Strain Measurement and Analysis On The Load in Universal Testing Machine
Strain Measurement and Analysis On The Load in Universal Testing Machine
Strain Measurement and Analysis On The Load in Universal Testing Machine
B.Tech student, Dept of Instrumentation and Control, Vishwakarama Institute of Technology, Pune
Assistant Professor, Dept of Instrumentation and Control, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune
Strain measurement in a metal provide fatigue analysis of that material upon static and dynamic force application. This
analysis gives out important indication about strength of material for the given application. This paper presents the
experimentation of measurement of strain of the MS material in a Universal Testing Machine for static and dynamic force
upon unloading and loading conditions. Lab view DAQ card and software is used to acquire the signal and its analysis. From
the data acquired, MATLAB is used for getting the equation for strain of the given material for unknown force .For strain
indication microcontroller based system is built-up. Strain is indicated on LCD.
Keywords:- Universal Testing Machine, dynamic force, loading and unloading conditions
1.1What Is Strain?
Strain is the amount of deformation of a body due to an applied force. More specifically, strain (e) is defined as the
fractional change in length, as shown in Figure 1.
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electrical resistance. Strain gauges are available commercially with nominal resistance values from 30 to 3,000 , with
120, 350, and 1,000 being the most common values.
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Therefore, proper selection and use of the bridge, signal conditioning, wiring, and data acquisition components are
required for reliable measurements. To ensure accurate strain measurements, it is important to consider the following:
Wheatstone bridge measurement, Bridge Completion, Circuit Excitation, Remote sensing, Amplification, Filtering,
Offset, Shunt calibration. We have selected 350 resistor in the remaining 3 arms of the Wheatstone bridge as our
strain gauge is of 350.Any change in the resistance of the strain gauge will unbalance the bridge and the output of the
bridge will be in mV. This output is given to the instrumentation amplifier.
2.2Wheatstone bridge circuit:
The output of strain gages and bridges is relatively small. In practice, most strain gage bridges and strain-based
transducers output less than 10 mV/V (10 mV of output per volt of Excitation voltage). With 10 V excitation, the
output signal is 100 mV. Therefore, strain gage signal conditioners usually include amplifiers to boost the signal level
to increase measurement resolution and improve signal-to-noise ratios. Unless you are using a full-bridge strain gage
sensor with four active gages, you need to complete the bridge with reference resistors. Therefore, strain gage signal
conditioners typically provide half-bridge completion networks consisting of high-precision reference resistors. Figure
9a shows the wiring of a half-bridge strain gage circuit to a conditioner with completion resistors R1 and R2.
2.3Bridge Completion
Unless you are using a full-bridge strain gage sensor with four active gages, you need to complete the bridge with
reference resistors. Therefore, strain gage signal conditioners typically provide half-bridge completion networks
consisting of high-precision reference resistors. Figure 9a shows the wiring of a half-bridge strain gage circuit to a
conditioner with completion resistors R1 and R2.
2.4 Remote Sensing
If the strain gage circuit is located a distance away from the signal conditioner and excitation source, a possible source
of error is voltage drop caused by resistance in the wires connecting the excitation voltage to the bridge. Therefore,
some signal conditioners include a feature called remote sensing to compensate for this error. Remote sense wires are
connected to the point where the excitation voltage wires connect to the bridge circuit. The extra sense wires serve to
regulate the excitation supply through negative feedback amplifiers to compensate for lead losses and deliver the
needed voltage at the bridge.
Amplification Circuit (stage 1):
Rg=Gain Resistor
For G=100,
The reference terminal is also useful when bipolar signals are being amplified because it can be used to provide a
virtual ground voltage. We have given reference voltage as 2V.For bridge output of 10mV o/p of instrumentation
amplifier will vary from 1V to 3V with 2V being null position. The output of strain gages and bridges is relatively
small. In practice, most strain gage bridges and strain-based transducers output less than 10 mV/V (10 mV of output
per volt of excitation voltage).With 10V excitation; the output signal is 100 mV. Therefore, strain gage signal
conditioners usually include amplifiers to boost the signal level to increase measurement resolution and improve signalto-noise ratios.
2.5 Filter
Strain gages are often located in electrically noisy environments. It is therefore essential to be able to eliminate noise
that can couple to strain gages. Low pass filters, when used with strain gages, can remove the high-frequency noise
prevalent in most environmental settings. Output of instrumentation amplifier is passed to low pass RC filter which has
cutoff frequency of 5Hz.The value of the resistance is calculated by the formula:
Cutoff Frequency=1/2RC
We have taken C=0.1F
Hence we get the value of the resistance as 318k. The filtered signal is given to the non inverting amplifier.
Amplification (stage II) Non Inverting Amplifier (TL072):
Gain of non inverting amplifier is given by
By taking RF =10K, R1=5K From this we get G=3.Thats why we get output in the range of 3-9 V.
2.6 Excitation
Strain gage signal conditioners typically provide a constant voltage source to power the bridge. While there is
nostandard voltage level that is recognized industry wide, excitation Voltage levels of around 3 and 10 V are common.
While a higher excitation voltage generates a proportionately higher output voltage, the higher voltage can also cause
larger errors because of Self-heating.
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Figure 7 represents the program in Labview.Figure 8 represents the simulation of the signal in Labview.It represents
the change in resistance with the input force. Observations are given below.
Diameter of rod 20cm
Area 314.16
Material MS
E, Gpa
R0 (Initial Resistance) 350
Gauge Factor
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Fig.9. Graph showing force and resistance change (Loading and unloading)
Thus the system allows us to continuously monitor the strain change from the load of the Universal Testing
Machine and get using appropriate algorithm, the system will have much higher accuracy output and can
effectively store data for future use.
[1]. PIC Micro-controller-Mazidi
[2]. Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation-A.K.Shawney
[3]. Labview manual
[4]. Industrial Automation-Krisnaswamy
[5].MATLAB help
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Authors Profile
Name: Tanay Jani, BTECH, Dept of Instrumentation and control , Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune,
Name: Prof M.R.Mhetre, Assistant Professor, Dept of Instrumentation and control, Vishwakarma Institute of
Technology, Pune, Maharashtra. B.E(Instrumentation and Control),M.E.(Electronics),PhD(pursuing, Biomedical
Energy harvesting).She is having 2years of Industrial experience and 17 years of Teaching experience. Many
Publications in National ,International conference and International refereed Journals with two patents filed.
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