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Government Gazette - 25th January 2023 PA

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Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta

The Malta Government Gazette
L-Erbgħa, 25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 Pubblikata b’Awtorità
Wednesday, 25th January, 2023 Published by Authority


Avviżi tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar........................................................................................ 749 - 780

Planning Authority Notices............................................................................................... 749 - 780
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 749

Applikazzjonijiet tal-Ippjanar/ Planning/Regularisation

ta’ Regolarizzazzjoni Applications

L-avviż li ġej qed jiġi ppubblikat skont Regolamenti The following notice is being published in accordance
6(1),11(1),11(2) u 11(3) tar-Regolamenti dwar l-Ippjanar with Regulations 6(1), 11(1), 11(2), and 11(3) of the
tal-Iżvilupp, 2016 (Proċedura ta’ Applikazzjonijiet u Development Planning (Procedure for Applications and
d-Deċiżjoni Relattiva) (A.L.162 tal-2016), fejn relevanti. their Determination) Regulations 2016 (L.N. 162 of 2016),
where relevant.

Din hija lista ta’ applikazzjonijiet kompluti li waslu This is a list of complete applications received by
għand l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar mill-aħħar publikazzjoni. the Planning Authority since the last publication. The
L-applikazzjonijiet huma mqassmin bil-lokalità u d-data applications are set out by locality and the deadline for
sa meta jintlaqgħu sottomissjonijiet hija indikata taħt kull submissions is set out below every application number.
numru ta’ referenza ta’ applikazzjoni. Fejn relevanti, it-tip Where relevant, the process type is also indicated below
ta’ proċess huwa indikat taħt l-istess data. Sottomissjonijiet such date. Written submissions will only be accepted until
bil-miktub jintlaqgħu biss sad-data indikata, kif ġej:: the specified dates, as follows:

- eApplications:; - eApplications:;

- website: (billi tinttuża s-sistema - website: (using the Case Search
ta’ tfittxija tal-każ partikolari bl-użu tal-Case Search); facility)
- email:; - email:;
- Ittra: Awtorità tal-Ippjanar, St Francis Ravelin, Il-Furjana - Letter: Planning Authority, St Francis Ravelin, Floriana
FRN 1230. FRN 1230.

Tista’ tara l-applikazzjonijiet u l-pjanti fl-: You can view the applications and plans at:

- eApplications ( (billi tuża l-eID); - eApplications ( (through e-ID);

- Awtorità tal-Ippjanar, St Francis Ravelin, Il-Furjana - Planning Authority, St Francis Ravelin, Floriana
- Awtorità tal-Ippjanar, Triq Santa Martha, Victoria, Għawdex. - Planning Authority, Triq Santa Marta, Victoria, Gozo.

Rappreżentazzjonijiet jistgħu jkunu sottomessi anonimament. Representations may be submitted anonymously. It is

Huwa importanti li tikkwota n-numru tal-applikazzjoni korrett important that you quote the application number correctly and
u li tinkludi imejl. L-Awtorità tikkorrispondi biss bl-imejl. that you include an email address. The Planning Authority
Żomm f'moħħok li l-kummenti li jintbgħatu lill-Awtorità will ONLY correspond via email. Please note that comments
jkunu visibbli għall-pubbliku. Għalhekk kull imejl u kull sent to the Authority will be available to the public. Thus
korrispondenza fiżika (inkluż informazzjoni personali li emails and any physical correspondence (including any
dawn ikunu jinkludu) tkun miftuħa ghal kullhadd. personal data contained therein) will be available publicly.

*Kitba b’tipa grassa/korsiva tindika r-raġuni għala *Text shown in bold/italics indicates the reason for re-
l-applikazzjoni qed terġa’ tiġi ppublikata. publication.


Attard PA/00112/23 Construction of a basement to the Class 4C shop at ground floor and extension
09/02/2023 of the receded floor level (Class 4A - offices) with a different layout from that
Summary approved in permission PA05524/20.
David Sammut, 29, Triq l-Imdina, Attard
Attard PA/00150/23 To sanction fencing throughout field’s extents.
24/02/2023 Tyrone Agius, Site at, Tal-Maltija, Attard
750 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

Attard PA/00151/23 Renovation of existing townhouse, including internal and external alterations
24/02/2023 and additions. Works include the addition of proprietary internal apertures and
Full the replacement of external apertures around the internal courtyard and on the
back facade overlooking the garden; the introduction of mezzanine spaces within
front bedrooms; proposed additions within back terraces at second floor level;
a proposed room at the rear end of the garden; the introduction of a lightweight
staircase linking the garden level to the back terrace at first floor level; excavation
works within the garden and construction of pool, including the relocation of
the stone drainage channels; and facade upgrade (minor cleaning, repainting of
apertures and metal railings).
Alihan Özbayrak, No. 39, No. 40 and No. 41, Triq l-Imdina, Attard
Attard PA/00303/23 To construct swimming pool.
24/02/2023 Victoria Gharz Eddin, El Shaddai, Triq l-Imdina, Attard

Balzan PA/05219/22 Change of use of part of Class 4B (approved in PA05666/18) to Class 4A (office/
24/02/2023 treatment room). Proposal includes sanctioning of internal alterations which
Full consists of the removal of an internal partitions and alterations to facade apertures
and front garden wall. Proposal includes the installation of signs.
Ryan Camilleri, 44, Vjal il-Bon Pastur c/w, Triq il-Ferrovija l-Qadima, Balzan
Deskrizzjoni tal-proposta mibdula mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Proposal
changed from original submission

Belt Valletta PA/00131/23 Proposed 1 meter extension of mobile telephony infrastructure at roof level, and
24/02/2023 relocation of ancillary services, previously approved in DN00954/15.
Full Joseph Giordmaina, 182, Triq San Pawl c/w, Triq San Nikola, Belt Valletta
Belt Valletta RG/01446/22 To regularise maisonette as built.
24/02/2023 Antonia Farrugia, 132A, Triq Marsamxett, Belt Valletta

Birkirkara PA/00144/23 To sanction as built including internal and external alterations and extensions at
09/02/2023 third floor level. Proposal to include correction of site from approved PA850/94.
Summary Alison Bezzina, 10, Alvin, Triq Manoel Vilhena, Birkirkara
Birkirkara PA/00161/23 To sanction first floor apartment as existing, lieu of variation from approved
09/02/2023 permit PB4765/4448/75.
Summary Stanislao (sive Stanley) Mifsud, Northsea, Flat 1, Triq in-Naxxar, Birkirkara
Birkirkara PA/04153/22 Proposed change of use from stores to Class 4B showroom at ground floor and
24/02/2023 Class 4A offices at upper floors and the construction of a recessed floor over
Full approved development in PA9711/18.
ACT Offices Limited Attn: Stephen Balzan, ACT Offices, Central Business
District, Zone 1, Triq l-Imdina/, Triq il-Kalkara tal-Gir, Birkirkara
Deskrizzjoni tal-proposta mibdula mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Proposal
changed from original submission
Birkirkara PA/07981/22 Proposed additional basement level (level -3) to approved drawings in
24/02/2023 PA02089/18 following excavation works and re-location of the sub-station to
Full level -3, modification of levels as approved and amendments at all levels including
additional Class 1A dwelling at level 0 as well as Class 4B shop at level -1.
Frankie Sciberras, Corner site at, Triq tal-Qattus c/w, Triq Evelyn Bonaci,
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 751

Birkirkara PA/00158/23 To extend parking/delivery area of an existing Class 4B outlet, demolish existing
24/02/2023 dwelling retaining facade and hall, and reconstruct with addition of second floor,
Full plus removal of granite cladding and shop sign.
Angelo Calleja, 60, Calleja Second Step, Triq John Borg and 203, 205, Triq
Brared, Birkirkara
Birkirkara PA/00267/23 Proposed changed of use from pastizzeria to take away, and minor internal
24/02/2023 alterations and alterations to facade, including modifications to sign and removal
Full of retractable canopy.
Grimzee Ltd. Attn: Fabio Grima, Shop 1, Triq il-Wied c/w, Triq il-Knisja l-Qadima,
Birkirkara PA/00271/23 Demolition of existing garage and construction of a terraced house. Alterations
24/02/2023 and extension at roof level of a pre-1967 first floor maisonette. Subdivision of a
Full pre-1967 ground floor maisonette into a one-bedroomed dwelling and a Class 4A
office. Works include fixing of ac’s and restoration of façade.
Edward Grech, 87a, 88,89 and 90, Triq il-Wied/, Triq il-Kullegg, Birkirkara
Birkirkara RG/01481/22 To regularise apartment as built.
01/02/2023 Thomas Christian Lambert, Flat 1 36, Triq Santa Marija, Birkirkara

Birżebbuġa PA/06186/22 Sanctioning of the shutter and sign and to propose the addition of an ac unit.
24/02/2023 Josette Zahra, Nicolas, Triq San Filippu, Birzebbuga
Full Deskrizzjoni tal-proposta mibdula mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Proposal
changed from original submission
Birżebbuġa RG/01471/22 To regularise existing apartment at second floor level and washroom at roof level.
24/02/2023 Romina Borg Tabone, 10 Flat 2, Triq il-Mandolina, Qajjenza Birzebbuga

Cospicua PA/00126/23 Internal alterations and construction of extension at second floor level to provide
(Bormla) 09/02/2023 access to the currently inaccessible roof area.
Summary Marcus Grima, No 23, Apt 1, Misrah Bonnici, Triq San Gorg, Cospicua (Bormla)
Cospicua PA/00110/23 Internal and external alterations to an existing townhouse including the erection
(Bormla) 24/02/2023 of another level with an overlying receded floor.
Full Steve Gauci, 43, Triq Felic, Cospicua (Bormla)
Cospicua PA/00184/23 Proposed development including alterations to existing pre-1968 property.
(Bormla) 24/02/2023 Development to include the replacement of existing dangerous roof structures,
Full replacement of existing balcony and aluminium apertures, cleaning of the façade
and other minor internal alterations.
Cedric Debattista, No. 53, Triq Santa Margerita, Cospicua (Bormla)

Fgura PA/05815/22 To demolish existing 2no terraced houses, excavate and construct 4no garages
24/02/2023 and 7no parking spaces, 3no maisonettes and 2no apartments at ground floor level
Full and 18no apartments at first, second, third and receded floor levels.
Paul Attard, House No 2, 4 & 6, Triq is-Sardinella c/w, Triq Kent, Fgura
Riferut mill-proċess Sommarju għal dak Sħiħ / Referred from Summary to
Full Process
Fgura PA/00211/23 Proposed demolition of existing terraced house and construction of garage at
24/02/2023 ground floor and four overlying residential dwellings.
Full Redeemer Galea, Omm tal-Grazzja, No.12, Vjal Kottoner, Fgura
Fgura PA/00298/23 To enlarge a ground floor garage and construct 3 apartments on 3 levels with an
24/02/2023 overlying penthouse.
Full Emanuel Fenech, 39-40, Triq il-Falkunier, Fgura
752 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

Floriana PA/00189/23 Restoration of facades.

09/02/2023 Perit Nadia Gatt Curmi, Director, Project Design and Engineering Directorate,
Summary Block B, Ministry For Public Works and Planning, Belt is-Sebh, Triq Francesco
Buonamici, Triq Antonio Maurizio Valperga, Floriana
Floriana PA/00109/23 Change of use from Class 4A office to Class 1 dwelling, replacement of painted
24/02/2023 timber balcony (to be painted gray) and restoration of facade.
Full Ryan Attard, 86, Triq il-Kapuccini, Floriana

Għargħur PA/00185/23 Proposed extension to existing dwelling comprising construction of ground

09/02/2023 floor, first floor and washroom at second floor. Application includes, demolition
Summary of excrescences, reconstruction of collapsed roof, construction of pool and other
minor modifications.
Daniel Haridas, 1, Triq San Nikola, Sqaq Nru. 1, Gharghur

Għaxaq PA/00134/23 Application to carry out alterations to the internal layout, and replacement of
09/02/2023 damaged beams to a pre-1968 residence.
Summary Marika Busuttil, 29, Triq iz-Zejtun c/w, Triq Manwel Dimech, Ghaxaq

Gżira PA/05017/22 To sanction convenience shop (Class 4B shop) and common parts providing access
24/02/2023 as built, including proposed internal extension over existing ramp, minor internal
Full alterations, and new aluminium apertures to facade.
Emmanuel Scerri, 133, 135, Ecopark Apartments, Triq Edgar Bernard, Gzira
Indirizz tas-sit mibdul mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Location address changed
from original submission
Gżira RG/01416/22 To regularise basement garage.
24/02/2023 Duncan Pace, 34 Isola Mare Garage C3, Triq Henry F. Bouverie, Gzira

ħamrun PA/00120/23 To widen garage door.

09/02/2023 Branislav Kollar, 67, Triq Barth, Hamrun
ħamrun PA/07107/22 To sanction internal changes from approved PA05377/01. Internal changes consist
24/02/2023 of the removal of the basement and its access spiral staircase. Proposal includes
Full a shop sign.
Uldrich Galea Medati, 4, Triq il-Ferrovija, Hamrun
Riferut mill-proċess Sommarju għal dak Sħiħ / Referred from Summary to
Full Process
ħamrun PA/00143/23 Demolition of existing house retaining the facade and construction of 4 levels
24/02/2023 (1-bedroom apartments) overlying the shop Class 4B at ground floor level.
Full Matthew Ellul, 821, 822, Triq il-Kbira San Guzepp, Hamrun
ħamrun PA/00302/23 Proposed shop sign to incorporate ac unit to a pre-1967 Class 4B retail outlet.
24/02/2023 Xanthe Azzopardi, 82 Movies, Triq il-Kbira San Guzepp, Hamrun

Iklin PA/00130/23 Proposed changes to front garden landscaping, gate, and front garden wall; and
24/02/2023 front façade changes.
Full Simon Theuma, 25, Casa Zammit, Triq Mons. Pietru Pawl Saydon, Iklin

Lija RG/01493/22 To regularise existing ground floor garage.

24/02/2023 Josephine Dimech, 36 Dimech Garage, Triq Antonio Azzopardi, Lija
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 753

Luqa PA/00128/23 Sanctioning of the house as built. Proposal also includes internal and external
24/02/2023 alterations, and the construction of the pool in the back garden.
Full Lydon Sciberras, Casa Poinsettia, 28, Triq il-Wilga, Luqa
Luqa RG/01070/22 To regularise apartment as built.
01/02/2023 Andre Magri, Flat 2 Orchid, Triq Wied il-Knejjes, Luqa

Marsa PA/00132/23 To erect a single sided illuminated billboard.

24/02/2023 Jeffrey Farrugia, Site at, Triq Dicembru Tlettax, Marsa

Marsaskala PA/00301/23 Renewal of PA9856/17 - To amend approved permit PA4148/16. Amendments

09/02/2023 consist in proposed additional basement (to increase garages from 11 to 12) and
Summary increase Class 4B shops (from 2 to 3) at lower ground floor. No changes are being
done to the overlying 10 apartments and 1 penthouse.
Rhys Lee Buttigieg, Site at, Triq il-Gardiel c/w, Triq il-Vjola, Marsascala
Marsaskala PA/00313/23 Sanctioning of minor changes from PA5591/94 and extension to single dwelling
09/02/2023 unit on second floor (35sq.m.)
Summary Nicholas Axiaq, Coral Reef 81, Triq il-Gross, Marsascala
Marsaskala PA/00084/23 To carry out restoration and consolidation of existing historic vernacular dwelling,
24/02/2023 rehabilitate building to residential use including construction of basement and other
Full additions; demolish scattered rooms, sheds and bird traps; install gate; repair rubble
walls; and implement landscaping scheme including uprooting invasive trees and
planting of indigenous trees, and sanctioning of works on rubble walls and gate.
Alexander P Cutajar, Ta’ Xandru F/H, Triq Wied iz-Ziju, Marsascala
Marsaskala PA/00166/23 Change of use from residential to Class 4B shop (work to include alterations).
24/02/2023 Jonathan Busuttil, Orchids, M01, Triq ta’ Gidwet, Marsascala
Marsaskala PA/00171/23 To sanction alterations at first and second floor from that approved in PA1042/03.
24/02/2023 Construction of 1 unit at third floor and 1 unit at receded floor.
Full Gianni Bondin, 8, Triq San Luqa, Marsascala
Marsaskala PA/00187/23 To sanction erection of part of property into the terrace. Proposal to also include
24/02/2023 minor internal alterations.
Full Yvonne Zammit, No 2, Sovereign Court, No. 7, Triq Sant’Antnin c/w, Triq id-
Dugh, Marsascala
Marsaskala RG/01521/22 Regularisation of flat as built.
24/02/2023 Thomasena Baines, East End, Flat 6, Triq iz-Zonqor, Marsascala

Marsaxlokk PA/00311/23 To sanction changes at roof level approved in PA03529/20. Proposal includes
09/02/2023 additional panels.
Summary Doreen Cassar, Backsplice Court, Apartment 9, Triq Tonin Attard, Marsaxlokk

Mellieħa PA/00179/23 To demolish existing dilapidated dwelling and excavate site to necessary levels.
24/02/2023 Proposed
Full construction of a domestic store at basement level and three overlying duplex
one-bedroom residential units.
Ernest Grima, 68, Triq il-Kappillan Magri c/w, Triq Sant’ Elena, Mellieha
Mellieħa PA/00343/23 To sanction gate and part of boundary wall including landscaped area and proposed
24/02/2023 placing of removable bollard pole.
Full Arthur Abela, Site at, L’ Ahrax Ta’ Ramal, Mellieha
754 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

Mosta PA/00123/23 Proposed pool at roof level and minor alterations to approved development
09/02/2023 (PA05475/21).
Summary Keith Grima, 78/80, Triq il-Kullegg, Mosta
Mosta PA/00163/23 Proposed excavation of existing vacant site and construction of 3 basement
09/02/2023 garages, ground floor maisonette, three apartments and a penthouse at receded
Summary floor level.
Rodney Pirotta, Vacant Plot, Triq Dun Ang Dingli, Mosta
Mosta PA/00269/23 Proposed alterations to existing dwelling including internal alterations at first
09/02/2023 floor level. Development to include alterations to elements in the façade including
Summary formation of apertures, replacement of the existing apertures and railings.
Joanne Pulis, Kestrel, 10, Triq Nerik Mizzi, Mosta
Mosta PA/00319/23 To sanction internal and facade alterations of apartment from that approved in
09/02/2023 permit PA01584/05.
Summary Glenn Gauci Grech, Flat 3, Santa Margherita, Court A, Triq il-Hmistax ta’ Awissu,
Mosta PA/04399/22 Proposed construction of 23 garages at basement level, 7 maisonettes, 15
24/02/2023 3-bedroom apartments, 10 2-bedroom apartments and 7 penthouses.
Full Jimmy Vella Ltd. Attn: John Mary Vella, Vacant property, Triq Carmelo Schembri,
Mosta &, Triq Dun Gorg Fiteni, Naxxar
Sit mibdul mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Site changed from original submission
Mosta PA/00104/23 Alterations to existing first floor maisonette to convert to a flat and construction
24/02/2023 of two flats and one penthouse.
Full Steve Camilleri, No. 69, Triq Salvu Barbara, Triq Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi, Mosta
Mosta PA/00154/23 Splitting up of one large garage approved in PA03662/21 into 2 separate garages
24/02/2023 and alterations to the facade to open a new garage door opening. Also proposed
Full in this application is the closing off of a doorway in the facade and the removal
of one of the reservoirs.
Edwin Cilia, 47, St. Mary, Triq il-Pont, Mosta
Mosta RG/01091/22 To regularise garage as-built.
01/02/2023 George Tonna, 122 Garage No. 23, Triq il-Wied, Mosta
Regularisation Indirizz tas-sit mibdul mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Location address changed
from original submission
Mosta RG/01384/22 To regularise change of use from garage to a residential unit (maisonette).
24/02/2023 Victoria Zammit, 57, Triq l-Ghadajjar, Mosta

Msida PA/00098/23 Proposed alterations to approved permit PA09522/18 inclusive of; internal and
24/02/2023 external alterations, extension of additional floor and re-design of front elevation.
Full FS Developments Ltd Attn: Itiana Abela, Site at (ex-Villa Fleri), Triq il-Wied
tal-Imsida, Msida
Msida PA/00167/23 Change of use from Class 4A to Class 2A medical clinic and clinic for professionals
24/02/2023 complementary to medicine (no inpatients) and minor amendments at pharmacy
Full forming part of the University Residence and Community Complex covered by
Campus Residence Malta Ltd Attn: Pio Vassallo, Site at, Ta’ Gjalpos, off, Triq
San Gwann tal-Ghorghar, Msida
Msida PA/00173/23 Demolition of existing dwelling, and construction of a residential block with
24/02/2023 Class 4A office space and garage at ground floor level, 8 apartments and 2 duplex
Full penthouses.
Adrian Falzon, 192 & 193, Triq il-Kuncizzjoni c/w, Sqaq il-Wied, Msida
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 755

Naxxar PA/00155/23 To demolish existing terraced house and on-site excavation to construct semi-
09/02/2023 basement garages, ground floor maisonette, apartments at first, second and third
Summary floor level, and a penthouse with pool at roof level (5 units in total).
Victor Camilleri, Mirammiti, 147, Triq is-Sghajtar, Naxxar
Naxxar PA/00312/23 To extend penthouse at fourth floor level and construct overlying penthouse at
09/02/2023 fifth floor level.
Summary Simone Camilleri, Norfolk, 52, Flat 17, Triq il-Kappella tal-Lunzjata, Naxxar
Naxxar PA/04399/22 Proposed construction of 23 garages at basement level, 7 maisonettes, 15
24/02/2023 3-bedroom apartments, 10 2-bedroom apartments and 7 penthouses.
Full Jimmy Vella Ltd. Attn: John Mary Vella, Vacant property, Triq Carmelo Schembri,
Mosta &, Triq Dun Gorg Fiteni, Naxxar
Sit mibdul mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Site changed from original submission
Naxxar PA/04681/22 Alterations to materials on facade and parapet walls.
24/02/2023 Ruth Kodurand, 1, Chrysalis, Triq San Timotju c/w, Triq il-Konverzjoni, San
Full Pawl tat-Targa, Naxxar
Riferut mill-proċess Sommarju għal dak Sħiħ / Referred from Summary to
Full Process
Naxxar PA/06355/22 Re-construction of common parts at ground floor, external alterations to balcony
24/02/2023 at 1st floor and to construct 2 apartments from 2nd to 3rd floor and 1 penthouse
Full at receded floor level including pool on roof.
Shawn Gauci, 13, Triq it-Torri tal-Kaptan, San Pawl tat-Targa, Naxxar
Indirizz tas-sit mibdul mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Location address changed
from original submission
Naxxar PA/00079/23 Shifting of debris to create volume for car parking and construct 129 private
24/02/2023 garages in line with the alignment defined in PC048/16.
Full Onyx Investments Ltd. Attn: Antoine Camilleri, Vacant Site, Triq is-Seneskalk
and, Triq Francis Attard, Naxxar
Naxxar PA/00221/23 Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling, including minor internal
24/02/2023 alterations, introduction of a pool, ancillary rooms and a small extension in the
Full backyard, and sanctioning of the property from approved permit PB/3281/90.
David Scicluna Calleja, 29, Busca, Triq Wied Anglu, Birguma, Naxxar
Naxxar RG/01526/22 To regularise masionette as built
24/02/2023 Dulcinea Micallef, 28 Old Mill, Triq Il-Gnien c/w, Triq il-Gizwiti, Naxxar

Paola PA/06054/22 Demolition of existing dwelling. Proposed construction of 14 garages on two

24/02/2023 levels at semi- basement and basement level, 2 maisonettes at ground floor level, 9
Full apartments on 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor level and 1 receded apartment at 4th floor level.
Mario Scicluna, Lorette 26, Triq Karl Chircop, Paola
Riferut mill-proċess Sommarju għal dak Sħiħ / Referred from Summary to
Full Process

PietÀ PA/00036/23 To sanction apartment as built.

09/02/2023 Faye Irene Hampson, App Yacht Marina, Block 2, Apartment 3, Triq ix-Xatt, Pieta
Summary Indirizz tas-sit mibdul mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Location address changed
from original submission
PietÀ PA/00119/23 To extend and add an extra floor on the existing Band Club premises.
09/02/2023 Damien Saliba, 231, Triq id-Duluri, Pieta
756 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

Qormi PA/08045/22 To sanction internal alterations as built over PA5949/18.

09/02/2023 Vince Grech, St Georges Court, Our Dream, Triq l-Isqof Annetto Depasquale,
Summary Qormi
Qormi PA/00108/23 Proposed internal alterations to an existing garage to create a basement level
09/02/2023 domestic store.
Summary Francois Buhagiar, Jonathan Garage, 33, Triq Nikol Montebello, Qormi
Qormi PA/00157/23 Sanctioning of minor changes to approved PA3112/10 and PB542/76.
09/02/2023 Peter Muscat, 49, Ave Maria, Triq Cappadocia, Qormi
Qormi PA/00146/23 To split the garage at semi-basement level and maisonette at elevated ground floor
24/02/2023 approved in PA108/22 into two separate garages and two maisonettes respectively
Full and proposed minor changes to the first floor.
Renald Attard, 32, Alison House, Triq ir-Rebbiegha c/w, Triq il-Helsien, Qormi
Qormi PA/00162/23 To sanction as-built; proposed change of use from store to garage for minivans
24/02/2023 (public service garage) and construction of shower and internal staircase.
Full Adrian Schembri, 28, Triq il-Furnar, Qormi
Qormi PA/00215/23 Proposed change of use from a Class 4C to a Class 4D premises.
24/02/2023 Keistin Farrugia, ‘’Andre’s’’, Triq il-Belt Valletta, Qormi
Qormi RG/01393/22 To regularise the receded level property as built.
24/02/2023 Ryan Scicluna, 19A, St. Joseph Court, Flat 3, Triq Karmenu Camilleri, Qormi
Qormi RG/01430/22 To regularise maisonette as built.
24/02/2023 Alfrida Mifsud, 94,” Gold Crest”, Triq Guze’ Duca, Qormi
Qormi RG/01473/22 To regularise terraced house as built differently from PA985/03.
24/02/2023 Keith Zammit, No. 54” Juleath”, Triq San Gorg, Qormi
Qormi RG/01501/22 To regularise maisonette as built, with variances from approved permit PA6252/98.
24/02/2023 Joseph Briffa, 34 Marija, Sqaq tal-Armal, Qormi

Qrendi PA/05238/22 Proposed internal and external alterations to existing dwelling approved in
24/02/2023 PA03168/14 and PA07496/18, including alterations to external space, garage
Full and other spaces at ground floor, first floor and roof level including sanctioning
of site configuration.
Neil Mallia, 6, Sqaq Nru 3, Triq it-Torri, Triq it-Tabib Gregorio Mifsud, Qrendi
Riferut mill-proċess Sommarju għal dak Sħiħ / Referred from Summary to
Full Process
Qrendi PA/00064/23 Minor internal alterations to improve habitable condition of bedroom approved
24/02/2023 in RG1208/17 and proposed construction of two bedrooms at first floor and a
Full recessed washroom at roof level.
Raylene Pollacco, 7, Il-Binnija, Triq is-Salvatur, Sqaq Nru. 1, Qrendi
Qrendi PA/00177/23 Alterations to a terraced house including demolition of rear rooms; internal
24/02/2023 partitioning and minor internal alterations; restoration of facade and replacement
Full of timber balcony.
Catherine Farrugia, 4, Triq il-Parrocca, Qrendi
Qrendi PA/00243/23 Proposed construction of new poultry unit including ancillary cesspit, manure
24/02/2023 clamp including excavation and construction of underground reservoir plus other
Full additions and alterations.
Emmanuel Ciappara, Nigma Farm, Triq Misrah is-Sinjura, Qrendi
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 757

Rabat PA/00117/23 The restoration of the external facades of St. Paul’s Basilica complex.
09/02/2023 Rev. Fr. Joseph Mizzi (Archpriest of St Paul’s Rabat), St Paul Church, Misrah
Summary il-Parrocca, Rabat
Rabat PA/06797/22 To carry out internal and external alterations including installation of a lift and
24/02/2023 construct a washroom at roof level. The proposal is also seeking to sanction minor
Full alterations as built in the facade from DN1580/12.
Bernard Micallef, 42, Elbern, Triq il-Kullegg c/w, Triq il-Kullegg, Sqaq Nru. 2,
Riferut mill-proċess Sommarju għal dak Sħiħ / Referred from Summary to
Full Process
Rabat PA/07170/22 Construction of a semi-detached villa with a different layout from that approved
24/02/2023 in permission PA08789/17 including sanctioning of variations.
Full Ilona Said, Plot C2, Triq il-Girna, Bahrija, Rabat
Riferut mill-proċess Sommarju għal dak Sħiħ / Referred from Summary to
Full Process
Rabat PA/00006/23 To rehabilitate old dwelling including sanctioning of reversible slab, internal
24/02/2023 alterations, removal of dangerous structures, lowering of existing roof, extension
Full at second floor level and washroom on roof. Parapet wall at roof level for safety
Natasha Borg, 39, Triq Gilormu Dingli, Rabat
Rabat PA/00093/23 To sanction agricultural store as built.
24/02/2023 Francis Micallef, Site at, Hofret Ir-Rizz, Rabat
Rabat PA/00094/23 Sanctioning of pre-1978 dwelling.
24/02/2023 Carmela Scicluna, Sunrise, Tan-Nadur, Rabat
Rabat PA/00095/23 To sanction existing small agricultural store room and old pre-1967 underground
24/02/2023 reservoirs including timber entrance gate.
Full Joseph Quattromani, Site at, Tal-Pitkali, Rabat
Rabat PA/00103/23 To construct a pump room over an existing underground reservoir.
24/02/2023 Carmelo Cortis, Rabat tal-Isball tal-Hamri, Ta’ Fazola, Triq il-Mielha, Rabat
Rabat PA/00133/23 Proposed internal and external alterations. Proposed addition of a pool at ground
24/02/2023 level and extension at roof level.
Full Eric Robert Zeak, 170, Triq Gorg Borg Olivier, Rabat
Rabat PA/00181/23 To sanction pre-1994 agricultural store with underlying residence cesspit as built.
24/02/2023 Michelina Bonnici, Redento Store, Gnien il-Kbir, Triq il-Buskett, Tal-Virtu, Rabat
Rabat RG/01479/22 Proposed reguralisation of terraced house.
24/02/2023 Neil Tanti, 18 Suffolk House, Triq San Bastjan c/w, Triq Santu Rokku, Rabat

Safi PA/00222/23 Sanctioning of changes from that approved in PB4003/81 including changes in
09/02/2023 ground, first and roof floor plan layouts.
Summary Joseph D’Amato, 92, Warda, Triq Dun Guzepp Caruana, Safi
Safi PA/00149/23 Proposed construction of reservoir and pump room.
24/02/2023 Silvano Mangion, Site at, off, Sqaq Dovik, Safi
Safi RG/01396/22 To regularise ground floor maisonette.
24/02/2023 Rita Cachia, Cachia, Triq San Gorg, Safi
758 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

Safi RG/01487/22 Proposed regularisation of first floor flat due to size of backyard and internal yard
24/02/2023 being less than required by sanitary law. Latest permit approved on the apartment
Regularisation block was PA0136/02.
Catherine Vella, 78 Flat 1, Triq Dun Guzepp Caruana, Safi
Safi RG/01488/22 Proposed regularisation of second floor flat due to size of backyard and internal
24/02/2023 yard being less than required by sanitary law. Latest permit approved on the
Regularisation apartment block was PA/0136/02.
Catherine Vella, 78 Flat 2, Triq Dun Guzepp Caruana, Safi

San ġiljan PA/00083/23 Proposed second-floor extension including replacement of dangerous ceilings and
24/02/2023 other internal/external alterations.
Full Silvan Azzopardi, 14 & 15, Triq l-Arcisqof Romero, San Giljan
San ġiljan PA/00106/23 To sanction internal and external alterations from existing permit as per
24/02/2023 PA/06888/17. To sanction existing site boundary.
Full Patrick Griscti Soler, 4 & 5, Triq Sant’ Andrija, Paceville, San Giljan
San ġiljan PA/00121/23 To sanction internal works to already approved PA00298/10 and PA01957/22. To
24/02/2023 redesign internally existing Class 4D commercial complex and the change of use
Full into Class 4C bars/clubs, a takeaway and a Class 4B ticket office. To redesign the
façade, including lighting and landscaping.
Darren Casha, Axis, Triq San Gorg, San Giljan
San ġiljan RG/01483/22 Regularisation of existing semi-basement level apartment including internal layout
24/02/2023 from approved PA06448/02.
Regularisation Lorna Ashley, Apt. No. 3 The Podium, Block D, Triq San Mark, San Giljan

San ġwann PA/00102/23 Alterations to existing dwelling and addition of two floors of habitable space
09/02/2023 and pool.
Summary Robert Cassar, Pantallica, Triq San Gwann tal-Ghorghar, San Gwann

San Pawl PA/00147/23 Application to sanction differences to elevated ground floor approved by
il-Baħar 09/02/2023 PAPB3389/91. Differences includes correction of site configuration following
Summary new survey, re-positioning of walls, doors and windows also sanctioning includes
minor differences to facade.
Jacqueline Azzopardi, Highrise Apartments, Flat 2, Triq l-Imgiebah, Xemxija,
San Pawl il-Bahar
San Pawl PA/02582/22 To propose the construction of a semi-detached villa, including the excavation of
il-Baħar 24/02/2023 a basement level and ramp and the construction of a pool at ground floor level.
Full Chrstian Fenech, Vacant Plot, Triq il-Girna, Bidnija, San Pawl il-Bahar
Sit mibdul mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Site changed from original submission
San Pawl PA/00076/23 Widening of an external aperture of an existing residential unit at second floor.
il-Baħar 24/02/2023 Bendeguz Domonkos, 75 Windsor Flats, Apt. No.6, Triq ix-Xitwa c/w, Triq Sant’
Full Antnin, San Pawl il-Bahar
San Pawl PA/00160/23 To sanction variations from PA00391/01 and to propose minor internal alterations.
il-Baħar 24/02/2023 Raymond Bonanno, Clifton Court, Flat 1, Triq it-Turisti, Qawra, San Pawl il-Bahar
San Pawl PA/00164/23 Change of use from garage approved in PA00129/16 to Class 4B shop. A sign is
il-Baħar 24/02/2023 also proposed.
Full Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci, Garage Nr 8, Triq Ruggero Loria, San Pawl il-Bahar
San Pawl PA/00169/23 To propose a change of use from a garage to a childcare center Class 2C. The proposal
il-Baħar 24/02/2023 also includes internal alterations, roofing over the backyard - basement level -1
Full (same ownership), and redesign of the front garden to cater for an accessibility ramp.
Mario Ciappara, Marjoy Garage, Triq il-Fliegu, Qawra, San Pawl il-Bahar
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 759

San Pawl PA/00297/23 To sanction variations from PA/02477/18. Variations include difference in
il-Baħar 24/02/2023 proposed height and position of internal walls. Proposal of use change in class
Full from 4C to 4D and an extension of outdoor catering area on public open space
compromising of tables, chairs, demountable platform, retractable tent and
alternations in the facade.
Maria Helena Fenech, Jeff’s Pastizzeria, Triq Wileg, Qawra, San Pawl il-Bahar
San Pawl RG/01342/22 To regularise apartment as built.
il-Baħar 01/02/2023 Stephanie Bottari, Apartment No. 1 Park View, Triq l-Indipendenza, Qawra San
Regularisation Pawl il-Bahar
San Pawl RG/01438/22 Regularisation of apartment as built.
il-Baħar 24/02/2023 John Curtis, Apt 2 Phoenix Flats, Triq il-Maskli, Qawra San Pawl il-Bahar
San Pawl RG/01448/22 To regularise apartment as built.
il-Baħar 24/02/2023 Maria Rosaria Jordanov, Belveder Residence, Flat 7, Triq San Pawl &, Triq ix-
Regularisation Xaghra tal-Bandieri, San Pawl il-Bahar
San Pawl RG/01528/22 To regularise apartment as built.
il-Baħar 24/02/2023 Christine Schembri, St. Edward Flat No. 2, Triq il-Qalb ta’ Gesu’, San Pawl il-
Regularisation Bahar

Santa Lucija PA/00116/23 To sanction garage as built.

09/02/2023 Dennis Borg, Garage 14, Triq Guljetta Lopez, Santa Lucija

Santa Venera PA/00113/23 To sanction minor internal alterations within band club as constructed, including
24/02/2023 larger terrace at roof level as well as minor alteration of walls.
Full Santa Venera Band Club Attn: Alfred Mizzi, 354, Santa Venera Band Club, (prev
k/a St Joseph), Triq il-Kbira San Guzepp, Santa Venera
Santa Venera RG/01497/22 To regularise garage for private car parking, common driveway and common
24/02/2023 ramp as built.
Regularisation Martha Borg, Garage 4 Gargir Drive, Triq il-Brunzar, Santa Venera

Senglea (Isla) PA/00198/23 Renewal of PA/06069/17: Alterations to townhouse; installation of lift; restoration
09/02/2023 of facade.
Summary Adam James Carter, 5, Triq il-Macina, Senglea (Isla)
Senglea (Isla) PA/00118/23 Proposed restoration facade works including restoration of the main door and
24/02/2023 railings, installation of wooden louvers and replacement of apertures. The proposal
Full also continues with the unfinished works approved in PA3167/14 and it includes
the addition of a lightweight steel structure with flat pv panels on the previously
approved roof.
Doriana Di Santo, 67, Triq San Guzepp, Senglea (Isla)

Siġġiewi PA/00141/23 Proposed changes to façade balconies including the sanctioning of the balcony
09/02/2023 at first floor level from previously approved permit PA04776/2.
Summary Christian Felice, 134, Fleurette & Garage, Triq ir-Rebbiegha, Sqaq San Gakbu
Nru. 5, Siggiewi
Siġġiewi PA/06748/22 Demolition of existing property, excavation to the required levels, construction
24/02/2023 of semi basement garage with four overlying residential units and penthouse.
Full Rennie Scicluna, Casa Farrugia 232, Triq Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi, Siggiewi
Riferut mill-proċess Sommarju għal dak Sħiħ / Referred from Summary to
Full Process
760 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

Siġġiewi PA/00122/23 To sanction agricultural room, proposed re-construction of rubble wall, proposed
24/02/2023 underground reservoir and an access gate.
Full Joseph Farrugia and Nicholas Farrugia, Site at (Field), Ta’ Brija, Siggiewi
Siġġiewi PA/00186/23 Restoration of existing boundary wall, construction of agricultural store and
24/02/2023 sanctioning of restoration works to boundary wall.
Full Nicholas Sciberras, Is-Setah, Triq ta’ Sant’ Andrija, Siggiewi

Sliema PA/00306/23 To sanction existing property as built.

24/02/2023 Gianluca Coleiro, 59/60, Hunters Palace, Flat 10E, Triq il-Kbira, Sliema
Sliema RG/01451/22 To regularise apartment as built.
24/02/2023 Gerald Briscoe, Aprt. 1A Alborada Aparthotel, Triq il-Kbira, Sliema

Swieqi PA/00140/23 Proposed construction of 5 semi-detached villas including pools.

24/02/2023 Tique Ltd Attn: John Naudi, Vacant Site, Triq il-Militar c/w Triq il-Kajjarum c/w,
Full Triq il-Madliena, Madliena, Swieqi
Swieqi RG/01491/22 To regularise maisonette as built.
24/02/2023 John Agius, 8, Blessing, Triq is-Sejjieh, Swieqi

Tarxien PA/00165/23 To sanction minor variations from approved permit PA3799/06 and proposed
09/02/2023 minor internal alterations.
Summary Joseph Mallia, Pearl Apartments, Triq Dun Guzepp Gonzi, Tarxien
Tarxien PA/00078/23 Proposed excavation of the rear part of site and extension to domestic store and
24/02/2023 water reservoir approved by PA7010/21.
Full Darren Spiteri, Plot B1, Triq Marjanu Gerada, Tarxien
Tarxien PA/00172/23 Minor alterations to approved permit PA4580/18 including change of use from
24/02/2023 Class 4B convenience shop to Class 4B hair care shop and salon. Application
Full includes sanction of alteration works on facade.
Christabelle Fenech, C Fenech Hair Care, Triq Lorenzo Gonzi, Tarxien

Xgħajra RG/01468/22 To regularise existing studio residence at ground floor.

24/02/2023 Samuel Delia, 118, Dawret ix-Xatt, Xghajra
Xgħajra RG/01469/22 To regularise existing studio residence at ground floor.
24/02/2023 Samuel Delia, 120, Dawret ix-Xatt, Xghajra

żabbar PA/05609/22 To sanction minor internal and external variations at first floor maisonette approved
24/02/2023 in PA01556/83 including sanctioning of solar panels at rooftop level.
Full Simon Mallia, Pisces, Triq San Leonardu c/w, Triq iz-Zarzarell, Zabbar
Riferut mill-proċess Sommarju għal dak Sħiħ / Referred from Summary to
Full Process
żabbar PA/00145/23 Proposed internal minor alterations and proposed extension at second floor level
24/02/2023 to approved permit PA/3067/21 in view of adjacent commitments.
Full Malcolm Mallia, 17, Misrah is-Sliem, Zabbar
żabbar PA/00175/23 Proposed development of vacant plot: proposal consists of excavation at basement
24/02/2023 level, construction of ground floor maisonette, and construction of ground floor
Full and first floor stairwell to serve as common parts for future developments.
Maria Theresa Cachia, Plot 4, Triq ic-Cimiterju c/w, Triq is-Serer, Zabbar
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 761

żabbar RG/01529/22 To regularise maisonette as built (change of use of pre-1968 rooms to habitable
24/02/2023 rooms).
Regularisation Eman Zammit, 266, Triq is-Santwarju, Zabbar

żebbuġ PA/03395/20 Extension of established pig farm including construction of independent modern
24/02/2023 fattening/breeding facility. Application includes installation of pv panels on
Full new units and the addition of a substation. Landscaping to be added around new
William Farrugia, San Blas Farm, Hal-Qdieri, Zebbug
Sit mibdul mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Site changed from original submission
żebbuġ PA/05585/22 To propose a canopy and two benches within the site boundary.
24/02/2023 Anthony Gatt obo Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (Caritas
Full Malta), San Blas Therapeutic Community, Triq il-Buskett, Zebbug
Sit mibdul mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Site changed from original submission
żebbuġ PA/07585/22 Proposed change of use from garage to a Class 4A office.
24/02/2023 Christopher Schembri, 46, Triq Pawlu Balzan, Zebbug
Full Riferut mill-proċess Sommarju għal dak Sħiħ / Referred from Summary to
Full Process
żebbuġ PA/00105/23 Correction of site configuration and sanctioning of the internal layout at receded
24/02/2023 floor level.
Full Jamar Malta Ltd Attn: Jason Mifsud, Santorini, Triq Paris, Sqaq Nru. 2, Zebbug

żejtun PA/00107/23 To sanction minor internal/external alterations as approved in PA/00466/16.

09/02/2023 Sephora Abdilla, Vendome Mans, Blk C, Mais 2, Triq Licata c/w, Triq Vendome,
Summary Zejtun
żejtun PA/00136/23 Proposed internal and external alterations from approved planning permit
09/02/2023 PA/03082/20. Alterations to include the replacement of balcony with a traditional
Summary Maltese balcony and other minor internal alterations. The application is also
intended to sanction alterations carried out from previous permit.
Isaac Sammut, 20, Triq Dun Bert Sant c/w, Triq Dun Alwig Camilleri, Zejtun
żejtun PA/00180/23 Sanctioning of maisonette as built.
09/02/2023 Lilian Cutajar, 5, Sqaq Sant’ Isidoru, Zejtun
żejtun PA/00309/23 Installation of lift, internal and façade alterations at ground floor and first floor
09/02/2023 to allow for the construction of six (6) 2-bedroom apartments at first, second and
Summary third floors (2 units each floor) and one (1) 3-bedroom penthouse at the receded
fourth floor.
Muy Ltd Attn: Christa Mangion, Emerald 32, Triq ta’ Tnella c/w, Triq Hal Bisbut,
żejtun PA/00084/23 To carry out restoration and consolidation of existing historic vernacular dwelling,
24/02/2023 rehabilitate building to residential use including construction of basement and other
Full additions; demolish scattered rooms, sheds and bird traps; install gate; repair rubble
walls; and implement landscaping scheme including uprooting invasive trees and
planting of indigenous trees, and sanctioning of works on rubble walls and gate.
Alexander P Cutajar, Ta’ Xandru F/H, Triq Wied iz-Ziju, Marsascala
żejtun PA/00101/23 To sanction as built garages for which permits have not been traced and sanctioning
24/02/2023 of overlying domestic stores.
Full Biagio Muscat, 17 & 18, Drive in, Triq Toni Zahra, Zejtun
żejtun PA/00142/23 To sanction alterations from 1967 plans including removal of store in yard and
24/02/2023 construction of another store as per ortho photo.
Full Charles Sultana, 16, Triq il-Madonna tal-Bon Kunsill, Zejtun
762 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

żejtun PA/00220/23 To propose extension at first floor and the construction of a washroom at roof level.
24/02/2023 Anthony Scerri, 49, Triq Sant’ Anglu, Zejtun

żurrieq PA/00148/23 To sanction apartment as built.

09/02/2023 Charlton Schembri, 49, Pear Mansions, Block B, Flat 3, Triq Filippu Farrugia
Summary c/w, Triq Bur il-Langasa, Zurrieq
żurrieq PA/00073/23 Excavation of two levels basement, and construction of 21 garages and 2 car spaces
24/02/2023 at basement levels -2 and -1, and 24 dwellings from ground till receded floor level.
Full Brian Azzopardi, Vacant and Unnumbered Plot, Triq is-Saghtar c/w New Street
in, Triq Sant’ Andrija, Zurrieq
żurrieq PA/00089/23 Proposed demolition of approved dwelling as per PA06395/00 and construction
24/02/2023 of new dwelling retaining the same total floor area, with basement and pool area.
Full Darren Ciantar, Dorma House, Triq Wied Ganu, Zurrieq

Għajnsielem PA/07714/22 To demolish existing structures and to clear ruins. To construct 6 residential units
24/02/2023 and 2 restaurants (Class 4D).
Full James Zammit, Migiarro, Triq ix-Xatt, Mgarr (Gozo), Ghajnsielem
Indirizz tas-sit mibdul mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Location address changed
from original submission
Għajnsielem PA/00124/23 Proposed agriculture store with underlying reservoir.
24/02/2023 Peter Paul Tabone, Site at, Triq Borg Gharib, Ghajnsielem
Għajnsielem PA/00125/23 Proposed sanctioning and extension of existing agricultural store and sanctioning
24/02/2023 of existing green house.
Full Antoine Tabone, Agricultural Store, alley off, Triq Borg Gharib, Ghajnsielem
Għajnsielem RG/02687/18 To regularise flat no. 6 at receded floor as built.
24/02/2023 Silvio Rapa, Valley View Court, Flat 6, Triq il-Fawwara, Ghajnsielem
Regularisation Modifika tal-permess skont il-proviżjonijiet tal-Artiklu 8- ta’ l-Att tal-2016 dwar
l-Ippjanar tal-Iżvilupp / Modification of permit in accordance to the provisions
of Article 80 of the Development Planning Act

Għarb PA/00176/23 To construct an agricultural store with an underlying basement. To also construct
24/02/2023 a water reservoir.
Full Elizabeth Cassar, Site at, Tal-Hellu, Gharb

Kerċem PA/04459/22 To propose alterations and upgrades to the existing children’s playing field and
24/02/2023 w.c. facilities, to level part of the public space to allow better accessibility and to
Full propose new outdoor gym for the public.
Mario Azzopardi obo Kercem Local Council, Kumpless Sportiv Raymond
Mercieca, Triq Wenzu Mintoff, Kercem
Sit mibdul mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Site changed from original submission
Kerċem PA/00182/23 Excavation and construction of 4 maisonettes, 12 apartments, 4 penthouses and
24/02/2023 one underground basement floor containing 20 lock-up garages.
Full Karkanja Ltd Attn: Euchar Vella, San Raflu, Triq is-Santwarju Puniku, Kercem
Kerċem RG/01459/22 To regularise terraced house at 15, Triq ta’ Pjepu, Kercem, Gozo.
24/02/2023 Ralph Wallace Mitchell Beryl Patricia Mitchell, 15, St. Benedict’s Farmhouse,
Regularisation Triq ta’ Pejpu, Kercem
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 763

Munxar PA/00314/23 Renewal of PA8511/17 - To demolish existing three apartments, and to construct
09/02/2023 three new apartments (duplexes).
Summary Rose Sciberras, Goldfinch, Triq Sant Andrija, Xlendi, Munxar
Munxar PA/00159/23 To sanction change of use from existing Class 4D to proposed Class 4B
24/02/2023 (hairdresser), and to sanction shop sign.
Full Mario Attard, 3, Triq il-Madonna tal-Karmnu, Xlendi, Munxar

Nadur PA/00074/23 To construct 3 residential units, 2 garages and an office (Class 4A).
24/02/2023 Anthony Grech, Vacant Plot, Triq Dun Guzepp Vella c/w, Triq Guze’ Ellul Mercer,
Full Nadur
Nadur PA/00086/23 To excavate and to construct 5 residential units with underlying garages. To also
24/02/2023 construct 2 pools.
Full Saviour John Vella, Vacant Plot, Triq Tad-Duru, Nadur
Nadur PA/00156/23 To carry out alterations and additions to a pre-1967 dwelling.
24/02/2023 Joey Cutajar, 73, Triq il-Knisja, Nadur
Nadur PA/00223/23 Proposed additions and alterations to dwelling house consisting of proposed
24/02/2023 garage; alterations to internal layout; alterations to facade and proposed washroom
Full at roof level.
Anne Sultana, 28, Triq il-Qala, Nadur
Nadur RG/01543/22 To regularise existing flats as built.
24/02/2023 Charlie Buttigieg, 18 Flats 2 & 1A, Triq l-Arcipriet Saver Cassar, Nadur

Qala PA/00124/23 Proposed agriculture store with underlying reservoir.

24/02/2023 Peter Paul Tabone, Site at, Triq Borg Gharib, Ghajnsielem

Xagħra PA/02555/20 To demolish existing plastic greenhouses and to construct glass greenhouses. To
24/02/2023 install pv panels on top of the proposed greenhouses and to sanction existing stores
Full and 2 water tanks. To also construct a substation, planting of trees and to install 2
timber gates. To demolish and to re-construct front boundary wall.
Xavier Grech, Site at, Triq ta’ Hamet, Xaghra
Sit mibdul mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Site changed from original submission
Xagħra PA/04656/22 To demolish existing structure, to excavate and to construct 21 apartments and 6
24/02/2023 penthouses with 2 levels underlying garages.
Full Francesco Grima, Vacant Plot, Triq Liberat Grech, Xaghra
Deskrizzjoni tal-proposta mibdula mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Proposal
changed from original submission
Xagħra PA/00080/23 To add maisonette at 1st floor level.
24/02/2023 Dr Mario Refalo, Villa Masrija, Triq Santa Verna, Xaghra
Xagħra PA/00111/23 To construct a terraced house on 3 floors. To also construct a pool.
24/02/2023 Christopher Muscat, Vacant Plot, Triq Marsalforn, Xaghra

Xewkija PA/00295/23 Proposed minor variations from the previously approved permit PA/2020/22
09/02/2023 and additional alterations consisting of the dismantling and re-erection of part
Summary boundary wall plus the replacement of the concrete ceiling of the back structure.
Alessia Falletta Pace, 17, Triq San Zakkarija, Xewkija
764 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

Xewkija PA/06958/22 To change internal layout and front elevation of basement garages and overlying
24/02/2023 apartments approved in PA873/09 and subsequent renewals PA3669/14 and
Full PA1097/20. Addition of pool.
John Buttigieg, Rotunda Court, Triq San Pawl, Xewkija
Riferut mill-proċess Sommarju għal dak Sħiħ / Referred from Summary to
Full Process
Xewkija PA/00077/23 To sanction partly demolition of existing pre-1967 dwelling, to demolish the rest
24/02/2023 of the pre-1967 dwelling and to construct 2 residential dwellings with 2 pools.
Full Johnny Farrugia, 12, Triq il-Knisja, Sqaq Nru.1, Xewkija
Xewkija PA/00099/23 To dismantle existing roof over domestic store and to leave space as an open
24/02/2023 courtyard.
Full Paul Vella, Jordan, Triq l-Gharus c/w, Triq Imgarr ix-Xini, Xewkija
Xewkija PA/00129/23 To demolish existing structure and to sanction an agricultural store.
24/02/2023 Elton Xuereb, Site at, Triq tal-Logga, Xewkija

żebbuġ (Gozo) PA/00068/23 To construct washrooms already approved in PA4382/92.

09/02/2023 Emanuel Axiak, Airspace, Marlee Block 4, Triq ix-Xwejni, Qbajjar, Zebbug
Summary (Gozo)
żebbuġ (Gozo) PA/00135/23 To construct additional fourth and fifth floor flats.
09/02/2023 Joseph Attard Gerard Grech, Dar Ghar Qawqla, Triq Ghar Qawqla, Marsalforn,
Summary Zebbug (Gozo)
żebbuġ (Gozo) PA/07453/22 To carry out alterations to penthouse approved in PA/03052/16 and to carry out
24/02/2023 extension to the same penthouse by constructing structures at roof level.
Full Emelda Xuereb, 50, Triq is-Saghtrija, Zebbug (Gozo)
Indirizz tas-sit mibdul mis-sottomissjoni oriġinali / Location address changed
from original submission
żebbuġ (Gozo) PA/00153/23 To carry out alterations and additions to dwelling approved in PA/01933/22 and
24/02/2023 to carry out extensions receded floor level and roof plan.
Full Christopher Farrugia, 25A, Alley off, Triq il-Madonna tac-Cicri, Zebbug (Gozo)
żebbuġ (Gozo) RG/01474/22 To regularise terraced house as built.
24/02/2023 Saviour Farrugia, 15, Triq il-Forn, Marsalforn Zebbug (Gozo)
żebbuġ (Gozo) RG/01551/22 To regularise apartment as built.
24/02/2023 Felicienne Xerri, Apartment 5, Etoile, Triq id-Duluri, Marsalforn Zebbug (Gozo)
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 765

Lista ta’ Deċiżjonijiet għal List of Decision Notifications for

Applikazzjonijiet għal Permess ta’ Żvilupp Development Permission Applications

Din hija lista ta’ applikazzjonijiet fejn nħarġet notifika This is a list of applications where a decision
ta’ deċiżjoni mill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar. L-applikazzjonijiet notification has been issued by the Planning Authority.
huma mqassmin bil-lokalità. Fejn applikabbli, appelli minn The applications are set out by locality. Where applicable,
dawn id-deċiżjonijiet għandhom jiġu sottomessi lit-Tribunal any appeal on these decisions should be submitted to the
ta’ Reviżjoni tal-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar skont Artiklu 13 tal- Environment and Planning Review Tribunal as per Article
Att dwar it-Tribunal ta’ Reviżjoni tal-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar, 13 of the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal Act,
tal-2016 sa 30 ġurnata mid-data ta’ dan l-avviż. Kull 2016 within 30 days from the date of this notice. Any
rikonsiderazzjoni fuq kundizzjonijiet, fejn applikabbli, reconsideration on conditions, where applicable, should be
għandha tiġi sottomessa lill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar skont submitted to the Planning Authority as per Regulation 14 of
Regolament 14 tar-Regolamenti dwar l-Ippjanar tal-Iżvilupp the Development Planning (Procedure for Applications and
(Proċedura ta’ Applikazzjonijiet u d-Deċiżjoni Relattiva), their Determination) Regulations, 2016 within 30 days from
2016 sa 30 ġurnata mid-data ta’ dan l-avviż. the date of this notice.

L-avviżi li ġejjin qed jiġu ppubblikati skont Regolamenti The following notices are being published in accordance
6(6) u 18(6) tar-Regolamenti dwar l-Ippjanar tal-Iżvilupp, with Regulations 6(6) and 18(6) of the Development Planning
2016 (Proċedura ta’ Applikazzjonijiet u d-Deċiżjoni (Procedure for Applications and their Determination)
Relattiva) (A.L.162 tal-2016). Regulations, 2016 (L.N.162 of 2016).

Wieħed jista’ jara online id-deċiżjoni flimkien mad- The decision notice and supporting documentation may
dokumentazzjoni relatata fuq ( be viewed online at ( (to eID users)
(għal min juża l-eID) u fl-uffiċċji tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar and at the offices of the Planning Authority in Floriana (St.
fil-Furjana (St. Francis Ravelin) jew Ir-Rabat (Għawdex - Francis Ravelin) or Victoria (Gozo - Citybel, Triq Santa
Citybel, Triq Santa Marta). Marta).

GTD - Granted; REF - Refused; UPH - Upheld; DIS GTD - Granted; REF - Refused; UPH - Upheld; DIS -
- Dismissed; MO80 - Modified as per Article 80; RV80 - Dismissed; MO80 - Modified as per Article 80; RV80 -
Revoked as per Article 80; AMD - Conditions or Reasons Revoked as per Article 80; AMD - Conditions or Reasons
amended at appeal; ABD - Appeal against Bank Guarantee amended at appeal; ABD - Appeal against Bank Guarantee
dismissed; RVK - Revoked; CDIS - Reconsideration of dismissed; RVK - Revoked; CDIS - Reconsideration of
Condition Dismissed; STI - Dismissed - Non Compliance Condition Dismissed; STI - Dismissed - Non Compliance
to Requirements; CUPH - Reconsideration of Condition to Requirements; CUPH - Reconsideration of Condition
Upheld; DSM - Dismissed following non compliance with Upheld; DSM - Dismissed following non compliance with
post decision requirements; CORR - Correction to Permit post decision requirements; CORR - Correction to Permit

Attard PA/07807/22 GTD Renewal of PA08337/17 - Conservation of main facade.

Perit Alison Zammit, 80, 82 (formerly 63, 64), Triq Sant’ Anton,

Belt Valletta PA/06661/20 RV80 To sanction roof structures as built.

Mr Anton Cassar, 178, Flat 13, Triq San Kristofru, Belt Valletta
Belt Valletta PA/00961/21 GTD Dismantling, reconstruction, and repair works on an existing damaged
Infrastructure Malta Attn: Mr Raphael Abdilla, Slipway, Xatt il-
Barriera, Belt Valletta
Belt Valletta PA/07292/22 GTD To sanction pre-1967 property as built.
Mr Victor Buhagiar, 8, Triq San Mikiel, Belt Valletta
766 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

Birkirkara PA/04243/22 GTD Change of use from Class 4A office approved in PA/5413/17 to Class
2C childcare including minor internal alterations and sign.
Mr Iousef Meli, Seba’ Sema Child Care Centre, Triq Ganu, Birkirkara
Birkirkara PA/06342/22 GTD To carry out alterations and additions to existing Class 6A warehouses
and ancillary showroom. Application also includes fixing of signs
and replacement of façade openings. Amended application form with
updated use classes is also being submitted.
Mekanika Ltd Attn: Mr Simon Caruana, GPL Business Centre, Zone
1, Central Business District, Triq l-Esportaturi c/w, Triq il-Ghadam,
Birkirkara PA/07132/22 GTD To sanction garage as built, approved in PB252/91. In lieu of PA7939/18.
Mr Mark Mifsud, Garage, 16, Triq Dun Vincenz Saliba c/w Triq
Manoel Vilhena c/w, Triq il-Vittmi tal-Gwerra, Birkirkara
Birkirkara PA/07703/22 GTD Renewal of PA03106/17: To demolish existing building and proposed,
1 maisonette at ground floor, 2apartments at 1st and 2nd floor, and 1
duplex at 3rd and penthouse level.
Mr Jean Pierre Carter, No. 370, Triq Fleur-De-Lys c/w, Triq San
Pawl, Birkirkara

Dingli PA/08411/21 GTD Construction of extension to site footprint and addition of a pool at
the first floor level (w.r.t. street level) with a different layout from
that approved in permission PA0127/20.
Mr Joseph Azzopardi, Chris Paul, Triq Santa Katerina, Rabat
Dingli PA/03542/22 GTD To sanction changes from PA4627/20 and proposed minor alterations.
Mr Jonathan Pace, 50, Triq San Pawl tal-Pitkali, Dingli
Dingli PA/04160/22 GTD Minor internal and external alterations to existing residence.
Application includes removal/shifting of internal walls at all levels
and raising of slab over domestic store at second floor.
Mr Noel Xuereb, 74, Id-Dura, Triq Claudette Agius, Dingli
Dingli PA/04257/22 GTD Part demolition of existing dwelling, construction of reservoir, garage
and re-construction of dwelling and replacement with like-with-like
balavostri on front elevation.
Ms Carmela Galea, 32, Massabielle, Triq il-Knisja &, Triq San Pawl,

Fgura PA/07270/22 GTD Proposed sanctioning of the garage as built from that approved by
way of PB/5171/80. To include a w.c. at the rear of the property and
minor changes to the layout.
Ms Raffaele Sigona, 268, Triq is-Sur, Fgura

Għajnsielem PA/03815/22 GTD To extend existing washroom at roof level.

Ms Miriam Azzopardi, 13, Pjazza Madonna Ta’ Loreto, Ghajnsielem
Għajnsielem PA/04117/22 GTD To sanction changes to sizes of two stables to comply with minimum
standards requirements.
Mr Rodney Farrugia, Shangai Stables, Lands known as, Tal-
Barumbara, Ghajnsielem
Għajnsielem PA/07159/22 GTD To sanction different layout from previous permit PA/550/11of back
terraces, small differences in internal layout of penthouse, parapet
wall above penthouse, and proposed slight increase in height.
Mr John Cauchi, Gioella Apartments, Triq Guzeppi Cauchi,
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 767

Għaxaq PA/07250/22 GTD Raising of parapet wall for privacy.

Mr Christian Cassar, Sovereign Hill, Dawret Hal Ghaxaq, Ghaxaq

Gżira PA/05408/22 GTD Renewal to PA7592/17 - proposed extension of fourth floor level
apartment resulting in 1 one-bedroom apartment and construction of
apartment at penthouse level resulting in 1 two bedroom apartment.
Mr Pierre Spitieri, 13, Triq Ponsonby, Gzira
Gżira PA/07328/22 GTD Renewal to PA/1484/18 (To demolish existing two storey dwelling
and construct five residential units on five floors and receded floor.)
Mr Martin Bowerman, 310/308, Triq D’Argens, Gzira

Kalkara PA/04979/21 GTD Alterations to existing terraced house and subdivision of property
into a maisonette at ground floor and an apartment at first floor,
construction of an apartment at second floor and a single duplex
apartment located at third floor and setback floor, for a total of 4
residential units.
Mr Kris Grima, 15, Triq it-Turretta c/w, Triq Giovanni Ricasoli,
Kalkara PA/04535/22 GTD Restoration of collapsed viaduct and re-construction of overlying
access road leading to Fort Ricasoli.
Perit Stephen Bonello, Site at, Viaduct Access to Fort Ricasoli, Id-
Dahla Ta’ Rinella, Kalkara

Lija PA/05258/22 GTD Rehabilitation of dwelling including internal alterations and

modification of pool area.
Mr Matthew Decesare, 41, Triq Sir Ugo Mifsud, Lija

Luqa PA/01448/22 GTD Proposed construction of lightweight enclosure for existing generator
and alterations to existing apertures.
Ms Josianne Cutajar, Site at St Vincent De Paul Residence, Triq
l-Ingiered, Luqa

Marsa PA/07350/22 GTD Proposed parking of private/domestic boat for own leisure purposes
at the back of an existing garage for private car.
Mr Joe Attard, Garage No.40, Triq Antonio Doublet, Marsa

Marsaskala PA/04478/19 GTD Sanctioning of internal alterations from approved PA/3708/97 and
PA/4663/92, change of use from garages to Class 4A (offices), and
alterations on façade.
Mr Gordon Camilleri, 78/80 Reubens Court, 82/84/86/88 Rainier
Court & 90/92/94 Rembrandt Court, Triq l-Ikhal c/w, Triq ta’ Gidwet,
Marsaskala PA/00111/22 GTD Demolition of existing terrace house and construction of a block of
apartments consisting of five apartments and a penthouse at receded
JKB Properties Ltd Attn: Mr Alexander Bezzina, 99, Relenka, Triq
l-Imriekeb, Marsascala
768 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

Marsaskala PA/01897/22 REF Change of use from a Class 1 garage to a Class 6A storage.
Mr Kenneth Farrugia, 12, Triq il-Kappara, Marsascala
Marsaskala PA/02263/22 GTD To demolish existing dwelling and construct basement 4 garages and
4 car spaces, 2 maisonettes at ground floor, 10 apartments at first to
fifth floor and overlying penthouse.
Mr Anton Schembri, No.2, Triq ir-Rummien c/w, Triq il-Gross,

Marsaxlokk PA/03910/22 GTD Construction and alterations to existing agricultural implement store,
as to include; a farmer dwelling to dairy farm holding; and an organic
farming store.
Mr Kenneth Abela, Ciromblu farm, road off, Triq Delimara, Delimara,
Marsaxlokk PA/05144/22 GTD Reconstruction of pre-1968 tool rooms in backyard of existing
dwelling and extension to same. Works include also replacement of
masonry blocks in existing boundary wall (no increase in height).
Ms Isabel Marmarà Gafà, 46, Silver Moon, Triq San Piju V c/w, Triq
tax-Xerriek, Marsaxlokk
Marsaxlokk PA/05155/22 GTD To construct ventilation shaft and w.c in agriculture store as approved
by PA01347/20. Application proposes the retention of the existing
galvanised metal sheeting in lieu of the approved reinforced concrete
slab in PA01347/20.
Mr Anthony Baldacchino, 47, San Gaetano, Triq iz-Zejtun Sqaq Nru.
1, Marsaxlokk
Marsaxlokk PA/05179/22 GTD To sanction external differences from development permission
PA01628/07, proposed extension to front garden walls, installation
of aluminium slats and canopy.
Mr Louis Grech, Soleii, Triq Barthelemy c/w, Triq l-Ixprunara,

Mdina PA/05472/21 GTD Re-joining the previously split palazzo into a single property, change
of use from part retail Class 4B and part Class 1 to Class 3B hotel with
ancillary facilities including Class 4D restaurant and Class 4D roof
terrace, as well as minor internal alterations, removal of accretions
in courtyard, installation of lifts, lightweight mezzanine structures,
and ventilated glazed roof over courtyard.
Gourgion Estates Limited Attn: Nicola Busuttil, 28, Triq Villegaignon
c/w Misrah San Pawl c/w, Triq Santu Rokku, Mdina

Mellieħa PA/00477/22 GTD Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of block of

apartments consisting of a garage at level -1 and of 4 apartments
and 1 penthouse.
Mr Thomas Mifsud, 16, Triq il-Gilju, Triq ix-Xifer, Manikata,
Mellieħa PA/02224/22 GTD Construction of internal staircase leading to the garage.
Mr Franco Grech, Garage 146, Triq l-Isqof Pace c/w, Triq il-Mithna
l-Gdida, Mellieha
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 769

Mġarr PA/05322/22 GTD Change of use from Class 4B butcher to takeaway, food and drink
establishment, including minor internal and external alterations,
and restoration of existing shop sign and affixing of new one menu.
Ms Christabelle Marmara, 36, Butcher, Triq Fisher c/w, Triq Sir
Harry Luke, Mgarr

Mosta PA/04388/22 GTD To demolish existing washroom and maisonette, to construct 7

apartments on 3 floors plus one receded floor, construction of lift
and proposed changes to front garden.
Ms Nadia Curmi, 1, Triq Sir Arturo Mercieca c/w, Triq Wied il-
Ghasel, Mosta
Mosta PA/05761/22 GTD To sanction creation of backyard and other alterations to configuration
of garage, located in internal drive.
Mr Oliver Ruggier, u/n Private Drive, Garage No 8, alley off, Triq
Ruzar Mizzi, Mosta

Msida PA/08891/21 GTD To demolish the existing terraced house and propose the construction
of a basement garage having its entrance from Triq it-Tajjar comprising
of two parking spaces, two 1- bedroom apartments at ground floor
level, three-bedroom apartments at 1st/2nd/3rd and 4th floor levels and
two two-bedroom duplex apartments at fifth and receded floor levels.
Mr Herman Mallia Jonathan Pace obo Fijo Masrija Ltd, 6, Triq it-
Tajjar Msida c/w, Triq il-Kosbor, Ta’ Xbiex
Msida PA/05332/22 GTD Renewal of PA09534/17 - To construct an additional floor over
existing floor creating a duplex residential unit.
Mr Charles Mercieca, 148, Teal Court, 39, Triq Santa Venera, Msida
Msida PA/05741/22 GTD To sanction minor internal and external alterations to approved Class
4C outlet (PA4433/04) and to change use to a take away.
Mr Bartholomeo Micallef, Ex Meet N Eat, 33, Triq l-Esperanto, Msida
Msida PA/07760/22 GTD Renewal of PA/0036/18 -” Il-Gardina” New Serenity Garden at Sir
Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre.
Ms Celia Falzon, Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre, Triq id-
Donaturi tad-Demm, Msida

Munxar PA/07295/22 GTD Changes to approved permit PA/7169/20 The alterations include
shifting of walls and apertures. Proposal includes construction of
washroom at roof level.
Mr John Xuereb, Site at, Triq Sant’ Anjeze, Munxar

Naxxar PA/00926/21 REF To erect a single-sided internally illuminated billboard.

Faces Displays Ltd. Attn: Mr Matthew Farrugia, Site at, Triq is-
Salina, Naxxar
Naxxar PA/00927/21 REF To erect a single-sided internally illuminated billboard.
Faces Displays Ltd. Attn: Mr Matthew Farrugia, Site at, Triq tal-
Imdawra, Naxxar
Naxxar PA/00928/21 REF To erect a single-sided internally illuminated billboard.
Faces Displays Ltd. Attn: Mr Matthew Farrugia, Site at, Triq tal-
Imdawra, Naxxar
770 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

Naxxar PA/02581/22 CUPH Proposed demolition of existing terraced house, and excavation to
form basement store, construction of Class 4D and Class 4B at ground
floor, overlying upper apartments (5 in number) and 1 penthouse.
Mr David Gauci, Casa Regina Coeli & Roof Over Casa Bonavia,
Triq l-Ifran c/w, Vjal il-Wiehed U Ghoxrin ta’ Settembru, Naxxar
Naxxar PA/02620/22 GTD To sanction works carried out and minor alterations to office block
approved in PA11215/18 including installation of lift shaft.
Mr Dennis Baldacchino, Tal-Maghtab Construction, Triq ir-Ramla,
Maghtab, Naxxar
Naxxar PA/04582/22 GTD Change of use from public convenience to beach cleaning store.
Works include the alterations to internal walls and the dismantling
and removal of existing dangerous elements and the reconstruction
of the same elements as existing and proposed.
Mr Ramon Deguara o.b.o Cleansing & Maintenance Division (MFT),
Site at, Triq is-Salini, Bahar Ic-Caghaq, Naxxar
Naxxar PA/05472/22 REF Change of use from garage to Class 4B convenience shop and the
installation of a sign on façade. Proposal also includes sanctioning
of as built semi-basement garage from approved PA04870/10.
Mr Brian Muscat, 81A, Vjal il-Wiehed U Ghoxrin ta’ Settembru,
Naxxar PA/06960/22 GTD To sanction change in material of parapet wall at second floor level
from aluminium railing as approved in RG1470/21 to stone masonry.
Mr Daniel Cini, 14, Vida Nova, Triq Jean De La Valette, Naxxar
Naxxar PA/07274/22 GTD Proposed sanctioning of variations to existing private car garage from
approved permit PB/05550/80.
Mr Frank Cortis, Garage No.2, Triq il-Mazza c/w, Triq il-Forga,

Paola PA/04008/22 GTD This development requests: a) The sanctioning use of the premises
from the existing non-licensed pain clinic to a licensed pain clinic,
with the addition of a health shop Class 4B, and a physiotherapy
clinic Class 4A, the professionals working at alternate times. b) The
complete restoration of the façade into its original state as requested
by the SCH.
Dr. Andrew Agius, 21, Triq tal-Borg, Paola
Paola PA/07235/22 GTD Sanctioning of facade apertures and balconies as built.
Mr Darren Vella, 66, Annunziata, Triq Melita c/w, Triq Nazzarenu,

Pembroke PA/00127/15 REF To sanction erection of advertising signs.

Mr Nicolas Darmanin Demajo, Luxol Sports Club, Triq Sant Andrija,
St. Andrews, Pembroke, Malta
Pembroke PA/05574/22 GTD Renewal of PA/4619/17 - Proposed demolition of existing residential
dwelling and construction of basement garage, 4 residential
apartments (of which 3 are duplex) over basement, ground, first,
second, third and receded floor including overlying services on roof.
Ms Rita Grech Cumbo, 32, Sweethaven, Triq il-Professur Joseph E
Debono, Pembroke
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 771

PietÀ PA/07148/22 GTD Minor internal alterations to dwellings, and extension of the domestic
Mr Cedric Zahra, 96, Haven, Flat 2, Triq l-Orsolini, Gwardamangia,

Qormi PA/03170/22 GTD To sanction minor changes from approved, and to propose minor
alterations at ground and first floor level, an extension at roof level
and a new receded floor level along with the installation of a lift.
Mr Matthew Muscat, Massabielle 9, Triq l-Industrija, Qormi
Qormi PA/06318/22 GTD Structural alterations and additions to existing workshop as approved
in PA04178/04. Proposal also includes addition of workshop (Class
5A) at second and third floor.
Mr Nazzareno Vella, Workshop at Plot 23, Triq Mastru Salvu Pulis,
Triq John Michael Testa, Handaq, Qormi
Qormi PA/06362/22 GTD Proposed addition of two parking spaces within the site in the entrance
yard and to request for refund of the paid UIF for 2 parking spaces
for permit PA5753/21.
Bonnici & Zahra Ltd Attn: Mr Emanuel Zahra, 15, Bonzahr, Triq
l-Iskultur, Qormi
Qormi PA/06834/22 GTD Minor internal and external alterations to existing townhouse
approved by RG1225/17.
Mr Nathaniel Cauchi, 28, Triq Santu Rokku, Qormi

Qrendi PA/06858/22 GTD Restoration of facade in line with Irrestawra Darek GS634/19,
including minor amendments to facade approved in PA6114/18.
Ms Lorna Farrugia, 27, 29, Triq il-Hniena, Qrendi

Rabat PA/00744/20 STI To reconstruct roofs to existing structures.

Ms Maria Dolores Camilleri, Porzjon 15, Qasam Il-Kbir Jew Is-
Saqwi, Rabat
Rabat PA/08411/21 GTD Construction of extension to site footprint and addition of a pool at
the first floor level (w.r.t. street level) with a different layout from
that approved in permission PA0127/20.
Mr Joseph Azzopardi, Chris Paul, Triq Santa Katerina, Rabat
Rabat PA/07185/22 GTD Proposed minor internal alterations at all levels.
Mr James Gary Ibbottson, 7,8,8A,9,9A, Triq ir-Repubblika, Rabat

Rabat (Gozo) PA/02986/22 GTD To rehabilitate dwelling and propose additions and alterations at all
levels and to construct bedroom and bathroom at receded floor level.
Dr. Maria Borg, 15, Triq Kercem, Rabat (Gozo)
Rabat (Gozo) PA/04901/22 GTD To clear site and construct garage with 2 parking spaces, Class 4A
office, 3 apartments on 3 levels and a penthouse with roof level pool.
Dr Joel Grima, Site at, Triq Gedrin, Rabat (Gozo)
Rabat (Gozo) PA/07286/22 GTD Proposed dwelling house with garage for private cars, instead of three
apartments approved in PA/0380/21.
Mr Francesco Grima, Vacant Site, between Triq Giorgio Borg Olivier
&, Triq l-Arcisqof Pietru Pace, Rabat (Gozo)
772 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

San ġiljan PA/02614/22 GTD Update of alignment and building line as per site markings from Land
Surveying Unit from approved permit PA6499/17. This permit relates
to the construction of 7 underground floors which comprise of 139
parking spaces spread over levels -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2 and -1. Level -1
includes also 2 Class 4C outlets with interconnected intermediate levels
at Level 0, and construction of 6 floors (above ground) plus receded
floor, which comprise of a Class 4C outlet, reception space and Class
4C cafeteria at ground floor level, and Class 4A offices on Levels 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Permit also includes sanctioning of site extents due
to having new survey and minor internal changes (such as location/
type of columns and minor discrepancies in core layout). Sanctioning
also includes the shifting of facade glazing at receded floor level for
concrete columns to support roof slab, resulting in smaller setback.
Tridev Co. Ltd. Attn: Mr Keith Attard Portughes, Site at, Triq
Sant’Andrija, Triq M. Mangion, Triq Elija Zammit, San Giljan
San ġiljan PA/07202/22 GTD Sanctioning of minor internal alterations and finishing of facade.
Robyn Smith, Flat 2, No.3, Triq il-Ballut, San Giljan

San ġwann PA/08725/21 CORR To sanction both alterations and placing of tables and chairs in the
front garden area, affixing of a fixed structure in the front garden,
located in front of a Class 4C shop approved by permit PA03184/15
and to carry out alterations to provide a platform lift.
Mr Mario Sciberras, Cafe da Roberto, Triq R.Caruana Dingli c/w,
Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann
San ġwann PA/03524/22 GTD Proposed installation of 3 canopies in side garden.
Mr Michael Bianchi, 85, Triq Antonio Schembri c/w, Triq Albert
Laferla, Kappara, San Gwann

San Lawrenz PA/03377/22 GTD To reconstruct existing roof.

Ms Maria Formosa, Boathouse 44, Id-Dwejra, San Lawrenz

San Pawl PA/02973/21 UPH Sanctioning of property as built with variations to PA/09217/17
il-Baħar including the sub-division of the duplex and triplex units into 3
apartments and one duplex.
Ms Alison Galea, 21, Triq il-Markiza Bugeja, San Pawl il-Bahar
San Pawl PA/07594/21 REF Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 1 car garage at
il-Baħar ground floor, duplex studio apartment at ground floor and 1st floor,
three studio apartments from 2nd floor to 4th floor and duplex studio
apartment at 5th floor and 6th floor.
Mr Alfed Xuereb, 41, Triq Ghajn Rasul, San Pawl il-Bahar
San Pawl PA/08969/21 GTD To sanction variations from approved plans in PA2833/06, and the
il-Baħar placing of tables and chairs within the property boundaries.
Mr Joseph Farrugia, Milk and Coffee, Triq it-Turisti c/w, Triq il-
Maskli, San Pawl il-Bahar
San Pawl PA/03477/22 GTD Subdivision of existing duplex penthouse, extension of existing
il-Baħar receded floor and construction of additional receded floor.
Mr Rickie Farrugia, Flat 4 Zigumar Flats, Triq il-Luzzu, Qawra, San
Pawl il-Bahar
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 773

San Pawl PA/04726/22 REF To remove the existing concrete build-out and to fix a demountable
il-Baħar timber platform to place tables and chairs with protective bollards.
Mr Lawrence Grech, 28, Billabong Bar, Triq Andrew Cunningham,
San Pawl il-Bahar

Sannat PA/03984/22 GTD Proposed agricultural store, sanctioning of slight shifting of

water reservoir and proposed shifting of pump room approved in
Mr Daniel Camilleri, Site at, Ta’ Saguna, Sannat

Santa Venera PA/05059/22 REF Change of use from Class 4B to pastizzeria and sanctioning of minor
variations from approved permit.
Mr Bjorn Borg, No 1, Triq San Gorg c/w, Triq il-Kanun, Santa Venera

Siġġiewi PA/06363/22 GTD Proposed change of use from garage approved in PA3517/19 to
public service garage.
Mr Cleaven Sultana, 90, Serenity Court, Garage No. 1, Triq Lapsi,

Sliema PA/00731/22 GTD Demolition of existing buildings, excavation, and construction of 2

basement domestic stores/games room linked to overlying 4 duplex
units and ground floor garages.
M&M Developers Ltd Attn. Mr Malcolm Mallia, 6 & 7, Triq San
Frangisk, Sliema
Sliema PA/00907/22 REF Change of use from existing Class 4A office to Class 4B retail outlet
and proposed installation of raised and removal of internal partitions.
Mr Kenneth Borg Caruana, Tigne Palace, 41, Triq Tigne’, Sliema
Sliema PA/02813/22 GTD Proposed construction of second floor bedroom. Replacement of
damaged xriek, replacement of roof over stairwell and restoration
of timber balcony and pointing of facade.
Ms Marija Grech, 56, Triq San Karlu, Sliema
Sliema PA/03758/22 GTD Upgrading to façade to include installation of screened services to
existing Class 4B shop.
Sterling properties limited Attn: Mr Alfred Fenech, 40, Sterling
Jewellery, Triq it-Torri, Sliema

Swieqi PA/03141/22 GTD Restoration and rehabilitation of the central passage, pond, and vista
tower as per Central Madliena Opportunity Area Policy Boundary
Mr Marcus Marshall, Central paved landscaped passage, Triq il-
Madliena, Swieqi
Swieqi PA/03612/22 GTD Demolition of washrooms at third floor level, and re-construction of
1 residential unit at third floor level with an overlying penthouse at
receded fourth floor level. Application also include the demolition of
existing stairwell and re-construction of stairwell and lift including
minor internal alterations.
Mr Gordon Shephard obo Corner Food Store Co Ltd, 108, Panmel
Court, Triq il-Qasam, Swieqi
774 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

Swieqi PA/05551/22 GTD Demolition and construction of a block of apartments, including 1

maisonette and 3 apartments.
Mr Max Daniel Galea, 42, Triq Wied Mejxu, Ibrag, Swieqi

Ta’ Xbiex PA/08891/21 GTD To demolish the existing terraced house and propose the construction
of a basement garage having its entrance from Triq it-Tajjar
comprising of two parking spaces, two 1- bedroom apartments at
ground floor level, three bedroom apartments at 1st/2nd/3rd and 4th
floor levels and two two-bedroom duplex apartments at fifth and
receded floor levels.
Mr Herman Mallia Jonathan Pace obo Fijo Masrija Ltd, 6, Triq it-
Tajjar Msida c/w, Triq il-Kosbor, Ta’ Xbiex
Ta’ Xbiex PA/03527/22 GTD Proposed change of use from garage to a Class 4D premises, carry
out internal and external alterations.
Mr Carlos Antonio Muscat, No. 05 & 06, Triq ix-Xatt ta’ Xbiex, Ta’ Xbiex
Ta’ Xbiex PA/06338/22 GTD Change of use from takeaway to Class 4D Snack Bar including some
minor internal alterations and sanctioning of extension of outdoor
catering area onto public open space comprising of tables, chairs,
and proposing demountable covering umbrella.
Mr John Bezzina, 31, Triq l-Abate Rigord, Ta’ Xbiex

Tarxien PA/04334/21 GTD To demolish existing structures. To construct ground floor garage
and overlying apartments.
Mr Etienne Brincat, 154/156, Triq Santa Marija, Tarxien
Tarxien PA/08215/21 CORR Demolition of an existing building and construction of a block of 13
Class 1 apartments including penthouses at the recessed floor and
excavation of a basement level for 6 lock-up garages with reservoir.
Mr George Grech, 23/25, Primavera, Triq l-Iskola, Tarxien

Xagħra PA/00749/22 GTD To add bedroom and store at ground floor to house approved in
Mr Dominic Refalo, Qalb ta’ Marija, Vjal it-Tmienja Ta’ Settembru,
Xagħra PA/04798/22 GTD To demolish existing structures and to construct 2 garages, a
residential dwelling and a shop (Class 4B). To also construct a pool
at roof level.
Mr Carmel Mercieca, 64b, Triq Jannar c/w Alley off, Triq Jannar,

Xgħajra PA/05233/22 GTD Sanctioning of addition of bathroom and washroom; and proposed
light weight structure at receded fourth floor level.
Mr Ray Barbara, Sans Souci Mansions, Marciano Court No 7, Triq
Carmelo Ritchie, Xghajra

żabbar PA/00520/22 GTD Construction of additional residential unit at receded second floor;
and including other minor changes such as lowering of roof over first
floor and changes in room descriptions.
Mr Omar Falzon, 37/37A, Misrah San Gakbu, Zabbar
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 775

żabbar PA/04432/22 CORR Sanctioning of minor variations from approved PA00076/00.

Mr Jonathan Falzon, Maystore, Triq Ganni Bonavia, Zabbar
żabbar PA/04466/22 GTD To propose change of use from garage to pastizzeria and to fix sign.
Mr Vincent Magri, Joseph, Triq tal-Labour, Zabbar
żabbar PA/06467/22 GTD To sanction internal alterations at ground floor level in garage from
approved permit PB2716/88, including interconnection between
garage and house and the removal of part of the boundary wall in
back yard.
Ms Carmen Axiak, 49, Maison de Jean, Triq il-Karmnu, Zabbar
żabbar PA/07808/22 GTD Proposed internal alterations at ground floor level.
Mr Rodney Montebello, 16, Luna, Triq Castaldi, Zabbar

żebbuġ PA/02947/22 GTD Removal of accretions in courtyard of village house; construction

of bedroom suite at first floor; rehabilitation of ground floor rooms;
opening of windows in facade and restoration of facade.
Ms Marlene Farrugia, 57, Triq il-Grazzja, Zebbug
żebbuġ PA/03899/22 GTD Proposed alterations and extension at back over pre-1968 building.
Alterations include removal of exiting staircase leading to first floor
and formation of new one at back, opening of closed arch, removal of
old greenhouse and lowering of part roof at first floor level. Proposed
construction of washroom and 1m opramorta at roof level.
Mr Andrea Sammut, 47/49, Triq il-Grazzja, Zebbug
żebbuġ PA/05278/22 GTD Proposed internal and external alterations, extension at first floor
level, to sanction garage at ground floor level.
Mr Darrell Baldacchino, 31-32-33, Triq Campis c/w, Triq De Rohan,
żebbuġ PA/06798/22 GTD Reduction in site area of approved dwelling as per PA07281/16.
Proposal includes also minor changes in backyard. No changes being
proposed to dwelling as approved.
KTF Ltd. Attn: Dr. Chris Cilia, 42, 43, 44, Triq is-Siggiewi, Zebbug
żebbuġ PA/06933/22 GTD Proposed change of use from garage to public service garage and
construction of a new garage.
Mr Joe Baldacchino, Garage Drive, Garage No. 15 & 28, Triq il-
Grazzja &, Triq Patri Pelagju Mifsud, Zebbug

żejtun PA/07301/22 GTD To sanction minor internal and external alterations to an existing first
floor maisonette with overlying washroom at roof level and airspace
(approved by virtue of PB3605/92), which include minor change in
the length of the site, change of use of rooms and minor changes to
the position/dimensions of the apertures on both facades.
Mr Patrick Farrugia, Mon Dieu No.15, Triq il-Bies/, Triq Nikol
Attard, Zejtun

żurrieq PA/08263/21 GTD Sanctioning of floor decking and the relocation of canopy and solar
Mr Norbert Fenech, Roof of, 13, Peprina, Triq ic-Combini, Zurrieq
776 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

żurrieq PA/02914/22 GTD To sanction stairwell at second floor level. Proposed internal
alterations to damaged ceiling and widening of garage aperture.
Mr Joseph Genovese, 18, Josvil, Triq it-Tjieba c/w, Triq il-Karmnu,
żurrieq PA/04955/22 GTD Correction of site survey and sanctioning of minor departures.
Mr Alexander Bonanno, Ta’ Benjamina, 2/3, Sqaq San Gakmu,
żurrieq PA/05399/22 REF Proposed installation of roller shutter.
Mr Nazzareno Schembri, Lisa’s Nail Studio, Wesghet Joseph M.
Cassar, Zurrieq
żurrieq PA/07065/22 GTD Restoration of facade including re-installation of original timber door.
Mr Joseph Busuttil, 37, Misrah Santa Marija, Zurrieq
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 777

Lista ta’ Deċiżjonijiet għal Applikazzjonijiet List of Decision Notifications for

għal Permess ta’ Regolarizzazzjoni Regularisation Permission Applications

Din hija lista ta’ applikazzjonijiet fejn nħarġet notifika This is a list of applications where a decision
ta’ deċiżjoni mill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar. L-applikazzjonijiet notification has been issued by the Planning Authority.
huma mqassmin bil-lokalità. Fejn applikabbli, appelli minn The applications are set out by locality. Where applicable,
dawn id-deċiżjonijiet għandhom jiġu sottomessi lit-Tribunal any appeal on these decisions should be submitted to the
ta’ Reviżjoni tal-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar skont Artiklu 13 tal- Environment and Planning Review Tribunal as per Article
Att dwar it-Tribunal ta’ Reviżjoni tal-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar, 13 of the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal Act,
tal-2016 sa 30 ġurnata mid-data ta’ dan l-avviż. Kull 2016 within 30 days from the date of this notice. Any
rikonsiderazzjoni fuq kundizzjonijiet, fejn applikabbli, reconsideration on conditions, where applicable, should be
għandha tiġi sottomessa lill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar sa 30 submitted to the Planning Authority within 30 days from
ġurnata mid-data ta’ dan l-avviż. the date of this notice.

GTD - Granted; REF - Refused; MO80 - Modified as per GTD - Granted; REF - Refused; MO80 - Modified as per
article 80; CORR - Correction to Permission article 80; CORR - Correction to Permission

Balzan RG/00731/22 GTD To regularise the use of pre-1992 offices (Class 4A).
Ms Alexandra Dimech Debono, Auberge San Anton Block B Flat 3,
Triq il-Ferrovija l-Qadima, Balzan

Birkirkara RG/01047/22 GTD To regularise maisonette as built.

Mr Stanley Farrugia, 16, Triq John Borg, Birkirkara

Birżebbuġa RG/00781/22 GTD Regularisation of terraced house and interconnected home office as
Dr. Victor Bugeja, 9 ‘Dar il-Ferh’, Triq Ghar Dalam/Sqaq in-Nadur/,
Triq Alfonso Maria Galea, Birzebbuga
Birżebbuġa RG/01078/22 GTD To regularise apartment as built.
Mr Emmanuel Bellia, 27, Flat 5 Gawhra Flats, Triq Mikiel Abela,

Gżira RG/01099/22 GTD To regularise additions and alterations to existing ground floor
Ms Tiziana Zarb, 8, Aariana, Triq l-Immakulata Kuncizzjoni, Gzira

Kirkop RG/01185/22 GTD To regularise apartment as built.

Bailey Barney, 4, Eden Rock, Apt. 5, Triq Francis Mizzi, Kirkop

Luqa RG/02388/18 MO80 Regularisation of second floor apartment as built.

Mr Martin Busuttil, 192C, Triq Salvu Zammit, Luqa, Malta

Marsaskala RG/03838/17 MO80 To regularise garage at ground floor level.

Mr Josef Abdelghany, Garage 7, Triq il-Papa Gwanni Pawlu II,
Marsascala, Malta

Mdina RG/00216/20 MO80 To regularise town house as built.

Ms Marlene Farrugia, 25, Triq Inguanez, Mdina
778 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

Mellieħa RG/00959/22 GTD To regularise villa and garage as built.

Mr Alex Grima, 509A, Triq ta’ Fuq il-Widien, Mellieha

Mosta RG/01059/22 GTD Regularisation of apartment as built.

Ms Dorothy Deguara, The Laurels, No. 7, Triq Sammy Calleja, Mosta

Paola RG/01026/22 GTD Regularisation of existing townhouse.

Mr Carmel Vella, 50, Telghet Rahal Gdid, Paola

Qormi RG/01060/22 GTD To regularise maisonette as built.

Mr Carmel Grech, 120, Charcon, Triq Bellic, Qormi

San ġwann RG/00677/22 GTD To regularise existing maisonette at second floor as built.
Ms Tatiana Petrovna Shmidberskaya, No. 2, The Den, Triq Sant’ Antnin
c/w, Triq il-Fuxa, San Gwann

San Pawl RG/01096/22 GTD To regularise apartment as built.

il-Baħar Mr Joseph Bugeja, 49, Mario, Triq ix-Xitwa, Bugibba San Pawl il-Bahar

Sliema RG/04692/18 MO80 To regularise studio apartment as built.

Yordan Iliev, S.Apt 1A Floyd Court, Triq Ganni Bencini, Sliema
Sliema RG/00097/22 GTD To regularise basement levels for private car parking as built.
Mr Nathan Bartolo, Polmar, Basement Levels -1, -2 & -3, Triq Stella
Maris, Sliema

Tarxien RG/01173/22 GTD To regularise illegalities done after 1967 to a pre-1967 town house.
Mr Joseph Theuma, 85, Triq Hal Tarxien, Tarxien

żebbuġ RG/00760/22 GTD To regularise house as built.

Mr Roderick Sghendo, 4, Alley 1, Triq San Guzepp, Zebbug

żejtun RG/00860/22 GTD To regularise ground floor and first floor stores as per CTB0464/16.
Mr Emmanuel Carabott, 57, Triq il-Falkunier c/w, Triq il-Qadi, Zejtun

żurrieq RG/00441/22 GTD To regularise existing staircase at ground floor level and maisonette at
first, second and roof levels.
Mr Colin Balzan, 14, Triq Arturo Dimech, Zurrieq
Korrezzjonijiet fil-Permess/Corrections to Permit

Mdina RG/00216/20 To regularise town house as built.

Ms Marlene Farrugia, 25, Triq Inguanez, Mdina

żebbuġ (Gozo) RG/03442/18 To regularise flat at second floor.

Mr Nicholas Magro, Shell Court, Block A, Flat 14, Triq Manwel Magro,
Marsalforn Zebbug (Gozo), Gozo
Il-25 ta’ Jannar, 2023 779

Avviżi ta’ Waqfien u ta’ Twettiq Maħruġin Stop and Enforcement Notices
mill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar Issued by the Planning Authority

Din hija lista ta’ avviżi ta’ waqfien u ta’ twettiq maħruġin This is a list of stop and enforcement notices issued by
mill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar skont l-Artikoli 97, 98 u 99 tal-Att the Planning Authority in terms of Articles 97, 98 and 99
dwar l-Ippjanar tal-Iżvilupp, 2016. L-avviżi huma mqassmin of the Development Planning Act, 2016. The notices are set
skont il-lokalità. Il-post fejn jinstab kull sit u dettalji oħra out by locality. The location of each site and further details
qegħdin fuq il-website tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar fuq (www. can be retrieved through the Planning Authority website on (

Fejn applikabbli, kull persuna li tħoss ruħha aggravata minn Where applicable, any person who feels aggrieved by the
xi avviż notifikat lilha tista’ tagħmel appell, kontra l-avviż, lit- service of a notice may submit an appeal to the Environment
Tribunal ta’ Reviżjoni tal-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar. Skont Artikolu and Planning Review Tribunal. In terms of Article 13(3) of
13(3) tal-Att dwar it-Tribunal ta’ Reviżjoni tal-Ambjent u the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal Act (2016),
l-Ippjanar (2016), appell kontra avviż għandu jiġi sottomess fi any appeals against notices are to be submitted within 15
żmien 15-il ġurnata mill-pubblikazzjoni tal-istess avviż. days from the publication date.

L-avviżi ta’ waqfien u ta’ twettiq li ġejjin huma diġà The following stop and enforcement notices are already
servuti u qed jiġu ppubblikati għall-informazzjoni ġenerali. served and are being published for general information.

Birkirkara EC/00137/22 Casa Falzon, Triq G. F. Agius De Soldanis, Birkirkara

18/01/2023 Għandek żvilupp mhux skont il-permess PA 5170/07 u dan billi:
1) nbidel l-użu ta’ parti mir-residenza u garaxx, għal uffiċini;
2) twaħħal cladding b’madum iswed mal-faċċata u l-ħajt tal-front garden;
3) twaħħlet tabella mal-faċċata, mingħajr permess;
4) saru alterazzjonijiet interni u esterni, min kif approvat fl-imsemmi permess
5) twahlet struttura fuq il-bejt għal pannelli fotovoltajiċi.
JK Services

San ġwann EC/00157/22 Sit fi, (maġenb Triq Bellavista), Misrap il-Ħawħ, San Ġwann
18/01/2023 Għandek żvilupp mingħajr permess, li jikkonsisti fi struttura mgħamula min injam
u metall li jdawwar u jagħlaq biċċa art pubblika. Din l-imsemmija struttura hi
parzjalment imsaqqfa b’materjal varju u fi ħdana tpoġġew strutturi anċillari li mhux
indikati fin-notifika DN/00536/09. Dan kollu wassal biex inbidel l-użu; min art
pubblika, għall-post magħluq fejn isir rikrejazzjoni privata (u li mhux aċċessibli għal
pubbliku in ġenerali).
Mr Emanuel Galea
780 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,996 

Avviżi ta’ Waqfien u ta’ Twettiq Maħruġin Stop and Enforcement Notices
mill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar Issued by the Planning Authority

Din hija lista ta’ avviżi ta’ waqfien u ta’ twettiq maħruġin This is a list of stop and enforcement notices issued by
mill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar skont l-Artikoli 97, 98 u 99 tal-Att the Planning Authority in terms of Articles 97, 98 and 99
dwar l-Ippjanar tal-Iżvilupp, 2016. L-avviżi huma mqassmin of the Development Planning Act, 2016. The notices are set
skont il-lokalità. Il-post fejn jinstab kull sit u dettalji oħra out by locality. The location of each site and further details
qegħdin fuq il-website tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar fuq (www. can be retrieved through the Planning Authority website on (

Fejn applikabbli, kull persuna li tħoss ruħha aggravata minn Where applicable, any person who feels aggrieved by the
xi avviż notifikat lilha tista’ tagħmel appell, kontra l-avviż, lit- service of a notice may submit an appeal to the Environment
Tribunal ta’ Reviżjoni tal-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar. Skont Artikolu and Planning Review Tribunal. In terms of Article 13(3) of
13(3) tal-Att dwar it-Tribunal ta’ Reviżjoni tal-Ambjent u the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal Act (2016),
l-Ippjanar (2016), appell kontra avviż għandu jiġi sottomess fi any appeals against notices are to be submitted within 15
żmien 15-il ġurnata mill-pubblikazzjoni tal-istess avviż. days from the publication date.

L-avviżi ta’ waqfien u ta’ twettiq li ġejjin għandhom Stop and Enforcement Notices requiring publication
bżonn pubblikazzjoni skont l-Artikolu 34(1)(e) tal-Att dwar in accordance with Article 34(1)(e) of the Development
l-Ippjanar tal-Iżvilupp, 2016. Din il-lista qed tiġi ppubblikata Planning Act, 2016. This list is being published since the
minħabba li l-avviż ġie mwaħħal iżda ma’ ntweriex lil notice was fixed on site but it was not served to at least one
talanqas wieħed minn dawk li kisru l-liġi. of the contravenors.

Rabat EC/00163/22 Sit fi, Tas-Salib, Limiti tar-Rabat

18/01/2023 Għandek żvilupp mingħajr permess li jikkonsisti minn:
1) Depożitu ta’ materjal inert, ġebel u ħamrija;
2) Livellar ta’ materjal fejn inbidlet it-topografija tas-sit fejn anke inħolqu diversi
rampi sabiex infetħu aċċessi ġodda;
3) Kostruzzjoni ta’ ħitan tas-sejjieħ ġodda;
4) Skavar fuq il-wiċċ tal-blat fejn ġiet mkabbra parti mis-sit;
u dan kollhu fuq art skedata skont Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern bin-numru 1236/12.
Mr Matthew Sammut

San Pawl EC/00182/22 21, St John, Triq il-Ħalel c/w, Triq il-Ġlieba, San Pawl il-Baħar
il-Baħar 10/01/2023 Għandek żvilupp mingħajr permess u dan billi:
1) saru alterazzjonijiet fuq il-faċċata ma’ Triq il-Ħalel;
2) issaqfet il-bitħa ta’ wara, fil-pjan terran;
3) għollejt il-ħajt u waħħalt ilqugħ tal-ħġieġ fit-terrazzin fuq in-naħa ta’ wara, fl-
ewwel sular;
4) ħloqt taraġ (tal-konkos) ġdid bejn il-pjan terran u l-ewwel sular (fejn kienet il-bitħa
ta’ wara);
5) tneħħew ħitan interni fl-ewwel sular (biex ġie ffurmat pjan miftuħ);
6) inbena u ssaqaf it-tieni sular (irtirat min mal-faċċata)
7) inbniet opramorta (għolja ċirka metru), madwar it-tielet sular.
Gert Farrugia Helmuth, HGAF Construction and Turnkey Ltd
Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — Valletta

Mitbugħ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta FSC® — Printed at the Government Printing Press on FSC® certified paper

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