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Code of Practice For Earthing LV Networks and HV Distribution Substations IMP010011

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses policies and practices for earthing low voltage networks and high voltage distribution substations in accordance with various regulations and acts. It provides guidelines on efficient application of earth systems to distribution networks.

The purpose of this document is to ensure the company achieves its requirements with respect to safety regulations, distribution licenses and codes by outlining how earth systems will be developed on low voltage networks and at high voltage distribution substations.

The main requirements and regulations discussed are the Electricity Act 1989, the Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002, and the requirements these impose regarding safety, quality of supply and prevention of danger.

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IMP/010/011 Code of Practice for Earthing

LV Networks and HV Distribution

The purpose of this document is to ensure the company achieves its requirements with
respect to the Electricity Act 1989 (as amended) (the Act), the Electricity Safety, Quality,
and Continuity (ESQC) Regulations 2002, the Electricity at Work (EAW) Regulations 1989,
the Distribution Licences and The Distribution Code, by laying out the way in which CE will
develop efficient, co-ordinated and economical earth systems on the Low Voltage (LV)
networks and at High Voltage (HV) distribution substations.
This document supersedes the following documents, all copies of which should be





Code of Practice for Earthing LV Networks
Code of Practice for Earthing

This Code of Practice contains detailed policy and practice on earthing of LV Networks and
HV distribution substations. Section 3.20 provides basic information regarding HV and LV
earthing of distribution substations.


The Code of Practice applies to all LV networks, services and HV distribution substations in
NEDL and YEDL the licensed distributors of CE Electric UK Funding Company Ltd (all
referred to hereafter as CE), and to the providers of connections to those networks.
It is not intended for this policy to be applied retrospectively with the exception of locations
identify as having inadequate earth networks or those where work is being carried out on
the network to satisfy the requirements of the ESQC Regulations 2002 as detailed in
section 3.3.2 of this code of practice.
All new networks shall be equipped with earth systems in accordance with this Document




Assessment of Relevant Drivers

The key internal business drivers relating to earthing of networks are:
financial; and
quality of supply.
The external business drivers relating to the Application of earthing to distribution networks
are detailed in the following sections.

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Requirements of the Electricity Act 1989 (as amended)

The Electricity Act 1989 (as amended) (the Act) lays down the core legislative framework
for CEs operations as a distributor. Specifically, it gives force to the ESQC Regulations
2002, and in section 9 creates the key obligation to develop and maintain an efficient, coordinated and economical system of electricity distribution. Discharge of this obligation
shall be supported in this document by providing guidelines on efficient application of earth
systems to the wider network.

3.1.2 Requirements of The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity (ESQC) Regulations
The ESQC Regulations 2002 impose a number of obligations on the business, mainly
relating to quality of supply and safety. All the requirements of the ESQC Regulations that
are applicable to the application of earthing shall be complied with, specifically:
Reg. No Text
Application to this policy
3(1)(b) distributorsshall ensure that their
This will be achieved by installation of earth
equipment is so constructedas to
systems to standard designs by trained
prevent dangeror interruption of supply, personnel.
so far as is reasonably practicable
Adistributor shall be responsible for the This will be achieved by installation of
application of such protective devices to systems and conductors to provide a low
his network as will, so far as is reasonably impedance path back to source for earth
practicable, prevent any current, including fault currents as far as is reasonably
any leakage to earth, from flowing in any practicable
part of his network for such a period that
that part of his network can no longer
carry that current without danger.
A generator or distributor shall, in the
This will be achieved by installation of
design, construction, maintenance or
system conductors to minimise damage
operation of his network, take all
and accidental disconnection
reasonable precautions to ensure
continuity of the supply neutral conductor
A generator or distributor shall ensure
This will be achieved by installation of earth
that, so far as is reasonably practicable,
systems and conductors of sufficient rating
his network does not become
and in such a manner as to prevent
disconnected from earth in the event of
any foreseeable current due to a fault.
A generator or distributor shall, in respect This will be achieved by design of the
of any high voltage network which he
owns or operates, ensure that the
network is connected with earth at, or as
near as is reasonably practicable to, the
source of voltage but where there is more
than one source of voltage in that network,
the connection with earth need only be
made at one such point

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A generator or distributor shall, in respect This will be achieved through standard

of any high voltage network which he
designs and where appropriate the
owns or operates, ensure that the earth separation between the HV and LV earth
electrodes are designed, installed and
used in such a manner so as to prevent
danger occurring in any low voltage
network as a result of any fault in the high
voltage network
A generator or distributor shall, in respect This will be achieved by design of the
of any low voltage network which he owns network
or operates, ensure that - every supply
neutral conductor is connected with earth
at, or as near as is reasonably practicable
to, the source of voltage except that where
there is only one point in a network at
which consumer's installations are
connected to a single source of voltage,
that connection may be made at that
point, or at another point nearer to the
source of voltage
A consumer shall not combine the neutral Those who need to provide information to
and protective functions in a single
customers made aware of this requirement
conductor in his consumer's installation
through this Code of Practice
This regulation applies to distributors' low This will be achieved by installation of earth
voltage networks in which the neutral and systems to the requirements laid down in
protective functions are combined
this Code of Practice
(2) In addition to the neutral with earth
This will be achieved by installation of earth
connection required under regulation
systems to the requirements laid down in
8(3)(b) a distributor shall ensure that the this Code of Practice
supply neutral conductor is connected with
earth at (a) a point no closer to the distributor's
source of voltage (as measured along the
distributing main) than the junction
between that distributing main and the
service line which is most remote from the
source; and
(b) such other points as may be necessary
to prevent, so far as is reasonably
practicable, the risk of danger arising from
the supply neutral conductor becoming
open circuit.


The distributor shall not connect his

combined neutral and protective
conductor to any metalwork in a caravan
or boat

This will be achieved by following the

guidance in this Code of Practice

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This regulation requires that any

metalwork enclosing, supporting or
otherwise associated with his equipment
in a network and which is not intended to
serve as a phase conductor is, where
necessary to prevent danger, connected
with earth (there are exceptions for
metalwork connected to wood poles moor
than 3 metres clearance from ground
Unless he can reasonably conclude that it
is inappropriate for reasons of safety, a
distributor shall, when providing a new
connection at low voltage, make available
his supply neutral conductor or, if
appropriate, the protective conductor of
his network for connection to the
protective conductor of the consumer's


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This will be achieved by following the

guidance in this Code of Practice

This will be achieved by following the

guidance in this Code of Practice. This
regulation is expanded on in the following

Part V11 Paragraph 24, Sections (4) & (5) of the ESQC Regulations states that: (4) Unless he can reasonably conclude that it is inappropriate for reasons of safety, a
distributor shall, when providing a new connection at low voltage, make available his supply
neutral conductor or, if appropriate, the protective conductor of his network for connection
to the protective conductor of the consumer's installation.
(5) In this regulation the expression "new connection" means the first electric line, or the
replacement of an existing electric line, to one or more consumer's installations
Paragraph 24 of the ESQC Regulations specifically excludes the connection of the
distributors combined neutral and protective conductors to any metalwork in a caravan or
boat. Further information on locations where an earth terminal should not be offered are
given in Section 3.15 of this Code of Practice.
The general CE policy is to ensure that an earth terminal can be provided so that, when an
installation has been designed to the current edition of the IEE Regulations for Electrical
Installations (BS7671), a customer's fuse will operate in the event of an earth fault on the
customer's installation.
In order to ensure adequate current flows, the best method is to use a continuous metallic
return path between the customer's earth terminal and the transformer neutral point. The
soil is inadequate for the purpose of carrying earth fault current because of its high
resistance. Metallic water pipes, although often used in the past, are unsuitable because of
the increasing use of non-metallic pipes and inserts, and the potential high resistance to
The continuous metallic return path will be provided by cable sheath, by separate cable
conductor, by protective multiple earthing (PME) or by protective neutral bonding (PNB).
PME and PNB are means whereby the neutral conductor, apart from its normal function of
carrying load current, provides the metallic return path for earth fault currents from the
customer's premises to the substation transformer neutral. The adequacy of the return path
is determined by its loop impedance.

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In addition the use of protective multiple earths, interconnection of neutrals and good load
balancing where possible will normally ensure that, even if the neutral breaks, any
customer will be left with at least one earth connection on that portion of the neutral still
connected to the installation. This will in most cases tend to hold down the potential of the
neutral and consequently the voltage applied to the frames of customer owned metallic
apparatus, to a reasonable value.

The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974

Section 2(1) states that It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is
reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees. Section
3(1) also states that It shall be the duty of every employer to conduct his undertaking in
such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons not in his
employment who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to risks to their health
or safety.
This is addressed in this code of practice by specifying the requirements of earth systems.


Electricity at Work Regulations

The UK Electricity at Work Regulations (Statutory Instrument 1989, No 635) was
made under the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act. Regulation 8 relates to earthing
which quotes Precautions shall be taken, either by earthing or by other suitable
means, to prevent danger arising when any conductor (other than a circuit conductor)
which may reasonably foreseeable become charged as a result of either the use of a
system, or a fault in a system, becomes so charged; and, for the purposes of ensuring
compliance with this regulation, a conductor shall be regarded as earthed when it is
connected to the general mass of earth by conductors of sufficient strength and
current-carrying capability to discharge electrical energy to earth.
These requirements are met within this code of practice by common referencing to
earth, connection of plant to earth and equipotential bonding.


Key Requirements
CE policy is that all networks shall be so constructed such that an earthing terminal can be
made available at every LV supply point and that this will provide a solid metallic return
from the earth terminal of the installation back to the substation transformer neutral
terminal. Earthing on all LV networks shall be carried out in accordance with the policy and
procedures detailed in this Code of Practice. These procedures all comply fully with the
ESQC Regulations (2002), and it will not be necessary for field staff to make a detailed
study of the regulations.
The details for implementing this policy are set out in the appropriate sections of this Code
of Practice. Matters relating to contact with customers are to be found in Appendix A and B
of this Code of Practice.


New Networks

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All new CE underground and overhead LV networks shall be constructed to the earthing
standard required by this Code of Practice so that normally all new customers can be
provided with an earthing terminal. (In a few special circumstances it may not be
appropriate to offer the terminal examples are discussed in section 3.15 of this document)

Existing Networks
The implementation of this policy ensures that CE LV customer can have a solid metallic
earth-fault return path provided by one of the following means:

Protective multiple earthing (PME)


The electrically continuous sheaths of separate neutral and earth (SNE) cables


Protective neutral bonding (PNB)

The choice between these alternatives will depend on the nature of the existing distribution
system and the cost of providing the earthing terminal.
(In a few special circumstances it may not be appropriate to offer the terminal see sections
3.15 for details)


New Networks
New underground and overhead networks shall be constructed in accordance with the
requirements of this Code of Practice. All customers on such networks will be offered the
use of a CE earth terminal connected to the neutral conductor.
New underground networks shall normally use combined neutral and earth (CNE) cables.
However, it shall be permissible to use separate neutral and earth (SNE) cables for
services or networks where this is beneficial. In particular, for customers whose
installations may require special attention such as those identified in 3.15 of this Code of
Practice, an economic evaluation should be carried out of the alternative methods of
earthing. For customers in this category, and if the network is suitable, we may offer an
SNE supply.
New overhead networks shall use aerial bundled conductors in accordance with the code of
practice NSP/004/041 LV ABC Networks.
PNB may be adopted for a single customer supplied via an underground or overhead
service from a substation. However it is acceptable to provide PME to a single customer
and this method should be adopted where practical.


Existing Networks
The earthing arrangements on LV networks should be checked to see whether it is to the
standard described in this Code of Practice whenever any of the following situations occur:

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Connecting a new substation into the network, or recovering a substation from the


Changing a transformer in an existing substation.


Reinforcing or extending the network.


Repairing the network.


Customers' earthing facilities which are provided via metallic water pipes are about
to be rendered ineffective by the insertion of non-metallic pipes in distributors or
service pipes by the Water Company or plumbing contractors.


When the theft of aerial earth-wires has rendered earthing ineffective.

After review, action shall be taken as follows:


If the network is already covered by PME or PNB, or comprises underground cables

with electrically continuous separate sheaths or overhead lines with aerial earthwires throughout, the networks shall require no modification except for the
installation of additional earth-points and compression jointing of connections on
neutrals and aerial earth-wires to reduce the risk arising from conductor breakage
or theft.


If the network comprises cables having electrically discontinuous sheaths but the
number of discontinuities is small, the sheaths shall be made continuous by
bonding across the discontinuities.


In all other cases PME shall be applied to the network in accordance with the
requirements of this Code of Practice.


Provision of CE Earth Terminals


Provision of CE earth terminals on networks with electrically continuous sheaths or

separate earth conductors
Where CE has not already provided earth terminals for customers on networks with
electrically continuous sheaths or separate earth conductors, we shall provide an earth
Such opportunities may arise when:

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We provide a new service.


The customer or their electrical contractor asks us to provide an earth terminal.


We change or move the service intake-unit.


We review the earthing arrangements on the network as detailed in Section 3.3.2.

Provision of CE earth terminals on networks to which PME has been applied

Customers on networks or parts of networks to which PME has been applied shall be
offered the use of a CE earth terminal. Before such a terminal can be used, however,
customers must ensure the bonding within their installations complies with the
requirements laid down in Appendix A.


Adequacy of Existing Bonding

Where a new PME terminal is to be provided the customers bonding must comply with the
requirements of Appendix A and the current edition of BS7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations)
For customers with existing PME terminals, their bonding should be in accordance with the
PME requirements at the time the terminal was made available. In general, this bonding
will be 10mm2 however; some installations may have 6mm2 bonding. This 6mm2 bonding
will be acceptable where the terminal is in use.
When an existing terminal is in use prior to a cut-out change or when an inspection is
carried out on an existing installation with 6mm2 bonding, we will issue a safety notice to
the customer to recommend that they change the bonding from 6mm2 to 10mm2. PME
installations with 2.5 mm or 4mm bonding will not be acceptable, and measures must be
taken to ensure that the customer's installation is brought up to the requirements of
Appendix A.


Provision of an earth terminal after a cut-out change

Where no other work is involved other than a cut-out is changed for whatever reason the
earthing arrangements shall remain unchanged so that if the existing cut-out provided an
SNE earth facility the replacement cut-out shall provide an SNE earth facility even if it can
be confirmed that the SNE network has been converted to PME unless the customer can
confirm in writing that their installation meets the requirements of appendix A.


Short-term safeguards for customers on substantial existing networks without

adequate earth- return facilities
There may be networks, such as those purchased from other suppliers, which do not have
adequate earthing facilities as defined in Section 3.2.2. In the interim period before these
networks are suitably converted, problems may arise concerning the earthing of existing
customers' installations. These problems will fall into four groups and will be dealt with as

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On adoption or identification of networks with inadequate earth facilities the

customers affected shall be advised in writing to install a residual current device.
Asset Management will be informed and initiate a work programme to update the
network such that earthing facilities defined in Section 3.2.2 can be provided to the


A request from a customer or his contractor for an earthing terminal. Appendix B

note [2] bullet point 1,describes the procedure to be followed if the network is not
suitable to enable us to offer an earth terminal.


CE staff may visit customers' installations for miscellaneous reasons such as the
reconnection of a supply. If the installation is found to be inadequate then the
procedure in Appendix B should be followed to notify the customer.


If a contractor carries out alterations to a customers installation and the earthing of

that installation is found to be inadequate then the new installation shall not be
connected until the earthing arrangement conforms to the current edition of the IEE
Regulations for Electrical Installations (BS7671) and that situation is confirmed by
issue of the relevant Part 7 BS7671 certificate or by other means of written
confirmation that may be agreed.

PME and Multiple-Earthing Approvals

In the past it was necessary to apply to the Department of Energy for approval to apply
MEN (Multiple Earthing of the Neutral) or PME to networks. This has not been the case for
many years. Consent was also required to apply PME to private networks.
The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity (ESQC) Regulations 2002 allows all
Distributors (not necessarily Licensed Distributors) to apply PME to their networks.
However it is still necessary for such non Regional Electricity Company networks to meet
the requirements of the ESQC regulations.


Maximum Earth Values at Secondary Distribution Substations

Where HV and LV earth electrodes are segregated the following maximum values shown in
paragraph (table shall apply.
See Section 3.20 for more detailed information regarding earthing at ground and pole
mounted substations including standard arrangements for ground mounted substations


Earthing Arrangements on New LV Networks


New Underground Networks

New underground networks shall normally use CNE cables with copper neutral/earth
conductors and PME will be adopted. However, it shall be permissible to use SNE cables
for services or networks where this is beneficial for safety or economic reasons. In
particular, this could be for customers whose installations may require special attention
such as those identified in Section 3.15 of this Code of Practice.
The earthing arrangements at new substation must comply with Section 3.20.

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For PME networks, obligatory connections of the neutral conductor to earth electrodes or
neutral conductors of other distributors shall be made at the final insulated end of every
branch of the distributor. A multi-service line supplying up to four adjacent customers need
not be considered as a branch of the distributor for this purpose. Where a service
supplying up to four adjacent customers is 40 metres or more in length an earth electrode
must be installed and connected to the neutral at or near the last service termination.
If the HV and LV earth electrodes have been separated at the substation the overall
resistance to earth of the HV earth electrode and that of the neutral conductor shall not
exceed 20 ohms. Measurements of resistance will be made by an approved method. If the
resistance of the HV earth electrode to earth exceeds 20 ohms then additional earth
electrodes shall be connected to reduce the resistance. If the resistance of the neutral
conductor to earth exceeds 20 ohms then additional earth electrodes shall be connected at
convenient points on the network to reduce the resistance. The method of installation of
earth electrodes shall be as described in 3.9.
If the HV and LV earth electrodes have been combined at the substation, because they
meet the conditions in Section 3.20.5 no measurement of neutral-to-earth resistance need
be made.
Drawing C952986 shows typical arrangements of LV network earthing.

New Overhead Networks

New overhead networks shall normally use CNE Aerial Bundled Conductor (ABC) in
accordance with the code of practice NSP/004/041 LV ABC Networks and PME will be
It shall be permissible to use separate neutral and earth conductors for services or
networks where this is beneficial, however the practice of making SNE overhead customers
dependant on CNE overhead circuits shall be avoided due to possible inadequacy of
customers internal bonding. In particular, SNE could be used for customers whose
installations may require special attention such as those identified in Section 3.15 of this
Code of Practice.
The earthing arrangements at new substation must comply with Section 3.20
For PME networks, the neutral conductor shall be connected to earth electrodes or to the
neutral conductors of other distributors at the final supports of every branch of the
distributor. Additional earth electrodes shall be installed at the end of each section of ABC
distributor, at junctions between cable and overhead lines and at all service distribution
boxes. Additional earths shall be installed at intervals of not more than eight span-lengths
along open wire distributors. A multi-service line or undereaves wiring supplying up to four
adjacent customers need not normally be considered as a branch of the distributor for this
purpose. However, where a single service exceeds three overhead spans in length an
additional earth electrode shall be installed either on the overhead service termination,
where the connection is made to the undereaves wiring installation or at the final support of
the overhead line.
If the HV and LV earth electrodes have been separated at the substation the resistance to
earth of the HV earth electrode shall not exceed 20 ohms and the overall resistance to
earth of the neutral conductor shall not exceed 20 ohms. Measurements of resistance will
be made as indicated in Appendix D. If in the first instance the resistance of the HV
electrode to earth exceeds 20 ohms then additional earth electrodes shall be connected to
reduce the resistance. If the resistance of the neutral conductor to earth exceeds 20 ohms
then additional earth electrodes shall be connected at convenient points in the network to

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reduce the resistance. The method of installation of the earth electrodes shall be as
described in Section 3.9.
If there is any overhead line in the HV circuit between the ground mounted HV substation
and the source substation the HV electrode and the LV earth electrode shall be separated
unless the conditions in section 3.20.5 are met. The HV earth electrode and LV earth
electrodes shall not be combined at pole mounted transformers without written permission
from the Policy Manager.
Good load balance along an LV feeder will assist in containing neutral voltage rise in the
event of an open circuit neutral conductor.
Drawing C952986 shows typical arrangements of LV network earthing.

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Earthing Arrangements on Existing LV Networks


Underground Networks with Electrically Continuous Sheaths


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Existing earthing arrangements of such networks are satisfactory and will not require
Any extensions or modifications including repairs to these networks will employ either CNE
or SNE cables, when SNE cable which has an insulated outer sheath is used an earth
electrode shall be installed at each service joint position.
When repairs or alterations are carried out on SNE networks, SNE cable may be used in
the following circumstances:

Where it is unlikely that customers will be persuaded to bond their installations to

conform to the PME requirements as detailed in Appendix A.


Where we expect to have difficulty in gaining access to customers' premises to see

that the bonding conforms to the requirements of Appendix A.


Where a service alteration to an SNE service is required

The following arrangements may occur in the network:


CNE Cable Supplied via an SNE Cable

The neutral conductor of the CNE cable shall be connected to the neutral conductor and
sheath or earth conductor of the SNE cable at the transition joint. Further earth electrodes
shall be installed on the CNE cable section in accordance with Section 3.7.1.
Drawing C952994 Sheet 1 and C952997 Sheet 2 show typical arrangements.
The work completed above will result in the CNE cable section and that part of the SNE
cable lying between the substation and the CNE cable having been converted to PME. But
neither the branches of this SNE cable, nor any other distributors on the network will have
been converted unless the neutral conductor has been earthed at an appropriate position
on the branch or distributor.
Drawing C953019 shows typical applications of CNE cable

SNE Cable Supplied via a CNE Cable

The neutral conductor of the CNE cable shall be connected to earth electrodes or the
neutral conductors of other distributors at the end of every branch. At the transition joint it
will be connected to the neutral conductor and metallic sheath of the SNE cable.
Existing SNE customers may retain an SNE earth where the following conditions are met:

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The circuit is interconnected with another substation via SNE cable.

The SNE cable is 50 metres or more in length, whose metallic sheath is in close contact
with earth, as it will normally provide an adequate connection with earth (10 ohm or less) to
limit the rise of potential under open circuit neutral.
Where the SNE cable is less than 50 metres in length and not interconnected with another
substation then an earth electrode connected to the cable sheath shall be installed at each
service joint position and at the end of each branch or the cable shall be converted to PME
and the bonding checked at existing properties. Further earth electrodes need be
connected only to ensure that the overall resistance to earth of the neutral of the LV
network complies with Section 3.7.1.
Drawing C953011 Sheet 1 and C953015 Sheet 2 show typical arrangements.
The work completed above will result in the CNE cable section having been converted to
PME. The SNE cable section will not have been converted to PME unless the neutral
conductor has been earthed at additional positions.
Drawing C953019 shows typical applications of CNE cable

Section of CNE Cable Inserted between Two Sections of SNE Cable

The neutral conductor of the CNE shall be connected to the neutral conductor and metallic
sheath or earth conductor of the SNE cables at the transition joints.
Existing SNE customers on the SNE cable most remote from the substation may retain an
SNE earth where the following conditions are met:
The circuit is interconnected with another substation via SNE cable.
The SNE cable is 50 metres or more in length, whose metallic sheath is in close contact
with earth, as it will normally provide an adequate connection with earth (10 ohm or less) to
limit the rise of potential under open circuit neutral.
Where the SNE cable is less than 50 metres in length and not interconnected with another
substation then an earth electrode connected to the cable sheath shall be installed at each
service joint position and at the end of each branch or the cable shall be converted to PME
and the bonding checked at existing properties. Further earth electrodes need be
connected only to ensure that the overall resistance to earth of the neutral of the LV
network complies with Section 3.7.1.

The work completed above will result in the CNE cable section and that part of the SNE
cable section lying between the substation and CNE cable section having been converted
to PME. Any branches of the SNE cable nearer the substation and all the SNE cable more
remote from the substation will not have been converted to PME unless additional neutral
to earth connections have been made at appropriate positions.
Drawing C953019 shows typical applications of CNE cable.

Cable Overlay/Replacement in SNE Cable Network

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Where it is necessary to overlay a section of SNE cable in an SNE network 3 core CNE
waveform cable will be used unless it can be shown to be more economic to use 4 core
SNE cable in which case 4 core SNE cable may be used. Where the SNE cable which is
replaced had a metallic sheath which is in close contact with earth the disconnected cable
will be retained and the metallic sheath used as an additional earth electrode to help
maintain the network earth. The disconnected cable must be marked up on the cable
records as an earth electrode.
Where 3 core CNE waveform or 4 core SNE waveform cable is used the following
additional procedure will be adopted:At suitable service joint positions (Approx. every 50m) cross-bond the copper earth screen
to the metallic sheath of the disconnected cable with 35mm sq cu insulated conductor
using a substantial sweated connection or an earth clamp which complies with the
requirements of BS951. This will help reduce the overall network earth impedance.
If 4 core SNE waveform cable is used the following procedure will be adopted:The tail end of the 4 core waveform cable will be cap-ended with an earth electrode to PME
standard. Both SNE and CNE earth facilities can continue to be made available along the
route in accordance with Section 3.8.1 (v).
(v) Provision of CE Earth Terminals on mixed CNE and SNE Cable Networks
CE earth terminals, connected to the neutral conductor, will normally be provided to
customers connected to CNE cable sections unless they are precluded under the ESCQ
regulations (boats and caravans) or are a Special Case as defined in Section 3.15. The
customers' installations must comply with the bonding and earthing conditions of Appendix
A before connection to the earthing terminal may be made.
Existing services on the SNE cable section may either be provided with, or may retain, CE
earth terminals connected to the sheath or earth conductor. When PME has been applied
to part of the network, all new services on the SNE sections of the network will be provided
by CNE service cables and the customers offered the use of a CE earth terminal
connected to the neutral; their installations must then comply with the PME bonding
conditions of Appendix A. If the metallic sheath of the SNE cable section is in close contact
with earth it will be necessary to bond the neutral conductor of the CNE service cable to the
neutral and metallic sheath of the SNE cable section only at the service joint. In cases
where the SNE sheath is insulated from earth or is less than 9 metres in length then an
earth electrode must be installed and connected to the neutral at the service joint, unless a
similar connection has previously been made on the branch concerned at a point farther
from the supply transformer. Note -The 9 metres of SNE cable is equivalent to an earth rod which would
need to be installed at the most remote point on the network or at the most remote service position to enable
PME supplies to be provided from the network.

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If CNE cables are used to replace existing lengths of SNE cables and existing SNE service
cables are transferred to the CNE cable, any existing CE earth terminals must be replaced
by earth terminals connected to the neutral conductor. The metallic sheath of the SNE
service cable shall then be bonded to the neutral conductor of the CNE cable at the service
joint. Customers' installations must then comply with the requirements of Appendix A.


Underground Networks with Electrically Discontinuous Sheaths

Existing earthing arrangements of such networks are unsatisfactory and shall be brought to
the required standard by a programme.
When it is decided to apply PME to the network the earthing arrangements at the
substation will be reviewed made to comply with Section 3.20 where practical
The neutral conductor of the distributor shall be connected to earth electrodes, or to the
neutral conductors of other distributors, at the ends of all branches. Alternatively, where it
is more convenient, earth connections may be made at points not nearer to the substation
than the remote service at which a CE earth terminal is to be provided. The connection
may be made either at the most remote PME joint position or at the corresponding service
Where the earth connection is made at the customers service intake an earth electrode
shall be installed.
The customer's earthed metalwork or gas and water service pipes shall not be used for this


Overhead Networks with Aerial Earth Wires

The earthing arrangements of such networks are satisfactory in the short term. When,
however, the network is reviewed in accordance with Section 3.3.2 additional earth
electrodes connected to the earth wire and neutral conductor shall be installed at those
positions at which earth electrodes would have been required if the network were being
converted to PME and all neutral connections made with compression joints, duplicate split
bolt connectors mechanical connectors or ABC insulation piercing connectors.
The work completed above will result in the overhead section having been converted to
PME future services should be offered as PME whilst existing SNE services may be
Note- Single bolt insulation piercing connectors are suitable for service neutral connections
but distributor neutral connections must utilise double bolt insulation piercing connectors.


Overhead Networks without Aerial Earth Wires and which have not been converted
Existing earthing arrangements of such networks are unsatisfactory and shall be brought to
the required standard in accordance with an agreed programme or when any of the
opportunities in Section 3.3.2 arise.
PME shall be applied to the networks and the earthing arrangements at the substation
supplying the network shall be made to comply with the requirements of Section 3.20
where practical.

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The neutral conductor of the network shall be connected to an earth electrode, or to the
neutral conductor of another distributor, at the end of every distributor or branch to which
PME is to be applied. These connections shall normally be made at the final support of the
distributor in order that all customers may be offered a CE earth terminal.
Group services or under-eaves wiring supplying up to 4 adjacent customers need not be
considered as branches of the distributor for this purpose.
Additional earth electrodes shall be installed at intervals of not more than eight span
lengths along the route of a long overhead distributor. All neutral connections shall be
made using compression joints or duplicate mechanical connectors.
Where LV underground cables are connected in overhead lines the metallic casing of cable
boxes and any metallic cable sheaths shall be connected to the neutral conductor at both
ends of the underground cable sections. Line tap type neutral connections on tier type
cable boxes shall be replaced with compression lugs fitted with double locking nuts.
Where an LV isolator is installed in the run of an overhead line the neutral blade of the
isolator shall be removed and replaced by a bolted link or compressed jumper connection.
If the HV and LV earth electrodes have been separated at the substation, the overall
resistance to earth of the neutral conductor must not exceed 20 ohms. The measurement
of resistance shall be made by an approved method and additional earth electrodes
installed at convenient points on the network as necessary to achieve the required value.
If the HV and LV earth electrodes have been combined at the substation no further
measurements of neutral to earth resistance need be made.


Overhead and Underground Networks which have been converted to PME

Existing earthing arrangements of such networks are satisfactory and require no
modification. Any extensions to these networks shall be made in accordance with the
ESQC Regulations (2002), irrespective of the form of approval under which they were
initially constructed. Existing CE earth terminals may be retained but new ones will be
provided only if a customer's installation complies with the conditions of Appendix A.


Earth Electrodes on PME Systems

All earthing materials shall be in accordance with CE Electric material specification
NPS/002/001 Specification for Earthing Materials.
When PME is applied to an LV network obligatory earth electrodes must be connected to
the neutral conductor of a distributor at points remote from the substation. As a minimum,
these electrodes shall consist of a driven rod, 1.2m or strip electrode of similar area. The
driven rod electrode is preferred and plate electrodes should no longer be used. Where it is
not practical to install a driven rod because of the proximity of other services or cables in
the footpath the preferred alternative is install a 2 metre length of bare 70mm (32mm for
service joints) copper conductor around the base of the joint hole or trench as illustrated in
figure 3.9 below. Alternatively if, at the position where the neutral is to be connected to an
earth electrode, it is connected to the metallic sheath of a cable or the metallic case of a
link box or pillar which is in contact with earth then a separate earth electrode need not be
installed providing the overall resistance to earth is less than 20 ohms. The sheaths and
armouring of hessian served cables may be assumed to be in contact with earth. The
earth resistance of individual earth electrodes need not be determined.

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Where earth electrodes are installed at substations they shall consist of driven rods or
stranded copper conductor or copper strip, the driven rod is preferred. The earth
resistance of these electrodes will normally have to be measured at pole-mounted
substations and, in combination with HV cable sheaths etc, at ground mounted substations.

Figure 3.9 earth electrode used as an alternative to an earth rod

Connections to earth electrodes shall be insulated from earth to a depth of at least 600mm
below ground level using the conductors specified in Appendix E. Where 9m separation of
earth electrodes is necessary, then the connection cable in the ground should be insulated
irrespective of its depth.
Where additional earth electrodes have to be installed, either at the substation or on the LV
network, to achieve a required value of resistance it will generally be more effective to use
driven rods than plate or strip electrodes.
Where additional electrodes and the main earth electrode are connected together, they
should be separated from each other and from any cables by a distance not less than the
depth to which they are driven, and should be connected together using copper tape or
bare copper cable of the same cross sectional area as the normally insulated earth
electrode conductor. The additional electrodes should be placed so that any necessary
separation of the earth electrode systems is maintained.


Arrangements at Link Boxes and Pillars on PME Networks

Where metal link boxes are installed on CNE cables the metal case of the box must be
connected to the neutral conductor of the LV network. New metal link boxes for use on
CNE cable networks are provided with suitable facilities for the neutral-to-case bond. If
metal link boxes are installed so that the cases are not in close contact with earth or when
plastic link boxes are installed then an earth electrode must also be installed and
connected to the case.
On PME networks using SNE cables the metallic case of the link box or pillar will generally
be connected to the cable sheaths. Provided that the metallic sheath of at least one cable
is electrically continuous and is connected to the neutral conductor of the network at a
convenient position, this connection is adequate. If the cable sheaths are not electrically
continuous or not connected to the case of the link box or pillar, suitable connections must
be provided either by bonding the neutral conductor to the case within the link box or pillar,

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or by connecting the sheath to the link box or pillar and to the neutral conductor at a
convenient position (e.g. a joint or service termination). If the metallic case of a link box or
pillar is not in contact with earth, either directly or by connection to a cable sheath which is
earthed, then an earth electrode must be installed and connected to it.
All neutral links should be fitted permanently in position by bolting even where the phase
links are removed for normal operation.
All metallic link box pits should also be bonded to the metal case of the link box and the
neutral conductor.
Where non-metallic link boxes are used in conjunction with metallic link box pits, there shall
be a bond between the metallic link box pit and the neutral conductor.


Street Lighting and Other Street Furniture

3.11.1 The Application of PME

The following paragraphs provide general guidance on the provision of earth electrodes for
street lighting supplies Code of Practice DSS\01\0016 Guidance on Engineering
Recommendation G39 (Earthing Arrangements for Street Lighting Furniture) should be
consulted for more detailed information.
The application of PME to street furniture was previously governed by an Exemption to the
Electricity Supply Regulations. These have now been superseded by the 2002 ESQC
regulations which do not differentiate licensed & non licensed operators, but make
reference to Street Electrical Fixtures with an expectation to comply with the current edition
of ER G12 Application of PME to LV networks.
The exemption permits the use of PME on street lighting authority owned CNE cables and
permits bonding with 6mm copper equivalent conductor rather than 10 mm .
Under the exemption it is not permissible to omit the installation of electrodes on street
lighting/ furniture distributors of 40m or less length. Consequently, if more than one item of
street furniture is along the route, the neutral / earth electrode must be installed at the
source of the last service, or preferably at the last service position. Single services to street
furniture from a PME distributor do not need an electrode, provided that the distributor
neutral is earthed either at or beyond the service joint position.
It is not permissible to consider metallic street furniture to be earth electrodes, although
they will carry neutral current if earthed and within a PME system.
The exemption to the regulations applies to street furniture supplied by DNOs or street
lighting authorities when using CNE cable. C953029 shows a street lighting authority CNE
distributor fed from a PME service to a street lighting pillar. At the street lighting pillar, the
DNOs PME neutral will be connected to the customers earthing terminal, to the pillar and
associated metalwork. Each column will be bonded to the neutral of the street lighting
cable. At the last column an earth electrode will be installed.
Private installations are not covered by the exemption. These and local authority installation
using SNE cables which are supplied from PME services must be SNE. A typical
installation is shown in C953031.
3.11.2 Street Lighting Brackets mounted on Poles or Buildings.

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The earth terminal and any external metalwork of street lighting fittings mounted on
buildings or wooden poles will be connected to the PME earth terminal. The only exception
is if the fitting is double insulated. Bond size will be 6mm2.
3.11.3 Roadside and Other Housings Accessible to the Public.
Examples are public telephones, pedestrian crossing bollards, and ticket machines.
Equipment of this type should be Class II (double insulated) or equivalent construction. No
mains derived earthing terminal is required, neither is a residual current device needed for
earth fault protection.
3.11.4 Existing Separate Street-Lighting Mains with Inadequate Earth-Return Facilities
The earthing arrangements on these distributors shall be brought to the standard required
by the Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002. This shall be done
either at the request of the Local Authority or as the result of the earthing improvements on
the electricity distribution network.
The sheaths of any underground street lighting cables and the metalwork of any link boxes,
pillars or pole boxes will be connected to the neutral conductor.
3.11.5 Street-Lighting Services from Electricity Networks with Inadequate Earth Return
Where individual street-lighting services are provided from distributing mains with
inadequate earth-return facilities two courses of action are possible: (i)

Bring the earthing arrangements of the whole network up to the standard required
by this Code of Practice.


Apply the Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002 to those parts
of the network from which street-lighting services are fed.

Generally the former course of action will be preferable as the benefit of improved earthing
facilities may be offered to all customers.
In some cases, however, the latter course of action may be necessary. On every branch
or section of a distributing main to which the relevant street furniture is connected the
neutral conductor shall be bonded to the non-current carrying metalwork of the relevant
equipment with the exception that metal doors of concrete and plastic columns shall not be
so bonded where the supply to the column is derived from a PME network. The neutral
conductor of the distributor will also be connected to earth or to the neutral of another
distributor at a point farther from the supply transformer than the most remote street
lighting column etc, at which point an earth terminal is to be provided.
In any case where looped services are provided between street lamps an earth electrode
shall be installed and connected to the neutral conductor at the final lamp position. It is not
permissible to consider metallic street furniture to be earth electrodes.

3.11.6 Street Lighting Columns with Inaccessible Cable Sheaths

The bonding of the non-current carrying metalwork of street lighting columns includes the
bonding of the supply cable armouring and metallic sheath to the neutral conductor. Cases
will arise where the street lamp service cable will be terminated below the column door
opening and therefore inaccessible for the fitting of a bonding clamp. In such cases the

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armouring and metallic sheath of the service cable need not be bonded to the neutral
This exception is permitted because the possibility of being able to touch the cable sheath
is extremely remote and for it to be at a potential there would have to be an open-circuit
neutral conductor fault in existence at the time.


Supplies to Customers Direct from Substation

3.12.1 Ground-Mounted Substations

If the customer's earth-continuity conductors (including any cable sheaths employed as
such) are marshalled at a point in or near the substation a final earth-continuity conductor
shall be provided to connect these conductors to the transformer neutral either directly or
via the general substation bonding and earthing conductors.
This conductor shall have a copper equivalent cross-sectional area at least half that of the
largest outgoing phase conductor, subject to a minimum value of 16 mm . If the cable(s)
supplying the customer have electrically continuous metallic sheaths these may be used for
the final continuity conductor. The earthing arrangements at the substation shall comply
with conditions of Sections 3.20.5 and appendix E.
Where the customer's supply terminals are remote from the substation and a CNE cable
has been used to provide the supply it will be inconvenient to install a separate earthcontinuity conductor and in such cases PME shall be adopted. The earthing arrangements
at the substation shall comply with the conditions of Section 3.20.5. At the customer's
supply terminals the neutral conductor shall be connected to an earth electrode and to the
customer's earth-continuity conductors. The resistance to earth of the electrode at the
customers supply terminals is not specified but the overall resistance to earth of the LV
system neutral must not exceed 20 ohms.
3.12.2 Pole- Mounted Substations (PNB)
If a supply is given to a single customer, PNB may be adopted.
The LV neutral conductor shall be earthed at the customer's supply terminals by
connections to an earth electrode whose resistance to earth shall not exceed 20 ohms.
The metallic sheaths of any LV cables shall also be connected to the neutral conductor at
the customer's supply terminals. The transformer tank and associated HV metalwork will
be connected to a HV earth electrode. All uninsulated parts of this electrode shall be at
least 9 metres from any part of the LV earth electrode and any earthed metalwork
connected to it.
Drawing C953072 shows typical arrangements.
The customer's installation shall comply with the conditions of Appendix A. If the LV
network is subsequently extended, PME may be applied without affecting the existing
customer, other than changing the PNB warning label.
Although it is preferable that the LV earth electrode is connected to the neutral conductor at
the customer's supply terminals, the connection may be made at any other convenient
position, for example on the route of under-eaves wiring.

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3.13 Customer's Earthed-Sheath-Return Wiring Installation or Customer's

Distribution Installation Using Combined Neutral and Earth Conductors
The ESQC Regulations (2002) permit the use of a PME terminal at the supply position
provided that the network is suitable and the customers installation is bonded correctly. It
does not provide a mechanism to enable the customer to use PME on an installation
connected to the earth terminal.


Non-Standard Networks With inadequate neutrals

The construction of certain existing networks makes it impossible for Protective Multiple
Earthing to be applied because in addition to the requirements for earthing at the
substation and on the network, there are conditions affecting the integrity and size of the
neutral conductor stated in the ESQC regulations and in Engineering Recommendation
G12 (Requirements for Application of PME to Low Voltage Networks) which CE have to
The neutral conductor must not include a fusible cut-out, circuit breaker or switch between
the supply transformer and any earth terminal connected to the neutral. If such devices
exist on a network they shall be removed when multiple earthing is applied. (This does not
preclude the provision of links in neutral conductors, but they shall be correctly installed
and not removed while the phase conductors are live).
The copper equivalent cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor at any point should not
be less than one half that of the phase conductor in a three phase, four wire or singlephase three wire main or service. (Two phase three wire systems include two phases of a
three phase system). The copper equivalent cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor
shall not be less than that of the phase conductor in a single-phase two wire main or
When using larger size three phase LV cables (typically 240mm2 and 300mm2) for single
phase applications consideration should be given to them having reduced size neutrals and
not meeting the requirement for the neutral to be at least half of the size of the phase
conductor. In cases where the larger size cable is installed to overcome volt drop limitations
the smaller size neutral may be acceptable.
Where the neutral conductor does not comply with these requirements the network will
have to be modified before PME can be applied. When such networks are identified they
will be highlighted to Asset Management so that a work programme can by initiated for
future replacement or upgrade of the network.

3.15. Customers Installations Requiring Special Attention

A PME earthing terminal provides a very satisfactory means of protection for the majority of
customers installations but there are a number of special situations where the customer
should provide an additional or alternative form of earth fault protection. The following
situations fall into this special category:3.15.1 Construction Sites
PME earthing terminals shall not be provided on construction sites as it will not be possible
to verify the requirements and conditions of Appendix A for bonding of the temporary water,
gas and other metallic services including metallic structures which are in or might be

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expected to come into, electrical contact with earth and which are in easy reach of any
exposed non-current-carrying metalwork of the Developer's or Contractor's electrical
Construction site supplies shall be provided through a residual current device (RCD) which
must be provided by the site Developer or Contractor. The construction site earth
continuity conductor should be connected to an independent earth electrode which should
be a minimum of 9 metres away from any HV earth electrode or cable sheath which may
be on the site. The independent earth electrode should be of such a value that in the event
of an earth fault, the maximum sustained voltage between the earth continuity conductor
and the general mass of earth should not exceed the values prescribed in the current
edition of BS7671.
Alternatively the Developer could install a 1:1 isolating transformer of the appropriate rating
enabling a separately earthed neutral LV system to be created within the boundaries of the
For large temporary supplies which require their own substation it will usually be possible to
provide an earthing terminal connected directly to the transformer neutral in accordance
with Section 3.12.1. For detailed requirements BS 7375 and BS 7671 should be consulted.
Where a CE PME earth terminal is provided for future use the earth terminal block shall be
rendered inaccessible so as to prevent unauthorised connection. A notice with inscription
adjacent to the earth terminal block.
3.15.2 Farms, Milking Parlours, Pig Stys etc
A PME earthing terminal shall be given to farm premises and similar establishments
provided that the installation complies with the bonding requirements and conditions of
Appendix A.
There are areas of special risk where animals could be subjected to a difference in
potential between wet floors and bonded metalwork. In these situations the metalwork in
the entire area of any farm buildings shall be bonded to the earthing terminal. If the
customer wishes he may install a high sensitivity residual current device to provide
additional protection in the event of a fault on the installation within the wet area. This is
advisable where there is a bare concrete ground floor within the total area of the main
buildings. The CE earthing terminal may be used as the circuit breaker earth electrode
provided the whole of the metalwork within the main buildings is effectively bonded.
Where in remote buildings all extraneous conductive parts cannot be bonded to the
earthing terminal, the pipes and metalwork of isolated buildings, whether or not they have
an electricity supply, shall be segregated from metalwork connected to the PME earthing
terminal. Any supplies to such buildings should be controlled by a RCD and the associated
earth electrode and protective conductor shall be segregated from any metalwork
connected to the PME earthing terminal.
Particular care must be taken in areas where livestock are housed as they are sensitive to
very small voltages. A suitable metallic mesh shall be installed in the concrete bed of a
dairy and bonded in accordance with the PME requirements.
If PME is to be applied to an existing dairy the steel reinforcement in the floor should be
bonded. Alternatively if small voltage differences are unacceptable the area concerned

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should be protected by an RCD and the associated earthing system segregated electrically
from the remainder of the installation.

PNB Installations

Where a dedicated transformer is used to supply a single customer farm premises then
PNB shall be adopted and shall comply with the conditions of Section 3.12.2 and Appendix

3.15.3 Swimming Pools

Where a PME earthing terminal is given with a supply to a swimming pool, including those
at domestic premises, the customer shall be advised that the electrical supply to the pool
should be separately protected with a high sensitive residual current device.
All metallic pipes and metalwork at the pool should be segregated from the metalwork
connected to the PME earthing terminal and connected to a separate earth electrode. An
RCD shall be used to protect the supplies to the pool area. The length of insulated insert
for metallic water pipes shall be as follows:Up to 25mm (1") diameter pipe 305mm (1'10")
Up to 50mm (2") diameter pipe 1.1 metres (3'6")
If segregation of the metallic pipes and metalwork is not practical then:All such metalwork including metal handrails and any other exposed metalwork which is in
contact with earth shall be bonded together and an earth electrode installed.
An earth grid shall be installed around the pool and any associated shower areas and
connected to the PME earth system.
A residual current device should be installed on the electrical supply to the pool.
It may be preferred that the lighting circuits are not protected by the RCD because of the
possible danger presented by losing lighting when the pool is in use.
3.15.4 Sports Pavilions
Remote sports pavilions having PME supplies may present problems due to out of balance
conditions, particularly if the service is of an appreciable length. Low values of voltage may
appear on the neutral due to out of balance conditions. No problems will exist if concrete
floors have an earth grid bonded to the earthing terminal. However, in the majority of
cases the earth grid will not be installed and low levels of voltage could occur between the
metalwork which is bonded to the neutral conductor and the general mass of earth
(concrete floor) causing unpleasant sensations.
If an earth grid cannot be installed the customer should be advised to install a residual
current device and the PME earthing facility should not be provided.
Where a sports pavilion is of timber construction, including the floor, then the difference in
potential problem will not exist and a PME earthing terminal can be provided.
3.15.5 110V Centre-Tapped Supplies via an Isolating Transformer

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A number of buildings with bar services have a 2kVA isolating transformer with a 110V
centre-tapped secondary winding to give 55V to earth. A supply is given via a flexible
armoured cable to delivery tankers which are fitted with 1hp pump motors.
The transformer does not however provide isolation for the centre-tap of the 110V winding
if it is connected to the PME earthing terminal. The risk from providing supplies outside the
equipotential zone is considered to be slight particularly as the time the tanker will be
connected to the supply will be short.
3.15.6 Quarries
A PME earthing terminal may be provided for the part of the installation associated with
permanent buildings such as offices provided that the buildings electrical installation wiring
conforms to BS 7671 and there is no interconnection with the earthing arrangements
associated with the plant used in the production work of the quarry.
3.15.7 Petrol Filling Areas
The HSE Notes of Guidance for the provision of Petrol Filling Stations exclude the use of
PME for the petrol filling area. PME can be provided for use in other buildings associated
with the premises. The developer may request us to provide an SNE earth for the
development. If the supply is to be given from an SNE network then an SNE earth can be
provided. The connection charge will include the additional costs of providing an SNE
If the service is to be supplied from a PME network then the developer will have to provide
the necessary RCD protection for the petrol filling area.
3.15.8 Fairgrounds and Showgrounds
PME earth terminals will not be made available to such installations. A residual current
device must be installed by the customer.
3.15.9 Railway Service Areas
It is recognised that under starting currents or traction fault conditions, a voltage gradient
can appear on the traction return rail, which could be impressed on the supply cable. A
PME earth terminal will only be provided where the railway operator can confirm that a
voltage not in excess of 25V will be impressed on the distribution company earth terminal.
Note - Care is necessary with DC traction systems using earth return, as this can cause
accelerated corrosion to exposed (i.e. Hessian served) cable sheaths and earth electrodes.

Caravans, Mobile Homes, Temporary Site Offices, Boat Installations and

Outside Broadcast Vehicles

The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity (ESQC) Regulations 2002 do not permit the
provision of PME earthing terminals for caravan and boat installations. This has the
following implications:(a)

A supply may be given without an earth terminal to an individual caravan, caravan

site, mobile home or temporary site office, from a PME distribution main.

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A PME earthing terminal may be provided for use in permanent buildings on a

caravan site such as the site owner's living premises and any bars, shops or
wooden built toilet blocks provided that the electrical installation within the buildings
meets the bonding requirements of the relevant British Standard.


A PME supply shall not be extended to shower blocks due to the higher probability
of persons being barefooted at these locations unless a buried bonded metal grid
has been installed. This requirement also applies to other locations where toilet or
shower blocks have been provided for general public use where people are likely to
be barefoot e.g. beachside locations, parks etc. Where outside showers have been
provided then provision of PME earthing is not recommended as providing a reliable
equipotential cage may prove impractical.


The site wiring shall be two-wire, phase and neutral, supplied through residual
current devices, each one of which shall not supply more than 6 caravans. The
residual current devices must be supplied by the customer or site owner.
The caravan installation should comprise separate phase, neutral and earth
conductors. The earth conductor should be connected to an independent earth
electrode which may be common for up to 6 caravans. The earth electrode should
be a minimum of 3 metres away from any PME earth electrode which may be on
the site. The independent earth electrode should be of such a value that in the
event of an earth fault, the maximum sustained voltage between the earth continuity
conductor and the general mass of earth should not exceed 50 volts without the
residual current device operating. For values of resistance of the independent earth
electrode relating to various rated operating currents of residual current devices see
Drawing C953027.
The main chassis of the caravan should be connected to the earth continuity
conductor and hence to the independent earth electrode.
Drawing C953027 also shows the recommended method of supplying a caravan
site and should also be used for yacht marinas and other similar installations such
as sites with certain types of chalets.


A PME earthing terminal may be provided for use in mobile homes or temporary
site offices which are constructed so that a person in contact with the general mass
of earth cannot touch any metalwork of the home or site office which would be
connected to a PME earthing terminal. Such mobile homes or site offices may be
treated in the same manner as permanent premises and provided with a PME
earthing terminal if the installation meets the bonding requirements of the relevant
British Standard.
Where the mobile home or temporary site office has exterior metalwork and cannot
comply with the above touch criterion, a PME earthing terminal shall not be
provided. Supply should be given through a residual current device, and an
independent earth electrode sited at least 3 metres away from any PME earth
electrode should be provided. Both of these items are the responsibility of the

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A PME earthing terminal may no longer be provided for use in a vehicle used by the
British Broadcasting Corporation, the Independent Broadcasting Authority or others
for the purpose of outside broadcasts as the blanket approval is withdrawn. An
RCD shall be provided by the customer.
High-Rise Buildings and Multi Occupancy Building Complexes

Engineering Recommendation G87 Guidelines for the Provision of Low Voltage Supplies to
Multiple Occupancy Buildings should be read in conjunction with the following paragraphs
which summaries the earthing requirements.
Networks within multiple occupancy buildings shall be designed on an SNE principle,
although incoming service connections from local PME distributors are permissible, as is a
PME earth terminal at the Intake Position. The appropriate main equipotential bonding
connections to structural steelwork and to metallic services should be made at this point of
connection, for details of the size of copper conductor required refer to appendix E. At
individual Customers Installations the main equipotential bonding between metallic
services, extraneous metalwork and the earth terminal shall be carried out in accordance
with BS 7671. This will ensure that no harmful potentials appear between earthed and
extraneous metalwork within the Customers premises under fault conditions. A single
Intake Position is the preferred design option for, amongst other reasons, avoiding
problems caused by the flow of neutral current through the building steelwork and
equipotential bonding between the Intake Positions. Note that a single Intake Position may
have more than one incoming service cable and cutout. If it is not possible to design on the
basis of a single Intake Position, then a non-PME connection option shall be considered (ie
shall be of the SNE type or no earth shall be provided from the network the landlord
making their own earth provision). All Intake Positions within a single building shall employ
the same earthing method. PME connections are not recommended in these situations due
to the risks associated with significant neutral current flow through structural steelwork and
fixings under fault or other conditions and the difficulty associated with providing an
alternative DNO-owned bond between Intake Positions.
In some steel framed multiple occupancy buildings such as a horizontal run of industrial or
commercial units where individual services are to be provided from a DNOs PME
distribution main it will be more difficult to avoid the problems identified earlier. There are
several ways of addressing this which will vary to the extent that they are able to mitigate
the problem.

Provide a single Intake Position to the building with a group metering position at a
communal point. A Customers separate neutral and earth cable could then be
supplied to each unit separately.

Operate all Customers Installations on the same site as TT systems where

practicable (ie no DNO earth terminal provided). This solution has the advantage
that it eliminates the problem but may not be suitable for all load types.

Provide a PME connection to a freestanding distribution pillar and then distribute

with separate neutral and earth cables in a star formation from this point to each
unit. Note that the neutral and earth conductors of the cables MUST NOT be
bonded together at any point other than the pillar as this would result in a path for
neutral current to be diverted into the building structure.

Individual PME connections are not recommended in these situations due to the risks
associated with significant neutral current flow through structural steelwork and fixings

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under fault or other conditions and the difficulty associated with providing an alternative
DNO owned bond between Intake Positions. In the case of multiple PME cutouts at a single
Intake Position, all earth terminals shall be bonded together. The size of the bonding
conductor shall be not less than that of the smallest associated service cable neutral
conductor. Such bonding conductors shall be coloured green-yellow with the addition of
blue markers to indicate that they will be carrying current.
Drawing C953070 shows the bonding requirements for an SNE rising main.
Where minor changes or extensions are carried out to existing complexes which have been
supplied with CNE mains safeguards have to be taken with regard to the connection of the
supply neutral conductor to earth at the extremities of the LV distribution systems in the
building complexes. It is essential that the PME earth shall provide a continuous metallic
path from the remote end of the distributor to the neutral at the substation.
The connections at the various ends of the neutral conductors shall be made in one or
more of the following ways:(a)

On a ring system the neutrals are made continuous at normally open points.


A bonding lead connecting the neutrals between the remote ends of two


A separate earth conductor run from the remote ends of the distributors to an
earth electrode or the neutral at the substation.

(Note - Potential EMC problems may occur particularly if there is more than one PME
supply cable, where neutral return currents could flow through the metal frame of the
building appendix C provides guidance on minimising EMC problems)
Incoming gas and water services and structural steel work in contact with the general mass
of the earth will be bonded to the earth bar of the incoming distribution panel in accordance
with Appendix A.

Supply Terminating in a Separate Building

Occasionally a service will terminate in a position remote from the building it supplies. In
this case the size of the PME bonding in the building supplied must be related to the size of
the incoming supply cable in accordance with appendix E. If the size of the circuit
protective conductor of the cable between the supply intake position and the building is
less than that of the PME bonding conductor, a suitable additional conductor will be

PME and Outside Water Taps

Under an open-circuit supply neutral condition the potential of an outside water tap will rise
above earth potential. A person coming into contact with the tap could receive an electric

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shock and the shock could be severe if that person were barefooted. The probability of
these two conditions occurring together is considered to be so small that the use of PME
where a metal outside tap exists is not precluded.
An insulating insert may be incorporated in the pipe to the outside water tap. However care
should be taken to ensure that simultaneous contact with metal pipework on each side of
the insert is not possible if there is likely to be a potential across the insert under this

Lightning Protection Systems

For the majority of situations it is acceptable for lightning protection to be connected to the
customer's earthing arrangements providing it has been designed and installed in
accordance with the latest version of BS 62035 "Protection against Lightning".
When periodic testing of the lightning protection system is undertaken, precautions are
necessary when breaking the link between the lightning protection electrode and the
customer's earth since the customer's earth may be at a potential above true earth.

Roadside and Other Housings Accessible to the Public

Examples are Public Telephones, Pedestrian Crossing Bollards, Ticket Machines etc.
Equipment in this type of structure should be Class II or equivalent construction. No
mains-derived earthing terminal is required, neither is a residual current device needed for
earth fault protection.
The service arrangement to BT public telephone housings is covered in Engineering
Recommendation PO4/1. It is suggested that telephone housings owned by other
telephone operators should have similar service arrangements.
Other freestanding structures not of Class II construction such as small brick or metal
housings, or metal cabinets containing pumps, motors, controls etc, may be offered the
use of a PME terminal provided the supply is single phase and the maximum load does not
exceed 2kW. An earth electrode with a value not exceeding 20ohms should be supplied
and installed by the customer and connected to the earth bar.
If these conditions are not met, a PME terminal should not be offered. No earth terminal
shall be made available from the network, the customer will install their own earth and
protect the circuit be installing an RCD.
For other wall or pedestal mounted structures not of Class II construction which require a
single phase supply, the use of a PME terminal should not be offered. No earth terminal
shall be made available from the network, the customer will install their own earth and
protect the circuit by installing an RCD
For installations requiring three phase supplies where the load is balanced, PME can
normally be offered.
Crash barriers adjacent to street furniture should not be connected to a PME earth terminal

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Under-Eaves Wiring Installations

3.16.1 New Under-Eaves Wiring Installations

PME shall be adopted on all new under-eaves wiring installations which will be installed in
accordance with NSP/004/003 Specification for Overhead Services, Surface Wiring and
Eaves Wall Mains. Obligatory connections of the neutral conductor to earth electrodes or
neutral conductors of other distributors shall be made at the final insulated end on
underground networks and at the final support on overhead networks of every branch of
the distributor.
Under-eaves wiring installations supplying 5 or more adjacent customers will be deemed to
be a branch of a distributor and the neutral conductor shall therefore be connected to an
earth electrode at or near the last service termination on the branch.
Under-eaves wiring installations supplying up to 4 adjacent customers need not be
considered as a branch of the distributor for this purpose. However, the following
exceptions will apply:1.

Where an overhead service exceeds 3 spans in length an additional earth electrode

shall be installed either on the overhead-service termination where the connection
is made to the under-eaves wiring installation or at the final support of the overhead


Where an under-eaves wiring installation includes an overhead interhouse span

between customers then an additional earth electrode shall be installed either at the
most remote service of the under-eaves wiring or at the termination of that
overhead span which is most remote from the substation. If the overhead span
consists of a CNE concentric cable or ABC then an additional earth electrode need
not be installed.

3.16.2 Existing Under-Eaves Wiring Installations

Earthing arrangements of underground networks with electrically continuous sheaths are
satisfactory and those with discontinuous sheaths are unsatisfactory; the latter shall be
brought up to the required standard as described in Section 3.8.2.
Earthing arrangements of non PME overhead CE networks without aerial earth-wires are
unsatisfactory and must be converted to PME. Overhead networks with aerial earth-wires
are acceptable in the short term and can be converted to PME.
Under-eaves wiring installations without an earth conductor shall be either converted to
PME or a separate earth conductor will be installed whichever is the more economical. The
earth conductor shall be bonded to the sheath of the supply cable of the underground cable
network or to the aerial earth wire of the overhead network.
Where the under-eaves wiring installation is connected to an overhead network without an
aerial earth wire the customers on that installation shall be converted to PME.
Where the under-eaves wiring installation is converted to PME, 5 or more adjacent
customers will be deemed to be a branch of a distributor and the neutral conductor shall
therefore be connected to an earth electrode at or near the last service termination on the

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Under-eaves wiring installations supplying up to 4 adjacent customers need not be

considered as a branch of the distributor for this purpose. However the following
exceptions will apply in both the 4 customer case and the case of 5 or more customers.
Where an under-eaves wiring installation is converted to PME or where a separate earth
conductor is installed and the under-eaves wiring installation includes an overhead
interhouse span between customers then an additional earth electrode shall be installed
either at the most remote service of the under-eaves wiring or at the termination of that
overhead span which is the most remote from the substation. This additional earth
electrode shall be connected to the neutral conductor in the case of PME or the earth
conductor where one is installed. If the overhead span consists of a CNE concentric cable
then an additional earth electrode need not be installed.
Where an overhead service exceeds 3 spans in length an additional earth electrode shall
be installed on the overhead service termination where the connection is made to the
under-eaves wiring installation or at the final support of the overhead line.
Drawing C953074 shows typical arrangements of PME earths on under-eaves wiring


Customers' Private Generator Installations

Recommendations for the connection of small scale embedded generators can be found in
Engineering Recommendation G83. For larger embedded generators with a capacity
greater than 16A per phase the requirements are covered by Engineering
Recommendation G59

3.17.1 PME/PNB Installations

Where private generators are used to provide standby supplies on PME or PNB
installations a three-pole (as opposed to a four pole) changeover switch must be used.
This is because on a PME or PNB installations the neutral conductor cannot be
disconnected simply by the breaking of the neutral conductor in the changeover switch
since the earth connection to the generator neutral conductor and the bonding of this same
earth to the earth terminal block and neutral at the service position prevent the isolation of
the generator neutral from the supply cable.
3.17.2 Non-PME Installations
The connection of a generator to the permanent wiring installation in a customer's premises
must include a changeover switch which will completely isolate all phases and neutral of
either the permanent or the standby generator supplies. The purpose of the switch is to
prevent interconnection of the supplies and the possibility of "feedback" from the generator
into the CE supply mains.
The generator neutral terminal shall be bonded to the frame earth terminal and the neutral
conductor of the installation.
The earth terminal of the generator shall be connected to an earth electrode which must be
provided by the customer as close as practicable to the generator. The resistance to earth
of this earth electrode shall not exceed 20 ohms. In addition, the earthing terminal of the
generator should be connected to the earthing terminal block at the CE intake unit. In the
case of large factory installations, the earth terminal of the generator may be connected to
the largest cross section earth conductor at the distribution point, instead of earth terminal
at the CE intake unit.

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Connections to Mobile Phone Base Stations associated with Transmission

Towers or Primary Substations
Under high voltage fault conditions exceptionally high earth potential rise (EPR) conditions
can occur on transmission towers and at some primary substations. Steps must be taken to
avoid applying these voltages to the local LV and 11kV systems. Consequently site specific
studies and designs are required to ensure the safety of connected customers and network
operatives when providing an LV connection. The current edition of Engineering
Recommendation G78 gives recommendations for the provision of LV connections to
mobile phone base stations with antennae on high voltage structures DSS/022/001 Code of
Practice for Low Voltage Connections to Mobile Telephone Base Stations with Antennae on
High Voltage Structures is based on G78 and should be referred to.


Cathodic Protection Installations.

The usual source of power for cathodic protection installations is mains supplied
transformer rectifier unit.
The preferred arrangement is for the customer to provide his own earthing together with an
appropriate Residual Current Device. An SNE or PME earth can be given provided there is
no electrical connection between the primary and secondary of the transformer rectifier
Where supply is given via a pole-mounted transformer the substation earth electrodes and
stay wires should be situated as far as possible from the ground bed.
BS 7361 gives more information on cathodic protection.

3.20 Earthing at Distribution Substations

Earthing at all CE 6kV, 11kV and 20kV distribution substations shall satisfy the following

3.20.1 Earthing requirements at new distribution ground mounted substations


This section summarises the standard arrangements for the earthing and bonding of the
most common standard types of 20kV, 11kV and 6kV Ground-Mounted Distribution
substations owned and installed by CE.
Three common standard arrangements are provided in section 3.20. Where an HV
substation is to be sited within or adjacent to, a higher voltage substation (e.g. 132/33kV,
33/11kV, etc), the guidance of the Design Engineer must ALWAYS be sought before
proceeding with the construction process.

General Earthing Requirements

For a fault directly to earth or between HV and LV transformer windings, a path is required
to allow sufficient earth fault current to flow back to its source, operate protection and
disconnect the supply. An important part of the path is the earth electrode at the substation.

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For the majority of ground mounted substations, a combined HV/LV earth with will be
installed. (See provisos below)
The electrode will consist of bare conductor and earth rods installed around the HV
equipment and bonded to the substation equipment.
Exposed, earthed metalwork associated with HV plant (transformer, switchgear etc) is to be
connected to the bare electrode in and around the substation. The LV transformer neutral
is to be connected to the same electrode, or if separately earthed via insulated conductor to
the LV electrode system situated at least 9m away from the substation.
Where the HV and LV earths are combined an electrode will be laid for a minimum of 80m
out with incoming and outgoing HV cable routes. Where a new substation is teed into an
existing network the additional electrode will be laid the length of the HV trench where this
is less than 80m.
Bonding of the HV and LV earths can be achieved using a combined electrode or the fully
rated link within the LV distribution cabinet, which connects the LV neutral bar to the HV
switchgear earth bar.
Where the systems are combined, the neutral-earth connection and LV earth electrode will
form part of the return path for HV fault current.
The HV and LV electrode systems can be combined only where the following two
conditions apply:(i)

The conditions in paragraph 3.20.5 are met (the substation is connected to a global
earthing system).


The EPR at the substation is less than 430V during fault conditions.

The conditions can normally be satisfied if the substation is in an urban location, within an
all underground cable network and not the first substation on a circuit out from a primary
Where the HV and LV earths are not combined because the conditions (i) and (ii) above
can not be met (normally substations teed off an overhead line) earth resistance values not
exceeding those given in table will be achieved. Separate HV and LV electrode
systems are required which are electrically segregated via a 9m separation in the soil, in
these situations no additional electrode will be run with the outgoing HV cable routes.
It is the companys policy to identify substations where HV and LV electrodes are not
combined, by fixing a label to the outside of the LV cabinet.
Where HV and LV earth electrodes are segregated the following maximum values shall
Maximum Value
Voltage kV

HV Earth

LV Earth



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Bonding and Control of Potential




Bonding of HV and LV Electrodes.

At new ground mounted substations in urban areas supplied from global underground
networks, the HV and LV electrode systems will normally be combined, i.e. a separate LV
electrode is not necessary. In all other areas, separate HV and LV electrode systems shall
be installed. Where these are kept separate, a warning notice is to be fitted and shall have
the following wording:-

Avoid making simultaneous contact between the high voltage metalwork earthing
and low voltage earthing systems.


All normally accessible metalwork will be connected together and to the HV earth, via
bonding conductors. This is to ensure that all adjacent, exposed metalwork remains at a
similar potential during fault conditions. The bonding conductor between main items of
plant and the electrode system could carry significant earth fault current and must be fully
suitable for this purpose see appendix E.
Exposed metalwork (transformer and switchgear enclosures, metal fencing, metal doors,
metal enclosures, LV enclosures) will be bonded together and to the main HV earth
electrode (bare electrode in and around the substation).
Doors, metal roofs etc., will not carry appreciable fault current, other than via a secondary
wiring fault, so smaller bonding conductors are permitted. In all cases the minimum size is
16mm2 copper or 35mm2 aluminium.

Control of Potential.

During an earth fault, protection must be provided for anyone who could be in contact with
exposed earthed metalwork. This applies particularly to those required to carry out fault
switching at the substation. This protection can be provided by keeping the operators
hands and feet at a similar potential.
This is achieved by laying bare HV electrode, which is connected to exposed metalwork
and switchgear, in the ground such that it is immediately beneath and just beyond the
position where the operator stands
The following general conditions apply:
For ground mounted substations supplied from an overhead network or substantive
underground network, a standard arrangement which provides potential grading and a
reasonably low resistance, is always required. The standard earthing arrangements in
section 3.20.7 should suffice without any further additional electrode.

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Distribution Substations near or within a Higher Voltage Substation.

Such cases are to be referred to the Design Engineer.

3.20.4 Customer Substations Supplied at HV.

Wherever possible, one of the standard arrangements having a combined electrode will be
used. The HV earth will be installed by CE, whilst the LV electrode will be the responsibility
of the customer to design, install and maintain. Where the systems have to be segregated,
a nine metre separation is required between the LV electrode and any HV electrode or
exposed HV metalwork.
Where the substation forms part of a larger building it may not be possible to install an
earth electrode around the full perimeter of the substation. In these cases it is permissible
to install the electrode 1 metre out from the external walls. Other than the use of a partial
perimeter electrode all other bonding and installation details contained in the standard
design shall be followed.
Should the customer wish to connect the LV electrode to the HV one, the matter is to be
referred to the Design Engineer.
The Engineer responsible for site works during construction is required to confirm that the
HV and LV electrode (if to be combined) is installed to the companys specifications.
Testing of the earth value and, if appropriate, for segregation, should be carried out prior to
commissioning, following the approved CE procedure.
Where a standard arrangement is not possible and the customer has HV equipment/plant,
then two HV electrode systems will be required. CE will install its own, generally consisting
of bare electrode within the incoming cable trenches. The customer will install a system
which, as a minimum, encircles their equipment/plant on all sides, or those sides not
covered by the companys electrode. Ideally, the two HV earthing systems will be designed
as one entity and be combined to provide a low overall earth impedance. If not designed
together, then before a connection between them is permitted, the Design Engineer must
ensure that the combined earthing system will be satisfactory and agree the method of
Where the substation forms part of a metal framed building which requires bonding
between the LV earth and the building structure, to satisfy the IEE wiring regulations
BS7671 and there is a need to segregate the HV and LV earth to satisfy the ESQC
Regulations the HV earth connection will be insulated. The HV earth electrode will be 20
or less and installed insulated from the LV earth electrode and metal structure of the
building by 9 metres. Simultaneous contact must be avoided between the HV and LV earth
systems in these cases the most practical solution may be to install the HV switchgear and
transformer in a separate room or screened off area to prevent contact between the
earthed HV metalwork and the LV distribution equipment.

3.20.5 Combined HV/LV Earths and the Global Earth Concept

A global earth system is an equivalent earthing system created by the interconnection of
local earthing systems made up of earth electrodes and cables with metallic sheaths in
direct contact with earth that ensures, by the proximity of the earthing systems, that there
are no dangerous

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touch voltages. Such systems permit the division of the earth fault current in a way that
results in a reduction of the earth potential rise at the local earthing system. An example of
a global earth system is one associated with a city centres where the majority of cables
have metallic sheaths in direct contact with earth.
In urban situations it is desirable that ground mounted distribution substation HV and LV
earths are bonded together to achieve the lowest practical earth value in an environment
where installation and effective segregation of earths is often difficult or impossible.
Previously the only criterion that had to be met was the combined values of the high and
low voltage earths should be 1ohm or less this is no longer acceptable.
If HV and LV earths are to be combined there is an obligation for CE to ensure the potential
on the combined HV/LV earth electrode and in turn customers exposed conductive
metalwork does not rise to unacceptable levels (above 430V) under fault conditions. The
two main fault scenarios are:

HV faults at or adjacent to the distribution substation which may or may not be

connected to it associated primary substation by a continuous metallic cable sheath.

EHV faults at the source primary substation causing the primary substation and its
HV cable system to become Hot.

The possibility of the earth potential rise (EPR) on the combined HV/LV earth electrode
rising above 430V can generally be ignored when:-


For distribution substation locations with NO continuous metallic sheath connection

back to the source primary substation (i.e. there is a section of overhead line in the
circuit between the source substation and the distribution substation) where all of
the following criteria listed below can be met :

The distribution substation concerned is located in an area with a uniform

soil resistivity of less than 200 m.


A gross source 11kV earth fault current of less than 2500A.


At least 8kM of metallic sheathed cable in direct contact with the soil.


The distribution substation concerned will also have metallic interconnection

via HV or LV cable sheaths to at least one other distribution substation.


For distribution substation locations with a continuous metallic sheath connection

back to the source primary substation where all of the following criteria listed below
can be met :

A continuous metallic sheath connection back to the source primary

substation bonded effectively at each substation.

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The distribution substation concerned is located in an area with a uniform soil

resistivity of less than 200 m.


A gross source 11kV earth fault current of less than 2500A.


At least 2kM of metallic sheathed cable in direct contact with the soil with a
continuous cable sheath connection back to the source primary substation.


The distribution substation concerned will also have metallic interconnection

via HV or LV cable sheaths to at least one other distribution substation.

In addition to the requirements of 2) above the primary substation supplying the

20kV or 11kV underground network is connected back to its 132kV or NGT source
via underground cables with continuous metallic sheaths.

If the above conditions are met the HV and LV earths of urban ground mounted distribution
substation may be bonded together.
If any of these criteria cannot be met further investigation will be required.

If condition 1 or 2 cannot be met the actual earth return current at the proposed
distribution substation can be calculated and Tables 1 and 2 consulted using this
current in place of the source fault current.

If condition 3 cannot be met refer to the NEDL/YEDL Earthing Databases (It may
show that a primary substation is cold).

If after this further investigation the requirements for combining the HV and LV earth can
not be met the earths shall be separated with reference to the guidance in section

Table 1
Calculated Impedance of PILCSWA Cable Networks with metallic sheaths in contact with the soil Assumes No Continuous Metallic Sheath Path Back To Source
Resultant EPRs > 430V are shown highlighted in grey
Length of
A cable kM

EPR for Gross Source Earth Fault Currents of:















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*Metallic cable sheaths must be in direct contact with the soil.(hessian serving
Cable in ducts or with plastic sheath do NOT count.
Cables following parallel routes do NOT count.
Metallic sheathed LV cables may only be counted if they are connected to a common HV/LV earthing
Uniform Soil Structure 200m

Cable size used for modeling 0.1 sq in 11kV

Table 2
Calculated Impedance of PILCSWA Cable Networks with metallic sheaths
in contact with the soil. Assumes Continuous Metallic Sheath back
to source substation (maximum 65% reduction - minimum 35% ground
Resultant EPRs > 430V are shown highlighted in grey
EPR for Gross Source Earth Fault Currents of:
Length of
3000A 2500A 2000A 1500A 1000A 500A
A cable kM
*Metallic cable sheaths must be in direct contact with the soil.(hessian serving
Assumes continuous Sheath back to source primary substation.
Cable in ducts or with plastic sheaths do NOT count.
Cables following parallel routes do NOT count.
Metallic sheathed LV cables may only be counted if they are connected to a common HV/LV earthing
Uniform Soil Structure 200m

Cable size used for modeling 0.1 sq in 11kV

The following issues/cases should also be considered: 1) If the substation is connected to a modern HV cable network with all insulated cable
sheaths, e.g. PICAS, XLPE etc. In this case the HV and LV cable sheaths will make
no significant contribution to the HV earthing system. (They are generally the most
important factor in lowering earthing resistance in older systems with hessian
served metallic sheathed cables) Unless carefully managed there is a natural
tendency for such systems to have high resistances to earth and potential rises

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under fault conditions. The benefits of Global earthing tend to be lost overtime as
more insulated sheath HV and LV cable is installed and cables with metallic sheaths
in contact with the soil are removed.
2) In order to maintain a global earthing system the following action will be taken: o

Often reinforcement schemes involve replacement of lead sheathed, steel

armoured 6.6, 11 or 33kV cables. The phase conductors and sheaths of
these old cables, once disconnected may be joined together and they shall
be connected to the electrode system. Due to the high risk of damage, it is
essential that multiple connections are provided to such cables. They should
also be marked up on the cable records as supplementary earth electrodes.
The remote ends (or intermediate points) must also be connected to the
electrode system by connections to the cable sheath at suitable points, such
as at joints or distribution substations.

A bare copper stranded earth electrode of 70mm2 cross-sectional area shall

be laid with each out-going group of insulated sheath cables for a minimum
distance of 80 metres from the substation. Care should be taken to avoid
placing this electrode in areas subject to a rise of earth potential from
adjacent towers or EHV substations.

In newly developing urban areas where a high proportion or possibly all the
network has or will be plastic sheathed HV and LV cables and where there is
higher than average soil resistivity (>200m) consideration will be given at
the network design stage to installing addition earth electrode in excess of
the 80m mentioned above at each distribution substation in such cases
guidance of the policy manager for earthing will be sort.

3) The use of land in which bare earth electrodes are placed should be considered.
Locations to avoid include sites where people may be expected to walk barefoot
such as caravan sites and pathways to beaches etc. Animals have a relatively low
step voltage (25V), hence routes where farm animals may be expected to pass or
congregate frequently such as gateways and drinking/feeding troughs etc should be
4) Bare copper conductor can corrode in hostile soil environments causing earthing
systems to become ineffective. Soils containing sulphates, sulphides and acids
should be avoided.
5) HV cables with insulated sheaths or where the sheath is not in close contact with
earth will not contribute to the global earth. Examples are XLPE, aluminium - or
lead-sheathed cables with PVC oversheath, and cables laid in bitumen or
compound-filled troughing or pipes, or laid on cable trays. Hessian or jute serving is
not considered to form an insulated sheath.

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6) It will generally be preferable to adopt a combined HV/LV earthing arrangement at

existing substations where lead-sheathed HV and LV cables have been installed.
The alternative, i.e. electrical separation of the two electrode systems, would involve
the excavation and insulation of the LV cable sheaths, either by wrapping with a
non-hygroscopic insulating tape, enclosing in an insulating duct or replacing by CNE
cables. At new substations where CNE cables are used the LV neutral may be
readily isolated from the HV earth electrode at the substation and earthed via a
separate LV earth electrode.

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The standard materials are:


Electrode conductor - hard-drawn copper conductor of 70 mm2 or 0.1 inches2.

(This can cater for up to 8kA fault current for three seconds, as required by ENA
TS. 41-24).


Extensible earth rods - copper clad to ENA TS 43-94. 1.2m long 16mm diameter
and / or deep driven 70mm2 stranded copper.


Bonding conductor for connecting roof and metal walls of external enclosure 2
stranded copper, PVC covered, flexible 16mm cross sectional area.


Inter-plant bonding conductor - stranded, copper conductor of 70mm2 cross section,

PVC covered, to BS6004.


Flexible copper connecting braid of 16mm2 minimum.


Flexible copper power cable gland connections of minimum 50mm2.

Installation of Electrode.

The standard electrode arrangement will be installed during the civil work associated with
construction of the substation. Where it can be reasonably assumed that the soil resistivity
will be greater than 200m (i.e. in arrears where the soil is made up primarily of slate,
shale or rock), prior to, or during the civil works, soil resistivity readings should be taken.
Once interpreted, these can be used with tables and to provide an
estimate of the resistance value. If the calculated resistance is too high, the guidance in the
tables should be followed to reduce it. Normally this is by installing longer vertical rods.
Alternatively, or in addition, earth electrode can be installed in one of the HV cable
trenches, provided this is 9m from any planned LV electrode.
The LV electrode can be laid in an LV cable trench, providing that 9m separation is
maintained between this electrode and any HV metalwork, HV hessian served cables and
the HV electrode. Guidance is provided in Table concerning the amount of
electrode required to achieve the necessary LV resistance value.
Care must be exercised when driving earth rods because of the possibility of puncturing /
damaging cables or other services buried below the cable trench level. This is especially
important when rods are installed after the completion of cable laying. Cable locating tools
and techniques must be used in addition to consulting accurate cable records, to avoid
damaging such cables/services.
Where earth conductors are laid adjacent to HV cables, the backfilling medium will be
dictated by the cable thermal requirements. It is standard practice to lay the earth
conductor on the bottom of the trench, below the cables, so it is in direct contact with the
surrounding soil. Ideally there should be 0.5m clearance between hessian-covered or plain
tape-armoured conductors and the earthwire, but this can be reduced to 0.2m when the
cable or earthwire has an insulated outer sheath.
Horizontal electrode adjacent to the substation door (and any other earth electrodes
forming part of measures to reduce the effect of touch voltage) are to be bedded in suitable
backfill, then covered with a layer of crushed rock or chippings or concrete slabs.

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Under no circumstances are earth electrodes to be installed in coal ash (or similar
material), which is normally very corrosive to copper.

20/11/6.6kV Cables

The earth sheaths (and armours, if present) are to be terminated via a flexible connection
onto the switchgear earth bar that interconnects the transformer and HV switchgear. The
flexible connection shall be sufficiently long to accommodate earth passage fault indicators
or automation transmitters and shall be of 50mm (minimum) copper. It is important that
these connections are of low resistance and secure against loosening by vibration etc. The
resistance of the connection and joint is to be measured using a micro-ohmmeter and will
be below 100.

3.20.7 Standard Arrangements

Construction layouts have been produced to cover the main types of new HV substation,
including kiosk type,. The layouts have been designed to meet the following requirements:

HV and LV earthing systems are installed separate or bonded.


HV and LV electrodes if separated will each have a maximum value of 20.


Full bonding within the substation is provided.


Additional protection is provided to protect operators, staff and the public against
possible excessive voltage rise, where applicable.

Standard construction drawings, tables which give the S/S electrode resistance and where
necessary a separate LV electrode resistance for a range of uniform soil conditions and
notes of guidance are given for three typical ground mounted substation designs.

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42 of 89 Standard Arrangement Drawings.

The following arrangement drawings provide details of the construction practice necessary.
Reduced size drawings are included at the end of this section, but for construction
purposes, the current up-to-date versions of the drawings should be consulted.
Close Coupled Ground
Mounted Substation.
Close Coupled Ground
Mounted Substation.
Steel Kiosk Type Ground
Mounted Substation.
Separate HV Switchgear
Ground Mounted 20kV

Earthing Arrangement


Combined HV & LV Earth


Separate HV & LV Earth


Combined HV & LV Earth


Combined HV & LV Earth


4 Standard Arrangement Resistance Values

The above standard arrangements produce the following resistance values in different soil

25 or less
50 or less
100 or less

Resistance of Standard Earthing Designs

with 1.2m Earth Rods at S/S*
Arrangement Arrangement Arrangement


150 or less





200 or less








Typical Soil
Resistivity (m)

Soil Type


*2.4m rods required by CE at rural locations.

Where the HV and LV earth are separated additional HV earth electrode to the standard
design will be required for soil resistivities in excess of around 200m to maintain a 20
maximum HV earth resistance value.

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43 of 89 Separate LV Earth

Where it is necessary to install a separate LV earth with a maximum 20 value then the
following alternative arrangements shown in the table below may be installed:Arrangement 1 gives the required length of horizontally laid bare conductor (A minimum
length of 5m is suggested) required to achieve an LV electrode value of less than 20 for
various soil resistivities
Arrangement 2 is a simple horizontally laid conductor installed in incremental lengths of 5m
plus a 3m vertical rod at 5m intervals.
Bare LV earth conductor shall be separated by at least 9m of insulated conductor from the
nearest part of the HV electrode system. (This includes non plastic sheathed HV cable
such as PILCSWA cables with hessian serving).

LV Electrode Arrangements to give 20

Soil Resistivity

Arrangement 1
Horizontal Electrode
Only (Length Required)













Arrangement 2
3m Vertical Rods + 5m
Horizontal Electrode Segments

3m Rod x 7 plus
7 x 5m = 35m Horizontal
Key 3m Vertical Rod
5m Horizontal Electrode

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44 of 89 Standard Earthing Arrangements for non metallic substations

HV Electrode
Perimeter electrode installed on the outer edges of the foundation, in direct contact with the
soil at a depth of 1.2m.
Internal cross conductor installed along the outer edges of the cable trench at 0.9m depth
and connected at each end to the perimeter electrode.
Two connections from the internal cross conductor brought up to the switchgear earth bar
and fitted adjacent to one another.
Four off 1.2m earth rods installed on the corners (2.4m rods in rural areas).
If metal doors are used, then additional grading electrode will be required in front of the
Copper earth tape 25 x 4mm.
All main items of plant must be bonded to the main switchgear bonding bar with either 25 x
4 mm copper tape, 25 x 6mm aluminium tape, 70mm PVC covered copper or 120m m
PVC covered aluminium. The bonding bar and bonds to each main item of plant are
normally supplied installed on new plant by the manufacturer. Connections to metalwork
must be free from paint, cleaned and a protective coating of grease applied. Where copper
theft has occurred on a site the above ground bonding should be replaced with aluminium
conductor in line with Note 3, 4 and 7 of appendix E.
LV Electrode
Not required where the HV and LV earths are to be bonded, as the HV earth will fulfil the
necessary requirements.
If separate earths are required (see para. and Table) a minimum distance of 9m
must be maintained between this electrode and any 11kV electrode, the substation
compound and any other metalwork connected to the HV earth. The LV electrode will be
connected to the LV neutral busbar in the LV cabinet via at least 9m of 70mm PVC
covered copper conductor. The PVC conductor must be compression bonded to the LV
earth electrode at one end, and to the neutral bar of the distribution cabinet at the other, via
CE approved connectors.
High Voltage Cables
The outer metal sheath of 11kV cables will be bonded to the switchgear bonding bar via a
flexible strip or braid having a current carrying capacity equivalent to at least 50mm
copper. This is to be of sufficient length to accommodate a fault current indicator.
Low Voltage Cables
For modern CNE cables, the outer sheath of the cable will be connected to the neutral bar
in the distribution pillar using a CE approved compression or mechanical connector.
For SNE cables the outer sheath and armouring should be bonded together and connected
to the earth bar in the distribution pillar. The neutral conductor is then connected to the
neutral bar.

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45 of 89 Standard Earthing Arrangement for Steel Kiosk Substations.

HV Electrode
Perimeter electrode installed on the outer edges of the foundation, in direct contact with the
soil at a depth of 1.2m.
A second perimeter electrode laid around the substation, 0.6m deep and up to 1m away
from the foundation.
Internal cross conductor installed along the outer edges of the cable trench at 0.9m depth
and connected at each end to the perimeter electrode.
Two connections from the internal cross conductor brought up to the switchgear earth bar
and fitted adjacent to one another.
Two off 1.2m earth rods installed on the internal perimeter electrode (2.4m rods in rural
Copper earth tape 25 x 4mm.
All main items of plant must be bonded to the main switchgear bonding bar with either 25 x
4 mm copper tape, 25 x 6mm aluminium tape, 70mm2 PVC covered copper or 120m m2
PVC covered aluminium. The bonding bar and bonds to each main item of plant are
normally supplied installed on new plant by the manufacturer. Connections to metalwork
must be free from paint, cleaned and a protective coating of grease applied. Where copper
theft has occurred on a site the above ground bonding should be replaced with aluminium
conductor in line with Note 3, 4 and 7 of appendix E.
LV Electrode
Not required where the HV and LV earths are to be bonded, as the HV earth will fulfil the
necessary requirements.
If separate earths are required (See section a minimum distance of 9m must be
maintained between this electrode and any 11kV electrode, the substation compound and
any other metalwork connected to the HV earth. The LV electrode will be connected to the
LV neutral busbar in the LV cabinet via at least 9m of 70mm2 PVC covered copper
conductor. The PVC conductor must be compression bonded to the LV earth electrode at
one end, and to the neutral bar of the distribution cabinet at the other, via CE approved
High Voltage Cables
The outer metal sheath of 11kV cables will be bonded to the switchgear bonding bar via a
flexible strip or braid having a current carrying capacity equivalent to at least 50mm 2
copper. This is to be of sufficient length to accommodate a fault current indicator.
Low Voltage Cables
For modern CNE cables, the outer sheath of the cable will be connected to the neutral bar
in the distribution pillar using a CE approved compression or mechanical connector.
For SNE cables the outer sheath and armouring should be bonded together and connected
to the earth bar in the distribution pillar. The neutral conductor is then connected to the
neutral bar.

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Arrangement 1 - Ground Mounted Substation with close coupled switchgear and Combined HV/LV

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Arrangement 2 - Ground Mounted Substation with close coupled switchgear and separate HV/LV

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48 of 89

Arrangement 3 - Steel Kiosk Type Ground Mounted Substation with Combined HV/LV Earth

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49 of 89

Arrangement 4 - Ground Mounted Substation with separate HV switchgear and Combined HV/LV

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50 of 89

Pole-Mounted Substations
The cost of installing earth electrodes at an isolated pole-mounted substation and
associated LV network to achieve a resistance to earth value capable of restricting the EPR
to less than 430V under HV fault conditions will normally be excessive.
Therefore, the HV earth electrode at the pole-mounted substation shall always be
separated from the LV earth electrode.
The HV earth electrode and the LV earth electrode shall each have a resistance to earth
less than 20 ohms; the value will be measured by an approved method.
A minimum distance of 9 metres will be maintained between any uninsulated parts of the
HV and LV earth electrodes which are below ground level. The required separation will
normally be obtained by earthing the LV neutral conductor one span away from the
substation, Drawing C953076 Fig A. (over page) Connections to earth electrodes will be
insulated from earth to a depth of at least 600mm below ground level using the conductors
specified in Appendix E.
Consideration must be given to maintaining HV/LV earth physical segregation including
taking into account the presence of metallic sheathed cables.
If a metallic sheath LV cable is connected at the substation its metallic sheath must be
connected to the neutral conductor. Separation of the electrodes in this case may be
achieved by connecting the transformer tank to a remote earth electrode by a green
coloured insulated lead as shown in Drawing C953076 Fig B. The HV earth electrode lead
on the pole will be spaced at least 75mm from the LV earth-lead and the sheath of the LV
If, at an existing pole-mounted substation, a common HV and LV earth electrode is
installed and its resistance to earth is greater than 1 ohm then the HV earth shall be
separated from the LV earth. The existing earth electrode shall normally be used for the
LV earth and a new electrode shall be installed for the HV earth.
Pole mounted substations supplying mobile phone base stations on transmission towers.
shall be designed and installed in accordance with DSS/022/001 (Code of Practice for Low
Voltage Connections to Mobile Telephone Base Stations with Antennae on High Voltage
Where copper theft has occurred on a site the above ground bonding should be replaced
with aluminium conductor in line with Note 3, 4 and 7 of appendix E.

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51 of 89

Document Reference





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Aug 2012


52 of 89

DSS/01/0016 Guidance on Engineering Recommendation G39 (Earthing Arrangements for

Street Lighting Furniture)
DSS/022/001 Code of Practice for Low Voltage Connections to Mobile Telephone Base
Stations with Antennae on High Voltage Structures
NSP/002/001: Specification for Earthing Materials
NSP/004/041: Specification for LV ABC Overhead Lines
NSP/004/043: Specification for Overhead Services, Surface Wiring and Eaves Wall Mains


BS 951: Electrical Earthing. Clamps for Earthing & Bonding. Specification
BS 62035 - Code of practice for protection against lightning
BS 7361 Cathodic Protection.
BS 7375: Code of practice for Distribution of electricity on construction and building sites
BS7671 - Requirements for Electrical Installations (IEE Wiring Regulations) - Current
Engineering Recommendation G59/1- Recommendations for the Connection of Embedded
Generating Plant to the Public Electricity Suppliers Distribution Systems (Amendment 1
(1992) & Amendment 2 (1995))
Engineering Recommendation G78 - Recommendations for the provision of LV
Connections to Mobile Telephone
Base Stations with Antennae on High Voltage
Engineering Recommendation G83/1 - The connection of small-scale embedded
generators (Up to 16A per phase) in parallel with public low voltage distribution networks
Engineering Recommendation G87 Guidance for the Provision of Low Voltage Supplies to
Multi Occupancy Buildings
Engineering Recommendation G12/3 - National Code of Practice on the Application of
Protective Multiple Earthing
Engineering Recommendation G14 - Protective Multiple Earthing; Recommended
Principles for Testing to ensure Correct Polarity
Engineering Recommendation G39/1 - Model Code of Practice covering electrical safety in
the planning, installation, commissioning and maintenance of public lighting and other
street furniture
Engineering Recommendation P04/1: Services to British Telecom public telephone
Engineering Recommendation P24, 1984: AC traction supplies to British Rail (Addendum
No.1 1990)

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ENA Technical Specification 41-24: Guidelines for the design, installation, testing and
maintenance of earthing systems in substations
ENA Technical Specification 43-94: Earth rods and their connectors
Guidance Note GS 24 - Electricity on Construction Sites
Guidance Note HS(G)41 - Petrol Filling Stations: Construction and Operation
The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002.

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Arial Bunched Conductor (ABC) refers to a single bunched LV overhead cable
"Bonding Lead" means a conductor by which items of metalwork are connected together
electrically, not normally for the purpose of carrying current, but so as to ensure a common
"Branch Lines" means any electric line through which energy may be supplied to 5 or more
customers from any distributing main
Business Owner means the manager (or his representative) within the business
responsible for the business process
Combined Neutral and Earth (CNE) reffers to a network where the earth return and
neutral return are provided by the same conductor
"Customer" means any body or person supplied or entitled to be supplied with energy by
CE and will include those customers on un-metered supplies.
"Customer's Installation" means the electrical apparatus under the control of the customer
on the customers premises together with the wiring connecting this apparatus to the supply
terminals. A meter and cutout owned by CE shall not form part of the customers
"Customer's Premises" means any area or building in the sole occupation of the customer.
"Distributing Main" means the portion of any main which is used for giving supply to branch
lines, service lines and multi-service lines for the purpose of general supply.
Distributor means a person who owns or operates a network, except for a network
situated entirely offshore or where that person is an operator of a network within the
meaning of Part I of the Railways Act 1993
"Earth-Continuity Conductor" means a conductor including any clamp connecting a part of
an installation or other accessible metalwork which is required to be earthed, to another
such part or to the supply neutral conductor.
"Earth Electrode" means a metal rod, plate or strip conductor buried in the earth for the
purpose of providing a connection with the general mass of earth.
"Earthing Lead" means the final conductor by which the connection to the earth electrode is
"Earthing Terminal" means the terminal provided by CE and directly connected to the
supply neutral conductor at the supply terminals.
Earth Potential Rise (EPR) means the rise in potential from a zero earth reference value
during an earth fault on an ajacent HV or EHV circuit.
EHV Means 33kV, 66kV or 132kV
Global Earth means an equivalent earthing system created by the interconnection of local
earthing systems made up of earth electrodes and cables with metallic sheaths in direct
contactwith earth that ensures, by the proximity of the earthing systems, that there are no
dangerous touch voltages
HV High Voltage means above 5.5kV up to and including 20.5 kV

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"Multi-service Line" means any electric line through which energy may be supplied to two,
three or four adjacent customers from any distribution main or branch line or substation.
"Protective Multiple Earthing (PME)" - the technique of using the supply neutral conductor
of a LV distribution system for earthing of services to customers and street lights or other
street furniture.
Protective Neutral Bonding (PNB) refers to the situation where there is only one point in a
network at which consumer's installations are connected to a single source of voltage, in
such a case the supply neutral conductor connection to earth may be made at that point, or
at another point nearer to the source of voltage.
Residual Current Device (RCD) means a mechanical switching device or association of
devices intended to cause the opening of the contacts when the residual curent attains a
given value under specified conditions
"Service Lines" means any electric line through which energy may be supplied to a
customer from any distributing main on branch line or directly from a substation.
Separate Neutral and Earth (SNE) refers to a network where the earth return and neutral
return are provided by separate conductors.
TN-C means a systems where the neutral and protective functions are combined in a
single conductor throughout the system. Earthed concentric wiring or Earthed Sheath
Return Wiring are both examples of a TN-C system also known as CNE systems.
TN-S means a systems where there are separate neutral and protective conductors
throughout the system. A system where the metallic path between the installation and the
source of energy is the sheath and armouring of the supply cable is a TN-S system also
known as SNE systems.
TN-C-S means a systems where the neutral and protective functions are combined in a
single conductor but only in a part of a system. Systems with PME applied to them are
examples of a TN-C-S system , where the distribution system between the source of
energy and the installation is TN-C amd the installation itself is TN-S. PNB is also a variant
of a TN-C-S system also known as a mixed system.
TT means a system that has one or more points of the source of energy directly earthed
and the exposed and extraneous-conductive parts of the installation are connected to a
local earth electrode or electrodes that are electrically independent of the source earth(s).
An example would be where the customer provides his own indpenddent local earth and
provides earth fault protection by use of a RCD
Where Practical in the context of this document means where it is physically and
technically possible to achieve within the budgetary context of the work programme or
capital scheme that the activity is taking place under.

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6 Authority for issue

6.1 Author
I sign to confirm that I have completed and checked this document and I am satisfied with
its content and submit it for approval and authorisation.

Protection and Technical

Jim Paine
Services Manager

Jim Paine


6.2 Policy Sponsor

I sign to confirm that I am satisfied with all aspects of the content and preparation of this
document and submit it for approval and authorisation.
Andy Ellam

Policy & Risk Manager



Andy Ellam


6.3 Technical Assurance

I sign to confirm that I am satisfied with all aspects of the content and preparation of this
document and submit it for approval and authorisation.

Dave Miller
Ged Hammel
Glen Hodges

Network Investment
Overhead Line Standards
Programmes and Strategic
Design Leader



Dave Miller


Ged Hammel


Glen Hodges


6.4 CDS Assurance

I sign to confirm that this document has been assured for issue on to the CDS system.
Sean Johnson
CDS Administrator
Sean Johnson

6.5 Approval
Approval is given for the content of this document.
Mark Nicholson

Head of System Strategy



Mark Nicholson


6.6 Authorisation
Authorisation is granted for publication of this document.
Director of Asset
Mark Drye
Mark Drye

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Appendix A Customer
Installation to Document

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May 2012


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Customers' Installations
Customers installations can only be connected to a PME terminal if the bonding conforms to
BS7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations)

Bonding and Earthing

The customer's water, gas and any other metallic services (except metalwork forming part of a
telegraphic, telephone or signalling circuit) shall be bonded to the CE earthing terminal block
either separately or by means of a common bonding lead having a minimum cross sectional
area as specified in Appendix E. Conductor shall be stranded copper, green/yellow PVC
insulated cable. Any other metal structures which might come into electrical contact with earth
and which are in easy reach of any exposed non-current-carrying metalwork of the customer's
installation shall also be bonded to the earthing terminal.
Where doubts arise on the need for bonding particularly items of extraneous metalwork the
criteria to follow are:(a)
All structural metalwork which is embedded in the earth and is situated such that a
person may make simultaneous contact with it and any other exposed metalwork which is to be
connected to the earthing terminal must be bonded by a main equipotential bonding lead having
a minimum cross-sectional area as specified in Appendix E.
Supplementary local bonding connections may sometimes be required to maintain the
equipotential zone but exposed extraneous fixed metalwork within the zone which is not in
contact with earth need not be bonded unless it is likely to come into fortuitous contact with
other earthed or bonded metalwork. Bonding connections with cross-sectional areas in
accordance with the current edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations are then required.
Connections to the service pipes shall be by means of clamps suitable for the pipe diameters
which will avoid electrolytic action. These should be made as near as possible, with the
exception of the gas service, to the point of entry of the service into the customer's premises.
In the case of gas services, the connection shall be made as near as possible to the outlet
union on the customer's side of the gas meter, and before any branch pipe, and in any case no
further than 600 mm from the meter. If, for actual or possible cathodic protection, a gas
distribution company has installed an insulated insert between the incoming service pipe and
the gas meter, the incoming service pipe shall not be bonded. Incoming unused gas service
pipes should not be bonded but, if such pipes extended well inside the building, the pipe should
be insulated in such a way that the insulation cannot easily be removed.
If the electricity service cable is mechanically protected, then any protecting metalwork shall be
connected to the earthing terminal block.
The bonding of the customer's water, gas and any other metallic services with the exception of
any CE equipment is the responsibility of the customer.

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Appendix A Customer
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Arrangement at Customer's Intake Unit

Typical customer arrangements are shown in drawing C953036
The earth terminal made available to the customer will be by means of an earth terminal block
securely bonded to the neutral conductor. This is achieved in the latest design of unit by
bonding the neutral external connection to the CE earth terminal block, where provided, or the
customer's earth terminal block and, on the older type, by bonding the neutral internal link on
the incoming or outgoing side (as convenient) to the CE earth terminal block. The bonding lead
shall be 16 mm2 minimum green/yellow PVC insulated cable or half the size of the neutral
meter tail whichever is the larger. Any metallic sheath or armouring of underground service
cables shall be bonded to the earth terminal block or neutral terminal as appropriate.
On temporary supplies and in other situations where we are unable to verify that the
requirements of bonding and earthing as described in Section 1 above have been complied
with, the earthing terminal block shall be rendered inaccessible so as to prevent unauthorised
The size of common bonding lead between the customer's metallic services and the CE
earthing terminal block will be a minimum of 10 mm2 and that between the neutral link and the
CE earthing terminal block will be a minimum of 16 mm . Where the expected loads of a
customer's installation require it, the size of these connections shall be increased in accordance
with the appropriate values shown in Appendix E.


Installation of Earthing Clamps at Customer's intake unit on existing underground and

overhead networks
In existing customer's installations where there is an earth return path to the substation via the
underground cable sheath or separate earth conductor then, when the opportunity arises as
detailed in Section 3.3.2, earthing clamps of an approved pattern shall be fixed, one to the
cable sheath and one to any armouring. The clamps shall be bonded together and connected
to a CE earthing terminal block on the meter board, to which the customer's earth continuity
conductor may be connected. If the service cable contains a separate earth conductor, this
shall be connected to the earthing terminal block.
The customer shall be informed by a standard letter that the earth terminal has been provided
and is available for his use.
It should be noted that private contractors' staff are not permitted to fix the clamps under any


Warning Notice
A warning notice shall be fixed at the customer's service position indicating that the earth
terminal is PME.
When a new PNB earth terminals is installed the appropriate label will be fixed at the service
position. If a supply to a single customer employing PNB is later extended to become a PME
network feeding a number of customers, then the PNB warning notice at the original customer's
premises shall be replaced by the PME type.

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Appendix A Customer
Installation to Document

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Customer's Service Polarity Testing

On a PME system the connection of the live conductor of a service to the neutral connector
block on the customer's premises creates a dangerous situation where all the customer's
metalwork bonded to the CE earth terminal block becomes live at line voltage. Under these
circumstances, the earth in the vicinity of the premises also tends to rise to line voltage, and
tests intended to establish polarity may be misleading and may indicate correct polarity even
though it is reversed.
Polarity tests will be carried out on all new customer installations or when any work has been
carried out which could have affected the customers polarity.

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Appendix B Procedure for

Customers with inadequate
earths to Document


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Procedure to be applied where a Customer is reported to have

inadequate earthing
The following procedure is to be applied where it is reported that an existing CE customer has
either no effective means of earthing their installation or if the earth terminal provided is
Where CE Electric UK have not previously provided an earth terminal to the customer or where
the customer has been reliant on the water pipes for earthing
When a representative form CE Electric UK identifies through testing or is made aware that a
domestic customer does not have an earth or has an inadequate earth they will advise the
customer that their installation is not up to current standards and could cause danger in certain
situations (e.g. a fault on an electrical appliance within the property). The customer will be
informed to contact a qualified electrician to make their electrical installation safe and to confirm
when this work has been completed.
This information will be presented in the form of a standard letter, which will be completed on
site and presented to the customer. The customer should be advised that if they do not employ
an electrician to rectify the defective earthing within 3 weeks (15 working days) the supply to the
premises will be disconnected on safety grounds under regulation 26 of the Electricity Safety,
Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002 [1].
The Company representative will leave the standard sample letter 1 below with the customer
and inform the business owner of this action. The business owner will record the fact that a
notification letter has been left with the customer. The business owner will send an e-mail to
the Services Programme Manager giving details of the customer and the date that the
notification letter was issued [2].
If the Customer has not contacted business owner confirming that the work has been
completed within 28 days of the notice being issued the business owner will write to the
customer with a confirmation letter sample letter 2 below [3].
If the customer does not confirm that the remedial work has been completed within 7 days of
issuing the 2nd letter a the business owner will arrange for a business representative to check
the customers earth and to remove the cut-out fuse if it is established that the remedial work
has not been completed [4] and leave a confirmation letter sample letter 4 below.
Where CE Electric UK have provided an earth terminal to a customer and the value of earth
loop impedance as tested from the customers cut-out is high
1) Where CE Electric UK have provided an earth terminal to a customer and the value of
earth loop impedance as tested from the customers cut-out is high (above 0.35 ohm for
CNE supply and above 0.8 ohm for an SNE supply) [5] the high earth loop impedance
should be dealt with as a fault repair to the network earth. The Asset Management
Depratment will be informed by e-mail of every such instance.
2) Where a representative from CE Electric UK identifies through testing that the high
earth loop impedance is on the customers premises the customer will be advised that

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Appendix B Procedure for

Customers with inadequate
earths to Document


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their earthing installation is not to current standards and that they need to contact their
own electrician to rectify the situation the letter in sample letter 3 below will be left with
the customer.
Note [1] With reference to Regulation 26 of the ESQC Regs
26(1) permits the DNO to issue a notice requiring the customer to rectify defects within 10 days
(the guidance notes cite an example where there are live conductors sticking out from a
consumer unit).
26(2) If the work hasn't been done within 10 days (for the example in the guidance notes) we
can disconnect - and leave another letter.
26(3) We can disconnect without giving notice on the grounds of safety. It's difficult so see how
an inadequate earth could be more dangerous than live wires sticking out of a consumer unit,
and hence it probably would not be appropriate for us to disconnect immediately on the grounds
of safety assuming the earth has been defective for some time. So it would seem reasonable
to give notice of disconnection and provide a reasonable time for the defects to be rectified.
26(4) We can reconnect as soon as the work's been done.
10 working days is discussed in the guidance notes for live exposed conductors, a no earth
situation will have a lower probability of causing harm as it needs another event such as a faulty
appliance to cause harm. 21 days is suggested as a reasonable time for customer to make
arrangements with an electrician without unduly delaying correction of the defects.
Note [2]
The Earthing Policy Manager will keep a record of the occurrences where an earth is not
available from the network or where the network earth is inadequate to determine if they are
isolated incidents or if there are areas of the network which need remedial attention.
The Services Programme Manager needs advance warning so that he can inform his
contractors that there may be an urgent request for an earth terminal from the customers
electrician. The Services Programme Manager will inform the Earthing Policy Manager of any
request for an earth, the remedial action taken and the state of the network.
There are 3 likely scenarios:
1. The customer contacts a qualified electrician whom makes a request for an earth
terminal on behalf of the customer. In this case if an earth can be provided for the
customer with work on the service or cut-out position it will be provided via scheduled
work.. If the provision of a network earth needs substantial work on the LV main cable
to provide, the electrician will be advised that an earth cannot be provided from the
network and advised to make his own earth arrangements. In this case the Services
Programme Manager will inform the Earthing Policy Manager of the work required to
provide an earth and the fact that the customer has been informed to provide their own
earth. The defective network will be brought up to specification through a work
2. The customers electrician provides a customer earth and corrects the defects without
requesting a Network earth.
3. The customer does not take any action to remedy the defects.

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Appendix B Procedure for

Customers with inadequate
earths to Document


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May 2012


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Note [3]
The business owner will not send letter 2 until 28 days after the notification date to allow for a
letter to be received from the customer if the work was completed on the 21st Day.

Note [4]
The company may be criticised if customers have their supplies disconnected, however if there
is an incident at the property and a person is electrocuted, or there is a fire resulting directly
from the defective earth installation that the company was aware of the company would have
failed in it,s duties under the ESQC Regs. However the customers least likely to respond to the
notification are the old or vulnerable in society, the policy may need to be adjusted to provide
some form of support for these customers. The company can not take any responsibility for
work on the customers network.
Note [5]
If there is a high earth loop impedance on the network it is an indication that there is a fault is
on the earth system. Where the system is CNE this could result in an open circuit neutral/earth
resulting in wide spread damage. Such faults should be dealt with by repairs with the
appropriate level of priority placed on the actual fault condition. It is important that the Earthing
Policy Manager is informed of every occurrence of earth or neutral/earth fault on the network.

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Appendix B Procedure for

Customers with inadequate
earths to Document


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May 2012


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Sample Letter 1 on company letter headed paper

To the occupier of:

Add contact address Business Owner

To the occupier,
A representative from CE attended your property on the date of this letter and established that
the earth system for your electrical installation was defective.
These defects are listed below:

The safe operation of your electrical installation and portable appliances rely on an effective
earth, the defects identified could give rise to danger.
Under the Electricity Safety Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002 a Distribution Network
Operator cannot knowingly supply electricity to a defective installation. Regulation 26 gives the
authority to disconnect defective installations that could give rise to danger.
This letter gives notice of disconnection for reasons of safety. .
What you must do now.
You must contact a qualified electrician and have them rectify the defects to your electrical
installation listed in this letter, within 21 days of the date of this letter.
When the work is completed inform the **** in writing.
If the defects listed in this letter are not rectified within 21 days of the date of this letter. Your
supply will be disconnected for reasons of safety
Signed on behalf of YEDL/NEDL

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Appendix B Procedure for

Customers with inadequate
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Sample Letter 2 on company letter headed paper

To the occupier of:

Add contact address Business Owner

To the occupier,
A representative from CE attended your property on the ****** established that the earth system
for your electrical installation was defective.
The defects identified were .
You were also left notification that electrical supply to your property would be disconnected after
21days if the defects, had not been rectified by a qualified electrician.
Please confirm by return of post that the defects have now been rectified.
If you do not confirm that the defects have been rectified or make contact by phone or letter to
the contact point above the electricity supply to your property will be disconnected for reasons
of safety.

Signed on behalf of YEDL/NEDL

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Appendix B Procedure for

Customers with inadequate
earths to Document


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Sample letter 3 on company letter headed paper

To the occupier of:

Add contact address Business Owner

To the occupier,
A representative from CE attended your property on the date of this letter and established that
the earth system for your electrical installation was defective.
These defects are listed below:

The defects identified could give rise to danger in certain situations such as a fault on an
electrical appliance within your property.
What you must do now.
You must contact a qualified electrician and have them rectify the defects to your electrical
installation listed in this letter.
Signed on behalf of YEDL/NEDL

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Appendix B Procedure for

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Sample letter 4 on company letter headed paper

To the occupier of:

Add contact address Business Owner

To the occupier,
A representative from CE attended your property on the date of this letter to disconnect your
electrical supply because you have failed to carry out remedial work on the earth of your
electrical installation.
You were given a notice of disconnection on ***** which included details of the defects.
The disconnection has been carried out on safety grounds under authority of The Electricity
Safety Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002, Regulation 26.
Your property will not be reconnected until you have confirmed in writing that the defects have
been corrected.

Signed on behalf of YEDL/NEDL

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Appendix C Guidance on
the Control of EMC
Problems to Document


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May 2012


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General Guidance for Minimising EMC Problems.

This is becoming an important issue due to the proliferation of computers and other IT type
business and entertainment equipment within commercial, industrial and domestic premises.
Systems should be able to operate without interfering with each other.
Earthing has an important role in EMC, but this must never be allowed to compromise its
primary safety role.
The following general principles should be followed to help reduce the impact of EMC problems
on an installation:Have a combined earthing/electrode system with multiple ground connection points.
This will form part of the common bonding system, which will include extraneous metalwork,
steel beams, rebar, pipes etc. Wherever possible the company earthing terminal would form
part of this. Internal equipment, lightning protection etc., would then be connected to the
common bonding system in a manner required by the customers building services engineer.
Wherever possible, the internal power supply should be of the TN-S type as this has the best
EMC performance. Avoid providing multiple PME supplies to single buildings particularly where
there are paths for neutral current diversion through structural steelwork, bonding etc. Although
hard to manage at large, multi-occupancy buildings, this is essential to prevent significant EMC
Incoming and outgoing cables are best grouped at one point, near which the main incoming
earthing terminal and connections to a closely located earth electrode exist. The earth sheaths
and screens of the incoming power supply cable should be connected directly to the main earth
terminal or (if the earths are not to be connected) have a surge protection device fitted.
Inter-building cables should preferably be in shallow metal troughs, which are multiply earthed
and bonded to an integrated electrode system at either end.
The following is a list of other precautionary measures, which may be applied to minimise EMC
Separate control cable routes from those of power cables
Install cables in trefoil rather than flat formation.
Avoid secondary cable runs in parallel with busbars or power cables.
Route control cables to avoid single-phase transformers and inductances.
Avoid cable earth loops.
Ensure that all wires associated with the same circuit are contained in one cable or grouped
along one route.
Auxiliary cable routes to have radial rather than ring configuration.
Use screened, twisted pair cables for data transfer.
Suitable shielding of secondary circuit cables.
Group circuits associated with the same function, wherever possible.
Any equipment used should have the appropriate immunity rating and should be selected and
grouped according to its working environment. Filters and voltage limiting devices should be
used where necessary.

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Appendix D Earth Electrode

Testing to Document

May 2012

Date of Issue


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Earth Electrode Testing


Method of Checking Adequate Electrical Separation between Two Electrodes

Three tests are carried out (see Drawing C953068). In the first test, the resistance of Electrode
A to the general mass of earth is measured by an earth megger or the equivalent, according to
the instructions issued with the instrument; let this resistance be Rae. In the second test, the
same measurement is carried out on Electrode B; let the result be Rbe. In the third test, the
resistance between A and B is measured let this be Rab.
If the resistance areas of the two electrodes are adequately separated then Rab must be equal
to or greater than 0.9 (Rae + Rbe).
It is important when measuring Rae and Rbe to ensure that the voltage and current leads are
run out to adequate distances.

Method of Measuring the Overall Resistance to Earth of a Multiple Earthed Neutral

Conductor or Other Extensive Earthing Systems

The combined resistance to earth of an extensive earthing system provided by neutral

electrodes cannot be conveniently measured. Therefore the resistance to earth of each earth
electrode shall be measured and the combined resistance to earth shall be calculated by
assuming that the individual resistance values can be regarded as connected in parallel without
their resistance areas overlapping.
The combined resistance to earth is given by:
where Rc




+ Rce


= Combined resistance to earth of the individual electrodes

= Resistance to earth of individual electrodes.

It is important that when measuring each electrode resistance to earth that voltage and current
leads are run out to adequate distances to ensure that there is no overlap between the

Measurement of Resistance of Individual Earth Components using a clip on earth

At a distribution substation, the following items are those that, in parallel, provide the earth
resistance value.
20/11/6.6kV electrode at the substation.
LV electrode just beyond the substation.
20/11/6.6kV cable sheaths.
LV earths beyond substation.
An individual measurement of each of the first three can be made by connecting a clip on,
(contact-less) earth tester around the earth connection between it and the switchgear earth bar.

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Appendix D Earth Electrode

Testing to Document

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May 2012


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The individual values obtained should be noted and compared to the overall value obtained by
measurement. The clip on meter measures the value of the electrode under test in series with
the rest of the connected electrodes. The measured value will only be accurate if the other
electrodes in parallel have a low value compared to the one under test. Figures D.1 and D.2
show the arrangement for a pole type substation and the electrical equivalent circuit.

Figure D.13: Current Flows for a Loop Resistance Measurement of the LV Earth

Figure 1.2.4: Equivalent Circuit of a Loop Resistance Measurement

Rline is the resistance of the LV overhead earth wire and pole earths, in parallel.
RLV is the earth resistance of the substation LV earth.
The resistance measured by the clamp-on earth tester (Rtotal) will be the sum of the resistance in the loop,
i.e. (RLV + Rline). It is assumed that the resistance of the return path (R line) is small enough to be
considered negligible against the larger RLV value, so that Rtotal is approximately equal to RLV. If a
relatively low resistance return path is not available, then this type of measurement cannot be made

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Appendix G General
Drawings to Document

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May 2012


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Type and Size of Earth Connections

The types and size of earthing and bonding connections shall be as detailed in the tables below

Overhead HV bonding

Overhead LV side and Neutral bond

Between LV Overhead line and cable
Undergound substation between high
voltage equipment
Underground substation main LV neutral
to earth electrode

Connection between sheath of SNE

cable and Neutral of CNE cable

Bonding and Earth connection to LV

earth electrodes on underground cable

32mm2 stranded copper, green PVC
(2mm radial thickness) insulated
32mm2 stranded copper, black PVC
(2mm radial thickness) insulated
32mm2 stranded copper, Black PVC
insulated conductor or insulated copper
strip 3mmx25mm
70mm2 stranded copper, green/yellow
PVC insulated conductor
70mm2 stranded copper (2 x 35mm2),
green/yellow PVC insulated conductor
for cable sizes above 70 mm2 for
smaller size cable at least equivelant to
the phase conductor with a minimum
size of 16mm2
25mm2, stranded copper, green/yellow
PVC insulated conductor

Table 1 Earthing and bonding connections for different locations

Main bonding at customer's premises (See table below)

Connection location
At customers premises, connection
companys earthing terminal
At customers premises connection
between the companys earthing
terminal and the earth bar of the
consumer unit.
Table 2

crosssectional area
Green/yellow 16mm2 or half the
size of the Companys neutral
meter tail, whichever is the larger
Green/yellow 16mm2 or half the
size of the Companys neutral
meter tail, whichever is the larger

Main bonding at customers premises

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Appendix G General
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Main bonding equipotential connections between earthing terminal and all metallic structures (See
table below).

Copper equivalent crosssectional area of Supply neutral

35mm or less
over 35mm2 but not more than
over 50mm2 but not more than
over 95mm but not more than
over 150mm
Table 3

Minimum copper cross-sectional area

of bonding conductor (or continuously
rated equivalent)


Size of Main Equipotential Bonding Copper Conductors

1) Supplementary local bonding conductors and circuit protective conductors in the customer's
installation should be of the size specified in the current edition of BS7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations)
2) Conductors on poles above 3m need not be insulated
3) Where copper theft has occurred on a site the above ground bonding should be replaced with
aluminium conductor (see note 6), with suitable bi-metallic joints at the interface between the
aluminium and the copper in the ground.
4) All earthing and bonding connections where buried direct in the ground shall be of copper conductor.
5) To avoid possible dangerous ground potentials an earth electrode shall be installed so that its
topmost point will be at least 600 mm below ground level. The insulation of the HV or LV earthconductor shall be retained up to the earth electrode terminal.
6) The copper equivalent cross-sectional areas of Supply neutral conductors for typical DNO cables are
as follows:
35 mm2 Al CNE 22 mm2
95 mm2 Al CNE 60 mm2
185 mm2 Al CNE 116 mm2
300 mm Al CNE 116 mm
300 mm Cu CNE 150 mm2
4mmx25mm Cu tape 6mmx25mm Al tape
4mmx40mm Cu tape 6mmx40mm Al tape
7) The aluminium equivalent for copper earth conductors and bonds are listed below:
4mmx25mm Cu tape 6mmx25mm Al tape
4mmx40mm Cu tape 6mmx40mm Al tape
70mm2 or 95mm2 PVC covered copper - 120mm2 PVC covered aluminium

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Appendix G General
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May 2012

32mm PVC covered copper 50mm PVC covered aluminium

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Page Number










Assessment of Relevant Drivers

Requirements of the Electricity Act 1989
Requirements of the Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity (ESQC)
Regulation 2002
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
Electricity at Work Regulations


Key Requirements
New Networks
Existing Networks



New Networks
Existing Networks



Provision of CE Earth Terminals

Provision of CE earth terminals on networks with electrically continuous
sheaths or separate earth conductors
Provision of CE earth terminals on networks to which PME has been applied
Adequacy of Existing Bonding
Provision of an earth terminal after a cut-out change
Short-term safeguards for customers on substantial existing networks
without adequate earth-return facilities


PME and Multiple-Earthing Approvals


Maximum Earth Values at Secondary Distribution Substations


Earthing Arrangements On New LV Networks

New Underground Networks
New Overhead Networks





Earthing Arrangements on Existing LV Networks

Underground Networks with Electrically Continuous Sheaths
Underground Networks with Electrically Discontinuous Sheaths
Overhead Networks with Aerial Earth Wires
Overhead Networks without Aerial Earth Wires and which have not
been converted to PME or PNB
Overhead and Underground Networks which have been converted to PME


Earth Electrodes on PME Systems



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Appendix G General
Drawings to Document

Date of Issue

May 2012


Arrangements at Link Boxes and Pillars on PME Networks

Street Lighting and Other Street Furniture
The application of PME
Street Lighting Brackets Mounted on Poles or Buildings
Roadside and Other Housings Accessible to the Public
Existing Separate Street Lighting Mains with Inadequate Earth Return
Street Lighting Services from Electrical Ntworks with Inadequate Earth Return
Street Lighting Columns with Inaccessible Cable Shaeths

3.12 Supplies to Customers Direct from Subtaions

3.12.1 Ground Mounted Substations
3.12.2 Pole Mounted Substations (PNB)



Customer's Earthed-Sheath-Return Wiring Installation or Customer's

DistributionInstallation Using Combined Neutral and Earth Conductors
Non-Standard Networks with Inadeuate Neutrals

74 of 89


3.15. Customers Installations Requiring Special Attention

3.15.1 Construction Sites
3.15.2 Farms, Milking Parlours, Pig Stys, etc
3.15.3 Swimming Pools
3.15.4 Sports Pavilions
3.15.5 110V Centre-Tapped Supplies via an Isolating Transformer
3.15.6 Quarries
3.15.7 Petrol Filling Areas
3.15.8 Fairgrounds and Showgrounds
3.15.9 Rail Service Areas
Caravans, Moble Homes, Temporary Site offices, Boat
Installations andOutside Broadcast Vehicles
High-Rise Buildings and Building Complexes
Supply terminating in a Separate Building
PME and Outside Water Taps
Lightning Protection Systems
Roadside and Other Housings Accessible to the Public


3.16 Under-Eaves Wiring Installations

3.16.1 New Under-Eaves Wiring Installations
3.16.2 Existing Under-Eaves Wiring Installations


3.17 Customers' Private Generator Installations

3.17.1 PME/PNB Installations
3.17.2 Non-PME Installations





Connections to Mobile Phone Base Stations associated with

Transmission Towers or Primary Substations


Cathodic Protection Installations.


3.20. Earthing at HV Distribution Substation

3.20.1 Earthing Requirements at new Ground Mounted Distribution Substations

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Appendix G General
Drawings to Document

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May 2012


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General Earthing Requirements



Bonding and Control of Potential

Control of Potential



Distribution Substaion near or within a high Voltage Substaion or Tower



Customer Substations



Combined HV/LV Earths and the Global Earthing Concept



Construction Details
Installation of Electrodes
20/11/6.6kV Cables



Standard Arrangments
Standard Arrangement Drawings
Standard Arrangment Resistance Values
Separate LV Earth Arrangments
Standard Earthing Arrangemts for Brick or Similar Build Substations
Standard Earthing Arrangemts for Steel Framed or Kiosk Substations



Pole-Mounted Substations







Authority for Issue


Appendix A

Customers' Installations


Appendix B

Procedure to be Applied where a Customer is Reported to have

Inadequate Earths


Appendix C

Guidance on Minmising EMC Problems


Appendix D

Earth Electrode Testing


Appendix E

Type and Size of Earth Connections


Appendix F



Appendix G

General Drawings


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