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Montoya v. Ignacio

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[G.R. No. L-5868. December 29, 1953.]
SANCHO MONTOYA, in his own behalf and as guardian ad litem
surnamed MONTOYA , petitioners, vs. MARCELINO IGNACIO,
Tereso Ma. Montoya, for petitioners.

Luis M. Buenaventura, for respondent.

FRANCHISES, NECESSARY. The law requires the approval of the Public Service
Commission in order that a franchise, or any privileges pertaining thereto, may
be sold or leased without infringing the certicate issued to the grantee. The
reason is obvious. Since a franchise is personal in nature any transfer or lease
thereof should be notied to the Public Service Commission so that the latter
may take proper safeguards to protect the interest of the public. In fact, the law
requires that, before the approval is granted, there should be a public hearing,
with notice to all interested parties, in order that the Commission may
determine if there are good and reasonable grounds justifying the transfer or
lease of the property covered by the franchise, or if the sale or lease is
detrimental to public interest. If the property covered by the franchise is
transferred or leased to another without obtaining the requisite approval, the
transfer is not binding against the Public Service Commission and in
contemplation of law the grantee continues to be responsible under the franchise
in relation to the Commission and to the public.
jeepney in question was leased without such approval, the grantee still continues
to be its operator in contemplation of law, and as such is responsible for the
consequences incident to its operation.
ID.; ID.; ID.; Section 16, paragraph h, of the Public Service Law
means that even if the approval has not been obtained the transfer or lease is
valid and binding between parties, but not eective against the public and the
Public Service Commission. That approval is necessary to protect public interest.


In the afternoon of January 5, 1949, Tomasita Arca boarded the jeepney

driven by Leonardo de Guzman at Tanza, Cavite in order to go to Cavite City. She
paid the usual fare for the trip. While the jeepney was on its way to its
destination, and at a point between Tanza and Cavite City, somewhere in barrio
Ligton, municipality of Rosario, it collided with a bus of the Luzon Bus Line
causing as a result the death of Tomasita. Tomasita was then a school teacher of
Tanza Elementary School with an annual Compensation of P1,320. Her death left
a widower and four minor children. Because of the jeepney's failure to transport
Tomasita safely to her destination and her resultant death, her widower and
children instituted the present action praying that the defendants, owners of the
jeepney, be ordered to pay them an indemnity in the amount of P31,000.
Defendants set up as a special defense that the collision between the
jeepney and the bus was investigated by the Oce of the Provincial Fiscal of
Cavite and the result of the investigation was that the one at fault was the driver
of the bus and, as a consequence, said driver was charged with triple homicide
thru reckless imprudence in the Court of First Instance of Cavite (Criminal Case
No. 10771). Defendants claim that inasmuch as the present case involves the
same issues as those in the case led against the driver of the bus, the same
should be held in abeyance until after the nal termination of the criminal case.
Defendant Cayetano Tahimik further claims that he is not and has never been
the owner of the jeepney and cannot therefore be held responsible for the
damages caused by it.
After the parties had presented their evidence, the lower court rendered
decision dismissing the case holding that defendants are not liable because it was
not proven that the collision which resulted in the death of Tomasita Arca was
due to the negligence of the driver of the jeepney whose ownership is attributed
to defendants. From this decision plaintiffs have appealed.
The Court of Appeals armed the decision appealed from, but in so doing it
predicated its armance not on plaintis' failure to prove that the collision was
due to the negligence of the driver but on the fact that Marcelino Ignacio was not
the one operating the jeepney but one Leoncio Tahimik who had leased the
jeepney by virtue of a document duly executed by the parties. And not agreeable
to this finding, plaintiffs filed the present petition for review.
In their rst assignment of errors, petitioners claim that the lower court
erred in ruling that to maintain an action for damages caused by the breach of a
carrier's obligation to carry a passenger safely to his destination it is necessary to
prove that the damages were caused by the negligence of the driver of said
carrier in order that liability may attach which, they claim, is contrary to the
ruling of this court in the case of Castro vs. Acro Taxicab Co., 46 O. Gaz., pp.
2028-2029. But we notice that while such is the ruling entertained by the lower
court it was not concurred in by the Court of Appeals so much so that it made an
express manifestation that it fully agreed with the theory of petitioners. The
ruling of the court below having been overruled, we see no reason why the same
issue should now be reiterated in this instance.

The second error refers to the person who was actually operating the
jeepney at the time of collision. It is claimed that while Marcelino Ignacio, owner
of the jeepney, has leased the same to one Leoncio Tahimik on June 8, 1948, and
that at the time of collision it was the latter who was actually operating it, the
contract of lease was null and void because it was not approved by the Public
Service Commission as required by section 16, paragraph h, of the Public Service
There is merit in this contention. The law really requires the approval of the
Public Service Commission in order that a franchise, or any privilege pertaining
thereto, may be sold or leased without infringing the certicate issued to the
grantee. The reason is obvious. Since a franchise is personal in nature any
transfer or lease thereof should be notied to the Public Service Commission so
that the latter may take proper safeguards to protect the interest of the public. In
fact, the law requires that, before the approval is granted, there should be a
public hearing, with notice to all interested parties, in order that the Commission
may determine if there are good and reasonable grounds justifying the transfer
or lease of the property covered by the franchise, or if the sale or lease is
detrimental to public interest. Such being the reason and philosophy behind this
requirement, it follows that if the property covered by the franchise is
transferred, or leased to another without obtaining the requisite approval, the
transfer is not binding against the Public Service Commission and in
contemplation of law the grantee continues to be responsible under the franchise
in relation to the Commission and to the public. Since the lease of the jeepney in
question was made without such approval, the only conclusion that can be drawn
is that Marcelino Ignacio still continues to be its operator in contemplation of law,
and as such is responsible for the consequences incident to its operation, one of
them being the collision under consideration.
It may be argued that section 16, paragraph (h) provides in its last part that
"nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the sale, alienation, or
lease by any public utility of any of its property in the ordinary course of
business", which gives the impression that the approval of the Public Service
Commission is but a mere formality which does not aect the eectivity of the
transfer or lease of the property belonging to a public utility. But such provision
only means that even if the approval has not been obtained the transfer or lease
is valid and binding between parties although not eective against the public and
the Public Service Commission. The approval is only necessary to protect public
Wherefore, the decision appealed from is reversed. Judgment is hereby
rendered ordering the defendant Marcelino Ignacio to pay the plaintis the sum
of P31,000 as damages, with costs.

Paras, C. J., Pablo, Bengzon, Padilla and Jugo, JJ., concur.

REYES, J., concurring and dissenting:
I concur in the result, but must express my disconformity to that part of the
majority opinion which holds that the sale by a public utility of any of its property
without the approval of the Public Service Commission is binding between the
parties though not eective against the public. This, I believe, is a

misconstruction of section 16, paragraph, of the Public Service Law.

Tuason, J., concurs.

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