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Line Organization Structure

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LINE ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE:Line organization structure is perhaps the oldest and the

simplest form of organization and is also known as scalar military, vertical or

departmental organizations. Under this organization the line of authority flows
vertically from top to bottom. There is a single head of the organization who
commands the whole affairs. The chief executive holds the authority and he
delegates it to the subordinates and the subordinates further delegate the authority
to their subordinates and it reaches to the bottom.
Chief Characteristics of Line Organization:(i) It implies vertical relationships. The authority and instructions flow from the to
the top bottom.
(ii) The principal of unity of command is followed, i,e, each subordinate receives
instructions only from his immediate superior and is responsible to him alone.
(iii) This structure specifies responsibility and authority for all the positions limiting
the area of action by a particular position holder.
(iv) All persons at the same level are independent and are only responsible to the
chief executive.
2. DEPARTMENTAL LINE ORGANIZATION:Under this form of organization, the entire activities of the organization are divided
into various departments on the basis of some similarity headed by one
departmental superintendent. Each department is self-contained unit in itself and is
responsible only to the chief executive.
Chief Characteristics of Departmental Line Organization:(i) This form is very simple in both understanding and implementation.
It can easily be explained to workers. They have no confusion in their authority.
responsibility and roles.
(ii) Shirking of responsibility is not possible under this form of organization because
the responsibility is fixed at each level of hierachy. Everyone knows to whom he is
responsible and who os responsible to him. In this way discipline is maintained in
the organization.
(iii) Unification of authority, control and fixed responsibility ensure quick and prompt
decision making possible.
(iv) This form has the advantage of flexibility The adjustment and changes can
easily to made with the changing conditions due to unified control and fixed
(v) It follows the principle of scalar chain. The executive head at the top of the line
is responsible for the acts of line personnel the commands the whole line and
greater control, discipline and better direction is possible.
LINE AND STAFF ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE:This type of organization has been evolved to achieve the advantages of the two
forms of organization; line organization and functional organization, The first insists
two much on the unity of command while the later insists too much on
decentralization on control. In order to strike a happy balance between the two, the

line and staff organization was evolved. In this organization, the structure is
basically that of line organization but staff officers who are functional experts are
provided to advice the line authorities in the performance of their duties.
Chief Characteristics of Line and Staff Organization Structure:(i) This system combines the advantages of the line and the functional organization.
The line organization insists on unity of command and the functional organization
insists on decentralized of control for specialization purposes.
(ii) As because staff people are consulted before taking and decision. The quality of
decision is certainly high. Some methods adopted by IBM for effective organization.

Duties and responsibilities of civil engineer

1. A civil engineer must start from analyzing various areas and factors that are related to
designing and construction
2. Find, investigate and examine the location of the site and verify whether it is appropriate
for construction purposes
3. Its the job of a civil engineer to work according to a plan with regards to what are the
key essentials and what needs to be modified before the construction starts
4. Review and approve project reports and designs

5. A civil engineer should develop detailed design layout that covers the requirement of the
6. Assess both challenges and potential risks of the planned project
7. Undertake initiatives for risk management and take appropriate steps for it
8. A civil engineers job also includes putting across construction proposal and site to the
specified officials and supervising the tendering process.
9. Ensure that the said rules, regulations and guidelines are followed without any exception
10. While the project is undergoing, a civil engineer is also responsible for safety measures
on site
11. Analyze and examine different strategies, equations and applications to ensure
appropriate procedure application
12. The civil engineer must also check if all tools and techniques like procedures of chemical
testing, land surveying, drafting software and electrical test devices are working properly.
13. Monitor the operations and working of staff on the site
14. Interact and communicate effectively with other subcontractors, architects and
15. The civil engineer must think creatively and logically to resolve various issues in the
development process
16. Set a perfect schedule for purchase of equipments and raw materials
17. Last but not the least, the civil engineer must ensure that the project is completed on time
within the planned budget.
Site engineer shall be accountable for the following tasks and responsibilities:

Studying the work plan submitted by the contactor and suggests any

To watch and inspect the construction work and assure that it is done in full

accordance with the drawings, technical specifications and bills of quantities.

Supervising the works on site in accordance with the contract documents and

using the template and procedure established by the consultant.

Inspecting and testing materials prior to their use at site as per sample approved

by the consultant and ensuring removal of rejected material out from site.
Ensuring the correct implementation of the works according to technical

specifications, to designs and quality of materials

Checking of layout and setting out of buildings w.r.t. existing structures and site

Preparing list of tests that may be required and following these tests to be carried

out at site. Keeping a log of all test conducted at site.

Checking and testing of completed works before they are covered by the

contractor, taking photos on a regular basis and also on account of defective work.
Checking and ensuring that the site is arranged as per the site management plan
and that all measures are taken for site safety and the safety of the third parties in
the vicinity of the site

Ensuring that health and safety measures are adopted and followed to the full

extent and
prepare weekly report and suggest and instruct additional safety measures if

Preparation of list of critical items and its close monitoring.

Maintain a filing system for all site memos and instructions, measured quantities
of work and materials on site, reports and other documents and correspondence
pertaining to the construction activities.
Maintain a site order book to be made available for the consultants and senior
officers to write comments or defects in construction noticed during site visits and

carrying out compliance at site

Administrative Functions:

He/she will be required from time to time to assist the Administrative head /

Interacting with local authorities/ departments for statutory approval/certificates

as and when instructed

Performing other relevant duties as assigned Administrative head / consultants.


Weekly progress reports per each project/contract assigned

Compliance of comments on defective or rejected work in the site order book.

Update of work plan of the contracts monthly

Duly maintain an electronic library of photos of the progress of the works

Monitoring and progress controls

Monitoring daily progress of site.

Preparing weekly progress report to be submitted to the Project director and

Keeping track of the days worked in line with the days in the contract.


A civil engineer has to conceive, plan, estimate, get approval, create and maintain all civil engineering infrastructure activities. Civil engineer has a very important role in the development of
the following infrastructures:
1. Measure and map the earths surface.
2. Plan and develop extensions of towns and cities.
3. Build the suitable structures for the rural and urban areas for various utilities.
4. Build the tanks and dams to exploit water resources.
5. Build river navigation and flood control projects.
6. Build canals and distributories to take water to agricultural fields.
7. Purify and supply water to needy areas like houses, schools, offices etc.
8. Provide and maintain communication systems like roads, railways, harbours and airports.
9. Devise systems for control and efficient flow of traffic.
10. Provide, build and maintain drainage and waste water disposal system.

11. Monitor land, water and air pollution, and take measures to control them. Fast growing
industrialization has put heavy responsibilities on civil engineers to preserve and protect

1. Overview
On award of the Contract, RTH Construction will develop a basic organization
structure for the execution of the project. The structure will:

provide direct lines of authority and responsibility within the project

assume close interaction between disciplines and departments to facilitate
exchange of information.
provide integration of Client & Consulting personnel with RTH Constructions

A dedicated Task Force will be established to provide total project support. This will
be led by the Project Manager who is responsible for the success of the project and
ensure that all phases of the project are properly executed.

The task force utilized in the front end activities would also be used in later phases
of the project, such as the design, construction and commissioning activities:

The objectives in controlling the project are to ensure

the project is completed on schedule and within budget.

the completed facilities comply with relevant contractual specifications and local
government regulations.
proper communication are established at all levels, including Client and Consulting

2. Planning / Scheduling
The planning / schedule function supports management at all levels in the
identification, scheduling and monitoring of project. Its prime planning functions

development and maintenance of work breakdown structure that identifies the

project product.
development and maintenance of the project master schedule and task schedules,
which show the major activities and key events required to complete the program
and their inter-relationships and dependencies.
monitoring of performance compared with schedules and reporting of status to all
management levels.
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analysis of variances, recommendation of corrective action and co-ordination of
replanning as required.

A master schedule is initially developed by the Project Planner. The master schedule
is made up of all the important activities at project management level and
establishes milestones for the major phases of the project tasks. Once the task
schedules have been developed, the master schedule is revised and adjusted to
reflect task objectives and their interfaces. These schedule are updated on weekly
or monthly basis and submitted to Client & Consultant per Contract requirements.

3. Materials Control
A Materials Controller will be responsible for effective control and distribution of all
materials and equipment ordered for the project.

The Controller will monitoring and control all material activities subsequent to the
preparation for bill of quantities and requisitions until issue for fabrication of
disposal as surplus or scrap.

Materials Control at sites have functional responsibilities to the Procurement

Manager who monitors their activities ensuring adherence to procedures for:

Surplus disposal
Local purchase and delivery
Site close out

After from the Purchasing function which is covered separately by the Procurement
Office, the Materials Controller is responsible for

ensuring that circulation of all materials related documentation up to and

including the requisition avoids delays within and between the contributing
maintaining log and monitoring progress of vendor drawing, etc. received against
know requirements.

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monitoring receipt of requisition.

assignment and control of field expeditors who are in close contract with
manufacturers, fabricators and suppliers of material order and closely monitor
progress of work including sub-vendors.
co-ordination of inspection services to ensure that QA are alerted in time and that
inspection is completed on schedule. (In some cases the Field Expeditor also serves
as QA Inspector and vice-versa).
co-ordinator of packing and transportation arrival at the manufacturers plant.

4. Fabrication Management
Project control systems to assist the Fabrication Management to ensure project
completion on time and within schedule will be developed in accordance with the
Contract conditions.

The fabrication shop is controlled by a Shop Engineer, with support staff assigned to
him. It is the responsibility of the shop management team to ensure that the
fabrication schedules are met, within budget and in accordance with both the
drawing and specifications and the requirements of Client & Consultant.

The Shop Engineer will work in close collaboration with the Construction Manager
and Consulting team representative.

5. Construction Management
During the construction/site erection phase, the project management teams
function includes, but not necessarily limited to, the following tasks:

review Site Safety Conditions.

review and formulate methods of construction, rigging and quality control
procedures to ensure good workmanship and adherence to all required plans and

continually supervise work in progress.

maintain up-to-date construction progress charts for all major phases of
regularly report construction progress.
take timely corrective action if construction progress is not generally on schedule.
where design concepts or basic criteria are not modified, initiate field changes
which may be required for the expeditious implementation of the work.

where specialist or skilled trades are required, ensure that qualified craftsmen are
assigned to the work.
carry out performance and operating tests of major equipments and systems.
review and verify periodic requests for payment by sub-contractor.
establish and enforce a mechanical completion check-list.

6. Pre-commissioning and commissioning

This phase of the project is, in part, concurrent with the final stages of construction.
As mechanical work and tests are completed and provisional acceptance made,
Construction management turns over jurisdictional control to the Client &
Consultant commissioning team for plant commissioning.

Commissioning will be performance by cleaning, purging and making the facilities fit
for operations. Commissioning procedures are continued until operation of all
constructed facilities has been established and deemed safe for normal, routine

The following items will be included in commissioning procedures prior to start-up:

field check of piping and instrumentation against respective P & I diagrams.

check rotation of rotating equipment.

check functioning of all safety devices and review safety procedures with
review equipment guarantees and warranties to ensure start-up conditions do not
nullify guarantees.
review availability and inventory of spare parts and expendable commodities at
plant site.

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