Advantage of Mncs To The Host Country
Advantage of Mncs To The Host Country
Advantage of Mncs To The Host Country
9. MNCs also influence the decision-making process of the governments of developing countries through
their financial and other resources.
10. MNCs evade their tax liability by adopting transfer pricing methods. According to this method MNCs
buy intermediate goods from their subsidiaries abroad at high price and thus reduce their local profits.
11. MNCs also indulge in unethical and corrupt practices for their self-interest. They do not hesitate to
offer bride to highly placed officials and politicians of other countries and oblige them to enter into
such transactions which serve their interest but are harmful to the interest of the country concerned.
12. The MNCs do not engage in R&D activities relevant to the development countries. Their R&B efforts
are relevant to advantages countries. The MNCs transfer the technology development in advanced
countries to the developing countries through it is not conducive to their development.
Most of the MNCs in India had originally entered the Indian market during the colonial era. The
actual umber of MNCs entered in post independence ea was small. The entry was generally made
through collaboration with big Indian business houses. For example Bajaj tempo and Telco joined
hands with Daimler Benz of West Germany: LML joined hands with Piaggio of Italy: Maruti
established joint venture with Suzuki of Japan: Cyanamid CIBA and Ciba-Geigy jointly established
new undertakings with alpha house Birlas became the spokesmen of Kaisers and ford
At the end of 1990, there were 469 foreign companies in India. There are many Indian companies with
foreign equity participation too. For example Indian outfits of MNCs; like ponds Johnson and Johnson
Colgate Palmolive. Hindustan lever etc. there are several MNCs in the pharmaceutical industry like
Glaxo, Bayer, Sandoz and Hoechst.
1. Regulation of MNCs in India
Different government agencies in India control MNCs. These agencies include: (i) the
department of company affair (ii) The Reserve Bank of India (iii) The Ministry of Industrial
Development and (iv) The ministry of finance. Control over MNCs in India is not efficient as these
agencies have no coordination among themselves. The government of India imposed certain regulation
to control MNCs. These are:
Permissible period of agreement was reduced from 10 to 5 years.
The maximum rate of royalty was imposed in technology imports for those
industries which were allowed to import technology.
Those industries were moot allowed to import technology where domestic
companies ate competent.
Exports and other marketing restrictions were imposed.
Some regulations as stated above were imposed. However these regulations are moot adequate and therefore
MNCs be properly regulated to safeguard the interest of the country. Following suggestions ate given to
regulate them.
a) Government interference: Host country government should have its representatives on the
management of thee corporations. Interferences of the representatives of the government is
must on such matters as influence or are likely to influence the economic development of the
country. It should be made clear to the MNCs that if they do not function in the Interest of the
country they are likely to be nationalized.
b) Local ownership: Majority or 51 per cent shares of the subsidiaries of MNCs should be held
special industries of the host country.
c) Beneficial collaborations: Government should allow collaboration of MNCs for those
special industries where such collaboration is essential.
d) Research of an appropriate technology: MNCs many be compelled to spend a part of their
profit in the development of appropriate R $ D for the benefit of host country.
e) Substitution of technology: Only in the initial stages of development the imported
technology should be used. Thereafter that technology should be developed indigenously so
that the dependence on MNCs could be reduced.
f) Collaboration in heavy and basic industries: Collaboration with MNCs should be allowed
only in heavy and basic industries. Collaboration in consumer goods industry should not be
allowed as it many hamper the domestic industry.
g) Check on monopolistic tendencies: Oligopolistic or monopolistic tendencies of MNCs
should be closely watched to safeguard the interest of consumers as well as of local
a. Bi-Country: Most of the MNCs functioning in India have the rheas offices in two countries
i.e. and U.S.A...
Out of 171 subsidiary companies 116 had their head offices in U.K. and
25 in U.S.A.
b. Trends of MNCs: Numbers of MNCs in India have gone down but the volume of their assets
increased considerably. In 1974, the number of MNCs in India was 575 which came down to
350 in 1980. But their assets increased from Rs. 1741 crore to Rs. 2401 crore. During the same
period the number of subsidiaries also came down to 125 from 188.
c. Sources of capital: Large numbers of subsidiaries operating in India have mobilized their
financial resources from within India.
d. Industry wise distribution: Of all the MNCs operating in India 30 per cent are engaged in
plantation (tea) and mining. Large of their branches are also found in the field of trade banking
and services their number is relatively less in case of industries. Share of commerce trade and
finance in the total assets of these corporations is 76 per cent. Share of processing industry and
transport is 6 per cent each respectively.
e. High rate of profitability: The rate of profitability of MNCs in comparison to domestic
industry is very high. Profitability of MNCs (private) on an average was 34% whereas that of
Indian private companies was 11.5 per cent. Similarly the profitability of foreign public limited
companies was 24 per cent as again only 11 per cent in case of domestic public limited
Subsidiaries: a company is called a subsidiary company if atleast 50per cent of its paid up
capital is held by another company. Presently there are 88 subsidiaries of MNCs. Out of these
83 companies the share of MNC varies 70 to 100 per cent of their share capital.
f. Heavy remittances abroad: according to Dr.K.N.Raj, rate of profitability on MNCs is very
high. In a short period they repatriate the amount of initial investment to their head office.
Besides they also remit to their parent company; large amounts by way of royalty and technical
services. For example Essoan American Petroleum Company had remitted to its head office Rs.
83 crore as a part of profit on investment of Rs. 30 crore in India.
g. Limited transfer of improves technology: The MNCs in India have kept their technology a
closely guarded secret. Transfer of improved technology by MNCs to India has taken place on
a very limited scale. It is the old technologies which mostly continue to prevail in India.
h. Indianisation: MNCs have accepted the proposal of Indianisation. According to the provision
of foreign exchange management act (FEMA), all foreign companies had to reduce their
ownership to 74 per cent or they had to reduce their share in the share capital of Indian
branches to 40 per cent. Most of the MNCs have accepted these conditions. Many of them have
already taken steps to reduce the amount of foreign capital.
Harmful effects
(i) Completion with small scale industries: MNCs have entered in the production of several such
items which were exclusively reserved for small scale industries like potato chips biscuits etc.
(ii) Providing prohibited goods: profit earning is main objective of MNCs. To achieve this objective
they do not hesitate to indulge in the production and selling of harm full goods. Many of medicines
and consumer durables the production of which has been prohibited in the foreign countries are
being manufactured and sold in India by MNCs.
Unfair trade practices: the MNCs also used unfair trade practices .for instance to save the
corporate tax they over in voice the imports and under invoice the exports
(iv)Fluctuation In investment: in the initial stages of their establishment the MNCs have invested
their profit in India. But after some time they started to remit their profits to parent company by
way of royalty and dividends.