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Impact of Customer Satisfaction On Customer Loyalty Towards Sri Lanka Telecom PLC

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Industrial Engineering Letters

ISSN 2224-6096 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0581 (online)

Vol.3, No.7, 2013

Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty towards

Sri Lanka Telecom PLC.
Kamalakumati Karunanithy1 & Dilani Rasanayagam2
1. Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Business & Management Studies, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri
2. Customer Care Officer, Sri Lanka Telecom PLC, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka.
The main objective for the study is to assess how the customer satisfaction influences the customer loyalty. To
measure service quality, pricing, and brand image which leads to customer satisfaction were selected as
independent variables and their impact on customer loyalty was measured through a sample of 395 customers
from Trincomalee District by using stratified disproportionate sampling technique. Regression and Correlation
analysis was done to find out the contribution and the relationship of each variable. The correlation analysis
showed that the variable of customer satisfaction on Sri Lanka Telecom PLC products and services in
Trincomalee district had significant relationship with customer loyalty. According to the regression model,
pricing and brand image are of low level contribution to customer loyalty whereas the service quality contributes
comparatively more. This study concluded that variables of customer satisfaction significantly influenced
customer loyalty.
Key words: Service quality, Pricing, Brand image, Customer satisfaction, Customer loyalty.
1. Introduction
Success of any business largely depended on loyalty of its customers. Customer loyalty was an attitude of loyalty
in committing a relationship between the provider and the customer. When the customers were satisfied with the
organizations products and services they became a loyal to the organization. Customer satisfaction is an
ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to
person and product/service to product/service.
There were many operators in telecommunication industry at Sri Lanka. As a telecommunication service
provider, Sri Lanka Telecom PLC needs to sustain customer loyalty through its customers satisfaction. Also the
recent changes in telecom market have noticeably challenged to Sri Lanka Telecom PLC market leadership.
Therefore customer satisfaction was a crucial factor in gaining customer loyalty and in turn companys stability
and growth.
The Sri Lanka Telecom PLC serves its customers by the main products/services of fixed wire line (voice
only)/PSTN, broad band/ADSL, CDMA and PEO TV. These products were introduced by the Sri Lanka Telecom
PLC to satisfy the customer needs. In earlier days Sri Lanka Telecom PLC had only fixed wire line
connection/PSTN. That means only voice services served to customers. Due to the development of technology,
the customer needs are changed and they expected more from Sri Lanka Telecom PLC. To face challenges in the
market, Sri Lanka Telecom PLC introduced other products one by one to satisfy its customers.
This research attempts to identify how the variables of customer satisfaction contribute to Sri Lanka Telecom
PLC to maintain customer loyalty amidst growing competition. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the
customer loyalty through three factors, such as, service quality, pricing and brand image which leads to customer
Fornell (1992) defined satisfaction as an overall evaluation dependent on the total purchase and consumption
experience of the target product or services performance compared with repurchase expectations overtime.
Zeithmal and Bitner (1996) believed that the extent of satisfaction depends on service quality, product quality,
price, image and personal factors. Fornell (1992) examined 27 different businesses and found the loyal
customers were not necessarily satisfied customers, but satisfied customers tend to be loyal customers. Highly
satisfied customers were much more loyal than satisfied customers and any drop in total satisfaction result in
major drop in loyalty (Jones, 1990).
By understanding and identifying the profile of individual customers, the service providers can suggest
appropriate products to meet their needs. Since satisfied customer is too loyal to the company, as a competitive
company, Sri Lanka Telecom PLC needs to maintain its loyalty in the telecom market for a sustainable position
in future. Therefore this study focused on the problem that,
Can Sri Lanka Telecom PLC sustain/retain its customer loyalty through the three factors such as, service
quality, pricing and brand image which leads to customer satisfaction?
Through this study, the shortcomings in Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) PLCs business can be identified and, with
customers feed back, improvements can be made to meet their expectations in order to retain SLTs market


Industrial Engineering Letters

ISSN 2224-6096 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0581 (online)
Vol.3, No.7, 2013

position. Those are:

1. Understanding the importance of customer loyalty
2. Understanding the shortcomings of Sri Lanka Telecom PLC 's services
3. Identifying the ways to increasing the awareness of Sri Lanka Telecom PLC 's products
4. Applying the improvements.
The purpose of this research was to investigate the factors affecting customer loyalty within Sri Lanka Telecom
PLC at Trincomalee District, by analyzing the relationship of every construct in the conceptual frame model
(shows as figure 1). This study was expected to examine the relationship between four construct in the model
(service quality, pricing, brand image and customer loyalty) which can be referenced for Sri LankaTelecom at
Trincomalee District.
2. Methodology
How the variables of customer satisfaction effect customer loyalty can be explained by the following conceptual

(Based on the researches of the followings: Peng and Wang (2006); Gronross (2000); Parasuraman et al.
(1998); Cheng et al.(2008); Zeithaml (1998); Aydin and Ozer (2005); Ravald and Gronross (1996); Johnson and
Sirikit, (2002); Martin- Consuegra, Molina and Esteban (2007); Chaudhurai and Holbrook (2001))


Industrial Engineering Letters

ISSN 2224-6096 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0581 (online)
Vol.3, No.7, 2013

The above model is operationalized as follows:

Table 1: Operationalization of variable
Service Quality


Brand Image

Customer Loyalty

Statement No.









Relative price


User Image


Social Responsibility


Long Term
Encouraging others
Providing positive word


To design the Sample, stratified disproportionate sampling method is used for the purpose of the study. Based on
the switch region database of Sri Lanka Telecom PLC as at 01.03.2012, out of the population, 395 customers are
selected for the sample that fits the requirement of 2% of the total population.
Table 2: Population and Sample
Product Level

(voice only)


Proportionate sampling (2%
of the elements)
Disproportionate sampling
(Source: Switch Region Data Base of SLT as at 01.03.2012)










For this research, the data was collected from Primary as well as secondary sources. Primary data are collected
using Questionnaires and by interviews. Secondary data are collected from Customer record book, Switch data
base book. Those are collected from Sri Lanka Telecom PLC, Trincomalee branch.
Based on the variables and their dimensions, questionnaire was prepared. Selected customers were asked to
put score to appropriate case in the questionnaire.
To measure data, 5 point Likert scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree was used. SPSS (Statistical
Package for Social Science) version 14.0 was used to analyze the responses obtained from questionnaires.
The correlation analysis was used to measure the magnitude and the direction of the relationship between the
variables of customer satisfaction and the customer loyalty of Sri Lanka Telecom PLC customers. The
significance level of the correlation coefficient is considered to explore the meaningful linear relationship
between the variables. In addition, multivariate regression technique is used to quantify the relationship between
3. Results
This cross sectional, correlation field study was carried out with an intention to find out whether the variables of
the customer satisfaction have a bearing on the customer loyalty directly. After testing the reliability of the
questionnaire (Cronbachs alpha was 0.893) the correlation matrix was obtained which shows that all the
independent variables are positively and significantly correlated to customer loyalty. The correlation of 0.762 (p


Industrial Engineering Letters

ISSN 2224-6096 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0581 (online)
Vol.3, No.7, 2013

= 0.001 0.01) between service quality and customer loyalty, shows the higher positive relationship between
them. Service quality is having higher positive relationship than the other independent variables such as pricing
and brand image. It indicates that there are higher chances to improve customer loyalty by improving service
quality. The correlation of 0.615 (p = 0.001 0.01) between pricing, and customer loyalty also shows positive
relationship between them. The correlation value of 0.711 (p = 0.001 0.01) between the brand image and
customer loyalty is also positively and significant related. As per the results of the correlation analysis, it could
be summed up, that service quality, pricing and brand image are positively and significantly correlated with
customer loyalty.
Table 3. Correlation Coefficient Matrix
Service quality
Service quality

Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation

Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
(Source: Output from the data analysis)


Brand image

Customer loyalty











Customer loyalty


Table 4: Regression coefficients of the study variables

(Dependent Variable: Customer loyalty)





















Brand image






(source: output from the data analysis)

The coefficient was the primary way of measure to the extent or strength of the association that exists between
the variables. According to the above output researchers can conclude that the pricing and brand image variables
were contributing to customer loyalty at a low level compared with service quality.
The results, which are shown in the Table 4, also indicate by the Adjusted R square, 63% of the variance of the
customer loyalty was explained by service quality, pricing and brand image with the standard beta 0.455, 0.121,
0.251 respectively. This indicated that the combination of the predictors significantly predict customer loyalty.
The adjusted R Square statistics shows that 63% of variance of customer loyalty could be explained by this
model. Through the findings and discussions it is affirmed there is direct relationship between the variables of
customer satisfaction and the customer loyalty.
According to the model, it is also important to note that the pricing and brand image are low level contribution
with customer loyalty. So other factors may be of more influence with customer loyalty. Such as personal
background, competitors contribution, switching cost and trusts etc. Contribution of these factors could be
evaluated by further researches by incorporating those variables.
4. Recommendations
The prime purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that influence customer loyalty of Sri Lanka
Telecom PLC customers. Service quality, price and brand image were found to the key factors that influenced the
loyalty of the Sri Lanka Telecom PLC customers. Even though the service provided by Sri Lanka Telecom PLC


Industrial Engineering Letters

ISSN 2224-6096 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0581 (online)
Vol.3, No.7, 2013

was very effective, it was still losing it customer base. This study was carried out from the perspective of the
customers to gain a general understanding of what do customers want in order to be loyal to service provider.
According to the analyzed data, it had been found that service quality, pricing and brand image have an impact
on customer loyalty. That was, a changes at service quality, pricing and brand image affects customer loyalty.
Further there was a positive relationship between satisfaction of service quality, pricing, brand image and
customer loyalty.
Even though Sri Lanka Telecom PLC the only wire line monopoly operator in Sri Lanka, it has to sustain the
high level satisfaction among customers and to improve the moderate and low satisfactory level customers to
high level satisfaction and thereby protect the customer loyalty in Trincomalee District. Managers and officers of
Sri Lanka Telecom PLC and customers of Trincomalee branch suggested ideas to sustain and improve customer
loyalty through satisfaction of service quality, pricing and brand image.
4.1. Recommendation by Managers

Employees are requested to pay attention to their dressing and appearance within office premises and in
the presence of customers. Especially field employees should pay attention to wear their uniforms during
their official hours.

Everyone from SLT is requested to pay attention and respect to customers and their needs, offer fast and
efficient services, to have a positive attitude to customer service and to work as team to achieve and
maintain the companys reputation. Employees should also need to develop good communications skills
which would help them to discover the customers specific needs.

Management needs to find out or improve an effective method of monthly bills which could give clear
idea regarding the charges. It should also consider the call rates and prices of products which now
customers feel high compared with other operators and needs to revise Sri Lanka Telecom PLC prices
while considering competitors prices.
4.2. Recommendation by Employees

Management should advertise new product/services details on time without delay and make awareness to
staff to answer customer queries.
Eg : PSTN, CDMA and ADSL promotions, IDD promotions and call rates

Management needs to pay attention to arrange awareness programmes and training programmes to
employees frequently. Employees, Front office staff as well as Technical Staff should update their
knowledge in the same manner.
Management needs to increase the satisfaction of their employees, thereby can maintain their service
quality by giving appropriate overtime allowances, annual bonus etc (Promotion achievement bonus,
Performance & Leave bonus, Best Employee awards).

Management needs to consider price changes to attract customers as price is playing a major role in
switching to other operators.
4.3 Recommendation by Customers

Recommended to prepare a schedule of convenient time to meet back officers and operations staff. It will
make convenience to customers.
Eg : Appear time schedule at the entrance of office with officers details.

The major effect in the Sri Lanka Telecom PLC services that most of the times staff were not clearly
informed to customers that the time of service performed. Everyone should pay attention in this matter.
All officers have to keep coordination with everyone to improve the trustworthiness.
Eg : PSTN Connection with pole installation 07 days
PSTN Connection without pole installation 03 days

The management should concern on flexible price method to accommodate all level of income earners
and undertake the way in which price is reliable to customers.

Managers are requested to lessen the degree of mixed feeling following poor service recovery; service
organizations might consider sending customized communication messages to disgruntled customers.
As conclusion, through the development of the variables and maintaining the quality of the service/ product
would definitely pave way for expansion of the customer base and thereby the increase in net profit. By
identifying the reasons of that leads the level of service quality, pricing and brand image that influence on
customer loyalty, Management could take suitable actions to amend them. As per this study, it is concluded,
service quality, pricing and brand images highly influenced on customer loyalty in Trincomalee district, that is,
the results of the findings reached the objective of this study.
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Vol.3, No.7, 2013

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The Telecommunication Regulatory Commission.
The Sri Lanka Telecom PLC


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