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Construction Economics: Ent Economy. in Such Situations, The Decision Maker May Not Consider The Time Value of Money

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Construction Economics

Introduction, economic decision-making, time value of money, cash-flow diagrams, using interest
tables, evaluating alternatives by equivalence, effect of taxation on comparison of alternatives, effect
of inflation on cash-flow, evaluation of public projects: discussion on benefit-cost ratio
The relationship between engineering and economics is very close, and has in fact been heightened in the
present scenario, wherein engineers are expected to not only create technical alternatives but also evaluate
them for economic efficiency. Highlighting the economic aspect of engineering decision-making, Wellington
(Wellington 1887, cited in Riggs et at. 2004) in his book The Economic Theory of the Location of Railways wrote,
' ... it would be well if engineering were less generally thought of, and even defined, as the art of constructing.
In a certain important sense it is rather the art of not constructing; or, to define it rudely but not ineptly, it is
the art of doing that well with one dollar which any bungler can do with two ... ' .
With the growing maintenance cost, especially in the infrastructure sector, it has been realized that
not only the initial cost..but also the overall life-cycle cost of a project should be taken into account when
evaluating options. In fact, in the case of construction projects, economics affects decision-making in many
ways-from the cost of materials to purchase and scrapping of equipment, bonus and/or penalty clauses,
and so on. It is, therefore, extremely important that engineers and construction managers have a working
knowledge of economic principles, terminology and methods.
The effort in this chapter is directed to provide some important tools relating to dffferent aspects of
economic decision-making. In the construction industry, decisions involved include deferred payments
or receipts, payments (or receipts) in installments, etc. Thus, effort is directed here to discuss the concepts of
value of money and cash-flow diagrams in some detail. Further, in order to be able to compare alternatives, it
is important that they are reduced to a common platform. Equivalence is one of the methods commonly used.
All these concepts have been discussed at some length in the following sections. The chapter also briefly dis-
cusses the use of interest tables, relationship between concepts such as inflation and taxation, and economic
decision-making in the context of construction projects.


There are various situations-such as (a) comparison of designs or elimination of over-design; (b) designing
for economy of production/maintenance/transportation; (c) economy of selection; (d) economy of perfection;
(e) economy of relative size; (f) economy and location; and (g) economy and standardization and Simplification-in
which an engineer has to take a decision among the competing alternatives. These are referred to as problems of pres-
ent economy. In such situations, the decision maker may not consider the time value of money.
The three most common methods of evaluation-'out-of-pocket commitment' comparison, 'payback
period; and the 'average annual rate of return' methods-in which the time value of money is not considered
are discussed in the following sections.

Out-of-Pocket Commitment

Suppose a pre-cast concrete factory has to produce 100,000 railway sleepers per year. An economic choice has
to be made between using steel formwork and wooden formwork. The life of steel formwork is estimated to be
one year, while that of wooden formwork is one month. The costs of preparing one set of steel formwork and
one set of wooden formwork are Rs. 400,000 and Rs. 50,000, respectively. It is further estimated that the labour
costs for fixing and removing the steel and wooden formwork are Rs. 10 and Rs. 9 per sleeper, respectively. Now,
this is a situation wherein we may not need to consider time value of money, and use the lowest out-of-pocket
commitment criteria to choose the most economical alternative.
The out-of-pocket commitment is the total expense required for an alternative. For example, the out-of
pocket commitment for steel form work option would be the sum of total labour cost incurred for production
of one lakh sleepers/year plus the cost of the steel formworklyear, that is, Rs. 100,000 X 10 + Rs. 400,000 =
Rs. 1,400,000.Similarly, the out-of-pocket commitment for wooden formwork option is = Rs. 9 X 100,000 +
Rs. 50,000 X 12 = Rs. 1,500,000.
Since the out-of-pocket commitment for steel formwork is lesser than that for wooden formwork, the
decision would be to choose the 'steel formwork' option.
3.2.2 Payback Period
The payback period for an investment may be taken as the number of years it takes to repay the original
invested capital, and serves as a very simple method for evaluation of projects and investments. Though this
method does not take into account the cash flows occurring after the payback period, given the ease of com-
putation involved, the method is widely used in practice, and it is understood that the shorter the payback
period, the higher the likelihood of the project being profitable. In other words, upon comparing the two
projects or alternatives, the option with the shorter payback period should be selected.
For example, let a contractor have two brands of excavators, A and B, to choose from. Both the brands are
available for a down payment of four lakh rupees. Both brands can be useful for a period of four years. Brand A
is estimated to give a return of Rs. 50,000 for the first year, Rs. 150,000 for the second year, and Rs. 200,000
for the third and fourth year. Brand B, on the other hand, is expected to give a return of Rs. 150,000 for all the
four years. The payback period for both the brands is calculated in the following manner.
The payback period for Brand A = 4 years, as the initial investment of four lakh rupees is recovered in
three years (50,000 + 150,000 + 200,000 = 400,000). The method does not consider the returns after the pay-
back period. Hence, in this case the return of fourth year (Rs. 200,000) is simply overlooked.
For Brand B, the return is Rs. 300,000 up to the end of second year and in the third year it equals
Rs. 450,000. Thus, the investment amount of Rs. 400,000 is recovered somewhere between second year and
third year, which can be found out by interpolation.
H h b k . d D B dB - + -2 X (400,000'- 300,000)
ence, t e pay ac peno or ran - 2 3 (450,000 _ 300,000)
= 2.67 Years = 2 Years and 8 months.
Here also, as in the first case we neglect the return that is expected beyond the payback period.
Hence, it is beneficial to buy Brand B excavator as it has a lesser payback period.

Although we have taken the equal initial investment and time period for the two alternatives, the payback
period can also be used when these values are not same. That is, we can use payback period for problems
involving unequal initial investment and service life.
3.2.3 oravaRa oAAeaR gara A garevA
In this method, the alternatives are evaluated on the basis of only the average rate of return as expressed in
terms of a percentage (of the original capital). Since this method does not distinguish the period at which
transactions take place, or the timings of cash flow, it is not possible to account for the concept of 'time value
of money' in this approach. We use the previous example (used in payback period comparison method) to
illustrate the computations involved.
The average annual return from Brand A = (50,000 +150,000 +200,000 +200,000)
=600000 =150,000
Here, 4 is the number of years. The above-average annual return is converted into percentage to get the
average annual rate of return.

Avrage annual rate of return for Brand A in % = 150,000/400,00 *100 = 37.5%
Here, 400,000 is the original invested capital. '
The average annual return from Brand B = (150,000 +150,000 +150,000 +150,000)
= 6000,000 = 150,000

The average annual rate of return for equipment B in % = (150,000/400,000) X 100 = 37.5%.
This is also the same as Brand A. Thus, as far as average annual rate of return is concerned, both the brands
are equivalent.
However, given a choice between the two brands A and B, which one would you prefer? You guessed it
right! We would go for Brand B. This is because we are getting higher returns in the initial years for Brand B
when compared to Brand A. The basis for taking such decisions is inherent in the 'time value of money' con-
cept, which is discussed in the next section.


Although monetary units (rupee, dollar, etc.) serve as an excellent tool to compare otherwise incomparable
things, e.g., a bag of cement and tons of sand, we know that the real worth of a certain amount of money is not
invariant on account of factors such as inflation, dynamic interactions between demand and supply, etc. Now,
time value of money is a simple concept that accounts for variations in the value of a sum of money over time.
In most decisions, the change in the value of money needs to be accounted for, and this chapter seeks to
present simple tools of analysis to help a construction engineer make logical decisions based on sound eco-
nomic principles. The most important principle involved is that of 'interest', which could be looked upon as
the cost of using capital (Riggs et al. 2004), or the (additional) money (in any form) paid by the borrower for
the use of funds provided by the lender. According to Riggs et al. (2004), the interest represents the earning
power of money, and is the premium paid to compensate a lender for the administrative cost of making a loan,
the risk of non-repayment, and the loss of use of the loaned money. A borrower pays interest charges for the
opportunity to do something now that otherwise would have to be delayed or would never be done.
In simple terms, interest could be simple or compound, where in the former case, the interest component
does not attract any interest during the repayment period, whereas in the latter case, the interest amount itself
also attracts further interest, as we know from traditional arithmetic. The concept is explained briefly in the
following paragraph to illustrate some other related ideas.

Let us consider the following statement by a bank: nterest on the deposit will be payable at the rate of
eight per cent compounded quarterly. Here, the period of compounding represents the interval of time at
which interest will be added to the principa l, and the revised principal used to calculate the interest on the
next time step. Thus, in a year, for quarterly compounding of interest, four periods (of three months each (
should be considered. Now, if the principal amount was Rs. 100, at the end of t he first three - month period ,
the new principal (to calculate interest on the second quarter) should be taken as= 100+ O.~8 X 100=
Rs. 102.00, whereas the principal amount for the third quarter would be 102+ O.~8 X 102= ,Rs. 104.04
and so on. At the e nd of one year, the principal would become Rs. 108.24. n other words, it can be stated
that the value ofRs. 100 changes to Rs. 108.24 under the given conditions of eight per cent nominal interest
and quarterly compounding .
Now, in the above example the eight per cent is sometimes referred to as the nominal rate of interest, which
is the annual interest for a one - year period with no compounding. From the above example, it is clear that
Rs. 8.24 can be seen as the interest a mount attracted by Rs. 100 in a one - year period under the given rate (eight
per cent) and condition of quarterly compounding. This modified rate of interest is sometimes referred to as the
effective rate of interest(ieff), which in addition to the nomin al rate of interest (inom) also depends on the period
of compounding. One can work out that the effective rate of interest taking inom to be 5 per cent and 10 per cent ,
will be 5.09 per cent and 10.38 per cent, respectively, for quarterly compounding , and 5.1i p er cent and 10.47 per
cent for monthly compounding. In general, given the number of periods in a year to be taken for compounding
) rn ( and the nominal rate of interest (inom), the effective rate of interest , ieff can be calculated as below :
ieff = ((1 + inom/m X 100)m 1) X 100 ) 3.1 (
Any organization invoIved in a project receives and spends different amounts of money at different points
in time, and a cash - fIow diagram is a visuaI representation of this infIow and outfIow of funds. AIthough
in practice this infIow and outfIow does not necessariIy foIIow any pattern, it is sometimes assumed that aII
transactions (inwards or outwards) tak e pIace either at the beginning or end of a particuIar period, which
may be a week, a month, a quarter, or a year, simpIy to simpIify the anaIysis. In other words, if it is decided
that aII transactions in a month wiII be recorded as having occurred on t he Iast day of that month, or the .
first day of the next month, either approach can be foIIowed provided the system is consistentIy foIIowed .
In a cash - fIow diagram (see Figure 3.1), usuaIIy time is drawn on the horizontaI (X) axis in an appropriate
sca Ie, in terms of weeks, months, years, etc., whereas the Y - axis represents the amount invoIved in the transaction ,

Figure 3.1 Typical cash-flow diagram

Tobie 3.1 Details of transactions carried out siM ybAlpha Industries for April to June

Date Description Amount

April 5 Receipt for running account bill# 9 150,000

ril 10pA Salary disbursement 80,000

April 16 Payment for supply of aggregates 20,000

April 21 Payment for supply of stationery for office use 5,000

May 7 Receipt for running account bill# 10 180,000

May 10 Salary disbursment 80,000

May 28 Payment for supply of cement 50,000

June 6 Receipt for running account bill# 11 250,000

June 10 t Salary disbursmen 80,000

June 16 Payment for supply of structural steel 100,000

June 28 Payment of rent of premises for July and August 100,000

with the receipts and disbursements being drawn on the positive and negative side, respectively, of the Y-axis.
While scale is maintained for the time axis, the representation on the Y-axis is sometimes not to scale; however,
effort should be made to maintain a semblance of balance. Thus, it is a practice to actually write the amount of
each transaction next to the arrow. Some of the other aspects related to drawing and interpreting a cash-flow
diagram are explained by way of the following example.

Example 3.1

The details of the financial transactions during the months of April, May and June for Mis Alpha Industries
are given in Table 3.1. Draw a neat cash-flow diagram for the transactions using a month as a single unit,
showing all transactions during a month at the end of that month.

Now, since a month is the basic unit to be used, the given transactions can be summarized as given in
Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Summary of transactions for April to June

Month Receipts (Rs.) Expenditures (Rs.)
April 150,000 105,000
May 180,000 130,000
June 250,000 130,000
Total 580,000 515,000
Now, this summary can be represented as a cash-flow diagram as shown in Figure 3.2 or Figure 3.3,
depending on whether only the net transaction {algebraic sum of the receipt (taken positive) and the dis-
bursement (taken negative)} for the month is to be shown or whether both the inflow and outflow are to be
shown for each month. Obviously, no matter what convention is followed, it is clear that the total receipts and
expenditures for the said three months are Rs. 580,000 and Rs. 515,000, respectively.

In construction economics, we come across two main types of problem: income expansion and cost
reduction. Correspondingly we can distinguish the cash-flow diagrams also into revenue-dominated and
cost-dominated cash-flow diagrams. In the former case, incomes or savings are ernphasised, while the latter

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