
After a while, the fire detectors in the port side of the car deck showed errors and the
detectors in the starboard side also showed fire. As the temperature readings did not change, the
fire alarm system was considered out of order and thus useless. The system was rebooted, but it
never came into operation again.
It was not possible to see anything on the CCTV as heavy smoke resulted in black
monitors. The fire doors were closed by remote control from the bridge. A few minutes later, the
ventilation was shut down in the entire ship. Due to smoke penetrating into the accommodation,
the ventilation in the accommodation was turned on again at 06:07.
Lyngby Radio was called on channel 16 where information about the fire was given. The
Maritime Assistance Service with the Admiral Danish Fleet was also notified about the situation.

Shortly after the call on channel 16, PEARL OF CANDINAVIA was called by a Swedish
Rescue Center, Rddningstjnsten StorGteborg, which offered smoke diver assistance.
This offer was accepted. The course was altered to prevent smoke passing over and along
the ship. The speed was reduced to the lowest speed enabling the ship to keep its course.
At 06:14 the first fire-fighting team was ready for action and during the following
minutes a total of 4 teams were ready to go in action.
An attempt to fight the fire by water hoses operated by smoke divers was considered to
be dangerous and was given up. It was decided to use the sprinkler system in section 5 where the
seat of the fire was believed to be. The sprinkler systems must be operated manually. The
sprinkler system in section 5 was activated at 06:15.
Crew members were ordered to monitor the temperature with their hands by touching the
bulkheads to the car deck. The deck above the car deck was monitored in the same way.
It was observed that there was no temperature change in section 6, but a temperature
decrease in section 5. At that time, the sprinkler system in section 5 had been activated for 20
minutes and the fire in the trailers in section 5 was believed to be extinct.
The sprinkler system in section 5 was therefore closed and the system in section 6was
activated at 06:35.
The doors and the bulkheads to the car deck were still continuously monitored and at a
stage the chief officer ascertained that the temperature was decreasing in both sections 5 and 6.
The sprinkler system in section 6 was kept running for an additional10 minutes.
Shortly after it was possible to open a door to the car deck and have a look. The smoke
was not as heavy as before, and no open fire was observed. After these observations the fire was
believed to be extinct. At no time during the voyage and during the fire, there had been any
ventilation on the car deck. To improve the visibility on the car deck, a pilot door in the starboard
side was opened ajar as well as two bunker doors aft. This made it possible to send in smoke
divers to make sure that the entire fire was extinct. A fire-fighting team from the ship entered the
car deck and extinguished some small fires.
At 07:00 Swedish fire-fighters were lowered from a helicopter onto PEARL
OFSCANDINAVIA. At 07:12 all sprinkler systems on deck 3 were stopped. The Swedish smoke
divers then entered the car deck to secure the area. They were equipped with heat sensors and
could ascertain that there were still some small fires. One of these under the bonnet of one of the
cars. These small fires were extinguished by portable fire extinguishers.
At 07:51 the fire was reported extinguished and watchmen were posted for monitoring
deck 3. Preventive fire-fighting/monitoring of the vehicles in sections 5 and 6was continued. At
09:54 all Swedish pioneers were lifted of PEARL OF SCANDINAVIA. After the fire-fighting
was completed, the maneuverability of the ship was controlled and found satisfactory after which
the ship proceeded to Copenhagen.
During the whole operation, there was continuous contact between the bridge and the
fire-fighting teams.

Based on the seriousness of the situation, the master sounded the general alarm at 06:05.
The general alarm is also the alarm for evacuation. At 06:05 the master made his first
announcement to the passengers over the Public Address system (PA system).More
announcements followed frequently. The master decided to evacuate the passengers to two
restaurants on decks 7 and 8 in the fore ship. The evacuation groups as well as the passengers
were informed about this decision. The passengers were informed over the PA system.
The evacuation of the passengers started immediately after the general alarm was
sounded. The evacuation groups guided the passengers to the designated restaurants. Guides
were posted at all staircases to make sure that no passengers moved down the stairs or towards
the aft of the ship. There were zone leaders on each deck responsible for the evacuation each on
their deck. The zone leaders had knowledge of the number of passengers on each deck and of
what cabins were occupied. All cabins and other rooms were inspected, evacuated, clearly
marked and then locked after the inspection.
At one point in time, smoke made it impossible for the evacuation team to search the
passenger sections and the search was therefore completed by smoke diver teams. All passenger
sections were cleared.
The whole evacuation process proceeded in a quiet and calm way according to
procedures. When all passenger areas had been thoroughly inspected and evacuated, all
passengers were believed to be in the restaurant on decks 7 and 8. The time was then 06:29. At a
point in time, a heavy scent relating to the fire was detected on deck 7and all passengers were
then evacuated to the restaurant on deck 8 amidships.
During the fire and fire-fighting, the passengers were kept informed over the PA system
and the general alarm was sounded repeatedly to make sure that all passengers were aware of the


Besides the electric car, a trailer and a car aft of the flooding control door in section6
caught fire. In front of the flooding control door, two trailers in the port side caught fire as
fragments of red-hot metal from the car batteries and flames and heat passed through the gap
between the top of the flooding control door and the deck above, the gap having a height of
approximately 0.5 meters.
Although the fire was extinguished effectively, it caused damage on the car deck resulting
in the ship being taken out of service for some days.


The origin of the fire was in a battery pack in the rear end of the electric car. It has not
been possible to establish the cause of the fire.
A short circuit in the cable manufactured by the owner of the car in order to charge the
car was not the cause of the fire.
It is the assessment of the Division for Investigation of Maritime Accidents that the firefighting was carried out in an effective manner in compliance with the fire muster list and ships
procedures for fire-fighting.
It is the assessment of the Division for Investigation of Maritime Accidents that the
evacuation of the passengers was carried out in an effective manner.


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