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Giardia Benchaid

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Laboratory diagnosis of giardiasis

Giardia intestinalis (lamblia)

Basic guidelines
A. Multiple stool samples (at least 3) should be tested before a negative result is reported.
B. To maximize recovery of cysts, stool samples in formalin should be concentrated prior to
microscopic examination (e.g., 10 min at 500 g when using the formalin-ethyl acetate
concentration procedure). Exception: Specimens to be used for EIA or rapid cartridge
assays should NOT be concentrated because antigens are lost during the procedure!
C. Choice of diagnostic techniques depends on available equipment and reagents, experience, and considerations of time and cost.

1. Wet mount
In bright-field microscopy, cysts appear ovoid to ellipsoid in shape and usually measure 11 to 14 m
(range: 8 to 19 m). Nuclei, 4 in mature cysts and 2 in immature cysts, and intracytoplasmic fibrils are

Unstained cyst

Cyst stained with iodine

Cyst stained with iodine

2. Trichrome stain
Trophozoites appear as pear-shaped organisms, measuring 12 to 15 m (range: 10 to 20 m). Trophozoites contain two anteriorly placed nuclei and 8 flagella (rarely seen because they stain poorly). Cysts
appear ovoid to ellipsoid in shape. Nuclei and intracytoplasmic fibrils are visible.

Trophozoite stained with


Dividing trophozoite stained

with trichrome

Cyst stained with trichrome

Laboratory diagnosis of giardiasis

3. Direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) assay

This technique offers the highest combination of sensitivity and
specificity and is considered the gold standard by many laboratories. For commercial DFA kits, it is recommended that a concentrated stool specimen be used to increase the probability of detection of low numbers of cysts. However, special equipment
(fluorescence microscope) and commercially available test kits are
required and it does not provide a permanently stained slide that
can be archived.
Giardia intestinalis labeled with immunofluorescent antibodies

4. Enzyme immunoassay (EIA)

The EIA does not rely on microscopy and is useful for screening large numbers of specimens. Borderline positives and questionable negatives obtained with this technique should be further confirmed by
DFA. Antigens of Giardia are detected in the feces using this method; therefore, specimens should not
be concentrated prior to testing. However, special equipment (microplate reader) and commercially
available test kits are required.
5. Rapid immunochromatographic cartridge assays
The rapid cartridge assays may be used with preserved specimens and are quick and easy to perform. Antigens of Giardia are detected in the feces using this method; therefore, specimens should not
be concentrated prior to testing. Borderline positives and questionable negatives obtained with this
technique should be further confirmed by DFA. No special equipment is needed.

The quality of reagents in commercially available kits may be variable or deteriorate under storage conditions;
for that reason external controls are necessary to determine whether the kit is properly performing.

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