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Khurana L et al. Triphala-Contemporary Aid in Dentistry.

International Journal of Research in Health and Allied Sciences

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ISSN 2455-7803 Index Copernicus value 2016 = 68.10

Review Article
Triphala- Contemporary Aid in Dentistry
Lakshay Khurana1, Suchita Lohani2, Kislaya Kumar3, Malvika kanwar4
TeerthankerMahaveer Dental College & Research Centre Moradabad, U.P., India.
Arohi Arogya Kendra, Peora, Uttrakhand, India

Triphala (/tri fɑ la/: त्रिफला,) is an Ayurvedic herbal rasayanaformula consists of equal part of three myrobalanas, which are taken together
without seed: Amla (Emblica officinalis), Bihara (Terminalia bellirica), and Harada (Terminalia chebula), Triphala being a traditional
ayurvedic medicine treats a range of medical as well as dental ailments, it is mainly used in treating immune system stimulation,
digestion improvement, constipation relief, gas relief, diabetes treatment, eye diseases, cleansing of G.I tract. As the allopathic medicine
provide effective antibiotic therapy for bacterial infection & regular use of antibiotics cause resistance to it,so herbal medicines are
preferred over antibiotics.Triphala is being extensively used for its various therapeutic properties in dentistry including its anti-
cariogenicity action, used as antioxidant, anti-collagenase, and anti-microbial action. Triphala can also be used in managing various
gingival & periodontal diseases.
Key words- Triphala, contemporary aid, dentistry, ayurvedic medicine.

Received: 12 May 2018 Revised: 18 June 2018 Accepted: 20 June 2018

Corresponding author: Dr Kislaya Kumar, Teerthanker Mahaveer Dental College and Research Centre, Moradabad, Uttar
Pradesh, India

This article may be cited as: Khurana L, Lohani S, Kumar K, Kanwar M. Triphala- Contemporary Aid in Dentistry. Int J
Res Health Allied Sci 2018; 4(4):9-12.

INTRODUCTION 5 cm. long, ellipsoid to oval in shape with yellowish orange

Triphala is a traditional ayurvedic herbal medicine used to brown, and containing a single seed, usually 2 cm. long and
treat a wide range of medical as well as dental disease and 1 cm. in diameter.2
disorder, it has significant immunostimulatory effects on
cellular immune response, especially onnatural killer cells Amla (Emblica officinalis) is a fruit which is obtained
and cytotoxic T cells.1 from a small tree that is ofently found in India. Along with
Triphala (trē ·phä·lä) is defined as Ayurvedic, herbal Terminalia chebula, EO is seen to induce gastric emptying,
rasayana which is used to enhance youthfull energy, amla has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against
strength, and vitality. a variety of test bacterias.
It was originated from the dried powder of three different
fruits, hence its name is tri (Three) and phala (Fruit). Amla Bihara (Terminalia bellerica) constitutes of appreciable
(Emblica officinalis), Harada (Terminalia chebula) and concentration of proteins and oils, also it is rich in the
Bihara (Terminalia bellirica) these three when mixed omega 3 essential fatty acid and linoleic acid.
together in equal parts make a proper Triphala. Triphala contains several compounds that have been
proposed to be responsible for its claimed health benefits
Harada (Terminalia chebula) T. chebula is commonly including gallic acid, chebulagic acid, and chebulinic acid.
known as black myrobalans in English, harada in Hindi, and There is preliminary evidence that Triphala
samorthai in Thai. The ripe fruit is a hard glabrous drupe, 3- containsantioxidant compounds tested in isolated cells and

International Journal of Research in Health and Allied Sciences |Vol. 4|Issue 4|July – August 2018
Khurana L et al. Triphala-Contemporary Aid in Dentistry.

rats but this has not been observed in human. It has been important role in caries etiology. The streptococci present in
suggested that aqueous and ethanolic extract from the plants oral cavity, especially Streptococcusmutans and
which are potential source of antimicrobial agent. With the Streptococcussobrinus have been consistently found to be
continuous use of antibiotics, the pharmaceutical market is associated with dental caries in humans. Other
facing a decline in their use because of development of microorganisms, such as Streptococcus mitisand
resistance for drugs by microorganisms.Phenomenon like Streptococcus salivariushave also been linked with the
this along with the toxicity possessed by antimicrobial leads disease or absence of it. Their interplay within the dental
to a synergistic effect. Thus new antimicrobial agents are biofilm is an important feature for the establishment and
needed to overcome any of these drawbacks. 1, 2 maintenance of the oral microbial flora and the development
Triphala is having properties of both nutritional as well as of a cariogenic dental plaque 4
blood and liver cleansing actions. It has little function as a Triphala has been proven to have antibacterial property, It is
lubricating laxative as it possesses some anthroquinones also said to possess anti-inflammatory antihistamine,
which helps in stimulating bile flow and peristalsis antitumor, antioxidant, lowering blood pressure , lowering
movement. The nutritional aspect is very high as it contains cholesterol , diuretic , digestive and laxative properties. This
vitamin C and linoleic oil. People having bowel magical preparation has action on all the three components
irregularities due to liver and gall bladder congestion are considered in Ayurveda - Kapha, Pitta, and Vatasuch a wide
seeking for purgatives and demulcent laxatives for those range of actions of triphala is supposed to be because of the
having intestinal dryness. Triphala is fruitfull in all kinds of 35 phytochemicals and 47 tannins which have been so far
constipation except that caused by a lack of vital energy. isolated from it.5
Herbal healing is largely a matter of approach in which one
approach may emphasize tonification while another ANTIVIRAL EFFECTSOF TRIPHALA
emphasizes elimination. But overemphasizing tonification Triphala has been found to have antiviral activity.
has one problem that it can lead to further stagnation and Researchers have reported that Terminalia present in
congestion in an excess condition. Emphasizing elimination triphalaprotects epithelial cells against the influenza A
through the overuse of purgatives is already deficient, as virus, supporting the traditional use of Terminalia for
individual can further reduce the body's store of minerals helping in recovery from acute respiratory infections.
and essential B vitamins and can also cause an imbalance of Terminalia has also demonstrated therapeutic activity
beneficial intestinal microorganisms which results in against herpes simplex virus (HSV) in in vivo tests.9 These
weakness due to chronic fatigue and anaemia.2, 3 findings prompted a team of Japanese researchers to
investigate Terminalia’s effects on human cytomegalovirus
HISTORY BEHIND TRIPHALA (CMV). They found that Terminalia was effective in
Triphala is a staple of Ayurvedic (Indian) practice used for inhibiting the replication of human cytomegalovirus (CMV)
well over 2,000 years. It is made from the dried powder of in vitro and in immunosuppressed mice. Stating that
three different fruits, hence its name: tri (Three) and phala "Terminalia chebula significantly suppressed MCMV
(Fruit). Amla (Emblica officinalis), Harada (Terminalia (murine CMV) yields in lungs of treated mice," the
chebula) and Bihara (Terminalia bellirica) are mixed in researchers concluded that Terminalia may be beneficial for
equal parts to make a proper Triphala.3 the prevention of CMV diseases in immunocompromised
It is said of Triphala; “No mother? Do not worry so long as patients.6
you have Triphala.” Indian people believe that Triphala can
care for the internal organs as a mother cares for her ANTI OXIDANT EFFECTSOF TRIPHALA
children. References to the use of Triphala can be found in Because Emblica officinal `is fruit (commonly known as
the Sushrut Samhita, which is dated to 1500 BC. The amla) is the world’s richest source of natural vitamin C,
Sushruta Samhita contains 184 chapters and description of researchers have attributed many of its traditional benefits
1120 illnesses, 700 medicinal plants and a detailed study on to its antioxidant properties13. In one study aaonla was
Anatomy. found to be more effective than vitamin C in improving
lipoprotein values and glucose tolerance. Volunteers given
ANTI BACTERIAL EFFECT OF TRIPHALA amla were compared to controls receiving 500 mg/day of
The “streptococci” present in oral cavity are a very vitamin C. After 8 weeks the amla group showed significant
heterogeneous group of microorganisms inhabiting the oral improvements in lipoprotein serum profiles, including
cavity. Although they are considered commensals, most are increased HDL, decreased LDL, and lower total cholesterol
opportunistic pathogens and have been linked with a variety levels14. In addition to vitamin C, researchers at the Bose
of diseases or disorders, especially liver and brain infective Institute in Calcutta, India have also isolated a number of
endocarditis and abscesses. From the perspective of oral tannins in amla that exhibit potent antioxidant activity. The
health, it is well established that microorganisms play an antioxidant effects of amlapresent in triphalawere measured

International Journal of Research in Health and Allied Sciences |Vol. 4|Issue 4|July – August 2018 10
Khurana L et al. Triphala-Contemporary Aid in Dentistry.

on the basis of their effects on rat brain concentrations of S.typhimurium and negligible no inhibitory effect against
the oxidative free radical scavenging enzymes, catalase E.coli and E.aerogens.10
(CAT) glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and superoxide The thriphala show potent antibacterial activity against
dismutase (SOD), and lipid peroxidation. The results were Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
compared with effects induced by deprenyl, a selective Staphylococcus epidermidis, Salmonella typhii,Enterobacter
mono-amine oxidase (MAO) B inhibitor with well aerogenes Salmonella typhimurium. Triphala inhibits
documented antioxidant activity. Deprenyl and amla both growth of Enterococci which causes nosocomial bacteremia,
effectively increased SOD, GPX and CAT activity, with surgical wound/urinary tract infections. Triphala exhibited a
concomitant decreases in lipid peroxidation when large zone of inhibition against Enterococci.11
administered once daily for constant seven days. These
results indicate that the antioxidant activity of aaonla may TRIPHALA- A AID IN WOUND HEALING
derive from the tannoids of the fruits of the plant, which Thetriphala extracted ointments shows significant wound
contains vitamin.8 closure because the granulation tissue shows increase in
collagen fibres, hexosamine, uronic acid and also decrease
ANTI TUMOR EFFECTS OF TRIPHALA in bacterial count. Collagen sponges incorporated with
Triphala has became one of the highly potential herbal triphalashows increased thermal stability, water uptake
medicines in the treatment of cancer and prevention from capability, faster wound closure and improved tissue
cancer because all the three compositions of Triphala have regeneration. The quick wound healing is due to interaction
been found to have anticancer properties. Although very of Epigallocatechin gallate with collagen.9, 1
little is known about this mechanism by which these plants
act against the cancer cells, the anticancer effect of Triphala ANTI CARIOGENIC ACTION OF TRIPHALA
has been recently found and supported by the several lines Though a plenty of anti-plaque agents are available in the
of evidence from studies of each plant component market, their undesirable side-effect stimulated the search
individually.5, 1 for alternate agents. Plants or plant products used in folk
Indian researchers have shown that extracts of amla present dental practices or prescribed in Unani, homeopathic, or
in triphala exhibit antitumor activity. Solid tumors which Ayurvedic remedies are have gained popularity due to their
are induced by DLA (Dalton’s lymphoma ascites) cells medicinal properties.
were reduced significantly when mice were fed either amla Terminalia chebula helps in the prevention and treatment of
or an herbal preparation containing 50% amla. Amla extract various diseases effecting the oral cavity such as dental
was also shown to increase the life span of tumor bearing caries, spongy and bleeding gums, gingivitis, and stomatitis.
animals by up to 60%. The researchers found that the Extractfrom the plant t.chebula can be used to prevent
antitumor activity of amla may partially be due to its plaque formation on the surface of the tooth, by inhibiting
interaction with cell cycle regulation.9 the sucrose-induced adherence and the glucan-induced
aggregation, which is responsible for the colonization of
ANTI MICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF TRIPHALA the organism on tooth surface. Thus, the extract act as an
Triphala helps in controling dental plaque, microbial growth effective agent in the treatment of carious teeth with its
and gingival inflammation caused by the lactobacillus and ability to inhibit the growth and accumulation of S. mutans
Streptococcus mutans. Triphala controls plaque on tooth surface which further prevents the accumulation of
activitysimilar to Chlorhexidine mouthwash. The acids on the tooth surface, and thus no more
antimicrobial activity is due to ayurvedic formulation like demineralization and the breakdown of the tooth enamel can
TriphalaMashirecognized to phenolic compounds and occur.12
tannins in triphala. The activity is similar to that of triphala
as it hinders dosedependent growth of gram +ve and gram - ROOT CANAL IRRIGANT TRIPHALA
ve bacteria.Triphala and its individual fruit components Microorganism present in the oral cavity are responsible for
have a potent antibacterial action against a wide spectrum of primary endontic infection, which are usually pathogens
bacteria. Which includes Staphylococcus aureus, that may invade a root canal opportunistically, which
pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia isolated contains necrotic tissue and establish an infectious process.
from HIV infected patient. Triphala and its individual The number of facultative anaerobic bacteria start
components showed antibacterial effect on both gram+ve increasing when the root canal remains infected for longer
and gram-ve bacteria which suggests the access of active time. Enterococcus faecalis, a facultative anaerobic gram-
phytochemicals through both the bacterial cells walls. positive coccus, is the most common Enterococcussp.
Aqueous extract has activity against P.vulgaris Aureus, Cultured from non-healing endodontic cases. Sodium
S.epidermidis , mildly antibacterial against B.subtilis hypochlorite (NaOCl) is an efficient irrigant used in
eliminating E. faecalis biofilms in vitro, but the main

International Journal of Research in Health and Allied Sciences |Vol. 4|Issue 4|July – August 2018 11
Khurana L et al. Triphala-Contemporary Aid in Dentistry.

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Control of the individual ingredients and the compound
formulation triphala needs to be established and carried out
so as to ensure reliability and reproducibility of the

Source of support: Nil Conflict of interest: None declared

This work is licensed under CC BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

International Journal of Research in Health and Allied Sciences |Vol. 4|Issue 4|July – August 2018 12

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