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The report discusses market news and trends for various fruit juices including pineapple, peach and pomegranate juices. It provides price levels and supply information for different producing regions and comments on factors affecting the markets.

The report discusses tighter supplies of Thai pineapple concentrate, rising pineapple juice prices, investments in Costa Rican sweeter pineapple varieties, lower than expected South African peach crops and concerns over smaller sized fruit affecting Latin American peach production. It also mentions growing demand for pomegranate juice.

For pineapple concentrate, it mentions tight supplies from Thailand until autumn 2021 and rising prices despite heavy rains. For peaches, it discusses an almost sold out South African crop and concerns over Latin American production. It also notes strong demand for peaches from Russia and Eastern Europe.


MNS March 2011




This report has been prepared without formal editing, as a service to exporters and industries in
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Market News Service

Fruit Juices

Market News Service

Fruit Juices

Report prepared for ITCs Market News Service by:

Mr. Charles Barkla (
Issue No. 1, of March 2011

We want to thank our subscribers and correspondents who were kind enough to comment on our last
report. We appreciate all your feedback, as it gives us the opportunity to develop and adapt the report
to your needs. We also want to repeat our request for ideas and contributions, in particular those
which relate to matters concerning sub-Saharan Africa. For this edition we have again incorporated
more market and company news, especially from Africa. We are also including a comment on organic
The market for organic juices is very different from the market for conventional juices. The market
moves slowly due to limited supplies, and the long process which is required to obtain organic
certification. This means that supply trends are more clearly visible in advance. Due to a specialised
supply chain, organic juices have only limited cross-over with the market for conventional juices. The
macro-economic factors that dictate supply/price, and consumer demand for conventional juices,
play a smaller role in the organic market.
We want to reiterate that most of our prices in this report for conventional juices are effectively
already out of date by the time we go to print. This is often not the case for organic, as supply
movements are less dramatic. Our price guidelines should not be used as a precise means of setting
prices, but regarded as indicators of trends. Our objective is to identify trends in supply and demand,
as well as their effects on long term market and sector dynamics. This trend identification is designed
to help in planting, processing and marketing decisions. The prices shown in this report were
collected during weeks 12 and 13 of 2011.
Companies which would like to have their activities featured in our newsletter should let us know by
email, telephone, mail or fax to the addresses below. Thank you in advance.

For these purposes or for other information about the report and the Market News Service, please
contact or visit
Finally, we would like to wish our subscribers a very Happy Christmas and a successful and
prosperous 2011.
Copyright MNS/ITC 2000. All rights reserved
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Market News Service
Fruit Juices

INDEX ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 5
ORGANIC JUICES ................................................................................................................................. 5
INDUSTRY AND MARKET NEWS ......................................................................................................... 6
ORGANIC JUICES ............................................................................................................................... 12
ACE/Acerola ...................................................................................................................................... 13
APR/Apricot ....................................................................................................................................... 14
BAN/Banana ...................................................................................................................................... 14
GRA/Grapefruit .................................................................................................................................. 14
LEM/Lemon ....................................................................................................................................... 15
LIM/Lime ............................................................................................................................................ 16
MANG/Mango .................................................................................................................................... 16
ORA/Orange ...................................................................................................................................... 17
PAP/Papaya ...................................................................................................................................... 19
PAS/Passion Fruit ............................................................................................................................. 20
PIN/Pineapple .................................................................................................................................... 20
PEA/Peach ........................................................................................................................................ 21
POM/Pomegranate ............................................................................................................................ 21

Market News Service
Fruit Juices

Recent figures from Business Insights/ have valued the global fruit juice
market at US$79 billion in 2009. They predict
compound annual growth of 3.4%, which will
bring the business to a total of US$93 billion
by 2014. Europe remains the largest market
for juices valued at US$38 billion. The
European juices market is expected to be
valued at USD$48 billion by 2014 a 5.2%
annual compound increase. The American
juice market was worth US$26 billion in 2009,
but had the lowest predicted increase of 1%
annually compounded during 2009-2014.
Figures also confirm the trend that sees NFC
juices exceeding the overall fruit juice average,
with compound annual increases of 8% in the
period 2009-2014.
These figures show an industry in good shape,
and which is making solid progress into the
medium term future, but.....
If this report had been written only four weeks
ago, the position might have seemed more
secure. Recent events, such as the unrest in
the Middle East and the series of catastrophic
disasters that have struck Japan, have
changed the world economic scenario.
Japan is the third largest global economy, and
consumes a comparable amount of fruit juice.
In some juices, such as acerola, it is the most
significant consumer in the world. For orange

juice, it is the third largest consumer. At the

time of writing the situation is still rather
unclear. Consumption could climb as a result
of fears of radiation contamination in
domestically produced foods and beverages.
Alternatively, consumption could decrease as
a result of reduced incomes and changed
purchasing habits.
The effects of the unrest in the Middle East are
easier to predict. Uncertainty in supplies of oil
lead quickly to price rises. They also affect
currency values and their complex web of
cross rates.
Most global commodities have risen in price,
and there are very few fruit juices that have not
followed suit. The UK Daily Telegraph reported
that during the past year the price of a one-litre
carton of Tropicana fresh orange juice across
the five major UK supermarket chains has
risen 22 per cent. Is this sustainable? The
answer has to be considered in the light of
major new and fast developing markets for
juice, such as China and India. Supplies in
general are not keeping pace with demand.
Although individual juices sometimes exceed
demand, a surplus in supply is usually short

Organic Juices
We have made reference in past organic juice
newsletters to the ethical market, which is
often confused with the organic market, in
consumers perceptions.

origin of their food and beverages. The strict

codes that govern organic food and beverage
production, could play a more important part in
purchase decisions.

We report below on juices that are grown and

processed according to the strict criteria that
are established and enforced by the various
organic certification bodies. These are not to
be compared with certifications that relate to
labour and environmental conditions.

As with conventional juices, the organic juice

market is reporting good growth, underpinned
by insufficient supply. Almost every juice type
is seeing a shortage of certified production.
This has to offer new entrants a solid
certification process and conditions can be
overcome, consumers seem ready, willing and
able to pay sufficient premiums, which are
usually around 30% above conventional

It is too early to say what effect the Japanese

radiation leaks might have on consumption.
However, it would not be unreasonable to
expect that consumers will be keen to
understand as much as possible about the

Market News Service
Fruit Juices

Industry and Market News

March 31 2011 INDIA's FieldFresh Foods,
which produce processed food and beverage
products under the label Del Monte in the
domestic market, is planning to enter newer
markets and smaller towns to boost its
business. It will also focus on further building
its network of modern trade channels.
March 29 2011 COCA-COLA Femsa, the
Mexico-based Coke bottler, has completed the
acquisition of Grupo Industrias Lacteas, a
Panama juice and dairy company. Femsa said
the acquisition - for an undisclosed sum - will
significantly strengthen its position in the
Panamanian market: "It further reinforces the
company's non-carbonated product portfolio in
the juice-based beverage market." As well as
being the country's largest milk buyer, Lacteas
produces juice and nectars under the Estrella
Azul and Del Prado brands, among others. It
has three manufacturing plants and reported
revenues of USD140.9 million in 2010.
March 25 2011 HINDUSTAN Unilever Ltd has
launched a juice/soya blend in India. Kissan
Fruit Juice and Soya includes nine essential
vitamins and minerals. It is free of cholesterol
and suitable for the lactose-intolerant.
March 22 2011 CHINA Huiyuan Juice Group
has recorded impressive annual results. The
fruit juice producer saw revenues jump 31% to
CNY3.71 billion (USD566 million) in 2010,
compared with the year-ago period. Revenues
for its fruit juice products alone reached
CNY3.4 billion - a 26% rise on the previous
year. Gross margins for its fruit juice products
increased to 36.7% last year, compared with
36% in 2009
March 21 2011 TROPICANA Frutz has
recently been launched in Saudi Arabia. The
beverage is a carbonated fruit drink, in Apple
Blackcurrant Cocktail varieties. It comes
packed in 300ml glass bottles.
March 18 2011 AMRUTANJAN Health Care of
India, a maker of coughs and cold syrups as
well as balms and other medical products, has
moved into the beverages sector with the
acquisition of Fruitnik, the beverages brand of
Chennai-based Siva Soft Drink. Siva sold the
company, which makes soft drinks and fruit
beverages, for INR262 million (USD5.8
million). Amrutanjan says it intends to turn

Fruitnik into an INR1.0 billion brand in three

years. Fruitnik has a brand presence in Tamil
Nadu, parts of Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.
However, 90% of its sales come from Tamil
Nadu. The brand is available in three fruit
variants, packed in 200ml, 500ml and 1-litre
PET bottles. Amrutanjan wants to add energy
drinks and pure fruit juices and to extend the
packaging to include Tetra Paks.
March 17 2011 CUBA has replanted 1 600
hectares of new citrus groves, as part of the
repair work done after the 2008 hurricane that
seriously damaged its grapefruit and orange
industry. The planting by Victoria de Giron
Enterprise, in the province of Matanzas,
intersperses alternating orange trees with
other fruit trees as guava and mango, which
increases yielding. The aim is to plant 1 000ha
this year in the key Jaguey Grande region.
March 15 2011 FRUIT2DAY has launched a
new US "special edition" of its juice with real
fruit pieces: Summer Lovin' is a blend of
raspberry and lemon, with bits of real fruit that
is ideal for the warmer weather months. Also
new is Fruit2day Morning: a fruit smoothie with
7g of protein, 5g of fibre and bits of fruit. It will
be available in two flavours: Strawberry
Banana Sunrise and Triple Berry Sunshine.
Both new varieties come in 6.75oz bottles and
will be available in stores in April.
March 15 2011 COOL Tropics UK Ltd chose
the London IFE exhibition to launch a new
slush product. PiPS Ice is a slush made from
100% fruit juice. It contains no artificial colours,
flavours nor added sugar, and comes packed
in 118ml pouches. It can be stocked in
ambient temperatures as a juice product, or in
freezers as a frozen slush item. It does not
require any of the usual slush-making
orange/mango, apple/blackberry cherry/berry
and strawberry/kiwi.
March 14 2011 SAMBAZON, a US supplier of
organic Amazon superfoods, has announced
the addition of two new products within its
functional line of beverages: Organic Protein
Superfood Smoothies in Aa Berry &
Chocolate and Aa Berry & Vanilla. The
company unveiled the new smoothies at the
Natural Products Expo West in California.
They are packaged in 10.5oz ready-to-drink

Market News Service

Fruit Juices

bottles with a recommended selling price of

March 10 2011 GOODBELLY, a US
manufacturer line of probiotic fruit drinks, has
GoodBelly SuperGreen Live, and GoodBelly
StraightShot. The coconut water has no added
sugar and contains only 80 calories per
servingIt retails at USD3.49 for a 32oz pack.
SuperGreen Live is a blend of spinach,
spirulina, chlorella, parsley, alfalfa grass, and
oat grass, and is similarly priced. StraightShot
is dairy-free, soy-free and has no added sugar.
It costs USD2.99 for a four-pack of 2.7oz
March 09 2011 SPANISH shipments of grape
must and fruit juices rose 110% in volume
reaching 42 140 562 litres last year, while
export value grew 31.77% to EUR136.8
million, according to data from both Aemzu
and Aemzucaman associations. All juices
proved popular last year, with fruit
concentrates performing particularly well.
Promotion of the juices abroad will now be
encouraged, in addition to advertising within
Spain to boost consumption further.
March 09 2011 TROPICANA is to increase its
orange juice prices by 4-8%, due to cold
weather reducing supply from Florida's citrus
groves. Tropicana is the largest buyer of
Florida's fruit and juice. This follows price
increases announced earlier this year by
Coca-Cola, on its Minute Maid juice brand.
The company said that it is coping with two
extreme freezes, the coldest December on
record and a smaller-than-expected crop for
the second year in a row.
March 04 2011 RAFFEISEN Ware Austria
(RWA), a majority holding of Munich-based
BayWa AG, and Agrana, the giant Austrian
sugar, starch and fruit concentrates group, are
planning a joint venture. The intention is to
combine Agrana's fruit processing operations
with those of Ybbstaler Fruit Austria GmbH,
another Austrian juice processor, and a
subsidiary of RWA. The new entity will be
called Baywa and will be based in Krllendorf
(Lower Austria). The deal is subject to
approval by the regulatory authorities. Both
RWA and Agrana are of similar size. In its
2009/10 financial year, AGRANA generated
revenues of around EUR2 billion (USD2.76
billion). Agrana Juice Holding GmbH (the juice
operation of Agrana group) has 12 production
facilities in Austria, Denmark, Hungary,
Poland, Romania, Ukraine and China, as well
as a warehouse in Germany. Ybbstaler

operates three processing plants; one in

Austria and two in Poland. The combined
annual revenues of both fruit juice concentrate
companies amount to around EUR250 million.
The joint venture will be fully consolidated by
AGRANA on the basis of a 50.01 % stake.
March 04 2011 BANGLADESH's government
is cracking down on tax evasion in the
country's fruit juice and soft drinks sector and
is planning to tax fruit juices and nectars. At
present, only carbonated soft drinks (CSDs),
mineral waters and energy drinks are subject
to tax. It would appear that the existing sales
tax is not being properly collected and the
country's National Board of Revenue (NBR)
will audit all food and beverage companies
producing juice and drinks to find out the
revenue potential and the degree of tax
evasion in the sector. The country's beverage
market size is estimated at BDT12 billion
(USD169 million) and is growing on an
average annual rate of 14%. The government
earns nearly BDT300 million in revenue from
the juice and drinks sector.
March 04 2011 THE IFU (the International
Federation of Fruit Juice Producers) has
issued a new paper detailing the benefits of
fruit juice. In addition, it seeks to lay to rest
some of the popular myth that fruit juices are
an alternative to conventional medicines. Fruit
juice Nutrition & Health IFU Scientific Review
is the outcome of the work of the IFU's
Scientific and Technical Commission. The
paper reiterates that 100% fruit (and
vegetable) juices are deemed to be an integral
part of the 'Five a Day' programme and that,
according to the CODEX General Standard for
Fruit Juices and Nectars, fruit juices have the
essential physical, chemical, organoleptical,
and nutritional characteristics of the fruits from
which they come. "A fruit juice is always a
100% product and should not be confused with
soft drinks or other refreshing drinks,"
counsels the report. It lists the beneficial
substances that juices contain and adds that
juices may serve as carriers for added
nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D and
phytosterols that may not be inherent in the
fruit itself.
March 04 2011 JBT CORPORATION's
Foodtech business has won a major juice
bottling contract in the Middle East. Aujan
Industries is buying two of its high-speed
bottling lines for Aujan's smooth juice with real
fruit pieces. The contract is worth about
EUR6.1 million (USD8.0 million). Aujan is the
largest privately owned beverage and

Market News Service

Fruit Juices

confectionery company in the Middle East. The

lines will enable the unloading of citrus pulp
cells; the dosing and mixing of both intact pulp
cells and juice at constant ratios; the
pasteurisation of the pulpy fruit beverage; and
filling into retail packs. The new equipment is
scheduled to be operational in the third quarter
of this year.
March 04 2011 DEL Monte is to begin
production of its 100% Freshly Squeezed Gold
Pineapple juice in Saudi Arabia, and has
unveiled a new look for its Freshly Squeezed
range. The launch would tap the growing
awareness of the fruit's health benefits. The
company has production sites in the (UAE),
Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Its two Saudi
facilities, in Jeddah and Riyadh, are to begin
production of Gold Pineapple. Pineapple
juice's growing prominence has also been
fuelled by advances in sourcing and farming,
so the fruit is available all year round in a
consistent quality for fresh juices. Gold
Pineapple will be accompanied by four other
Grapefruit, Lemonade and Orange/Pineapple.
While the Middle Eastern juice region as a
whole is growing strongly, the UAE and, more
specifically, Dubai, are demanding more fresh
juices. These markets have a number of
airlines and large hospitality industries, as well
as educated, heath-conscious domestic
consumers shopping for wellbeing and
different flavours. Hence the presence in the
UAE of the 100% Freshly Squeezed range,
produced at Del Monte UAE's state-of-the-art
facility in Dubai. The product, which comes
bottled in 300ml, 500ml and 1-litre formats,
has a shelf-life of five or six days. Orange and
mango are the two most popular flavours, de
Beco said. Consumers are shifting to this
range and away from juice from concentrate
reconstituted in the UAE with water.
March 04 2011 NATURAL flavourings are
becoming increasingly popular for European
dairy products, according to Dr Alexander
Smerz, global head of flavour product
management at German company Dhler.
Confirmation of these trends can be found in
Germany, for example, where market research
shows that consumers increasingly have
higher regard for products without added
flavours, colours and preservatives, or with
natural ingredients only, Smerz said.
March 04 2011 CALYPSO Soft Drinks of the
UK has launched Calypso Exotix, claimed to
be the country's first range of 'school
compliant' exotic juice drinks. In mango

(containing the Alphonso variety), guava and

tropical (nine different fruits including passion
fruit and pineapple) flavours, with no added
sugar, colour or preservatives, the Exotix
drinks comprise 50% real fruit juices and
pures with added mineral water. The Calypso
Exotix range is available in 200ml combi pack
cartons with a recommended price of GBP0.50
(USD0.81) each or GBP1.29 per three-pack.
March 01 2011 AGTHIA Group PJSC, one of
the Middle East's major fruit juice and bottled
water manufacturers, has signed a licence
manufacture and distribute a range of natural
fruit juice products under the Chiquita brands
in the UAE, the GCC and Egypt.
February 28 2011 KRAFT Foods Brazil is
expanding its Fresh powdered juice product
line with two new flavours this summer. The
two new flavours include Orange with a Pinch
of Passion Fruit and Guaran with a Pinch of
Orange. The pair of products is being
marketed in 20g sachets that suffice to make
two litres of juice that contains Vitamin C and
fruit pulp. Kraft Foods Brazil owns four
factories in Brazil and is currently building a
new unit in Pernambuco state. Separately,
rival juice maker Hikari announced the launch
of its new Frukari Frutas powdered juice line
with eight different flavours.
February 25 2011 TROPICANA is launching a
natural lemonade in the UK. In Traditional or
Pink varieties, it is made from 100% natural
fruit juice and contains no added sugar or
water: lemon juice is blended with an apple
juice base, plus pomelo juice and, for the Pink
variety, a small amount of raspberry juice. It
comes in 900ml take-home packs and 300ml
single serve priced at GBP2.20 and GBP1.17
February 25 2011 WHAT is claimed to be the
biggest-ever orange juice tanker ship has just
been delivered to Swiss company Atlanship.
The Orange Star was built in the Croatian
Brodosplit shipyard in the Adriatic port of Split
and can transport 35750 tonnes of juice. Ships
of similar, only slightly smaller, size are in use
by Citrosuco and Cutrale, transporting orange
juice from Brazil to Europe.
February 24 2011 BRITVIC, the UK soft drinks
group, has warned that raw material inflation
will be higher than previously expected. In a
trading update released today the company
said input-cost inflation for Britain and Ireland
would be 9-11%, reflecting price increases for

Market News Service
Fruit Juices

sugar and steel. It had previously forecast

inflation of around 5-6%. It added that, while
the Irish soft drinks market remains
challenging, the GB and French markets
continue to demonstrate resilience.
February 24 2011 TRADE Winds Citrus Ltd of
Jamaica has added another juice to its range.
The pure freshly squeezed juice contains no
added sugar and is recommended by the
Medical Association of Jamaica. It is only
available in two sizes, 1.89ml (half-gallon) and
945ml (quart).
February 14 2011 A FRUIT juice and dairy
processor in Nigeria has opened a new
factory. Ranona Nigeria Ltd's new NGN7.5
billion (USD48.6 million) plant is dedicated to
the production of five new lines. These include
Natures Fresh Fruit Juice (in apple, orange,
pineapple, pineapple and coconut and multifruit flavours), YoJus (a children's fruit juice
pack, also in five flavours), Candia Twist (milk
and fruit in apple, orange and multi-fruit
flavour), Candia Smoozy (yogurt and juice in
strawberry and plain sweet flavours); and
Candy'Up (a milk drink that comes in
chocolate and strawberry flavours).
February 15 2011
A NEW fruit processing plant is being set up in
Cuba. The plant, belonging to The Preserves
and Vegetables Company, is in Forestal,
Camaguey province, and will make mango and
other pures destined for use in children's fruit
compotes and other products. Hitherto, fruits
grown in the area had to be transported to
processors in other locations, and the new
plant, right in the heart of the mango-growing
area, will offer considerable savings. Mango
varieties to be processed include SuperHayde
and Corazon.
February 17 2011 BELGIAN soft drinks
producer Konings has agreed to buy a Belgian
fruit juice factory belonging to PepsiCo. The
plant at Borgloon makes the Looza brand of
fruit juices. PepsiCo says the unit is not
profitable, and it intends to keep the Looza
brand. Konings says it expects to turn the
business around, and it will continue to copack Looza juices for PepsiCo.
February 10 2011 SKYPEOPLE Fruit Juice
Inc, a Chinese processor of kiwifruit, apple,
pear and other fruit juice concentrates, and
manufacturer of Hedetang-branded fruit
beverages, has launched four new Hedetangbranded juice products to retail customers and
distributors. The new products are available in

500ml bottles. "Our design team has been

developing new packaging for Hedetang juices
for the last four months," said Yongke Xue,
SkyPeople's chief executive. "We now sell six
flavours of Hedetang juices in 280ml glass
bottles, our new 500ml glass bottle and case
packs, including apple juice, pear juice,
kiwifruit juice, mulberry juice, kiwifruit cider and
mulberry cider. Initial shipments of juices with
the new packaging began in Xi'an on 28
January. Customers include Walmart, TrustMart, which was acquired by WalMart, and La
building momentum after the Chinese New
Year holiday through in-store tasting
campaigns and sales road shows.
February 10 2011 THE Kenyan passion fruit
project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation in partnership with Coca-Cola is
proceeding apace. Other stakeholders include
Farm Concern International, Equity Bank, and
Real IPM, a pesticide company. Kenya's
Business Daily reports that 1 000 farmers in
eastern and lower altitude regions of Central
Province received the first seeds of a yellow
passion fruit variety developed by the Kenya
Agricultural Research Institute (Kari). This is
claimed to be high yielding, tolerant to
diseases and bugs, and costs half as much to
grow as the traditional purple variety. Among
other advantages, it requires spraying just
three times a season rather than six, for the
purple fruit. It has a productive lifespan of five
years compared with three years for the purple
variety. Named Project Nurture, the drive is
targeted at 37 000 fruit farmers, and aims to
double fruit incomes by also achieving best
practice in farm management and opening
markets for the fruit. Industrial fruit processors
prefer the yellow fruit to the purple, claims the
paper, because it is sweeter and bigger,
yielding more juice: it converts into 35% juice,
compared with 20-25% for the purple passion
February 10 2011 JAPAN's Kirin Beverage Co
is increasing production of chilled drinks as
well as expanding its presence in western
Japan, where it says it has hitherto been weak.
In March, it will add JPY100 million (USD1.2
million) worth of bottling lines for Tropicana
fruit juice drinks at its plant in Sayama,
Saitama Prefecture. The facility will then be
able to turn out up to 9 000 250ml juice packs
per hour, a 50% increase.
February 09 2011 FRUITAPEEL, the juice
company that that bought the former SunJuice
plant in Wales (FOODNEWS 10 July 2009) is

Market News Service

Fruit Juices

hiring more staff. Former workers will be

offered jobs with Fruitapeel, which supplies
retailer Iceland with fruit juice and has its
Welsh base in Llantrisant.
February 07 2011 HINDUSTAN Unilever is
entering the Indian juice drinks market under
its Kissan brand, presently used for tomato
ketchup, jams and squashes (dilutable drinks).
India's fruit drinks market is currently
dominated by Dabur, Parle Agro, PepsiCo and
Coca-Cola. Hindustan Unilever will launch its
competitors in TetraPaks, according to the
country's Economic Times. The market divided
into three segments: fruit drinks, nectar and
100% juice, and is becoming increasingly
competitive, with an estimated 1 500 products
available. Parle Agro's Frooti, Coca-Cola's
Maaza and PepsiCo's Slice are the three
major brands in the fruit drinks sector, which
accounts for the biggest sales in of the fruitbased beverages category. Dabur's Real
brand controls half the market for pure (100%)
juices and nectars, while Pepsi's Tropicana
has a share of over 30%. Carbonated soft
drinks still remain the most popular nonalcoholic ready-to-drink beverages in India.
February 04 2011 BRITVIC's recent sales
results "hardly set the world alight", as one
analyst put it, but despite looming commodity
inflation and ongoing woes in Ireland, the UK's
second-largest soft drinks maker behind CocaCola Enterprises remains cautiously upbeat for
the future. The first quarter of this year proved
something of a mixed bag for Britvic as the
company behind Tango, Robinsons and Fruit
Shoot saw like-for-like sales (which exclude
the group's acquisition of Fruit, now Britvic
France, last May) slip 0.2% to GBP240 million
for the first three months to 26 December.
However, including the new French division,
total turnover jumped 20% to GBP288.2 million
during the period, fuelled by the strength of its
international divisions excluding Ireland.
February 03 2011 INNOCENT, the UK
company best known for its smoothies, has
launched a new range of NFC fruit juices. The
line-up includes an orange juice (with bits as
well as smooth) and an apple juice, and they
will both be on supermarket shelves across the
country this month. The juices are packed in
Innocent's new recyclable 900ml PET carafe.
This new pack design contains 25% recycled
material, and is claimed to be easier for
consumers to use and convenient to recycle.
The recommended retail price is GBP1.99 per

February 02 2011 SOUTH African company

First National Choice (FNC) plans to invest
USD6 million in building a factory for
processing pineapple in Muxngu, in the
central Mozambican province of Sofala.
Initially, the factory will have capacity to
process 40 tonnes of pineapples per day,
producing around 17 000 litres of juice, which
will be exported to Germany, from where it will
be exported to other European markets. Plans
are currently being drawn up for the facility.
Meanwhile, starting next month, FNC plans to
buy more local pineapples to be processed at
an existing small factory in Morrumbene, in the
neighbouring province of Inhambane, in the
south of Mozambique. The existing factory in
Morrumbene processes frozen fruit pulp, which
is exported to Denmark, as well as producing
fruit jams for the Mozambican market.
February 02 2011 AGRANA, the Austrian fruit
juice and sugar giant, is to take over the apple
juice plant in Xianyang belonging to North
Andre Yantai (with whom it has a joint venture
in China) and will sell its stake in North Andre's
Yongji plant to North Andre in return. Both
plants were being operated as two 50:50 joint
ventures, processing some 250 000 tonnes of
apples into some 36 000 tonnes of AJC
annually every year at both sites.
February 01 2011 JAMBA Juice Company has
opened its first international store in South
Korea. The store, in Inchon International
Airport, is operated in partnership with SPC
Group, a speciality food company based on
baking technology. Jamba intends to develop
50-70 traditional and non-traditional locations
in 2011 and is currently awarding franchise
opportunities in markets around the world.
February 01 2011 COCA-Cola Brazil has
revamped the packaging of its Del Valle juices
by including images of specific plant leaves
and fruits, as well as the average number of
fruits used to manufacture each juice carton.
January 31 2011 SAUDI Arabian firm Menafea
Holding plans to invest USD125 million in a 5
000 hectare farm in north-western Zambia
during 2011, where it will grow pineapples and
build a factory to produce juice, a board
member has said. Khaled Alrajhi said Menafea
would also build 2 000 housing units in the
Zambian capital Lusaka under the same
agreement, signed with Zambia's investment
promotion agency, reported Gulf Daily News.
January 20 2011 FRUITY-Line bv of the
Netherlands has installed a new 100-litre high

Market News Service
Fruit Juices

pressure processing (HPP) system from Avure

Technologies to ramp up the production of
fresh orange juice, fruit pures, and
smoothies. The increased capacity afforded by
the new system is necessary because FruityLine has recently won a contract to supply the
International AG.
January 20 2011 OLD Orchard, a US fruit juice
manufacturer, has launched six new cranberry
juice blends, sweetened with Truvia, a
branded stevia product. The juices are claimed
to contain 40% less sugar than 'regular'
blends. Available in six flavours including,
cranberry/apple and cranberry/raspberry; the
Cranberry Naturals line features no artificial
colours, flavours or preservatives. An 8oz
serving contains 70 calories.
January 14 2011 BERRI, the Australian juice
manufacturer owned by National Foods, has
been told to change the labelling on its flagship
brands, Australian Fresh and The Daily Juice
Company. An investigation by the national
watchdog, the Australian Competition and
Consumer Commission, found the labelling
could mislead consumers into believing the
juice was 100% freshly-squeezed. National
Foods said it accepted that some consumers
were likely to have been misled, in
contravention of the Trade Practices Act.
January 14 2011 DESCRIBED as "an
historical deal", PepsiCo's planned purchase
of Russian juice and dairy giant Wimm-BillDann will make it the country's largest food
and beverages business. Now, with high
hopes for this emerging market, Pepsi has
unveiled its future plans. PepsiCo is no
stranger to Russia. Back in 1973, it was the
first US consumer goods company to break
into the Soviet market. Now, nearly 40 years
later, it has confirmed its commitment to the
market with the announcement it plans to buy
Wimm-Bill-Dann. "Juice would probably be the
number one priority [for investment in Russia]
because of the overlap with [Pepsi's] existing
business, and long-term trend towards nonsparkling drinks," said Philip Gorham, an
analyst at Morningstar.
January 14 2011 SERBIA's Fruit Juice
Producers' Association (UPVSS) has been
accepted into associated membership of the
European Fruit Juice Association (AIJN), the
group has announced. Serbia has now joined
Turkey which has also been granted

associated member status. The UPVSS was

set up in September 2010 by ten leading
producers of fruit juices and nectars in Serbia:
Nektar (from Backa Palanka), Vino Zupa
(Aleksandrovac), Takovo (Gornji Milanovac),
Fruvita (Belgrade), IB Team (Belgrade), Rauch
Serbia (Koceljeva), Duga Fruit (Krusevac),
(Selenca) and Fresh & Co (Subotica). Tetra
Pak Production from Belgrade was accepted
as an associated member in November 2010.
Serbia's total production of fruit juices, nectars
amounted to 330 million litres in 2009, while
the overall market value amounted to
EUR268.4 million, said Miladin Sevarlic, the
UPVSS representative in the AIJN. Sales by
the member companies of the new UPVSS
association account for around 84.5% of the
total market value. Serbia produces around
53.5% of nectars, 10% fruit juices and 36.5%
non-alcoholic refreshment drinks, according to
January 10 2011 BRITANIA Allied Industries, a
manufacturer of biscuits, confectionery, fruit
juices, soft drinks and sauces in Uganda, has
raised UGX11 billion (USD4.6 million) for
construction of a fruit juice processing plant in
Namanve. The plant will process passion fruit,
orange, mango and apple.
It is hoped that the project will boost farmers'
income, with growers given training on how to
grow quality fruits to guarantee a constant flow
of production.
Janaury 06 2011 DOLE, one the world's
largest producers and marketers of fruit and
vegetables, has introduced a new single
serving fruit product served in 100% fruit juice
that does not contain any high fructose corn
syrup or artificial sweeteners. The company's
entire line of 4oz 'Fruit Bowl' single serving fruit
products will now be sold in the new format in
the US. "By converting our entire line of Fruit
Bowls single serving fruit, we can now offer allnatural fruit in 100% juice - a product that
tastes even one step closer to fresh fruit, with
the convenience and value consumers have
come to expect from Dole," the company said.
December 24 2010 YEMENs Aden Free Zone
(AFZ) and the Bin Shahbain company have
signed a land lease agreement to set up a
juice and tomato processing plant. The 30 000
metre development in sector L will be
constructed at an estimated cost of USD800
000. The lease was signed by AFZ chairman
AbdulGhalil al-Shuaibi andMohammed Ahmed

Market News Service

Fruit Juices

Bin Shahbain for Bin Shahbain, the Yemen

News Agency reports.
December 24 2010 PEPSI Beverages Co has
signed an agreement that makes it the official
beverage provider for Legoland Florida. The
new amusement park is scheduled to open in
October 2011. Pepsi brands, including
Tropicana and Dole juices and Aquafina
bottled water, will be exclusively available in
the 150-acre park, and Pepsi will help fund
various Legoland promotions.
December 24 2010 INNOCENT Drinks is
switching its juice packs from Tetra Pak to
plastic carafes. Its two NFC orange juice lines
will appear in the new packs in the first quarter
of next year, to be followed by its new apple
juice. The smoothies will remain in cartons.
The five new SKUs will be packaged in PET
bottles with some recycled content.

December 23 2010 COCA-Cola India is to

source FCOJ from Jain Irrigation Systems,
according to The Hindu Business Line. Coke
already buys mango pulp from Jain Irrigation
and has now concluded a trial with juice from a
Brazilian orange variety. In 2007, Coke said
would invest USD250 million up to 2010 and in
2011 it would concentrate more on brands
launched in 2010. The company has launched
seven products in India this year and is
planning to introduce 100% fruit juices under
its Minute Maid brand in 2011.
Planet retail reported:
March 15 2011 Walmart's pending entry into
the South African market marks a new era of
retail globalisation. Despite having a presence
in markets ranging from Sao Paulo to
Shanghai, Walmart will find trading on the
African continent vastly different to its existing

Source: FoodNews

Organic Juices
North American organic food and beverage
market has overtaken Europe to become the
biggest organic market in the world, according
to a new report from Organic Monitor.
However, despite fast growth in the amount of
organic farmland in North America, production
has not increased quickly enough to keep up
with demand, leading to a shortfall in supply
filled by imports from other countries. Latin
America in particular has become a major
source of organic fruits, vegetables, meats,
seeds, nuts and ingredients for the North
American market.
Globally, the organic food and drink market
has seen growth rates slow down during the
recession to just under five percent per
annum, when it had previously had several
years of double-digit growth. But Organic
Monitors Global Organic Food & Drink Market
report said that the sector is beginning to pick
Healthy growth rates are resuming as
'mainstreaming' of organic products continues.
A major driver of market growth in all
geographic regions is increasing distribution in
mainstream retailers, said the market
research organization.

The report found consumer perception

indicated that organic foods are very
expensive. This continues to hinder growth in
the sector, despite a price differential as low as
15 percent for some product categories, it
said. Nevertheless, higher prices for organic
Organic Monitor said it expects organic
farmland to increase in developing countries,
with demand remaining concentrated in
affluent countries.
The US organic market has held up better than
other regions, with sales of organic food more
than tripling since 2000, from 1.2 percent of
total food sales to 3.7 percent last year, to
reach $24.8bn, according to Organic Trade
Association figures. The organic sector has
continued to grow at a faster rate than the food
industry as a whole. US organic food sales
were up five percent last year, while general
food sales grew by just two percent.
March 31 2011 ALTERNATIVE Herbal
Products Pvt Ltd of Kathmandu, in association
with Kanchenjunga Tea Estate Pvt Ltd, has

Market News Service
Fruit Juices

Kanchenjunga Tea Estate has been exporting

the country's first-ever certified organic tea
March 18 2011 THE recent IFE exhibition in
London saw the debut of a range of fruit juices
that form part of a portfolio of products
incorporating olive oil. Olive Living's portfolio of
olive infused products include bottled still
water, Italian gelato and fruit juices with
cosmetics in the pipeline. The NFC juices are
all organic, and are packed in 1-litre ambient
cartons as well as 250ml sizes for the
children's market (also NFC and organic). A
330ml PET pack is also available. A litre of
juice contains about 450mg of olive oil.
Varieties available are apple, smooth orange,
orange with bits, an orange/mango blend, an
apple/mango blend and tomato. The 1-litre
packs are priced at GBP3.00 (USD4.83); the
330 ml packs at GBP1.30 and the children's
sizes at GBP1.00.
Kiril Mischeff, a UK supplier of fruit juices,
frozen products and other items, has started
supplying pure lemon juice to the country's
retail market. Quick Lemon is an NFC product,
sourced from Spain. Single-dose sachets
contain 8m of juice, and have a shelf life of
nine months. Then there are PET bottles in
125ml, 280ml and 1-litre capacities, all with
shelf lives of one year, and a 750ml glass
bottle, also with a one-year shelf life.
Cobell showed a new range of apple and pear
varietal purees made by Dreyer. Varieties
include what Cobell calls the "classics" such
as Williams and Conference for the pears, and
Gala for the apples. These have no added
ascorbic acid and are aimed at beverage
companies, smoothie makers and baby food
manufacturers. They come packed in drums

and bins. It contains no added sugar, artificial

flavours, colours or preservatives and contains
43 calories per bottle. The target market is
females aged 20-35. The 250ml bottle is made
from aluminium and is fully recyclable. It is
priced at GBP1.74 (US2.80) per bottle.
March 15 2011 ONE Natural Experience
(ONE), the US producer of coconut water
beverages, has obtained 100% organic
certification from the USDA for its 11.2oz and
1-litre pure ONE coconut water products. The
new certified beverages will be rolled out
through all the company's retail outlets and
distribution channels.
February 07 2011 UNCLE Matt's Organic, a
US juice manufacturer, is now shipping its
products in recycled cardboard boxes. Uncle
Matt's says it will save 1 821 trees, 225 yards
of landfill, 481 950 gallons of fresh water, 331
700 KWH of power, and 107.1 tonnes of CO2
footprint in one season. The packaging change
follows the company's October 2010 decision
to use 100% recycled-fibre boxes for shipping
fresh fruit.
January 24 2011 PETER Rabbit Organics of
the US has launched a new range of fruit and
vegetable pures, aimed at babies and
toddlers from the age of six months up. The
certified organic products are made in Oregon,
packed in 4oz resealable squeezable pouches,
and contain no added sugar nor artificial
ingredients. The fruit pures come in
carrot/squash/apple. Retail price is USD1.79
per pack.

Source: FoodNews


Brazil, frozen ss, 6-8 brix, US$1450-1500/mt FOB Santos

Brazil, frozen concentrate, 65 brix clear, US$14,300/mt FOB Santos

Market Situation
Acerola is in high demand at the time of
writing. The peak of the Brazilian season is
now. Processors are buying up all available
production. The big unknown is how (if at all)
demand will change in the biggest market of

Japan following the earthquake. Prices are

significantly higher than for last seasons

Market News Service

Fruit Juices

Organic Juices
Brazil, frozen concentrate, 65 brix clear, US$19800/mt FOB Santos
Brazil, frozen ss, 6-8 brix, US$1900-2000/mt FOB Santos
Brazil, frozen concentrate, 50 brix clear, US$18900/mt FOB Santos

Argentina, puree, 32 brix, US$1200-1400/mt FCA Rotterdam

Market Situation
South Africa sold out about two months ago.
Their prices were higher, due in part to a poor
harvest in Europe. The price for Argentina

origin above is an early indication. Demand is

reported as relatively buoyant.

Ecuador, ss aseptic, 22 brix, US$650-720/mt FCA Holland zero duty

Market Situation
Banana puree prices have risen gently in the
past three months. Demand is strong for both
fresh fruit, as well as puree. Banana
represents a lower cost brix, and still finds a

good market in smoothies, even though this

market segment has seen some declines

Organic Juices
Ecuador, Cavendish, aseptic ss, 22+ brix, US$1280/mt FCA Holland duty free

Florida, red, frozen concentrate, 58 brix, US$2450-2550/mt FCA Holland
Florida, pink, frozen concentrate, 58 brix, US$2300-2450/mt FCA Rotterdam
Florida, white, frozen concentrate, 58 brix, US2350-$2500/mt FCA Rotterdam
Cuba, red, frozen concentrate, 58 brix, US$1950-2050/mt FOB Cuba
Cuba, white, frozen concentrate, 58 brix, US$2000-2100/mt FOB Cuba
Mexico, coloured, frozen concentrate, 58 brix, US$2150-2200/mt FCA Holland

Market News Service
Fruit Juices

Market Situation
USDA estimates for production in Florida (and
the whole of the USA) can be regularly viewed
on, which is updated
from the 9 to the 12 of every month. The
latest estimates for grapefruit in the new
season were issued on 10 March 2011. They
The forecast of all grapefruit production
remains at 19.6 million boxes, including an
allocation of 700,000 boxes for non-certified
gift fruit and local sales. Of the total grapefruit
forecast, 5.6 million boxes are white and 14.0
million boxes are the colored varieties. A Size
and Drop survey conducted in February shows
droppage for white grapefruit to be about
average and average fruit size to be close to
the minimum. The Size and Drop survey for
colored grapefruit confirmed droppage less
than average with fruit smaller than the
minimum of the seasons used in the
regressions. The route survey conducted
March 1-2 shows that 43 percent of the white
rows and 57 percent of the colored rows have
been harvested.

Grapefruit sales, of both concentrate and NFC,

in the US market, have shown signs of going
up in the past three months. A significant price
drop took place in 2009 and early 2010 and its
effects have now worked their way through to
the marketplace. The supply/demand ratio has
now turned for the first time in a few years.
Prices have firmed over the past six months
and are now going up again. Sales volumes
are still well below levels of five years ago
before the price spike, the Atkins diet and the
contra-indication with statin drugs. However,
grapefruit juice still meets a niche need in the
Cubas production is now in full recovery mode
from the disastrous damage caused by
hurricanes three years ago. Their prices track
the US origin levels, but they benefit from duty
free access to the EU. Their production is
excluded from the US market, so they have
more limited options for their export markets.

GUA/ Guava
South Africa, pink, ss, aseptic pulp, 9 brix US$675-775/mt FCA Holland in transit
Brazil, pink, ss, aseptic pulp, 9-12 brix US$650-700/mt FOB Brazil
Brazil, pink, concentrate, aseptic pulp, 14-16 brix US$950/mt FOB Brazil
Brazil, pink, concentrate, aseptic pulp, 18-20 brix US$1000-1140/mt FOB Brazil

Market Situation
Brazilian production is too expensive to compete outside the domestic market. Demand and supply
are normal.

Argentina, frozen concentrate, cloudy, 500gpl US$4250-4400/mt FCA Rotterdam
Argentina, frozen concentrate, clear, 500gpl US$5200-5400/mt CFR Rotterdam
Greece, frozen concentrate, cloudy, 400gpl, 3500/mt CIP Europe

Market News Service
Fruit Juices

Market Situation
At the moment, there are almost zero stocks of
lemon juice available, but most pundits are
picking a vastly improved supply situation from
Argentina for the next harvest. They cite a
large crop from Spain, which is satisfying the
market for fresh fruit in Europe. This is
expected to leave more fruit available for
processing into juice and oils.

Argentina has suffered from some adverse

weather events, such as rains leading to
flooding and disease, although the anticipated
effects of La Nina were not as bad as was
expected. At the time of writing fruit sizes are
small. If this continues to be the case, then yet
more fruit will go to processing. The harvest
will start by the end of April.

Organic Juices
Italy, frozen concentrate, cloudy, 400 gpl max 1% pulp, US$4500/mt FCA Holland duty free
South Africa, frozen ss, cloudy, US$1150/mt FCA Holland duty paid

Brazil, 400gpl, 8% pulp, cloudy, frozen concentrate, US$2500/mt FOB Santos
Brazil, 400gpl, 8% pulp, clear, frozen concentrate, US$4100/mt FOB Santos

Market Situation
The Brazilian crop has started. Demand is
strong for lime juice as well as for fresh fruit.
This comes at the same time as there is a
shortage of fresh lemons. Lime fruit prices

were up around R$12.00/box, but seem to

have fallen back to below R$9.00/box, on the
expectation that Argentina will have a good
lemon crop this year.

India, Alphonso, aseptic puree, 17 brix, US$1600-1700/mt FCA Rotterdam
India, Totapuri, aseptic concentrate, 28 brix, US$1600-1700/mt FCA Rotterdam
India,Totapuri, aseptic puree, 14-16 brix, US$1075-1100/mt CFR Rotterdam
Brazil, Palmer, aseptic concentrate, 28-30 brix, US$1380-1400/mt FOB Santos
Brazil, Tommy Atkins, aseptic concentrate, 28-30 brix, US$1350-1400/mt FOB Santos
Brazil, Tommy Atkins, ss aseptic, 14-16 brix, US$925-950/mt FOB Santos
Mexico, Tommy Atkins, aseptic concentrate, 28 brix, US$1500-1550/mt FCA Holland in bulk
Peru, Chato dIca, frozen ss, 14-16 brix, US$1100/mt CFR Rotterdam
Colombia, Magdalena, aseptic concentrate, 28 brix, US$1475/mt C+F Europe

Market Situation
The high prices, which were in force for last
seasons crop, resulted in a significant
downturn in sales. Not only did Latin America
pick up extra business for their varieties, but
the Indian exporters are now forced to
discount their production to make way for the

new seasons crop. While fresh fruit sales

have been strong over the past year, sales of
puree and concentrate have been put under
pressure by the economic downturn in the
Middle East. The Middle East has always been

Market News Service
Fruit Juices

a major and loyal customer for these Indian

varietal types.
Early indications suggest that both Alphonso
and Totapuri varieties will enjoy a good, but
late harvest. As stocks of both variants are still
available from the last two seasons, it is likely
that prices will fall in the short term. In view of
this scenario, it is recommended that
customers keep an eye on their deliveries to
ensure that no adulteration with lower cost
varieties has taken place.
The opening price indication above for
Colombian production is just that. Firm offers
have not yet been seen and, as both Peru and
Brazil are now almost sold out, it may be

possible that Colombia will seek high prices,

as they may be the only Latin American origin
able to offer short term deliveries. US buyers
bought up large stocks of Brazilian Tommy
Atkins concentrate towards the end of the
Demand is still buoyant overall for mango
purees and concentrates in North America and
Europe. However, with good production
expected from both Colombia and India,
coupled with big carry over stock, the price is
predicted to come back during the course of

Organic Juices
Brazil, Palmer, aseptic concentrate, 28-30 brix, US$2100/mt FOB Santos

Brazil, FCOJ, 66 brix, US$2600-2700/mt FCA Holland, duty unpaid
Italy, blood FCOJ, 66 brix, $2850-3050/mt DDP Holland, duty free
Brazil, NFC, US$600-750/mt FOB Santos
Spain, NFC, 400/mt, ex-works
Greece, NFC, 480-500/mt C+F Northern Europe

Market Situation
The global NFC orange juice market seems to
have recovered, with higher exports in 2010
from both Brazil and the USA. A weaker US
market has forced processors to seek markets
elsewhere. In particular, Europe is showing
good growth and is predicted to continue to
grow by as much as 10% over the next three

years. Prices have continued to rise, for

example, in the past year the price of
Tropicana fresh orange juice has risen by 22%
in UK supermarkets.

The National Supply Company in Brazil
(CONAB) issued its first forecast in January
2011 for the 2010/2011 orange harvest in Sao
Paulo state. They expect an increase of nearly
10% to a total of 353 million boxes. They
warned that the situation is still not clear, but
report that flowering in the latter part of 2010
was good, due to lower rainfall. More recent

estimates put these figures closer to 320

million boxes, but either way, the crop seems
destined to exceed significantly last years
total of 260 million boxes. Growers are
negotiating hard to maintain last seasons fruit
prices in the face of an expected increase in
crop size. They are promoting the argument
that sugar cane prices have also risen and

Market News Service

Fruit Juices

continue to offer a viable alternative to growing

Supply is very limited at the time of writing.
NFC is available only in limited quantities from
major processors. FCOJ can be sourced only
from the North East of the country. Meanwhile,
sales of fresh fruit have been strong during the
early part of 2011. The main Brazilian crop in
Sao Paulo and Parana will start in June/July,
at which point the situation will become clear.
Fresh fruit sales will also be lower during this
winter period. As mentioned above, forecasts
at this stage are optimistic for a good harvest
and crop with normal yields. 2011 is an
ANUGA year and with demand remaining
strong, Brazilian exporters will be looking
forward to it, for once!
Initial reports suggest that Japans recent
earthquake has not damaged the port terminal
facilities that handled imports of Brazilian
orange juice. Japan is Brazils third largest
market, importing over 80,000mt/pa at a value
of approximately US$50 million. Cutrale and
Citrosuco share a port terminal, which was not
seriously affected. The unknown factor is what
the earthquake, and subsequent nuclear

threat, will do to consumption. There is the

possibility of a switch by consumers to
imported food and beverages, while domestic
production may see a reduction in sales.
A decision has been made by the WTO on the
anti-dumping action taken by the US
Department of commerce against Brazilian
orange juice imports into the USA. This has
yet to be confirmed, but if not appealed by
either side within two months, this decision
could have far reaching effects on both major
supplying nations.
However, the EU has announced an in-depth
investigation by the EU Merger Regulation
Committee into the proposed merger between
Citrosuco and Citrovita. If the merger goes
ahead, it would create the largest orange juice
producer in the world. The EU wants to
investigate the effects that this merger might
have on the orange juice market in the
European Economic Area. An initial ruling is
unofficially expected to be handed down by the
middle of 2011.

USDA estimates for production in Florida (and
the whole of the USA) can be regularly viewed
on, which is updated
from the 9th to the 12th of every month. The
latest new seasons Florida all orange forecast
was released on 10 March 2011. They write:
The 2010-2011 Florida all orange forecast
released today by the USDA Agricultural
Statistics Board is 142.0 million boxes, up 4.0
million boxes from February or 6 percent more
than last seasons production. The total is
comprised of 70.0 million boxes of nonValencia oranges (early, midseason, Navel,
and Temple varieties) and 72.0 million boxes
of Valencia oranges. The Navel forecast is 2.6
million boxes, 4 percent of the non-Valencia
total. The hurricane seasons of 2004-2005 and
2005-2006 have been excluded from the usual
10-year regression analysis and from
comparisons of the current season to previous
seasons. For those previous 8 seasons, the
March forecast has deviated from final
production by an average of 2 percent with 6
seasons below and 2 above, with differences
ranging from 3 percent below to 2 percent
above. All references to average or
minimum refer to the previous 8 nonhurricane seasons unless noted.

The forecast of non-Valencia orange

production is increased to 70.0 million boxes
or 6 percent more than last months forecast
due to utilization to date. The route survey
(Row Count) conducted March 1-2 showed
nearly 98 percent of the rows have been
harvested. The Navel forecast, included in the
non-Valencia forecast remains unchanged at
2.6 million boxes.
The forecast of Valencia production is
unchanged at 72.0 million boxes. According to
the Citrus Administrative Committees report,
less than 1 percent of the Valencia variety has
been harvested this season. Fruit size is
projected to be below the minimum; fruit
droppage, projected to be 16 percent at
harvest, is above average.
The yield projection for frozen concentrated
orange juice (FCOJ) is unchanged at 1.57
gallons per box of 42 Brix concentrate.
However, component projections have been
adjusted. The projected yield for the nonValencia oranges is raised to 1.52 gallons per
box and lowered to 1.62 for the Valencias.
Last seasons final yields as reported by the
Florida Department of Citrus are: all oranges,
1.559667 gallons per box; non-Valencia,
1.511083; and Valencia, 1.625245.

Market News Service
Fruit Juices

It is reported that demand for reconstituted

orange juice in the US market continues to fall,
due, in part, to significant price increases.
However, the better news is that the rate of
decline has slowed down, even as the price
increases are implemented. At the same time,
demand for NFC has risen slightly. We sense
correspondents, that as the spring and
summer seasonal sales peaks are just around
the corner, sales may start going up again.
Consumer prices have been rising steadily
across all presentations of orange juices. Most
major marketers, such as Coke and Pepsi

(Minute Maid and Tropicana), have instituted

rises in the range of 5-8% since late 2010.
Futures prices on the New York Board of
J.html. They are holding in the range of
US$1.58-1.63/lb solid for the next two years.
The lack of any dramatic news, growing
demand matched by increasing supply
suggests that we might be about to enter a
period of price stability. The hurricane season
in 2010 was benign, and, while frosts in Florida
in December were severe, they have already
been factored into these forecasts.

Other origins
The first offers of FCOJ from the new season
Mexican crop are coming onto the market. We
have heard that there could be a ratio problem
with this new harvest. Mexican FCOJ normally
has a high ratio, which is much in demand for
blending. These are early days, and it is still
possible that the ratio will rise. Offers are only
just coming out at the time of writing, but
Cuban production seems to have suffered
from adverse weather conditions and a
consequent lower ratio, as in Mexico. Higher
ratio production is required to blend with early
season juice from Brazil, as well as with supply
from South Africa.

CITRUS greening or Huanglongbing (HLB)

has now been detected in Costa Rica, with
some 25 000 hectares of orange trees thought
to be under threat. While this area is not a
major supplier of orange juice, it is indicative
that this condition is now prevalent in Central
According to the USDA, Greek production of
FCOJ is expected to rise in 2011. The rise
could be as high as 10%, due in a large part to
the decline in domestic consumption of fresh
oranges caused by the economic downturn in

Organic Juices
Brazil, FCOJ, 66 brix, US$4500/mt FOB Santos
Italy, Valencia, FCOJ, 60 brix, US$3360/mt CIP Europe duty free
Italy, Valencia, frozen NFC, 11 brix, US$1150/mt CIP Europe duty free
South Africa, frozen ss, 11 brix, US$1250/mt FCA Holland duty free

Market Situation
We have received reports that European
investors are seeking farms to develop organic
orange groves in the North East of Brazil. It is

not yet clear whether this will be for juice


Brazil, red aseptic concentrate, 25 brix, US$1100-1150/mt FOB Brazil

Market News Service
Fruit Juices

Market Situation
The market is reported as normal, with no
particular change in the relatively low levels of

PAS/Passion Fruit
Ecuador, frozen concentrate, 50 brix, US$4200-4250/mt C+F Rotterdam
Ecuador, clarified, 50 brix, US$6000/mt C+F Rotterdam
Ecuador, NFC, 11 brix, US$1700/mt C+F Rotterdam
Brazil, NFC, 12-14 brix, US$1500-2100/mt FOB Santos
Brazil, frozen concentrate 50 brix, US$4500-5000/mt FOB Santos

Market Situation
The March/April harvest is reported to be
running normally. However, Ecuador is
experiencing a severe drought, which is, at
present, affecting the flowering and fruit
development. Early indications are that supply
will be available until the second harvest after
which, availability could become short again.
We have received several reports that suggest
growers are not as keen to grow passion fruit
at these price levels. Additionally, many vines
are at the end of their two year life cycle, and
will have to be replaced. Alternative crops are
cocoa, maize and palm. If a substantial
proportion of growers either switch crops or
delay their replanting, this could bring prices
up before the end of this year.

Even at these cyclically low market prices,

demand is reported to be slow. This could
mean a precarious few months for growers
and processors, who might find it difficult to
raise prices in a falling market.
In Brazil, where the local passion fruit juice
production is largely consumed domestically,
some downward price movement could be
expected. Demand is fairly strong, but prices
have been at the higher end of their normal
range. Stocks are significant, but due to
cheaper production from Peru and Ecuador, it
can be expected that prices will have to fall to
meet demand. This is the situation that could
confront Ecuadorian processors mentioned

Thailand, Smooth Cayenne, frozen concentrate, 60 brix, US$2250-2300/mt FCA Holland duty free
Thailand, Smooth Cayenne, aseptic concentrate, 60 brix, US$2200-2250/mt FCA Holland duty free
Costa Rica, MD2, ss, 12 brix, NFC, US$800-815/mt FCA Holland in bulk
Costa Rica, MD2, concentrate aseptic, 60 brix, US$2100-2150/mt FCA Holland in bulk
Brazil, Perola, frozen concentrate, 60 brix, US$2100/mt FOB Santos

Market Situation
The latest reports about the situation in
Thailand say that there will be no production
peak in April, and, therefore, supplies of
concentrate will remain tight until this autumn.

As a result, there is less forward selling going

on, as processors try to calculate how much
they need to hold back for major contracts.
They may even wait until October 2011, when

Market News Service
Fruit Juices

the next edition of the ANUGA Fair will take

In spite of heavy rains in the past few days, the
drought conditions in the main Thai growing
areas have become even more critical. The
consequent issue of raised levels of nitrates in
the smaller fruit and, consequently, juice, have
been identified in Thai PJC production. This
has had an effect on sales to the EU.
However, prices have continued to rise, as
demand from non-EU areas, such as Eastern
Europe, remains strong.

Brazil has very limited stock and is not

competing in the export market at the time of
Costa Rica is investing strongly in their MD2
sweeter variety of pineapple. The sweeter
taste is appealing to consumers for both fresh
fruit and processed product sales.
For the first time in a couple of years we have
heard reports of Indonesia offering PJC. Their
prices were higher than the market levels
quoted above, and maybe an attempt to gauge
the strength of the business.

Greece, puree, 32 brix, 0.88/kg ex factory
South Africa, puree, 32 brix, US$1130-1175/mt FOB Cape Town
Argentina/Chile, puree, 32 brix, US$1100-1150/mt FOB Buenos Aires/Valpariso or US$1225-1350/mt
CFR Europe

Market Situation
South Africa is almost sold out at the time of
writing. The crop was not as large as had been
Latin American suppliers are expressing
concerns over the size of the crop which is
about to start. Smaller sized fruit from Chile,
and drought in Argentina, have contributed to
this situation. However, on a positive note,

Chilean production seems to have bounced

back from the effects of the earthquake in
February 2010. These prices above are only
for indication purposes at this stage.
Demand from Russia and Eastern Europe is
still strong, and buyers are active in securing
their needs for 2011.

Turkey, aseptic clarified concentrate, 66 brix, 4350-4650/mt FCA Rotterdam

Market Situation
The harvests in Iran and Turkey finished in the
early part of the year. Both were lower than
expected. Demand is growing. Pomegranate
juice is now widely promoted, particularly by
Coca Cola under their Pom brand

Patients on haemodialysis who consumed

pomegranate juice for 1 year developed
significantly fewer infections compared with
those who did not, results from a single-center
placebo-controlled study showed. They also

had significant reductions in markers of

inflammation and protein oxidation, Dr. Batya
Kristal reported during a press briefing at the
annual meeting of the American Society of
Nephrology. "Antioxidant-rich pomegranate
juice has been shown to improve the lipid
profile in patients with diabetes, reduce blood
pressure in patients with hypertension, and
improve heart function in those with heart
disease," said Dr. Kristal, a nephrologist with
Western Galilee Hospital, Nahariya, Israel.

Market News Service
Fruit Juices

Ver. 5.3



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