Strain Gauges
1. Objective: Know how the change in resistance of a material, caused by a change in its physical dimension, can be used to measure the strain in the material. Have investigated methods using one and two strain gauges and observed the advantages of the twin-gauge system.
2. Equipment: 1 TK 2941A Instrumentation Module 1 TK 294 Linear Transducer Test Rig. 1 TK 294E Strain Gauge Sub-unit. 1 Power Supply, 15V, 5Vdc (eg Feedback PS446) 1 DC Voltmeter 15V 3. Theory: 3.1. Stress: When a material is loaded with a force, stress at some location in the material is defined as force per unit area. For example, consider a wire or cylinder, anchored at the top, and hanging down. Some force F (e.g. a hanging weight) pulls at the bottom, as sketched:
A is the original cross-sectional area of the wire, and L is the original wire length. In this situation, the material experiences a stress, called an axial stress, denoted by the subscript a, and given by
Notice that the dimensions of stress are the same as those of pressure, i.e. force per unit area. 3.2. Strain: In the above simple example, the wire stretches vertically as a result of the force. Strain is defined as the ratio of increase in length to original length. Specifically, when force is applied to the wire, its length L increases, while its cross-sectional area A decreases, as sketched:
The dimensions of strain are unity, i.e. strain is nondimensional.1 Typical values for strain are less than 0.005 inch/inch and are often expressed in micro-strain units. Strain may be compressive or tensile and is typically measured by strain gages. It was Lord Kelvin who first reported in 1856 that metallic conductors subjected to mechanical strain exhibit a change in their electrical resistance. This phenomenon was first put to practical use in the 1930s. Fundamentally, all strain gages are designed to convert mechanical motion into an electronic signal. A change in capacitance, inductance, or resistance is proportional to the strain experienced by the sensor. If a wire is held under tension, it gets slightly longer and its crosssectional area is reduced. This changes its resistance (R) in proportion to the strain sensitivity (S) of the wire's resistance. When a strain is introduced, the strain sensitivity, which is also called the gage factor (GF), is given by:
GF =
(R R ) = (R R ) (L L ) Strain
The ideal strain gage would change resistance only due to the deformations of the surface to which the sensor is attached. However, in real applications, temperature, material properties, the adhesive that bonds the gage to the surface, and the stability of the metal all affect the detected resistance. Because most materials do not have the same properties in all directions, a knowledge of the axial strain alone is insufficient for a complete analysis. Poisson, bending, and torsional strains also need to be measured. Each requires a different strain gage arrangement.
Shearing strain considers the angular distortion of an object under stress. Imagine that a horizontal force is acting on the top right corner of a thick book on a table, forcing the book to become somewhat trapezoidal (Figure 1). The shearing strain in this case can be expressed as the angular change in radians between the vertical y-axis and the new position. The shearing strain is the tangent of this angle.
3.3. Measuring Circuits In order to measure strain with a bonded resistance strain gage, it must be connected to an electric circuit that is capable of measuring the minute changes in resistance corresponding to strain. Strain gage transducers usually employ four strain gage elements electrically connected to form a Wheatstone bridge circuit (Figure 3). A Wheatstone bridge is a divided bridge circuit used for the measurement of static or dynamic electrical resistance. The output voltage of the Wheatstone bridge is expressed in millivolts output per volt input. The Wheatstone circuit is also well suited for temperature compensation.
Figure 3: Wheatstone Bridge Circuit Schematic In Figure 3, if R 1 , R 2 , R 3 , and R 4 are equal, and a voltage, V IN , is applied between points A and C, then the output between points B and D will show no potential difference. However, if R 4 is changed to some value which does not equal R 1 , R 2 , and R 3 , the bridge will become unbalanced and a voltage will exist at the output terminals. In a so-called G-bridge configuration, the variable strain sensor has resistance R g , while the other arms are fixed value resistors. The sensor, however, can occupy one, two, or four arms of the bridge, depending on the application. The total strain, or output voltage of the circuit (V OUT ) is equivalent to the difference between the voltage drop across R 1 and R 4 , or R g . This can also be written as:
For more detail, see Figure 3. The bridge is considered balanced when R 1 /R 2 = R g /R 3 and, therefore, V OUT equals zero. Any small change in the resistance of the sensing grid will throw the bridge out of balance, making it suitable for the detection of strain. When the bridge is set up so that R g is the only active strain gage, a small change in R g will result in an output voltage from the bridge. If the gage factor is GF, the strain measurement is related to the change in R g as follows:
The number of active strain gages that should be connected to the bridge depends on the application. For example, it may be useful to connect gages that are on opposite sides of a beam, one in compression and the other in tension. In this arrangement, one can effectively double the bridge output for the same strain. In installations where all of the arms are
connected to strain gages, temperature compensation is automatic, as resistance change due to temperature variations will be the same for all arms of the bridge. In a four-element Wheatstone bridge, usually two gages are wired in compression and two in tension. For example, if R 1 and R 3 are in tension (positive) and R 2 and R 4 are in compression (negative), then the output will be proportional to the sum of all the strains measured separately. For gages located on adjacent legs, the bridge becomes unbalanced in proportion to the difference in strain. For gages on opposite legs, the bridge balances in proportion to the sum of the strains. Whether bending strain, axial strain, shear strain, or torsional strain is being measured, the strain gage arrangement will determine the relationship between the output and the type of strain being measured. As shown in Figure 3, if a positive tensile strain occurs on gages R 2 and R 3 , and a negative strain is experienced by gages R 1 and R 4 , the total output, V OUT , would be four times the resistance of a single gage. 3.4. Strain Gage Transducers Consider a transducer which uses the principle of variation in length of a resistive path to give a variation in the resistance of the transducer element. Variation in the cross-sectional area of a resistive element will cause a change in the resistance of the element and this principle can be applied to transducers. In the variable length transducer, the length of the resistive element was effectively varied by changing the distance between the contacts. This was done by having one contact fixed and the other a variable position contact in the form of a slider which could move up and down the resistive element. Another method of increasing the length of a resistive element is by physically stretching it. Let us see what happens when this is done and whether this method can be used as the principle of operation of a transducer. When a rectangular bar of material is stretched by the application of a tensile force along its axis, not only will the bar increase in length, but it will also decrease in cross-sectional area. The amount by which the bar is elongated is related to the amount that its width and depth decrease by a factor which is known as Poisson's Ratio. Poisson's Ratio (ji) is given by:
lateral contraction per unit breadth longitudinal extension per unit length
For materials such as steel, aluminium, copper and other metals Poissons Ratio lies between about 0.25 and 0.35. Now as resistance =
and as this method both increases L and decreases a, then the resistance
There will also be a change in the resistivity p of the material, due to the change in physical properties as the bar is stretched. This causes a distortion of the crystal lattice of the material which changes the value of p. Examine the Strain Gauge Sub-unit, TK294E, for use with the Linear Transducer Test Rig, TK294. You will see that attached to each side of the cantilever is a zig-zag conductor mounted on a red base. This conductor is very thin and narrow, but because of its zig-zag pattern, it has quite a considerable length. This enables a reasonable resistance to be obtained. You will notice that it is mounted in such a way that the conductors run lengthwise up the axis of the cantilever. 4.1 Procedure 1: Basic Strain Gauge Assemble the TK294E to the TK294 and connect the gauge No. 1, nearest the operating rod, (see fig 4 for details) into the circuit of fig 5.
gauge 1
gauge 2
Figure 5
We are going to use this arrangement to measure the change in resistance of the gauge. In its resting state, the gauge has a resistance of about 120 which we could measure by balancing the bridge. When we bend the beam, the actual changes in the transducer will be very small, such that its resistance will change by only about 0.2 . It would be very difficult to measure this change by normal bridge methods as the contact resistances of any plugs, switches or potentiometers may change by a similar small amount. However, such a small change means that the bridge is only just out of balance, and we can amplify the out of balance voltage appearing across the detector and use this to indicate on our meter. However, it will still be necessary to obtain an amplifier output of zero for the starting condition and to do this we shall use the variable resistor Rs on the Wheatstone Bridge module to obtain a rough bridge balance; Rs is too coarse to give an accurate zero output though, so we use a different method for the fine control. This is to offset the amplifier deliberately so that it produces zero output for a small non-zero input, being the residual bridge unbalance. The potentiometer on the Operational Amplifier, R49, is used for this purpose, as shown in fig 5.
To set up the bridge and amplifier, proceed as follows: 1. Set the micrometer to 10mm. 2. Use the slide to push the gauge operating rod against its left-hand stop and note the slide scale reading (about 29 mm). 3. Move the slide to the right until there is just no pressure on the operating rod and again note the scale reading (say 24 mm). 4. Set the slide to the midway point of your two readings (26.5mm typically) and lock the slide. The strain gauge should now be in about the middle of its operating range. 5. On the Wheatstone Bridge set R 1 = R 2 = 1k . 6. Switch on the power supply. 7. Select a 10V range on the meter (or the nearest available) and set a gain of 100 on the Operational Amplifier. Set the potentiometer, R49, to mid-scale and adjust Rs on the Wheatstone Bridge until the meter reads as near to zero as you can manage. 8. Now adjust R49 to give an exact zero, increasing the meter sensitivity and re-adjusting R49 alternately until you have a zero setting on the most sensitive range available. Wait five minutes for the system to settle and finally reset to zero with R49. If you followed through the above procedure carefully you should now find that small movements of the operating rod by the micrometer adjustment will cause the meter reading to change by a small amount. In fact 1.5 mm motion should cause approximately 75 mV output. Take a set of output readings for 0.5 mm steps of position, starting at 10.0 mm, increasing to 12.5 mm, reducing to 7.5 mm and finally increasing again to 10.0 mm. Record your results in your own copy of Table 1.
Micrometer setting (mm) 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 12.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 10.0 9.5 9.0
8.5 8.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 Table 1 Plot your results of micrometer setting against output voltage on linear graph paper.
4.2. Procedure 2: Dual Gauge System Connect up the circuit of fig 6. Although the two gauges are nominally of equal resistance there could still be a small unbalance remaining so the offset potentiometer R49 is retained in this circuit.
On the Wheatstone Bridge set R 1 = R2 = 1 k . Set the operating rod to the same mid-position as was used in Procedure 1 and then adjust R49 to give an exact zero as before. If you find balance cannot be obtained move the lead from R7 to the other input to the amplifier as shown dotted in fig 6 and try again. Now take a set of readings of output voltage against micrometer setting as before (10.0 up to 12.5, down to 7.5 and back up to 10.0mm), and record them in a similar table. Plot your results on the same sheet of graph paper as you used before.
Fig 6 5. Discussion 1. If you push gently on the operating rod, what happens to the cantilever? Because the cantilever bends in an arc, it is very slightly deformed. One side of the cantilever will get very slightly longer and the other side of the beam will get slightly shorter. Each gauge is bonded firmly to the cantilever with a special cement which will follow the movements of the beam and transmit all the changes in length of the beam to the gauge.
2. Will the conductors of the gauge nearest the rod get longer or shorter as it is pushed against the spring return? 3. What else happens to the properties of the conductors of the gauge? 4. How will this change the resistance of the conductor?
5.1. Procedure 1 5. Is the plot linear? If so, what is its slope in volts/mm? 6. Do the results for increasing displacement lie exactly over those for decreasing displacement? 7. In particular does the last reading for 10.00mm equal that of the initial reading for 10.0mm (i.e approximately zero output)? If the answer to either Question 6 or 7 was no it is probably due to the effect of small temperature changes which occurred during the time you were taking your readings. These could alter the gauge resistance and the bridge balance resistance Rs by differing amounts, since they are different types of resistor located at different places. 8. Can you suggest how this difficulty could be overcome or lessened? Exercise 1 Knowing the amplifier gain and the bridge supply voltage and given that G = 2.2 for the gauge in use and R = 120 estimate the factor relating the change in output voltage to the change in strain e (i.e volts output per unit change in strain). You may have suggested in answer to Question 8 that if a second, similar, gauge were mounted on the other side of the test specimen and used to form the balancing arm of the bridge in place of Rs, temperature changes would affect both gauges equally, leaving the bridge balance unaffected. 9. Can you see another advantage in this arrangement? 5.2. Procedure 2 10. Are your new results free from thermal drift effects?
11. What is the slope of your new plot? You should find that the slope is about double that of your previous curve due to the added sensitivity achieved by using two gauges which are strained in opposing senses. The amount the beam bends is proportional to the change in length of the sides of the beam in compression and tension. As the gauges are mounted with their conductors running lengthwise along the axis of the beam, the length of these conductors will
also change in proportion. Do not forget that this also alters the area and the resistivity of the conductors. Any width changes in the transverse direction will not be picked up because of the direction in which the gauge is mounted.
R ~ I
Where I is the total length of the conductors of the strain gauge, p is their resistivity and R the total resistance. 5 represents the small changes and jj. is Poisson's Ratio. But -r- is a measure of the strain e in the gauge. This is the same as the strain e in the beam at the place where the gauge is mounted. Thus this type of transducer is called a STRAIN GAUGE.
Bibliography Stress, Strain and Strain Gages Latest revision: 29 October 2003. 12.45 pm Penn State University ME82 Accessed on July 5, 2004 The Strain Gage Force-Related Measurements Volume 3 Accessed on July 5, 2004 Transducers Kit TK2942 Part 1: Electro-Mechanical Transducers Feedback Printed in England by Fl Ltd, Crowborough