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CIT Assignment 2015-16 - NEW

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(July - 2015 & January - 2016)

(CIT-001, CIT-002, CIT-003 and CITL-001)



Course Code

Assignment No.


Page No.













Important Notes
1. Submit your assignments to the Coordinator of your Study Centre on or before the
due date.
2. Assignment submission before due dates is compulsory to become eligible for
appearing in corresponding Term End Examinations. For further details, please
refer to CIT Programme Guide.
3. To become eligible for appearing the Term End Practical Examination for the lab
course CITL-001, it is essential to fulfill the minimum attendance requirements as
well as submission of assignments (on or before the due date). For further details,
please refer to the CIT Programme Guide.

Course Code
Course Title
Assignment Number
Maximum Marks
Last Dates for Submission


Fundamentals of Computer Systems
15th October, 2015 (For July 2015 Session)
15th April, 2016 (For January 2016 Session)

There are four questions in this assignment, which carry 25 marks. Answer all
the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the
explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in
the CIT Programme Guide. The examples, whenever asked to be given, should
be different from those that are discussed in the corresponding course material.

1.(a) What is a computer system? Explain different components of

computer system.

(2 Marks)

(b) What are different printing devices in a computer? Briefly explain

various types of printing devices.

(2 Marks)

(c) Explain purpose and characteristics of different types of computer


(2 Marks)

2.(a) Define and explain the following constraints in terms of database.

(i) Key constraint
(ii) NOT NULL constraint
(iii) Semantic constraint
(iv) Referential Integrity constraint

(2 Marks)

(b) What is a Flowchart? Explain use of different symbols used in

drawing of flowcharts by drawing a flowchart for calculating
average of assignment marks of the students in CIT-001 course.

(3 Marks)

(c) Write a C program for finding the largest number from the four
given numbers.

(2 Marks)

3.(a) What is computer network? Briefly explain different types of

network topologies.
(b) What is communication media? Explain different types of wireless
4.(a) Briefly explain any four network applications.

(3 Marks)
(3 Marks)

(2 Marks)

(b) Explain need of protection from computer virus.

(1 Marks)

(c) Explain various concerns of network security with mechanism to

address those concerns.

(3 Marks)

Course Code
Course Title
Assignment Number
Maximum Marks
Last Dates for Submission


Introduction to Information Technology
15th October, 2015 (For July 2015 Session)
15th April, 2016 (For January 2016 Session)

There are four questions in this assignment. Answer all the questions. You may
use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the
guidelines regarding assignments given in the CIT Programme Guide. The
examples, whenever asked to be given, should be different from those that are
discussed in the corresponding course material.
(6 Marks)

Question 1: (Covers Block 1)


Differentiate between the following with the help of an example:

(i) Data and Information
(ii) Knowledge and wisdom
(iii) Information and knowledge


What is the role of information in an organization? What kind of

information do you get from different types of Information systems?
Explain with the help of examples.


What is meant by the term Digital Divide? How does it impact the
employment and development in a country? Explain with the help of


What are different kinds of cyber-crimes? What steps will you take
for your organisation so that your organisation feel protected against
these crimes?

Question 2:

(6 Marks)

(Covers Block 2)


An e-commerce site is to be designed for selling groceries. Suggest

the features that should be supported by this website including
system of payments and security issues. What are the limitations of
such a site?


Design a work plan and infrastructure requirements for development

of an e-commerce project for an Open University system. Give
justification in support of your suggestions.


How can e-Learning be used to add more features to face-to-face

learning? What are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)? How
can they be useful to you?


Find an Internet based service that provides telemedicine/remote

consultation to general public. List all the functions/features that are
provided to clients by this service.

Question 3:

(6 marks)

(Covers Block 3)


List the requirements of an information system that maintains

admission and fee data of the students of a University.


Explain the core sub-systems of a MIS.


What is ERNET? Describe any two projects of ERNET.

(7 marks)

Question 4: (Covers Block 4)


What is the need of embedded Operating system? Classify various

embedded operating systems.


List the features of present day methods of communications to a

computer system.


Explain the meaning of the term Computer Vision. What technical

challenges are faced by a computer vision application?

Course Code
Course Title


Assignment Number
Maximum Marks
Last Dates for Submission :

Web based Technologies and Multimedia
15th October, 2015 (For July 2015 Session)
15th April, 2016 (For January 2016 Session)

There are two questions in this assignment which carry 25 marks. Answer all the
questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations.
Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the CIT
Programme Guide. The examples, whenever asked to be given, should be
different from those that are discussed in the corresponding course material.


Design a web page for a University from a students perspective.

Draw the web page on a paper. Explain the navigation also.

(13 Marks)


Propose a plan to develop a multimedia tutor titled Searching

Internet. Also, indicate the tools that you want to use to implement
the plan. Make assumptions, wherever needed.

(12 Marks)

Course Code
Course Title
Assignment Number
Maximum Marks
Last Dates for Submission


Laboratory Course
15th October, 2015 (For July 2015 Session)
15th April, 2016 (For January 2016 Session)

There are two questions in this assignment. You may use illustrations and
diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines
regarding assignments given in the CIT Programme Guide.


Write a C program to compares two dates given by a user. To store

date use structure date_struct which is having 3 members
namely date, month and year. If the dates are same then display a
message as "Date Matched" otherwise "Date Unmatched".

(10 Marks)

Note: Enclose the printouts of program output.


Design and develop a website to display the details for the users
who want to book tickets for various airlines. By interacting with
this site user can have all the relevant details of airways like list of
service provider, flight available, ticket details, fair, detail time
table, travel tips and other relevant information. This website
should have a feature called Frequently Asked Questions (F. A.
Q.) where users can post the questions and see the similar answers
of the matching Frequently Asked Questions by other users.
Note: Enclose the printouts of the web page(s) created by you
along with the assignment.

(15 Marks)

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