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The key takeaways are that blood consists of plasma and formed elements including red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Red blood cells carry oxygen, white blood cells help fight infection, and platelets help the blood clot.

The main components of blood are plasma, which is mostly water and proteins, and formed elements including red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

The three main categories of formed elements in blood are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

The Blood

Last Updated On
Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Blood
Thomas Secrest

Blood is considered to be a liquid connective tissue. It consists of a non-cellular matrix and a
collection of cells (formed elements) that are suspended within the matrix. The matrix is called plasma and
is made up of water, proteins, dissolved gases and other dissolved chemicals such as electrolytes, nutrients,
vitamins and hormones. The cellular part of blood can be divided into three categories: (1) red blood cells
{RBCs} or erythrocytes, (2) white blood cells {WBCs} or leukocytes and (3) platelets or thrombocytes. The
ratio of the plasma to cellular components is about 55% plasma to 45% cells. If a
sample of blood is placed in a capillary tube and spun in a centrifuge, the plasma
and cellular elements distribute themselves as shown in the figure. When the
blood is spun the heavier elements are moved to the bottom against the clay plug
while the lighter plasma remains at the top. The buffy coat consist of white blood
cells which are lighter than RBCs and
much less numerous.
Reds blood cells are significant,
among other reasons, for their ability to
carry oxygen from the lungs to the cells
that make up the tissues of the body. The
oxygen is carried bound to a special
molecule called hemoglobin. Red blood
cells are usually described as biconcave
discs. RBCs are among the smallest cells
in the body, with only sperm cells being smaller. RBCs are produced in the bone marrow in a process call
erythropoiesis. When RBCs enter the circulation they have lost their nucleus, which gives them the
biconcave depression. Without a nucleus, the cells have a limited lifespan. The average RBC only lasts for
120 days before it is removed from the circulation by macrophages in the liver.
White blood cells are part of the bodys immune system and serve to protect the body from disease.
Unlike RBCs, white blood cells do not carry oxygen and they do have a nucleus. There are five subdivisions
of WBCs: (1) neutrophils, (2) eiosinophils, (3) basophils, (4) monocytes and (5) lymphocytes. Each
subdivision plays a specific role in the bodys immune response.
The third group of formed elements is the platelets. Platelets play a role in the hemostasis or blood
clotting. Whenever a blood vessel is breaks something must stop the flow of blood from the vessel. Platelets
working in conjunction with clotting proteins found in the plasma can block the flow of blood. Platelets are
not cells; instead they are fragments of larger cells called megakarocytes. Platelets lack a nucleus and
contain few cytoplasmic elements. The lifespan of a platelet is about 9 or 10 days. So like RBCs they need
to be produced continually and rapidly.

The Blood
Thomas Secrest

Check Point (1) Vocabulary

Match the word in Column A with its contextual meaning in Column B.

1. Bound

A. Accepted to be (true)

2. Clotting

B. Mixed together

3. Conjunction

C. Consists of

4. Considered

D. Rotated

5. Continually

E. Attached

6. Lasts

F. Extruded / removed

7. Lifespan

G. Lives

8. Lost

H. How long something lives

9. Made up of

I. Somethings function in a larger more complex activity

10. Role

J. Transition of blood from liquid to solid

11. Spun

K. Working together

12. Suspended

L. To work without stopping

Check Point (2) -- Odd one out

Instructions: Each group of words has one word that does not fit in well with the others. Try to find the odd



















Vitamin K





Cerebral Spinal Fluid










Pull through


Get better






The Blood
Thomas Secrest

Clinical Corner
Anemia: The blood carries a reduced
amount of oxygen. This can be caused by
reduced number of RBCs or a reduced
amount of hemoglobin inside each RBC. (an
= without, emia = blood condition)
Anticoagulant: A chemical that can prevent
clot formation. Drugs such as heparin and
coumdin are used to prevent or reduce
clotting in people who have artificial heart
valves (which can induce clots) or conditions
such vein inflammation. Heparin and EDTA
can be added to blood samples to prevent
clotting. While calcium celators are added to
blood drawn for transfusions to keep it in
liquid form until it is used.
Aplastic anemia: A type of anemia that
results from the failure of bone marrow to
produce RBCs and WBCs.
Bacteriemia: Presence of bacteria in the
Clot: Term used to describe a semisolid
mass of cells and proteins that forms to stop
bleeding from a broken blood vessel.
Differential WBC count: A measure in
which the percentage of each type of WBC is
reported. Typical values: neutrophils 4060%, lymphocytes 20-40%, monocytes 48%, eosinophils 1-3%, basophils 0-1%. (phil
= love)
Erythrocyte: Scientific name for a red
blood cell. (erythro = red, cyte = cell)
Erythropoiesis: Term to describe the
process of red blood cell formation in bone
Erythropoietin: Hormone produced by the
kidneys that controls erythropoiesis. People
with kidney disease are often anemic because
they fail to produce the hormone.
Fibrinogen: A protein produced by the liver
that circulates in the plasma as a plasma
protein. When fibrinogen encounters
activated platelets it attaches and is converted
into fibrin as part of the clotting process.
Hematocrit: A commonly measured blood
value. The blood is spun in a centrifuge and
the ratio of packed RBCs to the total volume
is reported as the hematocrit. The
abbreviation for hematocrit is Hct. The value
is normally reported at a percentage is as Hct
= 48%. Normal values: males (38% - 51%),
females (36% - 47%). (hemato = blood, crit =
to separate)
Hemoglobin: A large 4 part protein
combined with 4 molecule containing iron
(Fe). The iron can bind reversibly with
oxygen. Hemoglobin is intensely colored and

The Blood
Thomas Secrest

is what gives blood its color. Hemoglobin is

routinely measure during blood work.
Normal values: males (14 18 g /dl), females
(12 16 g / dl). Each red blood cell contains
about 300 million molecules of hemoglobin.
(hemo = blood)
Hemolytic disease of the newborn: This is
an anemia seen in newborns and is usually
caused by an incompatible Rh factor between
the childs blood and the mothers blood.
Antibodies produced by the mother, in
response to the child blood, destroy many of
the childs RBCs which causes anemia.
Hemophilia: An X-linked genetic condition,
seen primarily in males, which prevents
normal blood clotting. (philia = to love)
Hemorrhage: The term means to bleed from
a broken, cut or ruptured blood vessel.
(rrhage = to break)
Hemorrhagic anemia: Reduced oxygen
carrying capacity due to loss of blood
through bleeding.
Hemostasis: This term refers to the bodys
ability to stop blood flow from a broken or
cut blood vessel. Dont confuse the term with
homeostasis. (hemo = blood, stasis = stop)
Leukocyte: Scientific name for a white
blood cell. (leuko = white, cyte = cell)
Normochormic: A description of blood that
has the normal amount of hemoglobin. A
common variation is hypochromic which
means blood with less than normal amounts
of hemoglobin. (normo = normal, chormic =
color, hypo = less / under)
Normocytic: A description of blood that has
the normal amount of erythrocytes. (cytic =
Normovolemic: A description of normal
blood volume. Variations include
hypovolemic / hypovolemia. (volemic =
Packed red blood cells: When whole blood
is spun in a centrifuge and the plasma is then
removed, the remaining volume is called
packed cells or packed red blood cells. When
a transfusion is needed, it is sometime
preferable to give only RBCs instead of
whole blood.

Polycythemia: A condition in which too

many RBCs are produced and the RBC count
and hematocrit becomes much higher than
normal. Hct can be over 70% and RBC
counts can be greater than 8 million cells /
mcl. The condition makes the blood very
viscous and puts an extra strain on the heart
because of the extra resistance to blood flow
caused by the increased viscosity. (poly =
many, cyth = cells, emia = condition of the
Red blood cell count: A commonly
measure blood value which reports the
number of erythrocytes per microliter of
whole blood volume. Normal values: males
(4.7 61 million cells / mcl), females (4.2
5.4 million cells / mcl). The abbreviation for
microliter is mcl or l.
Reticulocytes: Immature red blood cells that
still have their nucleus. Normally
reticulocytes extrude their nucleus and
become erythrocytes outside the circulation
and then the erythrocyte enters the
circulation. For this reason, reticulocytes are
rarely seen in stained blood smears.
However, when erythropoiesis is taking place
at an accelerated rate some reticulocytes
enter the circulation and extrude their
nucleus there. When reticulocytes are seen in
the circulation it is a sign of rapid RBC
production. (reticulo = network, cyte = cell)
Septicemia: Blood infection caused by a
pathogenic bacterium.
Thrombocytes: The term is often used
interchangeably with the word platelet
although platelet is becoming the preferred
term for humans. In other animals,
thrombocytes carry out hemostasis functions,
but the cell is nucleated. (thrombo = clump /
Transfusion: The process of taking blood
from one person and giving it to someone
else. To be successful the blood type of the
donor and recipient has to be carefully
White blood cell count: A blood measure
which reports the total number of leukocytes.
Normal values: 5000 10000 cells / mcl.

Platelets: These are small cell fragments

(without a nucleus) that have the ability to
cluster in areas of vessel injuries and create a
physical barrier to blood flow through the
injured vessel. The also contain chemicals
that can initiate blood clotting which
involves the conversion of fibrinogen into

Check Point (3) Prepositions

Complete the sentences below with prepositions from the box. Some prepositions can be used more than
to / on / by / inside / from / in / among / below / under / with / at / above / instead of / until / around /
underneath / between / in spite of / rather than / in addition to / through / of
1. ____ A+ blood, an A+ person can also receive A-, O+ and O- blood.
2. ____ taking iron tablets, its better to eat more leafy green vegetables as treatment _____ iron
deficiency anemia.
3. ____ the dangers of blood doping, many athletes continue to use the technique.
4. A normal male Hct is ____ 45%.
5. Blood flowing ____ blood vessels does not clot because platelets dont normally interact ____ the
normal healthy endothelial lining the ____ blood vessels.
6. For certain blood measures, EDTA is used as an anticoagulant ______ of heparin.
7. Hemoglobin is found _____ erythrocytes.
8. Hemophilia is caused _____ a chromosomal defect.
9. Most blood samples are taken ____ the median cubital vein.
10. People who live ____ high altitudes may have _____ normal hematocrits.
11. Platelets cluster ____ areas where a blood vessel has been damaged.
12. Platelets form a physical barrier ____ blood flow _____ a broken blood vessel.
13. Polycythemia puts an extra strain ____ the heart.
14. Red blood cells are ____ the smallest cells ____ the body.
15. Send the blood sample ____ the lab right away.
16. The lab results will not be back ____ 5 pm tomorrow.
17. When you spin a blood sample, the layer ____ the bottom is the layer of RBCs.
18. When you spin a blood sample, the layer ____ the plasma and the RBCs is the buffy coat.
19. When you spin a blood sample, the layer ____ the plasma is the buffy coat.
20. Women ____ hematocrits _____ 38% may show symptoms of anemia.

The Blood
Thomas Secrest

Talking with the Patient

Instructions: work with a partner. One person can read the part of the doctor and the other person can read
the part of the patient.









10. P:
11. D:
12. P:
13. D:

14. P:
15. D:
16. P:
17. D:

18. P:
19. D:



Good morning Ms. Smith.

Good morning Doctor.
How can I help you today?
Well, Ive been feeling really rundown
lately. I dont seem to have any
stamina and the littlest things seem to
wear me out completely. It seems like I
barely have the strength to go to work.
When did this start?
I guess it started about two months ago.
Thats quite a while. Did this come on
slowly or quickly?
Well it came on me slowly. At first I
thought it was just normal fatigue from
a busy life. But I never seemed to get
stronger I never seemed to get my
energy back, even after a restful
Have you had any recent illnesses
anything like a cold or flu?
How about allergies have you had
any hay fever?
Have you been under any unusual
stress lately problems at work or at
No, everything is about the same.
Have you started taking any new
No nothing new since the last time I
saw you 6 months ago.
Okay -- well let me do a quick
examination I want to take your
temperature, check your blood pressure
and listen to your heart and lungs.
Well your blood pressure is normal and
your lungs sound clear and your heart
sounds fine.
What about my temperature?
Oh, thats fine too.
So what do you think?
When I was looking in your throat I
noticed that your mucosa and gums

The Blood
Thomas Secrest

24. P:
25. D:

26. P:
27. D:



32. P:
33. D:

34. P:
35. D:

36. P:
37. D:

38. P:
39. D:

40. P:
41. D:

seem a little pale. And the mucosa

below your eyes also seems pale.
What does that mean?
It likely means that you are anemic
which would explain your fatigue. Im
going to have the nurse take some
blood and send it to the lab for a
complete blood work up.
How did I become anemic?
Has there been any change in your
periods has the bleeding been
heavier than normal?
No, they seem to be about the same.
When did you finish your last period?
About 4 days ago.
Okay -- Well, sometimes heavier
periods can lead to anemia but since
you havent noticed a change, I suspect
that your problem is nutrition anemia.
So until I get the results of your blood
work, I going to recommend that you
make some dietary changes.
What kinds of changes?
Here is a list of foods that are rich in
iron. I would like for you to try to
incorporate more of these foods into
your daily diet.
Should I take an iron supplement?
For now no. After I see the results of
your blood work I may change my
mind but for now Im not
recommending a supplement.
Ill have your results back in a couple
of days. After I have looked them over
I will give you a call. Well discuss the
results and if I need to see you again
well schedule an appointment.
If it turns out to be nutritional anemia, I
think the change in diet will be all that
is needed. And I think you will feel
much better in about two weeks.
Sounds wonderful.
So if there is nothing else Ill talk to
you in a couple of days.

42. P: Great, thanks for your time.

43. D: Please give this blood work form to the
nurse she will draw your blood and
then you will be done.
44. P: I hate giving blood!
45. D: Youre not alone.



I bet well, see you later.

No problem.
Bye and dont forget to eat lots of
leafy greens.
50. P: Okay.

Taking with the Patient

Instructions: Reread the interview and then, working with a partner, try to recreate the interview using
some of the question variations below then switch roles and recreate the interview again using other
question variations.
Questions to Remember (note the verb tenses used in the different types of questions)
 What seems to be the problem?
 How can I help you today?
 What brings you in today?
 When did the problem start?
 Did the problem come on slowly or quickly?
 How long have you had this problem?
 Has there been any change in your medications since I saw you last?
 Are you taking any new medications?
 Have you had a recent cold or flu?
 Have you had any recent problems with allergies?
 Are you allergic to anything?
 Have you had any problems with your monthly periods?
 Have you had any unusual cramping associated with your periods?
 Have your periods been normal?
 Have your periods been heavier than normal?
 When did you have your last period?
 When did you finish your last period?
When did you start your last period?

The Blood
Thomas Secrest

Talking with the Patient

Instructions: working with a partner, try to recreate the interview. Dont just reread it try to do the
interview using your own question and answer variations while using the same basic case profile.
Instructions: Review the interview and find line numbers that correspond to the interview elements listed
below. In some cases different aspects of the same interview element may be addressed in different parts of
the interview one such case has been done as an example. The questions in the table below are not in the
sequence of the interview.
Interview element

Line numbers

1. Patient greeting.
2. Request for information on patients chief complaint
3. Request for information on patients current and recent health

9, 11 & 29

4. Quick health review with prompts to help patient remember any problems
5. Request for information about medications being taken by patient
6. Request for information about changes in stress.
7. Informing the patient about what is going to happen next in the office visit
8. Request for information regarding monthly cycle
9. Explaining the basis for the initial diagnosis
10. Providing an initial diagnosis
11. Explaining what additional procedures are needed to confirm the diagnosis
12. Request for change is diet
13. Offering an initial prognosis
14. Recommendations for new diet
15. Providing patient written information about recommended diet changes
16. Explaining how lab results will be communicated
17. Making arrangements for next visit
18. Concluding the visit
Comprehension Discuss the following questions with a partner.
1. What is the patients chief complaint?
2. Based on the interview, what is the
minimum and maximum age you would
predict for this patient?
3. When did this patient last see this doctor?
4. How long has the patient been
experiencing the chief complaint?
5. Describe the onset of the CC.
6. What is the initial diagnosis?
The Blood
Thomas Secrest

7. Describe the intended treatment plan.

8. What blood parameters do you think will
particularly important?
9. Why is the doctor interested in the
patients monthly cycle?

Practice Dialog
Instructions: Work with a partner to complete the two scenarios. After completing the first scenario,
switch roles and complete the second scenario.
Scenario A:
Doctor -- Initiate a phone conversation with the patient. (1) explain that the blood work confirms
nutritional anemia (2) reinforce the need for diet change (3) name some specific foods to include in
the diet and recommend a one-a-day vitamin that contains iron (4) reiterate the prognosis (5) tell the
patient to call if the prognosis does not evolve as expected (6) conclude the conversation.
Patient Ask relevant and realistic questions in response to the information the doctor provides.
Scenario B:
Doctor Initiate a phone conversation with the patient. (1) explain that the blood work did not
confirm your initial diagnosis (2) explain that the results are consistent with hemorrhagic and
nutritional anemia (3) explain that most likely her periods have been heavier but she didnt recognize
it and that is the cause of the problem (4) you want to her come in for some additional tests in the next
few days (5) have the patient contact your receptionist to make an appointment (6) reassure the
patient that she is in no immediate danger and while her blood value are low, they are not dangerously
low (7) respond to any questions (8) conclude the conversation.
Patient Ask relevant and realistic questions in response to the information the doctor provides.

Asking Questions Work with a partner to write questions that would generate the listed responses from a
patient. Then put the Q and A in what you think is the most logical sequence. Compare your sequence with
other groups.



At first the bruises where small and would be gone in 4

or 5 days but theyve been getting bigger and lasting
I first noticed it about a month ago.
Im 33.
Im married with 2 children my boy is 2 and my
daughter is 4.
Ive been getting these terrible bruises whenever I bump
into something even little bumps give me a bruise the
size of a credit card.
Is this going to heart much?
My name is Amanda Mishnar.
No, I dont take any medicines.
No, I havent had any illnesses in at least a year.

The Blood
Thomas Secrest

Cross Word Puzzle



3. a common chemical added to vacutainer tubes to

prevent clotting of blood samples
7. the percentage of RBCs in a sample of whole
9. chemical element essential for blood clotting
10. plasma protein that plays a role in blood clotting
11. metal atom that binds reversibly to oxygen
14. to bleed heavily from a cut vessel
16. someone who specializes in the study of blood

1. most abundant WBC

2. cell fragment that helps start the clotting process.
4. protein molecule found inside RBCs that carries
5. synonym for platelet
6. another name for hematoma
8. taking blood from one person and giving it to
12. reduced oxygen carrying capacity of the blood
13. hormone produced by the kidney that regulate
red blood cell production
15. chemical substance added to blood to prevent

The Blood
Thomas Secrest


Check Point (4) Vocabulary

Instructions: Match the words or phrases in column A with there contextual meaning in column B. All
words or phrases in column A can be found in bold print in the Doctor / Patient interview.

1. rundown

A. A collection of tests preformed on a blood sample

2. no stamina

B. A medicine (sometimes over-the-counter) containing iron

3. fatigue

C. Can cause / can bring about something

4. lungs sound clear

D. Energy level falls quickly

5. gums

E. Light color / lacking normal color intensity

6. pale

F. More bleeding than usual

7. blood work up

G. More iron than in normal foods

8. heavier than normal

H. No abnormal respiratory sounds

9. lead to

I. No energy

10. blood work

J. Blood tests

11. rich in iron

K. Tired / feeling of being tired

12. incorporate

L. Tissue at the margin of the teeth

13. iron supplement

M. To make part of something

14. draw your blood

N. To take blood from a person

The Blood
Thomas Secrest


Focus on Blood Types

Instructions: Read the text and fill in the blanks with the missing articles (a / the). Then work with a partner
to complete the blood donor / recipient compatibility table.
Red blood cells have over 50 antigens on their membrane surface. Three have special significance
and are used to designate ____ persons blood type. ____
three antigens are A, B and D (Rh).
Type A+ Type B+ Type AB+ Type O+
This combination of antigen produces ____ 8 blood types
Type A- Type B- Type AB- Type Othat most people are familiar with. ____ D antigen (Rh) is
expressed as (+) if it is present on ____ RBC or as (-) if it
is absent. These blood types also determine whose blood a person can receive in ____ blood transfusion.
Before ____ transfusion can take place ____ donors blood must be tested against ____ recipients blood to
make sure it is compatible; this process is call ____ type and cross match. This is necessary because in
addition to antigens on ____ surface of RBCs, people also have antibodies in ____ plasma portion of their
blood that can react with ____ antigens on RBCs. It is critical that ____ antibodies in ____ recipients
blood be compatible with ____ antigens on ____ surface of ____ donors RBCs. ____ antibodies ____
person carries in their blood do not react with their own RBC antigens but can potentially react with antigens
from another persons blood if their blood is of ____ different type. ____ table below shows ____ four main
blood types and ____ antigens and antibodies present in ____ plasma for each type.
Blood Type
Antigen on RBC
Antibodies present
in the plasma

Type A
Antigen A
Antibody B

Type B
Antigen B
Antibody A

Type O
No antigens
Both Antibody A &
Antibody B

Type AB
Antigen A & B
Neither Antibody A
nor Antibody B

It is worth mentioning at this point that Type O blood means that ____ RBCs have neither antigen A
nor B. That is why it is possible for them to have both antibodies. A person with type AB has both ____ A
antigen and ____ B antigen in each of their RBCs. For that reason, they cannot have either antibody in their
plasma. Normally ____ person who is D- / Rh- does not carry ____ anti-Rh antibody, however, blood is
usually typed as if they did. This is done to prevent D- / Rh- people from developing ____ antibody after
exposure to D+ / Rh+ blood.

Recipients Blood Type

Instructions: Work with a partner and complete the transfusion compatibility table by placing a () in the
compatible boxes and an (X) in the incompatible boxes. Several have been done as examples.

The Blood
Thomas Secrest




Donor Blood Type







The Different Sounds of G

Most of the words come from the Clinical Corner section. Pronounce each word and decide what sound the
g makes. Then write the word in the appropriate box on the right.


g has a soft j sound

g has a hard sound

g+h is silent

g is not silent and not hard or soft

g+h has an f sound

Look back at the words in each box. Do you see a pattern? Check and see if the following rules apply.

The sound of g depends on the letter that following it in a word. If the letter is e / i / y the
sound is usually soft. If g is followed by any other letter or a space, then the sound is hard. (Note the
difference between RAG (a piece of cloth you clean with) and RAGE (to be extremely upset).
o If the desired sound is hard but the following letter would make the sound soft, a u is
sometimes inserted to prevent the rule from being broken. GUITAR the g has a hard sound,
however, if the u is removed the g would have a soft sound and would sound like JITAR.
o The same effect can be achieved by doubling the g and in BIGGER.

The g in words that end in ing has a unique sound neither hard nor soft.

The g in words that have a g+h can be silent or have an f sound.
o Although = silent g+h
o Cough = g+h has the f sound

The Blood
Thomas Secrest


Self Test
Instructions: Take the self-test below and see how well you remember the information presented in this unit.
1. Erythrocytes do not have:
a. Nuclei
b. Plasma membranes
c. Hemoglobin
d. All the above
2. The element ____ is associated with
carrying oxygen and _____ ions are
essential for blood clotting.
a. Iron / calcium
b. Iron / oxygen
c. Sodium / calcium
d. Potassium / iron
3. There are ____ types of leukocytes.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
4. Hemophilia is an inherited disease that
affects blooding clotting.
a. True
b. False
5. Which of the following hematocrit ranges
would be considered normal?
a. 10 100%
b. 10 30%
c. 43 46%
d. 50 60%
6. The prefix leuko means:
a. Red
b. White
c. Blue
d. Blood
7. The suffix phila means:
a. To love
b. To hate
c. White
d. Cell

The Blood
Thomas Secrest

8. Erythropoietin is produced by the:

a. Liver
b. Kidney
c. Spleen
d. Bone marrow
9. Erythropoiesis takes place in the:
a. Liver
b. Kidney
c. Spleen
d. Bone marrow
10. The prefix hemo means:
a. Blood
b. Red
c. White
d. Cell
11. The prefix hypo means:
a. Blood
b. Under
c. Clump
d. To separate
12. The condition associated with reduced
oxygen carrying ability is called:
a. Polycythemia
b. Hemophilia
c. Anemia
d. Hemorrhage
13. The layer of white blood cells between the
RBCs and the plasma in a spun hematocrit
tube is called the:
a. Leukocyte layer
b. Buffy coat
c. Packed cells
d. Thrombocytes
14. The average lifespan of a RBC is about:
a. 4 months
b. 3 weeks
c. 90 days
d. 1 year
15. Fibrinogen is a ____ protein produced by
the ____:
a. Blood / spleen
b. Plasma / liver
c. Bone / bone marrow
d. Cellular / platelets


Suggested Mini-Lectures

The mini-lectures listed below can be used as topics for instructors to add additional information to this unit
or the topics can be assigned to students for classroom presentations.

Further description of hemoglobin

Further description of the different types of leukocytes
Further description of blood clotting mechanisms
Further description of hematocrit
Further discussion of hemophilia
Further discussion of blood typing

Fun with numbers Student Activity

Students should practice problem solving language skills whenever possible. The following activities allow
students to work in small groups to discuss how to solve related mathematical problems.
1. If the average life span of a RBC is 120 days and a typical blood volume is 5 liters. If a person has a
red blood cell count of 5 million cells / mcl, how many red blood cells do they have in their body?
2. For the above person, how many cells must they make per second to keep pace with the rate at which
RBCs are dying and being removed from circulation?
3. If the person above has a hemoglobin count of 13 g / dl, how many molecules of hemoglobin are in
each of their RBCs?
a. Molecular weight of hemoglobin = 64,500 g/mol
b. Avogadros number = 6.023 x 1023
4. For the above person, how many molecules of hemoglobin do they have to make per second to match
the cell production in question 2?

The Blood
Thomas Secrest


Key to Check Points and Self Test

Check Point (1)
1. E
2. J
3. K
4. A
5. L
6. G
7. H
8. F
9. C
10. I
11. D
12. B
Check Point (2)
1. twist
2. neutrophil
3. erythrocytes
4. squeeze / cut
5. vitamin K
6. blood
7. gush
8. open
9. repair
10. separate

The Blood
Thomas Secrest

Check Point (3)

1. instead of (rather than)
2. rather than, for
3. in spite of
4. around
5. through, with, inside
6. instead of
7. in (inside)
8. by
9. from
10. at, above
11. around (in)
12. to, from
13. on
14. among, in
15. to
16. until
17. on (at)
18. between
19. below
20. with, below (under)

Check Point (4)

1. I
2. D
3. K
4. H
5. L
6. E
7. A
8. F
9. C
10. J
11. G
12. M
13. B
14. N
Self Test
1. A
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. B


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