This document lists 36 in-house training courses provided by Paket in 2010, including courses on human resource management, ISO, finance and accounting, operations management, sales and marketing, tax, and soft skills. The duration of the courses range from 1 to 3 days. The investment cost per 20 participants ranges from Rp10,000,000 to Rp40,000,000. It notes that the investment costs do not include taxes.
This document lists 36 in-house training courses provided by Paket in 2010, including courses on human resource management, ISO, finance and accounting, operations management, sales and marketing, tax, and soft skills. The duration of the courses range from 1 to 3 days. The investment cost per 20 participants ranges from Rp10,000,000 to Rp40,000,000. It notes that the investment costs do not include taxes.
This document lists 36 in-house training courses provided by Paket in 2010, including courses on human resource management, ISO, finance and accounting, operations management, sales and marketing, tax, and soft skills. The duration of the courses range from 1 to 3 days. The investment cost per 20 participants ranges from Rp10,000,000 to Rp40,000,000. It notes that the investment costs do not include taxes.
This document lists 36 in-house training courses provided by Paket in 2010, including courses on human resource management, ISO, finance and accounting, operations management, sales and marketing, tax, and soft skills. The duration of the courses range from 1 to 3 days. The investment cost per 20 participants ranges from Rp10,000,000 to Rp40,000,000. It notes that the investment costs do not include taxes.
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No Judul Pelatihan Durasi Pelatihan Biaya Investasi (per 20 peserta)
1 Basic Human Resource Management 1 hari Rp 15,000,000.00
2 Industrial Relation Concept 1 hari Rp 15,000,000.00 3 Teknik Menyusun & Memperbaharui PP & PKB 2 hari Rp 20,000,000.00 4 Remuneration Management 2 hari Rp 25,000,000.00 5 HR Budgeting 1 hari Rp 15,000,000.00 6 How to Calculate Increasing of "Upah Sundulan" 1 hari Rp 10,000,000.00 Meningkatkan Kinerja Rumah Sakit Melalui Penyempurnaan Jam 7 1 hari Rp 15,000,000.00 Kerja ISO 8 Awareness & Refreshment NEW Standard ISO 9000:2008 1 hari Rp 15,000,000.00 9 Corporate Social Responsibility & Business Ethics 1 hari Rp 15,000,000.00
Implementation Tools POKAYOKE, KAIZEN, QCC, 5S, JIDOKA dan
10 1 hari Rp 15,000,000.00 JISHUKEN menuju Implementasi Standard ISO 9001:2008
11 Risk & Insurance Management 1 hari Rp 15,000,000.00
12 Risk Management Based on AS/NZS 4360:2004 & ISO 31000 1 hari Rp 15,000,000.00
13 Cost Reduction Control 2 hari Rp 20,000,000.00
14 Finance for Non Finance 2 hari Rp 20,000,000.00
Balanced Scorecard-Based Integrated Total Business Planning
15 2 hari Rp 30,000,000.00 Syste System
Balanced Scorecard- Based Integrated Performance Management
16 2 hari Rp 40,000,000.00 System (Advance Level, Powerful & Implemented) OPERATION MANAGEMENT
17 Best Practice in Warehouse, Distribution & Inventory Management 2 hari Rp 25,000,000.00
18 Supply Chain Management 3 hari Rp 30,000,000.00
19 Six Sigma 2 hari Rp 25,000,000.00 Pemahaman Prosedur Kepabeanan & Pembayaran International 20 3 hari Rp 30,000,000.00 Dalam Transaksi Ekspor Impor Implementasi Strategi Seni Perang “SUN TZU” Dalam Manajemen 21 Perusahaan SALES & MARKETING 22 Strategic Marketing 2 hari Rp 25,000,000.00 How to Create Value through Innovation in Your Organization and 23 1 hari Rp 15,000,000.00 Society 24 5S Training 1 hari Rp 10,000,000.00 25 Leadership & Supervisory Skills 1 hari Rp 10,000,000.00 26 Customer Service Excellent 1 hari Rp 10,000,000.00 27 Office Application (Ms-Excel) 1 hari Rp 10,000,000.00 28 General English Conversation 1 hari Rp 10,000,000.00 TAX Teknik Rekonsiliasi Fiskal & Pengisian SPT Tahunan PPh Badan 29 1 hari Rp 10,000,000.00 2008 30 Tax Guide For Export Import Handling 1 hari Rp 10,000,000.00 SOFTSKILL 31 Strategic Thinking (Case Study Approach) 1 hari Rp 10,000,000.00 32 Negotiation Skill 1 hari Rp 10,000,000.00 33 Coaching and Counseling For Managers/Supervisors 1 hari Rp 12,500,000.00 34 Problem Solving & Decision Making 1 hari Rp 12,500,000.00 35 Managing Office & Filling System 2 hari Rp 20,000,000.00