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What Is NCVT and VTP

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What is NCVT and VTP?


OBJECTIVES of NCVT certified VTP: Ministry of labour & Employment under look development of a new
strategic frame work for Skill development for early school leaves and existing workers, especially in unorganized
sector in close consultation with industry, Micro enterprises in the organized sector state government experts and
academic which was essential considering their educational, social and economic background.
Public Private Partnership (PPP) envisaged in the form of active participation of the industry / Private Sector in
every stage of design and implementation of the scheme. Industry bodies are represented in the Central Apex
Committee and State Committees which have overall responsibility of implementation of this scheme.


I. MES training, NCVT certification and reimbursement of fees are given to successful eligible persons.
II. Flexible delivery of training programmes (part time, weekends, fulltime, onsite/offsite) to suit needs of various
target groups.
III. MES training will be provided by Industry and training institutes under public and private sector.
IV. Short term training courses based on Modular Employable Skills (MES) decided in consultation with Industry.
V. Courses are also available for persons having completed 5th standard.
VI. Persons who have already acquired certain skills through years of work but with no formal certification would
also be able to get their skills tested and certified under this scheme.
VII. Testing of skills of trainees would be carried out by independent assessing bodies.
VIII. The essence of the scheme is in the certification that will be nationally & internationally recognized.
IX. The test fee ranges from Rs.500/- to Rs.800/- depending on the sector and course.
Who Can Apply:
Workers seeking certification of their skills acquired informally
Workers and ITI graduates seeking skill up-gradation

Early school drop-outs and unemployed

Previously child labour and their families

Trained candidates who do not have formal certification

The minimum age limit for persons to take part in the scheme is 14 years but there is no upper age limit.
List of Sectors and Courses :
there are more than 1400 courses under various sectors available for certification by the National Council for
Vocational Training (NCVT) based on MES.
Benefits of NCVT certificate:
If you have NCVT certificate,you can:
1. Get loan for self employment
2. Get registered in Employment exchange

Get rewarded with a Government Certificate for your skills


Get preference in jobs (Govt & pvt. jobs)

Various skill trades certified and assessed under these schemes.

What is MES & SDI schemes?
MES is new Scheme recently started by DGET New Delhi. The objective of the scheme is to provide vocational
training to school leavers, existing workers, etc. to improve their employability by optimally utilizing the
infrastructure available in Govt., private institutions and the Industry. Existing skills of the persons can also be
tested and certified under this scheme.
SDI scheme is a five year project during which one million persons would be trained or their existing skills tested
and certified under Modular Employable Skills (MES) framework. Ministry of Labour & Employment has developed
MES framework for skill development for early school leavers and existing workers, especially in the un-organised
sector in close consultation with industry, micro enterprises Details

Vocational Training Providers (VTPs)

The training under SDI scheme will be provided by various VTPs under Central Government, State Governments,
Public and Private Sector and Industrial establishments. VTPs will provide counselling & vocational guidance,
training facilities as per norms, impart good quality training, post training support to trainees in getting
employment, maintain data base on trainees trained and the outcome of the training. They will track the trainees
for three years or till they get gainfully employed. VTP will also be required to have close networking with the
industry for immediate placement of the trainees. They will also maintain accounts, ensure proper utilisation of
funds and submit reports and utilisation certificates as per prescribed schedule. They will follow various instructions
issued by the committees or any other authority from time to time. All VTPs should have necessary powers to
collect the training fee from trainees. They should utilise fee collected and funds received from DGET for meeting
various expenses for imparting training and providing post training support services. They should also have powers
to reimburse training fee to successful trainees out of funds received from DGET. All VTPs must have a broad band
internet connection.
Criteria for selection of VTPs

Following categories of Educational and Training Institutes having requisite facilities for conducting training
courses would be eligible for becoming VTP for conducting MES courses:

Institutes (including autonomous institutes) set up by Central Government / State Governments / UT


Private Institutes of repute affiliated/ accredited to a Board / University / Council (NCVT, AICTE etc.) set up
by Central Government / State Governments / UT Administrations


Any other type of institutions/ bodies approved by Apex committee

MES framework is a new concept for skill development. During 2007-08 i.e. first year of implementation,

necessary management structures at National, Regional and State level (Apex committee, NPMC, Regional Cells,
State Committees, State Cells) for managing and monitoring the scheme would be setup. Development of
assessment tools and learning material would be done. Assessing bodies would be selected. State Governments
and other stakeholders would be familiarised with the scheme procedures. Pilot programmes would be run for
validating effectiveness of systems and procedures. Therefore, focus during the first year would be on development
work and pilot programmes. There would be constraints in terms of reach of assessing bodies as well as budget
availability. Accordingly, only 10,000 persons are to be trained / tested in the 2007-08. It would be required to take
up implementation in select states (say 2 States/ UTs from each of the regions) and select cities in the first year and
then gradually implement the scheme in other States/ UTs. States/UTs which accept terms, conditions and roles of
States and ITIs prescribed under the scheme will be eligible to participate in the scheme.
Quality Assurance for VTPs: Separation of training delivery and assessment functions are aimed at
better quality. Performance of the VTPs would be closely monitored
based on the outputs and outcomes of training provided by them. Rating would be awarded to the
Accreditation/ registration of VTPs
The procedure for registration of VTPs is given below:

DGET will give advertisement for inviting VTPs which wants to run MES courses under SDI scheme
to get themselves registered with RDATs. State Govts. may also give advertisements.


VTPs will apply to the respective State Director dealing with vocational training with a copy to
the respective RDAT. VTP will give a certificate that it has necessary training infrastructure to run
the programme. If at any stage it is found that VTP has started courses without necessary training
infrastructure, its registration will be cancelled.


State Committees after verifying the records will send the list of recommended VTPs to RDAT
for registration.


If no information is received from the State within 4 weeks from the last date for receipt of
application, RDAT can issue registration number to VTPs based on data available with DGET.


The registered VTPs would be eligible to run MES courses. However, DGET can restrict funding
to VTPs.

Admission/ Registration of Candidates

State Directors will issue admission notice along with names of approved VTPs in print and electronic media or in
any other media which will reach out to the largest number of people. The candidates will get themselves
registered in VTPs. Thereafter, the VTPs will send the list of candidates to respective State Directors immediately.
The existing State Govt. policy of reservation of seats for women, Scheduled Caste/ Tribe (SC/ST) persons and
others would be followed. From time to time, DGE&T in consultation with various Industry Associations will give
wide publicity about the emerging skill areas in the market so that persons select only those skill areas in which
employment is available in the market.
Admission/ Registration procedure
Admission/ registration procedure for trainees in recognised VTPs is given below:

State Governments /UT administrations will issue admission notice four times in a year in leading newspapers

or in any other media which will reach out to the largest number of people. VTPs can also issue admission notice.
The notice will contain following information :

Salient features of the scheme


Names of DGE&T approved Vocational Training Providers (VTPs) and details of the courses

they will run


Reservation policy as applicable for admission to government ITIs in the concerned States/UTs

will be applicable to all approved VTPs


Fee structure and relaxation in fee for SC/ST and women candidates.


Reimbursement of prescribed training fee to students who pass the trade tests conducted by

assessing bodies under aegis of NCVT


Application form to be submitted for admission

Persons will get themselves registered in DGE&T approved Vocational Training Providers. VTP will not admit

any trainee once the course is started.


VTP will submit list of the trainees admitted to the nodal Government ITIs, notified by Director looking after

the work of vocational training, before commencement of course with a copy to the concerned Director, RDAT.

Nodal Govt. ITI will enter data on the web based software within a week after receiving details.

Training Fee
Following training fee which includes cost of material, honorarium, etc. has been prescribed:

Rs.500 per module for modules having duration upto 90 hrs.


Rs.1000 per module for modules having duration from 91 to 180 hrs.


Rs.1500 per module for modules having duration from 181 hrs to 270 hrs.


Rs.2000 per module for modules having duration more than 270 hrs.
Candidates belonging to SC/ST category and women will be given relaxation of 25% in fee. In order to

motivate trainees to take the training programme seriously, training fees of all those trainees who successfully
complete the training would be refunded to them. The fee structure has been prescribed initially for one year and if
required, the Apex Committee may revise the training fee.
Reimbursement of Training cost

Apex Committee can revise rate of reimbursement of training cost and the procedure for release of funds.
What are features of VTP scheme ?

The objective of VTP scheme are:

To provide vocational training to school leavers, existing workers, ITI graduates, etc. to improve their employability
by optimally utilizing the infrastructure available in Govt., private institutions and the Industry. Existing skills of the
persons can also be tested and certified under this scheme.
To build capacity in the area of development of competency standards, course curricula, learning material and
assessment standards in the country

The objective of the scheme are:

to provide vocational training to school leavers, existing workers, ITI graduates, etc. to improve
their employability by optimally utilizing the infrastructure available in Govt., private institutions
and the Industry. Existing skills of the persons can also be tested and certified under this scheme.

to build capacity in the area of development of competency standards, course curricula, learning
material and assessment standards in the country.

Key features of the scheme


Demand driven short term training courses based on Modular Employable Skills (MES) decided in
consultation with Industry. MES is the minimum skills set which is sufficient for gainful


Central government will facilitate and promote training while industry, private sector and State
Governments will train the persons.


Optimum utilisation of existing infrastructure to make training cost effective.


Flexible delivery mechanism (part time, weekends, full time, onsite/ offsite) to suit needs of
various target groups.


Different levels of programmes (Foundation level as well as skill upgradation) to meet demands of
various target groups.


The services of existing or retired faculty or guest faculty to be utilized.


Courses would also be available for persons having completed 5th standard.


Testing & certification of skills acquired informally.


Testing of skills of trainees by independent assessing bodies, which would not be involved in
training delivery, to ensure that it is done impartially.

10. The essence of the scheme is in the certification that will be nationally and internationally
Public Private Parternership (PPP)
Public Private Partnership (PPP) envisaged in the form of active participation of the industry / Private Sector in every
stage of design and implementation of the scheme. Industry bodies are represented in the Central Apex Committee
and State Committees which would have overall responsibility of implementation of the scheme. Other areas of
partnership are:

Forecasting of emerging areas of employment at micro level.

Development of course curricula of various trades.

Development of instructional material for training.

Assist in the training of trainers, wherever required.

Making available their training & testing facilities, wherever required.

Provide on the job training in their establishments.

Development of assessment standards.

Monitoring and Quality assurance.

Assistance in placement of graduates.

Provide trade experts to work as assessors of competencies.

Voluntary donation of equipment to the ITIs/other training institutions.

Providing guest faculty in new trades.

Target Group
MES would benefit different target groups like :


Workers seeking certification of their skills acquired informally

workers and ITI graduates seeking skill upgradation

early school drop-outs and unemployed

Previously child labour and their families

Target Group


Testing &
Certification of



Skills upgradation


Less educated/

Out of school
ITI graduates

Project Output
One million persons would be trained or their existing skills tested and certified, over a period of five years. About
200 modules for employable skills as per Industry and labour market demands would be identified and course
curriculum developed.
Age of Participants
The minimum age limit for persons to take part in the scheme is 14 years but there is no upper age limit.
Curriculum Development Process

Identification of Employable Skills set in a sector based on division of work in the labour market
in consultation with Industry

Development of training modules corresponding to skills set identified

Organising Modules in to Course Matrix indicating vertical and horizontal mobility

Development of detailed curriculum

Vetting by a trade committee comprising representatives of Industry, training providers & trade

Inviting comments from Employers/ Employees Organisations, State Govts. etc.

Approval by the NCVT

Instructional Media Packages

In order to maintain quality of training uniformly all over the country, instructional media packages (IMPs) will be
developed by the National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai.
What are the Courses covered under VTP? Currently 1437 Courses covered under VTP
Why to convert your Training center to Govt approved VTP ?
=> Fund provided by Govt of India.
=> NCVT , Govt approved certificate for qualified candidates from your institute
=> Easy and best way to take up Govt projects (Ice breaker to undertake Govt jobs)
=> More students can be attracted to your Institute.
=> With existing infrastructure you can earn more.
How to get VTP approval for my Training Center?
VTP Selection Process

Automotive Skills Development Council (ASDC): First Sector Skill Council, promoted by Auto industry, approved
by the Government and funded by National Skill Development Corporation and Ministry of Heavy Industry.

Conduct research and analysis to establish the skill gaps & develop modular courses to fill such gaps.
Improve competitiveness by integrating new requirements such as fuel cells, electric cars, new materials,
telematics and mechatronics with automotive engineering.

Enhance and standardize the delivery mechanism for the courses through existing institutes/ delivery partners.

Ensure quality assurance by streamline certification framework

A. Conducting Research Skill gaps, Standards, Benchmarks, Productivity and Technology
B. Delivery Mechanism Curriculum development, faculty training, delivery methods, training of new and existing
C. Quality Assurance Certification of teachers and students, Course standardization, accreditation of courses and
delivery partners

ASDC to be promoted by industry bodies (SIAM / ACMA/ FADA) with equity participation from Government &
Ministry of Heavy Industries has proposed that ASDC be registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860

ASDC will be managed by a governing Board with participation from the promoting bodies and industry

ASDC will be initially headquartered at Delhi (NCR) and may set up three regional offices in due course (based
on expansion of activities)

ASDC is under the process of establishment and will start functioning by Jan 2011
About National Skill Development Corporation

Mr Sunil K Chaturvedi, Automotive Skills Development Council(ASDC), Core 4-B, 5th Floor,
India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,New Delhi 110003 Phone: 91-11-24647810-12
Fax: 91-11-24648222, Email-Id :

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