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Master Thesis 2016 BaugeVoraa

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Development and design of a ship model

for use in education and research

Masters thesis in Master Programme Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

Kjartan Bauge and Emilie Voraa

Department of Shipping and Marine Technology

Division of Marine Technology
Gothenburg, Sweden 2016
Masters thesis 2016

Development and design of a ship model

for Chalmers University for use in research and education

Kjartan Bauge and Emilie Voraa

Department of Shipping and Marine Technology

Division of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Kjartan Bauge and Emilie Voraa
Chalmers University of Technology
Gothenburg, Sweden 2016
Development and design of a ship model for Chalmers University for use in research and education
Kjartan Bauge and Emilie Voraa

Kjartan Bauge and Emilie Voraa, 2016.

Supervisor: Per Hogstrm, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Chalmers and
Poul Andersen, Department of Mechanical Engineering, DTU

Masters Thesis 2016:350

Department of Shipping and Marine Technology
Division of Division Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Gothenburg
Telephone +46 31 772 1000

Cover: Development and design of a ship model for use in research and education

Name of printers/ Department of Shipping and Marine Technology

Gothenburg, Sweden 2016


In this thesis a ship model for Chalmers University of Technology is developed. The model shall be
used in research and education at the Department of Shipping and Marine Technology. The purpose
was to develop a model that could compliment the courses thought at the maritime department at
Chalmers, as well as the research.

SSPA is maritime consultant company, ship model manufacturer and a test facility located in Gothen-
burg, Sweden. Chalmers arrange yearly study visit to their test facilities as a part of the maritime
educational program. These visits should complements the theoretical education and give the students
hand-on experience. However, due to that most model tests are made confidential by the owner of the
ship model, the students rarely get to participate in the model tests. For the same reason, the data
from the tests are inaccessible and cannot be released to the students for further analysis. Therefor,
Chalmers want to develop their own ship model.

The thesis examines and describes the concept development, design of the hull and the design of the
model itself. The report has been divided in three parts. The first part address the development of
several concepts. It covers the investigation of the need for a ship model at Chalmers and the desired
features the model should obtain. One concept is chosen and further developed in the next parts. The
second part consider the design of the hull, and the third part cover the development of the model

The final result is 4.35 meter long ship model of a PCTC, which is specialised to do seakeeping and
manoeuvring tests. In addition it has a large freeboard which makes it suitable to investigate intact


This report is submitted to fulfil the requirement to the degree of Master of Science in Naval Archi-
tecture and Ocean Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. The work of the thesis was
carried out during the spring of 2016. The scope of the project was developed in collaboration with
our supervisors Senior lecture Per Hogstrm from Chalmers and Associate Professor Poul Andersen
from DTU. The thesis is written by Kjartan Bauge and Emilie Voraa.

We would like to express our gratitude to our supervisors Per Hogstrm and Poul Andersen for their
guidance and support during this thesis. We would also like to thank Gabrielle Mazza, Nicolas Bath-
field and Jonny Nisbet at SSPA for sharing their knowledge and their patience during the completion
of this thesis.

A special thank you to Fabian Tillig for highly appreciated guidance in the software Shipflow, your
quality feedback and for the several hours of troubleshooting.

Last, we would like give our warmest gratitude to all the personnel and lecturers who willingly let us
interview them for this thesis; Poul Andersen, Rickard Bensow, Per Hogstrm, Carl-Erik Janson, Olle
Lindmark, Bengt Ramne, Jonas Ringsberg, Martin Schreuder, Jan Skoog and Linda de Vries. Your
thoughts and knowledge have been of great value.

Gteborg, May 2016

Kjartan Bauge & Emilie Voraa


CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics

COG Centre of Gravity
COB Centre of Buoyancy
ConRo Vehicle to carry Containers and Roll on Roll off
DNV GL Det Norske Veritas Germanske Lloyd
DOF Degrees of Freedom
DTC Duisburg Test Case
DTU Technical University of Denmark
IACS International Association of Classification Sicieties Ltd.
IMO International Maritime Administration
ITTC International Towing Tank Conference
JONSWAP Joint North Sea Wave Project
KCS KRISO Container Vessel
KRISO Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering
KVLCC KRISO Very Large Crude Carrier
LCB Longitudinal Centre of Buoyancy
LCF Longitudinal Centre of Flotation
LCG Longitudinal Centre of Gravity
MCT Moment to Change Trim
MDL Maritime Dynamics Laboratory
MPNAV Master Programme in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
NURB Non-uniform rational Basis spline
PCC Pure Car Carriers
PCTC Pure Car Truck Carrier
PMM Planar Motion Mechanism
PSS Pre-Swirl Stator
RAO Response Amplitude Operator
ROC Rank Order Centroid Method
RoLo Roll on/ lift off
RoPax Cars and passengers
RPM Revolutions per Minute
SAC Sectional Area Curve
SEK Swedish Kroner
STL Stereo Lithography Trimesh
TCG Transverse Centre of Gravity
TPC Tonnes per centimetre immersion
ULCV Ultra Large Container Vessel
VCG Vertical Centre of Gravity


Symbol Unit Designation

a [ sm2 Vertical acceleration
acrit [ sm2 Critical vertical acceleration
B [m] Breadth of the vessel
BM [m] Breadth of the model
CB - Block coefficient
CP - Prismatic coefficient
CM - Midship section coefficient
CW P - Water plane area coefficient
D [m] Depth of the vessel
Dprop [m] Diameter of propeller
Fn - Froude number
g [ sm2 ] Gravitational forces
GM [m] Metacentric height
GZ [m] Righting lever arm
KG [m] Keel to center of Gravity
KB [m] Keel to center of Buoyancy
LE [m] Length of entrance
LM [m] Length of model
LR [m] Length of run
LP [m] length of parallel midbody
Lpp [m] Length between Perpendiculars
Loa [m] Length Over All
Re - Reynolds number
Rx [m] Radius of gyration, model x-dir.
Ry [m] Radius of gyration, model y-dir.
Rz [m] Radius of gyration, model z-dir.
t - Thrust deduction factor
T [m] Draft of the vessel
Tp [s] Zero-upcrossing period
Tp [s] Mean of the zero-upcrossing period
VS [m s] Speed of the vessel
VM [s] Speed of the model
w - Wake fraction
Wn - Weber number
Xg [m] Centre of gravity, model x-dir.
Yg [m] Centre of gravity, model y-dir.
Zg [m] Centre of gravity, model z-dir.

m0a [m
Variance of the acceleration energy spectrum
[tonnes] Mass displacement of the vessel
[m3 ] Volume displacement of the vessel
- Efficiency
[m] Surface tension
[m 3] Density of the fluid
d [ m3 ] Density H100 Divinycell
S(e ) [ rad/sec ] Response energy spectrum
m 2
S (e ) [ rad/sec Wave spectrum
[m] Wave amplitude
Heeling angle
e [ rad
s ] Encounter frequency



1 Introduction 1
1.1 Report Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 SSPA and model testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Concept development 5
2.1 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.1 Gathering of information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.2 Processing of information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.3 Evaluation of concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.1 Presentation of concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.2 Decision of concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3 Hull design 27
3.1 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.1.1 Reference ships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.1.2 Literature and empirical formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.1.3 Shape of the hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.1.4 Modeling of the hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.1.5 Hydrostatic & stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.1.6 Resistance & flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.1.7 Seakeeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.2.1 Reference Ships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.2.2 Main dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.2.3 Hull design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2.4 Hydrostatic & Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.2.5 Resistance & flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.2.6 Seakeeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.3.1 Main dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.3.2 Shape of the hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.3.3 Performance of the hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4 Development of the model 63

4.1 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.1.1 Scaling of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.1.2 Mass properties of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.1.3 Changeable parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.2.1 Scaling of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.2.2 Mass properties of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.2.3 Changeable parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70


4.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

5 Summary and conclusion 75

6 Future Work 77

A General Interview 1

B Decision matrix 1 2

C Decision matrix 2 25

D Shape of a PCTC 37

E Calculations of the ships main dimension 38

F Line drawings of the hull 40

G Design loads from DNV hull structural design 42

H Scaling of resistance 44

I Main dimensions of the ship model 45

J Various result available electronic 47

J.1 Decision matrix 1 (DM1.xlsx) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
J.2 Decision matrix 2 (DM2.xlsx) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
J.3 Transcribed interviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
J.4 Shipflow full scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
J.5 Shipflow model scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
J.6 Maxsurf modeler design file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
J.7 DXF AutoCad model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
J.8 IGES model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
J.9 Maxsurf stability report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
J.10 Maxsurf seakeeping report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

List of Tables

List of Tables
1 Overview of conditions and their weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Definition of different partial grades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Example on calculation of weight using ROC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4 Minimum and maximum values of coefficients (Schreuder and Tillig, 2015) . . . . . . . 35
5 Results from reference vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6 Parameters found from study of reference ships, empirical formulas and modeling of the
hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7 Comparison of the hull against the optimum values of hull shape elaborated in 3.1.3 . 49
8 CFD results for model scale and full scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
9 Probability of exceeding the critical acceleration and the number of occurrence per hour
for head sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
10 Limitations of the model size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
11 Dimensions of full scale and two different model scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
12 Mass properties of the ship model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
13 Feature performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
14 Courses in MPNAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

List of Figures

List of Figures
1 Work process, concept development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Explanation of grading of model features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 Explanation of grading of ship type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4 Feature grade for resistance concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5 Graded ship types for concept 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6 Feature grade for seakeeping and manoeuvring concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7 Graded ship types for concept 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
8 Feature grade for stability concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
9 Feature grade for backbone concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
10 Graded ship types for concept 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
11 Total grade of concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
12 Feature cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
13 Results from student questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
14 Work process, hull design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
15 Resistance components for different types of vessels, Fig. 4.1 (Larsson and Raven, 2010) 28
16 Reference vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
17 Process when determining the main dimensions of the full scale vessel . . . . . . . . . 29
18 Prismatic coefficient versus Froude number, ref. Fig 11.1 (Larsson and Raven, 2010) . 32
19 Optimum location of CoB vs Froude number, Fig. 11.2 ref (Larsson and Raven, 2010) 33
20 Fraction of entrance, midbody and run as a fraction of Lpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
21 Design of a sectional area curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
22 Entrance of waterline, Fig. 3.11 (Papanikolaou, 2015) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
23 Sketch of bulb (Kracht, 1978) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
24 Propeller clearance, obtained from DNV recommendations for single screw vessels . . . 37
25 Desired bulb shaped stern, ref. Fig 11.20 (Larsson and Raven, 2010) . . . . . . . . . . 37
26 Net of control points used to define a surface (Bentley, 2015a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
27 Methodology of modelling a ship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
28 Modelling of bilge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
29 Modelling of bow/stern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
30 Behaviour of the NURB curve (Bentley, 2015a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
31 The porcupines displayed on a waterline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
32 Lines drawings of the hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
33 3D view of the hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
34 Sectional area curve of the hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
35 Displacement, wet surface area and water plane area as a function of draft . . . . . . . 50
36 KB, LCB and LCF as a function of draft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
37 TPC and MTC as a function of draft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
38 Result from the limiting KG analyse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
39 GZ-curve for T = 11m, V CG = 15m and LCG = LCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
40 Wave and interference with free surface elevation colour map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
41 Pressure distribution (Cp) along the hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
42 Wave pattern obtained from Shipflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
43 Propeller wake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
44 Pressure (Cp) distribution and velocity flow into the propeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
45 Speed-resistance curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
46 The ships RAO in heave, roll and pitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
47 Significant acceleration amplitudes at remote locations on the ship . . . . . . . . . . . 57

List of Figures

48 3D view of ship model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

49 3D view of ship model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
50 LCB and limiting VCG as a function of draft for model scale, = 46 . . . . . . . . . . 68
51 Illustration on how the model could be divided . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

1 Introduction

1 Introduction

There are mainly two ways of estimating a vessels performance before it is built: numerical calculations
and with model testing. In the former method, the ships performance is investigated by using
mathematical models. The latter method has a more practical approach.

The idea behind model testing is to make a scaled-down copy of the original vessel. The model
can then be tested in a basin where the environment can be controlled. Forces, accelerations and
other characteristics are measured on the model and then scaled up to represent the real vessel. This
method is considered to be the most accurate way of predicting the vessels performance. The accuracy
of numerical calculations have become better but is still not competitive with model testing. Numerical
calculations are today used to estimate the performance of the ship and to optimise the ships geometry.
However, model trials are needed to verify the calculations before the final ship geometry are decided.
Due to its importance, model testing is a large part of the syllabus in most maritime educations.

In several of the courses thought at the Department of Shipping and Marine Technology at Chalmers
the students have study visits to SSPA. During these visits, the students get an insight into model
testing and an opportunity to observe what they have learnt in practice. However, due to that most
model tests are made confidential by the owner of the ship model, the students rarely get to participate
in the model tests. For the same reason, the data from the tests are inaccessible and cannot be released
to the students for further analysis.

A study carried out at the Department of Psychology at the University of Chicago indicate that
students better understand scientific concepts if they get to physically experience it. Through brain
scans it was determined that the understanding of science concepts, such as torque and angular
momentum, was aided by activation in sensory and motor-related parts of the brain (Kontra et al.,
2015). It is assumed that allowing students to experience model testing would have some of the same
benefits in terms of learning. This will increase the quality of the education at the Department of
Shipping and Marine Technology at Chalmers.

The goal of this thesis is to develop a ship model to be used as a learning tool in the education and
to support the research done at the department.

1.1 Report Outline

The thesis is divided into three parts; concept development, hull design and development of the model.
Each chapter contain a description of the methodology used and the results obtained are presented
and discussed. A conclusion is reached before the next chapter is started. An overall summary and
conclusion is given at the end of the report, together with suggestions for future work.

The first part is to develop a concept that reflect the need at Chalmers. This is done by interviewing
professors and experts at Chalmers and SSPA to identify what properties the model is desired to have.
This information is processed and transformed into features and finally concepts. The second part
consider the design of the hull, where the main dimensions and shape were set with regard to relevant
literature, reference ships and empirical formulas. Part three consider the development of the model.
This include scaling, design of the 3D model and implementation of the features from part one.

1 Introduction

1.2 SSPA and model testing

SSPA is a maritime consultant company with their main office located in Gothenburg. Model testing
of ship and maritime structures is one of their primary business area. For this, they have a towing
tank, a large cavitation tunnel and a Maritime Dynamics Laboratory (MDL) (SSPA, 2016). The latter
is a versatile facility used for seakeeping and manoeuvring analysis.

The towing tank is 260 meter long, 10 meter wide and 5 meter deep. The carriage has a speed range
of 0-11 m/sec and can produce waves with a height up to 0.3 meters in head and following sea. In the
towing tank the following tests are primarily done:

Resistance test: The model is towed at a certain speed and the towing force is measured.

Self-propulsion: The model is equipped with a engine, propeller and rudder. The model sails in
a straight course at various speeds. The power necessary to maintain the speed are measured
and used to derive the propulsion factors (w,t ). A dynamoeter is used to measure trust, torque
and RPM.

Flow visualisation: Tests to investigate the flow along the hull. Normal tests are paint test, tuft
test and appendage alignment test.

Wake-field: To investigate the flow into the propeller plane. This could be measured with a pitot
tube mounted on the propeller shaft.

Wave pattern: The models wave pattern is recorded on film. The wave elevation is measured.

The cavitation tunnel is divided in three interchangeable sections with different dimensions. Complete
ship models can be installed in the tunnel. Tests in the cavitation tunnel includes cavitation observa-
tion, measurement of pressure fluctuations, erosion tests and measurement of propeller induced forces
and noise.

The MDL basin is 88 meters long, 39 meters wide and 3.5 meters deep. The water depth can be
regulated from 0 - 3.2 meters. Wave makers are installed in one of the long-sides and one of the short-
sides of the basin. The remaining sides are equipped with wave dampers to minimise the reflection of
the waves. The maximum wave height is 0.4 meters and wind speed up to 10 m/sec can be simulated.
The model is self-propelled and free to move in all degrees of freedom (DOF). The following tests are
primarily done in the MDL basin:

Seakeeping test: The models seakeeping performance is investigated in different waves and head-
ings. The following parameters are normally measured: roll damping, non-linear motion, slam-
ming and local loads, green water and propeller emergence. Added mass can be investigated if
a calm water resistance exist.

Manoeuvring test: To assess the models manoeuvrability. Manoeuvring tests defined in IMO are
carried out both at deep and shallow water (IMO, 2002). In addition, manoeuvring in channel
and course stability can be investigated.

Captive test: Used to derive the manoeuvring coefficients. This can be done by large amplitude

1 Introduction

planar motion mechanism (PMM) tests and rotating arm tests.

Depending on the model, the basin is also suitable for intact- and damage stability.

SSPA differ between two types of models; one used in the MDL basin and one used in the towing tank
and cavitation tunnel. The latter model is larger then the former, which restrict a MDL model from
being used in the towing tank, and vica versa.

2 Concept development

2 Concept development

This chapter address the development of the initial concept of the ship model. The purpose is to
establish a concept that is beneficial for as many stakeholders as possible. The methodology is first
explained, then the results are presented and discussed. A single concept is chosen before the design
of the ship is initiated in the next chapter.

2.1 Methodology

The first step was to establish who would have an interest in a ship model. The relevant persons were
then interviewed. The information gathered form the interviews were processed in two steps. First
the professors wishes where transformed into features. A feature is a specific thing the model should
be able to do, i.e. be able to measure its resistance while towed through a basin. These features
were then ranked according to how well they performed within certain conditions. Secondly, these
features were sorted into concepts. In this context a concept is a collection of features that is possible
to combine into one ship model.

The first step was repeated to decide which type of ship that should be used. Each feature was
transformed into ship properties and ships that matched these properties were suggested for each
feature. The ships were then ranked according to how well they fitted each feature. The ships grade,
obtained from the ranking were then summed over the features in each concept to decide which ship
type would suit each concept best.

The different concepts were then evaluated based on several factors and finally it was decided to
proceed with one concept.

Figure 1: Work process, concept development

2.1.1 Gathering of information

The first step of the project was to establish the stakeholders to identify everyone who would benefit
from having a ship model. It was found that the main stakeholders were students, lecturers and
professors at the Department of Shipping and Marine Technology at Chalmers. Secondary stakeholders
would be companies, universities and other research facilities within the maritime industry. This is
due to that the results from research of this model would be freely published.

2 Concept development

To assess the main stakeholders, the different course plans for the maritime educations at Chalmers
where evaluated to decide where the model would be best utilised. It was found that a ship model
would first of all be beneficial for students in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Maritime
Management, Degree Course in Nautical Science, Marine Engineering and in various research at the
institute. The next step was to interview the lecturers and course responsible of the above educations
and research. The goal of the interview was to first determine if a ship model was needed and then
which features the stakeholders wanted for the model.

Depending on the information desired to extract, there are several methods to carry out an interview.
In this project, the interviews were carried out one-to-one in a semi-structured manner (Denscombe,
2014). The structure of an interview can be classified in three categories depending on how flexible
the questions are asked. The categories are structured-, semi-structured- and unstructured interviews.
In the semi-structured interviews, the researcher have a list of questions to ask and the interviewee
have the possibility to navigate the answers in the desired direction. This way, the interviewee gets to
address their interest without the researcher affecting the answer. The questions can be rearranged
depending on the given answers in order to let the interviewee speak more widely about one topic.
This way the interviewee can develop new ideas during the question and be able to end the string of
thoughts before the next question is addressed. In a one-to-one interview you ensure that the answers
from the interviewee is in fact the persons personal opinion. The opposite of one-to-one interviews are
group interviews. In group interviews the interviewees are able to discuss upon each others thoughts.
There are pros and cons for both methods, but the interest of the researchers in this context was to
get the lecturers personal opinion on their individual topic. Therefore a one-to-one interview were

The main structure of the interviews were similar for everyone. Some additional, and individual,
questions were added for some lecturers to address their courses or field of research. The interviews
started with an intro where the goal of the interview were thoroughly explained to the lecturer. The
lecturers were asked to answer the questions with their courses and research in mind. Secondly to
understand which type of features that would be most important for the model and which type of
ship they believed would present these features best. The interviews opened with an easy question
in order to make the interviewee relax and ended with an open question. In the open question, the
lecturers were given the possibility to comment upon the model features with regard to other fields
than their own. See Appendix A for the general interview form and Appendix J.3 for transcribed
interviews. The professors gave consent to being recorded in advance and to use the information from
their interviews for research in this thesis.

2.1.2 Processing of information

In this section the process of transforming the information obtained from the interviews to model
concepts will be explained. The section is divided into two parts, the transformation of wishes into
concepts, and the transformation of model features into ship type. The reader are referred to Appendix
B and Appendix C, respectively, for details.

Transformation of wishes to concepts

Based on the interviews, the wishes and demands from the stakeholders were transformed into model
features. The features were evaluated based on 4 conditions, Benefits for the students, Benefits for
research, Cost and Technical aspect, see Figure 2. Each conditions were denoted a weight based on how

2 Concept development

important it was believed that it was for the ship model. Table 1 show the definition of the condition
and its respective weight. The benefits for the students was considered most important together with
cost. This is because the model should be used as a support in the education and that the cost often
are the limiting factor. The cost is divided in two; Operational cost and Concept cost. The former
is the cost to operate the model, i.e one towing sequence. The latter is the cost of implementing the
feature on the model, i.e making the model able to change parts.

Table 1: Overview of conditions and their weights

Condition Definition Weight

Benefits for the students How helpful the feature is in education of students 0.3 of 1
Benefits for research How useful the feature is for research 0.2 of 1
Cost How costly the feature will be to implement 0.3 of 1
Technical aspect How technically challenging the feature is to implement 0.2 of 1

Figure 2: Explanation of grading of model features

2 Concept development

A partial grade, between 1 and 5, was then decided for each condition based on how well the feature
performed. The definition of the partial grades are found in Table 2. A total grade were calculated
for each features as the summation of the weight multiplied with the partial grade for each condition.

Table 2: Definition of different partial grades

Partial grade Definition

5 Excellent learning outcome for students. Highly beneficial for research.
Zero cost and no technical difficulties.
4 Great learning outcome for students. Beneficial for research. Small cost
and limited technical difficulties.
3 Some learning outcome. Some research capabilities. Medium (max 20%
of standard cost) cost and some technical difficulties with implementa-
2 Low learning outcome. Limited research capabilities. High cost (max
50% of standard cost) and complicated to implement.
1 No learning outcome. No research. Very high cost (>50%) and very
hard to implement.

As it was challenging to only make one concept, several concept were developed, see section 2.2.1.
Trough literature study and meetings with SSPA, an investigation was done to find which features
that was applicable for each concept. A total grade was then calculated as a summation of the feature
grades. This grade gives an indication on what concept is best, based on its number of (good) features.

2 Concept development

Transformation of model features to ship type

Different types of ships have different properties such as bulb, high Froude number or large bow
flare, that to a various extent can demonstrate the model features. In example, if it is interesting to
investigate the wave pattern, the ship should have a high Froude number. It was important to select
a ship that were able to illustrate most model features possible. Commercial vessels were mainly
evaluated, from fast going and large container vessels to a medium sized tanker with a high block
coefficient. Since only some of the model features are dependent on a specific ship property, only the
relevant features were assessed. For each model feature, four different ship types were evaluated, see
Figure 3.

Figure 3: Explanation of grading of ship type

Each ship type were given a weight. The weight was determined by using a rank based formula
called rank order centroid method (ROC). The method uses the subjective given rank of each ship and
converts it into a weight that illustrate how well the ship type fits the feature (Barron and Barrett,
1996). The rank is dependent on how many ships are rated and the order. The conversion from rank
to weight are done using the following formula:

2 Concept development

1X 1
W = where, i = 1, ..., n (1)
n j=i j

Where n is the number of ship types ranked for each feature and W is the weight for each ship
dependent on the given rank. In example, if only one ship type is applicable for a feature, the weight
of the ship will be 1. If four types of ships are evaluated, the weights will be as shown in Table 3
Table 3: Example on calculation of weight using ROC

Rank Formula Weight

1 (1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4)/4 0.52
2 (1 + 1/2 + 1/3)/4 0.27
3 (1 + 1/2)/4 0.15
4 1/4 0.06

To determine the grade of each ship type, the weight from the ROC method was multiplied by the total
feature grade. This way the ship types were graded according to how well it fit the model features.
The grade of each ship type was then summed together in a matrix. From the matrix it was possible
to determine which ship would be most appropriate for each concept.

2.1.3 Evaluation of concepts

After processing the information into distinct concepts, the next step was to evaluate which concept
was most suitable for Chalmers. The concepts where evaluated through three instances:

Interview with SSPA to evaluate if the concepts where achievable and to do a cost assessment.

Interview with professors and lectures at Chalmers to get feedback on the concepts and decide
which of them that would be most beneficial based on their opinion

A questionnaire for the students. They were told to vote on the concept most favourable for

Both the meeting with SSPA and with the lecturers were carried out as a group interview. It was
decided that this was the best technique to obtain the information needed. The attendants were first
presented with the preliminary concepts, then a discussion was initiated. The interviewees were then
able to defend their interest and get the perspective of the other lecturers.

In order to include the students in the process, a questionnaire was carried out for the students in Naval
Architecture and Ocean Engineering. A questionnaire is a structured way of doing interviews and leave
the interviewee with few answering possibilities (Denscombe, 2014). The preliminary concepts were
posted in the common room for the MPNAV students, together with a voting sheet. The concepts
were based on the decision matrices and was the same as the ones presented for the lecturers. The
students were asked to rate the concepts with regard to what they believed would be most helpful in
their education. The concepts were rated from 1-4, where 1 was the best. The ranks were converted
into grades, where the rank 1 gave 4 points, 2 gave 3 points etc. The total grade was obtained by
summing up the points for each concept.

2 Concept development

2.2 Result

In this section, the results from the processing of information and evaluation of the concepts are
presented. The former consists of a presentation and discussion of the derived concepts. The latter
present the evaluation of the concepts through the instances from section 2.1.3 and the decision matrix.

2.2.1 Presentation of concepts

Being able to include all the features evaluated above into one ship model would have been the ultimate
solution. For several reasons this is not achievable. In example, a towing tank model is too large for the
MDL basin and a MDL model will give inaccurate result in the towing tank. SSPA has expressed that
if the model will be made and operated by them, they want the result to be of a certain accuracy. It is
extremely challenging to combine several features and at the same time keep the accuracy, i.e. damage
stability in a towing tank model would be cumbersome as the hatches to flood the compartments could
disturb the flow and thereby reduce the accuracy of the measured resistance. Some features become
too expensive or technical challenging when combined with other features, i.e. a crane to demonstrate
lifting of objects at sea, placed on a towing tank model, would need a capacity of several tens of kilos
to be able to heel or trim the model. This would imply more steel, a large engine, and if the crane
capacity is large enough, a license to be allowed to operate it.

Based on the above reasoning it was decided to make several concepts, where each concept had its
own area of expertise. In the MPNAV program, there are basically five main areas who could benefit
from having a ship model; resistance, seakeeping, manoeuvring, stability and structure. Resistance
and flow analyses are done in the towing tank model, thus concept 1 were based on a standard towing
tank model. Seakeeping and manoeuvring are done in the MDL basin, so concept 2 were based on a
MDL model. Concept 3 is a hydrostatic stability model made for education. It is believed that if the
features made to illustrate basic ship stability should have any value, the student had to do the trials
themselves. This would not be the case if these features should have been included in concept 1 or
2. The last concept is the backbone model. The model has a great value for research and thus large
demands for accuracy. Therefor it cannot be combined with other features, except maybe seakeeping
and manoeuvring for educational purposes.

Concept 1 Resistance
Concept 1 is based on a standard towing tank model. A standard towing tank model is approximately
7 meters long and weigh 3.5 tons. Figure 4 shows all the feature this model can do along with the
grade and concept cost. The red columns to the right represent the additional features. These are
features that the model can do, but that is not recommended. All the test for this model will be done
in the towing tank and the cavitation tunnel. Apart from measuring the towing force necessary to
drag the model through the towing basin, the model can by default do:

Flow visualisation, i.e. tuft test, paint test and appendage alignment test.

Wake-field measurement using a pitot tube.

Wave pattern measurements and video recording

2 Concept development

Figure 4: Feature grade for resistance concept

The same model can in addition be used in SSPAs cavitation tunnel, where the propeller performance
with respect to cavitation can be investigated. With a cost of approximately 50 000 SEK the model
can be self-propelled. Then it is possible to estimate the power needed at various speeds and derive
the propulsion factors (w, t, ).

Of more unconventional features, the model can be prepared to change the geometry of the hull. It is
suggested to build the model in three parts, an aft part, a midship section and a fore part. The idea
is that these parts can be changed in order to optimise the flow around the hull and thereby lower the
resistance. In addition, local changes can be done, i.e. only changing the bulb or parts of the stern.
The cost of this feature depends on what to change, but is estimated to be between 20 000 50 000
SEK. In general, doing changes at the stern is most costly because of the engine shaft. The model
can also be equipped with energy saving devices, as pre-swirl stator (PSS) and duct, to optimise the
propeller wake. The cost of making these devices varies between 10 000 80 000 SEK. However, this
cost could be lowered by using Chalmers 3D printers. It is also possible to manufacture new propellers
for the model, but this is costly. An alternative can be to use stock propellers. These are propellers
with different characteristic that SSPA have available for self-propulsion tests.

It is also suggested to make the model with thinner hull than an ordinary towing tank model. This
can be done for an additional cost of 50 000 SEK. The extra cost is because the model have to be
reinforced with fibreglass to be rigid enough. The advantage with a thinner hull is that it is possible
to distribute the weights, with blocks of steel or chain, to get the correct centre of gravity and radii of
gyrations. This is crucial when doing seakeeping tests, roll decay, parametric roll and captive test. If
the ship has a bilge keel it has to be included in the three latter tests. Only head and following waves

2 Concept development

are available in the towing tank. In addition to a thinner hull, it is recommended that concept 1 is
equipped to do self-propulsion. The cost of adding these two features is estimated to 100 000 SEK. It
is a large investment, but expands the model usage considerably.

As additional features it suggested to equip the model with a rudder and remote control to be able
to use it outdoor. However, there will be some practical problems with transportation of the 3.5 tons
model and it may not be wise to let student drive a ship model with estimated price of 350 000 SEK
outdoor on a lake. To make the model usable outdoor is considered as an additional feature.

Making the model able to do capsizing stability is considered not applicable. Since the model is
larger then a MDL model, it is easier to place a floodable tank without conflicting with the measuring
equipment. However, the functionality of MDL basin is needed to do proper capsizing stability tests.

Figure 5 shows all the ships considered in this project and how well their properties satisfies concept 1.
The three right most vessels in figure 5 are hulls used for research. A 3D model and a database with
results from research are publicly available for these hulls, (Moctar et al., 2012, Larrson et al., 2003),
See Appendix C for details. The suggested ships are all commercial vessel with a high Froude number.
This is a specific wish from several of those interviewed. The wave making resistance for a vessel with
high Froude number is a larger part of the total resistance than on ship with low Froude number.
The wave resistance for a normal container ship account for 10% more of the total resistance than on
a tanker (Larsson and Raven, 2010). The wave making resistance can be lowered by optimising the
geometry of the ship, i.e. changing the shape of the bulb to optimise the wave pattern. A container
feeder is suggested as the best alternative. This ship often have a rather rich body and operates
at a high Froude number and therefor create some waves. This is interesting with respect to bulb

Figure 5: Graded ship types for concept 1

2 Concept development

Concept 2 Seakeeping and Manoeuvring

This concept is based on standard Maritime Dynamics Laboratory (MDL) model. The model is
approximately 4-5 meters long and weighs about 1 ton. Figure 6 shows the feature grade and concept
cost. This model have a thin hull by default, therefore the centre of gravity and radii of gyration can
be properly modelled. The model can by default do:

Seakeeping: Investigate how well the ship behaves in various weather and waves, i.e. roll damp-
ing, non-linear motion, slamming and local loads, green water and added resistance in all wave

Manoeuvring: How well the ship manoeuvre, turning circle, zig-zag test, stop test, etc.

Figure 6: Feature grade for seakeeping and manoeuvring concept

The tests can also be done in shallow water for an additional cost of 30 000 SEK. The cost is for
lowering the water level in the basin. An important feature with this model is that the MDL basin
may be available for students after 4 PM for free or reduced cost.

Of the more unorthodox features, it is again suggested to prepare the model to be able to change
parts. In most cases, the MDL model is smaller and contain more measuring equipment, therefore
only local changes are possible. In examples, only the bulb would be changeable in the fore part of
the ship.

This concept can be designed to be able to investigate intact and damage stability. Model trials with

2 Concept development

respect to intact and damage stability are often done to investigate the ships ability to withstand
capsizing when exposed for an extreme environment. Damage stability is mainly done to determine
the significant wave height that will cause the model to capsize (ITTC, 2005) . Intact stability is more
about investigating phenomena leading to more sudden loss of stability, i.e. broaching, parametric
rolling, pure loss of stability, typically on a wave crest and loss of stability due to cargo shift or
other heeling moments (ITTC, 2005). For both intact and damage stability the ship models centre
of gravity and radii of gyration has to represent the actual ship. The model has to be completed up
to the weather deck and all appendages has to be installed. For damage stability, the model has to
have a floodable compartment. This compartment has to be geometrically similar as the ship and the
wall thickness should not be more than 4 mm (ITTC, 2005). According to SSPA, it is possible to
make a model which can do both seakeeping, manoeuvring and damage stability, but it is challenging
because of the limited space in a MDL model. The floodable compartment has to be removed to do
the seakeeping and manoeuvring test. An additional cost of 200 000 SEK is estimated to implement
damage stability. This is almost the same as the cost for a standard MDL model, and is considered too
expensive. Therefore, it is recommended to only implement intact stability which has an estimated
cost of 30 000 SEK for the increased freeboard. Damage stability can be simulated by loading the
model to a heel and trim angle equal to what would be the case with a flooded compartment. Free
surface effects would then be excluded.

The ship model can also be used in the towing tank for educational use. According to SSPA, using
this small a model would give results with inadequate accuracy, because of scale effects. In addition
it is challenging to trigger turbulent flow on such a small model. Although, the result is too poor
for a commercial project, the students can still learn a lot with respect to optimisation of the ship
geometry. For example, a bulb optimisation can still be done. The bulb can be optimised to improve
the wave pattern and the lowered resistance would, even if it is not correct, give an indication if the
new bulb design is better.

Outdoor model is in this concept also considered an additional feature. It is more applicable in this
concept then concept 1, as this model is smaller and thus easier to handle. Less power is needed to
propel the model. This is an advantage as the model normally are powered with an electric engine
and thus a smaller battery package are needed. However, the model can already do manoeuvring in
the MDL basin. The advantage of making the model able to run outdoor is to lower the operational
cost. It is assumed that this benefit would not pay of as long as the students can use the MDL basin
for a free/reduced price after 4 PM.

Figure 7 suggest to build a ship model of a RoRo ship. This is a commercial ship with high Froude
number. This is interesting in terms of optimising the ship geometry to lower the resistance. In
addition, RoRo ships often have some challenges with stability, especially damage stability. The ship
will be designed to have a rather slim fore body and large flares in the fore and aft. This is, among
other things, done to trigger parametric roll. As far as the researchers know there exist no publicly
available RoRo hulls. Designing a new RoRo hull would therefore compliment the existing hulls made
for research.

2 Concept development

Figure 7: Graded ship types for concept 2

Concept 3 Stability
Concept 3 is a hydrostatic stability model made entirely for education. It will have a length around
1 meter and several features which can be used to illustrate various stability phenomena, see Figure
8. It is based on a similar model made by Force Technology and used by the Technical University of
Denmark (DTU).

The model will be equipped with the following features:

Weights that can be moved transversely to do inclining tests.

Weight that can be moved vertically to investigate the effect of raising the vertical centre of

A crane to simulate lifting of objects at sea.

A floodable compartment to investigate damage stability.

Changeable plastic tanks with different features, i.e. different size to investigate free surface
effects and passive anti-roll tanks.

Sponsoons, to investigate how a change in the geometry in waterline affect the stability.

Ballast tanks, so the students can ballast the ship model to proper trim (and heel).

2 Concept development

Measurements of the heeling- and trim angle and the draft will be done with simple measuring equip-
ment as electronic protractor and ruler. The student can get tasks like, find KG, do a limited KG
analyse, find the Moment to Change Trim (MCT), do roll decay test with different plastic tanks, etc.

Figure 8: Feature grade for stability concept

To be able to do the test at the university and to lower the operational cost, it is suggested to build an
own basin for this model. For an estimated cost of approximately 11 500 SEK, a basin of 2x3 meters
and a height of 1.5 meters, can be build. The depth of the basin will be 45 cm. The basin will have
an approximately weight of 2.8 tons including water. This cost covers only the material. A system to
change the water or a hatch to seal the tank is not included. It is believed that the extra cost of such
a basin will quickly pay of due to high operational cost at SSPA. However, using the MDL basin after
4 PM could be an alternative.

Chalmers has a closed circuit wind tunnel with test dimensions 3.0m 1.8m 1.25m and a speed range
of 0 60m/s ("Wind tunnel", 2016). The high speed may be sufficient to trigger turbulent flow even if
the model is only one meter long. The wind tunnel is equipped with balanced force measurements, hot
wire anemometer for flow studies, optical- and pressure measurement equipment. The stability model
could be used in the wind tunnel to visualise the flow around the hull and to measure wind forces on
the air draft of the model. This will probably set more stringent requirement to the models surface
finish. Thereby the estimated concept cost of 10 000 SEK for this feature. This feature would extend
the area of use for the model, but is considered to be an additional feature until further investigations
are done. In example, interference with the test section walls and if it would be possible to trigger
turbulent flow.

2 Concept development

The ship type for this concept is not important and therefore not considered.

Concept 4 Backbone
The last concept is a segmented model, equipped with an elastic backbone. The model features is seen
in Figure 9. The model can be used to find global loads as, bending moment, shear stress, torsions,
and to investigate vibrations, such as whipping and springing. Segmented model means that the hull
is divided into one or more segments by transverse cuts. The segments are connected with a backbone,
typically an aluminium beam, placed midship, parallel to the longitudinal direction of the ship. The
idea is that the global loads, caused by weight, hydrostatic and hydrodynamics forces, etc., will be
transferred through the segments to the backbone, where the structural response can be measured
using i.e. strain gauges. The structural properties of the backbone has to represent the real ship.

Figure 9: Feature grade for backbone concept

Several experiments have been done to measure the global loads of a ship model (Marn and Kape-
senberg, 2014). ITTC has made recommendations on how to make the model and carry out the test
(ITTC, 2011a). ITTC distinguishes between a hydro-structural model and a segmented model. The
former is a ship model that is representative of the full scale ship down to the local structural level
possible, even including hull plating. Such models have only been made a few times. The segmented
model is more widely used. ITTC differs between a rigid segmented model and an elastic segmented
model. The former has a rigid backbone; the backbone is rigid enough so that the model do not
change shape on wave peaks or troughs. The elastic backbone is already briefly explained above. As
an alternative to the elastic backbone, the model can be equipped with instrumented flexible con-
nections at the segment break. An advantage with this system is that the connections can be made
adjustable so that different resonance frequencies can be simulated. Which model type to build is
mostly important for whipping experiments, as hydro-elasticity is of greater importance. This implies
that a rigid segmentation should be avoided. Based on this, concept 4 is a segmented model with an

2 Concept development

elastic backbone.

Each segment in the segmented model must have the same inertial properties as the corresponding
segment in the real ship. This implies that the ballasting of each segment must satisfy the weight
and the inertial properties of that section, and at the same time the overall hull weight and ballast
condition has to be satisfied. The backbone should, as close as possible, have the same structural
properties as the real ship. The gap in the segmented model is usually between 5 and 10 mm. The
model is made watertight by applying latex to seal the gap. The number of segments is decided
based on what should be studied. For midship bending moment, one cut amidships is sufficient. For
maximum shear, three cuts are needed. For dynamics loads and vibrations, more than five cuts are
needed (ITTC, 2011a). Propulsion of the model should be done in a way to avoid that the thrust
causes a longitudinal moment at the backbone. This can be done by channelling the trust through
the geometric centroid of the beam.

It is believed that the model can be used for seakeeping for educational purpose. The effects of the
gaps should not matter much in seakeeping trails and the fact that the model is elastic is believed
to be an advantage as it represent a more realistic model. Manoeuvring could be challenging as the
rudder would expose the backbone for horizontal moments and shear forces. The backbone already
exist of several parts, so it should be possible to change the aft and fore ship quite easily.

According to Figure 10 an Ultra Large Container Vessel (ULCV) is recommended for this concept.
These ships have structural challenges due to the length. Especially torsion is of concern. In addition
they often have large flares which make them exposed for slamming, and therefore also whipping.
Based on the economics of scale principle, it is assumed that even larger ship will be made in the
future. Research on this kind of vessel is therefore highly relevant. The KVLCC, a 320 meter long
crude carrier, was not chosen due to its low Froude number and rather bluff hull.

Figure 10: Graded ship types for concept 4

2 Concept development

2.2.2 Decision of concept

In this section will the results from the evaluation of the concepts be presented. First, the results
from the decision matrix, followed by the main conclusions from the second round of interviews with
the lecturers. Last, the results from the student investigation.

Results from decision matrix

Figure 11 shows the total grade for each concept. The upper column represent the total grade of the
additional features, while the lower column give the total grade of the recommended features. It could
be seen that the resistance model was the most universal in terms of features. This model were able
to do all resistance tests together with some seakeeping in head- and following waves. Second was
the MDL model, third the stability model and last the backbone model. The grade from the decision
matrix is just the summation of the grade of the features and represent only which of the concept that
have most (good)features.

Figure 11: Total grade of concepts

Figure 12 shows the total cost for the four concepts. The lower column represent the standard cost for
building a default model, the light grey column in the middle illustrate the cost for the recommended
features. The upper column gives the cost for the additional features for each concept. It can be seen
that the MDL model is the most expensive when all the features are included. However, it is less
costly if only the recommended features are considered. The resistance model is the second cheapest
all over, and when only the recommended features are included. The stability model is by far the
cheapest model. This is due to that the model is smaller and simpler than the other models. The

2 Concept development

standard cost of the backbone model is higher than all the other concepts combined.

Figure 12: Feature cost

Meeting with lecturers

From the meeting with the professors, the following conclusion was established:

The stability model was appreciated. It was suggested to develop it further as a student - or
bachelor project.

The backbone model was considered too advanced to be used as a learning tool.

The MDL model was favoured over the resistance model for several reason that will be discussed
in section 2.3.

It was agreed that a RoRo vessel would be of interest for MDL concept. A length of 200 meters
were suggested.

Student investigation
Figure 13 show the results from the student investigation. The total grade for each concept is given.
In total, 25 students in the programme Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering at Chalmers par-
ticipated in the investigation. This corresponds to 35 % of the total number of students. The stability
model was favoured with 31 % of the votes. The remaining concepts were fairly equally rated.

2 Concept development

Figure 13: Results from student questionnaire

2 Concept development

2.3 Discussion

Based on the grading seen in figure 11, the resistance model achieved the highest total grade. If this
was directly convertible to being the best overall model was questionable. The lecturers agreed that
the resistance model would be valuable in terms of education, but the fact that the general size of the
model restricted it from running any tests in the MDL basin made it for them less universal. It is
seen from figure 11 that including resistance features in the MDL model, almost makes it as universal
as the resistance model. The stability model and backbone model are highly specialised, which can
be seen from the low total grade. The two models would be more universal if the backbone model
could be used in regular seakeeping and manoeuvring trials and the stability model could be used in
the wind tunnel.

It is seen from figure 12 that the stability model is by far the cheapest to develop. In addition it has
zero operational cost. The educational value of the stability model is considered high, due to that the
basic stability course is thought in all the maritime educations. Since the cost is low and the learning
outcomes substantial, this model is very beneficial compared to the other models. In total, the MDL
model is the most expensive. Excluding the additional features, the cost of the MDL model and the
resistance model are approximately the same. Compared to the other models, the backbone model
would be extremely costly to produce.

A MDL model is able to operate in the MDL basin and give highly accurate results in seakeeping
and manoeuvring tests. With some sacrifice of accuracy, it could also be used in the towing tank, but
then only for education. Due to the small scale of the model, it would not be able to trigger turbulent
flow, the results would therefore not be sufficiently accurate. The lecturers argued that the practical
experience the students gets from doing the tests were valuable and regardless of the accuracy of the
results, it would be valuable for the students to participate in carrying out the tests.

The resistance model would be able to run all resistance tests with high accuracy, as well as some sea-
keeping tests in head- and following sea. The MDL model can run all seakeeping tests in all headings.
It can be argued that the resistance model is the best choice only in an educational perspective and
that the seakeeping and manoeuvring tests are too complex for the general educations. But, for the
more advanced educations, the value of getting a visual explanation of challenging concepts such as
slamming, broaching and parametric roll would be very advantageous for the students.

Another concern of the lecturers were the cost. Not only the concept cost of the model, but also
for the operational cost. From the commercial prices, the resistance model would be less costly to
manufacture and also the tests would be less costly to run. But, if Chalmers were to rent a basin for
a day, the cost would be in favour of the MDL basin: 70 000 SEK versus 100 000 SEK per day. This
is due to that the MDL basin is only manned for 8 hours while the towing tank are manned for 12
hours a day. The MDL basin would also possibly be available for students to use after 4 PM for a
lower cost. The importance of availability for the students were essential for the lecturers and another
reason for favouring the MDL model.

The cost of one full seakeeping sequence is 500 000 SEK as opposed to a resistance test of 30 000
SEK. However, different trials could be carried out each year, resulting in a growing database. The
students would then be able to watch one trial and do calculations with already existing results.

According to the lectures there are a limited publicly available databases for seakeeping tests. Since

2 Concept development

Chalmers own the model, they are able to publish the results worldwide and compliment the seakeeping
database. On the other hand, the need for a resistance model for research was low. At Chalmers,
researchers do not look into different type of foreships on their own. The lecturers did not see the need
for a resistance model in their research at the moment. The lecturers believed that the backbone model
would be valuable for research, but that it probably was too complex to use in normal education. Due
to the high cost of this model, it was rated lower than the other concepts from the lecturers point of
view as well.

The student favoured the stability model most and the MDL secondly. However, the results should be
analysed with a pinch of salt. It was not given any oral presentation of the different concept, leaving
limited room for questions. The majority of the students were 4th graders. The 4th grades have not
had any courses in seakeeping and manoeuvring at the time of the questionnaire, which may have
affected their answers.

2 Concept development

2.4 Conclusion

The stability concept was most favoured by the student, and is by far the cheapest concept. The
lecturers also appreciated this concept. It was agreed that the model should be developed in the
future, as a student - or bachelor project. The backbone model was too complex and expensive and
should be developed as a separate project. The MDL model and resistance model both had desirable
features, but the MDL model was chosen to further develop based on:

The model is beneficial for research; a open database for seakeeping and manoeuvring is today
not available and there are several hot topics for research w.r.t capsizing stability, i.e parametric

The model is beneficial for the student as it can be used to illustrate phenomena that is chal-
lenging to grasp theoretically.

With some loss of accuracy, the model can be used in the towing tank for educational use.

The MDL basin will probably be available for the students after 4 PM

Based on the reasoning in section 2.2.1 and the interview with lectures it was decided that a RoRo ship
with a length of 200 meters will suit this concept best. Since no publicly available hull for this type
of vessel exist, the hull will be designed from scratch. When referring to the model in the continuing
text this will be the MDL model.

3 Hull design

3 Hull design

This chapter address the design of a hull for the MDL model. The purpose is to design a hull with
respect to the model features. The performance of the hull, with its hydrostatic & stability, resistance
and seakeeping abilities should represent a real vessel, but with room for student optimisation. In this
chapter, only the full scale hull will be considered.

3.1 Methodology

Figure 14 illustrates the work flow of this chapter. The main dimensions of a vessel are normally
chosen with regard to limitations as port drafts or amount of cargo to carry. In this project, no
such limitations exist. The dimensions were therefore chosen with regard to ship properties from
chapter 2 and from relevant reference ships. The idea is that the main dimension of the hull should be
relatively normal, so that the model would be representative for a real life vessel. From the previous
phase, it was established that a RoRo-vessel with an approximate length of 200 meters were to be
designed. Various types of RoRo vessels of 200 meters were evaluated and reference dimensions were
selected. The dimensions were verified with different empirical formulas. The hull was then designed
according to the derived dimensions. Then the hulls performance with respect to stability, resistance
and seakeeeping were evaluated. The ships performance with regard to manoeuvring was neglected
in this project, due to limited time and that no rudder were designed.

Figure 14: Work process, hull design

3.1.1 Reference ships

The first step when selecting the main dimensions was to determine which type of RoRo vessel to
design. The different types were evaluated with regard to how well they can trigger the desired
features. An approximately 200 meter long RoRo vessel was the first criterion. The hull should have
a modern shape to best compliment the research and provide results that can be associated with
todays RoRo fleet. Modern reference vessels recently built were therefore considered. Ships with a
large bow flare are especially exposed to parametric roll, slamming and non-linear wave loads which
are all desired features for the model to illustrate. The second criteria was therefore that the ship
should have a large bow flare.

Another preferred feature was to have a slender ship with a high Froude number. For vessels with
high Froude number, i.e in the region of a container ship, the residuary resistance represents a greater

3 Hull design

part of the total resistance, see Figure 15. The wave making would therefore be more interesting to
investigate for the students.

Figure 15: Resistance components for different types of vessels, Fig. 4.1 (Larsson and Raven, 2010)

Since RoRo is a quite wide term for a vessel designed to carry wheeled cargo, many different types of
ships within this gender needed to be evaluated. Some of the types considered were ConRo, RoPax,
RoLo, PCC and PCTC. A ConRo is a vessel that carry both containers and wheeled cargo. A RoPax
carries wheeled cargo and passengers. The RoLo vessel can in addition to operate wheeled cargo, lift
cargo on and off with installed cranes. A PCC is specialised vessel used to transport only cars and
a PCTC transport both trucks and cars. By investigating the different vessels it was found that the
PCTC had most of the desired features from phase one. The PCTCs generally have a large bow flare,
slender body and run at a high Froude number.

The next step was then to establish the main dimensions of the full scale vessel. Ten different ref-
erence PCTCs of approximately 200 meters were evaluated with regard to beam, draft, speed and
displacement. See section 3.2.1, table 5 for an overview of the results and figure 16 for the considered
reference vessels.

3 Hull design

Figure 16: Reference vessels

The reference vessels were found from the homepages of Wallenius ("Wallenius - fleet", 2016), Wil-
helmsen ("Wilhelmsen - fleet", 2015) and Hegh ("Hoegh - fleet", 2014).

3.1.2 Literature and empirical formulas

Figure 17 illustrates the work flow when setting the main dimensions of the PCTC. Preliminary main
dimensions were set with regard to the reference ships. Those dimensions were verified using literature
and empirical formulas. Last, the remaining characteristics of the vessel were calculated.

Figure 17: Process when determining the main dimensions of the full scale vessel

Preliminary main dimensions

From the reference ships the preliminary beam, draft and speed of the ship was determined. Using
these dimensions, the Froude number, block coefficient and displacement were calculated. The block
coefficient is defined as the ratio between the actual underwater hull volume of the ship at a given

3 Hull design

draft and the volume of a rectangular prism. Since the displacement is unknown, empirical formulas
proposed by (Jensen, 1994) and Bertram and Wobig (1999) were used as an estimation. Both the
formulas are given as a function of the Froude number.

The empirical formula of Jensen (1994) for ships with Froude number in the region 0.1 < Fn < 0.4
was given as

Fn + 18.633 Fn 134 Fn3 + 913 Fn5 2274.852 Fn7

CB = 2.179 9.675 (2)

And Bertram and Wobig (1999) for 0.145 < Fn < 0.325

Fn 39.1 Fn + 46.6 Fn3

CB = 4.22 27.8 (3)

Checking of preliminary main dimensions

To check whether the preliminary dimensions are feasible, the following investigations were performed

The Froude number was compared with literature

The length and beam were calculated using empirical formulas, based on the calculated Froude
number, displacement and block coefficient.

Common ratios were calculated and compared with literature.

In order to avoid humps in the wave making resistance curve, the Froude number should not be within
0.25 < Fn < 0.32 (Schreuder and Tillig, 2015). Humps are the interference between two waves, where
they intensify each other, which lead to an increase in the resistance. The contrast to humps are
hollows, where the waves have a destructive interference, meaning they cancel each other out. A
Froude number around 0.25 is in addition often unfavourable due to that considerable wave making
may start at this point (Larsson and Raven, 2010).

To verify the preliminary length of the vessel, it was calculated as a function of the derived displace-
ment, block coefficient and speed. Several empirical formulas exist to select the length of the vessel.
They have been developed based on different criteria such as production cost or statistics of existing
ships. Equation 4 gives an approximation of the length based on the lowest production cost.

Lpp = 0.3 V 0.3 C (4)

CB +0.5 0.145
Where C = 3.2 ( 0.145 )+0.5
for CB 6= Fn . Where V the speed in knots and the displacement is
given in tons (Schneekluth and Bertram, 1998).

Equation 5 below is in difference from equation 4 an iterative estimation of the length, based on
statistics from existing vessels. The equation is recommended by Ayre (Schneekluth and Bertram,

3 Hull design

Lpp V
1 = 3.33 + 1.67 (5)
3 Lpp

The minimum dimensions of the beam is usually determined from the requirements for sufficient
stability, while the maximum value are normally restricted by topological limits of the route. The
majority of the reference vessels had a beam of 32.3 meters, due to the former restrictions of the
Panama Canal. This dimension was verified with two different formulas, both found in Schreuder
and Tillig (2015).

Equation 6 recommended from Bertram and Wobig (1999) is a good approximation for build ships in
the range 130m < Lpp < 410m.

B = 0.175 Lpp 2.5m (6)

Equation 7 from Rawson and Tupper (1994) is an estimation of the beam for cargo ships

B= + 4.27m (7)

The main requirements for the draft arises from the fitting of the propeller. If the model should be able
to do self-propulsion tests, the model propeller diameter has to be of a certain size. It was therefore
desired that the ship should have a large propeller as possible, within sensible limits. See Table 6 for
the chosen draft and propeller diameter. The ballast draft was decided based on the draft necessary
to keep the propeller and bulb submerged.

The normal ratios to evaluate are the length to beam ratio, beam to draft, length to depth and beam
to depth. The two latter ones are not considered as the depth is not taken into account. This is
because it depends on the load plan, which is not available in this thesis. The length to beam ratio is
an indication of the slenderness of the ship and should be close to 6.25m for a container ship, according
to Papanikolaou (2015). Since a container vessel and a PCTC have a relatively similar hull shape, the
length to beam ratio for the PCTC should be close to this value. The same source recommend that
the beam to draft ratio is close to 2.5m. The value may deviate for ships with low draft or challenging
stability, but is not to exceed 9.625 7.5 CB = 4.672m (Schreuder and Tillig, 2015).

Remaining main characteristic

After checking and concluding on the main dimensions of the ship, the following parameters were
calculated using empirical formulas and relevant literature:


Longitudinal centre of buoyancy (LCB)

Length of entrance, run and parallel midbody

The main coefficients describing the hull form of a ship, in addition to CB , are the midship section
coefficient (CM ), the waterplane area coefficient (CW P ) and the prismatic coefficient (CP ).

3 Hull design

The midship section area coefficient expresses the fullness of the midship section compared to a
rectangle of the same width and height. The formula for the midship section area coefficient is given
by Bertram and Wobig (1999) as,

CM = 0.96845 + 0.095(CB 0.57) (8)

And Jensen (1994),

CM = 0.526 + 1.135 CB 0.683 CB (9)

The value of CM for most vessels are usually very high. The water plane area coefficient CW P indicates
the slenderness of the waterline, which affects both the wave making resistance from the hull and the
stability of the vessel. The coefficient was found using the empirical formula given in Schreuder and
Tillig (2015).

CW P = 0.9811 CB (10)

The prismatic coefficient was then found as the ratio between the block coefficient and the midship
section area coefficient. The calculations of the optimum prismatic coefficient was verified using Figure
11.1 in Larsson and Raven (2010), Figure 18 below. The figure is based on results from different sources
and shows the optimum prismatic coefficient on the y-axis and the Froude number on the x-axis.

Figure 18: Prismatic coefficient versus Froude number, ref. Fig 11.1 (Larsson and Raven, 2010)

The positioning of the longitudinal centre of buoyancy (LCB) was then estimated. LCB is the lon-
gitudinal distance from the midship section to the centre of the displaced volume of water. Figure
19 shows the optimum position of the LCB versus the ships Froude number, given in percent of the
length of the ship, Lpp .

3 Hull design

Figure 19: Optimum location of CoB vs Froude number, Fig. 11.2 ref (Larsson and Raven, 2010)

As seen from figure 19, at Froude number 0.15 - 0.25 there is a rapid shift in the location of the
LCB from forward to aft. After a Froude number of approximately 0.3, the LCB is moved aftward
more gradually. For medium displacement speed 0.2 < Fn < 0.3 the wave resistance is a significant
resistance component. To reduce the pressure peak that generates in a blunt bow, the fore is made
more slender. Due to the thinner bow, the LCB is moved aft wards.

The position of the forward shoulder and the length of the parallel midbody was found from Fig.
3.7 in Ship Design (Papanikolaou, 2015), using the prismatic coefficient. The position of the forward
shoulder affects the wave making resistance. A correct position will cause a favourable interference
between the wave created at the bow and the shoulder, which in turn will decrease the resistance of
the ship. The position of the aft shoulders were determined by the length of the mid section and have
less influence on the total resistance. To find the correct positions, the ship can roughly be divided
into three lengths LE +LP +LR = Lpp . Where LE is the length of the entrance, LP is the length of the
parallel midbody and LR is the length from the end of the parallel midbody to the aft perpendicular.
These parameters determine the position of the forward and aft shoulders of the ship. Figure 20 shows
the length of each sections as a fraction of the total length between the perpendiculars.

Figure 20: Fraction of entrance, midbody and run as a fraction of Lpp

3 Hull design

3.1.3 Shape of the hull

After fixing the main dimensions, the next step is to investigate what shape the ship should have.
The shape is limited by the ships main dimensions and its sectional area curve (SAC), but there is
still freedom to shape the lines. There exist a lot of literature on how a ship should be formed to
obtain the best characteristic. In this section, relevant literature regarding the shape of the ship will
be presented.

Sectional area curve

The SAC curve shows the area of each underwater section of the ship plotted against its length.
It shows how the ships volume is distributed and indicates the location of the LCB. The sectional
area curve can be designed as a trapezium, see thin line in Figure 21. The maximum height of the
trapezium is taken as the product of the breadth and depth of the ship. The trapezium in divided
lengthwise into sections according to the length of the aft, fore and midship. The trapezium works as
a skeleton for the actual SAC curve. Its final shape depends on the ship type. Typically for slender
ship is a SAC curve with centroid aft midship and a s-shaped entrance as a result of the bulb (Larsson
and Raven, 2010).

Figure 21: Design of a sectional area curve

Fore ship
When designing the fore part of the ship, the position of the shoulders, the design of the waterline, the
shape of the sections and the shape of the bulb are important parameters. The importance of position
of the shoulders are already emphasised in section 3.1.2. However, the final position and shape has to
be determined by the use of potential flow methods.

For medium and high Froude number, Papanikolaou (2015) recommend that the entrance shape of
the waterline should have a concave form, as illustrated in Figure 22. Based on formulas provided by
Saunders (1957), the entrance angle of the waterline is calculated. See Appendix D.

3 Hull design

Figure 22: Entrance of waterline, Fig. 3.11 (Papanikolaou, 2015)

The shape of the ships forbody section depends on several factors, both concerning stability, hydro-
dynamic, construction and exploitation of space, etc. A V-shaped section is normally applied for fast
ferries, while a U-shaped section is normal for tankers and slow going ships. For the PCTC in this
project, a combination of less pronounced sections of U and V type are considered the best solution.

The vessels performance in seakeeping are often sensitive to the displacement and weight distribution.
It is therefor an advantage if the model can operate at several drafts without the waterline being
significantly changed. This is accomplished by making the bulb relatively small and positioned it far
below the waterline. The size of the bulb is determined by the coefficients presented in Kracht (1978)
and rendered in Figure 23 and Table 4. It is desired to make the lower part of the bulbs cross section
V-shaped in order to avoid slamming.

Figure 23: Sketch of bulb (Kracht, 1978)

Table 4: Minimum and maximum values of coefficients (Schreuder and Tillig, 2015)

Coefficient Explanation Minimum Maximum

CBB = BB /B Breadth 0.170 0.200
CLP R = LP R /LP P Length 0.018 0.031
CZB = ZB /T Height 0.260 0.550

3 Hull design

The midship sections are the part of the ship that are equal sectional wise. The midship section should
be rectangular, with vertical sides and a constant bilge radius. It is important to have a large enough
bilge radius in order to avoid separation. The radius is decided based on the formula from Schneekluth
and Bertram (1998).

Rbilge = Lpp
= 3.615[m] (11)
( B+4 ) 2

where Ck were chosen as 0.5. According to table 2.17 in Schneekluth and Bertram (1998) a bilge
radius for a common cargo ship normally lays between 2 and 2.7 meters. Since a PCTC is a large,
fast cargo ship, the bilge radius calculated above were adjusted slightly down to 3.3 meters.

Aft ship
When designing the aft of the vessel, the aft shoulders, transom, propeller clearance and wake field is
of most importance. Based on the reference ship a single screw arrangement was chosen for the model.

The aft shoulder cause wave system due to the convex curvature. This results in a low pressure area,
where the pressure decreases towards the hull. The generated wave system will therefore start with a
wave trough. The aft shoulder should be positioned at a longitudinal length along the hull, so that
the generated wave system interfere nicely with the wave system generated from the forward shoulder
and bulbous bow (Larsson and Raven, 2010).

Most commercial vessels today have a transom stern. When designing the transom, it was important
to determine if it should be submerged or over the water line, dry. A dry transom is favourable with
respect to resistance. The waterlines will follow the hull and leave the stern smoothly (Larsson and
Raven, 2010). For a wet transom, the flow will move with the hull. This may result in turbulent
flow behind the stern, which will increase the resistance. According to Schneekluth and Bertram
(1998) it is recommended to have a dry transom for vessels with Froude number below 0.3, where
some submergence of the stern during operation is expected. The drawback with a dry transom, is
that the angle from the aft shoulder to the edge of the transom can become too large, which causes
unfavourable flow and separation.

This angle is determined by the height from the baseline to the edge of the transom, which again is
limited by the propeller diameter. The maximum angle has to be determined by flow calculations, but
should normally not exceed 12 degrees. In addition to the propeller diameter, it should be a clearance
between the propeller tip and the hull and the propeller tip and baseline. DNV (2000) recommend
a clearance of 0.2 Dprop for the former, and 0.035 Dprop for the latter clearance. This gives a total
minimum distance from the baseline to the hull of 1.235 Dprop . The propeller base has to be located
sufficiently far from the end of the ship to give space to the rudder. Due to the absence of the rudder
dimensions, the distance from aft perpendicular to the propeller base is usually taken as 0.04 Lpp ,
according to Schneekluth and Bertram (1998). These two distances form a point where the bottom
line of the stern have to go through, see Figure 24. The goal is to keep the angle between the baseline
and the stern sufficiently small and at the same time have a dry transom.

3 Hull design

Figure 24: Propeller clearance, obtained from DNV recommendations for single screw vessels

For slender vessels at relatively high speed, the stern wave making is a considerable factor in the total
resistance. In order to decrease the resistance, the hull should be designed so that the flow lines are as
straight as possible. A relatively flat afterbody with a concave last part towards the stern was desired
in order to reduce transverse waves from the ship that may be generated on wide transom sterns, as
for a PCTC.

For vessels with a slender afterbody fitted with a single-screw, the wake is less homogeneous than
the wake of a more full body form (Larsson and Raven, 2010). It is therefore especially important to
optimise the flow into the propeller for this kind of vessel. The bulb shaped stern, as opposed to a
V-shaped stern, is favoured for slender hull forms. This is mainly because the deep wake peak in the
top of the propeller disk are reduced due to that the lines above the propeller become more slender,
which gives a more uniform flow into the propeller. In addition, the vortex get stronger due to the
curvature of the bilge. See Figure 25 for the desired shape of the stern.

Figure 25: Desired bulb shaped stern, ref. Fig 11.20 (Larsson and Raven, 2010)

3 Hull design

3.1.4 Modeling of the hull

MaxSurf Modeller was used to model the hull. This is a three-dimensional surface modelling system
created to design marine constructions (Bentley, 2015a). In this subsection, the basic features in
MaxSurf, along with some practical modelling techniques, are elaborated.

Modeling of surfaces
MaxSurf uses Non Uniform Rational B-spline (NURB) surfaces to create a model. The shape of a
NURB surface is calculated based on the position and weight of a number of control points and a
given surface stiffness in transverse and longitudinal direction. The control points are distributed in
a net of control points with four corner points, see Figure 26. Any number of rows and columns of
control points can be added to obtain the desired surface.

Figure 26: Net of control points used to define a surface (Bentley, 2015a)

In MaxSurf, it is distinguished between two type of NURB surfaces, namely B-spline and NURB. The
latter differ from the former as it is possible to change the weight of the control points from unity. In
practical ship design, the NURB surfaces are only used to model precise conic shapes, i.e. the bilge.
The stiffness of the surface can be increased from 2 - linear, 3 - flexible, up to 10 which represent a
stiff plate. The stiffness of the surface decide the "amount of curvature" between the control points,
i.e a stiffness of 2 would mean that a straight line is created between two control points. What degree
of stiffens to choose depends on the shape that should be modelled, but a good start according to
MaxSurf User Manual (Bentley, 2015a), is a longitudinal stiffness of 5 and transverse stiffness of 4.
The degree of stiffness has to be equal or lower then the number of rows or columns with control

Designing the hull

Several surfaces are needed to successfully design a hull. This ship is designed by the stepwise procedure
illustrated in Figure 27. First the midship section is designed (fig. 27a). Then the part of the bow
and stern that consist of flat plates are made (fig. 27b). After that, the curved plates between the flat
side and bottom plate are designed (fig. 27c) and finally, the bow and stern are made (fig. 27d). The
surfaces are bonded, which means that the surfaces share the control points along their edge. This
ensure a nice transition between the surfaces. To be able to bond surfaces, the surfaces has to have
the same stiffness and number of control points. The geometry of the curved plates are mainly shaped
through the sectional view, while the flat plates are modelled in the side view. Smaller modifications
are done in all views to ensure smooth lines.

3 Hull design

(a) Midship

(b) Midship including flat plates

(c) Ship excluding bow and stern

(d) Complete ship

Figure 27: Methodology of modelling a ship

The bilge is modelled as a perfect quarter circle. This is done by using a NURB surface with three
control points for each column and a order of 3 in stiffness, see Figure 28a. If the distance of the
control points are kept equal, the weight of the centre point can be calculates as, w = cos( 2 ) =
cos45 = 0.7071. Since more than three rows with control points are needed to model the curved
section between the flat plates (fig. 27c), this surfaces can not be bonded with the bilge. It is not
possible to make these two quarter circles perfectly equal. This is not critical as a watertight geometry
can be obtained at a later stage using Stereo Lithography Trimesh (STL) meshing. A close enough
match between the two surfaces can be obtained by calculating the transverse and vertical position
of each control points using trigonometric functions, sinus and cosinus, which ensure that the control
points are placed at the bilge arc, see Figure 28b. This is done with a accuracy of 3 decimals.

An additional row or column with control points has been added close to the the end of each surface.
These additional control points have the exact same position, in two of the directions, as the end
points. This can be seen in Figure 28b. This is done to ensure that the tangent of the curve is zero

3 Hull design

across the two bonding surfaces. Thus, a nice transition is ensured.

(a) Modeling of bilge (Bentley, 2015a) (b) Connection to bilge

Figure 28: Modelling of bilge

The stern and bow is challenging to model because the ship is closed in these regions and the geometry
are often complex. To close the ship, the waterlines has to be manipulated, while in order to shape the
bow and stern, the buttocks have to be manipulated. There are two normal approaches to accomplish
this; the fan shaped distribution of control points (fig. 29a) and the distribution of control point
beyond the centre line (fig. 29b). In the former method the control points are distributed in fan
shaped pattern. This gives good control of the buttocks. The latter method distribute the control
points sectional-ways, as with the rest of the ship, but extends the end points beyond the centre line.
The surface that crosses the centre line has to be trimmed away when the desired shape is obtained.
This method gives good control of the waterline. As the shape of the bow and stern are to be changed
by the students, it is chosen to use the method with fan shaped distribution of control points, both
for the stern and bow.

(a) Fan shaped distribution of control points (b) Distribution of control point beyond centre

Figure 29: Modelling of bow/stern

Faring of the hull is the process of making the hull as smooth as possible. The goal is to remove every
unnecessary curvature or knuckles from the hull lines. This is important, as these knuckles creates
pressure variations and thus larger resistance. It is impossible to make a perfectly fair hull as this
demands straight lines or lines with a constant curvature. This counteract with the ship geometry.
Thus, fairing is an optimisation problem between fair lines and obtaining the desired shape.

3 Hull design

Faring is carried out after the main shape of the hull is finish. But a fair hull strongly depends on
how the model is build. The general rule is to use as few control points as possible. A NURB curve
with few control points would return a fair curve, with few variations in curvature. However, few
control points means reduced control of the shape of the curve. In example the bilge is modelled
with the minimum of three control points and is completely fair, but it is impossible to make the
curved plate discussed above (fig. 27c) with three points. The distribution of the control points is
also important to obtain a fair hull. The fairness of the net of control points represent the fairness
of the under-laying surface (Bentley, 2015a). This correlates to two important properties with the
NURB curve; the NURB curves always start and end with the same slope as the accompanying net
and the curve is guaranteed not to extend outside the area, highlighted in grey in Figure 30, limited
by its control points. This means that rows and columns with control points should not intersect with
neighbouring rows and columns, if this can be avoided.

Figure 30: Behaviour of the NURB curve (Bentley, 2015a)

There are several techniques used to investigate the fairness of the hull. The simplest one is to
rotate the hull around different axis, with different lightning and study how the light change along
the hull. The parts of the hull where the change in light is rather small is considered fair. Of more
advanced techniques, MaxSurf have a command which shows the Porcupines perpendicular to the
surface contours and different types of rendering.

The Porcupines can be displayed using the Show Curvature command in MaxSurf. The length of the
porcupines is inversely proportional to the square root of the radius of curvature at that point on
the curve (Bentley, 2015a). The longer the porcupines is, the smaller the radius which means more
curvature. This is a handy tool to investigate how smooth the change in curvature is on, i.e. the
waterlines. Figure 31 shows the porcupines displayed on a waterline. The valley between the two tops
indicate that the curvature at this point is in the opposite direction, something which is unfavourable
and should be adjusted if possible.

Figure 31: The porcupines displayed on a waterline

3 Hull design

MaxSurf has the following rendering options made to investigate fairness; Gaussian curvature, lon-
gitudinal curvature, transverse curvature and convexity. The most useful of these is the longitudinal
curvature. It display the curvature of each longitudinal parametric curve, taken perpendicular to the
surface at each point along the hull. The goal is to obtain an even graduation of colour along the
hull. Inflections can be detected by looking for sudden changes from blue, positive curvature, and red,
negative curvature.

It is a challenge itself to design a ship with nice lines and high degree of fairness. In addition the ship
has to fulfil requirements as correct displacement and a sensible LCB. These parameters are assessed
in the next section.

3.1.5 Hydrostatic & stability

Maxsurf Stability has been used to evaluate the hydrostatic properties of the ship and its performance
with respect to stability. The hydrostatic properties are calculated for a selection of drafts between
ballast draft and T = 12m. There has not been developed any load plan for the ship, thus the centre of
gravity is unknown. To assess the stability, a limiting KG analyse has been carried out. This analysis
calculates the highest vertical position of the centre of gravity (maximum KG) for which the selected
stability criteria are just passed. At each displacement, several GZ-curves are calculated for different
KGs. The centre of gravity is increased until one of the stability criteria fails. The criteria evaluated
is those defined in IMO MSC 267 (IMO, 2008). In a addition a GZ-curve is calculated for the design
draft. The centre of gravity is given by the maximum VCG from the limited KG analyse and LCG
equal to LCB. TCG is set to zero.

3.1.6 Resistance & flow

The software Shipflow was used to investigate the performance of the ship. Shipflow is a numerical
program used to solve hydrodynamic problems. The program consists of five major modules; XMESH,
XPAN, XBOUND, XGRID and XCHAP, which are partly interacting with each other. A short
introduction of the modules are given below.

XPAN is used to calculate the wave resistance and wave pattern. The program uses the potential flow
theory, thereby excluding the viscosity of the fluid and only taking the pressure forces into account.
The mesh used in XPAN are generated in the module XMESH. The wave resistance is calculated
based on the energy-flux of the far-field waves generated by the ship. As an equal amount of energy
has to be supplied by the ship, the wave resistance equals the energy flux divided by the ships speed.
The results from XPAN are used to execute the program XBOUND.

In XBOUND the thin turbulent boundary layer is computed together with the skin friction and limiting
streamlines. The module can also compute the transition to turbulent boundary layer for simple cases
when a stagnation point (the local velocity is zero) is clearly defined (Flowtech, 2016). The database
file generated from XBOUND was used in the module XCHAP.

XCHAP was used to obtain the viscous effects. XCHAP solves the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes
equations, using several turbulence models. From this the turbulent quantities, pressure and velocity
field were acquired. The grid used for the viscous computations in XCHAP can either be imported

3 Hull design

from external grid generators or generated in the module XGRID. XGRID calculates the grid around
a ship. The program can handle bulbous bows and transom sterns, but not appendages.

Several analysis were run in Shipflow for the design draft and speed of the vessel. It is common practice
to do the initial CFD calculations for model scale. The model scale ensures a smaller Reynolds number,
resulting in a thicker boundary layer with more room for mesh cells. Shipflow automatically scale the
ship based on the Reynolds number. The hull was revised with regard to entrance angle, placement
of shoulders and stern until a satisfactory result was achieved. The goal was to obtain a fairly good
stern and a fore part with room for optimisation for the students. More effort was put into optimising
the stern as it is more expensive and challenging to modify when the model is finished. A decent
initial performance was therefore important. When reasonable results for model scale were achieved,
the CFD calculations were run with full scale Reynolds number.

The full scale resistance from the CFD calculations was verified using the resistance coefficients ob-
tained from the model scale CFD simulation and the ITTC78 procedure, specified in Larsson and
Raven (2010). The result was also verified using Maxsurf Resistance. The program considers different
algorithms, depending on the hull type, to estimate the resistance. The Holtrop algorithm was chosen
as the most suitable for the designed PCTC. The slender body method was used to estimate the
energy in the free-surface wave pattern generated by the hull. This was used to calculate the wave
resistance of the vessel. The program compute the total resistance by adding the wave resistance from
the slender body method to the viscous resistance estimated from ITTC57 (Bentley, 2015c). The
results can be obtained from section 3.2.5, figure 45.

3.1.7 Seakeeping

Maxsurf Motion is used to assess the seakeeping abilities of the hull. Maxsurf Motion uses linear strip
theory to calculate the vessels response in heave and pitch (Bentley, 2015b). Roll response is calculated
assuming that the vessel behaves as a simple, damped, spring/mass system, and that the added inertia
and damping are constant with frequency. The other degrees of freedom can be calculated using the
panel method, but only for zero speed.

Strip theory consider the vessel to be made up of a finite number of transverse sections which are
rigidly connected to each other. The sections are transformed into circles using conformal mapping.
Maxsurf uses Lewis mapping which is able to map a large range of ship-like sections (Bentley, 2015b).
The coefficients in the equation of motion are then calculated and integrated over the length of the
vessel to obtain the global coefficients. Finally, the coupled equation of motion are solved.

The result is presented as response amplitude operators (RAO), which gives the motion amplitude of
the ship as a function of encounter frequency. The RAOs describe how the ship behave when exposed
to one unit wave amplitude (or slope). To assess the ship behaviour in a irregular seastate, one has
to do a spectral analyse. In a spectral analyse, the RAOs are treated as sort of filter that transfer the
motion of the waves into ship motions. The ship motions are represented by a response spectrum. The
irregular waves are represented by wave energy spectres, which gives the wave energy as a function
of wave frequency. By assuming that the ship motion responses are linearly proportional to the wave
amplitude, the response spectrum for a particular wave spectrum can be derived by multiplying the
square of the RAO with the wave spectrum, for each wave frequency (Nielsen, 2010):

3 Hull design

S(e ) = RAO(e )2 S (e ) (12)

Maxsurf does this automatically, and can even calculate the velocity and acceleration spectrum (by
differentiation) at any location of the ship (Bentley, 2015b). Based on these spectra one can calculate
several useful statistical quantities which in turn can be used to calculate the probability for exceeding
certain limiting criteria, such as maximum vertical accelerations, propeller emergence, slamming, etc.
However, the goal of this analyse is to derive the ships RAOs and the significant vertical accelerations
at different locations on the ship. The computed accelerations are compared with the limiting vertical
acceleration derived from section 4 - Design load in the DNV standard, Hull structural design - Ships
with length 100 metres and above (DNV, 2016). The calculations of the acceleration from DNV are
available in Appendix G.

For the headings which gives the largest accelerations, the probability of exceeding the DNV limit
(eq. 13) and the occurrence per hour (eq. 14) is calculated based on the following formulas (Bentley,

prob(a > acrit ) = exp( ) (13)
2 m0a

N= prob(a > acrit ) (14)

Where acrit is the critical vertical acceleration, m0a is variance of the acceleration energy spectrum,
N is the number of occurrence per hour, and Tp is the mean of the zero-upcrossing period of the

To set up the analyse the following parameters are defined:

The draft is set to the design draft and the trim to zero. The speed of the vessel is set to design
speed of 21 knots.

The number of transverse sections is set to 25 to ensure an accurate prediction of the ship

The order of conformal mapping is set to 12 to ensure that the hull shape is represented accu-

The VCG is set to 15 meters, which is close to the maximum value calculated in the limited KG
analyse done in section 3.1.5.

The radius of gyration is set equal to 0.25 Lpp for pitch and yaw, and equal to 0.35 B. This is
in accordance with the ITTC procedure 7.5-02 07-02.1 (ITTC, 2011b).

Roll damping largely depend on viscous effects which are not accounted for in Maxsurf and
therefor have to be defined by the user. It is defined by a damping coefficient, which for most

3 Hull design

vessel are between 0.05 and 0.1. The lower value is typical for ships without roll suppression
devices and is chosen here (Bentley, 2015b).

There are several option to correct the result obtained from strip theory for different vessel. In
this case a transom stern is accounted for and the added resistance is estimated by the method
of Salvesen (Bentley, 2015b).

5 headings are defined; head sea (180), bow quartering sea (135), beam sea (90), stern quar-
tering sea (45) and following sea (0).

Three points are defined to calculate acceleration: Af ttop = [10, 15, 32]m, F oretop = [190, 15, 32]m
and CoG = [100.17, 0, 15]m.

A Jonswap spectrum is used with a significant wave height of 11.5 meters and a zero-upcrossing
period of 11.5 s. The wave height chosen represent the mean height of seastate 8 as defined
by the World Meteorological Organisation, reprinted in Bentley (2015b). The period chosen
represent the most likely period for the particular wave height according to the North Atlantic
scatter diagram ("Wave Data", 2001).

3 Hull design

3.2 Results

In this section, the results from part 2 are presented. First the vessels dimensions and parameters
obtained from the investigation in section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 are presented. Then the results from the
design of the ship, and finally the result of the stability-, seakeeping- and resistance analysis of the
ship is given.

3.2.1 Reference Ships

The result from the study of the reference vessels is presented below. The main dimensions of the
vessels in section 3.1.1, Figure 16 are listed in the Table 5, together with the average dimensions of
all the vessel.

Table 5: Results from reference vessels

Ship Length [m] Breadth [m] Draft [m] Speed [kn]

Hegh Target 200 36 10.3 16
MV Mignon 227 32.3 11 19
MV Morning Chorus 199.9 32.3 10 20
MV Otello 199.9 32.26 9.5 19
MV Tosca 199.9 32.3 11 19
Silverstone Express 180 30 9.2 20
Viking Adventure 200 32 10.5 18
MV Tombarra 199.9 32.26 11.5 20
MV Tongala 199.9 32.26 11 19
MV Morning Concert 199.9 32.26 11 21
Average 200.64 32.39 10.50 19.10

3.2.2 Main dimensions

In Table 6, section 3.1.2, the preliminary main dimensions found from the reference study and the
empirical formulas are given. In the last column, the achieved dimensions for the PCTC are listed.
The dimensions are a combination of the values found from the reference ships and the empirical
formulas. The calculations of the empirical formulas can be found in Appendix E.

3 Hull design

Table 6: Parameters found from study of reference ships, empirical formulas and modeling of the

Parameter Reference vessels Empirical Achieved value

Length (Lpp) 180 - 227 m 208 - 220 m 200 m
Breadth (B) 30 - 36 m 26 - 33 m 32.3 m
Draft (T) 9 - 11.5 m - 11 m
Speed (V) 19 - 21 knots - 21 knots
Displacement ( - 47 000 - 49 000 tons 47 971 tons
Ballast draft - - 9m
Propeller diameter - - 6.5 m
Froude number (Fn ) 0.244 - 0.244
Block Coefficient (CB ) - 0.65 - 0.67 0.654
Midship section Coefficient (CM ) - 0.97 0.990
Water plane Area Coefficient (CW P ) - 0.77 - 0.8 0.843
Prismatic Coefficient (CP ) - 0.67 - 0.69 0.661
Length to Beam ratio - 6.2* 6.25
Beam to Draft ratio - 4.7** 2.9
LCB - 0 - 2 % aft 0.2 % aft

*Normal for container vessels

**Maximum value

3.2.3 Hull design

In this section the designed hull will be presented and its shape will be compared with the review of
the literature in section 3.1.3. The lines drawings are presented in Figure 32 and a 3D view of the
hull is showed in Figure 33. A larger version of the line drawings are available in Appendix F. From
these figures it is seen than the waterline is S-shaped with a low entrance angle. The bulb is small
and located well below the design waterline. The ship have large bow - and stern flares. The transom
are dry, the stern angle is low and the aft buttocks are relatively straight. The skeg is well integrated
in the hull with a cross section shaped like a pear. This is to force water to the upper part of the
propeller plane and thereby achieve a more uniform wake.

The hulls SAC curve is presented in Figure 34. The shape is similar to the one presented in figure
21 that represent a typical SAC curve for slender ship. Table 7 compare values from the literature
reviewed in section 3.1.3, against the one obtained from the hull. It is seen that all values are within
the range of optimum values, except the breadth of the bulb, which is relative slender.

3 Hull design

Figure 32: Lines drawings of the hull

3 Hull design

Figure 33: 3D view of the hull

Figure 34: Sectional area curve of the hull

Table 7: Comparison of the hull against the optimum values of hull shape elaborated in 3.1.3

Parameter Optimum value(s) Achieved value

Entrance angle of waterline 6.4- 17.1 12
Breadth of bulb 5.49 m - 6.46 m 3.5 m
Length of bulb 3.60 m - 6.20 m 5.4 m
Height of bulb 2.86 m - 6.05 m ca. 5 m
Bilge radius 2.7 m - 3.6 m 3.3 m
Angle between baseline 10- 15 13
and stern

3 Hull design

3.2.4 Hydrostatic & Stability

Figure 35 - 37 shows several hydrostatic properties of the ship as a function of draft. The LCB
and LCF decreases with draft indicating that the ship gets less voluminous in the fore when the draft
increases. The tonnes per centimetre immersion (TPC) and the moment to change trim one centimetre
(MTC) increase with the draft and the corresponding increase in water plane area. KB increases with
an increase in submerged volume.

Figure 35: Displacement, wet surface area and water plane area as a function of draft

Figure 36: KB, LCB and LCF as a function of draft

3 Hull design

Figure 37: TPC and MTC as a function of draft

The limiting KG analyse in Figure 38 shows that the vessel is nearly equally stable for the displace-
ments which are analysed. A minimum KG can be observed at a displacement of 44 670 tons, which
correspond to a draft of 10.4 meters. The criteria that failed for all the displacements were the initial
GM. This should be larger then 0.15 meters according to IMO (2008).

Figure 39 shows the GZ-curve for the design draft of 11 meters, a VCG of 15 meters and a LCG which
is equal to the vessels LCB. The GZ-curve has no angle of vanishing stability, meaning that the vessel
will always turn the right way when the heeling moment is removed. At least, as long as the CoG is
not changed (i.e. as a result of loose cargo).

Figure 38: Result from the limiting KG analyse

3 Hull design

Figure 39: GZ-curve for T = 11m, V CG = 15m and LCG = LCB

3.2.5 Resistance & flow

The results from the full scale simulations in Shipflow will be presented in this section. The figures
displaying the wave pattern, pressure distribution and wake have been extracted from Shipflow and
short comments are given here.

Table 8 shows the different resistance coefficients and the form factor for model - and full scale.
The wave coefficient is independent of viscosity and do not change. The total resistance obtained
from the model scale CFD calculations, scaled with ITTC78 is approximately equal to the resistance
obtained directly from full scale. As the Reynolds number differ, the viscous resistance coefficients
varies significantly between model and full scale. The from factor for full scale is almost twice as large
as the one obtained from model scale simulations.
Table 8: CFD results for model scale and full scale

Parameters Model scale Full scale

Reynolds number 8.781 106 1.818 109
CT m 4.52 10 3 2.824 10 3
CF m 2.97 10 3 1.472 10 3
CP m 0.493 10 3 0.295 10 3
CW m 1.057 10 3 1.057 10 3
k 0.129 0.242
RT s 1423 kN* 1419 kN

*Scaled using the ITTC78 procedure and obtained results from the model scale CFD (CT m and k). See Appendix H

Figure 40 shows the wave elevation along the hull seen from above. The wave making and wave
resistance are related to the hull form. According to Larsson and Raven (2010), high pressure mainly
occur near stagnation points and where there is a concave stream-wise curvature. Low pressure occur

3 Hull design

when the acceleration is directed outwards as for convex curvature. A small region of high-pressure
can be seen at the bow. The high pressure occur due to the location of the stagnation point, where
the velocity of the fluid is zero. This agrees with Bernoullis law, saying that low velocity correspond
to a high pressure and vica versa. The plot shows that it is room for improvement of the interference
between bow and foreward shoulder. The interference with the aft shoulder and stern are quite decent,
leaving a relatively low shoulder wave. This is confirmed in the plot of the wave pattern in Figure 42.

Figure 40: Wave and interference with free surface elevation colour map

Figure 41 shows the pressure distribution and wave elevation from the side. It is seen that waves are
mainly generated from the curvature in the bow, fore- and aft shoulder and the stern. This corresponds
good to the theory stated above. An elevation in the pressure occurs close to the waterline in the
forebody. This is due to the concave curvature in this region. Moving backwards, a low pressure
region occur at both the fore- and aft shoulder. The low pressure is caused by the convex curvature.
The change in pressure along the midbody is a result of the waves generated in the forebody, and not
due to curvature of the hull. The streamlines visible in figure 41 shows that they are curving down
under the ship in the foreward part, and curves up towards the stern in the end as supposed.

Figure 41: Pressure distribution (Cp) along the hull

In Figure 42 a plot of the near-field disturbance and wave system along the hull is illustrated. Compar-
ing the plot from figure 42 and the ones above, it can be seen that there is a fairly direct relationship
between the pressure distribution and the wave making along the hull. It is seen that the bulb has
almost zero affect on the wave. This may be due to that the bulb is submerged so far that it no longer
affects the wave generated on the surface. The maximum wave amplitude was found in the bow to

3 Hull design

approximately 3 meters. This is relatively high, but assumed reasonable for a fast-going vessel like

Figure 42: Wave pattern obtained from Shipflow

In Figure 43 the wake fraction distribution into the propeller plane is shown. It is seen that the flow
into the propeller plane is quite uniform, satisfying the desired features mentioned in section 3.1.3. A
friction wake is generated, meaning that it is affected by the growth of the boundary layer, taking the
shape of the hull just in front. No separation are detected in the stern of the ship.

(a) Total wake fraction in propeller disc (b) Transversely velocities in propeller disc

Figure 43: Propeller wake

Figure 44, illustrates the velocity distribution in the aft part of the vessel. At approximately half
draft, it can be seen that the flow diverge slightly. The lines above the propeller shaft is slender,
forcing the flow down to the top of the propeller blade. The concave shape of the stern increase the
velocity of the flow into the propeller disk.

3 Hull design

Figure 44: Pressure (Cp) distribution and velocity flow into the propeller

Figure 45 shows a plot of the ships resistance as a function of the speed. The total resistance obtained
from the full scale CFD computations can be seen with the red circle in the graph. The black full line
indicates the resistance versus speed obtained from the Holtrop algorithm explained in section 3.1.6.
The Holtrop algorithm estimates the resistance to approximately 1400 kN, while the full scale CFD
gives a total resistance of 1419 kN. The total resistance from the CFD simulation is slightly higher
than what the Holtrop method predicts at the same design speed.

Figure 45: Speed-resistance curve

3 Hull design

3.2.6 Seakeeping

Figure 46 shows the vessels transfer functions or RAOs in different headings. By studying the heave
curve in Figure 46a to 46c it is seen that it tend to unity at low frequency. This is when the ship simply
move up and down with the waves. At larger frequency it is seen that the response approaches zero.
This is due to the effect of many small waves cancelling each other out over the length of the ship.
The heave curves in the three figures have a distinct peak. This peak is due to resonance between the
wave period and the vessels natural period. An RAO value greater then unity means that the ship
response is greater then the wave amplitude or slope. The same analogy goes for pitch and rolling, but
is not that easily seen on the RAOs. The largest value of the RAOs are observed for roll at a heading
of 45 and an encounter frequency off e = 0.125rad/s. In general the response from following - to
stern quartering sea seems significant severe than head - to beam sea, having values much larger then

(a) Head sea, 180 (b) Bow quartering sea, 135 (c) Beam sea 90

(d) Stern quartering sea, 45 (e) Following sea, 0

Figure 46: The ships RAO in heave, roll and pitch

Figure 47 shows the significant acceleration amplitudes at different headings and locations at the ship.
The black line illustrate the maximum vertical accelerations defined by DNV. All accelerations are
within the limit. The largest accelerations occurs at head - and bow quartering sea. This contradict
with what is observed in the RAOs. However, the ship motions in irregular sea also depends on how
the wave energy are distributed over the frequencies. If the RAOs and the wave spectrum has a large
value at particular frequency, one could except large ship motions at this frequency, and vica versa.
Table 9 gives the probability of exceeding the critical acceleration defined by DNV and the number
of occurrence per hour for head sea. The calculations are only done for head sea, as this is the most
server heading according to figure 47.

3 Hull design

Figure 47: Significant acceleration amplitudes at remote locations on the ship

Table 9: Probability of exceeding the critical acceleration and the number of occurrence per hour
for head sea

Location [m] acrit [m/s2 ] m0a [m2 /s4 ] Tp prob(a > acrit ) N
x = 10 8.0 3.78 8.29 0.02% 0.09
x = 100.7 4.6 1.45 8.72 0.07% 0.28
x = 90 9.3 8.12 8.94 0.49% 1.95

3 Hull design

3.3 Discussion

In this section, the selection of the main dimensions along with the shape and performance of the hull
will be discussed.

3.3.1 Main dimensions

The determination of the main dimensions was carried out as an iterative procedure, in order to find
the optimum relations. To have a reasonable starting point, the length of the full scale vessel was
decided by the lecturers in the first round of interviews to 200 meters. Using empirical formulas, it
was found that at the given speed, the length of the vessel could be increased to some extent. The
length of the vessel was, despite the empirical formulas, set to 200 meters. This was mainly due to
the request of the lecturers and the wish to design a vessel close to the reference vessels.

It was a desired feature from the lecturers to have a vessel with a high Froude number. As seen in
figure 15, section 3.2.1, the wave resistance increase with the Froude number. In the finished model,
the students will be limited to do local changes. Therefore, it will be challenging to optimise with
regard to the viscous resistance, such as wetted surface. It was therefore important to make the wave
resistance as dominant as possible, so that the results from the students optimisation would represent
a larger reduction of the total resistance. However, it was important that the Froude number was
outside the limits mentioned in section 3.1.2. It can be seen that the value is close to the lower limit
for where the humps in the wave making resistance curve begins. It could therefore be discussed if the
speed should be reduced slightly in order to get more clearance to this limit. This will be a trade-off
between the students learning outcome and the performance of the vessel for use in research.

All the reference vessels had approximately the same beam, around 32.3 meters. These dimensions
are probably set with regard to the former restrictions of the Panama Canal of 32.3 meters. Since
the maximum width of the Panama Canal have been increased recently, it was discussed whether the
beam of the new model should be made wider. According to the empirical formulas, the beam was
recommended to be within 26 - 33 meters, which indicated that a larger beam would not be beneficial.
The draft of the PCTC was set to the upper limit of the reference vessels, in order to fit a large
propeller. A large propeller is favourable if the model should be used in self-propulsion trials. This
will be discussed further in section 4.3.

According to Table 2.6 in Papanikolaou (2015), the length to beam ratio for fast seagoing cargo ships
should be within 5.7 - 7.8. From Table 6 the ratio was calculated to 6.2, which is nicely within the
given range. According to (Schreuder and Tillig, 2015) the B ratio should be approximately 6.25 for
container vessels. Since a container vessels usually have a lower Froude number than the PCTCs, this
is coherent with a slightly higher length to beam ratio.

In order to reduce both the residuary- and the frictional resistance of the hull, it was desired to have
a beam to draft ratio value around 2.5. From table 6, the beam to draft ratio were calculated to 2.9.
This value is a bit high compared to other fast going vessels, but still within the limit mentioned in
section 3.1.2. It was assumed that the downside by the slightly low B T ratio was compensated by the
higher draft, which allowed a larger propeller and a dry transom.

The coefficients calculated in table 6 gives an indication of the hull shape of the vessel. As expected

3 Hull design

for a slender fast going ship, it can be seen that the midship section coefficient is quite large, close to
1. The prismatic block coefficient on the other hand is relatively small, which generally indicates that
the vessel have slender ends and that the displacement is mainly concentrated around the midship
section. This corresponds quite well to the large midship area coefficient. The block coefficient is
relatively low, indicating that the vessel have a slender hull form.

The longitudinal centre of buoyancy (LCB) of the ship is within recommended limits. It is close to
zero, indicating that the volume is equally distributed between the fore and aft of the ship. According
to Papanikolaou (2015), a parallel midship section are mainly recommended for vessels with a low
Froude number, below 0.24. The PCTC design is therefore in the limit for having a parallel body at
all. It was desired to preserve the parallel body in order to keep the possibility to increase the length
of the model. An increased length will affect the ships seakeeping performance. This will be discussed
in section 4.1.3.

3.3.2 Shape of the hull

The obtained shape of the hull correspond relatively good to the desired shape elaborated in section
3.1.3. The breadth of the bulb is rather slender compared to recommendations. It is chosen to neglect
this parameter to better integrate the bulb in the hull. The cross-section of the bulb ended up as
a modified O-type bulb (Kracht, 1978). The lower part of the bulb were designed more slender to
achieve the good seakeeping abilities of the -type bulb.

3.3.3 Performance of the hull

Over the years, the PCTCs have become more optimised towards maximising the cargo capacity and
minimising the fuel consumption. Since the length and breadth of the vessels are often restricted, the
depth have increased in order to meet the escalating demand for cargo. The increased depth drives
the vertical centre of gravity up. Based on the limiting KG analyse, the PCTC is stable as long as
the VCG is below 15 meters. As some of the reference vessels have a depth up to 45 meters, this may
indicate that the calculated VCG of 15 meters may be too low to be realistic. However, it is assumed
sufficient for the model.

The results from the CFD analyse shows that the stern have a descent design. There are no sign
of separation and the stern wave is relatively low. From figure 43 it can be seen that the wake is
somewhat uniform, except in the most upper part of the propeller disc, which is normal. The bow
wave is rather large. Work can be done to improve the interference between the bow and the shoulder

As seen from table 8, the form factor in full scale is almost two times as large than for model scale. The
form factor is Reynolds dependent and increase with an increasing Reynolds number, but exactly how
much is not clear. According to Larrson et al. (2003), the form factor for the full scale research hull
KRISO VLCC, increased with up to 50 % compared to model scale. The form factor was predicted
by different numerical methods. However, by using the form factor from model scale and the ITTC78
procedure, the same total resistance was obtained as for the full scale CFD results. The total resistance
also correspond well to the one predicted by the Holtrop method.

3 Hull design

As seen from figure 47 the ship performs well within the limitation from DNV. The probability of
exceeding this limit are low for all positions considered. The accelerations from DNV are given as
design loads to be used in structure analyses of ships. It could be discussed if these are too large to
be used as a critical accelerations. The analyse have only been done for one seastate and features
as, the probability of slamming, propeller emergence and motion sickness, has not been evaluated.
However, the goal of the analyse was to get an indication of the seakeeping abilities of the ship. The
performance is good considered that the analysed seastate is relatively rough.

3 Hull design

3.4 Conclusion

A modern PCTC is designed with the desired ship properties elaborated in chapter 2. The ship has a
large bow flare and operates at a high Froude number. The shape of the vessel and its main dimensions
correspond well to the reference ships and the literature.

The vessel perform good in the tested seastate and is stable as long as the VCG is below 15 meters.
The maximum VCG is relatively low, but should not be of high importance for the model. The design
of the stern is decent. This was desired, as the cost of changing the stern of the model after it is build
is considerable. The wave pattern of the ship can be further optimised, both with respect to lowering
the bow wave or improving the interference with the shoulder waves. This is as intended. The fore
part of the ship is designed to make room for student optimisation.

4 Development of the model

4 Development of the model

The goal of this part of the project was to further develop the concept decided on in chapter 2 based
on the hull from chapter 3. This would be a standard MDL model with the following extra features:

The model should be able to change parts

The model should be able to be used to investigate intact stability

It is also evaluated how the MDL model perform in the towing tank and if it can be used to investigate
added resistance. Damage stability and the outdoor model is not further investigated due to the
complexity and cost.

4.1 Methodology

The scaling factor is the ratio between the full scale and model scale. The scale of the model is the
main parameter that decide the tests the model are able to perform. In example, a large scale will
result in a small model that is not functional in the towing tank. The choice of the model scale, the
mass properties of the model and the method for changing the parts are elaborated in this chapter.

4.1.1 Scaling of the model

When scaling the model, there are several aspects that needs special attention. Even if it is fairly obvi-
ous that the geometry of the model and full scale vessel should be similar, there are other aspects that
may not be so obvious. In addition to being geometrical similar, the model shall have both kinematic-
and dynamic similarity to the full scale ship. Kinematic similarity means that the streamlines around
the hull shall be similar in full scale and model scale and that the velocities in the x- and y direction
have the same ratio. Dynamic similarities ensures that the ratio between the forces in the flow are
the same. To ensure that the similarity requirements are fulfilled, the non-dimensional numbers of
Froude, Reynolds, Weber and Euler have to be equal for both model and full scale. The numbers are
given by equation 15 to 17.

The equality in the Froude number assures that the gravity force are correctly scaled. Since the waves
occurring on the surface are driven by the gravity force, this will ensure that the scaling of the wave
forces and wave resistance are correct. The Froude number is therefore only important when there is
a free water surface.

If the Reynolds number are kept constant for model and full scale, correctly scaling of viscous forces
would be achieved. The Reynolds number has in practice an influence on all the hydrodynamic flows of
interest due to its presence in the Navier-Stokes equations (Larsson and Raven, 2010). The Reynolds
number will therefore affect all flows governed by these equations.

The Euler number determines the absolute pressure level in the fluid. This number is normally not
considered in the towing tank, due to that cavitation seldom occur in the flow around the hull. This
is not the case if the propeller should be tested in the cavitation tunnel. Then equality in the Euler

4 Development of the model

number is of higher importance. Last, the Weber number must be scaled correctly in order to obtain
the correct effect of the surface tension and inertia forces.

V V L V 2 L
Fn = (15) Re = (16) Wn = (17)

is the viscosity of the fluid the vessel or model is operating in and is the surface tension. is the
density of the fluid.

In reality, it is not practically possible to satisfy the equality of all the numbers above simultaneously.
When scaling the speed of the vessel using both the Reynolds number and the Froude number, this
is easily seen. Equation 18 shows the scaled velocity of the model using equality of the Reynolds
number, while equation 19 use equality in Froude number.

VM Reynolds = VS (18) VM F roude = VS (19)

The equations above are contradicting. The model speed would have to be lower than the ship speed
in order to obtain a correct Froude number, but higher than the ship speed to achieve correct Reynolds
number. Due to practical reasons, the models are normally tested at a lower speed than the full scale
vessel. As can be seen from equation 17, the Weber number becomes very small when the velocity is
low. An erroneous scaling of the Weber number will therefore have the smallest effect on the resistance
and flow. When the equality of the Weber number is disregarded, the question is which of the Froude-
or Reynolds number to keep constant during scaling. This is a dilemma as both have a large impact
on the resistance and flow around the hull. The required speed of a model scaled with similarity of
the Reynolds number would be very large. The most convenient solution to this dilemma is thus to
scale the model using a constant Froude number while correcting for the scale effect occurring due to
the the wrong Reynolds number. This is done using the frictional resistance coefficient ITTC 1957
model-ship correlation line, which gives the friction coefficient as a function of the Reynolds number
(ITTC, 2002).

The scale effect is the designator of the error between the scaled results from the model test and
the full scale performance. This error is not only affected by the underestimation of the flow due to
viscous effects, but a too low Reynolds number may also result in laminar flow around the hull. An
increase in the the size of the model, means an increased Reynolds number and improved accuracy of
the measured results (it is easier to measure larger quantities accurate). This is specially important
for the models used to measure the resistance and in self-propulsion tests. For the MDL model, this
phenomena is less important, due to that the motions are mainly affected by the gravity. The Reynolds
number therefore has less influence on the results. The MDL model can therefore in theory be smaller
than the model used in the towing tank. Nonetheless, in order to have a realistic model it is preferred
that the model is as large as possible in both basins. The main limitations are therefore the dimension
of the test basin, waggon capacity and requirements for interference between the walls of the basin
and the model. These limitations are given by SSPA and defined by ITTC. Some of them are listed
in Table 10. See Appendix I for calculations.

4 Development of the model

Table 10: Limitations of the model size

Limitations Comment Reference

Depth 0.5 m Limited by the height of the wagon, so (SSPA, 2016)
that the model wont crash with the
wagon during seakeeping trials.
< 1ton Maximum weight for the wagon.
Displacement (SSPA, 2016)
400 < < 600kg Normal range for MDL models
0 < < 0.4m Possible wave height in MDL basin
Wave height (SSPA, 2016)
0 < < 0.25m Recommended wave height in MDL
Wave length 0.2 < < inf m Possible wave lengths in MDL basin (SSPA, 2016)
Wave frequencies 0 - 3 Hz Possible wave frequency in MDL basin (SSPA, 2016)
Wagon speed 0 - 10 m/s Speed range of wagon (SSPA, 2016)
0.15 - 0.30 m Recommended diameter of propeller (ITTC, 2011c)
for self-propulsion test
Propeller diameter minimum: 0.18 m
Minimum and recommended diameter (SSPA, 2016)
recommended: 0.20 m
for self-propulsion test
LM >4 Else, the model speed and wave fre- (SSPA, 2016)
quencies are limited in order to avoid
Tank interference Hbasin
TM >4 To avoid shallow water effects (ITTC, 2008a)
Vm < 0.5(g Hbasin )1/2 To avoid shallow water effects (ITTC, 2008a)
Test speed
3 m/s Maximum model speed (SSPA, 2016)

Different scaling factors were considered in order to find an accurate scale of the model to satisfy
the above criterions.The investigation ended in two scales which gave the model different desired

4.1.2 Mass properties of the model

For ship models used in seakeeping and manoeuvring test, the centre of gravity and radii of gyrations
has to be correctly modelled. This is done by ballasting the model with weights, often by using solid
steel cubes in different sizes. To be able to make a load plan - a plan of where to place the ballast,
some characteristic of the model has to be known:

The radius of gyrations of the model stripped for equipment

LCB at different draft so that the models centre of gravity can be chosen to obtain zero trim
(if this is wanted).

The maximum VCG with respect to stability, so the model do not capsize.

The models lightweight mass properties.

The radius of gyration should represent the real ship. If the weight distribution of the real ship is

4 Development of the model

not known, ITTC recommend to use 0.25 Lpp in pitch and yaw, and 0.35 0.40 B in roll (ITTC,
2011b). The LCB and maximum VCG is scaled to model scale from the result in figure 35-39. To
find the lightship mass properties of the model, a solid model is made in Rhinoceros. Rhinoceros is a
advanced 3D modelling program which also have the capability of calculating the volume and radius
of gyration of the 3D model.

The ship model is designed to fit SSPAs building procedure. SSPA build their models by gluing layers
of divinycells together to a rough representation of the ship geometry. Then the outside of the models
are milled to achieve the proper shape. This leaves the inside of the model with a clear layer-by-layer
structure. The divinycell used at SSPA has a thickness of 6cm. Therefor, this is commonly used as a
standard wall thickness for the models. The divinycells SSPA uses is denoted h100 and has a density
of d = 100kg/m3 ("DURO Divinycell", 2016). The models are often equipped with bulkheads made
of divinycells, to ensure that it is rigid enough.

4.1.3 Changeable parts

It was desired that the students should be able to change parts of the hull. The idea is that the
student can optimise the the vessel to some criteria, analyse the design using numerical models and
then verify the result by model testing. This was regarded to have a high education value. Local
changes is often sufficient to observe changes in the resistance. In example, the bulb can be changed
and different energy saving devices can be mounted. For seakeeping, the local changes will have less
influence on the hulls performance. The seakeeping abilities of a vessel are mainly affected by the main
dimensions and in particular the shape of the water plane area, global volume distribution and radius
of gyrations. The length can be changed by enlarging the midship section. The other main dimensions
are challenging to change. The shape of the waterline can be modified by changing the entire foreship.
This is also interesting in terms of slamming. The global weight distribution is independent of the

As the model is made of divinycells, it is fairly easy to change parts. A new part is installed by
cutting off the old one and gluing/screw on a new part. The gap between the model and the new
part are filled with spackle to obtain a fair hull. This implies that basically all the parts of the hull
can be changed. During trials, the model is equipped with an engine, a steering unit and different
measurement equipment. Moving the equipment during trials is very time consuming and costly. It
is therefore desirable that modifications of the models hull is done without affecting the position of
the equipment. If the length of the hull is to be enlarged, it is an advantage to place the equipment
outside the modified region. When the model is stored it is emptied for all equipment. This is good
opportunity to do larger changes on the model. In example, the foreship could be changed prior to
storage or immediately after.

4 Development of the model

4.2 Results

In this section the results from the scaling of the model, and the model characteristics are given. In
the results, the model scaled with a factor = 36 will be referred to as model 1, while the model
scaled with a factor = 46 is referred to as model 2.

4.2.1 Scaling of the model

The results from the scaling explained in section 4.1 are presented in Table 11.

Table 11: Dimensions of full scale and two different model scales

Properties Unit Full scale Model 1 Model 2

Length, Lpp [m] 200 5.56 4.35
Breadth, B [m] 32.3 0.897 0.702
Model Depth, D [m] 35 0.5* 0.5*
Draft, T [m] 11 0.31 0.24
Displacement, [ton] 47 989 1.00 0.44
Speed, V [kn] 21 1.8 1.59
Reynolds number, Re - 1.818 109 8.78 106 6.08 106
Propeller diameter, Dprop [m] 6.5 0.18 0.14
Heeling angle, - - 23 37
Seastate - - 7** 8**
Resistance*** [N] 1.42 106 47.4 22.7

*Maximum height to waggon

**According to World Meteorological Organisation
***Resistance from CFD calculations for full scale and the two different model scales

The maximum roll angle for model 1 are given in equation 20 and in equation 21 for model 2.

2 (DM 1 TM 1 ) 2 (DM 2 TM 2 )
= tan1 ( ) = 23 (20) = tan1 ( ) = 37 (21)
BM 1 BM 2

Based on the numbers from the table above, scale = 46 was chosen. Arguments for the selection are
discussed in section 4.3

4.2.2 Mass properties of the model

Figure 48 show the finished 3D model and Figure 49 shows the model seen from above. The typical
layer-by-layer structure of divinycells is clearly seen in both figures. Table 12 show the mass properties
of the model. Figure 50 show the LCB and limiting VCG as a function of draft for the ship model. To
ensure that the model is sufficiently stable and have zero trim, these values should not be exceeded.

4 Development of the model

Figure 48: 3D view of ship model

Figure 49: 3D view of ship model

Table 12: Mass properties of the ship model

Parameter Value
Weight, m 42.90 kg
Centre of gravity, Xg 2.05 m
Centre of gravity, Yg 0m
Centre of gravity, Zg 0.23 m
Radius of Gyration, Rx 0.29 m
Radius of Gyration, Ry 1.27 m
Radius of Gyration, Rz 1.29 m

Figure 50: LCB and limiting VCG as a function of draft for model scale, = 46

4 Development of the model

4.2.3 Changeable parts

Figure 51 illustrate how the model could be divided. Since, in theory, all parts of the hull can be
changed during the storing of the model, the only limiting factor is the position of the bulkheads. When
replacing the foreship, a transverse cut is made just in front of the bulkhead. Then the bulkhead can
be used as support when the new forship is installed. Based on this, the forward bulkhead is placed
behind the shoulders so that the students are able to adjust the location of the shoulders.

Figure 51: Illustration on how the model could be divided


4 Development of the model

4.3 Discussion

The model was scaled with several scales to investigate how it performed in the different tests. The
investigation favoured two scales, the pros and cons are discussed below.

From the first round of interviews, the lecturers desired that the model should be able to illustrate
parametric roll. From ITTC (2008b), it was found that the relationship between the length of the
basin and model should be Lbasin > 25LM to be able to perform tests for both parametric roll and
broaching. The MDL basin is too short for both models. ITTC (2008b) recommend that the width
of the basin is larger than the models tactical diameter, which according to IMO (2002) should not
exceed 5 LM . The towing tank is long enough, but not wide enough to carry out a broaching
test. This excluded the examination of the broaching phenomena for the model. It was found that
parametric roll could be simulated in the towing tank or at zero speed by constraining the model with
soft springs ("Illustration of parametric roll", 2010). Since large roll angles over 30 degrees can occur
during parametric rolling, it was important to investigate if the model had sufficient freeboard. The
depth of the models at SSPA is restricted to 0.5 meters. From equation 20 it can be seen that with
model 1 only a 23 heeling angle could be obtained. For model 2, a heel angle of 37 can be achieved.
Model 2 was therefore favoured with regard to parametric roll and intact stability in general.

On the other hand, model 2 will be considerably smaller than model 1, which means that the scale
effects will be larger. To reduce the scale effects, which are important in resistance trials, it is beneficial
to have a large model as possible. Model 2 will in this case yield less accurate results than model 1.
However, since both models are significantly smaller than a normal resistance model, the results would
nonetheless only be accurate for educational purposes. According to SSPA (2016), the model needs a
sufficiently large propeller to do a self-propulsion test. See table 10 for limitations. From table 11 it
is seen that model 1 has a propeller diameter of 18.1 cm. This is at the limit of what SSPA accept
in order to avoid large scale effects. The propeller diameter of model 2 is only 14.1 cm, which is too
small. From a self-propulsion point of view, model 1 would be beneficial. On the other hand, the
model itself is too small to yield accurate result in terms of resistance, so the achieved results from
the test would be incorrect.

If the model should be able to give results for added resistance, a calm water resistance is required. As
stated above, a model that is large enough to achieve accurate results for resistance is often too large
to run in the MDL basin. Therefore, it is necessary to have two models to obtain accurate results.
This exclude tests for added resistance for the model in this assignment since only one model is being
manufactured. But, for educational purposes the added resistance could be estimated by measuring
the difference in trust in calm and wavy water. Then it would be beneficial to have a large propeller
as possible.

When the models become sufficiently large, interference between the model and tank walls can become
a challenge. When investigating this phenomena, it was found that both models were far from the limit
where tank interference occur. ITTC have not defined a value for the width of the basin, but the MDL
basin is much larger than the maximum tactical diameter of the model, and should be sufficient. The
scale effect in manoeuvring tests are not fully understood (ITTC, 2008b). It is therefore recommended
to keep the model scale as large as possible within this requirement. The weight of the model was
an important limitation to consider when the scales was evaluated. Model 1 has a displacement of
1000 kg, which is the maximum limit that SSPA can handle. This makes the model more challenging
to handle and time consuming to ballast. Model 2 has a displacement in the lower range of what is
normal at SSPA.

4 Development of the model

Last, it was desired that the model should be able to simulate seastate 8, which is the maximum
seastate tested at SSPA. From table 11 it can be seen that the maximum wave height for model
1 corresponds to 9 meters for the full scale ship. This only equals seastate 7 according to World
Meteorological Organisation. Model 2 can simulate a wave height of 11.5 meters, which corresponds
to average wave height in seastate 8. Since this is a MDL model, the ability to illustrate the higher
seastate played a large role when the scale was decided.

The ship model is designed based on guidelines from SSPA. It is assumed that the model would
be sufficiently rigid by following their recipe; a wall thickness of 6cm and 2-3 bulkheads. It could
be discussed if a strength analyse should be done. ITTC recommend a maximum deflection of 2
mm midship in hogging/sagging (ITTC, 2011c) and due to the models open sections, it is probably
vulnerable to torsion.

The seakeeping and manoeuvring performance of the ship depends to a large extent on the models
weight distribution. Investigating how changes in the weight distribution affects the ship performance
are interesting both in terms of research and education. Figure 50 in section 4.2.2, which show the
LCB and limiting VCG as a function of draft, should be of great help when setting up different load

The lightweight mass properties of the model were given in table 12. The weight in that table is the
weight of the divinycells and do not include surface treatment or possible reinforcements. Strictly
speaking, the lightweight of the model should also include all the standard items that always are
attached to the model, i.e. engine, rudder servo, dynamometer and rails for attachment to the waggon.
These weights are not accounted for due to lack of information. The radius of gyration for the model
are rather large compared to ITTC, being approximately 15% larger in pitch and yaw and 3% larger
in roll. This means that the ballast has to be positioned closer to the centre of gravity. This is a good
thing as it is relatively much space there.

4 Development of the model

4.4 Conclusion

Two scales that yield different model properties were evaluated, see section 4.2.1. Model 1 ( = 36)
is considered more universal than model 2 ( = 46), due to its better performance in resistance and
self-propulsion tests. However, model 2 was chosen because:

It was desired to use the model for research, therefore a sufficient freeboard was needed, together
with the possibility of simulating seastate 8

The dimensions of the model are within the regular limits set by SSPA.

The model is easier to handle and faster to ballast

Lecturers and in particular SSPA, recommended to design a model specialised in one segment,
not a "half-baked" one.

Table 13 shows which of the initially desired features the model are able to conduct. The model can
do all the recommended features, but few of the additional ones.

Table 13: Feature performance

Feature Ability Comment

Seakeeping 3 Very good performance
Manoeuvring 3 Very good performance
Shallow water 3 Basin feature
CAD/ numerical model 3 Independent of model
Changeable ship geometry 3 Relatively good performance
Uncertainty analyse 3 Independent of model
Wave pattern 3 Only for visualisation
Intact stability 3 Relatively good performance, no broaching
Captive test 3 Coefficients can be derived from manoeuvring test
Roll decay 3 Good performance
Parametric roll 3 Possible to do with the model, basin limitations
Changeable rudder 3 Good performance
Roll damping devices 3 Bilge keel possible, otherwise restricted by space
Flow visualisation 3 Laminar flow may occur
Outdoor model 7 Not applicable as long as basin is available after 4 PM
Damage stability 7 Not further evaluated, too expensive
Towing resistance 7 Possible, but low performance
Self-propulsion 7 Too small propeller

Table 14 shows how the model can be utilised in the different courses thought in Naval Architecture
and Ocean Engineering (MPNAV). The model is not usable in the other maritime educations at

4 Development of the model

Table 14: Courses in MPNAV

Course Ability Comment

Good in seakeeping and manoeuvring tests.
Waveloads and Seakeeping
Verify numerical calculation methods. Para-
metric roll and extreme motion responses.

Intact- and damage stability in waves. No

flooding, only cargo shift or water tanks.
Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics
Some stability can be assessed, i.e inclining
experiments and roll decay, however the sta-
bility model would do this better.

The model can be used in resistance, self-

Ship Resistance and Computa- propulsion and added resistance, but will
tional Hydrodynamics [MMA161] yield inaccurate results. Decent flow visuali-
sation, laminar flow can be a challenge.

Marine Structural Engineering Very limited area of use. Can be used to

[MMA167] evaluate local loads, i.e slamming.

Possible to measure wake and investigate flow

Marine Propulsion Systems into the propeller. Different propellers/ stock
[SJO740] propellers could be tested, but with low ac-

Technically, this model represent a basic MDL model. There are no special features deviating from
what is normal or easily implemented. On the other hand, both the ship and the model are designed
to fit the need at Chalmers. The model do this to a large extent. As desired the model performs well
in seakeeping and manoeuvring tests, both in terms of education and research. The model is highly
usable to investigate intact stability phenomena as parametric roll and can be used for educational
purposes in the towing tank, but then with a low accuracy. The ship are able to illustrate the desired
features and the shape and performance of the ship are similar to an ordinary PCTC.

5 Summary and conclusion

5 Summary and conclusion

The project started by investigating the need for a ship model at Chalmers together with the demands
and desired features the model should have. The gathering of information was done in form of
interviews with the relevant instances. Based on the collected information, four different concepts
were derived. The concepts differs in terms of operability, where the first concept is intended to use
in the towing tank, concept 2 for seakeeping and manoeuvring, concept 3 for stability and the fourth
concept was intended to use for obtaining the structural responses of the vessel. The four concepts
were rated, and it was decided to continue with development of the MDL model.

In the second phase of the project, the hull of the ship was designed. A PCTC was chosen as the
most appropriate vessel to illustrate the desired features found in the first phase. Based on reference
vessels, literature and empirical formulas the main dimensions were established. The performance of
the vessel was then investigated. The ship has a decent performance in terms of resistance, stability
and seakeeping. It is left openings for the students to improve the performance of the hull, then
especially with regard to the foreship.

In the last phase, the designed hull was scaled down to model scale and the special features of the
model were implemented. The finished model is similar to a basic MDL model in terms of operability,
but with a hull form designed to fit the demands and wishes from Chalmers. The cost of this model
will be approximately 255 000 SEK, based on the cost assessment from chapter 2.

Even though the model is especially designed to fit the need at Chalmers, it is not specialised enough
to justify the cost. The researchers of this project recommend Chalmers to investigate the possibility
to inherent an old model from one of their associated companies. This model could probably be
modified to achieve a lot of the same features as the model in this project, but at a considerably lower
cost. The researches also recommend that the stability model is further developed and build. The
educational value of this model is considered to be high. It is less costly to build and operate, and
could be used in many of the courses thought at the department. If the model could be used in the
wind tunnel, it would be applicable in the resistance courses as well.

6 Future Work

6 Future Work

If it is decided to further develop this model, it is recommended to take the following things into

A strength calculation should be done to ensure that the model is rigid enough. This could be
done by ballasting the model to design draft and calculating the net load (weight subtracted from
buoyancy) by using Maxsurf Stability. The radius of gyrations has to be accounted for to get a
realistic weight distribution. The net load could be imported into ANSYS Workbench and the
deflection midship could be calculated using a beam element with the same structural properties
as the midship section. This will probably give a close enough estimation of the models rigidity.

As discussed in section 3.3.3 the seakeeping analyse could be improved. More seastates should
be included in the analyse and features as slamming, propeller emergence and sea sickness could
be evaluated.

A rudder need to be designed and the manoeuvring abilities of the model need to be analysed.

A propeller has to be chosen for the model. A stock propeller should be sufficient. However,
calculations are needed to find what stock propeller to use. After the propeller is chosen, the
total power demand can be calculated, and it can be determined what engine is suitable.

The proper lightweight mass properties of the model has to be calculated. This includes the
weight of the engine, rudder servo, dynamometer, etc.

A final cost assessment of the model should be done.

In addition the following topics could be interesting to investigate further:

It would be interesting to quantify the error of using the MDL model in the towing tank. This is
challenging to assess before the model is build as the scale effects are determined by interpreting
the result from the towing test and comparing it with other tests of similar ships. However, an
estimation of the scale effects could possible be done running CFD simulations at different scales.
After the model is build it could be experimented with different types of turbulent simulators
to achieve a sufficiently turbulent flow.

A plan of how the model should be used in education should be developed. This would be a
description of the tests, how the student should be involved, and what the students should do
with the result. This should be done in close cooperation with the relevant teachers and within
a realistic budget.

A parametric model of the hull could be developed. A parametric model differ from a surface
model as its geometry is decided by mathematical relations. In example, the bulb shape could
be determined as a function of the bulb length. The advantage of this is that it is easy to
investigate the effect of modifying the hull, whether speaking about changing the length of the
vessel or the shape of the waterline. The parametric model should made with regard to what is
physically possible to change on the model and what is relevant in the different courses.

6 Future Work

It would be interesting to investigate if the model could be used to do damage stability. The
ability to do damage stability depends, among other, on the size of the model. After the
measuring equipment are placed and the model is ballasted, it has to be sufficient space for
floodable tanks. There are strict requirements for the wall thickness of the floodable tanks. This
is to proper simulate the water jet that occurs when the model is damaged. This means that the
floodable part of the model has to be removed when it is used for seakeeeping and manoeuvring
tests. This could be solved by having a changeable midsection denoted to damage stability.



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ITTC (2005), Testing and extrapolation methods loads and responses, stability model tests on damage
stability in waves, Recommended Procedures and Guidelines - International Towing Tank Confer-
ence .
ITTC (2008a), Free running model test procedure, Recommended Procedures and Guidelines - Inter-
national Towing Tank Conference .
ITTC (2008b), Model test on intact stability, Recommended Procedures and Guidelines - Interna-
tional Towing Tank Conference .


ITTC (2011a), Global loads and seakeeping procedure, Recommended Procedures and Guidelines -
International Towing Tank Conference .
ITTC (2011b), Seakeeping experiments, Recommended Procedures and Guidelines - International
Towing Tank Conference .
ITTC (2011c), Ship models, Recommended Procedures and Guidelines - International Towing Tank
Conference .
Jensen, G. (1994), Moderne Schiffslinien, Handbuch der Werften Volume XXII, 93.
Kontra, C., Lyons, D. J., Fischer, S. M. and Beilock, S. L. (2015), Physical experience enhances
science learning, Psychological Science pp. 113.
Kracht, A. M. (1978), Design of bulbous bows, SNAME Transactions Volume 86, 197217.
Larrson, L., Stern, F. and Bertram, V. (2003), Benchmarking of Computional Fluid Dynamics for
Ship Flows: The Gothenburg 2000 Workshop., Ship Research Volume 47, 6381.
Larsson, L. L. and Raven, H. C. (2010), The Principles of Naval Architecture Series - Ship Resistance
and Flow, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineering, 601 Pavonia Avenue Jersey
City, New Jersey.
Marn, A. and Kapesenberg, G. (2014), Design of a ship model for hydro-elastic experiments in
Moctar, O. e., Shigunov, V. and Zorn, T. (2012), Duisburg Test Case: Post-Panamax Container Ship
for Benchmarking, Ship Technology Research Schiffstechnik, NO.3 Volume 59.
Nielsen, U. D. (2010), Ship operations - Engineering Analyses and Guidance, Technical University of
Denmark, Nils Koppels Alle, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
Papanikolaou, A. (2015), Ship Design: Methodologies of preliminary design, Springer.
Rawson, K. and Tupper, E. (1994), Basic Ship Theory 4th edition, Longman, Scientific & Technical
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Saunders, H. (1957), Hydrodynamics in Ship Designs, 1st ed., Society of Naval Architects and Marine
Engineers p. Chapter 20.
Schneekluth, H. and Bertram, V. (1998), Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy, Butterworth-
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Schreuder, M. and Tillig, F. (2015), Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics (MMA136): Estimation formu-
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SSPA (2016), Basin dimensions and limitations at SSPA.
"Wallenius - fleet" (2016), Wallenius Shipping. Accessed: 22-05-2016.
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"Wilhelmsen - fleet" (2015), Wilh. Wilhelmsen. Accessed: 22-05-2016.

"Wind tunnel" (2016), Chalmers University of Technology. Accessed: 22-05-2016.

A General Interview

A General Interview

Goal: Investigate if the model is necessary, and what properties are needed/wanted for the ship

Interview plan: Semi-structured, one-to-one. The interview will be carried out as a discussion with
the following guiding questions.

Intro: We are going to develop and design a ship model for Chalmers for use in research and education.
The idea is that the model shall be used as a learning tool in the different maritime courses thought at
Chalmers. The project will be carried out together with SSPA. The goal of this interview is to gather
information from you to be able to decide what features the model should have.


1. How could the ship model be of use in your course/subject?

(Goal: Establish if a model is needed)

2. Which features do you think would be important for such a model in your course/subject?
(Goal: Find specific areas the model can be used)

3. Suggestion on how to implement such features?

(Goal: Help to transform wishes into features)

4. Which type of ship?

(Goal: Help to transform model features into ship type)

5. Other comments regarding the model features and the project in general?
(Goal: give the interviewee a chance for final comments)

B Decision matrix 1

Each features are evaluated in a seperate excel sheet, #[number]. They are evaluated based on their peformance w.r.t: the student
(Benefit for the students), to research (Benefits for research), to cost (Cost) and the difficulity to implement it (Thechnical Aspect). A
grade (score x weight) is given based on their performance multiplied with their respectiv weight. The weight represent how important
the subjects are relative to each other. For weigth see sheet Weight.

The concept is based on a ship model made for one porpose, Concept [number] . A list of possible additional features is provided for each
concept. The final features of the ship model should be decided based on their grade and possibly the cost. Each concept is assigned a
grade. This grade is just the summation of the grade of the features and represent only which of the concept that have most (good)
features. The decison of the concept should be based on what Chalmers University of Technology need and wants.

All prices in this document represent commercial prices at SSPA. Some discount for Chalmers is expected.

See report for more information

Terms & Expressions

O.Cost: Operational Cost, the cost of using the model, i.e one series of towing trials.
C.Cost: Concept Cost, the additonal cost of implementing a feature to the model.
Standard Price: The cost of one standard model (concept) stripped for features.
Education Stability: Featrues made for student to learn stability
Research Stability: Features made to do research w.r.t stability.
NaN: Not applicable number.
Day Price: Rent of basin per day; Towing tank = 100 000 SEK (12h), Cavitation tunnel and MDL = 70 000 SEK (8h).

The meaning of the scores:
5 - Excellent learning outcome for students. Highly beneficial for research. Zero cost and no technical difficulties.
4 - Great learning outcome for students. Beneficial for research. Small cost and limited technical difficulties.
3 - Some learning outcome. Some research capabilities. Medium (max 20 % of standard prize) cost and some technical difficulities with
2 - Low learning outcome. Limited research capabilities. High cost (max 50 % of standard prize) and difficult to implement.
1 - No learning outcome. No research. Very high cost (>50%) and very hard to implement.

Name Description Weight

How good the model will suit the student w.r.t learning.
How well the model will support the lecturer in his/her
Benefits for student subject. 0.3
Benefits for research How useful the is in research. 0.2
Cost How much the feature would cost 0.3
Technical Aspect How difficult the feature is to implement 0.2
Total (Should equal 1): 1.0
Name: Resistance Name: MDL

Concept Nr: 1 Total Grade: 20.45 Concept Nr: 2 Total Grade: 19.13
Description: Description:
This concept is based on a standard towing tank model with features and additional features listed This concept is based on a standard seakeeping & manouvering (MDL) model with features and
below. additional features listed below.

Features: No education stability because of the size of the model. No research stability because of Features: Education stability better, but still no real value. Self propulsion not possible because the
the limited seakeeping abilities in the TT basin. propeller is to small. Only local (small parts) can be changed becuase of all the measuring equipment
in the MDL model. Wave patteren is only for visualization. Outdoor model as it is cheaper to do
Standard cost: 150 000 outside.
Features cost: 225 000 936 000
Features: The MDL basin can be availible for students after work hour (4 PM)
Idea Nr. Name: Grade: Field: C.Cost (SEK) O.Cost (SEK)
Standard cost: 220 000
Recommended Features
1 Changable ship geometry 1.10 Hydro 5 000 50 000 Features cost: 505 000 1 271 000
2 CAD/ Numerical model 1.09 General 0 0 Features:
5 Towing Resistance 1.18 Hydro 0 30 000 Idea Nr. Name: Grade: Field: C.Cost (SEK) O.Cost (SEK)
6 Self-Propulsion 1.01 Hydro 50 000 33 000 Recommended Features
7 Wake-field 1.04 Hydro 0 40 000 1 Changable ship geometry 1.10 Hydro 5 000 50 000
8 Flow visualization 1.14 Hydro 0 25 000 2 CAD/ Numerical model 1.09 General 0 0
9 Thin hull (TT) 1.04 Seakeeping 50 000 Day Cost 12 Manouvering Test (MDL) 1.04 Manouvering 0 300 000
11 Changable appendages 1.16 Hydro 0 80 000 13 Seakeeping 1.19 Seakeeping 0 500 000
22 Changeable propellers 1.00 Propeller 0 75 000 14 Shallow Water 1.06 Seakeeping 0 30 000
27 Uncertainty Analyse 0.98 General 0 0
25 Wave pattern 1.05 Hydro 0 3 000
25 Wave pattern 1.05 Hydro 0 3 000
27 Uncertainty Analyse 0.98 General 0 0
26 Intact Stability 1.09 Stability 30 000 Day Cost
29 Seakeeping in TT 1.10 Hydro NaN Day Cost
32 Captive Test 1.10 Manouvering 0 300 000
32 Captive Test 1.10 Manouvering 0 300 000
33 Roll decay 1.11 Seakeeping NaN Day Cost
33 Roll decay 1.11 Seakeeping NaN Day Cost
34 Parametric roll 1.08 Seakeeping NaN Day Cost
34 Parametric roll 1.08 Seakeeping NaN Day Cost
28 Changabele rudder 0.98 Manouvering 20 000 Day Cost
28 Changabele rudder 0.98 Manouvering 20 000 Day Cost
Additional Features
Additional Features
23 Outdoor Model - Seakeeping 0.60 Seakeeping 100 000 0
10 Cavitation Tunnel 1.05 Hydro 0 300 000
36 Outdoor model - Manouvering 0.83 Manouvering NaN 0
23 Outdoor Model - Seakeeping 0.60 Seakeeping 100 000 0
35 Roll damping devices 0.84 Seakeeping NaN Day Cost
36 Outdoor model - Manouvering 0.83 Manouvering NaN 0
21 Damage Stability 0.69 Stability 200 000 Day Cost
35 Roll damping devices 0.84 Seakeeping NaN Day Cost
5 Towing Resistance 1.18 Hydro 0 30 000
6 Self-Propulsion 1.01 Hydro 50 000 33 000
8 Flow visualization 1.14 Hydro 0 25 000
Name: Stability Name: Backbone

Concept Nr: 3 Total Grade: 12.025 Concept Nr: 4 Total Grade: 5.1
Description: Description:
Small stability model as the one at DTU placed at Lindholmen. Students responsible for running the Segemented model with a backbone to measure global loads.
Features: Resistance not applicable due to the gaps between the segments and the small scale of a
MDL model.
Standard cost: 40 000 Standard cost: 500 000
Features cost: 35 900 0 Features cost: 5 000 850 000
Features: Features:
Idea Nr. Name: Grade: Field: C.Cost (SEK) O.Cost (SEK) Idea Nr. Name: Grade: Field: C.Cost (SEK) O.Cost (SEK)
Recommended Features Recommended Features
4 Stability Book 0.74 Stability 0 0 1 Changable ship geometry 1.10 Hydro 5 000 50 000
15 Crane 0.85 Stability 2 000 0 2 CAD/ Numerical model 1.09 General 0 0
16 VCG elevator 0.98 Stability 500 0 3 Structural Response 0.69 Structure 0 Day Cost
17 Floodable Tanks 1.05 Stability 200 0 Additional Features:
18 Weight for inclining 0.98 Stability 500 0 12 Manouvering Test (MDL) 1.04 Manouvering 0 300 000
19 Weight levels 0.98 Stability 200 0 13 Seakeeping 1.19 Seakeeping 0 500 000
20 Plastic Tanks 0.93 Stability 3 000 0
24 Ballast tanks 0.85 Stability 3 500 0
30 Spontoons 0.90 Stability 1 000 0
31 Stability Basin 0.85 Stability 11 500 0
24 Ballast tanks 0.85 Stability 3 500 0
Additional Features
2 CAD/ Numerical model 1.09 General 0 0
37 Wind tunnel 1.00 Resistance 10 000 0
Model Features Summary Features
Idea Nr. Idea Name Grade C.Cost (SEK) O.Cost (SEK) Field Status Features
1 Changable ship geometry 1.1 5 000 50 000 Hydro 1.4
2 CAD/ Numerical model 1.0875 0 0 General
3 Structural Response 0.6875 0 Day Cost Structure 1.2
4 Stability Book 0.7375 0 0 Stability
5 Towing Resistance 1.175 0 30 000 Hydro 1
6 Self-Propulsion 1.0125 50 000 33 000 Hydro
7 Wake-field 1.0375 0 40 000 Hydro 0.8
8 Flow visualization 1.1375 0 25 000 Hydro
9 Thin hull (TT) 1.0375 50 000 Day Cost Seakeeping 0.6
10 Cavitation Tunnel 1.05 0 300 000 Hydro
11 Changable appendages 1.1625 0 80 000 Hydro
12 Manouvering Test (MDL) 1.0375 0 300 000 Manouvering
13 Seakeeping 1.1875 0 500 000 Seakeeping
14 Shallow Water 1.0625 0 30 000 Seakeeping
15 Crane 0.85 2 000 0 Stability

Manouvering Test (MDL)


Thin hull (TT)

Wave pattern

Uncertainty Analyse
CAD/ Numerical model
Structural Response

Towing Resistance



Weight levels
VCG elevator
Floodable Tanks

Changeable propellers
Outdoor Model - Seakeeping
Ballast tanks

Parametric roll
Changabele rudder

Stability Basin
Captive Test

Roll damping devices

Outdoor model - Manouvering
Changable ship geometry

Damage Stability

Intact Stability

Roll decay
Seakeeping in TT

Plastic Tanks
Flow visualization

Changable appendages

Stability Book

Cavitation Tunnel

Shallow Water

Weight for inclining

Wind tunnel
16 VCG elevator 0.975 500 0 Stability
17 Floodable Tanks 1.05 200 0 Stability
18 Weight for inclining 0.975 500 0 Stability
19 Weight levels 0.975 200 0 Stability
20 Plastic Tanks 0.925 3 000 0 Stability
21 Damage Stability 0.6875 200 000 Day Cost Stability
22 Changeable propellers 1 0 75 000 Propeller
23 Outdoor Model - Seakeeping 0.6 100 000 0 Seakeeping
24 Ballast tanks 0.85 3 500 0 Stability
250 000 600 000
25 Wave pattern 1.05 0 3 000 Hydro
26 Intact Stability 1.0875 30 000 Day Cost Stability
27 Uncertainty Analyse 0.975 0 0 General 500 000
200 000
28 Changabele rudder 0.975 20 000 Day Cost Manouvering
29 Seakeeping in TT 1.1 NaN Day Cost Hydro
400 000
30 Spontoons 0.9 1 000 0 Stability

Operational cost
Concept cost
31 Stability Basin 0.85 11 500 0 Stability 150 000
32 Captive Test 1.1 0 300 000 Manouvering 300 000
33 Roll decay 1.1125 NaN Day Cost Seakeeping
34 Parametric roll 1.075 NaN Day Cost Seakeeping 100 000
35 Roll damping devices 0.8375 NaN Day Cost Seakeeping 200 000
36 Outdoor model - Manouvering 0.825 NaN 0 Manouvering
37 Wind tunnel 1 10 000 0 Resistance 50 000
100 000

0 0
Model Features Model Features
Name: Changable ship geometry Idea Nr. 1
Name: CAD/ Numerical model Idea Nr. 2
General Description Field: Hydro
General Description Field: General
The idea is to make the model so that some parts of the hull can be changed, i.e. change the
aft or fore of the ship, or local changes as the bulb. The ship model can then be optimzed in Develop a numerical model which can be used in calculations before the model tests are
terms of resistance and flow (bulb & shoulders --> wave pattern, stern --> wake, etc. ), performed and for visualization of flow and seakeeping phenomens. The model should be
seakeeping (changable foreship --> slamming, changable midship --> change ship length, etc) made so that certain features are easy to change, i.e. the bulb. CASES and parametric
and manouvering (Length, draft, LCB*). modifications can be a option.

According to Carl-Erik Janson (mail: 8.mars):

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4.5
"Local geometrical modifications like changing the bulb are not so important for seakeeping.
Some sort of numerical model has to be availible for the students. The results from model
It is the main dimensions and in particular the shape of the water plane area, global volume
testing could be used in the numerical model - simulation of parametric roll etc can be
distribution and mass moment of inertia that are of importance."
Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 5
Students can optimize the ship geometry using CAD & CFD tools and then do model test with
Weight: 0.3
the new geoemtry. Poul Andersen report that students get very engaged in their model with
changable bulb at DTU. Students get to do both the CFD optimization and verify with model Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 3.5
results (as done in the industry).
Optimization of the hull.
Weight: 0.3

Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 4.5

To change part of the ship make the model more flexible and enlarge the chance to perform
research. Can be used for CFD validation. However, the midsection is default and the
changeable part will always (in some degree) depend on this, i.e. you cant make a new ship. Weight: 0.2

Weight: 0.2 Cost Grade (max 5): 5

Cost Grade (max 5): 4 No direct cost.

Cost depends on what part of the model you change. Cost range form 10 000 - 50 000 SEK
dependent on the part. The cost could be lowerd if students do the work. Approx 5000 to
make the model fit for changes.
C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3
C.Cost (SEK): 5 000 O.Cost (SEK): 50 000 Weight: 0.3
Technincal Aspect Grade (max 5): 4
Technincal Aspect Grade (max 5): 4
Time consuming to develope a numerical model with many different features. The numerical
According to SSPA, is no problem to implement. Common to do this for clients. It is an model should consider both hydro & FEM model.
advantage to prepare the model for changable part when building the model.

Weight: 0.2
Weight: 0.2

Total Grade: Total Grade:

1.1 1.0875
Sources: Sources:
Interview with Poul Andersen (12.02.16), SSPA (04.02.16) & SSPA (19.02.16). *Manouvering: Email Bengt Ramne (8.02.16), SSPA meeting (19.02.16)
Model Features Model Features
Name: Structural Response Idea Nr. 3 Name: Stability Book Idea Nr. 4
General Description Field: Structure
General Description Field: Stability
The model is segmented and equiped with a backbone. The model can then be used to find
bending moment, shear stresses, whipping - and springing, etc. caused by waves. The model Make a stability book for the model so students can use this book in operational situations, i.e
can probably be used in normal seakeeping trails as welll. Normally a seakeeping model is rigid, load handling experiments.
but a flexible model with the correct stiffnes should yield a more realistic result. Manouvering
could be a bit more cumbersome as a the backbone will be subjected to a horisontal bending
moment (when turning the rudder). Then the backbone needs to have a correct horisontal
stiffnes (which they do not always have).
Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 2.5
The captains can use the book together with the model i.e load handling simulations. The naval
Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 3.5 architects can develop the book as a part of their education. However, the captains have good
computer simulators that do the same (and maybe better).
Compare results obtained by calculation with the one obtained from the tests. Student get the
possiblity to study relevant problems (i.e. springing, whipping, slamming loads). Has to be done
by professional personal. Students are probably allowed to watch a limited amount of trials,
but will be given access to a database with results. The model is only applicable for students
taking advanced seakeeping course or doing master thesis in this topic. Could be used in
Weight: 0.3
structural engineering, relability analysis & probablity and waveloads & seakeeping.
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 1
Weight: 0.3 No research
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 5
Highly relevant for research. The model could be used to investigate and capture seakeeping
phenomens such as springing and whipping (hot-topic) on a more realisticly behaving model.
These phenomens are non-linear and difficult to simulate with a numerical model, thus a real
model is needed. Weight: 0.2

Weight: 0.2 Cost Grade (max 5): 4

Cost Grade (max 5): 1 The development of the book could cost a bit, but incling test etc. could be done by students as
Very expensive model, however the model will probably have a higher budget since it is
a part of learning.
already an ongoing project - SSPA and Chalmers.

C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): Day Cost Weight: 0.3 C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3

Technincal Aspect Grade (max 5): 2 Technincal Aspect Grade (max 5): 4
Difficult model to make. SSPA has limited experience. DTU/Force has bad experience with No problem to make. Could be done as a student project. For the book to be intersting to use,
accuarcy. But several model has been made with different degree of success. ITTC has a set of the model has to be equipped with some form of cargo handling, i.e. tanks for cargo and
recomendation and a thorough article of a design of segmented container ship can be found in ballast.
Design of a ship model for hydro-elastic experiments in waves (Marn & Kapsenberg, 2014).
Limited tests can be performed with this model due to accuracy. Complex testing which take a
Weight: 0.2
long time.
Weight: 0.2
Total Grade:
Total Grade: 0.6875
Interview with Poul Andersen (12.02.16) , SSPA (04.02.16), Jonas Ringsberg (02.02.16).
Recomendation form ITTC. Design of a ship model for hydro-elastic experiemnts in waves Interview with Jan Skoog (02.02.16) and Olle Lindmark (16.02.16).
(Marn & Kapsenberg, 2014).
Model Features Model Features
Name: Towing Resistance Idea Nr. 5 Name: Self-Propulsion Idea Nr. 6
General Description Field: Hydro General Description Field: Hydro
Normal towing test. Resistance, sinkage & trim, wave elevation, boundary layer and the
Self-propulsion test are done to estimate ship power at various speeds and to derive
nominal wake are measured in the towing basin. Load cells are used to measure forces.
propulsion factors, (w,t,eta). A dynometer is used to measure trust, troque and RPM. Can not
Rotative potentiometers used to measure the fore and aft displacement in sinkage & trim.
be done in the MDL basin because the propeller becomes to small.
Tested at different speeds, giving the same Froude number as for full scale. Wave elevation
measured with pictures. Nominal wake measure the flow into the propeller using pitot tubes.
The model should be tested in two conditons; with and without appendages.
Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4.5
Traditional test which all naval architect learn about. Students get hands-on experience. Result
Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 5
can be compared with result from CFD - or emperical calculations.
Traditional test which all Naval Architects should learn about. The students can scale the model
result using ITTC and compare it with computed result (both emperical and CFD). Sinkage and
trim can be seen and measured and analysis of head waves can be done. Students get hands- Weight: 0.3
on experience. The student could learn alot of planning the test procedure.
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 4
Verification of CFD models. Relevant for propeller research.
Weight: 0.3

Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 3.5

Weight: 0.2
Limited research. Verification of CFD models.
Cost Grade (max 5): 3
Extra cost for engine and propeller in TT basin. Could use stock propellers which are free of
Weight: 0.2
charge. A custom made propeller cost 75 000 SEK
Cost Grade (max 5): 5
Additonal cost if the model are not standard, i.e. high speed.
C.Cost (SEK): 50 000 O.Cost (SEK): 33 000 Weight: 0.3

C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 30 000 Technincal Aspect Grade (max 5): 5
Weight: 0.3
Standard model. Make it more difficult to have a changable stern (#1) in TT basin
Technincal Aspect Grade (max 5): 5
Standard model.

Weight: 0.2
Weight: 0.2

Total Grade:
Total Grade: 1.0125
Interview with SSPA (04.02.2016)
Methodology TT:
Model Features Model Features
Name: Wake-field Idea Nr. 7 Name: Flow visualization Idea Nr. 8
General Description Field: Hydro General Description Field: Hydro
The boundary layer increase in thickness with its distance from the bow, meaning it is thickest Flow visualization by paint test, tuft test & appendage alignment test. Three basic types of
at the stern. In addition, the ship displaces water, which causes wake waves fore and aft. This visualization: Adding foreign material, optical techniques, adding heat and energy.
will cause the propeller behind the hull to work in non-uniform water. Therefore tests are
performed to optimize the flow to the propeller. Can be measured in cavitation tunnel and
towing tank. The wake field is dependent on the ship type, each ship have a unique wake field.

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4.5

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 3.5
Traditional tests. Show the streamlines along the hull. Compare with CFD. Interesting for
Students get hands on experience from seeing the problem. Easier to understand the flow students to see the flow charcteristic. Paint test is the most common. Evaluate the flow into
charecteristic when you see it in reality than analysing CFD results. The students get pictures/ the propeller.
video to analyse after the tests. Verification of CFD.

Weight: 0.3
Weight: 0.3
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 3.5
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 3
Research of flow around different part of the hull. Verify new theory or model.
Verification of CFD result. Investigate different wake optimizing devices: vortex generator, etc.

Weight: 0.2
Weight: 0.2 Cost Grade (max 5): 5
Cost Grade (max 5): 5 No concept cost. But some operational cost.
Standard test (4 radii & 15 deg)
C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 25 000 Weight: 0.3
C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 40 000 Weight: 0.3 Technincal Aspect Grade (max 5): 5
Technincal Aspect Grade (max 5): 5 Tests are time consuming. Can be sufficiently shown by CFD. Bad position of the appendages
Under water TV. No additional features for the consept. results in higher resistance and separations may occur.

Weight: 0.2 Weight: 0.2

Total Grade: Total Grade:

1.0375 1.1375
Sources: Sources:
Fluid flow visualization:
SSPA (19.02.16)
Model Features Model Features
Name: Thin hull (TT) Idea Nr. 9
Name: Cavitation Tunnel Idea Nr. 10
General Description Field: Seakeeping
To be able to have control of the VCG, LCG & the radius of gyration the wall of the model has
General Description Field: Hydro
to be thinner than on a ordinary resistance model. By doing this the model would be able to do Cavitation tests are performed in a cavitation tunnel using a dummy afterbody model and
captive test (VCG), roll decay (VCG) and seakeeping in head waves (LCG and radius of gyration simulated full-scale wake-field or a full model. At SSPA the entire model is used. Tests include
in pitch), and parametric roll (CoG, and radius of gyration).
cavitation observation, measurement of pressure fluctuations, erosion tests and measurement
Captive test: measurement of forces to find manouvering coefficients. of propeller-induced forces and noise.
Roll decay: roll damping found by heeling the model and measuring the amplitudes of roll
damping. Could only be done with zero speed in TT.
Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 3
Parametric Roll: Rolling of ship cause by head or following waves. Ship has large flares, flat
aftership, slim fore and aft body, i.e. large container ship. Its difficult to obtain parametric roll. Students get to see the effect of cavitation, noise and vibrations . Student can make a
SSPA have no experience with it. hypothesis and verify the results. Can be a bit out the scope of the courses thought at
Chalmers, too complex in education. Could be used in master thesis projects.
Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 5
By making the hull thinner, the students can do more experiments and see more phenomens.
Weight: 0.3

Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 4

Weight: 0.3 Optimization of propellers w.r.t cavitation etc. and research on the inflow to the propeller.
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 3.5
Can be used in manouvering simulators (captive test). Parametric rolling is a hot topic, difficult
to trigger. In general, the model is more flexible with the thin hull. Weight: 0.2

Cost Grade (max 5): 5

Weight: 0.2 Same model as used in the towing tank. No additional concept cost. One standard series cost
Cost Grade (max 5):
300 000 SEK, included two propeller loading condtion.
The hull has to be made thinner to be able to do the weight distribution properly. The cost
varies between 20 000-50 000 SEK (wall thickness).
C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 300 000 Weight: 0.3

Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 5

C.Cost (SEK): 50 000 O.Cost (SEK): Day Cost Weight: 0.3 No technical aspect.
Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 4.5
The bilge keel (if the ship has one) has to be included for captive test and roll decay. For roll
decay it is important to have correct VCG and radius of gyration in roll. Seakeeping; correct
radius of gyration in pitch. To ensure that the model is rigid enough, the model has to be Weight: 0.2
reinforced with glas fiber. SSPA has experience with similar models.

Weight: 0.2 Total Grade:

Total Grade: Sources:
1.0375 Interview: SSPA (04.02.16) & Rickard Bensow (18.02.16)
Interview: SSPA (04.02.16 & 19.02.16) & Martin Schreuder (16.02.16)
Model Features Model Features
Name: Changable appendages Idea Nr. 11
Name: Manouvering Test (MDL) Idea Nr. 12
General Description Field: Hydro
Different appendages which can be fixed at the hull, i.e. energy saving device (see below), bilge
General Description Field: Manouvering
keel etc. Manouvering test are perfomed for verification of the ships maneuverability. The free running
test are carried out in the MDL basin. Manouvering in channel is also availible (to a higher cost).
Different energy saving device; pre-swirl stator (PSS) (a device mounted on the the boss
designed to make pre-swirl flows which improves propeller efficiency), duct, vortex generator
etc. Mainly used to enhance the flow into the propeller to increase propulsion efficiency as
well as reduce energy loss.

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 3.5

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4.5
Students learn to verify how good a ship is to manouver. Student will not get the opertunity to
The student can design and place the device on the hull and then verify the CFD result. Easy for
do the test by themself. Maybe one of the simulators at Chalmers will do the job better.
students to see if the device improve the overall performance. May be too time consuming/
difficult to implement in the courses. Relevant for master thesis.

Weight: 0.3
Weight: 0.3
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 5
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 3
Hot topic with energy saving devices. Model to be used for verification of computer results.
Manouverbility in different weather and to find manouvering coefficents to use in i.e.
Weight: 0.2

Cost Grade (max 5): 5

Small concept cost (set to zero): one mounting system (energi saving device fixed to a small Weight: 0.2
part of the ship geometry which is installed on the ship model). Operational cost of 15 000 - 80
000. Operational cost could be lowered by using 3D printer at Chalmers. Cost Grade (max 5): 5
No cost (engine & rudder is standard in MDL)
C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 80 000 Weight: 0.3

Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 4

Easy additonal feature to implement as long as the scale of the model is sufficient large. The C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 300 000 Weight: 0.3
appendages can be made by SSPA which using milling as production technique OR by using
Chalmers 3D printer. The 3D printer at Chalmers have a print area of 200 x 200 x 200 mm and Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 5
can handle the folowing material: PLA, ABS, MABS, Nylon, PETT (T-glase), TPE, PC, Laywood,
Laybrick, PVA and HIPS.
Standard model

Weight: 0.2

Total Grade: Weight: 0.2

SSPA research: Total Grade: 1.0375
ESD - Duct:
Interview with SSPA (04.02.16) & SSPA (19.02.16)
Slides from NTNU about the different test:
3D printer:
Model Features Model Features
Name: Seakeeping Idea Nr. 13 Name: Shallow Water Idea Nr. 14
General Description Field: Seakeeping General Description Field: Seakeeping
Seakeeping in different waves and headings. Seakeeping trials will show how well the ship The shallow water tests are done to investigate the propulsion characteristics of ships as well as
behaves in various weather and waves. The trials are done in MDL, following parameters can be the (low speed) manoeuvring behaviour in shallow water. Different tests that can be performed
determined; Roll damping, non-linear motion, slamming and local loads, green water, propeller are: Manouvering tests, resistance and self-propulsion, seakeeping with motion measurment,
emergence and added resistance in all wave headings. Added mass is measured by the the added resistance in waves (self-propelled), wave loads, beaching (with waves), oscillation tests,
power increased needed to maintain a certain speed. However, to be able to measure added restrained model in waves to get hydrodyn. coeff., moored and fixed objects to determine
resistance the calm water resistance is needed, which only can be obtained in the towing tank. motions, forces and loads due to waves.
To assess added resistance, two models are needed.

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4.5 Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4.5

Students learn to verify how the ship performs in various weather. Student will not get the The students get to see the consequenses of shallow water. Many tests can be performed in this
opertunity to do the test by themself (too time consuming). Will get access to a database with condition. Easy for students to evaluate and see the results. Database could be made from each
result for further analyzing. year (new tests can be run to compliment the existing database).

Weight: 0.3 Weight: 0.3

Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 4.5 Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 5
Paramtric roll. Added resistance in waves is a hot topic. Used for concept development of new design and how it operates in shallow water.

Weight: 0.2
Weight: 0.2
Cost Grade (max 5): 3
Cost Grade (max 5): 5
No concept costs, the MDL model can be used directly. High operational cost, the basin needs to
No concept cost (engine & rudder is standard in MDL). One standard test sequence, 500 000 be partly drained. 30 000 SEK approx. for draining the basin + normal operational cost for
SEK. For educational use, the standard prize is 70 000 SEK per day, but students could get access testing.
after closing time (4 PM)
C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 30 000 Weight: 0.3
C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 500 000 Weight: 0.3
Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 5
Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 5
Standard model, MDL.
Standard model, MDL

Weight: 0.2 Weight: 0.2

Total Grade: Total Grade:

1.1875 1.0625
Sources: Sources:
Interview with SSPA (04.02.16)
Model Features Model Features
Name: Crane Idea Nr. 15 Name: VCG elevator Idea Nr. 16
General Description Field: Stability General Description Field: Stability
A motorised crane to illustrate how the stability is affected by moving weights A rod with a weight that can be moved vertically to change the VCG.

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4

Illustrate the challanges by lifting objects at sea. Students can operate the crane by them self. Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 5
Student can do a limiting KG analyse: find the highest vertical position of CoG before vanishing
Weight: 0.3

Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 1

No Weight: 0.3

Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 1

Weight: 0.2 No
Cost Grade (max 5): 4
Small concept cost: Engine: 200-500 SEK, Material: 300 SEK, Radio control (?). No operational
cost. Weight: 0.2

Cost Grade (max 5): 4

C.Cost (SEK): 2 000 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3 Small concept cost. No operational cost

Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 4

Possible to make. C.Cost (SEK): 500 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3

Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 5

Weight: 0.2 Easy to implement.

Total Grade:
Sources: Weight: 0.2
Study visit to DTU/Force (12.02.2016).
Total Grade:
Possible suppliers of parts: 0.975
Study visit to DTU/Force (12.02.2016)
Model Features Model Features
Name: Floodable Tanks Idea Nr. 17 Name: Weight for inclining Idea Nr. 18
General Description Field: Stability General Description Field: Stability
Hatches which can be removed to simulate flooding of compartment. Horisontal weights placed on a rod to do inclining test

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 5

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 5 Student can easily do a inclining test

Student can simulate damage stability.

Weight: 0.3
Weight: 0.3
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 1
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 1

Weight: 0.2
Weight: 0.2 Cost Grade (max 5): 4
Cost Grade (max 5): 5 Small concept cost. No operational cost
Small concept cost. No operational cost

C.Cost (SEK): 500 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3

C.Cost (SEK): 200 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3 Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 5
Easy to implement
Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 5
Easy to implement. Model has to be made of material that withstand a capsize, i.e. glasfiber.

Weight: 0.2

Weight: 0.2
Total Grade:
Total Grade:
Study visit to DTU/Force (12.02.2016)
Study visit to DTU/Force (12.02.2016)
Model Features Model Features
Name: Weight levels Idea Nr. 19 Name: Plastic Tanks Idea Nr. 20
General Description Field: Stability General Description Field: Stability
Different levels to place weights on to vary the CoG Different plastic tanks which can be fitted inside the hull. The tanks can have different
properties, such as floodable (hevert prinsippet), free surface effects, roll damping tank (?)

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4

Student can see the concequences of different CoG.
Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 5
Student can see the concequences of i.e free surface effects
Weight: 0.3

Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 1 Weight: 0.3

No Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 1
Weight: 0.2

Cost Grade (max 5): 5 Weight: 0.2

Small concept cost. No operational cost Cost Grade (max 5): 4

Small concept cost (depends on the amount of tanks). No operational cost

C.Cost (SEK): 200 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3

C.Cost (SEK): 3 000 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3
Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 5
Easy to implement Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 4
Easy to implement

Weight: 0.2
Weight: 0.2
Total Grade:
0.975 Total Grade:
Sources: 0.925
Study visit to DTU/Force (12.02.2016) Sources:
Study visit to DTU/Force (12.02.2016)
Model Features Model Features
Name: Damage Stability Idea Nr. 21
Name: Changeable propellers Idea Nr. 22
General Description Field: Stability
General Description Field: Propeller
Damage stability is mainly done to determine the significant wave height that will cause the
model to capsize. Apart from test in irregular waves with different characteristic, the models Change the propeller to see different effect in terms of required trust, torque & RPM. Use in
equilibrium propeties in calm water are tested for verification. The models roll period are also cavitation tunnel to see caviation and errosion. A system can be fitted where different
tested. propulsors can be tested.

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 3.5

The students get can observe how the ship model behavies in damaged condtion. At least in Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4
calm water the behaviour can be compared to calculated result
Students can design their own propeller and verify the CFD analyse. Probably too complex for
the students to implement in the courses. Relevant for master thesis. Student can compare the
performance of different stock propellers.
Weight: 0.3

Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 5

Relevant for research as damage contidion in waves are hard to model with computers.
Weight: 0.3

Weight: 0.2 Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 4

Cost Grade (max 5): 1 Easy to verify CFD results of propellers in model testing. Much research done. Can develope
different types of propellers: flaps on propeller for energy saving.
Concept cost for a own damage stability model is approx the same as a MDL model, 200 000
SEK. How much the cost would be for integrating a damage and MDL model is unknown. Shift of
cargo (load instead of flooding) could simulate damage stability without free surface effects (0
Weight: 0.2
C.Cost (SEK): 200 000 O.Cost (SEK): Day Cost Weight: 0.3 Cost Grade (max 5): 4
Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 2 No concept cost. 75 000 to make the propeller + the cost of the test. Free to use different stock
To simulate the damage stability properly, the model has to have the following features: propellers (education).
1) Adequate strength & stiffnes properties.
2) Min model scale of 1:40. Min length 3m.
3) The model should represent the ship up to the main deck (may also include the C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 75 000 Weight: 0.3
4) The floodable compartments should be geometrically simular as the ship. Wall thickness Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 4
maximum 4mm No problem to make. Not possible to 3D print because the plastic is to flexible
5) All appendages should be included
6) The radii of gyrations should correspond to the ship.
It should be possible to combine with a MDL model. The tank has to be removed for seakeeping
& manouvering.
Weight: 0.2
Weight: 0.2

Total Grade:
Total Grade:
Sources: Sources:
Interview with Martin Schreuder (16.02.16), SSPA (19.02.16) and recomendation from ITTC. Interview with Per Hogstrm (15.02.16) and SSPA (19.02.16).
Model Features Model Features
Name: Outdoor Model - Seakeeping Idea Nr. 23 Name: Ballast tanks Idea Nr. 24
General Description Field: Stability
General Description Field: Seakeeping
Equip the model with ballast tanks (maybe cargo tanks) so the student can practice cargo
Outdoor model with the following extra features: wave rader or buoy to measure the wave handling. The tanks will be equipped with some sort of pump system.
characteristic, acceleration measurments and remote controll. Specific model that can be used
both in MDL and outside.

Regarding seakeeping it can be difficult to find a place with large enough waves and still have
Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4
control of the model. Really difficult to control the environment.
The students can practice cargo handling. Mainly for captains. The feature can also be used to
illustrate stability. The captains already have a computer simulator which may do the job better.

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4

Student can do seakeeping outdoors. The waves may be too small to give any interesting results Weight: 0.3
outdoor. Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 1
Weight: 0.3 No research

Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 1

No research - no control of the environment.
Weight: 0.2
Weight: 0.2 Cost Grade (max 5): 4
Cost Grade (max 5): 2 Some cost for tanks and pump system

Need some extra quite expensive features.

C.Cost (SEK): 100 000 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3 C.Cost (SEK): 3 500 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3
Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 2
Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 4
Mini buoy availible (but still proffesional). Probably really expensive. Wave rader in small scale Have to find a supplyer of a small scale pump systems or make it by our self. A hand pump may
not found. The model has to be equipped with engine, propeller, rudder & remote control. be sufficient. A system with pipes and valves could quite esily be made (with 1-2 cm plastic or
Acceleration measurements no problem. Power supply for a large TT or MDL model could be a copper pipes). A plexiglass window can be made to indicate the liquid level. Tanks has to be
problem as this is normally solved with cable through the towing wagon. Could be solved with made in glasfiber.
batteries. A large MDL/TT model will probably be so large that the waves availible outside,
would be to small to be able to observe anything of interest. SSPA recommend a small, high Weight: 0.2
speed model for this to be a valid feature.
Total Grade:
Weight: 0.2 0.85
Interview with Olle Lindmark (16.02.2016)
Total Grade:
Supplier of pump:
Sources: Supplier of valves:
Mini Buoy: 218365409/pvc_white1inch_water_valve_small_water_valve.html
Model Features Model Features
Name: Wave pattern Idea Nr. 25 Name: Intact Stability Idea Nr. 26
General Description Field: Hydro General Description Field: Stability
The wave pattern shows the disturbance of the water around the hull due to the ships motion. Intact stability test are normally carried out to investigate the ships behaviour in extreme
Two types of waves are created; divergent ('backward') and transverse waves. The wave pattern condtions (capsizing). This include phenomens as:
can be seen when running the model in waves, could be difficult to model accurately. - Pure loss of stability, typically on a wave crest
- Paramtric rolling
- Cargo shift or other heeling moments
Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4 - Broaching
- etc
Study wave pattern and added resistance when the model is operating in waves. See the
difference in wave pattern at various speeds and displacements. Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4.5
Interesting for students to see these phenomens, which can be quite difficult to grasp
Weight: 0.3
Weight: 0.3
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 2.5
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 5
Complex to get accurate results. Interesting to verify CFD results.
All these phenomens are interesting in terms of research

Weight: 0.2 Weight: 0.2

Cost Grade (max 5): 5 Cost Grade (max 5): 4

No additional concept cost. 3000 SEK for video Thin Hull needed for TT model. The model need to be water proof (floodable). And an sufficient
freeboard is necessary.

C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 3 000 C.Cost (SEK): 30 000 O.Cost (SEK): Day Cost Weight: 0.3
Weight: 0.3

Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 5 Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 4

No additional features for the model. The CoG and the radii of gyration has to represent the ship. The model has to be completed up
to the weatherdeck (depends a bit on ship type). Appendeges should be installed.

Weight: 0.2 Weight: 0.2

Total Grade: Total Grade:

1.05 1.0875
Sources: Sources: ITTC procedure. Interview with Martin Schreuder (16.02.16).
Model Features Model Features
Name: Uncertainty Analyse Idea Nr. 27 Name: Changabele rudder Idea Nr. 28
General Description Field: General General Description Field: Manouvering
Students make an uncertainty analyse (check if their estimate corresponds to the result). This is The rudder can be changed to investigate the effects on manouvering. Both by optimizing the
normally done for all tests. This can be done on a backbone model used for resistance (the rudder for the particular ship and to try different types of rudder (Spade, semi-spade, balanced
student can estimate the effect of the gaps). rudder, rudder bulb).

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4 Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4
Student can estimate the expected magnitude of the errors that will occur in the model test, It interesting for the students to see the effect of different rudder types and designs on
caused by i.e the gaps on the backbone model. manouvering.

Weight: 0.3 Weight: 0.3

Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 1 Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 3.5
Normally always done before a test. Beneficial to have an idea about the accuracy of the results. New rudder types.

Weight: 0.2 Weight: 0.2

Cost Grade (max 5): 5 Cost Grade (max 5): 4

No additional cost. Pretty cheap as it is easy to change and fairly easy to manufacture

C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3 C.Cost (SEK): 20 000 O.Cost (SEK): Day Cost Weight: 0.3

Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 5 Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 4
No technical aspect. Easy to change rudders

Weight: 0.2 Weight: 0.2

Total Grade: Total Grade:

0.975 0.975
Sources: Sources:
Model Features Model Features
Name: Seakeeping in TT Idea Nr. 29
Name: Spontoons Idea Nr. 30
General Description Field: Hydro
General Description Field: Stability
Some seakeeping tests can be done in the TT using headwaves and following waves, such as
added resistance and measuring of the different accelerations. See feature #13. A device which gives extra bouyancy and/or stability. The spontoons can be placed around the
ship to see how they influence the stability.

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4 Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4
If a resistance model is chosen, the students will still be able to see and get results from some Students can easily see how a change in the geometry at the WL affect the stability performance
seakeeping tests. The students can see how waves affect the resistance and how the ship of the ship.
behaves in head- and following waves.

Weight: 0.3

Weight: 0.3 Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 1

Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 3.5 No

Same research as for seakeeping (#13), limited to head- and following waves.

Weight: 0.2

Cost Grade (max 5): 4

Weight: 0.2
Low concept cost. The spontoons will be made in the same material as the hull and do represent
Cost Grade (max 5): 5 only a small concept cost.
No additional concept cost.

C.Cost (SEK): 1 000 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3

C.Cost (SEK): NaN O.Cost (SEK): Day Cost Weight: 0.3 Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 5
Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 5 Quite easy to implement.
The wave heights are small in the TT, need a small enough model so the waves give reasonable
results. Thin hull (#9) needed. Easy to measure added resistance.

Weight: 0.2
Weight: 0.2

Total Grade:
Total Grade:
Model Features Model Features
Name: Stability Basin Idea Nr. 31 Name: Captive Test Idea Nr. 32

General Description Field: Stability General Description Field: Manouvering

Own basin for small stability model placed at Lindholmen. Captive test is done to obtain the manouvering coefficients. The model is subjected to forced
motions and the applied forces are measured. This is done in the TT basin at SSPA.

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 5
The students can derive the manouvering coefficients and use them in manouvering equations.
Student can do their own stability test and observe the result directly.

Weight: 0.3 Weight: 0.3

Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 1 Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 4
No benefits The manouvering coefficients can be used in ship simulators.

Weight: 0.2
Weight: 0.2
Cost Grade (max 5): 3
Cost Grade (max 5): 5
18 m HUP 100x100x5 : 6750 SEK, 12 m L 50x50x5: 905 SEK, PL 8 mm: 200 SEK, Pleksiglass 6m^2:
2628 SEK, Other stuff (bolts,nuts,etc): 1000 SEK. Quite costfull to execute all the manouvering tests. No additional concept cost

C.Cost (SEK): 11 500 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3 C.Cost (SEK): 0 O.Cost (SEK): 300 000 Weight: 0.3
Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 4
Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 4.5
Easy to make. Total weight: 414 kg, with water: 2400 + 414 = 2814 kg. 2x3 meter w/ total height
Bilge keel (if the ship has one) has to be included. The hull of the model has to be thin to be able
of 1.5 meters.
to a propper weight distribution - so eiter feature #9 Thin hull or a standard MDL model.

Weight: 0.2 Weight: 0.2

Total Grade: Total Grade:

0.85 1.1
Sources: Sources:
PPT NTNU: Ship model testing. SSPA meeting (19.02.16)
Model Features Model Features
Name: Roll decay Idea Nr. 33 Name: Parametric roll Idea Nr. 34
General Description Field: Seakeeping General Description Field: Seakeeping
Roll damping is found by heeling the model and measuring the amplitudes of roll damping. Rolling of ship cause by head or following waves. Ship has large flares, flat aftership, slim fore
Could only be done with zero speed in TT. and aft body, i.e. large container ship. Its difficult to simulate parametric roll. SSPA have no
experience with it. The MDL basin is too short to do parametric roll. Both it can be done at zero
speed by mooring the model with soft springs. The towing tank could probably also be used.

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4.5 Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4
Relatively easy for the students to obeserve. Student could probably execute the tests by
Interesting phenomen for some kind of ships. See how the impact of different types of waves on
themself. The stability of the ship and ships ability to righten are measured.
the ships performance.

Weight: 0.3
Weight: 0.3 Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 5
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 3 Hot topic. Interesting to investigate at what state parametric roll happens for the model and
methods to prevent it.
Test different appendages that increase/ decrease the roll period of the model.

Weight: 0.2
Weight: 0.2 Cost Grade (max 5): 5
Cost Grade (max 5): 5 The hull has to be made thinner to be able to do the weight distribution properly (#9 Thin hull or
A thinner hull is needed, which will have some concept cost (accounted for under Thin hull). MDL)

C.Cost (SEK): NaN O.Cost (SEK): Day Cost Weight: 0.3

C.Cost (SEK): NaN O.Cost (SEK): Day Cost Weight: 0.3 Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 3
Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 5 Very difficult to trigger parametric roll. SSPA had no experience with it. Very time consuming
. and requiers a long wave history. SSPA recommend to use model results from seakeeping trials
in a CFD program to illustrate parametric roll.

Weight: 0.2
Weight: 0.2
Total Grade:
Total Grade: 1.075
1.1125 Sources:
Sources: Interview: SSPA (04.02.16) & Martin Schreuder (16.02.16). Soft springs:
Interview: SSPA (04.02.16) & Martin Schreuder (16.02.16) Model test on intact stability (ITTC, 2008).
Model Features Model Features
Name: Roll damping devices Idea Nr. 35 Name: Outdoor model - Manouvering Idea Nr. 36
General Description Field: Seakeeping General Description Field: Manouvering
The model could be equiped with different roll damping devices, as bilge keels, roll damping The idea is the same as for feature #21, but the model should only be used for manouvering.
tanks (both passive and active), finns,

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4 Student can do free running manouvering test by them self. Great learning and fun for students
controlling the boat
Investigate roll damping devices effect on roll period (and seakeeping in general).

Weight: 0.3
Weight: 0.3
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 2
Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 4
Limited research. Maybe manouvering in a environment with waves and wind. But impossible to
The effect of roll damping devices could be investigated.
control the environment

Weight: 0.2 Weight: 0.2

Cost Grade (max 5): 2.5 Cost Grade (max 5): 3
Depends on what roll damping system that is chosen, a passive system, i.e. bilge keel or roll The model would need a battery pack and remote control in addition.
damping tanks would be fairly cheap. A active system would be considarble more expensive. No
cost assesment is done because the cost varies too much between the systems.

C.Cost (SEK): NaN O.Cost (SEK): Day Cost Weight: 0.3 C.Cost (SEK): NaN O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3
Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 3 Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 4
The active system would relativly difficult to implement. The passive system, on the other hand, Possible to make. The challange would be to fit a sufficiently large batteri pack inside the model.
is achiveable.

Weight: 0.2 Weight: 0.2

Total Grade: Total Grade:

0.8375 0.825
Sources: Sources:
Model Features
Name: Wind tunnel Idea Nr. 37
General Description Field: Resistance
The stability model could be used in Chalmers windtunnel to investigate the flow around the

Benefits for the students Grade (max 5): 4

Student can use the model to study the flow around the hull. The flow characteristic is easier to
see than in a water tank.

Weight: 0.3

Benefits for the research Grade (max 5): 4

Interesting in terms of flow visualization and boundary layer (as the Reynolds number would be

Weight: 0.2

Cost Grade (max 5): 4

Increased cost for surface finish. Lower operational cost as its Chalmers own tunnel.

C.Cost (SEK): 10 000 O.Cost (SEK): 0 Weight: 0.3

Technical Aspect Grade (max 5): 4

Chalmers windtunnel is a closed circuit tunnel with test dimensions 3.0 x 1.8 x 1.25 [m] and a
speed range of 0-60 m/s. It is equipped with balances force measurements, hot wire
anemometry for flow studies, optical measurments equipment and advanced pressure
measurment equipment. The surface finish of the stability model has to of higher quality than
the ordinary model. Wind tunnel has advantages like a the opertunities to operate at a higher
Reynolds number giving more accurate result and are also less time consuming than towing

Weight: 0.2

Total Grade:
Wind tunnel Chalmers:

Info from Force:
C Decision matrix 2

Concept 1 Features
Ship Nr Ship Type 1 3 5 7 12 13 21 24 25 26 34 35 SUM
1 ULCV 1 0,16 0,36 0,07 0,00 0,28 0,32 0,00 0,00 0,07 0,30 0,30 0,56 1,16
2 Container Feeder 2 0,57 0,00 0,61 0,06 0,00 0,17 0,00 0,00 0,55 0,00 0,00 0,00 1,80
3 Liquid Cargo Carrier 3 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,64 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
4 Ro-Ro 4 0,07 0,00 0,17 0,28 0,54 0,62 0,42 0,00 0,15 0,66 0,58 0,29 1,54
5 Ferry 5 0,00 0,00 0,32 0,54 0,15 0,00 0,19 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,86
6 Fishing Vessel 6 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,07 0,00 0,00 0,28 0,00 0,07 0,00 0,35
7 Navy Vessel 7 0,00 0,04 0,00 0,00 0,06 0,00 0,08 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,07 0,07
8 DTC 8 0,30 0,10 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,16 0,45
9 KVLCC 9 0,00 0,19 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,21 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
10 KCS 10 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,15 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,12 0,16 0,00 0,31

Concept 2 Features
Ship Nr Ship Type 1 5 7 12 13 21 24 25 26 34 35 SUM
1 ULCV 1 0,16 0,36 0,07 0,00 0,28 0,32 0,00 0,00 0,07 0,30 0,30 0,56 1,99
2 Container Feeder 2 0,57 0,00 0,61 0,06 0,00 0,17 0,00 0,00 0,55 0,00 0,00 0,00 1,29
3 Liquid Cargo Carrier 3 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,64 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
4 Ro-Ro 4 0,07 0,00 0,17 0,28 0,54 0,62 0,42 0,00 0,15 0,66 0,58 0,29 3,34
5 Ferry 5 0,00 0,00 0,32 0,54 0,15 0,00 0,19 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,34
6 Fishing Vessel 6 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,07 0,00 0,00 0,28 0,00 0,07 0,00 0,43
7 Navy Vessel 7 0,00 0,04 0,00 0,00 0,06 0,00 0,08 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,07 0,21
8 DTC 8 0,30 0,10 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,16 0,45
9 KVLCC 9 0,00 0,19 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,21 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
10 KCS 10 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,15 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,12 0,16 0,00 0,28

Concept 3 Features
Ship Nr Ship Type 1 3 5 7 12 13 21 24 25 26 34 35 SUM
1 ULCV 1 0,16 0,36 0,07 0,00 0,28 0,32 0,00 0,00 0,07 0,30 0,30 0,56 0,00
2 Container Feeder 2 0,57 0,00 0,61 0,06 0,00 0,17 0,00 0,00 0,55 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
3 Liquid Cargo Carrier 3 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,64 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,64
4 Ro-Ro 4 0,07 0,00 0,17 0,28 0,54 0,62 0,42 0,00 0,15 0,66 0,58 0,29 0,00
5 Ferry 5 0,00 0,00 0,32 0,54 0,15 0,00 0,19 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
6 Fishing Vessel 6 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,07 0,00 0,00 0,28 0,00 0,07 0,00 0,00
7 Navy Vessel 7 0,00 0,04 0,00 0,00 0,06 0,00 0,08 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,07 0,00
8 DTC 8 0,30 0,10 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,16 0,00
9 KVLCC 9 0,00 0,19 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,21 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,21
10 KCS 10 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,15 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,12 0,16 0,00 0,00

Concept 4 Features
Ship Nr Ship Type 1 3 5 7 12 13 21 24 25 26 34 35 SUM
1 ULCV 1 0,16 0,36 0,07 0,00 0,28 0,32 0,00 0,00 0,07 0,30 0,30 0,56 0,36
2 Container Feeder 2 0,57 0,00 0,61 0,06 0,00 0,17 0,00 0,00 0,55 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
3 Liquid Cargo Carrier 3 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,64 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
4 Ro-Ro 4 0,07 0,00 0,17 0,28 0,54 0,62 0,42 0,00 0,15 0,66 0,58 0,29 0,00
5 Ferry 5 0,00 0,00 0,32 0,54 0,15 0,00 0,19 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
6 Fishing Vessel 6 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,07 0,00 0,00 0,28 0,00 0,07 0,00 0,00
7 Navy Vessel 7 0,00 0,04 0,00 0,00 0,06 0,00 0,08 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,07 0,04
8 DTC 8 0,30 0,10 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,16 0,10
9 KVLCC 9 0,00 0,19 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,21 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,19
10 KCS 10 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,15 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,12 0,16 0,00 0,00
Ship Type Ship Type
Name: ULCV Ship Nr. 1 Name: Container Feeder Ship Nr. 2
General Description General Description
Ultra Large Container Vessel. 10-18 000 TEU. Large ships have a larger Container feeder used for short distances. Specialized in the transport of
natural periods in bending and torsion, they generally go faster --> more high- containers from small ports to feeder ports and the other way around. Small
frequency wave loads, larger bow flares --> more nonlinear wave loads. It is or medium sized ships, starting at 200 TEU.
generally limited experience with large containerships.

Features Features
Large bow flare (larger than 40 deg are challenging), small B/L ratio, Small sized vessel, relatively high speed: 18 knots. Rich body (Ref. Poul
relatively fast going (25 knots), flat bottom (spec. twin scre) which results in Andersen), relatively high Fr. Commonly has a bulb. A research vessel with
aft slamming. This phenomen creates an increased sagging moment. approxmately the same dimensions called Hamburg Test Case (HTC) already
Important to define the hull girder loads. The ship is very flexible due to the exist.
lengt of it, this may lead to vibrations --> whipping and springing. Bulb.

Main Dimensions (Typical) Main Dimensions (Typical)

L [m] B [m] T [m] Disp. [t] Fn Cb L [m] B [m] T [m] Disp. [t] Fn Cb
360 49 15,5 - ~ 0.22 - 150 21,8 7,2 - 0,24 ~0.65
ULCV: Ship Knowledge, Klas Van Dokkum, 5th edition 2008.
l_dissertations Source:
Merchant ship:
Ship Type Ship Type
Name: Liquid Cargo Carrier Ship Nr. 3 Name: Ro-Ro Ship Nr. 4
General Description General Description
A merchant vessel built to carry liquid cargo, from the oil field to the rafinery. Ro-ro: Wide term for a vessel designed to carry cargo that can roll on/ off by
it self. Many different categories and sizes, ro-ro is the general description.
RoPax, ConRo, RoLo, PCTC, PCC in example.

Features Features
High block coefficient, slow going, stable. Usually single screw. Important to Large open car decks (exposed for flooding). Exaggerated bow flare (to
avoid separations in the stern. Large holds. provide form stability) and distinct transom stern (parametric rolling). Slender
underwater body and high VCG. Ship is optimized for low resistance and
maximum cargo capacity, bad manouverability.

Main Dimensions (Typical) Main Dimensions (approx.)

L [m] B [m] T [m] Disp. [t] Fn Cb L [m] B [m] T [m] Disp. [t] Fn Cb
245 34 20 80 000 ~0,15 - 200 32,2 9,5 - 11 - 0,18 - 0,24 -
Sources Sources
Ship Knowledge, Klas Van Dokkum, 5th edition 2008. Ship Knowledge, Klas Van Dokkum, 5th edition 2008.
Lars Larsson, Ship Resistance and Flow, 2010.
Ship Type Ship Type
Name: Ferry Ship Nr. 5 Name: Fishing Vessel Ship Nr. 6
General Description General Description
Perform well over a wide range of speeds and conditions, and have good The purpose of the vessel is to locate, catch and perserve fish while at sea.
manouvering and seakeeping capabilities. Relatively wide term, all from The vessels are design, constructed and equiped based on area of use. Many
RoPax ferries to small river ferries. different designs.

Features Features
Centre of Buoyance relatively far aft (approx. 3.5%-5 %). Goose neck bulbs Stable, relatively fast going. Wave resistance is the largest component. Blunt
are usually used. Straight water lines. Mostly twin-screw arrangement, and hull. Needs large refrigerated volumes for fish holds (stability). High engine
flat stern. Propeller is placed in front of the pod in order to minimize noise power for trawlers.
and vibrations. High speed vessel, supported by the dynamic lift from the
high pressure bottom. Some deadrise required from a seakeeping point of
Main Dimensions (Typical) Main Dimensions (Typical)
L [m] B [m] T [m] Disp. [t] Fn Cb L [m] B [m] T [m] Disp. [t] Fn Cb
- - - - ~0.25 0.6 - 0.65 23 7 2,5 - 0,3 -
Sources Sources
Lars Larsson, Ship Resistance and Flow, 2010. Ship Knowledge, Klas Van Dokkum, 5th edition 2008.
Ship Type Ship Type
Name: Navy Vessel Ship Nr. 7 Name: DTC Ship Nr. 8
General Description General Description
Navy vessels include; Aircraft carriers, Cruisers, Destroyers, Frigates and Duisburg Test Case (DTC) is a hull design of a typical 14 000 TEU container
Corvettes. Frigates are considered here. Vessel used for defence. ship (post-panamax) , developed by Ship Technology, Ocean Engineering and
Transport Systems (ISMT).

Features Features
Fast going and stable. High demand of controllability, i.e. the steering ability Bulbous bow, large bow flare, large stern overhang and a transom.
and ship & platform motions. Workability, loads and operation in extreme
weather are important. Interesting to inverstigate damaged) stability aspects.
Fast stop.

Main Dimensions (Typical) Main Dimensions (Typical)

L [m] B [m] T [m] Disp. [t] Fn Cb L [m] B [m] T [m] Disp. [t] Fn Cb
130 16,1 7,3 4 900 0.4 - 0.5 355 51 14,5 173 467 0,218 0,661
Sources Sources
Ship Knowledge, Klas Van Dokkum, 5th edition 2008.
Ship Type Ship Type
Name: KVLCC Ship Nr. 9 Name: KCS Ship Nr. 10
General Description General Description
Very large crude carrier made by Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Modern containership with bulb bow made by Korea Research Institute of
Engineering - KRISO. Ships and Ocean Engineering - KRISO.

Features Features
KVLCC 1: V-shaped stern Large bulb, slender stern and relatively short midsection.
KVLCC 2: U-shaped stern

Tanker with bulb bow and stern. Two stern variants were designed: KVLCC1
has barge type stern frame-lines with a fine stern end bulb i.e. relatively V-
shaped frame-lines, while KVLCC2 has more U-shaped stern frame-lines.
Main Dimensions (Typical) Main Dimensions (Typical)
L [m] B [m] T [m] Disp. [t] Fn Cb L [m] B [m] T [m] Disp. [t] Fn Cb
320 58 20,8 312 622 0,142 0,8 230 32,2 10,8 52 030 0,26 0,651
Sources Sources
Ship Feature Ship Feature
Name: Changable ship geometry Feature Nr. 1 Name: Structural Response Feature Nr. 3
Feature Feature
General Description 1,10 General Description 0,69
grade: grade:
The idea is to make the model so that some parts of the hull can be changed, i.e. change the The model is segmented and equiped with a backbone. The model can then be used to find
aft or fore of the ship, or local changes as the bulb. The ship model can then be optimzed in bending moment, shear stresses, whipping - and springing, etc. caused by waves. The model
terms of resistance and flow (bulb & shoulders --> wave pattern, stern --> wake, etc. ), can probably be used in normal seakeeping trails as welll. Normally a seakeeping model is rigid,
seakeeping (changable foreship --> slamming, changable midship --> change ship length, etc) but a flexible model with the correct stiffnes should yield a more realistic result. Manouvering
and manouvering (Length, draft, LCB*). could be a bit more cumbersome as a the backbone will be subjected to a horisontal bending
moment (when turning the rudder). Then the backbone needs to have a correct horisontal
According to Carl-Erik Janson (mail: 8.mars): stiffnes (which they do not always have).

"Local geometrical modifications like changing the bulb are not so important for seakeeping. Ship Properties
It is the main dimensions and in particular the shape of the water plane area, global volume Springing is due to waves with the natural frequency of the ship. Whipping is a result of
distribution and mass moment of inertia that are of importance." slamming. Slamming occours at ship with flat bottom (like barges and supertankers) or ships
with large bow flares (i.e container ships). Long ships are more exposed for springing.
Ship Properties
Other loads (as bending moment and shear) is also of interest. Especially torsion for container
The ship should have: ships.
- High Froude nr., more resistance components, easier to optimize In general container ship are of most interest w.r.t this phenomens, and then espesially ULCS:
- Bulb (easy and relatively cheap to optimize), dependent on Cb, L/B and B/T. Will reduce the - Larger natural periods in bending and torsion
wake, quasi-prop. coeff and the thrust deduction - Often higher speed, thus more high-frequency wave loads
- Ship who travels long distances at relatively constant speed. - Large bow flare, more nonlinear wave loads
- Bulb: Seakeeping, mitigates the pitching motion - damping. Disadvantage over Bauford 8.
No effect on manouvering
Ship Types
Ship Types
Range Weight Ship Nr. Ship Type Grade
Range Weight Ship Nr. Ship Type Grade

1 0,52 1 ULCV 0,36

1 0,52 2 Container Feeder 0,57

2 0,27 8 DTC 0,30 2 0,27 9 KVLCC 0,19

3 0,15 1 ULCV 0,16 3 0,15 8 DTC 0,10

4 0,06 4 Ro-Ro 0,07

4 0,06 7 Navy Vessel 0,04
Ship Feature Ship Feature
Name: Towing Resistance Feature Nr. 5 Name: Wake-field Feature Nr. 7
Feature Feature
General Description 1,18 General Description 1,04
grade: grade:
Normal towing test. Resistance, sinkage & trim, wave elevation, boundary layer and the The boundary layer increase in thickness with its distance from the bow, meaning it is thickest
nominal wake are measured in the towing basin. Load cells are used to measure forces. at the stern. In addition, the ship displaces water, which causes wake waves fore and aft. This
Rotative potentiometers used to measure the fore and aft displacement in sinkage & trim. will cause the propeller behind the hull to work in non-uniform water. Therefore tests are
Tested at different speeds, giving the same Froude number as for full scale. Wave elevation performed to optimize the flow to the propeller. Can be measured in cavitation tunnel and
measured with pictures. Nominal wake measure the flow into the propeller using pitot tubes. towing tank. The wake field is dependent on the ship type, each ship have a unique wake field.
The model should be tested in two conditons; with and without appendages.

Ship Properties
Ship Properties
The ship should:
The ship should: Wake fields (for extremes)
- Have a high Froude number - U shape aftbody (single screw bulk carrier) the bilge vortex dominates the flow in the thwart-
- Initial bulb to optimize ship plane of the propeller disc.
- Large wave resistance for the studentds to optimize - V shape aftbody (single screw, fast going) a high-speed axial flow field exists for much of the
propeller disc except the top dear centre location, where the flow is relatively slow (may even
reverse in dir.).
- Twin-screw (Ex. ferry) - specific attention to the design of the shaft support.

Ship Types
Ship Types
Range Weight Ship Nr. Ship Type Grade
Range Weight Ship Nr. Ship Type Grade
1 0,52 5 Ferry 0,54
1 0,52 2 Container Feeder 0,61

2 0,27 4 Ro-Ro 0,28

2 0,27 5 Ferry 0,32

3 0,15 10 KCS 0,15

3 0,15 4 Ro-Ro 0,17

4 0,06 2 Container Feeder 0,06

4 0,06 1 ULCV 0,07
Ship Feature Ship Feature
Name: Manouvering Test (MDL) Feature Nr. 12 Name: Seakeeping Feature Nr. 13
Feature Feature
General Description 1,04 General Description 1,19
grade: grade:
Manouvering test are perfomed for verification of the ships maneuverability. The free running Seakeeping in different waves and headings. Seakeeping trials will show how well the ship
test are carried out in the MDL basin. Manouvering in channel is also availible (to a higher behaves in various weather and waves. The trials are done in MDL, following parameters can
cost). be determined; Roll damping, non-linear motion, slamming and local loads, green water,
propeller emergence and added resistance in all wave headings. Added mass is measured by
Ship Properties the the power increased needed to maintain a certain speed. However, to be able to measure
The effect of some ship parameteres on its manoeuvrability characteristic (Prez & Clemente, added resistance the calm water resistance is needed, which only can be obtained in the
2006) towing tank. To assess added resistance, two models are needed.
- Decreasing length has a positv effect on the turning manouvarbility, but affect the Zigzag
Ship Properties
tests negatively.
- The increase of beam & reduction of length reduce the advance and the tactical diameter, - Large ships generally have lower motions (relative size in waves)
but increase the overshoot angle. - Heavier ship will have lower motions (lower accelerations)
- The effect of changing draft alone is not clear and depand on other parameteres. - A stable ship follow the wave profile better (higher acc. but lower amplitudes of motion)
- Displacing the LCB position forward affect the turning manouver positivly. The effect of the - higher freebord = less likely to immerse the deck (green water)
Zigzag test is small.
Manouvering of a container ship is challenging because of its great length (i.e. turning circle)
and high speed (i.e. safety). Navy ships often has to have good manouverability (in all weather
at high speed) because of their misson. Manouverability of ships which travel short distances
(has much harbour time) is important. RoRo vessel usually have bad manouverability due to
the large wind area above waterline. Ship Types
Ship Types
Range Weight Ship Nr. Ship Type Grade
Range Weight Ship Nr. Ship Type Grade
1 0,52 4 Ro-Ro 0,62
1 0,52 4 Ro-Ro 0,54
2 0,27 1 ULCV 0,32
2 0,27 1 ULCV 0,28

3 0,15 2 Container Feeder 0,17

3 0,15 5 Ferry 0,15

4 0,06 6 Fishing Vessel 0,07

4 0,06 7 Navy Vessel 0,06
Ship Feature Ship Feature
Name: Damage Stability Feature Nr. 21 Name: Ballast tanks Feature Nr. 24
Feature Feature
General Description 0,69 General Description 0,85
grade: grade:
Damage stability is mainly done to determine the significant wave height that will cause the Equip the model with ballast tanks (maybe cargo tanks) so the student can practice cargo
model to capsize. Apart from test in irregular waves with different characteristic, the models handling. The tanks will be equipped with some sort of pump system.
equilibrium propeties in calm water are tested for verification. The models roll period are also

Ship Properties Ship Properties

In general there is two forms of damage stability, sinkage as a result of loss of bouyancy and A tanker is suitable for cargo handling due to the large amount of tanks. Also interesting to
capcising as a result of loss of transversal stability. Damage stability in waves are a hot-topic for investigate ballasting of other vessels. A pump system would be beneficial.
In the Cargo Operetion Studio (COS) this can be done with sufficient accuracy using computers.
Especially RoRo vessel are of concern because of their large compartments, which flooded
would give huge free-surface effects. Water on deck is also a concern. For passenger vessel, i.e.
RoPax, there is stricter requirement for survailability w.r.t stability.

Ship Types Ship Types

Range Weight Ship Nr. Ship Type Grade Range Weight Ship Nr. Ship Type Grade

1 0,61 4 Ro-Ro 0,42 1 0,75 3 Liquid Cargo Carrier 0,64

2 0,28 5 Ferry 0,19 2 0,25 9 KVLCC 0,21

3 0,11 7 Navy Vessel 0,08 3 Error NaN

4 Error NaN 4 Error NaN

Sources: Sources:
Ship Feature Ship Feature
Name: Wave pattern Feature Nr. 25 Name: Intact Stability Feature Nr. 26
Feature Feature
General Description 1,05 General Description 1,09
grade: grade:
The wave pattern shows the disturbance of the water around the hull due to the ships motion. Intact stability test are normally carried out to investigate the ships behaviour in extreme
Two types of waves are created; divergent ('backward') and transverse waves. The wave condtions (capsizing). This include phenomens as:
pattern can be seen when running the model in waves, could be difficult to model accurately. - Pure loss of stability, typically on a wave crest
- Paramtric rolling
- Cargo shift or other heeling moments
- Broaching
- etc

Ship Properties Ship Properties

The ship should have a high Froude number and preferably a full body and a bulb. The wave Examples of situations leading to capsizing as a result of loss of intact stability: Pure loss of
resistance should be a considerable part of the total resistance. stability, typically in a wave crest (1), Parametric Rolling (2), Cargo shift or other heeling
moments (3) and Broaching (4) (Blome & Krueger, Unknown).

Ship Types
Ship Types

Range Weight Ship Nr. Ship Type Grade

Range Weight Ship Nr. Ship Type Grade

1 0,52 2 Container Feeder 0,55

1 0,61 4 Ro-Ro 0,66

2 0,27 6 Fishing Vessel 0,28

2 0,28 1 ULCV 0,30

3 0,15 4 Ro-Ro 0,15

3 0,11 10 KCS 0,12

4 0,06 1 ULCV 0,07

4 Error NaN

Ship Feature Ship Feature
Name: Roll decay Feature Nr. 33 Name: Parametric roll Feature Nr. 34
Feature Feature
General Description 1,11 General Description 1,08
grade: grade:
Roll damping is found by heeling the model and measuring the amplitudes of roll damping. Rolling of ship cause by head or following waves. Ship has large flares, flat aftership, slim fore
Could only be done with zero speed in TT. and aft body, i.e. large container ship. Its difficult to simulate parametric roll. SSPA have no
experience with it. The MDL basin is too short to do parametric roll. Both it can be done at zero
speed by mooring the model with soft springs. The towing tank could probably also be used.

Ship Properties

Ship Properties Parametric rolling in head/following sea is a phenomen that occours at certain wave condtions
(relative to the vessels main dimenisons). The ship starts rolling and angles up to 35 deg. can
The slender shape of a modern ship hull, exhibits a roll motion that is, in contrast to heave and occour. Large container ship with the following characteristic is tyically exposed:
pitch motion, submitted to large amplitudes and weak damping (Piehl & Moctar, 2013). The - large flare in the fore and aftship
slender shape represent a ship with relative high Froude number. - flat aftership
- slim fore and aft body
- righting arm varies significant with draft
- Wavelength approx equal to ship length
Could also happen for other type of ship with the same characteristic, i.e. Ro-Ro or Navy ships.
In general following sea and quartering sea are most critical.
Ship Types Ship Types

Range Weight Ship Nr. Ship Type Grade Ship Type

Range Weight Ship Nr. Grade

1 0,52 4 Ro-Ro 0,58 ULCV

1 0,52 1 0,56

2 0,27 1 ULCV 0,30 Ro-Ro

2 0,27 4 0,29

3 0,15 10 KCS 0,16 DTC

3 0,15 8 0,16

4 0,06 6 Fishing Vessel 0,07 Navy Vessel

4 0,06 7 0,07

Sources: Sources:
D Shape of a PCTC

Main Dimensions:
Lref := 200 Am := 350.619

B ref := 32.3

Tref := 11

vref := 21

ref := 47971

rho := 1.026

C bref := 0.654

vref 0.5144
Fn := Fn = 0.244
9.81 Lref

Design of waterline:
C WP := 0.9811 C bref C WP = 0.799 [Bogemann, 1982]

Entrance angle of DWL:

3 5 7
Emin := 438 1909 Fn + 2218 Fn 2261 Fn + 3624 Fn 2721 Fn Emin = 6.372
3 5 7
Emax := 402.387 1521 Fn + 1503 Fn 211.936 Fn + 2428 Fn + 4461 Fn Emax = 17.054
3 5 7
Eopt := 478.998 2048 Fn + 2343 Fn 2226 Fn + 3258 Fn 2168 Fn Eopt = 9.431

Design of bulb:
Overall design is based on a "Goose-neck" shaped bulb, see p. 177 in Lars Larsons book
The size of the bulb is based on the following coefficients from Fabians paper
B bulb := ( 0.17 0.2 ) B ref B bulb = ( 5.491 6.46 )

Lbulb := ( .018 0.031 ) Lref Lbulb = ( 3.6 6.2 )

Hbulb := ( 0.260 0.550 ) Tref Hbulb = ( 2.86 6.05 )

Across := ( 0.064 0.112 ) Am Across = ( 22.44 39.269 )

Along := ( 0.068 0.0146 ) Am Along = ( 23.842 5.119 )

E Calculations of the ships main dimension

Reference Ship:
Based on a study of relevant reference ship, the prelminary dimension are chosen:
Lref := 200 rho := 1.026 C Mref := 0.98
B ref := 32.2 ref := 48000
Tref := 11 ref
vref := 21
C bref := C bref = 0.66
Dref := 35 Lref Bref Tref

vref 0.5144
Fn ref := Fn ref = 0.244 Not in between 0.25 < Fn < 0.32 --> Avoid humps
9.81 Lref

Block Coefficient, Cb:

3 5 7
C b1 := 2.179 9.675 Fn ref + 18.633 Fnref 134.501 Fnref + 913.261 Fn ref 2274.852 Fn ref

C b1 = 0.665 [Jensen, 1994]

C b2 := 4.22 + 27.8 Fn ref 39.1 Fn ref + 46.6 Fn ref [Bertram & Wobig, 1999]

C b2 = 0.649

1 := Lref Bref Tref Cb1 rho 1 = 4.837 10
2 := Lref Bref Tref Cb2 rho 2 = 4.717 10

vref ( 3)
L1 := 7.25 ref L1 = 219.652 [Schneekluth, 1957 - fastgoing]
Length: vref + 2

Cbref + 0.5
3.2 L2 = 214.566
0.3 0.3
L2 := ref vref [Schneekluth & Bertram, 1998]
+ 0.5

Fn ref

L3 vref
:= 3.33 + 1.67 0.4824
1 [Schneekluth & Bertram, 1998] C WP1 := 0.981 Cbref C WP1 = 0.803 [Bogemann, 1982]
ref (
C WP2 := 0.763 C p + 0.34 ) C WP2 = 0.774 [Bertram & Wobig,
Bilge Radius:
Solved seperatly, and gives a length of L3 := 207.7
C K := 0.5

Bref CK
Beam: R bilge := R bilge = 3.615
B 1 := 0.175 Lref 2.5 B 1 = 32.5 [Bertram & Wobig, Lref 2
1999] B + 4 Cbref
B 2 := + 4.27 B 2 = 26.492 [Rawson & Tupper, 1994 - Cargo ships] ref
Lref Forward body & parallel midbody
B 3 := + 1.98 B 3 = 28.647 [Rawson & Tupper, 1994 - Cargo ships] See table in Ship Design
Depth, D:
3 5 7
LCBmin := 972.8 + 3523 Cbref 3374 C bref + 1597 Cbref 1136 Cbref + 368.2 C bref
D := 0.087 Lref D = 17.4
T := 0.065 Lref 0.68 T = 12.32 Not valid for containership LCBmin = 0.582 LCBmin = 1.165
3 5
LCBmax := 226.626 656.693 C bref + 447.969 Cbref + 15.422 Cbref 120.733 Cbref + 63.666 Cbref
Lref Lref
= 6.211 6.25 for container ships LCBmax = 18.433
[Saunders, 1957]
Bref LCBmax = 36.866
Bref Weird answer. According to fig. 3.4 in ShipDesign LCB should between 0 - 2% ahead off Lpp/2
= 0.92
Dref Not so relevant for PCTC as the freeboard is especially large. B/D - 1.3 to 2 Stability:
& L/D - 10 -15
Lref KB1 := Tref ( 0.9 0.36 0.851) KB1 = 6.53
= 5.714

Bref Should not exceed, [Roseman, Gertler, Kohl,

= 2.927
Tref 9.625 7.5 C bref = 4.672 1974]


C M1 := 0.96845 + 0.095 Cbref 0.57 ) C M1 = 0.977 [Bertram & Wobig, 1999]
C M2 := 0.526 + 1.135 C bref 0.683 C bref C M2 = 0.978 [Jensen, 1994]

C p := C p = 0.674 Good value according to p.161
CMref (Larsson,2010)
F Line drawings of the hull
G Design loads from DNV hull structural design

Main dimensions of the ship:

Lpp := 200 g0 := 9.81
B := 32.3 D := 35
T := 11 VCG := 15
LCG := 99.8 (Equal to LCB)
V := 21

C B := 0.654

Intermediate calculations:
300 Lpp
Wave Coefficient, B201: CW := 10.75 = 9.75
Coefficient 1, B203, CV := = 0.283 C V := 0.2 (Max value: 0.2)

Coefficient 1, B203, CV1 := = 1.485 (Min value: 0.8)

3 CW
Acceleration parameter, B203, a0 := + CV CV1 = 0.443
Surge acceleration, B301, ax := 0.2 g0 a0 C B = 0.703 [m/s 2 ]

Combined sway/yaw acceleration, B302, ay := 0.3 g0 a0 = 1.304 [m/s 2 ]

a0 2
Heave acceleration, B303, az := 0.7 g0 = 3.764 [m/s ]

Roll radius of gyration, B402, kr := 0.40 B for ships with even transverse distribution of mass

Metacentric height in m., B402, GM := 0.07 B in general

Actual GM with a VCG=15 equals, GM := 0.218

2 kr
Period of roll, TR := = 55.343 [s] (Max value: 30)

Coefficient, B401, k := 1.2, for ships without bilge keels.

TR := 30
( )
Coefficient, B401, c := 1.25 0.025 TR k = 0.6
50 c
Roll angle, B401, := = 0.28 [rad]
B + 75
The distance from the base line to the roll axis of rotation could be taken equal to the smallest of kv( x) g0 a0
D T D D T av( x) :=
+ = 14.25 [m] and = 17.5 [m]. Thus z := + = 14.25 [m] CB
4 2 2 4 2

The distance from the centre of mass to the axis of rotation, RR := VCG z = 0.75
2 2
Tangential roll acceleration (w/o gravity), B403, ar := R = 0.044 [m/s ]
The radial roll acceleration may be neglected, B404.
Pitch angle, B501, := 0.25 = 0.169 [rad]
CB av( x)

The pitch period, B502, Tp := 1.8 = 8.127 [s] 6

Distance between pitch axis and CoG in longitudional direction, xpitch := LCG 0.45 Lpp = 9.8 [m]
and in vertical directions it equals z defined B403, thus the distance from CoG to the pitch axis of 4
1 0 50 100 150 200
xpitch + z = 17.295 [m]. Angle equals Rp := tan
2 2 z
rotation is, Rp := = 0.117 x

2 The transverse component of ar equals the vertical projection of RR, B701, ary := 0 [m/s 2 ] , since
Tangential pitch acceleration, ap :=
2 2
Rp = 1.751 [m/s ] the COG is placed at the centre of the ship transveresely.
The radial pitch acceleration is normally neglected (B504), the total pitch acceleration is given by, 2 2 2
Combined transverse acceleration, B701, at := (
ay + g0 sin( ) + ary ) = 3.005 [m/s ]
Rp 2
B503, aP := 120 = 1.758 [m/s ]
( )
The longitudional component of pitch acceleration, B801, apx := cos Rp ap = 1.739
Combined accelerations:
2 2
Combined vertical accelerations,B601: Combined longitudinal accelerations, B801, al := (
ax + g0 sin( ) + apx ) = 3.466

x := 0 , 0.01 Lpp .. Lpp

kv( x) := 1.3 if x = 0
1.3 0.7
1.3 x if x > 0 x 0.3 Lpp
0.3 Lpp

0.7 if x > 0.3 Lpp x 0.6 Lpp

1.5 0.7
0.7 +
0.4 Lpp
x 0.6 Lpp ) if x > 0.6Lpp x < Lpp

1.5 otherwise
H Scaling of resistance

:= 46

Main dimensions from the full scale vessel:

S := 1025
LS := 200 S := 48000
B S := 32.3 SS := 8400 S := 1.18831 10
TS := 11 C B := 0.657
VS := 21 0.5144 = 10.802
DS := 35
( )
AT := B S DS TS = 775.2

VS s
Fn := = 0.244
g LS 0.5
R Ns := = 1.818 10

Main dimensions of model:

LS SS M := 999
LM := = 4.348 SM := = 3.97
2 6
M := 1.13902 10
B M := = 0.702 S M
M := = 0.481
3 S

TM := = 0.239

LM DM := = 0.761
VM := VS = 1.593

R Nm := = 6.08 10

D_prop := = 0.141

Resistance Calculations ITTC-78

C Tm := 4.52 10

k := 0.129
I Main dimensions of the ship model

Main dimensions from the full scale vessel:

LS := 200 m kg
M := 999
3 := 36
B S := 32.3 m m

TS := 11 m S := 1026
VS := 21 knot
DS := 35 m
DpropS := 6.5 m

S := 48000 ton
SS := 8400 m

Fn := = 0.244
g LS
Dimensions of the basin:
Lbasin := 88 m

B basin := 39 m

Hbasin := 3.2 m (Actual draft of basin equals 3.5 m)

< 1 tonn (SSPA)
Wave height 0 m < 2a <0.4 m (SSPA)
Wave length 0.2 m < w< inf m (SSPA)
Wave frequenc ies 0 Hz < f < 3 Hz (SSPA)
Speed 0 - 10 m/s (SSPA)
Max hog/sag at fully loaded is 2 mm (ITTC 2011a)
The propelle diamater should normally be between 0.15-0.30 meters (ITTC 2011a)
Wavelengths for seakeeping s hould be between 0.5*Lpp - 2.0*Lpp.
Wavelengths for broaching should be between 0.6*Lpp - 2.3*Lpp.
Wavelengths for parametric roll s hould be between 0.8*Lpp - 1.5*Lpp.
For free running models, the GM should have accuracy of 5% compared to full scale (ITTC
For intact stability models, 2% (ITTC 2008c)
Model scale w.r.t manouvering should be as large as possible due to unknown scale
effects (ITTC 2008a).
Minimum length of 2 meter for intact stability (ITTC 2008c). Scale ship so that bilge keel is
larger than 7 mm.
According to several ITTC procedure, the model should be manufactured up to the
Main dimensions of model:
Wave characteristic :
LM := = 5.556 m (SSPA recomends length of 5 m) Hw := ( 0 m 0.25 m ) = ( 0 9 ) m

BS ( ) (
w := 0.2 m Lbasin = 7.2 3.168 10
B M := = 0.897 m
1 1 1
fw := ( 0 Hz 3 Hz ) = ( 0 0.5 ) TwMax := =2
TS s 0.5
TM := = 0.306 m

DM := = 0.972 m (Max 0.5 m. Note that the entire depth do not have to be modeled)

S M Checking of main dimension:
M := = 908.757 kg (Max 1 tonn, but SSPA recomends around 500-600 kg)
3 S Maxium frequency at which tank interference occurs in head waves (ITTC 2011b):

SS Bbasin 0.245 1 max 1
2 = 7.02 max := = 1.334 fmax := = 0.667
SM := = 6.481 m
2 LM LM s 2 s
LM g
VM := VS = 1.801 Max 2.8 m/s [ITTC] & Max 3.0 m/s [SSPA] Ratios to ensure that shallow effects are avoided (ITTC 2008a):
LS s
DpropS = 10.473 (Min value H/T=4)
(Normally between 0.15 - 0.30 meter (ITTC), SSPA TM
DpropM := = 0.181 m
recomends D=20 cm, but can handle D>18 cm ) m
VMmax := 0.5 g Hbasin = 2.801 (Maximum value)
:= 24 deg s
BM Broaching test, intact stability (ITTC 2008c):
Dpre := TM + tan( ) = 0.505 m
2 LbasinMin := 25 LM = 138.889 m
(For parametric roll the basin should preferebly be even longer)
Dmodeled := Dpre 1.1 = 0.556 m
B basinMin := 5 LM = 27.778 m
(Maxium alowed length of a tactical diameter equals 5*Lpp)

Wave lengths (ITTC):

Broaching := ( 0.6 2.3 ) LM = ( 3.333 12.778 ) m

ParametricRoll := ( 0.8 1.5 ) LM = ( 4.444 8.333 ) m

Seakeeping := ( 0.5 2.0 ) LM = ( 2.778 11.111 ) m

J Various result available electronic

J Various result available electronic

The following appendages can be found electronically.

J.1 Decision matrix 1 (DM1.xlsx)

J.2 Decision matrix 2 (DM2.xlsx)

J.3 Transcribed interviews

J.4 Shipflow full scale

J.5 Shipflow model scale

J.6 Maxsurf modeler design file

J.7 DXF AutoCad model

J.8 IGES model

J.9 Maxsurf stability report

J.10 Maxsurf seakeeping report


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