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Reliability Study - 2003

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Office of the

Secretary of Defense

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Reliability Study

February 2003
OSD UAV Reliability Study

Executive Summary
The combined U.S. military UAV fleet (Predators, Pioneers, and Hunters) reached the
100,000 cumulative flight hour mark in 2002. This milestone is a good point at which to
assess the reliability of these UAVs. Reliability is at the core of achieving routine
airspace access, reducing acquisition cost, and improving mission effectiveness for
UAVs. Although it has taken the fleet 17 years to reach the 100,000 flight hour
milestone (see Figure 2-2), this study is the first comprehensive effort to address formally
the reliability issue for these increasingly utilized military assets. The results presented
herein are based primarily on actual flight operations data and augmented by in-house
reliability assessments performed by individual UAV programs and contractors.
Section 2.0 focuses on the military UAV platforms currently in service with the Air
Force (Predator), Army (Hunter), and Marine Corps (Pioneer). It also presents
discussions on developmental UAV systems including the Global Hawk and Shadow.
This study compares not only the traditional metrics of reliability engineering
(availability, mishap rate, and mean time between failure), but also presents the failure
modes which have driven these metrics to their current levels. Summaries of these data
are available in Table 3-1 and Table 3-2.
Section 3.0 compares U.S. UAV reliability to that of foreign UAVs and U.S. manned
aircraft. Two conclusions are immediately apparent. First, U.S. and foreign (Israeli)
UAVs share virtually identical percentages of failure modes (see Figure 3-7 and Figure
3-8). Second, the proportions of human error-induced mishaps are nearly reversed
between UAVs and the aggregate of manned aircraft, i.e., human error is the primary
cause of roughly 85% of manned mishaps, but only 17% of unmanned ones.
Effects of design, weather, and aerodynamic anomalies are also examined in Section
3.0. Interesting trends due to one such effect low Reynolds number flight are
presented as a poorly understood contributor to the poor flying qualities, and perhaps
mishaps, of some smaller UAV systems (Figure 3-11). In analogy, where the airliner
sees air molecules as many ping pong balls, small UAVs see them as a few beach balls
(Appendix F). Areas for research are proposed to further understand, and circumvent,
these effects.
Section 4.0 of this study highlights technologies that exist in both aerospace and non-
aviation related disciplines that can offer potential solutions to some of the more
prevalent reliability Achilles heels of UAV platforms. From propulsion to human-
machine interactions, new methods, procedures, hardware, and software can target
current failure modes which lie at the core of the majority of UAV mishap rates,
unavailability, and MTBF statistics. In some cases where cost, size, and weight are of
particular sensitivity to a UAV system, there exists commercial or government-off-the-
shelf technology that may be able to provide affordable, short term solutions until some
of the advanced technologies are available.
Based on the reliability data and system information, this study concludes with
recommendations in Section 5.0. Implicit within these recommendations is the
conclusion that high reliability is not an elusive goal attainable by only the most
sophisticated manned aircraft. As an example, the RQ-5/Hunter has shown that

OSD UAV Reliability Study

investment of resources in component quality, redundancy, and maintenance can indeed

pay reliability dividends and turn a program around. The Hunters success is underscored
by the fact that it was already an in-production system which leveraged its lessons
learned to transform a system from poor to respectable reliability in a relatively short
period of time. This example and others prove that from designer to user, the aerospace
technology and operational experience are present today to enable significant UAV
reliability growth and make them highly reliable, capable, and cost-effective contributors
in future military operations.

OSD UAV Reliability Study

Table of Contents
Table of Figures ..................................................................................................v
Table of Tables ..................................................................................................vii
1.0 Introduction ..............................................................................................1
1.1 PURPOSE .................................................................................................1
1.2 SCOPE .....................................................................................................2
1.3 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................2
2.0 UAV Reliability Data.................................................................................3
2.1 CURRENT GENERATION UAVS ...................................................................4
2.1.1 MQ-1 and MQ-9/Predator................................................................6
2.1.2 RQ-2/Pioneer ................................................................................10
2.1.3 RQ-5/Hunter ..................................................................................14
2.2 DEVELOPMENTAL UAVS ..........................................................................17
2.2.1 RQ-4/Global Hawk.........................................................................17
2.2.2 RQ-7/Shadow ................................................................................20
2.2.3 Dragon Eye ...................................................................................21
3.0 Reliability Trends and Analysis ............................................................23
3.1 UAV RELIABILITY COMPARISONS .............................................................23
3.1.1 U.S. Military UAV Reliability ..........................................................23
3.1.2 Foreign UAV Reliability..................................................................29
3.1.3 Manned Aircraft Reliability.............................................................30
3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXTERNAL FACTORS ...............................................33
3.2.1 Precipitation...................................................................................33
3.2.2 Icing...............................................................................................34
3.2.3 Wind ..............................................................................................35
3.2.4 External Factors ............................................................................36
3.3 DESIGNING FOR RELIABILITY ....................................................................39
3.3.1 Component Quality........................................................................41
3.3.2 Redundancy ..................................................................................43
3.3.3 New Component Technologies .....................................................44
4.0 Reliability Enhancing Technologies.....................................................47
4.1 POWER/PROPULSION ..............................................................................48
4.1.1 Lighter Engine Blocks....................................................................48
4.1.2 Heavy Fuel Engine ........................................................................49
4.1.3 Fuel Cell Technology.....................................................................50
4.2 FLIGHT CONTROL ....................................................................................51
4.2.1 Better Component Selection Methodology ....................................51
4.2.2 Advanced Digital Avionics Systems...............................................52
4.2.3 Self-Repairing, Smart Flight Control Systems .............................52
4.3 COMMUNICATIONS...................................................................................53
4.3.1 Better Environmental Control ........................................................54
4.3.2 Electronically Steered Arrays ........................................................54
4.3.3 Film and Spray-on Antennas .........................................................55
4.4 HUMAN FACTORS/GROUND CONTROL ......................................................55
4.4.1 Enhanced Pilot Training ................................................................56

OSD UAV Reliability Study

4.4.2 Auto Take-Off and Recovery .........................................................56

4.4.3 Enhanced Synthetic Vision............................................................56
5.0 Recommendations .................................................................................59
6.0 Conclusions............................................................................................61
Appendix A: U.S. Army UAV Reliability Definitions .......................................63
Appendix B: U.S. Navy UAV Reliability Definitions........................................65
Appendix C: U.S. Air Force UAV Reliability Definitions ................................67
Appendix D: Governing Equations..................................................................69
Appendix E: U.S. Military UAV Raw Data ........................................................71
Appendix F: Flight Environment Comparison ................................................73

OSD UAV Reliability Study

Table of Figures
FIGURE 2-1: CUMULATIVE UAV FLIGHTS ........................................................................... 5
FIGURE 2-2: CUMULATIVE UAV FLIGHT HOURS................................................................. 5
FIGURE 2-3: SOURCES OF RQ-1A/PREDATOR SYSTEM FAILURES ........................................ 8
FIGURE 2-4: SOURCES OF RQ-1B/PREDATOR SYSTEM FAILURES ........................................ 9
FIGURE 2-5: SOURCES OF RQ-2A/PIONEER SYSTEM FAILURES ......................................... 12
FIGURE 2-6: SOURCES OF RQ-2B/PIONEER SYSTEM FAILURES ......................................... 13
FIGURE 2-7: SOURCES OF RQ-5/HUNTER SYSTEM FAILURES ............................................ 16
FIGURE 2-8: SOURCES OF RQ-7/SHADOW SYSTEM FAILURES............................................ 20
FIGURE 3-1: U.S. MILITARY UAV FLIGHT HOURS AND MISHAPS, 1986-2002 ................. 23
FIGURE 3-2: CUMULATIVE MISHAP RATE PER 100,000 HOURS ......................................... 24
FIGURE 3-3: AVAILABILITY FOR VARIOUS UAV SERIES ................................................... 24
FIGURE 3-4: MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURE (MTBF) COMPARISON ............................... 25
FIGURE 3-5: SYSTEM RELIABILITY COMPARISON .............................................................. 26
FIGURE 3-6: RELIABILITY FOR VARIOUS UAV SERIES ...................................................... 27
(BASED ON 100,000 HOURS)....................................................................................... 29
100,000 HOURS) ........................................................................................................ 29
FIGURE 3-9: U.S. AIR FORCE CLASS A MISHAP RATE, 1947-2002 ................................... 31
FIGURE 3-10: SOURCES OF U-2 SYSTEM FAILURES ........................................................... 33
FIGURE 3-11: AIRCRAFT MISHAP RATE VERSUS REYNOLDS NUMBER ............................... 37
FIGURE 3-12: AIRCRAFT MISHAP RATE VERSUS COST ....................................................... 38
FIGURE 3-13: SOFTWARE ERROR SOURCES AND COSTS TO CORRECT ................................ 40
FIGURE 3-14: RELIABILITY FOR VARIOUS SYSTEM MTBF ................................................ 41
FIGURE 3-15: SYSTEM FAILURE PROBABILITY FOR VARIOUS MTBF................................. 42

OSD UAV Reliability Study

Table of Tables
TABLE 2-1: MQ-1/MQ-9 PREDATOR DATA......................................................................... 6
TABLE 2-2: MQ-1 PREDATOR KEY COMPONENTS ............................................................... 7
TABLE 2-3: RQ-1A/PREDATOR SYSTEM RELIABILITY METRICS ......................................... 7
TABLE 2-4: RQ-1B/PREDATOR SYSTEM RELIABILITY METRICS .......................................... 8
TABLE 2-5: RQ-2/PIONEER DATA...................................................................................... 10
TABLE 2-6: RQ-2B/PIONEER KEY COMPONENTS .............................................................. 11
TABLE 2-7: RQ-2A/PIONEER SYSTEM RELIABILITY METRICS ........................................... 12
TABLE 2-8: RQ-2B/PIONEER SYSTEM RELIABILITY METRICS ........................................... 13
TABLE 2-9: RQ-5/HUNTER DATA ...................................................................................... 14
TABLE 2-10: RQ-5/HUNTER KEY COMPONENTS ............................................................... 15
TABLE 2-11: RQ-5/HUNTER COMPONENT MTBF IMPROVEMENTS ................................... 16
TABLE 2-12: RQ-5/HUNTER SYSTEM RELIABILITY METRICS ............................................ 16
TABLE 2-13: RQ-4A/GLOBAL HAWK DATA ...................................................................... 18
TABLE 2-14: RQ-4A/GLOBAL HAWK KEY COMPONENTS ................................................. 19
TABLE 2-15: RQ-7A/SHADOW DATA ................................................................................ 20
TABLE 2-16: DRAGON EYE DATA ...................................................................................... 21
TABLE 3-1: SUMMARY OF UAV RELIABILITY FINDINGS ................................................... 27
TABLE 3-2: SUMMARY OF UAV FAILURE MODE FINDINGS ............................................... 28
TABLE 3-3: EXAMPLES OF MANNED AIRCRAFT RELIABILITY ............................................ 31
TABLE 3-4: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CLASS A MISHAPS, 1980-2000............................ 32
TABLE 3-5: U-2S DATA ..................................................................................................... 32
TABLE 3-6: ICING MITIGATION OPTIONS ........................................................................... 35
TABLE 3-7: REYNOLDS NUMBER COMPARISONS ............................................................... 37
TABLE 3-9: NEW COMPONENT TECHNOLOGIES ................................................................. 44
TABLE 4-1: TECHNOLOGIES TO ENHANCE UAV RELIABILITY ........................................... 47

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 1

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability of current Defense Department
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in order to (1) allow an assessment of the risk posed by
unmanned aviation to persons and property in the development of airspace regulations
and (2) identify potential means for improving their mission availability, reliability, and
UAV reliability is important because it underlies their affordability (an acquisition
issue), their mission availability (an operations and logistics issue), and their acceptance
into civil airspace, whether U.S., international, or foreign (a regulatory issue). Improved
reliability offers potential savings by reducing maintenance man-hours per flight hour
(MMH/FH) and by decreasing procurement of spares and attrition aircraft. Enhancing
reliability, however, must be weighed as a trade-off between increased up-front costs for
a given UAV and reduced maintenance costs over the systems lifetime.
Affordability. The reliability of the Defense Departments UAVs is closely tied to
their affordability primarily because the Department has come to expect UAVs to be less
expensive than their manned counterparts. This expectation is based on the UAVs
generally smaller size (currently a savings of some $1,500 per pound) and the omission
of those systems needed to support a pilot or aircrew, which can save 3,000 to 5,000
pounds in cockpit weight. Beyond these two measures, however, other cost saving
measures to enhance affordability tend to impact reliability. Thus, implicit throughout
this report is the idea that if a system absolutely must achieve and maintain extremely
high reliability, it must be designed and financed appropriately.
Availability. With the removal of the pilot, the rationale for including the level of
redundancy, or for using man-rated components considered crucial for his safety, can go
undefended in UAV design reviews, and may be sacrificed for affordability. Less
redundancy and lower quality components, while making UAVs even cheaper to
produce, mean they become more prone to in-flight loss and more dependent on
maintenance, impacting both their mission availability and ultimately their life cycle cost
Acceptance. Improving reliability is key to winning the confidence of the general
public, the acceptance of other aviation constituencies (airlines, general aviation, business
aviation, etc.), and the willingness of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to
regulate UAV flight. Regulation of UAVs is important because it will provide a legal
basis for them to operate freely in the National Airspace System for the first time. This,
in turn, should lead to their acceptance by international and foreign civil aviation
authorities. Such acceptance will greatly facilitate obtaining overflight and landing
privileges when larger, high endurance UAVs deploy in support of contingencies.
Regulation will also save time and resources within both the DoD and the FAA by
providing one standardized, rapid process for granting flight clearances to replace todays
cumbersome, lengthy (up to 60 days) authorization process. A third benefit of regulation

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 1
is that it could potentially lower production costs for the military market by encouraging
the use of UAVs in civil and commercial applications.

1.2 Scope
This study examines the reliability of currently fielded and emerging military UAVs.
Failures are categorized within the five general areas of power/propulsion, flight control,
communication, human error/ground, and miscellaneous. The analysis focused on the
reliability of the UAV air vehicle (or when specified, the entire system) and does not
include mission aborts due to payload-related problems unless noted. Comparisons are
drawn with contemporary manned aircraft and foreign UAVs. Factors beyond
component failures and operational issues affecting UAV reliability are also examined.
Recommendations to improve reliability are identified (bolded and italicized) in Sections
2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 and are discussed in detail in the Section 5.0.

1.3 Definitions
Reliability is (1) the probability that an item will perform its intended function for a
specified time under stated conditions, or (2) the ability of a system and its parts to
perform its mission without failure, degradation, or demand on the support system. It
is given as a percentage which represents the probability that a system or component
will operate failure-free for a specified time, typically the mission duration. It relates
closely to MTBF.
Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) describes how long a repairable system or
component will perform before failure. This is also known as Mean Time Between
Critical Failure (MTBCF). For non-repairable systems or components, this value is
termed Mean Time To Failure (MTTF).
Availability is a measure of how often a system or component is in the operable and
committable state when the mission is called for at an unknown (random) time. It is
measured in terms of the percentage of time a system can be expected to be in place
and working when needed.
Maintainability is the ability of a system to be retained in or restored to a specified
condition when maintenance is performed by personnel having specified skill levels,
using prescribed procedures and resources, and doing so at prescribed levels of
maintenance and repair. It is measured in terms of how long it takes to repair or
service the system, or Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) in hours.
Redundancy is a technique for increasing system reliability by incorporating two or
more means (not necessarily identical) for accomplishing a given system function.
Conversely, having two or more of a given component does not in itself constitute
redundancy. For example, loss of one of the RQ-5/Hunters two engines does not
allow the mission to continue or even return to base in all scenarios.
Survivability is the ability of a system or component to avoid or withstand a hostile
environment without suffering an abortive or catastrophic impairment of its ability to
accomplish its designated mission.
Vulnerability is a weakness in a systems design or performance affecting its ability
to be survivable.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data

2.0 UAV Reliability Data

The UAVs examined in this study are built by competing manufacturers, maintained
by different branches of the military, and operated in a wide variety of mission profiles.
As such, the type of reliability and maintenance data that are collected, as well as the
methods in which those data are tracked, are not standardized and can yield a seemingly
different representation of a given vehicles performance. The diverse terminology and
equations provided to this study for reliability of UAVs are presented in Appendix A
(Army), B (Navy), and C (Air Force).1 Recommendation: Introduce joint
standardization of reliability data tracking for operational UAV systems
This study attempts to present the results for all systems addressed in common terms.
For ease of comparison, it reduces the various raw data (Appendix E) into the following
four metrics commonly used to represent aircraft reliability. Every effort has been made
to reconcile varying Service and contractor methods of calculating these metrics to
achieve an apples versus apples comparison. The method of calculating these metrics
in this study is given in Appendix D.
Class A Mishap Rate (MR) is the number of accidents (significant vehicle damage
or total loss) occurring per 100,000 hours of fleet flight time. As no single U.S. UAV
model has accumulated this amount of flying time, each models mishap rate
represents its extrapolated losses to the 100,000 hour mark.2 Mishap rate is expressed
as mishaps per 100,000 hours.
Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) is essentially the ratio of hours flown to the
number of maintenance-related cancellations and aborts encountered. It is expressed
in hours.
Availability (A) describes how a given aircraft type is able to perform its mission
compared to the number of times it is tasked to do so. For this study, the ratio of
hours (or sorties) flown to hours (or sorties) scheduled is used. It is expressed as a
Mission Reliability (R) is 100 minus the percentage of times a mission is canceled
before take-off or aborted in-flight due to maintenance issues. It is expressed as a
Mission cancellations (mission canceled prior to takeoff) and mission aborts (mission
recalled after takeoff) are attributed to one of three causes:
Operations (decisions driven by aircrew, air traffic control, or higher
Weather (decisions driven by atmospheric [natural] factors)

The Services have established a Memorandum of Agreement for Operational Test and Evaluation
(OT&E) terminology and definitions which could serve as a guide for UAV reliability tracking. It can be
viewed at
It is important to note that this extrapolation does not reflect improvements that should result from
operational learning or improvements in component technology.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
Maintenance (decisions driven by system malfunction, breakage, supply
shortages, etc.)
Maintenance cancellations/aborts can be further broken down into failures of the
aircrafts major subsystems, such as power plants, avionics, airframe, etc. Use of these
failure modes lead to a higher fidelity representation of the vehicles reliability. In order
to make uniform comparisons between systems, the following definitions are provided
and will be used to categorize areas of system failure leading to mission aborts or
Power/Propulsion (P&P) Encompasses the engine, fuel supply, transmission,
propeller, electrical system, generators, and other related subsystems on board the
Flight Control Includes all systems contributing to the aircraft stability and control
such as avionics, air data system, servo-actuators, control surfaces/servos, on-board
software, navigation, and other related subsystems. Aerodynamic factors are also
included in this grouping.
Communication The datalink between the aircraft and the ground
Human Factors/Ground Control Accounts for all failures resulting from human
error and maintenance problems with any non-vehicle hardware or software on the
Miscellaneous Any mission failures not attributable to those previously noted,
including airspace issues, operating problems, and other non-technical factors.
Because operating environments are not uniform as a variable affecting the data,
weather is excluded as a causal factor in this portion of the study.
The percentage breakout in each of these failure modes is depicted in pie charts for
each type of UAV. Where data are available, two pie charts, depicting failures in early
and current versions of each, are provided for comparison. The data are the average
values over the applicable operating period specified in the text. In some subsequent
discussions, the Power, Propulsion, and Flight Control categories may be grouped
together under the heading of Flight Critical Systems to describe the trends associated
with those systems without which the vehicle is not flight-capable.

2.1 Current Generation UAVs

The three current generation DoD UAV systems the RQ-1 (recently re-designated
MQ) Predator, the RQ-2 Pioneer, and the RQ-5 Hunter have accumulated 100,000
flight hours during some 22,000 flights over a combined total of 36 years of operations
since 1986 (see Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2). All three systems have a common legacy;
they represent Israeli UAV design practices (and reliability measures) of the 1980s.
Modifications made to these three systems since becoming operational have
predominantly focused on improving their reliability. The level of UAV experience
reached the 100,000-hour mark in 2002, placing the U.S. military a close second behind
the Israel Defense Forces, who reached the 100,000-hour mark in 2001.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data


9000 RQ-1 / Predator

RQ-2 / Pioneer
RQ-5 / Hunter
Cumulative Number of Flights







1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004



RQ-1 / Predator
50000 RQ-2 / Pioneer

RQ-5 / Hunter
Cumulative Vehicle Flight Hours





1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004


OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
2.1.1 MQ-1 and MQ-9/Predator
The General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. MQ-1/Predator UAV, a medium
altitude, long-endurance vehicle, is the largest current generation UAV in service with the
U.S. military. The Predator design evolved from the DARPA/Leading Systems Amber
program (1984-1990); Amber had been designed by a former IAI employee. The initial
advanced concept technology demonstration (ACTD) system was denoted as the RQ-1A;
the baseline production version was the RQ-1B.3
Predator made its first flight in June 1994, five months after going on contract. It
completed its ACTD in June 1997 and was subsequently recommended for acquisition by
JFCOM. Since July 1995, it has supported contingency operations in Bosnia, Kosovo,
Kuwait, and Afghanistan. The Air Force operates three (eventually five) Predator
squadrons with an intended total of 25 systems (four aircraft each); formal IOC is
anticipated in 2003.
Predator B denotes an enlarged, turboprop-powered variant developed by the
contractor to satisfy a NASA requirement for an endurance UAV for science payloads.
Its first flight occurred in February 2001. In October 2001, the Office of the Secretary of
Defense acquired both of the existing Predator B prototypes, which were subsequently
designated as the MQ-9. Characteristics, performance, and cost of the MQ-1 and the
MQ-9 are provided in Table 2-1.
MQ-1 MQ-9
Gross Weight 2,250 lb 10,000 lb
Length 28.7 ft 36.2 ft
Wingspan 48.7 ft 64 ft
Ceiling 25,000 ft 45,000 ft
Radius 400 nm 400 nm
Endurance 24+ hrs 24+ hrs
750 lb (internal)
Payload 450 lbs
3000 lb (external)
Cruise Speed 70 kts 220 kts
Aircraft cost (w/out
$2.4 M $6 M
System Cost (4 AVs) $26.5 M $47 M

Table 2-2 provides a breakout of the failure-critical components of the Predator aircraft,
showing their country of manufacture and noting any known non-UAV applications.
Failure-critical components are those UAV components that generally constitute a single
point of failure and whose failure typically results in the loss of the aircraft, or, in the
case of the sensor, a compromised mission.

The RQ-1A/B designators will be used in subsequent sections to distinguish the early ACTD and
production models from the current models (now referred to as the MQ-1 and MQ-9).

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
Country of
Component Vendor Model Quantity Remarks
Also used on
Engine(s) Rotax 914 1 Austria
Ultralight Vehicles
Fuel Pump
FCS Computer(s) GA-ASI PCM 1 USA
FCS Software GA-ASI 1 USA
Actuators MPC USA, UK
Air Data System
Litton LN-100G 1 USA
LOS Data Link L3 Comm 1 USA
Magnavox UHF Satcom 1 USA
BLOS Data Link
L3 Comm RQ-1U 1 USA
To be replaced by
Wescam 14TS 1 USA
Raytheon MTS
Grumman RQ-1A
The Predator experienced low mission completion rates during its deployments in the
Balkans in 1995-1997. While the primary causal factor was weather, system failures did
account for 12% of the incomplete missions. Mission-level operational data from the
system deployed in Hungary were used to perform a limited assessment of system
reliability based on data covering missions from March 1996 through April 1997.
Out of the 315 Predator missions tasked during that timeframe, weather and system
cancellations kept nearly two-thirds on the ground (60%). Of the remaining missions that
were launched, slightly under one half were subsequently aborted. These aborts were due
to system (29%), weather (65%), and operational issues (6%) that included airspace
conflicts, operator errors, and crew duty limitations.
Table 2-3 provides reliability metrics for the RQ-1A. Figure 2-3 indicates the failure
modes which contributed to these reliability values.
Mishap Rate per
MTBF (hrs) Availability Reliability
100,000 hrs
Requirement n/a n/a n/a n/a
Actual 32 40% 74% 43

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data

11% 23%
Flight Control
11% Misc


The failure mode breakout in Figure 2-3 comes from a total of 62 sorties that were
affected by non-weather related mission aborts or cancellations. These data can be
divided into three groups: 38 missions (12%) scrubbed due to system failures, an
additional 18 system aborts (6%) that did not result in mission cancellation (due to launch
of another vehicle or weather hold), and other issues which kept the Predator on the
ground 6 times (2%). RQ-1B
The Predator transition into production led to some problems which affected vehicle
reliability. As the first ACTD program to transition to production, the Predator
established the precedent, as well as the lessons learned, for the transition process. First,
nearly continuous deployment commitments since March 1996 delayed operational
testing for three years. Second, development of the Operational Requirements Document
(ORD), usually produced early in a program to guide system design, did not begin until
after the ACTD ended (as indicated by the n/a in Table 2-3). Third, additional challenges
to system reliability were introduced, such as the addition of a wing deicing system
(glycol-weeping wings) as well as a redesigned ground control station for greater
Since this rocky start, the Predator fleet has logged over 50,000 hours and has come
of age during Operation Enduring Freedom. As a result of its unorthodox transition
process, however, Predator reliability issues were discovered during operations around
the world. Although the system still experiences reliability issues and vehicle losses, its
performance during these operations has been remarkably good when compared to those
outlined in the ORD. These values are provided in Table 2-4.
Mishap Rate per
MTBF (hrs) Availability Reliability
100,000 hrs
Requirement 40 80% 70% n/a (50)4
Actual 55.1 93% 89% 31

A goal of 50 mishaps per 100,000 hours was established after the ORD was written. This figure is
tantamount to the expectation that every Predator has an operational life of 2,000 hours.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data

2% Power/Prop
Flight Control
53% Human/Ground
23% Misc


Figure 2-4 shows the sources of system failure for the RQ-1B Predator. The data
represent all mission aborts (on the ground and in-flight) for all RQ-1B systems between
January 1997 and June 2002. The share of power/propulsion failure modes has doubled
in the RQ-1B compared to the RQ-1A (see Figure 2-3). The Predator program office
acknowledges that the engine is the primary reliability issue. As a result, a change to the
Block 30 MQ-1 to incorporate a fuel injected engine with dual alternators is intended to
increase the engines reliability and performance.
The primary distinguisher between the RQ-1A and RQ-1B models is the Rotax 914
turbocharged engine, which replaced the smaller Rotax 912 model and was implemented
primarily to increase the Predators speed. With the new engine, a variable pitch
propeller was also added. The data over the five-year analysis timeframe indicate that the
new variable pitch propeller accounted for 10 percent of all power/propulsion aborts,
while the engine made up nearly 70 percent.
The increased share of power/propulsion failure modes does not necessarily mean
that powerplant-related failures have increased in the B model, but that reliability
improvements made in other areas (comms, etc.) have made a comparatively greater
impact on system reliability. This is accompanied by a corresponding reduction in flight
control failures as well as a large decrease in the share of malfunctions attributable to
human errors and operations and hardware on the ground.
The significant decline in human and ground related errors (from 16 percent to 2
percent) is likely attributed to a concerted training effort according to one Predator
operator. Enhancements in situational awareness also played a role in this positive trend
including efforts to improve the human-machine interface (Improved Heads-Up Display).
For example, periodic automated updates of the weather are supplied to the ground
control station. A VHF/UHF ARC-210 radio was also added to provide voice relay
capability to the pilot, enabling direct, over the horizon communication with Air Traffic
Control (ATC) authorities in the area of flight. An APX-100 Identification, Friend or Foe
(IFF)/Selective Identification Feature (SIF) Mode 4 transponder was added to further
facilitate coordination with AWACS flight controllers. Air Force PFPS (Portable Flight
Planning Software), an offshoot of the Air Force Mission Support System (AFMSS), is
another tool defined in the Block 1 upgrade in which threat and mission planning
information can now be passed directly to the Predator system. Provision for an auto-
landing capability is hoped to decrease the influence of human errors as well.
The percentage of communications and flight control failures remained virtually
unchanged between the two models.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data MQ-9
To address certain reliability issues which arose during RQ-1B operations, the
Predator B system, recently denoted MQ-9, is scheduled to undergo specific
modifications from its predecessors designed to enhance reliability. Specifically, the
MQ-9 will have actuators with an MTBF of 2,000 hours, which is over an order of
magnitude improvement over the actuator MTBF of 150 hours on the MQ-1 models.
There will be a triplex (double redundant) flight control system, and the control surfaces
survivability will increase with two rudders, four ailerons, and four elevators. The
overall objective failure rate for the MQ-9 is on the order of 10-5, or 1 in 100,000 hours of
flight, a value equal to that for a number of mature manned aircraft. For a typical 15 hour
flight, this translates to an operational reliability of over 99.99 percent.
Recommendation: Perform a cost-benefit trade study for incorporating/retrofitting
some or all of the Predator Bs reliability enhancements into production A models
2.1.2 RQ-2/Pioneer
The Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI) Pioneer was purchased by the Navy in 1985 as an
airborne spotter for the 16-inch guns of its four Iowa-class battleships. After testing
aboard the USS Iowa in 1986, routine deployments by Pioneers aboard these ships began
in 1987 in the naval gunfire support (NGFS) role. Licensed production by AAI also
began during this time. The Marines took delivery of three systems in 1987, followed by
the Army accepting one system in 1990 to provide an over-the-horizon reconnaissance,
surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA) capability. Six Pioneer systems participated
in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in 1990-91, flying a total of 800 missions
and losing 19 aircraft, including one to hostile fire.
With the deactivation of its battleships, the Navy modified six of its Austin-class
amphibious ships (LPDs) between 1993 and 1997 to accommodate Pioneer operations.
The Army relinquished its one system to the Navy in 1995. Five years later, the Navy
suspended routine Pioneer shipboard deployments in 2000 and moved its Pioneer training
detachment from Ft Huachuca, AZ, to NAS Whiting, FL. The remaining five systems
then served with the Navy (two systems in contingency status and one for training) and
the Marines (two squadrons with one system each). The Navy ceased Pioneer operations
in September 2002, leaving the Marine Corps as the sole operator. With over 20,000
hours of flight time, Pioneer is the longest serving UAV system in the U.S. military. Its
system specifications and flight-critical components are provided in Tables 2-5 and 2-6.
Weight 452 lbs
Length 14 ft
Wingspan 17 ft
Ceiling 15,000 ft
Radius 100 nm
Endurance 5 hrs
Payload 75 lbs
Cruise Speed 80 kts
Aircraft cost $650,000
System Cost (4 AVs) $7,000,000

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
Pioneer has evolved through seven variants during its two decades of service life.
Every variant since the third (Option II) has included modifications to enhance its
reliability. The Basic variant was that of the first three systems (15 aircraft) supplied
directly from IAI in 1986. AAI began licensed production of the next two systems,
known as Option I, in 1986. Option II production began in 1987 (systems 6 through 9)
and incorporated an upgraded flight control processor assembly, GPS navigation, larger
tail surfaces, multiple control link frequencies, and breakaway parts for net recoveries.
Option II+ (v.1), introduced in 1988, modified the existing nine systems with new
fuselages, wing straps for more structural integrity, redesigned engine shrouds for better
cooling, and added an engine fuel trap to reduce engine cut-outs inflight.
Country of
Component Vendor Model Quantity Remarks
Also used
Mannesmann on (AUO)
Engine(s) SF2-350 1 Germany
Sachs AG motorcycles,
Generator(s) Automotive RA24/35MIL4 1 USA
AUO cars,
Motor Service motorcycles,
Fuel Pump EIF 7.21440.13 1 Germany
International boats, farm
FCS BAE Aircraft
489570-03-01 1 USA
Computer(s) Controls, Inc.

IAI Autopilot mission Israel

FCS Software AAI USA
operational flight
BAE program RTM USA

TLM1320100- AUO IDF

Actuators IAI Malat 8 Israel
507 UAVs
Air Data BAE Aircraft
System Controls, Inc
Navigation BAE Aircraft
System Controls, Inc
LOS Data Link Tadiran Spectra Link 1 Israel
IAI Taman or Israel
Sensor(s) MOKED 400C UAVs
Wescam 12DS 1 USA

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
A second version (v.2) of Option II+, introduced in 1989, added provisions for the
UAV Common Automatic Recovery System (UCARS) auto-land system then under
development, moved the throttle servo from the engine, and added an attitude indicator
encoder. This variant was subsequently (1997) designated RQ-2A. A third version (v.3)
of Option II+ appeared in 1997 and converted its air data system from analog to digital
with the Modular Integrated Avionics Group (MIAG), as well as changing the pitot
assembly and removing the GPS cable assembly. This variant was subsequently (1999)
designated RQ-2B. All fielded Pioneers (five systems) have been upgraded to RQ-2B
status. RQ-2A/Pioneer
The reliability analysis for early-model Pioneers is based on statistical data gathered
between September 1990 and April 1991 from three Marine, two Navy, and one Army
Pioneer unit (total of six systems) while deployed in the Persian Gulf theater in support of
Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Although known as the Option II+ version
of Pioneer at that time, this model was subsequently designated as the RQ-2A. At this
time, it had been in service with the Navy for four years, the Marines for three, and the
Army for one. It had already incorporated a number of reliability improvements to its
original, imported version.
Mishap Rate per
MTBF (hrs) Availability Reliability
100,000 hrs
Requirement 25 93% 84% n/a
Actual 9.1 74% 80% 363

18% 29% Power/Prop
Flight Control
19% Misc


With respect to its Operational Requirements Document, the early model Pioneer
achieved less than desired reliability metrics. This was due to one of several factors.
First, the Pioneer was purchased from Israel as a non-developmental system in an
accelerated procurement. Once in operation, Navy and Marine users quickly identified
several deficiencies that contributed to unreliability. General Charles C. Krulak, then
Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, noted the Pioneer does not have an automatic
take-off, landing, or mission execution capability [and] that has led to a high accident
rate.5 Shipboard electromagnetic interference caused several crashes, and the engines

Riding the Dragon into the 21st Century: Innovation and UAVs in the United States Marine Corps,
General Charles C. Krulak, Unmanned Systems, Summer 1996.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
were thought to be too small and easily overstressed. In addition to the need for a more
reliable engine, the Marine Corps users also felt that the system needed a smaller
logistical footprint and a longer endurance. Many of these problems led to the RQ-2A
failure modes of Figure 2-5. RQ-2B/Pioneer
RQ-2Bs are modifications of the existing RQ-2A airframes, rather than new
production. Twenty-five operational (out of 49 existing) RQ-2As have been converted to
RQ-2Bs. There are plans to acquire spare MIAG kits through the Pioneer Improvement
Program. The currently fielded version of Pioneer, the RQ-2B, is essentially a digital
version of its analog predecessor, with the major distinction being the replacement of the
analog air data system with the digital MIAG avionics package. MIAG incorporates the
functions of many of the existing Pioneer air vehicle electronic and electro-mechanical
devices. It replaces the Central Processing Assembly, airspeed transducer unit,
barometric pressure unit, and the rate and vertical gyro units, components that exhibited
high failure rates.
The reliability analysis for later-model Pioneers is based primarily on the Marine
Pioneer squadrons VMU-1 and VMU-2 operations in the late 1990s. Some reliability
terminology and maintenance explanations used by these squadrons are provided in
Appendix B. The reliability data for the RQ-2B are derived from two sources:
maintenance aborts and in-flight aborts. Each offers a somewhat different perspective on
the reliability of the overall vehicle.
Analysis of in-flight failures during these operations led to the data presented in Table
2-8 and Figure 2-6.
Mishap Rate per
MTBF (hrs) Availability Reliability
100,000 hrs
Requirement 25 93% 84% n/a
Actual 28.6 78% 91% 139

Flight Control
13% 51% Human/Ground


In a distribution resembling the Predator RQ-1A data, the majority of the failures (66
percent) are attributable to the combination of malfunctions in flight control, power, and
propulsion. The breakout in the flight critical systems is roughly 25 percent flight control
failures and 75 percent power & propulsion failures. (Recall the corresponding RQ-2A
data showed failures due to power and propulsion and flight control equally divided.)

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
This suggests an improvement in the flight control system of the Pioneer over time, or a
shift in emphasis from power and propulsion concerns. The latter explanation is
supported given that the planned (1997) conversion from the Sachs to the more reliable
Quattra engine was never accomplished.

2.1.3 RQ-5/Hunter
Israeli Aircraft Industries Hunter was designed to meet the Armys 1989 Short
Range UAV requirement to provide reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition
(RSTA) over a corps-size area of operations (108 nm/200 km deep). TRW was selected
as the prime contractor for the Hunter system, which consists of eight aircraft, twelve
trucks (towing two ground control stations, mission planning, launch and recovery, and
maintenance stations, dish antennas, cranes, and fuel trailers), and four remote video
terminals. Its characteristics are provided in Table 2-9.
First flight occurred on 30 September 1990, and initial delivery to the Army took
place in December 1990. Hunter was developed as a two-aircraft-per-mission system,
with one serving as the airborne relay for video from the forward collector, providing a
demonstrated relay range of up to 165 nm. A Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP)
contract was awarded in February 1993 for seven systems.

Weight 1,600 lbs
Length 23 ft
Wingspan 29.2 ft
Ceiling 15,000 ft
Radius 144 nm
Endurance 11.6 hrs
Payload 200 lbs
Cruise Speed 100 kts
Aircraft Cost $1.2 M
System Cost (8 AVs) $24 M

Seven systems of eight aircraft each were delivered between April 1995 and
December 1996. A total of 62 aircraft were built by IAI/Malat and assembled by TRW.
Following three crashes in close succession in August-September 1995 OSD terminated
the program after LRIP completion by deciding not to award a full rate production
contract. Since that redirection, however, the Hunter program has made numerous
component quality related improvements and been used to demonstrate a wide variety of
payloads including SIGINT, chemical agent detection, and communication relay for
UAV use. It has supported National Training Center exercises and NATO operations in
Kosovo, and it recently served as the surrogate TUAV for the Interim Brigade Combat
Team at Ft Lewis, Washington. Table 2-10 provides a breakout of the failure-critical
components for the RQ-5/Hunter.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
Country of Also Used
Component Vendor Model Quantity
Manufacture On
Engine(s) Motto Guzzi V750 2 Italy
CA 1100
Generator(s) Motto Guzzi 13404518-501 2 Italy
CA 1100

Weber Motorcycle
Fuel Pump 13404355 2 Italy
Marelli CA 1100

Digital Central F-Hunter
Elta 13406380-501 1 Israel
Processing B-Hunter

FCS Software Malat/TRW 1 Israel/US F-Hunter
Litton TLM1320400- 7 USA Israeli UAVs
Air Data Module
CIC 02911 2 Israel Israeli UAVs
Trimble 17320-30 1 USA Israeli UAVs
4001H350-005 1 (ADT)
LOS Data Link Elta 1 (backup Israel Israeli UAVs
4001H330-004 ADT)
BLOS Data Link N/A
Optronic IAI Tamam 1181.0001.00.19 1 Israel Israeli UAVs

The acquisition of the Hunter system by the Army presents a case study in the peril of
ignoring, and the benefits of overcoming, reliability problems. During system acceptance
testing in 1995, three Hunter aircraft were lost within a 3 week period, contributing to a
decision to terminate full rate production. Wanting to benefit as much as possible from
its substantial investment in the Hunter, its Program Management Office and the prime
contractor (TRW) performed an end-to-end Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis
(FMECA) and a Fishbone Analysis on each of the critical subsystems. An interconnected
network of failure analysis and corrective action boards was implemented with the

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
authority to direct design changes to Hunter. Failures of its servo actuators, the leading
culprit for the series of crashes, were identified, and their MTBF increased from 7,800
hours to 57,300 hours, a sevenfold improvement. Other key components received
focused attention including the data link and engine. Their before-and-after MTBFs are
shown in Table 2-11.

Component Improvement Factor
Before After
Data link
(Airborne Data 97 hours 1277 hours 13 x
Flux valve 453 hours 2177 hours 4.8 x
Throttle actuator 331 hours 786 hours 2.4 x

Hunter returned to flight status three months after its last crash. Over the next two
years, the systems MTBF doubled from four to eight hours and today stands at over 11
hours. The aircraft itself achieved its required MTBF of ten hours in 1999, and today that
figure stands close to 20 hours. Prior to the 1995 stand down and failure analysis,
Hunters had a mishap rate of 255 per 100,000 hours; afterwards (1996-2001) that rate
was 16 per 100,000 hours. Initially canceled because of its reliability problems, Hunter
has become the standard to which other UAVs are compared in reliability.
The mishap rates for the RQ-5/Hunter aircraft shown in Table 2-12 are based on the
flight history of all Hunters flown by/for the U.S. Army from fiscal year 1991 through
2001. It includes test, training, and operational sorties, specifically the Technical
Evaluation Test and Limited User Test sorties (1991-1995). Availability, MTBF, and
reliability metrics are based on data covering all Hunters flown by/for the U.S. Army
from 1996 to 2001, and therefore reflect the performance of the reliability-enhanced
Hunters (LRIP Hunters) only.
Mishap Rate per
MTBF (hrs) Availability Reliability
100,000 hrs
Requirement 10 85% 74% n/a
Pre-1996: 255
Actual 11.3 98% 82%
Post-1996: 16

29% Power/Prop
Flight Control
4% 21%


OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
In addition to the reliability data shown in Table 2-12, an in-house reliability
assessment performed by the prime contractor for the period of 20 December 1995
through 15 December 2001 found a system MTBF of 16.31 hours and an availability of
0.993. Using this MTBF value, the calculated reliability for a 2.5 hour mission is 0.86.
All of these contractor-generated values are higher, yet not significantly different, than
those calculated from the flight data.
The system-level pie chart (Figure 2-7) is built on data from 19 June 1994 to 16 July
2001. Excluding comm, Figure 2-7 shows that the Hunters failures, as opposed to
previous system level breakouts for Predator and Pioneer, is generally much more evenly
distributed among the failure modes. This is likely due to the concerted effort of the
prime contractor after a rigorous assessment of overall system reliability to focus
improvement on those areas in which the early vehicles reliability was lacking. The 17
percent of failures attributed to Miscellaneous is composed of malfunctions with the
flight termination system and parachute vehicle recovery system.
To summarize, the high mishap rate of the early Hunters was comparable to that of
the early Pioneers and, based on that similarity, can be largely attributed to poor Israeli
design practices for their UAVs in the 1980s. The significant improvement in Hunters
mishap rate achieved since the mid-1990s is reflective of (1) joint government/contractor-
focused oversight, (2) a rigorous review and analysis process being put in place, and (3)
qualitative improvements in a number of failure-critical components (servo-actuators,
flight control software, etc.).

2.2 Developmental UAVs

2.2.1 RQ-4/Global Hawk
Northrop Grummans Global Hawk was developed as the conventional, non-
penetrating half of the High Altitude Endurance (HAE) UAV ACTD in 1994-2000; its
complement was to have been the stealthy penetrator, Lockheed Martins RQ-3/DarkStar.
First flight occurred in February 1998. Program management responsibility shifted from
DARPA to the Air Force in Oct 1998, and the ACTD concluded in June 2000 with a
recommendation from JFCOM to proceed to acquisition. It was approved for transition
to Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) and Low Rate Initial Production
in February 2001.
Global Hawk completed the first trans-Pacific flight by a UAV in April 2001 during a
deployment to Australia, returning to the U.S. two months later. Since November 2001,
the aircraft has flown in support of counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan. Current
planning calls for producing 51 aircraft and ten ground stations and to achieve initial
operational capability (IOC) in 2005 at Beale AFB, CA.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
Weight 26,750 lbs
Length 44.4 ft
Wingspan 116.2 ft
Ceiling 65,000 ft
Radius 5,400 nm
Endurance 32 hrs
Payload 1,950 lbs
Cruise Speed 345 kts
Aircraft Cost $20 M
System Cost $57 M

The ACTD variant is the current version of Global Hawk, the RQ-4A. The Air Force
plans to enhance its capabilities and address vanishing vendor issues in a spiral
development effort continuing into 2010. Reliability-related enhancements included in
these spirals consist of the following.
Spiral 1 (FY01-03)
Internal Mission Management Computer (IMMC) Improvement
Communication (Data Link) Improvements
Spiral 2 (FY02-05)
Engine Upgrade
Electrical Power Upgrade
Spiral 3 (FY03-06)
Simultaneous Imagery Recorder
Enhanced Operational Reliability (see description below)
Environmental Control System Enhancements
Enhanced Fault Detection/Fault Isolation

Spiral 4 (FY04-10)
Inflight Engine Restart Capability
The enhanced operational reliability effort envisioned for Spiral 3 consists of the
following reliability/maintainability/supportability (RMS) and producability upgrades.
Corrosion control
Rain intrusion fixes
Inertial measurement unit (IMU) integration into the flight control system
Battery replacement
Replacement of the radars pump with a nitrogen bottle (improved reliability
through simplification)

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
Taken together, these RMS upgrades are estimated to save 849 hours in assembling each
Global Hawk and 2524 hours in producability tasks, savings that can be applied against
the cost of making the upgrade.
Global Hawk had specified a reliability goal during its ACTD of less than one loss
per 200 missions (defined as 24-hour missions, or 4800 hours). Analysis of its flight
critical components predicted a reliability of one loss in 605 missions (14,520 hours). To
date (February 1998 through August 2001), there have been four Global Hawk mishaps
resulting in the loss of three aircraft.
The first loss (Air Vehicle 2 in March 1999) was due to an inadvertent radio
transmission on the aircrafts flight termination frequency while it was airborne; this is
attributed to human error. The second accident (Air Vehicle 3 in December 1999)
occurred during taxi after a mission when the aircraft accelerated off the end of the
taxiway, damaging its nose and sensors. This is attributed to a flight control software
error. The cause of the third accident and loss (Air Vehicle 5 in December 2001) is
attributed to an incorrectly installed bolt in the ruddervator that eventually failed. At the
time of this second loss (December 2001), the Global Hawk fleet had accumulated nearly
1800 hours, resulting in a mishap rate of 111 losses per 100,000 hours. The fourth
accident (Air Vehicle 6 in July 2002) occurred due to a single fuel nozzle in a high flow.
Country of
Component Vendor Model Quantity Remarks
Also used on
Engine(s) Rolls Royce AE3007H 1 USA Citation X,
EMB 145
Smiths Starting June
Generator(s) USA
Aerospace 2003
Fuel Pump
FCS Vista
Computer(s) Controls
FCS Software
Actuators Northrop
(Ruddervators) Grumman
Air Data
Rosemount 1281 2
Grumman/ LN-211G 2 USA
LOS Data Link: 1 (X band)
L3 Comm USA
X (CDL), UHF 1 (UHF)
BLOS Data 1 (Ku)
L3 Comm USA
Link: Ku, UHF 1 (UHF)
EO/IR, SAR/ Raytheon USA

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
2.2.2 RQ-7/Shadow
The Army selected the RQ-7/Shadow 200 (formerly known as the TUAV) in
December 1999 to meet its Brigade-level UAV requirement for support to ground
maneuver commanders. Catapulted from a rail, it is recovered with the aid of arresting
gear. It is capable of remaining on station for 4 hours at 50 km (27 nm) with a payload of
60 pounds. Its gimbaled EO/IR sensor relays real time video via a C-band LOS data link.
Eventual Army procurement of 39 systems of four aircraft each is expected with IOC
planned in 2003. The Army Acquisition Objective, with the inclusion of the Army
Reserve component, is 83 systems.
Weight 327 lbs
Length 11.2 ft
Wingspan 12.8 ft
Ceiling 15,000 ft
Radius 68 nm
Endurance 4 hrs
Payload 60 lbs
Cruise Speed 82 kts
Aircraft Cost $325,000
System Cost (4 AVs) $6,200,000

The RQ-7/Shadow 200 became the first UAV in recent history to meet and pass its
Milestone III (full rate production) decision on 25 September 2002, having accumulated
over 2,000 flight hours during 1,157 flights by 18 September 2002. While these are
limited data from which to distill any measurable reliability, availability, or MTBF
statistics, the failure modes for the 16 non-weather aborts logged for the Shadow between
4 January and 18 September 02 are presented below.
Flight Control
50% Human/Ground
19% 0%


The data indicate that the Shadows problems are dominated by power and propulsion
issues. In most cases, these failures were due to fuel leaks, abnormal RPM levels, or low
engine compression. Flight control issues did not contribute to any system failures for
the reported time period. This appears to be due to risk avoidance rather than risk
mitigation; in addition to the 16 component-related aborts, there were 12 aborts due to
weather, ten of which were due to out-of-tolerance wind conditions. This may indicate a
potential sensitivity of Shadow to environmental factors, a secondary failure mode of
other small UAVs which is discussed in detail in Section 3.2.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 2
UAV Reliability Data
The UAV systems project office at Redstone Arsenal, AL conducted a reliability,
availability, and maintainability initial operational test assessment based on two weeks of
flights in an operational environment. The results from this limited flight test data
indicate a Mean Time Between System Abort (MTBSA) of 26.9 hours and an availability
of 95.6 percent. In this case, an abort is defined as a failure which causes a delay of 10
minutes or more in providing imagery to the commander in the field. Key reliability
factors identified during this test included frequently replaced propellers, bending
tailhooks, and failures in the data interface box, an external box between the antenna and
ground control station. Information regarding key Shadow components is unavailable
because the contractor has deemed the majority of this information to be of a proprietary
nature. While this policy is at times necessary to remain competitive in the UAV
industry, it has also been a source of unreliability due to a lack of government insight into
the parts quality of the system.

2.2.3 Dragon Eye

Dragon Eye is a small (mini), bungee-cord launched UAV being developed by the
Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory and the Naval Research Laboratory as an over-the-
hill, reconnaissance asset for small units. Begun in February 2000, an NRL-built
prototype made its first autonomous flight in March 2001. Limited rate initial production
(LRIP) contracts were let to BAI and AeroVironment in July 2001 for 40 aircraft; a prime
contractor for full rate production (FRP) is to be identified upon Milestone III approval in
Spring 2003. Eventually, 311 systems (3 air vehicles each) are to be acquired with IOC
occurring in the third quarter of FY03 and FOC in the fourth quarter of FY06.
Dragon Eye
Weight 4.5 lb
Length 2.4 ft
Wingspan 3.8 ft
Ceiling 1000 ft
Radius 2.5 nm
Endurance 44 min
Payload 1 lb
Cruise Speed 35 kts
Aircraft Cost $40,000
System Cost (3 AVs) $125,000

The required mission reliability for the Dragon Eye is .90 (threshold) and .95
(objective) based on sustained 24-hour per day/30-days continuous operation. The
availability requirements are .90 (threshold) and .95 (objective). These values are based
upon the available components of Block 0. Mean Time to Repair (including
troubleshooting but excluding restoration time) is set at one hour (threshold) and 30
minutes (objective) at the organizational levels. At the intermediate level, MTTR levels
are to be no greater than three hours (threshold) and 1.5 hours (objective). Based on
these values, the required MTBF is 8 hours (threshold) and 15 hours (objective).
As in the case of the RQ-7/Shadow, a full table identifying key Dragon Eye
components could not be provided due to assertions of proprietary information.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis

3.0 Reliability Trends and Analysis

3.1 UAV Reliability Comparisons
3.1.1 U.S. Military UAV Reliability
Figure 3-1 shows the numbers of Predators, Pioneers, and Hunters lost in Class A
mishaps by year for the period 1986 through 2002. Class A mishaps are those aircraft
accidents resulting in loss of the aircraft (in Naval parlance, strike), human life, or
causing over $1,000,000 in damage. These data show a cumulative mishap rate (i.e.,
Class A accidents per 100,000 hours of flight) of 32 for Predator, 334 for Pioneer, and 55
for Hunter (16 since the major reliability improvements in 1996). In comparison to
manned aviation mishap rates, general aviation aircraft suffer about 1 mishap per 100,000
hours, regional/commuter airliners about a tenth that rate, and larger airliners about a
hundredth that rate.
Numbers represent
Class A Mishaps per Year 5

General Aviation:
50000 Predator Fleet:
1 Mishap per 100K
Hours 32 Mishaps per
100K Hours 4
Cumulative Vehicle Flight Hours



RQ-1 / Predator 1
2 3
Pioneer Fleet: 0
20000 RQ-2 / Pioneer
334 Mishaps per 0 12 0
RQ-5 / Hunter 100K Hours
7 0
1 0
9 Hunter Fleet:
10000 55 Mishaps per 100K
0 Hours
0 0 1 (16 Mishaps per 100K
11 4 0
5 1 Hours since 1996)
8 0 2 1
9 5 2 0 1
1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004

These statistics make it apparent that the reliability of UAVs needs to improve by one to
two orders of magnitude to reach an equivalent level of safety with manned aircraft.
Toward this goal, the declining trend in mishap rates, as shown in Figure 3-2, is
encouraging. Both Pioneer and Hunter have achieved an order of magnitude
improvement: Pioneer (9.5x) in 15 years and Hunter (15x) in 11 years over their
operational careers. In contrast, Predator has demonstrated an essentially constant (and
low) mishap rate since its inception. This could be attributed to it having had the benefit
of experience gained by its manufacturer with two immediately preceding, similar
designs, Amber (1988) and Gnat 750 (1992). Given these current values and their

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
decreasing trends, one could expect larger UAVs to reach mishap rates of 15-20 per
100,000 hours by the end of this decade.


1800 RQ-1 / Predator

Cumulative Class A Mishap Rate per 100,000 Hrs

RQ-2 / Pioneer
RQ-5 / Hunter







1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004


1.00 0.98
Early (A) Model 0.92* 0.93
0.90 Later (B) Model
*Represents first year of
0.80 0.78 "reliability improved"
0.74 Hunter. Data for 1990-
1995 version of Hunter is







1991 2001 1996 2001 1996 2002

Pioneer Hunter Predator


OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
Figure 3-3 presents the vehicle availability throughout the operational lifetime of the
system (cumulative availability). It is based on data provided by the respective program
offices, the contractors, and in some cases, the specific squadrons which operate the
systems. The availability trends for the RQ-2/Pioneer and RQ-5/Hunter have remained
fairly constant throughout the operational life of the air vehicle, with the values for the
Hunter maintaining a particularly high value. Improved maintenance and component
quality can be largely credited for this trend.
Figure 3-3 also shows that the RQ-1/Predator has enjoyed a significant increase in its
availability from its early and later models. A 1997 Institute for Defense Analyses report
offers a potential explanation for the poor reliability of the early model, noting that the
short demonstration period was insufficient to train the military operators to maintain the
system. The need for a logistics infrastructure a major factor in availability was
identified. Early establishment of a Lead Service in order to facilitate sustainability and
supportability was also noted, factors on which availability is dependent.


RQ-1 / Predator
RQ-2 / Pioneer

60 RQ-5 / Hunter
MTBF (hrs)

50 Predator:
5.9 Hours MTBF
Increase per Year

1.4 Hours MTBF
20 Increase per Year

2.6 Hours MTBF
10 Increase per Year

1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004


Figure 3-4 compares the MTBF trends for the three UAVs. The RQ-1/Predator
initially had a number of disconnects between the system performance and reliability
expectations due to insufficient field testing and a delay in requirements baselining. This
early handicap was overcome at an average rate of 5.9 hours MTBF increase per year
through enhanced training and better maintenance practices.
Also noteworthy in Figure 3-4 is the steady MTBF increase for the RQ-5/Hunter of
2.6 hours per year. Relative to the initially poor MTBF from the early models years, this
translates to an average percentage increase of 32.5 percent per year since the reliability
improvements went into effect in 1996. This improvement is a tribute to the benefit of

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
both a thorough Failure Modes and Effects Analysis effort and sensitivity to lessons
The source offering the largest operational experience is the RQ-2/Pioneer. The
MTBF increase for this system has improved at a modest rate of 1.4 hours per year, a less
than expected improvement over the nearly two decades in which it has provided service.
Figure 3-5 offers a similar representation of the three UAVs with respect to
reliability, the probability that the system will complete its intended mission.

1.1% Reliability
Increase per Year


1.6% Reliability Hunter:
Increase per Year 3.5% Reliability
0.6 Increase per Year


0.4 RQ-1 / Predator

RQ-2 / Pioneer
RQ-5 / Hunter


1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004


The RQ-5/Hunter has enjoyed the largest reliability increase (3.5 percent per year) of
any of the UAVs examined. This is due to significant improvements to the critical
subsystems. For example, a GAO Report6 noted that the reliability of the engines on the
early air vehicle was so low that each UAV unit equipped with two Hunter systems (16
air vehicles) was expected to replace engines at a rate of 3 to 10 per week. A second
report7 identified problems in the Hunters flight control software and data link.
Addressing these major deficiencies has yielded positive results for the Hunter
programafter it had already been cancelled.
The reliability improvement from early to late models, including the over 25 percent
improvement in Hunter reliability, is indicated in Figure 3-6.

GAO NSIAD-95-52, No More Hunter Systems Should Be Bought Until the Problems Are Fixed.
GAO NSIAD-97-138, UAVs: DoDs Acquisition Efforts.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
*Represents first year of
0.91 Early (A) Model "reliability improved"
Hunter. Data for 1990- 0.89
Later (B) Model 1995 version of Hunter is
0.82 unavailable.








1991 2001 1996 2001 1996 2002

Pioneer Hunter Predator


Mishap Rate Mishap Rate
MTBF (hrs) Availability Reliability per 100,000 per 100,000
hrs (Series) hrs (Model)

RQ-1A/ Requirement n/a n/a n/a n/a

Predator Actual 32.0 40% 74% 43
RQ-1B/ Requirement 40 80% 70% n/a
Predator Actual 55.1 93% 89% 31

RQ-2A/ Requirement 25 93% 84% n/a

Pioneer Actual 9.1 74% 80% 363
RQ-2B/ Requirement 25 93% 84% n/a
Pioneer Actual 28.6 78% 91% 139

RQ-5/Hunter Requirement 10 85% 74% n/a

(pre-1996) Actual n/a n/a n/a 255
RQ-5/Hunter Requirement 10 85% 74% n/a
(post-1996) Actual 11.3 98% 82% 16

Table 3-1 summarizes the reliability metrics for all current generation military UAVs
examined in this study. With respect to the required values as outlined in the operational
requirements and specifications, green and red text signify instances in which the actual

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
values meet or fall short of the requirements, respectively. In the case of the mishap rate
per 100,000 hours, no requirements were identified. In addition, requirements are not
available for the RQ-1A/Predator due to their development after concluding its ACTD
(discussed in 2.1.1).
The mishap rate per 100,000 hours is presented in two ways. The model/series
mishap rate illustrates before and after gains made in reliability and operations between
subsequent versions of the same UAV model. The model mishap rate is a snapshot of the
combined performance of all versions of each UAV. It incorporates all mishaps over that
systems cumulative flight hours.
In all cases except for the RQ-2/Pioneer, the UAV systems examined in this study
exceed operational requirements. The shortfalls in the RQ-2A reliability performance
were amended with the next generation RQ-2B with the exception of the availability
metric. The failure modes which contributed to these reliability metrics are presented in
Table 3-2.
Power/ Flight Human/
Comm Misc
Propulsion Control Ground
23% 39% 11% 16% 11%
53% 23% 10% 2% 12%
29% 29% 19% 18% 5%
51% 15% 13% 19% 2%
29% 21% 4% 29% 17%

There are several noteworthy trends from the summary data in Table 3-2.
The failure due to Human/Ground related issues is significantly lower for the RQ-
1B Predator. This may be largely due to the increased use of simulators for
Predator training as well as enhancements made in situational awareness
(discussed in Section
Despite some initial integration issues, a more complex solution for over-the-
horizon ATC communication via the ARC-210 radio did not increase the share of
mishaps due to communication hardware and software failures for the RQ-1.
The trends in the RQ-1/Predator and RQ-2/Pioneer failures due to
Power/Propulsion are very similar. The share is in the 20-30 percent range (23%
and 29%, respectively) for the early, A-model systems, but doubles to the 50
percent range (53% and 51%, respectively) in the later models. As discussed,
MQ-1 Block 30 upgrades are intended to address this issue for the Predator, while
a planned conversion to a more reliable Pioneer engine never occurred.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
The trends in the RQ-1/Predator and RQ-2/Pioneer failures due to Flight Control
issues are also very similar. From the A-model to the B-model, the share
decreases by approximately one-half (39% to 23% and 29% to 15%,
respectively). This may be attributed to a better understanding of the vehicle
aerodynamics and flight control as well as self-imposed flight restrictions for
certain operating environments.
Despite any noticeable shifts of failure modes among the vehicles from the early
to the late model, the reliability trends for the UAVs continued to be positive.
This indicates an awareness of, and attention to, system deficiencies on the part of
the designers and operators.
The average values for the failure modes for all five systems are presented in Figure
3-7. Three of the areas (power/propulsion, flight control, and operator training) have
historically accounted for 80 percent of UAV reliability failures. The implication is that
the overall mishap rate for UAVs could be significantly reduced by focusing reliability
improvement efforts in these areas, which could lead to appreciable savings by having to
procure fewer attrition aircraft. Further savings could result from decreased line
maintenance by substituting more advanced technologies for existing ones, such as
electrical systems for hydraulic ones and digital for analog sensors.
The challenge is to make tradeoffs so the recurring savings of a reliability
enhancement exceed the nonrecurring investment, as well as the impact of any potential
decreases in performance, incurred in making the enhancement. By focusing on making
reliability improvements in propulsion, flight control systems, and operator
training/interfaces, the potential savings could outweigh the cost of incorporating such
reliability measures in existing and future UAV designs. This aggregate view of the
Predator, Pioneer, and Hunter UAV fleet provides a good introduction into a similar
perspective on foreign UAV reliability.
9% 7%
17% Power/Prop 22% 32% Power/Prop
Flight Control Flight Control
Comm Comm
Human/Ground Human/Ground
Misc 11% Misc
26% 28%

(BASED ON 100,000 HOURS) (BASED ON 100,000 HOURS)

3.1.2 Foreign UAV Reliability Israel
Israeli Defense Forces have also accumulated over 100,000 hours of operational flight
experience with their UAVs. The failure modes for this period are shown in Figure 3-8.
The manufacturer of most of these UAVs, Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI), has
documented the causes of failures across the past 25 years of this experience and made
recommendations for improving reliability based on this analysis. Of current U.S. UAV
systems, both the Pioneer and the Hunter originated as IAI designs, and the Shadow

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
evolved from the Pioneers design. For these three reasons, any examination of U.S.
UAV reliability would be incomplete without examining the reliability of their Israeli
counterparts and predecessors.
The data trends derived from the U.S. UAV operations presented in Section 2.1 and
summarized in Figure 3-7 are remarkably similar (within 5%) to that shown in Figure 3-8
for the IAI UAV fleet for all failure modes. Given that the IAI data are also based on a
substantial number of flight hours, one can argue that the U.S. is facing the same
technical and operational problems of other operators. Furthermore, because
manufacturing techniques and supply quality differ from one country to the next, it is
interesting to ask the question Why are the failures modes still similar? One answer
points to external factors and the operating environment itself, including weather and the
low Reynolds number flight regime. Some insight into this idea will be presented in
Section 3.2, Environmental and External Factors. Australia
Data for the Australian Aerosonde, which has subsequently been purchased by Saab
of Sweden, provide another perspective from which U.S. military UAV reliability can be
gauged. From 1995 to 1998, prototype vehicles operated globally building over 700
flight hours of experience. Since this 1995 model was designed, Aerosonde has become
a more robust vehicle in order to improve its operating range and enhance its reliability.
The Mark 1 vehicle entered operation in 1999, and the latest version is the Mark 3.
An assessment was performed based on 1,105 flight hours between January 1999 and
June 2001. It includes flights of the Mark 1, 2, and 3 air vehicles in a variety of weather
conditions. The assessment calculated a mishap rate of 543 mishaps per 100,000 hours.
This is based on 6 non-weather related catastrophic failures: power and propulsion (2),
flight control (3), and airframe failure (1). If the Aerosonde follows the example of U.S.
UAVs, the mishap rate will drop considerably as more flight hours are put on the system.

3.1.3 Manned Aircraft Reliability

It is also helpful to view UAV reliability from the perspective of their manned aircraft
counterparts. Perhaps most striking is a 2002 Congressional Research Service report that
cites 70 percent of all Class A mishaps in manned aircraft of the U.S. military are due to
human error. Broadening the scope to all manned aircraft, that figure rises to a generally
accepted value of 85 percent according to the independent, non-profit Flight Safety
Foundation. Furthermore, these reliability figures appear to be independent of whether
the aircraft is fixed or rotary wing or even more surprising combat or non-combat.
Figure 3-9 shows the 55-year history of U.S. Air Force mishap rates since 1947
declining rapidly from 44 to 6 Class As per 100,000 hours during the first 15 years.
Over the next 40 years, it gradually decreases to just over 1 mishap per 100,000 hours.
This decline, while largely due to turbines replacing reciprocating engines, can also be
attributed to improved training and operational maintenance procedures. A similar
decline for unmanned aircraft can be seen in the discussion and figures of Section 3.1.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis



Class A Mishap Rate per 100,000 hours







1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005


Table 3-3 provides available reliability metrics for various manned aircraft. Data for
the RQ-1/Predator, the most reliable UAV identified in this study, are presented again for
ease of comparison. To ensure consistency, the manned aircraft data were calculated
using the formulas in Appendix D when appropriate operational data were available. As
a result, they may differ from manufacturers values based on other methods of
Mishap Rate (per MTBF
Aircraft Availability Reliability
100,000 hrs) (hours)
General Aviation 1.22 Data proprietary or otherwise unavailable
AV-8B 10.7
U-2 6.5 105.0 96.1%
Data unavailable
F-16 3.35 51.3 96.6%
F-18 3.2
Boeing 747 .013* 532.3 98.6% 98.7%
Boeing 777 .013* 570.2 99.1% 99.2%
Predator/RQ-1 31 55.1 93% 89%
*NTSB data for all commercial air carriers operating under 14 CFR 121.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
The above table provides a cross-section of manned aircraft reliability and how it
compares to the RQ-1/Predator. To examine specific mishap data for manned military
aircraft, Table 3-4 presents the mishap rate for each of the four military services.
Total # of Class Fatalities per
Mishap Rate Fatalities
A Mishaps Mishap
Army 605 1.98 552 .91
Air Force 1,002 1.64 1,152 1.14
Marine Corps 376 4.55 494 1.31
Navy 822 2.55 665 .8
Average 701 2.68 716 1.04

If it were not that all manned aircraft exceed current UAV reliability, it would be in
some respects unfair to compare aircraft with certain mission profiles to that of a UAV.
For example, one would expect to see a commercial airliner with reliability much higher
than a combat aircraft. When designing for reliability, however (see Section 3.3), the
intended mission profile for a given aircraft does affect redundancy and component
quality decisions. As a result, the remainder of this section will narrow the scope further
by focusing on the reliability of a manned ISR asset that more closely resembles the
intelligence gathering mission profile flown by some of todays UAVs.

U-2 Reconnaissance Aircraft

The U-2R, a manned, high-altitude ISR collection aircraft, was first flown in 1967.
All U-2R models have completed engine replacement and are now designated as U-2S.
U-2S Weight 40,000 lbs
Length 63 ft
Wingspan 105 ft
Ceiling 70,000+ ft
Radius 3000 nm
Endurance 14 hours
Payload 4,000 lbs
Cruise Speed 400+ kts
Aircraft cost Classified
System Cost (4 AVs) Classified

Because of the U-2s bicycle landing gear and high aspect ratio wing, it poses a particular
challenge for pilots during take-offs and landings. Despite this, however, this aircraft is
credited as having one of the highest mission completion rates in the U.S. Air Force.
Figure 3-10 offers a breakout of system failure modes for the U-2S.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
19% 18%
Flight Control

20% Human/Ground
33% Misc
Noteworthy is the uncharacteristically low contribution (20 percent) of human failure
modes for this manned aircraft. As was discussed earlier in this section, human
contributions to aircraft failures are typically much higher. One third of the failure
modes for the U-2S are dominated by flight control issues. Perhaps related to this trend,
it is interesting to note that relative to other manned aircraft, the U-2 operates at a lower
Reynolds number. While a more detailed discussion of the low Reynolds number flight
regime is provided in Section 3.2, it is sufficient at this point to draw attention to the fact
that the U-2s mishap rate is four times the average for all U.S. Air Force aircraft shown
in Table 3-4.

3.2 Environmental and External Factors

Although people typically associate reliability with factors internal to the system such
as component reliability, there are equally influential external ones. These environmental
and external influences tend to affect the entire systems reliability, vice any one
component of it, and can equally affect similarly equipped systems within a fleet despite
their age. The external influences that vary with location or season, such as weather-
related ones, are most often mitigated with operating limitations that restrict the systems
operational value. Recommendation: Analyze the costs and benefits of all-weather
capability against mission requirements to design UAVs accordingly

3.2.1 Precipitation
Precipitation is one environmental factor that negatively impacts more types of UAVs
more so than manned aircraft. Three reasons for this are (1) the relatively smaller size of
most UAVs, (2) their use of wooden propellers, and (3) less attention to watertight
By nature of their generally smaller size, UAVs are adversely impacted by a wider
range of raindrop size; the light sprinkle encountered by an F-16 becomes a moderate
shower to a Pioneer. Moreover, an F-16s moderate shower becomes impenetrable for
the Pioneer. The only current solution to precipitation is procedural; do not take off or
land in precipitation, avoid flying in it once airborne, and slow down when necessary to
penetrate through it.
The smaller UAVs (Pioneer, Hunter, and below) typically use a wood, or wood with
urethane, propeller as a cost and weight saving technique. Pioneers, despite having a
pusher-mounted engine, consume their propellers at the rate of nearly one per flight when
recovering into nets. Even when operating from runways, the lower ground clearance of

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
UAVs contributes to the likelihood of foreign object damage (FOD) to the propeller,8 and
a damaged propeller spinning at high RPM can render an aircraft uncontrollable quicker
than human reaction can compensate. Precipitation is a special hazard to wooden
propellers because the rain can quickly (in minutes) erode the leading edge of the blade,
compromising the rotor aerodynamics, and eventually reducing the wood to shreds. To
address this, three alternatives are (1) composite, (2) metal, or (3) wooden propellers with
composite/metal leading edges.
The composite option offers a higher cost, but more durable blade and lighter weight.
The metal option offers a higher cost, heavier, but more durable blade, which runs the
risk of becoming bent in situations where a wooden blade is broken. A Pioneer-size
wood-urethane propeller costs $275, its composite cousin is twice that at $600, and the
metal version is $750, or triple that of the wood-urethane. Despite these high
percentages, the absolute cost for these propellers is low, particularly considering they
represent a potential single point failure of a flight critical component.
UAVs are designed solely for external maintenance in contrast to manned aircraft,
which are designed for internal and limited external maintenance. Because of this, UAV
fuselages are largely covered with hatches and panels to facilitate access by maintenance
personnel (whose hands are one non-scaling factor). This differs from manned aircraft,
where maintainers can more often climb inside the aircraft to reach malfunctioning
equipment. The smaller UAVs also fly relatively slow, implying a low design emphasis
on aerodynamic smoothness. These two factors in combination result in leaky UAVs due
to non-sealed panel/hatch perimeters and also gaps/overhangs between access panels and
the adjacent fuselage. In precipitation, water can gain access and accumulate inside the
fuselage and cause a hazard to internal electronics (refer to Global Hawks anti-rain
intrusion effort in Section 2.2.1). Tighter design tolerances, coupled with sealing gaskets,
could preclude this from occurring.

3.2.2 Icing
Another factor is icing, an insidious hazard to aircraft that can occur even in the
absence of precipitation or visible moisture. Icing is most hazardous to flight when it
accumulates on the wings, and it is the shape of these very surfaces that induces moisture
to condense out of otherwise clear air and then freeze on them. Once established on
wings, and perhaps later on the control surfaces, ice alters the airflow over them,
adversely affecting controllability. When shed, larger accumulations of ice can pose a
hazard to pusher propellers. In extreme cases, the limits of the flight control system to
compensate for the icing are exceeded and/or the movement of the control surface hinges
is impeded. Airfoil shape, and thus vehicle performance and controllability, can also be
greatly altered. Stall speed could creep upward and pilot inputs become increasingly
ineffective until the UAV stalls and crashes. Beyond the aerodynamics, even the weight
of the accumulated ice can become a factor, especially on the smaller airframes of most
UAVs. In terms of scale, for example, a one-tenth inch accumulation on a Pioneers
wings is equal to one inch on a Boeing 747.

This problem is not unique to UAVs. Any aircraft with low-slung inlets can have increased FOD incident

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
Icing has been identified as a primary or contributing cause in two Hunter mishaps
and three Predator losses, accidents costing some $10 million over the past 3 years. All
occurred between the months of September and April and during overseas deployments
supporting contingencies, underscoring the relatively benign stateside environments used
for UAV training. These incidents argue for added attention to UAVs cold weather
tolerance, including test and evaluation and recurring training in cold weather operations
for UAV crews.
Technical methods to mitigate this hazard are compared in Table 3-6 in terms of cost,
size-weight-and-power (SWAP), and whether the method is better for preventing ice
accumulation (anti-icing) or removing it once it has accumulated (deicing).

Method Cost SWAP Preventative Removal

Ice Detection
Very low None Yes No
Ice Detector Low Low Yes No
Pitot Heat Low Low Yes Yes
Glycol Weeping
High Medium Yes No (Limited)
Deicing Boot High High No Yes
Medium Low Yes No

3.2.3 Wind
In comparison to manned aircraft, the impact of wind also tends to pose a greater
challenge to UAVs in general, and in particular to smaller members of the UAV family.
This is primarily due to their design (available control surface area, actuator response
frequency, vehicle speed) leading to a suboptimal response to the environment (resistance
to gusts, wing loading). Some of these handicaps are inherent to the small UAV, while
others are simply due to the unwillingness of the designers to commit the funding to
design reliability into the system.
High wind speed plays a role not only in take-off and landing phases of operation
(crosswinds), but also inflight in the form of turbulence. Just as small boats are tossed
about by waves that are imperceptible aboard ocean liners, most UAVs, being smaller
and slower than most manned aircraft, are more susceptible to being upset by naturally
occurring eddies and air turbulence. The smaller the UAV, the more it inherently suffers
from winds and turbulence. Because this effect is relative, similar minor turbulence may
be imperceptible to airline passengers or at worst noticed as a bumpy ride. Tactical size
UAVs, up to and including those in Predators class, evidence this susceptibility by
jumpy video (if the sensor is unstabilized), erratic flight (heard as sudden changes in
propeller sound), loss of link (signal dropout), or, in the worst case, loss of control (and
potential crash) when an upset exceeds the autopilots ability to recover.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
Jumpy video and erratic flight are often mitigated by designers of small UAVs by
mounting imaging sensors in stabilized gimbals and replacing fixed with variable pitch
propellers, respectively. Both measures increase costs and system complexity, and
thereby undercut system reliability as well. Loss of link due to turbulence affecting
antenna pointing accuracy can be addressed by using omnidirectional instead of
directional antennas, but this incurs an operating limitation in range and can in turn lead
to other communications issues. Carrying an emergency recovery parachute, which
increases cost, adds complexity, and restricts operations, can mitigate mishaps due to
control losses in some cases, but again can raise additional reliability concerns. As an
example, Predators rear compartment can store a tank of glycol for supplying its
weeping wing system with anti-icing fluid (enhancing its ability to operate reliably in bad
weather), carry an additional tank of fuel (increasing its endurance), or sacrifice both for
a parachute.

3.2.4 External Factors

The smaller the UAV, the relatively larger control surfaces it needs to enhance its
controllability during adverse conditions. Because control surface size and rate
requirements vary with Reynolds number9, Reynolds is another interesting external factor
(in this case related to altitude) that should be examined. Reynolds number (Re), a
dimensionless number, is used to describe the type of flow encountered by an object
moving through a fluid. Flow is usually characterized in one of two terms, laminar or
turbulent, and Reynolds number can be used to define the upper and lower boundaries of
this transition region. Laminar flow, easily modeled, is rare in nature; turbulent flow,
more difficult to model with computational fluid dynamics or empirical relationships,
describes virtually all naturally occurring flow, specifically that of air about aircraft.
For aircraft, Reynolds number represents the ratio of the aircrafts inertia to the
viscosity of the air through which it is moving. It also provides a useful scaling term
used for the comparison of aircraft of various sizes, particularly small models used in
wind tunnel testing. It is calculated by dividing the product of air density (), aircraft
speed (V), and aircraft wing chord length (x) by the viscosity of air (). Both air density
and viscosity decrease with increasing altitude.
Re =

Reynolds number is used to account for dynamic similarity among various aircraft. Some
typical values for Reynolds number are presented in Table 3-7.

Flight control at slow speeds (low Reynolds number) typically requires relatively larger control surfaces
moving at faster rates. In a biological example, birds use their entire wing surface to create relatively fast
(but minor) control inputs (in addition to using their wings for propulsion.)

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
Typical Reynolds
Aircraft Cruise Speed (Mach) Typical Altitude (ft)
Boeing 777 .84 41,000 35 million
F-22/Raptor 1.5 50,000 20 million
F-16/Falcon .85 35,000 15 million
RQ-1/Predator .12 10,000 3 million
RQ-7/Shadow .11 5,000 1 million
Dragon Eye .05 1,000 0.1 million

As this studys statistics have shown, the UAVs with lower reliability are also those
that are smaller, yet fly at flight profiles (altitudes and/or velocities) traditionally served
by larger aircraft. While the data in this report suggest system engineering and
component quality are the primary factors in unreliability, investigation of Reynolds
number flight as a second order effect resulted in Figure 3-11. This figure indicates an
interesting trend in mishap rate as a function of cruise Reynolds number using values
typical for various manned and unmanned aircraft.


Pioneer UAV

Hunter UAV
Mishap Rate per 100,000 hours

Predator UAV AV-8B/Harrier



Boeing 747
1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000
Reynolds Number


While the operational mishap rate is a function of numerous factors, many of which
relate directly to vehicle cost, the trend represented in Figure 3-11 is a look at how
Reynolds number can be related to the mishap rate (not component reliability) of various

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
manned and unmanned aircraft. This information is intended to introduce the discussion
of Reynolds number rather than suggest that Re is the unifying equation to explain all
UAV unreliability. For example, fast aircraft fly at high Reynolds numbers. These same
high-speed aircraft also enjoy subsystems which have required significant amounts of
time and money to design (propulsion, flight control, etc.). From this one can also derive
a vehicle cost to mishap relationship (see Figure 3-12) that looks similar to that in Figure

Pioneer UAV

RQ-5/Hunter UAV
Mishap Rate per 100,000 hours

MQ-1/Predator UAV



Boeing 747
100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 1,000,000,000
Vehicle Cost ($)


It should be noted, however, that similar trends can also be found when plotting
mishap rate versus other variables such as gross weight or even number of passengers
aboard. With this in mind, the fundamental point of this section remains the same: low
Reynolds number aerodynamics are poorly understood and further research will benefit
UAV flight design. This research could, in turn, lead to a reassessment of designing UAV
subsystems for reliability which until now has been based largely on manned aircraft
operations at much higher Reynolds numbers. Recommendation: Encourage/pursue
more research into low Reynolds number flight regimes
While the correlation in Figure 3-11 may not necessarily imply causality, there is
little debate that a focus on low Reynolds flight will help enable small and micro UAVs
to fly better and crash less often. Efforts in this area should be pursued in order to better
understand UAV flight control in low Reynolds number regimes and how this
environment may be addressed and/or exploited to enhance UAV performance.10 As
discussed in Section 3.3, however, no amount of research in this area will supplant the

For a more in-depth look at how the Reynolds numbers of slow-moving/small aircraft compare to fast-
moving/larger ones, a more detailed explanation is provided in Appendix F.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
fact that a UAVs reliability will reflect the level of funding and effort which are devoted
to its design.

3.3 Designing for Reliability

Aerospace product developers, and particularly those targeting government
customers, have traditionally focused on the acquisition phase of the products life cycle.
In reality, attention to reliability must permeate all phases of the UAV life cycle. It
begins with the identification of the requirement, and continues through conceptual,
preliminary, and detailed design into production, operation, and retirement. Numerous
lessons learned indicate that development of competitive and thoroughly dependable
aerospace systems requires not only attention to system capability, but also sensitivity to
reliability, maintainability, component quality, and performance at the time of conceptual
When the emphasis during design focuses primarily on ensuring that the product
meets acquisition-centered capability requirements at the price of reliability, the result is
low mission completion rates, high maintenance resource usage, and diminished
capability that often times manifest themselves during operations in the field. Although
useful methods (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, Probabilistic Risk Assessment,
Quality Function Deployment, etc.) exist to address many of these problems, they are
most useful and cost-effective if employed early in the UAV life cycle described above.
In this way, a developer transforms an idea into a system that reliably meets customer
requirements from initial testing through final system attrition.
To help increase reliability while keeping costs manageable, the following principles
are a few that should be considered for the design of all UAV subsystems.
Use of standard systems engineering and layout practices
Simplicity of design
Testability of the design to enhance prognostic and diagnostic capabilities
Insuring future availability of replacement materials and parts
Sensitivity to human factors with respect to manufacturing, operation, and
Use of redundant or fail-safe designs based on a failure modes and effects
Producability of design
Use of preferred or proven materials and parts
Maintaining control over material and parts quality
Recommendation: Develop and implement a Reliability Specifications Standard for
UAV design
To emphasize the importance of these guidelines, the development of software in
this context, for flight control provides an excellent illustration of the importance of
designing for reliability in the initial design stages. Figure 3-13 indicates the results of a

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
study performed by AT&T Bell Labs with respect to software development errors and
associated costs. It indicates that as the development process proceeds through its
necessary phases, the sources of error occur early in the cycle, while the price of fixing
them begins low but increases by orders of magnitude later in the process.
6 14


Errors Cost

Relative Cost to Correct Errors

Relative Number of Errors



0 0
Requirements Software Design Coding Testing Deployment
Development Phase


In addition to failure modes, unavailability, and mishap rates, reliability
considerations must also include such issues as system interoperability, environmental
(natural and man-made) survivability, and component accessibility, installability, and
replaceability. For more complex components, developers must investigate even more
parameters and logistical issues such as the reputation of the manufacturer as well as the
components use/performance in other applications. Any reliability issues that may have
gone unadvertised given that the original component was never designed for use on an
aerospace system is also a potential concern. For example, the fuel pump on the Pioneer
has been used on cars, motorcycles, boats, and farm vehicles. It was never developed
specifically for an aerospace application, and when contacted for further information, the
company responded that it did not even know that the pump was used on unmanned
aerial vehicles.
Designing for reliability may also entail designing in subsystem or component
redundancy. This is usually done for flight critical systems or when reliability analyses
indicate that certain components do not achieve sufficient failure rates. This could
increase product cost, but cost-benefit analyses may show that it is affordable risk
mitigation. Finally, if existing, off-the-shelf technology does not prove to meet the
requirements of the customer, the developer can look to new component technologies for
viable solutions. To explore this topic more thoroughly, these three areas component
quality, redundancy, and component technology are discussed in more detail to lay the
foundation for the reliability-enhancing technologies presented in Section 4.0.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
3.3.1 Component Quality
A system (or subsystem) is only as good as the components which comprise it, with
the possibility that a cost-effective, yet non-flight worthy part might become the failure
mode for the entire system. Such design decisions for economic reasons damage not only
the system hardware and the programs success, but also undermine the larger UAV
community as it works to achieve routine access into civil airspace. Working against the
community are the high expectations for low UAV price tags, which can be traced
directly or indirectly to many of the failure modes outlined in Section 2.0. Simply put,
reliability is inextricably tied to the level of resources spent to design, build, operate, and
train appropriately.
When buying reliability, one is buying Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF). This is
because the MTBF of the system, its subsystems, and the individual parts has a
tremendous effect on the system reliability. This fact is underscored by the trends in
Figure 3-14, which provide the reliability of a zero redundancy system for various
arbitrary values of MTBF. As indicated, reliability is also a function of mission duration;
the longer the mission, the less reliable a given system becomes.



System Reliability


MTBF=5 hrs
0.4 MTBF=10 hrs
MTBF=50 hrs
0.3 MTBF=500 hrs



0 5 10 15 20 25
Mission Duration (hrs)


For a given increase in MTBF, much smaller failure rates can be enjoyed. This notion is
presented in Figure 3-15, which shows the probability of failure for given mission
durations. Specific results for some UAVs are overlaid on Figure 3-15 based on their
calculated MTBF values from Section 2.0.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis



0.7 MTBF=5 hrs

MTBF=10 hrs
Failure Probability

MTBF=50 hrs
MTBF=500 hrs
Actual report data


0.3 RQ-1A

0.2 RQ-5


0 5 10 15 20 25
Mission Duration (hrs)


Within an individual subsystem, components may be aligned in a series layout such
that the failure of one induces the failure of the entire series. Therefore, the individual
reliability of each component in this thread contributes to the overall reliability of the
subsystem, which affects the reliability of the UAV system. Table 3-8 provides an
interesting look at how such threads can impact the system reliability. In discussing
highly reliable systems, the reliability is often described by the number of 9s. For
example, a system that fails 1 out of ten thousand times (R=99.99%) is said to have a
reliability of four 9s.
Number of
Individual Component
Components per Overall System Reliability
10 Four 9s (0.99990000449988)
Five 9s (99.999%) 100 Three 9s (0.99900049483834)
1000 Two 9s (0.99004978424640)
10 Five 9s (0.99999000004500)
Six 9s (99.9999%) 100 Four 9s (0.99990000494984)
1000 Three 9s (0.99900049933385)
10 Six 9s (0.99999900000045)
Seven 9s (99.99999%) 100 Five 9s (0.99999000004950)
1000 Four 9s (0.99990000499487)

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
As can be seen, individual component qualities (i.e., their failure rates) can
accumulate quickly so that, while one component has a reliability of 99.999 percent (one
failure in 100,000), a larger system which uses 100 of them will only have a reliability of
99.9 percent (one failure in 1,000). Consequently, using sub-standard quality hardware in
a single string system can lead to insufficient reliability, even if the components
advertised reliability is greater than 99 percent.

3.3.2 Redundancy
When faced with insufficient component quality, the addition of redundant threads is
a common method for improving overall reliability, but at the expense of added
complexity, weight, volume, power consumption, and cost. While redundancy usually
improves mission reliability, it almost always has an adverse impact on logistic
reliability, due to the requirement to stock more spare parts. Redundancy can be either
active, in which all redundant items or systems are operated simultaneously whenever the
system is active, or passive, in which the redundant items or systems are maintained in a
powered down or standby mode until the primary means fails. Actively redundant
systems, such as the multiple flight control computers in fly-by-wire aircraft, typically
employ a voting scheme to constantly monitor each redundant threads outputs and vote
to ignore any out-of-tolerance performance. Figure 3-16 provides an example of how
redundancy can lower the failure rate for a given system.

0.40 Non-Redundant System

Single Redundant System

Dual Redundant System
Failure Probability






0 5 10 15 20 25
Mission Duration (hrs)


The MTBF used for the calculations above was fixed at 50 hours for each individual
system. This allowed for a variation of system redundancy to show the benefit of two or
three identical, yet independent subsystems. For example, if one designs a given UAV
flight control system with an MBTF equal to 50 hours, and the ORD specifies an average

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
mission duration of 11 hours, one out of every five missions will fail. If a second flight
control system is added for redundancy, that probability drops to one out of every 20
missions. Three flight control systems, such as that designed into the MQ-9, will drop
the failure probability for a given mission to less than one in a hundred. (Note that the
MQ-9 should have a better failure rate than this given that its flight control system MTBF
will be higher than the 50 hours used in this example.)

3.3.3 New Component Technologies

When existing component quality and redundancy do not satisfy mission
requirements, designers must look to emerging component technologies as a solution to
reliability challenges. Table 3-9 provides various components weak links and possible
solutions for some major UAV subsystems.
Primary Component
Area/Issue Typical MTBO/MTBF Mitigation
250 hrs (Gas)
Int. Combustion
1000 hrs (Diesel)
Turboprop 3500 hrs Gearbox bearings
Turbojet 5000 hrs
30,000 hrs (Battery)
Electric 10,000-20,000 hrs Generators
(Fuel Cell)

Film Antennas
1. Antenna drive
Hardware 1000 hrs ESA/ESA
2. Power amplifier
Environmental Control

Flight Control

Self-Repairing Smart
Hardware 2000 - 5000 hrs Servos/Actuators
Flight Control System

Low Reynolds
Stability N/A N/A
Number Research

In addition to making existing components better, research is underway which will offer
more exotic solutions to existing hardware problems.
Shape memory alloys could reduce or eliminate the need for servos and actuators.
Biopolymers will leverage natures design to create strong, lightweight structures
resistant to fatigue.11

For example, a spiders silk is 2-5 times stronger than steel by weight, 75% the weight of composites,
and can stretch 30x its normal length.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 3
Reliability Trends and Analysis
Autonomic (self-repairing) materials will mitigate structural issues that do arise
during the mission.
Recommendation: Investigate the potential role of advanced materials and structures
for enhancing UAV reliability and availability
In the following section, other advanced reliability-enhancing technologies and
more importantly, some practical solutions for use on todays UAVs are presented that
address the UAV failure modes discussed throughout this report.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 4
Reliability Enhancing Technologies

4.0 Reliability Enhancing Technologies

Upcoming technologies have the promise of significantly improving the reliability of
UAVs. Whether through direct subsystem improvements, weight savings which allow
additional reliability enhancements to existing hardware, or cost-effective solutions
which save R&D funds for more in-depth reliability analysis, UAV developers will have
at their disposal numerous technical solutions, some of which are still in the 6.1 and 6.2
phases of development.
While some of these early technologies will not arrive in time to save the reliability
woes of current generation UAVs, they will certainly be ready for integration into other
UAVs that are well within the planning cycle of the Department of Defense. Even those
technologies that are not fully mature present a unique opportunity for the UAV
community; the UAV could emerge as the testbed-of-choice for advancing aerospace
technologies. By supplanting manned aircraft in this role, UAV developers will be able
to leverage the cutting edge technology it demonstrates rather than consistently playing
catch up to the state-of-the-art.
The following sections highlight a few of the promising commercial and
government-off-the-shelf (COTS/GOTS) technologies/processes that could enhance
UAV reliability. Summarized in Table 4-1, these current and developmental
technologies are provided as examples of solutions which have the potential to address
some of the major reliability shortcomings identified in this study. Technology areas for
each of the major failure modes are presented at three levels of cost/complexity.
Low Level High Level
Next Generation
Power and
Lighter Engine Blocks Heavy Fuel Engine Fuel Cell Technology
Better Component Self-Repairing,
Advanced Digital
Flight Control Selection Smart Flight Control
Avionics Systems
Methodology Systems
Better Environmental Electronically Steered Film and Spray-on
Control Arrays Antennas
Enhanced Pilot Auto Take-Off and Enhanced Synthetic
Training Recovery Vision

Recommendation: Incorporate the emerging technologies identified in Table 4-1 into

the Defense Technology Objectives and the Defense Technology Area Plan

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 4
Reliability Enhancing Technologies

4.1 Power/Propulsion
Power and Propulsion Power and propulsion failures have been the
9% primary cause of 37 percent of U.S. military
17% 37% UAV failures. Power generation onboard many
UAVs parallels that on conventional aircraft in
both method and specific power output, differing
only by the total power output required to supply
the onboard subsystems. In some designs, the
power distribution is supplied by the same
source as the propulsion: either a primary internal combustion engine (ICE), a secondary
ICE known as an auxiliary power unit (APU), or a gas turbine engine. In other designs,
the propulsion system receives, rather than generates, power from an unconventional
source such as solar cells (Helios).
For most aircraft, the excess, non-propulsion power requirements to drive the
hydraulic and electrical subsystems are orders of magnitude (10 to 1000 times) less than
that required for propulsion. While this makes it relatively simple to calculate required
subsystem power early in the design process, various problems including system
inefficiencies, component reliability, and requirements creep can lead to further drains on
the power available for propulsion. As a result, it is becoming more important to
power/propulsion reliability that designs reduce reliance on shared or APU power
sources, or even move away from these designs for more non-traditional
power/propulsion solutions.
Payloads are also an important consideration when selecting the power subsystem of
a UAV. Independent of whether the UAV has low power availability or simply high
power demands, payload can present challenges to the design of this subsystem. Viewing
UAVs as trucks on which various payload platforms may be carried, the required power
for a payload may vary from less than 100 watts for a communications node or sensor to
10 kilowatts or more for electronic warfare or radar. Moreover, requirements and
mission profiles may change from the initial design to the operational system as in the
case of the Predator adding its Hellfire and laser designation capabilities.
Changing mission requirements determining the amount of power required, the
duration it must be supplied, and the peak power which must be delivered over short
intervals can also compromise performance and reliability. Even when requirements
remain constant, this study indicates that in all the UAVs examined, power/propulsion
issues have contributed to at least one out of four system failures. In the case of the RQ-
2B/Pioneer, this contributor led to over half of the failures. To address these issues, the
following section highlights some possible technologies and concepts that may alleviate
the reliability deficiencies due to power and propulsion.

4.1.1 Lighter Engine Blocks

Previous experience with manned aircraft indicates exorbitant costs for new engine
development; the effort to design a high-performance military aircraft engine from
scratch can cost more than $1 billion. For even the most expensive of UAVs, this level
of investment capital prices UAV manufacturers out of new engine development and into

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 4
Reliability Enhancing Technologies
commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) product lines. In some cases these COTS solutions are
not an ideal fit, leading to budget-limited adaptations in which the quality control and
reliability of the original product are not always maintained. In other cases, the engine
selected was never intended to be placed in a flight operations environment.
New propulsion technologies must be pursued which will more appropriately fit the
budgets of UAVs, and particularly those smaller vehicles that must be backpackable and
offer high availability. By way of comparison, Table 4-2 shows typical costs for some
highly reliable engine technologies.
Approximate Cost Per
Propulsion Application Typical Mission Duration
Pound of Thrust
Cruise Missile Engine 1-6 hours $150
Civilian Aircraft Engine 2-15 hours $200
Military Aircraft Engine 3-10 hours $400
Space Shuttle Main Engine .14 hours $500

A Boralyn molded engine block is one low-level COTS technology which can offer
measurable relief from the high weights and lower wear-resistance associated with engine
designs and manufacturing techniques. Boralyn is a boron carbide aluminum composite
that is extremely light (6% lighter than aluminum). It boasts a specific-strength per unit
mass greater than titanium, aluminum, or steel.
First designed for use on nuclear missiles, the technology has recently been
declassified and made available to commercial industry. Applications in the
transportation industry include engine components such as gears, drive shafts, pistons,
rods, and valves. A Boralyn molded engine would also be extremely durable to regular
wear. It offers at least twice the life as a cast-iron block engine. In these ways, savings
and reliability may be found by reducing the number of parts and maintenance required to
support engine operations and/or increase the engine lifetime. Because Boralyn molded
engines may require higher initial investments for the engine design, however, trade
studies would be prudent for each UAV design.

4.1.2 Heavy Fuel Engine

Currently, all non-turbine (i.e., internal combustion) UAV engines burn gasoline
(Mogas or Avgas). Gasoline presents two problems in military operations. First,
gasolines higher volatility makes it a greater safety hazard than heavy fuels (diesel, JetA,
JP5, etc.), especially aboard ships, due to its low flash point. Second, heavy fuels are the
predominant fuels used in the field, so the need to carry gasoline in addition to diesel is a
logistical burden and does not support the DoDD 4000 common fuel requirement. As a
third consideration, gasoline has a lower unit energy than that of heavy fuel, meaning the
specific fuel consumption (SFC) of a heavy fuel engine (HFE) can be made to exceed
that of a gasoline one and thereby provide greater endurance for the same volume of fuel.
The Shadows AR 741 gasoline rotary engine has a cruise SFC of 0.52 lb/hp/hr, whereas

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 4
Reliability Enhancing Technologies
the Deltahawk V-4 aviation diesels is 0.39, implying this HFE could increase Shadows
endurance by one third.
Besides the safety, commonality, and fuel efficiency (SFC) aspects, HFEs offer
advantages in cost, electromagnetic interference (EMI), operating simplicity, and
The RQ-7/Shadows AR 741 engine has time-between-overhaul (TBO) of 250
hours, while that for aviation diesels is advertised at 1000 hours or more.
CI-type diesel engines, lacking sparkplugs, naturally produce less EMI,
reducing noise impacts on navigation, communication, and sensor systems.
The lack of magnetos or electronic ignition promotes overall reliability. In
addition, diesel engines, unlike gasoline ones, do not involve mixture control,
so carburetors are not a factor and control inputs are simplified.
Diesel and jet fuels, being more viscous than gasoline, naturally provide more
lubricity during engine operation, which contributes to longer-lived engines.
When considering the use of HFEs for UAVs, the largest obstacle is the mass specific
power. To maintain Shadows current horsepower with a HFE, the engine weight would
essentially double. To mitigate this, lightweight materials such as Boralyn (see Section
4.1.1) would be required.

4.1.3 Fuel Cell Technology

Fuel cell research and development is moving at a fast pace in numerous non-UAV
related activities ranging from automobiles to the space program. Due to some
requirements commonalities between these applications and various UAV mission
profiles, the UAV design community should take note of the potential that fuel cell
technology can offer. Early fuel cells were expensive, bulky, and heavy. In addition,
because the process relies on the oxidation of hydrogen, fuel cell systems were limited by
hydrogen production and storage problems.
This is quickly changing, however, with fuel cell technology beginning to offer long
endurance, highly efficient solutions for both power generation and storage. Additional
improvements and strengths of fuel cell technology are highlighted below.
The mass specific power (in horsepower per pound) is approaching the level of
internal combustion engines.
The sources of fuel are greatly expanded which include water (through
electrolysis), hydrocarbons, and byproducts of existing petroleum processes.
A very low noise level, which translates into higher stealth due to reduced
acoustic signature.
A very low vibration level that limits structural loading on the vehicle.
These benefits, coupled with the high reliability and reduced logistics of a system
with fewer moving parts, are already attracting the attention of aerospace designers.
Proof-of-concept electric aircraft in manned aviation are currently under development
within DARPA and industry. Recent advances in electric motor technology, batteries,

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 4
Reliability Enhancing Technologies
and composite structures are enabling these programs. With respect to upcoming long-
duration UAV missions, fuel cells can provide power up to hundreds of kilowatts,
accommodating a wide range of energy usage requirements as well as the durations over
which it is to be delivered.

4.2 Flight Control

Flight control failures have accounted for 26 percent of U.S. military UAV failures.
The single biggest differentiation between UAVs and manned aircraft is control.
Removing the pilot from the aircraft and placing 9%
him/her on the ground, or in some cases designing 17% 37%
for completely autonomous flight, raises numerous
issues with respect to reliability. Pilots who fly can
attest to the intangible, seat-of-the-pants feeling 11%
that assists them in controlling the aircraft from
within the cockpit. In these cases, the flight control 26%
system, air data information, and other situational
awareness aids are feedback for various pilot- Flight Control
induced control inputs.
Aircraft trim is an excellent example. When pilots sense that unnecessary force is
required to maintain a specific aircraft attitude, they can adjust the trim to remain at that
attitude or use this new sensory information to adjust to a new attitude which is more
conducive to efficient flight. More importantly, the pilot can evaluate any change in
flying qualities on the scene for other, more insidious causes. A UAV pilot does not
have this ability, and as a result may inadvertently command the aircraft to fly in less
than ideal conditions or miss early warning signs that might signal problems with the
propulsion or flight control systems.
Operating UAVs beyond line-of-site (BLOS) can also introduce flight control issues.
Communication time delays can lead to delayed control inputs that are sluggish or even
detrimental to the vehicles stability and control. As a result, UAVs rely heavily on
robust flight control systems that are reliable, redundant, and intelligent enough to
monitor or even anticipate problems with the air vehicle flight dynamics and
controllability. The reliability of UAVs has in the past been highly dependent on flight
control. Their future utility will hinge greatly on whether limitations of flight control
technology can be managed by leveraging new technologies which address those

4.2.1 Better Component Selection Methodology

The small size of some UAVs moves their corresponding flight speeds and altitudes
into more poorly understood low Reynolds number environments. Such flight
environments challenge UAV control in part because the components were selected
based more on their affordability than their quality. Such cost-based decisions can lead
to inadequate performance, particularly during the more dynamic flight profiles of take-
off and landing. As a result, the low-level solution to enable the goal of more reliable
flight control systems is perhaps the most obvious: UAV designers must balance
subsystem reliability with affordability.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 4
Reliability Enhancing Technologies
For inexpensive systems, this suggests a necessary trade-off between increasing
component quality and increasing system redundancy. In this subsequent choice between
(1) a single-string system with high quality components and (2) a high-redundant system
with mediocre components, experience from the Air Force Research Labs (AFRL)
suggests that the former option usually yields the most favorable outcome. As a result,
UAV systems should include the best components designed for the intended function,
incorporating the operational costs for this component cost-benefit trade.

4.2.2 Advanced Digital Avionics Systems

Accurate information on the operating environment is critical to the flight control, if
not the survivability, of UAVs. Without a pilot on board, for example, measuring vehicle
sideslip, or the crabbing of the vehicle into crosswinds during flight, can be difficult to
gauge. The vehicle state information provided by normal analog pitot-static probes can
offer insufficient fidelity or be corrupted by contamination or freezing of the probe,
providing erroneous data to the flight control system. In addition, the planned storage,
unpacking, and re-storage of some UAV systems increases the likelihood that a
component of an analog air data system could be damaged. This damage may or may not
be detected before take-off.
Digital flight control can offer highly integrated UAV flight avionics that contain
GPS, a digital central processing unit, and an inertial measurement unit which has the
capability to control the air vehicles flight and engine operations, navigation, guidance,
and payload operations. Digital air data systems can incorporate readings from multiple
locations on the air vehicle, offer redundancy without an increase in moving parts, and
process data with algorithms tailored to various phases of flight. Systems can provide
reliable information on airspeed, angle of attack, and angle of sideslip. This in turn can
reduce the structural loading of the vehicle, improve overall flying qualities, and
compensate for fluctuating wind conditions during the dynamic launch and recovery
portions of flight.
The RQ-2B/Pioneer is an example of the reliability dividends of a digital avionics
system. When the digital Modular Integrated Avionics Group (MIAG) on the RQ-2B
replaced the analog version on the RQ-2A (the primary distinguisher between the two),
the flight control failures were cut in half from 29 to 15 percent.

4.2.3 Self-Repairing, Smart Flight Control Systems

Sponsored by the U.S. Air Force, the Self-Repairing Flight Control System (SRFCS)
lays promising groundwork to address the large quantity of flight control related errors
noted in this report. The SRFCS is revolutionary flight control software that must be
integrated into the system to augment the existing flight control capabilities. When a
damaged or malfunctioning component is detected, the SRFCS adjusts the operation of
the flight control system by compensating with the remaining operational flight control
surfaces. This has been demonstrated on an F-15 aircraft at Dryden Flight Research
The test flights demonstrated that the effect of losing individual flight control
hardware, which often leads to total vehicle loss, could be mitigated through the use of an

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 4
Reliability Enhancing Technologies
integrated control system. In addition, the UAV pilot can be notified of such in-flight
failures near-real time, allowing the operator to act accordingly given the operating
environment, mission requirements, and new aircraft performance capabilities. The
SRFCS also has the capability to diagnose malfunctions in electrical, hydraulic, and
mechanical failures.
One should note that the SRFCS integration into the F-15 test aircraft was relatively
inexpensive due to an existing digital control system. While integration of such a system
into the control architecture of smaller UAVs may prove prohibitively expensive, an
SRFCS-type system may be a highly desirable solution to the nearly 1 out of 4 failures in
the Predator due to flight control.
As a component of the flight control system, actuators also contribute to the
subsystem unreliability. Smart aircraft control actuators offer an advanced method to
address these flight control issues. Traditional servo actuators in fly-by-wire systems do
not contain control electronics. Used both in military and commercial flight systems,
these servo actuators are controlled by separate flight control computers. As a result, a
significant amount of dedicated wiring is required to control each aircraft actuator. This,
in turn, can increases maintenance costs, lower reliability, and create vulnerability to
electromagnetic interference (EMI). Given the use of UAVs in the Naval ship based
environment, the latter is a particular concern.
The Smart Actuator concept is a device that contains two independent electronic
channels that perform actuator control, fault monitoring, and redundancy management.
Fiber optics replace the wiring as the communication medium, and in tests was found to
enhance reliability and maintainability. Work begun by the U.S. Air Force and Navy on
larger aircraft has shown positive results. Flight testing on an F-18 aircraft demonstrated
exceptional results, and in particular, proved that local control of servo actuators is
possible. The Smart Actuator was virtually transparent to the existing flight control
system, yet provided critical aircraft state information to the aircrafts instrumentation
system. Such improvements could mitigate maladies as those seen in the Hunter UAV in
1995 (Section 2.1.3).

4.3 Communications
Communication failures have been the 9%
primary cause of 11 percent of U.S. 17% 37%
military UAV failures. The consequences
resulting from a loss-of-signal with a UAV
can range from mission abort and return to
base to complete loss of the air vehicle. 11%
To insure against this problem,
engineering efforts in data link technology Communications
have elevated the MTBF of typical data
links up to 1,000 hours. Further examination of the failure modes for data links reveals
that the largest contributor to communication failures is antenna drive malfunctions,
followed by those of the power amplifier.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 4
Reliability Enhancing Technologies
While communication technology itself is advancing rapidly, many times
communication performance is only as good as its platform. Factors inherent to UAVs
(e.g., sudden attitude changes, power limitations, and the need for a low observable
design) can work against the communications system. This can lead to decreased signal
strength, degraded signal quality, or complete loss of communication with the ground.
The following sections present some reliability enhancing technology options which
could reduce the share of failures due to communication problems.

4.3.1 Better Environmental Control

The power amplifier accounts for the second largest portion of communication
system failures. Although the Predator, Pioneer, and Hunter use solid state amplifiers
which typically have good reliability, they (and other components) are still susceptible to
environmental loads. As experienced with the Predator, operating temperatures
encountered by some components do not always remain between 0 and 70o C. At high
altitudes and in other harsh environments, a UAVs components may be operating in
temperatures which vary from -55 to 85o C. This presents challenges to even the most
robust components.
With the move away from MIL standard parts toward COTS components, design
requirements such as cost, size, and weight can begin to take precedence over robustness
to make these environments even more intolerable. Environmental control of sensitive
components will help to address this. Relatively inexpensive heaters and fans can be
implemented to help stabilize the components operating environment. Implementation
of this hardware on those UAVs which require it may marginally increase their weight
and cost; as with most reliability enhancements, trades will have to be made based on
cost-benefit analysis.

4.3.2 Electronically Steered Arrays

Electronic steered arrays (ESAs) eliminate the antenna drive as a failure mode by
replacing the mechanical rotation of the antenna hardware (in order to ensure maximum
signal strength from the UAV). ESA steers the beam to allow the moving UAV to
track or be tracked by the ground station without mechanical movement.
The concept of beam scanning is based on this idea. By using a phased array to shift
from one array element to the next, a beam can be pointed in a direction dependent on the
phase shift. Advantages which impact UAV reliability include
Higher tracking speeds and better tracking accuracy
Fewer mechanical parts and less parts degradation
A redundant, independent navigation input onboard the UAV (beam scanning
can be used to determine azimuth and range to the ground station, even in
An estimated lower price (in large quantities) than mechanical systems

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 4
Reliability Enhancing Technologies
4.3.3 Film and Spray-on Antennas
Film and spray-on antennas are under development to offer a covert, lightweight, low
power, broadband (2000 MHz) RF antenna. The experimental technology, one version of
which would be transparent, involves a thin film of conductive substance applied to the
surface of the aircraft. The paints, currently used for electromagnetic interference (EMI)
shielding, will be able to transmit and receive RF signals when sprayed over a specific
template and attached to an RF source.
By replacing dishes and gimbaled mountings, this advanced antenna technology will
also reduce the weight of the UAV or allow for the integration of additional redundant
systems. It will reduce electromagnetic interference by providing a single antenna for
multiple functions (e.g., radio, data link, GPS, IFF), and eliminate blanking sectors of
traditional antennas. Beyond the technical hurdles of this advanced technology, potential
issues relating to degraded stealth and airframe construction must be addressed with
sensitivity to the intended UAV mission profile.

4.4 Human Factors/Ground Control

The results of this study indicate that
Human and Ground Control
human and ground control related issues
accounted for 17 percent of all system
17% 37%
failures. This is compared to a generally
accepted value of 85 percent for the aggregate
of manned aircraft, as noted in Section 3.1.3.
This is intuitive when one considers that by 11%
reducing the influence of human control in 26%
UAVs, the percentage of human related errors
would also decrease.
Assuming that human error is consistent over similar tasks, one could even argue that
human influence in unmanned vehicles is approximately 70 percent less (85%-17%) than
that in piloted vehicles, even when the UAV has a remote pilot on the ground. This
difference could be attributed to a different approach to the human factors issue as well as
increased automation of tasks for UAVs. While this theory requires further investigation,
a second, more likely explanation for the difference is that human error does remain
constant between most UAVs and manned aircraft, and that in the case of UAVs, it is
simply overshadowed by the high unreliability of the other subsystems.
The second theory is also supported by experience with operational and
developmental UAV systems, which indicates that the human-machine synergy is much
more challenging when the human is on the ground. This integration is even more
difficult than anticipated because original expectations were based on the fact that a great
deal of automation already exists on many manned aircraft systems. In the case of these
systems, much of that automation can be overridden by a situationally-aware on-board
pilot. When that decision-making capability is on the ground, however, the human-
override versus complete autonomy choice raises questions as to which method is the
best to implement. One example at the center of this argument arose over whether to
allow a UAV to autonomously follow the resolution advisories from a Traffic Alert and
Collision Avoidance System (TCAS).

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 4
Reliability Enhancing Technologies
Underscoring the above discussion is the simple fact that a UAV will always lack the
on-board subsystem upon which most aerospace vehicles rely: the pilot. With the pilot
removed from the vehicle, UAVs must depend upon (1) complete automation, (2) direct
control from a human on the ground, or (3) some balance of the two in order to conduct a
reliable mission with the appropriate levels of situational awareness. The following
technologies and concepts illustrate various methods to increase the situational awareness
as well as ensure safe operations in the air and from the ground.

4.4.1 Enhanced Pilot Training

To assess the benefit of training (e.g., classroom based, simulator based, etc.), a
recent study examined aviation accidents from 1987 through 1997 involving manned
aircraft. It was discovered that out of 1,400 accidents involving 13 models of commercial
and general aviation aircraft, the pilots who received enhanced training were 80 percent
less likely to be involved in an accident. Furthermore, the data from this 10 year period
indicated that only about 20 percent of high-risk emergencies and maneuvers could be
practiced in the actual flight environment. The remaining 80 percent (e.g., engine failure
on take-off, inclement weather emergencies, stalls and spins, etc.) are too dangerous to
train in real circumstances.
These facts present strong evidence that similar training would benefit the UAV pilot
community. For example, the benefit of training is credited with the favorable reduction
in the percentage of human and ground related errors between the RQ-1A and the RQ-1B
(16 percent to 2 percent). Such training could also be done in a cost-effective way.
Whereas in the manned aircraft world costly, high-fidelity simulators must be built to
emulate the aircraft environment, most UAV systems are already suited for a realistic
pilot training regimen through the existing ground station. For smaller UAVs with less
complex ground terminals, enhanced training may simply involve an increased
understanding of the UAV systems capabilities, its aerodynamic qualities, and the best
ways in which to anticipate and mitigate devastating environmental and external factors.

4.4.2 Auto Take-Off and Recovery

Automatic launch and recovery operations provide risk reduction for the two most
dynamic portions of a UAVs flight profile. By eliminating the need for an external pilot,
this technology helps ensure accurate guidance and control and thus reduces the high
mishap rates associated with the UAVs examined in this study.
This problem was so prevalent with the Pioneer that Marine commanders specifically
noted the requirement for auto take-off and recovery in future UAV systems. On a
shipboard environment, this is particularly important given the wide range of lighting,
precipitation, and sea states. Auto take-off and recovery also reduces the need for pilot
training and helps enhance system availability. The two most notable auto take-off and
recovery systems on UAVs are the UCARS (Hunter) and TALS (Shadow).

4.4.3 Enhanced Synthetic Vision

Developments in UAV flight control continue to distance the pilot from basic aircraft
control responsibility, moving them toward a systems management role. Most current,
and virtually all future, UAV programs build autonomy into the air vehicles, making real

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 4
Reliability Enhancing Technologies
time input by the UAV operator largely unnecessary. The requirement to maintain
situational awareness, however, retains its historical importance with respect to safe and
effective operation of the aircraft. Since the UAV pilot does not sit in the cockpit,
situational awareness becomes more challenging to maintain for UAV crews.
Current UAV sensors have extremely narrow fields of view. Operating EO and SAR
sensors has often been compared to looking at the world through a soda straw. This
narrow field of view makes it difficult for operators to maintain situational awareness
with regard to desired collection targets, surrounding obstacles, and weather.
Furthermore, appropriate control and performance information is presented to the UAV
operator on a conventional computer display.
Enhanced synthetic vision (ESV) technology will help UAV operators maintain flight
and sensor perspective by combining real and virtual images into one single display. By
seamlessly stitching the received images from a UAV sensor onto a virtual background of
the operators choosing, the payload operator maintains sensor perspective, contributes to
more efficient use of the sensor, and decreases the time required to define a target. In this
way, ESV technology can be implemented in UAV GCS workstations to help increase
the UAV reliability.
The ability to embed UAV sensor video into three dimensional map displays, in
addition to information such as flight control, propulsion, and communications system
status, can provide the UAV pilot with an expanded, up-to-date perspective to ensure safe
and effective UAV flight. For example, enhanced synthetic vision would lend itself
readily to Global Hawk operations if it were to be implemented into the system. The
Global Hawk sensors, like most optical sensors, have a narrow field of view. Overlaying
the sensor images on a synthetic environment would help improve situational
assessment/awareness and the reliability for missions in progress. Specifically, it would
augment the EO/IR imagery to include enroute threats, weather, sensor operations, and
health monitoring of the entire air vehicle. ESV technology would also reduce potential
mishaps by augmenting the pilots duty to see and avoid other traffic.
Recommendation: Perform cost-benefit trades for low and high level
COTS/GOTS approaches identified in the preceding sections to improve
reliability for each fielded UAV system12

For further and more detailed information on UAV enabling technologies such as those presented in
Section 4.0, refer to Uninhabited Air Vehicles: Enabling Science for Military Systems, a study from the
National Research Council (Publication NMAB-495).

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 5

5.0 Recommendations
Based on the preceding reliability data and trends analysis, it is possible to distill a
focused set of recommendations which will have a measurable impact on UAV reliability
growth. The page number on which these recommendations were introduced is provided.

R-1 Introduce joint standardization of reliability data tracking for

operational UAV systems (page 3)
Data collection for this study provided insight into an inconsistent (and at times
inaccurate and incomplete) reporting framework for tracking the reliability
growth of various UAV fleets. This makes it particularly difficult to gauge not
only the reliability of one system, but also any trends across system and Service
lines. A single format, with jointly agreed definitions for data fields for key
reliability metrics for UAVs, needs to be developed and implemented.
R-2 Perform a cost-benefit trade study for incorporating/retrofitting some
or all of the Predator Bs reliability enhancements into production
Predator A models (page 10)
R-3 Perform cost-benefit trades for low and high level COTS/GOTS
approaches identified in Table 4-1 to improve reliability for each
fielded UAV system (page 57)
R-4 Develop and implement a Reliability Specifications Standard for UAV
design (page 39)
Design changes can cost 1,000 and 10,000 times more at the LRIP and final
production phases, respectively, than the same change would during product
design. As a result, cost increases at the early stage for reliability downstream
can in most cases be justified.
R-5 Incorporate the emerging technologies identified in Table 4-1 into the
Defense Technology Objectives and the Defense Technology Area
Plan (page 47)
R-6 Encourage/pursue more research into low Reynolds number flight
regimes (page 38)
Just as UAVs come in many categories, so too do the flight environments in which
they operate. As a result, flight in low Reynolds number regimes must be better
understood to provide insight into such areas as (1) steady and unsteady flow
effects, (2) three-dimensional laminar/turbulent flow transition, and (3) ideal
airfoil and wing geometries at Reynolds and Mach numbers which encompass the
spectrum of UAV flight profiles.
Small digital flight control systems (and compatible actuators) are under
development which will enhance the controllability of small UAVs. Such systems
are increasingly more lightweight and affordable and should be examined.
Investments in low Reynolds number engine components are also critical.
Turbomachinery for UAVs at low speeds or high-altitudes face flight

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 5
environments which are different than those to which modern propulsion has
traditionally catered. Heat rejection, turbine and compressor tip losses, and low
dynamic pressures are a few of the factors which can degrade the performance of
a small propulsion system at these low Reynolds number conditions.
R-7 Investigate the potential role of advanced materials and structures
for enhancing UAV reliability and availability (page 45)
High temperature materials and light-weight structures can offer significant
weight savings for UAV airframes. On the horizon, smart materials such as
shape memory alloys will offer alternatives to the servos, flight control surfaces,
and even de-icing systems of existing aircraft designs, which in turn will reduce
components count and increase reliability.
R-8 Analyze the costs and benefits of all weather capability against
mission requirements to design UAVs accordingly (page 33)
Icing has been a primary factor in two Hunter mishaps and three Predator losses.
UAV cold weather tolerance, as well as operation in precipitation and suboptimal
wind conditions, should be a focus for UAV designers in order to enhance their
availability and reliability during real-world operations.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 6

6.0 Conclusions
This study has addressed three fundamental questions concerning military UAVs
from a common perspective for the first time:
1. How reliable are the UAVs that the DoD operates? (see Section 2.0)
2. What are the reasons for their lack of reliability, and how does it compare to that
of other UAVs and manned aircraft? (see Section 3.0)
3. What can be done to improve their reliability? (see Sections 4.0 and 5.0)
The common perspective used in addressing question 1 comes from using the same
set of reliability equations (Appendix D) across all systems' data instead of relying on the
Services' differing methods of measuring UAV reliability (Appendices A, B, and C). The
need to standardize on one joint format for reporting and assessing UAV reliability is one
recommendation resulting from this study.
In addressing questions 2 and 3, general answers, drawn from the collective data
gathered on all the UAVs examined, are provided. System-specific answers are the
responsibility of each Service's program office for that system. They have the final
responsibility for balancing the up-front cost of making a given reliability improvement
against its projected return in value over the system's remaining lifetime. Casting
Pioneers as "interim" systems and not considering Hunters to be "operational" ones
throughout their service lifetimes has impacted reliability investments in them due to
their life-cycle completion always being just around the corner.
The traditional methods of enhancing reliability reducing complexity (i.e.,
component count) and/or improving quality (i.e., better component quality assurance)
produce conflicts in UAV development. The simpler designs (Hunter compared to
Predator, Pioneer compared to Hunter) are also the smaller ones, yet they tend to exhibit
poorer reliability. Several factors contribute to this, including environmental factors.
The need to design in compensation for such factors (weather tolerance, low Reynolds
number aerodynamics, etc.) forms the basis for a number of this study's
Improving component quality to achieve overall system quality improvement, while
certainly a positive factor in Hunter's rise from its unreliability in 1995, means higher
priced components. This runs head-on into prevailing expectations that UAVs are (or
should be) more affordable versions of manned aircraft. The cost of a reliable system
manned or unmanned designed for a particular role is essentially the same; it is in
operating and maintenance costs over the system's lifetime that a cost advantage may
accrue to the unmanned aircraft.
In summary, improving UAV reliability is the single most immediate and long-
reaching need to ensure their success. Their current levels of reliability impact their
operational utility, their acquisition costs, and their acceptance into airspace regulations.
The value of making reliability improvements must be weighed against not only
acquisition cost, as is traditionally done, but also against the less quantifiable returns to
be gained by a commander. As a critical resource to the commander, UAVs must be

OSD UAV Reliability Study Section 6
available when they are called upon and have the ability to operate freely and respond
quickly in any airspace. The recommendations of this study are structured to ensure that
this occurs.

OSD UAV Reliability Study Appendix A
U.S. Army UAV Reliability Definitions

Appendix A: U.S. Army UAV Reliability Definitions


Failure Rate = 1 / MTBF 1 hour divided by MTBF

SYSTEM Failure Rate = (1/MTBF)+(1/MTBF)+(1/MTBF)+(1/MTBF)+(1/MTBF)+(1/MTBF)


MTBF hours divided by failure

SYSTEM MTBF = 1 / Failure Rate of System

(F) = Failure Rate Adding all failure rate hours

1/F MPS+(7/18)(F GCS+F GDT)+(25/36)(F MMP+F AV )+(1/9)F LRE+F MSE


OT(MTTR+ALDT) formula
MTBF = Mean Time Between Failures

Ao = 1- MTBMCF = Mean Time Between Mission Critical Failures

TT(MTBMCF) F = Failure Rate
OT = Annual Mission Operating Hours
MTTR = Mean Time to Repair
TT = Total Hours in a Year
ALDT = Admin. & Logistics Downtime

MTBMCF is whats calculated above


OSD UAV Reliability Study Appendix B
U.S. Navy UAV Reliability Definitions

Appendix B: U.S. Navy UAV Reliability Definitions

Equipment in service (EIS) is the number of hours that a given vehicle is in service in a
Non-mission capable-maintenance (NMCM) defines the percent of EIS that the vehicle
is down due to maintenance.
Non-mission capable-supply (NMCS) is the percent of EIS that the vehicle is down due
to supply related issues.
Mission capable (MC) conveys the percent of EIS that the vehicle is not NMCM or

Partial mission capable maintenance (PMCM) is the percent of EIS that the vehicle
is air worthy but not fully mission capable due to pending maintenance. Examples
include a faulty catch release mechanism or a broken sensor
Partial mission capable-supply (PMCS) describes the percent of EIS that the vehicle is
air worthy but not fully mission capable due to pending supplies.
Full mission capable (FMC) is the percent of EIS that the vehicle has full mission


OSD UAV Reliability Study Appendix C
U.S. Air Force UAV Reliability Definitions

Appendix C: U.S. Air Force UAV Reliability Definitions

OSD UAV Reliability Study Appendix D
Governing Equations

Appendix D: Governing Equations

The following equations were compiled from various reliability documents used by
the military, industry, and academia. They define the common measure by which the
various raw data were reduced to yield the reliability data in this report.

Mishap Rate (MR)

# Class A
MR = x 100,000 hrs
# Flt Hrs

Availability (A)
# Flt Hrs Flown
# Flt Hrs Sched

Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)

# Flt Hrs Flown
# Mx Aborts and Cx

Failure Rate

Mission Reliability (R)

# Mx Aborts
R = 1
# Sorties Launched

R(t ) = e ( t )
where = Failure Rate
t = Period of Interest
(mission duration)

Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)

Sum of repair time
# repair activities

OSD UAV Reliability Study Appendix E
U.S. Military UAV Raw Data

Appendix E: U.S. Military UAV Raw Data

Cum Cum Cost w/out
Cum Flight Flight Class A Cum Class Hours Hours Mx Aborts sensors
Vehicle Year Flights Flights Hours Hours Mishaps A Mishaps Sched Sched and Cnx ($M)
1991 0 0 2.4
1992 0 0
RQ-1 / Predator

1993 0 0
1994 54 54 168 168 0 0
1995 395 449 1859 2027 1 1
1996 601 1050 2627 4654 1 2 0
1997 583 1633 2752 7406 3 5 0
1998 1091 2724 5194 12600 0 5 127
1999 1603 4327 9138 21738 2 7 165
2000 1836 6163 11678 33416 1 8 196
2001 1299 7462 10348 43764 4 12 5169.4 5169.4 247
2001.75 1137 8599 9981.4 53745.4 5 17 4135.8 9305.2 128

1986 96 96 9 9 0.65
1987 431 527 5 14
1988 989 1516 8 22
1989 1295 2811 5 27
1990 1339 4150 11 38
RQ-2 / Pioneer

1991 1084 5234 3 41

1992 1132 7672 0 41
1993 1268 8940 0 41
1994 862 862 1568 10508 9 50
1995 692 1554 1752 12260 1 51
1996 614 2168 1557 13817 7 58
1997 1089 3257 2077 15894 3 61
1998 1138 4395 1973 17867 0 61 153
1999 1225 5620 2247 20114 12 73 2000 2000 39
2000 861 6481 1269 21383 3 76 1500 3500 128
2001 679 7160 1091 22474 1 77 1400 4900 60
2001.5 520 22994 0 77 1200 6100

1991 126 126 224.8 224.5 2 2 1.2

1992 221 347 741.2 965.7 0 2
RQ-5 / Hunter

1993 110 457 399.6 1365.3 2 4

1994 275 732 925.9 2291.2 1 5
1995 465 1197 1234.9 3526.1 4 9
1996 417 1614 1171 4697.1 0 9 1266 1266 146
1997 559 2173 1964.4 6661.5 0 9 2193 3459 327
1998 479 2652 1349.2 8010.7 1 10 1443 4902 142
1999 1166 3818 5224.4 13235.1 2 12 5414 10316 746
2000 968 4786 3749.5 16984.6 0 12 4543 14859 214
2001 881 5667 3078.2 20062.8 0 12 3132 17991 156
2001.75 6146 21754 0 12 0

OSD UAV Reliability Study Appendix F
Flight Environment Comparison

Appendix F: Flight Environment Comparison

Reynolds number helps to describe the flight environment of a given aircraft, or how
the control surfaces see the aerodynamic flow about the aircraft. The following
exercise illustrates the vast difference in the flight environments of two typical aircraft,
one manned and one unmanned. By doing so, it underscores the need to better
understand low Reynolds number flight regimes.
To illustrate how disparate the flight environments can be between a high cost, high
reliability aircraft (in this example, a Boeing 777) and a low-cost, lower reliability UAV
(a RQ-2/Pioneer), one need only ask How must the flight profile of either aircraft
change in order to match the Reynolds number of the other? In the case of the Pioneer,
it must fly at Mach 2.9 in order to reach the cruise Reynolds number (and better
understood flight environment) of the Boeing 777 (B777). Figure F-1, a plot of Reynolds
number as a function of altitude and speed, depicts graphically the insurmountable hill
that the Pioneer would have to climb to reach the Boeing 777 Reynolds number value.
x 107

Pioneer Reynolds Numbers

Reynolds Number

B777 Re

2 Accelerate to
Mach 2.9


Number 0
0 50K
150K 100K


Even if one does enhance the propulsion and structural integrity of a Pioneer-sized
aircraft to fly at Mach 2.9, the related high-speed aerodynamics essentially moves the
UAV from one extreme of the controllability spectrum to another. Simply put, there is
no way to fly the smaller Pioneer at the much better understood Reynolds number of the
faster, more expensive, and more reliable aircraft. Additionally, this point is also

OSD UAV Reliability Study Appendix F
Flight Environment Comparison
illustrated in the counter example with the Boeing 777. Figure F-2 presents the required
changes in the Boeing 777 flight profile in order for its aerodynamic surfaces to see the
atmosphere from the more challenging perspective of the Pioneer.

x 103
B777 Reynolds Numbers
n ( Pionee
1 Millio Maintain airspeed,
100 but fly at 115,000
Altitude (ft)

5 Mill
10 Mil
50 20 Millio
Boeing 777
Maintain altitude,
but fly at 13 kts illion llion
35 M 60 Mi
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Mach Number


The preceding example illustrates that expecting a high Reynolds number aircraft to
fly in a low Reynolds number flight regime is akin to expecting a commercial airliner to
fly comfortably at 13 knots (if at its customary altitude) or 115,000 feet (if at its normal
cruise speed). Relying on the traditional high Reynolds number aerodynamics that
govern the stability, control, and propulsion aspects of these larger, faster aircraft is not
the optimum implementation on a UAV. Consequently, low Reynolds number flight
conditions must be better understood so that any necessary concessions can be made to it.


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