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Optimizing Drilling in Open Pit Mine

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JS"' International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey-IMCET 2003, S> 2003, ISBN 975-395-605-3

Technologies for Optimizing Drilling and Blasting in Open-Pit Mines

M. Karaca & D. Hopkins
Engineering Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA

J. Kemeny
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

J. Segui
Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre , Australia

ABSTRACT: A necessary requirement for optimization over the complete mine/mill/leach operation is continuous and accurate data at all steps of the process allowing fragmentation, crushabilily/ grindability/ leachability, slope stability, and safety to be evaluated simultaneously. In an ideal sy.stem, these data would be
analyzed centrally and used in a feedback loop to modify mining operations and process-control variables as
necessary to improve performance. The objective of the project described in this paper is to demonstrate technologies that can increase the amount of information obtained during drilling, and understand how this information can best be used to improve blasting results, route blasted rock, and increase the efficiency of
downstream mineral processing. The technological goals of the project presented in this paper include development of various sensors, data-acquisition systems, and online analysis tools that will allow real-time characterization of the rock mass and bore-hole measurements of mineral content during drilling.
Mining and mineral processing have traditionally
been approached as if they were separate entities.
However, the mining industry is beginning to look at
mining and milling as two interrelated components
that must be optimized as a whole. There is increasing realization that greater expenditures on
blasting can lead to tremendous crushing and grinding energy savings or to an increase in leach recovery (e.g. Bulow et al., 1998). One of the requirements for being able to optimize the complete
mine/mil 1/leach feedback loop is accurate, online,
and continuous data on key inlonnation on the state
of different parts of the "system." This information
includes the characteristics of the rock about to be
blasted, the characteristics of the blasted rock about
to be sent to the primary crusher, the characteristics
of the rock about to enter the flotation circuit, and so
on. In recent years, online systems have been developed to provide some of this information on a continuous basis.
This paper focuses on optimization of blasting, an
often overlooked part of the mine/mill/leach system.
The information vital to optimizing blast design includes characterization of the rock mass prior to
blasting; it is widely accepted that characterizing
fractures and other discontinuities in the rock mass
is one of the most important inputs to blast design to
achieve optimal rock fragmentation. The work de-

scribed here includes development of sensors, data

acquisition systems, and online analysis tools that
will allow real-time geophysical characterization of
the rock mass and down-hole measurements of mineral content. In addition to optimizing the rock
fragmentation that results from blasting, knowing
the exact location of waste rock, rock to be milled,
and rock to be leached, can minimize the amount of
dilution that occurs in blasting and subsequent
mucking and hauling.
Image-processing techniques are being used to
perform pre-blast rock-mass characterization and
post-blast fragmentation analysis. These analyses are
then used to evaluate the effectiveness of geophysical and x-ray-fluorescence (XRF) data in improving
blast design and routing of blasted rock. The ultimate goal of the project is to integrate geophysical
and XRF data with drilling data to create an adaptive, online analysis tool to optimize subsequent
drilling and blasting. T h i s technology would also
yield environmental benefits by minimizing the
amount of mineable ore on waste piles and maximizing the amount of processable ore sent through
the mill and put on leach piles (Hopkins et al. 2000).


Two state-of-the-art techniques form the basis for
the pre- and post-blast data collection activities. The


first is ground penetrating radar (GPR) information

that was collected and used to characterize, in three
dimensions, the rock mass prior to blasting. This
information was supplemented with other drill information such as penetration rate, power, torque,
drilling time, hole depth, weight on bit, vibration,
specific energy, and the blastability index, which
were all collected by the Acquila system installed on
the drill rig. In addition, laboratory data collected
from drill cores, and geological and structural maps
were available. The information is being used to
characterize the rock mass in terms of the parameters
that are known to have the greatest influence on
blastability, namely intact rock strength, fracture
density, fracture orientation, fracture aperture, and
the location and orientation of major structural features. These data are being evaluated in conjunction
with data obtained using the new technologies being
developed as a part of this project (vibration of the
drill stem and XRF analysis of the drill cuttings).
The second state-of-the-art technique involves the
analysis of post-blast fragmentation using imageprocessing techniques. The Split image-processing
system, developed at the University of Arizona, was
used for this purpose. In this system, digital images
are taken during the process of mucking or hauling
the blasted rock. As an example, for a 30-by-30-foot
hole pattern with 50-foot-deep holes, it takes about
30 bucket loads (assuming a 60-yard bucket) to remove the rock associated with each drill hole. A
digital video camera is used to take video images on
a bucket-by-bucket basis of an entire shot. Following the work of BoBo (1997), images were taken
from the cab of the shovel. Images were scaled using a laser rangefinder device, and a laptop computer
is used to process the images in the field using the
Split software. Details of the Split software are
given in Girdner et al (1996), Kemeny (1994), and
Kemeny et al. (1993). The Split software estimates
the complete size distribution of the blasted rock
with an error less than 10% (Girdner el al. 1996).
The last task for the data collection activities is to
create 3D maps throughout the shot area that show
the pre-blast rock-mass parameters, the post-blast
fragmentation, and the input explosive energy. GPS
devices on the buckets allow the post-blast fragmentation information to be assigned to a location,
which can be corrected for throw and other factors.
The GPR and/or fragmentation information may be
averaged to index all the information for a particular
block size of interest.
The data collection activities described above were
the initial source for empirical data sets needed to
develop the proposed new surface-blast design mod-


els. As described below, substantial data are available for each blast site. For the pre-blast stage: GPR
3D rock mass data, mine model geological information, blast-hole drill data from the drill monitoring
system, and geotechnical properties of the intact
rock together with ore content. Blast data: physical
characteristics of each drill hole (diameter, location,
depth, etc.), amount and type of explosive in each
hole, timing patterns, and video tape of the blast itself. For the post-blast stage: rock-mass characteristics (size distribution, particle shapes, etc.) across
the blast area, shape of blast pile, and other properties deemed useful. The first step was to use multivariate statistical techniques to help identify important relationships between pre-blast, post-blast and
actual blast design parameters. Then, using these
initially identified relationships, and knowledge of
existing blasting theory, empirical blast-design models are being developed. We propose to investigate
several modeling approaches including neural networks (ability to develop mappings between input
conditions and output parameters in complex environments) and fuzzy logic. Fuzzy-logic-based systems are well suited for making design decisions
with imprecise, incomplete and uncertain information.

Development of an On-line Adaptive Surface

Blast-Design System

Working closely with the mine operators and

equipment developers, we propose to develop the
functional components of an On-line Adaptive Surface Blast-Design System.
Adaptive blast design means that the blast design
can be modified in real time, by changing hole patterns or the type and amount of explosive, based on
newly acquired information about the rock mass. In
order to implement an adaptive blast-design strategy
for open-pit mines, two problems must first be
First of all, technologies must be developed to
accurately predict in-situ rock-mass properties.
These properties must be available for a given shot
before or during the drilling of holes for the shot.
Secondly, accurate blast models must be available to
provide guidance on how modifications to the blast
design should be made in light of new information.
For greatest accuracy, these models must be minespecific, and constantly evolving based on new data.
This requires feedback mechanisms in the operation
that provide updated information on in-situ rock
conditions, blasting parameters, and post-blast fragmentation.
The approach is simple, and is based on only
three variables per hole: drilling specific energy,
blast energy (kcal/ton), and post-blast F80. We recommend this as a first step in implementing an
adaptive blast-design strategy. However, a limitation

ot this elatvely simple appoach s that it does not

take into account several othei important parameters,
most notably fractures and the specific mineralogy
ot each unit volume ot the lock mass In addition it
uses only single vanables to account tor the blast palameters (kcal/ton) and to chaiactenze post-blast
fragmentation (F80) Although the model pedcts
tagmentaton it does not predict other quantities
that aie critical for downstream processing such as
the cushablty and grindability ot the fragments
(tor mill processing) 01 the leachabihty ot the tiagments (tor SX-EW pocessng) Technologies undei
development as part ot the anient project that are
providing data dunng drilling can be used lo address
some ot these shotcomngs (Hopkins et al 2002)
These newly available dala are being used lo impiove the adaptive blast-design model
The path to commecalzaton is to integrate the
blast design tool with existing commercial systems
that collect and display data while drilling The time
tame tor commecalzaton s on the order ot 2-3
yeais The blast-design tool can also be commeicialued as a stand-alone syslem in which case all

Fi aine




The Siernta Mountains are about 25 miles southwest

ot Tucson Anzona The mine tor the field woik is
located in the eastern foothills ol the Siernta Moun
tains The mine contains a low-grade copper deposit
and became operational in 1969 Ransome (1922)
noted thai the Siernta range consisted primai ily ot
an intrusive granitic core flanked by sedmentay
and volcanic ocks that have been metamorphosed
to various degiees He also observed that the in
truded locks on the eastern side included volcanic
and clastic sedmentay ocks ot Mesozoc age as

relevant data would be integrated and analyzed ottline to produce a blast design In this case the time
frame tor commercialization is 1-2 years
The test sites for the work described here are located
in south eastern and south-western Arizona (indi
cated by the arrows in Figure 1) The Molenei min
ing district hosts the largest producing porphyrycoppei deposits in North America The mining com
plex consists ot several open-pit mining areas, a
concentrator with a capacity ot 75,000 tons ot ore
pei day, and the woild's largest solvent extraction
/electiowinning facility Over 780,000 tons ot rock
per day are outed to either n-pt crushing systems
or leaching stockpiles In 1999, the Morenci mining
distnct produced over one-billion pounds ot copper
Mineralization is associated with a co-magmatic
calc-alkaline series ot porphyrtc intrusions anging
in composition from dionte and granodionte to
quartz monzonite and granite (Trler et al 2002)

well as Paleozoic limestone and Precamban gante Where
the test mine is located, the geology shows tertay
intrusive rocks including andsite, dorte, ganodorite, quartz monzonite porphyiy and Jurassic quaitz
monzonite (Coopei 1971) The mine has an annual
ore production ot 40 million tons (ot which 22 mil
lion tons goes to a solvent extraction/electrowinmng
facility) The average giade ot copper is 0 3% and ot
Molybdenum is 0 03% The mill cutoff value foi
copper is 0 33% Cu


proved by including site-specific information in the

5.1 X-ray-flitorescence(XRF) mineral-content sensor
X-ray-fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy is routinely
used to analyze atomic composition in a wide range
of applications including mining, oil-well logging,
environmental monitoring, and materials evaluation.
The research challenges of adapting the technology
for use as a downhole tool include ensuring reliable
and accurate measurements in a harsh environment,
ensuring worker safety, and minimizing interference
with the drilling operation.
For the prototype system, dust and cuttings are
collected through a nozzle placed near the borehole.
A ventun-suction system using compressed air supplied rrom the drill rig provides a continuous sampling of material during drilling. Exhaust from the
ventun system is routed to the cyclone where the
solid material is separated from the air. Detailed information about the system is given by Trler et al.

Figure 2 While corresponds to high copper concentrations

compared to darker colors, which indicate relatively low copper concentrations.
The borehole profiles shown in Figure 2 indicate
that the distribution of copper ore varies considerably over the length of the borehole, and between
boreholes on the same bench. These results must be
confirmed by analyzing the effect of sampling bias
introduced by the collection method.
There is also interest in determining if the XRF
data can be used to help identify rock types or rock
pioperties such as hardness that would be valuable
lnlormation for blasting engineers. Classification
methods were used to analyze 71 samples, for which
11 groups were identified (Figure 3). The rock classification task is complicated by several factors including sampling errors, mixing of dust particles in
the borehole, and the difficulty of trying to discern
rock properties based on elemental composition. The
accuracy of classification techniques can be im-


Figure 3 Rock groups in ad|acent boreholes on the same

Work to date has demonstrated the feasibility of
collecting samples during drilling and using x-rayfluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy to analyze mineral
content. There are several paths to commercialization. An integrated sample collection and real-time
mineral-content analysis system could be built either
as a stand-alone system, or integrated with existing
software packages that collect and display other drill
data. The technology for sampling dust/cuttings
during drilling can be commercialized separately; in
this scenario the samples would be analyzed off line,
e.g., in the mine's assay lab.
Commercialization would be pursued with companies manufacturing drill rigs or equipment for
rigs; companies have expressed an interest in the
technology. The XRF analysis and display system
can also be commercialized separately; in this scenario the portable system would be used by mining
personnel to obtain real-time measurements of mineral content in the field using existing samplecollection techniques. Integrating analysis and display software developed for the project with commercially available portable XRF systems is the fastest path to commercialization for this technology,
and could be achieved within 1-2 years.

Fracture detection using GPR measurements

anil drill monitoring systems

Cross-hole radar surveys are conducted using a zerooffset profile method to obtain arrival time versus
depth in adjacent boreholes. For the field tests in
Arizona, the borehole radar system transmitting at
either 50 MHz (for hole spacings between 20 and 30
feet) or 100 MHz (for holes spaced less than 20 feet
apart) was used between adjacent boreholes
(Hopkins el al. 2002). The bench where experiments
were conducted at one of the mines included a fault.

providing the opportunity to test the sensitivity of

radar to highly fractured zones. The radar data was
used to help interpret data collected during drilling,
and to determine the ability of the radar to delineate
the fault zone. The first results show that GPR
measurements distinguish the competent rock from
the rock mass in the fault zone (Figures 4 a,b).

Figure 4a GPR signal from a heavily disturbed rock mass.

Vertical axis is the depth of the borehole versus travel time of the waves.

Figure 4b GPR signal between the boreholes in competent

The commercialization potential of field geophysical
systems such as cross-hole radar depends on the
value of the data. Costs are higher than for systems
that can be deployed on the drill rig because of increased labor costs. Incorporating the geophysical
data with other drilling data is less straightforward
because it would not be collected at the same time.
However, the data collected is likely to be more easily interpreted than data collected on the rig, and
equipment to measure data is well developed and
commercially available. Time to commercialization
of a stand-alone system including software to analyze and visualize data is on the order of 1-2 years.
The commercialization timeframe for a system integrated with other drill and rock-mass data is on the
order of 2-3 years.


Fracture dtection using accelerometers

mounted on the drill rig

To determine the feasibility of using accelerometers

to measure drill-rig vibration data during drilling
and using the data to infer information about rock
and fracture properties, field tests have been conducted using sensors attached to the rig.
The accelerometers used have a bandwidth of 400
Hz and a range of +/- 40g. A specially designed
collar to house the accelerometers was placed
around the drill stem just below a vibration dampner
that is original equipment on the drill rig. This
placement allowed the accelerometers to be as close
to the drill bit as possible, Data was transmitted via
FM radio at 418 and 433 MHz to a PC-based dataacquisition system (Figure 5). A sampling rate of
2000 samples/sec/channel was used to collect the
(Hopkins et al. 2002). The use of a wireless
transmission system allowed installation of the collar
on the drill stem and data collection during drilling
with minimal impact on the rig and drilling operation.

Figure 5 Vibrations recorded on the drill stem by accelerometers. The horizontal axis is time (seconds)
and the vertical axis is acceleration (g).
Data are being analyzed to determine if vibration of
the drill stem can be used to identify fractures.
Commercialization potential depends on value
added by additional information gained from geophysical measurements under investigation. A system based on vibration measurements made on the
drill rig has the shortest path to commercialization
because it can be incorporated into existing commercial systems that collect and display other drill
data. The project's drilling partner is interested in
commercializing the technology if it proves viable,
so that commercialization within a timeframe of 1-2
years is possible.


5.4 Split image processing software

A proven method to assess fragmentation is to acquire digital images of rock fragments and to process
these images using digital image-processing techniques. For post-blast size characterization, this' is
the only practical method to estimate fragmentation
because screening is impractical on a large scale.
The image-processing techniques being used for the
assessment of fragmentation were developed at the
University of Arizona between 1990 and 1997.
Since 1997, development work has continued at
Split Engineering, LLC.
At one of the test mines in Arizona, the Split online system is installed at the in-pit primary crusher,
where digital images of both feed and product are
continually processed and recorded (Figure's 6a and
6b). These systems are set to process three contiguous images of either feed or product approximately
every 90 seconds. The feed cameras are located at
the truck dump bays; the product cameras are located above the discharge belts. The resulting size
data from the Split system is imported into a minewide database where truck-by-truck averages of the
feed and product sizes are determined.

Several new technologies are being utilized to trace

the crusher feed and product size information back
to the original position of the rock on the bench.
This is accomplished on a truck-by-truck basis utilizing technologies that include an accurate time/date
stamp incorporated into the Split data associated
with each truckload of ore. Modular Mining's dispatch system to trace the trucks back to the bench,
and GPS-equipped shovels to determine the location
of the material dumped into each truck (Kemeny et
al., 2001, 2002). The values of the post-blast 80percent passing size (F80) around each hole are averaged, and this hole-by-hole data is used in the development of fragmentation models.
5.5 Measuremeiu-wlnle-drilling (MWD) Data
In one of the field tests, data was recorded over a
four-day period in March 2002. Drill data was collected through a SR-2 cable connected directly to
the drill monitoring system. As the available memory in the system was small (less than 6 Mb), all
blasthole data had to be downloaded immediately
after drilling to prevent the data from being overwritten. Data from nineteen blastholes were recorded
during the trial. In some cases, the MWD data was
lost because the computer system crashed during
drilling. In other cases data was lost when the satellite signal was lost. In one instance, it took a very
long time to drill the hole, and the size of the MWD
file generated by the acquisition system exceeded the
available memory size and was lost. During drilling
of each blast hole the drilling time, hole depth, rotation of the drill bit, weight on bit, torque, air pressure, vibration,
blastabilility index and specific
energy were
5.5.1 Data A cquisition
The normal sampling rate of the MWD acquisition
system used was increased from approximately 5 Hz
to 15 Hz during the trial. As there is more than one
channel for data acquisition, the actual acquisition
rate per channel is about 2 Hz per channel. Data was
recorded directly into a laptop computer on the
drilling rig because the higher sampling rate generated larger files than normal and the radio system at
the mine site was already close to its maximum capacity.
5.5.2 Data Analysis and Interpretation

Figuie 6 a- Image of pnmary-crusher pioduct (scale

marker in the bottom left-hand cornei is 6-inches
long), b- Delineated image produced by the Split
image-analysis software


Based on the similarity of the mechanical processes

in crushing and drilling, the concept of specific
energy is potentially a link between MWD data and
comminution properties (Segui 2001). Specific energy is defined as the work done per unit volume excavated. The concept is based on the assumption that

a cetan amount ot enegy s necessay to excavate a

given volume ot rock The amount ot energy de
pends entirely on the nature ot the rock In tyng to
elale this theoretical value to what would be re
quired to crush the ock in a mill, it would be neces
say to account tor enegy losses in the process,
toi example, machine wear and mechanical losses
Contoui maps ot specific energy were created for
all the shots monitored duiing the field tests SE
contoui maps tor two shots separated by a backbieak
zone ot about 15 m aie shown in Figure 7 A highly

tiactured fault zone between the two shots created

the backbreak effect There were no blastholes in
that area and, thus, no information available in terms
ot M WD data
The geological maps of the mine show a north
east-southwest fault that crosses exactly over the two
shots pictured in Figure 7 What can be interred
from available specific-energy data is that the rock
strength is different on the two sides ot the fault The
lock mass on the eastern side ot the fault is softer

Fgue 7 Specific enegy contours of the Iwo shot locations Lighlei colos coespond to higher specific energy values
compared to darke colos which indicate lelatively low specific energy values Low specific enegy s assoc
ated with softei rock The stiaight line indicates the trace ot the fault line on the bench
Woik to date has demonstrated the feasibility ot ntegatng dulling, rock-mass, blasting and post-blast
liagmentation data to improve blast design Data
horn field tests has been used successfully to nnpiove blast-fragmentation models Thus, an adaptive
blast-design tool that would allow blasting engineers
to bettei optimize blast paiameters including the lo
cation ot boeholes, the charge per hole, and the
timing ot detonation, has strong commercialization
potential With this system, blasting could be opti
mized tor specific downstieam piocesses on a holeby-hole basis, and would be applicable to most any
piocess including crushing and grinding, leaching,
and disposal on a waste pile
Modeling work to date is based on thiee parameteis that aie available tor each blast hole drilling
specific enegy explosive energy per volume ot

ock and post-blast 80% passing size determined

using the Split imaging system
New technologies undei development as part ot
the ciment project aie providing data during dulling
on ock properties, hactures, and mineral content
These data will be used to improve the blast-design
models A dull collar housing accelerometers and a
wueless Iransmission system has been demonstrated
in the field Field tests conducted with a prototype
dust-collection system demonstrate that it is possible
to continuously sample dust and cuttings during
drilling Ground-penetrating radar measurements
seem promising to determine the major discontinui
ties on the bench Ongoing woik is focused on un
derstanding how to use the ada and vibration data
to detect tractuies and on developing a fully poitablc on-line dust collection system tor mineral con
tent measurements


This work is supported by the Director, Office of Indus
trial Technologies, of the U.S. Department of Energy un
der Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098. The authors
gratefully acknowledge the contributions of their col
leagues at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
and the University of Arizona. The authors are also grate
ful to industry partners Phelps Dodge Mining Co., Aquila
Mining Systems, LTD., and SPLIT Engineering, LLC,
who provided technical assistance, and access to mines
and drill rigs.

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