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WW3 Workshop Exercises Day1 Compilation

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Version 1.

1, Feb 2013

WW3 Tutorial 1.1: Basic Setup and Compilation

In this tutorial exercise, we will go trough the steps of installing and compiling version 4.08 of the
WAVEWATCH III code on your machine. Subsequently, the compiled code will be tested by means of
a simple regression test case to ensure that the compilation has been successful. Variations of this
compiled code will be used throughout the rest of the tutorial series.
System requirements
Please note that the WAVEWATCH III system has been developed for a UNIX/Linux environment.
Basic proficiency in this type of operating system is therefore a prerequisite for this course. Also, ensure
that the following programs have been installed on your system:

Fortran 77 compiler
Fortran 90 compiler
NetCDF installation (version 3 or version >4.1.1)
MATLAB >7.10.0

Exercise 1: Installation
In this exercise we shall cover how to install and run the WAVEWATCH III (WW3) code from the
release version on a Linux workstation. This is the standard approach used for setting up WW3.
Alternatively, if you have access to the development Subversion (SVN) server, you can set up the code
from there. That will be covered in a later exercise session.
1.1 Downloading the distribution code
WW3 code can be obtained from two locations: (1) the password-protected public WW3 distribution site
on NOAA/NCEPs website (, and (2) the
WW3 development SVN server (this will be covered later in the week). You will need a username and
password to get access to the former see the WAVEWATCH III website for more information. For the
purpose of this workshop, a beta version of WW3 version 4.8 has been provided on all the computers, as
it would be made available in a public release.
(Note: This is not the official public release. However, since significant changes have been introduced
between the current development version of WW3 and the official public release (v3.14), it was deemed
worthwhile to provide a beta version for the purposes of this workshop). Those who have never
downloaded the public version before, and have not registered with us, should do so before the end of the
workshop so that you can have a username and password and try to download and run the public release


Version 1.1, Feb 2013

1.2 Installation
This part of the exercise will follow the installation section of the manual (Section 5). Please refer to the
latter for additional information. In your home directory you will find a wwatch3 directory where the
tarred code is kept. The code is distributed in this fashion for public release and we shall start from this
point. In this directory you will find the following files

(Note: We are in the process of over hauling our packages so between now and the next public release of
the code filenames and the number of files may change, but the general idea of using one installation
script with a set of tarballs will be unchanged)
Step 1:

The process starts by running this installation script:

$ install_ww3_v4_svntar

Installation will begin with asking if you want to use a local or global option. The choice is
used to decide where to place an environment defining file (more on this below). Earlier
versions would only place the environment file in your home directory (global option) but we
are in the process of changing this to allow for a local environmental variable. However, at this
moment not all our scripts have been migrated so please chose the global option. The script
will then prompt you if the default environment is acceptable. This includes directory where
temporary files will be stored, the main home directory for the code and the generic F77
compiler that will be used for compiling the pre-compiler auxiliary program w3adc (source
code in ww3/aux/w3adc.f, see below). This Fortran 77 program is needed to create
Fortran specific files from the WAVEWATCH III *.ftn file formats. You will have to
change this because the compiler that is available is gfortran (Note: This is important,
because if the script cannot find this compiler it will not be able to generate the w3adc
executable. Many an hour was lost in debugging just because an appropriate F77 compiler was
not specified in the installation process!)
Step 2:

After running the installation script, the following directories will have been created in





Version 1.1, Feb 2013

See Section 5 of the manual for the purpose of each of these directories. To ensure that the
installation occurred properly, check that the pre-compiler executable w3adc is present in the
bin/ directory.
Step 3:

As part of the installation script, a .wwatch3.env file is generated in the users home
directory. Take a moment to check the content of this file. It should resemble the example
# Environment variables for wavewatch III
# --------------------------------------#


Note: This environment file is used in all subsequent compilation scripts. Users have to be
extra careful when having multiple versions of WW3 as the installation script will use the
existing .wwatch3.env file and that can destroy an existing installed WW3 code! We are
currently working on a new installation process that will create the environment file in the
directory where the code is stored, as opposed to the home directory.
Step 4:

The scripts, executables, compiler and switch settings needed to compile WW3 codes are
stored in the ww3/bin/ directory, whereas the executable WW3 codes are stored in
ww3/exe/ directory. If you want to be able to compile and execute WW3 codes from
anywhere, you need to add these two directories in their path environment, e.g. in the .cshrc
profile file. A default path name has been set up in everyones .cshrc file in your home
directory. Take this moment to edit the file to provide the appropriate path to your directory
(each users path will be unique) Tip: We usually create generic paths
$HOME/wwatch3/bin and $HOME/wwatch3/exe, and link wwatch3 to the actual
directory where the code is stored. Remember to run
source .cshrc
after editing the file so that the paths are appropriately setup. To check that these paths have
been set up properly, run
which w3adc,
which should display the path to this file.


Version 1.1, Feb 2013

Step 5:

To enable reading and writing NetCDF files by WW3, information on the NetCDF installation
needs to be provided. Versions 3 and 4 are currently supported. Information on the NetCDF
version, the library path and include path must be specified in the .cshrc profile file in the
users home directory. This has already been done but do take a moment to check them out


Version 1.1, Feb 2013

Exercise 2: Compilation
Unlike the auxiliary programs used in the compilation process (e.g. w3adc discussed above), the actual
WAVEWATCH III code is written in Fortran 90. Options for various Fortran 90 compilers are included
in the WAVEWATCH III distribution package, including Intel, Portland and gfortran. For each compiler
choice, a unique comp and link script should be used. These are found in the directory ww3/bin/, and
are labeled comp.Intel, comp.Portland, etc. and link.Intel, link.Portland, etc.
Step 1:

Choose the relevant compiler and copy (or link) the corresponding comp.XXX and
link.XXX scripts to simply comp and link. Of particular importance here are the lines
where the compiler (comp=) and the compiler options (opt=) are specified. Check these
for completeness. We have created specific scripts for this workshop called comp.UMD and
link.UMD (Note: If the compiler you have available does not have corresponding comp and
link scripts included in the distribution package, then you will have to create your own,
based on the compile options of your particular compiler. You can use any one of the available
comp and link scripts as templates. Once you are successful, we ask that you share your
scripts so that they can be distributed with subsequent releases.)

Step 2:

The next step is to set up a switch file (default file available in ww3/bin/) which
determines the model options (physics packages, numerical schemes, serial/parallel
architecture etc.). See the manual section on various model switches (Section 5.4). Specify the
following list of model options as one line at the top of the switch file and save it (for
NetCDF v4, replace NC3 with NC4):
O6 O7 O11 O14

Step 3:

The compilation of WW3 is done using the script w3_make. There are two ways to do this:
You could run the command from the directory ww3/bin/, in which case you do not have to
make any changes. Alternatively, you could run it from your current work directory. This is
useful, since you may need to compile various versions of WW3 to run different model
configurations within the same project. In this case, you have to make sure that the PATH
environment variable includes the directory ww3/bin/ (see above). You also need to create
links from your work directory to the files comp, link and switch in the ww3/bin/
directory. Here we will demonstrate the latter option. Type the following sequence of

sf ~/wwatch3/bin/comp .
sf ~/wwatch3/bin/link link
sf ~/wwatch3/bin/switch .


Version 1.1, Feb 2013

Now run the compilation script in the directory day_1/tutorial_compilation:

$ w3_make

This script will output a screen listing of WW3 program components as they are being
compiled. The process ends with an *** end of compilation *** statement.
Step 4:

If the compilation completed successfully, then a number of executable programs will have
been placed in the directory wwatch3/exe/. These are the collection of subprograms
comprising WW3:

(Model grid preprocessor)

(Initial conditions preprocessor)
(Input field preparation wind, current, water level)
(Main WW3 program, for single grid, or one-way nesting operation)
(Main WW3 program, for two-way nesting operation)
(Field output postprocessor)
(Point output postprocessor)
(Wave output along a predefined track)
(Field output in WMOs GRIB2 format)
(Re-gridding output to older formats, for backward compatibility)
(Field output postprocessor, in GrADS format)
(Point output postprocessor, in GrADS format)
(Field output postprocessor, in NetCDF format)
(Point output postprocessor, in NetCDF format)

If these files are not all present, or if error messages appear on the screen, compilation has not
been successful. The most common error encountered is that the comp and link scripts have
been set up incorrectly. Either a non-existent compiler has been specified (line comp=), or
incorrect compile options were provided (line opt=). Check these, and rerun w3_make.


Version 1.1, Feb 2013

Exercise 3: Testing the compilation.

Once the installation and compilation have been completed successfully, it is good practice to test the
installation by running one or more regression tests. For this purpose, we will run a regression test in the
regression tests each contain a documentation file info, and a directory containing the model inputs,
called input/ (see lectures Day 3). The present case is a simple test of wave propagation along the
equator. Inside the inputs/ directory, the following files are found:

These are the input files for a selection of the subprograms listed in Step 4 above. A typical execution of a
WW3 simulation comprises of sequentially running a number of these model components. The number of
subprograms run will depend on the complexity of the input and output requirements, but the
subprograms ww3_grid, ww3_strt, ww3_shel and ww3_outf can be considered a minimum. To
test whether the paths to these programs have been set properly, type e.g.
which ww3_grid.
Step 1:

The simulation is started by running the grid preprocessing program ww3_grid, which uses
the corresponding input file ww3_grid.inp. Take a moment to go through this input file.
All lines starting with the $ sign are comment lines and are ignored by the WW3
executables. To run the grid preprocessor type:
ww3_grid > ww3_grid.out

Here the screen output has been redirected to the log file ww3_grid.out. The main product
of the grid preprocessor is the binary file mod_def.ww3 which contains a description of the
model domain and discretizations used by all the other subprograms.
Step 2:

Next, the initial conditions preprocessor ww3_strt is run, which sets the state of the wave
field at the first time step. It uses the input file ww3_strt.inp. In the present test case, the
simulation is started with a swell field centered on lat/lon = (0 N, 90 E). To run the initial
conditions preprocessor, type:
ww3_strt > ww3_strt.out

Again the screen output is redirected to the log file ww3_strt.out. The main output of this
program is the binary initial conditions file restart.ww3, used by the main model
subprogram ww3_shel.
Step 3:

Now we are ready to run the main model subprogram ww3_shel. Its associated input file
ww3_shel.inp contains information on the input fields to be used, the start and end times
of the simulation, and output types. Take a minute to study the contents of this file. To run the
main model subprogram, type:
ww3_shel > ww3_shel.out


Version 1.1, Feb 2013

The screen output is again redirected to the file ww3_shel.out. Depending on the outputs
types requested, this subprogram produces the binary bulk output files out_pnt.ww3 and
out_grd.ww3 used by the post-processing subprograms. In addition, a log file log.ww3 is
produced, which lists information on input and output sources used at each time step.
Step 4:

In this final step, the field post-processing program ww3_outf is run to produce spatial fields
of wave parameters, extracted from the binary file out_grd.ww3 discussed above. The input
file ww3_outf.inp contains instructions for the data extraction. To run the field postprocessor, type:
ww3_outf > ww3_outf.out

This produces a series of daily field output files for the significant wave height, namely
ww3.68061200.hs, ww3.68061300.hs, ww3.68061800.hs. These files can be
plotted using the Matlab script plot_fields.m. Before proceeding, set the directory
variable in this script to your own local directory:
direc = '[your run directory];

Running this script produces the output shown in Figure 1.

If all the products described above have been produced successfully, the basic components of the
installation and compilation can be considered validated. The same procedure can be followed for the rest
of the regression tests in the folder wwatch3/regtests/, in order to ensure that all the features of the
model are performing as intended.
In this tutorial exercise, we have installed, compiled and tested the WW3 code. The WW3 subprogram
executables created during this tutorial now reside in the directory wwatch3/exe/, variations of which
will be used in the rest of the tutorial series. Some of the tutorials that follow will require different model
settings, for which the switch file will have to be altered, and the compilation process repeated.
More information:
Arun Chawla (
Andr van der Westhuysen (


Version 1.1, Feb 2013

Fig 1: Field output from regression test tp2.2, showing wave propagation along the equator


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