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QS Final Accounts

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Final Accounts

A Working Committee with representatives of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors,
the Association of Consultant Quantity Surveyors and the Hong Kong Construction
Association was set up in October 2010 to establish a set of Practice Notes for the benefit
of Quantity Surveying professionals in Hong Kong.
The Practice Notes are not intended to promulgate a standard of practice, but rather to
produce some basic guidelines for the following core practices:
Name of Practice Notes

Latest Version

Pre-contract Estimate and Cost Plan

Nov 2014


Nov 2014


Nov 2014

Cost Control and Financial Statements

Nov 2014

Valuation for Interim Payment Certificates

Nov 2014

Valuation of Variations

Nov 2014

Handling of Contractual Claims

Nov 2014

Settlement of Final Account

Nov 2014

As different client organisations will have their own procedures and requirements, the
Practice Notes, which are prepared mainly for private sector projects using the HKIA/HKIS
Standard Forms of Building Contract, should be adapted as appropriate.
The members of the Working Committee are: Current Members from 2013
Representing the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Sr Honby CHAN (Chairman)
Sr Joe WU
Sr Sandy TANG
Sr Amelia FOK

Representing the Association of Consultant Quantity Surveyors
Sr CHAN Choi Hing
Sr Ringo LUI
Sr Rachel LEE
Representing the Hong Kong Construction Association
Sr FUNG Chi Yiu
Previous Members from 2010 to 2012
Representing the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Sr Raymond KONG (Chairman)
Sr SO Chee Sing
Sr Sandy TANG
Sr Amelia FOK
Representing the Association of Consultant Quantity Surveyors
Sr Kenneth POON
Sr CHAN Choi Hing
Sr Amen HOR
Representing the Hong Kong Construction Association
Sr FUNG Chi Yiu
Sr Patrick LO
Sr YU Lap Chu
The Working Committee expresses its gratitude to the following HKIS members in the
Architectural Services Department and the Housing Authority for sharing their experience
in and knowledge of Quantity Surveying practice in the public sector for the improvement
of the document.
Professional Quantity Surveyor from the Architectural Services Department
Sr Alvin CHAN
Professional Quantity Surveyor from the Housing Authority
Sr James FUNG

Final Accounts
Final Accounts

The Final Account is a summary of the financial effect of all activities
carried out under the Contract. Clause 32.6 of the HKIS Standard Form
of Building Contract (2005 Edition) requires the Quantity Surveyor
to prepare the final account within the period stated in the Appendix
(normally 12 months from substantial completion of the whole of the
To provide effective post contract cost control and to expedite the
settlement of final accounts, Quantity Surveyors shall aim at having
periodic cost review meetings with the Contractors to settle the
valuation of instructed variations.


(A) General

The Quantity Surveyor should conduct early evaluations of issued

variations for the following reasons:


To enable close monitoring of the final contract sum;

(b) To identify early any potential claims related to the



To provide the Contractor as early as possible with the

Quantity Surveyors assessed amount of the variation
to allow him to carry out cost control of his own
domestic sub-contracts; and

To expedite final account settlement.


If the Quantity Surveyor does not issue an evaluation

for the issued variation, the Contractor should submit

Final Accounts

his own assessment/claim to the Quantity Surveyor for

his notice and early processing.

(B) Methodology


Quantifying the changes


the changes should be quantified by measuring

the omissions and the additions from the


where changes are very substantial, a total

remeasurement of the works affected may
be appropriate. In such cases, the Quantity
Surveyor and the Contractor should agree on
the set of drawings to be used.

Assessing the rates



the contract rates shall be used where the

works are of the same nature and are carried
out under the same circumstances;

(ii) If the works are similar but not the same, the

contract rate should be used as the basis for

forming a pro-rata rate;

(iii) I f t h e w o r k s a r e o f a d i f f e r e n t n a t u r e , a f a i r

valuation should be made for the variation

works using star rates.

(C) Verbal Instructions

Unless the Contract states otherwise, the Quantity Surveyor

should note that Confirmation of Verbal I n s t r u c t i o n s a r e a l s o
variations and should be treated in the same manner as
Architects Instructions.

Final Accounts

If all variations are to be covered only via written Architects

Instruction, the Quantity Surveyor should remind the Contractor
that those changes cannot be included in the final account
measurement and that he has to separately seek an appropriate
Architects Instruction.

(D) Taking Site Measurements

When visiting site to take measurements, the Quantity Surveyor

should :-


record the Quantity Surveyors name, company, time of

arrival and departure in the site visitors book (if any).

(b) ensure that all measurements taken are properly recorded.

Each page entry must have the date of the m e a s u r e m e n t

recorded against it.


if measurements are jointly taken with the Contractor,

request the Contractor to initial against the measurements.

(E) Cost Review Meetings


The Quantity Surveyor should arrange regular Cost Review

Meetings with the Contractor throughout the construction and
final account periods to discuss and finalise the financial effect of
the variations and other claims by the Contractor. The Architect,
Engineer or the Project Manager should be invited to attend the
Cost Review Meetings when necessary to resolve ambiguities as
to the scope of variations or disagreements on its actual effect on
the Works.

The Quantity Surveyor should remeasure all provisional quantities in
the Bills of Quantities as soon as the For Construction drawings are
issued to the Contractor for implementation.

Final Accounts
A copy of the remeasurement, duly priced should be issued to the
Contractor for his information as soon as it is available.
It is bad practice to wait for works to be completed before doing the
remeasurement. Early remeasurement once construction drawings
are available will give a chance to the Client to revise the design if the
remeasurement shows a budget over-run.


Contractual Claims
(A) General

The validity of contractual claims depends a lot on the wording

of the contract conditions and specification clauses. Reference
should be made to the specific clauses of the contract being used
in order to approach a claim correctly.

A fundamental principle of any claim for a loss/expense claim by

a Contractor is that the onus lies with the Contractor to establish
the following facts in his submission to the Architect and Quantity
Surveyor :


That an instruction amounting to a variation has been validly

issued and acted upon;


The date of issue and receipt of the variation instruction;


The nature of the variation;


The time required to carry out the work pursuant to the



That the carrying out of the variation instruction affected

regular progress of the works which would not otherwise
have been affected;


The extent to which the work was affected as a direct result

of the carrying out of the variation;

Final Accounts


Sufficient particulars of the direct loss and/or expense

suffered or incurred directly resulting from the variation;


That the Contractor made a proper and timely application to

the Architect in respect of direct loss and/or expense.

The above list is not exhaustive and claims can always be made
under other contractual grounds. (See also Good Practice Notes
on Handling Contractual Claims for more details.)

(B) Extension of Time

Claims for extensions to the contract time are considered and

decided by the Architect. However, it is not uncommon for the
Architect to request the Quantity Surveyor to advise on the
contractual validity of the claims.

The following principles should be observed :


The Contractor should "upon it becoming apparent that the

progress of the Works is delayed" give written notice of the
cause of delay to the Architect.


The event delayed must be "critical" (i.e. the activity in

question must lie on the projects critical path).


Whether an event caused a delay or not should be decided

by reference to the actual progress on Site, not to the
original programme prepared at commencement of work.

Whether or not a Contractor is entitled to an extension of time

is to be decided by the Architect. The Quantity Surveyor should
only make suggestions for consideration if requested by the
Architect to do so.

(C) Prolongation Claims

When assessing prolongation claims, the Quantity Surveyor

should differentiate the extension of time granted under certain

Final Accounts
events (commonly known as neutral events) for which the
Contractor may be entitled to an extension of time, but not
prolongation costs, such as the following:


force majeure;
inclement weather;
civil commotion, etc.;

As a general rule the Employer will only be liable for loss and
expense incurred by the Contractor when it is caused by acts for
which the Employer or his agents are responsible.

Nominated Sub-Contracts/Supply Contracts

If it is within his scope of services, the Quantity Surveyor should
prepare the final account statements for the Nominated Sub-contracts
and Nominated Supply Contracts for incorporation within the
Contractors final account for the whole of the works.
The Quantity Surveyor should follow the same guidelines given for
preparing the Contractors final account when handling the final
accounts for the Nominated Sub-contracts and Nominated Supply


Agreement of the Final Account

During the cost review meetings, the Quantity Surveyor and the
Contractor will exchange comments on each others assessment and
try to reach agreement on the appropriate financial figure for each
item of change.
Assessments done by the Quantity Surveyor should be issued to the
Contractor in advance of the meeting with a request that they mark
in red their comments and return to the Quantity Surveyor before
the meetings are held. Vice versa, the Quantity Surveyor should
check quotations submitted by the Contractor and mark in red their

Final Accounts
comments and return to them before the meetings for their advance
It should be noted that the Quantity Surveyors duty regarding the
Final Account is primarily to make fair and proper assessments of all
changes made in accordance with the contract provisions. Whether
the assessments are agreeable to the Contractor should not be a factor
influencing the Quantity Surveyors assessment.
Most Standard Forms of Contract have a provision that the Contractor
should submit all his claims and substantiations within a certain
period. The Quantity Surveyor should check this period and formally
write to the Contractor advising him to comply with it as the Quantity
Surveyor may refuse to accept any further submissions after this date.
When all claims and substantiations made have been taken into
consideration by the Quantity Surveyor and negotiations held with the
Contractor prove to be of no avail, the Quantity Surveyor may seek the
Clients consent and support before proceeding to unilaterally close
out the final account.
A report on the non-agreed items should be prepared listing the items,
the Contractors figures versus the Quantity Surveyors assessed
figures, the arguments given by the Contractor and the Quantity
Surveyors judgments on why their arguments were not accepted.
Note that it is not normally a contractual requirement that the Final
Account needs to be agreed by the Contractor. This is only good
practice. In situations where agreement cannot be reached, the
Quantity Surveyor should prepare a Recommended Final Account
incorporating a report on non-agreed items and issue it to the Client
with a recommendation to either intervene to reach a settlement with
the Contractor or unilaterally close out the Final Account by issuing
the Final Certificate.

Final Accounts

Final Account Format

The Final Account should clearly list all items that have a financial
effect on the original contract sum.
Extra care should be taken in writing the item descriptions to give a
brief indication of what changes were actually involved. Do not just
copy the headings of the Architects Instructions as these tend to be
very general.
The common headings to be found in a Final Account will include :



Architects Instructions


Confirmation of Verbal Instructions


Prime Cost Rates Adjustment


Prime Cost Sums Adjustment


Provisional Sums Adjustment


Provisional Quantities Adjustment


Fluctuations Adjustment


Contractual Claims



The Agreement and Issuance of the Final Account

Under normal circumstances, the Final Account should either be
agreed between the Contractor and the Quantity Surveyor or the
Quantity Surveyor should issue their Final Account Recommendation
within 12 months of substantial completion of the whole of the Works.


Nov. 2014

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