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Multigrid Method

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Gilbert Strang


Multigrid Methods

The Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iterations produce smooth errors. The error vector e
has its high frequencies nearly removed in a few iterations. But low frequencies are
reduced very slowly. Convergence requires O(N 2 ) iterationswhich can be unaccept
able. The extremely eective multigrid idea is to change to a coarser grid, on which
smooth becomes rough and low frequencies act like higher frequencies.
On that coarser grid a big piece of the error is removable. We iterate only a few
times before changing from ne to coarse and coarse to ne. The remarkable result
is that multigrid can solve many sparse and realistic systems to high accuracy in a
xed number of iterations, not growing with n.
Multigrid is especially successful for symmetric systems. The key new ingredients
are the (rectangular !) matrices R and I that change grids:

A restriction matrix R transfers vectors from the ne grid to the coarse grid.


The return step to the ne grid is by an interpolation matrix I = I2h


The original matrix Ah on the ne grid is approximated by A2h = RAh I on

the coarse grid. You will see how this A2h is smaller and easier and faster than
Ah . I will start with interpolation (a 7 by 3 matrix I that takes 3 vs to 7 us):

Interpolation Iv = u
u on the ne (h) grid from
v on the coarse (2h) grid
values are the us.

v1 /2


v1 /2+v2 /2 u3
1 1 v1

v2 = v2
= u4 (1)

v2 /2+v3 /2 u5

1 1 v3


v3 /2

This example has h = 81 on the interval 0 x 1 with zero boundary conditions.

The seven interior values are the us. The grid with 2h = 41 has three interior vs.
Notice that u2 , u4 , u6 from rows 2, 4, 6 are the same as v1 , v2 , v3 ! Those coarse grid
values vj are just moved to the ne grid at the points x = 14 , 42 , 43 . The in-between
values u1 , u3 , u5 , u7 on the ne grid are coming from linear interpolation between
0, v1 , v2 , v3 , 0:
Linear interpolation in rows 1, 3, 5, 7

u2j+1 = (vj + vj+1 ) .


The odd-numbered rows of the interpolation matrix have entries 12 and 12 . We almost
always use grid spacings h, 2h, 4h, . . . with the convenient ratio 2. Other matrices I
are possible, but linear interpolation is easy and eective. Figure 6.10a shows the
new values u2j+1 (open circles) between the transferred values u2j = vj (solid circles).


Gilbert Strang

u2 = v 1

vm =


2+ 2

sin 2m




uj = sin 2j
(a) Linear interpolation by u = I2hh v

(b) Restriction by Rh2h u = 21 (I2hh )T u

Figure 6.10: Interpolation to the h grid (7 us). Restriction to the 2h grid (3 vs).
When the vs represent smooth errors on the coarse grid (because Jacobi or GaussSeidel has been applied on that grid), interpolation gives a good approximation to
the errors on the ne grid. A practical code can use 8 or 10 grids.
The second matrix we need is a restriction matrix R2h
h . It transfers u on a
ne grid to v on a coarse grid. One possibility is the one-zero injection matrix that
simply copies v from the values of u at the same points on the ne grid. This ignores
the odd-numbered ne grid values u2j+1 . Another possibility (which we adopt) is the
full weighting operator R that comes from transposing I2hh .
h T
Fine grid h to coarse grid 2h by a restriction matrix R2h
h = 2 (I2h )

Full weighting Ru = v
Fine grid u to coarse grid v


1 2 1


u4 = v 2 .
1 2 1


1 2 1


The eect of this restriction matrix is shown in Figure 6.10b. We intentionally chose
the special case in which uj = sin(2j/8) on the ne grid (open circles). Then v on
the coarse grid (dark circles) is also a pure sine vector. But the frequency is doubled
(a full cycle in 4 steps). So a smooth oscillation on the ne grid becomes half as
smooth on the coarse grid, which is the eect we wanted.

Interpolation and Restriction in Two Dimensions

Coarse grid to ne grid in two dimensions from bilinear interpolation: Start
with values vi,j on a square or rectangular coarse grid. Interpolate to ll in ui,j by a
sweep (interpolation) in one direction followed by a sweep in the other direction. We
could allow two spacings hx and hy , but one meshwidth h is easier to visualize. A
horizontal sweep along row i of the coarse grid (which is row 2i of the ne grid) will

Gilbert Strang

ll in values of u at odd-numbered columns 2j + 1 of the ne grid:

Horizontal sweep

u2i,2j = vi,j and u2i,2j+1 = (vi,j + vi,j+1 ) as in 1D.


Now sweep vertically, up each column of the ne grid. Interpolation will keep those
values (4) on even-numbered rows 2i. It will average those values to nd u = I2D v
on the ne-grid odd-numbered rows 2i + 1:
Vertical sweep
Averages of (4)

u2i+1,2j = (vi,j + vi+1,j )/2

u2i+1,2j+1 = (vi,j + vi+1,j + vi,j+1 + vi+1,j+1 )/4 .


The entries in the tall thin coarse-to-ne interpolation matrix I2D are 1, 21 , and 14 .
The full weighting ne-to-coarse restriction operator R2D is the transpose I2DT ,
multiplied by 41 . That factor is needed (like 21 in one dimension) so that a constant
vector of 1s will be restricted to a constant vector of 1s. (The entries along each row
of the wide matrix R add to 1.) This restriction matrix has entries 14 , 81 , and 16
each coarse-grid value v is a weighted average of nine ne-grid values u:
Restriction matrix R =



Row i, j of R produces vi,j




u2i,2j /4


vi,j uses u2i,2j and 8 neighbors

The nine weights add to 1





You can see how a sweep along each row with weights 14 , 12 , 41 , followed by a sweep
down each column, gives the nine coecients in that restriction molecule. Its
matrix R2D is an example of a tensor product or Kronecker product kron(R, R). A
3 by 7 matrix R in one dimension becomes a 9 by 49 restriction matrix R2D in two
Now we can transfer vectors between grids. We are ready for the geometric
multigrid method, when the geometry is based on spacings h and 2h and 4h. The
idea extends to triangular elements (each triangle splits naturally into four similar
triangles). The geometry can be more complicated than our model on a square.
When the geometry becomes too dicult, or we are just given a matrix, we turn
(in the nal paragraph) to algebraic multigrid. This will imitate the multi-scale
idea, but it works directly with Au = b and not with any underlying geometric grid.

A Two-Grid V-Cycle (a v-cycle)

Our rst multigrid method only involves two grids. The iterations on each grid can
use Jacobis I D 1 A (possibly weighted by = 2/3 as in the previous section) or
Gauss-Seidel. For the larger problem on the ne grid, iteration converges slowly to


Gilbert Strang

the low frequency smooth part of the solution u. The multigrid method transfers the
current residual rh = b Auh to the coarse grid. We iterate a few times on that 2h
grid, to approximate the coarse-grid error by E2h . Then interpolate back to Eh on
the ne grid, make the correction to uh + Eh , and begin again.
This ne-coarse-ne loop is a two-grid V-cycle. We call it a v-cycle (small v).
Here are the steps (remember, the error solves Ah (u uh ) = bh Ah uh = rh ):

Iterate on Ah u = bh to reach uh (say 3 Jacobi or Gauss-Seidel steps).


Restrict the residual rh = bh Ah uh to the coarse grid by r2h = Rh2h rh .


Solve A2h E2h = r2h (or come close to E2h by 3 iterations from E = 0).


E2h . Add Eh to uh .
Interpolate E2h back to Eh = I2h


Iterate 3 more times on Ah u = bh starting from the improved uh + Eh .

Steps 2-3-4 give the restriction-coarse solution-interpolation sequence that is the

heart of multigrid. Recall the three matrices we are working with:
A = Ah = original matrix
R = R2h
h = restriction matrix
= interpolation matrix .
I = I2h

Step 3 involves a fourth matrix A2h , to be dened now. A2h is square and it is smaller
than the original Ah . In words, we want to project the larger matrix Ah onto the
coarse grid. There is a natural choice ! The variationally correct A2h comes directly
and beautifully from R and A and I:
The coarse grid matrix is A2h = R2h
h Ah I2h = RAI.


When the ne grid has N = 7 interior meshpoints, the matrix Ah is 7 by 7. Then the
coarse grid matrix RAI is (3 by 7)(7 by 7)(7 by 3) = 3 by 3.
Example In one dimension, A = Ah might be the second dierence matrix K/h2 . Our
rst example came from h = 18 . Now choose h = 61 , so that multigrid goes from ve
meshpoints inside 0 < x < 1 to two meshpoints (I is 5 by 2 and R is 2 by 5): The neat
multiplication (we will use it again later) is RAh = RK5 /h2 :

2 1

2 1

1 1 2 1

2 1
. (7)
RA =
= (2h)2 0 1 0
1 2 1 h2
2 0

2 1

Gilbert Strang

A natural choice for A2h on the coarse grid is K2 /(2h)2 and multigrid makes this choice:
Coarse grid matrix


2 1
= RAI =
(2h)2 1


The reader will appreciate that the I T AI rule preserves symmetry and positive deniteness,
when A has those properties. The rule arises naturally in Galerkin methods [,page ],
including the nite element method. Notice how the restriction operator R with the
factor 14 automatically adjusts 1/h2 to 1/(2h)2 .
Steps 1 and 5 are necessary, but they are really outside the essential multigrid
idea. The smoother is step 1, the post-smoother is step 5. Those are normal
iterations for which weighted Jacobi or Gauss-Seidel is satisfactory.

The Errors eh and Eh

Suppose we solve the coarse grid equation exactly at step 3. Is the multigrid error
correction Eh then equal to the true ne-grid error eh = u uh ? No, that is too
much to expect ! We have only solved the smaller problem on the coarse grid, not
the full problem. But the connection between Eh and eh is simple and crucial for
understanding multigrid. We now track down the steps from E to e.
Four matrices multiply e. At step 2, the residual r = b Auh = A(u uh ) = Ae
multiplies by A. The restriction is multiplication by R. The solution step 3 multiplies
by A1
2h = (RAI) . The interpolation step 4 multiplies by I to nd the correction
E. Altogether, E is IA1
21 RAh e:
E = I(RAI)1 RAe and we call this E = Se .


When I is 5 by 2 and R is 2 by 5, that matrix S on the right side is 5 by 5. It

cant be the identity matrix, since RAI and its inverse are only 2 by 2 (rank two).
But S = I(RAI)1 RA has the remarkable property S 2 = S. This says that S is the
identity matrix on its 2-dimensional column space. (Of course S is the zero matrix
on its 3-dimensional nullspace.) S 2 = S is easy to check:
S 2 = (I(RAI)1 RA)(I(RAI)1 RA) = S because (RAI)1 RAI disappears. (10)
So the multigrid correction E = Se is not the whole error e, it is a projection of e.
The new error is e E = e Se = (I S)e. This matrix I S is the two-grid
operator. I S plays the same fundamental role in describing the multigrid steps
24 that the usual M = I P 1 A plays for each iteration in steps 1 and 5:
v-cycle matrix = I S

iteration matrix = I P 1 A .


Gilbert Strang

Example (continued). The 5 by 5 matrix Ah = K5 /h2 and the rectangular I and R

led in (8) to A2h = K2 /(2h)2 . To nd S = IA1
2h RAh , we multiply (7) by IA2h :

0 1/2 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
2h RAh = 0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0
Now multiply by I to nd S
0 0 0 1/2 0
The eigenvalues of this S are 1, 1, 0, 0, 0. If you square S, you recover S 2 = S. With
its three columns of zeros, the nullspace of S contains all ne-grid vectors of the form
(e1 , 0, e3 , 0, e5 ). Those are vectors that dont appear on the coarse grid. If the error e had
this form, then E = Se would be zero (no improvement from multigrid). But we dont
expect a large component of those high frequency vectors in e, because of the smoothing.
The column space of S contains column 2 = ( 12 , 1, 12 , 0, 0) and column 4 = (0, 0, 21 , 1, 21 ).
These are mixed-frequency vectors. We do expect them to appear in e, because the
smoothing step didnt remove them. But these are vectors for which E = Se = e and
they are the errors that multigrid catches ! After step 4 they are gone.
Let me say this in another way. Because S 2 = S, the only eigenvectors are = 0
and = 1. (If Su = u we always have S 2 u = 2 u. Then S 2 = S gives 2 = .) Our
example has = 1, 1, 0, 0, 0. The eigenvalues of I S are 0, 0, 1, 1, 1. The eigenvectors
e reveal what multigrid is doing:
E = Se = 0 In this case multigrid gives no improvement. The correction E added
to uh in step 4 is zero. IN the example, this happens for errors e = (e1 , 0, e3 , 0, e5 )
that are zero on the coarse grid where step 3 is working.
E = Se = e In this case multigrid is perfect. The correction Eh added to uh in
step 4 is the whole error eh . In the example, two eigenvectors of S for = 1 are e =
(1, 2, 2, 2, 1) and e = (1, 2, 0, 2, 1). Those have large low-frequency components.
They oscillate up and down only once and twice. They are in the column space of
I. They are no perfect sines, but an important part of the low-frequency error is
caught and removed. The number of independent vectors with Se = e is the number
of coarse gridpoints (here 2). That measures the A2h problem that step 3 deals with.
It is the rank of S and also I. The other 5 2 gridpoints account for the nullspace
of S, where E = Se = 0 means no improvement from multigrid.
The high-frequency vectors (u1 , 0, u3 , 0, u5 ) with Su = 0 are not exactly
combinations of the last three discrete sines y3 , y4 , y5 . The frequencies are mixed by
S, as equations (1819) will clearly show. The exact statements are column space of S
= column space of I and nullspace of S = nullspace of RA. The mixing of frequencies
does not aect our main point: Iteration handles the high frequencies and
multigrid handles the low frequencies.
You can see that a perfect smoother followed by perfect multigrid (exact solution
at step 3) would leave no error. In reality, this will not happen. Fortunately, a careful

Gilbert Strang

(not so simple) analysis will show that a multigrid cycle with good smoothing can
reduce the error by a constant factor that is independent of h:
error after step 5 error before step 1 with < 1 .


A typical value is = 10
. Compare with = .99 for Jacobi alone. This is the
Holy Grail of numerical analysis, to achieve a convergence factor (a spectral radius
of the overall iteration matrix) that does not move up to 1 as h 0. We can achieve
a given relative accuracy in a xed number of cycles. Since each step of each cycle
requires only O(n) operations on sparse problems of size n, multigrid is an O(n)
algorithm. This does not change in higher dimensions.

There is a further point about the number of steps and the accuracy. The user
may want the solution error e to be as small as the discretization error (when the
original dierential equation was replaced by Au = b). In our examples with second
dierences, this demands that we continue until e = O(h2 ) = O(N 2 ). In that case
we need more than a xed number of v-cycles. To reach k = O(N 2 ) requires
k = O(log N ) cycles. Multigrid has an answer for this too.
Instead of repeating v-cycles, or nesting them into V-cycles or W-cycles, it is
better to use full multigrid: FMG cycles are described below. Then the operation
count comes back to O(n) even for this higher required accuracy e = O(h2 ).

V-Cycles and W-Cycles and Full Multigrid

Clearly multigrid need not stop at two grids. If it did stop, it would miss the remark
able power of the idea. The lowest frequency is still low on the 2h grid, and that part
of the error wont decay quickly until we move to 4h or 8h (or a very coarse 512h).
The two-grid v-cycle extends in a natural way to more grids. It can go down to
coarser grids (2h, 4h, 8h) and back up to (4h, 2h, h). This nested sequence of v-cycles
is a V-cycle (capital V). Dont forget that coarse grid sweeps are much faster than
ne grid sweeps. Analysis shows that time is well spent on the coarse grids. So the
W-cycle that stays coarse longer (Figure 6.11b) is generally superior to a V-cycle.




Figure 6.11: V-cycles and W-cycles and FMG use several grids several times.
The full multigrid cycle in Figure 6.11c is asymptotically better than V or W.
Full multigrid starts on the coarsest grid. The solution on the 8h grid is interpolated
to provide a good initial vector u4h on the 4h grid. A v-cycle between 4h and 8h
improves it. Then interpolation predicts the solution on the 2h grid, and a deeper


Gilbert Strang

V-cycle makes it better (using 2h, 4h, 8h). Interpolation of that improved solution
onto the nest grid gives an excellent start to the last and deepest V-cycle.
The operation counts for a deep V-cycle and for full multigrid are certainly greater
than for a two-grid v-cycle, but only by a constant factor. That is because the count
is divided by a power of 2 every time we move to a coarser grid. For a dierential
equation in d space dimensions, we divide by 2d . The cost of a V-cycle (as deep as
we want) is less than a xed multiple of the v-cycle cost:

V-cycle cost < 1 + d + d + v-cycle cost = d
v-cycle cost . (13)
2 1

Full multigrid is no more than a series of inverted V-cycles, beginning on a very coarse
mesh. By the same reasoning that led to (13),
Full multigrid cost < d
V-cycle cost <
2 1

2d 1

v-cycle cost . (14)

And the method works in practice. But good programming is required.

Multigrid Matrices
For a 3-grid V-cycle, what matrix S3 corresponds to the 2-grid v-cycle projection
S = I(RAI)1 RA ? No smoothing is involved here. S and S3 only project to coarser
problems. By itself, S3 will not be a good solver without smoothers.
To construct A4h , replace the matrix A2h = RAI on the middle grid by using a
coarse restriction Rc = R2h
that transfers down to the 4h grid, and an interpolation
Ic = I4h that comes back to 2h:
Very coarse matrix

A4h = Rc A2h Ic .


If h = 16
, that product is (3 7)(7 7)(7 3). The 3 by 3 problem uses A4h on the
4h = 4 grid (with three interior unknowns). Then S3 = (S3 )2 is the matrix that goes
down two grids, solves the very coarse problem by A1
4h , and comes back up:

E3 = S3 e = Error removed

2h 1 4h 2h
S3 = I2hh I4h
A4h R2h Rh A .


The error that remains after an unsmoothed V-cycle will be (I S3 )e. On the h = 16
grid, there are 15 frequencies in the error e. Only the lowest 3 are (approximately)
removed by S3 e. We have only solved a 3 by 3 problem with A4h . It is the smoothers,
on the ne h grid and the middle 2h grid, that reduce the high and middle frequency
errors in the solution.
Note to myself: S4h = Ic A1
4h Rc A2h = Ic A4h Rc RAI = 7 7 has I on right instead
of left. Still S42h = S4h .

Gilbert Strang

Numerical Experiments
The real test of multigrid eectiveness is numerical ! Its k-step approximation ek
should approach zero and the graphs will show how quickly this happens. An initial
guess u0 includes an error e0 . Whatever iteration we use, we are trying to drive uk to
u, and ek to zero. The multigrid method jumps between two or more grids, so as to
converge more quickly, and our graphs will always show the error on the ne grid.
We can work with the equation Ae = 0, whose solution is e = 0. Following [],
Figure 6.
a displays an initial error with low and high frequencies:
(e0 )j = sin 4jh + sin 20jh with h =


We draw continuous functions sin 4x and sin 20x rather than 31 discrete values.
b shows the error vector e3 after three ne-grid sweeps of weighted
Figure 6.
Jacobi (with = 32 ). As expected, the high frequency component has greatly decayed.
The error e3 = (I P 1 A)3 e0 is much smoother than e0 . For our second dierence
matrix Ah (better known as K), the Jacobi preconditioner from Section 6.2 simply
has P 1 = 21 I. We can ignore the factors h2 that divide K and P , because they
Figure 6.12: The initial error and the error e3 after three weighted Jacobi relaxations.
Now multigrid begins. The current ne-grid residual is rh = Ah e3 . After restric
tion to the coarse grid it becomes r2h . Three weighted Jacobi iterations on the coarse
grid error equation A2h E2h = r2h start with the guess E2h = 0. That produces...
Figure 6.13: The ne-grid error after 3 sweeps on the coarse grid (a) and then the
ne grid (b).

Eigenvector Analysis
The reader will recognize that one matrix (like I S for a v-cycle) can describe each
multigrid method. The eigenvalues of a full multigrid matrix would be nice to know,
but they are usually impractical to nd. Numerical experiments build condence.
Computation also provides a diagnostic tool, to locate where convergence is stalled
and a change is needed (often in the boundary conditions). If we want a predictive
tool, the best is modal analysis.
The key idea is to watch the Fourier modes. In our example those are discrete
sines, because of the boundary conditions u(0) = u(1) = 0. We will push this model
problem all the way, to see what the multigrid matrix I S does to those sine vectors.


Gilbert Strang

The nal result in (1819) shows why multigrid works and it also shows how pairs of
frequencies are mixed. The eigenvectors are mixtures of two frequencies.
The frequencies that mix together are k and N + 1 k. The discrete sines with
those frequencies are yk and Yk :

(N +1k)
2(N +1k)
yk = sin
, sin
, . . . and Yk = sin
, sin
,... .
N +1
N +1
N +1
N +1
Where yk goes up and down k times, Yk does that N + 1 k times.
There is something neat you have to see. Yk and yk have the same compo
nents except for alternating signs ! Cancel N +1 with N +1 in those components
of Yk :

, sin 2
, . . = + sin
, sin
, . . (17)
Yk = sin
N +1
N +1
N +1
N +1
For our model problem with second dierences, we can report the result of multiplying
by S = I(RAI)1 RA. In fact the true multigrid matrix is I S, to give the error
e E = (I S) e that remains after steps 2, 3, 4. Seeing I S is even better:

One v-cycle (2k N +1)

Smooth errors reduced
Frequencies mixed

(I S) yk =
1 cos
(yk + Yk )
N +1

(I S)Yk =
1 + cos
(yk + Yk )
N +1


Such beautiful formulas cant be expected in more complicated problems, and we

seize this chance to make four key points:

Low frequencies like k = 1, 2, 3 are greatly reduced by multigrid. The

) is very small,
cosine in equation (18) will be near 1. The factor (1 cos Nk
of order (k/N ) . This shows how multigrid is powerful in nearly killing the low
frequencies. These are exactly the frequencies on which Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel
will stall in the smoothing iterations.


The pair of sines yk and Yk is mixed together by multigrid. We will

see that the restriction R and interpolation I are responsible. Those are not
like the square matrix A, which keeps frequencies separate (because the sines
are its eigenvectors). Aliasing appears for rectangular matrices !


The combinations e = yk + Yk are eigenvectors of I S with = 1.

Just add equations (18) and (19), to get (I S)e = e. Since Yk has the
same components as yk with alternating signs, yk + Yk has the correct form
(e1 , 0, e3 , 0, . . .). Those are the vectors that we discovered earlier in the nullspace
( = 0) of S. They are not touched by I S since Se = 0.

Gilbert Strang


The other eigenvectors of I S are just Syk . We know that (I S)Syk = 0

because S = S 2 . In our example with N = 5, the vectors Sy1 and Sy2 are
multiples of (1, 2, 2, 2, 1) and (1, 2, 0, 2, 1) that we found explicitly. Multigrid
removes them from the error.

According to (18), these vectors Syk are combinations of yk and Yk . To nd a good

) and (1 cos Nk
). The rightcombination, multiply (18) and (19) by (1 + cos Nk
hand sides are now the same and we subtract:


S = e (I S)e = (I S) 1 + cos
yk 1 cos
Yk = 0 (20)
N +1
N +1
These mixtures e in square brackets are completely killed ( = 0) by multigrid.
A smooth error vector eh (after Jacobi iterations have reduced its high frequency
components) has only small components along the eigenvectors yk + Yk . Multigrid
doesnt touch those pieces ( = 1). The larger components along the Zk will die.

The Restriction R Produces Aliasing

To complete this analysis we have to see where and how a pair of frequencies is mixed.
The aliasing comes from the restriction matrix R = Rh , when both vectors ykh and
Yk h lead to multiples of the same output vector yk2h :

1 1
1 1
Ryk =
and RYk = cos
y 2h .
2 2
N +1 k
2 2
N +1 k
You see the aliasing by R. We cannot hope to decide the input yk or Yk from these
outputs. This is normal for a short wide matrix. (The matrix R is 3 by 7 and 2 by 5
in our examples.) The coarse mesh output has only about half as many components
as the ne mesh input.
The transpose of R does the opposite. Where R mixes two inputs ykh and Ykh into
one output, the interpolation matrix I sends one input frequency on the coarse grid
into a pair of frequencies on the ne grid:

h 2h
2 I2h yk = 1 + cos
y 1 cos
Ykh .
N +1 k
N +1
Interpolation of a smooth vector (low k) on a coarse grid will excite an oscillatory
mode Ykh (high k) on the ne grid. But those oscillations have small amplitude,
because the cosine of k/(N +1) is near 1.
The key formulas (18) and (19) that describe multigrid come from assembling (21)
for R, (22) for I, and the known eigenvalues for Ah and A2h . I think the calculation of
S in (11) shows this best. Its zero columns put yk + Yk in its nullspace. The nonzero
columns in S come from the interpolation matrix I. So Se captures a part of the
whole error e. Multigrid solves a projection of the original problem.


Gilbert Strang

Example completed It would be useless to repeat steps 2, 3, 4 with no smoothing in

between. Nothing would change! The untouched vectors e = y k + Yk with (I S)e = e
will still be untouched. It is the smoothing matrix M = I P 1 A that must reduce these
If we apply Jacobi with weight w = 23 at steps 1 and 5, then M = I 31 A. The overall
matrix for all steps 1 to 5 will be M (I S)M . The eigenvalues of that matrix will decide
the success (or not) of multigrid. To my amazement, the 5 by 5 matrix M (I S)M has
a triple eigenvalue of 19 !
The three eigenvalues = 1 of I S are reduced to =

for M (I S)M .

The largest eigenvalue of M is .91you see the value of multigrid. I hope you will try
eig(M M (I S) M M ) with double smoothing (see Problems 912).

Fourier Modal Analysis

Pure modal analysis neglects the boundaries completely. It assumes an innite grid !
The vectors yk in the example were sines because of the boundary conditions. When
boundaries are gone, the yk are replaced by innitely long vectors y coming from
complex exponentials. Now there is a continuum of frequencies :
y = (. . . , e2i , ei , 1, ei , e2i , . . .) with


We need innite matrices K to multiply these innite vectors. Second dierences

1, 2, 1 appear on all rows forever. The key is that each y is an eigenvector of K ,
with eigenvalue = 2 2 cos :
K y = (2 2 cos ) y because

ei(n+1) ei(n1) = 2 cos ein .


This tells us the action of Ah = K /h2 . It also tells us about A2h , when the coarse
mesh changes h2 to (2h)2 and to 2.
The restriction matrix R still introduces aliasing. The frequencies that mix to
gether are now and + . Notice how increasing by produces a factor ein =
(1)n with alternating signs. This is exactly what we saw for yk and Yk . This time
it is y y+
that has all zeros in its even-numbered components.
This pure Fourier analysis will go all the way to formulas for the innite (I S)y
and (I S)y+
, just like equations (18) and (19). In that nite case, those equations
explained why multigrid succeeds. They do the same in the innite case.
Let me emphasize why this pure modal analysis (with no boundaries and constant
coecients) was mentioned. It allows Fourier to work freely. The dierential equation
div(c(x, y) grad u) = f (x, y) on a general region would lead to giant complications in
the eigenvectors for multigridimpossible to nd them. But if we x c = constant
and ignore boundaries, those interior eigenvectors return to simple combinations of
y and y+
. That leaves diculties associated with the boundary conditions, which
Fourier doesnt easily resolve.

Gilbert Strang

Algebraic Multigrid
We close this section with a few words about algebraic multigrid, when the problem
comes as a system of equations Au = b. There is no grid in the background. We
need to nd replacements for the key ideas on which geometric multigrid was based:
smooth vectors, connected nodes, coarse meshes. Replacing the rst two is fairly easy,
rescaling Ah to A2h on a (nonexistent) coarse mesh is less clear.

Smooth vectors. In geometric multigrid these are vectors for which the
norms of u and Au are comparable. That will be our indication of a smooth
vector. High frequencies in u would be greatly amplied by A (just as the
second derivative amplies sin kt by k 2 ). For low frequencies, Multigrid works
on smooth errors and Jacobi doesnt.


Connected nodes. On a grid, neighboring nodes are reected by a nonzero

entry in A. When there is no grid, we look directly at the matrix. Its signicant
nonzero entries Aij (magnitude greater than Aii , say with = 10
) tell us when
we should think of the nodes i and j as being connected.


Coarse subset of nodes. Each signicant entry Aij indicates that the value
of uj strongly inuences the value of ui . Probably the errors ej and ei are
comparable, when the error is smooth. We dont need both i and j in the
coarse set C of nodes. On a grid they would be neighbors, not both in C.
But if i is not in C, then every j that strongly inuences i should either be in
C or be strongly inuenced by another J that is in C. This heuristic rule is
discussed more fully in [], with an algorithm for constructing C. (In general,
too many coarse unknowns are better than too few.)

The excellent book [] also constructs the coarse-to-ne interpolation matrix I.

This starts with the errors Ej for j in C, and leaves them unchanged. If i is not in
C, the interpolated value Ei at step 2 of multigrid will be a weighted combination of
the Ej that do have j in C. In our one-dimensional model problem, that weighted
combination was the average of the two neighbors of i. That model problem certainly
had a grid !
The interpolating combination will give greatest weight to the ej for which j
in C strongly inuences i. But there may be smaller entries Aij that cannot be
completely ignored. The nal decision on the weights for each interpolated value
is more subtle than a simple average. Algebraic multigrid is more expensive than
geometric multigrid, but it applies to a much wider range of sparse matrices A (and
the software can control AMG without us). We still expect a smoothing + multigrid
combination that is close to O(n) steps for an accurate solution of Au = b.
Let me mention an important contrast between solid mechanics and uid mechan
ics. For solids, the original nite element grid is already relatively coarse. We are
typically looking for engineering accuracy and we dont have ne scale motions to
resolve. Multigrid is not such a common choice for structural problems (elimination


Gilbert Strang

is simpler). Fluids do have ne scales so that multigrid becomes a natural idea, not
only numerically but physically. Of course uids dont generally present symmetric
matrices, because of the convective terms, and nite element methods may require
upwind adjustments. The analysis of multigrid convergence becomes harder for
uids, just when a multiscale approach becomes attractive.

Problem Set 6.3

1 What is the 3 by 7 matrix Rinjection that copies v1 , v2 , v3 from u2 , u4 , u6 and
ignores u1 , u3 , u5 , u7 ?
2 Write down a 9 by 4 bilinear interpolation matrix I that uses the four grid
values at the corners of a square (side 2h) to produce nine values at the (h)
gridpoints. What constant should multiply the transpose of I to give a oneelement restriction matrix R ?
3 In Problem 2, the four small squares (side h) subdivide into 16 smaller squares
(side h/2). How many rows and columns in the interpolation matrix Ih/2 ?
4 If A is the 5-point discrete Laplace matrix (with 1, 1, 4, 1, 1 on a typical
row) what is a typical row of A2h = RAI using bilinear interpolation as in
Problems 23 ?
5 Suppose A comes from the 9-point stencil (8/3 surrounded by eight entries of
1/3). What is now the stencil for A2h = RAI ?
6 Verify Rykh = 21 (1 + cos Nk
)y 2h in equation (23) for the linear restriction matrix
+1 k
R applied to discrete sines ykh with k 12 (N +1).
7 Show that RYkh = 12 (1cos Nk
)y 2h in equation (23) for the complementary
+1 k

discrete sines Ykh = yN +1k . Now N + 1 k > 21

(N +1).
8 Verify equation (24) for linear interpolation applied to the discrete sines ykh with
k 12 (N +1).
9 With h = 81 , use the 7 by 3 and 3 by 7 matrices I and R in equations (12) to
nd the 3 by 3 matrix A2h = RAI with A = K7 /h2 .
10 Continue Problem 9 to nd the 7 by 7 matrix S = I(RAI)1 RA. Verify that
S 2 = S, and that S has the same nullspace as RA and the same column space
as I. What are the seven eigenvalues of S ?
11 Continue Problem 10 to nd (by MATLAB) the multigrid matrix I S and
the presmoothed/postsmoothed matrix M SM , where M is the Jacobi smoother
I D 1 A = I 31 K7 with = 23 . Find the eigenvalues of M SM !
12 Continue Problem 11 to nd the eigenvalues of M 2 SM 2 with two Jacobi smoothers
( = 32 ) before and after the grid changes.

Gilbert Strang

13 With unweighted Jacobi ( = 1 and M = I 12 K7 ) nd M SM and its eigen

values. Is the weighting useful ?
and the second dierence matrix A = K15 /h2 , compute
14 Starting from h = 16
the projected 7 by 7 matrix A2h = RAI and the doubly projected 3 by 3 matrix
A4h = Rc A2h Ic . Use linear interpolation matrices I and Ic , and restriction
matrices R = 21 I T and Rc = 21 IcT .

15 Use A4h from Problem 14 to compute the projection matrix S3 in (16). Verify
that this 15 by 15 matrix has rank 3, and that (S3 )2 = S3 .
16 The weighted Jacobi smoothers are Mh = I15 3
K15 and M2h = I7 13 K7 . With
MATLAB, compute the smoothed error reduction matrix V3 and its eigenvalues:

V3 = Mh IM2h (I7 S2h )M2h RAMh .

S2h = Ic A1
4h Rc A2h is the projection matrix for the v-cycle within the V-cycle.
h 2h
17 Compute the (15 7)(7 3) linear interpolation matrix I2h
I4h . What is the
restriction matrix ?

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