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Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

Indonesia’s Waste
Management is in Danger
The lack of education is the prime cause of many
solid waste problems in Indonesia.

Waste4Change commits to improving waste

management in Indonesia by providing holistic

Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

services: Create, Collect, Campaign, and Consult

175,000 Tons of Waste per day

Source : Indonesia Ministry of Environmental & Forestry (2017)
Compost &
Unmanaged Buried Recycled Burnt
10% 8.5% 7.5% 5%
Your Responsible
Waste Management Solution
PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia
Is a holistic waste management service
provider based in Bekasi, Indonesia.

As a company, we are aiming to become a

leader in providing ethical and responsible

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waste management solutions while reducing
the amount of waste disposed in landfills by
cultivating circular economic initiatives.

Our Vision To become leader in providing responsible waste management

solutions towards zero waste Indonesia.
How Waste4Change help businesses
We provide end to end solutions for your waste management needs through
our four core services: Collect, Create, Consult, Campaign

01 02 03 04

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Aids you in spreading a
Improve your business life Assists you in responsibly message of responsible Address your waste
cycle through the managing your waste waste management management problems and
implementation of circular through waste collections practices through training solutions through detailed
economy principles and treatments and public relation research & study
Our Part in the Recycling Value Chain Forward Logistics

Production/ Waste
Supplier Inbound Logistic Consumption
Manufacturing Collectors

3 2
Waste picker

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1. Creates value from waste by 1

transforming them into Recycling
production/manufacturing feedstock Material Waste
Supplier trader
2. Collects source segregated waste from
subscribing clients Reverse Logistics

3. Campaign for sustainable consumption

and source-segregation

4. Consults decision makers with Waste Pre-proces

data-driven recommendations sorter sor
Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

Improve your business life
cycle through the
implementation of circular
economy principles

Waste and Surplus Material and Document

Material Recycling Destruction Service
Creating monetary value out of Ensuring the recycling process of
clients’ idle inventory and waste
clients' branded products & sensitive

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Waste Credit
Organic Waste Recycling
Helping clients recover plastic materials
Helping clients in processing that have polluted the environment as
organic waste into useful much or more than the waste produced by
compost & black soldier fly their business operations.
larvae products This program is certified by rePurpose and Verra
Plastic Waste Reduction Standard.
Why You Should CREATE
With Waste4Change

Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

We help you define the monetary value of We maximize the utilization of your business’
your waste and surplus materials surplus waste and materials

We reduce your business’ negative environmental We have recycled more than 3.254 tonnes of
impacts waste in 2021
Notable Projects
What We Did
& Testimonials
● Eradicate excess packaging to prevent brand
defamation & misused
Material ● Divert residual waste & material from the landfill
through refuse-derived fuel technology
Destruction ● Provide detailed documentation & report

Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

“We have been working with Waste4Change since 2015 to
ensure that all returned packaging is not wasted in the
landfill. The Body Shop Indonesia always supports the spirit
of #BijakKelolaSampah from Waste4Change.”
The Body Shop
Client -Dita, The Body Shop Indonesia
Notable Projects
& Testimonials

Waste and Surplus

Material Offtaking

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What We Did

● Acquire various types of used cardboard and glass

material from IKEA
● Collect valuable waste & materials from several of
IKEA Indonesia IKEA’s warehouses & storage points
Notable Projects
& Testimonials

What We Did
Waste Credit
Program ● Assist Nestle in extending producer responsibility
initiatives by collecting more than 712 tonnes of
low-value plastic waste
● Collaborate with PT. Indocement to process
plastic waste into refuse-derived fuel

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● Provide detailed statistics and analysis in support
of the overall initiative implementation

Notable Projects What We Did
& Testimonials
● Conduct the post-consumed beverage cartons
segregation from the source
● Expand the waste collectors network & succeeded
Waste Credit ●
in recycling more than 800 tonnes of waste
Collaborate with PT. Leo Graha Sukses Primatama
Program ●
in recycling the waste
Provide detailed statistics and analysis in support
of the overall initiative implementation

Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

"Waste4Change is one of Tetra Pak Indonesia's partners since 2018.
(Waste4Change) has the ability to coordinate the collection of
post-consumption packaging in a segregated condition, educate the
Tetra Pak public, synergize with the government, and increase the scale of
Client management for recycling partners."

Reza Andreanto
Sustainability Manager, Tetra Pak Indonesia
Notable Projects
& Testimonials

Clean Recyclable
What We Did
Material Provider
● Provide a steady stream of high-quality PET
plastics for recycling purposes
● Process material into manageable bundled units
for efficient transport and storage

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● Regularly coordinate with clients to keep up with
dynamic material demand

PT. Polindo Utama

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Assists you in responsibly
managing your waste
through waste collections
and treatments

Reduce Waste To Landfill Reduce Waste To Landfill

Advance Premium
Collecting & recycling our Collecting our clients' waste and
client’s waste to reduce the making sure that none of the
number of residual waste ends waste ends up in the landfill by

Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

up in the landfil recycling treatable material &
processing the residual waste
into refuse-derived fuel
Why You Should Let
Waste4Change COLLECT
Your Waste

We help you responsibly manage various We help you reduce negative

types of waste environmental impacts

Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

We increase your waste management We assure the welfare of all stakeholders
compliance rate according to the latest that is involved in your waste collection
waste regulations process

We help you monitor your waste management

progress through detailed reports on waste We have responsibly collected and managed
generation & waste composition more than 12,167 tonnes of waste
Notable Projects
& Testimonial
What We Did
● Collect waste from various IKEA locations across
Reduce Waste to ●
Responsibly separate and process non-organic
Landfill Premium recyclable materials
● Process organic waste into compost and food for
black soldier fly larvae
● Divert residual waste from the landfill by utilizing
refuse-derived fuel technology

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● Provide monthly reports on clients’ waste
generation and composition

IKEA Indonesia "Good service to clients. Always ready when clients need.”
Notable Projects
& Testimonial

Reduce Waste to What We Did

Landfill Advanced ● Collect waste from various locations of DBS Bank
across Indonesia
● Responsibly separate and process non-organic
recyclable materials

Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

● Process organic waste into compost and food for
black soldier fly larvae
● Divert residual waste from the landfill by utilizing
refuse-derived fuel technology

DBS Bank Indonesia

Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

Aids you in spreading a
message of responsible
waste management
practices through training
and public relation

Personnel Training Akademi Bijak

Services Sampah (AKABIS)
Giving waste management
Showing our clients the reality of
practices & education to
waste management practices in
employees and members of
our clients

Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

Community Based-Implementation
Creating real impacts in communities across Indonesia through education and sustainable
public waste management initiatives establishment
Why You Should CAMPAIGN
With Waste4Change

We are expert in training and educating We practice the Direct Approach to find the
audience with various ages, education levels, most suitable solution for the problem we find
and backgrounds in the field

Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

We prioritize giving the utmost convenience to We have been recognized by international
meet the needs of our client's preference organizations and institutions such as WRI,
GIZ, and the World Bank

We have developed more than 59 communities We give the most up-to-date waste management
and we have trained more than 656,036 people education involving the latest developments in
the field
Notable Projects

What We Did
Ecoranger Initiative
in Pulau Merah ● Assist the formation of a local group dedicated to
run a sustainable waste management system
Banyuwangi ● Develop an integrated public waste management
● Draft actionable standard operating procedures
for newly developed waste management facility

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Greeneration Foundation & Increased participation level of local islanders in realizing
Coca Cola Foundation sustainable waste management goals
Notable Projects
● Initiate corporate-level responsible waste
management programs
● Design an actionable responsible waste
Suralaya ●
management plan
Assist in the procurement of waste management
Responsible Office ●
supplies and equipment
Mediate in the drafting of responsible waste
collection agreement between PT Indonesia
Power UP Suralaya and vendors

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● Increased employees awareness on waste
● Increased waste recycling rate
PT Indonesia Power UP Suralaya ● Reduced non-recyclable waste
Client ● Created a composting model that provides economic
Notable Projects

Reduce, Reuse, What We Did

Recycle (3R) School
Initiatives Assist PT. Epson Indonesia in conducting a domestic
waste management educational event for the students
as a part of their corporate social responsibility

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“My friends are now starting to sort out the garbage. Usually
paper waste, plastic, leftovers pilling up into one. Slowly but
PT. Epson Indonesia surely, my friends will sort garbage.”
Dava, Student of SMKN 3 Bekasi
Notable Projects What We Did

● Perform a half-day educational event & discussion

to raise awareness about the importance of
Akademi Bijak managing waste responsibly
Conduct a tour around landfills and waste
Sampah (AKABIS) ●
processing facility to show the reality of waste
Xperience management practices in Indonesia

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“Thanks to Waste4Change, we spent a day smelling, looking,
sorting, and talking about trash! I feel a great sense of
shame when I know that these are the traces we are leaving
on earth. Good people, let's start implementing REDUCE,
World Bank REUSE and RECYCLE.”
Client Yongmei Zhou, Program Leader Equitable Growth, Finance & Institutions
World Bank
Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

Address your waste
management problems
and solutions through
detailed research & study

Waste Management
Research Services System Evaluation
Focus on data collection and Provide insights and assessments on our
analysis to provide meaningful clients’ existing waste management
information to our clients. practices to pinpoint potential
optimization opportunities.

Copyright 2022 © Waste4Change All Rights Reserved

Waste Management Legal Waste Management
and Regulatory Advisory System Development
Collaborate with our clients in
Assist in creating excellent designing and developing waste
waste management regulation management systems in accordance
compliance for our clients. with their needs.
Why You Should CONSULT
With Waste4Change

We are experienced in addressing needs of We have been recognized by international

clients from various industries and organizations such as World Resource Institute

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institutional backgrounds (WRI), Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and
World Bank

We are collaborating with authorities to

continuously innovate in improving national We are working closely with local stakeholders to
standard provide valuable insights for clients
Notable Projects What We Did

Technical Due ● Provide detailed analysis on waste types & characters,

risks caused by waste, and site suitability
Diligence for Waste ● Collaborate with Rambøll Danmark A/S in designing
technical plan for the waste to energy plant
to Energy Plant ● Advise the drafting of capital and operational
budgeting, power & water supply agreement, as well
as procurement strategy
in Intermediate Treatment ● Provide insights on legal permits and key commercial
Facility (ITF) Sunter, North conditions

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“We are very content with the works performed by
Waste4Change. They are very good at their job and have
shown fantastic understanding of the project. They perform
Rambøll Danmark A/S at an international level!”
Client - Carsten Schneider, Head of Business Development, Ramboll Danmark A/S
Notable Projects
● Perform studies on Indonesian food loss and
waste generation, influencing factors, as well as
implementation gaps of responsible management
Food Loss and ● Identify causes of food loss and waste among
different types supply chains
Waste Research ● Assist in the drafting of national policies,
management strategies, as well as intervention
targets relating to food loss and waste for
2020-2045 period

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informations gathered during the research has been utilized
Ministry of National Development as the primary baseline data for national food loss and
Planning of the Republic of Indonesia waste management development efforts
(Bappenas) & World Resource Institute
Notable Projects What We Did

● Conduct research on riverine macroplastic

Riverine Waste ●
emission in major rivers across Indonesia
Provide insights on common practices as well as
Research Journey spatial & temporal variations in riverine plastic
flow in Indonesian coastal cities
● Lead the drafting of interceptor and extractor
deployment plan for 2019-2022 period

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● The study is featured on The Ocean Cleanup’s
international riverine plastic behavior in coastal cities
The Ocean Cleanup ● Assisted in completing international marine plastic
Client debris database
Notable Projects
What We Did

● Perform studies & provide insights on informal

Integration of waste collectors in various cities across Indonesia
● Identify requirements, challenges, & opportunities
Informal Collectors on the integration of informal collectors into formal
waste management system
● Provide recommendations of green stimulus models
on the integration of informal collectors, including
investment costs and policy requirements for
short-term, mid-term, and long-term period

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informations gathered during the research has been
Deutsche Gesellschaft für utilized as the primary baseline data for national food loss
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and waste management development efforts
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And many more…
Our Clients

Our Partner

Thank You
Say hello to us.
We’ll keep in touch!

+62821-1110-0170 Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin
Kantor Waste4Change Vida Bumipala,
Facebook, Youtube
Jl. Alun Alun Utara, RT.002/RW.001, Padurenan,
Mustika Jaya, Bekasi City, West Java 17156

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