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High Voltage Engineering

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AC Resonant Test Systems


for On-Site Testing and Off-Line Diagnostics

of Medium Voltage Cables and Electric Machines

Situation and


Medium-voltage cable systems are tested on site for

commissioning and for diagnostic purposes. High-Voltage (HV)
testing with direct voltage (DC) worked well for the traditional oilfilled power cables with relatively high dielectric losses.
Quantitative information were derived from DC tests mainly the
value of leakage current or some resistive values. Gradually
extruded medium voltage cables have been introduced. Today
they dominate the application almost exclusively. Studies by
numerous researchers have indicated serious concerns about DC
testing of extruded cables intended for use in alternating voltage
(AC) power systems. The experts agree that a DC test does not
prove the suitability of extruded cables at all. It is even
dangerous, because the insulating material, mainly XLPE, has a
memory that is caused by space charges and stipulated by
unipolar stress. It takes a very long time to lose the DC bias. If AC
voltage is applied to that cable, the DC bias plus the AC stress
can be enough to fail the cable.
The general principle of the HV test technique is that a
test voltage shall simulate the stress under operation conditions
of the test object. Traditional AC test systems were too large for
on-site application. As a next step test voltages of very low
frequency (VLF, 0.1 Hz) have been introduced which enable
partial discharge (PD) and dielectric loss (tan) measurement. But
also VLF tests cannot fulfil the above general principle: The
resistive stress distribution at VLF is much different from the
capacitive at power frequency. Also the number of stress cycles is
very much lower (A 50 Hz test of 15 min has the same numbers
of cycle as a VLF test of 125 hours!).

A capacitive load C (Fig. 1) and a HV reactor of fixed

inductance L form a HV oscillating circuit of the natural frequency

The way out is the use of AC resonant test systems tuned

into resonance by the frequency of the exciting voltage. This
leaflet describes HIGHVOLT AC resonant test systems of variable
frequency, type WRV ... TM.
The application of systems, type WRV ... TM, covers
the full range of medium-voltage cable systems with extruded and
oil-paper cables up to 36 kV rated voltage. The test currents of
the standard systems enable the testing of capacitances of more
than 4 F. This corresponds to about 15 km of cables and covers
also the full range for electric machines. The systems, type
WRV ... TM, can be completed by detectors for partial discharge
measurement and location as well as for dielectric loss
measurement. This offers the chance for a direct comparison of
the factory and field tests, and for the transfer of the wealth of
factory test data to the on-site testing and diagnostics.

f = 1 / (2

By exciting this HV circuit with an AC voltage of its natural

frequency, which is supplied by a frequency converter via the
exciter transformer, the system is tuned into resonance and
delivers a high test voltage VT and a high reactive test power PT.
The relation between these parameters and the exciter voltage
VE, respectively the feeding power PF, is characterized by the
quality factor
Q = PT / PF VT / VE.

This quality factor of a WRV system is about twice of

that of resonant test systems with tunable inductance and fixed
frequency. This means for identical test frequency the power
demand of a frequency-tuned resonant test system is about half
of that of an inductance-tuned one. With respect to testing oilpaper cables and electric machines of higher losses the systems,
type WRV ... TM, are optimized with respect to the minimum
weight of the reactor.
The maximum capacitive load causes the lowest test frequency
and the maximum test current (Fig. 4)
Imax = 2 fmin Cmax VT.

The selection of the frequency range (fmin, fmax) determines the

obtainable wide load range (Cmin, Cmax) according to
Cmin / Cmax = (fmin / fmax)2.

For WRV test systems described in this leaflet

fmin = 20 Hz and fmax = 300 Hz is selected, which gives a wide
load range of Cmax, / Cmin = 225. Because fmin is about half of the
power frequency at maximum load the power demand and
consequently the weight-to-power ratio (kg/kVA) is reduced to
about one quarter of that of inductance-tuned resonant systems.
This causes the advantage of HIGHVOLT systems type
WRV ... TM (Fig. 2). Usually the capacitance of the voltage
divider (Fig. 1) can be designed as basic load for operating the
system without test object at fmax = 300 Hz. The relation between
load and frequency is given in the load characteristics (Fig. 3).
Fig. 1 shows a WRV test system with options for PD and tan
measurement (explanation of the numbers in the following text).

The test simulates service conditions.

In addition to a voltage withstand test partial discharge
and loss factor values can be recorded for diagnostic
Partial discharge defects of a certain magnitude can be
The weight, the size and the three-phase power demand
of the WRV test system are minimum.
For higher voltage or power demand systems can be
connected in series or in parallel.
Adapted technology for connecting the test object and
for transportation is available.
HIGHVOLT systems type WRV have proven high
efficiency and reliability.
Key advantages of variable
frequency AC testing

CL ).


total load: C=C1 + C2 + C9


Design and Description of Systems

Type WRV ... TM

The HV oscillating circuit of an on-site test system

consists of the capacitive test object (Fig. 1, no. 1), a cable
system or a rotating machine and the following components:
- the powerful oil-insulated HV reactor (no. 3) in metal tank
design, available for different rated voltages and currents (see
HIGHVOLT Data sheet 8.14),
- the voltage divider (no. 2/7) which can be integrated into the
tank of the reactor or realised by a separate unit. It acts also as
the mentioned basic load and can be utilised as the coupling
capacitor for PD measurement, and
- the separate exciter transformer (no. 4) which supplies the
power loss into the oscillating circuit by low-voltage power of
variable frequency generated in the control and feeding unit.
The control and feeding unit (no. 5/6), type RSE 70
(Fig. 2, see also HIGHVOLT Data Sheet 8.15) contains
- the frequency converter for converting the three-phase mains
voltage (50/60 Hz) into a pulse-width adjusted square-wave
voltage (20 ... 300 Hz) (no. 5),
- a micro-controller, which generates the necessary control
signals for tuning the frequency into resonance with the HV
oscillating circuit,
- an operator panel for controlling the whole test procedures in
connection with programmable logic controllers (PLCs) (no. 6),
- the peak voltmeter, type MU 18 (see HIGHVOLT Catalogue
Sheet 5.55) for the voltage measurement.
The described components are a complete system for withstand
voltage tests on-site.

Optional components complete the test system for

diagnostic off-line measurements:
- a PD measuring system (Fig. 1 no. 8) including measuring
impedance (no. 7) and special components for the adaptation to
frequency-tuned resonant systems enables PD measurement
according to IEC 60270 and PD fault location for cables up to a
length of about 4 km (see LDIC Catalogue Sheet LDS-6). For
longer cables instrumentation for non-conventional methods of
PD measurement can be supplied.
- a C/tan measuring system (no. 10) including a compressed
gas capacitor (no. 9, see HIGHVOLT Catalogue Sheet 5.31)
are provided for automatic and continuous C/tan measurement
(see LDIC Catalogue Sheet LDV-5).
- both systems are computer-aided (no. 12) and the
measurements of PD and tan can be performed
synchronously. In this case both systems are integrated in one
- computer control and monitoring (no. 12) of the on-site test
and the measurements is very helpful. It is performed by help of
the same computer which is utilised for PD and tan
measurement, too. Hardware and software of the computeraided control and measuring system CMS 23 is described in the
HIGHVOLT Catalogue Sheet 1.52.
The on-site testing by the systems WRV ... TM becomes more
convenient by the following optional features:
- The HV connection is realised to an adaptation cable within a
metal enclosed box on top of the reactor (front figure, Fig. 2).
Then the whole test system is shielded and very safe for
operation. Also an open version is available.
- Warning and protection during on-site tests can be
guaranteed by warning lamps and the equipment for a safety
loop. The control and feeding unit is equipped with an internal
safety system and the emergency-off switch. In case the test
objects fails the system is detuned from resonance, the voltage
collapses nearly to zero and the power supply is switched off.
- For transportation of system WRV ... TM a solution with a van
or mini-van (cover figure) or with standard containers can be
supplied. Details can be adapted to the users demand (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2 Control area inside a van




Frequency in Hz

WRV 17 A / 36 kV
11.25 H
Fig. 4
Fig. 3 (Photo: Courtesy of FGH Mannheim)

Load capacitance in F


World-Wide Use of

AC resonant test systems of variable frequency

manufactured by HIGHVOLT have proven efficiency and reliability
in on-site testing of extruded high and medium voltage cables,
gas-insulated substations (GIS), instrument transformers and
other components of power systems. There is a certain logic for a
wider application of this principle on the testing of medium voltage
cables, especially for off-line PD and tan diagnostics. Because
the electric failure mechanism of extruded cables at stresses in
the frequency range 20 ... 300 Hz is identical to that at power
frequency (50/60 Hz), the WRV systems are the ideal tool for the
combination of diagnostic measurements and withstand tests on
site. Numerous publications about the experience with WRV
systems confirm the advantages of the method.
Fig. 5 shows a test system WRV 17/36 TM (36 kV, 17 A; left
control and feeding unit RSE 70, right reactor DE 1000/36). The
reactor is equipped with a elbow bushing and inserted bushing
plug. The system is operated by TU Chemnitz.

rated voltage
rated current
load capacitance

Fig. 5

WRV 10/36 TM

WRV 17/36 TM

WRV 6/50 TM

WRV 23/45 TM

WRV 21/45 TM*

36 kV
10 A
12 1770 nF

36 kV
17 A
25 ... 2500 nF

50 kV
6.5 ... 650 nF

45 kV
23 A
25 ... 2450 nF

50 kV (25)
12.5 A (25)
13 ... 1300 nF
(52 5200 nF)

duty cycle

30 min ON 60 min OFF, 6 cycles per day

frequency range

20 ... 300 Hz

reactor type
(data sheet 8.14)

DE 720/36-6

DE 1000/36

DE 500/50

DE 2000/45

DE 1000/50*

control & feeding

unit type
(data sheet 8.14)

RSE 70

RSE 70

RSE 70

RSE 70

RSE 70

total weight

1100 kg

1400 kg

1100 kg

2700 kg

1900 kg

Fig. 6

Table 1: Standard Types of WRV ... TM

Fig. 6: The combination of two systems WRV 12.5/50 enables the
testing at rated values 100 kV / 12.5 A, 50 kV / 25 A and
25 kV / 50 A. This is sufficient for testing capacitance of more
than 10 F at 25 kV (corresponding to approximately 35 km of
cable). The system is under operation at Pirelli Cables and
Systems Delft.
The front page shows a Mercedes Sprinter with a System WRV
10/36 TM operated by KEMA-IEV Dresden.

The type designation of a frequency-tuned resonant test system

for on-site testing of medium-voltage cables and other test
objects of high capacitance is given by
WRV a/b TM


a rated current and

b rated voltage
WRV 17 / 36 TM means a system
for 36 kV and 17 A with a metal
tank reactor for medium voltage

For inquiries of systems type WRV ... TM use the HIGHVOLT

Questionnaire G, please. Main parameters of some standard
systems are given in Table 1.
For further information please contact:

HIGHVOLT Prftechnik Dresden GmbH

Marie-Curie-Strae 10
D-01139 Dresden/ Germany
Telephone: ++49 351 84 25-648
++49 351 84 25-679
web site:

Subject to change without prior notice

or our local representative:

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