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Designation: C 12 03

Standard Practice for

Installing Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines1

This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 12; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope
1.1 This practice covers the proper methods of installing
vitrified clay pipe lines in order to fully utilize the structural
properties of such pipe.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for
information only.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

support dead and live loads under actual field conditions. It is

dependent upon two factors: (1) the inherent strength of the
pipe and (2) the bedding of the pipe.
4.2 The minimum bearing strength requirement in accordance with Specification C 700, as determined by the 3-edgebearing test of Test Methods C 301, is a measure of the
inherent strength of the pipe.
4.3 The tests used to measure bearing strength determine
relative pipe strengths but do not represent actual field conditions. Therefore, an adjustment called a load factor is introduced to convert minimum bearing strength to field supporting
strength. The magnitude of the load factor depends on how the
pipe is bedded. The relationship is:

2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
C 301 Test Methods for Vitrified Clay Pipe2
C 425 Specification for Compression Joints for Vitrified
Clay Pipe and Fittings2
C 700 Specification for Vitrified Clay Pipe, Extra Strength,
Standard Strength, and Perforated2
C 828 Test Method for Low-Pressure Air Test of Vitrified
Clay Pipe Lines2
C 896 Terminology Relating to Clay Products2
C 1091 Test Method for Hydrostatic Infiltration and Exfiltration Testing of Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines2

Field supporting strength 5 minimum bearing strength 3 load factor

4.4 A factor of safety greater than 1.0 and less than or equal
to 1.5 shall be applied to the field supporting strength to
calculate a safe supporting strength. The relationship is:
Safe supporting strength 5

Field supporting strength

Factor of safety

5. External Loads
5.1 The external loads on installed vitrified clay pipe are of
two general types: (1) dead loads and (2) live loads.
5.2 For pipes installed in trenches at a given depth, the dead
load increases as the trench width, measured at the top of the
pipe, increases. Consequently, the trench width at the top of the
pipe shall be kept as narrow as possible. Pipe failure may result
if the design trench width is exceeded. If the trench width
exceeds the design width, a higher class of bedding, stronger
pipe, or both, must be investigated.
5.3 Live loads that act at the ground surface are partially
transmitted to the pipe. Live loads may be produced by wheel
loading, construction equipment or by compactive effort.
Compaction of embedment and backfill materials, beside and
above the sewer pipe, produces a temporary live load on the
pipe. The magnitude of the live load from compactive effort
varies with soil type, degree of saturation, degree of compaction and depth of cover over the pipe. Care must be used in
selection of compaction methods so that the combined dead
load and live load does not exceed the field supporting strength
of the pipe, or cause a change in its line or grade.

3. Terminology
3.1 GeneralTerminology C 896 can be used for clarification of terminology in this specification.
4. Supporting Strength
4.1 The field supporting strength of vitrified clay pipe is
materially affected by the methods of installation. The field
supporting strength of a pipe is defined as its capacity to
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C04 on Vitrified
Clay Pipe and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C04.20 on Methods of
Test and Specifications.
Current edition approved February 10, 2003. Published June 2003. Originally
approved in 1915. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as C 1201.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.05.

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

C 12 03
6.2 Class D (Fig. 2)The pipe shall be placed on a firm and
unyielding trench bottom with bell holes provided (Fig. 9). The
initial backfill shall be of selected material (Note 2).
6.2.1 The load factor for Class D bedding is 1.1.
NOTE 2Selected material is finely divided material free of debris,
organic material, and large stones.

6.3 Class C (Fig. 3)The pipe shall be bedded in suitable

material (Note 3 and Note 4). Where suitable material is not
available, other materials approved by the engineer, shall be
used. The bedding shall have a minimum thickness beneath the
pipe of 4 in. (100 mm) or one eighthof the outside diameter of
the pipe, whichever is greater, and shall extend up the haunches
of the pipe one sixth of the outside diameter of the pipe. The
initial backfill shall be of selected material (Note 2).
6.3.1 The load factor for Class C bedding is 1.5.
NOTE 3Suitable material is well-graded 34 to 14 in. (19 to 6 mm)
crushed stone, having a minimum of one fractured face, or other angular,
non-consolidating bedding material not subject to migration. Well-graded
angular, non-consolidating bedding materials are more stable than
rounded bedding materials of equal gradation. Material shall be shovelsliced so the material fills and supports the haunch area and encases the
pipe to the limits shown in the trench diagrams (Figs. 3-6 and Fig. 8).
NOTE 4Sand is suitable as a bedding material in a total sand
environment but may be unsuitable where high and rapidly changing
water tables are present in the pipe zone. It may also be undesirable for
bedding, or haunching in a trench cut by blasting or in trenches through
clay type soil. Regardless of the trench condition or bedding class, the
maximum load factor for sand bedding is 1.5.
FIG. 1 Terminology

6.4 Class B (Fig. 4)The pipe shall be bedded in suitable

material (Note 3). The bedding shall have a minimum thickness beneath the pipe of 4 in. (100 mm) or one eighth of the
outside diameter of the pipe, whichever is greater, and shall
extend up the haunches of the pipe to the springline. The initial
backfill shall be of selected material (Note 2).
6.4.1 The load factor for Class B bedding is 1.9.
6.5 Crushed Stone Encasement (Fig. 5)There are specific
sites where crushed stone encasement may be desirable. The
crushed stone shall extend to the specified trench width and
shall have a minimum thickness beneath the pipe of 4 in. (100
mm) or one eighth of the outside diameter of the pipe,
whichever is greater, and shall extend upward to a horizontal
plane at the top of the pipe barrel (see Note 5). Encasement
shall consist of well-graded 34 to 14 in. (19 to 6 mm) crushed
stone or other non-consolidating bedding material not subject
to migration. Material shall be carefully placed into the pipe
haunches (Note 3). The initial backfill shall be of selected
material (Note 2).

FIG. 2 Class D

NOTE 1For generally accepted criteria and methods for determining

loads and supporting strengths, see Gravity Sanitary Sewer Design and
Construction, Water Pollution Control Federation Manual of Practice No.
FD-5, American Society of Civil EngineersManuals and Report on
Engineering PracticeNo. 60.3

NOTE 5Sufficient crushed stone or other suitable material (Note 3)

shall be placed so that the bedding extends to a horizontal plane at the top
of the pipe barrel following removal of any trench sheeting or boxes.

6. Bedding and Encasement

6.1 Classes of bedding and encasements for pipe in trenches
are defined herein. The load factors indicated are for conversion of minimum bearing strength to field supporting strength.

6.5.1 The load factor for crushed stone encasement is 2.2.

6.6 Controlled Low Strength Material (Fig. 6)Controlled
low strength material has been shown to be an economic
alternative to compacted bedding material. It assists in utilizing
the inherent strength of the pipe, completely filling the haunch
area, and reducing the trench load on the pipe.
6.6.1 The pipe shall be bedded on crushed stone or other
suitable material (Note 3 and Note 4). The bedding shall have

Available from American Society of Civil Engineers, 1801 Alexander Bell Dr.,
Reston, VA 20191.

C 12 03

FIG. 3 Class C

FIG. 4 Class B

FIG. 5 Crushed Stone Encasement

NOTE 1This type of construction requires the fill to extend from the pipe to the trench wall, not to extend above the top of the pipe or below the
bottom of the pipe. Where native soils are expansive, further investigation may be necessary.
FIG. 6 Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM)

a minimum thickness beneath the pipe of 4 in. (100 mm) or one

eighth of the outside diameter of the pipe, whichever is greater.
Controlled low strength material shall be directed to the top of
the pipe to flow down on both sides to prevent misalignment.

Fill to the top of the pipe. The initial backfill may be placed
when the pour is capable of supporting the backfill material
without intermixing.

C 12 03

NOTE 1Minimum width of concrete cradle: Bc + 8 in. (200 mm) or 1-14 Bc.
NOTE 2p is the ratio of the area of steel to the area of concrete. (It is recommended that wire mesh reinforcement or uniformly distributed small
diameter rebar be used in all concrete design.)
FIG. 7 Concrete Cradle

extend up the haunches of the pipe to the springline. The top

half of the pipe shall be covered with monolithic reinforced
concrete arch with a minimum thickness from the top of the
pipe barrel, of 6 in. (150 mm) or one fourth of the nominal
diameter of the pipe, whichever is greater. The width of the
arch shall be at least equal to the outside diameter of the pipe
plus 4 in. (100 mm) on each side, or one and one fourth times
the outside diameter, whichever is greater. If the trench width
is greater than either of these dimensions, concrete may be
placed to full trench width. The load factor for Class A concrete arch bedding is
3.4 for reinforced concrete with p = 0.4 %, and up to 4.8 for
reinforced concrete with p = 1.0 %, where p is the percentage
of the area of transverse steel to the area of concrete above the
top of the pipe barrel as shown in Fig. 8.
6.8 Concrete Encasement:
6.8.1 There are specific sites where concrete encasement
may be desirable. Concrete encasement shall completely surround the pipe and shall have a minimum thickness, at any
point, of one fourth of the outside diameter of the pipe or 4 in.
(100 mm), whichever is greater.
6.8.2 The encasement shall be designed by the engineer to
suit the specific use.

NOTE 6Attention is directed to terminology and material references.

See American Concrete Institute Report: ACI 229R-94 Controlled Low
Strength Materials (CLSM).4

6.6.2 The load factor for controlled low strength material is

6.7 Class AThis class of bedding can be achieved with
either of two construction methods.
6.7.1 Concrete Cradle (Fig. 7)The pipe shall be bedded in
a monolithic cradle of reinforced concrete having a thickness
under the barrel of at least 6 in. (150 mm) or one fourth of the
outside diameter of the pipe, whichever is greater, and extending up the haunches to a height of at least one half the outside
diameter of the pipe. The cradle width shall be at least equal to
the outside diameter of the pipe plus 4 in. (100 mm) on each
side or one and one fourth times the outside diameter of the
pipe, whichever is greater. If the trench width is greater than
either of these dimensions, concrete may be placed to full
trench width. Suitable material shall extend upward to a
horizontal plane at the top of the pipe barrel. The initial backfill
shall be selected material. The load factor for Class A concrete cradle bedding
is 3.4 for reinforced concrete with p = 0.4 %, where p is the
percentage of the area of transverse steel to the area of concrete
at the bottom of the pipe barrel as shown in Fig. 7.
6.7.2 Concrete Arch (Fig. 8)The pipe shall be bedded in
suitable material (Note 3). The bedding shall have a minimum
thickness beneath the pipe of 4 in. (100 mm) or one eighth of
the outside diameter of the pipe, whichever is greater, and shall

7. Trench Excavation
7.1 Trenches shall be excavated to a width that will provide
adequate working space, but not more than the maximum
design width. Trench walls shall not be undercut.
7.2 The trench walls can be sloped to reduce trench wall
failure. This sloping will not increase the load on the pipe

Available from American Concrete Institute, P.O. Box 9094, Farmington Hills,
MI 48333.

C 12 03

NOTE 1Minimum width of concrete arch: Bc + 8 in. (200 mm) or 114 Bc.
NOTE 2p is the ratio of the area of steel to the area of concrete. (It is recommended that wire mesh reinforcement or uniformly distributed small
diameter rebar be used in all concrete design.)
FIG. 8 Concrete Arch

7.7 It is preferable to keep the trench dry during all phases

of construction. Exercise caution when terminating the dewatering procedure to avoid disturbing the pipe installation.
8. Trench Foundation
8.1 The trench foundation is the area below the pipe and
bedding which supports the pipe bedding structure.
8.2 The trench foundation shall be firm and unyielding.
9. Pipe Bedding
9.1 Bell holes shall be excavated to prevent point loading of
the bells or couplings of laid pipe, and to establish full-length
support of the pipe barrel (Fig. 9).
9.2 Bedding shall be placed so that the pipe is true to line
and grade and to provide uniform and continuous support of
the pipe barrel.

FIG. 9 Uniform Pipe Support

provided the measured trench width at top of pipe does not

exceed the design trench width.
7.3 Trenches, other than for Class D bedding, shall be
excavated to provide space for the pipe bedding.
7.4 Sheet, shore, and brace trenches, as necessary, to prevent caving or sliding of trench walls, to provide protection for
workmen and the pipe, and to protect adjacent structures and
7.5 Sheeting shall not be removed below the top of the pipe
if the resulting slope of native soil increases the trench width to
such an extent that the load on the pipe exceeds the safe field
supporting strength of the pipe and bedding system.
7.6 When a movable box is used in place of sheeting or
shoring, secure the installed pipe to prevent it from moving
when the box is moved.

10. Pipe Handling

10.1 Pipe and fittings shall be handled carefully to protect
from damage.
10.2 Carefully examine each pipe and fitting before installation, for soundness and specification compliance. Pipe accepted may be plainly marked by the inspector. Rejected pipe
shall not be defaced, but shall be replaced with pipe that meets
10.3 Handle pipe so that premolded jointing surfaces or
attached couplings do not support the weight of the pipe. Do
not damage the jointing surfaces or couplings by dragging,
contact with hard materials, or by use of hooks.

C 12 03
TABLE 1 Joint Deflection Limits

NOTE 1For calculating the minimum radius of curvature use the following:
pipe3 in. (75 mm) to 12 in. (305 mm) Diameter
radius = 24 3 pipe length
pipe15 in. (380 mm) to 24 in. (610 mm) Diameter
radius = 32 3 pipe length
pipe27 in. (685 mm) to 36 in. (915 mm) Diameter
radius = 48 3 pipe length
pipe39 in. (990 mm) to 42 in. (1065 mm) Diameter
radius = 64 3 pipe length
NOTE 2Material is applicable to compression joints for vitrified clay pipe and fittings in accordance with Specification C 425.
Nominal Diameter,
in. (mm)

Maximum Angular
Deflection per Joint,

Maximum Deflection
of Pipe,
in./linear ft (mm/linear m)


14 (21)
316 (16)



12.2 Unless otherwise directed, backfill trenches as soon as

practicable after the pipe is laid. In the case of concrete
bedding, delay backfilling until the concrete has set sufficiently
to support the backfill load.
12.3 The initial backfill shall be of selected material (Note
2). Final backfill shall have no rock or stones having a
dimension larger than 6 in. (150 mm) within 3 ft. (0.9 m) of the
top of the pipe.
12.4 Puddling, jetting, or water flooding may be used for
consolidating backfill material only when approved by the

11. Pipe Laying

11.1 Clean joint contact surfaces immediately prior to
joining. Use joint lubricants and joining methods, as recommended by the pipe manufacturer.
11.2 Unless otherwise required, lay all pipe straight between
changes in alignment and at uniform grade between changes in
grade. Excavate bell holes for each pipe joint. When joined in
the trench, the pipe shall form a true and smooth line.
11.3 Straight lengths of pipe may be used for horizontal or
vertical curves by uniformly deflecting each joint. The joint
deflection limits shall be as described in Table 1.
11.4 Whenever practicable, start pipe laying at the lowest
point and install the pipe so that the spigot ends point in the
direction of flow to prevent bedding material from entering the
11.5 After each pipe had been brought to grade, aligned, and
placed in final position, deposit and shovel slice or spade
bedding material under the pipe haunches. Wyes and tees shall
be bedded to prevent shear loading.
11.6 Place pipe that is to be bedded in concrete cradle or
encased in concrete, in proper position on temporary supports.
When necessary, rigidly anchor or weight the pipe to prevent
flotation as concrete is placed.
11.7 Place concrete for cradles, arches, or encasement
uniformly on each side of the pipe and deposit at approximately its final position. Concrete placed beneath the pipe shall
be sufficiently workable so that the entire space beneath the
pipe can be filled without excessive vibration.
11.8 Where pipe connects with outside faces of manhole
walls or the outside faces of the walls of other structures,
provide a pipe joint such that slight flexibility or motion can
take place in or near the plane of the wall face. It is
recommended that a 12 to 18 in. (300 to 450 mm) pipe stub be
extended from manhole or other wall faces. The pipe stub shall
be bedded in the same manner as the pipe.

13.4 In order for the performance of the line to be acceptable, all tests shall be made on pipe laid in accordance with the
bedding provisions of Section 6. Joining procedures shall
follow the recommendation of the pipe manufacturer.

12. Backfilling Trenches

12.1 Initial backfill need not be compacted to develop field
supporting strength of the pipe. Final backfill may require
compaction to prevent settlement of the ground surface.

14. Keywords
14.1 backfilling; bedding; clay pipe; compaction; construction; design; excavation; installation; load factors; perforated
pipe; pipe; sewers; trench foundation; trenching; vitrified

13. Field Performance and Acceptance

13.1 After installation the sewer shall be tested for integrity
by a method specified or approved by the engineer.
13.2 Where ground water exists, the line may be tested for
infiltration by determining the quantity of water entering the
system during a specified time period. Infiltration testing is
recommended and shall conform to the test procedure described in Test Method C 1091.
13.3 Where ground water does not exist, either a water or
low-pressure air test method may be used and shall be
specified. The exfiltration test shall conform to the test procedure described in Test Method C 1091. Air testing shall
conform to the test procedure described in Test Method C 828,
and is recommended.
NOTE 7When water or air tests are specified and the acceptance of a
line depends upon satisfactory results, it should be recognized that several
factors have a bearing on these results. Manhole bases, walls, and seals
must be watertight. Household and commercial building and roof drains
must be isolated. Stoppers must be sufficiently secured to be air or

C 12 03
(Nonmandatory Information)

X1.1 Position of Perforations:

X1.1.1 Perforations in a subdrain or leachate pipe shall
normally be down.
X1.1.2 Under unique conditions it may be desirable to place
the perforations up.

X1.3 Bedding and Backfill:

X1.3.1 Bedding and backfill shall be in accordance with the
engineers design.
X1.3.2 It is desirable to contain the bedding with a filter
X1.3.3 In the pipe zone the material shall be free draining
without migration.
X1.3.4 Extreme care should be exercised in placement and
compaction of backfill.

X1.2 Method of Design:

X1.2.1 Design in accordance with standard engineering
practice, noting particularly, the bearing strength as listed in
Specification C 700.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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