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vlew all legal agreemenLs

User Agreement for PayPal Service

LasL updaLe leb 23 2011
This Agreement contains seventeen sections. You may jump directly to any section by selecting
the appropriate link below. The headings and subheadings below are Ior reIerence only and do
not limit the scope oI each section. Underlined words in this Agreement and on our website
hyperlink to relevant inIormation.
Iump to sect|on
O 1he Lega| ke|at|onsh|p between ou and aya|
O Iees
O L||g|b|||ty for Use
O Send|ng kece|v|ng and W|thdraw|ng
O our Informat|on and kestr|cted Act|v|t|es
O Access and Interference
O r|vacy and Secur|ty
O 1erm|nat|on or C|os|ng our Account
O kemed|es and aya|s k|ght to Co||ect Irom ou
O Lrrors
O Ass|gnab|||ty
O Lega| Comp||ance
O ke|ease of aya|
O Not|ces
O Lega| D|sputes
O Genera|
O Country Spec|f|c 1erms and Cond|t|ons
onsumer advisory - The PayPal payment service is regarded as a stored value Iacility under
Singapore law.

PayPal Pte. Ltd., the Holder oI the PayPal stored value Iacility, does not require the approval oI
the Monetary Authority oI Singapore. onsumers (users) are advised to read these terms and
conditions careIully.

This Agreement, the Privacy Policy and each oI these policies may be changed Irom time to time
upon reasonable notice to you. Upcoming material changes will be posted 30 days prior to their
eIIective date on the "Policy Updates" page, accessible Irom "Policy Updates" link on the
Account Overview page once you have logged in. In addition, you can set your PreIerences to
receive email notiIication oI policy updates. You may review the current Agreement prior to
initiating a transaction at any time at our User Agreement page. In addition, when using
particular Services, you agree that you are subject to any policies or rules which are posted in
conjunction with those Services. All such posted policies or rules are hereby incorporated by
reIerence into this Agreement.
This is an important document which you must consider carefully when choosing whether
to use the Services at any time. This entire Agreement and its policies, highlight the risks in
using the PayPal Service as well as providing guidance on how to carry out online
payments via PayPal.
Please note the following risks, amongst others, that could occur when using the PayPal
O Payments received in your PayPal account may be held or reversed at a later time
(in some instances up to 180 days following the time of receiving the payment) if
such a payment is subject to a chargeback, reversal, Claim or otherwise invalidated.
This means that for some of our sellers, payments received into their Account may
be returned to the sender or otherwise removed from their Account after they have
been paid and/or delivered any goods sold.
You can help protect yourself from the risks of your payment being removed from
your Account by following the criteria set out in the PayPal Seller Protection Policy
and by following the other guidance provided to sellers as set out in the "Security
Centre", accessible via every page of the PayPal website.
O You should be aware of the possibility of unauthorised transactions from your
account or receiving payments from unauthorised transactions from a third party`s
You can help protect yourself from the risks of unauthorised transactions by
regularly checking your Account transaction history. Refer to PayPal`s ~Electronic
Fund Transfer Rights and Error Resolution policy.
O e may close, suspend, or limit your access to your Account or our Services, and/or
limit access to your funds for up to 180 days if you carry out activities which are in
contravention of this Agreement and its associated policies incorporated by
You must consider such risks and guidance, as well as any other risks set out in this
Agreement and its associated policies, before using PayPal.
This User Agreement ("Agreement") is a contract between you and PayPal Pte. Ltd. and applies
to your use oI the PayPal payment service and any related products and services available
through PayPal`s websites located at any URL such as:,,, etc.. (collectively, the "Services"). The Services are
provided by PayPal Pte. Ltd. and iI you do not agree to be bound by the terms and conditions oI
this Agreement, please do not use or access the Services.

You must read, agree with, and accept all oI the terms and conditions contained in this
Agreement and the Privacy Policy, which include those terms and conditions expressly set out
below and those incorporated by reIerence, beIore you may become a member oI PayPal. We
strongly recommend that, as you read this Agreement, you also access and read the inIormation
contained in the other pages and websites reIerred to in this document, as they may contain
Iurther terms and conditions that apply to you as a PayPal user. Please note: underlined words
and phrases are links to these pages and websites. By accepting this Agreement, you also agree
that your use oI other PayPal websites and Services will be governed by the terms and conditions
posted on those websites.

For additional inIormation about the Services and how it works, please also consult the PayPal
Help enter.

In this Agreement, "you" or "your" means any person or entity using the Services ("Users").
Unless otherwise stated, "PayPal," "we" or "our" will reIer collectively to PayPal, Inc. and its
subsidiaries including PayPal Pte. Ltd.,PayPal Asset Management Inc. Unless otherwise
speciIied, all reIerences to a "bank" in this Agreement include savings associations and credit
unions, and all reIerences to a "credit card" include Visa- and Masterard-branded debit cards.

Eligibility. In order to use the Services, you must register Ior an account. Users may only hold
one Personal account and either one Premier or one Business account. Our Services are only
available to individuals acting in an individual capacity; you may not act as an agent Ior another
person nor open a PayPal account Ior another person (no beneIicial ownership is permitted). You
may open a business account, but PayPal may require additional inIormation regarding you or
the business to veriIy your ability to act on behalI oI such business. You must be able to Iorm
legally binding contracts under applicable law. Without limiting the Ioregoing, our Service is not
to all individuals and businesses and PayPal reserves the right to deny access to the PayPal
service to any individual or business Ior any reason or no reason at all. PayPal is not available to
minors (as deIined in your jurisdiction, generally those under 18), persons who are suspended
Irom our Service, or to persons who present an unacceptable level oI risk.
1. The Legal Relationship between You and PayPal.
1.1 User Relationship. PayPal acts as a Iacilitator to help customers accept payments and to
help customers make payments. PayPal has independent relationships with the sender and the
receiver oI payments. We act based upon your direction and your requests to use our Services
that require us to perIorm tasks on your behalI. PayPal will at all times hold your Iunds separate
Irom its corporate Iunds, will not use your Iunds Ior its operating expenses or any other corporate
purposes, and will not voluntarily make Iunds available to its creditors in the event oI bankruptcy
or Ior any other purpose. You acknowledge that (i) PayPal is not a bank and the Service is a
payment processing service rather than a banking service, and (ii) PayPal is not acting as a
trustee, Iiduciary or escrow with respect to your Iunds, but is acting only as an agent and
You are not required to carry a balance in your PayPal account in order to use the Service, except
in certain circumstances where PayPal reasonably determines your account poses a risk. PayPal
will pool your Iunds together with Iunds Irom other Users, and will place those Iunds in accounts
at one or more Iinancial institutions ("Pooled Accounts").
You agree that you will not receive interest or other earnings on the Iunds you may keep in your
PayPal Account. PayPal may earn interest on those Iunds, or may receive a reduction in Iees or
expenses charged Ior banking services by the banks that hold your Iunds.
By initiating and making payments through the Service or, where available, adding Iunds to your
balance, you authorize PayPal to charge your credit/debit card or to instruct your Iinancial
institution to obtain the Iunds on your behalI, or accept Iunds on your behalI, and to send the
Iunds to the recipient that you designate or into PayPal`s Pooled Account, subject to the terms
and restrictions oI this Agreement. When you initiate a payment, PayPal will oIIset Iunds Irom
the Pooled Account Ior your beneIit to the recipient. When you make a payment, until that
payment clears our risk checks and is accepted by the recipient (which may occur instantly or
take a Iew days), you remain the owner oI those Iunds and PayPal holds those Iunds Ior your
beneIit and on your behalI, but you will not be able to withdraw those Iunds or send the Iunds to
any other recipient unless you cancel the initial transaction.
By receiving payments through the Service, you appoint PayPal as your agent to cause the Iunds
to be deposited on your behalI in the Pooled Accounts until you Iurther instruct PayPal with
respect to the transmission oI your Iunds. Through the PayPal website, you may provide
instructions to withdraw the Iunds or send the Iunds to a third party, in each case subject to the
terms and restrictions oI this Agreement. II you receive a notice that a payment has been sent to
you through PayPal but you have not registered Ior the Service, PayPal will not become your
agent and you will have no claim to those Iunds unless and until you register Ior the Service and
indicate your acceptance oI the payment.
1.2 PayPal is only a Payment Service Provider. PayPal acts as a payment service provider by
creating, hosting, maintaining and providing our Service to you via the Internet. PayPal is not a
remittance business or a money transIer service and the Personal Payments Ieature may not be
used to remit Iunds to third parties.
We do not have any control over, and are not responsible or liable Ior, the products or services
that are paid Ior with our Service. We cannot ensure that a buyer or a seller you are dealing with
will actually complete the transaction.
PayPal is not a common carrier or public utility.
Ident|ty Authent|cat|on
We use many techniques to identiIy our users when they register on our site. A user's 'VeriIied
status (as deIined below) is only an indication oI increased likelihood that a User's identity is
correct. You authorise PayPal, directly or through third parties, to make any inquiries we
consider necessary to validate your identity and registration. This may include requiring you to
provide PayPal with Iax or scanned documentation such as a government issued identiIication
card, address veriIication documentation, ordering a credit report and perIorming other credit
checks or veriIying the inIormation you provide against third party databases. However, because
user veriIication on the Internet is diIIicult, PayPal cannot and does not guarantee any user's

1.4 Licence grant. II you are using PayPal soItware such as an API, developer`s toolkit or other
soItware application that you have downloaded to your computer, device, or other platIorm then
PayPal and its licensors grant you a limited nonexclusive license to use PayPal`s soItware in
accordance with the documentation, including all updates, upgrades, new versions and
replacement soItware, as described herein Ior your personal use only. You may not rent, lease or
otherwise transIer your rights in the soItware to a third party. You must comply with the
implementation and use requirements contained in all PayPal documentation, together with any
instructions provided by us Irom time to time accompanying the Services (including, without
limitation, any implementation and use requirements we impose on you to comply with
applicable laws and card scheme rules and regulations). II you do not comply with PayPal`s
instructions, implementation and use requirements you will be liable Ior all resulting damages
suIIered by you, PayPal and third parties. You agree not to alter, reproduce, adapt, distribute,
display, publish, reverse engineer, translate, disassemble, decompile or otherwise attempt to
create any source code which is derived Irom the soItware. You acknowledge that all rights, title
and interest to PayPal`s soItware are owned by PayPal. Any third party soItware application you
use on the PayPal website is subject to the license you agreed to with the third party that provides
you with this soItware. PayPal does not own, control nor have any responsibility or liability Ior
any third party soItware application you elect to use on the PayPal website and/or in connection
with the PayPal Services. II you are using the PayPal services on the PayPal website, or other
website or platIorm hosted by PayPal, or a third party, and are not downloading PayPal`s
soItware or using third party soItware applications on the PayPal website, then this section does
not apply to your use oI the hosted PayPal services.
1.5 Third Party Permissions. II you grant express permission to a third party to take speciIic
actions on your behalI or access particular inIormation about your Account either through your
use oI the third party`s product or service, or in the API Access, Manage API Permissions
section oI your ProIile, you acknowledge that PayPal may disclose the inIormation about your
PayPal Account to this third party that is speciIically authorized by you. You also acknowledge
that granting permission to a third party to take speciIic actions on your behalI does not relieve
you oI any oI your responsibilities under this Agreement. Further you acknowledge and agree
that you will not hold PayPal responsible Ior, and will indemniIy PayPal Irom, any liability
arising Irom the actions or inactions oI this third party in connection with the permissions you
grant. You may change or remove these permissions at any time by logging into your Account,
choosing the ProIile subtab under the My Account tab, and selecting API Access, then Manage
API Permissions.

1.6 Release. In the event that you have a dispute with one or more users, you release PayPal (and
our oIIicers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) Irom any and all
claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) oI every kind and nature arising out oI
or in any way connected with such disputes.
PERMITTED BY LAW. PayPal shall make reasonable eIIorts to ensure that requests Ior
electronic debits and credits involving bank accounts, credit cards, and check issuances are
processed in a timely manner and but we make no representations or warranties regarding the
amount oI time needed to complete processing because our Service is largely dependant upon
many Iactors outside oI our control, such as delays in the banking system or the Singapore or
international mail service. Some countries do not allow the disclaimer oI implied warranties, so
the Ioregoing disclaimer may not apply to you. This warranty gives you speciIic legal rights and
you may also have other legal rights that vary Irom state to state.
(HOWEVER ARISING, INLUDING NEGLIGENE). Some jurisdictions do not allow the
exclusion or limitation oI incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or
exclusion may not apply to you.
1.9 Indemnification. You agree to indemniIy and hold PayPal, its parent, subsidiaries, aIIiliates,
oIIicers, directors and employees harmless Irom any claim or demand (including lawyers` Iees)
made or incurred by any third party due to or arising out oI your breach oI this Agreement or the
documents it incorporates by reIerence, or your violation oI any law or the rights oI a third party
relating to your use oI the Service.
1.10 Liability for Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy. II you engage in the Iollowing
behavior, PayPal may suspend or restrict your access to the services, hold your Iunds up to 180
Days, Iine you, as explained below, or report you to law enIorcement oIIicials.
l uslng Lhe ayal servlce Lo recelve paymenLs for any sexually orlenLed or obscene maLerlals or
servlces ln vlolaLlon of Lhe AccepLable use ollcy
ll uslng Lhe ayal servlce Lo recelve paymenLs for any narcoLlcs oLher conLrolled subsLances
sLerolds or prescrlpLlon drugs ln vlolaLlon of Lhe AccepLable use ollcy
lll uslng Lhe ayal servlce Lo recelve paymenLs for wagers gambllng debLs or gambllng wlnnlngs
regardless of Lhe locaLlon or Lype of gambllng acLlvlLy ln vlolaLlon of Lhe AccepLable use ollcy
lv uslng Lhe ayal servlce Lo recelve paymenLs for Lobacco producLs ln vlolaLlon of Lhe AccepLable
use ollcy
You and PayPal agree that the damages that PayPal will sustain as a result oI the behavior
outlined above will be substantial, including (without limitation) Iines and other related expenses
Irom its payment processors and service providers, but may be extremely diIIicult and
impracticable to ascertain. In the event that you engage in such activities, then PayPal may Iine
you up to $2,500.00 USD Ior each such violation and/or PayPal may take legal action against
you to recover losses that are in excess oI the amount Iined. You acknowledge and agree that a
Iine up to $2,500.00 USD is presently a reasonable and genuine minimum estimate oI PayPal`s
damages, considering all currently existing circumstances, including (without limitation) the
relationship oI the sum to the range oI harm to PayPal that reasonably could be anticipated and
the anticipation that prooI oI actual damages may be impractical or extremely diIIicult. You
agree that PayPal is entitled to deduct such amounts directly Irom any existing balance in the
oIIending account, or any other PayPal account owned by you.
II you use the PayPal service in a manner that violates the Acceptable Use Policy, including but
not limited to the Iour categories described above, your account will be subject to limitation or
immediate termination, as stated in the losing Accounts and Limiting Account Access Policy.
You Iurther understand that, iI you use the PayPal service in a manner that violates the
Acceptable Use Policy, including but not limited to the Iour categories described above, PayPal
may incur substantial liability and/or suIIer signiIicant damages, including (without limitation)
Iines and other related expenses Irom its payment processors and service providers. By selling
goods or services (including access to content) in contravention oI the Acceptable Use Policy or
the Restricted Activities section oI this User Agreement (currently Section 5.2), you
acknowledge liability to PayPal Ior any and all damages suIIered by PayPal. Without limiting the
Ioregoing, you agree to reimburse PayPal Ior any and all costs, expenses, and Iines levied on
PayPal by third parties such as its payment processors and/or service providers as a result oI your
You agree that, iI either you or PayPal commence litigation or arbitration in connection with this
paragraph, the prevailing party is entitled to recover reasonable lawyers` Iees and any other costs
incurred in such proceeding in addition to any other relieI to which the prevailing party may be
8ack Lo Lop
2. Fees.
All Iees are set Iorth in the Fee Schedule. All Iees will be assessed in the currency oI the
payment. Additional inIormation about PayPal's Iees is available in the Fees Policy. Your
account and all transactions are made and displayed in U.S. dollars unless otherwise speciIied
and may be subject to exchange rates. All Iees related to the Service, are made Iree and clear oI,
and without any deduction or withholding Ior and on account oI, any taxes, duties or other
deductions. Any such deduction or withholding, iI required by the laws oI any country, shall be
on your account and be borne by you.
8ack Lo Lop
. Eligibility for Use.
To be eligible Ior an account under this User Agreement, you must be a resident one oI the
countries or regions listed below. To view the User Agreement Ior the other countries or regions
that PayPal serves, please click the appropriate link at the top oI this web page. Any translation
oI the PayPal service is provided as a convenience to customers who are more Iamiliar with such
language. PayPal does not guarantee the accuracy oI such translations, nor is PayPal targeting
such market by providing a courtesy translation. In the event oI any discrepancy between the
English version and a translation, the English version shall govern.
O Andorra
O Angullla
O ArgenLlna
O Aruba
O 8ahamas
O 8ahraln
O 8arbados
O 8ermuda
O 8oLswana
O 8razll
O 8rlLlsh vlrgln lslands
O 8runel
O Cape verde
O Cayman lslands
O Chlle
O Chlna
O CosLa 8lca
O CroaLla
O Cyprus
O uomlnlcan 8epubllc
O Lcuador
O lalkland lslands
O ll[l
O lrench Culana
O lrench olynesla
O ClbralLar
O Cuadeloupe
O Pong kong
O lceland
O lndla
O lndonesla
O lsrael
O !amalca
O !apan
O !ordan
O LlechLensLeln
O Malaysla
O Maldlves
O MarLlnlque
O MayoLLe
O Mexlco
O MonLserraL
O namlbla
O neLherlands AnLllles
O new Caledonla
O new Zealand
O norway
O hlllpplnes
O lLcalrn lslands
O orLugal
O CaLar
O 8eunlon
O 8usslan lederaLlon
O SalnL Pelena
O SalnL klLLs and nevls
O SalnL Lucla
O SalnL lerre and Mlquelon
O Samoa
O Slngapore
O Slovakla
O Solomon lslands
O SouLh Afrlca
O SouLh korea
O 1alwan
O 1urkey
O 1ogo
O 1onga
O 1rlnldad and 1obago
O 1unlsla
O 1urks and Calcos
O ukralne
O unlLed Arab LmlraLes
O 1halland
O uruguay
O venezuela
O vleLnam
O Wallls and luLuna
ountries marked with a in the above table may withdraw Iunds Irom their PayPal account to a
local bank account, either electronically or by bank draIt, or credit card and are considered
"Withdrawal ountries".
Users in some countries may not use the Service to receive payments, and may only use the
Service to send payments. These countries are designated on the PayPal Non-U.S. Accounts
page. You warrant that you are violating no law or regulation by your use oI PayPal.
8ack Lo Lop
4. Sending, Receiving, and ithdrawing.
1he po||c|es and procedures for send|ng topp|ng up rece|v|ng and w|thdraw|ng funds are set forth
|n the aymenLs ollcy
In order to open your account or allow you to send, receive or withdraw Iunds, PayPal may be
required by law or local regulation to veriIy your identity, source oI Iunds, or other inIormation
and as may be determined Irom time to time. Failure to provide the required inIormation will
delay access to your Iunds as PayPal is prohibited Ior processing transactions iI the required
inIormation is not received when requested. This inIormation may include, but is not limited to
the Iollowing: Iax or email scanned copies oI identity veriIication documentation such as
national ID, Passport, drivers license, and address veriIication inIormation such as a mobile
phone bill or utility bill. Additionally, PayPal may ask Ior Iinancial statements, such as proIit and
loss, cash Ilow, and balance sheet, or other Iinancial or business documents as may be
determined Irom time to time. Failure to provide the inIormation when requested will result in
your account being restricted and any Iunds in your account to be held until you provide the
required inIormation in the Iorm and manner requested.
Please note: iI you do not reside in a Withdrawal ountry, you may not be able to withdraw
Iunds Irom your PayPal Account and should thereIore only accept payments iI you know you
will send payments in equal amounts out oI your account. For more details and guidelines about
withdrawals, please reIer to our Payments Policy.
4.2 Risk of Reversal of Payments and the Seller Protection Policy ("SPP").
1. 4.2.1 Definitions. For the purposes only oI this section 4, the terms set out below are
deIined as Iollows:
a. "Disputed Payment" means a payment via PayPal which is the subject oI a Seller
Protection Reversal.
b. "Item Not Received" means goods are purchased on a eligible eBay website but
not received by the buyer.
c. "Merchandise" means the item purchased through an eBay website associated
with the Disputed Payment and applies to tangible items only.
d. 'ProoI oI Delivery means authentic viewable online documentation issued by the
shipping company which includes the Iollowing: 1. Date item delivered, 2. the
recipient`s address, showing at least the city/state or zip code (or international
equivalent) and 3. Signature onIirmation Ior payments oI $250 USD (or local
currency equivalent) or more (see Foreign urrency Equivalents below).
Foreign Currency Equivalents.
330 AusLrallan uollar (Auu)
33000 Pungarlan lorlnL
800 ollsh new ZloLy (Ln)
323 Canadlan uollar (CAu) 1000 lsraell Shekel (lLS)
130 ound SLerllng unlLed klngdom
6000 Czech 8epubllc koruna
28000 !apanese ?en (!?) 400 Slngaporean uollar (SCu)
1300 uanlsh kroner (ukk)
2200 Mexlcan new eso
2000 Swedlsh krona (SLk)
200 Luro (Lu8)
380 new Zealand uollar
330 Swlss lranc (CPl)
2000 Pong kong uollar (Pku)
1600 norweglan krone
$ 230 unlLed SLaLes uollar (uSu)
73000 ArgenLlnean eso (A8S) 30000 8razlllan 8eals (88L) 823000 new 1alwanese uollar (1Wu)
900000 1hal 8ahL (1P8) 1230000 llllplno eso (P) 100000Malayslan 8lngglL (M?8)
e. 'ProoI oI Shipment means an authentic online or paper document issued by the
shipping company demonstrating prooI oI shipment that includes the Iollowing
inIormation: 1. date item shipped, 2. recipient`s address showing at least the
Iollowing: name, address (ity, State, ountry, postal code).
I. "Seller Protection Reversal" occurs when PayPal places a hold on Iunds in your
account under any oI the Iollowing circumstances:
i. An unauthorized transaction where a credit card or debit card chargeback
has been requested by an eBay buyer where the sender oI the payment was
using improperly obtained Iunds or a Iraudulent payment has been made.
ii. A credit card or debit card chargeback has been requested by an eBay
buyer Ior the reason oI Item Not Received.
iii. A claim Iiled via the PayPal Online Dispute Resolution process has been
requested by an eBay buyer where the sender oI the payment was using
improperly obtained Iunds or a Iraudulent payment has been made.
iv. A claim Iiled via the PayPal Online Dispute Resolution process has been
requested by an eBay buyer Ior the reason oI Item Not Received.
v. PayPal reverses a payment Ior an eBay item it believes to be Iraudulent.
vi. A bank reverses a payment Ior an eBay item it believes to be Iraudulent.
g. "Transaction Details Page" means the page on the PayPal website titled
"Transaction Details" that displays inIormation about the transaction. This page is
accessible Irom the "Details" link on the "Overview" and "History" subtabs oI the
"My Account" tab on the PayPal website.
4.2.2 Risk oI Reversals oI Payments and the Seller Protection Policy ("SPP").
viii. Risks of Reversals. You are responsible Ior all Reversals, hargebacks, laims, Iees,
Iines, penalties, and other liability incurred by PayPal, a PayPal User, or a third party. In the
event oI any oI these events, you will owe PayPal Ior the amount oI the reversal, chargeback,
laim, plus any Iees imposed on or incurred by PayPal as a result oI the reversal or chargeback.
PayPal will seek to recover these Iunds Irom you by debiting your PayPal balance and, iI there
are not suIIicient Iunds in your PayPal balance, PayPal reserves the right to take your account
negative and to collect your debt to PayPal by any other legal means.
ix. Seller Protection Policy. However, under the Seller Protection Policy, sellers on eBay
websites, will not owe PayPal any amounts in connection with a Seller Protection Reversal that
results Irom a Disputed Payment and where the relevant transaction meets the applicable
eligibility requirements, set out in section 4.2.3. The policy will protect you Ior the Iull amount
oI the eligible payment and waive a hargeback Fee, iI applicable. There is no limit on the
number oI payments Ior which you can receive coverage.
4.2.3 Transaction Eligibility Requirements Ior the Seller Protection Policy.
10. Subject to the limitations set Iorth below a transaction (where the buyer makes a PayPal
payment on or aIter June 7, 2009) will be eligible Ior protection under the Seller Protection
Policy where the Iollowing requirements are met:
i. You sold the Merchandise via an eBay website; and
ii. You provide PayPal with valid ProoI oI Shipment oI the Merchandise Ior
unauthorized transactions or valid ProoI oI Delivery oI the Merchandise
Ior claims oI an Item Not Received; and
iii. You are a PayPal customer in a country that has both receive and
withdraw capabilities; and
iv. You must ship the item within 7 days oI receipt oI payment (unless
otherwise permitted under the Authorized Use Policy); and
v. You sent the Merchandise to the address speciIied by the sender oI the
payment which is highlighted on your account Transaction Details Page or
otherwise notiIied to you by PayPal through a PayPal application
programming interIace ("API").
4.2.4 Limitations on the Seller Protection Policy.
11. Note: The item must be listed and sold on eBay and paid Ior with PayPal. Sellers must
provide one ProoI oI Shipment Ior each separate PayPal payment. The Seller Protection Policy
will not apply to a transaction iI any oI the Iollowing apply:
i. You combine eBay items purchased through separate PayPal payments
into a single shipment,
ii. You accept more than one payment Ior a single eBay transaction,
iii. You ship an item that is under payment review by PayPal and you have
been advised via email or in your transaction details page not to ship the
item as it is under review,
iv. You do not provide ProoI oI Shipment or ProoI oI Delivery as required or
respond to PayPal's other requests Ior inIormation in a timely manner as
speciIied by PayPal,
v. The item sold was an intangible good, quasi-cash, giIt certiIicate,
downloadable or streaming content, a business, real estate, license Ior
digital content, motor vehicle (including cars, motorcycles, boats, and
planes) or a service,
vi. You hand deliver the item,
vii. You charge a surcharge to accept PayPal,
viii. The buyer has claimed that the item was signiIicantly not as described
(SNAD), or
ix. You have not complied with the terms oI the PayPal User Agreement, the
PayPal Acceptable Use Policy, any PayPal policy or any speciIic
directions provided by PayPal.
4.2.5 Seller Protection Process.
xii. II a Seller Protection Reversal occurs Ior a speciIic transaction, PayPal will send you an
email to let you know that it will place a temporary hold on the Iunds in your PayPal account to
cover the amount oI the Seller Protection Reversal and will ask you to provide ProoI oI Shipment
or ProoI oI Delivery as required and any other inIormation that PayPal may require to enable it
to assess and determine iI the transaction meets the eligibility requirements set out at section
4.2.3 above.
xiii. II PayPal determines in its sole discretion that the transaction meets the eligibility
requirements, then PayPal will liIt the temporary hold and restore the Iunds to your PayPal
xiv. II PayPal determines that the transaction does not meet the eligibility requirements, then
PayPal will return the Iunds to the buyer's account or other rightIul owner and the Iunds which
have been on temporary hold will be debited Irom your PayPal account, together with any Iees
imposed on or incurred by PayPal as a result oI the Seller Protection Reversal. II there are not
suIIicient Iunds in your PayPal balance, PayPal reserves the right to take the account negative
and collect your debt to PayPal by any other legal means.
xv. In the event that you receive an excessive or unreasonable number oI Seller Protection
Reversals, as determined by PayPal in PayPal's sole discretion, having regard to all the relevant
circumstances, PayPal may notiIy you that you are hereby excluded Irom this policy and take
any other actions pursuant to the User Agreement.
xvi. PayPal reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to terminate or amend the terms and
conditions oI the Seller Protection Policy or the transaction eligibility requirements at any time.
4.2.6 PayPal's Right to Hold Funds. In order to ensure the integrity oI a transaction
PayPal reserves the right to hold Iunds or proceeds Irom transactions by placing them in a
'pending or hold status beyond the normal distribution period. PayPal may do this in
order to mitigate risk related to transactions it considers suspicious.
4.2.7 Payment Holds.
q ?ou agree LhaL lf elLher
l you recelve a paymenL LhaL lnvolves Lhe rlsk of ayal's poslLlon belng adversely
affecLed wlLh respecL Lo any llablllLy of yours Lo ayal or any Lhlrd parLy
(1ransacLlon 8lsk") or
ll Lhere may be a hlgher Lhan accepLable level of rlsk or exposure assoclaLed wlLh
your AccounL (based on Lhe lnformaLlon avallable Lo ayal aL Lhe relevanL Llme
and whaL ln lLs sole dlscreLlon lL regards as an accepLable level of rlsk or
exposure Lo ayal under all Lhe clrcumsLances)
ayal may ln lLs sole dlscreLlon (acLlng reasonably) place a hold on LhaL or any
paymenL lf ayal places a hold on funds ln your AccounL we wlll noLlfy you abouL lL
(lncludlng wlLhouL llmlLaLlon how long Lhe hold may lasL) Lhe funds wlll be held ln
your 8eserve AccounL and Lhose funds wlll be shown as pendlng" ln your ayal
r ayal wlll release Lhe hold made on your paymenL under Lhls provlslon when
ayal deLermlnes LhaL Lhe 1ransacLlon 8lsk or rlsk or exposure assoclaLed wlLh your
AccounL no longer exlsLs lor example for a hold made on a paymenL for an lLem
purchased on e8ay ayal may release Lhe hold when Lhe buyer leaves poslLlve
feedback or 21 days afLer Lhe daLe from whlch Lhe hold ls placed lease noLe LhaL
noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe above lf you recelve a ulspuLe Clalm Chargeback or 8eversal on
Lhe LransacLlon paymenL sub[ecL Lo Lhe hold Lhe funds (or an amounL equal Lo Lhe
relevanL paymenL) may be held ln your 8eserve AccounL unLll Lhe maLLer ls resolved
pursuanL Lo Lhls AgreemenL
s ?ou agree Lo provlde Lo ayal any lnformaLlon as ayal may reasonably requesL Lo
allow ayal Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhe 1ransacLlon 8lsk or rlsk or exposure Lo your
AccounL has passed ?ou may close your AccounL lf you ob[ecL Lo Lhe hold under Lhls
provlslon lf your AccounL ls closed for any reason ayal has Lhe rlghL Lo hold a
paymenL under Lhls provlslon for a perlod of up Lo 180 days from Lhe daLe Lhe compleLe
obllgaLlons under Lhe conLracL for sale (Lo whlch Lhe paymenL ln quesLlon relaLes) have
been dlscharged
4.2.8 Reserves for Premier and Business Accounts. PayPal, in its sole discretion, may
place a reserve on Iunds held in your Premier or Business Account when PayPal believes
there may be an increased level or risk associated with your account. II PayPal places a
reserve on Iunds in your Account, the will be shown as 'pending in your PayPal
Account. II your Account is subject to a Reserve, PayPal will provide you with notice
speciIying the terms oI the reserve. The terms may require that a certain percentage oI the
amounts received in your Account are held Ior a certain period oI time, or that a certain
amount or percentage is held in reserve. PayPal may change the terms oI the reserve by
providing you with notice oI the new terms. In the event you do not agree to the terms oI
the reserve, you may terminate your account with PayPal.
8ack Lo Lop
5. Your Information and Restricted Activities.
5.1 Definition. "Your InIormation" is deIined as any inIormation you provide to us or other
users in the registration, payment process, stores or other Ieatures oI our Service. You are solely
responsible Ior Your InIormation, as we act as a passive conduit Ior your online distribution and
publication oI Your InIormation. Failure to provide true and accurate identiIication inIormation
is prohibited. PayPal will restrict your account and limit your access to Iunds should you Iail to
provide true and accurate inIormation at registration.
5.2 Restricted Activities. Your InIormation and your activities (including your payments and
receipt oI payments) through our Service shall not: (a) be Ialse, inaccurate or misleading; (b) be
Iraudulent or involve the sale oI counterIeit or stolen items; (c) consist oI providing yourselI a
cash advance Irom your credit card (or helping others to do so), (d) be related in any way to
gambling and/or gaming activities, including but not limited to payment or the acceptance oI
payments Ior wagers, gambling debts or gambling winnings, regardless oI the location or type oI
gambling activity (including online and oIIline casinos, sports wagering and oIIice pools);
(e)violate PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy; (I) inIringe on any third party's copyright, patent,
trademark, trade secret or other property rights or rights oI publicity or privacy; (g) violate any
law, statute, ordinance, contract or regulation (including, but not limited to, those governing
Iinancial services, consumer protection, unIair competition, antidiscrimination, or Ialse
advertising); (h) be deIamatory, trade libelous, unlawIully threatening or unlawIully harassing;
(i) be obscene or contain child pornography; (j) contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time
bombs cancelbots, easter eggs or other computer programming routines that may damage,
detrimentally interIere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or other
personal inIormation; (k) use PayPal to Iacilitate the sale oI counterIeit goods; (l) create liability
Ior us or cause us to lose (in whole or in part) the services oI our ISPs or other suppliers; (m)
involve the sale or transIer oI your PayPal balance to any person Ior monetary consideration; (n)
integrate the PayPal Services in a manner inconsistent with PayPal`s integration guidelines; (o)
cause PayPal to receive excessive complaints regarding your Account or business; or (p) present
to PayPal a risk oI non-compliance with PayPal`s anti-money laundering obligations (including,
without limitation, where we cannot veriIy your identity or you Iail to complete the steps to liIt
your sending, receiving or withdrawal limit in accordance with the terms oI this User Agreement.
II you use, or attempt to use the Service Ior purposes other than sending and receiving payments
and managing your account, including but not limited to tampering, hacking, modiIying or
otherwise corrupting the security or Iunctionality oI Service, your account will be terminated and
you will be subject to damages and other penalties, including criminal prosecution where
5. License. Solely to enable PayPal to use the inIormation you supply us with, so that we are
not violating any rights you might have in that inIormation, you agree to grant us a non-
exclusive, worldwide, royalty-Iree, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicensible (through multiple tiers)
right to exercise the copyright, publicity, and database rights (but no other rights) you have in
Your InIormation, in any media now known or not currently known, with respect to Your
InIormation. PayPal will use and protect Your InIormation in accordance with our Privacy
5.4 Trademarks., PayPal, and all related logos, products and services described in
this website are either trademarks or registered trademarks oI PayPal, Inc., or its licensors, and
(aside Irom the circumstances described below) may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or
in part, without the prior written permission oI PayPal. In addition, all page headers, custom
graphics, button icons, and scripts are service marks, trademarks, and/or trade dress oI PayPal
and may not be copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written
permission oI PayPal.
Notwithstanding the above, HTML logos provided by PayPal through its AIIiliate Program,
Website Payments Ieatures, or Auctions Tools Ieatures ("Logos"), may be used without prior
written consent Ior the purpose oI directing web traIIic to the Service. These Logos may not be
altered, modiIied, or changed in any way, or used in a manner that is disparaging to PayPal or the
Service. Logos may not be displayed in any manner that implies sponsorship or endorsement by
PayPal. PayPal is a payment service, and no partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or
Iranchiser-Iranchisee relationship is intended or created by this Agreement.
Use of aya| on e8ay
Sellers who oIIer PayPal as a payment method in their eBay listings must Iollow these
a. Accept PayPal iI the eBay listing includes PayPal as a payment method.
b. Accept all PayPal Iunding sources Irom a buyer, including but not limited to eheck and
credit cards.
c. Accept international PayPal transactions iI the eBay listing oIIers shipping outside oI
their country.
d. Sellers may not charge a surcharge Ior accepting PayPal as a payment method.
8ack Lo Lop
6. Access and Interference.
Our web site contains robot exclusion headers and you agree that you will not use any robot,
spider, other automatic device, or manual process to monitor or copy our web pages or the
content contained herein without our prior expressed written permission. You agree that you will
not use any device, soItware or routine to bypass our robot exclusion headers, or to interIere or
attempt to interIere with the proper working oI the PayPal site or any activities conducted on our
site. You agree that you will not take any action that imposes an unreasonable or
disproportionately large load on our inIrastructure. Much oI the inIormation on our site is
proprietary or is licensed to PayPal by our users or third parties. You agree that you will not
copy, reproduce, alter, modiIy, create derivative works, publicly display or Irame any content
(except Ior Your InIormation) Irom our web site without the prior expressed written permission
oI PayPal or the appropriate third party. II you use, or attempt to use the Service Ior purposes
other than sending and receiving payments and managing your account, including but not limited
to tampering, hacking, modiIying or otherwise corrupting the security or Iunctionality oI Service,
your account will be terminated and you will be subject to damages and other penalties,
including criminal prosecution where available.
8ack Lo Lop
7. Privacy and Security.
We do not sell or rent your personal inIormation to third parties Ior marketing purposes without
your consent and we only use Your InIormation as described in the Privacy Policy. We view
protection oI users' privacy as a very important principle. We understand clearly that you and
Your InIormation are one oI our most important assets. We store and process Your InIormation
on computers located in the United States that are protected by physical as well as technological
security devices. You should only log in to your PayPal account on a page which begins with All oI our pages begin with and thereIore you
should not use any other site that does not begin as such. We use third parties to veriIy and
certiIy our privacy principles. Our current Privacy Policy is available at II you object to your
inIormation being transIerred or used in this way, please do not use our Services.
8ack Lo Lop
8. Termination or Closing Your Account.
You may close your account at any time by clicking the Close Account link in your ProIile on
the PayPal website. Upon closure oI an account, any pending transactions will be cancelled and
any balances associated with Redemption odes (Ior programs such as eBay Anything Points,
GiIt ertiIicates, or oupons) will be IorIeited. Any Iunds that we are holding in custody Ior you
at the time oI closure, less any applicable Iees, will be paid to you by check, assuming all
withdrawal related authentication requirements have been IulIilled (Ior example, you may not
use closure oI your account as a means oI evading withdrawal limits on new UnveriIied users).
You may not use closure oI your account as a means oI evading investigation - iI an
investigation is pending at the time you close your account, PayPal may continue to hold your
Iunds Ior up to 180 days as appropriate to continue the investigation and, iI necessary, report
Iraudulent or illegal behavior to regulators or law enIorcement. PayPal may hold your Iunds
indeIinitely or so long as it takes Ior a Iormal investigation to be completed iI you are suspected
oI Iraud or other illegal behavior. II you are later determined to be entitled to some or all oI the
Iunds in dispute, PayPal will release those Iunds to you. You will remain liable Ior all obligations
related to your account even aIter such account is closed. II you do not access your account Ior a
period oI three years, it will be terminated. AIter the date oI termination, we will use the
inIormation you provided to try to send you any Iunds that we are holding in custody Ior you. II
that inIormation is not correct, and we are unable to complete the payment to you, your Iunds
will be subject to applicable laws regarding escheat oI unclaimed property.
8ack Lo Lop
9. Remedies and PayPal's Right to Collect From You.
Without limiting other remedies, we may at any time and without notice to you update inaccurate
or incorrect inIormation you provide to us, contact you by means other than electronically,
immediately warn our community oI your actions, place a hold on Iunds in your account, limit
Iunding sources and payments, limit access to an account and any or all oI the account's
Iunctions (including but not limited to the ability to send money or making withdrawals Irom an
the account), limit withdrawals, indeIinitely suspend or close your account and reIuse to provide
our Services to you iI: (a) you breach this Agreement or the documents it incorporates by
reIerence; (b) we are unable to veriIy or authenticate any inIormation you provide to us; (c) we
believe that your account or activities pose a signiIicant credit or Iraud risk to us; (d) we believe
that your actions may cause Iinancial loss or legal liability Ior you, our users or us; or (e) your
use oI your PayPal account is deemed by PayPal, Visa, Masterard, American Express or
Discover to constitute abuse oI the credit card system or a violation oI credit card rules,
including (without limitation), using the PayPal system to test credit card behaviors. Even iI
transactions have been recorded as completed in the recipient`s Recent Activity or History
Transaction Log, PayPal reserves the right to reverse transactions iI the Iunds can not be or have
not been charged to the customer's Iunding source or conIirmed Irom the sender`s bank account).
In addition, PayPal reserves the right to hold Iunds beyond the normal distribution periods Ior
transactions it deems suspicious or Ior accounts conducting high transaction volumes to ensure
integrity oI the Iunds. II we close your account, we will provide you notice and pay you all oI the
unrestricted Iunds held in your PayPal account. Additionally, to secure your perIormance oI this
Agreement, you grant to PayPal a lien on and security interest in your account. In addition, you
acknowledge that PayPal may setoII against any PayPal accounts you own Ior any negative
balance in your other PayPal accounts, at any time and Ior any reason allowed by law. Further,
PayPal may setoII against any PayPal accounts you own Ior any obligation you owe eBay Inc. or
any oI its subsidiaries that is 180 days or greater past due. These obligations include both secured
and unsecured debts, and debts you owe individually or together with someone else.

Liability for claims filed directly with eBay through the eBay Buyer Protection resolution
process. II you are an eBay seller, eBay requires that you comply with the eBay Buyer
Protection resolution process. As such, you have provided eBay with permission to make a Iinal
decision on a claim that a buyer Iiles against you directly with eBay. II eBay makes a Iinal
decision that you lose a claim, you agree to allow PayPal to remove Iunds Irom your PayPal
Account in order to reimburse eBay Ior your liability. Any claim Iiled directly with eBay is not
covered by PayPal Seller Protection.

II you sell to a buyer and the buyer Iiles a SigniIicantly Not As Described (SNAD) laim, you
will generally be required to accept the item back and reIund the buyer the Iull purchase price
plus original shipping costs. You will not receive a reIund on your PayPal Iees. II you lose a
SNAD laim because the item you sold is counterIeit, you will be required to provide a Iull
reIund to the buyer and you will not receive the item back (it will be destroyed).
SNAD Def|n|t|on
An item is SigniIicantly Not as Described iI it is materially diIIerent than what the seller
described in the item listing. Here are some examples:
O 1he buyer recelved a compleLely dlfferenL lLem Lxample 1he buyer purchased a book and
recelved a uvu or an empLy box
O 1he condlLlon of Lhe lLem was mlsrepresenLed Lxample 1he llsLlng sald new and Lhe lLem was
O 1he lLem was adverLlsed as auLhenLlc buL ls noL auLhenLlc
O 1he lLem ls mlsslng ma[or parLs or feaLures whlch were noL dlsclosed ln Lhe llsLlng
O 1he buyer purchased Lhree lLems from a seller buL only recelved Lwo
O 1he lLem was damaged durlng shlpmenL
An item is not SigniIicantly Not as Described iI it is materially similar to the seller`s item listing
description. Here are some examples:
O 1he defecL ln Lhe lLem was correcLly descrlbed by Lhe seller
O 1he lLem was properly descrlbed buL Lhe buyer dldnL wanL lL afLer he or she recelved lL
O 1he lLem was properly descrlbed buL dld noL meeL Lhe buyer's expecLaLlons
O 1he lLem has mlnor scraLches and was llsLed as used condlLlon
8ack Lo Lop
10. Errors.
II PayPal discovers a processing error, we will rectiIy the error. II the error resulted in your
receiving less money than you were entitled to, PayPal will credit your Account Ior the
diIIerence. II the error results in you receiving more money than you were entitled to, PayPal
may debit the extra Iunds Irom your PayPal Account. II the error resulted in our not completing a
transaction on time or in the correct amount, we will be liable Ior your actual losses or damages
directly caused by this Iailure, unless: (a) through no Iault oI ours, you did not have enough
available Iunds to complete the transaction, (b) our system was not working properly and you
knew about the breakdown when you started the transaction, or (c) circumstances beyond our
control (such as Iire or Ilood or loss oI Internet connection) prevented the transaction, despite our
reasonable precautions.
8ack Lo Lop
11. Assignability.
You may not transIer any rights or obligations you may have under this Agreement without the
prior written consent oI PayPal. PayPal reserves the right to transIer this Agreement or any right
or obligation under this Agreement without your consent.
8ack Lo Lop
12. Legal Compliance.
You shall comply with all applicable Singapore and international laws, statutes, ordinances,
regulations, contracts and applicable licenses regarding your use oI our Services.
8ack Lo Lop
1. Release of PayPal.
II you have a dispute with one or more Users, you release PayPal (and our oIIicers, directors,
agents, joint ventures, and employees) Irom any and all claims, demands, and damages (actual
and consequential) oI every kind and nature arising out oI any or in any way connected with such
8ack Lo Lop
14. Notices.
L|ectron|c Commun|cat|ons
You agree that this Agreement constitutes "a writing signed by You" under any applicable law or
regulation. To the Iullest extent permitted by applicable law, this Agreement and any other
agreements, notices or other communications regarding your account and/or your use oI the
Service ("ommunications"), may be provided to you electronically and you agree to receive all
ommunications Irom PayPal in electronic Iorm. Electronic ommunications may be posted on
the pages within the PayPal website and/or delivered to your e-mail address. You may print a
copy oI any ommunications and retain it Ior your records. All ommunications in either
electronic or paper Iormat will be considered to be in "writing," and to have been received no
later than Iive (5) business days aIter posting or dissemination, whether or not you have received
or retrieved the ommunication. PayPal reserves the right but assumes no obligation to provide
ommunications in paper Iormat.

14.2 Electronic Evidence. You agree that in the event oI a dispute between You and PayPal or
You and another user, that PayPal's electronic records oI your transactions, the PayPal User
Agreement, the PayPal Privacy Policy, any identity veriIication inIormation provided in a paper
Iormat and subsequently scanned or otherwise converted into an electronic Iormat, and any other
inIormation stored or created electronically shall be admissible in a court oI law or in relation to
a law enIorcement or regulatory investigation or prosecution.

14. Third Party Verification. You agree that where available PayPal may engage third parties,
such as credit reporting agencies or identity veriIication companies order and review your credit
report with the sole purpose oI assessing your Iitness to hold a PayPal account and/or your ability
to use the Service or Ieatures thereoI.

14.4 Procedure. Except as explicitly stated otherwise, any notices shall be given by postal mail
to PayPal Pte. Ltd., Attn: Legal Department, 5 Temasek Boulevard, #09-01 Suntec Tower Five,
Singapore 038985 (in the case oI PayPal) or to our online message center or the email address
you provide to PayPal during the registration process (in your case). Notice shall be deemed
given 24 hours aIter posted or email is sent, unless the sending party is aware that the electronic
communication was not received. Alternatively, we may give you notice by mail to the address
provided to PayPal during the registration process. In such case, notice shall be deemed given 3
days aIter the date oI mailing.
8ack Lo Lop
15. Legal Disputes.
In the event a dispute arises between you and PayPal, our goal is to provide you with a neutral
and cost eIIective means oI resolving the dispute quickly. Accordingly, you and PayPal agree
that any controversy or claim at law or equity that arises out oI this Agreement or PayPal's
services ("laims") shall be resolved in accordance with one oI the subsections below, or as
otherwise mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties. BeIore resorting to these alternatives,
PayPal strongly encourages users Iirst to contact PayPal directly to seek a resolution. PayPal will
consider reasonable requests to resolve the dispute through alternative dispute resolution
procedures, such as mediation, as an alternative to litigation.

Disputes between you and PayPal regarding the Services may be reported to ustomer Support
online through the PayPal Help enter at any time, or by calling 1402 935 2050 Irom 6 AM to
midnight entral Time.

15.1 Arbitration. For any laim (excluding laims Ior injunctive or other equitable relieI)
where the total amount oI the award sought is less than $10,000.00 USD, you or PayPal may
elect to resolve the dispute through binding arbitration conducted by telephone, on-line, and/or
based solely upon written submissions where no in-person appearance is required. In such cases,
the arbitration shall be administered by the Singapore International Arbitration entre, or any
other established ADR provider mutually agreed upon by the parties. Any judgment on the
award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereoI.

15.2 Court. Alternatively, any laim may be adjudicated by a court oI competent jurisdiction
located in Singapore or where the deIendant is located (in PayPal's case, Singapore, and in your
case, your home address or principal place oI business). You and PayPal agree to submit to the
personal jurisdiction oI the courts located in Singapore.

15. Violations of Section 15. All laims (excluding requests Ior injunctive or equitable relieI)
between the parties must be resolved using the dispute resolution mechanism that is selected in
accordance with this Section by the party Iirst to assert a laim, either through a court Iiling or
commencement oI arbitration. Should either party Iile an action contrary to this Section 15, the
other party may recover lawyers` Iees and costs up to $1,000.00 USD, provided that the party
seeking the award has notiIied the other party in writing oI the improperly Iiled laim, and the
other party has Iailed to withdraw the laim.
8ack Lo Lop
16. General.
Except as set Iorth herein, this Agreement is governed by and interpreted under the laws oI
Singapore as such laws are applied to agreements entered into and to be perIormed entirely
within Singapore. For Malaysian residents who register Ior the PayPal service with a Malaysian
address, this Agreement is governed by and interpreted under the laws oI Malaysia as such laws
are applied to agreements entered into and to be perIormed entirely within Malaysia. We do not
guarantee continuous, uninterrupted or secure access to our service, and operation oI our site
may be interIered with by numerous Iactors outside oI our control. II any provision oI this
Agreement is held to be invalid or unenIorceable, such provision shall be struck and the
remaining provisions shall be enIorced. You agree that this Agreement and all incorporated
agreements may be automatically assigned by PayPal, in our sole discretion, to a third party in
the event oI a merger or acquisition. Headings are Ior reIerence purposes only and in no way
deIine, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent oI such section. Our Iailure to act with
respect to a breach by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or
similar breaches. This Agreement and the documents it incorporates set Iorth the entire
understanding between us with respect to the subject matter hereoI. Sections (3) Fees, (2.4)
Release, (7) Access and InterIerence, (2.6) Limitation oI Liability, (2.7) Indemnity, and (15)
Legal Disputes shall survive any termination or expiration oI this Agreement.
8ack Lo Lop
17. Country Specific Terms and Conditions.
These terms and conditions apply only to PayPal account holders Ior accounts registered in the
Iollowing countries:


The Services are oIIered by PayPal Pte. Ltd., located at 5 Temasek Boulevard #09-01, Suntec
Tower Five, Singapore 038985. II you are a Singapore resident, you may have this same
inIormation emailed to you by sending a letter to the address above with your email address and
a request Ior this inIormation. Fees Ior our services are described in our Fees Policy.


Tax Liability.

Please be advised that the PayPal services are provided by PayPal Pte. Ltd., a Singapore
company. Because you are doing business with a Ioreign company, you are legally required to
pay taxes based on the Iees that you have paid to PayPal Pte. Ltd., as Iollows:
O WlLhholdlng Lax Lo Lhe lederal 8evenue of 23
O CluL Lax Lo Lhe lederal 8evenue of 10
O lSS Lax Lo your local munlclpallLy of 23 (please check wlLh your accounLanL or Lax advlsor Lo
geL Lhe correcL amounL)
To determine your tax liability, you must Iirst determine the amount oI Iees that you have paid to
PayPal. To do so, please take the Iollowing steps:
O Log lnLo your ayal accounL
O Cllck Lhe My AccounL" Lab
O Cllck on vlew all my LransacLlons"
O SorL by Lhe approprlaLe Lax year
O Add up all Lhe amounLs llsLed as lee"

Please be advised that the PayPal services are provided by PayPal Pte. Ltd., a Singapore
company. PayPal accepts payments Irom buyers on behalI oI the sellers. As a Seller, you agree
that once PayPal accepts payments Irom the buyer, you release and discharge the buyer oI any
Iurther liability Ior the amount oI the payment. When persons make donations through PayPal,
PayPal accepts payments Irom such donors on behalI oI the donees. As a donee, you agree that
once PayPal accepts payments Irom the donor, you release and discharge the donor oI any
Iurther liability Ior the amount oI the donation.

South Africa:

You are required to comply with South AIrican exchange control regulations. This means that:
1 lf you recelve amounLs lnLo your ayal balance from a ayal user
a you may noL send Lhose amounLs Lo anoLher ayal user for a purchase or for any oLher
b you musL wlLhdraw Lhe amounLs ln your ayal balance Lo your ln8 bank accounL*
wlLhln 30 days of recelpL of funds
2 lf you would llke Lo send amounLs Lo anoLher ayal user
a you musL do so elLher wlLh Lhe credlL card assoclaLed wlLh your ayal accounL or by
dolng a 1op up Lo your ayal balance from your ln8 bank accounL*
b Ior purchases uslng 1op up you musL do a separaLe 1op up for each purchase
FNB charges a Iee Ior each Top Up and Withdrawal. Please see the FNB website Ior more


PayPal has been approved by Bank Negara Malaysia to operate an e-Money business. ThereIore,
iI you are a Malaysian customer and PayPal does not provide a prompt and eIIicient response to
you in relation to PayPal`s Services pursuant to your use oI the dispute resolution process set out
in the Legal Disputes section oI this User Agreement (currently Section 15) or contacting
PayPal`s ustomer Support, you may also contact Bank Negara through BNMLINK and

BNMTELELINK can be contacted directly either by telephone, Iax, letter or email. Members oI
the public can contact BNMLINK and BNMTELELINK Ior inIormation, inquiries or redress in
the areas oI conventional and Islamic banking, insurance and takaIul, advisory services Ior small
and medium enterprises, Ioreign exchange administration and other matters under Bank Negara
Malaysia's jurisdiction. The contact details Ior BNMTELELINK are:

Jabatan Komunikasi Korporat
Bank Negara Malaysia
P.O.Box 10922
50929 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 1-300-88-5465 (LINK)
Fax: 03-2174 1515

BNMLINK and BNMTELELINK operating hours are Irom:
Monday - Friday, 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Malaysia Time


Please note that PayPal Pte Ltd. oIIers only a payment enabling service to its users in Turkey.
PayPal provides a technical inIrastructure that enables money transactions to be carried out
between sellers and buyers. PayPal is not a bank, any other kind oI payment institution or a
custodian. It does not collect deposits or sell, produce or distribute any goods.

Within the meaning oI this agreement, 'receiving payment means receiving payment Irom other
PayPal account holders to enable them to carry out their transactions. PayPal is not a party to
transactions between its users and is an intermediary which acts upon the instructions oI its users.

With eIIect Irom 1 March 2011 and pursuant to notiIication RBI/2010-11/281 oI the Reserve
Bank oI India, the Iollowing terms and conditions shall apply speciIically to users oI PayPal
services in India ('Special Terms and onditions):


"Balance" means the Buyer's harge paid by the Buyer as reduced by the (a) ommission Fee,
(b) the Reserve Amount (deIined below) and (c) amount deducted towards charge back in respect
oI a previous transaction (iI any) which will be displayed in your PayPal account and remitted
into your bank account by the authorized dealer bank.

"Buyer" means a person resident outside India who desires to purchase product or service Irom
you and make payment which may be received by you into your bank account through the
PayPal Service (deIined below).

"Buyer's Charge" means the sale price oI the product or service purchased by the Buyer plus
shipping charge (iI any) and all other taxes, duties, costs, charges and expenses in respect oI the
product or services which are required to be paid by the Buyer to you provided that the value oI
the product or service shall in no event exceed USD 500 per transaction.

"Commission Fee" means the Iee charged by PayPal Ior the provision oI the PayPal Service.

"PayPal Service" means the payment gateway processing service oIIered by PayPal to its users
resident in India Ior Iacilitation oI receipt oI payments Irom Buyer Ior remittance into their bank

"Reserve Amount" means the amount out oI the Buyer's harge calculated and determined by
PayPal and the authorized dealer bank which is deposited with the authorized dealer bank in
order to meet your potential charge back liabilities.

1he ayal Servlce offered Lo you ls noL a sLored value servlce 1he ayal Servlce ls ln Lhe
naLure of a paymenL gaLeway processlng servlce and meanL excluslvely for faclllLaLlng onllne
recelpL by you of paymenLs made by Lhe 8uyers

ln order Lo avall Lhe ayal Servlce ln addlLlon Lo Lhe ellglblllLy crlLerla provlded for ln Lhls
AgreemenL you shall be requlred Lo have or open a fully funcLlonal bank accounL whlch has
been duly verlfled Lhrough Lhe ldenLlLy auLhenLlcaLlon and verlflcaLlon process provlded

31 ayal shall acL as a servlce provlder and an lnLermedlary for recelpL of 8uyers Charges by
you and shall noL acL as a reposlLory or cusLodlan wlLh respecL Lo Lhe 8uyer's Charges

32 ayal shall only be responslble for deposlLlng your 8alance wlLh Lhe auLhorlzed dealer bank
and shall noL be llable Lo you for Lhe paymenL of your 8alance upon demand

41 ?ou agree and acknowledge LhaL Lhe followlng procedure shall be followed by you and
ayal for Lhe faclllLaLlon of recelpL of 8uyers Charges by you Lhrough Lhe ayal Servlce
4.1.1. You shall have or open a Iunctional bank account;

4.1.2. AIter registering Ior the PayPal Service, you shall have to provide "Your
InIormation" as contemplated under this Agreement and any other inIormation including
but not limited to your bank account number and the relevant Indian Financial Systems
ode which may be required by PayPal in order to veriIy and authenticate your bank
account and activate the PayPal Service;

4.1.3. Upon activation oI PayPal Service, you may receive Buyer's harges Irom Buyers
through the PayPal Service;

4.1.4. PayPal shall, aIter obtaining conIirmation Irom the Buyer that the Buyer is satisIied
with the condition and quality oI the goods or services ('Buyer`s Confirmation),
transIer the Buyer's harge less the ommission Fee to the authorised dealer bank;

4.1.5. The authorised dealer bank shall deduct the Reserve Amount and iI required,
deduct an amount towards charge back Ior a previous transaction to arrive at the Balance;

4.1.6. The Balance and the Reserve Amount held by the authorised dealer bank shall be
displayed on your PayPal account;

4.1.7. The authorized dealer bank shall thereaIter remit the Balance to India and shall pay
the Balance either through direct credit (in case where your bank account is with the
authorized dealer bank) or wire credit into your bank account or by issuing a demand
draIt in your Iavour.

4.2. The transIer oI the Balance into your bank account shall take place immediately upon
receipt oI the Buyer`s conIirmation and in no event later than 7 days oI transIer by PayPal
to the authorised dealer bank.

31 ayal shall be enLlLled Lo deducL Lhe 8eserve AmounL from Lhe 8uyers Charge and deposlL
Lhe same wlLh Lhe auLhorlzed dealer bank

32 ln case Lhe 8uyer noLlfles ayal LhaL you have falled dlscharge your obllgaLlons under Lhe
Lerms of Lhe sale conLracL beLween you and Lhe 8uyer ayal shall be enLlLled ln lLs sole and
absoluLe dlscreLlon Lo remlL Lhe charge back Lo Lhe 8uyer ouL of Lhe 8eserve AmounL afLer
verlfylng Lhe 8uyers clalm

33 ?ou shall be enLlLled Lo recelve elLher Lhe 8eserve AmounL or lf a charge back has been
made as per Clause 32 above Lhe balance Lhereof afLer explry of a perlod of 180 days of
recelpL of Lhe 8alance

61 ?ou agree LhaL you shall noL use Lhe ayal Servlce for exporLlng a producL or servlce havlng
a value of more Lhan uSu 300 per LransacLlon

62 ?ou agree Lo avall of Lhe ayal Servlce solely for recelvlng paymenL for valld and lawful
LransacLlons and noL use Lhe ayal Servlce Lo Lrade or aLLempL Lo Lrade ln any lLem Lhe deallng
of whlch ls prohlblLed or resLrlcLed ln any manner under Lhe provlslons of any appllcable law
rule regulaLlon or guldellne for Lhe Llme belng ln force

71 ?ou agree Lo use Lhe ayal Servlce excluslvely for Lhe purpose of recelvlng 8uyers Charges

72 ?ou may noL use your balance held by Lhe auLhorlzed dealer bank for any purpose (lncludlng
buL noL llmlLed Lo paymenL for lmporLs Lransfer Lo anoLher erson eLc) oLher Lhan as speclfled
ln Lhese counLry speclflc Lerms and condlLlons

81 ?ou acknowledge and agree LhaL ayal may share Lhe lnformaLlon provlded by you and Lhe
Lerms of Lhe agreemenL beLween you and ayal wlLh Lhe auLhorlsed dealer bank ln order Lo
enable Lhe auLhorlsed dealer bank Lo conducL Lhe requlslLe due dlllgence ln accordance wlLh l
Lhe auLhorlzed dealer's knowyourcusLomer (k?C) obllgaLlons

ln case of any dlspuLe demands acLlons proceedlngs (D|sputes) beLween you and Lhe
auLhorlsed dealer bank on accounL of nonpaymenL of any funds due Lo you you hereby
lndemnlfy ayal lLs afflllaLes and lLs employees from any damages clalms charges expenses
and losses arlslng ouL of such ulspuLes

101 lL ls hereby clarlfled LhaL ayal shall be llable Lo remlL Lhe 8alance Lo Lhe auLhorlzed
dealer bank upon recelvlng Lhe 8uyer's ConflrmaLlon

102 upon Lransfer of Lhe 8alance from ayal Lo Lhe auLhorlzed dealer bank and unLll Lhe
remlLLance of Lhe 8alance and Lhe 8eserve AmounL lnLo your bank accounL ln Lhe manner seL
ouL ln Lhese Speclal 1erms and CondllLons Lhe 8alance and Lhe 8eserve AmounL shall be held by
Lhe auLhorlzed dealer bank

103 AfLer Lhe Lransfer of Lhe 8alance by ayal Lo Lhe auLhorlzed dealer bank Lhe auLhorlzed
dealer bank shall be llable Lo pay Lhe 8alance and Lhe 8eserve AmounL Lo your bank accounL ln
Lhe manner seL ouL ln Lhese Speclal 1erms and CondlLlons ayal shall noL ln any way be llable
Lo you for Lhe same

104 ayal shall have no responslblllLy for LransacLlons carrled ouL ln good falLh lncludlng
charge back LransacLlons carrled ouL afLer verlflcaLlon ln Lhe manner provlded ln Lhls

103 ayal shall noL be responslble for any loss or damage lncurred or suffered by you on
accounL of any fallure or lnLerrupLlon of Lhe ayal servlce or consequences arlslng ouL of
delayed recelpL of 8uyers Charges

8esoluLlon of any paymenL relaLed complalnL whlch you may have shall be Lhe responslblllLy of
ayal upon occurrence of an evenL glvlng rlse Lo such a complalnL you agree Lo follow Lhe
relevanL procedure lald down ln Lhe AgreemenL for resoluLlon of Lhe same ?ou shall noL be
enLlLled Lo approach Lhe auLhorlsed dealer bank for resoluLlon of complalnL or dlspuLe
perLalnlng Lo paymenL of 8alance

121 LxcepL Lo Lhe exLenL amended by Lhese Lerms and condlLlons all oLher provlslons of Lhe
AgreemenL (lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo Clause 17 (lndemnlflcaLlon) Clause 7 (rlvacy and
SecurlLy) Clause 12 (Legal Compllance) and Clause 13 (8elease of ayal)) shall remaln ln full
force and effecL

122 ln case of confllcL beLween any of Lhe Lerms conLalned ln Lhese Speclal 1erms and
CondlLlons and Lhose of Lhe AgreemenL Lhese Speclal 1erms and CondlLlons shall prevall
8ack Lo Lop

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