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KTU - BTech Ordinance

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CET Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala-695016

Bachelor of Technology B.Tech./B.Tech. (Honours)
In exercise of the Powers conferred under Clause 44 of the Ordinance, the Executive
Committee of the University hereby promulgate the Ordinance for the University for the
Academic Year 2015-2016.This Ordinance shall come into effect from the date of its
publication in the Gazette.

Admission to Bachelor of Technology / B.Tech. / B.Tech. (Honours)




Eligibility for Award of Degree


Fee structure


Discipline of the student Action against breach of discipline


Action against breach of guidelines in Examinations - unfair measures in examination


Miscellaneous Provisions:

Language of Instruction and Evaluation

Academic Calendar
Branches of B. Tech. Programmes
B. Tech. Programme Structure
Curriculum, List of Courses and Syllabi
Faculty Advisor/Counsellor
Course Registration and Enrolment
Course Completion and Earning of Credits
Core courses, Prerequisites and Electives


End Semester and Supplementary Examinations

Summer Courses and Contact Courses
Academic Assessment/Evaluation
Eligibility to Continue
Course Committees and Class Committees
Eligibility for Grading
Award of Grades
Grades and Grade Points
Academic Auditing
Break of Study
Revaluation and Grade Improvement
Grade Cards
B. Tech Degree
B. Tech. (Honours)
Academic Discipline and Welfare Committee
Grievances and Appeals Committee


Amendment to Ordinance/Regulations/Rules
Rules to carry out the purpose of the Ordinance


Admission to Bachelor of Technology / B.Tech. / B.Tech. (Honours)





Eligibility for admission to the B.Tech., programme, admission policy and procedure
shall be decided from time to time by following the guidelines issued by the
Government of Kerala and the Government of India and other statutory body such
Subject to Clause 1(a), Admission to B.Tech., shall be based on the guidelines given
by the State and Central Governments on reservation. Candidates for admission to
B.Tech., programme shall have passed the Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala or
12th Standard V.H.S.E., C.B.S.E., I.S.C or any other examination considered equivalent
to the above mentioned ones. Other eligibility criteria for admission is currently
prescribed by the Government of Kerala through Government orders which is based
on the entrance examination conducted by the Commission for Entrance
Examinations, Government of Kerala and the marks in the qualifying examination
subject to the relaxations allowed for backward classes and other communities as
specified from time to time.
The Branches of study and number of students admitted are to be based on the
approval by the All India Council for Technical Education and the Kerala
Technological University.
Notwithstanding all that is stated above, the admission policy may be modified from
time to time by the University, particularly to confirm to directions from the
Government of Kerala and the Government of India.








The B.Tech., / B.Tech. (Honours) programme is a credit based programme. The

duration of the B. Tech / B. Tech (Honours) programme will normally be four
academic years spanning 8 semesters. The maximum duration shall be six academic
years spanning 12 semesters.

At the end of the semester, end semester examination will be conducted in all
lecture based courses offered in the semester and will normally be of three hours
duration, unless otherwise specified. Supplementary examinations shall be
conducted before the commencement of the next semester, for students who are
eligible and have registered for them.
Students, who have completed a course but could not write the end semester
examination for valid reasons like illness or personal exigencies, are allowed to write
the supplementary examination or the end semester examination at the next
opportunity and earn the credits without having to register for the course again
provided they meet other eligibility criteria.
The main eligibility criteria for the end semester examination are attendance in the
course, internal marks and no pending disciplinary action. The minimum attendance
for appearing for the end semester examination is 75% in each course. Further, the
internal evaluation marks in the course should be 45% or above. Students who do
not meet these eligibility criteria are awarded an FE grade and have to register for
the course again.
Students who could not write the end semester examination due to health reasons
or other exigencies can register for the supplementary examination, with the
approval of the principal provided they have 45% or above marks in the internal
evaluations for the course. Candidates who received F grade can also write the
supplementary examination. Grades awarded in the supplementary examination will
be taken as the end semester grades in these courses.
Eligibility for Award of Degree
The award of B. Tech. / B. Tech. (Honours) degree shall be based on the
recommendation of the Academic Committee and the approval of the Board of
Governors and in accordance with the academic regulations, if any, issued for the said
purpose by the University.
Award of B. Tech. Degree
A student will be eligible for the award of B. Tech. Degree of the University on
satisfying the following requirements.
Earned credits for all the core courses and the Project.
Earned the required minimum credits as specified in the curriculum for the
branch of study.


No pending disciplinary action.


Fee charged by the University

Fee charged for the programme shall be decided by the University from time to time
and informed to all concerned for compliance.


Discipline of the student Action against breach of discipline

Every college shall have a Students Welfare Committee and a Disciplinary Action
Committee, constituted by the Principal of the college. Each college should have a
Grievance Redressal and Appeals Committee constituted by the Principal to address
the grievances of the students and to consider their appeals on any decisions made by
the college. Details on the constitution and terms of reference are outlined in 7-x, 7-y,
and 7-z.


Breach of guidelines and unfair practices in Examinations

These are viewed seriously and appropriate actions are to be taken by the colleges as
detailed in 7-x.

Language of Instruction and Examination.

Unless otherwise stated, the language of instruction and examinations shall be


Academic Calendar.
The University shall publish in its website the academic calendar for every
academic semester indicating the commencement of the semester and beginning
of instruction. It will specify the course registration and enrolment dates, the
schedule for mandatory internal tests for theory courses, dates by which
laboratory/practical evaluations are to be completed, date for finalization of
internal marks, last instruction day in the semester, planned schedule of end
semester examinations and result declaration as well as approved holidays falling
within the semester. Schedules for the supplementary examinations and result
declaration dates are to be included in the calendar. Summer course schedule and
result declaration have also to be indicated in the calendar. Additionally colleges
may publish their academic calendar, in line with the University academic
calendar, indicating other schedules and events they plan to conduct during the


Branches of B. Tech. Programmes.

The Branches of B. Tech. /B. Tech. (Honours) programme offered by the University
are listed separately at the end of this Ordinance


B. Tech. Programme Structure

B. Tech. / B. Tech. (Honours) programme in all branches of study is
structured on a credit based system following the semester pattern
with continuous evaluation allowing flexibility for students to decide on
the duration of programme completion.



The duration for the B. Tech. /B. Tech. (Honours) programme in all
branches of study, will normally be 8 semesters.
The maximum duration shall be six academic years spanning 12
Each semester shall have 72 instructional days, followed by end
semester examinations.
A student can opt for B.Tech. (Honours) at the end of the fourth
The curriculum of any branch of the B. Tech. programme is
designed to have a minimum of 180 academic credits and 2 additional
pass/fail credits, for the award of the degree.
The University follows Credit System and Credits are apportioned
among the following knowledge segments.

B.Tech. Programme.
Knowledge Segments
Basic Sciences
Basic Engineering
Professional Engineering
Comprehensive Viva
Design Project
Total Academic Credits:
Students Activities
Total credits for B.Tech. Degree

10 [8 Theory+ 2 Labs]
29 [25 Theory +4 Labs]
89 [80 Theory +9 Labs]
2 [Audit-Pass/Fail]

Credits are assigned to courses based on the following general pattern.

One credit for each lecture hour per week for one semester
One credit for each tutorial hour per week for one semester
One credit for each laboratory/ practical session of 2 or 3 hrs, per week for one

In a semester normally up to six lecture based courses and three

laboratory/practical courses, carrying a maximum credit of 26, could be


University may allow students to transfer credits they have earned at

other Universities and Academic Institutions, as per the guidelines given
by the Academic Committee and approved by the Board of Governors.


Student Activities Points:

To be an engineer capable of competing globally, in addition to
technical knowledge and skills, students should develop excellent soft
skills, nurture team work and leadership qualities and have an
entrepreneurial and trail blazing outlook. To achieve this, in addition to
academics, students are to actively engage in co-curricular and extracurricular activities. For such activities, points are allotted. On getting a
minimum of 100 activity points the student passes the course and earns
2 credits which do not count for the CGPA but mandatory for the award
of the degree. Listing of these activities and the maximum points that
could be earned by engaging in them are given at the end of this
document. Additional activities could be included in the list with the
approval of the Academic Committee.


Curriculum, List of Courses and Syllabi




Every branch of study in the B.Tech., programme will have a

curriculum, list of courses, syllabi and course plans approved by
the Academic Committee of the University.
Courses are categorized as Core Theory (CT), Core Practice (CP)
and Electives (EL).
Each course has a course number. Course number includes the
offering department or knowledge segment code and a three
digit number. Knowledge segment code is used when a course is
offered by any one or more departments with the same course
content and syllabus. Details on this are given under Rule, RU-1.

Faculty Advisor/Counsellor
All students shall have faculty advisors whose role will be:To guide and help students on academics
To monitor their progress in academics and advise them
To counsel them and hand-hold them in any difficulty


Course Registration and Enrolment

It is mandatory for students to register for the courses they want to attend in a
semester. Students admitted freshly to the first semester, are advised to register
for all courses listed for the semester. However they do not have to enrol for the

semester. All other students are required to register at the end of the semester for
the courses they desire to take in the coming semester. They have to enrol for
these courses at the beginning of the new semester, based on the previous
semester results. This allows them to make changes in the list of courses already
registered for. Before enrolment, students should clear all dues including any fees
to be paid and should not have any disciplinary issues pending. The dates for
registration and enrolment will be given in the academic calendar. Any late
registration or enrolment, allowed up to 7 working days from the stipulated date,
will attract a late fee.
A student can withdraw from a course or substitute one already registered by
another on valid reasons with the approval of the faculty advisor. However this has
to be done within seven working days from the commencement of the semester.
The maximum number of credits a student can register in a semester is limited to

Course Completion and Earning of Credits

Students registered and later enrolled for a course have to attend the course
regularly and meet the attendance rules of the university [RU-2] and appear for all
the internal evaluation procedures for the completion of the course. Credits for
the course are earned only on getting a pass grade in the composite evaluation.


Core courses, Prerequisites and Electives

All courses listed in the curriculum, other than the electives, are core courses.
Earning credits in the core courses is mandatory for the B. Tech. degree. For
electives, failure to earn credits does not necessarily require repeating the course.
Instead another approved elective is permitted as a replacement course by the
faculty advisor concerned. For some courses there could be a prerequisite course
completion requirement for registration.


Summer Courses
Students who could not earn the required minimum credits at the end of the
second or fourth semester have two options to continue with the studies. They may
register again for the courses, when they are offered in the next academic year.
However, there is also a provision to run summer courses in failed courses for these
students who may register and attend the course and write the final examination.
This provision is only for students who have got 45% or more in the internal
evaluation for the courses they attended in the regular semester.
Students should have 75% attendance in the summer course to write the

For the final grading their internal evaluation marks obtained in the regular
semester in which they had undergone the course shall be applicable. Summer
courses are to be conducted for a minimum of 20 contact hours for each course.
Summer courses are to be offered only at the end of the second and fourth
semesters for the courses covered till that semester. They will be conducted either
by all colleges or only by some, depending on the number of students registering
for them. Details of summer courses planned will be announced by the colleges
after the declaration of the even semester results. Final examination for summer
courses will be conducted by the University. Based on the availability of faculty and
the number of students opting for courses, it will be the prerogative of the colleges
to decide on the summer courses to be offered.
Options for the fifth and higher semesters
For higher semesters, i.e., fifth semester onwards, summer courses are not offered.
Failed students who have less than 45% marks in internal assessments have to
register again for the course in the regular semester in which it is offered and
complete the course as per the regulations and appear for the end semester
examination. Failed students having 45% marks or more in internal assessments
have the option to register again for the course as mentioned above or register only
for the end semester examination without attending the course again. A separate
registration format will be available for this. This option is available in all semesters.

Contact Courses
If a student has to earn credits only just for one course to qualify for the degree
after completing eight semesters of study, the college concerned may offer a
contact course on a written request by the student. The contact course is
considered as fresh registration and is to be offered by the teacher concerned who
shall conduct the internal evaluation procedures and allot the marks as per the
regulations. Minimum contact hours for the course shall be 20. The final
examination will be conducted by the college and shall be monitored by the
external academic auditor. Question paper for the examination will be given by the
Controller of Examination. No grade above C shall be given for a contact course.


Academic Assessment/Evaluation
Academic Evaluation of Courses
University follows a continuous academic evaluation procedure.
Academic evaluation procedure and corresponding weights are as follows:a) For theory courses: - 1/3rd weightage for internal evaluation and 2/3rd for
end semester examination.

For convenience, the maximum marks for internal evaluation and end
semester examination for theory courses are fixed as 50 and 100
Scheme of evaluation is as follows.
Two internal tests each of 20 marks and of one hour duration.
(Internally by the College)
Tutorials/Assignments/Mini Projects carrying 10 marks.
(Internally by the College)
End Semester examination carrying 100 marks.
(Conducted by the University)
All the above evaluations are mandatory requirements to earn credits.
Students who have missed either the first or the second test can register with the
consent of the faculty and the Head of the Department (HOD) concerned for a retest which shall be conducted soon after the completion of the second test, but
before the end semester examination. The re-test will cover both first and second
test course plans. Those who have missed both the tests are not eligible to appear
for the end semester examination.
However if one misses both tests due to medical reasons or other personal
exigencies, based on genuine evidence, a single test of 2 hour duration for 40 marks
will be conducted covering the whole syllabus, before the end semester
examinations. Decision on this will be taken by the Principal and verified by the
external academic auditor.
b) For Laboratory /Practical /Workshop courses
Practical records /Outputs 60 marks (Internally by the College)
Regular class Viva
10 marks (Internally by the College)
Final written test/quiz
30 marks (Internally by the College)
All the above assessments are mandatory to earn credits. If not, the student has to
complete the course/assessments during his free time in consultation with the
faculty members. On completion of these, grades will be assigned. In case the
Practical /Laboratory/Workshop courses are not completed in the semester, grade I
(incomplete) will be awarded against the course and the final grade will be given
only after the completion of the course/assessments.
c) Comprehensive Examination
As students appear for placements from seventh semester onwards, comprehensive
examination is to be completed in the sixth semester. This examination will be a
written cum oral examination covering broadly all courses so far completed [RU-5].

Each student has to give a seminar on a professional topic of current interest in
consultation with the faculty member in charge of the seminar in the Department. The
seminar will be evaluated based on RU-6
e) Design Project
Each student or a group of students has to take up a design project. The project topic
could be arrived at in consultation with any faculty member in the department. The
Evaluation of the project is to be done in two stages. Two project progress evaluations
each carrying 20 marks and a final report evaluation and presentation of the project
for 60 marks. The project supervisor and two other faculty members from the same or
any other department, nominated by the Head of the Department form the evaluation

Final Semester Project

Students, either individually or in a small batch not exceeding four, have to do a

project approved by their faculty supervisor.
Evaluation scheme is given below:i)
Two progress assessments
20% by the faculty supervisor/s
Final Project Report
30% by the Assessment Board
Project presentation and Viva
50% by the Assessment Board
If the project work is not completed satisfactorily, the student has to put in more work
and appear again for assessment on a specified date, not earlier than one month after
the first evaluation. If the student fails in the project, a fresh registration for the
project for one semester is mandatory.
The project assessment board shall consist of the following members.
Chairman: Head of the Department
Members: Project supervisor/s of the student
One faculty member from the Department
One faculty member from a sister Department
An external expert, either from an academic/research institute or industry

Eligibility to Continue
A student has to earn a minimum number of credits in a semester to be eligible to
register for the new courses offered in the next semester. In odd semesters if this
requirement is not met, the student is to be forewarned and allowed to continue to
the next even semester. However at the end of even semesters this requirement
will be strictly implemented. Summer courses are offered to those who do not
satisfy this norm after the 2nd as well as the 4th semesters. Students who do not
meet this requirement are not permitted to register for new courses in the higher
semesters. They have to register for the failed courses in normal semesters in which

they are offered subject to the limitations imposed by the ordinances and course
Action plan, for dealing with course arrears in theory courses at the end of each
semester to continue with the programme, is given below. Faculty advisors shall
monitor advice and support the students in this. Students should be informed
about the minimum cumulative credits requirement to register for higher semester
Eligibility Criteria for Registering for Higher Semester Courses
Semester Allotted Cumulative
Credits Credits




cumulative credits
required to register
for courses in higher
Not insisted
Not insisted
Not insisted
Not insisted

Course Committees and Class Committees

These committees are to be in place in each college affiliated to the University.
a) Course Committee
This is for common courses (electives are excluded) offered to students admitted for
the B. Tech. programme irrespective of their branch of study. Each of such courses will
have a course committee constituted by the Principal of the college.
The chairman of the course committee shall be a senior faculty member not offering
the course.
All teachers offering the course.
Four student representatives nominated by the Principal.
b) Class Committee
Beginning from the third semester, all branches of study will have class committees for
every semester constituted by the respective Heads of Departments.


The chairman of the committee shall be a senior faculty member who does not offer
any course during that semester.

All faculty members teaching courses in that semester.

Two student representatives nominated by the head of the Department.

The course committees and class committees shall meet at least thrice in a semester
the first at the beginning of the semester, the second and the third after the first and
the second internal tests respectively. Both committees should monitor the conduct of
the courses, adherence to the course plan and time schedule, completion of the
syllabus, standards of internal tests, evaluation process and difficulties faced by the
students and take suitable remedial actions at the appropriate time. At the end of the
semester, the committee should meet without student representatives to review the
conduct of the course and finalize the internal assessment marks and approve them.

Eligibility for writing the end semester examination and for grading
Students with 45% or more marks in internal assessment in a course shall only be
permitted to write the end semester examination in that course. Those with less than
45% internal marks shall be awarded FE grade and have to register for the course
A student should have a minimum of 45% marks in the end semester examination to
be eligible for grading in a course. Otherwise he/she will be considered to have failed
in the course and an F grade will be awarded.
Internal marks given to the students who got 45% marks or more in the end semester
examination shall be regulated in line with the end semester examination
performance. Internal mark percentage shall not exceed 25% over the end semester
mark %.
(For example if the end semester mark % is 45, then the maximum internal mark % is
to be 45+25 = 70 %.)
In case the student writes the supplementary examination, the mark got in that will be
taken into consideration for regulating the internal marks.
Those who have more than 45% marks in the end semester examination are awarded
the grade based on both internal assessment and end semester examination marks. A
student earns credits for a course if the grade is P or above.


Award of Grades
Grading is based on the % marks obtained by the student in a course, as given in 7q.
The grade card will only give the grades against the courses the student has registered.

Semester grade card will give the grade for each registered course, Semester Grade
Point Average (SGPA) for the semester as well as Cumulative Grade Point Average

Grades and Grade Points

Grades and Grade Points as per UGC guidelines is to be followed by the University

Grade Point (GP)

% of Total Marks obtained in the course

90% and above
85% and above but less than 90%
(Very Good)
80% and above but less than 85%
70% and above but less than 80%
(Above Average)
60% and above but less than 70%
50% and above but less than 60%
45% and above but less than 50%
Less than 45%
Failed due to eligibility criteria [7-o]
Course Incomplete
SGPA and CGPA are calculated based on the above grading norms and are explained
at the end of this document.

Academic Auditing
The University shall have a detailed academic auditing procedure in place comprising
of an internal academic auditing cell within the colleges and an external academic
auditing for each college. The internal academic auditing cell in each college shall
oversee and monitor all the academic activities including all internal evaluations and
examinations. This cell is to prepare academic audit statements for each semester at
regular intervals. These reports are to be presented to the external academic auditor
approved by the University, who will use it as a reference for his independent auditing
and for the final report to the University.
Academic auditing shall cover:i)



Course delivery covering syllabus, adherence to course plan, quality of

question papers for internal examinations, internal evaluation, laboratory
experiments, practical assignments, mini projects and conduct of practical
classes and their evaluation.
Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities available for students, their
organization and the mechanism of monitoring of activities points earned by
the students.
Academic functioning of the college encompassing students, faculty and
college administration covering punctuality, attendance, discipline, academic


academic accountability, academic achievements and

Break of Study
A student may break study for a maximum duration of two semesters, preferably in
one academic year, to initiate start-up ventures, product development etc. This is
however permitted only on successfully completing the courses listed out in the first
four semesters. Request for this with ample evidence to the seriousness of the
venture should be forwarded to the college principal for approval. [RU-3]
Break of study on serious health reasons is also permitted with the approval of the
college Principal. [RU-3]
All such cases of break of study are to be reported to the University. In both the cases,
the maximum duration for completing the B. Tech. programme will still be twelve


Revaluation and Grade Improvement

There is no provision for revaluation of the end semester answer books or for
improving the grade.
However, the student is permitted to check the answer books of the end semester
examination after the results are declared. Any discrepancy in evaluation could be
brought to the notice of the teacher concerned who will initiate appropriate action on
this. The decision of the Controller of Examination shall be final on this.


Grade Cards
Students who have written the end semester examination will be given the grade
cards for the registered courses, in every semester by the respective colleges. On
earning the required credits for the degree, a consolidated grade sheet for the B. Tech
programme will be given by the University.


B. Tech Degree
B.Tech. degree will not have any classifications like distinction or first class.


B. Tech. (Honours)
Accredited departments in institutions, having at least two post graduate
programmes, may offer B. Tech. (Honours). It should be noted that students with a
CGPA above 8 at the end of the fourth semester and having no credit arrears only are
eligible for this option. As only selected institutions may have this provision, students
cannot demand this or move later to an institute where this is available. Students have
to earn 12 additional credits to get B. Tech (Honours). Furthermore their CGPA at the

end of the programme should be 8 or higher. Those who opted for B. Tech (Honours)
but unable to earn the required additional credits in 8 semesters or whose final CGPA
is less than 8 shall automatically fall back to the B. Tech. programme. However,
additional course credits and the grades thus far earned by them will be shown in the
grade card but not included for the CGPA.

Academic Discipline and Malpractices in Examinations

Every student is required to observe discipline and decorous behaviour.
Any act of indiscipline, misbehaviour and unfair practice in examinations will be
referred to the Disciplinary Action Committee (DAC). Malpractices in examinations
shall be viewed seriously and any such incident observed or reported by a faculty
member or an invigilator associated with the examinations shall be reported to the
Principal who in turn shall refer it to DAC. On the basis of the report and evidence
available or gathered, DAC shall immediately initiate an enquiry giving the concerned
student a chance to explain his/her case. Based on this the committee shall
recommend the course of action in line with the guidelines formulated for this by the
Controller of Examination of the University and forward it to the Principal for action.
Actions are to be based on the severity of the offence and are to be dealt with, on a
course basis. Guidelines on this shall be given by the Controller of Examination which
is to be followed by the Disciplinary Action Committee of the college.
The student may appeal to the Grievances and Appeals Committee for a relook on the
matter. Based on the committees report, the Principal shall take a final decision on
the matter.
DAC shall be headed by a department head and shall have three other faculty
members drawn from different departments as members. In case of malpractices in
end semester examinations, the report given by the college DAC and the action taken
by the Principal shall be intimated to the Controller of Examination of the University


Students Welfare Committee

Every college shall have a Students Welfare Committee, constituted by the Principal
of the college. This committee shall have at least three faculty members as members
and the chairman shall be a senior faculty member in the rank of a Professor. This
committee is entrusted with the task of looking after the welfare of the students by
taking appropriate steps with the concurrence of the principal.


Grievances and Appeals Committee

Each college should have a Grievances Redress Committee constituted by the Principal
to address the grievances of the students and to consider their appeals on any
decisions made by the college. This committee consisting of at least three faculty


members and chaired by a senior professor shall look into students grievances and
appeals and give its recommendations to the Principal for action.

Amendment to Ordinance/ Regulations/Rules

Notwithstanding all that has been stated above, the University has the right to modify
any of the above Ordinance/Rules/regulations from time to time.
RU-1 Course Code and Course Number
Each course is identified by a course code and a three digit number. The two
letter code refers to the department offering the course or the knowledge
segment of the course. The knowledge segment code is used when the course
is to be offered by different departments either individually or together but
having the same syllabus and course plan.
Course Number: MA 101 - This refers to a course in Mathematics with the
course number 101.
Course Number: BE 102 - This refers to a course in Basic Engineering.
Course Number is a three digit number and the first digit refers to the
Academic year in which the course is normally offered, i.e. 1, 2, 3, or 4 for the
B. Tech. Programme of four year duration. Of the other two digits, the last digit
identifies whether the course is offered normally in the odd (odd number),
even (even number) or in both the semesters (zero). The middle number could
be any digit.
MA 101 is a course in Mathematics offered in the first semester.
EE 344 is a course in Electrical Engineering offered in the sixth semester.
PH 110 is a course in Physics offered both the first and second semesters.
BE 102 is a course in Basic Engineering offered by one or many departments.
These course numbers are to be given in the curriculum and syllabi.

Attendance is marked for each course. While 75% attendance is mandatory for
writing the end semester examination in that course, students are expected to
have 100% attendance. However under unavoidable circumstances students
are permitted to take leave. Leave is normally sanctioned for any approved
activity taken up by students outside the college covering sports and other
extracurricular activities. Leave is also permitted on medical grounds or on
personal exigencies. Leave of absence for all these is limited to 25% of the
academic contact hours for the course.


In case of long illness or major personal tragedies/contingencies the college

Principal can relax the minimum attendance requirement to 60%, to write the
end semester examination. This is permitted for one or more courses
registered in the semester. Principal shall keep all records which led to his
decision on attendance, for verification by the Academic Auditor. However this
concession is applicable only to any two semesters during the entire
programme. In case of prolonged illness, break of study is permitted as per

Break of Study
A student is permitted to have a break of study.

In case of accident or serious illness needing prolonged hospitalization

and rest.
In case the student has a bright idea and would like to initiate a start-up
venture or develop a new product.
In case of any personal reasons that need a break in study.

For break of study due to illness, student should submit all necessary medical
reports together with the recommendation of the doctor treating him giving
definite reasons for break of study and its duration. Before joining back the
student should submit the fitness certificate from the doctor who treated him.
Students who want to initiate a start-up venture or a product development,
have to submit a project report, clearly indicating the purpose, action plan,
technical details, funding details and future plans to the college Principal. The
Principal shall evaluate the proposal by constituting an expert team consisting
of a technocrat and a bank executive and take an appropriate decision based
on the teams recommendation. In the semester system followed by the
University, break of study for an academic year is preferred over a semester
Students who want a break in study due to personal reasons shall convince the
Principal on the genuine need for it by giving authentic evidence for the same.

Leave of Absence
Students who want to take leave under RU2 have to submit a leave letter to
the teacher conducting the course. This letter is to be forwarded to the Head of
the Department with recommendation of the teacher indicating the total leave
of absence the student has so far availed. Leave is to be sanctioned by the
Head of the Department. For medical leave over three days, medical certificate
indicating the need for leave is required. After any medical leave exceeding five


instruction days, on rejoining, the student has to produce the fitness certificate
given by the doctor.

Comprehensive Examination
This examination consists of two parts. Part one a written test and the other an
oral one.
The written examination shall be objective type of 1 hour duration and shall
have 50 marks and is to be conducted by the concerned department. Chairman
of the oral examination board shall be a senior faculty in the department and
the members include two other faculty members of the department and an
external expert from another academic institute or an industry. Oral
examination shall carry 50 marks. Comprehensive examination may be
conducted any time during the 6th semester with sufficient notice given to the


Students have to prepare a detailed report on the topic of the seminar and
submit it to the teacher concerned. The seminar is to be of 20 minutes
duration with another 5 minutes given for questions and answers. All students
in the class have to attend the seminar without fail. Evaluation will be based on
the report, seminar presentation as well as on the ability of the student to
answer the questions put forward. Faculty member in charge of the seminar
and another faculty member in the department nominated by the Head of the
Department are the evaluators for the seminar. Distribution of marks for the
seminar is as follows.
Marks for the report: 30%
Presentation: 40%
Ability to answer questions on the topic: 30%


Ragging of any nature is a criminal and non-bailable offence. Involvement in
ragging shall lead to stringent punishment, including imprisonment as per the
law of the land. A student, whose involvement in ragging is established, shall
be summarily dismissed from the college. Each student of the Institute, along
with his/her parent, is required to give an undertaking in this regard and the
same is to be submitted at the time of registration.



1. Calculation of SGPA/CGPA
Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
are calculated as follows.
SGPA = (CiGPi)/Ci where Ci is the credit assigned for a course and GPi is the grade
point for that course. Summation is done for all courses registered by the student in
the semester. Here the failed courses are also accounted.
CGPA = (CiGPi)/Ci where Ci is the credit assigned for a course and GPi is the grade
point for that course. Summation is done for all courses registered by the student
during all the semesters for which the CGPA is needed. Here the failed courses are also
accounted. CGPA of all courses passed may also be given.
CGPA for the B. Tech programme is arrived at by considering all course credits that are
needed for the degree and their respective grade points.
2. Student Activity Points
Activities that a student can engage in and the maximum quantum of points that can
be earned from them are listed below.

National Level Activities


Name of activity



Max. Activity Points


College Level Activities


Active Member/Office bearer

of Professional Societies
(Student Chapters)
Elected Office bearer
of Student forums
Member/CaptainCollege Athletic/ Games teams
Executive Member of
Student Clubs
Volunteer for important
College functions
Committee member/ Organizer of
Tech Fest/Cultural Fest/


Minimum Duration


Two Semesters
Two Semesters
Two Semesters


Four Semesters


Two semesters


Two Semesters
Two Semesters


Two Semesters


Two Semesters




Placed within top three in

Paper presentation/debate/
cultural competitions etc
Placed within top three in
State level Sports/Games/



Additional 20 points are given for CA3/CA7 if the achievement is at the national level.



Any Creative Project execution

Awards for Projects
Initiation of Start-ups
Attracted Venture Capital
Filed a Patent
Completed Prototype Development


Self Initiatives


Attend a National Conference

Attend an Int. National Conference 30
Published/ got an Award for a
Technical paper.
Organiser of student level
Technical Conf/Competition
Foreign language skills
Online courses taken& completed 50






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