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Tamil Nadu Environment Policy 2017 English

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Department of Environment
Government of Tamil Nadu

Korattur Lake Chetpet Lake

Department of Environment
Panagal Building (Ground Floor), No.1, Jeenis Road, Saidapet, Chennai - 600 015.
Tel : 044-24336421 Fax : 044-24336594 Email : Web :

Common Effluent Treatment Plant




Government of Tamil Nadu
Panagal Building (Ground Floor), No.1, Jeenis Road, Saidapet, Chennai - 600 015.
Department of Environment
Tel : 044-24336421 Fax : 044-24336594 Email : Web : Government of Tamil Nadu


The Tamil Nadu State Environment Policy 2017 prepared by the Department of
Environment, Government of Tamil Nadu follows the Vision Tamil Nadu 2023
launched by the late Hon’ble Chief Minister Dr. J Jayalalithaa, Government of Tamil
Nadu in March 2012, which identifies preservation of ecology and heritage as a key
theme underlying the Vision Tamil Nadu 2023.

Tamil Nadu State Environment Policy 2017 is the outcome of extensive

consultations with Experts in different disciplines, Departments and Agencies of
Government of Tamil Nadu, Industry Associations, Academic and Research
Institutions, Civil Society and the Public.

The Department of Environment, Government of Tamil Nadu undertook

extensive consultations and constituted four sub-committees to provide inputs to Tamil
Nadu State Environment Policy 2017 on Industry, Coastal Management, Natural
Resources and Institutional Framework. In addition, the Department also obtained
inputs from several stakeholders through its website and through email. We duly
acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of the experts and officials who
participated in the deliberations of these sub-committees.

We are also grateful to officials of line departments and agencies of Government

of Tamil Nadu that contributed actively. Finally, we thank the several stakeholders from
Civil Society, Academia and Industry who contributed to this effort in the form of
written submissions and oral contributions during the deliberations while formulating
this policy document.

Page No.

2.1.1. Water Resources 5
2.1.2. Air 9
2.1.3. Land 11
2.1.4. Coastal Zones 12
2.1.5. Forests, Wildlife and Bio-diversity 14
2.2.1. Agriculture 17
2.2.2. Industrial development 21
2.2.3. Urbanisation 24
2.2.4. Energy 26
2.2.5. Mining and Quarrying 27

Acronyms NEP 2006 - National Environment Policy 2006

BGA - Blue Green Algae NGOs - Non Governmental Organisations

CARE AIR - Centre for Accessing Real Time Air (Quality) Information Report NLCP - National Lake Conservation Plan

CCA RAI - Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Areas of India NPM - Non-Pesticidal Management

CEMS - Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems NRCP - National River Conservation Plan

CNG - Compressed Natural Gas PAs - Protected Areas

CRZ - Coastal Regulation Zone PUC - Pollution Under Control

DoE - Department of Environment R&D - Research and Development

SAPCC - State Action Plan on Climate Change

EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment
SEIAA - State Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority
ENVIS - Environmental Information System
SIDCO - Small Industries Development Corporation
EPA 1986 - Environment Protection Act 1986
SIPCOT - State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu
ETRP - Emergency Tsunami Reconstruction Project - Square Kilometre
FTC - Forest and Tree Cover
SPI - System of Pulses Intensification
GHGs - Greenhouse gases
SRI - System of Rice Intensification
GIS - Geographic Information System
SSI - Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative
GoI - Government of India
SWM - Solid Waste Management
GoTN - Government of Tamil Nadu
TIDCO - Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation
IPM - Integrated Pest Management
TN - Tamil Nadu
km - Kilometre
TNSEP - Tamil Nadu State Environment Policy
LNG - Liquified Natural Gas
TNPCB - Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board
MoEF&CC - Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
TNSCZMA - Tamil Nadu State Coastal Zone Management Authority
MSMEs - Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
TNSP - Tamil Nadu Solar Policy
MW - Megawatt UAs - Urban Agglomerations
NAPCC - National Action Plan on Climate Change WSF - Water Soluble Fertilizers



The State of Tamil Nadu is situated in the southern part of the country between
8° 5' - 13° 35' North latitude and 76° 15' - 80° 20' East longitude. The total area of the
State is 1,30,058, making it the eleventh largest State in the country. Tamil Nadu
has 32 districts. Tamil Nadu is one of the important Coastal States having a coastline of
1076 km. To its east is the Bay of Bengal and at its southernmost tip is the town of
Kanyakumari, which is the meeting point of the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal and the
Indian Ocean.

The total population of Tamil Nadu as per Census 2011 was 72.1 million
which is 5.96 percent of India's population. It is the seventh most densely populated
State in India with a population density of 555 persons per, significantly higher
than the Indian average of 382 persons per of India, 2011). Tamil Nadu
is the most urbanized State in India, with a population of 35 million spread over about
11 percent of the total area of the State i.e. over an area of 13,755

As the economy continues to grow rapidly, the State will face constraints and
limitations of natural resources and the need to use them in a sustainable manner. While
Tamil Nadu focuses on industrial development at a pace faster than the National average,
it will focus on the need to preserve the environment and its heritage. Efforts will be
made to ensure a balance between development and environment. The Tamil Nadu State
Environment Policy 2017 focuses on environmental sustainability in the State as well as
recognizing the objectives of Vision Tamil Nadu 2023 (Vision TN 2023).

The Government of Tamil Nadu (GoTN) has formulated the Vision TN 2023
with the aim of catapulting Tamil Nadu onto a higher economic growth trajectory, while
ensuring that it benefits all sections of society. By 2023, Tamil Nadu aspires to become
India’s most prosperous and progressive State with no poverty, and where its people
enjoy all the basic services of a modern society and live in harmonious engagement with
the environment and with the rest of the world.


The GoTN accords the highest priority to preserve, protect its ecological Environment is an important cross-cutting subject requiring commitment and
footprint and environmental resources, in light of the responsibility placed upon it as per attention of stakeholders from all the departments and agencies of GoTN, industry,
Section 48 of the Constitution of India which specifies that “the State shall endeavour to academia, civil society and public at large. Accordingly, the Policy takes into account the
protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wildlife of the actions on environment covered under policies formulated by all the departments and
Country”. Keeping in mind this constitutional obligation, the Vision TN 2023 agencies of GoTN. Further, views and suggestions from consultations with stakeholders
announced by the late Hon’ble Chief Minister Dr. J Jayalalithaa in March 2012 identified from industry, academia, civil society and the public at large have been duly considered
Theme 8 “Nurturing a rich heritage and preserving ecology and heritage” and incorporated in formulating the Tamil Nadu State Environment Policy 2017.
as one of the key themes underlying this Vision emphasising further that “Preserving and
wherever possible, improving the quality of the environment and nurturing the cultural 1. OBJECTIVES
heritage of the State” would be an essential ingredient of Vision TN 2023. “Environmental
The objectives of Tamil Nadu State Environment Policy 2017 are to
preservation would encompass the entire ecological footprint of human activity and
would include increasing forest cover, protection of wetlands, conserving groundwater, 1. Conserve, Nurture and Renew Environmental Resources essential for
rivers and other water bodies, protection of the coastal zones and fragile ecosystems, habitat and life-support, livelihoods, economic growth, quality of life and human well-
conservation of the zoological and botanical diversity of the State, protection of soil and being while enabling judicious and equitable access of these resources to meet the needs
other natural formations from abuse on account of human activity, efficient recycling of and aspirations of all sections of society in the present and future.
solid waste ensuring minimal impact on the environment, minimising atmospheric 2. Integrate environmental well-being into developmental programmes
pollution and in general maintaining the ecological balance across the entire State”. The by weaving environmental considerations into policy formulation, planning and
growth strategy of Tamil Nadu is fully conscious of sustainability imperative. implementation of developmental programmes and projects in an environmentally
sustainable manner, while achieving other positive developmental outcomes including
The National Environment Policy (NEP) announced by Government of India in
poverty alleviation, inclusive economic growth and social well-being.
2006 highlighted the role of environmental degradation as a causal factor in enhancing
and perpetuating poverty and the growing evidence of poor environmental quality 3. Enhance preparedness to deal with climate change impacts through a
adversely affecting human health and social development outcomes. Emphasising the systematic approach to identify climate change impacts, develop and implement relevant
need to address challenges arising from institutional/policy failures and from global adaptation/mitigation mechanisms taking into account priorities identified under the
environmental concerns (including climate change, ozone depletion and bio-diversity National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) and State-specific risks and impacts.
loss), the NEP 2006 spelt out a set of objectives, principles, strategies and actions to 4. Improve Environment Governance and institutional capacity
effectively manage the environment. involving articulation of a comprehensive policy framework and building capable,
effective, independent and accountable institutions geared to (i) set, monitor and
While the NEP 2006 provided a useful base to reflect on and address
enforce environmental legislation, policy, standards and safeguards, (ii) implement clear,
environmental challenges in general, GoTN deemed it necessary to bring out this State-
transparent, participative, efficient mechanisms for environment planning, management
specific Environment Policy to address issues specific to the environmental context in
and regulation and (iii) create a healthy investment climate to facilitate time-bound
Tamil Nadu and to provide a holistic policy framework, in the context of the outcomes implementation of environmentally sustainable projects, programmes and investments
targeted under the Vision TN 2023. to aid positive developmental impact.

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The TN State Environment Policy 2017 is being formulated keeping in mind the 2.1.1. Water resources
fourteen principles set out in the National Environment Policy 2006 (NEP 2006)
namely, (i) putting human beings at the centre of concerns for sustainable development, With four percent of India’s land area and seven percent of population, Tamil
(ii) the right to development while ensuring inter and intra-generational equity, (iii) Nadu has only three percent of water resources of the Country. Both per capita water
ensuring that environmental protection is an integral part of development processes, (iv) availability (at 800 cubic metres vis-à-vis National average of 1545 cubic metres) and
the need to take a precautionary approach while dealing with credible threats to annual rainfall (at 970 millimetres vis-à-vis National average of 2300 millimetres) are
environment, (v) realising economic efficiency while recognising polluter pays and cost significantly lower than National average. Large parts of the State are in the rain shadow
minimisation principles, (vi) priority towards entities with incomparable values, (vii) of Western Ghats and get limited rainfall from south-west monsoon.
equity in entitlements to, and participation of, the relevant public, in decision-making on
Surface water potential is estimated at 24,160 million cubic metres and accounts
use of environmental resources, (viii) legal liability and supplementing criminal liability
for nearly 50 percent of the estimated water availability in the State. Of 17 river basins in
with civil liability approaches,(ix) public trust doctrine with the State as a trustee and not
Tamil Nadu, 16 are in “deficit” and only one has surplus water. In all basins there are
absolute owner of resources, subject to reasonable conditions including protection of
some blocks, which are identified as potentially deficit areas due to low rainfall,
legitimate interests and matters of strategic national interest, (x) decentralisation of
formation factors, topographical factors and water quality problems. About 24 lakh
powers and responsibilities, (xi) integration of environmental considerations in sectoral
hectares are irrigated by surface water.
policy making, (xii) relevant environment standards setting, (xiii) preference to
preventive action and (xiv) environment offsetting under exceptional reasons of
Utilisable groundwater recharge is 22,423 million cubic metres. In Tamil Nadu’s
overriding public interest.
categorization of 385 (384+1 Chennai city) blocks, 145 blocks are categorized as safe
blocks and 57 blocks are categorized as semi critical, 33 blocks are categorized as critical
and 142 (141+1 Chennai city) are categorized as over-exploitation with another 8
This section details strategies and actions to realise the objectives of Tamil Nadu blocks having turned saline.
State Environment Policy 2017 namely,
Key challenges to water security include:
• Conserve, Nurture and Renew Environmental Resources
1. Increase in water demand across segments (agriculture, residential and
• Integrate environmental well-being into developmental programmes industry) while the limited sources of water could further shrink due to
• Enhance preparedness to deal with climate change impacts climate change impacts.

• Improve Environment Governance and institutional capacity 2. Excessive ground water extraction beyond recharge capacity.
3. Excessive and in-efficient use of surface water particularly for irrigation.
2.1. Conserve, nurture and renew environmental resources
4. Neglect of lakes, tanks, canals, water courses and other water bodies.

A key objective of the Tamil Nadu State Environment Policy is to identify, 5. Water pollution on account of various sources including industrial effluent,
preserve, nurture and enhance environmental resources in the State, while ensuring that domestic sewage, municipal solid waste and eutrophication due to excessive
the impacts of anthropogenic actions and global climate change impacts are adequately fertiliser use etc., leading to negative environmental and public health
assessed and acted upon. impacts.

4 5

Strategies and Actions c. Strengthening delivery systems for universal equitable and efficient water
service delivery across categories of users.
The strategies and actions on water resources management shall be geared to
achieve water security through preservation and renewal of water resources, sustainable d. Initiating measures to eliminate sewage and effluents flows into water bodies
and equitable water allocation and promoting efficient and universal access to meet all including rivers and canals.
consumptive needs while maintaining minimum ecological flows into rivers, water
e. Initiating a mission-mode programme to clean and rejuvenate critically
bodies and for groundwater recharge.
polluted water systems.

1. Strengthen information repository on water through a comprehensive

f. Strengthening the existing legal framework to protect water bodies against
mapping and inventorisation of information on water sources. GoTN would
encroachment and solid/liquid waste.
build a comprehensive information inventory of potential and actual water
resources covering both surface and ground water sources using modern 4. Strengthen mechanisms to monitor and augment groundwater potential
technologies including GIS and remote sensing. through

2. Promote integrated approaches to management of water resources taking a. Regulating the ground water potential of the State through effective
into account inflows and withdrawals by season, pollution loads and natural implementation by the Water Resources Department of the PWD in all areas
regeneration capacities, required ecological flows and adherence to water quality mentioned in Public Works (R2) Department, G.O.Ms.142 dt:23.07.2014
standards, while promoting conjunctive use of surface and ground water in a except Chennai where the Chennai Metropolitan Area ground water
sustainable manner. (Regulation) Act, 1987 extends

3. Systematically augment, renew and maintain water resources while b. Building on its success of implementing rainwater harvesting in Chennai to

improving and strengthening infrastructure for efficient water access and service aggressively adopt Rainwater Harvesting on similar scale and attention State-

delivery through wide.

c. Building on the atlas of aquifer mapping for Tamil Nadu prepared by Central
a. Concrete steps to double water storage capacity in the State as targeted in
Ground Water Board which provides a base for identifying data gaps,
Vision TN 2023 through a combination of renewal and increase in capacity of
delineating the vulnerable areas and demarcation of areas which need
existing systems (river basins, reservoirs and water bodies), new investments
Government intervention. Aquifer mapping at a cadastral scale would be
(in reservoirs, check dams, canals and water bodies) and efforts to reduce
undertaken to enable mapping, monitoring status on water availability,
water losses.
creation and restoration of water bodies.

b. Accordingly high priority to creation of ‘new’ sources to meet its water

5. Implement an independent and comprehensive quality monitoring and
security goals through tapping water from domestic sewage recycling and
dissemination protocol covering river basins, canals, water reservoirs, lakes and
desalination. GoTN has successfully implemented large-scale desalination
local sources including water distribution systems, tanks and wells across the
plants for meeting the demand of Chennai city and will evaluate the scope for
replication of this initiative to augment water availability.

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6. Identify and tackle sources of water pollution taking along with stringent 2.1.2. Air
enforcement of standards covering
Notwithstanding the several steps taken by GoTN and the Tamil Nadu Pollution
a. Measures to monitor, trap and treat industrial effluent to required standards Control Board (TNPCB), Tamil Nadu recognises the risk it faces to deterioration of its
including wider adoption of zero liquid discharge approaches. air quality in view of it being a rapidly industrialising State which is also the most
urbanised State in the country. There are several industrial clusters within the State in
b. Elimination of open defecation, provision of universal toilet access and which air pollution is emerging as a concern, even as growth in personalised
appropriate infrastructure including city-wide sewerage systems, transportation contributes to degradation of air quality in urban areas. Along with these
decentralised treatment, on-site sanitation and septage management systems challenges, the expected increase in thermal power generation to meet the growing
to treat domestic sewage and waste water reclamation programme across the power demand makes it necessary to accord greater focus and thrust on minimising risks
State. of air pollution.

c. Implement measures to control and minimise eutrophication effects and Strategies and Actions
pollution of water systems from nutrient loads and pesticide use.
GoTN would undertake the following actions in this regard:
7. Promote demand management and increased efficiency of water use across
all sectors including agriculture, industry and domestic use. Given the limited 1. Strengthen systems for monitoring air quality. Continuous Emission
availability of water, GoTN would initiate water efficiency improvement Monitoring Systems (CEMS) shall be implemented in all industry clusters,
programmes across all sectors: thermal power plants and urban areas.

a. Initiatives in agriculture would focus on improving ‘crop per drop’ and 2. Urban air quality monitoring:
incentivising adoption of water efficient methods and sustainable practices
including drip irrigation and crop diversification. a. The TNPCB monitors ambient air quality at 28 stations in major cities and
towns under National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Programme
b. Industry would be encouraged to adopt efficient water management systems (NAAQMP) Tamil Nadu. These cities include Chennai (Eight stations),
to bring them on par with international benchmarks on water use, recycling Coimbatore (Three stations), Thoothukudi (Three stations), Madurai (Three
and pollution standards. stations), Salem (One station), Trichy (Five stations), Cuddalore (Three
stations) and Mettur (Two stations). This network shall be expanded to
c. Efficiency in drinking water supply systems (both urban and rural) would be monitor air quality in all large urban agglomerations with population greater
improved by progressively tracking and reducing Non-Revenue Water than 5,00,000.
(NRW) across all urban and rural areas in the State.
b. Continuous air quality monitoring for industry areas and thermal power
d. The construction sector would be encouraged to adopt efficient use of treated plants: In order to monitor source emissions and ambient air quality on a
sewage for non-potable purposes like toilet flushing and gardening. real-time basis, TNPCB has established a Centre for Accessing Real Time Air
(Quality) Information Reports (CARE AIR) at its Head office. A first-of-its

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- kind in the country initiative, CARE AIR is a continuous real-time emission 2.1.3. Land
monitoring system in which when emission levels exceed norms, an in-built
alarm system is activated to inform concerned industry and environment Forty four percent of Tamil Nadu’s land area of 13 million hectares is net sown
officials. area and used for agriculture. Degradation of productive land occurs on account of soil
erosion, alkali and salinization, water logging, pollution and reduction in organic matter
3. Enforce legislation, policies and rules to establish and meet air quality content etc. Disposal of domestic and industrial wastes (both solid and liquid) on
standards with focus on reducing industrial air pollution. GoTN shall ensure productive land, river systems and water bodies also lead to degradation. Insufficient
appropriate locating of industries and shall strengthen enforcement mechanisms empowerment of local institutions for management of grazing lands leads to
to control pollution from industries. Thrust shall be given to cleaner overexploitation of biomass base. Unsustainable grazing, excessive irrigation, improper
technologies, use of cleaner fuels and energy efficient devices. use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers, diversion of animal wastes for domestic fuel also
contribute to land degradation. Implicit/explicit subsidies (for water, power, fertilizer
4. Promote use of public transportation in urban areas. GoTN would initiate and pesticides), lack of conducive policies and regulatory environment often act as causal
projects and programmes to increase the share of public transport in urban factors and drive excessive consumption and create inefficient and inequitable land
commuting. The Integration of Multi modal transport system including metro, allocation, management and thus leading to land degradation.
mono-rail, bus rapid transit with cycle tracks and walk ways shall be implemented
wherever necessary in the State. GoTN had made necessary amendments in the With increase in economic growth and given the trends towards greater
Tamil Nadu Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 to get Pollution Under Control (PUC) industrialisation and urbanisation, there is likely to be a greater demand of land for non-
certificate for goods vehicles in Chennai from authorised private testing centres. agricultural purposes. GoTN recognises that a sound land-use policy coupled with a
This initiative will be launched in other large urban centres (with population review of the fiscal and non-fiscal incentives that are creating unintentional impacts is
greater than 5,00,000). critical for effective land management and environmental health of the State.

5. Minimize Vehicular Pollution Strategies and Actions

1. Alternative low polluting fuels such as CNG will be expanded. 1. Formulate and implement a comprehensive Land-use policy: GoTN will
formulate and implement a land-use policy that enables
2. Strengthen standard and enforcement of vehicular pollution, monitoring and
inspection. a. Environmental sustainability and protection of vulnerable ecosystems:
The land-use policy would accord priority to protection and preservation of
6. Maintain leadership in Clean Energy. Tamil Nadu is committed to maintain its vulnerable ecosystems including forests, bio-reserves, wetlands, coastal
leadership position in clean energy production, given its strengths in wind energy ecosystems and other such habitats critical to the environmental health of the
and its thrust through TN Solar Policy 2012. GoTN is cognisant of the need to State.
increase the share of thermal power generation and would put in place
mechanisms to effectively implement air quality standards for this capacity b. Agriculture and food security: The Government has resolved to usher in a
addition. Second Green Revolution in Tamil Nadu to improve the economic status of
the farmers and has initiated steps to increase net cultivable area (apart from

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increases in productivity) by bringing in fallow lands suitable for agriculture food and income. Given Tamil Nadu’s long coastline, the large population living in these
under cultivation. areas and presence of vulnerable biosphere reserves / habitats, GoTN would accord high
priority to coastal zone management.
c. Planned expansion of urban areas: As the most urbanised State in the
Country, it is expected that over sixty percent of Tamil Nadu’s population will Strategies and Actions
live in urban areas within the next ten to fifteen years. GoTN has already
initiated preparation of Master plans for large urban areas to facilitate efficient 1. Prepare and implement an Integrated Coastal Zone Management
land-use, appropriate zoning and plan creation of basic infrastructure towards Plan(ICZMP):
guiding urban development in a more systematic manner. Sound
The coast of Tamil Nadu is replete with several economic activities like
environment management principles shall be integrated into preparation and
industries, tourism and fisheries. At the same time the State recognises the
implementation of these master plans.
imperatives of enforcing the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification of the
d. Creation of environmentally sustainable industrial nodes and corridors: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India in
As a leading industrial State, Tamil Nadu continues to attract industrial order to ensure sustainable development in the coastal zones. To minimize the
investment and employment and plans creation of industrial infrastructure conflicts of interest and enable enforcement, an appropriate management plan
along select corridors and nodes to guide and promote balanced rationally integrating the activities of all the stakeholders will be essential. In
industrialisation across the State. Appropriate locating (depending on order to achieve economic prosperity without sacrificing ecological security, an
category of industry) and environmental safeguards will be built into Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZMP) has been prepared and
planning and management of these industrial corridors and nodes. steps to implement the same will be undertaken in phased manner as Integrated
Coastal Zone Management Project –Phase II in Tamil Nadu.
2.1.4. Coastal Zones
2. Create and update benchmark information on coastal environment and
Tamil Nadu has a long coastline of about 1076 km, covering thirteen coastal biological resources.
districts which are home to several productive ecosystems including coral reefs, sea
grasses, mangroves, estuaries, tidal flats, islands, lagoons, rocky shores and sandy 3. Develop a practicable monitoring protocol covering (a) endangered species
beaches. Human influences like population growth, dependence on coastal wealth, over and respective habitats, (b) industrial and other developmental zones, (c)
exploitation of resources and unscientific developmental activities and natural impacts underwater resources like coral reefs, sea grass beds and associated bio-diversity.
such as cyclones, tsunamis and climate change have placed the coastal areas and resources
4. Initiate coastal ecosystem rehabilitation initiatives covering coral reefs, sea
in a highly vulnerable state.
grass, mangroves, artificial reefs, endangered species and commercially important
Unscientific coastal development practices lead to various environmental species while providing specific guidelines for introduction of exotic species.
disorders and impact on ecological balance even as global warming is posing a serious
threat to mankind and environment, particularly on account of sea level rise and loss of 5. Promote indigenous traditional knowledge regarding resource use in coastal

coastal areas and over-fishing, migration of fishes and the resultant loss of livelihood, areas and eco-friendly fishing practices.

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6. Develop specific guidelines for introduction of exotic species, covering of plantation crops, are the reported causative factors for forest degradation. Spread of
comprehensive EIA, analysis of history and impact in other parts of the world. Alien shrub and tree species like Prosopis juliflora and Acacia mearnsii, Lantana camara,
Eupatorium sp., Ulexeuropaeus, Cytisis scoparius are noticed in many areas. Anthropogenic
2.1.5. Forests, Wildlife and Bio-diversity pressures from the forest dwelling and forest fringe communities by way of grazing, fire,
illicit collection of medicinal plants and destructive harvest of Minor Forest Produce led
Tamil Nadu has nearly 22,877 of Recorded Forest Area which translates to
to depletion of the resources and consequently fall in productivity and quality of forests.
about 17.59 percent and nearly 2.99 percent of the total Recorded Forest Area in the
In respect of collection of medicinal plants from forests, loss of habitat and bio-diversity
Country. Tamil Nadu has about nine of the 16 major forest types occurring in the
due to human pressure go unrecognized.
Country. It has approximately 15,000 of the Country’s 45,000 plant species and about
30,000 animal species out of 81,000 in the Country. With 5,640 species of flowering The Government of India framed the National Forest Policy, 1988 for
plants, Tamil Nadu tops the Country in terms of angiosperm diversity. management of State Forests in the Country which aims at maintenance of ecological
balance and environmental stability that is vital for the sustenance of all life forms. The
The Western Ghats, the longest hill range in the State is one of the 25 global
Policy seeks to bring at least one third of the total land area of the Country under forest
hotspots of bio-diversity and one of the three mega centres of endemism in India. The
and tree cover (FTC). Against this stated goal, the Country’s forest and tree cover stands
forests of Kanyakumari, Kalakadu Mundanthurai, Anaimalai, Mudumalai, Mukkurthi,
only at 24.16 percent of the total geographical area, thus mandating the Country to take
Srivilliputhur and Megamalai owe the abundance of flora and fauna due to their position
urgent measures to improve the country’s FTC. The State broadly follows the National
in the Western Ghats. The Eastern Ghats also support diverse forest types. The forest
Policy priorities in all its forest management efforts.
uplands and watersheds in Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats play a major role in
protection of low land river valleys, by storing water received during rainfall and Strategies and Actions
gradually releasing it so as to reduce the severity of floods and droughts.
1. Conserve Bio-diversity and Forest Genetic Resources: Tamil Nadu has been
Owing to the presence of vast altitudinal gradient (100 - 2600m), all major forest in the forefront in protecting its wildlife. The State added about 1,608 of
types reported from the Western Ghats are found within Tamil Nadu giving rise to a high forest area to the Protected Area (PA) network by declaring Nellai Wildlife
level of species richness. Tamil Nadu has a series of Protected Areas (PAs): Fifteen Sanctuary and Oussudu lake Bird Sanctuary during 2014-15.This has led to an
Wildlife Sanctuaries, five National Parks, four Elephant Reserves and four Tiger increase of Protected Areas (PAs) in the State from 5,465 to 7,073
Reserves in addition to several Reserve Forests. Indigenous people live in harmony with The State, at present, has fifteen Wildlife Sanctuaries, five National Parks, fifteen
nature in many locations. People’s participation in conservation of nature is being Bird Sanctuaries and two Conservation Reserves, declared under Wildlife
promoted through eco-development committees in tiger reserves. Benefit sharing with (Protection) Act, 1972. GoTN is committed to further increase the extent of
locals pertaining to income generated through ecotourism is in place in certain locations. Protected Areas in the State with an object of conserving wild biodiversity and
Research and development with respect to conservation of forests and wildlife is in genetic resources.
progress at many parts of the Western Ghats.
2. Increase tree cover outside forests: To increase the green cover outside forests,
Systematic harvest of timber and firewood, introduction of exotic species, programmes like tree cultivation in private lands, raising teak plantation in
diversion of forest lands for development projects, leasing of forest lands for cultivation Padugai lands and free distribution of seedlings to institutions and individual

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households are being implemented. The ongoing Tamil Nadu Bio-diversity 2.2.1. Agriculture
Conservation and Greening Project helps in green cover private lands.
Notwithstanding the higher growth rate of secondary and tertiary sectors in
3. Facilitate socio-economic development in fringes of forests: Considering the recent years, over 40 percent of the population of the State depends on the primary
importance of equity issues in efficient implementation and universal coverage of sector and this assumes tremendous significance with respect to food security goals and
Joint Forest Management in the forest fringe villages, social, economic, political, supporting growth of secondary and tertiary sector. GoTN thus accords the highest
gender and inter-generational equity, including in decision-making with regard priority to agriculture with its declared intent to usher in a second Green Revolution in
to resource use, in sharing of benefits, in access to and protection of knowledge the State.
and information relevant to biodiversity will be emphasized.
Agriculture faces several challenges including pressure for diversion of productive
4. Other actions: GoTN would also undertake actions to promote watershed agricultural lands to non-agricultural purposes, fragmented land holdings, spatial and
management, to enhance climatic resilience in moderately dense and open temporal variability in water availability, dwindling ground water resources, shortage of
forests, to enable tribal development and to promote eco-tourism for farm workers, weak adoption of improved crop management practices, weak post
sustainable livelihoods, taking into account, the carrying capacity of existing harvesting and marketing linkages. GoTN has resolved to usher in a Second Green
and potential tourist destinations. Preservation of natural resources, nature Revolution in Tamil Nadu to improve the economic status of the farmers and has
education and awareness and livelihood options for native people would be the initiated a number of steps to address the above challenges.

cornerstones of GoTN’s eco-tourism policy. Further, a judicious review of

Strategies and Actions
existing land use patterns (like tea and coffee plantations, hydel projects, etc.) will
be undertaken to evolve means and ways to reduce increasing human-animal 1. Preserve and augment water availability for Agriculture: GoTN would
conflict in the State. initiate measures to augment water sources for farmers (while enabling increase
of area under cultivation from the current levels) through extensive expansion of
2.2. Integrate environmental well-being into developmental programmes
watershed development programmes and creation of rain-water harvesting
structures, so as to make water available for agriculture in a sustainable manner
While specific actions to protect and conserve various natural and environmental
without excessive ground water abstraction beyond recharge potential.
resources of the State have been identified in the earlier section, significant risks to
environment often occur when environmental impacts of anthropogenic activities
a. The share of tank irrigation has declined due to siltation and encroachments
considered critical for socio-economic growth are ignored. GoTN recognises that
in tank beds, damaged sluices, weirs and bunds. Greater focus would be
weaving sound environmental principles into all its developmental programmes and
accorded to increase the water holding capacity of the existing water bodies
projects is critical not just for environment protection but also for sustainably achieving
through desilting, besides encouraging usage of Tank Silt for agriculture
the very socio-economic goals that these programmes seek to achieve. Environmental purpose. Further, action to prevent and remove the encroachments along
sustainability will be a key boundary condition for developmental programmes and water bodies would also be initiated.
projects undertaken by GoTN. The following section identifies some critical
imperatives, strategies and actions in key economic sectors: b. In the case of locations where tanks are not significant, water harvesting
structures such as major check dams, minor check dams, percolation ponds

16 17

and farm ponds would be given priority. The State aim is to construct more promoted in this State that focus on improving soil health through emphasis
farm ponds to augment the water resources. on Green manuring, Green leaf manuring, vermi-composting, use of Azolla,
Blue-Green Algae (BGA) etc.
2. Improve water efficiency in Agriculture: Over the years, ground water
status in many water shed blocks have become over exploited. To face the b. Appropriate Land Use System:
challenge, the State will initiate measures to achieve more crops per drop of
water with emphasis on micro irrigation. GoTN will promote scientific i) Introducing a well-defined and sustainable pattern of utilization of our land
approaches including crop diversification, intercropping, integrated resources to meet the consumption needs of the growing population by
farming, improving water holding capacity of the sub-basins, promotion of reducing the yield gap and increasing the productivity of the available
precision farming and micro irrigation, provision of water conveyance pipes agricultural lands.
to prevent percolation and evaporation loss, emphasis in whole village
ii) The existing land use pattern will be evaluated based on a resource survey of
concept on water saving techniques such as SRI, SPI, SSI and promotion of
production potential of land in a given agro climatic zone in order to plan for
less water consuming crops like pulses, millets etc. Drip and sprinkler needs
effective use. Cropping pattern will be suitably defined at farm level so as to
considerable scaling up as studies show that water saving in this method
increase the economic profitability of farmers. In view of this, Government is
compared to surface irrigation is about 40 to 80 percent and helps to increase
focusing on promotion of farm specific cropping pattern so as to exploit the
yield. 100 percent subsidy assistance is given to small and marginal farmers
land use potential to its maximum.
and 75 percent subsidy assistance to other farmers for putting up drip and
sprinkler irrigation systems under micro irrigation scheme.
iii) Government is giving thrust to preserve the prime agricultural lands and
control its diversion for non- agricultural purposes by recommending
3. Solar pumps: Solar power is highly reliable, low on maintenance and easy to
suitable and profitable cropping system, reclamation of problem soils,
install and operate. They are also eco-friendly and reduce the dependence on
identification and conversion of fallow lands for agriculture, increasing the
fossil fuel. Solar water pumps are ideal for agriculture and related activities
productivity of agricultural lands by village based Integrated Nutrient
and are a great alternative to conventionally powered systems and are being
Management through stratified soil sampling and analysis, promotion of
promoted in Tamil Nadu.
organic farming, integrated farming, diversified farming, rainfed area
4. Preserve soil quality and improve nutrient status: To address soil preservation development and appropriate market linkages to enable the farmers to take
and concern relating to depletion of soil nutrient status, GoTN has initiated up agriculture as a lucrative profession.
adoption of the following measures:
c. Adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Non-Pesticidal
a. Organic farming: In order to switch over from the use of chemical inputs Management (NPM): Use of synthetic pesticides/weedicides has an adverse
that are hazardous to human health, awareness is being created among the impact on the crop eco system besides polluting the environment. Hence,
farming community to use organic inputs viz., need based products, vermi- Tamil Nadu is focusing on increased adoption of cost-effective and eco-
compost and bio fertilizers like Azospirillum, phosphor bacteria etc. Based friendly cultivation practices. The strategies contemplated are: (i) Creating
on this concept, focus is given to organic farming. Organic farming is awareness on the indiscriminate usage of chemical pesticides, (ii) Promoting

18 19

knowledge on local production of bio pesticides, (iii) Promoting farmer’s through collection and analysis of farm information covering categorisation of
field based Non-Pesticide Management (NPM) awareness programmes and villages based on micro climatic conditions, development of crop plan (both
(iv) Providing subsidies for technologies that are part of IPM and NPM Agriculture & Horticulture) in relation to soil type, irrigation and rainfall and
practices. The Government encourages NPM practices to prevent air integrating with other enterprises like dairy, poultry etc.
6. Environment Friendly Cultivation: Burning of agricultural wastes especially
d. As precision farming and micro irrigation schemes are being taken up in a sugarcane trashes leads to air pollution and disturbs soil microbial activities. To
large scale, the Government will promote Water Soluble Fertilizers manage this issue, the Government has resolved to popularize the habit of
(WSF)/Liquid bio fertilizers for various crops, as this provides optimum mulching sugarcane trashes, alter shredding and in-situ ploughing to enrich the
quantity of water and nutrients in well balanced proportion directly to the soil besides weed control. This practice will be up scaled. Likewise, awareness
active root zone. among farmers and initiatives to convert agricultural waste into compost will be
taken up in a massive way.
e. Soil analysis and database creation: Government is exploring all avenues to
rejuvenate the soil health and fertility through detailed soil survey, soil sample 2.2.2. Industrial development
collection and analysis. GoTN has initiated steps to analyse nutrient status of
soil samples of individual farm holdings and identify problematic soils. The Tamil Nadu is one among the most industrialised States in the Country. It ranks
recommendations will be recorded in “Farmers Integrated Hand Book’’ a first in terms of number of factories and number of people employed in factories. It has a
comprehensive record for effective planning. Farmers Integrated Hand diversified industrial base and is a leader in several manufacturing sectors including
book, an information on soil fertility status of the farmers field has been automobiles and auto components, light engineering, textiles, leather, electronic
distributed to 67.45 lakh farmers. It has been programmed to distribute hardware, software, cement, sugar, chemicals and petrochemicals. The State’s business-
81.18 lakh Soil Health Cards in a period of three years from 2015-16 friendly policies and pro-active initiatives have played a key role in attracting investments
onwards under “Mission Soil Health Card”. The Central Control Laboratory in manufacturing and industry. GoTN has announced a slew of policy measures to
located at Kudumianmalai, is the Apex Organization which provides further accelerate industrial development and employment generation in the State.
technical competence through training to the laboratory personnel and
ensures the precision and accuracy of analysis in the laboratories. Computers Apart from a sizeable presence of large industrial units including investments by
with internet facilities have been provided to all thirty Soil Testing multi-national corporations, industrial development in Tamil Nadu is also characterised
Laboratories functioning in the State to upload details of soil samples by a large presence of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). There has been a
analysed and the database is managed through Tamil Nadu Agriculture steady growth in the number of MSMEs registered units in Tamil Nadu from 83,348 in
Information Service Network. 2012-13 to 1,43,104 in 2014-2015. While the presence of MSMEs is a good sign that
indicates a thriving entrepreneurial base, nearly seventy percent of industrial pollution
5. Promote integrated farming: Integrated Farming or enabling farmers
load in India is attributable to MSMEs. While MSMEs contribute to nearly forty percent
undertake a combination of activities including cropping, animal husbandry,
of India’s industrial production and forty five percent of country’s exports, the
fishery, agro forestry, etc., helps optimise resource utilization and sustainability
unorganised and unregistered units in this category are often weak in adoption of good
while improving the economic status of the farmers. GoTN would facilitate this
practices for environmental sustainability and hence present risks of environment

20 21

degradation. Further, the fragmented nature of MSME industry presents challenges to 3. Remediate critically polluted industrial areas. Industrial areas classified as
effective monitoring and surveillance. critically polluted would be taken up for remediation measures on priority in a
time-bound manner.
Environment risks arising from industrial development are primarily on account
of pollution impacts (on air, land and water) and excessive resource use. As pointed out 4. Implement Continuous and Emission Monitoring Systems in all industrial
in the NEP 2006, industrial development bears a dichotomous relationship with areas. The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) would expand the
environment. On one hand, growth tends to create the risk of environment degradation Continuous Pollution and Emission Monitoring Systems across all industrial
through excessive resource use and pollution and on the other hand, it also creates the areas in the State in a phased manner covering all industrial areas managed by
opportunity to make available resources for environmental investments. SIPCOT, TIDCO and SIDCO and private developers.

Strategies and Actions 5. Stringent enforcement of guidelines for conduct of Environment Impact
Assessment and its compliance. GoTN shall strictly enforce guidelines for
1. Prepare Industrial Master Plans for all new identified industrial corridors conduct of Environment Impact Assessment (including transparent conduct of
and nodes : GoTN will prepare comprehensive master plans to guide industrial public hearings) and its compliance.
development in a planned manner in all new industrial corridors and nodes.
These would transparently identify areas and zones identified for industrial 6. Periodic review of pollution standards: GoTN shall periodically review
development and would comprehensively assess and address environmental pollution norms and standards in line with National legislation, guidelines and
impacts. The plans would be integrated with the plans formulated by the Chennai International best practices.
Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA), and the Department of Town
7. Transparent mechanisms and on-line tracking of issue of consents: TNPCB
and Country planning (DTCP), to enable environmentally sustainable
is already in the process of web-enabling and online integration of line
development of urban areas. Further, the plans will be prepared to preserve forest
departments, and issue of consents. The consents provided can be tracked online.
cover in corridors, to maintain stability of the ecosystem, including soil and water
conservation and protection of livelihoods of communities dependent on them. 8. Review guidelines for locating industries: GoTN would review its policy and
guidelines for locating of industries and infrastructure facilities to remove
2. Prepare and enforce Environmental Management Plans for existing
discrepancies and contradictions in existing guidelines, incorporate best practices
Industrial Areas to identify and address gaps in environmental infrastructure
in environment management and factoring lessons from implementation.
and monitoring. These plans would be prepared based on a comprehensive
independent assessment of total pollution loads in addition to concentration 9. Environment audits: GoTN would collaborate with industry to evolve a system
based standards. Additional measures to tackle pollution in line with of environment audits and disclosure of environment resource use by industry.
modern environmental standards with sound environment principles and The objective would be to develop a comprehensive baseline of environmental
provision for creation of shared facilities for waste management (including resource use by industry in the State and to progressively minimise resource
hazardous wastes), effluent management and other environment infrastructure intensity of industrial activity. Regular monitoring of the industrial effluents
would be initiated. would help achieve better compliance of environmental standards.

22 23

10. Promote water recycling and re-use: GoTN shall progressively move to would comprehensively factor environmental considerations. GoTN and its
comprehensively limit extraction of ground water for industrial use while taking agencies recognise the need to plan for earmarking additional land for non-
steps to provide alternate options for industrial water use including desalination agricultural use particularly in peripheries of large cities. GoTN would streamline
and recycling of domestic sewage. The State has taken a lead on implementing the policies and guidelines for land-use planning and shall use mechanisms such as
zero liquid discharge system and TNPCB is the first in the country in land pooling, Transferable Development Rights etc., to allocate land for urban
implementing Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) concepts in Textile and Tannery development in an equitable and transparent manner.
sectors. Environment-friendly technologies including recycling and reuse are
being encouraged and incentivised. 2. Necessary modifications shall be made in Development Rules and Regulations
taking into consideration the environmental concerns.
2.2.3. Urbanisation
3. Expedite creation of affordable housing starting with urban agglomerations
Tamil Nadu ranks first on share of urban population among large States in the (with population greater than 5,00,000) with specific focus on creation of
Country and third in terms of absolute urban population. As per provisional estimates of affordable housing for the Economically Weaker Sections for all the urban areas.
2011 Census, Tamil Nadu, with a provisional urban population of 34.9 million, has In order to make spatial planning effective, Regional Plan, Master Plan and Zonal
48.45 percent of its population living in urban areas. Urban population growth in the Plan will be prepared and periodically updated state-wide.
State (27 percent during 2001-11) outpaced rural population growth (6 percent) during
4. Initiate a mission mode programmes to renew and clean up river systems
the same period. Nearly, 58 percent of the urban population live in the top 25 Urban
and water bodies in all cities. The Chennai City River Restoration Trust has
Agglomerations (UAs). In many of these UAs including Chennai, extended areas
been set up with the mandate of development and improvement of eco-parks,
beyond the core city are exhibiting faster growth, yet urban services have tended to lag
eco-restoration of rivers, water bodies and waterways with the view to maintain
their core city counterparts.
eco-balance, water conservation, minimize and mitigate pollution and increase

Given that basic urban services like public transport, affordable housing, piped carrying capacity in rivers in Chennai city. Further, Tamil Nadu State Wetland

water supply, sewerage and solid waste management continues to elude a substantial Authority has been constituted and is the nodal agency for conservation and

portion of existing urban population, this rapid growth in urbanisation is causing several sustainable management of Wetlands in the State.

adverse environment implications with negative impacts for public health and quality of
5. Implementation and enforcement of legislation to promote rainwater
urban living with such impacts being most severe on the urban poor. GoTN recognises
harvesting (mentioned in page number 5 under 2.1.1 Water Resources;
the importance of correcting this scenario and a number of infrastructure investments
Para 4.b in this document)
and service delivery targets envisaged under Vision TN 2023 have a direct bearing on
urban environment. 6. Programmatic provision of infrastructure to facilitate universal water,
sewerage and sanitation access in all urban areas with focus on urban poor.
Strategies and Actions As envisaged in Vision TN 2023, GoTN would achieve universal water and
sanitation access in all urban areas by 2023. GoTN shall also target to achieve
1. Formulate Master plans and land-use guidelines across the State. These
recycling and reuse of at least 30 percent of domestic waste-water generated in
master plans would define land-use and zoning for urban development and
all cities by 2020.

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7. Increase share of public transport. (mentioned in page number 9 under 2. Continued thrust to clean and renewable energy: Tamil Nadu is
2.1.2 Air; Para 4 in this document.) committed to maintain its leadership in clean energy production. The Vision
TN 2023 document of Government of Tamil Nadu envisages the
8. Effective mechanisms for safe management of solid waste: GoTN would
development of eleven marquee projects which includes clean energy projects
accord highest priority to achieve compliance to SWM (Solid Waste Management
mainly solar generation that will create a huge positive impact and provide
Rules, 2016) in all urban centres by 2020. A special task force will be constituted
significant spin-off benefits. Overall 10,000 MW of solar power is envisaged
at district level to find sustainable solution to the management of municipal solid
to be created through State sector investment and private sector investments.
waste in urban localities in the districts. It already has formulated policies and
rules for management of bio-medical waste, plastic waste and e-waste. Facilities Solar energy can be used as an alternative for fossil fuels as it is non-polluting,
for handling construction waste and debris would also be created in all large cities. clean reliable and renewable source of energy. Thrust to Demand Side
Management and adoption of Energy Efficiency measures: GoTN would
9. Promotion of Green Buildings: GoTN would incorporate green building
initiate Demand Side management measures to conserve and reduce energy
norms in municipal building bye-laws and code including implementation of
intensity in various economic sectors. It will implement energy conservation
provision for rainwater harvesting and waste-water recycling in all municipal
measures in all government buildings in a phased manner. Universal energy
efficient street lighting would be implemented in all parts of the State in a
In addition State level actions arising out of the recently formulated guidelines for phased manner by 2023.
construction projects in urban areas will be reviewed and implemented.
2.2.5 Mining and Quarrying
2.2.4. Energy
The State Government would continue to regulate the mining and quarrying
The energy sector in Tamil Nadu has been the prime mover of the economy over operations in such a way that they lead to the least environmental damages.
the last several decades. Growth in manufacturing was aided by sufficient availability of
power. GoTN is cognisant of the need to increase the share of thermal power generation Inline with the Government of India’s direction, District Level Environment
and would put in place mechanisms to effectively implement air quality standards for this Impact Assessment Authorities and District level Expert Appraisal Committees are
capacity addition. The State has also planned to develop transmission infrastructure to being constituted to accord Environmental Clearances for mining and quarrying
effectively evacuate power from the existing and new power generating stations to the projects.
Grid for distribution.
Strategies and Actions
Strategies and Actions 1. Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment studies to be the basis for

1. Measures to reduce air pollution and improve water efficiency of allocating mining and quarrying activities.

thermal power plants: Continuous Emission Monitoring systems would 2. Effective Implementation of all regulations for mining and quarrying.
be installed at all thermal power plants in the State. To minimize 3. Implementation of appropriate Environmental Management Plan for the
environmental impacts, efficient thermal technology and clean coal restoration of affected areas.
technology shall be used. Measures to audit and improve water efficiency at 4. Recycling of construction debris and promotion of alternative construction
power plants would also be initiated. materials to avoid pressure on natural resources mainly river sand.

26 27

2.3. Tackle Climate Change impacts State Action Plan on Climate Change
• Vulnerability and risk assessment.
The NEP 2006 observes that climate change, resulting from anthropogenic
• Development of technical adaptation options.
emissions of a suite of gases called Greenhouse gases or GHGs due to fossil fuel use,
• Climate proofing of rural development programmes.
certain agricultural and industrial activities and deforestation, lead to their increasing
• Development of adaptation oriented financial instruments.
concentrations in the atmosphere and has the potential over the next few generations, to
• Information and knowledge management to support mainstreaming national
significantly alter global climate. Climate change is expected to result in large changes in
discussions on climate change adaptation.
ecosystems, leading to possibly catastrophic disruptions of livelihoods, economic
• Capacity development.
activity, living conditions and human health. On the other hand, abatement of GHGs
would involve significant economic costs with the impact more severely felt by the poor 2. Preparation and implementation of the State Action Plan on Climate
who have the least adaptive capacity. Change: The State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) for Tamil Nadu (in
line with NAPCC guidelines) has been endorsed by the MoEF&CC, GoI on 31st
The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) taken up by Ministry of
March 2015. The SAPCC covers the past and current scenario and future climate
Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), GoI clearly outlines its first
projections, as well as the adaptation and mitigation strategies for seven sectors
principle as “protecting the poor and vulnerable sections of the society through inclusive
identified by the Steering Committees of the State, constituted for seven different
and sustainable development strategy, sensitive to climate change”. GoTN recognises
themes including (1) Water Resources, (2) Sustainable agriculture, (3)
that proactive measures for adaptation to climate variability and change can substantially
Sustainable habitat (4) Forest and biodiversity, (5) Energy efficiency and
reduce many of the adverse impacts and thus contribute to livelihood security
renewable energy, (6) Coastal area management and (7) Knowledge
particularly of the vulnerable sections of population.
management. Each of these Steering Committees was represented by respective
Strategies and Actions Chairman/ Secretary, Nodal Officers and Working Group Members. These
members include Government Departments, NGOs, Academic Experts and
1. CCARAI: Tamil Nadu is one of the four partner States of an Indo-German
Scientists. Consultative inputs were sought from wide range of stakeholders in all
development cooperation project for Climate Change Adaptation in Rural
the agro-climatic zones of the State covering all the districts. The wide range of
Areas of India (CCARAI) which aims to contribute to improved livelihoods
stakeholders included farmers, fishermen, tribal groups, people in rural and
and adaptive capacities of vulnerable rural communities in India. The
urban areas, students and scientists in periodically revising and updating the
Department of Environment, Government of Tamil Nadu is the nodal agency
SAPCC. At present, the strategies framed in the Tamil Nadu State Action Plan on
coordinating this initiative. The project focuses on integrating the issue of
Climate Change (TNSAPCC) are in the process of being implemented within
climate change adaptation in various sector policy decisions that reduce risk
each of the identified sector by seeking funds from various project financing
and enhance the adaptive capacity of the most vulnerable sectors and groups.
mechanisms like Adaptation Fund Board, Green Climate Fund and National
It will also develop concrete adaptation measures together with the Indian
Adaptation Fund for Climate Change and also from all the National Missions of
State development programmes and supports the up-scaling of successful
the Country pertaining to NAPCC. GoTN recognises that adaptation to climate
technical and financial adaptation approaches. In order to achieve this, the
change requires integrated solutions that simultaneously address livelihood
project has the following components:
improvements and environmental sustainability.

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3. Commitments to reduction in GHG emissions: A study on Carbon Footprint

Box 1 Prevailing legislation for environment management
of Tamil Nadu estimated that the baseline emission during 2009-10 was 111.86
million tonnes of which power generation were estimated to contribute 84.7 The present legislative framework is broadly contained in the umbrella Environment

million tonnes while industry and agriculture contributed an estimated 18.12 (Protection) Act, 1986; the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974; and the
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. The law in respect of management of
million tonnes and 16.42 million tonnes respectively. Tamil Nadu will place
forests and biodiversity is contained in the Tamil Nadu Forest Act, 1882, the Indian Forest Act,
strong emphasis on reducing GHG emissions and shall strive to exceed the targets
1927; The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980; the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972; Biological
and goals set under the National Action Plan on Climate Change by the Diversity Act, 2002 and Biological Diversity Rules, 2004. The following Acts and Rules
Government of India. framed are of particular relevance:

2.4. Strengthening environmental governance and institutional capacity Environment

• Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
Several constitutional, legislative and regulatory provisions related to • Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 as amended
environment have been enacted and institutionalized by Central, State and Local • The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 as amended in 1978 and
Governments. Box 1 captures the prevailing legislative framework for environment 1988
management. • The Tamil Nadu Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1983
• The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 as amended in 1991
and 2003
• The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Rules, 1978 as amended in 1992
• The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 as amended in 1987
• The Tamil Nadu Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1983
• Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 as amended in 2010
Solid waste
• Fly Ash Utilization Notification, 1999 as amended in 2016
• Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
• Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016
Hazardous waste and others
• Hazardous and other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules,
• Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989 as amended in
1994 and 2000
• The Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and Storage of Hazardous Microorganisms /
genetically engineered organisms or cells Rules, 1989
• The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules,
• Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016

30 31

• The Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001 as amended • Implementation of National River Conservation Plan (NRCP) and National Lake
• E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016 Conservation Plan (NLCP)
• Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016
Coastal Zone Regulation • Carrying out Environmental awareness programmes for school students through
• Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991 as amended in 1994, 1997 and 2011 National Green Corps.
• Enforce the provisions of the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification.
• The Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 as amended in 2009
• The District Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority Notification, 2016 • Implementation of Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction Project and Integrated Coastal
Environment Tribunal Zone Management Plan with World Bank assistance.
• The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
Others • Implementation of Tamil Nadu State Action Plan for Climate Change
• The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 as amended in 1992 • Provide web-based environmental information through Environmental Information
• The Public Liability Insurance Rules, 1991
System (ENVIS) on State of Environment and related issues of Tamil Nadu.
• The Wetlands( Conservation and Management ) Rules, 2010
Tamil Nadu State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) and
Institutional framework for environment management and protection in Tamil District Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (DEIAA): The State Level
Nadu flows from the above legislative framework and comprises a range of institutions Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) has been constituted as an arm of
as shown in Box 2 below. Government of India vide the EIA notification issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forest
and Climate Change, Government of India under the EPA, 1986 in September 2006 for
Box 2 Prevailing Institutional framework for environment management issuing Environmental clearance for various developmental projects. The function of SEIAA
covers screening, scoping and appraisal of projects or activities as specified under the said
Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB): TNPCB was constituted by GoTN in
1982 in pursuance of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (Central Act
6 of 1974). It is responsible for enforcing provisions of the Water (Prevention and Control of The MoEF& CC, GoI has also constituted the District Level Environment Impact Assessment
Pollution) Act, 1974, the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977, the Air Authority (DEIAA) in January 2016 for grant of environmental clearance for Category ‘B2’
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, and the relevant rules made under the Projects pertaining to mining of minor mineral of lease area less than and equal to five hectare
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Main functions of the TNPCB are to plan a as specified under the said notification.
comprehensive programme for the prevention, control and abatement of water and air
pollution, inspection of sewage and trade effluent treatment plants for their effectiveness, Tamil Nadu State Coastal Zone Management Authority (TNSCZMA): Notified by
inspection of industrial plants control equipment and to give directions to take steps for the Government of India under EPA Act 1986, the TNSCZMA is responsible for regulating
prevention, control or abatement of air pollution, collect samples of sewage, trade effluents, coastal developmental activities falling under the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) and is
emissions of air pollutants and to analyze the same for specific parameters and to perform such mandated to implement CRZ 1991 and the current CRZ 2011 Notifications.
other functions as may be prescribed by the State Government or the Central Pollution
Role of other departments and agencies: In addition to the above, several
Control Board.
agencies/departments of Government of Tamil Nadu would also address environmental
Department of Environment (DoE): DoE was created in 1995 as the Nodal Department concerns in discharge of activities falling within their domain for the purpose of
for dealing with environmental management of the State. Department’s responsibilities mainstreaming environmental consciousness and for tackling environmental issues on a
include: holistic manner on all fronts in the State.

32 33

GoTN is acutely aware of the fact that notwithstanding the plethora of legislation and a variety • Need for strengthening and streamlining process of consents, approvals and clearances:
of institutions set up for monitoring and managing the Environment, effective regulation, GoTN is acutely aware that making the process of consents and approvals more transparent,
monitoring, surveillance and protection of environment remains a challenge in view of the following stringent and yet time-bound is critical to improve the investment climate to promote
gaps and concerns: environment friendly investments in the State. While several initiatives including online
tracking of applications etc., are underway, GoTN recognises further streamlining of these
• Clarity on Institutional roles, mandate and charter with respect to environment: While a processes is critical for addressing environmental concerns as well as improving investment
number of institutions have been notified and set up for managing the environment to address climate.
various legislative requirements, there is a need to review the institutional framework for
environment management with respect to clarifying their roles and fixing accountability. This Given that Tamil Nadu is rapidly urbanising and industrialising, it is critical to ensure that the
policy also recognises that environment management is a cross-cutting subject with line above constraints to governance and institutional framework dealt with are continuously improved
departments and agencies required to play a vital role in implementing safeguards and upon. Key actions towards improving environmental governance and strengthening the institutional
mechanisms to protect environmental resources. framework are listed below:

• Inadequate capacity and expertise: Most of the institutions set up for monitoring and Strategies and Actions
managing the Environment have been constrained by inadequate capacity and expertise to
deal with the growing and often changing demands on them. Further, these agencies are 1. Augmentation of managerial and technical expertise and capacity in
sometimes inadequately equipped with technical capabilities and expertise to deal with GoTN agencies: GoTN will carry out a zero-base assessment to identify and
modern practices and newer industry sectors that Tamil Nadu is managing to attract by its
assess the specific technical and managerial gaps within GoTN agencies with
intrinsic industrial strengths and improving investment climate. Despite fairly extensive
respect to environment management and would initiate steps to address these
legislation and regulations, enforcement tends to be a challenge due to ambiguity in
institutional roles, weak accountability, inadequate monitoring capacity and expertise within
gaps on priority through options including:
a. Training and up-skilling actions to develop additional capabilities and
• Inadequacies in Information Infrastructure: Several initiatives have been undertaken and expertise.
are under way to improve the information infrastructure for environment management. The
Department of Environment and Forest Department have initiated several studies and b. Creation and induction of expert panels wherever felt necessary to bring forth
interventions to improve both the quality and quantity of baseline information on a wide specialised one-off expertise requirements that are not of recurring nature and
variety of environmental resources including coastal areas, forests, wetlands, bio-diverse areas
to facilitate a system of advance ruling on compliance requirements and issue
etc., through use of modern methods including remote sensing, GIS etc. Similarly, the
of clarifications.
TNPCB has launched Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring in select industrial areas
and urban centres. There is need for further efforts in this direction.
c. Exploring use of independent third party audits to complement TNPCB’s
• Need for closer engagement with stakeholders: Despite fairly intensive efforts to involve surveillance and monitoring as is being done in a few other States.
wider set of stakeholders in decision making, there is clearly more to be done in this regard.
While processes for impact assessments and public participation need to be strengthened, 2. Improving technical facilities and information management infrastructure.
GoTN is critically aware of the need for proactive awareness generation efforts and transparent GoTN would continue its thrust to improve information management and
stakeholder engagement early-on for sustainable development. technical facilities. This would particularly focus on the following:

34 35

a. Building a comprehensive mapping of environmental resources in the State 5. Foster Research and Development (R&D): GoTN recognises the need to
through extensive use of technologies including GIS and remote sensing. foster capable institutions to promote research and development and will
encourage collaborative partnerships among Government, industry and
b. Expand, modernise facilities including equipments, testing labs, online and academia to develop innovative solutions for meeting environmental challenges.
continuous monitoring of pollution levels and environment resources. GoTN would support academic and research institutions in establishing and
scaling up R&D initiatives to engender innovative solutions to deal with present
3. Strengthen and streamlining processes and mechanisms for consents,
and future environment challenges.
impact assessments and approvals: GoTN would continue to strengthen its
processes for consents, assessments and approvals to enable stringent 6. Build Awareness and enable greater stakeholder’s involvement: GoTN
enforcement of regulations while making the process transparent, recognises the need to build greater awareness among various stakeholders on
environmentally sound, efficient, citizen and investor friendly covering the their rights and responsibilities towards the environment. GoTN would launch
following: specific initiatives to create awareness involving participation of women, self help
groups, communities, civil societies, Government Organizations, NGOs and
a. Continuous improvements to the CARE initiative of TNPCB to reflect and
other stakeholders through employment generation, human development and
enable web-enabled online tracking and dissemination of status of
sustainable environment management. Guidelines and actions for public
hearings and participation shall be adhered to in letter and spirit.

b. Strengthen the single window process and further streamlining of process for
7. Alignment of actions towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals:
issue of Consent to Establish green and orange category industries for which
For achievement of sustainable development in the long run, Tamil Nadu will
a composite No-Objection Certificate is issued by the Single Window
coordinate actions towards achievement of National Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) by mainstreaming them into the planning process. The SDGs
would be integrated into the three pillars of sustainable development viz.
c. Time-bound decision making, issue of consents and reporting of information
Economic, social and environmental with a clear set of implementation actions
online on consents issued including time taken for issue.
towards achieving them.
4. Comprehensive assessment of environmental standards, benchmarks and
8. Financing and Resource Allocation: As indicated in the NEP 2006, the
implementing monitoring protocol to ensure enforcement of legislation
principle that economic efficiency should be sought to be realised in public
and standards: GoTN shall undertake a comprehensive review of environment
actions for environmental conservation (along with its implications of Polluter
norms and standards based on a benchmarking of national and international best
Pays and Cost minimisation) will be upheld. Accordingly, the policy would
practices and shall revise the same periodically. Further, these norms and
promote the internalization of environmental costs, including through use of
standards shall be reviewed and updated periodically. In addition, GoTN shall
incentive-based policy instruments, taking into account, the approach that the
review monitoring protocol to ensure appropriate enforcement of environmental
polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution, with due regard to public
legislation and applicable standards/norms.
interest and without distorting international trade and investment.

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GoTN would explore other potential fiscal instruments for augmenting resource
availability for ‘greening’ and environment management initiatives including (a) Cess on
specific user groups with a relatively higher polluting status including polluting
industries and on vehicles; (b) Subsidies and incentives to promote environment friendly
interventions; (c) Make environmental management self driven in Tamil Nadu
by introducing eco taxes and integrating it into the Goods and Services Tax (GST);
(d) Tamil Nadu will strive towards ensuring that taxation of petroleum products and
other greenhouse gas emitting fuels is done in such a way as to ensure that the polluters
are forced to pay at the location where the pollution occurs i.e., at the point where the
fuel is sold and consumed; (e) Tax rebates for green buildings and other initiatives to
promote energy efficiency; (f) Viability support to Public-Private Partnership initiatives
for creation of environmental assets.


To facilitate implementation of the TN State Environment Policy 2017 the

Government will constitute a TN Environment Mission under the stewardship of
Hon’ble Chief Minister, GoTN. The Mission will be supported by Task Forces
constituted with a clear terms of reference, institutional arrangements and resources for
implementation of specific components and measures identified in the policy. Detailed
modalities for the TN Environment Mission would be issued separately.

GoTN recognises that development priorities and their environmental

implications dynamically change with new challenges and opportunities emerging from
time to time. GoTN is also cognisant of the need to factor changes and adopt best
practices in National and Global environmental governance in a timely manner.

The TN State Environment Policy 2017 is thus envisaged as a dynamic document

which would be periodically reviewed to align it with newer information, knowledge
and developments to keep it current and contemporary. In this regard, consultations shall
be undertaken with diverse stakeholders once in five years to review progress with
respect to priorities, strategies and actions identified, address emerging environmental
issues if any and to undertake course corrections as needed.

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