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& Denjoy

A d d r e s s : F4, A 3 B u ild in g , Lugu I n t e r n a t i o n a l I n d u s t r y P a rk , N o . 229

T o n g z ip o R o a d ( W ) , C h a n g s h a C ity , H u n a n P r o v in c e , 4 1 0 2 0 5 C h in a
Ph on e: +86 731 8 5 1 2 6 5 4 3
Fax: + 86 731 8 8 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em a il: d e n j o y @ d e n j o y .c n
W e b s it e : w w w .d e n j o y .c n

Focus on Endodontics for 10 years

( V E R 2 0 1 4 0 3 EN )

Professional Manufacturer for Endodontic Devices for 10 years in China


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T ra ffic Route In struction fo r Y ou r Co nvenience

To find flights, please visit

2.5 hours by a r from Beijing to our city
1.5 hours by a r from Shanghai to our city
1.5 hours by a r from Hong Kong to our city
1.3 hours by a r from Shenzhen to our city
1.3 hours by a r from Guangzhou to our city
2.5 hours by h gh-speed railway from Guangzhou to our city
45 minutes from Changsha airport to our factory



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iFill Cordless Gutta Percha

Obturation System

iFill Cordless Gutta Percha

Obturation System
Operation Procedure:

Heating 30S to200C

with iFill gun


. S e le c t G P P o in t with ta pe r
su ita b le for root canal.
O bturatio n Pen
H e a t T i p 4p

Heating 0.3S to200C

with iFill pen

2 . S e le c t su ita b le heat tip,

confirm w orking length.

Optional instrum ents

NOT standard configuration
_ P u t G P point in po sitio n and
cut off e x c e s s G P point.

Positionable Hand Plugger


4 . C o m p a c t w a rm e d gutta
p e rc h a with O b turatio n
pen re p e a te d ly for vertical
c o m p a ctio n .


5 . T h e n put the injection n e e d le

of obturation gun into root
c a n a l for backfilling.

iFill Cordless Gutta Percha

Obturation System
Cordless use make operation easier and more convenient

Injection needle with 360 swivel (rotating) head

that turns for easy use

Heating is faster than before. Only 30 seconds to 200C

F 02 S



F 02 M





Standard Configuration:
Pen T ip s 4 PCS


# 5 5 /0 6

# 55/06

# 5 5 /0 6

# 5 5 /0 6

_ U s e obturation gun to inject

melting gutta p e rch a into the
rest part of root ca n a l to full

Features of Positionable Hand Plugger :

Patent N o .:2012206 0695X

using iFill gun

Som etim es rubber positioning ring of hand plugger

Forwarding gutta percha with trigger is no longer in a

is moving during operation to cause over-filling

hard way

That is why our POSITIONABLE hand plugger com es out

Use OLED panel instead of nixie tube to avoid number

The screw-type positioning ring will no longer move

display missing

to avoid over-filling

Improve the battery holding structure and injection needle

Made with su p e rio r quality stainless steel. More


Battery level and working status displayed on the panel

New design and structure will avoid probably hidden

durable, lasts longer

In je c tio n N e e d le s 3 PCS
S ilv e r M aterial

GP Bar ( 5 0 p c s /p a c k )

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en do do n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ilding , Lugu In te rn a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 T ongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan P rovin ce, 410205 P_R_ China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -8 8 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

Sterilizable: 135 degree autoclave

D EN JO Y D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en d o d o n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ild ing, Lugu In te rn a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 Tongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan Province, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -8 8 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

3 0 -re c ip r o c a tin g r o ta te
h a n d p ie c e f o r h a n d file.

RCTI-DY (I) Endo Motor is a kind of root canal treatm ent

instrum ent which can assist the dentists to shape more standard
root-canal based on the m icro-electronic control technology. This
unit contributes to alleviating the dentist's working intensity.

Joysmart Endo Motor with apex locator 2 in 1

It a d o p t s b r u s h l e s s e l e c t r ic m o t o r to m o r e a c c u r a t e ly c o n t r o l th e s p e e d a n d t o r q u e .

T h e s iz e o f J o y s m a r t is m u c h s m a l l e r th a n old t y p e S a fe nd o
T h e co n n e c tio n ca ble is d esign ed in side the h a n d p ie ce com pa re d to old type Safendo.
So it is much c o n v e n ie n t fo r the d e n tist in the d e n tistry

T h e m o t o r h a n d p i e c e fo r c u r r e n t J o y S m a r t e n d o m o t o r is j o y f u l w h it e c o lo r

S pe ci fic at ion s
Speed range
Chargeable battery

100-650 rpm
8.4 V

Torque range

0.6-5.2 N*c

It is lig h te r than before in w e ig h t and match better with HP contra angle

3 0 re c ip ro ca tin g ro ta te h a n d p ie c e
fo r ha n d file.

Adjustable Speed 100-650r/min
Adjustable Torque (6-52Mn_m)
Auto reverse function: when the torque exceeds the regulated
value, the file will stop for a while and then reverse to avoid the
break-off in the root canal
Easy operating with large LCD screen-w hat you see, what you
Home-carry charger (alternating current can be used): free to
use at any places, no worry about out of power
Long operating time is available --hours (charging time about
5 hours)
Saving function 10 groups of speed and torque value can be
Easy operation for the root canal enlargem entdentist is free to
select suitable speed and torque value during the treatm ent
Com patible with various Ni-Ti flies, that produced by different
com panies
Start or stop the rotating of the Ni-Ti flies with foot control
Any brands of 1:1 handpiece contra angle is available for this
unit, saving the disinfection cost for dentists
Notes: Standard accessories exclude Ni-Ti file ,1:1 handpiece
contra angle and 30 reciprocating rotate handpiece for hand file.

LCD Panel

Three programs can be available when

press the button ''AUTO REVERSE" by turn.


Auto reverse switch button

-Pr ogr am 1
When the working torque
exceeds the preset torque,
then Endo file will stop
working automatically.


Auto reverse switch button

-Program 2
When the working torque
exceeds the preset torque,
the Endo file will keep
withdraw (reverse), and
then will stop working after
the removal of resistance.


Auto reverse switch button

-Program 3
When the working torque
exceeds the preset torque,
the Endo file will keep
withdraw (reverse), and
then will get back to
normal rotation again after
the removal of resistance.


A p e x lo cato r fu n ctio n and Endo m otor fu nctio n can be used to g e th e r during the o peration
and also A p e x Loca to r and Endo M otor fu nctio n can be used se p a ra te ly
S t a n d a r d c o n fig u ra tio n is C h i n a - m a d e 1:1 HP contra angle

A d j u s t a b le t o r q u e r a n g e 0 . 6 - 5 . 2 N * c m , s p e e d r a n g e 1 0 0 - 6 5 0 r/m in
T h r e e a u t o - r e v e r s e m o d e s : A u t o - r e v e r s e , Au to -sto p , A u t o - s h u t d o w n f u n c t i o n s
S a v in g fu n c t io n : 10 p r o g r a m s e t t in g s fo r s p e e d an d t o r q u e ca n be m e m o r iz e d

Old one with ca b le s outside

Updated one without cable outside

Updated one with ca ble s inside

Notes: Standard accessories exclude Ni-Ti file and 30 reciprocating rotate handpiece for hand file.
DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en do do n tics fo r 10 years in China
Add: F4, A3 B u ild ing, Lugu In te rn a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 Tongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan P rovin ce, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
F a x : + 8 6 -7 3 1 -8 8 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en d o d o n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ilding, Lugu In tern a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 Tongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan Province, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -88 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

Distinctive Features:
High-precision Touch-Screen LCD
Image save function with Micro-SD memory card (TF card)


Equip with separate test instrum ent which can check the

Torque control from 0.2 to 3.5 Ncm

operation of control part and spare parts of apex locator

(Depending on the gear ratio selected)

when apex locator doesn't measure well

Speed range 2000-9000rpm

Touch-screen operation and traditional key control both

Cordless handpiece delivers freedom of movement


Com pact and portable-operates w ithout foot pedal

9 program settings can be memorized
Three auto-reverse modes: Auto-reverse, Auto-stop,
Auto-shutdown functions
Standard configuration 16:1 mini contra angle
10:1, 16:1, 20:1 mini contra angle can be com patible
for wide clinical application

S pecifications:

LCD Panel:
Sound Indicator
Program Number

Battery Sig n Speed -



Gear Ratio


n z
n j
Torque -

A ccessory:

LCD Panel:

Other Features:

-T Q

Forward & Reverse

Rotation Status


4.3 inch large color screen with re a time graphic

Apical Area Enlargem ent


of root canals
Foldable design to create more choices for view angle

A ccess-friendly Key:

Up Key

Up-to-date M ulti-frequency operating system

Rechargeable, do not need prepare extra battery

16: 1

Apical Area
Adjustment cursor

-S elect Key


Speed Range(rpm)

Gear Ratio


16 : 1


2 0 0-80 0


0 .2 - 2 .0


20 : 1


- Down Key

Control H andpiece
132 m m * 1 2 0 m m * 31mm


Save Brightness
Enter Key
Sound Indicator

- Power Key

Optional Configuration




N i-Ti R o tary File

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en do do n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ild ing, Lugu In te rn a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 Tongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan P rovin ce, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
F a x : + 8 6 -7 3 1 -8 8 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

Whole Set Of
Apex Locator Accessory

Micro-SD memory card

(TF card)


Apical area setting

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en d o d o n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ilding, Lugu In tern a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 Tongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan Province, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -88 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

A p e x lo c a to r M ode

Apex Locator TieApex is our newly made model which adopts updated m ulti-frequency operating system.
It is the combination of apex locator and pulp tester.
Patented design in tie type
The unit can be tied to the hand of dentist or to the holder of dental chair to contribute to the convenience of checking the
changing data on the LCD
Com pact and stylishly thin in shape design
The dimension is only 120*79*22mm

Special detachable design in structural component to make sure that the function of apex locating and pulp testing are
It is equipped with rechargeable battery
The accessories can be autoclaved to avoid cross infection
Colored LCD display, adjustable volume of alarm
Patented product,Counterfeitin g not allowed
Accuracy at 98.2%
Tieapex with Pulp tester and w ithout Pulp tester for Choice

ROOT PI Apex Locator is a highly precise root canal measure device with the latest technology used for
measuring the working length of root canal. It adopts the newest testing circuit and large colour LCD display
with real-time graphic of root canal.
Free from any conditions of root-canal during treatment, therefore, whether dryness or electrolytes, blood
or physiological brines will not affect the measuring accuracy

Self calibration

0.1 mm length determination

97.4% Accuracy at 0.5 mm level
LCD screen display with re a time graphic of root canals
Beep alarm to indicate the apex when the display number on the LCD is below 2mm

Apical constriction


< 0.04w
110 x 120 x 80mm



For Pulp testin g

T ie d on D e n ta l c h a ir


5 x 1.5v AAA

Whole set of Accessories

Battery sign

0 to 80 vitality
s ca le readout

Can be p u t on d e s k

Optional wrist
strap included!

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en do do n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ild ing, Lugu In te rn a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 T ongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan P rovin ce, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -8 8 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

Battery sign

Apical Area

Display of FileSound


Autoclavable File holders

and Mouth Hooks


Ready Mode

Battery sign

Apical Area

Display of File

In Process


---- J!l'

Display of File----
In d ica to r-----'

Apical Area
---- Enlargement


File Reaching Apical Constriction

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on e n d o d o n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ilding, Lugu In tern a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 Tongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan Province, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -88 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: d en ioy@ d en io
W eb:w w w

DenApex Apex Locator

Joypex 5 Apex locator is a newly invented product. It adapts the newest foldable design in order to help dentists
adjust the LCD to their most convenient angle.

Self calibration
Works in dry or wet canals (Blood,
Hypochlorite, Saline, etc)
0.1 mm length determ ination
97.4% Accuracy at 0.5 mm level
LCD screen display with real-time
graphic of root canals
Beep alarm to indicate the apex when
the display number
on the LCD is below 2mm
Adjustable volume of the sound
Adjustable WL bar for different

Battery sign _
Downward direction
of moving file

Battery Sign

DenApex A pex Locater adopts m ulti-freq uency operating system ,

which adapts into different root canal conditions. High contrast color
screen m akes the display nice and clear.

Sound indicator


Apical area

Exclu sive producer in China adopting the most u p -to -d a te sixth

generation m ulti- frequency operating system
Works well in dry and wet canal

Apical Constriction

Sound Indicator

Sound Indicator _

Length Display

Apical Area

Dynamic Display
of File

Apical Constriction

Large LC D display with real-tim e graphic of root canal

Adjustable volume of the sound indicator
Adjustable apical constriction (range 0 --5 m m )

A pical Constriction

Apical Constriction

Battery Sign

0.1 mm length determination

Upward direction
of moving file

Dynamic Display
of File

Sound indicator

Self Calibrating

Apical area

Apical Area

C learly showing file s moving track in the root canal, remind dentists
C ircu lar design, new and unique

Battery sign [fffi

Length Display

Exce lle n ce in working length determination com es with 5 different setting

of ap ical adjustm ent around the minor diameter

a atomies

A u to cla v a b le file holder and contrary electrode to avoid cro ss infection

Steady reading around the apical

foram en(apical constriction)
Autoclavable file holders and contrary
electrodes to avoid cross infection
Foldable design
Accuracy at 97.4%

Operated by 3 pieces of AA batteries to save the power

In Process
Battery Sign ----- m>


Sound in d ic a to r-------- ,

Auto power shut-o ff

Length Display -----j

Apical Area
Enlargm ent

Dynamic Display-----)
of File

Apical Constriction

File Reaching Apical Constriction

S p ecifications
Power consumption

W hole set o f Accesso ries

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en do do n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ild ing, Lugu In te rn a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 Tongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan P rovin ce, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -8 8 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w





B attery-operated

3 x 1 .5v AA

Autoclavable File holders

and Mouth Hooks

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en d o d o n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ilding, Lugu In tern a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 T ongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan P rovin ce, 410205 P.R. China
T e l: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -88 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

00-6 LED Curing



o o o


Autoclavable Eye protection cover

Operating LCD display


Separating operation
panel from display Panel

Mode DY400-4, most durable and high quality in China

DENJOY's top-selling product in the past 5 years
DY400-4(5W) 1000-1400 mw/cm2, 5/10/15/20/25/30/40S
DY400-4 (7W) 2000-2400 mw/cm2, 5/10/15/20S

Build-in light meter


LED curing light DY400-6 is our newly made model with distinctive design in separating operation panel
from display panel. This contributes to the convenient operation. It is equipped with 5W cool LED with the
light intensity 1400 mw/cm2 which makes good curing performance.

K ey F e a t u r e s :

High Output: Curing 3.5mm resin within 10 seconds

Powerful: Full charge can use 200 times for 10s
curing at a time

K ey F e a tu r e s :

Eye-protection cover tip--autoclave 135C

Build-in light meter on charging basetest
illumination level instantly
Life time: charging for 10000 times
BEEP at each 5S to indicate remaining curing time

Special Autoclavable
Eye-protection cover tip

O ther Features :

Distinctive design in separating operation panel from display panel

Patented product, Counterfeiting not allowed
Light intensity: 1000-1400 mw/cm2
Build-in light meter on charging base - test illumination level instantly
BEEP at each 5-seconds to indicate remaining curing time
Cordless - no messy wires

Three Curing Programs: Full/Ram p/Ram p to half power

Cord/cordless use both available
Radiating fan can cool the device and more durable in use
Specially made battery contribute to reliability and durability

O t h e r F e a tu re s :

S p ecificatio n s

No fan inside - unit is self-cooling and does not require a noisy fan


110-240V, 50/60HZ
8.7 V

Charging time

700 g
2.5-3 hours

Light guide diameter

Output Current
lithium battery

Simple operation - 2 button operation and no com plicated programs you never use
Operation mode 1: Ramp mode 2: Fast mode: Full power all the time
Various Curing Time: preset curing time 5/10/15/20/25 seconds
Auto-shutdown after 3 minutes of no use
Three colors available: Blue, Black and Orange

0 8mm

900 g
7.4 V, 1200mAh

Product with Fan in DY400-4(7W)

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en do do n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ild ing, Lugu In te rn a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 T ongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan P rovin ce, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -8 8 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en d o d o n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ilding, Lugu In tern a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 Tongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan Province, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -88 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

Featu res:
Three J o y T a p e r Ni-Ti rotary files can
com plete preparation of normal root canal
Mixed pack includes 3 J o y T a p e r rotary
files, 20# 06, 25# 06, and 35# 04.
21mm,25mm are available
The surface of rotary file after polishing
enhance the effect of disinfection,
sterilization and inoxidizability

Heat treatm ent technique makes the rotary

file more elastic and flexible

Operation Procedure :

Pulp Tester DY310 is designed for testing the teeth nerve by a pulse current by generating and displaying a
test signal of normalized value!

Preset speed mode (high-m id-low speed).
A gentle, pulsed stimulus begins to increase at a rate


Use 02 taper 8# to
25# hand files to
create a glide path in
the root canal. Flush
root canal with EDTA
for each use of
different file.

Use J o y T a p e r rotary
f ile k iia iC i taper with
EDTA to shape the
root canal for 3-4
tim es, 2-3 seconds
for each time.

S p e c ific a lly d esig ned fo r p a tie n t c o m fo rt.

If the patient indicates perception, simply release the button.

The stimulus stops immediately, but the numbers remain
frozen on the screen for about 3 minutes.
Convenient to operate. Maximum stim u lu s80.
Between 0--40, the patient feels ache and anaesthesia, alive teeth nerve.
Between 40-80, with above-m entioned reaction, part of teeth nerve dead.
80, no above-m entioned reaction, dead teeth nerve.
The device turns itself off three minutes later after operation
(No wasted batteries).
Long and short test electrodes suit into different teeth positions.
Autoclavable test electrodes and stainless hooks to avoid cross infection.

Repeat the procedure

in steps 2 &. 3 with
n s K in il and
JoyTaper rotary files.

Flush root canal after

each procedure, and
then identify root
canal unblocked with
02 taper 10# or 15#
hand file.

S pecifications
a b o u t2 2 0 g
186*38*24m m
B a tte ry -o p e ra i

Whole set of accessories

6F 22 Stan d a rd 9v

Autoclavable Short and Long

Test Electrodes

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en do do n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ilding , Lugu In tern a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 T ongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan P rovin ce, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -88 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en d o d o n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ild in g , Lugu In te rn a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 T ongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan P rovin ce, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -8 8 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

Detachable Handpiece
with L E D Lamp

Ultrasonic scaler is mainly used for making an ultrasonic cleaning to the teeth. During the operation, the scaler
tip produces high vibration which can make an impulse to the periodontal nerve and gums, thus will makes the
teeth have the situation of dental acid, bleeding gums as well as dental convulsions.
DU S-2A Warm-Water Ultrasonic Scaler can offer warm-water which can be able to protect the patient's gums as
well as make a general analgesia function to the teeth nerves. Making patient feels much more comfortable
during the treatm ent process.

F eatures:

Colored LCD display, Visual Operation Interface

Water-heating function, adjustable tem perature for com fortable treatm ent
Intelligent frequency auto-tracking system
M ult function: general scaling, periodontic and endodontic
Autoclaved detachable handpiece at 135 C and com patible with international suppliers
6 tips attached, G1*2,G 2*1,G4*1,P1*1,E1*1


Mode Switch Button

Amplitude of Vibration or Temperature


Amplitude of Vibration or
Temperature Decrease

Power lnput:-100V-240V 50Hz/60Hz

Heating Button

Amplitude of Vibration Display

Subgingival work is possible with the correct type of insert
Cleaning tips, handpiece and accessory tool can be sterilizable up to 135 C
Handpiece can be detachable, which is made of Titanium and peek material
Functions: scaling, periodontic and enhanced cleaning
Fast, effective scaling if used properly - light touch &. short time on tooth
Tips and hanpiece com patible with EMS and Woodpecker (UDS series)
5 tips attached, G l* 2 , G2, G4 and PI

Fine spray control, Suitable for
comprehensive clinical applications

D e ta ch a b le H an d p ie ce
w ith L E D Lam p

Adjustable amplitude of vibration





2 pcs

1 pcs

1 pcs

1 pcs

Control Unit Input30VDC/3A

water inlet mark

Output Power3W-85W (including heater)

Working Frequency28Khz3Khz
Inlet Water Pressure: 0.01Mpa~0.5Mpa



Weight of Control Unit: 0.8kg

Dimension of Control Unit
210mm* 150mm* 102mm

General Scaling


Heating status

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en d o d o n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ilding, Lugu In tern a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 T ongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan P rovin ce, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -88 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

Remove plaque, supragingival

and tooth cervical calculus
(tartar), Remove stubborn
deposits of dental cusp

Remove supragingival

Remove supragingival
(tartar) of all teeth.

Remove subgingival

D ENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en do do n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ilding , Lugu In tern a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 Tongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan Province, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -88 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

D Y411-A

2*3ml 35% carbamide peroxide whitening gel

+1*3ml Gingival protectant (Clinic application)


Mainly used for Clinic fast whitening

T e e th w h it e n in g U n it P o r t a b le ty p e
F e a tu re s:

Portable design can be connected to the dental unit

6 PCS oversea imported LED lamp,much faster and better whitening
Three light output programs for custom er choice,the light sourse of
the light holder can be adjusted at 360
T im e available: 2Min, 5Min, 8Min

M in i T e e th W h it e n in g U n it H o m e use and C lin ic a l use D Y 4 1 1 - B

F e a tu re s:

T h e whitening device is portable with unique design and mini size

Using LED group mode to supply the light make whitening effect
With Li-on battery inside for contin uous use of 4-6 hours

T e e t h w h it e n in g U n it D u a
p r o p o s e ty p e
F e a tu re s :

R em ov e Tea S t a in

R em ov e s m o k e s p o t

T e tr a c y c i l in e - s t a in e d t e e t h b l e a c h in g

R em ove d e n t a l f l u o r o s is s t a in s

D e c o lo r a t i o n o f d is c o lo r e d T e e th

Product Featu res:

T h e m a in i n g r e d ie n t o f w h it e n i n g m a t e r ia l is h y d r o g e n p e r o x id e , b e t t e r w h it e n i n g r e s u lt
P a t e n t e d t e c h n o l o g y m a k e b le a c h in g a g e n t s a n d a c t iv a t o r c o m b i n e d p e r f e c t l y , a p p lie d to
t h e t o o t h s u r f a c e o f t h e r e le a s e o f r e a c t iv e o x y g e n s p e c ie s
U n iq u e p a c k a g in g d e s ig n , m o r e s a f e r a n d c le a n
C o m p a t ib le w it h S m i le w h i t e B c lin ic a l u s e T e e th W h it e n in g U n it, D Y 4 1 1 - A , D Y 4 1 0 - A , D Y 4 1 2 - A
3*1 ml 15% carbamide peroxide
whitening gel (Fam ily application)


W ir e le s s use, Full charge for 1 hour continuous wireless use

The light intensity of 6pcs lamps: 6000-7200nw/cm 2
Dual-purpose available. Tim e available: 2, 5, 10, 15, 20Min
Used as standing light moved freely, or as independely desk lamp to save
The 3-LED in the left/center/right side are divided into 3 grades: High,
Medium and Low
The light sourse direction of the light holder can be adjusted by 360
Packing Size is much smaller: 82*35*16cm


T e e t h w h it e n in g U n it M o v a b le t y p e

The light in tensity of 6pcs lamps: 6000-7200nw/cm 2

20s,36s LED curing light programs for choice. 5-30Min whitening time
for choice
# "Beep"sound will be heard every lm in . 3 times BEEP can be heard when
operation finished
3 kinds of light in tensity can be adjusted according dentist chosed
Big LCD display supply a clear and good operation view

15% c a rb a m id e p e ro x id e w h ite n in g g e l( F a m ily a p p lic a tio n )
R em ov e Tea Stain
R em ove s m o k e sp o t
R em ov e de n tal flu o ro s is s ta in s
T e tracyci lin e -s ta in e d te e th blea chin g
D e c o lo ra tio n o f d is c o lo re d Teeth
T a ke -H o m e w h ite n in g
C o m p a tib le S m ile w h ite B ho m e use Teeth W h ite n in g Unit.

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en d o d o n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ilding, Lugu In tern a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 T ongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan P rovin ce, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -88 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en do do n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ilding , Lugu In tern a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 Tongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan Province, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -88 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: den joy@ d en io
W eb:w w w

Instruments and materia

G u t t a P e r c h a P o in ts




T ra in in g l e c t u r e s

Natural rubber, more durable
A n t i m i c r o b i a l properties
V e r t i c a l filling and Lateral root
canal filling "
E a s y to reserve, refrigeration
effect is better
P ro du cts Name

0.02 Taper

Gutta Pecha Points

held in 2013


C o n te n t PCS

15-40#, 45-80#




0.04 /0.06 Taper

15-40#, 45-80#




100 pcs/Slidebox








Different size of Gutta Pecha Points and

Absorbent Paper Points for choice

F a m o u s pro fe sso r
in d e n t is t r y fo r 4 0 y e a r s










SERC Root Canal Cream

Root Canal Cream

NET: 5ml/pc(6g/pc)
15 % ED TA, 10% urea perox ide ,au xi lia ry lubricant




D en joy M a n u a l F ile

( N ic k e l- T ia n iu m & S t a in e le s s S te e l)
D e n t a l F ile s
( Handuse)
21 mm.25mm.28mm.31 mm

In teg ratin g of theory and practicejless risk of over-filling

08# 10# 45-80#
Stainless steel
PKG of 6
08# 10# 45-80#

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en d o d o n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ilding, Lugu In tern a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 T ongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan P rovin ce, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -88 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w

DENJOY D ENTAL CO ., LTD -Focus on en do do n tics fo r 10 years in China

Add: F4, A3 B u ilding , Lugu In tern a tio n al In d u stry Park, No. 229 T ongzipo Road (W ), Changsha city, Hunan P rovin ce, 410205 P.R. China
Tel: + 86-731-85126543
Fax: + 8 6 -7 3 1 -88 8 8 5 3 1 7
Em ail: denjoy@
W eb:w w w


I First Gutta Percha O bturator m anufacturer in China and Obtain the registration certificate
First Endo Motor m anufacturer in China and Obtain the registration certificate

First D u e -Fre q u e n c y and M u lti-Freq uency Ap ex locator m a nufa ctuter in china and Obtain the registration certificate

First Portable Pulp Tester m anufacturer in china and Obtain the registration certificate


Q) Denjoy

W hat w e could offer you

P r o f e s s i o n a l a n d s t a b le s e r v i c e t e a m

DENJOY focu s on en d o d o n tic s for lO y e a r s and we produce all products displayed on our website
w w w with form al SFD A license in China.
All sales re p re s e n ta tiv e s who dire ctly c o n ta ct our cu stom e rs w ork for DENJOY more than 3 years. The sam e
region will be re s p o n s ib ly m anaged by fixed sales re presen tative.
A c c e p t e d e x p e c t e d q u a l i t y le v e l

Company Introduction

DENJOY offer you ob je ctive ev alu ation for products and do not oversta te q u ality level.
B e s t p r o p e r P r ic e

The price will be quoted based on the qu ality raw m ateria ls with re ason able profit.
DENJOY have s trict su p p lie r selection crite ria to g u aran te e the qu ality of raw material.

As manufacturer, im m ediate deliv ery and fast afte r-sale response system
T o be y o u r q u a l i f i e d s u p p l i e r in C h in a

Q u alified s u p p lie r s ele ction criteria:

in dustry credibility, co m pa n y's h istory in dentistry, co m pa n y's stability, sta ff's stability,
q u ality of product, tech nical capability, price level, qu ality of service and respon se speed.

D e n jo y Dental Co., Ltd is a p ro fe ss io n a l m a n u fa c tu r e r in China d e d ic a te d to R&D and

p ro d u ctio n o f full line of e n d o d o n tic e q u ip m e n t in de n tal field!
O u r c o m p a n y has c o m p le te p ro d u c tio n and e x a m in a tio n e q u ip m e n ts and p e rfe c t Q u a lity
M a n a g e m e n t Sy ste m I S 0 1 3 4 8 5 : 2 0 0 3 w ith CE c e r tific a te a p p ro v ed .
We are o ne o f fe w m a n u fa c tu r e r s in glob al de n tal fie ld to p ro d u c e full se t o f root canal
th e r a p y e q u ip m e n ts A P E X LO CATO R , ENDO M O TO R and C O R D L E S S G UTTA PE R C H A
We are th e e a r lie s t m a n u fa c tu r e r to p ro d u c e e nd o motor, pulp t e s te r and GP o b tu ra tio n
s y ste m in China!
O u r le ad ing p ro d u c t in C h in a is a p e x locator!
O u r a d v a n ta g e : s p e c ia lt y o f p ro d u c ts , im m e d ia te d e liv e r y and p ro m p t a fte r-se rv ic e !

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