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Safe Mud Window Predictor

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Soebtyef PetroleumEminssm !

SPE 36097

Safe Mud Weight Window Predictor - Instantaneous, Pre-Planning and Post Analysis
G. Hareland, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, R. K. Bratli and F. Stene, Saga Petroleum as., S.
Fagereng and T. Jorgensen, ITC as.

CWIW 18sS Socklyd PwotwmEngkwws, Inc. the safe operational mud weight window two important
TM pac# was ~rod ha’ prwwntalbn d Hw Fwrll’I Latin Amerkan and Carikboan parameters are
Palmlwm Engkmmhg ConIeferea held In Pc.rt-Of-Spain, 2325 April. 1S9S.
1. the strength crfthe rock, and
?hk paper was ubcted Iof wownlatkm by an SPE Program Cdmmitho tdlc.wing mvbw di
infommtbn ccotakwd h m abcIracI wtanbtad by the OUIIWI(S). Ccmtmtc C4 dw p+sr, as
2. the stress conditions the rock is subjected to.
pmemted, hmm M/I been rdowed by tlm SCGWY o{ Pstrobum Er@w6r8 and am SX 10 The question is; how can these parameters be monitored
wreckm by the wthor(s). The material, as prasented does nm nema.wiiv relbc! any
FKISmmof lhO Sfxk4y of Petrotwm Engineers, its otlloafs, of membm PaIwrs preaamed at while Milling a well. Today there is no way of measuring
SPE mcetinw mm wbjact 10 PWICWDn MV@W by Edttorml CC+!ImmM Of tho SOCWY d
Petrobum En@hoer:. Permission 10 WY b restricted to an ab81mct of not more IMn 200 compressive rock strength or stresses while drilling. The best
words. Illustrations may nOl tM COPbd. rho ●bstrnd should UmIain COnSpicWuS methcd of determining compressive rock strength is by
admciwedgmenl of here and by wlmm the pa!xr was presented. WrHe Ub+arbo, SPE, P 0.
80X SS2SSS.RbhwdsLM. TX 7WS2-2SSS, U.S.A. lax 01-21 4-95244S5. triaxial testing of core samples, but the problem is that these
data will then only be available after the well is completed,
Abstract These triaxial data are then used in conjunction with logs
Newly developed software has illustrated that the safe through correlations when planning the next well.
mudweight window to avoid borehole collapse and fracturing This paper describes a decision support system for well
can be obtained from the direct use of drilling rind/or the use planning, and follow-up of well integrity (safe operating mud
of sonic data. weight window) during drilling operations. The system, is a
Instantaneous or post anrdysis using inverted drilling Windows based modular system, using Internet as the
operational data like WOB, RPM, flowrate, and mud communication network for data exchange and technological
properties can be done by applying an inverted ROP model to support] .
prdlct rock compressive strength. This rock compressive One module in the system is the inverted ROP module
strength is then used in conjunction with survey, in-situ which back calculates the compressive strength of the
stresses and rock failure criteria to predict the safe mud formation while drilling. This in-situ compressive strength
weight window. The sonic logs are also used to obtain the will be used dynamically to calibrate the in-situ stresses2
rock compressional properties through published correlations. which in conjunction with knowledge of the overburden and
The rock compressive strength is then used the same way as pore pressure, and the wellbore survey dictates the collapse
the drilling data approach. and fracture pressure for the wellbore instantaneously. If the
This paper gives a solid field example from a North Sea well has already been drilled and the above information is
well where both methods are applied and compared. The field available, the true verticat depth collapse and fracture
case provides proof that the new software is a very good tool gradient can be predicted as part of the post analysis or for
for predicting a safe mud weight window to avoid borehole pre-planning the next well in the area.
collapse and fracturing while drilling. Another approach to obtain the collapse and fracture
gradient is from log dam where the rock compressive
Introduction strength of the rock is estimated from the sonic travel times3”
During drilling operations it is crucial to maintain the 4. After the compressive strengths as a finction of depth are
hydrostatic mud weight pressure between the fracture and estimated the same approach as for the use of drilling data to
collapse pressure at any depth to ensure trouble free drilling. obtain in-situ stresses is applied2.
The casing program is also dictated mainly from the fracture Using such a decision support software system, data may
and collapse gmdent. Therefore, the knowledge and use of also be more readily available for display instantaneously or
the correct lkacture and collapse gradients can save the for use in future planning, thus providing a more complete set
operating companies large sums of money. When estimating of data for design prognosis. Drilling data can easily be


collected during driliing operations to ensure primary well equation (5) ean be calculatediteratively for PDC bits as for
control by reducingtheriskof wellbore stability problems. tricone bits every meter.

Dtilling Models Dtilling Bit Model Dlscusslon

Thereareusedonetrieoneand PDC drilling bit model in this Before drilling a new well a safe operational mud weight
project to estimate the reek compressive strength fhm window is based on correlated values fkom nabouring wells.
drilling data. Currently there is a way of monitoring the pressure
development using the d-exponent approach. For deeision
Tricone Bits support of the safe mud weight range using the inverted ROP
The tricone bit mode~ takes into account the bit operating models is probably the best approach.
conditions, bit wear state aod the geolofg that is being There has been developed rate of penetration models the
drilled. ‘l%eROP model is given es; past three decades primarily to optimize operatin parameters
end bit selection for the lowestcostper meter . As a result

ROP= #
fC(P, ~+~
1“ )) (1) of this there currently exists ROP models for all types of bits.
The ROP models require inputs of rock drillability or rock
compressive strength and bit wear state. The models that
In this project the equation above is solved for S, the require the rock compressive strength as an input to predict
confined rock strength. solving equation (1) for S gives; ROP can be inverted to predict rock compressive strength
after ROP and bit wear state is known. The outputs fkom
these models can then be compared to rock triaxial tests
performed on rock from the same depth and formation,
Equation (2) can now be solved for S every meter of
depth drilled if the wear function of the bit is known. The bit
wear is calculated every meter using the following The reek comprseslve strength obtained from this
correlation; approach can be utilized for many practical
purposes in terms of optimizing or simulation other
procssses before actualty performing them in the
delBG = Wc~WiNiAiSi (3)
field. The direct use of the compressive strength as
a function of depth log can be used as an input to
The wear coefficient WC is determined by iterating over ROP models that then shnulate and optimize cost
the bit run until the delBG calculated in equation (3) matches per meter for individual bit runs or the entire well.
the specified bit wear grade for the worn bit. The reason for The simulation “before the fact” can then save
the iteration is because deiBG is a fimction of S which again operations moneys by obtaining the learning cume
is a function of deiBG. through simulations, The Indirect use of the rock
DelBt3 is the bit wear grade and this is accounted for in compressive strength log is to predict in-situ
the S calculation in the wear tlmction given by; stresses which can be utilized to; estimate borehole
collapse and fracture gradients instantaneously or
W,=l.o-= (4) for upcoming wells, predict sand production from
8.0 resewoim for dfffersrtt drawdowns, estimate
minimum in-situ stress profile for hydraulic fracture
The rock strength for every meter drilled can now be
estimated if the tricone bit IADC bit code, nozzie sizes, design and optimization and estimation of rssemoir
diameter and wear grade is specified. directional perrneabilfty’s.

PDC Bits
Required Input Parameters
l%e PDC bit model’ used in this project uses detailed PDC
The data that are required in the driliing bit models to predict
bit cutter information. ‘Ibe PDC bit ROP equation can be
the rock compressive strength are detailed bit information, b~t
used to predict the confined rock compressive strength aa;
operating parameters, driliing fluid parameter, pore pressure
and Iithoiogy description.
For the use of the PDC bit driiling modei the required
where ~ is the number of cutters and the variable Ap is inputs are average PDC cutter diemeter in inches, number of
defined as the vertically projected cutter area for each cutter face cutters, average cutter baekrake and siderake in degrees
aod is given as; and the bit cutter wear grade when it was pulled.

Testing the PDC Bit Model

l%e rock compressive strength modeule was tested with two
PDC bits. The PDC bit infeon is iiated in Titble 1.
‘fhe wear state of the bfi is again calculated-using
equation (3) and (4) aodthe rock compressive strengt.& S, in


‘he ROP model iterates to determine the wear coefficient MPa and a large amount of calculated confined compressive
and calculates the rcxk compressive strengths as can be seen strength values in the range of 50 to lCXIMPa. ‘here is a drop
in Ilgure 1. ‘he rock strength decreases over both bit mns in the calculated strength values from 2480 to 2511 meter and
due to the blt wear only assuming all other bit operating from 2545 to 2570 meter. This is due to increased ROP
parameters constant. Because all the operating conditions are values. The reason for this increase could be many. One
constant the rock strength calculation should indicate a possibility is that we are drilling into a weaker formation. It is
decrease as the bit wears. currently a minimum confined rock strength default value.
The calculated rock compressive strength for the green llds value is set at 1000 psi or 6,8 MPa. If the values are less
(no wear) bit matches triaxial compressive strength of the than this number the rock is totally unconsolidated.
rock used in the laboratory which generated the ROP with The rock compressive strength results are reasonable and
operating condkions used in the test. is a reflection of the actual ddling data.
Triaxial data obtained from this section might give some
Testing the Trlcone Bit Model. idea about the rock strength values obtained for this bit run.
The tricone bit model was also tested with two Liitsas in Table Table 3 lists the recorded triaxial data from an offset well
2. near the beginning of the IADC 517 tricone bit run at 2408
The compressive strength calculated for the tricone bits meter depth.
are shown in Figure 2. When calculating the rock The compressive strength values from the drilling model
compressive strength using the tricone bh model, the ROP from the beginning of the bit mn above can not be directly
module iterates over both bh runs to obtained the correct bh correlated to the triaxial data since they are from different
wear coefficients. depths. But, it is in good agreement with the range of data
Again, the calculated rock compressive strength for the from the triaxial test.
green (no wear) bh matches triaxial compressive strength of From the calculated values in Figure 4 it is seen that the
the rock used in the laboratory that generated the ROP with general trend for the rock strength increases with depth,
operating conditions used in the test. which is to be expected. Again, here the values calculated
seems reasonable. The section from about 2000 to 2400
Evaluation of the Drilling Models Using Field Data meters was tilllcd with a TSP core bit and a can therefore not
A well was selected for the purpse of evaluating the drilling be predicted, since no TSP bit model is integrated in the
bit models. The requirements for the well selected was that it software are ttis time.
had good quality drilling data and that there were triaxial
rock compressive strength tests performed on core samples Calculation of Compressive Strength From Log Data
from nearby wells. The triaxial data was to serve as a Earlier studies4 has shown that it is possible to determi ne rock
verification of the compressive rock strength calculated from compressive strength from logs, and in particular sonic logs.
the drilling models. Correlations between log values and compressive strength
Rock compressive strength (confined and unconfined) was relations has been made, and used with great success in the
calculated and results from a section of a 8,5 inch 517 IADC North Sea.
cede tricone bit are shown in Figure 3. The calculated
confined and unconfined rock compressive strength varies co mt)arison of the Two ADD roaches,
every meter of the bit run. The confined compressive strength When comparing the two different approaches to obtain the
values varies in the range of 40 to 65 MPa except for a rock compressive strength they match very well with field
interval from about 2597 to 2600 meter where the confined data. The compressive strength from a North Sea well is used
rock strength is less than 20 MPa. The reason for this drop in to illustrate this. Figure 5 shows the compressive strength
rock strength is due to a drop in the WOB while the ROP was obtained from both approaches. The plot shows a good match
hut constant. As shown in Figure 3 the drop in calculated between the two methods. Triaxial test performti on cores
reck strength is due to the lower WOB it took to drill the rock from the nearby wells also match the compressive strengths
at thk depth. The confined compressive strength values from well.
tlds section are reasonable md compared to the confined
triaxial rock strength values at about40 MPa andup. Field Case - Collapse and Fraoture Gradient
The unconfined rock compressive strength vrdues for this The Collaoae Ora&‘ent.
section are 20 +/- 5 MPa except in the small section from When calculating the collapse grtilent the rock umpreaaive
2597-2600 meter were the vrdues drop to about 7 MPa. strength from either the drilling or log data is used as
Comparing these values to triaxial data the values are very described in earlier publications 2-s. B~jdy, the ‘k
well in range. mnpreasive strength givea the rock failure criteria as well as
‘Ibe entire tricone bit run horn 2408 to 2653 is plotted in the in-situ stresses. The rest of the required information is
Figure 4. The first observation to be made is that there is a formation- (pore-) pressure and well survey in the stress field.
large amount of unconfined compmsive strength around 25


‘l’he results using this approach for a North Sea well are Acknowledgments
shown in F@sre 6. ‘l%e collapse gradients for the two We thank Saga Petroleum as. for permission to publish tlds
approaches match very well. This gradient is then used as the paper.
lower mud weight range to avoid wellbore collapse.
The Fracture Gradtcent
The wellbore fracture gradient is calculated using the ROP = Rate of penetration (ft/hr)
compressive strength data to obtain the in-situ stresses, and jC(~) = Chip hold down function (dimensionless)
then estimating the tlacture gradient knowing the pore
pressure and well survey. A sample fracture gradient for the
Wf = Wear function (dimensionless)
two approaches is shown in Figure 7. D,it = Bit diameter (inches)
s = Rock compressive strength (psi)
The Safe Mud Weieht WMow.
The safe mud weight window can now be composed of the
w = Weight on bit (klbs)
t%acture and collapse gradient. Combining the “two gradients a, b, c = Bit &sign constants
and approaches shows a definite “window” to avoid tillling N = Rotational Sp (RPM)
problems or design casing programs. P = Mud weight (ppg)
Figure 8 shows the two approaches combined and the P = Plastic Viscosity (cp)
actual trouble free mud weight used in this well. It had earlier Zm = ModMed jet impact force (Ibs)
been a problem in that the actual mud weight in some
sections had been below the estimated collapse gradient and 4 = Formation relative abrasives
borehole cave-ins had given stuck pipe and increased ddling Wc = Bit wear coeftlcient
trouble time for these specific sections. = Every meter in the depth interval
By combining the two collapse curves and using only the L.IBG = Bit wear grade
larger values for collapse this can be used as the upper limit
@ = Cutter Back-Rake Angle (degrees)
of the collapse curve. If fast drilling is an ultimate goal as it is
in most cases it is recommended to stay as close to the P = Cutter penetration per revolution,
collapse curve as wssible. This is of course up to the P = (W~ROP / RPM)
operator, but it is well known that penetration rate is
increased due to less effective rock confining pressure and References
that the lower confining pressure reduces chip hold down and
effective compressive strength or actual dsillabllity. 1. BratIi, R.K., Stene,F., Asdn@y B. S., Giljarhus, S., Fagereng,
The fracture curve from the two approaches could be S., Bautz, S. and Wolff, A.W. “A DecLrsion Support Tool for
combkwd and the lower value of the two set as the maximum Well hregrify on a World Wide Web (WWW)” IADC Asian Well
mud weight to avoid fracturing. Control Conference 1994, Singapore, Dec. 1,-2., 1994.
2. Harehusd G. and Hoberock, L.,L.’’Use of Drilling Parameters to
Predict In-Situ Stress Bounds”, SPWIADC paper 25727,
presented at the Drilling Conference in Arnaterdrm February
1. A software tool for predicting “safe mud weight window” 22-25,1993.
has been developed and applied with excellent result on 3. Krokeide, C., Remvik, F., Bratli, R.K. and J@gensen, T. “The
North Sea wells. use of Logs and Correlations for Rock Mechanical
2. The softwaw program uses different methods in obtaining Predictions”, M(M conference in Japen 1995.
the collapse aod fracture gradient. 4. Gnyiz E.,C.~Relationship Between Formation Strength and
3. One of the methods of obtaining the collapse and fracture Ekctric Log”, SPE 18166, 1984 SPE Annual Tectsnkal
gradients using drilling data through rate of penetration Conference, Houston, TX, Sept. 16-19.
model, which predicts rock compressive strength and in- 5. Hareland G. and Rampersad P.,R., “Drag Bit Model Including
Wear”, SPE 26957, presented at the III LACPEC Conference,
situ stresses.
Buenos Aires, April 27-29, 1994.
4. The rock compressive strengths obtained from the drilling Winters, W. J. aod Warre~ T., M,’’Roller Bit Model With
model compares well with compressive strength obtained Rock DUCtity and Cone Offset”, SPB 16696, 1987 SPE
from log data. Annual TechnicaL Conference, Dallas, TX, September 27-30,
5. The combined usage of the these two different approaches 1987.
in obtaining collapse and frachue gradients might give a 7. Warren T. M. ‘“Drilling Model for Soft I%rmation Bits”, JFT,
more narrow but safer mud weight window. December 1981, %3-970,



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