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Regulations of 2-Year LL.M Course Effective From 2019 - 2021 Session

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Effective from 2019 – 2021 Session

PIN 722 155
Department of Law
2 year LL.M. Course (Choice Based Credit System) Curriculum effective from 2019 – 2021 Session


1)Title of the Course: LL.M. Course

2) Preamble of the Syllabus:

Master of Law is a Post- Graduation course of Bankura University of West Bengal. The choice based credit
system to be implemented through this curriculum, would allow students to develop a strong footing in the
fundamentals and specializein the disciplines of his/her liking and abilities. The students pursuing this course
would have to develop in depth understanding of variousaspects of the subject.


In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires –

a. ‘Departmental Committee’ means the Committee constituted under these Regulations;

b. ‘Academic Session’ means four consecutive (two odd + two even) Semesters;
c. ‘Choice Based Credit System’ (CBCS) provides choice for students to select from the prescribed
courses as offered by the University.
d. ‘Course’ is a component of a programme. All courses need not carry the same weight. Courses define
learning objectives and learning outcomes. A course may be designed to comprise lectures / tutorials
/ clinical work / field work / outreach activities / project work / vocational training / viva / seminars /
term courses / assignments / presentations / self-study etc. or a combination of some of these.
e. ‘Core course’ means a course that the student admitted to a particular programme must successfully
complete to receive the Degree and which cannot be substituted by any other course. For this
purpose, all course other than Specialization / Choice Based Electives, are considered as Core course;
f. ‘Credit Based Semester System’ (CBSS) prescribes the requirement for awarding a degree certificate
in terms of number of credits to be completed by the students.
g. ‘Credit Point’ is the product of grade point and number of credits for a course.
h. ‘Cumulative Grade Point Average’ (CGPA) is a measure of overall cumulative performance of a
student in all semesters. The CGPA is the ratio of total credit points secured by a student in various
courses in all semesters and the sum of the total credits of all courses in all the semesters. It is
expressed up to two decimal places.
i. ‘Elective Course’ means a course other than a core course. Elective course may be ‘Generic Elective’
focusing on disciplines which may add generic proficiency to students or ‘Discipline Centric Elective’
which enables students to achieve proficiency in a specialized legal discipline or ‘Open Elective’ which
may be chosen from an unrelated discipline.
j. ‘Grade Point’ is a numerical weight allotted to each letter grade on a ten point scale.
k. ‘Letter Grade’ is an index of the performance of students in a course. Grades are denoted by letters O,
A+, A, B+, B, C, P and F.
l. ‘Programme’ means the Master of Laws (LL.M.) programme conducted by the Bankura University.
m. ‘Semester Grade Point Average’ (SGPA) is a measure of performance of work done in a semester. It is
the ratio of total credit points secured by a student in various courses registered in a semester and
the total course credits taken during that semester. It shall be expressed up to two decimal places.
n. “Semester” means 18 weeks of academic work following a five day week pattern. The odd semester
commences in July and ends in December and the even semester commences in January and ends in
o. ‘Grade Card’ based on grades earned shall be issued to all the registered students after every
semester. The grade card will display the details of courses studied (code, title, number of credits,
grade secured) along with SGPA of that semester and CGPA.

4) Duration and Scheme:-

a. The programme for the Master of Laws (LL.M.) Degree of the University is of two academic year
consisting of four semesters. Each semester will be comprises of six months out of which 18
weeks’ duration classroom teaching, library work, tutorial ,clinical, seminars and research
followed by End semester Examination conducted by the University.
b. A student have to earn24 credits in each semester. One credit is equivalent to one hour of
teaching per week ortwo hours of practical work / field work per week. Credits successfully
completed overand above the mandatory requirement for the degree shall not be reflected in
thecalculation of either SGPA or CGPA at the request of the student in writing at the end ofeach
semester at an appropriate time after the declaration of results and before the issuanceof mark-
list /grade card and degree certificate.
c. A student for every branch in LL.M. shall, in the course of four semesters undergoinstruction in
Six Core / Compulsory courses and at least Six Elective Major courses which is Optional courses
leading to specialization in a discipline, apart from the Dissertation and Viva-Voce as per the
curriculum. Student also undergoes instruction in One Elective Open course which is also
Optional and may be chosen from an unrelated discipline.


The candidate should havecompleted 5 year B.A.LL.B. / 3 year LL.B. (Bachelor Degree of Law) and its
equivalent degree. General candidate has obtained at least 45% marks in 5 year B.A.,LL.B or 3 year
LL.B and for SC and ST 40%.

Admissions will be given as per the selection procedure in accordance with the conditions laid down
by the Bankura University time to time. The reservation rules governing admission to 2 year LL.M.
Course made by theGovernment of West Bengal shall be followed in making admissions.

Intake:There shall be a basic unit of twenty five (25) students.

7)Instructionsfor the Students:

The students seeking admission to Master of Law course is hereby informed thatthey are supposed to
adhere to the following rules:

a.A minimum of 75 % attendance for lectures / practical is the pre-requisite for grant of Semester.

b.The students are supposed to attend all the Assignment Activities, Workshops/ Seminars / Training
Programme / Symposia/ Study tour organizedby the Department.
c.The students may choose the optional groups from the list approved by the University, based on the
availability of infrastructure, faculty and other facilities at the commencement of every academic year
and intimate the same to the University.

8) Examination and Evaluation:

a.Every core paper and major elective paper shall carry 100 marks out of which 80 marks are for End
Semester Examination and 20 marks for Internal assessment.

b.Internal assessment shall be completed within the semester itself before submission of application
for end semester examination. Supplementary chances will not be there for internal assessment. The
20 marks under Internal Assessment shall be in the following proportion:
i. Class performance: 5
ii. Assignment:10
iii. Seminar: 5
Total 20
There shall be no Internal Assessment for Dissertation and Practical paper.Assessment of internal
work will beconducted before conducting the End SemesterExamination.
Assignment -Maximum 2 Assignments in each subject andeach Assignmentshall not be for morethan

c.Students shall be required to actively participate in the class during the class hours. A maximum of
five marks shall be awarded at the end of each semesters in each course by the teacher concerned
based on the degree and depth of participation in the class by the student during that semesters.

d.The practical examination shall be held at the end of the third semester on Research Methodology II
which consists of Research Methodology, Law Teaching and Clinical work. There shall be 20 marks
each for doctrinal research and for non-doctrinal research, 20 marks for clinical work and 40 marks for
law teaching. How the components of practical shall be evaluated is left to individual faculties of law.
They can formulate their own models of assessment. However, for making the practical examination
objective and meaningful, the following guidelines shall be adhered to.

A student has to secure a minimum of 50% marks of the practical examination but he has to attend
Unit I, Unit II, Unit III and Unit IV of Research Methodology II for a pass. A student who fails to secure
the minimum marks in the practical examination will have to repeat.

e.Dissertation on a topic based on the optional, carrying 150 marks.Dissertation Paper will be
evaluated by one external examiner only.

f. For End Semester Examinations in core paper and major elective paper, the question paper carrying
80 marks consists of 6 essay questions. The candidate may choose to write any four questions out of
six questions. Each question carries 20 marks.

g.While marks aregiven for all internal and end semester examinationsfor a maximum number of 100
each, they will be converted into gradesby the University. Semesterend grade sheets will have only
grades & final grade sheets and transcripts shall have grade points average and total percentage of

h.The system of evaluation will be as follows: Each Internal assessmentand End Semester
Examinationwill be evaluated in terms of marks. The marks for internal assessmentand End semester
Examinationwill be added together and then converted into a grade and later a grade point average.

There shall be no qualifying marks for Internal assessment but the candidates shall have to appear at
the said part of the examinations.The qualifying marks for each course shall be 45% and in the
aggregate of Sem I to Sem IV it shall be 50% of the total marks i.e. 1400.
If a candidate fails to secure qualifying marks of each paper in a particular semester examination
his/her result will be declared as ‘SNC’ (i.e., Semester Not Cleared). Final Semester will not be cleared
till other Semester is cleared.
To qualify for position in the merit list a candidate shall have to pass all the semesters in his/her due
first original chances.
The back papers of the first semester shall only be cleared with the regular semester examinations in
the next academic session.
A student shall be allowed a maximum of consecutive four years to complete the 2 year LL.M Course of
the University.
The result of semester IV examination shall be kept withheld unless a candidate has cleared all the
semesters within the prescribed chances. He/she would be declared to have passed the Final
Examinations in the year in which he/she clears his/her all semesters.

i) After the gain of minimum number of credits towards a completion of a PG programme, a

student will get a grade sheet with total grades earned and a grade point average.

9) Rules for Review:

Candidates seeking review may apply to the University in a prescribed form along with requisite fees
within 7 working days from the date of issue of mark-sheet subject to the following conditions:
a) Application for review shall be restricted to theoretical papers only, and no application for re-
examination in any practical / oral / internal assessment / dissertation / project / seminar / field work /
internal assignment, etc., shall be entertained.
b) 50% of the theory papers in any semester examination may be re-examined on request by the
examinee subject to the condition that he/she secures a minimum of 45% of marks in the rest of
theory papers.
In case marks awarded in a paper on review exceeds the original marks obtained by more than 15% of
the total marks in the paper or falls more than 15% of the original marks in the paper, the script will be
referred to a third examiner and the candidate will be awarded based on the average of the best two
of the marks awarded by the two examiners.

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