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Summary of Vision 2030 Achievements - 1

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Highlights of Vision 2030 Achievements

October, 2013




Over the first five years of Vision 2030, the biggest achievement was the entrenchment of Vision
2030 with Kenyans of all political persuasions and the transformation of the Kenyan mindset to the
belief that we can undertake major projects in this country. The foundation was laid for Vision 2030
via the new constitution and many legal and policy changes. The Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat
was created from scratch and built into a robust coordinator, enforcer and advocate for the
implementation of Vision 2030. Designs and funding for major projects that will take off in the
second medium term plan (MTP2) of Vision 2030 were completed and secured. Following is a very
high level summary of select flagship projects.
Plans for resort cities in Isiolo, Turkana and Lamu under way including identification of
Under-utilized parks enhancement strategy including hitherto unknown or underdeveloped
parks such as Kisumu Impala, Ndere, Chyulu Hills Leviathan Cave, Hells Gate Natural Health
Spa, Ruma National Park, etc.
Conceptualization and development of the Cradle of Humankind strategy which will establish
Kenya as the origin of man drawing millions of visitor annually from all over the world.
Complete overhaul of Legal and Policy framework to allow for food security and full
agricultural value chain development. On consolidation of Agricultural Reform initiative, the
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority Act 2012, the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock
Research Act 2012 and the Crop Development Act 2012 are now waiting operationalization
by setting up of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority (AFFA), and Kenya Agricultural
Research Organization (KARO);
Establishing of Disease Free Zones (DFZ). Coast DFZ created. Designs for 13 offices and
laboratories in the coastal region are ready and contracting is on-going. Program to cover
Lamu, Taita Taveta, Tana River, Kilifi, Kwale and Mombasa Counties.
Land has been identified for wholesale hub in Maragua (20 acres) and Tier one market in
Athi River (50 acres);
1326 producer business groups have been created;



Profiling for suitable public land earmarked for Mombasa and Lamu SEZs has been
completed where 2000 km2 and 700 km2 of land have been identified for Mombasa and
Lamu SEZs respectively.
SEZ bill has gone through the 1st reading in parliament and the SEZ policy has been approved
by cabinet;
National Industrialization Policy and Bill 2012 approved by cabinet and sessional paper
number 9 of 2012 is being developed;
Mini and Integrated Iron and Steel Mills project developed. MOU between POSCO and
Ministry of Industrialization signed;
On training of engineers and technicians, a Cabinet memo requesting approval and financing
of upgrading of twelve training institutions into centres of excellence in engineering training
at Ksh.12.0 Billion done;
Establishment of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) increased to 47 to cover each
county instead of initial 5.
On transformation of Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute(KIRDI), the
National Industrialization Policy (NIP) and Industrial development Bill have been approved
by Cabinet for publication and tabling in Parliament;
Anti-Counterfeit Agency (ACA) has been formed through the enactment of the AntiCounterfeit act.
Konza Techno City development is underway. Ground breaking was done on 23rd January
2013. Master plan completed and validation done. Recruitment of Master Delivery Partner II
is at an advanced stage;
The ICT Park power requirement has been included in the Least Cost Power Development
Plan (LCPDP) for 2012-2032 and the power connection to the Site Office completed;
The legal notice on the establishment of Konza Technopolis Development Authority
(KOTDA) and the board have been gazetted and operationalized. Currently being converted
into law.
BPO/ICT incentives have been included in the SEZ Policy and Bill;



Strategy for the Nairobi International Financial Services Centre developed and soon to be
Nairobi Stock Exchange converted to the Nairobi Securities Exchange and new products
Growth Enterprise Markets Segment launched;
Real Estate Investment Trust developed and gazetted;
Bond trading automated and maturity lengthened to 30years. Trading in government bonds
has tripled.
Capital markets master plan steering committee inaugurated to develop Kenyas securities
markets for next 10 years;
Two credit reference bureaus were licensed and by the second quarter of 2012, the number of
requests to the bureaus for reports from banks had exceeded 230,000;
The Proceeds of Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act was enacted in 2009 and the new
Anti-Money Laundering Board appointed in June 2011;
The number of deposit accounts in commercial banks increasing from 4.7 million in 2007 to
15.1 million in 2012 a CAGR of 26%;
The total number of customers of the six licensed mobile payment providers has grown from
1.3 million in December 2007 to 19.38 million by 2012. Correspondingly, the total number of
agents has increased from 1,582 to 64,439;
Under the Enablers and Macro Directorate which focuses on Infrastructure Sector; Roads; SeaPorts; Airports and Airstrips; Rail; Energy sector; Public Sector Reforms; Land Reforms and ICTs
Sector, a number of success have been realized and progress have been made in other areas as


The Nairobi-Thika Highway was completed and commissioned. There are also other
several other highways coming up and some are in the planning stages. This includes the
construction, routine maintenance, and rehabilitation of several tourism roads. The
Easterna and Northern bypasses completed and dual carriageway 30 KM Southern ByPass at advanced stages.
On 29th November 2012, the Athi River-Namanga-Arusha road was commissioned. The
road which has been funded by the African Development Bank covers roughly 240
kilometers from Kenyas Athi River town to the western Tanzanian city of Arusha, and is
set to improve transport among the East African Community member countries.






Detailed technical designs for Likoni Road to James Gichuru Road (A104) expansion is
on going and construction is set to begin in July 2014. The project includes an overpass on
Uhuru Highway. The project will be co-funded by the Government of Kenya and the
World Bank to the tune of Kshs.25.5 billion. Funding for the Meru and Kisumu By-passes
has been secured from World Bank to run simultaneously with the construction of A104.
Dualling of Ngong Road: All Saints Cathedral to Adams Arcade is at design stage.
Adams Arcade Ngong Town dualling is also at design stage. Ground breaking for All
Saint -Adams Arcade is scheduled for December 2013. Western Nairobi ring roads
practically complete.
Dongo Kundu bypass connecting Miritini to the South Coast designs complete and
funding secured. Construction to commence by July 2014.
Designs are on-going for the Greater Eastern Bypass road construction project.
The Lamu Port Southern-Sudan Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET) Corridor Development
Authority has been established to manage the implementation of the project on behalf of
the government of Kenya. Southern Sudan has committed itself to support the
implementation of the project beginning with the construction of a highway linking the
two countries. Isiolo Merille road complete, Merille- Marsabit- Turbi Moyale on going.
Construction of Mokowe Garzen on going, funds have been secured from the World
Bank for 980 kms Eldoret Juba road.

a) The modernization of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA)
i. Terminal Unit 4 building and multi storey car park
Actual weighted physical progress of the overall project is at approximately 82.7% complete
(parking on Grade 100%, Parking Garage 98% and Terminal 4 Building 84%). Works are
expected to be completed in March 2014.
ii. Terminal Units 1,2 and 3 expansion and modernisation
Detailed design is in progress for renovation of units 1,2 and 3.
iii. Green Field Terminal, Taxiway and Airfield Lighting
Ground breaking for a brand new (20 million pax) airport terminal in the next 3 months.
Designs complete and contractor secured.
b) Kisumu Airport
(i) The upgrading of Kisumu Airport - reconstruction and extension of runway from 30m to
45m and extension from 2km to 3.3km and the construction of a new passenger terminal
of 5400sm was completed in September 2011. Official state opening was done in February
2012. The cargo terminal is on going.



c) Rehabilitation of Airstrips
Nyeri: Phase I which included reconstruction and extension of runway to 1.3 Km
and construction of taxiway, apron and fence has already been completed. Under
Phase II final master plan was developed and the area of land to be acquired
identified. An area of 80 hectares is identified within the master plan to cater for a
2.8 km long runway.
Embu: Phase I which includes construction of apron and widening and resurfacing
of the existing runway and taxiway is complete. Land valuation is complete for
further expansion of the airstrip and payment for the acquired land is in progress.
Tendering for the Passenger Terminal Building (PTB) works is complete awaiting
tender committee adjudication and award following MOT confirmation of
availability of funding.
(iii) Lodwar: Rehabilitation of runway was completed and handed over to KAA on
19th December 2011. Design and tender documentation for the terminal building
are complete.
Kitale: Design of runway rehabilitation and extension will need to be updated due
to lapse in time. Design and tender documentation for terminal building are
Kakamega: Runway resurfacing is complete; Passenger Terminal Building works
are 95% complete
Isiolo: 1.4 kms runway rehabilitation is complete. Passenger Terminal Building
works commenced on 8th March 2013 for a period of 28 months. Documentation
for associated works to the PTB works, including a new road, apron extension and
fencing are in progress.
(vii) Manda Island new terminal complete.
(viii) Tseikuru: Earthworks underway to formation levels; works are being undertaken
by the National Youth Service. Overall progress is at approximately 85%. Works
are expected to be completed in October 2013.
Garissa: Documentation for works including bush clearing, fencing, security
watch tower and security lighting is complete. Tendering process to commence
following confirmation of funding by Ministry of Transport.
Nakuru: Awaiting weather data from meteorological department to construct the
wind cross for runway orientation; an initial site visit identified the area off
Nakuru-Kericho Road on the Nakuru-Rongai-Njoro route as suitable for the
airport, having abandoned the initial site off the Nakuru-Nairobi highway as it lies
on a bird migratory route. The Master plan will be completed by October 2013.
(1)The dredging of Mombasa Port to deepen and widen the harbour channel was completed in
April 2012. Some of the dredged material was used to form the base of the second container
terminal whose construction was commissioned by H.E. the President on 5th December 2012. The
dredging has greatly improved efficiency at the port as it can now accommodate large vessels.
Construction of Berth 19 has been completed and was commissioned by H.E the President Uhuru
Kenyatta on 30th August 2013. Designs for Berths 20 and 21 are complete.
(2)The construction of Lamu Port KPA Headquarters is at 90% completion.





Nairobi Commuter Rail Services

The Syokimau Railway Station was officially launched by H.E. the President on 13th
November 2012. The station is initially expected to serve over 2,000 passengers on its
morning and evening trips to and from Nairobi using 10 coaches each with a sitting capacity
of 60 and 114 standing. The station also has a car park for 500 vehicles. Construction of
Makadara and Imara Daima stations is ongoing and completion date is November 2013.
In so far as the development of decongestion of Nairobi, a feasibility study on the Nairobi
Metropolitan Rapid Transit System (NMRTS) has been completed and the preparation of the
Terms of Reference for detailed designs is on-going. The study recommended a transit plan
aimed at reducing traffic by integrating a number of transport systems to include a heavy rail
transit, light rail transit bus and a bus rapid transit. The proposal is to develop nine key
railway transport corridors linking the Nairobi Railway Station (NRS)-Ruiru-Thika, NRS-Juja
Road-Kangundo, NRS-Jomo Kenyatta Airport-Athi River, NRS-Langata Road-Karen and
NRS-Upper Hill-Ngong. Detailed designs for some of the corridors are being funded by
African Development Bank (ADB) and World Bank (WB).
Standard Gauge Railway Line between Mombasa and Malaba with a branch line to
Kisumu: This project aims to replace the meter gauge line which is dilapidated and over 100
years old.
(i) For Mombasa-Nairobi Section
Funding secured and ground breaking is scheduled in the next few months.

(ii) For Nairobi-Malaba/Kisumu Section

KRC in-house-team supported by experts in various fields of competencies is undertaking the
feasibility study and preliminary designs
(iii) For Malaba-Kampala Section
To be developed by Government of Uganda
Feasibility study and preliminary designs in progress
c) Kisumu and Mombasa Commuter Rail Services: Feasibility studies and preliminary designs
are in progress for Mombasa and Kisumu commuter rail services and will be completed in
November 2013

The commissioning of the Kipevu III 120 megawatt thermal plant in Mombasa by KENGEN. The
construction of Olkaria IV was commissioned by H.E. the President on July 23rd2012. The project is
expected to add 280MW to the national grid.
On 16th October 2012, Vision 2030 Delivery Board signed a Memorandum of Understanding with
Lake Turkana Wind Power Limited (LTWP) endorsing the largest single private investment in
Kenyas history, amounting to Ksh 75 billion (582 million). The project will provide 300MW of


reliable, low cost wind power to the Kenya national grid, equivalent to approximately 20% of the
current installed electricity generating capacity.
A working group for the implementation of the energy component of the MoU signed between VDS
and General Electric for the generation of 1000 MW power (gas and wind) has been formed.
MTP2 has incorporated Jubilee 5000MW+ in 40months programme launched in September.
High voltage transmission lines upgrading from 220KV to 415KV (Mombasa to Nairobi) under
way. 220KV (Rabai to Lamu) complete, 220KV (Lessos-Tororo-Bujagali) survey and wayleaf
acquisition under way. 300km/220KV Olkaria-Lessos-Kisumu transmission line to be complete in
2015. 100km/400KV Nairobi-Ring transmission line underway to be completed in 2 years and will
stabilize power in Nairobi.
Under the rural electrification programme, 1.2 million new customers connected since 2008 (more
than the number connected in the previous 80 years!). 10,429 trading centres, 8,195 secondary
schools, 4,191 health centres connected to the power grid across the country.
In Project implementation, the sector has recorded a remarkably high level of success in project
implementation. 4 undersea cable systems complete from zero in 2008 TEAMS, LION, SEACOM
and EASSY have been constructed. 5500km of terrestrial fibre have been constructed all over the
country. Thirty five (35) out of forty seven (47) Counties have been connected to the national optical
fibre backbone interconnector (NOFBI) under Phase I, and the remaining twelve (12) are scheduled
to be connected under Phase II.
The Kenya ICT Board launched the National ICT Master-plan on November 29th2012. The plan maps
out the journey of positioning Kenya as a leader in ICT investment and innovation by the year 2017,
and leading the way to achieving Vision 2030. According to the Plan, every citizen, resident, home
and institution will be connected through a countrywide robust, accessible and affordable ICT


The Kenya School of Government with campuses in several parts of the country established.
Performance contracting, service charters and results based management entrenched and now to be
The water sector is critical to the performance of other key sectors of the economy including
agriculture, livestock, energy, manufacturing and tourism. A total of 451 out of 600 meteorological
stations have been installed so far, while the remaining 149 will be done within the MTP2. The
construction of 24 medium- sized dams is underway, with Maruba Dam already complete with a


storage capacity of 2.4 million cubic metres. Construction of Kiserian, and Chemususu are complete,
Badassa, Matuu and maragua dams are at various stages.
The Ministry of Water & Irrigation has partnered with JICA to develop an Irrigation, Hydropower
and Water Resources Development plan for the National Water Master Plan 2030.
On land management and utilization, the government initiated the computerisation of all land
registries; the development of the national spatial data plan and enhancement of the legal framework
for faster resolution of land disputes. Rehabilitation of all 16 land registries earmarked is now
completed while 17 registries have been constructed in Bondo, Siaya, Uasin Gishu, Thika, Isiolo,
Transzoia now have the new Banking Hall at HQs. About 1.5 million records have been scanned
and Lands records are now safeguarded in Nairobi, Thika, Nakuru and Mombasa. The national spatial
data infrastructure and the land management information system are now part of MTP2.
The draft Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and Information Bill has been finalized and is
ready to be presented to the Cabinet while a Research Fund has been established under the National
Council for Science and Technology, 1% of the annual budget shall be factored towards research and
innovation. As part of promoting capacity building in science, technology and innovation at the
University of Nairobi, six students are being sent annually to Korea to study Nuclear Science on an
exchange programme.
The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology has developed a technology
development, transfer and diffusion programme whose main objective is to undertake technology
acquisition and diffusion through inter alia; provision of a framework for technological governance in
Kenya, lobbying for political will and support for realization of adequate funding for technology
transfer initiatives, building a dynamic forward looking domestic techno-entrepreneur base necessary
for effective commercialization of R&D, and institutionalizing mechanisms for technology planning
for technology transfer activities.

Work on a Forensic Laboratory is about 80% complete, while the National Security Data Centre is
already operational. Three (3) monitoring CCTV cameras have been installed at the Police
Headquarters, Traffic Headquarters and the offices of the Provincial Police Officer in Nairobi. The
government allocated Kshs.800 million in 2012/2013 to enhance CCTV coverage in Nairobi, Kisumu
and Mombasa. Following the recent terror attacks, the government has partnered with the private
sector to enhance security in public areas such as shopping malls and places of worship.
As a matter of urgency, the police also require sufficient vehicles and motor cycles available across
the country, 1200 vehicles will be leased to the police for security operations. The establishment of



reliable and pervasive security across the country is critical to Vision 2030 and should be accorded
the highest priority.
Both the Independent Police Oversight Authority and the National Police Service Commission have
been formed. The Inspector General of Police and his two deputies has been recruited and is
discharging their duties. MTP2 places special focus on transforming the Police Station, developing
housing for police officers, enhanced training and equipment for police officers.


Develop an Integrated Growth and Development Strategy for Six Metropolitan Regions
Plans are underway to mobilize resources for implementation of the strategic urban development
plans for five metropolitan regions in addition to the Nairobi Metropolitan Area. Development plans
are being undertaken for Eldoret, Othaya, Mtwapa, Bungoma and Garissa towns. These are at
different levels of implementation.


International Academy of Sports
The academy is being set at Moi International Sports Centre Kasarani where land has already been
earmarked for development. This will be an institution for advanced training in all areas of sports. It
will cater for top level development of the sports men and women whose talent is tapped and
developed from the grassroots level countrywide. The academy will also train sports administrators,
instructors and coaches. Further, it will serve as an international centre for excellence in sports and
thus contribute to Kenyas sports tourism. Advertisement of expression of interest was done and
tender was awarded.
Regional Sports Stadia
The Ministry is in the process of establishing 30 regional sports stadia around the country to promote
the development of sports within each of the regions as well as tap the immense talent of the youth.
Survey work and drawing of designs has been done. 5 regional sports stadia will be developed in the
MTP2 period.
Revitalization of Youth Polytechnics (YPs)
Measures have been taken to increase accessibility and quality of technical and vocational skills
training. 150 Youth Polytechnics have mainstreamed Special Needs Education (SNE) in their training
programmes; 124 YPs have been constructed; 174 YPs rehabilitated; e-learning established in 50


Youth Polytechnics; 2,000 qualified instructors recruited on contractual terms to improve training
quality; 180 have started greenhouse farming; 50 YPs have hatcheries; and the development of the
National Policy on Youth Polytechnics and the Vocational Sector (NPYPVS) is currently at the
cabinet level for approval. Currently, there are over 700 registered public Youth Polytechnics in
Kenya, with a total enrolment of about 65,700 trainees by 2012.
Establishment of a Sports Lottery Fund
The Sports Act 2012 has been concluded. The Act is a pre-requisite for full operationalisation of the
establishment of a Sports Lottery Fund. This will be accomplished in MTP2.
Youth Enterprise Development Fund
As at June 2012, YEDF spent Ksh 6.5 billions to fund 141,316 youth enterprises, 129 youth
entrepreneurs benefitted from incubation services, 62,239 youths trained on entrepreneurship (before
receiving loans), 9,370 facilitated to secure foreign jobs , 11,052 underwent pre-departure training,
facilitated formation of 24 Saccos, market support services provided to 1,982 youth entrepreneurs and
148 small enterprises linked to large enterprises. All the above services have translated into creation
of 2.1 million jobs for the youth over the first MTP period.

Rehabilitation of Health Facilities
A total of 251 health centers and dispensaries have been rehabilitated and improvement of
infrastructure for 72 hospitals is ongoing. In addition, between 2007 and 2010 and in addition there
has been an increase in the number of health institutions in the country from 5,589 to 7,111.
The Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation (MOPHS) implemented the upgrading of existing
Dispensaries into model health centres in 201 constituencies country wide as a flagship project under
Economic stimulus programme.

Strengthen Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KMSA)

The demand driven PULL system of distributing Essential Medicines and Medical Supplies
(EMMS) was introduced to the facilities to improve on its efficiency; Drawing rights for health
facilities for EMMS developed; Whole of Coast, part of Rift Valley (South), Eastern, Nairobi and
Central provinces are already in the EMMS pull system. Whole of Nyanza, part of Rift Valley
(South) and Western Provinces have been prepared for the pull system.



Develop Equitable Financing Mechanism

The plans to expand the social health insurance were neither implemented in the previous MTP I
period and Kenyans are still experiencing financial barriers to access health care. Universal health
service will be a major part of MTP2.
Community Based Information Systems
Training of 600 community health extension workers and 15,000 community health workers was
done during the MTP1 period one of the results is the increased immunization coverage from 52.5%
to 77%.

Development of National Human Resource Database
This Survey is complete.
Development of a National Integrated Human Resource Development (HRD) Strategy
This will be part of MTP2.
Development and Implementation of a Diaspora Policy
A draft Policy is in place developed under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Construction and Equipping of 560 Secondary Schools and Expansion and Rehabilitation of
Existing Schools
During MTP1 the target was to build/rehabilitate/expand facilities equivalent to 560 new schools.
Under the Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP), the Ministry disbursed KShs 6.3 billion to 355
secondary schools. Construction/rehabilitation works aimed at transforming the 200 schools into
centres of excellence is still ongoing and under the infrastructure programme, funds were disbursed to
371 schools for rehabilitation/expansion and work is ongoing, in addition by 2012, there were 30
schools upgraded from the former provincial schools to national schools. Therefore the MTP I target
of 560 schools was met and surpassed.



Recruitment of 28,000 Additional Teachers

The MTP I target was to recruit 28,000 additional teachers during out of which 21,400 are for
primary schools and 6,600 for post primary institutions and target for 2010/11 was to recruit 6,000
teachers. Overall, 29,060 teachers were recruited with 18,020 being on permanent and pensionable
Establishment of a Computer Supply Program
20,229 public primary schools, 4,000 public secondary schools, 20 primary teacher training colleges,
2 diploma colleges, 10 model e-learning centres and seven public universities were targeted. This
will be greatly enhanced by the Jubilee laptop project that is now part of MTP2.
Construction and Rehabilitation of at Least One Boarding Primary School in Each
Constituency in Arid and Semi Arid Lands
There was continued implementation and monitoring of construction/rehabilitation of low cost
boarding primary schools in each constituency in ASAL districts. A total of KShs 544.1 million was
disbursed to 37 ASAL districts for construction/rehabilitation of primary schools and under
Economic Stimulus Programme. Construction/rehabilitation works continued in 420 primary schools.

Rehabilitation and Protection of Indigenous Forests in Five Water Towers
Forests protection in the water towers was enhanced and a total of 415,393 ha were rehabilitated and
put under tree cover. The Sector through the Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing
(DRSRS) mapped 42,000 km2 of Mau Forest complex, 2,300 km2 of Aberdare Forest, 1,800 km2 of
Cherengany and 1,980 km2 of Mt. Kenya Forest. In addition, 4.53 million, 3.36 million and 180, 000
seedlings were planted in Lake Naivasha Catchment, Mau Forest Complex and Nyando catchment
areas respectively.
Secure Wildlife Corridors and Migratory Routes
The Mt. Kenya-Marania-Kisima-Ngare Ndare corridor was secured and an MOU between KWS,
Marania, Kisima, and Ngare Ndare Trust was signed; In addition wildlife migratory corridors and
dispersal areas were identified and mapped in the Southern rangelands (Serengeti-Mara ecosystem,
Kitengela-Athi Kapiti ecosystem (Nairobi National Park/Kitengela), Naivasha-Nakuru-Eburru, South
Rift/ Magadi ecosystem, Amboseli-west Kilimanjaro ecosystem, Tsavo-Mkomanzi ecosystem).



Waste Management and Pollution

Four (4) surveys were conducted which mapped one hundred and fifty six (156) dumpsites in Nairobi
City. Twenty eight of these dump sites were removed by 2012; Inventory of waste dumpsites in
Mombasa, Thika, Nakuru, Eldoret and Kisumu Municipalities was conducted. An Inventory of
pollution sources was also undertaken for Sosian and Tana Rivers. Further, nineteen (19) waste
transfer stations countrywide were licensed and three hundred and sixty one (361) licences issued for
different categories of waste handling and transportation. Comprehensive waste management
programmes for 5 key cities/towns Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru and Eldoret under way in

Constitutional Reform
The culmination and highlight of this Pillars milestone was the successful referendum held on
August 4, 2010 and the subsequent promulgation of the new Constitution. The Commission for
Implementation of the Constitution (CIC) was immediately set up. Key achievements include the
establishment of various commissions and committees; implementation of various programmes; and
enactment of laws as set out in the fifth schedule.
Institutional Reform - Judiciary
The Judicial Service Commission was established and the Judicial Service Commission and Vetting
of Judges and Magistrates Acts were signed into law..

Flagship Projects Implementation Support Initiatives by the Secretariat

A key mandate of Kenya Vision 2030 is to aggressively market the Vision and its medium term plans
and publicize and communicate its activities and achievements to the people of Kenya. Since the
inception of the Vision Delivery Secretariat (VDS), great strides have been made in implementation
of various programmes; however the Kenyan citizens, particularly those in the rural areas have not
been adequately informed of this progress and hence have little understanding of the Vision. In order
to fill this gap, the Secretariat contracted an Advertising Agency to develop communication that
would create awareness on the Visions, and report on its implementation.



Communication Awareness Programmes

The Secretariete designed an intergrated marketing and communication campign dubbed Wakilisha
the focus of the campaign was to establish Vision 2030 as the countrys development blueprint and
create awareness of the progress of Vision 2030 projectsThe campaign used print, electronic, digital,
social media and public relation activities to disseminate information and engage with the audience.
To reach a wide audience and deepen penetration of the campaign message VDS,
Wakilisha to the grassroots through road shows, mobile, county hall meetings


The Secretariat collaborated with the Office of the President & Provincial Administration who played
a key role in facilitation and mobilizing leaders for the town hall meetings. The leaders who attended
the meetings were drawn from the following categories;

Youth and Women representatives

Faith based organisations

Community based organisations

Government officials

Private sector representatives

Persons with disabilities

During the town hall meetings, Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat highlighted the programs within
Vision 2030 with specific emphasis on the projects within the regions visited.
To support the roadshow the Vision 2030 Secretariats undertook the following tactical activities;

Radio activations The Secretariat partnered with eight regional radio stations the aim was
to create awareness of Vision 2030 projects and benefits.

PR activation during the flag and during the period of the roadshow.

Countrywide circulation of pictorial insert, fliers and posters highlighting progress of

flagship projects

Social media support on facebook, twitter and YouTube

Newspaper insert with a score card on the progress made so far in the implementation of
Vision 2030

The interaction platforms through the road show and town hall meetings were a starting point to
ensure that Vision 2030 becomes a mass movement. The Secretariat plans to continue this


communication campaign to the grassroots through road shows, mobile education, county hall
meetings and the use of regional media subject to availability of funds. In addition, the Secretariat has
maintained a strong online presence through its website and social media platforms. This saw the
Secretariat winning a social media award for Best use of social media Government bodies category

2. Private Sector Engagement

The private sector engagement framework is formulated to drive participation from nongovernmental agencies in the implementation of Vision 2030. The Secretariat has developed two
categories of participation for the private sector namely Private sector flagship projects and Vision
2030 Partner status. The Secretariat was able to commence the implantation of projects with Toyota
Tsusho Corporation (TTC) and General Electric. To this end the Secretariat has coordinated the
two agencies and formed working groups towards the realization of the memorandum of
understanding signed in the past year. In addition, the Secretariat continues to work with other private
sector entities that have been accorded flagship status such as Lake Turkana Wind Project
(LTWP) in unlocking the bottlenecks that the project has experienced in its implementation. The
Secretariat has also awarded the Kenya Red Cross Society flagship status in the month of January
The Secretariat is currently pursuing a more robust engagement strategy with the private sector
players. The project termed Vision 2030 Companies Engines of growth seeks to provide a tangible
maturity framework for companies within the Economic pillar. The Secretariat has held 4 meetings
with Private Sector players including Kenya Private Alliance (KEPSA), Kenya Association of
Manufacturers, the Department of Government Investment and Privatization (DGIP) and the Public
Private Partnership (PPP) Unit.

The Secretariat is working on a maturity model for the private sector with KPMG. The model seeks
to expand private sector participation in the delivery of Vision 2030. Together with key stakeholders
such as KEPSA, KAM and other bodies the Secretariat is in the process of putting together a
framework that will guide private sector growth based on the Economic Pillar of Vision 2030 .



Collaboration with Ministries Departments and Agencies

The Secretariat carried out various collaboration initiatives including;

Performance Contracting: The Vision Delivery Secretariat in liaison with the former
Ministry of State or Public Service embedded the Vision 2030 projects into the performance
contracting platform of monitoring and evaluation through the inclusion of performance
indicators within the operational framework of the performance contract. This is geared at
ensuring that all institutions focus on the countries development agenda Vision 2030.The
Secretariat has been able to vet performance contracts with emphasis on delivering the Vision
2030 projects with over 400 Government Agencies across the country between June and
August 2012.The Secretariat is constantly reviewing the performance matrix as part of its
monitoring and evaluation framework for the flagship projects.

Launch and Breaking Ground of Various Flagship Projects: The past year has been
characterized with the unveiling of various Vision 2030 projects. Some of the projects were
complete and the official commissioning was undertaken such as the Syokimau rail and
Nairobi-Thika Highway, Turbi- Moyale road, and the opening of Kenya School of
Government Matuga. Other projects were commencing and the groundbreaking ceremonies
were undertaken such as the LAPSSET corridor.

Implementation roadmaps and funding plans: Through the performance contracting

process, the Secretariat ensured that all Ministries, State Corporations and Agencies
developed clear implementation roadmaps and funding plans for Vision 2030 flagship
projects. Several workshops and seminars had to be undertaken to educate project managers
on various funding plans including public private partnerships.

Branding of Vision 2030 flagship projects: Via the performance contracting process, the
Secretariat ensured that all Ministries, State Corporations and Agencies clearly branded
flagship projects across the country resulting in wananchi beginning to appreciate Vision

Provision of toolkits on Vision 2030: The Secretariat also analysed the political party
manifestos to establish their alignment to the Vision and the Constitution of Kenya and in
particular to identify the scope of time required for implementation. This was done in-depth
with PKF Consultants and KIPPRA. The Information led to the development of briefs to the



leadership on Vision 2030 progress and areas of quick wins. It also formed the basis of
provision of information on the alignment of MTP2 to the jubilee manifesto pillars of
Uchumi, Umoja and Uwazi. The Secretariat also developed toolkits for all Cabinet Secretaries
on the status of Vision 2030 in their respective areas.

Devolution: In conjunction with the Transition Authority and Kenya School of Government,
the Secretariat developed toolkits for the Governors to enable the Counties to develop their
county integrated development plans aligned to the national agenda,

Investment Roadshows: The Secretariat organised two major international forums focused
on driving foreign direct investment towards vision 2030 projects - New York (2011) and
London (2012). The Secretariat constantly hosts various delegations and gives presentations
to embassies, corporate organizations , investment firms among others with focus on raising
awareness on the investment opportunities present in the flagship projects,



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