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Future Employment of Uavs

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of UAVs
Issues of Jointness
By J A M E S R. R E I N H A R D T, J O N A T H A N E. J A M E S , and
E D W A R D M. F L A N A G A N

nmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and

their armed counterparts, uninhabited
combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs), are
poised to reshape the battlespace by either reducing or eliminating the need for
manned aircraft in dangerous situations. How
these systems are deployedhaphazardly or synergisticallywill determine whether they are
truly revolutionary or merely expensive toys. The

Lieutenant Colonel James R. Reinhardt, USA, currently serves as a

member of the Support Directorate (J2), Joint Staff; Major Jonathan
E. James, USAF, is assigned to U.S. Strategic Command; and Lieutenant
Commander Edward M. Flanagan, USN, is on the staff of the Strategy
Division (J5) at U.S. Atlantic Command.


JFQ / Summer 1999

simultaneous goals of increasing munitions

lethality and reducing friendly casualties can be
realized by UAVs, but the approach to developing
and employing them must balance requirements
of both the joint community and the services.
A variety of considerations portend a more
sparsely populated battlespace. While generally
supportive of recent military operations, the public is increasingly adverse to the risk of casualties
and prefers to substitute technology for lives. As
Joint Vision 2010 makes clear, The American people will continue to expect us to win in any engagement, but they will also expect us to be more
efficient in protecting lives and resources. . . .
This expectation is one result of the Persian Gulf
War and assumes that the Nation will leverage
technological advances and precision weaponry


Global Hawk over

Edwards Air Force

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to decisively defeat enemies without protracted

conventional combat operations. Although this
view is flawed, planners must limit both casualties and collateral damage.


One way to engage an enemy with minimum

casualties is through the use of UAVs. They are the
most visible members of the family of unmanned
and autonomous systems either employed or
under development. These powered aerial vehicles
carry no human operators, use aerodynamic forces
for lift, fly autonomously or are piloted remotely,
are either expendable or recoverable, and carry
both lethal and nonlethal payloads. But ballistic
or semiballistic vehicles, cruise missiles, and artillery projectiles are not considered as unmanned
vehicles. Often distinguished by their ability to
deviate from a preordained flight path, UAVs respond to external command.
Unmanned systems have traditionally been
employed in dirty and dangerous missions, and
their development has proceeded along unique
avenues of specialization. To date, their design
has emphasized affordability, practicality (launch
and maintenance), and recoverability. UAV missions in the past have included reconnaissance
and surveillance, target acquisition, intelligence
collection, and battle damage assessment. In the
early 1960s, the Nation developed unmanned reconnaissance vehicles to overfly the Soviet Union
because of the concern over the vulnerability of
U2 aircraft. UAVs were employed extensively for
reconnaissance in Vietnam as well as to drop
leaflets, collect signals intelligence, and support
radar interference missions. They were rediscovered in the 1980s and gained prominence in the
Persian Gulf War. The Army and Navy acquired
Pioneer (a tactical UAV) to provide inexpensive,
unmanned, over-the-horizon targeting, reconnaissance, and damage assessment. Six Pioneer
systems (one Army, two Navy, and three Marine
Corps) were deployed to Southwest Asia for Operation Desert Storm. They flew 330 sorties and
logged more than 1,000 flight hours during the
conflict. Together with the Air Force Predator, Pioneer also furnished real-time imagery of Bosnia
for Implementation Force.
UAVs have proven their ability to provide
near-real time reconnaissance and surveillance to
commanders. They are tools for battle management, providing intelligence, and ultimately offering warfighters greater situational or battlespace
awareness. They have proven effective in electronic combat support and battle damage assessment. Advanced technology is expanding these

55th Signal Company (Edward W. Nino)

Why UAVs?

Wreckage of
Predator UAV,

roles and, in the future, UAVs will act as airborne

data links, enemy radar jammers, chemical and biological weapons detectors, target acquisition systems, and finally precision air attack systems.

The Next Generation

Development of a lethal platform capable of
precision strikes is the logical progression for future UAVs. They will not be limited to support
functions such as reconnaissance. Affordability,
smaller size, and reduced training time are leading
to a new class of systemsuninhabited combat
aerial vehicleswhich are smaller than their
manned counterparts. And, without occupants,
there is proportionally more room for munitions
load in UCAVs. That benefit is most evident in
carrier operations where they would occupy only
one-third of the flight-deck space of comparable
manned systems. Twenty very large, carrier-based
support aircraft could be replaced by an equal
number of very small support UCAVs. This would
create enough extra space on the flight deck to increase mission-ready strike aircraft count by 33
percent (from 36 to 48 aircraft). Another option
would be to place UCAVs on other ships, allowing
for more strike aircraft space. Even more noteworthy is the concept that 20 support UAVs could

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be replaced one-for-one with vertical take-off and

landing strike UCAVs, bringing the number of
mission-ready aircraft to 63, nearly doubling the
strike aircraft availability of the baseline Nimitzclass carrier air wing configuration. 1
The advocates of using UCAV in an precision
air attack role routinely cite the potential of highspeed, highly maneuverable platforms to outperform manned aircraft. Airframe designers can
gain flexibility and increase airframe performance
when the limits imposed by human
fatigue is not a factor; capacities are eliminated. Maximum
G-force loading becomes a function
remote pilots can be
of airframe structural integrity, not
pilot limitations. In addition, cost
rapidly replaced
and weight savings are realized
through the elimination of canopies, ejection systems, oxygen systems, and other components required in manned combat aircraft.
Fatigue is not a factor; remote pilots can be
rapidly replaced. Extended flight times become
possible, particularly if savings in weight make
aircraft more efficient. One potential employment of UCAVs capitalizes on the ability to loiter
for long periods. This concept, known as air occupation, is described as the capability to hold an
enemy at risk from either lethal or nonlethal effects from the air. UCAVs could afford a nearly
permanent presence over an enemy, providing a
continuous stream of intelligence while simultaneously delivering a lethal payload in seconds.
One UCAV system being explored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency as the

Air Force Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle Advanced Technology Demonstration is intended to
demonstrate the technical feasibility for a man-inthe-loop system. It will be designed to affordably
suppress enemy air defense/strike missions in the
next century within emerging global command
and control architectures. It is envisioned that in
the midterm UCAVs will serve as force enablers by
suppressing enemy air defenses and performing
punitive strike missions in support of manned aircraft. As concepts and technologies mature, UCAV
roles and missions can be expanded.
Two primary development guidelines are
mission effectiveness and affordability. UCAVs
have the potential to significantly reduce acquisition as well as operation and support costs. They
can be manufactured for an estimated one-third
less than manned aircraft, and costs could be cut
by 75 percent. Eliminating the pilot will allow
manufacturers to take advantage of new technologies and designs to build smaller, more affordable systems. Lower operation and support
costs can be achieved since it will no longer be
necessary to maintain pilot proficiency. Simulators will allow UCAV controllers to train and
maintain their skills.
The controller (man-in-the-loop) is key to
UCAV development. Human-system interface is
critical in order to allow the mission control team
the information and control methodology to efficiently operate multiple UCAVs in a dynamic battlespace. 2 The mission control station will be a

no credit

Unmanned surface


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Pioneer I RPV taking

off from USS Iowa.

no credit

central component of the UCAV system. It will

exercise command, control, and communications
and conduct mission planning and execution, including targeting and battle damage assessments.
To effectively accomplish this, the systems will
take maximum advantage of on board and external intelligence assets. While UCAVs must be capable of self-defense and responding autonomously to pop-up threats, decisions to target
and employ lethal weapons will be made by a
mission control team. Simply stated, the rules of
engagement will be controlled by humans, in
part to mitigate the unsettling idea of uncontrolled aircraft deploying weapons autonomously.
The objective of UCAVs is not to eliminate
the human factor but to locate the pilot outside
the aircraft. Exploiting this technology will permit the development of more cost-effective systems capable of performing missions for which
manned aircraft are either capable or appropriate.
In the near future, UCAVs will not replace, but
rather operate with, manned systems. Their capabilities and reusable platforms will fill the gap between cruise missiles and manned aircraft.
Some proponents urge developing a system
that does not rely on precision-guided munitions
but on the precision delivery of dumb bombs to
cut costs. Precision delivery would suggest low-altitude flight, with aircraft security provided by

both stealth characteristics and an ability to escape in high-G maneuvers that cannot be
matched by manned aircraft. A single operator
should be able to give orders to many UCAVs that
would operate nearly autonomously, not through
remote teleoperation. Links to off-board sensors,
perhaps fielded by other UAVs, would provide
data to adjust to last-minute battlespace changes.
UAVs have demonstrated their utility, albeit
in support roles rather than frontline combat.
They give the operational commander a reliable
means of reconnaissance in an environment
where space-based or high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft are ineffective because of weather
conditions. Moreover, they can perform missions
in circumstances where political sensitivities or
combat risks preclude the introduction of U.S.
military personnel.

A Joint Future?
While using unmanned systems in combat is
not new, what will be new in the foreseeable future is how such systems are used. Simply possessing a given technology does not suffice to be
truly revolutionary; aircraft carriers, for example,
were in service well before the full implications of
carrier warfare were realized. A truly innovative
approach to employing a new system requires
concurrent doctrinal, organizational, and technological changes that affect planning, equipping,
and training military forces. Development of
UAVs has proceeded along the lines of traditional
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service roles and operating environments thereby

building on core competencies.
Proposals for unmanned systems for air-toair combat or air delivery of munitions have generally originated in the Air Force, while Navy systems are optimized for a maritime missions. Not
every system must be joint. Each should be designed to perform specific missions well rather
than a variety of tasks marginally. Cost savings
are often lost when systems receive gold-plated
add-ons during development, ostensibly to enhance capabilities. Yet the fact that the services
have historically embarked on different courses
concerning UAV research, development, and acquisition can hardly be conmissions can be undertaken sidered an advantage. When
service requirements conthat are highly risky for a
vergesuch as intelligence
and reconnaissance capabilimanned approach
tiesinterservice compatibility is desirable. This reduces both research and development and acquisition costs, facilitates
communication and information exchange, and
simplifies command and control challenges. The
question is whether one or two general-purpose
systems can be developed that are capable of responding to an array of requirements.
Jointness extends beyond procurement. Its
goal is battlespace synergism. All components acting together have a greater effect than if they operate independently. And jointness is more than
simply interoperability, though that is a vital
start. Interoperability is generally related to hardware systems with common operating protocols.
Jointness embraces doctrine, organizational structures, matriel, training, personnel management,
and leadership development.
UAVs support several fundamentals of joint
warfare iterated in Joint Pub 1, Joint Warfare of the
Armed Forces of the United States. Unity of effort
and the concentration of military power is
achieved through multiaxis attacks by groundand sea-based UCAVs operating in deconflicted
airspace. Knowing your enemya major canon of
warfareis greatly enhanced by effective use of
UAVs in surveillance and reconnaissance. Common-user interfaces for data dissemination will
facilitate the flow of information to warfighters,
regardless of their service. Joint mission planning
will reduce duplication of effort, freeing UAV assets for other missions.
UAVs can give commanders greater freedom
of action, another fundamental. The range of options available to commanders is enhanced by
UAVs since missions can be undertaken that are
highly risky for a manned approach. This ability
to assume risk can also help commanders seize
and maintain the initiative, keeping an enemy
perpetually off balance.


JFQ / Summer 1999

A first step in developing protocols and doctrine to enable UAVs to meet the challenges of
joint operations is the Tactical Control System,
currently under development and testing. It will
provide the common operating environment and
shared protocols for the Air Force Predator, Army
Hunter, and joint Outrider UAVs. Flight controls
and payload commands will be standardized and
the system will have five levels of scalable interaction, from receipt of retransmitted data
through actual control over launch, recovery,
flight, and payload.
Joint doctrine for UAVs is limited to tactics,
techniques, and procedures that are applicable to
systems in operation (that is, employed on the
tactical level for surveillance and reconnaissance)
and is found in Joint Pub 355.1, Joint Tactics,
Techniques, and Procedures for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. It is outdated and does not reflect the capabilities of current systems, much less those under
development. It views UAVs solely as force multipliers or support vehicles. It also does not address
UCAVs or more advanced surveillance craft.
Much must be done to develop joint doctrine
for UAV operations. Common operating systems
and shared protocols reduce development and
procurement costs by providing economies of
scale. Doctrine can reduce mutual interference
and offer solutions to problems of information
flow. Jointness should not extend to abandonment of traditional areas of responsibility. In sum,
the advantages being sought in joint integration,
including unity of effort and the concentration of
military power at decisive points, should also
guide the employment of unmanned systems.
However, an argument frequently leveled
against jointness is that it overshadows legitimate
approaches to innovation by individual services.
Soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen regard the
battlespace from varied perspectives. It is not the
aim of jointness to eliminate those perspectives,
but rather to draw on their unique qualities to
provide a synergistic, highly integrated, and
seamless fighting mechanism. Joint Pub 355.1
makes that point explicit: care must be taken to
distinguish between distinct but related responsibilities in the two channels of authority to forces
assigned to combatant commands. The military
departments and services recruit, organize, train,
equip, and provide forces for assignment to combatant commands and administer and support
these forces. New UAV systems must be conceived, developed, and provided to the combatant commanders.
Innovation springs from competition among
services for roles and missions, and ultimately for
resources. Each service has proven successful at

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Predator UAV.

innovation, and a healthy rivalry among them

has been a catalyst. Thus the danger of overemphasizing joint culture is that it could limit thinking or result in groupthink. The differentiation
of service cultures is inevitable, bred by the physical environment in which soldiers, sailors, and
airmen operate. It is also highly desirable. 3
A joint activity should carefully analyze every
proposal with the object of ensuring cross-service
fertilization of ideas that will enhance interoperability and jointness in the resulting fielded systems. A single joint organization tasked to conceive and perform research and development on
UAV platforms will result in fewer ideas for discovery and less innovation because it will tend to
focus on a few concepts it feels are important. If
each service has its own organization, more ideas
are likely to surface. Obviously relieving the services of their role as providers and replacing them
with a centralized joint organization would be
harmful to creativity and ensure that UAVs remain in their present role of limited support.
Unmanned combat technology has arrived. It
is not necessarily expensive or complicated. Potential enemies can use rudimentary systems
asymmetricallyperhaps in concert with weapons
of mass destructionto threaten our forces. To
maintain an advantage UAVs and UCAVs should

be regarded as elements of a system. It is incumbent on the United States to take the lead in this
area lest it falls prey to an enemy which can capitalize on technology more successfully.
1 Bruce W. Carmichael, Strikestar 2025, The DTIC
Review, vol. 4, no. 2 (September 1998), p. 1.
2 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) Advanced Technology Demonstration Solicitation, March 9, 1998, p. 7.
3 F.G. Hoffman, Innovation Can Be Messy, U.S.
Naval Institute Proceedings, vol. 124, no. 1 (January
1998), pp. 4650.

Summer 1999 / JFQ


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