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10 English Words With The Most Multiple Meanings

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10 English Words with the most multiple meanings

1. RUN

My dog loves to run about in the park (move quickly with legs)

She runs a very successful business (manages)

The bus company runs a regular weekend service (offer a service)


Dont leave your car engine running/ try running the computer program and see if it
works (machine: working)

I always go for a 10k run in the mornings.

The play has had a successful run in the West End. (a period of time)
I do the school run every morning and my husband does it in the afternoon (a journey
that a train, ship, car and so on does regularly)

Verb Phrases

Her withdrawal meant that her opponent was given a clear run for the nomination
(you can progress without anyone stopping you)

He gave Tom a good run for his money (competing so well with someone that
they cannot defeat you)

He is on the run from the law (trying to escape or hide from the police)


Dont forget to take an extra pair of shoes (move something or someone from one
place to another)
Take a deep breath James took a sip of his drink I took a quick look at the
audience (to perform an action or series of actions)
I took a course in origami at college Ive taken my driving test three times (to
study or take an exam in a particular subject)

Verb Phrases

I like chocolate but I can take it or leave it (to not care whether you have, see or
do something informal)

It takes all sorts (used for saying that you find someones behavior surprising
or strange but will accept it spoken)

Take it from me, this restaurant is excellent. (used to emphasize that what youre
saying is true and people should believe it spoken)



Be careful that you dont break those glasses (separate into pieces by dropping)
If you break the speed limit, the penalties are high break the law. (dont obey
rules or the law)
When the news first broke, he was nowhere to be found breaking news (if news
breaks, it becomes publicly known)
Why dont we break now and meet again after lunch? (stop what youre doing for a
period of time)

Doctors and nurses often work very long hours without a break Lets take/have a
This could be the lucky break hes always wanted (an opportunity that helps you
achieve success)
She decided to make the break from marketing after eighteen years (a time of major
change in ones life).

Verb Phrases

Hes been breaking his back getting the house ready in time for the babys arrival
(working very hard)

I think weve broken the back of this project now. (British English to finish the
hardest part of a task)

In their first year, the company broke even. (when a company doesnt make a
profit or a loss)

I want to break free (as sung by Freddy Mercury to escape from someone or
something that is holding you or controls you)



She turned around and smiled at me (change position)

When you get to the junction, turn right (change direction)
She could not concentrate on her book. All she seemed to be doing was turning the
pages without reading them.
After years as an amateur dancer, she turned professional (change and do
something different)
It has turned cold again (change and become something else)

Oh no, is it my turn again to wash the dishes?! Is it my turn to roll the dice? (in a
group and its your time to do something)
The debate over drugs in sport took an unexpected turn yesterday The situation
took a turn for the better/worse (a change in a situation)
He took the wrong turn and that took him miles away from his destination (change of

Verb Phrases

He was stopped at every turn by the rigid rules (wherever or whenever someone
tries to do something)

He did her a good turn by offering her the job (an action that helps someone
also applies in the opposite a bad turn)

I hope Im not speaking out of turn, but I preferred the original version (to say
something that you shouldnt say in case you offend someone or you have no
right to say it)

The mansion was built at the turn of the century (the time at the end of one
century and the beginning of the next)

5. SET


Tea is served, he told them and set the tray on the table. (put something in a
Ive set the alarm for 6am You can set the iPhone so that it does an automatic
backup (to make equipment ready)
Have you set a date for the wedding? (to decide when something will happen)
The Bank of England sets the interest rate They set the price of the house too
high. (to decide the price or value of something)
I have set the team three challenges/goals/objectives/tasks (to give someone
something to achieve)

a set of keys a set of guidelines a complete set a chess set (a group of

the literary set the jet set a set of friends (a group of people that share the
same interests)
a film set a stage set (theatre, film place where a film or play is made)

Verb Phrases

The drivers demands were not met, setting the stage for a prolonged transport strike
(create the conditions for something to happen)

They are a company that has set the standard for excellence in service (perform an
activity to a level that other people need to achieve)

Dinner will be ready soon. Could you please set the table? (put cutlery and plates on
the table)

After lunch I set to work on the mountain of paperwork on my desk (start working in
a determined and enthusiastic way)

6. GO

I go to the gym every day I go to work by car Are you ready to go to

lunch? (move or travel from one place to another)
How are things going at work? I think the interview went well (to happen in a
particular way)
go blind/deaf/grey/bald Louise went completely blind before she died go
wild/crazy I
would go
crazy when
out go
bad/sour/rotten The bananas have gone bad (change to another condition state,
usually a worse one)
This weeks gone so fast. I cant believe its already Friday (when time passes)

Noun and Noun Phrases

Why dont you have a go at writing this email I thought Id give skiing a go this
winter (an attempt to do something)

Dont eat the whole thing in one go.

Its all go this morning. We havent stopped once! (British spoken - used to say that
something is full of activity)
Ive decided that Im going to make a go of this business (informal - to do something

Verb Phrases

As history books go, this is rather good (when you consider what things of the
same type are like)

David will go far in life (to be successful in what you do)

She has decided to go it alone (to do something without depending on anyone

for help)
This time you have gone too far (to behave in a way that is unreasonable)


I play tennis every Saturday (take part in sport/game)

The orchestra played beautifully tonight The tape was played in court (to make
She played the part of Blanche Dubois in the Streetcar named Desire (to have a part
in a play or film)

Noun and Noun Phrases

Have you seen the latest play at the theatre?

When the new policy comes into play, fewer people will have control (start to happen
or have an effect)
I love that line. It has such a wonderful play on words (clever or funny use of a
word that has two different meanings)

Verb Phrases

If you play your cards right, he might offer you the job (informal if you behave in
a certain way, you might be successful in getting what you want)

I just have to make a phone call, she said playing for time (to deliberately delay
something so that you have more time to think about what to do)

They are probably fine raw, but its best to play it safe and cook them (avoid taking

8. CUT

You will need a sharp knife to cut the bread

Be careful you dont cut your finger using that knife

The Government needs to cut interest rates to stimulate the economy (reduce/lower)

The accident cut (cut off) the oxygen to her brain All lines of communication have
been cut (cutt off) ( stop something moving or working)
A lot of the violent scenes were cut (cut out) from the film (make something shorter
or remove)


She has a very deep cut in her finger and it is bleeding profusely

There have been some deep cuts in the sales budget

She always chooses the best cut of beef to serve at her restaurant (piece of meat)

Verb Phrases

Independence in a relationship cuts both ways (it has both good and bad aspects)

They had to cut corners in order to complete the order (not to do a job as
thoroughly as you should)
Her agent cut a deal giving her 20% of the profits (make a business deal)
We had to cut our holiday short because of the problems at work (to reduce the

9. UP
UP can be used in the following ways:

Adverb: Their voices could be heard up in our room Jean looked up at him I stood

Preposition: He climbed up the stairs I set off up the road

Adjective: the up escalator

after the verb to be: He was up early this morning Food prices are up I knew
something was up

Verb Phrases

We paid a lot of money for the hotel, but it wasnt up to much (British spoken not
very good)

Its not like Sarah to be late. Something must be up. (Spoken something bad is
happening or there is something wrong)

Weve really been up against it this year, trying to meet all our production deadlines (in
a difficult situation)

He was up and about again two days after his operation (out of bed for example
after an illness)

After a month of no internet, the system is up and running. (working effectively)

I dont know whether I will have the time to do this for you. I am up to my
neck/ears/eyes in work.
Whats up? Youre very quiet today. (Spoken- used for asking what is wrong)

10. HAND

It was a large farm with over 20 hired hands (someone who works on a farm or
does physical work)
Could you give me a hand to move this table? Would you like a hand with the
washing up? (help someone)
Lets give the children a big hand for the wonderful show (to clap your hands to
show you enjoyed a performance)

Noun Phrases

I couldnt lay my hands on a copy of the book (to manage to obtain something)

Economic stability go hand in hand with job creation (to exist together)
I cant agree to this because my hands are tied. (cannot do what you want
because of rules or laws)
She really has her hands full with the children (to be busy)
The company is now in the hands of the receiver (to be responsible for it)

Verb and Phrasal Verbs

Gerry handed me the document at the meeting. She handed me the phone (give
something youre holding in your hand to someone)

Jane handed the letter back to Doug (give back)

You need to hand in your completed reports by the end of today. He has handed in
his notice/resignation (to give something to a person in authority)
I am going to now hand out a copy of the sales report (to give something to a
group) The office will not hand out employees telephone numbers (give
information or advice)
Im now going to hand you over to James who will explain the new product launch (to
stop speaking and pass over to someone else) She handed the keys over to
Stella They formally handed over power to the new government last week (to give
power or control to someone else)

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