NETELLER UserGuide English
NETELLER UserGuide English
NETELLER UserGuide English
Copyright Optimal Payments Plc. All rights reserved. Optimal Payments Limited is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations
2011 (FRN: 900015) for the issuing of electronic money and payment instruments. Optimal Payments Merchant Services Limited is licensed by the Financial Supervision
Commission of the Isle of Man (Ref. 1357) to carry out money transmission services. NETELLER and Net+ are registered trademarks of Optimal Payments Plc. Net+ prepaid
cards are issued by Optimal Payments Limited, pursuant to a licence from MasterCard International Inc. MasterCard is a registered trademark of MasterCard International Inc.
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On this page you will need to provide your personal information. Please enter the
following details:
1. Enter your legal first name.
2. Enter your legal last name.
3. Provide your street address. Street address includes the house number and is
up to 35 characters. You may add up to 2 lines to provide your full address.
4. Insert your city name.
5. Click on Edit to change your country of residence or region.
6. Enter your postcode/postal code/zipcode.
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This screen asks you to remember the answers to your security questions. You may
need this information to access your account at a later date.
1. Select Continue to complete your sign up.
2. Select Edit if you would like to edit your security questions or answers.
3. Select Print if you would like to print a copy of this screen.
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1. This is the Account ID of your NETELLER Account. You can use this number or
your email address to sign in to your account.
2. This is the Secure ID number. You will require your unique Secure ID for certain
NETELLER transactions at merchant sites and to apply for a Net+ card.
Note: Keep a record of your Account ID and Secure ID in a safe place.
Choose what you want to do next:
3. Put money into your account.
4. View your account.
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Once you have successfully set up an account, it is time to explore its functions and
decide what you want to do next.
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1. You can view all available deposit options within your region by selecting the
Money in link when you sign into your NETELLER Account.
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Deposit using a credit card
To initiate a deposit with your credit card, select the Money in link and choose the
applicable option. We have used a Visa card for this example.
You will see a table on the upper right side of this screen that shows you how many
deposits you have remaining for today, as well as the maximum per transaction. You
can increase this cards limits by validating it. Refer to section 2.2 on Validating credit
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On this page, you will be able to confirm the transaction information that you entered:
10. When using VISA, verified by VISA may be required. Repeated declined
transactions will disable your account. When using a MasterCard, a similar
security system is used, called MasterCard Secure Code.
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1. Click on Continue to proceed with your card validation. This is NOT a fee and
will be credited to your NETELLER Account once the charge has been
2. If you do not want to validate your card now, click on Cancel to exit this page.
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With NETELLER you can store up to five credit or debit cards to make depositing
easier. To add a stored card, simply:
1. Click on the Money in button and complete a deposit with your preferred card.
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Once you have completed a successful deposit with a credit or debit card, the card will
automatically be added to your preferred deposit options.
To validate a card and receive higher transaction limits:
1. Simply go to the Settings page.
2. Select Preferred deposit options.
3. Click on Validate to proceed with your card validation.
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1. To validate your card we must perform a one-time validation charge of 3.00 GBP
(or equivalent). This is NOT A FEE and will be returned to you as a credit to your
NETELLER Account once the charge has been processed.
2. Credit card number.
3. Currency of your credit card.
4. Expiry date of your credit card.
5. The Security number or CVV code, (also referenced as CVC code) is the 3 digit
code found on the back of your Net+ card.
6. Click on Continue to validate your credit card or Close to cancel the card
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This screen indicates that the one time validation charge was successful.
Option one: Validate your card instantly
1. Phone your card issuer and ask for the details of the transaction made on a specific
date. They will give you a 4 digit validation code.
2. The card you used to make the transaction.
3. The date when the transaction was completed.
4. The one time validation charge amount.
5. The unique 4 digit validation code that the card issuer will give you. You can also get
this code from your card statement.
Your card validation code is the first 4 digits from the transaction description, for
example: if the transaction description is 1234-NETELLER, then 1234 is your
validation code.
6. Click on Validate now to complete the card validation.
Option two: Validate your card later
7. Click on Validate later if you would like to complete the validation at a different
time. Once you have located the validation transaction on your card statement,
select this card from the settings page and follow the validation instructions
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This screen confirms that the card has been successfully validated. You can now enjoy
increased deposit limits with the card. You can validate and store up to 5 cards at a
1. Click on Close to exit this page.
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The process of depositing with a stored card is similar to the deposit with a credit card
covered in Section 2.1 on page 11. The only difference is that when using a stored card
you can select the card already registered with NETELLER, instead of registering the
card from the beginning.
1. When you want to use a stored credit card to deposit funds into your account, go
to Money in page
2. Select Deposit to your account option
3. Select the card that you want to use and that has a green check mark ( )
beside it.
The green mark means your card has been validated and you can use it for
deposits. If the card you want to use does not have green check mark, return to
section 2.2 to validate it.
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Confirm your transaction details and proceed with your deposit as outlined in Section
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1. Go to Settings page when you want to remove a stored credit card in order to
enter a new one,
2. Select Preferred deposit options
3. Click on Remove
Note: you can only remove a stored card when you have the maximum of five stored
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Next, you will be asked if you are sure you want to remove this card from your stored
card list. You will see below:
Card number.
Card currency.
Card expiry.
Click on Continue to proceed with the stored card removal.
Click on Cancel to cancel the process of your stored card removal.
This message confirms that the stored card was successfully removed. You can add
another stored card by simply going to the Money in page and selecting your preferred
1. Click on Close to exit this page.
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Enter the amount you wish to deposit, in the currency of your NETELLER Account.
Select Continue to accept the processing fee of 1.5% and proceed with the
Tip: Your NETELLER Account currency appears here.
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On this page, you will be able to confirm the deposit information that you entered and
the fees that will be applied:
Amount of transaction.
Foreign exchange fee.
Processing fee.
Amount of the deposit that you entered on the previous screen.
Select Confirm to accept the fees and proceed with the transaction.
Select Edit to change the transaction details.
By selecting Confirm you allow NETELLER to complete this transaction
through a third-party processor.
Note: The exchange rate that NETELLER applies is a daily interbank market rate
published by a third-party foreign currency data provider plus a mark-up. NETELLER
retains the mark-up amount as a foreign exchange (FX) processing fee.
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NETELLERs website will take you to a page to complete the deposit by:
Selecting your bank from the list of banks that are supported.
Opening your online banking manually, and
Transfering the money to the requested account.
Once the money is received, you will be returned to the shop which in this
instance is your NETELLER Account.
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On this page, you will be able to confirm the deposit information that you entered and
the fees that will be applied:
1. Amount of deposit.
2. Your bank currency.
3. Foreign exchange fee. NETELLER does not charge a fee for Local Bank Deposit,
but you may incur a fee from your bank.
4. Deposit Amount.
5. Select Confirm to accept the fees and proceed with the transaction.
6. Select Edit to change the transaction details.
7. This deposit will appear in your account as pending until the funds are received
by NETELLER from your bank. Additional fees from your banking institution may
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This screen displays all of the information that allows you to complete your deposit by
paying in to your NETELLER Account via online banking, telephone banking or by
visiting your local bank branch. It includes:
1. Amount of transaction.
2. Reference number (this is your 12 digit NETELLER Account ID number). If your
bank does not accommodate a reference number, please, contact NETELLER
3. Bank name.
4. Bank address.
5. Bank currency.
6. Beneficiary name (NETELLER).
7. Beneficiarys bank account number (NETELLERs bank account number).
8. Select Print to print this page and take it to your local bank branch or keep it for
your records.
9. Select Close to exit this page.
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Step 1
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Step 3
This last screen features all of the information that allows you to complete your deposit
by paying in to your NETELLER Account via online banking, telephone banking or by
visiting your local bank branch. It includes:
1. Amount you want to deposit.
2. Reference number (your 12 digit NETELLER Account ID). If your bank does not
accommodate a reference number, please contact NETELLER Support.
3. Bank name.
4. Bank address.
5. Your bank currency.
6. Beneficiary name.
7. IBAN number.
8. Print this page and take it to your local bank branch or keep for your records.
9. Click Close to exit this page.
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1. Select the type of document from the drop down menu. You will need to send a
copy of a government-issued identification document, such as your passport,
government ID card, driver license or permanent resident card. Before you
upload the document, make sure you use one of the following formats: *.jpg,
*png. Please be advised that we do not accept expired documents and black and
white copies.
2. Key in the Identification number of your government issued identification
documents (Example: your passport)
3. Key in the Expiry date of the government issued identification document you will
be submitting (Example: date your passport expires), or select the checkbox
indicating that their document does not have an expiry date.
4. Click on Continue to proceed with documents upload flow.
Clicking Continue will initiate the document upload flow. This flow is contained
within a window in your NETELLER Account but using a third party provided
called Jumio that will upload and process the document(s).
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1. You will need to select the country where your document was issued. The
page will display by default the country of residence in your NETELLER
2. Click on one of the three types of documents that are allowed to be uploaded.
You can select the passport, identity card or driver license. This will initiate
the document upload screen.
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You will have two (2) potential options available to upload your documents:
1. Click on Use webcam to scan document button to submit your
identification document if you have an active webcam conncted to your
2. Click on Upload existing image to upload a saved image of your identity
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Option 3.1
If you choose using the webcam to scan your document and depending on your internet
browser and webcam settings, you will see the screen below.
1. Click on Allow button to allow access to your camera before proceeding with
the webcam upload.
2. Choose Deny button if you do not want to proceed with the webcam upload.
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Step 1
If you selected the Allow button, you will be asked to hold your document up to your
webcam, centre it in the viewing window and ensure the document is fully legible.
1. A preview of your identity document image is shown in this location.
2. Click on Take snapshot to lock in a preview of the image.
3. Click on Confirm & continue with next step if you are satisfied with the quality of
the image of your identity document.
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Step 2
On the next step, you will be asked to take a picture of your face. You will need to look
straight into your webcam, centre your face in the viewing window and ensure youjr face
is fully visible.
1. A preview of your face is shown in this location.
2. Click on Take snapshot to lock in a preview of the image.
3. Click on Finish & start verification if you are satisfied with the quality of the
image of your face.
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Next, you will be presented a spinning analysis wheel. Do not close the window until this
has completed.
After completion the windnow will automatically close and you will be presented a
message that your documents were successfully uploaded.
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1. This message confirms your documents were received and are now being
You will receive an email once your account verification is completed.
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Option 3.2
If you choose to use the option Upload existing image to upload a saved image of your
identity document, you will be presented with the following screen:
1. Click on Choose file to your saved document. The document must not exceed 5
MB in size and be in JPG or PNG format.
2. Click on Confirm to upload the document once the file preview is loaded.
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We have several withdrawal options, each with different processing times and fees.
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Bank Transfer
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Step 1
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Step 2
On this page you will be able to confirm your bank information, entered previously.
1. Account number.
2. Routing number.
3. Bank name.
4. City the bank is in.
5. Country the bank is in.
6. The amount you would like to withdraw (this will be in the currency of your
NETELLER Account).
7. Check the box to indicate your agreement to the electronic funds transfer to your
bank account.
8. Select Continue to proceed with the transaction.
9. Select Cancel to stop the transaction.
10. Select Edit to change the transaction details, like your bank name or amount.
11. Select Remove Bank if you wish to remove this bank.
Note: When your bank currency is different to your account currency, withdrawals to
this bank are subject to FX fees.
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Step 3
Confirm the following transaction from your NETELLER Account to your bank account:
The account the transfer is coming coming from (i.e. your bank).
The account the transfer is going to.
The currency that the transfer is in.
The amount of the transaction.
The processing fee.
The amount being withdrawn (this will be the transaction amount plus the
processing fee).
7. Select Continue to proceed with the transaction.
8. Select Cancel to stop the transaction.
9. Select Edit to change the transaction details.
10. Select Remove Bank if you wish to remove this bank.
Note: This withdrawal will appear in your account as pending until your funds are
deposited to your bank.
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Step 4
This last screen features information about your successful bank transfer withdrawal.
Bank transfer withdrawals take 1 to 3 business days to process. This withdrawal will
appear in your account as pending until your funds are deposited to your bank account.
You will see:
1. The account the money is coming from.
2. The account the money is going to.
3. The transaction currency.
4. The transaction amount.
5. The processing fee.
6. Your withdrawal amount, including all fees and FX.
7. Select Close to exit this page and return to your NETELLER Account Money
out page.
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If you want to use the Bank Transfer option to withdraw funds and your bank account is
not registered with us, you will need to confirm a micro deposit amount. This will confirm
that you have access to the account.
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1. Enter the deposit amount NETELLER sent to your bank. Make sure to only submit
two digits, with no decimal or comma sign.
2. Select Continue to verify your bank account.
This screen will appear to indicate that you have successfully verified your bank account
and it is now available for use. Note: You can only have one bank account linked to your
NETELLER Account at one time.
If you wish to change your verified bank account, select the bank link found on the
account summary page to remove the current bank and add a new one.
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Cheque Withdrawal
The Cheque withdrawal option is available to all our members. Please note that we
recommend that members from New Zealand and Australia use a bank draft instead.
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Step 1
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Step 2
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Step 3
This last screen features all of the information about your successful cheque withdrawal
1. Select Close to exit this page and return to your NETELLER Account Money out
Note: The cheque withdrawal requests will be processed in the order they are received.
Please allow up to 24 hours for your transaction to be processed.
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1. You can view your withdrawal transaction by going to the History page in your
2. Look for the Transaction history tab.
3. Select the transaction called Cheque withdrawal.
4. See the cheque withdrawal transaction details.
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Member Wire
Member Wire withdrawals are available to members worldwide except members from
supported European countries who can withdraw directly to their bank account using the
Bank Transfer withdrawal option.
1. To initiate a Member Wire withdrawal, select the Money out page in your
2. Click on Withdraw to my bank account.
3. Select Withdraw now to withdraw money by member wire.
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Step 1
To initiate a Bank Wire withdrawal, you will need to have your bank account registered
with NETELLER. If you have not registered your bank account yet, you will be asked to
enter this information:
1. First and last name on the bank account.
2. Bank account number.
3. Swift or BIC code.
4. Branch code.
5. Bank name.
6. City you live in.
7. Country.
8. Select your currency.
9. Click on Continue to proceed with the transaction.
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Step 2
This screen will ask you to review your bank details, and:
1. Click on Confirm if the information is correct, or
2. Click on Edit if you need to make corrections.
Step 3
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Step 1
If you have already registered your bank account with NETELLER, you will only need to
confirm your bank account information when you initiate a Member Wire withdrawal. In
order to complete the transaction, you will need to:
1. Check the square box to agree and let NETELLER make a funds transfer to this
bank account.
2. Click on Continue to proceed with the transaction.
3. Click on Cancel to stop the transaction withdrawal request.
4. Click on Edit to modify your bank account details.
5. Click on Remove to remove this bank account and add a new one.
Step 2
1. Click on Continue if the information is correct and to proceed with the member
wire withdrawal transaction.
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Step 3
This last screen features all of the information about your successful Member Wire.
1. Select Close to exit from this page.
Note: Member Wire withdrawals will be processed within 3 - 5 business days from the
date of request.
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Money Transfer
With NETELLERs Money Transfer option you can send funds to friends and family
members in any of our serviced countries around the world, even if they are not
NETELLER members.
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Step 1
Step 2
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Step 3
This last screen confirms that your Money Transfer was successful.
1. Select Print if you would like to print a copy of this page.
2. Select Close to exit this page.
Note: This Money Transfer will appear in your account as pending until the transaction
is accepted by the recipient. You may view or cancel this pending transaction on the
transaction history page.
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With a NETELLER Account you have access to our Net+ Prepaid MasterCards. The
cards can be used anywhere MasterCard is accepted worldwide, and because they are
linked to the balance in your account you get instant access to the money in your
NETELLER Account whether you are online or in a shop.
There are two types of Net+ cards available: plastic and virtual.
Net+ Prepaid MasterCard - plastic
The Net+ plastic card looks, acts and functions like a traditional debit card. It is a
physical card that employs Chip and PIN technology to increase your security. You can
make withdrawals at ATMs and purchases online or at retail locations which accept
1. To receive your Net+ plastic card simply sign in to your NETELLER Account and
select Net+ cards.
2. Select Get a plastic card.
3. Report a lost or stolen card immediately.
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Step 1
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Step 2
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Once you have applied for a Net+ plastic card, your Net+ cards page will look like this:
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Step 1
Once you have received your card in the mail you will need to activate it. Go to the Net+
cards tab in your NETELLER Account and:
1. Select Activate card.
Step 2
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Step 3
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The Net+ virtual card allows you to use the funds in your NETELLER Account to make
online purchases wherever MasterCard is accepted. Your first card is FREE and is
included with your NETELLER Account. This card gives you instant access to your
funds and provides you with optimal security when shopping online.
Note: You must have a positive account balance before you can start using the Net+
Virtual Prepaid MasterCard. Verified members can add up to 5 Net+ virtual cards.
Getting the Net+ Virtual Prepaid MasterCard is easy and free. Simply:
1. Go to the Net+ cards section
2. Click on Get a virtual card
3. Call the listed telephone number should you notice unrecognized transactions or
compromised card numbers.
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Step 1
To use your virtual card, you must have money in your account.
To get your first (free) Net+ virtual card, you will need to enter the following information:
1. Choose the card currency that you would like your virtual card to be in. To save
on foreign exchange fees, we recommend that you select the currency that you
will be using most for purchases.
2. Name this card to your preference. This field is optional, however if you choose
to use it, the card name can be 25 characters long and must not be the same as
an existing virtual card name.
3. Enter your 6-digit Secure ID number. Click on Retrieve if you forgot your
NETELLER Secure ID number.
4. Your first card is FREE and is included with your NETELLER Account.
5. Click on Submit to proceed with you Net+ virtual card application.
6. Click on Cancel to cancel your virtual card application.
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Step 2
This page confirms your Net+ Prepaid Virtual MasterCard is ready to use.
1. Click on Continue to start using your virtual card.
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When you start using your Net+ virtual card, you will be able to see the following page:
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The Lifetime limit tracker indicates how much you have transferred using this virtual
The image below shows: a) your lifetime limit amount, b) the amount spent and c) the
amount remaining:
When you are getting close to reaching the lifetime limit of a card, the tracker colour will
turn red.
The red colour means that you are nearly at the lifetime limit of your card. When you
have reached the lifetime limit, you will no longer be able to make purchases with the
However, you have the option to add a new virtual card.
1. Click on Add a card to request a new Net+ virtual card.
Remember to verify your NETELLER Account in order to be able to add up to 5 virtual
cards and set optional card limits.
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By selecting the Rename card option, you will get the following page:
Step 1
If you proceed with your virtual card name change, by clicking on Submit, you will get
the following screen, confirming your virtual card name has been changed.
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Step 2
By selecting the Cancel card option, you will get the following page:
Step 3
If you choose to proceed with your virtual card cancellation, you will see the following
screen, which confirms that the card has been cancelled:
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To see how many virtual cards you have issued to your NETELLER Account:
1. Go to Net+ cards page.
2. View the card count in the Net+ Virtual Prepaid MasterCard section.
This same message will appear if you try to add more than 5 virtual cards to your
3. To cancel a Net+ virtual card, click on Cancel card link.
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This page confirms that your selected Net+ virtual card was cancelled.
You may now request a new virtual card with an optional lifetime limit, by entering the
following information:
1. Choose the card currency you would like your new virtual card to be in. To save
on foreign exchange fees, we recommend that you select the currency that you
will be using most for purchases or withdrawals.
2. Name this card to your preference.
3. Choose a lifetime limit for this card. Adding a lifetime limit allows you to restrict
the amount you can spend with this card, but does not reserve funds in your
4. Enter your 6-digit Secure ID number. * Click on Retrieve if you forgot your
NETELLER Secure ID number.
5. An administrative fee will be charged for this virtual card.
6. Click on Submit to proceed with you new Net+ virtual card application.
7. Click on Cancel to cancel your new virtual card application.
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Customer Rewards
As a NETELLER member, you have access to some great member rewards. You can
earn money for every friend you refer to us, gain access to one of the best VIP
programs in the industry and register to win cash prizes through our promotions.
Plus, by joining our Reward Points program, you earn points every time you use your
NETELLER Account which can be redeemed for cash or merchandise from our Reward
Points store.
Page 82 of 94
Step 1
To complete the Reward Points registration process, you will need to review the Terms
and Conditions of the NETELLER Reward Points program.
1. Select I Accept to accept the Program Rules and join the program.
2. Select No, thank you to cancel the registration process.
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1. Select the Visit Reward Points Store banner to view your Reward Points
balance and access the online store.
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When you start earning points, you can redeem them in a variety of ways. These
options vary by country, and may include:
a) Cash
b) Merchandise
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Merchant Showcase
Visit our Merchant Showcase page through your NETELLER Account to find the most
exciting offers and promotions from our favourite merchants.
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You have landed on one of the two Showcase pages where you will find offers for
Sports, Forex, Poker, Casino, Bingo and many more.
1. You can move between pages by selecting the blue button with a red arrow on it.
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VIP Program
The VIP Program offers exclusive benefits to our VIP members such as VIP fraud
guarantee, multiple currency accounts, transaction discounts, fast withdrawals, flexible
limits and a dedicated VIP Manager. Plus, you can get more points through our
Rewards Points Program, receive anniversary Reward Points and get cash-back into
your NETELLER Account. As a VIP member you have access to Live Chat support
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Refer a Friend
Share your NETELLER experience with your friends through our Refer a Friend
program. You can earn money for every new member you get to sign up for a
Affiliate Program
If you have a website, blog, forum or network of users, you may be eligible for the
NETELLER Affiliate program. As a NETELLER Affiliate you can earn two commissions
on players you are already sending to merchant sites when they use NETELLER to
deposit. Our affiliate commissions are uncapped and last for the lifetime of your active
players, no matter where they play.
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1. To view your transaction activities, select the History page in your NETELLER
This page will allow you to:
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You can personalize your NETELLER Account by selecting the Settings page.
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1. Select the Support link from your account to view our support page.
The Support page displays:
2. The FAQ Help Centre is the quickest way to get the answers you need.
3. Email support is the best way to get support by email.
4. Phone support allows you to call us directly by dialing 1-403-451-8020 or view a
list of regional support numbers. Long distance charges may apply.
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