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Robertson CV DEC 2014

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Sherry Rankins-Robertson, Ph.D.


University of Arkansas at Little Rock
2801 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204



Doctorate of Philosophy in English, May 2011
Concentration in Rhetoric/Composition/Linguistics
Arizona State University
Dissertation Title: An Informed Pedagogy: Using the Writing Program Administrators Outcomes
Statement to Design First-Year Composition Curriculum
Committee members: Duane Roen, chair; Keith Miller; Claire Lauer

Master of Arts in Technical and Expository Writing, May 2001
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Thesis title: Revising My Writing: Revising My Life
Committee members: Sally Crisp, chair; Huey Crisp; Richard Raymond

Bachelor of Arts in Professional and Technical Writing, December 1998
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Minor: English Literature


Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs in Student Success, Retention, and Online
Education: University of Arkansas-Little Rock. Office of the Provost, Little Rock, AR. 2015-present.


Partner with faculty, administrators, and student affairs professionals to develop strategic
planning for student success and retention

Strategically plan, implement, and grow university-wide online education

Establish UALR Online

Oversee the Universitys Office of Undergraduate Academic Advising and support processes
of advising for transfer services, special populations, into academic colleges

Streamline and expand the Universitys Intensive English Language Program

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Support student services for underrepresented and first-generation students, including

supplemental instruction and tutoring services through federally-funded grant programs,
TRiO, McNair Program, and Student Success Services with the Academic Student Center

Provide guidance to Testing Services and ensure secure testing while expanding online

Collaboratively design and maintain learning communities and interdisciplinary experiential


Arrange retreat for division to include strategic planning and communication workshop

Facilitate Chancellors retreat (2015); present at Provosts retreat (2015)

Develop grants for innovation efforts, workforce development, secondary-partnerships, and

veteran student services

Support the development of military student success programming and initiatives

Facilitate university-wide initiative on professional development

Lead team of five directors and forty-five full-time employees

Teach PEAW 1300: First-Year Experience for the Office of Undergraduate Academic Advising

Director of Composition: University of Arkansas-Little Rock. Department of Rhetoric and Writing,

College of Social Sciences and Communication, Little Rock, AR. 2012-2015.


Supervised team of 30+ composition teachers, consisting of both part time faculty members
(lecturers) and graduate teaching assistants
Provided orientation to faculty to teaching composition within the context of UALRs program
Redesigned and refocused programmatic curriculum for the two-course sequence, with the
support of the Composition Committee, by aligning materials with the national learning
Hosted workshops on multimodal composition and assignment design in response to WPA
Outcomes Statement 2.0
Implemented programmatic e-portfolio
Assessed composition curriculum through programmatic phase 2.0 portfolio model
Brought nationally recognized scholars to campus for professional development, including
Maria Jerskey (2013); Cheryl Glenn (2013); Gerald Graff and Kathy Birkenstein (2013); June
Johnson (2013); Andrea Lunsford (2014); Duane Roen (2015)
Generated and organized departmental resources, including customized content for
composition handbook
Advocated writing program curriculum into the high schools and community
Mentored graduate student teachers
Hired faculty members to teach composition
Collaboratively administered online education within the composition program

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Implemented an interview-based process with teaching demonstration requirement for all

new graduate student teachers, as a professional development opportunity.
Designed and implemented programmatic website
Hosted state-wide Composition Conference in partnership with University of Central
Arkansas in AY 2014 and AY 2015
Facilitated career workshops for writing teachers on developing teaching philosophies,
designing curriculum vita, and responding to academic interviews

Writers Studio Interim Coordinator: Arizona State University, Writers Studio, School of Letters and
Sciences. Tempe, AZ. 2012.

Hired and provide orientation for new faculty members within fully online model
Assessed curriculum through phase 2.0 e-portfolios throughout program
Co-lead and developed redesign of curriculum that was streamlined for each course with the
sequence for both 8-week and 16-week model (ENG 101, 102, 105) for fully online model of
first-year composition, ASUs Writers Studio
Collaboratively developed assessment materials for two-semester sequence
Served on a Curriculum Redesign Committee


Assistant Professor: University of Arkansas-Little Rock. Department of Rhetoric and Writing, College
of Social Sciences and Communication, Little Rock, AR. 2012-present.
Courses taught:

RHET 1312: First-Year Composition

RHET 1320: Honors Composition

RHET 3315: Persuasive Writing

RHET 7310: Composition Theory (redesigned and taught)

RHET 7350: Independent Study

RHET 7360: Teaching Practicum (redesigned and taught)

RHET 8301: Thesis

Other responsibilities:

Writing Program Administrator (see Administrative Appointments section)

Taught writing workshops for Re-Entry program in Arkansas Department of Corrections
at Wrightsville Unit and Ouachita River Unit
Redesigned and implemented departmental website
Served on several university, college, and departmental committees (see Service section)

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Lecturer (full-time non-tenure track position; highest rank as non-tenure track): Arizona State University-
Polytechnic Campus, dual appointment in Humanities and Arts program and Multimedia Writing and
Technical Communication program, College of Letters and Sciences, Mesa, AZ. 2007-2009; 2011-2012.
Courses taught:

ENG 101: First-Year Composition

ENG 101: First-Year Composition Writers Studio (designed, supervised, and taught)
o Taught online (within Learning Studios powered by ecollege for ASU Online)
ENG 301: Writing for the Professions
ENH 245: Introduction to Family History Writing (designed and taught)
o Taught online only (through Blackboard)
ENH 320: Writing a Personal History (designed and taught)
o Taught online only (through Blackboard)
ENH 498: Pro-seminar Capstone (designed and taught)
ENH 499: Individualized Instruction
TWC 347: Written Communication for Managers
TWC 401/501: Principles of Technical Communication
TWC 447/547: Business Reports
o Taught online only (through Blackboard)

Other responsibilities:

Co-led and developed curriculum of redesign model of fully online first-year composition,
Writers Studio (see Administrative section)
Director of First-Year Composition Assessment, School of Letters and Sciences
Developed curriculum for Family History Writing program
Hosted workshop series for students across disciplines on multiple ASU campuses about
Writing Effectively
o Workshop topics included: Tips for Multilingual Writers; Ethical Uses of Sources;
Setting Yourself Up for Success.
Offered family history writing workshops in the community
Implemented and serve on a Family Research & Writing Committee (see Service Section)
Served as interview editor for the Universitys online literary magazine, Superstition Review

Faculty Associate: Arizona State University-Downtown Campus. Department of Interdisciplinary
Humanities, School of Letters and Sciences, 2009-2010.
Course taught:

ENG 243: Introduction to Writing Family History

ENG 301: Writing for the Professions

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Instructor (full-time non-tenure track position): Arizona State University, Department of English, College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Tempe, AZ. 2004-2006 & 2010-2011.
Courses taught:

WAC 101/ENG 101: Stretch First-Year Composition (two-semester course for basic writing
ENG 101: First-Year Composition
ENG 217: Reflective Essay Writing
ENG 301: Writing for the Professions
o Taught in traditional, hybrid and online (through Blackboard)
ENG 484: Internship/The PEN Project (designed and taught)

Other responsibilities:

Developed curriculum for English 302: Business Writing course designed to serve the
W.P. Carey College of Business (see Service section)
Designed and delivered roundtable discussions for business communication faculty
Wrote ENG 301 annual committee report for College of Business and Department of
English, May 2005, 2006

Co-developed Prison English program (See

Faculty Associate: Mesa Community College, Department of English, Mesa, AZ, 2006.
Course taught:

ENG 111: Technical Writing

Faculty Associate: Arizona State University-Polytechnic Campus, Humanities and Arts program and
Multimedia Writing and Technical Communication program, Mesa, AZ. 2004-2007.
Courses taught:

ENG 102: First Year Composition

o Taught online (through Blackboard)
ENG 217: Reflective Essay Writing
o Taught hybrid and online (through Blackboard)
ENG 394: Introduction to Family History Writing (designed and taught)
o Taught online (through Blackboard)
ENG 394: Writing the Personal History (designed and taught)
ENG 301: Writing for the Professions
TWC 447: Business Reports
TWC 301: General Principles of Multimedia Writing

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Instructor (full-time non-tenure track position): Pulaski Technical College, Department of English and Fine
Arts, North Little Rock, AR. 2001-2004.
Courses taught:
ENGL 1311: Composition I
ENGL 1311: Composition I Thematic: Rites of Passage (designed and taught)
ENGL 1312: Composition II
ENGL 1312: Composition II Thematic: Writing for the Workplace (designed and taught)
ENGL 2312: Advanced Composition (designed and taught)
ENGL 2338: World Literature (1650-Present)

Other responsibilities:
Assessed all student writing samples for Composition program and produce annual
report on first-year writing program
Mentored adjunct faculty
Selected textbooks for ENGL 1311: Composition I courses
Developed thematic courses: Advanced Composition, Composition I: Thematic Rites of
Passage, & Composition II: Thematic Writing for the Workplace
Served on search committees for new faculty
Wrote first-year composition annual assessment report
Participated in Committee Work (see Service section)
Created standardized forms for Academic Affairs Committee to meet NCAs
accreditation criteria
Produced content for English department NCA accreditation report
Adjunct Instructor: Arkansas State University-Beebe, Department of English, Little Rock Air Force Base,
Jacksonville, AR. 2001-2005.
Courses taught:
ENG 1003: English I
o Taught in both traditional and online (through WebCT)
ENG 1013: English II
o Taught in both traditional and online (through WebCT)
ENG 2013: World Literature II
o Taught in both traditional setting and as an independent study
ENG 1033: Technical Communications

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Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
Bourelle, Tiffany, Andrew Bourelle and Sherry Rankins-Robertson. Teaching with Instructional
Assistants: Enhancing Student Learning in Online Classes. Ed. Kristine Blair. Computers and
Composition. (Fall 2015). 37: 90-103. Print.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Tiffany Bourelle and Andrew Bourelle. Multimodal Instruction:
Pedagogy and Practice for Enhancing Multimodal Composition Online. Ed. Cheryl Ball.
Kairos. (August 2014). Web.

Behm, Nicholas, Sherry Rankins-Robertson, and Duane Roen. The Case for Academics as Public
Intellectuals. Academe (January-February 2014) 100.1: 13-18. Print.

Bourelle, Tiffany, Andrew Bourelle, Sherry Rankins-Robertson. Employing a Multiliteracies
Pedagogy through Multimodal Composition: Preparing Twenty-First Century Writers
Computers and Composition Online (Fall 2013). Web.

Rankins-Robertson, Tiffany Bourelle, and Duane Roen. Enhancing Learning and Thinking in Higher
Education. Writing Program Administration Journal (Spring 2012) 35.2: 196-206. Print.
Lockard, Joe and Sherry Rankins-Robertson. Right to Education, Prison-University Partnerships, and
Online Writing Pedagogy. Critical Survey Journal (Spring 2011) 23.3: 23-39. Print.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Lisa Cahill, Duane Roen, and Greg Glau. Expanding Definitions of
Academic Writing: Family History Writing in the Basic Writing Classroom and Beyond.
Journal of Basic Writing 29.1 (2010) 56-77. Print.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters:
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. I Want Need a Wife: One Students Struggle to Maintain Home, Work
and Academics. What We Wish Wed Known. Ed. Ryan Skinnell, Judy Holiday, and Christine
Vassett. New York: Fountainhead Press, 2014: 145-150. Print.
Bourelle, Tiffany, Sherry Rankins-Robertson, Andrew Bourelle, and Duane Roen. Assessing
Learning in Redesigned Online First-Year Composition Courses Digital Writing Assessment
and Evaluation Ed. Heidi McKee and Danielle DeVoss. Utah State Press and Computers and
Composition Digital Press, 2013. <> Web.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. The Outcomes as Support for Teacher Creativity The WPA Outcomes
Statement: A Decade Later. Ed Nick Behm, Duane Roen, Deborah Holdstein, and Greg Glau.
Indiana: Parlor Press, 2012: 58-70. Print.

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Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Duane Roen. Textbooks and Their Pedagogical Influences in Higher
Education: A Bibliographic Essay On the Blunt Edge: Technology in Compositions Pedagogy and
History. Ed. Shane Borrowman. West Lafayette: Parlor Press, 2012: 98-114. Print.
Edited Works
LEplattenier, Barbara, Sherry Rankins-Robertson, and Lisa Masterangelo. eds. WPA: Writing Program
Administration. Vol 38.2 (Spring 2015). Print.

LEplattenier, Barbara and Sherry Rankins-Robertson. eds. WPA: Writing Program Administration. Vol
38.1 (Fall 2014). Print.

Praxis and Instructional Materials:
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Duane Roen. Peer Response Instructors Resource Manual to
accompany The McGraw-Hill Guide: Writing for College, Writing for Life. Duane Roen, Greg Glau
and Barry Maid. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008: Appendix 8 pages. Print.
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Duane Roen. Investing Writers: Digging, Exploring and Recording
Family Histories in Academic Spaces Teaching Basic Writing. (Oct 2007)
<> Web.
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Instructors Manual for the 8th edition of Successful Writing at Work, and
Blackboard and Online Materials for Course Cartridge of Successful Writing at Work (8th
edition). Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005. Print.

Consulting Author:
Kirszner, Laurie G. and Stephen R. Mandell. The Brief Wadsworth Handbook, 8th ed. Cengage Learning,
Boston, MA, 2014-2015.
Revised rhetorical content and added text on multimodal composing for 21st century writers.
Located updated visuals throughout and determined permissions content for all visuals on
text. Worked with authors to recast approach and organization of text. Integrated content on
WPA Outcomes Statement 3.0

Roen, Duane, Gregory Glau, and Barry Maid. McGraw Guide to Writing. McGraw Hill Publisher, New
York, NY, 2010-2012.
Developed content for each chapter technology textboxes and composing in electronic
environments. Revised two chapters that cover genre, medium (chapter 17) and
incorporation and design of visuals (chapter 18). Located updated visuals throughout these
two chapters and determined permissions content.

Glenn, Cheryl. The Harbrace Guide to Writing, 2nd edition. Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, 2009-2010.
Revised multimodal content throughout text. Consulted on topics: Writing Across
Curriculum, Argumentation Strategies, and Integration of Technology. Advised move of text
from an aims-based rhetoric to a genre-based rhetoric.

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Works Forthcoming

LEplattenier, Barbara, Lisa Masterangelo, and Sherry Rankins-Robertson. eds. WPA: Writing Program
Administration. Vol 39.1 (Fall 2015). Print.

Clark-Oates, Angela, Duane Roen and Sherry Rankins-Robertson. Understanding the Narratives of
Our Ancestors through Naming The Rhetoric of Names and Naming. Ed. Star Medzerian
Vanguri. Routledge Publisher. 2016.


Behm, Nicholas, Sherry Rankins-Robertson, and Duane Roen. (Eds.) Applications for the Framework for
Success in Postsecondary Writing: Scholarship, Theories, and Application. Parlor Press. (anticipated
date of publication 2016.)

This edited collection examines the uses, applications, limitations, and challenges of the
Framework for Success in Postsecondary of Writing. The Framework for Success in
Postsecondary Writing (2011) [] was developed by a joint
task force of the Council of Writing Program Administrators, National Council of Teachers of
English and National Writing Project as a response to Common Core State Standards.
Status: The manuscript has twenty chapters that are completed and revised. Preface and
afterword is being written.

Lockard, Joe, and Sherry Rankins-Robertson. Prison Pedagogy: Teaching and Learning with Imprisoned
Writers. (anticipated date of publication 2017.)

This edited collection will address educational practices and pedagogies for teaching
writing in prisons. The collections framing concept argues for social and political
consciousness within the teaching of prison writing that represents equal and shared learning
between writers and teachers.
Status: Currently accepting abstracts.


Ritter, Kelly, Brenda Glascott, Barbara LEplattenier, Sherry Rankins-Robertson, Jeff Sommers, and
William Thelin. The Risk and Rewards of Journal Editing: A Roundtable. Presented
Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, FL, March 2015.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Womens Ways of Writing: Developing Family Writing Courses in a
Womens Prison. Workshop Session for Narrative Truth: The Risks and Rewards of Prison
Research, Writing, and Teaching. Presented at Conference on College Composition and
Communication, Tampa. FL, March 2015.

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Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Barb LEplattenier. Editors Roundtable for WPA Journal. Presented
at the Research Network Forum at Conference on College Composition and Communication.
Tampa, FL, March 2015.

Roen, Duane, Sherry Rankins-Robertson, and Carey Smitherman. A Day in the Life of the WPA.
Presented at Southern Regional Composition Conference. Convergence Conway, AR,
March 2015.

Ivy, Erica, Sharon Bealer, Subrina Bogan, Bryant Lytle, Pamela Reed and Sarah Ricard; Sherry
Rankins-Robertson (respondent). Exploring the WPA Outcomes Statement 3.0:
Understanding the Theory that Sustains the Outcomes Statement. Presented at Southern
Regional Composition Conference. Convergence Conway, AR, March 2015.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Amber Smith, Brad Patterson, Kim Tran, Arrayon Farlough, Kevin Lewis,
Marie Sandusky, Bryant Lytle, Jonathan Bobo, and Laura Montalvan. Together Everyone
Achieves More (TEAM). Presented at African-American Male Institute Conference. Little Rock,
AR, February 2015.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Understanding the WPA Outcomes Statement (3.0). Presented at
Arkansas Education Association Conference, Little Rock, AR, November 2014.

Smith, Amber, and Sherry Rankins-Robertson. Relationships=Retention: A Revolutionary Summer
Bridge Academy. Presented at National Symposium on Student Retention, Poster Session,
Louisville, KY, November 2014.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Leticia Slabaugh, and Dan Ferguson. Show Me the Money:
Transformative Teaching Approaches to Empower Learners and Grow Writing Programs.
Presented at Two-Year College Association (TYCA)-Southwest, Frisco, TX, October 2014.

Bourelle, Tiffany, Sherry Rankins-Robertson, and Andrew Bourelle. Multimodal Projects for Two-
Year College Classrooms. Presented at TYCA-West, Mesa, AZ, October 2014.

Donaldson, Charles, Amber Smith, and Sherry Rankins-Robertson. Collaboration Spawns
Collaboration: How One Summer Bridge Academy Led to 10 Million Dollars. Presented at
Partners for Student Success Conference, Hot Springs, AR, October 2014.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Aurora Matzke, Bre Garrett, Carey Smitherman, and Magdelyn Helwig.
Honey, Youve Got Balls: Embodying the Role of WPA as Woman. Presented at Council of
Writing Program Administrators Conference. Normal, IL, July 2014.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Barb LEplattenier. Getting to Know the WPA Journal. Presented at
Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference. Normal, IL, July 2014.

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Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Dona Bailey, Betty Freeland, Mark Isbell, and Joshua Johnson. By All
Available Means: Collaboration, Innovation, and Retention in First-Year Composition Online
Learning Environments. Presented at Conference on College Composition and Communication.
Indianapolis, IN, March 2014.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Editors Roundtable for WPA Journal. Presented at the Research
Network Forum at Conference on College Composition and Communication. Indianapolis, IN,
March 2014.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Writing His Way Out: An Inmates Story of Survival. Workshop
Session for Prison Networks: Broadcasting Why Prison Writing Matters Presented at
Conference on College Composition and Communication. Indianapolis, IN, March 2014.

Rogers, Laura and Sherry Rankins-Robertson. Prison Education. Special Interest Group at
Conference on College Composition and Communication. Indianapolis, IN, March 2014.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Jarod Daily. Hey Teacher, Leave Those Kids Alone: Using Code-
Switching to Increase Retention. Presented at African-American Male Institute Conference. Little
Rock, AR, February 2014.
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Bruce Martin. Habits of the Mind, Mindful of Our Habits: Using the
Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing for Curricular Design. Presented at Two-
Year College Association Conference. Austin, TX, October 2013.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Carey Smitherman, Julie Locke, and Shelley Hanson. Promoting the
Habits of Mind through Learner-Centered Pedagogy. Presented at Arkansas Association of
Two-Year College Conference. Hot Springs, AR, October 2013.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Bre Garrett, and Aurora Matzke; Duane Roen (respondent). What to
Expect When Youre Expected to be the WPA. Presented at Council of Writing Program
Administrators Conference. Savannah, GA, July 2013.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Nicholas Behm, Amy Dayton, Chris Gallagher, Kara Brown, Kim
Freeman, and Duane Roen. Assessing, Mentoring, and Norming Writing Teachers.
Presented at Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference. Savannah, GA, July 2013.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Angela Clark-Oates, Tiffany Bourelle, and Andrew Bourelle. Digital
Environments, Public Writing, and Student Needs: Using Instructional Assistants to Facilitate
Learning in Online Classes. Presented at Conference on College Composition and Communication.
Las Vegas, NV, March 2013.

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Johnson, Yvette, Sherry Rankins-Robertson (respondent), and Keith Miller (respondent). From the
Composition Classroom to Tribeca: How Writing Family History Helped Heal a Student, a
Family, and the Nation. Featured Session. Presented at Conference on College Composition and
Communication. Las Vegas, NV, March 2013.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Education as a Basic Human Write. presenter in workshop Making
Lives Behind Bars Visible: Literacy Programs and Activism. Presented at Conference on College
Composition and Communication. Las Vegas, NV, March 2013.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Shelley Rodrigo, Barry Maid, and Charlie Lowe. Digital Branding of the
CWPA. Presented at Writing Program Administrators Conference. Albuquerque, NM, July 2012.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Framework for Success in Post-Secondary Writing. Presented at Little
Rock Writing Project. Little Rock, AR, June 2012.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Tiffany Bourelle, and Duane Roen. Collaboratively Redesigning First-
Year Composition in Digital Environments: A Gateway for Student Success. Presented at
Conference on College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, MO, March 2012.

Roen, Duane, Sherry Rankins-Robertson, Shirley Rose, Chris Elders, and Margaret Munson. Using
the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing. Presented at Two-Year College
Association-West Conference, Mesa, AZ, October 2011.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Not Your Average Internship: Reaching the Un-Reachables. Presented
at Conference on College Composition and Communication, Atlanta, GA, March 2011.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Duane Roen, and Shelley Rodrigo. Developing a Framework for Success
in First-Year Writing. Presented at Two-Year College Association, Las Vegas, NV, October 2010.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Writing about Family History in the Basic Writing Classroom.
Presented at Two-Year College Association Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, October 2009.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Composing the Sights and Sounds of Our Histories: A Multimodal
Approach to Family Writing. Presented at Conference on College Composition and
Communication, San Francisco, CA, March 2009.
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Duane Roen. Family Writing in First-Year Composition and
Beyond. Presented at Two-Year College Association Conference, Cottonwood, AZ, October 2008.
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Family Writing in the Composition Classroom." Presented at Conference
on College Composition and Communication, New Orleans, LA, March 2008.

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Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Ed White, Sally Crisp, and Claire Lauer. Family Writing. Special
Interest Group Conference on College Composition and Communication, New Orleans, LA, March

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Writing about Family in First-Year Composition Courses. Presented at
Research Network Forum at Conference on College Composition and Communication, New
Orleans, LA, March 2008.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. History of Composition Textbooks. Presented at Research Network
Forum at Conference on College Composition and Communication, New York, NY, March 2007.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. "Making CCCC More Useful and Accessible to Contingent Faculty."
Special Interest Group. Presented at Conference on College Composition and Communication, San
Francisco, CA 2005 & Chicago, IL, March 2006.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Writing and Healing. Presented at Arkansas Association of Two-Year
College Conference, Hot Springs, AR, October 2003.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Carla McDaniel. Assimilation or Pluralism. Presented at Arkansas
Association of Two-Year College Conference, Hot Springs, AR, 2003.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Sounding the DepthsOr Not. Presented at Conference on College
Composition and Communication, New York, NY, March 2002.


Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. How to Instill Pride and Keep Employee Morale Podcast via interview
format with CFO, John Gardner of BE Culture. Episode 29. April 2015.
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Using the WPA Outcomes Statement 3.0 for Project Design and
Assessment. Presented at ThinkTech, San Diego, CA, February 2015.
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Preparing Twenty-First Century Writers. Presented as daylong
professional development workshop for newly develop composition program at University of
Houston-Clear Lake, Houston, TX, August 2014.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Redesigning Curriculum with the WPA Outcomes Statement. and
Habits of Mind: Using the Framework for Success in Curriculum Design. Two-part
professional development workshop for concurrent high school teachers and administrators
and colleges teachers and administrators. Presented as daylong professional development
workshop at Lee College, Houston, TX, January 2014.

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Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Enhancing 21st Century Digital Literacies through Multimodal
Instruction in Online Classes. Presented at University of Arkansas at Little Rock for Teaching
Online Workshop. Little Rock, AR, December 2013.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Enhancing Digital Literacies through Multimodal Instruction.
Presented at Digital Technologies, Digital Literacies sponsored by for Cengage Learning. Dallas,
TX, November 2013.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Jeff Andelora. Designing Effective Writing Assignments. Presented
as Professional Development at Mesa Community College, Mesa, AZ, May 2012.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Composition Going Digital. Presented at 5th Annual English Workshop for
Writing Program Administrators sponsored by McGraw Hill Higher Education. Birmingham,
AL, October 2012.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Using Multimodal Composition in Assignment Design. Presented at
Writing Programs Orientation for Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ, September 2011.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Be the Best in Business: Communication Skills for the Workplace.
Verbal and written communication workshop for 150 graduate students in W. P. Careys
Graduate program in College of Business at Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ, March 2010.
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Duane Roen. Juggling Identify at Work, Home and School.
Presented at Graduate English Association for Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, September
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Duane Roen. Writing about Family Curriculum. Presented at
University of Arkansas-Little Rock, Little Rock, AR, September 2008.
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Mapping Your Neighborhood. Presented to Northern Arizona
Genealogical Society, Prescott, AZ and East Valley Family History Society, Mesa, AZ, September
and October 2008.
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Jason Zingsheim. Knowing Your Audience: Image is Everything.
Presented at Arizona State University, MBA Program for W.P. Carey School of Business, Tempe,
AZ, August-December 2007.
Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. The Utilization of APA Format with HealthCare Professionals.
Presented at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, November 2004.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. The Academic Life. Presented on Working with Writers Graduate
Course Panel for University of Arkansas at Little Rock, November 2003 & April 2004.

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Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Keynote Speaker for Phi Theta Kappa Induction. Presented at Pulaski
Technical College, North Little Rock, AR, January 2002.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry and Julie Wright. Metacognitive Writing. Presented at Pulaski Technical
College Orientation, Sponsored by Little Rock Writing Project, North Little Rock, AR, October


Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Workplace Research: Editing and Technology. Chair at Association of
Teachers of Technical Writing Conference, New York, NY 2007.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Activist Rhetorics. Chair at Conference on College Composition and
Communication, San Antonio, TX, 2004.

Rankins-Robertson, Sherry. Designing Composition Courses: Ethics, Contexts and Connections.
Chair at Conference on College Composition and Communication, Denver, CO, 2001.


Abraham, Kristen. Financial Benefits of Post-Secondary Education in Correctional Facilities.
Arizona State University. Barrett Honors College Thesis. Chair. Defended April 2012.

Crelia, Jenny. Collaborative Project Theories and Sociocultural Discourse Analysis. University of
Arkansas at Little Rock. Chair. Defended May 2014.

Duffy-LaBonte, Alice. Pilot Program for a Barrett Center on Arizona State University-Polytechnic
Campus. Arizona State University. Barrett Honors College Thesis. Committee Member.
Defended March 2011.

Johnson, Joshua. Assignment Design: Developing Writing Projects Using Open Access WWW Tools
for Student Engagement and Learning. University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Committee
Member. Defended December 2013.

Lytle, Bryant. Genre Theory and First-Year Composition at UALR. University of Arkansas at Little
Rock. Chair. Expected December 2015.

May, Bethany. Podagogy: Teaching Available Means and Rediscovering the Rhetorical Canons
through Podcasting. University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Committee Member. Defended
May 2014.

updated October 2015

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Navarro, Melissa. A Family Guide to Arizona National Parks and Monuments. Arizona State
University. Barrett Honors College Thesis. Committee Member. Defended November 2010.

Robinson, Georgia. Family Fun: Companion Memory and Activity Book. Arizona State University.
Barrett Honors College Thesis. Committee Member. Defended November 2010.
Watson, Shelley. MA Portfolio. University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Chair. Defended May 2014.


Seminar Instructor: Certified Public Management Program. Held on the campus of University of
Arkansas at Little Rock, 2013 & 2014.
Redesigned and taught two-day professional development seminar entitled Writing for Business and
Government targeted for mid-to-upper-level supervisors and managers who work for state, city, and
county government agencies.

English Specialist: Cengage Learning, territory Southwestern United States, 2009-2010.
Visited post-secondary faculty on more than 100 campuses in eight states in the fields of
developmental English, Composition, and Literature to determine the best solution, analyze
curriculum, and facilitate presentations. Worked with marketing and editorial to run sales analysis,
identify top adoptions, launch products, gather market feedback, and generate ideas for new signings
and technology products.

Consultant: Arizona State University, W. P. Carey School of Business, Tempe, AZ, 2006-2007; 2011.
Developed and delivered curriculum for writing process and team-based business communication for
300+ staff/employees who work throughout the undergraduate and graduate programs.

Cybertutor: University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Department of Rhetoric and Writing, Little Rock, AR,
Reviewed and responded to secondary and post-secondary student work through online writing


Arizona State University

Assessment of First-Year Composition, 2011-2012

o Provided orientation to all first-year writing teachers on portfolio assessment based on
WPA Outcomes Statement
o Collect all portfolios for all sections of first-year composition
o Analyze and synthesize data
o Develop and submit first-year composition report for college assessment report
Curriculum Development Committee for Business Writing, 2004-2006

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o Develop Curriculum for ENG 302: Business Writing
o Select textbooks with essential criteria for ENG 302
o Network with College of Business faculty to ensure curriculum
o Produce annual reports
o Collaborate with administrators in Department of English
Family Writing and Research Committee, Chair, 2006-2012
o Develop Curriculum for ENH 245: Introduction to Writing a Family History & ENH
320: Writing a Personal History
o Select textbooks for newly developed curriculum
o Collaborate with faculty across the university in multiple disciplines
o Manage enrollment for the family writing certificate
Scholarship Committee, 2008-2009
Task Force Committees (ad hoc), Department of English, 2005-2006
o Homecoming Strategic Planning, 2005
o Public Relations, 2006
Writers Studio Curriculum Development, 2011-2012
o Develop Curriculum for ENG 101, 102 and 105: First-Year Composition, Writers
o Select textbooks with for all courses
o Prepare teachers for teaching in online model with portfolio assessment
o Interview, hire and train instructional assistants
o Produce annual report

Arkansas Council of Women in Higher Education, 2003-2004
Spring 2004 Conference Campus Coordinator
Member of Planning Committee
Secretary, 2004

Council of Writing Program Administrators, 2011-Present

Digital Committee, Chair, 2011-2013

Publications Committee, 2014-Present
o Co-editor of WPA: Writing Program Administration journal of the CWPA

Pulaski Technical College

Ambassadors Program, 2003-2004

o Participated in selection interviews
o Led training session The Attitude of an Ambassador, Ferndale, AR, 2004
Academic Affairs, 2002-2004
o Co-Chair, 2002-2003
o Faculty Handbook Review Committee

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Produced standardized forms for NCA accreditation criteria
Collaborated with Gordon Watts with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock to
parallel two-year college standards in academic review
Academic Grievance Committee, 2002-2004
American Association of Women in Community Colleges, 2004
Pulaski Technical College Chapter
o Chartering Ceremony Chair
o Founding Member
o President-Elect
o Scholarship Committee
Phi Theta Kappa, 2001-2004
o Beta Zeta Omega Chapter Advisor
o Annual Induction Ceremony Planning committee
o Hallmark Essay Coordinator, 2004
Search Committee for Full-Time English Faculty, 2002-2004
Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Pulaski County Mentor, on campuses of PTC and UAMS,

Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Pulaski County

Donor Circle, 2015-present

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Assessment Committee (College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences), 2012-2014
Academic Integrity and Grievance Committee, 2000
Charles W. Donaldson Programs, 2013-Present
o Summer Bridge Academy, Literacy Coordinator, 2013-Present
o Scholars Academy, Literacy Coordinator, 2014-Present
o Learning Community, 2014-Present
Chancellors Committee on Race and Ethnicity, 2012-Present
o Lead development and implementation on fall 2014 student event, A Shot in the
Composition Committee, Chair, 2012-2015
o Search Committee for Visiting Instructor, Chair, 2013
Graduate Committee, Member, 2012-Present
Online Education Initiative, 2012-2014
Persuasive Writing Task Force, 2012-2014
Professional Development Initiative, 2014-Present
Search Committee Member for Chief Information Officer, 2015
Search Committee Member for Dean for College of Social Sciences and Communication, 2014
Search Committee Member for Instructor (three positions in Department of Rhetoric and
Writing), 2015

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Search Committee Member for Writing Program Administrator, 2015

Work Task Force (University Labor Issues), 2014-Present


Volunteer Teacher at Arkansas Department of Corrections-Ouachita Unit, Malvern, AR, 2012-

Volunteer Teacher at Arizona State Prison, Florence, AZ 2011-2012.
Family Writing Workshop Leader: Southeast Family History Society, Mesa, AZ 2007-2008, 2009-
2011; Northern Arizona Genealogy Society, Prescott, AZ 2008; Mesa Historical Society, Mesa, AZ
2009, 2010; Perry Family History Gilbert, AZ 2011
Volunteers in Public School (VIP), National Reading Week, Higley Unified School District,
Gilbert, AZ, 2006
Reading Group Tutor at Islands Elementary, Gilbert Public School District, Gilbert, AZ, 2004-
Mentor for UALRs Working with Writers Internship, Little Rock, AR, 2004
Riverfest Volunteer, Little Rock, AR, 2004
Volunteers in Public School (VIP), National Reading Week, North Little Rock School District,
2002, 2003, 2004
American Walk for Diabetes Team Captain (PTC), American Diabetes Association, 2002-2003
American Heart Walk Participant, American Heart Association, 2002


Phi Kappa Phi, Campus Ambassador, 2014-present

Faculty Achievement Award for Excellence in Curricular Innovation, Arizona State University,
Teaching Excellence Award, Graduate and Professional Student Association, Arizona State
University, 2007
Professional Equity Project (PEP) Grant, National Council of Teachers of English, 2007
National Chancellors List, 2005-2007
National Deans List, 2005-2007
Whos Who Among College Teachers, 2003, 2004, 2005
Who's Who in Humanities Higher Education, 2005
Nominated for Susan K. Reid Award for Teaching Excellence at Pulaski Technical College, North
Little Rock, AR, 2003
Alpha Epsilon Lambda, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2001-current

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Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2001-Present

Council of Writing Program Administration, 2006-Present
Phi Kappa Phi, 2014-Present
National Association of Professional Women, 2015-Present
National Council of Teachers of English, 2001-Present


The following works listed are professional reviews of instructional materials. Work contributed to
the text is indicated.
o Little Brown Handbook, Pearson Higher Education

o McGraw Hill Guide to Writing (3rd ed.), McGraw Hill

o Document-Based Cases for Technical Communication, Bedford St. Martins
o McGraw Hill Guide to Writing (3rd ed.), McGraw Hill

o Harbrace Guide to Writing (2nd ed.), Cengage Learning *Wrote assignment content for text.

o Field Working, (4th ed.), Bedford St. Martins *Provide IM content and student samples for text.
o McGraw Hill Guide to Writing (2nd ed.) McGraw Hill *Provided student samples.

o McGraw Hill Guide to Writing, McGraw Hill *Wrote IM content.

o Dynamics in Business and Professional Communication, Houghton-Mifflin

Technical Communication (2nd ed.), Pearson-Longman
Technical Communication in the New Professional Workplace, McGraw-Hill
Business Writing Supplement to A Writers Reference (6th ed.), Bedford St. Martin

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o Successful Writing at Work (7th ed.), chapter 11, Houghton Mifflin
o Excellence in Business Communication (6th ed.), Prentice Hall

o Introduction to Business Communication, Pearson Education
o Business Communication, Prentice Hall
o Critical Thinking, Thoughtful Writing (3rd ed.) Instructor Resource Manual and Accompanying
Websites, Houghton Mifflin

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Duane H. Roen, Ph.D.
Vice Provost of Polytechnic Campus
Dean of School of Letters and Sciences
Dean of University College
Professor of English
Arizona State University
University Academic Services Building, Room 228
Tempe, AZ 85287-1901

Charles W. Donaldson, Ed.D.
Vice Chancellor Emeritus
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Edward White, Ph.D.
Visiting Scholar in English, University of Arizona
Professor Emeritus of English, California State University, San Bernardino

Keith Miller, Ph.D.
Department of English
Arizona State University
Box 870302
Tempe, AZ 85287-0302

updated October 2015

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