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Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta

The Malta Government Gazette

It-Tlieta, 4 ta Novembru, 2014

Tuesday, 4th November, 2014

Pubblikata bAwtorit
Published by Authority

Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern.............................................................................................. 12,549 - 12,559
Government Notices.......................................................................................................... 12,549 - 12,559
Opportunitajiet ta Impieg................................................................................................. 12,559 - 12,569
Employment Opportunities............................................................................................... 12,559 - 12,569
Avvii tal-Gvern................................................................................................................ 12,569 - 12,572
Notices............................................................................................................................... 12,569 - 12,572
Offerti................................................................................................................................ 12,573 - 12,609
Tenders.............................................................................................................................. 12,573 - 12,609
Avvii tal-Qorti................................................................................................................. 12,610 - 12,624
Court Notices.................................................................................................................... 12,610 - 12,624

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014





Nru. 1119

No. 1119



NGARRFU gall-informazzjoni ta kuladd illi l-Onor.

Joseph Muscat, KUOM, BCom., BA (Hons.), MA (European
Studies), PhD (Bristol), MP, rea daal gal dmirijietu
ta Prim Ministru nhar is-Sibt, l-1 ta Novembru, 2014 u larranamenti magmulin bin-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru.
1100 tas-27 ta Ottubru, 2014, ma baqgux iseu fdan

IT is notified for general information that the Hon. Joseph

Muscat, KUOM, BCom., BA (Hons.), MA (European
Studies), PhD (Bristol), MP, resumed duties as Prime Minister
on Saturday, 1st November, 2014 and that the arrangements
made by Government Notice No.1100 of the 27th October,
2014, ceased to have effect accordingly.

L-1 ta Novembru, 2014

1st November, 2014


Nru. 1120

No. 1120


(KAP. 251)

(CAP. 251)

Regoli tal-1990 dwar Unuri, Gotjiet u

Dekorazzjonijiet, 1990
(A.L. 105/90)

Rules for Honours, Awards

and Decorations, 1990
(L.N. 105/90)

IL-MINISTRU gall-Intern u s-Sigurt Nazzjonali approva

l-goti tal-Midalja gal Servizz Twil u Effijenti u Clasps
lill-membri li qegdin jaqdu dmirijithom fil-Forzi Armati ta
Malta beffett minn nhar Il-amis 30 ta Ottubru 2014.

THE Minister for Home Affairs and National Security has

approved the award of the Long and Efficient Service Medal
and Clasps to serving members of the Armed Forces of Malta,
with effect from Thursday, 30th October 2014.

Il-Midalja Gal Servizz Twil U Effijenti ngatat lill-membri li jkunu gamlu 18-il sena servizz:
The Long And Efficient Service Medal on completion of 18 years of service awarded to:

Isem u Kunjom

Name and Surname

Numru tal-Armata
Army No.

Warrant Officer 2
Warrant Officer 2
Warrant Officer 2

John Stroud
Norman Sciberras 86523
Norbert Fenech
Ruben Demicoli
Audrick Plum
David Bugeja
Alexander Vella
Anthony Cassar
Domenic Zammit
Antoine Caruana
Victor Azzopardi
Antoine Cachia
Alan Muscat
Patrick Tanti
Brian Portelli
Camilleri Raymond
Manuel Bonello
Richard Vella




Isem u Kunjom

Name and Surname

Numru tal-Armata
Army No.

Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier

Adriano Cachia
Ruben Galea
Robert Brincat
Patrick Grech
JP Camilleri
Brian Falzon
Silvio Vassallo
Chrisopher Briffa
Mario Attard
Silvan Borg
Emanuel Cutajar
Brian Carabott
Jesmond Fenech
Francois Mizzi
Martin Magro
Marco Mifsud
Fabian Cutajar
Frank Spiteri
Antonello Vidal
Michael Camilleri
David Vatter
Omar Carabott
Carlo Caruana
Adrian Camilleri
Simon Zahra
Daniel Brincat
Jesmar Zarb
Gaetano Zammit
Stephen Borg
Dennis Fenech


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

First Clasp gall-Midalja gal Servizz Twil u Effijenti lill-membri li jkunu gamlu 25 sena servizz mogtija lil:
First Clasp to the Long and Efficient Service Medal on completion of 25 years of service awarded to:

Isem u Kunjom

Name and Surname

Numru tal-Armata
Army No.

Lt. Colonel
Lt. Colonel
Lt. Colonel
Lt. Colonel
Warrant Officer 1
Warrant Officer 1
Warrant Officer 1
Warrant Officer 1
Warrant Officer 1
Warrant Officer 1
Warrant Officer 2
Warrant Officer 2
Staff Sergeant

Ian Ruggier
Mario Borg
Robert Vella
Claudio Terribile
Edwin Sciberras
John Grixti
Geoffrey Muscat
Roger Mulvaney
Joseph Sammut
Emanuel Grech
Robert Zammit
Adrian Xuereb
Mark Bonello
Dario Borg


L-4 ta Novembru, 2014




Isem u Kunjom

Name and Surname

Numru tal-Armata
Army No.

Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier
Lance Bombardier

Ruben Nappa
Raymond Zammit
Jason Formston
Anthony Mizzi
Emanuel Chircop
Simon Grech
Mario Mifsud
Anthony Cassar
Eugenio Delceppo
Jason Mizzi
Albert Darmanin
Donald Agius
Jeffrey Decelis
Joseph Buttigieg
Anthony Bonello
Felix Zammit
Angelino Scerri
Gaetano Scerri
George Farrugia
Angelo Xerri
Louis Bugeja
Emanuel Zahra
Simon Farrugia
Mark Debattista
Jesmond Debono
Paul Zarb
John Cilia Debono
Domenic Mangion
Ivan Muscat
Mario Azzopardi
Vincent Farrugia
Simon Tabone
Carmel Pisani
Paul Theuma
Antoine Camenzuli
Mario Aquilina
Constantine Vella
Raymond Buhagiar
Joseph Borg
Joseph Borg
Emanuel Galea
Joseph Bugeja
Mario Spiteri
Kenenth Farrugia
Domenic Camilleri
Anthony Agius
Mario Belli


It-30 ta Ottubru, 2014


30th October, 2014



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Nru. 1121

No. 1121




NGARRFU bdin gall-informazzjoni ta kuladd illi

l-persuna msemmija hawn tat inatret Aent Segretarju
Eekuttiv tal-Assojazzjoni tal-Kunsilli Lokali bse mid29 ta Ottubru, 2014.

IT is hereby notified for general information that the

following person has been appointed Acting Executive
Secretary of the Local Councils Association with effect
from the 29th October, 2014

Aent Segretarju Eekuttiv

Christopher Falzon

Acting Executive Secretary

Christopher Falzon

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Nru. 1122

No. 1122

Awtorit gat-Trasport fMalta

Authority for Transport in Malta

Triq ueppi Cal, al Lija

Triq Innoenz Zammit, L-Imsida
Triq Il-arrub, Attard
Triq Ta okondu, Is-Swieqi
Triq Il-Vjola, Marsaskala
Triq Frans Grech, Marsaskala

Triq ueppi Cal, al Lija

Triq Innoenz Zammit, Msida
Triq Il-arrub, Attard
Triq Ta okondu, Swieqi
Triq Il-Vjola, Marsaskala
Triq Frans Grech, Marsaskala

Bis-saa tal-Artikolu erbatax (14) tal-Avvi Legali

Nru. 39 tal-2010, l-Awtorit gat-Trasport fMalta tgarraf
bl-intenzjoni tagha li tlesti l-formazzjoni ta:

In virtue of Article fourteen (14) of Legal Notice No. 39

of 2010, the Authority for Transport in Malta hereby notifies
officially of its intention to complete the formation of:

Triq ueppi Cal, al Lija (indikata fuq il-pjanta fpana


Triq ueppi Cal, al Lija (indicated on the site plan on

page 12,553);

Parti minn Triq Innoenz Zammit, L-Imsida (indikata fuq

il-pjanta fpana 12,554);

Part of Triq Innoenz Zammit, Msida (indicated on the

site plan on page 12,554);

Triq il-arrub, Attard (indikata fuq il-pjanta fpana


Triq il-arrub, Attard (indicated on the site plan on

page 12,555);

Triq ta okondu, Swieqi (indikata fuq il-pjanta fpana


Triq ta okondu, Swieqi (indicated on the site plan on

page 12,556);

Parti minn Triq il-Vjola, Marsaskala (indikata fuq ilpjanta fpana 12,557);

Part of Triq il-Vjola, Marsaskala (indicated on the site

plan on page 12,557);

Parti minn Triq Frans Grech, Marsaskala (indikata fuq ilpjanta fpana 12,558).

Part of Triq Frans Grech, Marsaskala (indicated on the

site plan on page 12,558).

Kull persuna illi skont il-lii gandha l-obbligu li tifforma

dawn it-toroq (inklu billi takkwista l-art neessarja gallistess formazzjoni) gandha sa mistax (15)-il jum mid-data
tal-pubblikazzjoni ta dan l-avvi sabiex twettaq l-obbligi
tagha skont il-lii. Fin-nuqqas, l-Awtorit gat-Trasport
fMalta tgaddi sabiex tagmel l-istess xogol ta formazzjoni
hi stess skont is-saa lilha mogtija mil-lii u a spejje talpersuni li huma legalment obbligati jifformaw it-toroq.

Any person who is obliged by law to form said roads

(including by acquiring land necessary for the same
formation) has fifteen days from the date of the publication
of this notice within which to comply with his obligations
at law. In default, the Authority for Transport in Malta shall
itself proceed with the formation of this road in accordance
with its powers at law and at the expense of those persons
whose obligation it is to form the roads.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014





Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014





Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014





Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



Nru. 1123

No. 1123


(KAP. 46)



IL-KUMMISSARJU tat-Taxxi Interni jgarraf illi fiddata li tidher hawn tat, il-prezz tad-deheb u l-fidda li fuqu
huma bbaati l-valutazzjonijiet magmulin mill-Konslu
gall-addiema d-Deheb u l-addiema l-Fidda ie ffissat
gall-finijiet tal-artikolu 14 tal-imsemmi Att kif ej:

THE Commissioner of Inland Revenue notifies that on

the date shown hereunder, the price of gold and silver on
which valuations made by the Consuls for Goldsmiths and
Silversmiths are based has been fixed for the purposes of
article 14 of the said Act as follows:




(CAP. 46)

Deheb Pur
Pure Gold

Fidda Pura
Pure Silver



L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Ministeru gall-Familja
u Solidarjet SojaLI

Ministry for the Family

and Social Solidarity

Poizzjoni ta Regional Development Agent

fil-leap Project fil-Ministeru
gall-Familja u Solidarjet Sojali

Position of Regional Development Agent

in the Leap Project in the Ministry
for the Family and Social Solidarity

(Approvazzjoni skont il-capacity building

datata l-31 ta Ottubru, 2014)

(Capacity building approval

dated 31st October, 2014)

Skont klawsola 3.1(l) tal-Ftehim Kollettiv kurrenti,

nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.

In accordance with clause 3.1(l) of the current

Collective Agreement, nomenclatures importing the male
gender include also the female gender.

Is-Segretarju Permanenti, Ministeru gall-Familja u

Solidarjet Sojali jilqa applikazzjonijiet gall-poizzjoni
ta Regional Development Agent (LEAP Project) filMinisteru gall-Familja u Solidarjet Sojali gall-Proett
tal-Fond Sojali Ewropew LEAP! (FSE 3.234) li qed jii

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry for the Family and

Social Solidarity invites applications for the position of
Regional Development Agent (LEAP Project) in the Ministry
for the Family and Social Solidarity for the European
Social Fund Project LEAP! (ESF 3.234) currently being

Tul tal-Assignment u Kundizzjonijiet

2.1 Persuna magula tidol fassignment sat-30 ta
Settembru 2015 bala Regional Development Agent (LEAP
Project) fil-Ministeru gall-Familja u Solidarjet Sojali, li
jist jii medded gal perjodi ora. Persuna li ma tkunx
tat sehem sodisfaenti bala Regional Development Agent
(LEAP Project) matul il-perjodu tal-assignment, ikollha lassignment tagha tterminat. Il-proett ESF 3.234 LEAP!
Building the future together: promoting social mobility
huwa parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea tat ilFond Socjali Ewropew (2007 2013).

Duration of Assignment and Conditions

2.1 A selected candidate will enter into an assignment
until 30 September 2015 as a Regional Development
Agent in the LEAP Project, which may be renewed for
further periods. Unsatisfactory performance as Regional
Development Agent during the assignment period will lead
to termination of the assignment. The ESF 3.234 LEAP!
Building the future together: promoting social mobility
project is part-financed by the European Union under the
European Social Fund (2007 2013).



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

2.2 Il-poizzjoni ta Regional Development Agent (LEAP

Project) hija soetta gal perjodu ta prova ta sitt (6) xhur.

2.2 The position of Regional Development Agent (LEAP

PROJECT) is subject to a probationary period of six (6)

2.3 Din il-poizzjoni hija marbuta ma terminu ta mien

fiss jew tkomplija ta bia xogol speifika, u galdaqstant
dan jikkostitwixxi rauni oettiva skont Regolament 7(4)
ta L.S. 452.81

2.3 Since this position is time-barred or linked to the

completion of a specific task, such constitutes an objective
reason in terms of Regulation 7(4) of S.L. 452.81.

Salarju marbut mal-poizzjoni

3. Is-salarju gall-poizzjoni ta Regional Development
Agent huwa ekwivalenti gall-massimu ta Skala ta Salarju
7 li fl-2014 hu ta 23,997.00.

Salary pegged to the position

3. The salary attached to the position of Regional
Development Agent is equivalent to the maximum point of
Salary Scale 7 which in the year 2014 is 23,997.00.

4. Ir-Regional Development Agent gandu/ha j/tkun

impjegat/a mal-Ministeru gall-Familja u Solidarjet Sojali
u direttament responsabbli lejn is-Senior Manager (LEAP
Project). Il-persuna matura tista tii mitluba biex twettaq
dmirijiet fuq bai full-time fuffiju Gawdex u tattendi
laqgat Malta kif ikun metie. Hu/i j/tkun mistenni/ja li
j/taqdi r-rwoli u r-responsabilitajiet kif elenkati hawn tat:

4. The Regional Development Agent shall be employed

with the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity and
directly accountable to the Senior Manager. The Regional
Development Agent may be required to perform duties on a
full-time basis in an office in Gozo and attend meetings in
Malta as may be required. S/he shall be expected to fulfil the
following roles and responsibilities:

J/Tassisti lis-Senior Manager (LEAP Project) flimmaniar, koordinament u monitera fkull aspett relatat
mal-proett (LEAP) imsemmi Building Social Regional
Networks at local level to empower social cohesion firrejun eografiku assenjat li jista jinkludi Gawdex;

Assisting the Senior Manager (LEAP Project) in

managing, coordinating and monitoring all aspects related
to the LEAP Project entitled Building Social Regional
Networks at local level to empower social cohesion in the
assigned geographical region, which may include Gozo;

J/Tassisti lis-Senior Manager (LEAP Project) billi j/

tikkoordina mal-imsieba involuti fit-twaqqif tal-istruttura
tas-sistema tan-network fir-rejun eografiku assenjat,
inklu Gawdex;

Assist the Senior Manager (LEAP Project) in coordinating

with the stakeholders involved in setting up the structure of
the network system in the assigned geographical region,
including Gozo;

Mapping tar-riorsi eistenti fir-rejun eografiku

assenjatinklu Gawdex;

Mapping of existing resources in the assigned

geographical region, including Gozo;

J/Tikkontribwixxi lejn workshops u studji transnazzjonali/


Contributing towards transnational/national workshops

and study;

J/Tassisti fit-twettiq tal-miri tal-Proett LEAP;

Assisting in carrying out the deliverables set out within

the LEAP Project;

J/Tassisti fil-monitera tax-xogol imwettaq mirRegional Job Advisors, Regional Community Workers u
Junior Social Mentors;

Assist in monitoring the tasks carried out by the Regional

Job Advisors, Regional Community Workers and Junior
Social Mentors;

Dmirijiet ora skont l-esienzi tas-Servizz Pubbliku skont

struzzjonijiet mogtija mis-Segretrju Permanenti Ewlieni;

Any other duties, according to the exigencies of the Public

Service as directed by the Principal Permanent Secretary.

Dmirijiet enerali ora relatati mal-Proett:

Eekuzzjoni tal-proett LEAP, kif imfassal u ordnat
skont il-formola tal-applikazzjoni tal-proett u l-ftehim talgotja;

Other General Project Duties:

Execution of the LEAP Project at regional level, as
outlined and instructed by the LEAP project application
form and the grant agreement;

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



J/Tassigura li l-finanzi kollha tal-proett huma skont

il-Manwal tal-Proeduri, policies tal-gvern u regolamenti

Ensure that all the project financials are in line with

the manual of procedures, government policies and related

J/Tissorvelja mill-qrib li l-ganijiet tal-proett qed


Monitor that the objectives of the project are being met;

Tassisti fil-preparazzjoni ta rapporti/preentazzjonijiet/

dokumentazzjoni metiea gall-bord Inter-Ministerjali jew
gall-iSteering Committee u tattendi kif u meta metie;

Assist in preparation/drafting of reports/presentations

/documentation required for the Inter-Ministerial Board or
the Steering Committee and attend as and when required;

J/Tassisti fil-promozzjoni u fit-tqassim tal-prattii tajba


Assist in the promotion and dissemination of the projects

good practices;

J/Tattendi laqgat/workshops/tari ma membri tattim Manierjali tal-Proett biex tirrevedi l-progress u

timplimenta azzjonijiet li jkunu qablu dwarhom;

Attend meetings/workshops/training with members of the

project management team to review progress and implement
agreed actions;

J/Tassigura li jingata servizz professjonali fkull in;

Ensure the delivery of professional service at all times;

Iomm/Iomm il-livell neessarju ta kunfidenzjalit

mistenni fil-livell tar-responsabbilt filwaqt li j/taqsam
informazzjoni relevanti flimkien mal-membri tat-tim
manierjali u individwi ora relevanti li huma wkoll marbuta

Maintain the necessary level of confidentiality

commensurate to the level of responsibility, while
concurrently shares all relevant information with members of
the project management team and other relevant individuals
who are also bound by confidentiality;

Iomm/Iomm kuntatt kontinwu mal-mexxej tal-Proett

u tipprovdi rapporti kif u meta mitlub;

Liaise continuously with the Project Leader and provide

reporting as and when required;

Iomm/Iomm kuntatt kontinwu mal-imsieba talproett u partijiet interessati mill-proett.

Liaise continuously with the Project Partners and

stakeholders related to the project.

Dawn it-termini ta referenza jistgu jinbidlu minn

mien gal mien biex jirriflettu l-bonnijiet tal-proett wara
konsultazzjoni mal-impjegat.

These terms of reference may be changed from time to

time to reflect the project needs after consultation with the

Rekwiiti tal-eliibbilt
5.1 Sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti gandhom ikunu:
(i) (a) ittadini ta Malta; jew

Eligibility requirements
5.1 By the closing time and date of this call for
applications, applicants must be:
(i) (a) citizens of Malta; or

(b) ittadini ta Stati Membri ora tal-Unjoni Ewropea li

gandhom jedd gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin
fi kwistjonijiet ta impjieg bis-saa ta leilazzjoni talUE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i-aqliq ieles taladdiema; jew

(b) citizens of other Member States of the European

Union who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens
in matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and
treaty provisions dealing with the free movement of workers;

(c) ittadini ta kwalunkwe pajji ieor li gandhom jedd

gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg minabba li jkunu japplikaw gal dak il-pajji
leilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar iaqliq ieles tal-addiema; jew

(c) citizens of any other country who are entitled to

equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to
employment by virtue of the application to that country of
EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free
movement of workers; or



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

(d) kwalunkwe persuni ora li gandhom jedd gal

trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari taghom ma
persuni msemmija f(a), (b) jew (), skont kif hemm fil-lii
jew fil-leilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati
msemmija hawn fuq; jew

(d) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment

to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in terms
of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and treaty
provisions, on account of their family relationship with
persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or

(e) ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu ngataw status

ta residenti li joqogdu gal mien twil fMalta tat irregolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar Status ta
Residenti li joqogdu gal mien Twil (ittadini ta Pajjii
Terzi), jew li jkunu ngataw permess ta residenza tat
ir-regolament 18 (3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien malmembri tal-familja ta ittadini ta pajji terzi li jkunu
ngataw permess ta residenza tat ir-Regolamenti tal-2007
dwar ir-Rijunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

(e) third country nationals who have been granted longterm resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the
Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)
Regulations, 2006 or who have been granted a residence
permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family
members of such third country nationals who have been
granted a residence permit under the Family Reunification
Regulations, 2007.

Gandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment ta-ittadinanza

u Expatriates skont il-tiea fl-interpretazzjoni taddispoizzjonijiet imsemmija hawn fuq.

The advice of the Citizenship and Expatriates Department

should be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the
above provisions.

Il-atra ta kandidati msemmija f(b), (), (d) u (e) hawn

fuq tetie il-ru ta lienzja tax-xogol fdawk il-kaijiet
fejn hija metiea skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u
leilazzjoni sussidjarja. Il-Korporazzjoni gax-Xogol u
t-Tari gandha tii kkonsultata skont il-tiea dwar din

The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d)

and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment
licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act
and subsidiary legislation. The Employment and Training
Corporation should be consulted as necessary on this issue.

(ii) ikunu kapai jikkomunikaw fil-lingwa Maltija u dik


(ii) have the ability to communicate in the Maltese and

English languages;

(iii) ikollhom:
a) Kwalifika post-graduate (Masters) rikonoxxuta
u pertinenti flivell 7 tal-MQF, jew kwalifika xierqa,
rikonoxxuta u komparabbli, u sena (1) esperjenza ta xogol
b) First degree rikonoxxuta u pertinenti flivell 6 talMQF, jew kwalifika xierqa, rikonoxxuta u komparabbli, u
tliet (3) snin esperjenza ta xogol relevanti

(iii) in possession of:

a) A recognised, pertinent post-graduate degree (Masters)
at MQF Level 7, or an appropriate, recognised, comparable
qualification, plus one (1) year relevant work experience
b) A recognised pertinent first degree at MQF Level 6,
or an appropriate, recognised, comparable qualification, plus
three (3) years relevant work experience

c) Uffijali Pubblii fi Skala mhux anqas minn skala 10

bsitt (6) snin esperjenza ta xogol relevanti jew impjegati
fis-Settur Pubbliku flivell ta responsabbilt komparabbli,
bsitt (6) snin esperjenza ta xogol relevanti.

c) Public Officers in a Scale not below Scale 10 with six

(6) years relevant work experience or employees from the
Public Sector in a comparable level of responsibility, with
six (6) years relevant work experience.

Kwalifiki li huma ta livell ogla minn dak mitlub hawn

fuq jiu aettati gall-fini ta eliibbilt, sakemm dawn
ikunu fis-suetti mitluba.

Qualifications at a level higher than that specified above

will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided they meet
any specified subject requirements.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



Dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux gadhom abu l-kwalifiki

msemmija hawn fuq formalment xorta jiu kkunsidrati, basta
jipprovdu evidenza li ew appovati gall-goti tal-kwalifiki
msemmija sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja ghallapplikazzjonijiet.

Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally

obtained any of the above-mentioned qualifications will
still be considered, provided that they submit evidence that
they have been approved for the award of the qualifications
in question by the closing time and date of the call for

(iv) ikunu ta karattru morali tajjeb (applikanti li di

qegdin jadmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta Malta jridu
jippreentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47);
filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra jridu jippreentaw
ertifikat rienti tal-Kondotta maru mill-Pulizija jew
awtorit ora kompetenti mhux aktar minn xahar (1) qabel iddata tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt kinux impjegati
tal-Gvern qabel u jagtu d-dettalji).

(iv) of good moral character (applicants who are already

in the Malta Public Service must produce a Service and
Leave Record Form (GP 47); those applying from outside
the Service must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued
by the Police or other competent authority not earlier than
one (1) month from the date of application and state whether
they have ever been in Government Service, giving details).

5.2. Tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li,

minbarra dak mitlub fparagrafu 5.1, gandhom esperjenza
ta xogol relevanti u ppruvata.

5.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who,

besides the requisites indicated in paragraph 5.1, have proven
relevant work experience.

5.3 L-applikanti prospettivi gandhom jaraw iddispoizzjonijiet enerali marbuta ma din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonerna s-sottomissjoni ta
dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingand lMQRIC, jew awtorit pertinenti ora, kif applikabbli (ara
l-link aktar l isfel).

5.3 Prospective applicants should note the requirement

to produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their
qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities,
as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for
applications (see link below).

5.4 Jekk il-kandidat/a li j/tintgael huwa/hija impjegat/

a forganiazzjoni fis-Settur Pubbliku, huwa/hija j/trid
j/tagmel l-arranamenti gar-rilaxx tiegu/tagha malMinisteru gall-Familja u Solidarjet Sojali. Applikanti li
se japplikaw skont para 5.1 iii (c) gandhom jissottomettu,
flimkien mal-applikazzjoni taghom Job Description
uffijali mill-entit (settur pubbliku) taghom.

5.4 If a selected candidate is an employee from a

Public Sector Organisation, he/she must make his/her own
arrangements for his/her release to the Ministry for the
Family and Social Solidarity. Applicants applying in terms
of 5.1 iii (c) are to submit, together with their application, an
official Job Description from their public sector entity.

Sottomissjoni ta dokumentazzjoni

Submission of supporting documentation

6.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha

gandhom jintwerew bertifikati u/jew dokumenti li kopja
taghom gandha tkun mehmua mal-applikazzjoni. Kopji
scanned mibguta bmod elettroniku huma aettati.

6.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be

supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of
which should be attached to the application. Scanned copies
sent electronically are acceptable.

6.2 Id-dokumenti oriinali gandhom,

eezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista.

6.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be

invariably produced for verification at the interview.


Proeduri tal-Gala
7. L-applikanti eliibbli jiu assessjati minn Bord talGala biex jii ddeterminat min hu adatt gall-poizzjoni.
Sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjoni
8. L-applikazzjonijiet flimkien ma curriculum vitae li
juru l-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza, jintlaqgu mid-Direttur, fid-

Selection procedure
7. Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Selection
Board to determine their suitability for the position.
Submission of applications
8. Applications, together with a detailed curriculum vitae
showing qualifications and experience, will be received by



Direttorat tal-Immaniar tar-Riorsi Umani, 310 Palazzo

Ferreria, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta sa mhux aktar tard
minn nofsinhar (in entrali Ewropew) ta nhar il-imga, il21 ta Novembru, 2014. L-applikazzjonijiet jistgu jintbagtu
wkoll permezz tal-Online Government Recruitment Portal fuq
( sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din
is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, kif indikat hawn fuq. Aktar
dettalji dwar is-sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjonijiet jinsabu fiddispoizzjonijiet enerali msemmija hawn isfel.
Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

The Director Human Resources Management Directrorate

at 310, Palazzo Ferreria, Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta by
not later than noon (Central European Time) of Friday,
21st November, 2014. Applications can also be submitted
through the Online Government Recruitment Portal on
( by the said closing time and date.
Further details concerning the submission of applications are
contained in the general provisions referred to below.
Other general provisions

9. Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora dwar din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet, breferenza partikolari gal:

9. Other general provisions concerning this call for

applications, with particular reference to:

kundizzjonijiet applikabbli orajn;

bdil raonevoli gall-persuni rreistrati bdiabbilt;

eami mediku;
aess gall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati;
amma ta dokumenti

other applicable conditions;

reasonable accommodation for registered persons with
the submission of recognition statements in respect of
the publication of the result;
the process for the submission of petitions concerning
the result;
medical examination;
access to application forms and related details;
retention of documents

jinstabu fis-sit elettroniku tad-Direttorat tar-Resourcing,

Uffiju tar-Riorsi Umani fl-Amministrazzjoni Pubblika
fl-indirizz ( jew
jinkisbu mid-Direttorat tal-Immaniar tar-Riorsi Umani,
310, Palazzo Ferreria, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta.
Dawn id-dispoizzjonijiet enerali gandhom jitqiesu bala
parti integrali minn din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet.

may be viewed by accessing the website of the Public

Administration Human Resources Office at the address
( or may be
obtained from Human Resources Management Directorate,
310, Palazzo Ferreria, Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta These
general provisions are to be regarded as an integral part of
this call for applications.

Gall-fini ta paragrafu 6.2 tad-Dispoizzjonijiet enerali

ta din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, l-indirizz tal-email
huwa (

For the purpose of paragraph 6.2 of the General Provisions

of this call for applications, the e-mail address is (hr.mfss@

sottomissjoni ta dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent dwar

pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat;
il-proess sabiex tintbagat petizzjoni dwar ir-riultat;

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Programm Operattiv II Politika ta Koejoni 2007 2013
Insau ilitna gal Aktar Impiegi u Kwalit ta ajja Ajar
Proett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond Sojali Ewropew (FSE)
Rata ta Kofinanzjament 85% fondi UE; 15% Fondi Nazzjonali
Ninvestu fil-futur tiegek
Operational Programme II - Cohesion Policy 2007-2013
Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life
Project part-financed by the European Union
European Social Fund (ESF)
Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds
Investing in your future

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014





Post/ijiet Part-Time ta Uffijal ta Sostenn

tar-Rierka II - Koordinatur MA Humanitarian Action

Part-Time Post/s of Research Support Officer II Coordinator MA Humanitarian Action

Dipartiment tar-Relazzjonijiet Internazzjonali

Department of International Relations

Id-Dipartiment tar-Relazzjonijiet Internazzjonali jetie

is-servizzi ta Uffijal ta Sostenn tar-Rierka II Koordinatur
fl-MA Humanitarian Action.
2. Il-kandidat ideali jrid ikollu fil-pussess tiegu grad filMasters jew ogla fqasam relevanti.

The Department of International Relations requires the

services of a Research Support Officer II Coordinator
within the MA in Humanitarian Action.

2. The ideal candidate should be in possession of a
Masters Degree or higher in a relevant field.

3. Dan il-post li huwa gall-massimu ta 240 siega u

gandu remunerazzjoni ta 12 gall-perjodu Diembru
2014 - Settembru 2015. Id-dmirijiet marbutin ma dan ilpost jinstabu fil-further information sheet.

3. This post will be offered for a maximum of 240 hours

at a remuneration of 12 for the period December 2014
- September 2015. The duties pertaining to this position are
stated on the attached further information sheet.

4. Il-kandidati gandhom jibagtu ittra tal-applikazzjoni

(fejn juru ar l-isem tal-proett), kopja tal-curriculum vitae
u kopja scanned ta-ertifikati. L-applikazzjonijiet jistgu
jintbagtu permezz ta e-mail lil (
mt), u jintlaqgu mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar tal-amis,
13 ta Novembru, 2014.

4. Candidates should submit their letter of application

(stating clearly the name of the project), a copy of their
curriculum vitae and a scanned copy of their certificates.
Applications must be sent by e-mail to (projects.hrmd@, and should be received by noon of Thursday,
13th November, 2014.

Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu wara din id-data ma jiux

5. Aktar tagrif jista jinkiseb mill-Uffiju gatTmexxija u l-Ivilupp tar-Riorsi Umani, Kamra 215,
Uffiji Amministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.
L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Late applications will not be considered.

5. Further information may be obtained from the Office
for Human Resources Management and Development,
Room 215, Administration Building or on the website:
4th November, 2014



Post ta Statistiku fl-Uffiju Nazzjonali


Post of Statistician at the

National Statistics Office

L-Awtorit tal-Istatistika ta Malta tgarraf li tilqa

applikazzjonijiet gall-post ta Statistiku fl-Uffiju
Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika.

The Malta Statistics Authority invites applications for

the filling of the post of Statistician at the National Statistics

2. Ir-remunerazzjoni gall-post ta Statistiku tinkludi

salarju ta 19,981 fis-sena li jidied bammont ta 1,050
kull sena sa massimu ta 25,231 fis-sena, flimkien ma
benefiji ora bal allowance gall-kwalifiki.

2. The remuneration for the post of Statistician is a salary

of 19,981 p.a., increasing by annual collective agreement
increases of 1,050 up to a maximum of 25,231 p.a., together
with other benefits including qualification allowances.

3. Din in-nomina, li tkun soetta gal mien bi prova

ta sena, hija fuq bai full-time bkuntratt ta tliet snin, liema
kuntratt jista jiedded gal perjodi ora, u soetta gar-

3. The appointment, which is subject to a probationary

period of one year, is on a full-time basis and on a three-year
contract, which may be renewed for subsequent periods. The



regoli u r-regolamenti li jiggvernaw minn mien gal mien

l-Awtorit tal-Istatistika ta Malta.
4. Id-dmirijiet ta Statistiku jinkludu:

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

appointment is subject to the rules and regulations governing

from time to time employment with the Malta Statistics
4. The duties of a Statistician include:

it-tfassil ta metodi u proeduri biex tinabar data statistika

permezz ta surveys, sorsi amministrattivi u kwestjonarji;

the design of methods and procedures for obtaining data

through surveys, administrative sources and questionnaires;

l-uu ta teknika statistika u mudelli statistii biex isiru

stimi, tbassir u analii;

the use of statistical techniques and models for estimation,

forecasting and analysis;

il-kumpilazzjoni ta rapporti statistii u analitii;

xogol ta rierka fmaterji ta natura statistika u viluppi
internazzjonali fil-metodoloiji tal-istatistika;

the compilation of statistical and analytical reports;

the undertaking of research related to statistical issues and
international statistical methodological developments

5. L-applikanti gandhom:

5. Applicants must:

a) i. ikunu ittadini ta Malta;

a) (i) be citizens of Malta;



ii. ittadini ta Stat ieor Membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea;

(iii) ittadini ta pajjii ora li galihom japplikaw iddispoizzjonijiet tal-Unjoni Ewropea gall-moviment
ieles ta persuni (fka ta diffikult l-Ministeru talAffarijiet Barranin gandu jii kkonsultat dwar dawk ilpajjii li galihom japplikaw id-dispoizzjonijiet tal-Unjoni

(ii) be citizens of another European Union Member

(iii) be citizens of other countries to which the European
Union provisions on the free movement of persons apply;
(in case of difficulty the Ministry for Foreign Affairs is to be
consulted regarding the countries to which European Union
provisions apply);

(iv) il-konjui u tfal, anki jekk huma ittadini ta pajji

terz, ta dawk il-persuni msemmija f(i), (ii), u (iii) hawn fuq,
sakemm huma eliibbli li jadmu fMalta skont leilazzjoni
eistenti. Dan gandu jkun stabbilit fuq il-parir tad-Direttur,
Dipartiment ta-ittadinanza u Expatriates, Ministeru talIntern u s-Sigurt Nazzjonali.

(iv) be the spouse or children, even if they are third country

nationals, of any person mentioned at (i), (ii) and (iii) above,
provided they are eligible to work in Malta under current
legislation. This should be determined following consultation
with the Director, Department of Citizenship and Expatriate
Affairs, Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security.

Gan-nomina ta kandidat kif imsemmija fparagrafi (ii),

(iii), u (iv) hawn fuq, ikun neessarju l-ru ta lienzja talimpjieg hekk kif huwa metie fl-Att tal-Immigrazzjoni u
Leislazzjoni Sussidjarja.

The appointment of candidates referred to at (ii), (iii) and

(iv) above would necessitate the issue of an employment
license in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act
and subsidiary legislation.

b) ikunu kapai jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u billingwa Inglia;

b) have the ability to communicate in the Maltese and

English languages;

c) ikunu gradwati tal-anqas bi grad Honours fl-Istatistika,

fl-Ekonomija, fil-Matematika, fl-Accountancy, fil-Banking,
Finance, fis-Sojoloija jew fil-ografija, jew fsuetti
relatati hekk kif stabbiliti mill-MQRIC, bi klassifikazzjoni

c) be in possession of an Honours degree in one of the

following areas of study: Statistics, Economics, Mathematics,
Accountancy, Banking, Finance, Sociology or Geography
or other recognised degrees or equivalent professional

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



Second Class Lower bala minimu. L-applikanti huma

nfurmati li livelli golja ta tagrif tekniku fil-Matematika,
Statistika u/jew Ekonomija qed tii mistennija mill-kandidati

qualifications as recognised by the MQRIC with any of these

disciplines as a major area of study, with a Second Class Lower
Classification as a minimum. Applicants are informed that a
high degree of technical knowledge in Mathematics, Statistics
and/or Economics will be expected from all candidates.

d) ikunu ta karattru morali tajjeb. Gandu jii ppreentat

ertifikat rienti tal-kondotta maru mill-Pulizija jew
Awtorit kompetenti ora mhux aktar minn sitt (6) xhur
qabel id-data ta din is-seja. Impjegati fis-Servizz Pubbliku
ta Malta jistgu japplikaw ida jkunu jridu jirrienjaw jekk
jintgalu gal din il-poizzjoni.

d) be of good moral character. A recent Police certificate of

conduct, or certficate issued by another competent Authority,
issued not earlier than six (6) months from the date of this call
should be presented. Employees serving in the Public Service
of Malta may also apply but they must resign their position if
chosen for the post of Statistician.

e) jagtu prova tal-kompetenza taghom fl-uu talkompjuter.

e) Provide proof of their competence in computer use.

6. Persuni rreistrati mal-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali gallPersuni bDiabbilt (KNPD) jistgu jgawdu minn bdil
raonevoli skond l-Artiklu 7 tal-Att dwar Opportunitajiet
Indaqs (Persuni bDiabilit), (Kap. 413), anke jekk ma
jkunux jissodisfaw gal kollox il-parametri tal-eliibbilt
gall-post. Dan basta jkunu jistgu jwettqu d-dmirijiet
relatati mal-post fl-essenza taghom, u sakemm ikun hemm
qbil min-naa tal-Management and Personnel Office.

6. Applicants registered with the National Commission

Persons with Disability (NCPD) may be given reasonable
accommodation in terms of Article 7 of the Equal Opportunities
(Persons with Disability) Act, (Cap. 413), even if they do
not satisfy in full the eligibility requirements for this post
provided they can carry out, in essence, the duties related to
the post and subject to the concurrence of the Management
and Personnel Office.

Is-sottomissjonijiet skont din il-klawsola gandhom

jintbagtu mal-formola tal-applikazzjoni u gandhom ikunu
msaa bdokumenti relevanti li jinkludu evidenza dokumentata
tar-reistrazzjoni tal-applikant/a mal-KNPD. Gandhom
jingataw ustifikazzjonijiet raunati mill-applikant/a galiex
ma jissodisfax/tissodisfax il-parametri kollha tal-eliibbilt
u galiex huma mistoqqa kunsiderazzjonijiet spejali. Ilkorrispondenza kollha gandha tii indirizzata lill-Aent
Direttur enerali, Uffiju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika, Lascaris,
Il-Belt Valletta VLT 2000 u tkun ikkupjata lill-KNPD, saddata tal-geluq.

Representations in terms of this clause should be attached

to the application forms and supported with relevant
documents, which must also include documentary evidence of
registration with the NCPD. Reasoned justifications should be
given by the applicant to substantiate the lack of all eligibility
requirements and why reasonable considerations are merited.
All correspondence is to be addressed to the Acting Director
General, National Statistics Office, Lascaris, Valletta VLT
2000 and copied to the NCPD, by the closing date.

7. Applikazzjonijiet handwritten flimkien ma curriculum

vitae dettaljat li juri l-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza ta xogol,
kif ukoll kopji ta ertifikati u dokumenti ora gandhom
jintbagtu lill-Aent Direttur enerali, Uffiju Nazzjonali
tal-Istatistika, Lascaris, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 2000. ertifikati
u dokumenti ora oriinali gandhom jintwerew waqt lintervista.

7. Handwritten applications, together with a detailed

curriculum vitae showing qualifications obtained and
work experience, together with copies of certificates and
testimonials, should be sent to the Acting Director General,
National Statistics Office, Lascaris, Valletta VLT 2000.
Original certificates and testimonials are to be presented
during the interview.

8. Persuni li jinatru fil-post ta Statistiku jistgu jkunu

mibguta jsegwu kors ta studju u/jew tari fMalta jew
barra minn Malta. Min jintbagat barra minn Malta jkun
marbut bir-regoli u regolamenti tal-Awtorit tal-Istatistika
ta Malta.

8. The persons appointed to the post of Statistician may

be required to undertake courses and/or training locally or
abroad. Appointees sent abroad will be bound by the rules
and regulations of the Malta Statistics Authority.

9. L-applikanti eliibbli jiu intervistati minn Bord ta

Gala sabiex jii stabbilit l-adattament taghom gal dan

9. Eligible applicants will be interviewed by a Selection

Board to assess their suitability for this post.



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

10. L-applikanti magula jkunu jridu joqogdu galleami mediku biex jii aertat li jkunu adatti gal dan ilpost.

10. The selected applicants shall be required to undergo a

medical examination to ascertain their fitness for the post.

11. Applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgu primarjament millAent Direttur enerali, Uffiju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika,
Lascaris, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 2000 sa mhux aktar tard minn
nofsinhar tal-imga, 1-l4 ta Novembru, 2014.

11. Applications will be received in the first instance by the

Acting Director General, National Statistics Office, Lascaris,
Valletta VLT 2000 by not later than noon of Friday, 14th
November, 2014.

12. Applikazzjonijiet li jiu minn barra minn Malta

permezz tal-posta, fax jew e-mail sad-data tal-geluq jiu
kkunsidrati basta jkollhom id-dettalji mitluba kollha. Lapplikazzjoni formali ffirmata mill-applikant trid tasal flUffiju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika mhux aktar tard minn
imga wara d-data tal-geluq tal-applikazzjonijiet u
gandha tingata spjegazzjoni gad-dewmien. In-numru talfax tal-Uffiju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika huwa (+356) 2599
7205 u l-indirizz tal-e-mail huwa (

12. Applications received from abroad by post, fax or email by the closing date will be considered, provided that all
requisite details are provided. The formal application, duly
signed by the applicant, must reach the National Statistics
Office by not later than one week following the closing date,
together with an explanation for the delay. The National
Statistics Offices fax number is (+356) 2599 7205 and the
e-mail address is:

13. Tingata revuta mill-Uffiju tal-Aent Direttur

enerali, Uffiju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika gal kull
applikazzjoni li titwassal personalment.

13. Applications delivered by hand will be acknowledged

in writing by the Office of the Acting Director General of the
National Statistics Office, and a receipt will be given .

14. Applikazzjonijiet bil-posta gandhom jiu rreistrati

u jintbagtu kmieni biejjed biex jaslu mhux aktar tard
mid-data tal-geluq, u applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiux
ikkunsidrati. Tintbagat irevuta mill-Uffiju tal-Aent
Direttur enerali, Uffiju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika fi mien
sebat (7) ijiem.

14. Applications by post should be sent by registered mail

in good time to ensure delivery by the above deadline. Late
applications will not be accepted. The applications will be
acknowledged by the Office of the Acting Director General
of the National Statistics Office within seven (7) days.

Numru tal-Permess tal-ETC174/2014: Vacancy Nru.

MPO 69/2005/02

ETC Permit Number:174/2014: Vacancy No. 271903

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

MPO 69/2005/2
4th November, 2014



Post ta Segretarju Eekuttiv

Post of Executive Secretary

Il-Kunsill Lokali Birebbua jgarraf li l-post ta

Segretarju Eekuttiv huwa vakanti.

The Birebbua Local Council notifies that the post of

Executive Secretary is vacant.

Il-persuni eliibbli gall-post ta Segretarju Eekuttiv

(Segretarji Eekuttivi li jservu fil-Kunsill Lokali u persuni
li jkunu kkwalifikaw bala Segretarji Eekuttivi Prospettivi)
jistgu japplikaw fuq formola tal-applikazzjoni li tista
titniel mis-sit elettroniku tad-Dipartiment gall-Gvern
Lokali ( u gandha tii indirizzata lil:

All eligible persons to fill the post of Executive Secretary

(Executive Secretaries serving within the Local Councils and
persons who have been qualified as Prospective Executive
Secretaries) may apply on the relevant application form
which can be downloaded from the Local Government
Departments website ( and addressed to:

(Vakanza ta Segretarju Eekuttiv)
Kunsill Lokali Birebbua
Dar Birebbua
Triq Santa Marija
Birebbua BBG 1651

The Mayor
(Vacancy Executive Secretary)
Birebbua Local Council
Dar Birebbua
Triq Santa Marija
Birebbua BBG 1651

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014


L-applikazzjoni tista titbagat bil-posta jew titwassal flindirizz hawn fuq fenvelop magluq sa nofsinhar ta nhar
it-Tnejn, is-17 ta Novembru, 2014.


Applications may be sent by post or delivered at the

above address in a sealed envelope by noon of Monday, 17th
November, 2014.

L-applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jkunux aettati.

Late applications will not be considered.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014



Post ta Segretarju Eekuttiv

Post of Executive Secretary

Il-Kunsill Lokali ad-Dingli jgarraf li l-post ta

Segretarju Eekuttiv huwa vakanti.

The ad-Dingli Local Council notifies that the post of

Executive Secretary is vacant.

Il-persuni kollha eliibbli gall-post ta Segretarju

Eekuttiv (Segretarji Eekuttivi li jservu fil-Kunsill Lokali
u persuni li jkunu kkwalifikaw bala Segretarji Eekuttivi
Prospettivi) jistgu japplikaw fuq formola tal-applikazzjoni li
tista titniel mis-sit elettroniku tad-Dipartiment gall-Gvern
Lokali ( u gandha tii indirizzata lil:

All eligible persons to fill the post of Executive Secretary

(Executive Secretaries serving within the Local Councils and
persons who have been qualified as Prospective Executive
Secretaries) may apply on the relevant application form
which can be downloaded from the Local Government
Departments website ( and addressed to:

(Vakanza ta Segretarju Eekuttiv)
Kunsill Lokali ad-Dingli
entru tal-Komunit
Dala tas-Sienja
ad-Dingli DGL 1880
L-applikazzjoni tista titbagat bil-posta jew titwassal filKunsill Lokali fenvelop magluq sa nofsinhar ta nhar ilamis, l-20 ta Novembru, 2014.

The Mayor
(Vacancy Executive Secretary)
ad-Dingli Local Council
entru tal-Komunit
Dala tas-Sienja
ad-Dingli DGL 1880
Applications may be sent by post or delivered at the
Local Council in a sealed envelope by noon of Thursday,
20th November, 2014.

L-applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jkunux aettati.

Late applications will not be considered.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014



Eami tat-Taglim tal-Lingwa Inglia

bala Lingwa Barranija (EFL)
- Novembru 2014 -

English as a Foreign Language

(EFL) Examination
- November 2014 -

L-Ewwel Parti - Eami tal-Kitba

Part 1 - Written Session

L-Aent Direttur tal-Eamijiet jgarraf li l-avvi tal-eami

msemmi hawn fuq intbagat lill-kandidati kkonernati.

The Acting Director of Examinations notifies that the

notice of the above-mentioned examination has been sent to
the candidates concerned.

Dawk il-kandidati li ma revewx l-avvi tal-eami huma

mitluba biex jikkuntattjaw minnufih lid-Dipartiment talEamijiet, Il-Furjana, fuq 2598 2968 fil-inijiet tal-uffiju.

Those candidates who have not received the notice of

the examination are advised to contact immediately the
Department of Examinations, Floriana, on 2598 2968 during
office hours.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014




Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337


Eami gall-Post ta Messaier tal-Qorti

fil-Qrati u Tribunali Gawdex
fid-Direttorat tal-Customer Services
fi dan il-Ministeru gal Gawdex

Examination for the Post of Courts Messenger

at the Gozo Courts and Tribunals
in the Customer Services Directorate
within the Ministry for Gozo

L-Ewwel Parti - Eami tal-Kitba

Part 1 - Written Session

L-Aent Direttur tal-Eamijiet jgarraf li l-avvi tal-eami

msemmi hawn fuq intbagat lill-kandidati kkonernati.

The Acting Director of Examinations notifies that the

notice of the above-mentioned examination has been sent to
the candidates concerned.

Dawk il-kandidati li ma revewx l-avvi tal-eami huma

mitluba biex jikkuntattjaw minnufih lid-Dipartiment talEamijiet, Il-Mall, Triq Sarria, Il-Furjana, fuq in-numru tattelefon 2598 2968.

Those candidates who have not received the notice of

the examination are advised to contact immediately the
Department of Examinations, The Mall, Triq Sarria, Floriana,
on telephone number 2598 2968.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014


(L.S 363.149)


(S.L 363.149)

Regolamenti dwar Kumitati

Amministrattivi gal Komunitajiet

Administrative Committees
for Communities Regulations

Il-Kummissjonarji Elettorali jgarrfu gall-finijiet tarregolament 24 tat-Tielet Skeda tal-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali
(Kap. 363), u kif stabbilit bir-regolament 4 tar-regolamenti
dwar Kumitati Amministrattivi gal Komunitajiet, illi lkandidati gall-elezzjoni nominati skont id-dispoizzjonijiet
tar-regolament 22 tat-Tielet Skeda tal-Att imsemmi hawn fuq
huma dawn li ejjin, jiifieri:

The Electoral Commissioners hereby notify for the

purposes of regulation 24 of the Third Schedule of the Local
Councils Act (Cap. 363), and as established by regulation 4 of
the Administrative Committees for Communities Regulations
that the candidates for election nominated in accordance with
the provisions of regulation 22 of the Third Schedule of the
aformentioned Act are the following, that is:

Kandidati Nominati

Nominated Candidates
Farrugia Kevin Sam
al farru (al luqa)
Borg Joseph
paceville (san iljan)
Falzon Dolores

Kummissjonarju Elettorali Prinipali
Uffju tal-Kummissjoni Elettorali,
Evans Building,
Triq il-Merkanti,
Il-Belt Valletta.
L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Chief Electoral Commissioner
Office of the Electoral Commission,
Evans Building,
Merchants Street,
Il-Belt Valletta.
4th November, 2014

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014




Offerti u kwotazzjonijiet mogtija bejn

Jannar u unju 2014
Skont ir-Regolamenti tal-2010 dwar il-Kuntratti Pubblii,
Regolament 20 (2), il-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogol u t-Tari
tat dawn il-kwotazzjonijiet u l-offerti kif ej:


Tenders and Quotations awarded between

January and June 2014
In terms of Regulation 20 (2) of the Public Procurement
Regulations, 2010, the Employment and Training Corporation
awarded the following quotations and tenders as listed below:

Nru. tal-
Isem tal-Kwotazzjoni
Ammont ta

tal-Kuntratt (varjazzjoni li

taqbe il-5%)
Quotation No.
Tender Title



Amount of
exceeding 5%)


Call for Quotations

Supply of Notebooks



Call for Quotations

The Supply of Notebooks




Call for Quotations

Call for Quotations


Call for Tenders


Supply of Notebooks (ESF3.113)

EURES Activity Information Seminar for


Provision of Legal Services


Call for Tenders

Supply of Printed Materials



Call for Tenders



Call for Tenders

Service Tender for the Provision of Transport

Services using Low Emission Mini-Vans



Call for Tenders

Call for Tenders

Tender for the Leasing of New Energy

Efficient Photocopiers

Provision of Training Services as Care


(price per

The Creation, Translation and Publication of a 18,960.00

booklet aimed to assist third country nationals
who want to reside and work in Malta

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014



Sospensjoni ta Parke u tat-Traffiku

Suspension of Parking and Traffic

Il-Kunsill Lokali al Qormi jgarraf illi nhar il-imga, is7 ta Novembru, 2014, mit-8.00 a.m. sa nofsillejl add ma jista
jipparkja fl-inawi Tal-las quddiem il-Kappella tal-Madonna
tal-las u l-inawi se jkunu magluqa gat-traffiku.

al Qormi Local Council notifies that on Friday, 7th

November, 2014, from 8.00 a.m. till midnight no parking will
be allowed in Tal-las Area (near chapel) and the area will
also be closed for traffic.

Nhar is-Sibt, 8 ta Novembru, 2014, mit-8.00 a.m. sa

nofsillejl add ma jista jipparkja fil-pjazza Ta Farina li
wkoll se tkun magluqa gat-traffiku.

On Saturday, 8th November, 2014, from 8.00 a.m. till

midnight no parking will be allowed in Ta Farina square
and it will also be closed for traffic.



Il-vetturi pparkjati jkunu soetti li jiu rmunkati.

Nhar il-add, 16 ta Novembru, 2014 mit-8.00 a.m. sas6.00 p.m., parti minn Triq il-Kbira (minn dejn il-Knisja ta
San or sa Triq il-Mitna), Triq Kardinal Xiberras, Pjazza
San Franisk u Triq Anii se jkunu magluqa gat-trasport
pubbliku. Vetturi se jitallew jgaddu minn Triq Kardinal
Xiberras u Triq Santa Katarina, bid-differenza li l-ru se
jgaddi minn Triq il-Blata bl-gajnuna tal-Gwardjani Lokali u
l-Pulizija. add ma jista jipparkja fi Triq il-Kbira (kantuniera
ma Triq Santa Katarina sa Pjazza San Franisk) u Pjazza
San Franisk.
Il-vetturi pparkjati fl-inawi msemmija jkunu soetti li
jiu rmunkati.
L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Parked cars will be liable to be towed.

On Sunday, 16th November, 2014 from 8.00 a.m. till
6.00 p.m., part of Triq il-Kbira (from Saint Georges Parish
Church to Triq il-Mitna), Triq Kardinal Xiberras, Pjazza San
Franisk and Triq Anici will be closed for public transport.
Traffic will be allowed to pass from Triq Kardinal Xiberras
and Triq Santa Katarina with the difference that traffic will be
diverted to Triq il-Blata with the assistance of Local Wardens
and Police. No parking will be allowed in Triq il-Kbira (corner
with Triq Santa Katarina to Pjazza San Franisk) and Pjazza
San Franisk.
Parked cars along these areas will be liable to be towed.
4th November, 2014





Regolamenti tal-2007 dwar

l-Istudju dwar l-Impatt Ambjentali

Environmental Impact
Assessment Regulations, 2007

Stedina Pubblika gall-Kummenti

Public Invitation for Comments

Bini ta stazzjon tal-fuel li jinkludi back office, anut, ew

garaxxijiet, servizzi gall-karozzi u tal-VRT, u trasferiment
ta kerbside pumps bil-lienzja ENR-00146-KP (KP31)

Proposed petrol station including back office, shop, two

garages, VRT and car services facilities - shifting of kerb
side pumps licence ENR-00146-KP (KP31)

Sit fi Triq Sant Antnin, Marsaskala

(PA 04411/09/EA 00022/13)

Site at Triq Sant Antnin, Marsaskala

(PA 04411/09/EA 00022/13)

L-Awtorit ta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar qiegda

tejji termini ta referenza gal Dikjarazzjoni dwar l-Ippjanar
Ambjentali gall-proposta msemmija hawn fuq. Il-pubbliku
huwa mistieden jibgat kummenti bil-miktub dwar materji li
jkun jixtieq li jiu inklui fit-termini ta referenza.

The Malta Environment and Planning Authority is

currently formulating terms of reference for the preparation
of an Environmental Planning Statement for the abovementioned development. The general public is invited to
submit written comments on matters it wishes to see included
in the terms of reference.

Il-kummenti gandhom jintbagtu bil-posta elettronika

lil: (

Written submissions should


jew inkella bil-posta lil:

Taqsima tal-EIA,
Direttorat gall-arsien tal-Ambjent,
Awtorit ta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar,
St Francis Ravelin, Il-Furjana FRN 1230





or by post to:
EIA Team
Environment Protection Directorate,
Malta Environment and Planning Authority,
St Francis Ravelin, Floriana FRN 1230

Il-kummenti gandhom jaslu gand l-Awtorit sa tliet

imgat mid-data ta dan l-avvi, u gandhom jingataw dan
it-titlu: EIA gal PA 04411/09/EA 0022/13

Comments are to reach the Authority within 3 weeks of

the date of this notice, and should bear the following title:
EIA on PA 04411/09/EA 000022/13

Aktar informazzjoni tinstab fuq il-website tal-Awtorit:


Further details are obtained from the Authoritys website:


L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014





Id-Direttur enerali (Kuntratti) jgarraf li offerti

elettronii rigward dan l-avvi se jintlaqgu sal-urnata
u l-in indikati hawn tat. L-offerti gandhom jintbagtu
online BISS fuq (

The Director General (Contracts) notifies that

electronic tenders in respect of the following notice will
be received on the day and time indicated below. Tenders
are to be submitted online ONLY on (http://www.etenders.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-TLIETA, is-27 ta Novembru, 2014,


Up to 9.30 a.m. of TUESDAY, 27th November, 2014,


CT 2147/2014. Talba ta Parteipazzjoni gall-kuntratt

ta manutenzjoni u servizz gal Tagmir Radjodijanjostiku
fl-Isptar enerali taGawdex

CT 2147/2014. Request for Participation for the maintenance

and service contract for Radiodiagnostic Equipment at Gozo
General Hospital.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-TLIETA, is-16 ta Diembru, 2014,


Up to 9.30 a.m. of TUESDAY, 16th December, 2014,


L-Avvii hawn tat huma parzjalment iffinanzjati

mill-Unjoni Ewropea tat
il-Fond Ewropew dwar l-Ivilupp Rejonali
CT 3215/2014. Disinn, provvista, installazzjoni u
Kummissjonar ta Grading Line u ta Packaging Line gasSuq tal-Frott u xejjex fTa Qali Pitkalija Ministeru
gall-Ivilupp Sostenibbli, l-Ambjent u Tibdil fil-Klima.
L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

The following tenders are part-financed by the

European Union under the
European Regional Development Fund
CT 3215/2014. Design, supply, installation and
commissioning of a Grading Line and of a Packaging Line
for the Ta Qali Fruit and Vegetable Market Pitkalija Limited
Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Environment
and Climate Change.
4th November, 2014

CT 2118/2014. Provvista ta immunoassay kits, btagmir

bself Ministeru gall-l-Enerija u s-Saa - CPSU.

CT 2118/2014. Supply of immunoassay kits with equipment

on loan Ministry for Energy and Health CPSU.

Id-Direttur enerali (Kuntratti) java gall-informazzjoni

ta kuladd illi d-data u l-in biex jintbagtu l-offerti gallavvi imsemmi qed jiu estii sad-9.30 a.m. tal-AMIS, it-13
ta Novembru, 2014.

The Director General (Contracts) notifies for general

information that the date and time for the presentation of offers
for the above mentioned advert are being extended up to 9.30
a.m. of THURSDAY, 13th November, 2014.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Il-Kummissarju tal-Artijiet jgarraf li:

4th November, 2014

The Commissioner of Land notifies that:

Offerti magluqin gall-avvii li ejjin gandhom

jintefgu fil-Kaxxa tal-Offerti tad-Dipartiment talArtijiet, Bera tal-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, sal-10.00
a.m. tal-amis, it-13 ta Novembru, 2014.

Sealed tenders in respect of the following

advertisements have to be dropped in the Tender Box at
the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by
10.00 a.m. of Thursday, 13th November, 2014.

Avvi Nru. 103 Gotja bens perpetwu rivedibbli talFond Nru. 121, Triq l-Arisqof, Il-Belt Valletta, muri blamar fuq pjanta P.D.2010_992_A. L-offerti gandhom
ikunu akkumpanjati bBid-Bond gall-ammont ta 1,500
skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta.

Advt. No. 103. Grant on a perpetual revisable emphyteusis

of the Premises No. 121, Triq l-Arisqof, Valletta, shown
edged in red on plan P.D.2010_992_A. Tenders are to be
accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount of 1,500 as
stipulated in the tender conditions.



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Irid jitallas dritt ta 50 gal kull kopja tad-dokument


A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender


Avvi Nru. 104. Bejg ta sit fi Triq Manuel Magri,

In-Naxxar, muri bl-amar u mmarkat Nru. 2 fuq pjanta
P.D.2012_262. Din l-offerta hija soetta gad-dritt talewwel rifjut. L-offerti gandhom ikunu akkumpanjati
bBid-Bond gall-ammont ta 2,000 skont kif stipulat filkundizzjonijiet tal-offerta.

Advt. No. 104. Sale of a site in Triq Manuel Magri, Naxxar,

shown edged in red and marked No. 2 on plan P.D.2012_262.
This tender is subject to a right of first refusal. Tenders are to
be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount of 2,000 as
stipulated in the tender conditions.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 10 gal kull kopja tad-dokument


A fee of 10 will be charged for each copy of tender


Avvi Nru. 105. Bejg ta sit viin Triq Manuel Magri,

In-Naxxar, muri bl-amar u mmarkat Nru. 3 fuq pjanta
P.D.2012_262. Din l-offerta hija soetta gad-dritt talewwel rifjut. L-offerti gandhom ikunu akkumpanjati
bBid-Bond gall-ammont ta 250 skont kif stipulat filkundizzjonijiet tal-offerta.

Advt. No. 105. Sale of a site off Triq Manuel Magri,

Naxxar, shown edged in red and marked No. 3 on plan
P.D.2012_262. This tender is subject to a right of first refusal.
Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount
of 250 as stipulated in the tender conditions.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 10 gal kull kopja tad-dokument


A fee of 10 will be charged for each copy of tender


Avvi Nru. 106. Bejg ta sit viin Triq Manuel Magri,

In-Naxxar, muri bl-amar u mmarkat Nru. 4 fuq pjanta
P.D.2012_262. Din l-offerta hija soetta gad-dritt talewwel rifjut. L-offerti gandhom ikunu akkumpanjati
bBid-Bond gall-ammont ta 250 skont kif stipulat filkundizzjonijiet tal-offerta.

Advt. No. 106. Sale of a site off Triq Manuel Magri,

Naxxar, shown edged in red and marked No. 4 on plan
P.D.2012_262. This tender is subject to a right of first refusal.
Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount
of 250 as stipulated in the tender conditions.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 10 gal kull kopja tad-dokument


A fee of 10 will be charged for each copy of tender


Avvi Nru. 107. Bejg ta sit fTa Mrejnu, limiti talImarr, Malta, muri bl-amar u mmarkat A fuq pjanta
P.D.2010_143. Dan is-sit hu soett gal servitu eistenti ta
terzi. L-offerti gandhom ikunu akkumpanjati bBid-Bond
gall-ammont ta 5,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet
tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta tnejn u tmenin elf
ewro (82,000) ma jiux ikkunsidrati.

Advt. No. 107. Sale of a site at Ta Mrejnu, limits of

Mgarr, Malta, shown edged in red and marked A on plan
P.D. 2010_143. This site is subject to existing third party
servitudes. Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for
an amount of 5,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions.
Offers below the amount of eighty two thousand Euro
(82,000) will not be considered.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 50 gal kull kopja tad-dokument


A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender


Avvi Nru. 108. Gotja bens temporanju, gal perjodu

li jintemm fil-21 ta Diembru, 2046, ta sit fi Triq Arnhem,
Pembroke, muri bl-amar fuq pjanta P.D.2014_666. Dan
is-sit jintua gall-failitajiet relatati mal-isport. L-offerti
gandhom ikunu akkumpanjati bBid-Bond gall-ammont
ta 2,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta.

Advt. No. 108. Grant on a temporary emphyteusis, for a

period to expire on the 21st December, 2046, of a site in Triq
Arnhem, Pembroke, shown edged in red on plan P.D.2014_
666. This site is to be used for sports related facilities.
Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount
of 2,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 50 gal kull kopja tad-dokument


A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender


L-4 ta Novembru, 2014


L-offerti gandhom isiru biss fuq il-formola preskritta,

li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relevanti u dokumenti ora
jistgu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment tal-Artijiet, Bera talBaviera, Il-Belt Valletta, fkull urnata tax-xogol bejn it-8.30
a.m. u 11.45 a.m.
L-4 ta Novembru, 2014


Tenders should be made only on the prescribed form

which, together with the relevant conditions and other
documents are obtainable from the Land Department,
Auberge de Baviere, Valletta on any working day between
8.30 a.m. and 11.45 a.m.
4th November, 2014

Ministeru gat-trasport
u l-infrastruttura

Ministry for Transport

and Infrastructure

Id-Direttur enerali fid-Dipartiment tax-Xoglijiet u lInfrastruttura jgarraf li:

The Director General, Works and Infrastructure

Department, notifies that:

Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, il-11 ta Novembru, 2014,

id-Direttorat tal-Procurement u Provvisti, Dipartiment
tas-Support u Servizzi, Il-Furjana, jintlaqgu offerti/
kwotazzjonijiet magluqin gal:

Sealed tenders/quotations will be received at the

Procurement and Supplies Directorate Support and
Services Department, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on
Tuesday, 11th November, 2014 for:

Kwot. Nru. 51/2014. Kuntratt perjodiku gall-provvista u

konsenja ta diversi tipi ta ingwanti protettivi lill-Ministeru
gat-Trasport u l-Infrastruttura.

Quot. No. 51/2014. Period contract for the supply and

delivery of various types of protective gloves to the Minsitry
for Trasnport and Infrastructure.

Id-dokumentazzjoni relattiva tinkiseb mingajr las.

Relative documents may be obtained free of charge.

Avvi Nru. 93/2014. Disinn, provvista, installazzjoni,

ikkummissjunar u manutenzjoni ta funtana tal-ilma baar
fDock Nru. 1, Bormla.

Advt. No. 93/2014. Design, supply, installation,

commissioning and maintenance of a sea water fountain at
Dock No. 1, Cospicua.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 20 gal kull kopja tad-dokument


A fee of 20 will be charged for each copy of tender


Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, l-14 ta Novembru, 2014,

id-Direttorat tal-Procurement u Provvisti, Dipartiment
tas-Support u Servizzi, Il-Furjana, jintlaqgu offerti/
kwotazzjonijiet magluqin gal:

Sealed tenders/quotations will be received at the

Procurement and Supplies Directorate, Support and
Services Department, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on
Friday, 14th November, 2014 for:

Avvi Nru. 94/2014 Disinn u installazzjoni ta sistema ta

floodlighting fil-Kumpless tal-Water Polo ta Birebbua.

Advt. No. 94/2014. Design and installation of a

floodlighting system at Birebbua Water Polo Complex.

Avvi Nru. 95/2014. Provvediment ta servizzi ta tindif

bmod li jares l-ambjent fil-Ministeru gat-Trasport u
l-Infrastruttura (Blokk B) u Project House, Ministeru gatTrasport u l-Infrastruttura, Il-Furjana.

Advt. No. 95/2014. Provision of environmentally

friendly cleaning services at the Ministry for Transport and
Infrastructure (Block B) and Project House, Ministry for
Transport and Infrastructure, Floriana.

Id-dokumentazzjoni relattiva tinkiseb mingajr las.

Avvi Nru. 98/2014. Kuntratt perjodiku gall-provvista u
konsenja ta ilma tat-tieni klassi gall-Foss tal-Imdina biex
jintua mill-Ministeru gat-Trasport u l-Infrastruttura.

Relative documents may be obtained free of charge.

Advt No. 98/2014. Period contract for the supply and
delivery to Mdina Ditch of second class water to be used by
the Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure.



Kwot. Nru. 52/2014. Servizzi ta monitora arkeoloiku

gall-proett ta titjib tal-Knisja Parrokkjali tal-Gudja.
Id-dokumentazzjoni relattiva tinkiseb mingajr las.

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Quot. No. 52/2014. Archaeological monitoring services

at the project for the upgrading of the Gudja Parish Church.
Relative documents may be obtained free of charge.

Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, it-18 ta Novembru, 2014,

id-Direttorat tal-Procurement u Provvisti, Dipartiment
tas-Support u Servizzi, Il-Furjana, jintlaqgu offerti
magluqin gal:

Sealed tenders will be received at the Procurement and

Supplies Directorate, Support and Services Department,
Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 18th November,
2014 for:

Avvi Nru. 96/2014. Xoglijiet ta pavimentar fil-Knisja

Parrokkjali ta San Girgor Il-Kbir, Tas-Sliema.

Advt. No. 96/2014. Paving works at St Gregory The Great

Parish Church, Tas-Sliema.

Il-las ta parteipazzjoni huwa ta 20

Avvi Nru. 97/2014. Tikil, ebga u provvista u tqegid
ta madum tal-art ta-eramika gres fil-Bini tal-addiema
tal-Port, Il-Marsa, bmod li jii mares l-ambjent.
Il-las ta parteipazzjoni huwa ta 20

The participation fee is 20

Advt. No. 97/2014. Plastering, painting and the supply and
laying of gres ceramic floor tiles at Port Workers Building,
Marsa in an environmentally friendly manner.
The participation fee is 20

Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, il-25 ta Novembru, 2014,

fit-Taqsima tal-Kuntratti u Procurement, Dipartiment
tas-Support u Servizzi, Il-Furjana, jintlaqgu offerti
magluqin gal:

Sealed tenders will be received at the Contracts and

Procurement Section, Support and Services Department,
Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 25th November,
2014 for:

*Avvi Nru. 99/2014. Kuntratt perjodiku gall-kiri ta

excavator crane (20-30 tunnellata) biex jintua mit-Taqsima
Marittima (MSWVM Unit).

*Advt. No. 99/2014. Period contract for the hire of

excavator crane (20-30 tons) for use by the Marine Section
(MSWVM Unit).

Id-dokumentazzjoni relattiva tinkiseb mingajr las.

Relative documents may be obtained free of charge.

*Avvi li qed jidher gall-ewwel darba

*Advertisement appearing for the first time

Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu wara li jsir il-las indikat

hawn fuq, mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment tas-Sapport u
Servizzi, Blokk A, Il-Furjana, fil-ranet tax-xogol bejn
it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Aktar informazzjoni tista tinkiseb
mid-Direttorat tal-Procurement u Provvisti tal-Ministeru gatTrasport u Infrastruttura (Cash Office tel: 2292 7455).

Relevant documents may be obtained, against payment

of the indicated fee or otherwise, from the Cash Office,
Support and Services Department, Block A, Floriana, on
any working day between 8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further
information may be obtained from the Procurement and
Supplies Directorate of the Ministry for Transport and
Infrastructure. (Cash Office tel: 2292 7455).

Is-sottomissjoni tal-offerti/kwotazzjonijiet jistgu jsiru

bejn it-8.00 a.m. u t-3.30 p.m.

The submission of tenders/quotations can be done

between 8.00 a.m. and 3.30 p.m.

Kopja tad-dokumenti tal-offerta jinkisbu mis-sit talMinisteru: (

Sample tender documents may be viewed on the Ministrys

website: (

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014







Id-Dipartiment gas-Sajd u Akwakultura jgarraf illi:

The Fisheries and Acquaculture Department notifies


Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, l-14 ta Novembru, 2014

jintlaqgu offerti magluqin fit-Taqsima tal-Procurement
u Provvisti, Uffiju tas-Segretarju Peramenti MSDEC, 6,
Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera gal:

Sealed tenders will be received at the Procurement and

Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent Secretariat Offices,
No. 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta. Venera SVR 1301, up to 10.00
a.m. of Friday, 14th November 2014, for:

Avvi. Nru. MSDEC 101/2014. ertifikazzjoni ta ew

vinijiet fil-Hardstanding Facility fMarsaxlokk.
Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu mingajr las mitTaqsima tal-Procurement u l-Provvisti, MSDEC, Segretarjat
Permanenti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera fil-jiem taxxogol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar jew jinkiseb mis-sit talMinisteru (

Advt. No. MSDEC 101/2014. Certification of two hoists

at the Hardstanding Facility in Marsaxlokk.
Relevant documents may be obtained free of charge from
the Procurement and Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent
Secretariat Offices No. 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera SVR
1301, on any working day from 8.30 a.m. till noon till closing
date or downloaded for the Ministrys website (www.msdec.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014



Ministry for Sustainable Development,

the Environment and Climate Change

Id-Dipartiment tas-Sajd u Akwakultura jgarraf illi:

The Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture notifies that:

Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, l-14 ta Novembru, 2014

jintlaqgu offerti magluqin fl-MSDEC, Uffiju tasSegretarju Permanenti fit-Taqsima tal-Procurement u
Provvisti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera gal:

Sealed tenders will be received at the MSDEC,

Permanent Secretariat Offices, Procurement and
Supplies Section, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera, up to
10.00 a.m. on Friday, 14th November, 2014 for:

Avvi Nru. MSDEC 100/2014. Medits Otoliths extraction

u age reading.

Advt. No. MSDEC 100/2014. Medits Otoliths extraction

and age reading.

Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu mingajr las mitTaqsima tal-Procurement u l-Provvisti, MSDEC, Segretarjat
Permanenti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera fil-jiem taxxogol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar jew jitniel mis-sit talMinisteru (

Relevant documents may be obtained free of charge from

the Procurement and Supplies Section, MSDEC, Permanent
Secretariat, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera on any working
day between 8.30 a.m. and noon or downloaded from the
Ministrys website (

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Programm Operattiv Marittimu tas-Sajd Ewropew 2014 - 2020
Parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond Marittimu gas-Sajd Ewropew (FMSE)
Rata ta kofinanzjament: 80% Fondi UE; 20% Fondi Nazzjonali
Investment fSajd Sostenibbli

European Maritime Fisheries Fund Operational Programme 2014 2020

Part-financed by the European Union
European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
Co-financing rate: 80% EU Funds; 20% National Funds
Investing in sustainable fisheries



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337



Ministry for Sustainable Development,

the Environment and Climate Change

Id-Direttorat gas-Saa tal-Pjanti tgarraf illi:

The Plant Health Directorate notifies that:

Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, it-18 ta Novembru, 2014,

jintlaqgu offerti magluqin fl-Uffiju tas-Segretarju
Permanenti MSDEC fit-Taqsima tal-Procurement u
Provvisti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera SVR 1301, gal:

Sealed tenders will be received at the Procurement

and Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent Secretariat
Offices, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera SVR 1301, up to
10.00 a.m. of Tuesday, 18th November, 2014 for:

Avvi Nru. MSDEC 102/2014. Titjib ta kamra gat-tkabbir

tal-pjanti u kamra gat-termoterapija gall-pjanti bmaterjali
li jarsu l-ambjent fi-entru gall-Bijoteknoloija talPjanti, al Lija gall-proett fuq l-istudju u l-konservazzjoni
sostenibbli ta diversi varjetajiet ta pjanti lokali.

Advt. No. MSDEC 102/2014. Upgrade of a plant growth

room and a plant thermotherapy room using environmentally
friendly materials at the Plant Biotechnology Centre, al Lija
for the project on the study and sustainable conservation of
varieties of local plants.

Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu mingajr las mitTaqsima tal-Procurement u l-Provvisti, MSDEC, Segretarjat
Permanenti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera fil-jiem taxxogol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar sad-data tal-geluq jew
jitniel mis-sit tal-Ministeru (

Relevant documents may be obtained free of charge from

the Procurement and Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent
Secretariat Offices, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera on any
working day between 8.30 a.m. and noon till closing date
or downloaded from the Ministrys website (http://www.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Programm tal-Ivilupp Rurali gal Malta 2007-2013

Assi 2 - Intejbu l-Ambjent u l-Kampanja
Proett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew gall-Ivilupp Rurali
Rata ta ko-finanzjament: 80% Unjoni Ewropea; 20% Gvern ta Malta
L-Ewropa tinvesti foni Rurali
Rural Development Programme for Malta 2007-2013
Axis 2- Improving the Environment and the Countryside
Project part-financed by the European Union
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
Co-financing rate: 80% European Union; 20% Government of Malta
Europe Investing in Rural Areas

Ministry for Sustainable Development,

the Environment and Climate Change

Id-Direttur enerali, Dipartiment gall-Ivilupp Rurali

jgarraf illi:

The Director General, Rural Development Department

notifies that:

Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, l-14 ta Novembru, 2014

jintlaqgu offerti magluqin fl-MSDEC, Uffiju tasSegretarju Permanenti fit-Taqsima tal-Procurement u
Provvisti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera gal:

Sealed tenders will be received at the MSDEC,

Permanent Secretariat Offices, Procurement and
Supplies Section, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera, up to
10.00 a.m. on Friday, 14th November, 2014 for:

Avvi Nru. MSDEC 99/2014. Provvediment ta servizzi

ta monitora gat-tneija ta ama/ebel, tneija ta
spei aljeni invaivi u rig ta siar gall-Proett EU Life
Saving tal-Buskett mwettaq mid-Direttorat tal-P.A.R.K. u

Advt. No. MSDEC 99/2014. Provision of monitoring

services for the removal of silt/boulders, removal of invasive
alien species and planting of new trees for the EU Life Saving
Buskett Project executed by the P.A.R.K. and Initiatives

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014


Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu mingajr las mitTaqsima tal-Procurement u l-Provvisti, MSDEC, Segretarjat
Permanenti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera fil-jiem taxxogol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar jew jitniel mis-sit talMinisteru (
L-4 ta Novembru, 2014


Relevant documents may be obtained free of charge from

the Procurement and Supplies Section, MSDEC, Permanent
Secretariat, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera on any working
day between 8.30 a.m. and noon or downloaded from the
Ministrys website (
4th November, 2014

Programm EU Life+ 2012

Proett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Programm EU Life+ 2012
Rata ta ko-finanzjament: 50% Fondi Ewropej; 50% Fondi Nazzjonali
Ninvestu fil-futur tiegek
EU Life+ Programme 2012
Project part-financed by the European Union
EU Life+ Programme 2012
Co-financing rate: 50% EU Funds; 50% National Funds
Investing in your future

Ministry for Sustainable Development,

the Environment and Climate Change

Id-Direttorat gas-Saa tal-Pjanti tgarraf illi:

The Plant Health Directorate notifies that:

Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, il-21 ta Novembru, 2014,

jintlaqgu offerti magluqin fl-Uffiju tas-Segretarju
Permanenti MSDEC fit-Taqsima tal-Procurement u
Provvisti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera SVR 1301, gal:

Sealed tenders will be received at the Procurement

and Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent Secretariat
Offices, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera SVR 1301, up to
10.00 a.m. of Friday, 21st November, 2014 for:

Avvi Nru. MSDEC 103/2014. Tari teoretiku u prattiku

gall-metodi ta konservazzjoni tal-pjanti, teid ta kampjuni
ta rierag, ittestjar tal-kwalit ta-erriega u fuq is-sanit
gall-proett ta studju u konservazzjoni sostenibbli ta
varjetajiet ta pjanti lokali

Advt. No. MSDEC 103/2014. Theoretical and handson training on the conservation methods of plants, on seed
sampling/seed quality testing and on the sanitation of plants
for the project on the study and sustainable conservation of
varieties of local plants

Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu mingajr las mitTaqsima tal-Procurement u l-Provvisti, MSDEC, Segretarjat
Permanenti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera fkull urnata
tax-xogol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar sad-data tal-geluq
jew jitniel mis-sit tal-Ministeru (

Relevant documents may be obtained free of charge from

the Procurement and Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent
Secretariat Offices, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera on any
working day between 8.30 a.m. and noon till closing date
or downloaded from the Ministrys website (http://www.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Programm tal-Ivilupp Rurali gal Malta 2007-2013

Assi 2 - Intejbu l-Ambjent u l-Kampanja
Proett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew gall-Ivilupp Rurali
Rata ta ko-finanzjament: 80% Unjoni Ewropea; 20% Gvern ta Malta
L-Ewropa tinvesti foni Rurali
Rural Development Programme for Malta 2007-2013
Axis 2- Improving the Environment and the Countryside
Project part-financed by the European Union
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
Co-financing rate: 80% European Union; 20% Government of Malta
Europe Investing in Rural Areas



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337



Ministry for Sustainable Development,

the Environment and Climate Change

Id-Direttorat tal-PARK u Inizjattivi jgarraf illi:

The PARK and Initiative Directorate notifies that:

Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, il-21 ta Novembru, 2014

jintlaqgu offerti magluqin fl-MSDEC, Uffiju tasSegretarju Permanenti fit-Taqsima tal-Procurement u
Provvisti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera gal:

Sealed tenders will be received at the MSDEC,

Permanent Secretariat Offices, Procurement and
Supplies Section, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera, up to
10.00 a.m. on Friday, 21st November, 2014 for:

Avvi Nru. MSDEC 104/2014. Provvista u konsenja

ta scaffolding gall-Proett EU Life Saving esegwit midDirettorat tal-PARK u Inizjattivi

Advt. No. MSDEC 104/2014. Supply and delivery of

scaffolding for the EU Life Saving Buskett Project executed
by the PARK and Initiatives Directorate

Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu mingajr las mitTaqsima tal-Procurement u l-Provvisti, MSDEC, Segretarjat
Permanenti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera fkull urnata
tax-xogol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar jew jitniel mis-sit
tal-Ministeru (

Relevant documents may be obtained free of charge from

the Procurement and Supplies Section, MSDEC, Permanent
Secretariat, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera on any working
day between 8.30 a.m. and noon or downloaded from the
Ministrys website (

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Programm EU Life+ 2012

Proett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Programm EU Life+ 2012
Rata ta ko-finanzjament: 50% Fondi Ewropej; 50% Fondi Nazzjonali
Ninvestu fil-futur tiegek
EU Life+ Programme 2012
Project part-financed by the European Union
EU Life+ Programme 2012
Co-financing rate: 50% EU Funds; 50% National Funds
Investing in your future

Ministry for Sustainable Development,

the Environment and Climate Change

L-Aenzija tal-Agrikoltura u Pagamenti Rurali tgarraf

The Agriculture and Rural Payments Agency notifies


Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 18 ta Novembru, 2014

jintlaqgu offerti magluqin fl-MSDEC, Uffiju tasSegretarju Permanenti fit-Taqsima tal-Procurement u
Provvisti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera gal:

Sealed tenders will be received at the MSDEC,

Permanent Secretariat Offices, Procurement and
Supplies Section, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera, up to
10.00 a.m. of Tuesday, 18th November, 2014 for:

*Avvi Nru. MSDEC 105/2014. Disinn u stampar ta

Kalendarju gall-2015 dwar l-Iskema gall-Iskejjel dwar
Frott u axix

*Advt. No. MSDEC 105/2014. Design and printing of the

School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme 2015 Calendar


*Avvi li qed jidher gall-ewwel darba

*Advertisement appearing for the first time

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014


Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu mingajr las mitTaqsima tal-Procurement u l-Provvisti, MSDEC, Segretarjat
Permanenti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera fkull urnata
tax-xogol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar jew jitniel mis-sit
tal-Ministeru (
L-4 ta Novembru, 2014


Relevant documents may be obtained free of charge from

the Procurement and Supplies Section, MSDEC, Permanent
Secretariat, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera on any working
day between 8.30 a.m. and noon or downloaded from the
Ministrys website (
4th November, 2014

Fond Ewropew gall-Agrikoltura u Garanzija (EAGF)

Skema gall-Iskejjel dwar Frott u axix
Proett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Rata ta ko-finanzjament: 75% Fondi Ewropej; 25% Fondi Nazzjonali
L-Ewropa tinvesti fil-futur tiegek
European Agriculture and Guarantee Fund (EAGF)
School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme
Project part-financed by the European Union
Co-financing rate: 75% EU Funds; 25% National Funds
Europe investing in your future

Ministry for Sustainable Development,

the Environment and Climate Change

Id-Dipartiment tas-Sajd u Akwakultura jgarraf illi:

The Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture notifies that:

Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, l-18 ta Novembru, 2014

jintlaqgu kwotazzjoni magluqin fl-MSDEC, Uffiju
tas-Segretarju Permanenti fit-Taqsima tal-Procurement
u Provvisti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera gal:

Sealed quotations will be received at the MSDEC,

Permanent Secretariat Offices, Procurement and
Supplies Section, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera, up to
10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 18th November, 2014 for:

Kwot. Nru. MSDEC 46/2014. Provvista u installazzjoni

ta insect killers fis-Suq tal-ut il-did, Triq Troubridge, IlMarsa

Quot. No. MSDEC 46/2014. Supply and installation

of insect killers at the New Fish Market, Triq Troubridge,

Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu mingajr las mitTaqsima tal-Procurement u l-Provvisti, MSDEC, Segretarjat
Permanenti, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera fil-jiem taxxogol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar jew jitniel mis-sit talMinisteru (

Relevant documents may be obtained free of charge from

the Procurement and Supplies Section, MSDEC, Permanent
Secretariat, 6, Triq al Qormi, Sta Venera on any working
day between 8.30 a.m. and noon or downloaded from the
Ministrys website (

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Programm Operattiv tas-Sajd 2007- 2013
Parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond gas-Sajd Ewropew (FSE)
Rata ta kofinanzjament: 75% Fondi UE; 25% Fondi Nazzjonali
Investment fSajd Sostenibbli
Fisheries Operational Programme 2007- 2013
Part-financed by the European Union
European Fisheries Fund (EFF)
Co-financing rate: 75% EU Funds; 25% National Funds
Investing in sustainable fisheries



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337


Enemalta plc tgarraf illi:

Enemalta plc notifies that:

Sal-11.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 11 ta Novembru, 2014

jintlaqgu offerti fuq l-indirizz tal-email (tenders.em@ gal:

Tenders will be received by 11.00 a.m. of Tuesday,

11th November, 2014 at the email address (tenders.em@ for:

Avvi Nru. P/T/3045/2014. Kiri ta tankijiet ta ana

fl-installazzjoni EneMed
Co. Ltd, Ras anir,

Advt. No. P/T/3045/2014. Renting of storage tanks

at EneMed Co. Ltd, Ras
anir Installation,

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgu jitnilu mill-website talEnemalta ( - tenders online

Tenders will be downloaded from Enemalta website (www. - tenders online

Offerti magluqin jintlaqgu fl-Enemalta fil-kaxxa talofferti tal-Marsa:

Sealed tenders will be received at Enemaltas Marsa tender


Sal-11.00 a.m. tal-Erbga, il-5 ta Novembru, 2014


Up to 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 5th November, 2014


Avvi Nru. TD/T/3166/2014

Gandu jitallas dritt ta 10 gal kull dokumenti talofferta.

Advt. No. TD/T/3166/2014 Tr e n c h i n g Wo r k s f o r

Deviation of HV and LV
Cables from Marsa Marsovin

A fee of 10 is to be paid for each copy of tender

Avvi Nru. TD/T/3168/2014 Xoglijiet ta trinek

fas-Saptan B.H.

Advt. No. TD/T/3168/2014. Trenching Works at asSaptan B.H.

Gandu jitallas dritt ta 10 gal kull dokumenti talofferta.

A fee of 10 is to be paid for each copy of tender


Sal-11.00 a.m. tal-Erbga, it-12 ta Novembru, 2014


Up to 11.00 a.m. of Wednesday, 12th November, 2014


Xoglijiet ta trinek gaddevjazzjoni ta cables

HV u LV mill-Marsa
Marsovin Substation.

Avvi Nru. GN/MPS/DO/2173/2014

Twaqqig ta tliet
mieni u tankijiet
1,2,3 u 4 fil-Power
station tal-Marsa.

Advt. No. GN/MPS/DO/2173/2014

Demolition of three
chimneys and
tanks 1,2,3 and 4
at Marsa Power

Il-las ta parteipazzjoni (fejn applikabbli) gandu jsir

fil-Korporazzjoni Enemalta, Bini tal-Amminsitrazzjoni
entrali, Church Wharf, Il-Marsa fkull jum tax-xogol
bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar. Aktar tagrif jista jinkiseb billi
wieed jikkuntattja t-Taqsima tal-Procurement fuq in-Numru
tat-Telefon: 2298 0736 jew bl-email: (tenderenquiries.em@ jew mill-website tal-Enemalta (www. - tenders online.

Participation fees (where applicable) are to be paid at

Enemalta plc, Central Administration Building, Church
Wharf, Marsa on any working day between 8.30a.m and
noon. Further information may be obtained by contacting
Procurement Section on tel. 22980736 or at e-mail address:
( or from Enemalta
website ( tenders online.

Enemalta plc tgarraf illi offerti elettronii rigward

dawn l-avvii jintlaqgu sal-urnata u l-in indikati hawn

Enemalta plc notifies that electronic tenders in respect

of the following notices will be received on the date and

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



tat. L-offerti gandhom jintlaqgu online BISS fuq:


time indicated below. Tenders are to be submitted online

ONLY on: (

Sad-9.30 a.m. l-ERBGA, il-5 ta Novembru, 2014, gal:

Up to 9.30 a.m. of WEDNESDAY, 5th November 2014,



Provvista ta fanali gad-dwal

tat-triq 150W.


Supply of street lighting

lanterns 150W.


Provvista ta fanali gad-dwal

tat-triq 70W.


Supply of street lighting

lanterns 70W.

Sad-9.30 a.m. l-ERBGA, it-12 ta Novembru ta

Ottubru, 2014, gal:

Investigazzjoni arkeoloika
fsit fi Triq Belt il-ana.

Sad-9.30 a.m. l-ERBGA, is-26 ta Novembru ta

Ottubru, 2014, gal:

Up to 9.30 a.m. of WEDNESDAY, 12th November

2014, for:

Archaeological Investigation
at Site in Triq Belt il-ana.

Up to 9.30 a.m. of WEDNESDAY, 26th November

2014, for:


Explosion protection
documentation gall-EneMed
Co. Ltd.


Explosion protection
documentation for EneMed
Co. Ltd.


Bai ta ftehim gall-provvista

ta karta tal-photocopy li
tkun ejja minn sorsi ta bir


Framework agreement for the

supply of photocopy paper
stemming from sustainably
harvested sources.

Sad-9.30 a.m. l-ERBGA, it-3 ta Diembru, 2014,


Provvista taPlanteCells tajbin

biex jitqiegdu standby

Sad-9.30 a.m. l-ERBGA, l-10 ta Diembru ta

Ottubru, 2014, gal:

Provvista ta batteriji gallpower station ta Delimara

Up to 9.30 a.m. of WEDNESDAY, 3rd December 2014,


Supply of Plante Cells suitable

for standby applications

Up to 9.30 a.m. of WEDNESDAY, 10th December

2014, for:

Supply of batteries for

Delimara Power Station

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgu jinkisbu biss minn

fuq l-Electronic Public Procurement System: (http://www. Trid issir reistrazzjoni sabiex isir
uu min dan is-sit: operaturi ekonomii Maltin jetie
ikollhom l-Organisation e-ID sabiex ikunu jistgu jidlu
fdan is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni tista tinkiseb misSezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit.

Tender documents are only obtainable from the

Electronic Public Procurement System: (http://www. Registration is required in order to make
use of this website: Maltese economic operators need to be
in possession of their Organisation e-ID in order to access
this website. More information is available from the FAQ
Section of the same website.

Operaturi ekonomii interessati sabiex jipparteipaw

fdawn is-sejiet gal offerti huma mea jiedu nota
tal-workshops organizzati mid-Dipartiment tal-Kuntratti.
Iktar informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.

Economic operators interested in participating in

these current calls for tender are urged to take note of the
workshops being organised by the Department of Contracts.
More information is available in the tender document.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337


Water Services Corporation

I-Chief Executive, Korporazzjoni gal Servizzi tal-Ilma,

jgarraf illi:-

The Chief Executive, Water Services Corporation, notifies


Jintlaqgu offerti fil-urnata u l-in indikati hawn tat. Lofferti gandhom jintbagtu online BISS fuq: (http://www.

Tenders will be received on the day and date indicated

below. Tenders are to be submitted online ONLY on: (http://

Sal-Erbga, is-26 ta Novembru, 2014, gal:

Avvi. Nru. WSC/T/42/2014. Provvista ta flanged pipes
gal Pumping Station fTa Bakkja Korporazzjoni gal
Servizzi tal-Ilma.
Id-dokument gal din l-offerta huwa bla las.

Up to Wednesday, 26th November, 2014, for:Advt. No. WSC/T/42/2014. Supply of flanged pipes for Ta
Bakkja Pumping Station Water Services Corporation.
This tender document is free of charge.

Dan huwa Supply Notice tat International Open Tender

Procedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata millUnjoni Ewropea tat il-Fond Ewropew gall-Ivilupp
Rejonali (FER).

This is a Supply Notice under the International Open

Tender Procedure. This tender is part-financing by the
European Union under the European Regional Development
Fund (ERDF).

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgu jinkisbu min fuq lElectronic Procurement System: (http://www.etenders. Trid issir reistrazzjoni sabiex isir uu minn dan
is-sit: operaturi ekonomii Maltin jetie ikollhom lOrganisation e-ID sabiex ikunu jistgu jidlu fdin is-sit.
Iktar informazzjoni tista tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ talistess sit.

Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic

Public Procurement System: (
Registration is required in order to make us of this website:
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of
their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same

Operaturi Ekonomii li huma interessati sabiex

jipparteipaw fdawn is-sejiet gal offerti huma mea
jiedu nota tall-workshop organizzati mid-Dipartiment talKuntratti. Fdawn il-workshops, Operaturi Ekonomii sejrin
ikollhom l-opportunit sabiex jsiru jafu ajar kif gandhom
jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti taghom online. Iktar
informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.

Economic operators interested in participating in these

calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshops
being organized by the Department of Contracts. During
these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that
economic operators familiarize themselves with compiling
and submitting their tender online. More information is
available in the tender document.

Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftu u reistrazzjoni talofferti fil-in u d-data msemmija aktar il fuq.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling

of tenders at the time and date specified above.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Proett dwar it-Tnaqqis tal-Footprint tal-Karbonju

Programm Operattiv I Politika ta Koejoni 2007-2013
Ninvestu fil-Kompetittivit gal Kwalit ta ajja Ajar
Din l-offerta hija kkunsidrata biex tkun parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond Ewropew gall-Ivilupp Rejonali (FER)
Rata ta kofinanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi Nazzjonali
Ninvestu fil-futur tiegek
Carbon Footprint Reduction Project
Operational Programme I Cohesion Policy 2007-2013
Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life
This tender is part-financed by the European Union
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Co-Financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds
Investing in your future


L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



Water Services Corporation

L-Executive Chairman, Korporazzjoni gal Servizzi talIlma, jgarraf illi:-

The Executive Chairman, Water Services Corporation,

notifies that:-

Jintlaqgu offerti fil-urnata u l-in indikati hawn tat. Lofferti gandhom jintbagtu online BISS fuq: (http://www.

Tenders will be received on the day and date indicated

below. Tenders are to be submitted online ONLY on: (http://

Sal-Erbga, l-10 ta Diembru, 2014, gal:

*Avvi. Nru. WSC/T/43/2014. Provvista ta pannelli
elettronii - Korporazzjoni Gal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Up to Wednesday, 10th December, 2014, for:*Advt. No. WSC/T/43/2014. Supply of electrical panels
- Water Services Corporation.

Id-dokument gal din l-offerta huwa bla las.

This tender document is free of charge.

*Avviz li qed jidher gall-ewwel darba

*Advertisement appearing for the first time

Dan huwa Supply Notice tat International Open Tender

Procedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata millUnjoni Ewropea tat il-Fond Ewropew gall-Ivilupp
Rejonali (FER).

This is a Supply Notice under the International Open

Tender Procedure. This tender is part-financing by the
European Union under the European Regional Development
Fund (ERDF).

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgu jinkisbu min fuq lElectronic Procurement System: (http://www.etenders. Trid issir reistrazzjoni sabiex isir uu minn dan
is-sit: operaturi ekonomii Maltin jetie ikollhom lOrganisation e-ID sabiex ikunu jistgu jidlu fdin is-sit.
Iktar informazzjoni tista tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ talistess sit.

Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic

Public Procurement System: (
Registration is required in order to make us of this website:
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of
their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same

Operaturi Ekonomii li huma interessati sabiex

jipparteipaw fdawn is-sejiet gal offerti huma mea
jiedu nota tall-workshop organizzati mid-Dipartiment talKuntratti. Fdawn il-workshops, Operaturi Ekonomii sejrin
ikollhom l-opportunit sabiex jsiru jafu ajar kif gandhom
jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti taghom online. Iktar
informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.

Economic operators interested in participating in these

calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshops
being organized by the Department of Contracts. During
these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that
economic operators familiarize themselves with compiling
and submitting their tender online. More information is
available in the tender document.

Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftu u reistrazzjoni talofferti fil-in u d-data msemmija aktar il fuq.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling

of tenders at the time and date specified above.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Use of Highly Polished Reclaimed Water in the Maltese Islands

Programm Operattiv I Politika ta Koejoni 2007-2013

Ninvestu fil-Kompetittivit gal Kwalit ta ajja Ajar
Din l-offerta hija kkunsidrata biex tkun parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond Ewropew gall-Ivilupp Rejonali (FER)
Rata ta kofinanzjament: 73.1% Fondi UE; 26.9% Fondi Nazzjonali
Ninvestu fil-futur tiegek
Operational Programme I Cohesion Policy 2007-2013
Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life
This tender is part-financed by the European Union
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Co-Financing rate: 73.1% EU Funds; 26.9% National Funds
Investing in your future



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337


Water Services Corporation

I-Chief Executive, Korporazzjoni gal Servizzi tal-Ilma,

jgarraf illi:-

The Chief Executive, Water Services Corporation, notifies


Jintlaqgu offerti fil-urnata u l-in indikati hawn tat. Lofferti gandhom jintbagtu online BISS fuq: (http://www.

Tenders will be received on the date and time indicated

below. Tenders are to be submitted online ONLY on: (http://

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-imga, is-7 ta Novembru, 2014, gal:

Avvi Nru. WSC/T/39/2014. Provvista u konsenja ta
karta xerographic magmula bmetodi li jarsu l-ambjent
- Bai ta Ftehim

Up to 9.30 a.m. of Friday, 7th November, 2014 for:

Advt. No. WSC/T/39/2014. Supply and delivery of
environmentally friendly xerographic paper- Framework

Id-dokument huwa bla las.

No participation fee is required.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-imga, l-14 ta Novembru, 2014, gal:

Up to 9.30 a.m. of Friday, 14th November, 2014 for:

Avvi Nru. WSC/T/40/2014. Provvista u konsenja ta

ductile iron pipes (EN 598) gall-Korporazzjoni gal Servizzi
Il-las gad-dokument huwa 20.

Advt. No. WSC/T/40/2014. Supply and delivery of ductile

iron pipes (EN 598) for the Water Services Corporation.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-imga, it-28 ta Novembru, 2014,


Up to 9.30 a.m. of Friday, 28th November, 2014 for:

Avvi Nru. WSC/T/38/2014. Bini ta pumping station

tat l-art fil-Madliena gall-Korporazzjoni gal Servizzi

Advt. No. WSC/T/38/2014. Construction of an undergound

pumping station in Madliena for the Water Services

Avvi Nru. WSC/T/41/2014. Provvista u konsenja ta

gunmetal banjoes gall-Korporazzjoni gal Servizzi talIlma.

Advt. No. WSC/T/41/2014. Supply and delivery of

gunmetal banjoes for the Water Services Corporation.

Avvi Nru. WSC/T/45/2014. Provvista u konsenja ta

ramel tal-qawwi fi xkejjer ta 25 kg gall-Korporazzjoni gal
Servizzi tal-Ilma - Bai ta Kuntratt

Advt. No. WSC/T/45/2014. Supply and delivery of hard

stone sand in 25 kg bags for the Water Services Corporation
- Framework Agreement

Avvi Nru. WSC/T/44/2014. Provvista u konsenja ta

citric acid monohydrate BP98 gall-Korporazzjoni gal
Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Advt. No. WSC/T/44/2014. Supply and delivery of

citric acid monohydrate BP98 for the Water Services

Participation fee is 20.

Id-dokument huwa mingajr las.

No Participation fee.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, it-2 ta Diembru, 2014, gal:

Up to 9.30 a.m. of Tuesday, 2nd December, 2014 for:

*Avvi Nru. WSC/T/48/2014. Provvista u konsenja ta skip

containers gall-arr ta ama minn u gal Ta Barkat STP
gall-Korporazzjoni gal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

*Advt. No. WSC/T/48/2014. Supply and delivery of skip

containers for sludge tranportation to and from Ta Barkat
STP for the Water Services Corporation.

Il-las gad-dokument huwa 50.

Participation fee is 50.

*Avvi li qed jidher gall-ewwel darba

*Advertisement appearing for the first time

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgu jinkisbu minn fuq lElectronic Procurement System: (

Tender documents are obtainable from the Electronic

Procurement System: (


L-4 ta Novembru, 2014


mt). Trid issir reistrazzjoni sabiex isir uu minn dan is-sit:

operaturi ekonomii Maltin jetie ikollhom l-Organisation eID sabiex ikunu jistgu jidlu fdin is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni
tista tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit.

Registration is required in order to make use of this website:

Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of
their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same

Operaturi Ekonomii li huma interessati sabiex

jipparteipaw fdawn is-sejiet gal offerti huma mea
jiedu nota tal-workshop organizzati mid-Dipartiment talKuntratti. Fdawn il-workshops, Operaturi Ekonomii sejrin
ikollhom l-opportunit sabiex jsiru jafu ajar kif gandhom
jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti taghom online. Iktar
informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.

Economic operators interested in participating in these

calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshops being
organized by the Department of Contracts. During these
workshops, simulations will be carried out so that Economic
Operators familiarise themselves with compiling and
submitting their tender online. More information is available
in the tender document.

Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftu u reistrazzjoni talofferti fil-in u d-data msemmija aktar il fuq.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling

of tenders at the time and dates specified above.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014



I-Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ Malta Ltd, jgarraf


The Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ Malta Ltd, notifies


Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar il-imga, is-7 ta Novembru,

2014, jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet magluqin fl-uffiji
tal-Uffijal Kap Eekuttiv, WasteServ Malta Ltd, entru
Eko, Triq Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, gal:-

Sealed quotations will be received at the offices of

the Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ Malta Ltd, Eko
Centre, Triq Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to 10.00
a.m. of Friday, 7th November, 2014, for:-

Kwot. Nru. WSMQ/099/2014. Produzzjoni ta video clip

rigward il-Proett tas-Civic Amenity Site fTa Qali.

Quot. No. WSMQ/099/2014. Production of video clip in

relation to Ta Qali Civic Amenity Site Project.

Kwot. Nru. WSMQ/100/2014. Kiri ta tagmir u gamara

li jintuaw waqt l-okkajoni tat-tnedija tas-Civic Amenity Site
fTa Qali.

Quot. No. WSMQ/100/2014. Rental of equipment and

furniture to be used during the launch event of the Civic
Amenity Site at Ta Qali.

Id-dokumenti tal-kwotazzjoni jistgu jinabru mill-indirizz

ta hawn fuq fkull urnata tax-xogol mit-Tnejn sal-imga,
esklu Festi Nazzjonali/Pubblii bejn id-9.00 a.m. u t-3.00 p.m.
jew permezz ta email fuq: (

Quotation documents may be collected from the above

mentioned office on any working day from Monday to Friday
excluding Public/National holidays; between 9.00 a.m. and
3.00 p.m. or requested via email communication sent on:

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Programm Operattiv I Politika ta Koejoni 2007-2013
Ninvestu fil-Kompetittivit gal Kwalit ta ajja Ajar
Dan il-kuntratt huwa parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond ta Koejoni
Rata ta kofinanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi Nazzjonali
Ninvestu fil-futur tiegek
Operational Programme I Cohesion Policy 2007-2013
Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life
This contract is part-financed by the European Union
Cohesion Fund
Co-Financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds
Investing in your future



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337



L-Uffijal Kap Eekuttiv, WasteServ Malta Ltd, jgarraf


The Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ Malta Ltd, notifies


Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar il-imga, is-7 ta Novembru,

2014, jintlaqgu offerti magluqin fl-uffiji tal-Uffijal
Kap Eekuttiv, WasteServ Malta Ltd, entru Eko, Triq
Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, gal:

Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the Chief

Executive Officer WasteServ Malta Ltd, Eko Centre, Triq
Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 till 10.00 a.m. of Friday,
7th November, 2014 for:

Avvi. Nru. WSM/053/2014. Kuntratt perjodiku gallkonsenja, uin, tqattig, ippakkjar u ana ta tyres uati u
tubi tat-tyres.

Advt. No. WSM/053/2014. Period contract for the

receiving, weighing, cutting, baling and storing of used tyres
and tyre bladders.

Parteipazzjoni gal din l-offerta hija ta 50.

Avvi. Nru. WSM/054/2014. Kuntratt perjodiku gall-kiri ta
ew (2) eight wheeler tipper trucks bemissjonijiet baxxi, bixxufiera, gal xoglijiet fil-Kumpless Ambjentali tal-Magtab.
Parteipazzjoni gal din l-offerta hija ta 20.

Participaton fee for this tender 50.

Advt. No. WSM/054/2014. Period contract for the hire of two
(2) low emissions eight wheeler tipper trucks, with drivers, for
the enabling works at the Magtab Environmental Complex.
Participaton fee for this tender 20.

Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar il-imga, is-7 ta Novembru,

2014, jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet magluqin fl-uffiji talUffijal Kap Eekuttiv, WasteServ Malta Ltd, entru Eko,
Triq Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, gal:

Sealed quotations will be received at the offices of the

Chief Executive Officer WasteServ Malta Ltd, Eko Centre,
Triq Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 till 10.00 a.m. of
Friday, 7th November, 2014 for:

Kwot. Nru. WSMQ/101/2014. Manutenzjoni ta fire

extinguishers u provvista ta fire extinguishers odda.

Quot. No. WSMQ/101/2014. Servicing of fire extinguishers

and supply of new fire extinguishers.

Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar it-Tlieta, il-11 ta Novembru,

2014, jintlaqgu offerti magluqin fl-uffiji tal-Uffijal
Kap Eekuttiv, WasteServ Malta Ltd, entru Eko, Triq
Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, gal:

Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the Chief

Executive Officer WasteServ Malta Ltd, Eko Centre, Triq
Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 till 10.00 a.m. of Tuesday,
11th November, 2014 for:

Avvi Nru. WSM/052/2014. Kuntratt perjodiku gat-teid

ta kampjuni, analii u rapurta ta ilma ieri u ilma tal-wi
fil-mibliet tal-iskart mhux perikolu fl-Gallis u Ta wejra.

Advt. No. WSM/052/2014. Period contract for the sampling,

analysis and reporting of groundwater and surface water at the
Gallis and Ta wejra non-hazardous waste landfills.

Parteipazzjoni gal din l-offerta hija mingajr las.

Avvi Nru. WSM/055/2014. Kuntratt perjodiku gat-teid ta
kampjuni, analii u rappurta ta emissjonijiet ta flue gas u arja
ambjentali fil-Failit gat-Trattament Termiku fil-Marsa.
Parteipazzjoni gal din l-offerta hija mingajr las.

Participaton fee for this tender is free of charge.

Advt. No. WSM/055/2014. Period contract for the
sampling, analysis and reporting of flue gas emissions and
ambient air at the Thermal Treatment Facility in Marsa.
Participaton fee for this tender is free of charge.

Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar it-Tlieta, il-11 ta Novembru,

2014, jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet magluqin fl-uffiji
tal-Uffijal Kap Eekuttiv, WasteServ Malta Ltd, entru
Eko, Triq Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, gal:

Sealed quotations will be received at the offices of the

Chief Executive Officer WasteServ Malta Ltd, Eko Centre,
Triq Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 till 10.00 a.m. of
Tuesday, 11th November, 2014 for:

Kwot. Nru. WSM/052/2014. Xiri ta bins gall-iskart

kliniku biex jintua fil-Failit gat-Trattament Termiku

Quot. No. WSMQ/102/2014. Procurement of Clinical

Waste Bins to be used at the Thermal Treatment Facility,

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



Id-dokumenti tal-kwotazzjonijiet jistgu jinkisbu millwebsite ta Wasteserv Malta Ltd. (

Quotation documents are to be downloaded from Wasterserv

Malta Ltd. website: (

Id-dokument tal-offerta bi las jistgu jinkisbu milluffiju msemmi fkull urnata tax-xogol bejn id-9.00 a.m.
u t-3.00 p.m.

Tender Documents with a participation fee may be

purchased from the mentioned office on any working day
between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.

Offerenti li huma interessati fid-dokumenti tal-offerta

mingajr las gandhom jibagtu email bit-talba tagom lil

Bidders who are interested in tender documents which are

free of charge are kindly being requested to send an email
request to (

Aktar tagrif jista jinkiseb minn fuq il-website: (www. jew fuq email (contracts@wasteservmalta.

Further information can be obtained from the website:

( or by sending an email to

Huwa fl-interess ta min japplika li jiekkja l-website talWasteServ gal aornamenti minn mien gal mien.

It is in the bidders interest to periodically check the

WasteServ website for any updates.
4th November, 2014

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Il-Kmandant, Forzi Armati ta Malta, jgarraf illi:-


The Commander, Armed Forces of Malta, notifies that:-

Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar il-amis, it-13 ta Novembru,

2014, fl-Uffiju tal-Offerti, Forzi Armati ta Malta, Luqa
Barracks, al Luqa, jintlaqgu offerti magluqin gal:

Sealed tenders will be received by the Tenders Office,

Armed Forces of Malta, Luqa Barracks, al Luqa, up to
10.00 a.m. of Thursday, 13th November, 2014, for:

AFM Avvi Nru. 26/14. Rinovar ta uffiju u maen

fil-Bai tal-Iskwadra Marittima, Forzi Armati ta Malta.

AFM Advt. No. 26/14. Refurbishment of an office and store

at the Maritime Squadron Base, Armed Forces of Malta.

Il-formoli tal-offerta u kull tagrif ieor jistgu jinkisbu

mill-Uffiju tal-Offerti, Forzi Armati ta Malta, Luqa
Barracks, al Luqa, fkull urnata tax-xogol bejn is-7.00
a.m. u l-4.00 p.m. jew permezz ta e-mail fuq: (tenders.

Forms of tender and further information may be obtained

from the Tenders Office, Armed Forces of Malta, Luqa
Barracks, al Luqa, during any working day between 7.00
a.m. and 4.00 p.m. or by sending an e-mail on: (tenders.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Dan il-proett huwa parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea

tat il-Fond gall-Fruntieri Esterni (FFE) Azzjoni Speifika 2012
Rata ta ko-finanzjament: 80% Unjoni Ewropea; 20% Fondi Nazzjonali
This project is part-financed by the European Union under the
External Borders Fund (EBF) Specific Actions 2012
Co-financing rate: 80% EU Funds; 20% National Funds

Malta TOURISM Authority

Seja gall-Kwotazzjonijiet - biex tinabar data

gal starri rigward il-onna ta Pembroke
u l-promenade ta San Pawl il-Baar

Call for Quotations - for the Data Collection

of surveys in relation to Pembroke Gardens
and St.Pauls Bay Promenade

L-Awtorit tat-Turimu ta Malta tgarraf li tilqa

kwotazzjonijiet magluqa biex tinabar data gal starri
rigward il-onna ta Pembroke u l-promenade ta San Pawl

The Malta Tourism Authority will receive sealed

quotations for the Data Collection of surveys in relation to
Pembroke gardens and St.Pauls Bay promenade.



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Kwotazzjonijiet magluqa - bl-isem tal-proett indikat

bmod ar fuq l-envelop, li gandu jinieb fl-uffiju talAwtorit, fil-Bera tal-Italja, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta
u jintefa fil-kaxxa tal-offerti li tinsab fl-ewwel sular mhux
aktar tard mill-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, il-25 ta Novembru,

Sealed quotations with the project title clearly printed/

written on the outside of the envelope - are to be handdelivered to the Malta Tourism Authoritys offices at Auberge
dItalie, Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta and deposited in the tender
box at First Floor by not later than 10.00 a.m. of Tuesday,
25th November, 2014.

L-ispeifikazzjonijiet u l-formola gall-kundizzjonijiet ta

impjieg jintbagtu lill-offerenti rispettivi wara li ssir talba
bemail lid-Dipartiment tal-Procurement fuq (patrick.attard@ jew jistgu jitnilu mill-website tal-Awtorit
fuq (

Brief with specifications and form for Conditions of

Employment can be sent to prospective bidders following an
email to the Procurement Deptartment on (patrick.attard@ or downloaded from the Authoritys corporate
website on (

Offerti li jaslu wara d-data/in tal-geluq ma jiux


Offers received after the closing date/time will not be


Il-lots individwali se jingataw lill-iras offerta li tasal

konformi mal-kundizzjonijiet.

The project will be awarded to the cheapest compliant

offer received.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014





Il-Prinipal tal-Kulle Malti tal-Arti, ix-Xjenza u tTeknoloija jgarraf illi:-

The Principal of the Malta College of Arts, Science and

Technology notifies that:-

Sal-11.00 a.m. ta nhar it-Tnejn, 10 ta Novembru,

2014, jilqa kwotazzjonijiet li gandhom ikunu magluqa
fenvelop indirizzat lill-mittent u mitfuga fil-kaxxa
tal-offerti apposta fil-Bini Amministrattiv tal-MCAST,
fl-indirizz ta hawn tat, jew bemail lil (tenders@mcast. minn partijiet interessati gal:

Sealed quotations placed in the self-addressed envelope,

deposited in the appropriate tender box at the MCAST
Administrative Building, or sent by email to (tenders@ will be received up to 11.00 a.m. of Monday,
10th November, 2014, from interested parties for:-

MCAST Q. 71/2014. Provvista u konsenja ta tagmir

tal-Laboratorju tax-Xjenza

MCAST Q. 71/2014. Supply and delivery of Science

Laboratory apparatus

MCAST Q. 72/2014. Provvista u konsenja tal-ie talLaboratorju tax-Xjenza u affarijiet tal-Kejl

MCAST Q. 72/2014. Supply and delivery of Science

Laboratory glassware and measurement items

Id-dokumenti tal-kwotazzjonijiet jistgu jintalbu mingajr

las permezz tal-email fuq l-indirizz ta hawn tat jew jinabru
mid-Dipartiment tal-Purchasing fil-Bini Amministrattiv
tal-MCAST, jew permezz tal-email fl-indirizz ta hawn tat,
mit-Tnejn sal-imga, mit-8.30 a.m. sal-4.00 p.m.

Quotation documents may be requested free of charge

by email (on the email address below), or collected from
the Purchasing Department at the MCAST Administrative
Building or requested by email at the address below, from
Monday to Friday, from 8.30 a.m. till 4.00 p.m.

L-MCAST iomm id-dritt li jaetta jew jirrifjuta parti jew

il-kwotazzjonijiet sa, xi kwotazzjoni jew il-kwotazzjonijiet
kollha mitfuga.

MCAST reserves the right to accept or refuse in part or in

whole, any or all quotations submitted.

Kampus Prinipali tal-MCAST

Telget Kordin, Paola PLA 9032, Malta
Tel: 2398 7100; Fax: 2398 7316
Email: (
Website: (

MCAST Main Campus

Telget Kordin, Paola PLA 9032, Malta
Tel: 2398 7100; Fax: 2398 7316
Email: (
Website: (

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014







Il-Prinipal tal-Kulle Malti tal-Arti, ix-Xjenza u tTeknoloija jgarraf illi:-

The Principal of the Malta College of Arts, Science and

Technology notifies that:-

Sal-11.00 a.m. tal-imga, 14 ta Novembru, 2014, jilqa

kwotazzjonijiet li gandhom ikunu magluqa fenvelop
indirizzat lill-mittent u mitfuga fil-kaxxa tal-offerti
apposta fil-Bini Amministrattiv tal-MCAST, fl-indirizz ta
hawn tat jew bemail fuq ( minn
partijiet interessati gal:-

Sealed quotations enclosed in a preaddressed envelope

will be received in the tender box at the Administrative
Building at the MCAST at the undermentioned address
or by email on ( from interested
parties up to by no later than Friday 14th November 2014
at 11.00 a.m. for:

Kwot. Nru. MCAST Q. 73/2014. Provvista u konsenja ta

toners, ink cartridges u diversi oetti tal-istationery

Quot. No. MCAST Q. 73/2014. Supply and delivery of

toners, ink cartridges and stationery items

Kwot. Nru. MCAST Q. 74/2014. Ittestjar u kkummissjunar

ta sistema ta LPG li iet reentament installata u sistema
ora tal-linja tal-gass

Quot. No. MCAST Q. 74/2014. Testing and commissioning

of a recently installed LPG System and other gas line

Id-dokumenti tal-kwotazzjonijiet jistgu jintalbu permezz

ta email fuq l-indirizz ta hawn tat, jew jinabru midDipartiment tal-Purchasing fil-Bini Amministrattiv talMCAST, fl-indirizz thawn tat, mit-Tnejn sal-imga mit8.30 a.m. sal-4.00 p.m.

Quotation documents may be requested free of charge

by email (on the email address below) or collected from
the Purchasing Department at the MCAST Administrative
Building (at the address below), from Monday to Friday, from
8.30 a.m. till 4.00 p.m.

L-MCAST iomm id-dritt li jaetta jew jirrifjuta parti

jew l-offerta sia, xi kwotazzjonijiet jew il-kwotazzjonijiet
kollha mitfuga.

MCAST reserves the right to accept or refuse in part or in

whole, any or all offers submitted.

MCAST Main Campus

Telget Kordin, Paola PLA 9032, Malta
Tel: 2398 7100 Fax: 2398 7316
Email: (
Website: (

MCAST Main Campus

Telget Kordin, Paola PLA 9032, Malta
Tel: 2398 7100 Fax: 2398 7316
Email: (
Website: (

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014



I-Chief Executive Officer, l-Awtorit tad-Djar, jgarraf


The Chief Executive Officer, Housing Authority, notifies


Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar it-Tnejn, l-24 ta Novembru,

2014, fl-Awtorit tad-Djar, 22, Triq Pietro Floriani, IIFurjana, jintlaqgu offerti magluqin gal:-

Sealed tenders will be received at the Housing

Authority, 22, Triq Pietro Floriani, Floriana, by 10.00 a.m.
of Monday, 24th November, 2014, for:-

Avvi Nru. 152/2014. Xoglijiet biex jinbena xaft u jii

pprovdut, installat u kkummissjonat lift did gall-passiieri
fi Blokki A1 u A2, Triq Pietru DArmenia, Pembroke.

Advt. No. 152/2014. Construction works, supply,

installation and commissioning of 2 passenger lifts at Blocks
A1 and A2, Triq Pietru DArmenia, Pembroke.

Il-laqga ta kjarifika u jara se ssir mill-Awtorit tadDjar nhar it-Tnejn, 10 ta Novembru, 2014, fid-9.00 a.m.
fl-Entratura tal-Blokki A1 sa A4, Triq Pietru DArmenia,

A clarification meeting and a site visit will be held by the

Housing Authority near the entrance of Blocks A1 to A4, Triq
Pietru DArmenia, Pembroke, on Monday, 10th November,
2014 at 9.00 a.m.



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Avvi Nru. 153/2014. Xoglijiet biex jinbena xaft u jii

pprovdut, installat u kkummissjonat lift did gall-passiieri
fi Blokki A3 u A4, Triq Pietru DArmenia, Pembroke.

Advt. No. 153/2014. Construction works, supply,

installation and commissioning of 2 passenger lifts at Blocks
A3 and A4, Triq Pietru DArmenia, Pembroke.

Il-laqga ta kjarifika u jara se ssir mill-Awtorit tadDjar nhar it-Tnejn, 10 ta Novembru, 2014, fid-9.00 a.m.
fl-Entratura tal-Blokki A1 sa A4, Triq Pietru DArmenia,

A clarification meeting and a site visit will be held by the

Housing Authority near the entrance of Blocks A1 to A4, Triq
Pietru DArmenia, Pembroke, on Monday, 10th November,
2014 at 9.00 a.m.

Avvi Nru. 185/2014. Xoglijiet biex jinbena xaft u jii

pprovdut, installat u kkummissjonat lift did gall-passiieri
f41, Dar Nru. 3, Triq ir-Rummien, San wann.

Advt. No. 185/2014. Construction works, supply,

installation and commissioning of 1 passenger lift at 41, House
3, Triq ir-Rummien, San wann.

Il-laqga ta kjarifika u jara fis-sit f41, Dar Nru. 3, Triq

ir-Rummien, San wann, se ssir mill-Awtorit tad-Djar nhar
it-Tnejn, 10 ta Novembru, 2014, fl-10.30 a.m.

A clarification meeting and a site visit will be held by

the Housing Authority at 41, House 3, Triq ir-Rummien, San
wann, on Monday, 10th November, 2014, at 10.30 a.m.

Avvi Nru. 184/2014. Xoglijiet biex jinbena xaft u jii

pprovdut, installat u kkummissjonat lift did gall-passiieri
fi Blokk C1, Triq il-Prinipessa Margerita, Ta Xbiex.

Advt. No. 184/2014. Construction works, supply,

installation and commissioning of 1 passenger lift at Block
C1, Triq il-Prinipessa Margerita, Ta Xbiex.

Il-laqga ta kjarifika u jara fis-sit fBlokk C1, Triq ilPrinipessa Margerita, Ta Xbiex se ssir mill-Awtorit tad-Djar
nhar il-imga, 7 ta Novembru, 2014, fis-2.00 p.m.

A clarification meeting and a site visit will be held by the

Housing Authority at Block C1, Triq il-Prinipessa Margerita,
Ta Xbiex on Friday, 7th November, 2014 at 2.00 p.m.

Avvi Nru. 151/2014. Tiswija u xoglijiet fil-faata

u strutturi ta soqfa fi Blokk 13, Flat 6, Triq San Lawrenz,

Advt. No. 151/2014. Repair works in facade and roof

structures at Block 13, Flat 6, Triq San Lawrenz, Birgu.

Il-laqga ta kjarifika u jara fis-sit se ssir fBlokk 13,

Flat 6, Triq San Lawrenz, Birgu mill-Awtorit tad-Djar nhar
l-Erbga, 12 ta Novembru, 2014 fid-9.00 a.m.
Id-dokumenti tal-offerta huma bla las u jistgu jinkisbu
biss u jitnilu minn fuq is-sit tal-Awtorit tad-Djar (http://

A clarification meeting and a site visit will be held by the

Housing Authority at Block 13, Flat 6, Triq San Lawrenz,
Birgu on Wednesday, 12th November, 2014 at 9.00 a.m.
Tender documents can be downloaded from the website
of the Housing Authority (

Kull kjarifika jew addenda fuq l-offerta jistgu jitnilu

minn fuq is-sit tal-Awtorit.

Any clarifications or addenda to the document will be

uploaded and are available to view and download from this
same website.

L-Awtorit omm id-dritt li tirrifjuta kull offerta, anke

l-aktar wada vantaua.

The Housing Authority reserves the right to refuse any

offer, even the most advantageous.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

L-Aent Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jgarraf illi:-

4th November, 2014

The Acting Commissioner of Police notifies that:-

Sal-11.00 a.m. tal-amis, 4 ta Diembru, 2014, fitTaqsima tal-Accounts u Akkwisti (Kamra 6), Kwartieri
enerali tal-Pulizija, Il-Furjana, jintlaqgu offerti
magluqin gal:-

Sealed tenders will be received at the Accounts

and Procurement Section (Room 6), Police General
Headquarters, Floriana, Malta, up to 11.00 a.m. of
Thursday, 4th December, 2014, for:-

Avvi Nru. 14/2014. Provvista ta ana gal tat iwiemel gat-Taqsima ta-wiemel tad-Dipartiment talPulizija ta Malta.

Advt. No. 14/2014. Supply of wood shavings for use

as bedding for horses at the Mounted Section of the Malta
Police Department.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



Il-formoli tal-offerta u aktar tagrif rigward ilkundizzjonijiet ta dan il-kuntratt jistgu jinkisbu mitTaqsima tal-Accounts u Akkwisti (Kamra 6), Kwartieri
enerali tal-Pulizija, Il-Furjana, fkull urnata tax-xogol
matul il-inijiet tal-uffiju fuq in-numru tat-telefon 2294

Forms of tender and any further information regarding

the conditions of this contract may be obtained from the
Accounts and Procurement Section (Room 6), Police
General Headquarters, Floriana, on any working day during
office hours on telephone number 2294 2355.

L-envelops, li jkun fihom l-offerta, li gandhom jintefgu

wkoll fl-uffiju msemmi hawn fuq, gandhom ikunu
mmarkati Offerta Nru. 14/2014 Wood Shavings.

Envelopes containing the tender should be deposited

in the abovementioned office and be marked Tender No.
14/2014 Wood Shavings.

L-offerenti li jibru l-formoli tal-offerta mill-uffiju

msemmi hawn fuq gandhom juru l-indirizz tal-email
rispettiv taghom fuq il-formola.

Tenderers collecting the tender forms from the office

above are to indicate their respective email address thereat.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

L-Aent Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jgarraf illi:-

4th November, 2014

The Acting Commissioner of Police notifies that:-

Sal-11.00 a.m. tal-amis, 11 ta Diembru, 2014, fitTaqsima tal-Accounts u Akkwisti (Kamra 6), Kwartieri
enerali tal-Pulizija, Il-Furjana, jintlaqgu offerti
magluqin gal:-

Sealed tenders will be received at the Accounts

and Procurement Section (Room 6), Police General
Headquarters, Floriana, Malta, up to 11.00 a.m. of
Thursday, 11th December, 2014, for:-

Avvi Nru. 15/2014. Xiri ta apparat tal-kompjuter gallMalta Police Mobile Infrastructure

Advt. No. 15/2014. Supply of computer equipment for

the Malta Police Mobile Infrastructure

Il-formoli tal-offerta u aktar tagrif rigward ilkundizzjonijiet ta dan il-kuntratt jistgu jinkisbu mitTaqsima tal-Accounts u Akkwisti (Kamra 6), Kwartieri
enerali tal-Pulizija, Il-Furjana, fkull urnata tax-xogol
matul il-inijiet tal-uffiju fuq in-numru tat-telefon 2294

Forms of tender and any further information regarding

the conditions of this contract may be obtained from the
Accounts and Procurement Section (Room 6), Police
General Headquarters, Floriana, on any working day during
office hours on telephone number 2294 2355.

Laqga ta kjarifika rigward din l-offerta hija pjanata

gall-1 ta Diembru, 2014. Aktar informazzjoni hija nklua
fid-dokument tal-offerta.

A clarification meeting/site is also planned on the 1st

December, 2014, regarding this tender. Further details are
included in the tender document.

L-envelops, li jkun fihom l-offerta, li gandhom jintefgu

wkoll fl-uffiju msemmi hawn fuq, gandhom ikunu
mmarkati Offerta Nru. 15/2014 Computer Hardware.

Envelopes containing the tender should be marked

Tender 15/2014 - Computer Hardware.

L-offerenti li jibru l-formoli tal-offerta mill-uffiju

msemmi hawn fuq gandhom juru l-indirizz tal-email
rispettiv taghom fuq il-formola.

Tenderers collecting the tender forms from the office

above are to indicate their respective email address thereat.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014



I-Chairman Eekuttiv tal-MITA jgarraf illi:-

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337


The Executive Chairman of MITA notifies that:-

Offerti elettronii gal Provision of Training Services

to Government officials on eGovernment Services Take-up
- T036/14 jintlaqgu online fuq is-sit (http://www.etenders. mhux aktar tard mill-11.30 a.m. (in entrali
Ewropew) tal-Erbga, it-12 ta Novembru, 2014.

Electronic proposals for the Provision of Training

Services to Government officials on eGovernment Services
Take-up - T036/14 are to be submitted online on: (http:// and by not later than 11.30 a.m.
(Central European Time) of Wednesday, 12th November,

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgu jinkisbu biss minn fuq

l-Electronic Public Procurement System: (http://www. Gandha ssir reistrazzjoni sabiex isir
uu minn dan is-sit: Operaturi Ekonomii Maltin jetie
ikollhom l-Organisation e-ID biex jidlu fdan is-sit. Iktar
informazzjoni tista tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess

Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic

Public Procurement System: (
Registration is required in order to make use of this website:
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of
their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same

Operaturi Ekonomii li huma interessati sabiex

jipparteipaw fdin is-seja gal offerti huma mea jiedu
nota gall-workshop li se jii organizzat mid-Dipartiment talKuntratti fejn fdawn il-workshops, Operaturi Ekonomii se
jkollhom l-opportunit sabiex isiru jafu ajar kif gandhom
jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti taghom online. Iktar
informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.

Economic operators interested in participating in this call

for tenders are urged to take note of a workshop organised
by the Department of Contracts where in these workshops,
economic operators will have the opportunity to familiarise
themselves with compiling and submitting a tender online.
More information on this workshop is available in the tender

Se ssir laqga ta tagrif fl-Uffiju Prinipali tal-MITA,

Gattard House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, fl-10.00 a.m.
(CET) nhar it-Tlieta, l-14 ta Ottubru, 2014.

A briefing/clarification meeting will be held at MITA

Head Office, Gattard House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda,
at 10.00 a.m. (CET) on Tuesday, 14th October, 2014.

Aktar dettalji jistgu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment talContracts Management permezz tat-telefon: 2123 4710, jew
bemail lil: (

Further information is obtained from the Contracts

Management Department on telephone number: 2123 4710
or email: (

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Programm Operattiv II - Politika ta Koejoni 2007-2013
Insau ilitna gal Aktar Impjiegi u Kwalit ta ajja Ajar
Din l-offerta qed tii kkunsidrata sabiex tii
parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond Sojali Ewropew (FSE)
Rata ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi Nazzjonali
Ninvestu fil-futur tiegek
Operational Programme II Cohesion Policy 2007-2013
Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life
This tender is being considered for European Union part-financing
European Social Fund (ESF)
Co-financing rate: 85% EU funds; 15% National Funds
Investing in your future

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014


I-Chairman Eekuttiv tal-MITA jgarraf illi:


The Executive Chairman of MITA notifies that:

Offerti elettronii gal Provision of servers including

five years maintenance and support services - T054/14
jintlaqgu online fuq is-sit: (, sa
mhux aktar tard mill-11.30 a.m. (CET) tat-Tnejn, is-17 ta
Novembru, 2014.

Electronic proposals for the Provision of servers

including five years maintenance and support services
- T054/14 are to be submitted online on: (http://www., and by not later than 11.30 a.m. (CET) of
Monday, 17th November, 2014.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgu jinkisbu biss minn

fuq l-Electronic Public Procurement System (http://www. Gandha ssir reistrazzjoni sabiex isir
uu minn dan is-sit. Operaturi Ekonomii Maltin jetie
ikollhom l-Organisation e-ID gal aess gal dan is-sit.
Iktar informazzjoni tista tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ talistess sit.

Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic

Public Procurement System (
Registration is required in order to make use of this website.
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of their
Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same

Operaturi Ekonomii li huma interessati sabiex

jipparteipaw fdin is-seja gall-offerti huma mea jiedu
nota gall-workshop li se jii organizzat mid-Dipartiment talKuntratti fejn fdawn il-workshops, Operaturi Ekonomii sej
ikollhom l-opportunit sabiex isiru jafu ajar kif gandhom
jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti taghom online. Iktar
informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.

Economic operators interested in participating in this call

for tenders are urged to take note of a workshop organised
by the Department of Contracts where in these workshops,
economic operators will have the opportunity to familiarise
themselves with compiling and submitting a tender online.
More information on this workshop is available in the tender

Aktar dettalji jistgu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment talContracts Management permezz tat-telefon 2123 4710, jew
bemail lil: (

Further information may be obtained from the Contracts

Management Department on telephone number 2123 4710,
or by email on: (

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

aenzija programmi tal-unjoni ewropea
Il-Koordinatur Nazzjonali jgarraf illi:-

4th November, 2014

european union programmes agency
The National Coordinator notifies that:-

Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar it-Tnejn, 10 ta Novembru,

2014, jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet magluqin gal:-

Sealed quotations will be received up to 10.00 a.m. of

Monday, 10th November, 2014, for:-

Kwot. Nru. RP 176/2014. Provvediment gal disinn u

stampar tal-Parents Handbook

Quot. No. RP 176/2014. Provision of design and printing

of the Parents Handbook

Sal-4.00 p.m. ta nhar it-Tnejn, 17 ta Novembru,

2014, jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet magluqin gal:-

Sealed quotations will be received up to 4.00 p.m. of

Monday, 17th November, 2014, for:-

Kwot. Nru. RP 179/2014. vilupp ta internal audit plan

gall-European Union Programmes Agency

Quot. No. RP 179/2014. Development of an internal

audit plan for the European Union Programmes Agency

Il-kundizzjonijiet relattivi jistgu jinabru mis-sit talAenzija Programmi tal-Unjoni Ewropea (EUPA), (www. tat it-Taqsima tal-Procurement

Relative conditions can be obtained from the European

Union Programmes Agency (EUPA) portal (
mt), under the Procurement Section

Il-kwotazzjonijiet gandhom jingalqu fenvelop u

jintefgu fil-kaxxa tal-kwotazzjonijiet li tinsab fl-Aenzija
Programmi tal-Unjoni Ewropea, Continental Business
Centre, Triq il-Ferrovija, Santa Venera.

Quotations should be enclosed in a sealed envelope and

deposited in the quotation box, located at the European
Union Programmes Agency, Continental Business Centre,
Triq il-Ferrovija, Santa Venera.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Kummissjoni Nazzjonali
Persuni bDiabilit (KNPD)

Kummissjoni Nazzjonali
Persuni bDiabilit (KNPD)

Il-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Persuni bDiabilit (KNPD)

tilqa kwotazzjonijiet gal servizzi minn rappreentant

The Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Persuni bDiabilit

(KNPD) is receiving quotations for services from a legal

Aktar tagrif dwar ix-xogol involut jinsab fit-Termini ta

Referenza li jistgu jinkisbu mis-Segretarjat tal-KNPD billi
tintbagat email lil (

More information about the work involved is shown in the

Terms of Reference, which can be obtained from the KNPD
Secretariat by sending an email to (

Id-data tal-geluq hi t-Tlieta, 2 ta Diembru, 2014.

The closing date is Tuesday, 2nd December, 2014.

Wara din id-data ssir intervista lill-kandidati li jkunu


After this




Il-kwotazzjonijiet gandhom jintbagtu li-Chairperson

bemail lil (, jew permezz ta posta
rreistrata jew bl-idejn fdan l-indirizz:

Quotations should be sent to the Chairperson by email to

(, or by registered post or by hand to
this address:

Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Persuni bDiabilit

Bugeia Institute
Triq Braille
Santa Venera SVR 1619

Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Persuni bDiabilit

Bugeia Institute
Triq Braille
Santa Venera SVR 1619

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014


MEPA Ref. Nru. T08/2014 Seja gall-Offerti
gall-Provvista ta Sittin (60) Energy Efficient
Workstation gall-Awtorit ta Malta dwar
l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar (MEPA)




MEPA Ref. No. T08/2014 Supply Tender
for the Provision of Sixty (60) Energy
Efficient Workstations for the Malta
Environment and Planning Authority

L-gan enerali tal-kuntratt huwa l-provvista ta sittin

(60) Energy Efficient Workstation gall-Awtorit ta Malta
dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar (MEPA).

The overall objective of the contract is the provision

of sixty (60) Energy Efficient Workstations for the Malta
Environment and Planning Authority.

Il-preentazzjoni tal-offerti gandha tissodisfa lkundizzjonijiet imsemmija fis-Sezzjoni C Tender Preparation

(Pana 7 tad-dokument tal-offerta) u l-offerti gandhom jiu
depoitati fil-kaxxa tal-offerti fuq il-post tal-MEPA fil-Furjana
sal- imga, 21 ta Novembru, 2014 qabel l-10.00 a.m.

The presentation of the tenders should satisfy the

conditions mentioned in Section C Tender Preparation
(Page 7 of the Tender Document) and deposited in the
tender box at the MEPA premises in Floriana by Friday, 21st
November, 2014 before 10.00 a.m.

Kwalunkwe talba ta kjarifika li tikkonerna din is-seja

gall-offerti gandha tii indirizzata lid-Direttur tas-Servizzi
Korporattivi fuq l-email ( sa mhux
aktar tard mill-4.00 p.m. tal-imga, 11 ta Novembru 2014.

Any requests for clarifications concerning this call for

tenders should be addressed to the Director of Corporate
Services on email ( by not later than
Friday, 11th November, 2014 before 4.00 p.m.

Irid jitallas dritt ta parteipazzjoni ta 25.00 sabiex

tii sottomessa l-offerta.

A participation fee of 25.00 needs to be paid in order

to submit an offer.

Is-sottomissjonijiet li jaslu tard jew mhux kompluti

ma jiux ikkunsidrati. Offerti li jiddevjaw millispeifikazzjonijiet jiu annullati.

Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.

Diversion from the specification will render the offer null
and void.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014





Seja gal Espressjoni ta Interess

Call for Expressions of Interest

Reistrazzjoni mas-Sovrintendenza tal-Patrimonju

Kulturali gall-Provvista ta Servizzi ta Arkeoloija

Registration with the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage

for the Provision of Archaeology Services

Is-Sovrintendenza tal-Patrimonju Kulturali qiegda

toro espressjonijiet ta interess gal persuni interessati li
jirreistraw u jipprovdu dawn is-servizzi ta arkeoloija:

The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage is seeking

expressions of interest from persons wishing to register and
provide the following archaeology services:

Skavi Arkeoloii u l-Iskavi ta Wara

Monitora Arkeoloiku
Survey Arkeoloiku
Assistenza fir-Rierka

Archaeological Excavation and Post-Excavation;

Archaeology Monitoring;
Archaeological Survey;
Research Assistance

Din is-seja hija miftua gall-persuni bi kwalifiki

adekwati li jixtiequ jipprovdu xi wud jew dawn is-servizzi

This call is open to suitably qualified persons who wish to

provide one or more of the above archaeology services.

Persuni interessati huma mitluba li jiktbu lis-Sovrintendent

tal-Patrimonju Kulturali mhux aktar tard mill-add, it-23 ta
Novembru, 2014.

Interested persons are to send a letter indicating their

interest addressed to the Superintendent of Cultural Heritage
by no later than Sunday, 23rd November, 2014.

Din l-ittra ganda tinkludi curriculum vitae dettaljat u

referenzi. Kull curriculum vitae sottomess gandu jirifletti
l-kompetenza u professjonalit fdawn is-servizzi mitluba.

A detailed curriculum vitae, including a list of references,

is to accompany the letter. Curriculum vitae submitted are to
indicate areas of proficiency and competence in the required
service(s) applied for.

Il-persuni kollha gandhom jkunu reistrati madDipartiment tal-VAT.

Selected persons must be VAT registered.

Din it-turija ta interess gandha tintbagat lil:

Expressions of Interest are to be sent to:

Is-Sovrintendent tal-Patrimonju Kulturali,

Sovrintendenza tal-Patrimonju Kulturali,
173, Triq San Kristofru,
Valletta VLT 2000

The Superintendent of Cultural Heritage

Superintendence of Cultural Heritage,
173, Triq San Kristofru,
Valletta VLT 2000

Aktar dettalji (Annex 1: Archaeology Services) jinsabu fuq

il-website tas-Sovrintendenza tal-Patrimonju Kulturali (http://

Specifications on this Call for Expressions of Interest

(Annex 1: Archaeology Services) can be found on the
Superintendence of Cultural Heritage website (http://www.

Fkaz ta diffikult dawn gandhom jintbagtu bil-miktub

fuq (

Request for clarifications are to be sent in writing on


L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Fondazzjoni gal Servizzi

ta arsien Sojali

Foundation for Social

Welfare Services

Il-Fondazzjoni gal Servizzi ta arsien Sojali tgarraf li

tilqa kwotazzjonijiet magluqin gal dan li ej:

The Foundation for Social Welfare Services notifies that

sealed quotations will be received for the following:

Kwot. Nru. FSWS/14/62. Provvediment ta consumables.

Quot. No. FSWS/14/62. Supply of consumables.

Kwot. Nru. FSWS/14/63. Facilitators gal Years 5 u 6.

Quot. No. FSWS/14/63. Facilitators for Years 5 and 6.

Kwot. Nru. FSWS/14/64. Xiri ta sistema ta CCTV.

Quot. No. FSWS/14/64. Procurement of a CCTV system.

Kwot. Nru. FSWS/14/65. Servizzi ta precincts handler.

Quot. No. FSWS/14/65. Precincts handler services.

Kopji tad-dokumenti tal-kwotazzjonijiet jistgu jinabru

mill-Uffiju Prinipali tal-Fondazzjoni f212, Triq ilKanun, Santa Venera, SVR 9034 jew permezz ta email fuq:

Copies of the quotation documents can be obtained

from the Foundations Head Office, 212, Triq il-Kanun,
Santa Venera SVR 9034 or by email: (

Il-kwotazzjonijiet, flimkien mad-dokumenti neessarji

kollha, gandhom jintefgu fil-kaxxa tal-offerti fl-istess Uffiju
(212, Triq il-Kanun, Santa Venera SVR 9034) sa mhux aktar
tard mill-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, l-14 ta Novembru, 2014.

Quotations, complete with all required documents, are to

be submitted in the tender box at the same Office (212, Triq
il-Kanun, Santa Venera SVR 9034) by not later than 10.00
a.m. of Friday, 14th November, 2014.

It-titlolu u l-kodii tal-kwotazzjonijiet kif imsemmija hawn

fuq gandhom jinkitbu fuq l-envelop magluq, u indirizzat lil:

The quotations title and code as stated above should be

written clearly on the sealed envelope, and addressed to:

Il-Kap Eekuttiv,
Uffiju Prinipali,
Fondazzjoni gal Servizzi ta arsien Sojali,
212, Triq il-Kanun,
Santa Venera, SVR 9034.

The Chief Executive Officer,

Head Office,
Foundation for Social Welfare Services,
212, Triq il-Kanun,
Santa Venera, SVR 9034.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014


Il-Kunsill tal-Iskola jgarraf illi:


The School Council notifies that:

Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar it-Tlieta, il-11 ta Novembru,

2014, fil-kaxxa tal-kwotazzjonijiet fl-uffiju tal-Kap talIskola jintlaqgu offerti magluqin gal:

Sealed tenders will be received in the quotation box at

the Heads office, Gozo College, Boys Secondary School,
Victoria, Gozo, by not later than 10.00 a.m. of Tuesday,
11th November, 2014 for:

Avvi Nru. GCBSS1/14. Provvista u installazzjoni ta

blinds gas-sala tal-iskola.

Advt. No. GCBSS1/14. Supply and installation of blinds

in the school hall.

L-offerti gandhom isiru fuq il-formola preskritta li,

flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relattivi u dokumenti ora,
jistgu jinkisbu fuq applikazzjoni mill-Uffiju Amministrattiv
fl-iskola msemmija hawn fuq matul il-inijiet tax-xogol bejn
it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar.

Offers should be made on the prescribed form which,

together with the relevant conditions and other documents,
may be obtained on application from the Administration Office
at the above mentioned school on any working day between
8.30 a.m. and noon.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014





kwotazzjonijiet magluqa rigward dan l-avvi jintlaqgu
sal-urnata u l-in indikati hawn tat.

Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 18 ta Novembru, 2014,

The Director (Customer Services) notifies that sealed

quotations in respect of the following notice will be received
on the date and time indicated below.

Kwot. Nru. MGOZ Q 61/2014. Provvista u konsenja ta

kultivatur gall-Korsa fTa Xajma

Quot. No. MGOZ Q 61/2014. Supply and delivery of a

cultivator for Ta Xajma Racetrack

Id-dokument gal din il-kwotazzjoni huwa bla las.

Up to 10.00 a.m. of Tuesday, 18th November, 2014,


The quotation document is free of charge.

Il-kwotazzjonijiet gandhom isiru fuq il-formoli

preskritti, li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relattivi, jistgu
jinkisbu minn fuq il-website tal-Ministeru:

Quotations should be drawn out only on the prescribed

forms which, together with the relative conditions and
other documents may be downloaded from the Ministrys



Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftu u reistrazzjoni talkwotazzjonijiet fil-in u d-data msemmija aktar il fuq.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling

of quotations at the time and dates specified above.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Il-Korporazzjoni ta Xogol u Tari tgarraf illi:

4th November, 2014

The Employment and Training Corporation notifies that:

Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar it-Tlieta, 11 ta Novembru,

2014, fil-kaxxa tal-offerti fl-Uffiju Prinipali tal-ETC,
al Far, jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet magluqin kompluti
bid-dokumenti kollha metiea gal:

Sealed quotations complete with all the required

documents, will be received in the tender box at the ETC
Head Office, al Far, by not later than 10.00 a.m. of
Tuesday, 11th November, 2014, for:

Kwot. Nru. EURES/Q/20/14. Kiri ta post li jinkludi

menu gal waqt il-coffee break gas-Seminar Annwali talEURES.

Quot. No. EURES/Q/20/14. Hire of venue including a

coffee break menu for EURES Annual Seminar.

Kopja tad-dokument tal-kwotazzjoni tista titniel minn

fuq il-website tal-Korporazzjoni ta Xogol u Tari (www., mingajr las.

Copies of the quotation document may be downloaded

from the Employment and Training Corporations website:
(, free of charge.

It-titlu u l-kodii tal-kwotazzjoni msemmija hawn fuq

gandhom jinkitbu fuq l-envelop magluq. Dawn gandhom
ikunu indirizzati lil:

The quotation title and code stated above should be

written on the sealed envelope. These are to be addressed

L-Uffijal Kap Eekuttiv

Korporazzjoni ta Xogol u Tari
Uffiju Prinipali
al Far BB 3000

The Chief Executive Officer

Employment and Training Corporation
Head Office
al Far BB 3000

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014




Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337


Is-CEO (Procurement u Provvisti, Ministeru gallEnerija u s-Saa) jgarraf illi:-

The CEO (Procurement and Supplies, Ministry for

Energy and Health) notifies that:-

Jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet elettronii rigward l-avvii

li ejjin sad-9.30 a.m. tal-imga, 7 ta Novembru, 2014.
Il-kwotazzjonijiet gandhom jintbagtu BISS online
fuq: ( gall-provvista ta:

Electronic quotations in respect of the following

notices will be received up to 9.30 a.m. of Friday, 7th
November, 2014. Quotations are to be submitted ONLY
online on ( for the supply of:

CFQ Q 25793. Tumble Dryers

CFQ Q 25792. Electrical Hobs and Convection Ovens
CFQ Q 25794. Domestic Refrigerators with Freezing
CFQ Q 25789. 46 Televisions Sets

CFQ Q 25793. Tumble Dryers

CFQ Q 25792. Electrical Hobs and Convection Ovens
CFQ Q 25794. Domestic Refrigerators with Freezing
CFQ Q 25789. 46 Televisions Sets

Id-dokumenti ta dawn il-kwotazzjonijiet jinkisbu

mingajr las.

The quotation documents are free of charge.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti/kwotazzjonijiet jinkisbu biss

mill-Electronic Public Procurement System: (www.etenders. Ir-reistrazzjoni hija metiea sabiex tkun tista
tintua l-website: Operaturi ekonomii Maltin gandu
jkollhom l-e-Id tal-Organizzazzjoni taghom sabiex ikunu
jistgu jidlu fdin il-website. Aktar tagrif jinkiseb misSezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess website.

Quotation documents are only obtainable from the

Electronic Public Procurement System (www.etenders. gov.
mt). Registration is required in order to make use of this
website: Maltese economic operators need to be in possession
of their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website.
More information is available from the FAQ Section of the
same website.

Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftu u l-iskedar talkwotazzjonijiet fil-inijiet u d-dati msemmija hawn fuq.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling

of quotations at the times and dates specified above.
4th November, 2014

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Politika ta Koejoni 2007-2013

Programm Operattiv I
Ninvestu fil-Kompetittivit gall-Kwalit ta ajja Ajar
Fond Ewropew gall-Ivilupp Rejonali
Cohesion Policy 2007-2013
Operational Programme I
Investing in Competitveness for a Better Quality of Life
European Regional Development Fund


Is-CEO (Procurement u Provvisti, Ministeru gallEnerija u s-Saa) jgarraf illi:-

The CEO (Procurement and Supplies, Ministry for

Energy and Health) notifies that:-

Jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet elettronii rigward lavvii li ejjin sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Tlieta, 11 ta Novembru,
2014. Il-kwotazzjonijiet gandhom jintbagtu BISS
online fuq: ( gall-provvista ta:

Electronic quotations in respect of the following

notices will be received up to 9.30 a.m. of Tuesday, 11th
November, 2014. Quotations are to be submitted ONLY
online on ( for the supply of:

CFQ 7479/14. Vigabatrin 500mg sachets

CFQ 7480/14. Sulindac 200mg tablets
CFQ 7484/14. Disposable Diathermy Probe
CFQ 7485/14. Red blood cells for cell culture

CFQ 7479/14. Vigabatrin 500mg sachets

CFQ 7480/14. Sulindac 200mg tablets
CFQ 7484/14. Disposable Diathermy Probe
CFQ 7485/14. Red blood cells for cell culture

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014


CFQ 7487/14. Alcohol Hand Disinfectant Rub

CFQ 7466/14. Minnesota 4 Lumen Oesophageal
Tubes,21 FR
CFQ 7467/14. Catheter through Catheter
CFQ 7468/14. Multivitamins for Infusion (Cernevit )
CFQ 7476/14. Emergency Space Blankets
CFQ 7477/14. Rocurinium Bromide 10mg/ml
CFQ 7478/14. Large Semi Disposable Abdomen sensor
for Ambulatory Sleep lab.
Id-dokumenti ta dawn il-kwotazzjonijiet jinkisbu
mingajr las.


CFQ 7487/14. Alcohol Hand Disinfectant Rub

CFQ 7466/14. Minnesota 4 Lumen Oesophageal
Tubes,21 FR
CFQ 7467/14. Catheter through Catheter
CFQ 7468/14. Multivitamins for Infusion (Cernevit )
CFQ 7476/14. Emergency Space Blankets
CFQ 7477/14. Rocurinium Bromide 10mg/ml
CFQ 7478/14. Large Semi Disposable Abdomen sensor
for Ambulatory Sleep lab.
The quotation documents are free of charge.

Jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet elettronii rigward lavvii li ejjin sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Tlieta, 18 ta Novembru,
2014. Il-kwotazzjonijiet gandhom jintbagtu BISS
online fuq: ( gall-provvista ta:

Electronic quotations in respect of the following

notices will be received up to 9.30 a.m. of Tuesday, 18th
November, 2014. Quotations are to be submitted ONLY
online on ( for the supply of:

CFQ 7469/14. Bacillus Cereus Selective Agar

CFQ 7470/14. Various Plates for Ortho. Theatre
CFQ 7471/14. Burrs, Midax Rex-Legend 14cm, 5mm
ball diamond
CFQ 7472/14. Titanium Cannulated Cortical Screws
Partially and Fully Threaded for Spine Fixation - PAY-PERUSE
CFQ 7473/14. Peadiatric Endotracheal Tubes with Low
Pressure Cuffs
CFQ 7474/14. Light Block with LED Light Source
CFQ 7475/14 Extension Set with 3 Way with 2 Antisyphon
CFQ 7481/14. Diagnostic Catheters 5F & 4FR
CFQ 7482/14. Lormetazepam 1mg Tablets
CFQ 7483/14. Loss of Resistance Syringe with Auto
Detection System
CFQ 7486/14. Legionella EIA Kits

CFQ 7469/14. Bacillus Cereus Selective Agar

CFQ 7470/14. Various Plates for Ortho. Theatre
CFQ 7471/14. Burrs, Midax Rex-Legend 14cm, 5mm
ball diamond
CFQ 7472/14. Titanium Cannulated Cortical Screws
Partially and Fully Threaded for Spine Fixation - PAY-PERUSE
CFQ 7473/14. Peadiatric Endotracheal Tubes with Low
Pressure Cuffs
CFQ 7474/14. Light Block with LED Light Source
CFQ 7475/14. Extension Set with 3 Way with 2
Antisyphon Valves
CFQ 7481/14. Diagnostic Catheters 5F & 4FR
CFQ 7482/14. Lormetazepam 1mg Tablets
CFQ 7483/14. Loss of Resistance Syringe with Auto
Detection System
CFQ 7486/14. Legionella EIA Kits

Id-dokumenti ta dawn il-kwotazzjonijiet jinkisbu

mingajr las.

The quotation documents are free of charge.

Jintlaqgu offerti elettronii rigward l-avvi li ej

sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 18 ta Novembru, 2014. L-offerti
gandhom jintbagtu BISS online fuq: (www.etenders. gal:

Electronic tenders in respect of the following notice

will be received up to 9.30 a.m. of Tuesday, 18th November,
2014. Tenders are to be submitted ONLY online on (www. for:

GGH/096/2014. Limitu esti gall-provvista, konsenja u

installazzjoni ta mwejjed, kontroll u ippakkjar fis-Central
Sterile Supplies Department fl-Isptar enerali ta Gawdex

GGH/096/2014. Extended threshold for the supply,

delivery and installation of tables, control and packing for
the Central Sterile Supplies Department at the Gozo General

Id-dokumenti ta dawn l-offerti jinkisbu mingajr las.

Jintlaqgu offerti elettronii rigward l-avvii li ejjin
sad-9.30 a.m. tal-amis, 20 ta Novembru, 2014. L-offerti
gandhom jintbagtu BISS online fuq: (www.etenders. gal:

The tender documents is free of charge.

Electronic tenders in respect of the following notices
will be received up to 9.30 a.m. of Thursday, 20th
November, 2014. Tenders are to be submitted ONLY
online on ( for:



CPSU/CPU/1034/2014. Rinnovar tal-Young Peoples

Hostel fl-Isptar Monte Carmeli, twaqqig u bini mill-did
CPSU/CPU/1035/2014. Xoglijiet ta tlestija fil-Young
Peoples Hostel fl-Isptar Monte Carmeli
CPSU/CPU/1036/2014. Xoglijiet ta soqfa fil-Young
Peoples Hostel fl-Isptar Monte Carmeli
CPSU/CPU/1037/2014. Provvista u installazzjoni ta
aperturi fil-Young Peoples Hostel fl-Isptar Monte Carmeli
CPSU/CPU/1038/2014. Provvista, installazzjoni u
kkummissjunar ta sistema ta HVAC fil-Young Peoples
Hostel fl-Isptar Monte Carmeli
CPSU/CPU/1039/2014. Provvista, installazzjoni u
kkummissjunar ta sistema ta vulta baxx afna fil-Young
People Hostels fl-Isptar Monte Carmeli
CPSU/CPU/1040/2014. Provvista, installazzjoni u
kkummissjunar ta dawl u xoglijiet gar ora fil-Young
Peoples Hostel fl-Isptar Monte Carmeli
CPSU/CPU/1041/2014. Provvista u installazzjoni ta
plumbing u kanen fil-Young Peoples Hostel Mount Carmel
fl-Isptar Monte Carmeli
Id-dokumenti ta dawn l-offerti jinkisbu mingajr las.

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

CPSU/CPU/1034/2014. Refurbishment of the Young

Peoples Hostel at Mount Carmel Hospital, demolition and
CPSU/CPU/1035/2014. Finishing works at the Young
Peoples Hostel Mount Carmel Hospital
CPSU/CPU/1036/2014. Roofs works at the Young
Peoples Hostel Mount Carmel Hospital
CPSU/CPU/1037/2014. Supply and installation of
apertures at the Young Peoples Hostel Mount Carmel
CPSU/CPU/1038/2014. Supply, installation and
commissioning of an HVAC System at the Young Peoples
Hostel Mount Carmel Hospital
CPSU/CPU/1039/2014. Supply, installation and
commissioning of extra low voltage systems at the Young
People Hostel Mount Carmel Hospital
CPSU/CPU/1040/2014. Supply, installation and
commissioning of electrical lighting and small power works
at the Young Peoples Hostel Mount Carmel Hospital
CPSU/CPU/1041/2014. Supply and installation of
plumbing and drains at the Young Peoples Hostel Mount
Carmel Hospital
The tender documents are free of charge.

Jintlaqgu offerti elettronii rigward l-avvi li ej

sad-9.30 a.m. tal-amis, 4 ta Diembru, 2014. L-offerti
gandhom jintbagtu BISS online fuq: (www.etenders. gal:

Electronic tenders in respect of the following notice

will be received up to 9.30 a.m. of Thursday, 4th
December, 2014. Tenders are to be submitted ONLY
online on ( for:

CPSU/MDH/1067/2014. Provvediment ta servizzi gaertikazzjoni ta oil fired hot water boilers and pressure

CPSU/MDH/1067/2014.Provision of service for the

certification of oil fired hot water boilers and pressure

Id-dokumenti ta dawn l-offerti jinkisbu mingajr las.

The tender documents is free of charge.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti/kwotazzjonijiet jinkisbu biss

mill-Electronic Public Procurement System: (www.etenders. Ir-reistrazzjoni hija metiea sabiex tkun tista
tintua l-website: Operaturi ekonomii Maltin gandu
jkollhom l-e-Id tal-Organizzazzjoni taghom sabiex ikunu
jistgu jidlu fdin il-website. Aktar tagrif jinkiseb misSezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess website.

Tender/quotation documents are only obtainable from

the Electronic Public Procurement System (www.etenders. Registration is required in order to make use of this
website: Maltese economic operators need to be in possession
of their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website.
More information is available from the FAQ Section of the
same website.

Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftu u l-iskedar talofferti/kwotazzjonijiet fil-inijiet u d-dati msemmija hawn

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling

of tender/quotations at the times and dates specified above.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014



Is-CEO (Procurement u Provvisti, Ministeru gallEnerija u s-Saa) jgarraf illi:-

The CEO (Procurement and Supplies, Ministry for

Energy and Health) notifies that:

Jintlaqgu Espressjonijiet ta Interess rigward l-

Expressions of Interest in respect of the following

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



avvii li ejjin sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tnejn, l-10 ta Novembru


notices will be received up to 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 10th

November 2014.

EOI 0111. Kiri ta fond biex jakkomoda tal-anqas 25

EOI 0211. Kiri ta fond

EOI 0111. Lease of premises to accommodate a minimum

of 25 people
EOI 0211. Lease of premises

L-Espressjonijiet ta Interess gandhom jintbagtu

permezz ta email jew jingataw personalment lil:

Expressions of Interest are to be submitted by email or

delivered by hand to:

Is-Sa Ruth Spiteri/Is-Sur Marnol Sultana

Departiment tal-Purchasing
Mater Dei Hospital
Id-dokumenti tal-Espressjonijiet ta Interess huma
mingajr las u jinkisbu biss permezz ta email mibgut fuq
dan l-indirizz: (
L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Ms Ruth Spiteri/Mr Marnol Sultana

Purchasing Department
Mater Dei Hospital
These Expressions of Interest documents are free of
charge. Expression of Interest Documents are only obtainable
by sending an email to (
4th November 2014

Ministeru GALL-edukazzjoni
u x-xogol

Ministry for Education

and Employment

Id-Direttorat gas-Servizzi Edukattivi, Ministeru gallEdukazzjoni u x-Xogol, jgarraf li:

The Directorate for Educational Services, Ministry for

Education and Employment notifies that:

Sal-11.00 a.m. tal-imga, 21 ta Novembru, 2014

jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet magluqin, immarkati
bin-numru relevanti tar-referenza fil-kaxxa tal-offerti
fKamra 266, Taqsima tal-Procurement fil-Ministeru
gall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogol, Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir, IlFurjana gal:

Sealed quotations marked with the relevant reference

numbers will be received in the quotation box at the
Procurement Section, Room 266 of the Ministry for
Education and Employment, Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir,
Floriana, by not later than 11.00 a.m. of Friday, 21st
November, 2014 for:

Kwot. Nru. DES 442/2014. Provvista ta HP 6710b


Quot. No. DES 442/2014. Provision of HP 6710b


Kwot. Nru. DES 443/2014. Provvista ta HP 6710b back


Quot. No. DES 443/2014. Provision of HP 6710b back


Kwot. Nru. DES 444/2014. Provvista ta HP 6710b

screens without inverter

Quot. No. DES 444/2014. Provision of HP 6710b screens

without inverter

Kwot. Nru. DES 445/2014. Provvista ta Dell Optiplex

755 motherboard

Quot. No. DES 445/2014. Provision of Dell Optiplex

755 motherboard

Dokumenti relevanti jistgu jinabru minn Kamra 266,

Taqsima tal-Procurement fil-Ministeru gall-Edukazzjoni u
x-Xogol, Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir, Il-Furjana, waqt il-inijiet

Relevant documents may be collected from Room 266,

Procurement Section, Ministry for Education and Employment,
Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir, Floriana, during office hours.

Min hu interessat jista jattendi u jara l-ftu u l-iskedar

tal-offerti fid-data u l-in stipulati.
L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Interested parties may attend and witness the opening

and scheduling of the quotations received on the appointed
date and time.
4th November, 2014



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337


Ministry for Education and Employment

Proett Garanzija ga-gaag FSE 3.231

The Youth Guarantee Project ESF 3.231

Id-Direttur enerali, Divijoni Servizzi Korporattivi,

Ministeru gall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogol jgarraf illi:

The Director General, Corporate Services Division,

Ministry for Education and Employment notifies that:

Sal-11.00 a.m. ta nhar it-Tlieta, 11 ta Novembru,

2014, jintlaqgu fil-kaxxa tal-kwotazzjonijiet fKamra
266 fil-Ministeru gall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogol, Triq lAssedju l-Kbir, Il-Furjana, gal:

Sealed quotations will be received in the quotation box

at the Procurement Section, Room 266, Corporate Services
Division, Ministry for Education and Employment, Triq
l-Assedju l-Kbir, Floriana, by not later than 11.00 a.m. of
Tuesday, 11th November, 2014 for:

Kwot. Nru. 566/2014. Provvediment ta stampar u servizzi

ta posta - Proett Garanzija ga-gaag (FSE 3.231).

Quot. No. 566/2014. Provision of printing and postage

services - The Youth Guarantee Project (ESF 3.231).

Kwot. Nru. 567/2014. Produzzjoni u pubblikazzjoni ta

avvii - Proett Garanzija ga-gaag (FSE 3.231).

Quot. No. 567/2014. Production and publication of

adverts - The Youth Guarantee Project (ESF 3.231).

Id-dokumenti tal-kwotazzjonijiet jinkisbu minn fuq lemail (

Quotation documents may be requested through email

from (
4th November, 2014

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Programm Operattiv II - Politika ta Koejoni 2007-2013

Insau ilitna gal Aktar Impjiegi u Kwalit ta ajja Ajar
Proett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond Sojali Ewropew (FSE)
Rata ta kofinanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi Nazzjonali
Ninvestu fil-futur tiegek
Operational Programme II - Cohesion Policy 2007-2013
Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life
Part financed by the European Union
European Social Fund (ESF)
Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds
Investing in your future
Gozo Channel Company Limited

Gozo Channel Company Limited

I-Chairman, Gozo Channel Company Limited, jgarraf

The Chairman, Gozo Channel Company Limited, notifies


Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, is-7 ta Novembru, 2014,

jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet magluqin fil-Gozo Channel
Company Limited, The Brokerage, Level 2, Triq Santa
Martha, Ir-Rabat, Gawdex, gal:-

Sealed quotations will be received at the Gozo Channel

Company Limited, The Brokerage, Level 2, Triq Santa
Martha, Victoria, Gozo by not later than 10.00 a.m. of
Friday, 7th November, 2014, for:-

Kwot. Nru. GCCL Q 23/2014. Provvista ta marine gas

oil DMA skont ISO 8217.

Quot. No. GCCL Q 23/2014. Supply of marine gas oil

DMA according to ISO 8217.

L-ebda las mhu metie gal kull kopja tad-dokument

tal-offerta li tinabar.

No fee is required for every copy of tender documents


Kopji tal-kwotazzjoni jistgu jinkisbu wkoll billi

tintbagat email lil: (

Copies of the quotation can be obtained by sending an

email to: (


L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th October, 2014

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014






Seja gall-Kwotazzjonijiet

Call for Quotations

Id-Direttur enerali, Divijoni gall-Ippjanar u lKoordinazzjoni tal-Prijoritajiet, jgarraf illi:-

The Director General, Planning and Priorities Coordination

Division, notifies that:-

Sa nofsinhar ta nhar il-imga, l-14 ta Novembru,

2014, fdan l-Uffiju jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet (inklui
l-anness) gal:-

Sealed quotations (together with annex) will be received

by this Office until noon of Friday, 14th November, 2014

Kwot. Nru. MEAIM/PPCD/027/2014. Provvista u

konsenja ta oetti ta stationery gall-implimentazzjoni
tal-Programm Operattiv I 2007 - 2013.

Quot. No. MEAIM/PPCD/027/2014. Supply and delivery

of stationery items for the implementation of the Operational
Programme I 2007 - 2013.

L-ispeifikazzjonijiet jistgu jinkisbu billi tintbagat talba

permezz tal-posta elettronika lil: (
Il-kwotazzjonijiet gandhom jintefgu fil-kaxxa talofferti fid-Divijoni gall-Ippjanar u l-Koordinazzjoni talPrijoritajiet, Triq il-Kukkanja, Sta. Venera SVR 1411.

Specifications may be obtained by sending an email

request to: (
Quotations shall be deposited in the tender box at the
Planning and Priorities Coordination Division, Triq ilKukkanja, Sta. Venera SVR 1411.

Id-Divijoni omm id-dritt li tirrifjuta parti jew stima

sia jew l-istimi kollha, ukoll l-aktar vantaua.

The Division reserves the right to refuse in part or in

whole any or all of the quotations submitted, including the
most advantageous.

Proposti li jaslu tard ma jiux ikkunsidrati.

Late submissions will not be considered.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

Programm Operattiv I Politika ta Koejoni 2007-2013
Ninvestu fil-Kompetittivit gal Kwalit ta ajja Ajar
Proett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond Ewropew gall-Ivilupp Rejonali (FER)
Rata ta Ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi Nazzjonali
Ninvestu fil-futur tiegek
Operational Programme I Cohesion Policy 2007-2013
Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life
Project part-financed by the European Union
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds
Investing in your future


Il-Kumitat tar-Rejun Xlokk jgarraf illi:-

South EASt regional committee

The South East Regional Committee notifies that:

Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar it-Tlieta, 9 ta Diembru, 2014,

fil-kaxxa tal-offerti apposta fl-Uffiju Amministrattiv talKumitat tar-Rejun Xlokk jintlaqgu offerti magluqin
immarkati bin-numru relevanti gal:

Sealed tenders marked with the relevant reference

number should be deposited in the appropriate tender box
at the South East Region Committee Administrative Office
by not later than 10.00 a.m. of Tuesday, 9th December,
2014 for:

Avvi Nru. RX 001-2014. Provvista, servizzi u

installazzjoni tad-dwal fit-toroq.

Advt. No. RX 001-2014.

installation of street lighting.

Provision, services and



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Id-dokumenti relevanti gandhom jinkisbu mill-Uffiju

Amministrattiv tal-Kumitat tar-Rejun Xlokk minn nhar ilimga, 7 ta Novembru, 2014, bi las ta 100 gal kull
kopja tad-dokument tal-offerta.

The relevant documents may be obtained from the South

East Region Administrative Office from the 7th November,
2014, against a payment of 100 for every copy of tender

L-offerti jinfetu fil-pubbliku wara l-in tal-geluq, u

l-ebda dokument jew offerti ma jiu aettati wara l-in

Tenders will be opened in public after the closing time,

and no other documents or tenders will be accepted after the
stipulated time.

Il-Kumitat tar-Rejun Xlokk iomm id-dritt li jaetta

jew jirrifjuta kull offerta li tasallu, anke l-aktar wada
vantaua, u jomm ukoll id-dritt li jkun jista jera joro
din l-offerta.

The South East Region Committee reserves the right to

accept or refuse even the most advantageous offer, and also
reserves the right to reissue this tender.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Kunsill Lokali I-ebbu (GAWDEX)
Il-Kunsill Lokali I-ebbu (Gawdex) jgarraf illi:

4th November, 2014

EBBU (GOZO) Local Council
The ebbu (Gozo) Local Council notifies that:

Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar it-Tlieta, 18 ta Novembru,

2014, jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet magluqin fl-Uffiju
Amministrattiv tal-Kunsill gal:-

Sealed quotations will be received at the Councils

Administrative Office up to 10.00 a.m. of Tuesday, 18th
November, 2014 for:-

Kwot. Nru. 04/2014. Kiri u installazzjoni ta dwal talMilied fi Pjazza l-Assunta u Triq il-Knisja mill-kantuniera
ta Triq oma, I-ebbu (Gawdex).

Quot. No. 04/2014. Hiring and installation of Christmas

decorative lights at Pjazza l-Assunta and Triq il-Knisja
corner with Triq oma, ebbu (Gozo).

Aktar dettalji jistgu jinkisbu mill-uffiju tal-Kunsill

Lokali I-ebbu (Gawdex) fuq 2156 3056/2756 3056.

Further information may be obtained from ebbu

(Gozo) Local Council on 2156 3056/2756 3056.

Il-Kunsill Lokali I-ebbu (Gawdex) iomm id-dritt li

jirrifjuta kull kwotazzjoni, anke l-aktar wada vantaua.
Sottomissjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiux aettati.

The ebbu Local Council (Gozo) reserves the right

to refuse any quotation, even the most advantageous. Late
submissions will not be accepted.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Il-Kunsill Lokali Tas-Sliema jgarraf illi:

4th November, 2014

The Tas-Sliema Local Council notifies that:

Sa nofsinhar ta nhar l-Erbga, 12 ta Novembru,

2014, jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet magluqin fl-Uffiju
Amministrattiv tal-Kunsill Lokali gal:

Sealed quotations marked will be received in the

Councils Administrative Office up to noon of Wednesday,
12th November, 2014 for:

Kwot. Nru. SLC/Q/680/2014. Kiri u installazzjoni ta

outdoor PA system

Quot.No. SLC/Q/680/2014. Rental and installation of

an outdoor PA system

Il-kwotazzjonijiet jinfetu fil-pubbliku minnufih wara ddata u l-in tal-geluq.

Quotations will be opened immediately after the closing

date and time.

Il-formoli tal-kwotazzjoni jinabru mill-uffiju talKunsill bejn it-Tnejn u l-imga mit-8.00 a.m. sas-1.00

The relative forms can be obtained from the Councils

office between Monday and Friday from 8.00 a.m. till 1.00

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014


Kunsill Lokali I-EJTUN

Il-Kunsill Lokali I-ejtun jgarraf illi:
Sas-2.30 p.m. ta nhar it-Tnejn, l-1 ta Diembru,
2014, jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet fl-Uffiju tal-Kunsill
Lokali gal:
Kwot. Nru. 04/14. Tijin tal-Milied gat-toroq

EJTUN Local Council

The ejtun Local Council notifies that:

Quotations will be received at the Local Councils
Office up to 2.30 p.m. of Monday, 1st December, 2014,
Quot. No. 04/14. Christmas street decorations

Aktar dettalji jistgu jinkisbu mill-Kunsill Lokali Iejtun, Dar i-wieten, 28, Triq Sant Anlu, I-ejtun,
fuq in-numru tat-telefon 2166 3866; numru tal-fax 2166
3939, jew permezz ta email fuq ( matul
il-inijiet tal-uffiju.

Further information may be obtained from ejtun Local

Council, Dar i-wieten, 28, Triq Sant Anlu, ejtun, on
telephone number 2166 3866; fax number 2166 3939 or by
email on ( during office hours.

Il-Kunsill Lokali I-ejtun iomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta

kull kwotazzjoni, anke l-aktar wada vantaua.

The ejtun Local Council reserves the right to refuse any

quotation, even the most advantageous.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Kunsill Lokali In-Nadur
Il-Kunsill Lokali In-Nadur jgarraf illi:
Sa nofsinhar ta nhar it-Tlieta, 25 ta Novembru,
2014, jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet magluqin fl-uffiju
tal-Kunsill, Triq it-Tramuntana, In-Nadur NDR 1222
gal:Kwot. Nru. 14/2014. Kiri ta tinda biex jgattu l-palk

4th November, 2014

Nadur Local Council
The Nadur Local Council notifies that:
Sealed quotations will be received at the Nadur Local
Council, Triq it-Tramuntana, Nadur NDR 1222 up to
noon of Tuesday, 25th November, 2014, for:Quot. No. 14/2014. Hire of tent to cover stage

Irid jitallas dritt ta 10 gal kull kopja tad-dokument


A fee of 10 will be charged for every copy of quotation


Kwot. Nru. 15/2014. Kiri ta sistema tad-dawl gal

Kunert Christmas Cheers

Quot. No. 15/2014. Hire of light system for Christmas

Cheers Concert

Irid jitallas dritt ta 10 gal kull kopja tad-dokument


A fee of 10 will be charged for every copy of quotation


Kwot. Nru. 16/2014. Kiri ta sistema tal-PA gal Kunert

Christmas Cheers

Quot. No. 16/2014. Hire of sound system for Christmas

Cheers Concert

Irid jitallas dritt ta 10 gal kull kopja tad-dokument


A fee of 10 will be charged for every copy of quotation


Aktar dettalji jinkisbu mill-uffiju tal-Kunsill.

Il-Kunsill iomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull kwotazzjoni,
anke l-aktar wada vantaua.
L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Further details can be obtained from the Council office.

The Council reserves the right to refuse all quotations,
including the most advantageous.
4th November, 2014



Kunsill Lokali l-Imarr

Il-Kunsill Lokali tal-Imarr jgarraf illi:

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

marr local council

The Marr Local Council notifies that:

Sa nofsinhar tal-Erbga 14 ta Jannar 2015, fil-bini

tal-Uffiju Amministrattiv, 22, Triq Sir Harry Luke,
L-Imarr, jintlaqgu offerti/kwotazzjonijiet magluqin

Sealed tenders/quotations will be received up to noon

of Wednesday 14th January 2015, at the Administrative
office, 22, Triq Sir Harry Luke, Marr, for:

Avvi MGR 2014/07. Provvista ta konkos Prezz taddokument tal-offerta: 50.00

Advt MGR 2014/07. Supply of concrete Price for tender

document: 50.00

Avvi MGR 2014/08. Servizz ta sinjali ta traffiku u ta

marki fit-toroq Prezz tad-dokument tal-offerta: 50.00

Advt MGR 2014/08. Service of traffic signs and traffic

road marking Price for tender document: 50.00

Avvi MGR 2014/09. Servizz ta bir ta skart goff Prezz

tal-offerta: 50.00

Advt MGR 2014/09. Collection service of bulky refuse

Price for tender document: 50.00

Avvi MGR 2014/10. Servizz ta tindif fit-toroq Prezz

tad-dokument tal-offerta: 50.00

Advt MGR 2014/10: Service of street cleaning Price for

tender document: 50.00

Avvi MGR 2014/11. Servizz ta bir ta skart Prezz

tad-dokument tal-offerta: 50.00

Advt MGR 2014/11. Service of refuse collection Price

for tender document: 50.00

Avvi MGR 2014/12. Provvista ta rigid-fencing gallew proetti Prezz tad-dokument tal-offerta: 50.00

Advt MGR 2014/12. Supply of rigid-fencing for two

projects Price for tender document: 50.00

Avvi MGR 2014/13. Provvista ta railing gall-proett

ta Wesgat il-ublew Prezz tad-dokument tal-offerta:

Advt MGR 2014/13. Supply of railing for Wesgat ilublew Project - Price for tender document 50.00

Avvi MGR 2014/14. Provvista ta gamara tat-triq

gall-proett ta Wesgat il-ublew Prezz tad-dokument
tal-offerta: 50.00

Advt MGR 2014/14. Supply for street furniture for wesgat

il-ublew Price for tender document: 50.00

Avvi MGR 2014/15. Vann second hand gal sebga


Advt MGR 2014/15. Second-Hand, 7-seater van

Kwot MGR 2014/K3. Unit ta arja kkundizzjonata

24,000BTU, cassette type

Quot. MGR 2014/K3. Air-conditioning unit, 24,000BTU,

cassette type

Dokumenti u speifikazzjonijiet tas-sejiet jistgu jinabru

mill-Uffiju Amministrattiv, Triq Sir Harry Luke, L-Imarr
matul il-inijiet tal-uffiju.

Documents and specifications of the calls can be obtained

from the Administrative Office, Triq Sir Harry Luke, Marr
during office hours.

Il-Kunsill iomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta/

kwotazzjoni, anke dik l-aktar vantaua.

The Council reserves the right to refuse any offer, even

the most advantageous.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



Il-Kunsill Lokali San iljan jgarraf illi:


The San iljan Local Council notifies that:

Sal-10.30 a.m. ta nhar it-Tnejn, 15 ta Diembru,

2014, jintlaqgu offerti magluqin fl-Uffiju
Amministrattiv tal-Kunsill Lokali, Triq Forrest, San
iljan STJ 2033 gal:

Sealed tenders will be received in the Local Councils

Administrative Office, Triq Forrest, San iljan, STJ 2033
up to 10.30 a.m. of Monday, 15th December, 2014 for:

Avvi Nru. CM 52 - 03/2014. Servizzi ta Local Council

Contract Manager

Advt. No. CM 52 - 03/2014. Service for Local Council

Contract Manager

Gandu jitallas dritt ta 35 gal kull kopja taddokument tal-offerta.

A fee of 35 will be charged for every copy of tender


L-offerti jinfetu fil-pubbliku minnufih wara d-data u lin tal-geluq.

Tenders will be opened immediately after the closing date

and time.

Il-Kunsill iomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta, anke laktar wada vantaua.

The Council reserves the right to refuse all offers, even

the most advantageous.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

Il-Kunsill Lokali Fgura jgarraf illi:
Sa nofsinhar ta nhar il-imga, 5 ta Diembru,
2014, fil-kaxxa tal-offerti fl-Uffiju Amministrattiv talKunsill jintlaqgu offerti magluqin u mmarkati binnumru tal-offerta gal:
Avvi Nru. EUC-17-14. EU Project Co-ordinator

4th November, 2014

The Fgura Local Council notifies that:
Sealed tenders marked with the tender number shall be
deposited in the appropriate tender box at the Councils
Administrative Office up to noon of Friday, 5th December,
2014, for:
Advt. No. EUC-17-14. EU Project Co-ordinator

Gandu jitallas dritt ta 75 gal kull kopja taddokument tal-offerta.

A fee of 75 is to be paid for each copy of tender


Kopja tad-dokument jinabru mill-uffiju tal-Kunsill

Lokali Fgura, 68, Dar il-Kunsill, Triq il-Karmnu, Fgura, filinijiet tal-uffiju mal-las rispettiv.

Copy of tender documents may be obtained from the

Fgura Local Council offices, 68, Dar il-Kunsill, Triq ilKarmnu, Fgura, during office hours against their respective

L-offerti jinfetu fil-pubbliku minnufih wara d-data u lin tal-geluq.

Offers will be opened immediately after the closing date

and time.

Il-Kunsill iomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta, anke laktar wada vantaua.

The Council reserves the right to refuse any tender

submitted, even the most advantageous.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014

4th November, 2014



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

AvviI tal-Qorti Court NoticeS

Bdan l-Avvi ikun magruf illi brikors ippreentat filQorti ivili Sezzjoni ta urisdizzjoni Volontarja, fl-20 ta
Ottubru, 2014, Rikors numru 948/2014 minn Ryan Petticrew
u orajn, fejn talbu li tii ddikjarata miftua favur David
Petticrew, John Petticrew, Ann Mitchell u Rodrick Petticrew,
dan tal-aar rappreentat minn uliedu Ryan, Andrew, John
u Michael, fi kwoti ndaqs bejniethom, is-Suessjoni ta
Antonia Petticrew, armla minn Roderick Andrew, bint ilmejtin Luca Agius u Caterina ne Borg, imwielda Siiewi,
kienet toqgod Piet, u mietet l-Imsida, fl-24 ta Jannar, 2014,
ta 79 sena, u li kellha karta tal-identit numru 366834(M), u
li mietet bla testment.

By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of

Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 20th October, 2014,
Application number 948/2014 by Ryan Petticrew and others,
whereby they prayed that it be declared open in favour of
David Petticrew, John Petticrew, Ann Mitchell and Rodrick
Petticrew, the latter represented by his children Ryan,
Andrew, John and Michael, in equal shares between them,
the Succession of Antonia Petticrew, widow of Roderick
Andrew, daughter of the late Luca Agius and Caterina ne
Borg, born in Siiewi, and resided in Piet, and died in
Imsida, on the 24th January, 2014, aged 79, intestate, holding
identity card number 366834(M).

Galdaqstant, kull min jidhirlu li gandu interess huwa

msejja biex jidher quddiem il-Qorti fuq imsemmija sabiex
bnota jmur kontra dik it-talba fi mien mistax-il urnata li
jibda jgaddi minn dak il-jum li fih jii mwaal il-bandu u
l-avvii skont il-lii.

Wherefore, any person who considers to have an interest

in the matter is hereby called upon to appear before the said
Court, and to bring forward his objections hereto by a minute
to be filed within fifteen days from the posting of the banns
and notices according to law.

Reistru tal-Qorti ivili Sezzjoni ta urisdizzjoni

Volontarja, illum 31 ta Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Civil Court Voluntary Jurisdiction Section,

today 31st October, 2014.
Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Court and Tribunals

Alexandra Debattista
Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali
Bdigriet mogti mill-Qorti ivili PrimAwla, fit-13
ta Ottubru, 2014, fl-atti tar-Rikors uramentat, fl-ismijiet
Barbara AIC Joseph et vs Caligari Rita, Rikors numru
28/2007 AE, iet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex
isservi ta notifika fil-konfront tal-konvenuta a tenur talArtikolu 187 (3) et. seq. tal-Kap. 12.

By means of a decree given by the Civil Court First

Hall, on the 13th October, 2014, in the records of the Sworn
Application, in the names Barbara AIC Joseph et vs Caligari
Rita, Application number 28/2007 AE, the following
publication was ordered for the purpose of service of the
defendant in terms of Article 187 (3) et. seq. of Cap. 12.

Permezz ta Rikors ippreentat fil-PrimAwla tal-Qorti

Civili, fl-atti tal-kawa fl-ismijiet AIC Joseph Barbara et noe
vs Rita Caligari, Rikors numru 28/07 AE, fil-21 ta Lulju,
2014, ir-rikorrenti esponew umilment:

By means of an Application presented in the First Hall Civil

Court, in the records of the cause in the names AIC Joseph
Barbara et noe vs Rita Caligari, Application number 28/07
AE, on the 21st July, 2014, the applicants humbly pleaded:

Illi kif jinsab verbalizzat fl-atti tal-kawa odjerna kemm

fis-7 ta Diembru, 2007, u kif ukoll fit-18 ta Jannar, 2008,
il-partijiet fil-kawa odjerna qablu li jistennew l-eitu talkawa kostituzzjonali 65/2007, fl-ismijiet AIC Joseph
Barbara et noe v Onor. Prim Ministru.

That as minuted in the records of the present cause both

on the 7th December, 2007, as well as the 18th January,
2008, the parties in the present cause agreed to wait for the
outcome of the constitutional cause 65/2007 in the names
AIC Joseph Barbara et noe v Hon. Prime Minister.

Illi l-kawa surriferita iet deia permezz tas-sentenza

datata 31 ta Jannar, 2014, li kopja tagha qed tii hawn
annessa u mmarkata Dok. D.

That the cause above mentioned was decided by means

of a judgement dated 31st January, 2014, a copy of which is
being hereby annexed and marked Doc. D.

Illi permezz tas-sentenza surriferita ie kkonfermat:

That in virtue of the above mentioned judgement it was


L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



1. Li l-Art. 12A tal-Ordinanza dwar il-Kontroll tal-Kiri

tad-Djar (Kap. 158) jilledi d-dritt tar-rikorrenti gat-tgawdija
tal-appartament numru wieed u amsin (51), St Julians
Court, Triq is-Sur Fons, San iljan, kif imarsa mill-Artikolu
1 tal-Ewwel Protokoll tal-Konvenzjoni Ewropea.

1. That Art. 12A of the Housing Decontrol Ordnance (Cap.

158) violated the right of the applicants for the enjoyment of
the apartment number fifty-one (51) St. Julians Court, Triq
is-Sur Fons, St Julians, as safeguarded by Article 1 of the
First Protocoll of the European Convention.

2. Li l-Art. 12 A tal-Kap. 158 ma gandux jii applikat

fil-konfront tar-rikorrenti, u li l-intimat fdik il-kawa, u/jew
suessuri tiegu ma gandhom jiedu l-ebda benefiju
mill-istess, oltre l-fatt li l-Istat ie kkundannat sabiex iallas
kumpens lir-rikorrenti ta mistax-il elf Ewro (15,000).

2. That Art. 12A of Cap. 158 should not be applied against

the applicants, and and that the respondent in this cause
and/or his successors should not receive any benefit from
the same, besides the fact that the State was condemned to
pay compensation to the applicants of fifteen thousand Euro

Illi galdaqstant fdin il-kawa wkoll jetie illi tii

deia din il-materja ta natura kostituzzjonali fis-sens li
anke fir-rigward tal-appartament de quo li huwa pressoke
identiku gal dak mertu tal-kawa surriferita, l-Art. 12 A
tal-Kap. 158 gandu jii kkunsidrat bala leiv tad-dritt tarrikorrenti gat-tgawdija tal-proprjet taghom.

That thus in this cause it is also necessary that there be

decided this matter of a constitutional nature in the sense that
even as regards the apartment de quo which is approximately
identical to that merit of the cause above referred to that Art.
12A of Cap. 158 is to be considered as violating the right of
the applicants to their property.

Illi fdan ir-rigward galdaqstant ikun opportun in

vista tas-surriferit illi din l-Onorabbli Qorti: (i) tordna sseja fil-kawa tal-Avukat enerali tar-Repubblika; u (ii)
tatar perit tekniku sabiex jagmel stima tal-valur tal-fond
mertu tal-kawa odjerna, u kif ukoll tal-valur lokatizju dan
referibbilment kemm gad-data tal-geluq tal-konessjoni
enfitewtika temporanja fl-14 ta unju, elfejn u tnejn (2002)
kif ukoll tal-lum.

That in this regard thus it is opportune in view of the

above that this Honourable Court: (i) order the calling into
the cause of the Attorney General of the Republic; and (ii)
appoint a technical referee to do an evaluation of the value
of the premises merit of the present cause, and also of the
rental value referring both to the date of termination of the
temporary emphyteusis of the 14th June, two thousand and
two (2002) as well of today.

Galdaqstant, l-esponenti atturi umilment jitolbu lil

dina l-Onorabbli Qorti prevja dawk l-ordnijiet u/jew
dikjarazzjonijiet kollha neessarji u/jew opportuni: (i) tordna
s-seja fil-kawa tal-Avukat enerali tar-Repubblika; u (ii)
tatar perit tekniku sabiex jagmel stima tal-valur tal-fond
mertu tal-kawa odjerna, u kif ukoll tal-valur lokatizju, dan
referibbilment kemm gad-data tal-geluq tal-konessjoni
enfitewtika temporanja fl-14 ta unju, 2002, kif ukoll tallum.

Thus, the applicant plaintiffs humbly pray that this

Honourable Court saving those orders and/or necessary or
opportune declarations: (i) order the calling into the cause
of the Attorney General of the Republic; and (ii) appoint a
technical referee to do an evaluation of the premises merit
of the present cause as well as of the rental value, this with
reference both to the date of termination of the temporary
emphytheusis on the 14th June, 2002, as well of today.

Qorti ivili PrimAwla

Civil Court First Hall

Imallef Anthony Ellul

Judge Anthony Ellul

Rikors numru 28/2007 AE

Application number 28/2007 AE

AIC Joseph Barbara et nomine vs Rita Caligari

AIC Joseph Barbara et nomine vs Rita Caligari

It-23 ta Lulju, 2014

23rd July, 2014


The Court

Rat ir-rikors li ppreentaw ir-rikorrenti (21.7.2014).

Tordna notifika lil Rita Caligari bi dritt ta tweiba fi
mien tmint ijiem.

Having seen the application which the applicants

presented (21.7.2014).
Orders that Rita Caligari be notified with the right to file
a reply within eight days.



Peress li mill-atti jirriulta ukoll li l-konvenuta gadha

ma ietx notifikata bl-avvi tar-rijappuntament qiegda
tawtorizza li n-notifika ssir:

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Whereas it results from the records that the defendant has

not been notified with the notice of reappoinment it is being
authorised that service be carried out:
(i) After the legal time and afterwards;

(i) Wara l-in legali u wara;

(ii) Bl-affissjoni u pubblikazzjoni fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern
u gazzetta wada lokali ta kuljum bil-Malti.

(ii) By posting and publication in the Government Gazette

and one local newspaper in Maltese.

Notifika: Rita Caligari, 9, Block B, St. Julians Court, Sur

Fons Street, St Julians.

Notify: Rita Caligari, 9, Block B, St Julians Court, Sur

Fons Street, St Julians.

Ir-Rikors uramentat fl-ismijiet Barbara AIC Joseph et

vs Caligari Rita, rikors numru 28/2007 AE, jinsab differit
gas-smig gas-17 ta Novembru, 2014, fid-8.45 a.m.

The Sworn Application in the names Barbara AIC Joseph

et vs Caligari Rita, application number 28/2007 AE, has
been deferred for hearing to the 17th November, 2014, at
8.45 a.m.
Registry of the Superior Courts, today 29th October,

Reistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 29 ta Ottubru, 2014.

Adv. Frank Portelli, LLD

For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

Avv. Frank Portelli, LLD

Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali
IKUN JAF KULADD illi bdigriet mogti fit-18 ta
Ottubru, 2014, mill-Qorti tal-Maistrati (Malta) bala
Qorti Istruttorja (Maistrat Dr Charmaine Galea LLD),
Kumpilazzjoni numru 1010/2014 fil-kawa fl-ismijiet:

IT IS BEING NOTIFIED that by a decree dated 18th

October, 2014, given by the Court of Magistrates (Malta)
as a Court of Criminal Inquiry (Magistrate Dr Charmaine
Galea LLD), Compilation number 1010/2014 in the case:

(Spettur Malcolm Bondin)

The Police
(Inspector Malcolm Bondin)



ALDO PISTELLA, 36 sena, diokkupat, bin Franco

Pistella u Aurora ne Milioto, imwieled Favara, Sqallija,
fil-5 ta Settembru, 1978, u residenti f51, Penthouse, Triq
is-Silla, Marsaskala, u detentur tal-karta tal-identita Taljana
bin-numru AJ 9703987.

ALDO PISTELLA, 36 years, unemployed, son of Franco

Pistella and Aurora ne Milioto, born in Favara, Sicily, on
the 5th September, 1978, residing at 51, Penthouse, Clover
Street, Marsaskala, Malta, and holder of Italian Identity card
bearing number AJ 9703987.

ORDNAT is-sekwestru fidejn terzi persuni bmod

enerali, il-flejjes u l-proprjet mobbli kollha li huma dovuti
lil, jew imissu lil Aldo Pistella, jew li huma proprjet tiegu,
u pprojbietu milli jittrasferixxi, jagti brahan, jipoteka jew
xort ora jiddisponi minn xi proprjet mobbli jew immobbli
ai termini tal-Artikolu 22A tal-Ordinanza dwar il-Mediini
Perikolui, Kap. 101 tal-Liijiet ta Malta, u tal-Artikolu
23A tal-Kodii Kriminali, Kap. 9 tal-Liijiet ta Malta.

ORDERED the attachment in the hands of third parties

in general all monies and other movable property due, or
pertaining, or belonging to Aldo Pistella, and prohibits the
said accused from transferring, pledging, hypothecating or
otherwise disposing of any movable or immovable property,
and this according to Article 22A of the Dangerous Drugs
Act, Cap. 101 of the Laws of Malta, and of Article 23A of
the Criminal Code, Cap. 9 of the Laws of Malta.

AWTORIZZAT lil Aldo Pistella jista jibqa jirievi lammont li ma jeccedhiex it-tlettax-il elf disa mija u sitta u
sebgin Ewro u erbga u goxrin entemu (13,976.24)

AUTHORISED that the accused Aldo Pistella can

receive an amount which will not exceed thirteen thousand,
nine hundred and seventy-six Euro and twenty-four cents
(13,976.24) per year.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014


Reistru tal-Qrati ta urisdizzjoni Kriminali (Malta),

illum 29 ta Ottubru, 2014.
Marvic Psaila
Deputat Reistratur Qrati u Tribunali Kriminali


Registry of the Courts of Criminal Judicature (Malta),

today 29th October, 2014.
Marvic Psaila
Deputy Registrar Criminal Courts and Criminal

Bandu gall-Kuraturi

Bann for Curators

Repubblika ta Malta

Republic of Malta

Lill-Marixxall tal-Qorti

To The Marshall of the Court

Bdigriet mogti minn din il-Qorti, fit-3 ta Settembru,

2014, fuq talba ta Dr Carlo Bisazza noe, ie ordnat biex
jintgalu kuraturi deputati sabiex jirrappreentaw lillassenti Marina Camilleri, fl-atti tar-Rikors uramentat
181/14 RGM, fl-ismijiet Dr Carlo Bisazza noe vs Kuraturi
Deputati, u fl-atti l-ora relattivi u sussegwenti.

By means of a decree by this Court, on the 3rd September,

2014, following a request of Dr Carlo Bisazza noe, it was
ordered that deputy curators be chosen to represent the absent
Marina Camilleri, in the records of the Sworn Application
181/14 RGM, in the names Dr Carlo Bisazza noe vs Deputy
Curators, and in the relative and subsequent acts.

Permezz ta Rikors uramentat ippreentat fil-Qorti ivili

(Sezzjoni Familja), fl-ismijiet Simon Camilleri Kamsky
detentur tal-karta tal-identit numru 593078(M), debitament
rappreentat mill-Avukat Dr Carlo Bisazza detentur talkarta tal-identit numru 219873(M), fil-kapait tiegu ta
mandatarju spejali versus nominati bala kuraturi deputati
sabiex jirrappreentaw lill-assenti Marina Camilleri Kamsky,
detentrici tal-karta tal-identit numru 0053738(A), fit-13 ta
Awwissu, 2014, ir-rikorrenti Simon Camilleri Kamsky, kif
rappreentat minn Dr Carlo Bisazza KI 219873M, talab lil
din l-Onorabbli Qorti:

By means of a Sworn Application filed in the Civil Court

(Family Section), in the names Simon Camilleri Kamsky,
holder of identity card number 593078(M), duly represented
by Advocate Dr Carlo Bisazza, holder of identity card
number 219873(M), in his capacity of special mandatary
versus appointed as deputy curators to represent the absent
Marina Camilleri Kamsky, holder of identity card number
0053738(M) on the 13th August, 2014, the applicant Simon
Camilleri Kamsky, as represented by Dr Carlo Bisazza ID
219873M, asked this Honourable Court:

Tippronunzja s-separazzjoni personali bejn il-kontendenti

gal raunijiet imputabbli lill-konvenuta peress li -wie
bejn il-partijiet tkisser bmod irrimedjabbli minabba
tortijiet unikament imputabbli lilha, u tilqa t-talbiet l-ora

To pronounce the personal separation between the parties

for reasons imputable to the defendant because the marriage
between the parties irretrievably broke down due to faults
imputable solely to her, and uphold the other demands in
the application.

Bl-ispejje kontra l-konvenuta inunta in subizzjoni.

With costs against the defendant summoned so that a

reference to her evidence be made.

Int galdaqstant ordnat li twaal kopja uffijali ta dan

il-bandu fid-dala ta din il-Qorti Superjuri, u ssejja bdan
lil kull min irid jidol bala kuratur biex jidher fi mien sitt
ijiem fdan ir-Reistru, u jagmel bnota d-dikjarazzjoni illi
huwa jidol gal dan.

You are therefore ordered to affix an official copy of this

bann at the entrance of this Superior Court, and to summon
whosoever wishes to act as curator to appear before this
Registry within six days, and by means of a minute to submit
a declaration that he wishes so to act.

Int ordnat ukoll li tgarraf lil kull wieed illi jekk ma

jagmilx din id-dikjarazzjoni fi-mien fuq mogti, din ilQorti tgaddi biex tagel Kuraturi tal-Uffiju.

You are also ordered to inform each one that if he fails to

make this declaration within the stipulated time, the Court
will proceed to the selection of Curators of Office.

U wara li tkun gamilt dana, jew jekk tiltaqa ma xi

xkiel fl-eekuzzjoni ta dan il-bandu, inti gandek tgarraf
minnufih lil din il-Qorti.

And after so acting, or if you should encounter any

difficulty in the execution of this bann, you are to inform
forthwith this Court.



Mogti mill-Qorti ivili (Sezzjoni tal-Familja) hawn fuq

imsemmija bix-xhieda tal-Onor. Imallef Edwina Grima,
LLD, Duttur tal-Lii.

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Given by the Civil Court (Family Section) above

mentioned, with the witness of the Hon. Madam Justice
Edwina Grima, LLD, Doctor of Laws.

Illum 3 ta Settembru, 2014

Today 3rd September, 2014

Reistru tal-Qrati ivili (Sezzjoni tal-Familja), illum 31

ta Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Civil Courts (Family Section) , today 31st

October, 2014.

Avv. Frank Portelli, LLD

Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

Adv. Frank Portelli, LLD

For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

Bnota ta Vincent Vella (KI 175467M) u Mary Rose

Vella (KI 408772M) ippreentata fil-PrimAwla tal-Qorti
ivili, fit-30 ta Ottubru, 2014, mill-Avukat Frank B. Testa,
l-imsemmijin Vincent Vella u Mary Rose Vella abu ssegwenti dokument biex jii ppubblikat a tenur tal-Artikolu
9 tal-Kap. 13 tal-Liijiet ta Malta.

By means of a note of Vincent Vella (ID 175467M) and

Mary Rose Vella (ID 408772M) filed in the First Hall Civil
Court, on the 30th October, 2014, by Advocate Frank B.
Testa, the said Vincent Vella and Mary Rose Vella produced
the following document to be published in terms of Article 9
of Cap. 13 of the Laws of Malta.

Permezz ta kuntratt fl-atti tan-Nutar Dr Anthony Abela,

tad-disga u goxrin (29) ta Ottubru, elfejn u erbatax
(2014), l-imsemmiVincent Vella, Direttur ta Kumpanija, bin
John u l-mejta Maria ne Zammit, imwieled Piet u residenti
Naxxar (KI 175467M), u martu Mary Rose Vella, mara taddar, bint Emanuele Vella u Theresa ne Grech, imwielda
Piet u residenti Naxxar (KI 408772M), emanipaw gallfinijiet u effetti kollha tal-lii lil binthom il-minuri Luana
Vella, xebba, studenta, imwielda Piet, fis-27 ta Mejju,
1998, u residenti Naxxar (KI 198598M), u awtorizzawha
biex teerita l-atti kollha tal-kummer.

By means of a contract in the records of Notary Dr Anthony

Vella, of the twenty-ninth (29th) of October, two thousand and
fourteen (2014), the said Vincent Vella, Company Director,
son of John and the late Maria ne Zammit, born in Piet and
residing at Naxxar (ID 175467(M), and his wife Mary Rose
Vella, housewife, daughter of Emanuele Vella and Theresa ne
Grech, born in Piet and residing at Naxxar (ID 408772M),
emancipated for all intents and purposes of law, their minor
daughter Luana Vella, unmarried, student, born in Piet, on
the 27th May, 1998, and residing at Naxxar (ID 198598M),
and authorised her to carry out all acts of trade.
Registry of the Superior Courts, today 31st October,

Reistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 31 ta Ottubru, 2014.

Adv. Frank Portelli, LLD

For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

Avv. Frank Portelli, LLD

Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali
Bdigriet tal-5 ta Lulju, 2013, mogti mill-PrimAwla talQorti ivili, dina l-Qorti ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt
li jidher hawn tat biex iservi ta notifika skont l-Artikolu
187 (3) tal-Kodii tal-Proedura u Organizzazzjoni ivili
(Kap. 12).

By a decree given on the 5th July, 2013, by the Civil

Court First Hall, the Court ordered that the extract hereunder
mentioned be published for the purpose of service according
to Article 187 (3) of the Code of Organisation and Civil
Procedure (Cap. 12).

Bdigriet mogti mill-Qorti ivili Prim Awla, fl-24 ta

Settembru, 2014, fuq rikors ta Polidano Leonardo et, ie
ffissat il-jum tal-amis, 4 ta Diembru, 2014, fil-dax u nofs
ta filgodu, gall-Bejg bl-Irkant li gandu jsir fl-ewwel
sular ta dawn il-Qrati tal-ustizzja, Triq ir-Repubblika, IlBelt Valletta, tal-fond hawn tat deskritt:

By a decree given by the Civil Court First Hall, on the 24th

September, 2014, on the application of Polidano Leonardo
et, Thursday, 4th December, 2014, at half past eleven in the
morning, has been fixed for the Sale by Auction to be held on
the first floor of these Law Courts, Republic Street, Valletta,
of the following property:

L-appartament internament immarkat bin-numru disga

(9), formanti minn blokk magruf bala Verdemar Park,

The apartment internally marked with the number nine

(9), forming part of a block known as Verdemar Park,

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



numru amsa (5), fi Triq il-Bajja, is-Salina, fil-limiti tanNaxxar, bil-komunjoni tal-entrata u tat-tara tal-istess blokk
per esklua l-arja tal-istess blokk, stmat li jiswa mija u
mistax-il elf Ewro (115,000).

number five (5) in Triq il-Bajja, Salina, limits of Naxxar,

including the common entrance and staircase of the said
block but excluding the airspace of the said block, valued at
one hundred and fifteen thousand Euro (115,000).

L-imsemmi fond huwa proprjet ta Cutajar Salvatore (KI


The said tenement is the property of Cutajar Salvatore

(ID 375142M).

N.B. L-imsemmi fond jinbieg balma ie deskritt fl-atti

tas-subbasta 112/2012.

N.B. The said tenement will be sold as described in the

acts of the file number 112/2012.

Reistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum il-imga, 17 ta

Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Superior Courts, this Friday, 17th October,


Marvic Farrugia
Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

Marvic Farrugia
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

Bdigriet mogti fis-16 ta Ottubru, 2014, mill-Bord li

Jirregola l-Kera, fl-atti tar-Rikors uramentat, fl-ismijiet
Tanti Francis et vs Sammut Joseph et, rikors numru 51/14
GG, iet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta
notifika fil-konfront tal-intimati a tenur tal-Artikolu 187 (3)
et. seq. tal-Kap. 12.

By means of a decree given on the 16th October, 2014,

by the Rent Regulation Board, in the records of the Sworn
Application, in the names Tanti Francis et vs Sammut Joseph
et, application number 51/14 GG, the following publication
was ordered for the purpose of service of the respondents in
terms of Article 187 (3) et. seq. of Cap. 12.

Permezz ta Rikors ippreentat fil-Bord li Jirregola l-Kera,

fl-ismijiet Francis Tanti (KI 128447M) u martu Mary Tanti
(KI 270649M) vs Joseph Sammut (KI 136968M) u martu
Rose, sive Rosaria Sammut (KI 393266M), fid-9 ta unju,
2014, ir-rikorrenti talbu lil dan l-Onorabbli Bord:

By means of an Application filed in the Rent Regulation

Board, in the names Francis Tanti (ID 128447M) and his
wife Mary Tanti (ID 270649M) vs Joseph Sammut (ID
136968M) and his wife Rose, sive Rosaria Sammut (ID
393266M), on the 9th June, 2014, the applicants asked this
Honourable Board:

Jiddikjara illi l-intimati solidalment bejniethom huma

debituri tar-rikorrenti fis-somma ta wieed u goxrin elf, mija
u sebga u amsin Ewro u amsin entemu (21,157.50),
rappreentanti arretrati ta kera sal-31 ta Mejju, 2014, u
tilqa t-talbiet l-ora fir-rikors.

To declare that the respondents in solidum between

them are debtors of the applicants in the sum of twenty-one
thousand, one hundred and fifty-seven Euro and fifty cents
(21,157.50), representing arrears of rent till the 31st of May,
2014, and uphold the other demands in the application.

Bl-imgax legali sad-data tal-pagament effettiv, u blispejje kontra l-intimati inunti in subizzjoni.

With legal interest till the date of effective payment,

and with costs against the respondents summoned so that a
reference to their evidence be made.

Intimati: Flat 2, St Joseph, Triq Ramon Perellos, San

Pawl il-Baar.

Respondents: Flat 2, St Joseph, Triq Ramon Perellos, San

Pawl il-Baar.

Ir-Rikors uramentat fl-ismijiet Tanti Francis et vs

Sammut Joseph et, rikors numru 51/14 GG, ie differit gassmig gall-amis, 27 ta Novembru, 2014, fid-9.00 a.m.

The Sworn Application in the names Tanti Francis et vs

Sammut Joseph et, application number 51/14 GG, has been
deferred for hearing to Thursday, 27th November, 2014, at
9.00 a.m.

Reistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 31 ta Ottubru, 2014.

Avv. Frank Portelli, LLD
Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

Registry of the Superior Courts, today 31st October,

Adv. Frank Portelli, LLD
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Bdigriet mogti mill-PrimAwla tal-Qorti ivili, fl-1
ta Ottubru, 2014, fl-atti tar-Rikors uramentat, fl-ismijiet
Paul Curmi et vs Brian Farrugia et, Rikors numru 788/14
LSO, iet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta
notifika fil-konfront tal-intimati a tenur tal-Artikolu 187 (3)
et. seq. tal-Kap. 12.

By means of a decree given by the First Hall Civil

Court, on the 1st October, 2014, in the records of the Sworn
Application, in the names Paul Curmi et vs Brian Farrugia et,
Application number 788/14 LSO, the following publication
was ordered for the purpose of service of the respondents in
terms of Article 187 (3) et. seq. of Cap. 12.

Permezz ta Rikors uramentat ippreentat fil-PrimAwla

tal-Qorti ivili, fl-ismijiet Paul Curmi (KI 844139M)
fismu proprju u fisem otu Giuseppa Ghirxi (Passaport
numru 8228238) vs Brian (KI 509974M) u Liza Maria (KI
449379M), konjugi Farrugia, fil-11 ta Settembru, 2014,
ir-rikorrenti Paul Curmi pro et noe talbu l-intimati jgidu
galiex ma gandhiex din l-Onorabbli Qorti:

By means of a Sworn Application filed in the First Hall

Civil Court, in the names Paul Curmi (ID 844139M) in his
own name and in the name of his sister Giuseppa Ghirxi
(Passport number 8228238) vs Brian (ID 509974M) and
Liza Maria (ID 449379M), spouses Farrugia, on the 11th
September, 2014, the applicant Paul Curmi pro et noe asked
the respondents why this Honourable Court should not:

Tiddeiedi l-kawa bid-dispensa tas-smig ai termini talArtikolu 167 tal-Kap. 12 tal-Liijiet ta Malta, tiddikjara li
l-intimati qegdin jokkupaw illegalment, abbuivament u
mingajr ebda titolu validu fil-lii, u li huma responsabbli
gad-danni konsegwenzjali, u tilqa t-talbiet l-ora firrikors.

Decide the case without proceeding to a hearing in terms

of Article 167 of Cap. 12 of the Laws of Malta, declare
that the respondents are occupying illegally, abusively
and without a valid title at law, and are responsible for the
consequential damages, and uphold the other demands in the

Bl-ispejje u l-interessi kif mitluba, u brierva gal

kull pretensjoni ulterjuri spettanti lir-rikorrenti inunti in

With costs and interests as demanded, and saving any

further claim against the applicants summoned so that a
reference to their evidence be made.

Intimati: 4/5, Sqaq Bandolier, ejtun.

Respondents: 4/5, Sqaq Bandolier, ejtun.

Ir-Rikors uramentat fl-ismijiet Curmi Paul pro et noe

vs Farrugia Brian et, rikors numru 788/14 LSO, ie differit
gas-smig gall-11 ta Novembru, 2014, fid-9.30 a.m.
Reistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 31 ta Ottubru, 2014.

The Sworn Application in the names Curmi Paul pro et

noe vs Farrugia Brian et, application number 788/14 LSO,
has been deferred for hearing to the 11th November, 2014,
at 9.30 a.m.
Registry of the Superior Courts, today 31st October,

Avv. Frank Portelli, LLD

Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

Adv. Frank Portelli, LLD

For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

IKUN JAF KULADD illi bdigriet mogti fl-20 ta

Awwissu, 2014, mill-Qorti Kriminali (Imallef Dr Michael
Mallia LLD), wara rikors mill-Bank HSBC datat 14 ta
Awwissu, 2014, Kumpilazzjoni numru 393/2014 fil-kawa

IT IS BEING NOTIFIED that by a decree dated 20th

August, 2014, given by the Criminal Court, (Judge Dr
Michael Mallia LLD), after an application by HSBC Bank
dated 14th August, 2014, Compilation number 393/2014 in
the case:

(Spettur Daniel Zammit)
(Spettur Roderick Zammit)

The Police
(Inspector Daniel Zammit)
(Inspector Roderick Zammit)



ANTHONY PACE, 43 sena, impjegat mal-Enemalta,

bin Attilio u Dolores xebba Azzopardi, imwieled Attard, fil-

ANTHONY PACE, 43 years, Enemalta employee, son

of Attilio and Dolores ne Azzopardi, born in Attard, on

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



31 ta Ottubru, 1970, u residenti f36, Chez Carelle, Triq

Madre Terea, Mosta, u detentur tal-karta tal-identit binnumru 455070M.

the 31st October, 1970, and residing at 36, Chez Carelle,

Madre Terea Street, Mosta, and holder of identity card
bearing number 455070M.

AWTORIZZAT lill-Bank HSBC jibed is-somma ta

2,920.96, kif ukoll l-imgaxijiet relattivi ulterjuri dovuti
fuq failit ta self li kienet iet konessa lill-istess akkuat
flimkien ma terza persuna, kif ukoll 23,233.45, kif ukoll
l-imgaxijiet relattivi ulterjuri dovuti gal failit ta kreditu
debitat darba dovuti fuq poloz taassigurazzjoni fuq ilproprjet bi-ertifikat numru MS 13554/09R, u fuq il-ajja
tal-akkuat bin-numru 4216500 abbinati mal-istess failit.

ACCEEDED to the request of the HSBC Bank to receive

the sum of 2,920.96, besides any other monies due
regarding a loan given to the accused and another person,
besides 23,233.45, and any interest due from the assured
property holding number MS 13554/09R, and on the life
insurance of the accused bearing number 4216500 attached
with the same.

L-istess pubblikazzjoni qed issir ai termini tal-Artikolu 5

(1) dwar il-Money Laundering Act, Kapitolu 373 tal-Liijiet
ta Malta fejn il-Qorti kienet ordnat is-sekwestru fidejn terzi
persuni bmod enerali tal-flejjes u l-proprjet mobbli jew
immobbli kollha li jkunu dovuti lill-imsemmija, jew li huma
proprjet ta Anthony Pace.

The publication of this order is being published in terms

of Article 5 (1) of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act,
Chapter 373 of the Laws of Malta, after a decree of the 15th
April, 2014, whereas the Court ordered the attachment in the
hands of third parties in a general manner, all monies and
other movable and immovable property which may be due
to, or belonging to Anthony Pace.

Reistru tal-Qrati ta urisdizzjoni Kriminali (Malta),

illum 31 ta Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Courts of Criminal Judicature (Malta),

today 31st October, 2014.

Dr John Seychell Navarro

Dip. Hlth Science, Dip. Mgmt Stud, Dip. Not. Pub. LLB,
Assistent Reistratur Qrati u Tribunali Kriminali

Dr John Seychell Navarro

Dip. Hlth. Science, Dip. Mgmt Stud, Dip.Not. Pub. LLB,
Assistant Registrar Criminal Courts and Criminal

Bdigriet mogti mill-Qorti ivili Prim Awla, fl-21 ta
Ottubru, 2014, fuq rikors ta Bilom Construction Limited, (C
48672), ie ffissat il-jum tal-Erbga, 3 ta Diembru, 2014,
fnofsinhar, gall-Bejg bl-Irkant li gandu jsir fSanta
Katerina, limiti tar-Rabat, tal-oetti hawn tat deskritti
maqbudin mingand JAJ Company Limited.

By a decree given by the Civil Court First Hall, on the

21st October, 2014, on the application of Bilom Construction
Limited, (C 48672), Wednesday, 3rd December, 2014, at
noon, has been fixed for the Sale by Auction to be held at
Santa Katerina, limits of Rabat, of the following items seized
from the property of JAJ Company Limited.

Trakk tal-marka Titan ta kulur isfar, bin-numru tarreistrazzjoni numru ABG 836.

Truck of the make Titan yellow in colour, with the

registration number ABG 836.

Trakk tal-marka Bedford ta kulur isfar u gri, bin-numru

tar-reistrazzjoni numru CAA 293.

Truck of the make Bedford yellow and grey in colour,

with the registration number CAA 293.

Vann tal-marka Isuzu ta kulur gri, bin-numru tarreistrazzjoni numru DAV 056.

Van of the make Isuzu, grey in colour, with the registration

number DAV 056.

Trakk Leyland ta kulur isfar u gri, bin-numru tarreistrazzjoni DAI 746.

Leyland Truck yellow and grey in colour, with the

registration number DAI 746.

Trakk Leyland tal-Concrete Mixer ta kulur isfar u gri,

bin-numru tar-reistrazzjoni FBE 502.

Leyland Concrete Mixer Truck, yellow and grey in colour,

with the registration number FBE 502.

Trakk Leyland tal-Concrete Mixer ta kulur isfar, binnumru tar-reistrazzjoni FBN 093.

Leyland Concrete Mixer Truck, yellow in colour, with

the registration number FBN 093.



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Trakk Iveco Pool Hole Borer ta kulur gri, bin-numru

tar-reistrazzjoni HBA 312.

Truck Iveco Pool Hole Borer grey in colour, with the

registration number HBA 312.

N.B. L-imsemmija vetturi jinbiegu balma ma ew

deskritti fl-atti tas-subbasta numru 30/14.

N.B. The said vehicles will be sold as described in the

acts of the judicial acts number 30/14.

Reistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum l-Erbga, 29 ta

Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Superior Courts, this Wednesday, 29th

October, 2014.
Marvic Farrugia
For the Registrar of Civil Courts and Tribunals

Marvic Farrugia
Gar-Reistratur tal-Qrati ivili u Tribunali
Bdigriet mogti mill-Qorti ivili Prim Awla, fit-30 ta
Ottubru, 2014, fuq rikors ta E.D.D. Ellul Co. Limited, ie
ffissat il-jum tal-Erbga, 3 ta Diembru, 2014, fl-gaxra u
nofs ta filgodu, gall-Bejg bl-Irkant li gandu jsir fReo,
Triq il-Mejjilla, al Qormi, tal-oetti hawn tat deskritti
maqbudin mingand Belfiore Raimondo.

By a decree given by the Civil Court First Hall, on the

30th October, 2014, on the application of E.D.D. Ellul Co.
Limited, Wednesday, 3rd December, 2014, at half past ten
in the morning, has been fixed for the Sale by Auction to be
held at Reo, Triq il-Mejjilla, al Qormi, of the following
items seized from the property of Belfiore Raimondo.

Magna tal-aircondition tad-ditta OK Clima Basic Plus,

Kompressuri tal-Arja, Kompjuter Texa Axone 2000, Trolley
Jacks, ew magni tal-Pressa, Drill, Generator gir, Sand
Blasting, Welding Sets u oetti ora.

The aircondition machine of the make OK Clima Basic

Plus, Air Compressures, Computer Texa Axone 2000, Trolley
Jacks, Two pressing machines, Drill, Small generator, Sand
Blasting, Welding Sets and other items.

N.B. L-oetti msemmija jinbiegu balma ew deskritti

fl-atti tas-subbasta numru 22/14.

N.B. The said objects will be sold as described in the

judicial sales number 22/14.

Reistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum il-imga, 31 ta

Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Superior Courts, this Friday, 31st October,


Marvic Farrugia
Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

Marvic Farrugia
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

Bdigriet mogti mill-Qorti ivili Prim Awla, fit-28 ta

Ottubru, 2014, fuq rikors ta Borg Mark, ie ffissat il-jum
tat-Tlieta, 2 ta Diembru, 2014, fl-gaxra u nofs ta filgodu,
gall-Bejg bl-Irkant li gandu jsir fl-ewwel sular ta dawn
il-Qrati tal-ustizzja, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta,
tal-fondi hawn tat deskritti:

By a decree given by the Civil Court First Hall, on the 28th

October, 2014, on the application of Borg Mark Tuesday,
2nd December, 2014, at half past ten in the morning, has
been fixed for the Sale by Auction to be held on the first floor
of these Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta, of the
following properties:

Il-fondi bin-numri sitta u amsin (56), sebga u amsin

(57) u tmienja u amsin (58), fi Triq San wann, Bormla,
liberi u franki, bid-drittijiet u l-pertinenzi kollha taghom,
stmati li jiswew tlieta u tmenin elf Ewro (83,000); u

The tenements numbered fifty-six (56), fifty-seven (57)

and fifty-eight (58), in Triq San wann, Bormla, free and
unencumbered, with its rights and appurtenances, valued at
eighty-three thousand Euro (83,000); and

Il-garaxx numru sebga (7), fi Triq it-Tobra, al Lija,

baess li jagti gal Triq il-Larin, Attard, stmat li jiswa
mistax-il elf u ames mitt Ewro (15,500).

A garage numbered seven (7), in Triq it-Tobra, al Lija,

who has access in Triq il-Larin, Attard, valued at fifteen
thousand and five hundred Euro (15,500).

L-imsemmija fondi huma proprjet ta Briffa Alan u B.

Kam Holdings Limited (C 24868).

The said tenements are the property of Briffa Alan and B.

Kam Holdings Limited (C 24868).

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



N.B. L-imsemmija fondi jinbiegu balma ew deskritti

fl-atti tas-subbasta numru 42/13.

N.B. The said tenements will be sold as described in the

acts of the file number 42/13.

Reistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum il-imga, 28 ta

Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Superior Courts, this Friday, 31st October,


Marvic Farrugia
Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

Marvic Farrugia
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

Bdigriet tad-29 ta Ottubru, 2014, mogti mill-Qorti

ivili Prim Awla, din il-Qorti ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni talestratt li jidher hawn tat biex isservi ta notifika skont lArtikolu 338 (1) tal-Kodii tal-Proedura u Organizzazzjoni
ivili (Kap. 12).

By a decree of the 29th October, 2014, given by the First

Hall Civil Court, the court ordered that the extract hereunder
mentioned be published for the purpose of service according
to Article 338 (1) of the Code of Organisation and Civil
Procedure (Cap. 12)

Illi bRikors u edola ta Kompensazzjoni kontestwalment

ippreentati minn Bank of Valletta plc (C 2833), fit-28 ta
Ottubru, 2014, qed tintalab tpaija tal-ammont ta 1,800
prezz minnhom offert fil-Bejg bl-Irkant 15/14 fl-ismijiet
Bank of Valletta plc vs Alexander u Lorenza Briffa, mimum
tat l-Awtorit ta din il-Qorti fis-27 ta Ottubru, 2014.

That by application and a Schedule of set-off filed

contemporaneously by Bank of Valletta plc (C 2833), on the
28th October, 2014, the approval of the said judicial acts is
being demanded for the amount of 1,800 following judicial
Sale by Auction 15/14 in the names Bank of Valletta plc vs
Alexander and Lorenza Briffa et, held under the Authority of
the said Court on the 27th October, 2014.

Skond Artikolu 338 (2) tal-Kapitolu 12: Kull min jista

jkollu interess u l-persuni hekk notifikati gandhom mien
goxrin urnata biex jippreentaw tweiba li fiha jiddikjaraw
bid-dettall ir-raunijiet gall-oppoizzjoni taghom u ssomom kontestati, u meta dik l-oppoizzjoni tkun imseja
fuq talba li tolqot ir-rikavat tal-bejg u allegata kawa ta
preferenza, huma gandhom jiddikjaraw l-ammont ta dik
it-talba u l-bai gal dik il-preferenza. Dawn il-persuni
gandhom flimkien mar-risposta jippreentaw kull prova
relevanti sabiex jissostanzjaw l-oppoizzjoni taghom.

According to Article 338 (2) of Chapter 12: Any person

who may have an interest and the persons so served shall
be allowed the time of twenty days to file an answer stating
in detail the reasons for their opposition and the amounts in
contestation, and where such opposition is based on a claim
against the proceeds of sale and alleged cause of preference,
they are to state the amount of such claim and the basis for
the preference. Such persons shall with the answer file all
relevant evidence to substantiate their opposition.

Reistru tal-Qorti Superjuri, illum il-imga, 31 ta

Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Superior Courts, this Friday, 31st October,


Marvic Farrugia
Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

Marvic Farrugia
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

Bdigriet mogti mill-Qorti ivili Prim Awla, fis-27 ta

Ottubru, 2014, fuq rikors ta HSBC Bank Malta plc, ie
ffissat il-jum tal-amis, 11 ta Diembru, 2014 fnofsinhar,
gall-Bejg bl-Irkant li gandu jsir fl-ewwel sular, Qrati
tal-ustizzja, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta, tal-fondi
hawn tat deskritti:

By a decree given by the Civil Court First Hall, on the

27th of October, 2014, on the application of HSBC Bank
Malta plc, Thursday, 11th December, 2014 at noon, has been
fixed for the Sale by Auction to be held on the first floor,
Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta, of the following

(1) L-appartament internament immarkat bin-numru tlieta

(3), fit-tieni sular inklua l-arja sovrastanti, formanti parti
mill-Blokk ta Appartamenti bl-isem Anvil Appartments,
numru erba(4), fi Triq il-Minfa, Naxxar, liberu u frank,
stmat li jiswa mija u disghin elf Ewro (190,000).

(1) The apartment internally marked number three (3), on

the second floor including overlying airspace forming part of
Block of Apartments named Anvil Apartments, numbered
four (4), in Triq il-Minfa, Naxxar, free and unencumbered,
valued one hundred and ninety thousand Euros (190,000).



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Inklu ma dan il-fond hemm l-uu tal-partijiet komuni

li jinkludu t-tara ta barra, il-bieb ta barra, l-entrata, ittromba tat-tara sal-bejt, il-lift u x-xaft tal-lift, u s-sistema
tal-ilma u tad-drana.

Included with the apartment there is the use of the

common parts which include the outside stairs, outside door,
entrance hall, the stairs to the roof, the lift and its shaft and
water and drainage system.

(2) Is-sitt garaxxijiet sottostanti l-blokk ta Appartamenti

bl-isem ta Anvil Appartments, numru erbga (4), fi Triq
il-Minfa, Naxxar, internament immarkati;

(2) The six garages under the block of apartments named

Anvil Apartments, numbered four (4), in Triq il-Minfa,
Naxxar, internally marked:

Garaxx numru tnejn (2), ta irka 73.47 metri kwadri,

stmat li jiswa amsa u erbgin elf Ewro (45,000).

Garage number two (2), of approx. 73.47 metres squared,

valued forty-five thousand Euros (45,000).

Garaxx numru tlieta (3), ta irka 13.71 metri kwadri,

stmat li jiswa tlieta u goxrin elf Ewro (23,000).

Garage number three (3), of approx. 13.71 metres squared,

valued twenty-three thousand Euros (23,000).

Garaxx numru erbga (4), ta irka 13.80 metri kwadri,

stmat li jiswa tlieta u goxrin elf Ewro (23,000).

Garage number four (4), of approx. 13.80 metres squared,

valued twenty-three thousand Euros (23,000).

Garaxx numru hamsa (5), ta irka 11.78 metri kwadri,

stmat li jiswa goxrin elf Ewro (20,000).

Garage number five (5), of approx. 11.78 metres squared,

valued twenty thousand Euros (20,000).

Garaxx numru sitta (6), ta irka 15.74 metri kwadri,

stmat li jiswa amsa u goxrin elf Ewro (25,000).

Garage number six (6), of approx. 15.74 metres squared,

valued twenty-five thousand Euros (25,000).

Garaxx numru sebga (7), ta irka 44.43 metri kwadri,

stmat li jiswa erbgin elf Ewro (40,000).

Garage number seven (7), of approx. 44.43 metres

squared, valued forty thousand Euros (40,000).

Inklu ma kull garaxx hemm l-uu tal-partijiet komuni li

jinkludu t-tara mill-front garden, il-bibien ta barra u l-lift
tal-karozzi u x-xaft tal-lift.

Included with every garage there is the use of common

parts which include the stairs from the front garden, outside
doors, cars lift and shaft for lift.

L-imsemmija fondi huma proprjet ta Xuereb Albert u


The said tenements are the property of Xuereb Albert

and Rosaria.

N.B. L-imsemmija fondi jinbiegu balma ew deskritti

fl-atti tas-subbasta 77/2013.

N.B. The said tenements will be sold as described in the

judicial sale 77/2013.

Reistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum il-imga, 31 ta

Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Superior Courts, this Friday, 31st October,

Rudolph Marmar
For the Registrar of the Civil Courts and Tribunals

Rudolph Marmar
Gar-Reistratur tal-Qrati ivili u Tribunali
Bdigriet mogti mill-Qorti ivili Prim Awla, fit-30 ta
Ottubru, 2014, fuq rikors ta HSBC Bank Malta plc, ie
ffissat il-jum tal-amis, 18 ta Diembru, 2014, fl-gaxra
u nofs ta filgodu, gall-Bejg bl-Irkant li gandu jsir flewwel Sular, Qrati tal-ustizzja, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt
Valletta, tal-propjetajiet hawn tat deskritti:

By a decree given by the Civil Court First Hall, on the

30th October, 2014, on the application of HSBC Bank Malta
plc, Thursday, 18th December, 2014, at half past ten in the
morning, has been fixed for the Sale by Auction to be held
on the First Floor, Law Courts, Republic Street, Valletta, of
the following properties:

Is-segwenti porzjonijiet divii ta art f Gawdex fil-limiti

ta Gajnsielem, ilkoll formanti parti minn galqa imseja
Ta San wann:

The following undivided portions of land in Gozo, limits

of Gajnsielem, forming part of a land known as Ta San

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014


Il-porzjoni tal-art immarkata bin-numru tlieta (3), u

gandha l-kejl superfijali ta irka mija tmienja u sittin metri
kwadri (168 metri kwadri, konfinanti mit-Tramuntana ma
triq privata proettata, mil-Lvant ma proprjet ta Three Jays
Limited, u mill-Punent ma plot numru erbga (4), proprjet
ta Small Properties Limited, inklu id-dritt ta passa ninn
fuq l-art ta irka tliet mija tnejn u erbgin metru kwadru (342
metru kwadru), immarkata bil-kulur blu, sehem indivi ta
1/37 mill-art proettata li ssir triq u mmarkata bil-kulur blu
ta irka seba mija tlieta u tletin metru kwadru (733 metru
kwadru), sehem indivi ta 1/37 mill-art proettata li ssir triq
u mmarkata bil-kulur roa ta irka tliet mija tmienja u sebgin
metru kwadru (378 metru kwadru), sehem indivi ta 1/37
mill-art proettata li ssir triq u mmarkata bil-kulur vjola ta
irka tlettax-il metru kwadru (13-il metru kwadru), u sehem
indivi ta 1/37 minn sqaq immarkat bil-kulur adar, libera u
franka, stmata li tiswa mija u amsin elf Ewro (150,000).
Il-porzjoni tal-art mmarkata bin-numru erbga (4), u
gandha l-kejl superfijali ta irka mija tmienja u sittin
metri kwadri (168 metri kwadri), ida deskritta fil-kuntratt
bala 154.1 metri kwadri, konfinanti mit-Tramuntana ma
triq proettata, mil-Lvant ma plot numru tlieta (3) proprjet
ta Small Properties Limited, min-Nofsinhar ma plot numru
sitta (6), proprjet ta Three Jays Limited, u mill-irjie l-ora
ma beni ta Mariella Mercieca, inklu id-dritt ta passa
fuq l-art immarkata bil-kulur blu ta irka tliet mija tnejn u
erbgin metru kwadru (342 metru kwadru), sehem indivi ta
1/37 mill-art proettata li ssir triq u mmarkata bil-kulur blu
ta irka seba mija tlieta u tletin metru kwadru (733 metru
kwadru), sehem indivi ta 1/37 mill-art proettata li ssir triq u
mmarkata bil-kulur roa ta irka tliet mija tmienja u sebgin
metru kwadru (378 metru kwadru), sehem indivi ta 1/37
mill-art proettata li ssir triq u mmarkata bil-kulur vjola ta
irka tlettax-il metru kwadru (13-il metru kwadru), u sehem
indivi ta 1/37 minn sqaq immarkat bil-kulur adar, libera u
franka, stmata li tiswa mija u amsin elf Ewro (150,000).


The portion of land marked number three (3), measuring

circa one hundred sixty-eight metres squared (168 metres
squared), bordering from the North with a projected private
street, from the East with a property of Three Jays, and
from the West with plot number four (4) property of Small
Properties Limited, the right of a passage over that portion
of land measuring circa three hundred and forty two metres
squared (342 metres squared) marked in blue, an undivided
share of 1/37 of a land projected for a street marked in blue
of circa seven hundred and thirty-three metres squared
(733 metres squared), an undivided share of 1/37 of a land
projected for a street marked in pink of circa three hundred
and seventy-eight metres squared (378 metres squared),
an undivided share of 1/37 of a land projected for a street
marked in purple of circa thirteen metres squared (13 metres
squared), and an undivided share of 1/37 of a lane marked
in green, free and unencumbered, valued at one hundred and
fifty thousand Euros (150,000).
The portion of land marked number four (4), measuring
circa one hundred sixty-eight metres squared (168 metres
squared), bordering from the North with a projected private
street, from the East with plot number three (3) property of
Small Properties Limited, from the South with plot number six
(6), property of Three Jays Limited, and from the other sides
with properties of Mariella Mercieca, with right of a passage
over that portion of land measuring circa three hundred and
forty two metres squared (342 metres squared) marked in
blue, an undivided share of 1/37 of a land projected for a
street marked in blue of circa seven hundred and thirty-three
metres squared (733 metres squared), an undivided share of
1/37 of a land projected for a street marked in pink of circa
three hundred and seventy eight metres squared (378 metres
squared), an undivided share of 1/37 of a land projected for
a street marked in purple of circa thirteen metres squared
(13 metres squared), and an undivided share of 1/37 of a
lane marked in green, free and unencumbered, valued at one
hundred and fifty thousand Euros (150,000).

Il-porzjoni tal-art mmarkata bin-numru tnax (12), u

gandha l- kejl superfijali ta irka mija amsa u sittin metru
kwadru (165 metru kwadru), konfinanti mill-Punent ma triq
proettata, mit-Tramuntana ma beni ta Mariella Mercieca,
u min-Nofsinhar ma beni ta Three Jays Limited, sehem
indivi ta 1/37 mill-art proettata li ssir triq u mmarkata bilkulur blu ta irka seba mija tlieta tletin metru kwadru (733
metru kwadru), sehem indivi ta 1/37 mill-art proettata li
ssir triq u mmarkata bil-kulur roa ta irka tliet mija tmienja u
sebgin metru kwadru (378 metru kwadru), u sehem indivi
ta 1/37 minn sqaq immarkat bil-kulur adar, libera u franka,
stmata li tiswa mija u gaxart elef Ewro (110,000 ).

The portion of land marked number twelve (12), measuring

circa one hundred and sixty-five metres squared (165 metres
squared), bordering from the West with a projected private
street, from the North with properties of Mariella Mercieca,
and from the South with property of Three Jays Limited,
an undivided share of 1/37 of a land projected for a street
marked in blue of circa seven hundred and thirty-three
metres squared (733 metres squared), an undivided share of
1/37 of a land projected for a street marked in pink of circa
three hundred and seventy-eight metres squared (378 metres
squared), and an undivided share of 1/37 of a lane marked
in green, free and unencumbered, valued at one hundred and
ten thousand Euros (110,000).

Il-porzjoni tal-art mmarkata bin-numru sebga u goxrin

(27), u gandha l-kejl superfijali ta irka mija tmienja u
sittin metru kwadru (168 metru kwadru), konfinanti mil-

The portion of land marked number twenty-seven (27),

measuring circa one hundred sixty-eight metres squared (168
metres squared), bordering from the East with a projected



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Lvant ma triq proettata, mitTramuntana mal-porzjoni

numru sitta u goxrin (26) ma beni ta Three Jays Ltd, u
min-Nofsinhar ma porzjon numru tmienja u goxrin (28)
beni ta Small Properties Limited, u sehem indivi ta 1/37
mill-art proettata li ssir triq u mmarkata bil-kulur blu ta
irka seba mija tlieta u tletin metru kwadru (733 metru
kwadru), sehem indivi ta 1/37 mill-art proettata li ssir
triq u mmarkata bil-kulur roa ta irka tliet mija tmienja u
sebgin metru kwadru (378 metru kwadru), u sehem indivi
ta 1/37 minn sqaq immarkat bil-kulur adar, libera u franka,
stmata li tiswa mija amsa u tletin elf Ewro (135,000).

private street, from the North with plot number twenty-six

(26) property of Three Jays Ltd, and from the South with
plot number twenty-eight (28) property of Small Properties
Limited, an undivided share of 1/37 of a land projected for a
street marked in blue of circa seven hundred and thirty-three
metres squared (733 metres squared), an undivided share of
1/37 of a land projected for a street marked in pink of circa
three hundred and seventy-eight metres squared (378 metres
squared), and an undivided share of 1/37 of a lane marked
in green, free and unencumbered, valued at one hundred and
thirty-five thousand Euros (135,000).

Il-porzjoni tal-art immarkata bin-numru tmienja u goxrin

(28), u gandha l-kejl superfijali ta irka mija tmienja u sittin
metru kwadru (168 metru kwadru), konfinanti mil-Lvant u
x-Xlokk ma triq proettata, mit-Tramuntana mal-porzjoni
numru sebga u goxrin (27) beni ta Small Properties
Limited, inklu sehem indivi ta 1/37 mill-art proettata li
ssir triq u mmarkata bil-kulur blu ta irka sebga mija tlieta
u tletin metru kwadru (733 metru kwadru), sehem indivi
ta 1/37 mill-art proettata li ssir triq u mmarkata bil-kulur
roa ta irka tliet mija tmienja u sebgin metru kwadru (378
metru kwadru), u sehem indivi ta 1/37 minn sqaq immarkat
bil-kulur adar, libera u franka, stmata li tiswa mija tmienja
u erbgin elf Ewro (148,000).

The portion of land marked number twenty-eight (28),

measuring circa one hundred sixty-eight metres squared (168
metres squared), bordered from West and East with a projected
private street, from the North with plot number twenty seven
(27) property of Small Properties Limited, and undivided
share of 1/37 from every part of land projected for a street and
an undivided share of 1/37 of a lane, free and unencumbered,
and an undivided share of 1/37 of a land projected for a
street marked in blue of circa seven hundred and thirty-three
metres squared (733 metres squared), an undivided share of
1/37 of a land projected for a street marked in pink of circa
three hundred and seventy-eight metres squared (378 metres
squared), and an undivided share of 1/37 of a lane marked
in green, free and unencumbered, valued at one hundred and
forty-eight thousand Euros (148,000).

L-imsemmija fondi huma proprjet ta Small Properites


The said tenements are the property of Small Properties


N.B. L-imsemmija fondi jinbiegu balma ew deskritti

fl-atti tas-subbasta 101/13.

N.B. The said tenements will be sold as described in the

acts 101/2013.

Reistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum il-imga, 31 ta

Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Superior Courts, this Friday, 31st October,


Rudolph Marmar
Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

Rudolph Marmar
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

Bdigriet tat-Tribunal gal Talbiet gar, tal-21 ta unju,

2014, iet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn
tat gall-finijiet ta notifika skont l-Artikolu 187 (3) talKodii ta Organizzazzjoni u Proedura ivili (Kap. 12).

By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal, of the 21st

June, 2014, the publication of the following extract was
ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187 (3)
of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).

Go plc, ta Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501, ippreentaw

Talba, fis-16 ta unju, 2014, fejn talbu lit-Tribunal sabiex
jikkundanna lil Laven Kieran Anthony (KI 73851A), ta
217A, Endless Horizon, Triq il-Mitna l-dida, Melliea,
sabiex iallas lis-sojet attrii s-somma ta 661.14, liema
ammont huwa dovut lis-sojet attrii.

Go plc, of Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501, filed

a Claim, on the 16th June, 2014, whereby they asked the
Tribunal to condemn Laven Kieran Anthony (ID 73851A),
of 217A, Endless Horizon, Triq il-Mitna l-dida, Melliea,
to pay the plaintiff company the sum of 661.14, which
amount is due to the plaintiff company.

Bl-ispejje u bl-imgaxijiet legali.

With costs and legal interests.

L-4 ta Novembru, 2014



Il-kawa (Avvi Numru 389/14VG) hija differita gat-12

ta Novembru, 2014 fis-1.00 p.m.

The case (Claim Number 389/14VG) is deferred for the

12th November, 2014 at 1.00 p.m.

Reistru tal-Qorti tal-Maistrati (Malta), illum 31 ta

Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta), today 31st

October, 2014.
Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

Alexandra Debattista
Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali
Bdigriet tat-Tribunal gal Talbiet gar, tal-1 ta Ottubru,
2014, iet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn
tat gall-finijiet ta notifika skont l-Artikolu 187 (3) talKodii ta Organizzazzjoni u Proedura ivili (Kap. 12).

By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal, of the 1st

October, 2014, the publication of the following extract was
ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187 (3)
of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).

Go plc, ta Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501, ippreentaw

Talba, fl-14 ta Marzu, 2014, fejn talbu lit-Tribunal sabiex
jikkundanna lil Provins Nadine (KI 59252A), ta 36, Triq
SantAntnin, Sliema, sabiex tallas lis-sojet attrii s-somma
ta 482.48, liema ammont huwa dovut lis-sojet attrii.

Go plc, of Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501, filed a

Claim, on the 14th March, 2014, whereby they asked the
Tribunal to condemn Provins Nadine (ID 59252A), of 36,
Triq SantAntnin, Sliema, to pay the plaintiff company the sum
of 482.48, which amount is due to the plaintiff company.

Bl-ispejje u bl-imgaxijiet legali.

With costs and legal interests.

Il-kawa (Avvi Numru 189/14YMS) hija differita gat12 ta Novembru, 2014 fin-12.30 p.m.

The case (Claim Number 189/14YMS) is deferred for the

12th November, 2014 at 12.30 p.m.

Reistru tal-Qorti tal-Maistrati (Malta), illum 31 ta

Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta), today 31st

October, 2014.

Alexandra Debattista
Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

Bdigriet tat-Tribunal gal Talbiet gar, tat-2 ta Lulju,

2014, iet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn
tat gall-finijiet ta notifika skont l-Artikolu 187 (3) talKodii ta Organizzazzjoni u Proedura ivili (Kap. 12).

By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal, of the 2nd July,

2014, the publication of the following extract was ordered
for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187 (3) of the
Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).

Go plc, ta Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501, ippreentaw

Talba, fit-30 ta April, 2014, fejn talbu lit-Tribunal sabiex
jikkundanna lil Mc Nally John Frederick (KI 53646A), ta 59,
Pinto Court, Penthouse 7, Triq San Pawl, San Pawl il-Baar,
sabiex iallas lis-sojet attrii s-somma ta 581.68, liema
ammont huwa dovut lis-sojet attrii.

Go plc, of Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501, filed a

Claim, on the 30th April, 2014, whereby they asked the
Tribunal to condemn Mc Nally John Frederick (ID 53646A),
of 59, Pinto Court, Penthouse 7, Triq San Pawl, San Pawl
il-Baar, to pay the plaintiff company the sum of 581.68,
which amount is due to the plaintiff company.

Bl-ispejje u bl-imgaxijiet legali.

With costs and legal interests.

Il-kawa (Avvi Numru 302/14YMS) hija differita gat12 ta Novembru, 2014 fin-12.30 p.m.

The case (Claim Number 302/14YMS) is deferred for the

12th November, 2014 at 12.30 p.m.

Reistru tal-Qorti tal-Maistrati (Malta), illum 31 ta

Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta), today 31st

October, 2014.

Alexandra Debattista
Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals



Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,337

Bdigriet tat-Tribunal gal Talbiet gar, tat-23 taSettembru,
2014, iet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn tat
gall-finijiet ta notifika skont l-Artikolu 187 (3) tal-Kodii ta
Organizzazzjoni u Proedura ivili (Kap. 12).

By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal, of the 23rd

September, 2014, the publication of the following extract was
ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187 (3)
of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).

Mobisle Communications Limited (C 24655), ta Fra

Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501, ippreentaw Talba, fid-9 ta
Settembru, 2014, fejn talbu lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil
McCarthy Karen Diana (KI 64920A), ta 4, Bertro, Flat 2, Triq
Tas-Salib, Il-Melliea, sabiex iallas lis-sojet attrii s-somma
ta 460.45, liema ammont huwa dovut lis-sojet attrii.

Mobisle Communications Limited (C 24655), of Fra Diego

Street, Marsa MRS 1501, filed a Claim, on the 9th September,
2014, whereby they asked the Tribunal to condemn McCarthy
Karen Diana (ID 64920A), of 4, Bertro, Flat 2, Triq Tas-Salib,
Melliea, to pay the plaintiff company the sum of 460.45,
which amount is due to the plaintiff company.

Bl-ispejje u bl-imgaxijiet legali.

With costs and legal interests.

Il-kawa (Avvi Numru 626/14VG) hija differita gat-12

ta Novembru, 2014 fis-1.00 p.m.

The case (Claim Number 626/14VG) is defered for the

12th November, 2014 at 1.00 p.m.

Reistru tal-Qorti tal-Maistrati (Malta), illum 31 ta

Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta), today 31st

October, 2014.

Alexandra Debattista
Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

Bdigriet tat-Tribunal gal Talbiet gar, tat-28 ta Awwissu,

2014, iet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn tat
gall-finijiet ta notifika skont l-Artikolu 187 (3) tal-Kodii ta
Organizzazzjoni u Proedura ivili (Kap. 12).

By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal, of the 28th

August, 2014, the publication of the following extract was
ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187 (3)
of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).

Mobisle Communications Limited (C 24655), ta Fra

Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501, ippreentaw Talba, fl-20 ta
Awwissu, 2014, fejn talbu lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna
lil Valentina Rosi (KI 79745A), ta State, Flat 1, Triq ienqa, Naxxar, sabiex tallas lis-sojet attrii s-somma ta
1,276.89 liema ammont huwa dovut lis-sojet attrii.

Mobisle Communications Limited (C 24655), of Fra

Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501, filed a Claim, on the 20th
August, 2014, whereby they asked the Tribunal to condemn
Valentina Rosi (ID 79745A), of State, Flat 1, Triq i-enqa,
Naxxar, to pay the plaintiff company the sum of 1,276.89
which amount is due to the plaintiff company.

Bl-ispejje u bl-imgaxijiet.

With costs and interests.

Il-kawa (Avvi Numru 578/14VG) hija differita gat-12

ta Novembru, 2014 fis-1.00 p.m.

The case (Claim Number 578/14VG) is deferred for the

12th November, 2014 at 1.00 p.m.

Reistru tal-Qorti tal-Maistrati (Malta), illum 31 ta

Ottubru, 2014.

Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta), today 31st

October, 2014.

Alexandra Debattista
Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( Valletta Published by the Department of Information ( Valletta
Mitbug fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta riiklata Printed at the Government Printing Press on recycled paper

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