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High Lift Aerofoils For Low Aspect Ratio Wings With Endplates

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Design of High-Lift Airfoils for Low Aspect Ratio Wings with Endplates

Ashok Gopalarathnam* and Michael S. Seligt

Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Frank Hsut
Advanced Engineering Center
Ford Motor Company
Dearborn, Michigan 48121

High-lift multi-element airfoils for low-aspect ratio
wings with endplates find application in race car rear
wings used to generate high aerodynamic down force.
Airfoils for such applications must not only generate
maximum lift (to maximize the down force) but also
must satisfy several geometric constraints imposed by
the race rules. Induced effects arising as a result of the
low aspect ratio determine the operating angle of attack
at which the lift is to be maximized. This paper presents
some of the challenges involved in designing such airfoils
and briefly describes the design methodology adopted in
the current work. A parametric study using a baseline
two-element airfoil is then presented to illustrate some
of the unusual results obtained as a consequence of satisfying the geometric constraints while maximizing the
wing down force.




ai =
p =

freestream velocity vector

induced downwash velocity
width of the constraint box
angle of attack (angle between V and the
induced angle of attack (ai = -a)
flap deflection
angle of the airfoil in the box
density of air

Most airfoils for practical aircraft applications are
typically designed to achieve not only a desired aerodynamic performance but also satisfy certain geometric constraints. Examples are constraints on maximum
thickness (for structural considerations), enclosed area
(for fuel volume considerations) and trailing-edge geometry (for manufacturing considerations).
This paper describes a design methodology used in
the design of two-element airfoils subject to some rather
unusual constraints on the geometry. The objective was
to design high-lift airfoils for race car rear wings to maximize the down force. As is well known, 1 increasing the
aerodynamic down force increases the maximum lateral
acceleration capability of the race car, allowing increases
in cornering speeds. Geometric constraints on the airfoil imposed by the race rules, however, make this design
problem challenging.
The current approach has been to use a multipoint
inverse design code 2 for rapid and interactive design of
two-element airfoils with desired inviscid velocity distributions and then analyze candidate designs using more
computationally intensive viscous codes, in particular,
MSES, 3 FUN2D 4 and NSU2D. 5 The results from the
viscous codes were then used to provide feedback to the
designer to further refine the performance of the airfoils. A MATLAB-based graphical user interface (GUI)
was developed for interactively executing the various elements of the design code and for plotting the resulting airfoil along with the constraints on the geometry

= flap-element chord
Cm = main-element chord
= total chord, Cm + CJ
C1 =airfoil lift coefficient, l/lpV 2 w
CL =wing lift coefficient, Lh,pV:;,w
= ratio of the gap to the total chord
h = height of the constraint box
= local "2D" lift per unit span
L = wing lift per unit span
V = local velocity vector at an airfoil section


Copyright 1997 by Ashok Gopalarathnam, Michael

S. Selig and Frank Hsu. Published by the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. with
*Graduate Research Assistant, 306 Talbot Laboratory. Student Member AIAA.
. t Assistant Professor, 306 Talbot Laboratory. Senior
Member AIAA.
:j:Technical Specialist, MD 71, AEC 4507, 20000 Rotunda Drive.

AIAA Paper 97-2232

Presented at the AIAA 15th Applied Aerodynamics Conference
June 23-25, 1997, Atlanta, GA

Box constraint

Table 1: Dimensions of the wing and endplates as used

in the current study.


Wing span = 43 in.

Box height h = 5 in.
Box width w = 20 in.
Box h/u: = 0.25
Wing aspect ratio = 2.15
Endplate chord = 20 in.
Endplate height = 8 in.
Effective wing aspect ratio = 2.57

Box width "w"

Fig. 1 Typical geometric constraints on indy car rear

and the velocity distributions. The interface also allows
graphical editing of the geometric parameters such as
flap position, size, angle, etc. Such an interactive design
tool was key to performing trade studies to assess the
relative importance of the different design variables in
maximizing the lift while satisfying the constraints.
This paper gives a brief description of typical geometric constraints imposed by the race rules, that is, the resulting restrictions that they impose on the design. The
induced flow due the low aspect ratio wings is then discussed and followed by a brief description of the method
used in the current work to determine the operating angle of attack of the airfoil. The next section compares
the design philosophies commonly used in the design
of high-lift multi-element airfoils and demonstrates why
they may not be applicable when there are severe constraints on the geometry, such as those laid down by the
race car rules. Finally, a three-part parametric study
has been used to illustrate the design process, the challenges imposed on the design by the constraints and the
rather unusual results obtained as a result of designing
for high-lift while satisfying the geometric constraints.
The parametric study presents results from both viscous
and inviscid computations.
It should be noted that in this paper, except in Fig. 1,
the airfoils will be shown "upside down," that is, flipped
with respect to their orientation on the race car. Also,
the airfoils will be referred to as having "high lift" rather
than "high down force."


Fig. 2 Finite wing corrections.

It is to be noted, however, that the geometric constraints usually vary from year to year. For the present
study, two-element airfoils have been considered, and a
box size hjw ratio of 0.25 has been assumed, along with
the wing and constraint box dimensions listed in Table 1.
The endplate size has been assumed to be identical to
that of the constraint box.
Since the maximum span as limited by the race rules
results in a very low aspect ratio wing, the downwash
induced by the trailing vortex system is quite high and
increases with increasing wing lift. As demonstrated in
Fig. 2, the low aspect ratio of the wing, coupled with
the restriction that the bottom edge of the box must
be parallel to the ground, results in a highly negative
operating angle of attack for the airfoil. Consequently,
the design problem becomes one of maximizing the lift
at a negative angle of attack.
While there is no direct contribution to the lift from
the endplates, the endplates result in an effective increase in the aspect ratio, and hence a less negative operating angle of attack. Thus, they play an "indirect" role
in increasing the maximum lift. In the current work, the
effect of endplates has been accounted for by increasing
the geometric aspect ratio of the wing based a simple 3D model of a short aspect wing with endplates modeled
according to Ref. 7. Table 1 lists the effective aspect
ratio used in the present study.

The Constraints on the Geometry

This section describes the constraints imposed on the
rear wing geometry by the race rules. Typically, the
rules specify that the geometry of the airfoil be constrained to a rectangular box referred to in this paper as
the "constraint box" of specified dimensions. 6 Also specified are the maximum number of elements, the maximum span of the wing and the maximum dimensions
of the endplates. The rules further restrict the bottom
edge of the box to be parallel !o the ground, making
_the freest ream velocity vector V00 parallel to the bottom edge of the box (see Fig. 1). Figure 1 shows a
two-element airfoil in a typical indy car rear wing box


Determination of Operating Condition

Effective wing aspect ratio = 2.57

The induced downwash corresponding to any given

value of wing lift can be computed using the finite-wing
theory for high-lift, low aspect-ratio wings documented
in Ref. 8. This theory assumes an elliptic lift distribution, but differs from the conventional lifting-line theory for elliptically loaded wings in that the trailing vortex wake is assumed to trail not in the direction of the
freest ream velocity vector V=, but in the direction of
the local velocity vector V. The wake is therefore deflected down from the horizontal by an angle equal to
the induced downwash angle a;.







Figure 2 illustrates the effect of the induced downwash

on the operating angle of attack of the airfoil. Consider
the two-element airfoil in the constraint box in Fig. 2.
Since the wing is generating positive lift, there is an
induced downwash w that results in the local velocity
vector V as shown in the figure. As can be seen from
the figure, the assumption that the trailing vortex wake
is at an angle a; to the freestream, results in the downwash velocity vector w being tilted at an angle a; to
the vertical. As a consequence, the local velocity vector
V has a smaller magnitude than that of the freestream
velocity vector V= Also seen in Fig. 2 is that the angle
of attack a relative to the x-axis is exactly equal to the
induced angle a;, but with the sign reversed.

Airfoil C1
Wing CL



Fig. 3 Variation of airfoil

downwash angle.

<lj (deg)


and wing


c L with induced


Effective wing aspect ratio


= 2.57

Figure 3 shows the variation of airfoil Ct and wing C L

corresponding to various values of the induced downwash angle a;, as a result of satisfying the finite-wing
theory. The airfoil Ct is less than the wing C L not only
because the wing lift per unit span L is smaller than
the local lift per unit span l, but also because the local velocity vector V is smaller in magnitude than the
freestream velocity V00 Figure 4 shows the variation
of the wing lift coefficient C L with the airfoil lift coefficient C1, obtained as a result of satisfying the finite-wing

~ 1.5



To illustrate the determination of the operating angle

of attack for any airfoil in the constraint box, consider
the two-element airfoil of Fig. 2. This airfoil can be
analyzed to obtain the Ct vs. a variation, where a is
defined relative to the x-axis (the top edge of the box.
in this case). The Ct vs. a curves for this airfoil as
obtained from 1) an inviscid analysis using .MCARF, a
panel method, and 2) a viscous analysis using FUN2D,
a Navier-Stokes code, are plotted in Fig. 5, along with
the airfoil C1 vs. a; obtained as a result of satisfying the
finite-wing theory. The operating angles of attack, as
shown in the figure, are the intersections of the curves
from analysis and finite-wing theory. As seen in Fig. 5,
the operating condition for inviscid flow is different from
that for viscous flow.


airfoil C1


Fig. 4 Variation of wing CL with airfoil C 1

Design Methodology
The design methodology in the current work has been
to use a multipoint inverse design code for multi-element
airfoils 2 coupled with a custom MATLAB-based graphical user interface (GUI) for rapid and interactive design
of two-element airfoils with desired inviscid velocitv distributions. Candidate designs are then analyzed ~sing
more computationally intensive viscous codes, in particular, MSES, 3 FUN2D 4 and NSU2D. 5 The results from
the viscous codes were then used to provide feedback to
further refine the performance of the airfoils.

Ste 1
Use initial values of !l.v,E,m & Llv,E,f to generate
airfoils for the elements using PROFOIL

Effective wing aspect ratio = / 2.57


operating point

Viscous operating point





Main airfoil



Ste 2
Scale and position airfoils according to
specified geometry

C1 vs. a; from Fig. 3

lnviscid C1 vs. a (MCARF)
Viscous C1 vs. a (FUN2D)



=- <lj


condition 1


condition 2

Fig. 5 Illustration of the method used to determine the

operating angle of attack.
The inverse design method of Ref. 2 for multi-element
airfoils uses a hybrid approach by coupling an isolatedairfoil multipoint design code (PROFOIL 9 ) to generate
each element of the multi-element airfoil and a twodimensional panel method (MCARF 10 ) to analyze the
multi-element airfoil. The method makes use of the
observation that changes in the velocity distribution
over the elements in isolation result in remarkably similar changes in the velocity distributions over the corresponding elements of the multi-element airfoil. Newton
iteration is used to adjust the velocity distributions over
the airfoils in isolation to obtain desired multi-element
velocity distributions. Figure 6 shows an overview of
the inverse design method, more details of which are
documented in Ref. 2.
A custom MATLAB-based GUI was developed to enable the designer to interactively execute the various
elements of the design code and subsequently plot the
resulting airfoil geometries and the corresponding velocity distributions along with the geometric constraints.
While the multi-element inverse method has both PROFOIL and MCARF embedded in it, the GUI provided
the designer with additional capability of executing either PROFOIL to generate/modify any of the two elements of the airfoil, or MCARF to obtain a panelmethod solution for the two-element airfoil. In addition.
the GUI has several features that allow the designer to
edit the geometry of the multi-element airfoil using the
cursor, enabling several parametric studies to be performed in a rapid and interactive manner. All of the
two-element airfoils used in the parametric studies that
follow were generated using this GUI.

Compare !l. VME,m with specification vm and

!l. VME.t with specification v,

Airfoil design is complete

Step 5
Use Newton iteration to change !l. v,E m & !l.v,E f
Ste 6
Use new values of .1.V1E,m & !l. V1E.t to generate
new airfoils for the elements using PROFOIL.
Go to Step 2
Fig. 6 An overview of the inverse design method for
multi-element airfoils.

While the GUI allowed rapid design of several candidate two-element airfoils with desired inviscid velocity distributions subject to geometric constraints,
more computationally intensive codes such as MSES, 3
FUN2D 4 and NSU2D 5 were used to obtain the viscous
behavior of these airfoils. In this paper, only the results
from FU::"J2D are presented.


High Lift Design Philosophy

This section describes briefly the design philosophies
used in conventional high-lift airfoil design and demonstrates that such philosophies are not effective when the
airfoil is required to maximize the lift, while satisfying
the box constraint. A new design philosophy is then proposed for the design of high-lift airfoils for the current
Conventional high-lift single and multi-element airfoils, which do not have any restriction on the operating
angle of attack, are typically designed so that the velocity distributions on the upper surface of each element
has the highest possible rooftop velocity over the forward portion, followed by a Stratford pressure recovery
to keep the turbulent boundary layer close to separation,
with high aft-loading at the trailing-edge. 11 12 13
Airfoils designed using such a philosophy do not perform well on indy car rear wings that have to maximize
the lift while operating at a highly negative angle of attack. To demonstrate this point, a two-element airfoil
was designed to have a Ct,max of approximately 4.5. Figure 7a shows this two-element airfoil and the inviscid velocity distribution at the high-lift condition corresponding to a C1 of 4.5. Figure 7b demonstrates that when
this airfoil is constrained to operate within the box, the
cl drops to 1.59 owing to the negative operating angle
of attack.
Therefore, a new high-lift design philosophy has been
developed for the current application. The philosophy
is to have as high a suction peak as possible at the leading edge of the main element upper surface, and as high
an aft-loading as possible at the trailing edge while still
satisfying the geometric constraints. The flap is used
to load the trailing edge of the main element. Figure 8
shows a two-element airfoil designed with such a philosophy and the inviscid velocity distribution corresponding at the operating condition. The inviscid C1 for this
airfoil is approximately 2.2 while satisfying the box constraints.



(b) 2

Parametric Study
In this section, a three-part parametric study is presented to illustrate some of the unusual results obtained
as a consequence of satisfying the geometric constraints.
The two-element airfoil shown with the constraint box


= 1.59

Fig. 7 Airfoil designed for high-lift (a) at high-lift condition without box constraint (b) operating with box





1.1 ~


1.0 .....






0.7 -g













Baseline airfoil analyzed using FU

a= -12 deg
Re = 2.4 million
Iteration number

0.6 E




Fig. 10 Residual plot and convergence of the normalized


shows the convergence of the airfoil C1 and residual after 500 iterations (in this case, for the baseline airfoil
at an angle of attack of -12 deg relative to the x-axis).
For a typical case, a three-level multi-grid analysis was
performed, with approximately 50,000 nodes for level
1, approximately 20,000 nodes for level 2, and approximately 10,000 nodes for level 3. Typical run times for
500 iterations were approximately 40 min on a Cray C90
for a solution at a single angle of attack.

Fig. 8 Airfoil designed to produce high-lift while satisfying box constraint.

Effect of the Angle of the Airfoil in the Box

In this part of the study, the gap ( non-dimensionalized
by the sum of the chord of the main and flap elements)
and the flap-to-main chord ratio have been maintained
constant. The angle 1 of the airfoil in the box as defined by the angle between the chord line of the main
element and the x-axis has been varied to study its effect on the wing C L. In all cases, the two-element airfoils
were scaled to the largest chord while satisfying the box
constraint at the specified value of r.
Figures lla-c show the baseline airfoil having 1 =
0.2 deg, two airfoils resulting from 1 = -4.8 and 5.4 deg,
and the corresponding velocity distributions. Figure 12
shows the variation of the wing C L with 1 from both viscous and inviscid computations at their respective operating conditions. As seen from the figure, while there
is negligible change in the wing CL with increasing values of r above the baseline, there is a sharp decrease in
the CL for values of r less than the baseline. The reason for this behavior can be deduced by examining the
variation of the airfoil scale factor (factor by which the
airfoil has been scaled down from the baseline case) and

Fig. 9 Two-element airfoil used as the baseline for the

parametric study.
in Fig. 9 is used as the baseline airfoil for the study. The
first part of the parametric study focuses on the effect
of the angle 1 of the airfoil in the box, the second part
on the effect of the flap-to-main chord ratio cJ / Cm and
the third part on the gap g between the main and the
flap elements as a ratio of the sum of the total chord Ct.
In all three parts, results from both inviscid and viscous analyses are presented. Inviscid computations were
performed using the GUI to execute the panel method
MCARF. The execution time was less than 5 seconds to
analyze an airfoil over a range of angles of attack.
The viscous computations \vere performed using
FUN2D, a two-dimensional unstructured Navier-Stokes
code. 4 All the airfoils in the parametric study were analyzed at a Reynolds number (based on the box width w)
of 2.4 x 106 and a Mach number of 0.2, which are the
design conditions for the rear-wing airfoils. Figure 10




Airfoil B (Baseline)
0.2 deg

Airfoil C
5.4 deg

Fig. 11 The airfoils and inviscid velocity distributions resulting from (a) 1

-4.8 deg, (b) 1

0.2 deg and (c)

1 = 5.4 deg.


the operating angle of attack with 1. These variations

are shown in Figs. 13a and b. For values of 1 greater
than that of the baseline, the scale factor of the airfoils
decreases rapidly. This decrease, however, is nearly offset by increasing values of the operating angle of attack,
resulting in a nearly constant lift for values of 1 greater
than that of the baseline. On the other hand, for values
of 1 less than that of the baseline, both the operating
angle of attack and the scale factor decrease, resulting
in the sharp decrease in the wing lift.
Another remarkable result of this parametric study is
that the trends in variation in wing C L with 1 for both
the inviscid and viscous computations are almost identical. The reason for the similarity in the trends is that
the effect of 1 is driven almost entirely by the shape of
the constraint box. The similarity in the trends demonstrate the usefulness of selecting "promising" candidate
airfoil sections using the rapid, interactive inviscid design method before performing highly intensive viscous
analyses to select the "best" candidates.

lnviscid results (MCARF)

Viscous results (FUN2D)



o-- -o- .



/ B

g' 1.6


/ A









y (deg)
Fig. 12 Effect of 1 on wing C L.

Effect of the Flap-to-Main Chord Ratio

For the second part of the study, the angle ~~ of the
airfoil in the box, the total chord (Ct = Cm + c1) and
gap ( non-dimensionalized by Ct) have been maintained
constant. and the flap-to-main chord ratio c 1 I Cm has
been varied. In each case, the trailing edge of the flap
was fixed at the bottom-right corner of the box, and
the flap angle b1 relative to the main element chord was
varied until the specified gap was obtained.

Figures 14a-c show the baseline airfoil having

= 0.30, two airfoils with c1lcm values of0.25 and
0.35, and the corresponding wlocity distributions. The
variation in the wing C L from both viscous and inviscid
computations with c 1 I Cm is shown in Fig. 15. Figure 16
shows the variation of b1 with the flap-to-main chord
ratio. It is seen that the imiscid computations show a






~ -10

0 0.9





.m 0.85



B /



0 -20


lnviscid results (MCARF)

Viscous results (FUN2D)







-5 r-----.-------.---c-""'""/-



y (deg)


-1 5

-1 0



y (deg)

Fig. 13 Variation of (a) scale factor and (b) operating a with f.






Airfoil A
c1 /cm = 0.25

Airfoil B (Baseline)
c1 /em= 0.30

Airfoil C
c1 /em= 0.35

Fig. 14 The airfoils and inviscid velocity distributions resulting from (a) CJICm = 0.25, (b) cJicm = 0.30 and (c)
CJ I em = 0.35.
This study demonstrates that while the inviscid design tool is good for rapidly generating candidate airfoils, there is clearly a need for viscous analysis codes to
select design parameters that maximize the lift.

monotonically increasing trend for the wing C L with decreasing cf I em. The reason for this behavior can be understood by observing that, in this study, the flap angle
OJ increases with decreasing values of cJiem. The inviscid analyses are driving the design to a configuration
where the two-element airfoil nearly "crawls" along the
top and right-hand edges of the constraint box. For very
high values of bf, however, the flow begins to separate.
resulting in an optimum value of c f I Cm below which the
wing C L decreases because of separation resulting from
the high flap deflections.

Effect of the Gap

For this part of the study, the angle 1 of the airfoil in
the box and flap-to-main chord ratio cJicm have been
maintained constant. The ratio gap-to-total-chord g has
been altered. In each case, the trailing edge of the flap
was fi..xed at the bottom-right corner of the constraint
box, and the flap angle was varied until the specified








~ 1.6












lnviscid results (MCARF)

Viscous results (FUN2D)




Fig. 16 Variation of 8f with flap-to-main chord ratio.








Fig. 15 Effect of ctfc.n on wing CL.




Airfoil A

Airfoil B

Airfoil C (Baseline)
gap= 100%

Fig. 17 The airfoils resulting from (a) gap= 30%, (b) gap= 50% and (c) gap= 100% of the gap of the baseline
gap was obtained.
Figure 17a-c shows the baseline airfoil having g =
.0.02, and two airfoils with gap values of 50% and 30%
of the gap of the baseline airfoil. The variation in the
wing C L with gap from both inviscid and viscous computations is shown in Fig. 18. As can be expected. the

inviscid wing C L increases with decreasing gap values.

\Vhen the gap becomes very small. however, viscous effects such as confluent boundary layers and wakes tend
to reduce the lift generated, resulting in a value of gap
below which there is a decrease in the wing CL. This
study again emphasizes the importance of performing

2.2 r---...----.------.------,

fying the geometric constraints. In addition, the study

demonstrates the effectiveness of using rapid inviscid inverse design tools to select candidate airfoils, which can
then be analyzed using more computationally intensive
viscous codes to select the "best" airfoil.






c: 1.6


--- - - -

The support of the Ford Motor Company is gratefully
acknowledged. Also, Dimitri :\Iavriplis (Scientic Simulations) and Chun-Keet Song (University of Illinois) are
thanked for their efforts in running the N avier-Stokes
code NSU2D, the results of which were not presented in
this paper yet nevertheless supported the conclusions of
this work.






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2 Gopalarathnam, A. and Selig, M.S., "A Multipoint Inverse r-.Iethod for Multi-Element Airfoil Design," AIAA
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3 Drela,
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Feb. 1993.
4 Anderson, \V.K., and Bonhaus, D.L., "Navier-Stokes
Computations and Experimental Comparisons for Multielement Airfoil Configurations," AIAA Paper 93-0645,
Jan. 1993
5 Valarezo, W.O. and Mavriplis, D.J., "Navier-Stokes
Applications to High-Lift Airfoil Analysis," AIAA Paper
93-3534, Aug. 1993.
Anonymous, 1997 CART Rule Book, Championship
Auto Racing Teams, Inc., Troy, MI, 1997.
7 Schlichting, H. and Truckenbrodt, E., "Aerodynamics
of the Airplane," McGraw-Hill International Book Company, 1'\ew York, 1979.
8 McCormick, B.W., Jr., "Aerodynamics of V/STOL
Flight," Academic Press, New York, 1967.
9 Selig, :\I.S. and l\Iaughmer, :\I.D., "A Multi-Point Inverse Airfoil Design Method Based on Conformal r-.Iapping," AIAA Journal, Vol. 30, No. 5, 1992, pp. 11621170.
10 Morgan, H.L., Jr., "A Computer Program for the
Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoils in Two-Dimensional,
Subsonic, Viscous Flow," NASA SP-347, March 1975.
nsmith. A.M.O., "High-Lift Aerodynamics," Journal of
Aircraft, Vol. 12, No. 9, 1975, pp. 501-530.
Liebeck. R.. ''Subsonic Airfoil Design," in Applied Computational Aerodynamics. P.A. Henne (Ed.),
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Selig, :\LS. and Guglielmo, J .J., "High-Lift Low
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lnviscid results (MCARF)

Viscous results (FUN2D)



gap /gap of baseline (%)


Fig. 18 Effect of gap on wing CL.

viscous computations in designing two-element airfoils
for high-lift.
The paper has dealt with issues involved in designing
high lift airfoils for race car applications. The severe
constraints on the geometry of the airfoil imposed by
the race rules coupled with the low aspect ratio wing
present some unusual design challenges for the airfoil.
As demonstrated in the paper, the geometric constraints
result in the airfoil having to produce high-lift while operating at a highly negative angle of attack. The conventional approach to designing for high lift without an
angle of attack constraint, that is, not subject to a box
constraint. has little bearing on the current approach.
A methodology has been developed for designing such
airfoils. The method uses a graphical user interface
to drive an inverse airfoil design method for designing
multi-element airfoils to achieve a desired inviscid behavior. This interface allows for rapid, interactive design
of several candidate airfoils that satisfy the geometric
constraints. Computationally intensive viscous methods are then used to analyze the viscous performance of
candidate airfoils.
A three-part parametric study has been presented,
which examines the effect of the angle of the airfoil in
.the box. the flap-to-main chord ratio and the gap on the
wing lift. Results from both inviscid and viscous computations are presented. The parametric study shows
some of the unusual results obtained as a result of satis10

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