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Lumbar Puncture in Pediatrics

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procedure, indications and contraindications

Blazej Iwo Szczygielski

Although the attempts at retrieval and analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid date back well over a
century, it was not until the 1950s when the lumbar puncture was widely popularized. Then
workup of any significant central nervous system condition was not considered complete until a
lumbar puncture was performed. Since then, the advent of modern medical imaging has
contributed to steering away from this trend, fortunately leading to a decrease in unnecessary
administration of this invasive procedure and associated complications. Lumbar puncture,
however, still plays a critical role in both pediatric medical diagnosis and treatment today.
This brief overview will primarily focus on the procedure and its diagnostic utility.
Basic Anatomy and Physiology
The Cerebrospinal Fluid
The adult human brain and spinal cord literally float in approximately 150cc of cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF). About 500cc of CSF is produced by choroid plexus each day. These volumes, naturally,
are significantly lower for a neonate and increase with age until adulthood. The CSF is mainly
produced by the choroid plexus within the lateral ventricles. CSF is essentially a blood ultrafiltrate and therefore its composition resembles that of plasma. Among the differing parameters,
its glucose content is lower than that in blood and the normal range of CSF/blood ratio varies with
age. Although the osmolality of the two fluids is equal, the protein content of CSF is mark edly less
relative to plasma.
Once CSF leaves the lateral ventricles, it flows through the foramina of Monroe into the midline
third ventricle. Nex t, the CSF passess through the aqueduct into the fourth ventricle where it
flows through the foramen of Magendie (midline) and foraminae of Luschka (lateral) into the
cisterna magna. The cisterna magna is continuous with the subarachnoid space surrounding
both the brain and the spinal cord. The CSF is then reabsorbed back into the venous circulation
via arachnoid villi.
Diagnostic use of CSF analysis
Analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid can yield an important insight into the underlying pathological
processes CSF can be analyzed for the presence of RBCs and WBCs (with differential), bacteria
(Gram stain and other stains, culture and sensitivity), viruses (culture, PCR), as well as glucose
and protein levels. Other more sophisticated tests, suc h as neurotransmitter levels and metabolic
markers may also be performed in certain scenarios.
The procedure: Surface Landmarks
It is critical that you first orient yourself with respect to the lower back landmarks before
attempting the puncture. An ideal patient for this procedure is one that is lean and whose boney
prominences are readily visible. In the real world, however, seemingly simple localization of
anatomic landmark s may sometimes turn out to be a challenge. Once the patient is properly
positioned (read on for positioning instructions), you should identify the spinous processes of the
spinal column by palpating them. Make sure no anomalies are present. Palpate the cephalad
aspects of the iliac bones, the iliac crests laterally. The line connecting the iliac crests should
correspond to approximately the L4 spinous process, one to two interspaces above the optimal
space to access the subarachnoid space.
Relevant Deep Anatomy

The spinal cord typically terminates at the level of L1 vertebral body in an adult
and slightly lower
in a child. Below that level there are only spinal nerve roots traveling within the
lumbar cistern to
reach their respective intervertebral foramina from where they exit the dural sack.
Because of
their resemblance of a hors es tail, this nerve bundle is referred to as cauda
equina. The distal tip
of the spinal cord gives rise to filum terminale, a fibrous structure that travels
among the spinal
nerve roots to finally attach to the dorsum of the cocc yx, anchoring the spinal cord
and the dural
sac distally.
From a point of view of a spinal needle, the structures that are penetrated, from
superficial to
deep, are as follows (this is a favourite anesthesia rotation question!):
- skin
- subcutaneous connective tissue
- supraspinous ligament
- interspinous ligament
- ligamentum flavum
- epidural spac e
- dura mater (dural sac)
- subarachnoid space (lumbar cistern with CSF)
Indications, Contra-indications and Complications
Whenever performing an invasive procedure on a patient, you must always weigh
the potential
benefit to the potential risks. Undoubtedly, diagnosis of such serious conditions as
meningitis or
subarac hnoid hemorrhage carries benefits for an ill patient, if appropriate course of
treatment is
undertaken. Below there is listed clinical indications as well as contraindications.
Keep in mind,
however, that there is a continuous evolving debate in pediatric literature around
To obtain informed consent, make sure to inform the patient or guardian of
complications reviewed below.
Suspected meningitis or encephalitis
Suspected subarac hnoid hemorrhage, only if CT scan is normal
Diagnosing or ruling out sepsis in the neonatal period
Other indications inc lude diagnostic workup of certain malignancies,
seizures, metabolic
disorders and other neurological conditions (e.g. MS, GBS)
Suspected raised intracranial pressure
Cardiovascular compromise
Respiratory compromise
Suspected cerebral herniation

Local infection at lumbar puncture site
Vertebral anomalies
Postdural puncture headache (relatively common)
Local back pain
Spinal hematoma
Subarachnoid epidermal cyst

Transient limp or pararesthesias

Transient ocular palsy
Cerebral herniation

Usually a prepackaged commercial k it containing:
- 20 gauge spinal needle (different k inds are available, e.g. Quincke)
- syringes and needles (22 and 25 gauge) for spinal anesthesia
- manometer with stopcock
- sterile drapes, gauzes, brushes and bandages for prepping skin
- local anesthetic
Especially pertinent to pediatrics, a topical anesthetic (e.g. EMLA cream) can be
applied 30 to 60
minutes before performing the puncture to minimize pain on penetration.
Either a sitting or lateral decubitus position c an be used for lumbar puncture.
approach is chosen it is important to monitor the patient visually and with pulse
oximetry for any
signs of respiratory difficulty as a result of assumed position. Have somebody help
you hold the
patient still to ensure adequate restraint during the proc edure.
The subarachnoid space must be entered below the level of spinal cord termination.
Any of the
interspac es between L3-L4 and L5-S1 can be used for the lumbar puncture in kids.
Whether the
lateral decubitus or sitting position is chosen, the spine should be flexed maximally
to increase
spacing between spinous processes. Extensive neck flexion, however, should be
avoided to
minimize a chance of respiratory compromise. Make sure the hips and shoulders
are aligned and
that the back is perpendicular to the bed s urface.
The procedure should be performed using sterile technique. The patients back
should be
carefully prepared and draped using provided disinfecting s olution and drapes.
Orient yourself
anatomically and find the L4 spinous process at the level of iliac crests (as
described above).
Palpate a suitable interspace distal to this level. Infiltrate 2% Lidocaine
subcutaneously (without
epinephrine to prevent cord infarction should it be introduced into the cord by
accident) with a fine
needle. A field block can be applied injecting into and on either side of the
interspinous ligaments.
This anesthetizes not just the skin, but also the interspinous ligaments, muscles,
and the
Once the patient is properly positioned, the area sterilized and draped and adequate
of the area achieved, the spinal needle can be introduced. Identify the two spinal

processes in
between which the needle will be introduced, penetrate the skin and slowly
advance the tip of the
needle at about 10 degrees cephalad (i.e. toward the patients umbilicus).
Following penetration
of skin, resis tance will be encountered as the tip of the needle pass es through
ligaments. Remember to frequently stop advancing the needle and check for the
presence of
CSF by removing the stylet. You may feel a characteristic pop indicating
entrance into the
subarac hnoid space. If the needle is no longer progressing and resistance
encountered, it is
likely that you have hit bone. Withdraw the needle leaving the tip in, rec heck the
landmarks and
slowly progress the needle again.
You should attempt to measure the opening pressure using the manometer by
attaching it via a
stopcock to the spinal needle. Normal opening pressure is 7 to 15 cm H2O.
Always make sure
to hold the spinal needle securely between your thumb and index finger and brace
your hand
against the patients back, espec ially when putting in or removing anything from

Collecting a Sample
To collect a CSF sample, start with emptying the contents of the manometer into
the first
collection tube. Once the manometer is empty, detach it and continue with
collection straight
from the spinal needle. In general, a CSF volume of 1cc obtained in each
consecutive tube
(usually up to 4 tubes) should be adequate for most analyses. In the neonate, 2ml
in total can be
safely removed and in an older child 3 to 6 ml can be sampled depending on the
childs size.
When collection is finished, replace the stylet and remove the needle from patients
back. Apply
first pressure, then a dressing to the puncture site.

Figure 1. Lumbar spine anatomy.


Figure 2. Lumbar puncture: lateral decubitus positioning and surface landmarks.

Figures from:

Fleisher GR and Ludwig S.

Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 4t h


Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000.

Fong B and VanBendegom JM. Lumbar Puncture, Reichman E and Simon RR
Medicine Procedures, 1st ed. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2003.
Guyton AC. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 9t h ed. Philadelphia: W B Saunders, 1996.

Reisdorff EJ, Roberts MR, Wiegenstein JG. Pediatric Emergency Medicine.

Philadelphia: W B
Saunders, 1993.
Waldman AL. Lumbar Puncture (CSF Examination), November 6, 2004,

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