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Porous Brochure

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Porous asphalt is
an environmentally
friendly tool
for stormwater
In the natural environment, rainfall sinks into soil, filters through it, and
eventually finds its way to streams, ponds, lakes, and underground aquifers.
The built environment, by way of contrast, seals the surface. Rainwater and
snowmelt become runoff which may contribute to flooding. Contaminants are
washed from surfaces directly into waterways without undergoing the filtration
that nature intended.1
Stormwater management tools can mitigate the impact of the built environment on natural hydrology. Unfortunately, however, they also can lead to unsound
solutions such as cutting down stands of trees in order to build detention ponds.
Porous asphalt pavements allow for land development plans that are more
thoughtful, harmonious with natural processes, and sustainable. They conserve
water, reduce runoff, promote infiltration which cleanses stormwater, replenish
aquifers, and protect streams.
A typical porous pavement has an open-graded surface over an underlying
stone recharge bed. The water drains through the porous asphalt and into the
stone bed, then, slowly, infiltrates into the soil. Many contaminants are removed
as the stormwater passes through the porous asphalt, stone recharge bed, and
soils through filtration and microbial action.


In 1977, researchers at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia published a design guide for porous pavements.2 This document has been
widely referenced ever since, and provides a solid foundation for
porous pavement designers.
Many porous pavements have been constructed since the late 1970s.
Cahill Associates has been involved in the design and construction of
more than 200 porous asphalt pavements since the 1980s and have
reported no failures of pavements for which proper design and construction practices were followed. For maintenance, an important caveat is
that fine material such as silt or sand must be prevented from clogging
the surface.

A stabilizing course or choker

course consisting of a clean
single-size crushed stone smaller
than the stone in the recharge
bed to stabilize the surface for
paving equipment.
n An open-graded asphalt surface
with interconnected voids that
allow stormwater to flow through
the pavement into the stone
recharge bed.


Porous pavements are highly
effective in reducing pollution in
stormwater runoff from pavements.
Cahill reports that, although sampling on porous pavement systems
has been limited, the available data
indicate a high removal rate for total
suspended solids (TSS), metals,
and oil and grease.3
Table 1 shows the pollution removal efficiency for a porous parking lot constructed at the University
of New Hampshire (UNH) in 2004.4
The University reports that
The water quality treatment performance of the porous asphalt
lot generally has been excellent.
It consistently exceeds EPAs
recommended level of removal of
total suspended solids, and meets
regional ambient water quality criteria for petroleum hydrocarbons
and zinc. Researchers observed
limited phosphorus treatment and
none for nitrogen, which is consistent with other non-vegetated
infiltration systems.

They also observed that the system

did not remove chloride, but since it
drastically reduced the salt needed
for winter maintenance, it may prove
effective at reducing chloride pollution.
They reported that winter maintenance
requires between zero and 25 percent
of the salt routinely applied to impervious asphalt to achieve equivalent,
or better, deicing and traction.

From the bottom up, the standard
porous asphalt pavement structure
consists of:
n An uncompacted subgrade to maximize the infiltration rate of the soil.
n A geotextile fabric that allows water
to pass through, but prevents migration of fine material from the subgrade into the stone recharge bed.
n A stone recharge bed consisting
of clean single-size crushed large
stone with about 40 percent voids.
This serves as a structural layer and
also temporarily stores stormwater
as it infiltrates into the soil below.

Pollution removal efficiencies

The design of a porous pavement

can be broken down into location,
hydrology and structural design. This
brochure will not address hydrologic
design, as this should be performed
by a licensed engineer proficient in
hydrology and stormwater design.
The general guidelines for the
porous asphalt pavement design are:
n Consider the location for porous
pavements early in the site
design process.
n Soil infiltration rates of 0.1 to
10 inches/hour work best.
n Minimum depth to bedrock or
seasonal high water should be
greater than two feet.
n The bottom of the infiltration bed
should be flat to maximize the
infiltration area.
n Limit the maximum slope of porous
pavement surface to 5 percent.
For parking areas on steeper
slopes, terrace the parking areas
with berms between parking areas.
n Look for opportunities to route run-
off from nearby impervious areas
to the infiltration bed to minimize
stormwater structures. Pretreatment may be required.

(University of New Hampshire)

Total Phosphorus
Total Zinc
Suspended Solids
(% Removal)
(% Removal)

(% Removal)





Total Petroleum
in the Diesel Range
(% Removal)

Typical porous pavement cross section
Figure 1: Typical Porous Pavement Cross Section


Spread out the infiltration. The maximum ratio of impervious to pervious

area should be 5:1. For carbonate
soils where there is a risk of sinkholes, the maximum ratio should be
3:1. Do not place porous pavements
over known sinkhole areas.
The design should provide for an
alternate path for stormwater to enter
the stone recharge bed in the event
that the pavement surface becomes
plugged or experiences extreme
storm events.
An overflow system should be included to prevent water in the stone bed
from rising into the pavement surface
during extreme storm events.
The stone recharge bed should be
able to drain within 12 and 72 hours.
The bottom of the infiltration bed
should be flat to maximize the infiltration area and reduce the amount of
stone required.
Porous pavements work best on flat
or gently sloping areas. The slope of
the surface should not exceed 5 percent. For parking on sloping areas,
consider terracing the parking areas
with berms separating the parking
bay as shown in Figure 2.

Massachusetts, both with a bed

depth of 12 inches. None of these
pavements have shown damage
due to frost heave. The only research
on frost depth has occurred at UNH,
where the frost depth is 48 inches.
While the porous pavement at the
site extends to below the frost depth,
their data from 2006 show frost
penetration in the recharge bed of
less than one foot. UNH conserva-
tively recommends the depth of the
bed be 65 percent of the frost depth
in their design specifications.4
Routing Stormwater from
Impervious Areas


In the past it has been recomended that the bottom of the recharge
bed should exceed the depth of frost
penetration in the region where the
porous pavement is to be installed.
More recently this has come into
question, since a number of porous
pavements have been installed in
freezing climates with total depths
much shallower than this. These
include pathways at Swarthmore
College, Pennsylvania, and a parking lot at Walden Pond Visitor Center,

Terraced porous parking
Figure 4: Terraced porous parking

Using the stone recharge bed

for stormwater management for
adjacent impervious areas such as
roofs and roads can reduce project
costs. This will reduce or eliminate
the need for a detention basin and
reduce stormwater structures and
pipes. To achieve this, stormwater
can be conveyed directly into the
stone bed, where perforated pipes
in the stone bed can distribute the
water evenly. Use of a sediment
control device is recommended
(Figure 3).

Roof leaders can be connected directly to the subsurface infiltration bed
(Based on Cahill Associates illustration)

A Precipitation is carried from roof by

roof leaders to storage bed.
B Stormwater runoff from impervious
areas and lawn areas is carried to
storage bed.
C Precipitation that falls on porous parking enters storage bed directly.
D Stone bed stores water. Continuously
perforated pipes distribute the stormwater from impervious surfaces evenly
throughout the bed.
E Stormwater exfiltrates from storage
bed into soil, recharging groundwater.

Provide Alternate Path for Stormwater to Enter Stone Recharge Bed

Often, the designer will provide

an alternate means for stormwater
to enter the stone recharge bed if
the pavement surface should ever
become plugged or sealed, or for
extreme storm events. For pavements without curbs, this can be
a two-foot-wide stone edge connected to the bed (Figure 4).
Overflow Structure

Porous pavements are not normally designed to store and infiltrate all stormwater from all storms.
Therefore, it will be necessary to
include overflow devices to prevent
the water from rising into and over
the porous asphalt surface (Figure 4).


In addition to parking lots and

roads, porous pavements have also
been used successfully for paths
and trails. One complication in using porous pavements for paths is
that they normally follow the natural
contours of the land, so the bed
bottoms might not necessarily be
flat. They do reduce the amount of
impervious surface. They also mimic the natural infiltration of the surrounding terrain and will therefore
reduce runoff and improve water
quality. Because the pavement/
infiltration system follows the surrounding contours, it is necessary
to provide drains at low points as
shown in Figure 5.

Example of stone edge for alternate path
to bed and overflow device

Geotextile (Filter Fabric)

Non-woven geotextiles are typically used to prevent fines in the

subgrade from migrating into the
stone recharge bed.
Stone Recharge Bed and
Choker Course

Aggregate for the stone recharge

bed needs to be clean, crushed
stone. In many cases AASHTO
No. 3 stone is specified; however,
other aggregate gradations such as
AASHTO No. 1, No. 2, and smaller
have also been used successfully.
Porous Asphalt

Porous asphalt pavements are

fast and easy to construct. With the
proper information, most asphalt

Porous asphalt path
Figure 10: Porous Asphalt Path

Outlet Structure

Porous Asphalt

Stone bed


Perforated Pipe

Perforated drains at low points

plants can easily prepare the mix and

general paving contractors can install
it. While modified asphalts are often
used, these are not always necessary
or practical.
There are a number of guides and
specifications available for porous
asphalt mixes. These include NAPA
publication IS-115, Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Open-Graded
Asphalt Friction Course. The following
key properties should be included as
part of the specification:
n Air voids: 16 percent minimum
This assures permeability of the mix.
n Asphalt content: A good guideline is
to require 5.75 percent minimum by
weight of total mix. Adequate binder
content is important for the durability
of the mix.
n Draindown test: 0.3 percent maximum This test is important to
make sure that the asphalt binder
does not drain down during storage,
transportation and placement.
n Moisture susceptibility Because
porous asphalt surfaces do not hold
water, they have very low risk of
moisture-related damage.

The following are some general
guidelines for construction of porous
n The site area for the porous pavement should be protected from
excessive heavy equipment running
on the subgrade, compacting soil,
and reducing permeability.
n Excavate the subgrade soil using
equipment with tracks or over-
sized tires. Avoid narrow rubber
tires as they compact the soil and
reduce its infiltration capabilities.
n As soon as the bed has been
excavated to the final grade, the
filter fabric should be placed.
n Install drainage pipes if required.
n Place aggregate for the stone
recharge bed, taking care not to
damage the filter fabric. Aggregate
should be dumped at the edge
of the bed and placed in layers
of 8 to12 inches using track
equipment. Compact each
lift with a single pass of a light
roller or vibratory compactor.

The photos show a parking lot at University of New Hampshire one hour after plowing,
with a close-up of the porous asphalt portion of the lot at bottom. A 75 percent reduction
in salt application was possible: that is, with only 25 percent of the salt, the snow and ice
cover on the porous asphalt was the same as on conventional dense-mix asphalt.


The use of a choker course over

the top of the stone recharge bed
is optional. The purpose of this
course is to stabilize the surface
for the paving equipment. The
purpose is not to cover the large
stone in the recharge bed but to
fill some of the surface voids and
lock up the aggregate. Therefore
some of the large stones will be
visible after the choker course
has been placed and compacted.
The porous asphalt layer is placed
in 2- to 4-inch-thick lifts using
track pavers, following state or
national guidelines for open-
graded asphalt mixes.
After final rolling, traffic should be
restricted for the first 24 hours.
It is critical to protect the porous
pavement during and after construction from sediment-laden
water and construction debris
that may clog it.

Post-Construction Practices

Where applicable, remove temporary stormwater drainage diversions

after vegetation is established.
Although snow and ice tend to
melt more quickly on porous pavement, it may still be necessary to
apply de-icing compounds such as
salt or liquid de-icer. Do not use
sand or ash on the surface since
clogging may occur. As previously
mentioned, the University of New
Hampshire has shown that significantly less deicer may be applied
than with conventional pavements.
(Figure 6).
Signs are often posted at porous
pavement sites to alert maintenance
personnel to keep silt and debris
from entering the site. They should
also warn not to seal the pavement
or use sand or other abrasives for
snow or ice conditions. In addition,
these signs can include some educational information regarding the
advantages of porous pavement.

To prevent clogging of porous
pavements it is recommended that
they be vacuum swept twice per
year. As previously discussed, it is
also very important that sanding not
be used for winter maintenance.

Porous asphalt pavements provide excellent parking lots and roads. They tend not to exhibit
cracking and pothole formation problems. The surface wears well. Porous asphalt has been
proven to last for decades, even in extreme climates, and even in areas with many freeze-thaw
cycles.5 Using the underlying stone bed to manage stormwater for adjacent impervious areas
such as roofs provides even more benefits.
Porous pavement is a sound choice on economics alone. A porous asphalt pavement surface costs approximately the same as conventional asphalt. Because porous pavement is
designed to fit into the topography of a site, there is generally less earthwork. The underlying
stone bed is usually more expensive than a conventional compacted sub-base, but this cost
difference is offset by eliminating the detention basin and other components of stormwater
management systems. On projects where unit costs have been compared, the porous pavement has been the less expensive option. Porous pavements are therefore attractive on both
environmental and economic grounds.1

1. Cahill, Thomas H., et al., Porous

Asphalt: The Right Choice for Porous
Pavements, Hot Mix Asphalt Technology, National Asphalt Pavement
Association, Lanham, MD, September/October 2003.
2. Thelen, E. a. (1978). Porous Pavement, The Franklin Institute Research Laboratories.
3. Cahill, T. H., Adams, M., & Marm,
C. (2005, March). Stormwater Management with Porous Pavements.
Government Engineering, p. 6.
4. University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center. (2007). University of
New Hampshire Stormwater Center
2007 Annual Report. Durham, NH.
5. MacDonald, Chuck, Porous Pavements Working in Northern Climates, Hot Mix Asphalt Technology, National Asphalt Pavement
Association, Lanham, MD, July/
August 2006.

Additional Resources
The definitive guide for porous
pavements is NAPAs Porous
Asphalt Pavements for Stormwater Management: Design,
Construction, and Maintenance
Guide (IS-131).
For porous asphalt mixes, consult NAPAs Design, Construction, and Maintenance of OpenGraded Asphalt Friction Courses
For photos and videos visit


National Asphalt Pavement Association

NAPA Building n 5100 Forbes Blvd. n Lanham, Maryland 20706-4407 n Web:
E-mail: n Tel: 301-731-4748 n Fax: 301-731-4621 n Toll-Free: 1-888-468-6499

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