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No. Discipline Requirement Relevant Law Remark

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The employer or his representative shall notify

every worker at the beginning of the service
about the work-related risks involved and
acquaint him/her with safety measures and
shall post at a prominent place the steps to
ensure vocational health and safety from the
hazards that they are exposed to during work.
The employer shall take the necessary
precautionary measures to protect workers
while at work from any injury or disease that
could occur from the work done in his
establishment or any incidents, defaults or
failures in machineries or equipment, or fire.
The employer shall not hold his workers
responsible or deduct from their wages any
amounts for the provision of these safety
measures. If the employer refuses to take the
prescribed safety measures or in case of any
possible hazards that threatens the workers
health or safety, the Labour Department shall
inform the Minister to issue a decision on the
partial or complete closure of the workplace or
stop the operation of one or more machineries
unless the cause of the danger is removed. In
this case, the employer shall be committed to
pay the workers full wages during the period of
closure or termination of operations.
The worker shall not carry out or refuse to carry
out any task with the intension of hindering the
implementation of the employers instruction
regarding protection of the workers health and
safety, or with the intention of destroying or
interrupting the functioning of any device or
equipment meant for this purpose. The worker
shall use protective equipment and clothes
meant for this purpose provide by the employer
and shall follow all the instructions aimed at



Relevant law

Yes / No

Qatar Labour Law

Chapter X
Article 99

Qatar Labour Law

Chapter X
Article 100

Qatar Labour Law

Chapter X
Article 101






protecting him/her from injury and disease.

The Minister shall issue, after coordination with
the concerned authorities, the necessary
decisions for the organisations of agencies
concerned with vocational health and safety,
define and organise services and necessary
precautionary measures for the protection of
workers during work, and means and levels of
such measures as well as organising the means
of protection from work-related diseases.
The employer who appoints between five and
25 workers shall keep a first aid box with
medicine and equipment to be specified by the
concerned medical authorities. The box shall be
placed at an easily accessible and prominent
place in the establishment. A trained worker
shall be assigned to provide the preliminary
medical assistance. If the number of workers
exceeds 25, each group of five to 15 workers
shall have a first aid box, and if the number of
workers exceeds 100, the employer shall
appoint a fulltime male nurse in addition to
providing the required number of first aid
boxes. If the number of employees exceeds
500, the employer shall set up a clinic, manned
at least one medical practitioner and a male
The employer, who appoints workers far from
cities where no regular means of transport are
available, shall provide the following services:
Adequate means of transport or
adequate accommodation or both.
2. Clean drinking water.
Adequate nutrition or means of
obtaining it.
Ministerial decision shall define these
The employer who appoints 50 or more workers

Qatar Labour Law

Chapter X
Article 102

Qatar Labour Law

Chapter X
Article 104

Qatar Labour Law

Chapter X
Article 106

Qatar Labour Law

shall provide to them social services to be

defined by a Ministerial decision, taking into
consideration the nature of the workplace area,
its circumstances and the number of workers



If a worker dies while performing his work

or due to it or affected by a work-related
injury, the employer or his representative
shall immediately inform the police and the
Labour Department. The report shall
include the name of the worker, his age,
his profession, his address, his nationality
and a brief description of the accident and
its circumstances and measures taken for
rescue or treatment. The police,
immediately after receiving the report,
shall launch an investigation and shall
include in their report the statements of
witness and the employer or his
representative, the statements of the
injured worker if possible, and also shall
particularly establish a connection between
the incident and the work. The police,
immediately after the conclusion of the
investigation, shall send a report to the
Labour Department and a copy to the
employer. The Department may ask for the
completion of the investigation if it deems
Site boundary
The site boundary will be secured
immediately on possession, with lockable

Chapter X
Article 107

Qatar Labour Law

Chapter XI
Article 108

QCS 2010 Section 11

Part 1.6

gates and
suitable fencing or hoarding to prevent
unauthorized access by the general public,
children, and to prevent the unauthorized
tipping of waste. Where it is not possible to
the whole site, adequate steps must be
taken to ensure that potential locations of
operations can be appropriately secured.


Site Access
1.The Contractor shall arrange for, construct, maintain
and afterwards remove and reinstate
any access required for and in connection with the
execution of the Works.
2 Reinstatement shall include restoring the area of
any access route to at least the degree of
safety, stability and drainage that existed before the
Contractor entered the Site.
3 The Contractor is required to maintain and provide
satisfactory temporary access and traffic
flow to, from and within the areas of the works.
Temporary traffic signs and lighting for
temporary roads and diversions are to be in strict
accordance with the requirements of the
Qatar Traffic Manual and any additional requirements
instructed by the Traffic Police or the
Engineer. Details of proposals for any such measures
are to be submitted by the Contractor
for approval to the Traffic Police and the Engineer
prior to the implementation of the
diversions or temporary roads unless otherwise
instructed. Such approval shall not relieve

QCS 2010 Section 1

Part 3.2.1



the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities

under the Contract.
4 The Contractor shall maintain at all times pedestrian
access to all properties fronting the
roads affected by the works.
5 The Contractor shall at all times during the Contract
maintain safe and proper access to and
from adjacent buildings and properties.
6 The Contractor shall maintain at all times all the
traffic signs, lighting, barriers, cones and
whatever additionally required to keep the diversions,
temporary roads and pedestrian
access in a very good condition and best workable
Storage of Materials on the Site
1 The Contractor shall allow for delivery of all
materials & equipment to site, as well as
multiple handling required in the Works. The
Contractor shall also provide for adequate
storage of all materials and equipment used in the
Works for the whole period of the
Contract. The said storage shall be as per the
applicable Specifications of all concerned
authorities and departments.
2 Materials shall be stored in such a manner as to
preserve their quality and condition to the
standards required by this Specification. Any
recommendations made by the manufacturer
which relate to storage of materials and equipment
shall be fully complied with.
3 The quantity of materials and equipment stored on
the Site shall be consistent with that
necessary for efficient working.
4 Incompatible materials shall be separately stored.
5 Storage shall be such that any particular

QCS 2010 Section 1

Part 9.2.4





consignment can be readily identified by its

delivery ticket, test certificate, etc.
6 Materials which are liable to deteriorate shall be
used in the order of delivery.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) / Attire
1 All the Contractors personnel shall be provided with
safety helmets, eye protection and foot
protection. Safety helmets, eye protection and foot
protection shall be worn at all times by all
Contractors personnel on the Site except.
2 All the Contractors personnel shall be provided with
gloves, hearing protection, safety
reflecting vests, dust mask and other protective
clothing suitable for the nature of work they
are performing and their working environment (Shorts
and sleeveless shirts are prohibited).
3 The need for other types of PPE will be identified by
the contractor as part of their job hazard
analysis or risk assessment process.
4 The Contractor will display signage detailing the
requirements for mandatory PPE throughout
to Worksite. Signage shall be in a format that is easily
recognisable to all persons on site
regardless of their preferred language.

Safety Equipment
1 Construction equipment must only be
used in the manner and limitations for
which it is
designed, inspected regularly with colour
code sticker and Qatar license for driver /
operators must be available.
2 Adequate hard barricading, temporary
bridges, temporary footpaths, lighting,
warning tape

QCS 2010 Section 1

Part 10.7.1

QCS 2010 Section 1

Part 10.7.2

and sign posting shall be provided at all

3 Adequate bracing and shoring shall be
provided at all excavations. 2m spoils
clearance from
the excavated pit and sloping shall be
maintained (if applicable).
4 Correctly made ladders must be provided
for access into excavations and onto
and buildings. Contractors self-made
ladders shall not be used.
5 Scaffolding shall be erected in
accordance with the international
recognize standard, best
practises and manufacturers
recommendations and shall be fitted with
toe boards,
guardrails (top & mid rail), proper access,
fully boarded platforms, tagging system
and hand
railing (refer to 10.3.10).
6 The following basic safety equipment is
required for any works in confined spaces
and shall
be supplied by the Contractor:
(a) gas detectors/monitors complete with
carrying case, rechargeable batteries and
battery charger, calibration kit, all to the
approval of the Engineer; consumable



and sensors to be replaced in accordance

with the manufacturers recommendations
during the course of the Contract (2 No.)
(b) full body rescue safety harness with
lifelines and shackles (6 No.)
(c) lifting frame complete with fall arrest
device (1 No.)
(d) constant flow escape breathing
apparatus complete with storage cases (2
(e) automatic positive pressure self
contained breathing apparatus complete
storage case (1 No.)
7 The Contractor shall maintain all safety
equipment in good working order with up
to date
calibration and test certificates where
8 The Contractor shall ensure that any
personnel working above 2 m using fall
protection devices
with valid 3rd party certificate and to
provide them proper training in the
selection and use of fall
protection devices.
Information on hazard
The employer or his representative shall on
the commencement of every worker's
engagement inform him of the hazards of
the work and

Qatar labour law of

Article 99



the hazards which may occur thereafter

and shall inform him of the safety
measures to be taken for the protection
therefrom and shall post up in a
conspicuous place his detailed instructions
concerning the means of observing
vocational health and safety for protecting
the workers from the hazards to which they
are exposed during performance of their
Precautionary Measures
The employer shall take all precautionary
measures for protecting the workers during
the work from any injury or disease that
may result from
the work performed in his establishment or
from any accident, defect or breakdown in
the machinery and equipment therein or
from fire.
The employer may not burden the worker
with or deduct from his wage any sum in
return for his providing these precautionary
The Department shall in case of the
employer omitting to take the
precautionary measures referred to or in
case of imminent dangers
threatening the health or safety of the
workers report the matter to the
Minister for issuing a decision for the
partial or total closure of the place

Qatar labour law of

Article 100



of work or stoppage of one or more

machines from work pending the
elimination of the causes of the danger.
In such case the employer shall undertake
to pay the wages of the workers in full
during the period of closure or suspension.
The worker shall not commit any action or

omission with the intention of hampering the

execution of the instructions of the employer

Qatar labour law of

Article 101

Qatar labour law of

Article 102

concerning the conservation of the health of

the workers or securing their safety or with the
intention of damaging or breaking down of any
appliances or equipment prepared for this
purpose. The worker shall use the protection
devices and the uniform preparedas provided
to him by the employer and shall obey all
instructions of the employer aiming at
protecting the worker from injuries and
The Minister shall after coordination with the
competent authority issue the necessary
decisions for regulating the appliances
concerning the vocational health and safety in
the establishments and specifying and
regulating the services and precautionary
measures that are necessary for protecting the

workers during the work from the dangers

of the work and equipment and means and
levels thereof and for the regulation of the
means of protection from the vocational
Provision of good health and hygiene

The employer shall take the measures capable

Qatar labour law of

Article 103

Qatar labour law of

Article 104

of securing the hygiene

and good ventilation in the places of work and
shall provide it with the
suitable lighting and potable water, hygiene
and drainage, in
accordance with the regulations and decisions
to be issued by the
competent authorities in this respect.
First aid and health care
The employer employing a number of workers
ranging from five to twenty-five shall prepare
for them a first aid box furnished with the
medicines tools and equipment to be specified
by the competent medical authority. The box
shall be kept in a conspicuous place in

the establishment and shall be available to the

workers. The use of the box shall be entrusted
to a worker trained in providing first-aid
medical services. If the number of the workers
exceeds twenty-five workers a box shall
be specified for every group of workers ranging
from five to twenty-five workers. It the number
of the workers in the establishment exceeds
hundred workers the employer shall appoint a
full-time medical nurse in the established in
addition to the first-aid box.
If the number of the workers exceeds five
hundred workers the employer shall designate
to them a clinic employing at least a
physician and a' nurse.

The periodical medical check-ups

The periodical medical check-ups shall be
carried out on the workers exposed to the
dangers of inflication with the vocational
diseases in all activities of the work at intervals
appropriate to the hazards involved in the work
in accordance with the measures to be
specified by the competent authorities

Qatar labour law of

Article 105

specifying the types of such check-ups and

the intervals in which they shall be carried out.
The employer shall keep the results of these
check-ups in the files concerning the workers.
If the results of the check-up shows the
infliction of the worker with one of the
occupational diseases the employer shall notify
the Department thereof within three days from
the date of his knowing the result of the checkup.
Accommodation transportation food and water
The employers employing workers in locations
distant from the cities and to which the usual

Qatar labour law of

Article 106

Qatar labour law of


means of transportation are not available shall

provide them with the following services:
1. Suitable means of transportation or suitable
accommodation or
2. Potable water
3. Suitable foodstuff or the means of obtaining
The said locations shall be specified by a
Decision of the Minister.
Recreation facilities for the employees

The employer employing fifty workers or more

Article 107

shall provide- them with the social services to

be specified by a Decision of the Minister_
taking into consideration the location of the
work, the circumstances thereof and the
number of the workers in the establishment.
Work Injuries And Compensation
If the worker dies while on duty or because of
the work or sustains a work injury the
employer or his representative shall
immediately notify the police and the
Department of the incident. The notification
shall include the name, age, profession,
address and nationality of the worker and a
brief description of the incident, the
circumstance where it took place and the
actions taken for aiding or curing the worker.
The police shall upon receipt of the information
undertake the necessary enquiries and the
record shall contain the statements of the
witnesses and the employer or his
representative and the statements of the
injured if his condition so permits and the
record shall explain the relationship of the

Qatar labour law of

Article 108

incident to the work. The police shall upon

completion of the inquiry send a copy of the
record to the Department and a copy to the
employer. The Department may require
completion of the enquiry if it deems
Medical coverage to the employee
The worker who sustains a work injury shall be
entitled to receive medical treatment

Qatar labour law of

Article 109

Qatar labour law of

Article 110

appropriate to his condition at the cost of the

employer in accordance with the decision of
the competent medical authority.
The worker shall receive his full wage during
the treatment period or the period of six
months whichever is nearer. If the treatment
continues for a period exceeding six months
the worker shall be paid half of his wage
until his recovery or proof of his permanent
disability or death whichever is nearer.
Worker Compensation
The heirs of the worker who dies because of
the work and the worker who sustains a work
injury resulting in a partial or total permanent
disability shall be entitled to receive
compensation. The amount of compensation in

case of death of the worker because of the

work shall be calculated in accordance with the
provisions of Islamic Sharia. The work injury
resulting in a total permanent disability shall be
considered as a death of the worker. The
proportion of the partial permanent disability to
the permanent total disability shall be
fixed in accordance with the schedule (2) of
this Law and the amount of compensation in
this case shall be calculated on the basis of
this proportion from the amount of
compensation provided for in the
preceding paragraph.
Condition For Non Applicability Of Article 109
& Article 110
The provisions of the preceding two Articles
shall not apply if any of the following has been
1. The worker had intended to injure himself.
2. The worker was at the time of occurrence of
the injury or death under the influence of a
drug or liquor and that the said influence was
the cause of the injury or death.
3. The worker violated the instructions of the

Qatar labour law of

Article 111

employer concerning the preservation of

vocational health or safety or committed a
gross negligence in the carrying out of these
4. If the worker without a genuine cause
refuses to subject himself to
the check-up or adopt the treatment prescribed
to him by the competent
If a dispute arises between the worker and the
employer as to the ability of the worker to
resume his work or as to any other medical

Qatar labour law of

Article 112

matter related to the injury or disease or the

treatment prescribed thereof or the applied
treatment the Department shall refer the
dispute to the competent medical authority. The
decision of the said authority on
the matters falling within its competence shall
be final.
Time period of claiming compensation
The right of the worker to claim compensation
for the disability or death shall extinguish by the
lapse of one year from the date of the medical
report containing the occurrence of the

Qatar labour law of

Article 113

disability resulting from the injury or the

confirmation of the occurrence of the disability
because of any of the occupational diseases
contained in schedule No. (1) attached to
this Law or from the date of the death of the
Time period for paying compensation
The employer shall pay the compensation for
the disability within a period not exceeding
fifteen days from the date of proof of the
disability of the worker or from the date of
announcement of the result of the inquiries
supporting the occurrence of the disability
because of the work.
The employer shall deposit the compensation
for the death in the court' within a period not
exceeding fifteen days from the date of
death or from the date of announcement of the
result of the injuries supporting the occurrence
of the death because of the work. The court
shall distribute the compensation for death
amongst the heirs of the deceased in
accordance with the provisions of the Islamic
Sharia or the personal law applied in the

Qatar labour law of

Article 114

country of the deceased. The compensation

shall be vested in the public treasury of the
State if three years lapse without specifying
persons entitled thereto.
HSE Statistics
The employer shall every six months provide
the Department with a statistics of the work
injuries and occupational diseases in
accordance with the forms prepared for this
purpose and the procedures to be
prescribed by a Decision of the Minster.

Qatar labour law of

Article 115

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