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Ebook: Drones (English)

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for everything



a drone




The future of drones

can save lives"


Europe sets its sights

on civil drones

Drones for everything
The world of remotely piloted aircraft ( ) systems is currently
revolutionizing all sectors and has now even come to universities.
Graduation from the remotely
piloted aircraft systems (RPAS)
course. A group of around thirty
students have been learning
everything about the drone
universe at the Valencia
Polytechnic University. This
320-hour course is taught every
four months, and students
graduate knowing how to pilot
and build their own drone. And
what are drones for? For
everything, says bluntly Israel
Quintanilla, Doctor in Geodesic
and Cartographic Engineering.

The first graduates of the

course, which is jointly directed
and taught by airline pilots,
industrial engineers, IT and
telecommunications specialists,
have included everyone from
journalists to architects. And a
number of engineers too. The
course covers much more
ground than the 50- or 60-hour
courses taught in schools to
obtain a certificate to pilot a

Quintanilla highlights that in one

year alone, 370 companies for
operating drones have been set
up in Spain, all authorized by
the State Agency
for Aerial Security (AEASA),
which is responsible for
regulating the use of this type of
remotely piloted aircraft. This
sector is much in demand and
highly crosscutting.
And to explain their success in
such a short period of time he
points out: The advantage of

drones is that they're cheaper

than satellites, helicopters or
planes. The quality is the same
or better, as they fly lower. And
the key is that I can acquire
data when I want, and as many
times as I need. Top-quality
data at a very low cost.

resources. In the case of farm

crops you can see the evolution
over time, whereas before you
had to be content with a couple
of multispectral satellite images
and ask for another if you had
enough budget. Drones are
much cheaper.

To illustrate this point, he

highlights the example of a
quarry, where you save yourself
all the equipment. A drone
helps you map it out without
having to mobilize a lot of

The drawback is the duration

of the batteries. Autonomy is
one of their limitations, points
out Quintanilla.

The battery in fixed-wing

drones lasts up to 40 or 50
minutes, and according to
Quintanilla, this makes them
suitable for carrying out
surveillance flights or for
emergencies; whereas multirotor drones are more versatile
for inspecting static elements
wind turbine blades, cathedrals
and their battery lasts between
12 and 20 minutes. Military
drones are a special case as
they have around 14 hours'
autonomy, can reach speeds of
up to 250 km an hour and
have a wingspan of 8 meters.
This sector is still in its infancy
and its limits cannot even be
imagined. Quintanilla believes
that with the new regulations,
we can expect to see drones
sharing airspace with manned
aircraft before very long ( ).

Types of drones

( )

The professor explains that there are two types of drones:

Fixed-wing: which are
similar to planes as they
have the same structure
and aerodynamics but
with smaller dimensions,
and are powered by
combustion engines or
an electric battery.

Multi-rotor: these have

several blades depending
on the load they have to
carry; tricopters with
three blades,
quadcopters and so on.
They are capable of
static and vertical flight.

Basic rules for piloting a drone (AEASA)

The regulations allow an
aircraft of up to 25 kilos to
record outdoors, but it must
be by day and in visual
weather conditions, in areas
outside built-up areas in cities,
towns or inhabited spaces, or
that are used by people to
gather outdoors, in
uncontrolled airspace, within
the visual scope of the pilot at
a distance of no more than
500 meters and at a height
above ground of no more
than 400 feet (that is, a
maximum of 120 meters
above the ground).

noted that to take photographs

or films with any type of aircraft
manned or otherwise it is
necessary to obtain a specific
authorization from AESA for this
type of activity, according to an
Order from the Presidency of
the Government dated 14
March 1957.

Regardless of whether an
individual is authorized as a
drone operator it should be

Otherwise reliably demonstrate

that they have the theoretical
knowledge to obtain it (by

All drone pilots, regardless of the

size of the aircraft, must fulfill a
series of requirements:
Pilots must have or have had (in
the last five years) a pilot's
license (any license, including for
gliders, balloons or ultralights).

some certified means of

theoretical knowledge issued by
a training organization
approved by AESA, ATO, or in
the case that this knowledge
corresponds to an ultralight
pilot's license, by means of an
individual qualifying certificate
after taking the corresponding
theoretical knowledge exam).
Or if the maximum weight on
takeoff does not exceed 25 kg,
by means of a basic or
advanced certificate issued by
an approved training
organization (ATO) after taking
the corresponding course.

Inside a drone
It's not only pilots who are caught up in the drone fever but programmers
too - in just 12 hours they can make a quadcopter fly ( ).
They're cheap, and although
it's not something you can
program in a weekend, we're
not talking rocket science."
Jos Mara Caas, a professor
at the Telecommunications
Engineering School of the
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
(URJC), is the director of the
Drone Programming

University Course. His

classroom is full of engineers
but a few technical college
students as well. You don't
need to be an expert in
aeronautics to attend the
course, though some
programming knowledge is

It's not only pilots who are

caught up in the drone fever but
programmers too - in just 12
hours they can make a
quadcopter fly. We don't design
them and we don't teach people
how to pilot them. We develop
the software for the robots."
According to director of the
Robotics Department of the
URJC, the low cost - less than
500 euros - is what has made
drones so popular.

What they can do

Then there's the potential they
offer: We develop
applications to control the
robot autonomously. For
example, research prototypes
where we can program the
robot to recognize people on
the ground and take photos,
something which is extremely
valuable for search and rescue
operations. We're also working
on making semi-autonomous
robots that can pick up images
of the cracks in a building and,
thanks to the software,
analyze them.
Students develop applications
to direct and control the
drone's movements. They use
the Python language and the
Gazebo simulator to program

( )
the quadcopter's intelligence.
To start them off, they're given
various software components
that have already been
developed to direct the
quadcopter and insert the
code that controls their
behavior. The students
develop applications that
enable the drones to "pursue"
The quadcopter's behavior is
part perception, part control.
The perception part picks up
the sensory data - from the
camera - and analyzes them to
extract information. The
control part decides which
movement to make and issues
instructions to the robot's
engines," explains Caas.

The reward for the best students

is testing the real quadcopter,
the Parrot AR Drone.

Caas, who is currently

preparing a more advanced
programming course on aircraft
manned by remote control for
2015-2016, stresses that these
aircraft can be used in many
fields but that there's still a
long way to go and a lot to

In Germany, the national

railway operator is using drones
to fight graffiti. A judge has
accepted images captured by
drones to fine the vandals.
Drones are being used as a
deterrent, and that's just one
example of the multiple
applications that are emerging in
this field," says the URJC
professor to illustrate his point.

A stroll through the curiosities of the drone world

Divine Eagle', the world's
biggest drone.
The American magazine
Popular Science features
photographs of the giant
Chinese aircraft manned by
remote control. It stands 6
meters high, is 15 meters long
and weighs nearly 15 tons. The
magazine describes it as the
biggest in the world, surpassing
America's RQ-4 Global Hawk.
The military drone can detect
cruise missiles and stealth
bombers in the air as well as
enemy ships in the open waters
of the Pacific.
Parrot Mini Hydrofoil, the

nautical drone.
It slides across the water, or
more precisely 5/6 cm above it,
and is controlled by a
smartphone or tablet thanks to
a specific application via
Bluetooth. Its maximum speed
is 5.4 knots and it can only be
used on freshwater.
More than 5,000 photographs.
Two thousand photos were
submitted in 2014 and this year
more than 5,000, proving just
how popular the robots have
become. The Dronestagram
festival organized in association
with National Geographic

( )

showcases spectacular
photographs of cities, nature
and even dronies-selfies taken
by the aircraft.
The world's monuments.
Another amazing project is the
one that Amos Chapple has
been working on since 2005
and which consists in taking
aerial photographs of the
world's most impressive
monuments. Although many
countries ban these types of
photos in cities, you can see the
images captured on
the Amos Chapple website.

The future of drones
Initially conceived for military use, these unmanned
aerial vehicles have gained prominence for their
commercial uses, from mapping, video and
photography, to crop monitoring and protection.
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Because of their ability to
penetrate high-risk or difficult
to access areas without human
intervention, these aerial
systems have now taken
center stage.

Dynamically balanced to
eliminate the 'jello' effect
caused by vibration.

25 minutes flight range
and smart battery.

Plane finder,
virtual radar on the

Precision flights
and stable static

High quality with micro SD card
included. Field of vision up to
140 degrees.

With Wi-Fi
connection for flight
data monitoring.

Military use
9.000 m
Crop and forest

UAV Dominator XP*


Range: 9,150 m.
Weight: 1.2 kg
Operating time: 28h
Speed: 354 km/h

Gas emission

Urban control



Civilian use

5.000 m
UX5 Trimble

Aerial exploration

Range: 5,000m
Weight: 2.5 kg
Operating time: 50 min


T680 Pro

of structures

Range: 1,500m
Weight: 2.0 kg
Operating time: 15 min



1.000 m

Range: 1,000 m
Weight: 550 gr
Operating time: 15 mn

Location tracking
Since 2005, the number of countries that have acquired an
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has nearly doubled.

Countries with the largest number of drones



Countries that import the largest number of drones

United Kingdom
















"Drones can save lives"
Farming and emergency situations. These are two of the areas in which the drone sector is
rapidly gaining ground. In other areas faster development is often hindered by legislation (
Can Padr. Security&Safety
Training. Seventy hectares
beneath the Montserrat
mountains, 50 kilometers from
Barcelona (Spain). A boat
anchored to the ground

appears beneath a low hill.

During the course of the year
it is used to perform scores
of emergency drills. Help
arrives by land but from the air
as well.


Several drones fly over the area

filming fire fighters, police and
health workers dealing with a
critical situation. The footage
provides a comprehensive view
of what

And once it can be piloted, a

drone can be used to save
lives. Can Padr was recently
visited by Jordi Folk, general
secretary of Aedron (Spanish
Association of Drones and
Similar), who finds the topic of
emergencies particularly
fascinating. It's where these
devices can be used to save
lives. If you get lost in a cave,
they can find the exact spot,
and very fast.

is happening to the heads of

operations as they make fast
decisions to cope with and try
to avoid a tragedy.

The drones were the last to

reach Can Padr, the specialist
emergency management center
which, as manager Ana

Rodrguez explains, "trains

hundreds of professionals who
deal with risk situations as part
of their job". A pioneer in safety
training, the center has an ATO
license for delivering drone
courses to Spain's National Air
Security Agency (AESA), the
body that regulates this sector.

In the case of a catastrophe or

disaster, drones can be used
where they would not normally
be legal, as long as the
operator is certified. Can Padr
prepares operators for this.
Piloting a drone is just one
more step in the overall training
for professionals who risk their
lives trying to save others.

The legal debate in Spain

The legal framework for these
devices is currently a hot topic
of debate. In recent weeks
representatives of Aedron have
held meetings with members of
AESA and a bill with new
legislation for Spain is currently
being finalized. As the current
legislation stands, it is illegal to
fly drones over built-up areas.
A year ago the AESA banned
drones from flying over cities
after being shocked by what
Folk describes as "videos of
shocking reckless flights" on the
Folk mentions the regulation of
the sector to avoid
unauthorized practice by
unlicensed persons. "Regulation
puts us on a par with aerial
work. We are not ground
workers so we're governed by

( )

aviation legislation, with

demanding standards that
require training and
investment," he explains. With
the law in his hand, Folk says,
"The current legislation regulates
all commercial work. It says that
you can't fly over houses or
people, you can only fly in
daylight, you can't fly above
120 meters, and you can't be
more than 500 meters from the
pilot. Everything that is not
commercial is also more or less
covered by these conditions. If
you buy a toy drone, you have
to fly it in a vacant lot and meet
the same requirements.
A new bill contemplates "the
possibility of flights in urban
environments for aircraft
weighing less than 10 kg in a

defined area or more than 150

meters away from buildings and
more than 50 meters away
from people who are not under
the operator's control. These
types of operations have to be
authorized for reasons of public

The future of the sector

Folk explains the importance of
this change in legislation: The
money isn't in the
countryside, it's in cities. It's
currently illegal to fly over cities
so we have to refuse 95% of
the work we're offered."
Ignorance of the law means
that Folk, a photographer,
often receives commissions for
jobs that are illegal, which he
turns down. The smallest fine is
4,500 euros.
The people who are most
benefiting from this are
retailers, rather than trainers,
pilots or operators. Retailers
don't want it to get out that
there are restrictions on using
these devices because then

they'll lose money. But we need

to publicize the laws, and
drones should only be sold in
model aeronautics stores so
that you know you're dealing
with specialists."
There are no official figures on
the number of drones in Spain,
although according to Folk "it is
expected to grow
exponentially. In his opinion,
one of the sectors that "is
investing the most in
developing and using drones is
farming. I don't know if it's
because of the current
legislation or because it has a
lot of money and drones cut
their costs enormously."

Who can pilot a drone?

"To pilot a drone," explains Folk, "you have to have a theory certificate, practical training specific to the
model you are going to pilot, and a medical aviation certificate. You have to take a training course
with practical and theory components. And pilots can't just work on their own. Every company that carries
out aerial work with drones has to be registered with the AESA.


Europe sets its

sights on civil drones
The European Union is keen to take the lead in a sector that has the potential to move
up to 15 billion euros a year provided that precise regulation is put in place ( ).

Europe has the highest number

of civil drone operators 2,500
compared to 2,342 in the rest
of the world according to a
recent European Union
assessment report on drones.
The European body is keen to
regulate a market that has
seen a boom in recent years.
The EU aspires to lead the
remotely piloted aircraft sector,
and is urgently demanding the
creation of a worldwide
regulation that would
stimulate the market.
To achieve this it believes it is
essential to have a common
law in order to attract
investors. This legal limbo or
improvised legislation work is
currently underway on a
definitive law in several
countries including Spain is
holding back the civil drone

industry. These new

regulations must be based on
the principles of the Riga
declaration of last March:

Drones should be
regarded as a new type
of aircraft (and must be
governed by rules that
correspond to the risks
inherent in each
It is imperative to draft
European rules for
operating drones as soon
as possible and establish
precisely the security
regulations so as to
encourage investment in
the sector.

Technologies and
standards must be
designed to enable the
integration of drones
into European airspace.
Public acceptance of
drones is essential for the
growth of the services
associated to these
The drone operator is
responsible for its use.

The EU's draft report, which is

due to be debated in September
2015, notes that remotely
piloted aircraft must coexist with
planes even in the same
airspace. It therefore specifies:
It is advisable to draw up a
series of clear, global and
harmonized regulations based
on an assessment of the risks
which do not impose
excessively strict regulations on
companies which could hinder
the investment and the creation
of employment in the drone
The report repeatedly
underlines the potential
economic importance of the
large-scale use of drones. The
sector and the regulatory bodies
must reach an agreement and
work together to ensure that
companies are not reluctant to

invest in the development of

the necessary technologies
because of the perceived
uncertainty in the legislation.

The risks ( )
of using drones
without regulation
The Article 29 Working Party
(Art. 29 WP) formed by all the
European data protection
agencies is another group that
has requested harmonization in
all European countries. In its
first ruling it highlights the risk
the use of drones equipped
with sensors represents for
personal data, either by
capturing images, sound or
geolocation data.

It also considers that it is of

paramount importance that the
person responsible for
processing the data and his or
her supervisor should be clearly
identified for each type of
It stresses the need for
manufacturers to adopt privacy
measures starting at the design
stage and by default, and
suggests conducting impact
assessments on data protection
as a means of determining the
impact of drones on this
fundamental right.
To increase awareness among
users it also recommends that
sufficient information should be
included in devices with smaller
dimensions with regard to the
intrusive potential of these
technologies, and wherever ( ).

possible, that there should be a

clear indication of where their
use is permitted. The operators
of these devices should as far as
possible avoid flying over
private areas and buildings,
even when this is allowed.

The EU is not the only

organization set on regulating
this sector to allow it to flourish.
The Economist points out that
the sector's potential will
depend on its regulation.
According to the Commission,
remotely piloted aircraft are

expected to generate 150,000

jobs and profits of around 15
million a year in Europe in
2050. These estimates will only
become a reality if they are
accompanied by precise
regulations that do not scare
away investors and technology
companies, or the public itself.

United Kingdom Drone Code

Like the rest of Europe, the
United Kingdom is waiting for
EU legislation to be introduced
on drones, but the country also
has its own regulations in place.
Such aircraft have proliferated
over recent years, leading the
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to
launch a drone code in late
July to raise awareness of the
latest legal requirements and
best practices when using
We launched the code on the
22nd and it received extensive
coverage in the media and on
Twitter. We provide guidelines
on how to fly drones safely and
legally," says Nathan Lovett,
member of the CAA.
Lovett does not anticipate major

problems despite the rising

number of drones. "We think
drone regulations are
reasonable and proportionate.
They do the job of protecting
the public without being too
restrictive, and they don't affect
the pleasure of recreational use.
We are aware that all new
technologies may be used with
criminal intent, and drones are
no exception. Police services
take such risks very seriously. In
extreme cases people may be
With regard to potential
problems (the most recent
example came when an Airbus
A320 nearly collided
with a drone at Heathrow
Airport), he called for

responsible conduct from all

parties. At the end of the day,
it's down to each individual to
behave properly and abide by
the law, he concluded.


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