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Sedimentology, stratigraphy and

reservoir quality of the Paleozoic

Wajid Sandstone in SW Saudi
PhD Thesis of
MSc Hussain Al Ajmi, (POB Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Institut fr Angewandte Geowissenschaften
Darmstadt, February 2013, D17
Vom Fachbereich Material- und Geowissenschaften genehmigte
Prof. Matthias Hinderer
Prof. Christoph Schth
Prof. Stephan Kempe
Prof. Wilhelm Urban
Date of submission:
Date of exam:


Declaration of Authorship
I hereby certify that the complete work to this PhD thesis
Sedimentology, stratigraphy and reservoir quality of the Paleozoic Wajid Sandstone in SW
Saudi Arabia
was done by me and only with the use of the referenced literature and the described methods.

Darmstadt, 06.02.2013

Place, date

(Hussain Al Ajmi)


Table of content
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... - 1 1.1. Context ............................................................................................................................ - 1 1.2. Aims ................................................................................................................................ - 1 1.3. Concept ........................................................................................................................... - 1 1.4. Study area ........................................................................................................................ - 2 2. Geological background ....................................................................................................... - 4 2.1. Evolution of the Arabian Plate ........................................................................................ - 4 2.2. Tectonic framework ........................................................................................................ - 5 3. Former research and state of the art .................................................................................... - 7 3.1. Sedimentology and stratigraphy...................................................................................... - 7 3.2. Reservoir quality ........................................................................................................... - 14 3.3. Hydrogeology................................................................................................................ - 15 4. Methods and material ........................................................................................................ - 16 4.1. Field work ..................................................................................................................... - 16 4.1.1. Sedimentological logging .................................................................................. - 16 4.1.2. Gamma-ray logging ........................................................................................... - 18 4.2. Laboratory work ............................................................................................................ - 18 4.2.1. Thin sections ...................................................................................................... - 18 4.2.1. Palynology ......................................................................................................... - 19 4.2.2. Porosity and permeability .................................................................................. - 19 5. Sedimentology and stratigraphy ....................................................................................... - 24 5.1. Lithostratigraphy ........................................................................................................... - 24 5.1.1. Dibsiyah Formation............................................................................................ - 24 5.1.2. Qalibah Formation ............................................................................................. - 26 5.1.3. Khusayyayn Formation ...................................................................................... - 26 5.1.4. Juwayl Formation ............................................................................................... - 26 5.2. Lithofacies types ........................................................................................................... - 27 5.3. Facies associations and depositional environments ...................................................... - 37 5.4. Sediment logs and depositional models ........................................................................ - 45 5.4.1. Dibsiyah Formation............................................................................................ - 45 5.4.2. Sanamah Formation ........................................................................................... - 48 5.4.3. Qalibah Formation ............................................................................................. - 50 5.4.4. Khusayyayn Formation ...................................................................................... - 50 5.4.5. Juwayl Formation ............................................................................................... - 52 5.5. A new standard log for the Wajid Sandstone Group .................................................... - 54 5.6. Palynology .................................................................................................................... - 55 5.7. Discussion ..................................................................................................................... - 56 5.7.1. Biostratigraphical evidences for the age of the Wajid formations .................... - 56 5.7.2. Estimation of the time involved in deposition of the Wajid Group ................... - 57 5.7.3. Geotectonic setting of the Wajid Basin.............................................................. - 58 5.7.4. Provenance of the Wajid Sandstone Group ....................................................... - 59 6. Glacial depositional environments .................................................................................... - 61 6.1. Glacial deposits in the Wajid Group ............................................................................. - 61 6.2. Facies associations, glaciogenic processes and depositional model ............................. - 61 6.3. Analysis and evaluation of selected structures as evidence of ancient glaciations ....... - 72 6.3.1. Striations ............................................................................................................ - 72 6.3.2. Fluted surfaces ................................................................................................... - 74 [I]

6.3.3. Dropstones and boulder pavements ................................................................... - 74 6.3.4. Local post-depositional sedimentary deformation ............................................. - 74 6.3.5. Origin and possible significance of the large valleys ........................................ - 74 6.3.6. Large-scale soft-sediment deformation by glacier push .................................... - 74 6.3.7. Palaeozoic glaciological models for SW Saudi Arabia ..................................... - 75 6.4. Palaeozoic glaciations of Gondwana ............................................................................ - 75 7. Gamma ray logging........................................................................................................... - 77 7.1. Theoretical background................................................................................................. - 77 7.2. Natural gamma-ray of sections ..................................................................................... - 78 7.3. Natural gamma-ray and the standard Wajid log ........................................................... - 82 8. Reservoir characteristics ................................................................................................... - 84 8.1. Theoretical background................................................................................................. - 84 8.2. Porosity and permeability ............................................................................................. - 85 8.2.1. Statistics ............................................................................................................. - 85 8.2.2. Anisotropy.......................................................................................................... - 86 8.2.3. Total and intrinsic permeability ......................................................................... - 87 8.2.4. Crossplots porosity and permeability................................................................. - 88 8.2.5. Hydraulic permeability ...................................................................................... - 89 8.3. Reservoir characterisation ............................................................................................. - 91 8.3.1. Poroperm and sedimentary facies ...................................................................... - 91 8.3.2. Poroperm and petrology ..................................................................................... - 92 9. Discussion and conclusion ..................................................................................................... 98
9.1. Sedimentary facies and stratigraphy .................................................................................. 98
9.2. Glacial depositional environments ..................................................................................... 99
9.3. Natural gamma-ray ............................................................................................................ 99
9.4. Reservoir quality .............................................................................................................. 100
9.5. Implications for hydrogeology ......................................................................................... 101
Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................... 103
References ................................................................................................................................... 106
Curriculum vitae



Figure 1: Geologic map of the main outcrop area of the Wajid Sandstone in southwestern Saudi
-3Figure 2: Palaeogeographic configuration and terranes of northwestern Gondwana during the
Cambrian centered on Arabia.
-5Figure 3: Lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Wajid Group (Wajid Sandstone) in SW Saudi
Arabia after Kellogg et al. (1986).
-9Figure 4: Evolution of the stratigraphic framework of the Wajid Group through time and
proposed in this thesis.

- 13 -

Figure 5: Descriptive nomenclature of bedforms (ripples and subaqueous dunes) and their
internal structures as applied in this study.
- 17 Figure 6: Sample preparation for palynological studies at TU Darmstadt.

- 19 -

Figure 7: AccupycII 1330 (left) and 1360 (right) Pycnometer at the Institute for Applied
Geosciences, Darmstadt.

- 20 -

Figure 8: a Principle of mini permeameter measurements of cube-shaped or cylindrical samples

(after Greb, 2006). b Drilling core plugs for Poroperm measurements.
- 21 Figure 9: Gas permeameter at the Institute of Applied Geosciences, Darmstadt and principle of
measurement after Br (2008).
- 22 Figure 10: Set-up of water permeability equipment as developed for this project
(from Ngole, 2012).

- 23 -

Figure 11: Sample chamber with connecting pipes to the hydraulic cylinders
(from Ngole, 2012).

- 23 -

Figure 12: Meter-scale facies changes between piperock and tabular sandstones without
Skolithos, outer part of sand sheet complex b Monocraterion city in medium-grained sandstone.
Note concentric layers on wall, what might indicate that these tubes are actually Rosselia c
Strongly segmented tubes of unknown origin d Skolithos piperock. In the lower part, individual
beds are preserved and individual Skolithos pipes do not cross bedding surfaces. In the upper
part, Skolithos burrowing has obliterated bedding and burrows cross bedding surfaces e Cruziana
sp f Various types of Skolithoturbation: basal layers show individual Skolithos burrows, cross
bedding is still visible. Above is a succession, in which Skolithoturbation has obliterated most of
the primary structures. Reactivation within this package is recognized through burrows that stop
at former bedding planes and others that cross them. Upper part is separated by a bedding plane
indicating a major break in sedimentation.
- 25 Figure 13: Fine-grained lithofacies of the Wajid Group. a Massive green shale (LF 1), Juwayl
Formation, Section. b Shale-siltstone alternation (LF-2) strongly silicified, Juwayl Formation,
Section. The rhythmic alternation of light and dark layers is typical of varve sediments. c Shalesiltstone alternations with conglomerate layers represent lake sediments with ice-rafted debris. d

Siltstones with ripples (LF-3.2), Juwayl Formation Section e Variegated siltstones in the upper
part of the Juwayl Formation f Wave ripples in fine sandstone (LF-5) g Thin-bedded sandstone
with flaser bedding (LF-6), Juwayl Formation h White sandstone with horizontal bedding (LF7.1), Juwayl Formation.
- 28 Figure 14: Soft- sediment deformation in the Wajid Group a Large, almost recumbant folds in
coarse sandstones (LF-8.2) of the Khusayyayn Formation, Section , b Slumping in sandstones of
the Khusayyayn Formation, Section , c Slumping in the sandstones of the Dibsiyah Formation,
Jibal Al Qahr d Dewatering (flame) structures in sandstones of the Dibsiyah Formation, Jibal Al
Qahr e Sliding and bed-internal folding in rapidly deposited sandstones, Juwayl Formatio, Jabal
Blehan f Sliding with bed-internal folding in a single sandstone layer of the Juwayl Formation,
Jabal Blehan g Massive siltstones strongly deformed by grounding icebergs, Juwayl Formation,
Bani Khatmah h Total destruction of primary sedimentary structures in lake sediments of Bani
Khatmah, Juwayl Formation.
- 30 Figure 15: Aspects of bioturbation in the Dibsiyah Formation at Jabal Nafla a Bedding plane
surface with Monocraterion b Sandstones and siltstones, lower bed is strongly bioturbated, no
bioturbation in overlying siltstones c Well-developed longitudinal cross section of
Monocraterion sp. d Conglomeratic piperock, Bioturbation Index 4 to 5 e Skolithos tubes in
micro-scale cross bedded tabular sandstones f Piperock with various generations and penetration
depths of Skolithos erosionally overlain by 2D dune sandstone g Monocraterion? tubes and small
interspersed Skolithos tubes. Monocraterion tubes are up to 5 cm in diameter h similar to g but
with longitudinal sections through Monocraterion. Some of them might actually represent
Rosselia sp.
- 33 Figure 16: Steeply dipping, slightly curved, graded foresets of a package of micro-scale
bedforms of 2D dunes (LF-8.1.2), Dibsiyah Formation, Jabal Dibsiyah b meso-scale angular
cross beds. Each of the cross beds is graded from fine pebble to coarse sand (LF-8.3.1), Dibsiyah
Formation, Jabal Nafla c 2D cross bed is a cross section through 3D dune (LF-9.2), Dibsiyah
Formation, Jabal Nafla d Set of 2D cross beds in white sandstones. Each of the individual sets
has a basal layer of slitstone intraclasts, Section , Juwayl Formation e Micro-scale stack of 2D
cross beds in the core of the sand sheet complex of the Dibsiyah Formation, Jabal Nafla f Mesoscale to macro-scale 2D trough cross beds in the Khusayyayn Formation (LF-10.1) g 3D through
cross bedded conglomeratic sandstones (LF-11.1) of glacio-fluvial origin, Sanamah Formation,
Jabal Sanamah g Channel fill sandstone, in which almost all foresets are graded from fine
pebbles to coarse or medium sand (LF-11.2).
- 35 Figure 17: Composite lithostratigraphic masterlog and succession of lithofacies associations for
the Wajid Group, mainly based on outcrops in the northern study area.
- 38 Figure 18: Sedimentary successions of the Wajid Group a Alternation (LF-A2) of sandstones
with tangential basal contact (LF-8.1.2) and purely tabular sandstones (LF-8.2), Dibsiyah
Formation, Jabal Nafla b Piperock, Bioturbation Index 4 to 5, sharply overlain by 2D trough
cross-bedded sandstones, Dibsiyah Formation, Jabal Nafla c Remnant of red siltstones (LF-3.2)
within tabular sandstones of LF-8.1.2. Migration of 2D dunes over interdune areas led to erosion
of the siltstones d Set of tabular sandstones (LF-8) erosionally cover piperock with a
Bioturbation Index of 5 to 6. e Sedimentary succession of the upper Sanamah Formation (LFA6) with micro-scale to medium-scale sandstones and siltstones. Massive beds on top of outcrop
are unconformable Khusayyayn Formation, Jibal Al Qahr f Outcrop of Qalibah Formation (LFA7) with alternation of fine-grained siliciclastic rocks, roadcut south of Hima g Qalibah
Formation with variegated fine-grained siliciclastics overlain by white calcareous sandstone.

Massive tabular cross beds are base of unconformable Khusayyayn Formation. Roadcut south of
Hima. h Detail of g, calcareous sandstone with a few undetermined shells.
- 39 Figure 19: Sedimentary successions of the Wajid Group a Qalibah Formation with thick-bedded
sandstones and unconformable Khusayyayn Formation, Hima b Typical outcrop of Khusayyayn
Formation with macro-scale to giant bedforms and rocks of LF-A2. Section approximately 15 m
high, Jabal Khusayyayn c Very uniformly dipping meso-scale tabular cross beds of the Dibsiyah
Formation (LF-A2). Beds are part of outer sand sheet complex, Jabal Dibsiyah d Light-coloured
sandstones and siltstones with conglomerate layer (LF-A6) in the Juwayl Formation, Bani
Ruhayyah e The glacial lake succession at Bani Khatmah. Section is approximately 40 m thick
and consists of fine-grained siliciclastics and matrix-supported conglomerates (LF-A9).
- 41 Figure 20: Massive sandstones and conglomerates of the Wajid Group a Massive Tigillites or
piperock of the Dibsiyah Formation (LF-12.4). The entire primary structure is destroyed by
bioturbation, individual pipes are more than one meter long, Jabal Nafla b Massive sandstone of
the Juwayl Formation (Sorbet Facies, LF-12.1). The outcrop is approximately 25 m high, Jabal
Overheat c Basal conglomerate of the Sanamah Formation overlying Dibsiyah piperock. The
conglomerate (LF-13.1) is poorly sorted and mainly consists of quartz pebbles d Massive to 3D
cross bedded conglomerates, poorly sorted (LF-12.1 to LF-11). The quartz pebbles show glacial
striations and shatter marks, Sanamah Formation, Jabal Dibsiyah e Almost pure quartz pebble
conglomerate with clasts of low sphericity and long a-axis (LF-13.1.1), Sanamah Formation,
Jabal Sanamah f Sanamah conglomerate (LF-13-1) with large siltstone slabs eroded from the
underlying Dibsiyah Formation, Section g Matrix-supported conglomerate with large basement
boulder (LF-13.2.2) interpreted as dropstone. The varves and the dropstone have been deformed
by a later glacier advance, Jabal , Juwayl Formation h Matrix-supported conglomerate of
siltstone and shale with abundant pebbles of basement origin (LF-13.2.3). The pebbles are
interpreted as rainout from icebergs, the fine-grained sediments are glacial-lake sediments,
Juwayl Formation, Bani Khatmah.
- 43 Figure 21: Lithostratigraphic logs of the Dibsiyah Formation and the basal overlying strata of the
Sanamah Formation.
- 47 Figure 22: Spatial architecture of the Wajid Group and approximate paleogeographic position of
the lithologs used for the construction of the masterlog of Figure 19.
- 48 Figure 23: Lithostratigraphic logs of the Sanamah Formation.

- 49 -

Figure 24: Lithostratigraphic correlation of the Khusayyayn Formation.

- 51 -

Figure 25: Lithostratigraphic logs of the Juwayl Formation.

- 53 -

Figure 26: a, b, c: Flimsy and decomposed organic bodies, possible acritarch (sample Wuh-1 9,
Juwayl Formation). d: Needle-shaped translucent phytoclast (plant debris, sample WKh-T 5,
Khusayyayn Formation). e: Decomposed fragment of a bissacate gymnosperm pollen (sample
Fard C, Juwayl Formation).
- 56 Figure 27: Schematic model of the sedimentary architecture of the fill of tunnel valleys and
onlapping glacial to postglacial successions for the Late Ordovician (a, b) and the PermoCarboniferous (c, d) glaciations in SW Saudi Arabia (Wajid Sandstone).
- 62 -


Figure 28: a: Erosional unconformity of a palaeovalley incised into the shallow-marine Dibsiyah
Formation and filled with glacial to proglacial deposits of the Sanamah Formation. b:
Sedimentary architecture of an Upper Ordovician palaeovalley fill showing low-angle
prograding sediments of the basal conglomeratic unit S1. They are overlain by steeply
downlapping clinoforms of the sandy unit S2. Clinoforms dip towards the south. c: Low-angle
cross-bedded lobes of conglomeratic unit S1 with erosional base (Sanamah Formation). d: Lowangle cross-bedded medium- to coarse-grained sandstones with nests of pebbles in unit S2
(Sanamah Formation).
- 63 Figure 29: Sketch of a kettle hole in S2 at Jabal Maaleeq.

- 64 -

Figure 30: Glacial model for the Late Ordovician (A) and Permo-Carboniferous (B) glaciation
based on sedimentary facies and glacigenic signatures in the outcrop area of the Wajid sandstone
in SW Saudi Arabia.
- 67 Figure 31: a: Downbending of clayey varve beds of unit J1 at the rim of a Permo-Carboniferous
tunnel valley. b: Silicified shales interpreted as varves (unit J1). c: Slumped varve deposits with
intercalated sandstone bed (unit J1). d: Angular granitic block deposited as dropstone in varve
deposits (unit J1). According to its geometry, this block is of supraglacial origin. e: Striated
metavolcanic dropstone clast deposited in a silty matrix (diamictite, unit J1). According to its
geometry, this rock is of subglacial origin.
- 68 Figure 32: a: Diamictite with silty laminated beds and impacted by dropstones in unit J1 of
Juwayl Formation. b: Tabular, cross-bedded siltstone overlain by a gravel carpet. Weak erosional
base points to ice scratching, probably by an oscillating ice margin. Unit J1 of Juwayl Formation.
c: Local thrust fold within diamictite most probably caused by scratching of an iceberg keel. Unit
J1 of Juwayl Formation. d: Local thrust fold within diamictite most probably caused by
scratching of an iceberg keel. Unit J1 of Juwayl Formation.
- 69 Figure 33: a: Liquefaction of cross-bedded, channelized sandstones forms viscous grain flows
resulting in lobe-like structures (Sorbet facies). Unit J2 of Juwayl Formation.
- 70 Figure 34: Schematic depositional models for all six facies associations inspired by LeHeron et
al. (2010).
- 71 Figure 35: a: Iron-cemented multi-directional striations at the erosional unconformity between
units 2 and 3 within the Sanamah Formation. b: Fluted surface slightly above the erosional
unconformity between units 2 and 3 within the Sanamah Formation. c: Unidirectional striations
at the top of unit J3 of the Juwayl formation. d: Flutes with oblique overprint of striations at the
erosional unconformity between units S2 and S3 within the Sanamah Formation. e: Ironcemented unidirectional striations at the erosional unconformity between units S2 and S3 within
the Sanamah Formation.
- 73 Figure 36: Well log response characters after Emery et al (1996).

- 78 -

Figure 37: Combined lithological and (spectral) gamma-ray log of the Dibsiyah Formation at
Jabal Nafla.
- 79 Figure 38: Combined lithological and (spectral) gamma-ray log of the Sanamah Formation at
Jabal Atheer.
- 80 -


Figure 39: Combined lithological and (spectral) gamma-ray log of the Khusayyayn Formation at
Jabal Khusayyayn.
- 81 Figure 40: Combined lithological and (spectral) gamma-ray log of the Juwayl Formation at Jabal
- 82 Figure 41: Combined log of (spectral) gamma-ray logs from Schnrok (2011) and the standard
Wajid lithology (Chapter 5.5).
- 83 Figure 42: Flow chart of reservoir characterization of sedimentary rocks
(after Hornung, 1999).

- 84 -

Figure 43: Box plots of porosities and permeabilities grouped by formations.

- 85 -

Figure 44: Box plots of porosities and permeabilities grouped by facies types
(see chapter 5.2).

- 86 -

Figure 45: Triangular plot of oriented measurement of permeabilities with the

mini permeameter.

- 87 -

Figure 46: Correlation log total Permeability vs log intrinsic permeability.

- 88 -

Figure 47: Cross plots of porosity versus total permeability from mini permeameter

- 89 -

Figure 48: Box plot of gas and water permeability in mD of selected Wajid Sandstone Samples
(data from Ngole, 2012).
- 90 Figure 49: Cross plot of gas versus water permeability in mD.
Figure 50: Principal component analysis of microfacies parameters relevant for reservoir

- 91 -


Figure 51: a. Thin section photograph (crossed Nichols) of iron-rich sandstone in the Dibsiyah
Formation (WDh1-51). b. Thin section photograph (crossed Nichols) of iron-rich sandstone in
the Sanamah Formation (WDSK-17a). c. Thin section photograph (crossed Nichols) of sandstone
rich in pseudomatrix in the Juwayl Formation (Wuh-4-9-12). d. Thin section photograph
(crossed Nichols) of sandstone with high secondary porosity and little carbonate cement in the
Juwayl Formation (Wuh 1-4). All photographs from Heberer (2012).
Figure 52: Principal component analysis of microfacies parameters relevant for reservoir




Table 1: Outcrops logged by Schnrok (2011).

- 18 -

Table 2: Average K2O and Feldspar content of Wajid Formations (Heberer 2012).

- 81 -

Table 3: Gas and water permeabilities of selected Wajid Sandstone Samples

(data from Ngole, 2012).

- 90 -

Table 4: Porosities, permeabilites and potential controlling factors from

thin section analysis.

- 93 -

Table 5: Comparison of hydraulic conductivities at different scales for the Wajid Sandstone
- 102 Table 6: Detailed lithological logs of Wajid outcrops.

- 113 -

Table 7: Samples taken for palynological analysis.

- 113 -

Table 8: Sample list with Poroperm data used in this study.

- 114 -


This PhD thesis was embedded in a regional groundwater study in the Paleozoic Wajid Sandstone of
southwest Saudi Arabia. The Wajid Sandstone holds important fossil groundwater resources in southwest
Saudi Arabia which became increasingly overused due to extensive irrigation for agricultural purpose.
This thesis contributed to this groundwater project by evaluating the hydraulic properties of aquifer rocks.
This involved also fundamental questions about the sedimentary facies, depositional environments,
stratigraphy, architecture, age, and petrology of the Wajid Sandstone Group. The fundamental concept of
this PhD thesis is based on the principle of out-crop-analogue studies, i.e. properties of reservoir rocks in
the subsurface are investigated in outcrops at the surface. This concept is applicable for the Wajid
Sandstone because of a well exposed outcrop belt and extractions wells whose aquifer rocks are exposed
only few kilometres from the well location.The outcrop-analogue studies included all basic parameters of
reservoir characterization. The major focus was on 1D standard sections where samples were
preferentially taken for further analysis. In particular for heterogenous glacigenic deposits also 2D wall
panels were composed and analysed. Field surveys lasted altogether around 4 months. The extensive
sample collection was sent to Germany and all laboratory and microscopic work was done at the Institut
fr Angewandte Geowissenschaften of TU Darmstadt. This included measurements and analysis of
gamma-ray, porosity, permeability, and thin sections as well as stratigraphic work applying palynology.
The multiple data were merged into one data base and analysed by multivariate statistics and principal
component analysis.
The study area is located in the south-western part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and comprises the
entire outcrop belt of the Wajid Group (ca. 44,000 km2). Correlation of sections is mainly based on
unconformities that subdivide the succession into distinct stratigraphic packages. In its outcrop belt, the
Wajid Group can be subdivided into 5 formations: the Dibsiyah Formation, Sanamah Formation, Qalibah
Formation, Khusayyayn Formation, and Juwayl Formation. Thirteen lithofacies have been distinguished
(LF1 through LF 13), which cover the entire spectrum of siliciclastic grain size classifications. Shales and
siltstones are relatively rare in the succession, whereas sandstones, especially medium-grained to coarsegrained sandstones are abundant. Conglomerates are locally abundant in the Sanamah Formation and in
the Juwayl Formation. A second order descriptor is bioturbation, which is very common in the Dibsiyah
Formation, but rare to absent in the other units. The 13 lithofacies have been combined in 9 lithofacies
associations (LF-A1 through LF-A9). By stacking the different sections a new standard lithostratigraphic
log is presented in this thesis. Sediments of the Wajid Group were deposited during approximately 200
Ma to 260 Ma, depending on the definite depositional age of the Dibsiyah Formation. Extrapolations of
sedimentation rates to depositional time show that within the Wajid Group and under the assumption of
very conservative sedimentation rates, 62 Ma years are represented in the sediments: 20 Ma in the
Dibsiyah Formation, 2 Ma (the length of the Hirnantian) in the Sanamah Formation, 15 Ma in the
Khusayyayn Formation, and 25 Ma in the Juwayl Formation. Most likely, the time represented is much
less. This means that the sediments preserved do not even cover of the Palaeozoic era. This is
compatible with field observations of abundant unconformities and sedimentary breaks in the starved
successions. This indicates that throughout the Palaeozoic, southern Saudi Arabia was located in an
epicratonal setting, in which tectonic subsidence and relative sea level changes exerted only minor
A specific aim of this study was to systematically explore the heterogeneous glacial and proglacial
deposits, develop a genetic depositional model and compare the findings with other regions at the
northern rim of Gondwana. Saudi Arabia is one of the few places where both glaciations can be studied in
well-preserved sedimentary succession, which formed under similar boundary conditions. Among these
are (a) incision of subglacial tunnel valleys according to the ice-loading model, (b) subsequent valley-fill
by subaqueous to subaerial proglacial deposits in front of an oscillating, polythermal ice-shield, (c) intraformational erosional events through repeated ice advance, (d) widespread and large-scale soft sediment
deformation due to glacial surge during deglaciation, (e) marine transgression as a consequence of
eustatic sea-level rise following deglaciation. The general pattern fits well with observations from
northern Africa, pointing to closely coupled glaciological processes along the northern margin of the
Gondwana ice-shield during Upper Ordovician glaciation. Although the same general patterns apply for
the Permo-Carboniferous glaciation, styles and petrographical properties differ most probably due to a


more complex ice-flow pattern with a rougher topography after the Hercynian event and contrasting
This thesis presents the first statistical analysis of porosities and permeabilities over the entire Wajid
Sandstone Group in the outcrop belt and links these values with lithofacies and microfacies studies in
order to identify controlling factors. Furthermore, for the first time a combined approach of standard mini
permemeter and sophisticated column permeameter measurements were carried out, the latter enables to
convert gas in water permeabilities. Although the data of this thesis confirms the overall good reservoir
quality, also wide scatter is obvious. This is particularly the case for permeabilities. High porosities do
not guarantee high permeabilities and correlation of both is weak, although a positive trend exists. This
means that porosities cannot be used to predict permeabilities accurately. Medians of porosities range
from 23 to 27% and 15 to 28% for formations and lithofacies types respectively. Different permeability
measurements all show highest medians of 1500 to 2000 mD for the Khusayyayn Formation and lowest
medians of 300 to 1400 mD for the Dibsiyah Formation. The variability is highest for the Sanamah
Formation and the Juwayl Formation. To analyse these heterogeneities and identifying controlling factors,
two approaches were applied: (i) lithofacies types, which represent grain texture and sedimentological
structures at the mesoscopic scale in the field, and (ii) microfacies analysis using thin sections and raster
electron microscopy of selected samples. Referring to lithofacies, the following trends have been
identified. Siltstone and fine sandstones exhibit the highest porosities, but permeability is low for siltdominated samples. Pebbly sandstones show reduced porosities and permeabilities, most probably
because of general poorer mixing. Highest porosities and permeabilities were found for cross-bedded
sandstones. Thick massive sandstones in the Juwayl Formation, which are expected to have very good
reservoir properties show surprisingly high variability. Anisotropy is generally low except for siltstones,
and bioturbated sandstones. Porosites and permeabilities are most closely related to each other for sandy
to pebbly, cross bedded lithofacies types. Bioturbated samples and massive sandstones show a relatively
high permeability compared to their porosity, which may be interpreted as homogenization of the grain
fabric and/or secondary porosity by leaching. Finer grained samples show the expected opposite trend,
but some exceptions exist.
Referring to microfacies, the following trends have been identified. High permeabilities can be linked
with open pore space, pore connectivity, and rounding, but less with sorting. Low permeabilities are
linked with increased proportions of pseudo matrix and cementation by iron oxides, calcite, and/or quartz.
The Khusayyayn Formation has higher feldspar content. This leads to higher secondary porosity,
proportions of pseudo matrix, and some calcite cement. As destruction and formation of secondary
porosity prevails the highest average permeability in the entire Wajid Sandstone Group is observed.
Biomodal grain distribution in the Juwayl Formation leads to strongly reduced permeability despite the
favourable main grain texture. Secondary leaching in the Juwayl Formation is more heterogeneous and
cemented or matrix rich patches are common. Furthermore, the Juwayl Formation exhibits lower
porosities at the same permeabilities, which is interpreted as a more efficient connectivity due to
secondary leaching. Iron cementation is strongest in the lower Wajid Sandstone Group, in particular in the
Dibsiyah Formation. This seems to be the major reason for reduced permeabilities there. Likely, the iron
originates from continental weathering of shield areas during the warm Cambro-Ordovician period and
was remobilized during burial. The Qusaiba Shale presumably hindered the circulating pore waters to
penetrate the upper Wajid Sandstone equally.
When comparing water peremabilities of matrix samples with pumping tests, both are surprisingly close
and point out the high relevance of matrix permeabilities for groundwater storage and groundwater flow
in the Wajid Sandstone. Pumping tests yield a slightly higher hydraulic conductivity for the Lower Wajid
Aquifer. Matrix permeabilities for water show the same trend but differences are even lower. Whereas
hydraulic permeabilities for matrix and pumping tests are very close in the Lower Wajid Aquifer, matrix
permeabilities are almost one magnitude lower in the Upper Wajid Aquifer. In conclusion, this makes
matrix permeabilities of prime importance in the Wajid Aquifers. Hence, the investigation of sedimentary
heterogeneities at the outcrop and microscopic scale is of specific relevance for the prediction of reservoir
quality in the Wajid Sandstone Group.


Diese Dissertation ist Teil einer regionalen Grundwasserstudie im palozoischen Wajid-Sandstein von
Saudi-Arabien. Der Wajid-Sandstein enthlt wichtige, fossile Grundwasserressourcen im Sdwesten
Saudi-Arabiens, die durch umfangreiche landwirtschaftliche Bewsserung zunehmend ausgebeutet
wurden. Diese Studie trgt zu diesem Grundwasserprojekt durch Evaluierung der hydraulischen
Eigenschaften der Aquifergesteine bei. Dieses beinhaltet auch fundamentale Fragestellungen ber die
sedimentren Fazies, Ablagerungsbedingungen, Stratigraphie, Architektur, Alter und Petrologie der
Wajid-Sandsteingruppe. Das zugrundeliegende Konzept dieser Dissertation basiert auf dem Prinzip von
Aufschluss-Analog-Studien; z.B. wurden Eigenschaften von Reservoirgesteinen im Untergrund anhand
von Oberflchenaufschlssen untersucht. Dieses Konzept ist deshalb fr den Wajid-Sandstein gut
geeignet, da es sowohl einen Grtel mit guten Aufschlssen sowie Produktionsbrunnen, deren
Aquifergesteine nur wenige Kilometer vom Brunnen entfernt aufgeschlossen sind, gibt. Die AufschlussAnalog-Studien umfassten alle grundlegenden Parameter der Reservoir-Charakterisierung.
Hauptaugenmerk lag hierbei beim Erstellen von 1-D Standardprofilen, aus denen Proben fr weitere
Analysen genommen wurden. Fr besonders heterogene, glazigene Ablagerungen wurden 2-D
Wandpaneele erstellt und analysiert. Die Gelndearbeiten dauerten insgesamt ungefhr 4 Monate. Die
umfangreiche Probensammlung wurde nach Deutschland geschickt, wo alle Labor- und
Mikroskopierarbeiten am Institut fr Angewandte Geowissenschaften der TU Darmstadt ausgefhrt
wurden. Diese beinhalten Messungen und Analyse von Gamma-Ray-Daten, Porositt, Permabilitt und
Dnnschliffen sowie stratigraphische Arbeiten mittels angewandter Palynologie. Die verschiedenen
Daten wurden in eine einzelne Datenbank zusammengefhrt und durch multivariante Statistik und
Hauptkomponentenanalysen ausgewertet.
Das Untersuchungsgebiet liegt im sdwestlichen Teil des Knigreichs von Saudi-Arabien und umfasst
den gesamten Aufschlussgrtel der Wajid Gruppe (ca. 44.000 km2). Die Korrelation der einzelnen Profile
basiert hauptschlich auf Diskordanzen, die jede Abfolge in distinkte stratigraphische Pakete unterteilt.
Im Aufschlussgrtel kann die Wajid Gruppe in 5 Formationen unterteilt werden: die Dibsiyah Formation,
Sanamah Formation, Qalibah Formation, Khusayyayn Formation und Juwayl Formation. Dreizehn
Lithofaziestypen konnten unterschieden werden (LF1 bis LF13), welche das gesamte Spektrum der
siliziklastischen Korngrenklassifikation umfassen. Shales und Siltsteine sind in der Abfolge relativ
selten, whrend Sandsteine, besonders mittelkrnige bis grobkrnige Sandsteine, sehr hufig vorkommen.
Konglomerate kommen lokal hufig in der Sanamah Formation und Juwayl Formation vor. Ein
Unterscheidungsmerkmal zweiter Ordnung ist Bioturbation, welche hufig in der Dibsiyah Formation
auftritt, jedoch selten bis nicht in den anderen Einheiten vorkommt. Die 13 Lithofaziestypen wurden in 9
Lithofaziesassoziationen (LF-A1 bis LF-A9) zusammengefasst. Durch Stapeln der verschiedenen Profile
wird in dieser Arbeit ein neues lithostratigraphisches Standardlog vorgestellt. Die Sedimente der Wajid
Gruppe wurden, abhngig vom Ablagerungsalter der Dibsiyah Formation, vor ungefhr 200 Ma bis 260
Ma abgelagert. Extrapolationen von Sedimentationsraten zur Ablagerungszeit zeigen, dass unter
Annahme sehr konservativer Sedimentationsgeschwindigkeiten, innerhalb der Wajid Gruppe 62 Ma im
Sediment reprsentiert sind: 20 Ma in der Dibsiyah Formation, 2 Ma (die Dauer des Hirnatiums) in der
Sanamah Formation, 15 Ma in der Khusayyayn Formation und 25 Ma in der Juwayl Formation. Es ist
jedoch sehr wahrscheinlich, dass die reprsentierte Zeitdauer deutlich geringer ist. Das bedeutet, dass
erhaltenen Sedimente nicht einmal ein Viertel des Phanerozoikums reprsentieren. Dies ist mit
Gelndebeobachtungen hufig vorkommender Diskordanzen und Sedimentationsschnitten in
kondensierten Abfolgen vereinbar. Das weist darauf hin, dass sich durch das gesamte Palozoikum
hindurch das sdliche Saudi-Arabien in einem epikontinentalen Umfeld befand, in welchem tektonische
Subsidenz und nderungen des relativen Meeresspiegels nur untergeordneten Einfluss hatten.
Ein besonderes Ziel dieser Studie war es, die heterogenen glazialen und proglazialen Ablagerungen
systematisch zu erforschen, ein genetisches Ablagerungsmodell zu entwickeln und mit Funden in anderen
Regionen am Nordrand Gondwanas zu vergleichen. Saudi-Arabien ist einer der wenigen Pltze, an dem
beide Vereisungen in gut erhaltenen Sedimentabfolgen, welche unter hnlichen Rahmenbedingungen
gebildet wurden, beobachtet werden knnen. Unter diesen finden sich (a) einschneidende Tunneltler
nach dem ice-loading Modell, (b) darauffolgende Talfllung durch subaquatische bis subolische,
proglaziale Ablagerungen vor einem oszillierenden, polythermalen Eisschild, (c) intraformationelle


Erosionsereignisse durch wiederholte Eisvorste, (d) weitlufige und grorumige Deformation von
weichem Sediment durch glaziale Fluten whrend des Eisrckzuges, (e) marine Transgression als Folge
von eustatischem Meeresspiegelanstieg in Folge des Eisrckzuges. Das generelle Muster passt gut zu den
Beobachtungen aus Nordafrika, was auf eng verbundene Vereisungsprozesse entlang des Nordrands des
Eisschilds von Gondwana whrend der oberordovizischen Vereisung hindeutet. Obwohl die gleichen
generellen Muster auch fr die permokarbonische Vereisung zutreffen, unterscheiden sich Stil und
petrographische Eigenschaften hchstwahrscheinlich durch ein komplexeres Eisflussmuster mit einer
rauheren Topographie nach dem herzynischen Event und unterschiedliche Verwitterung.
Diese Studie prsentiert die erste statistische Analyse von Porositts- und Permeabilittswerten ber die
gesamte Wajid Sandsteingruppe im Aufschlussgrtel und verbindet diese mit Lithofazies- und
Mikrofaziesstudien um die verantwortlichen Faktoren zu identifizieren. Des Weiteren wurde zum ersten
Mal ein kombinierter Ansatz von standard Minipermeameter- und fortschirttlichen
Sulenpermeametermessungen verfolgt, wobei letztere erlauben, Gas- in Wasserpermeabilitten
umzurechnen. Obwohl die Daten dieser Studie die grundlegend gute Reservoirqualitt besttigt ist eine
weite Streuung der Daten offensichtlich. Dies trifft besonders auf Permeabilittswerte zu. Hohe
Porosittswerte garantieren nicht auch hohe Werte fr die Permeabilitt und die Korrelation zwischen
beiden Faktoren ist schwach, obwohl ein positiver Trend existiert. Das bedeutet, dass Porosittswerte
nicht benutzt werden knnen, um die Permeabilitt akkurat zu berechnen. Mediane der Porositt reichen
von 23 bis 27% und 15 bis 28% fr Formationen und Lithofaziestypen, respektive. Verschiedene
Permeabilittsmessungen zeigen alle maximale Mediane von 1500 bis 2000 mD fr die Khusayyayn
Formation und minimale Mediane von 300 bis 1400 mD fr die Dibsiyah Formation. Die Variabilitt ist
am grten fr die Sanamah Formation und die Juwayl Formation. Um diese Heterogenitten zu
analysieren und die bestimmenden Faktoren zu identifizieren, kamen zwei Anstze zur Anwendung: (i)
Lithofaziestypen, welche Korntexturen und sedimentologische Strukturen im mesoskopischen Mastab
im Gelnde reprsentieren sowie (ii) Mikrofaziesanalysen mittels Dunnschliffen und
Rasterelektronenmikroskopie anhand ausgewhlter Proben. In Bezug auf Lithofazies wurden folgende
Trends identifiziert. Siltsteine und Feinsandsteine zeigen die hchsten Porositten, aber mit geringen
Permeabilitten fr siltdominierte Proben. Kiesige Sandsteine zeigen verringerte Porositten und
Permabilitten, hchstwahrscheinlich durch generell schlechtere Durchmischung. Hchste Porositten
und Permeabilitten wurden in kreuzgeschichteten Sandsteinen gefunden. Mchtige, massive Sandsteine
der Juwayl Formation, von denen gute Reservoireigenschaften erwartet werden, zeigen eine berraschend
hohe Variabilitt. Die Anisotropie ist generell gering, auer fr Siltsteine und bioturbierte Sandsteine.
Porositten und Permeabilitten hngen am meisten zusammen fr sandige bis kiesig, kreuzgeschichtete
Lithofaziestypen. Proben mit Bioturbation und massive Sandsteine zeigen eine relativ hohe Permeabilitt
verglichen mit ihren Porosittswerten, was interpretiert werden kann als Homogenisierung des
Korngefges und/oder Bildung von Sekundrporositt durch Auswaschung. Feinkringere Proben zeigen
den erwarteten gegenlufigen Trend, jedoch gibt es auch einige Ausnahmen.
Die folgenden Trends wurden in Bezug auf Mikrofazies beobachtet. Hohe Permeabilitten knnen mit
offenem Porenraum, Porenverbindungen und Rundung verbunden werden, weniger jedoch mit
Sortierung. Geringe Permeabilitten sind verbunden mit erhhten Anteilen von Pseudomatrix und
Zementation durch Eisenoxide, Kalzit und/oder Quarz. Die Khusayyayn Formation zeigt einen hohen
Feldspatgehalt. Dies fhrt zu hoher sekundrer Porositt, hohen Anteilen an Pseudomatrix und einigem
Kalzitzement. Die hchste mittlere Permeabilitt in der gesamten Wajid Sandsteingruppe wird
beobachtet, wo Zerstrung und Bildung von sekundrer Porositt vorherrschen. Die biomodale
Kornverteilung in der Juwayl Formation fhrt zu einer stark reduzierten Permeabilitt, entgegen der
gnstigen Textur der Hauptkornfraktion. Sekundre Auswaschung in der Juwayl Formation ist
heterogener und zementierte oder matrixreiche Stellen sind hufig. Des Weiteren zeigt die Juwayl
Formation geringere Porositten bei gleichen Permeabilitten, was als effizientere Konnektivitt durch
sekundre Auswaschung interpretiert wird. Eisenzementation tritt in der unteren Wajid Sandsteingruppe
hufig auf, besonders in der Dibsiyah Formation. Dies erscheint als der Hauptgrund fr die dortige
reduzierte Permeabilitt. Wahrscheinlich stammt das Eisen von der kontinentalen Verwitterung von
Schildgebieten whrend der warmen kambroordovizischen Periode und wurde whrend der Versenkung
remobilisiert. Vermutlich hinderte der Qusaiba Shale das zirkulierende Porenwasser daran, den oberen
Wajid Sandstein gleichmig zu durchdringen.


Wenn man Wasserpermeabilitten von Matrixproben mit Pumpversuchen vergleicht, sind beide
berraschend hnlich und weisen somit auf die hohe Relevanz von Matrixpermeabilitten fr die
Grundwasserspeicherung und den Grundwasserfluss im Wajid Sandstein hin. Pumpversuche ergaben eine
leicht erhhte hydraulische Konduktivitt fr den unteren Wajid Aquifer. Matrixpermeabilitten fr
Wasser zeigen den gleichen Trend, die Unterschiede sind jedoch noch geringer. Wohingegen
hydraulische Matrixpermeabilitten und Pumpversuche im unteren Wajid Aquifer eng beieinander liegen
sind Matrixpermeabilitten nahezu um eine Grenordnung geringer im oberen Wajid Aquifer. Daraus
folgt die allerhchste Bedeutung der Matrixpermeabilitt in den Wajid Aquiferen. Dies verleiht der
Untersuchung von sedimentren Heterogenitten im Aufschluss und im mikroskopischen Mastab
besondere Relevanz fr die Vorhersage der Reservoirqualitt in der Wajid Sandsteingruppe.


1. Introduction


This PhD thesis was embedded in a regional groundwater study in the Paleozoic Wajid Sandstone of
southwest Saudi Arabia carried out by Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ, Eschborn,
Germany) and Dornier Consult (DCo, Immenstaad, Germany) in cooperation with the Ministry of Water
and Electricity (MoWE, Ryiadh, Kingdom auf Saudi Arabia) . These organsiations strongly supported
this PhD financially and logistically. The Wajid Sandstone holds important fossil groundwater resources
in southwest Saudi Arabia which became increasingly overused due to extensive irrigation for agricultural
purpose. The groundwater study of Wajid included a carefully assessment of the different components of
the water budget and hydraulic parameters in order to set up a regional model for groundwater flow. In
addition to a compilation of existing data, own surveys of the Wajid aquifer were performed including
e.g. new wells, pumping tests, and evaluation of hydraulic properties of aquifer rocks. The latter was
highly a contribution of this PhD complemented by fundamental scientific questions about the
sedimentology, stratigraphy, and genesis of the Wajid Sandstone.



The aims of this PhD thesis are

A modern and systematic description of the sedimentology of the Wajid Sandstone by
applying the lithofacies concept
Set-up and revise standard sections of the specific formations by logging and re-logging
A new interpretation of depositional environments
A better understanding of the genesis of widespread glacigenic deposits and comparison
with similar locations in North Africa
An evaluation of the architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the Wajid Sandstone in the
outcrop belt
Achieving a better time control by performing palynological studies on fine-grained
intercalations within the sandstones
Correlating outcrops with wells by carrying out spectral gamma-ray measurements
A new description of sedimentary petrology and diagenesis at thin sections and linking them
with lithofacies
A quantification of porosities and permeabilities at rock samples to assess reservoir qualities
Assessing the relationships between lithofacies and petrology to reservoir qualities in order
to improve predictions of reservoir properties
Performing water permeability tests at rock samples
Evaluating the relevance of the sandstone matrix for water storage and water flow by
comparing matrix permeability with regional hydraulic permeability



The fundamental concept of this PhD thesis is based on the principle of out-crop-analogue studies, i.e.
properties of reservoir rocks in the subsurface are investigated in outcrops at the surface. This concept is
well applicable for the Wajid Sandstone because of a well exposed outcrop belt and extractions wells
whose aquifer rocks are exposed only few kilometres from the well location.The outcrop-analogue studies
included all basic parameters of reservoir characterization (see chapter 8). The major focus was on 1D
standard sections where samples were preferentially taken for further analysis. In particular for
heterogenous glacigenic deposits also 2D wall panels were composed and analysed. Field surveys lasted
altogether around 4 months. The extensive sample collection was sent to Germany and all laboratory and
microscopic work was done at the Institut fr Angewandte Geowissenschaften of TU Darmstadt. The
multiple data were merged into one data base and analysed by multivariate statistics and principal
component analysis. Several student`s reports, diploma and master theses contributed to specific aspects
of this PhD thesis, e.g. measurements and analysis of gamma-ray, porosity, permeability, and thin

[- 1 -]

sections. Without this contribution the time-consuming work on the large amount of samples would have
been not possible. Several parts of this thesis are published and/or submitted to international journals or
conference proceedings.


Study area

The study area is located in the south-western part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and comprises the
entire outcrop belt of the Wajid Group (Figure 1). To the east, the almost horizontal strata are covered by
the sands of the Rub Al Khali, earths largest sand desert; to the north and northeast, the strata are
overlain by younger Mesozoic deposits. To the west and south, the Wajid Group disappears as a
consequence of uplift and erosion following the opening of the Red Sea and the uplift of the
corresponding rift shoulders since the Miocene. Outliers on the basement near Abha and west of Najran
(Dahran al Janub; Figure 1) testify to a much larger areal distribution of the Wajid sediments. The present
outcrop area comprises approximately 44,000 km2, in which not a single complete stratigraphic section is
present. Correlation of sections is mainly based on unconformities that subdivide the succession into
distinct stratigraphic packages.

[- 2 -]

Figure 1: Geologic map of the main outcrop area of the Wajid Sandstone in southwestern Saudi Arabia. Outliers on
the Arabian Shield are not shown. Insert map shows localities mentioned in text. Modified from Al Husseini (2004)
and Keller et al. (2011).

[- 3 -]

2. Geological background

Evolution of the Arabian Plate

With the demise of the Pan-African orogeny and the final assembly of Gondwana, an extensive passive
margin connected the Arabian-Nubian Shield with the Palaeo-Tethys (Figure 2). The passive margin
sediments are found in northern Africa, Turkey, and the Iranian terranes The Palaeozoic sediments of
Arabia, in contrast, were deposited on continental crust of the shield, and hence in an intracratonic setting,
today called the Arabian Platform. The hinge zone between the sedimentary basins on the continental
crust and on the passive margin, and hence between slow and high subsidence, has yet to be documented.
The Arabian Platform in its present configuration shows a shelf-margin prism extending from the
basement of the Arabian Shield in the west to the frontal thrust of the Zagros Mountains in the east
(Figure 1). During Cambrian time, this segment of the Gondwana margin was in a south-north position,
approximately between 40S and 20S (Sharland et al. 2001). At that time, a vast siliciclastic
epicontinental platform bordered the exposed basement of the Gondwana interior, a configuration that
probably extended into the Ordovician. In southern Saudi Arabia, this constellation is reflected in the
sediments of the Dibsiyah Formation.
By the Late Ordovician (Hirnantian), Gondwana had moved into a polar position and Arabia occupied
latitudes between approximately 60S and 40S (Sharland et al. 2001), well within the reach of the
Gondwana ice cap (Vaslet 1990; Le Heron & Dowdeswell 2009; Le Heron et al. 2010; Keller et al. 2011).
Vestiges of this glaciation and the subsequent Early Silurian deglacial transgression are visible in the
Sanamah Formation and the Qalibah Formation. Tectonically quiet conditions continued during the
remainder of the Silurian and most of the Devonian until the Frasnian (Sharland et al. 2001).
Sedimentation on the Arabian Platform, which was in a moderate latitudinal position, continued under
epicontinental conditions, which in the study area resulted in the deposition of the Khusayyayn
During the Late Devonian and the Mississippian, the onset of subduction outboard of the Iranian terranes
started to affect sedimentation on the former passive margin. Compression and extension through backarc rifting induced a tensional regime that led to localized uplift and erosion.
Concomitantly, Gondwana again moved into a high latitudinal position and during the Pennsylvanian and
Permian and the major Permo-Carboniferous glaciation spread out over much of the continent. The
sedimentary products of this glaciation are well known from Arabia and adjacent areas (Helal 1964, 1966;
Al Sharhan et al. 1991; Al Sharhan et al 1993; McClure 1984; McClure et al. 1988; Melvin & Sprague
2006; Melvin et al. 2010; Kumpulainen 2009). The co-occurrence of tectonically induced erosion and of
glacially induced erosion hampers the interpretation of the causes of depositional processes. This is
especially true for the Wajid Sandstone, where pre-tectonic sediments (Khusayyayn Formation) are
unconformably overlain by late glacial deposits (Juwayl Formation).

[- 4 -]

Figure 2: Palaeogeographic configuration and terranes of northwestern Gondwana during the Cambrian centered on
Arabia. Arabia basically consists of the basement of the Arabian Shield and the sedimentary basin of the Arabian
Platform, which during the Cambrian had the shown polarity. Also shown is the distribution of Palaeozoic
sediments in Saudi Arabia and the study area with the Wajid Sandstone. Modified from Sharland et al. (2001).


Tectonic framework

The Arabian Shield (Figure 1) is represented by crystalline basement composed of Precambrian

continental crust (about 870 Ma-550 Ma). The basement consists of accreted island-arc and microcontinental terranes (Stoeser & Camp 1985; Brown et al. 1989), overlain by post-cratonic sediments and
volcanic rocks. The final Precambrian Amar collision (about 640-620 Ma; Brown et al. 1989) welded
together the Arabian Plate along the north-trending Amar suture. North-south directed structures are a
common phenomenon in the basement rocks of the Arabian Shield (Stoeser & Camp 1985). In the latest
stages of the formation of the Arabian Plate basement, a major left-lateral wrench-fault system developed,
the Najd Rift System (Al-Husseini 2000). Its present-day orientation is north-west - south-east as
indicated by major faults and elongation of several accompanying sedimentary basins. Among these
basins are the Najd Rift Basin and the Rub' Al Khali half-graben. These grabens were filled with
Neoproterozoic siliciclastic rocks, carbonates, and evaporites (Johnson et al. 1994; Sharland et al. 2001;
Pollastro 2003; Figure 1, Figure 3).
Today, the main structural elements in the sedimentary succession of the Arabian Platform are northsouth trending structural highs such as the Ghawar Anticline and the Qatar Arch; north-west - south-east
trending grabens such as the Azraq and Ma'rib grabens; and north-east - south-west trending structures
such as the Syrian Platform and the Mosul and Ha'il-Kleissa trends. These structures are considered as
representing the stress field of post-collisional extension with the main system being the Najd Fault
System, and a perpendicular suite with the Wadi Al Batin fault and similar structures (Al-Husseini 2000).
These were superimposed onto the earlier north-south trending suture zones and together provide the
framework for the formation of the uplift structures. It is commonly assumed (Konert et al. 2001;
Pollastro 2003; Sharland et al. 2001) that these structures and trends are inherited from the basement

[- 5 -]

through reactivation of older features during Phanerozoic tectonism. An additional effect of the late
orogenic extension was the formation of major salt basins in Iran and Oman that additionally may have
triggered tectonic deformation on the Arabian Platform during the Phanerozoic.
Positive features on the Arabian Platform include the Ghawar Anticline or Uplift, the Qatar Arch, the
Khurais-Burgan Uplift, and the Maqalah Anticline. Almost all of these structures combine the effects of
folding and reverse faulting. All of them are interpreted to have originated during the extensional collapse
following Precambrian terrane accretion in the Arabian Shield (Al-Husseini 2000). Their activation,
however, occurred during different episodes of the Phanerozoic.
The basement-related trends and arches subdivide the Arabian Platform in several sedimentary subbasins, among which are the Azraq-Sirhan Basin, the Tabuk Basin, the Widyan Basin, and the Rub' Al
Khali Basin. During the Jurassic and Cretaceous, the Qatar Arch and the Rimthan Arch subdivided the
eastern Arabian Platform into the South Arabian sub-basin, the North Arabian sub-basin and the Gotnia
Basin. The South Arabian sub-basin is essentially a prolongation of the larger Rub' Al Khali Basin.

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3. Former research and state of the art


Sedimentology and stratigraphy

The entire Wajid succession was studied in detail by Powers et al. (1966). The basal strata of the Wajid
Sandstone rest nonconformably on the Precambrian basement rocks of the Arabian Shield. The Wajid
Sandstone is exposed from Wadi Ad Dawasir to Najran over a distance of 300 km and more. The
maximum outcrop width of Wajid Sandstone is approximately 100 km (Powers et al. 1966). It is exposed
in a vast area that covers almost 22000 km2. To the east of the outcrop area, the strata disappear beneath
the basal layers of the late-upper Permian and the Jurassic formations. The western margin of the Wajid
outcrop has a convex shape against the Precambrian basement rocks. The nonconformity is exposed along
the southwestern margin and can be traced into Yemen in a series of small isolated hills composed of
basement rocks. The upper part of the Wajid Sandstone crops out at the foot of Bani Khatmah
Escarpment beneath Jurassic strata.
The Wajid Sandstone was subdivided into four members according to their facies by Kellogg et al. 1986.
These members are, in ascending order, the Dibsiyah Member, Sanamah Member, Khusayyayn Member,
and the Juwayl Member. The age of these deposits was interpreted to be Cambrian and Ordovician. These
members were upgraded to Formations by Stump & Van der Eem (1995), and the Wajid Formation was
given Group rank. In addition, Evans et al. (1991) identified the Qusaiba Shale Member of the subsurface
Qalibah Formation in the southern part of the outcrop belt, thus completing the correlation of the outcrop
belt to the subsurface. Recent investigations have shown that the Wajid Group spans the entire framework
of the Paleozoic, from the Cambrian to the Middle (?) Permian (Evans et al., 1991; Stump & Van Deer
Eem 1996; Al-Laboun 2000, Keller et al. 2011).
In the following, a short summary of some of the most important papers and theses about previous
research in the Wajid Sandstone is given. Figure 4 summarizes the different subdivisions of former
In this study, the consultant gave a detailed description of the so-called Areas II and III in southern
Saudi Arabia. A new definition of the strata in the studied area was presented. ITALCONSULT
subdivided the sequence between the Khuff Formation above and the basement below into two units. The
lower part of Late Cambrian to Middle or Late Ordovician age was attributed to the Wajid Formation. A
basal conglomerate generally less than one meter thick is frequently observed in outcrop at the contact
between the Basement Complex and the Wajid Formation. In Wadi Ad Dawasir, the thickness of the
Wajid Formation is 400 - 430 meter. But it is only 159 m thick between the Basement Complex and the
black Silurian Shales in the subsurface near Sulayyil. ITALCONSULT correlated the Wajid Formation to
the Saq Formation and to the lowermost Tabuk Formation in the northern part of the Kingdom. The upper
part with a range from the Late Ordovician to the Early Permian was attributed to the Faw Formation. The
Faw Formation was defined by ITALCONSULT (1969) based on the results of well DA-T11, located in
Wadi Faw. There, the Wajid Formation is conformably overlain by the Faw Formation, which consists of
three members. According to their subdivision, these members are the lower, the middle, and the upper
Member. The lower member of this formation consists mainly of shale; the middle member is sandstone,
whereas the upper part is shale. The Faw Formation crops out in a very limited part in the
ITALCONSULT study area, but extends widely in the subsurface, especially in the southern part of the
area. The maximum thickness of this formation is given with 340 m.
Dabbagh & Rogers (1983)
These authors studied the Wajid Sandstones mainly in its southern outcrop area around Najran - Bani
Khatmah - outliers on the Arabian Shield. They did not give a new definition or subdivision to the Wajid
Formation but discussed sedimentologic aspects of the unit. The main result of their study is a southern
provenance of the sediments and the recognition that strata in the south (Khusayyayn Formation) are
more strongly fluvially influenced than farther north.

[- 7 -]

Kellogg et al. (1986)

In 1986, Kellogg et al. studied the Wajid Formation during mapping of the Wadi Tathlith Quadrangle.
One third of Wadi Tathlith Quadrangle is covered by the Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks, and a big deal is
part of the Wajid succession, which was attributed to the Cambrian and Ordovician. They laid the actual
base for the subsequent studies with their definite attribution of the Wajid Sandstone to the Cambrian and
Ordovician and its internal stratigraphic subdivision. The time gap from the Silurian to the Middle or Late
Permian between the Wajid Sandstone and the overlying Khuff Formation was considered as a time of
Kellogg et al subdivided the Wajid into four members:
1- Dibsiyah Formation
2- Sanamah Member
3- Khusayyayn Member
4- Juwayl Member.
Each member is separated by distinct discontinuities and a basal thin conglomeratic layer from the
underlying and overlying rocks. All sediments were attributed to shallow marine to fluvial depositional
environments. This study did not describe any glacial deposits in this formation. The thickness of the
Wajid Sandstone was given with 550 m.
Mc Clure et al. (1988)
The authors studied the uppermost part of the Wajid Formation at three locations, Bani Khatmah, Al Arid,
and a drill hole site about 200 km to the southeast of Khashm Khatmah on the southern edge of the Rub
al Khali. These locations are at the foot of the Tuwayq Mountain Escarpment. The study concentrated on
the glacial deposits at the top of the formation. They determined a Carboniferous-Early Permian (Late
Westphalian-Sakmarian) age for the deposits. They did not name the sediments; however, they were able
to correlate them to the stratigraphic column of a drill hole in the third location mentioned above. They
did not measure the thickness of the studied parts or compare it to other sections which have the same
Evans et al. (1991)
This study described the Wajid Formation and subdivided it according to the seismic character of the
strata. The researchers gave four objectives for their work to study the Wajid Sandstone, which are:
To differentiate the Wajid Sandstone in outcrop and determine stratigraphic equivalent rocks in
other parts of the Arabian Peninsula.
To interpret depositional environments of these Paleozoic rocks.
To sample surface exposures of fine-grained sediments for source rock analysis.
To sample the outcrop for petrographic analysis to characterize the reservoir potential of the
mapped units.
They assigned an age of Cambrian for the base to the Middle Permian for the top of Wajid Formation.
The study considers the Wajid Sandstone to be equivalent to the Saq and Qasim, Zarqa and Sarah
Formations, the Qalibah Formation, and the Unayzah Formation. They recommended eliminating the
term Wajid Sandstone in favor of the Saq and Qasim Formations, Zarga and Sarah Formations, Qalibah
Formation and Unayzah Formation to the outcrop in the studied area. This concept has heavily been
critized by Keller et al. (2011) and Al Ajmi et al. (in revision). Evans et al. (1991) gave a total thickness
for the Wajid Sandstone at the surface of 480 m in comparison with a thickness of 140 m of the Saq
Qasim formations in the northern outcrop area and an additional similar value for the Zarqa-Sarah

[- 8 -]

Figure 3: Lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Wajid Group (Wajid Sandstone) in SW Saudi Arabia, revised after
Evans et al. (1991).

[- 9 -]

Halawani (1994)
In 1994, Halawani published a short study discussing the glacial sediments in the Late Ordovician. The
study concentrated on a part of the Wajid outcrop area and the Ordovician glacial deposits preserved in
this area. The Late Ordovician glacials in the Wajid area are represented within the Sarah Formation,
considering the Sarah Formation as part of the Wajid Group. Lithologically, he divided the Sarah
Formation into five members: From bottom to top, these members or units are:
E) Silt, clay and, sandstone unit
D) Upper boulder clay claystone unit
C) Sandstone unit
B) Lower boulder clay claystone unit
A) Tillite unit.
The author did not include the other parts of the Wajid in his study and he did not give a total thickness of
the studied part.

Stump & Van Der Eem (1995a, 1995b)

In a series of related publications, these authors studied an area of 22000 square kilometers
which is the area of the outcrop of the Wajid Formation. They elevated the Wajid to a group and
attributed its subunits to formations. They used the names of the Wajid suggested by Kellogg et
al. (1986) previously, and added a new formation to the group, which is the Qalibah Formation.
They correlate the Middle Cambrian through Early Ordovician Dibsiyah Formation with the Saq
Sandstone, and the other units of the Wajid Sandstone to the units of Central Saudi Arabia
following Evans et al. (1991). They describe the contacts between these formations as
The authors elevate the Wajid sandstone to a group and the members to formations for three reasons:
1- Each of the former members is separated from another by hiatuses of varying magnitude.
2- Each former member is separated from the other by a period of regional structural deformation
and erosion.
3- The depositional history of each former member reflects a unique series of events.
The most important features of these publications are the inference of a basic tectonic origin of these
sedimentary sequences and the attribution of the units to shallow marine and fluvial environments.

Al-Laboun (2000)
This study is an unpublished report for the studied area. In this study, Al Laboun (2000) kept the former
grade of a formation and subdivided the Wajid Formation into six members, according to the lithology
and facies changes along the outcrop area. From bottom to top, these members are as follows:
1- Lower Dibsiyah; the age of this member ranges from the Middle Cambrian to the Early
Ordovician. He considers this member as an equivalent to the Saq Formation in northern area of
the Kingdom.
2- The Upper Dibsiyah Member. This member ranges from the Late Early Ordovician to Early Late
3- The Sanamah Member starts in the early Late Ordovician and reaches to the Late Ordovician.
This member is equivalent to the Sarah Formation in the north.
4- The Madarah Member ranges from the Early Silurian to the Early Late Silurian, and it is
equivalent to the Huban, Qusaibah and Sharawra.
5- The Khusayyayn Member is the fifth member of the Laboun study and he considers it to be Late
Silurian to Early Carboniferous in age, and equivalent to Jauf, Jubah, and Unayzah Formations.
6- This is the uppermost member in the Al Laboun`s subdivision of the Wajid Formation and it is
unnamed. The age of this member is Pennsylvanian to the Late Early Permian. He considers this
member to be equivalent to the Ash Sheqah Formation in his geological table of the Kingdom.
Al Laboun (2000) did not give any thicknesses for the Wajid Sandstone.

[- 10 -]

Al-Husseini (2004)
This author followed Kellogg et al. (1986) by grading the Wajid Sandstone as Formation subdivided into
four members: The Dibsiyah, Sanamah, Khusayyayn and Juwayl Member. According to Al Hussaini
(2004), the Dibsiyah ranges from the Late Cambrian to the Late Ordovician and it is equivalent to the
Saq/Qasim Formations in the north. The Sanamah ranges from the Late Ordovician to the Late Silurian.
This member is equivalent to Qalibah/Sarah/Zarqa Formations in the north. The Khusayyayn begins
during the Early Devonian and extends into the Mississippian. This member is equivalent to
Tawil/Jawf/Jubah/Berwath Formations in the north. The last member is the Juwayl Member, and this
member comprises the Middle-Late Carboniferous to the Middle Permian. It is equivalent to the Unayzah
Formation in Central Saudi Arabia. This member is separated from Khusayyayn with an unconformity
surface created by the mid-Carboniferous tectonic event.

Wanas & Abdel-Maguid (2006)

This is one of the latest studies on Wajid Sandstone. This study concentrated on the petrography and
geochemistry of the Wajid Sandstone. They described two sections of the Wajid Sandstone in their study
area also from a sedimentary point of view. In particular, they described the orientation of cross bedding
and composition of cycles and assume a north to northeast trending river system. In this study they
consider the Wajid to be Cambrian Ordovician age. The absence of recognizable fossils means that it is
not possible to determine the age of the Wajid Sandstone. The study did not give a total thickness of the
studied sections or place it in the stratigraphical position of the area. They discuss the environment of
deposition and the source rock, and suggest correlating the Wajid Sandstone with similar deposits
elsewhere in Arabia and North Africa.

Hussain et al. (2000), Hussain et al. (2004), Hussain (2007)

These researchers mainly studied the provenance of the Wajid Sandstone and tried to correlate the results
to the outcrops of the Saq Formation and related strata in the northern outcrop belt of the Kingdom. As
they write The study is a geochemical approach involving elemental chemistry of selected trace and
rare earth elements (REE) to determine the exact relationships between the Saq and Wajid Formation.
The study also includes investigation of a third unit, the Kahfah member of the Ordovician Qasim
Formation, to provide more validity to the geochemical database of these two lower Paleozoic formations
and better understanding of their stratigraphic relationships, provenance and tectonic settings. Although
the original proposal included heavy minerals as a possible tool for correlation, because of the limitations
of the heavy mineral data, the interpretations and conclusions of this report are largely based on the
elemental chemistry data of a total of 100 sandstone samples (40 from the Wajid, 35 from the Saq, and 25
from the Kahfah, respectively) collected from the outcrop sections of these rock-stratigraphic units.
This study was done in the Abha, Khamis Mushayt, and Wadi Ad Dawasir areas with outcrops in Al
Suda, Al Habalah, Ahd Rufaidah, and Wadi Ad Dawaser. In the north, the vicinity of Tabuk was studied.
On the outliers on the basement, they subdivided the Wajid Sandstone into two main parts according to
iron-rich horizons (ironstone) in different parts of the formation:
1- Red Unit; this unit is the lower part of the formation in this area.
2- Grey unit; the upper part of the formation in the study area.
This study did not give any age to the formation or a detailed description to the sediments of each unit
and the environments of the basin in each area. In the other hand he described the basement rocks and
their groups as potential source rocks for the sediments. The researcher measured the thickness of the
formation in three locations of the study area:
1- 55 meters at Al Suda.
2- 110 meters at Ahad Rufaidah
3- 300 meters in the Al Habalah National Park.

[- 11 -]

Knox et al. (2007)

Knox et al. (2007) studied the entire succession of the Wajid Sandstone with respect to its provenance.
The study shows that two distinct mineral compositions occur within the Dibsiyah sandstones,
indicating that a major change in provenance took place during deposition of the Upper Dibsiyah sands.
The boundary between the Dibsiyah and Sanamah formations is sharply defined, although the overall
composition of the Sanamah sandstones is in many respects similar to that of the Dibsiyah sandstones.
There is a relatively small difference in composition between the Sanamah sandstones and the associated
diamictites. A major change in provenance is indicated at the base of the Khusayyayn Formation, with an
increase in the proportion of monazite and staurolite. This change in composition persists into the Juwayl
Formation although the greater variability displayed by the Juwayl heavy-mineral assemblages indicates
contribution from several sources. Heavy-mineral assemblages in the Juwayl sandstones are comparable
to those of the Unayzah C and B sandstones of central Saudi Arabia, but differences suggest mixing
between a southern (Juwayl) and western (Shield) source for the Unayzah sandstones.

Diploma theses, University of Tbingen

Filomena (2007) and Dirner (2007) studied the Wajid Sandstone for the first time by applying Miall`s
concept of lithofacies and architectural elements and analysed cycle hierarchies. Filomena (2007) studied
the Lower Wajid Succession. He described braided-fluvial to braided delta deposits for the lower
Dibsiyah succession and shallow-marine environments for the upper Dibsiyah succession (both
interpreted as Cambrian and Ordovician). He documented in detail the facies inventory of the glaciationrelated deposits of the Upper Ordovician Sanamah Formation. Dirner (2007) studied the Upper Wajid
Succession sedimentologically. He described alluvial-fan, braided-fluvial, and shallow-marine deposits
for the Khusayyayn succession and glacio-fluvial to glacio-marine sediments with some aeolian
intercalations for the Juwyl Formation He documented in detail the facies inventory of the Late Paleozoic
Gondwana, glaciation-related deposits of the Juwayl Formation. These theses were part of the mentioned
hydrogeological of GIZ/DCo and data were available for this PhD thesis.

[- 12 -]

Figure 4: Evolution of the stratigraphic framework of the Wajid Group through time and proposed in this thesis.
Note the definitive assignment of the Sanamah Formation to the Hirnantian and the short depositional ages assigned
to the formations. For explanation see chapter 5.

[- 13 -]


Reservoir quality

The Wajid Sandstone Group acts as important hydrocarbon and water reservoir in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia but also in adjacent countries. The lower part contains important structural gas traps, whereas the
upper part also bears some productive stratigraphic oil traps (Evans et al. 1997; Konert et al. 2001).
Hydrocarbons are mainly sourced from the Qalibah Formation, which subdivides the Wajid Sandstone
group into two reservoirs and shows increasing thickness and carbon content towards the east in the
subsurface (Konert et al. 2001).
Little research has been done so far concerning petrophysical properties of the Wajid Sandstone Group.
Evans et al. (1991) investigated outcrops and wells and report average porosities of 20% for the Dibsiyah,
21-25% for the Sanamah, 23% for the Khusayyayn, and locally 30% for the Juwayl Formations. They
also measured some permeabilities and found values up to 4217 mD (Dibsiyah Formation). They
classified the Wajid Sandstone Group as an excellent to good reservoir rock. In the subsurface of the
United Arab Emirates up to 6 km deep, Alsharhan (1994) found somewhat lower mean porosities and
permeabilities and intense overprint by diagenesis for the Unayzah Formation and qualified the rocks as
moderate to good reservoirs.
These classifications are based on few petrophysical data. So far, a systematic survey only exists for the
lowermost unit of the succession, i.e. the Dibsiyah Formation (Abdulkadir et al. 2010), which only covers
a small portion of lithofacies types and sedimentary facies associations present in the entire succession
(see chapter 5). These authors analysed a total of 153 samples with regard to porosity and permeability,
using a mini permeameter. They found a limited range of porosity, but a wide range of permeability.
Based on some thin sections, they interpreted the high variability of permeability by sedimentary
structures, dissolution of unstable minerals together with inhomogeneous grain packing and poor
Zeeb et al. (2010) studied the discrete fracture network of the Upper Wajid Sandstone Group to analyse
the hydraulic relevance of fracture versus matrix permeabilities for groundwater flow. They used remote
sensing data and outcrop studies at a scale of 100 x 100 m. Combining with actual pumping tests and
matrix hydraulic conductivity data, they estimated in-situ hydraulic fracture apertures for the upper Wajid
Sandstone aquifer to be about ~1,500 m, which is in concordance with field observations. From fracture
flow modelling of the discrete fracture networks they found a conductivity ratio k (fracture)/k (matrix) of
10.4. Although fractures dominate in hydraulic behaviour, stored water volumes must be higher in the
matrix, thus making porosity and permeability data important in estimating groundwater quantities.

[- 14 -]



As mentioned in the introductory part, this PhD tehsis was embedded in a hydrogeological study of
GIZ/DCo. Therefore, the following background information on the hydrogeology of the Arabian Platform
and the Wajid Group is directly taken from a GIZ/DCo report for the MoWE (GIZ/DCo 2009).
The aquifers on the Arabian Platform can be divided into two mega-aquifer systems. The Lower MegaAquifer System comprises of a sedimentary succession of mainly sandstones with interbedded shales and
siltstones, spanning from the Cambrian to the Early Jurassic and includes the Wajid Group. Other
important aquifers in the system are the Khuff-Kumdah and Dhruma-Minjur aquifers. Separating them
are predominantly shaley aquitards like the Lower Khuff and Jilh-Sudair aquitards. The Upper MegaAquifer System, stretching from the Cretaceous to the Tertiary, comprises of the Wasia-Biyadh, Umm Er
Radhuma, Dammam and Neogene aquifers. It is made up of mainly sandstones in the lower part and
carbonates and evaporates in the upper part. The aquifers are separated by the lower Aruma shale and the
Rus aquitards. Since the hydraulic separation is imperfect, cross-formation flow between the different
aquifers occurs. Hydraulically separating the Lower and Upper Mega-Aquifer Systems is a succession of
Lower to Middle Jurassic aquitards and aquicludes, consisting of carbonates, shales and
anhydrite.Groundwater from both aquifer systems is considered fossil, since the main recharge happened
mostly during the last pluvial period, with more humid climate conditions. This period ended about 5,000
years ago.
The Wajid aquifer itself is again subdivided into a lower and upper aquifer, being hydraulically separated
by the shaley Qusaiba Member of the Qalibah Formation. The Lower Wajid can be defined as a confined,
fractured bedrock aquifer, with its primary porosity and permeability reduced by cementation. Outcrops
are exposed in a 90 km wide strip for ~300 km south of Wadi Ad Dawasir to Najran. The bottom of the
succession is formed by the crystalline basement, the top by the basal shales of the Qusaiba Member of
the Qalibah Formation; its thickness increases from <200 m in the western part of the Wadi Ad Dawasir
to >2,000 m in the central Rub Al Khali basin. The groundwater salinity ranges between 338 mg/l and
5,470 mg/l, with an average of 1,010 mg/l, thus being classified as fresh to moderately saline. The Upper
Wajid aquifer has similar properties like the Lower Wajid, also being a confined, fractured bedrock
aquifer, and the same outcrop area. Its thickness ranges from <100 m west of Wadi Ad Dawasir to >1,500
m in the central Rub Al Khali basin. The bottom and top boundaries are the Quasiba Member of the
Qalibah Formation and the basal shales of the Khuff Formation, respectively. The groundwater is fresh to
moderately saline with values between 83 mg/l and 7,490 mg/l, with an average of 1,200 mg/l.

[- 15 -]

4. Methods and material


Field work

4.1.1. Sedimentological logging

This study is based on several field surveys in the outcrop belt of the Wajid Sandstone. The focus was on
the type localities used to define the lithostratigraphy of the Wajid Group (Kellogg et al., 1986). The
observations there were complemented with field investigations across the entire outcrop belt between
Wadi Ad Dawasir in the north and Najran in the south (Figure 1). In addition, a short survey was carried
out in the outcrops west of Najran and the outliers on the Arabian Shield. Sedimentary facies were
analysed at various hierarchies, including cm-to dm-scale logging of sections, 2D and 3D analysis of
architectural elements, and facies associations, as well as large-scale photo panels. Along several sections,
spectral gamma-ray spectra have been measured in order to compare the outcrops with their subsurface
counterparts (Schnrok, 2011).
The significance of the Wajid Group for water resources management and hydrocarbon exploration
results from the dominance of sandstones and conglomeratic sandstones, mostly only moderately
cemented and hence rather porous and with good permeability. Correspondingly, only a minor amount of
fine-grained siliciclastic sediments is present in the sedimentary succession. Within this succession,
thirteen lithofacies have been identified. The lithofacies description used in this study (LF types) follows
the concept of Miall (1978) using grain size, textural maturity, sedimentary structures, bedform
dimensions, and bioturbation. However, this thesis does not follow his nomenclature as this was
developed and is used dominantly in fluvial systems. In the classification of the subaqueous bedforms,
especially the large-scale bedforms of the Dibsiyah Formation and the Khusayyayn Formation, this thesis
follows the proposals of Ashley (1990). In the description of bedform dimensions, a subdivision into
micro-scale (5 cm 40 cm), meso-scale (40 cm 75 cm), macro-scale (75 cm 200 cm), and giant (>
200 cm) was applied in the field. Within individual beds, the shape and thickness of the foresets varies
considerably as a function of grain size modality and current velocity (Reineck & Singh 1970). The
geometries are shown in Figure 5 and are used in the description of the internal structure of the
A characterization of lithofacies based on sediment petrography alone seems to be too perfunctory. Thus,
petrography plus bedforms and their dimensions as first order descriptors were used. In the Dibsiyah
Formation, and to a much lesser extent in the other units, textural changes of the primary sedimentary
fabrics through bioturbation are of prime importance. Hence, all lithofacies which have been affected by
bioturbation, have been designated a separate lithofacies sub-unit with the bioturbation index (Taylor &
Goldring 1993) as a second order descriptor. The interpretation of sedimentary successions (cycles) is
based on trends of these parameters (e.g., fining vs. coarsening upward), and interpreted in terms of base
level change (accommodation vs. sediment supply). Small-scale sedimentary successions are a synthesis
of grain size development (fining or coarsening upward), set height (accommodation, sediment supply),
and the ichnofabrics. Small-scale successions are stacked to form large-scale succession, which in turn
reflect long term changes in environmental conditions, and which are used to subdivide the sedimentary
succession of the Wajid Sandstone into genetic units (lithofacies associations, LF-A). From all lithofacies,
samples for thin sections, geochemistry, porosity, and permeability have been taken. For a better
biostratigrahic control on the sediments, 20 samples for palynological investigations.

[- 16 -]

Figure 5: Descriptive nomenclature of bedforms (ripples and subaqueous dunes) and their internal structures as
applied in this study.

[- 17 -]

4.1.2. Gamma-ray logging

Schnrok (2011) logged a total of seven outcrops with a handheld gamma-ray detector (see Table 1). The
outcrops have previously been described for this thesis and cover the Lower and Upper Wajid. The RS230 BGO Super-Spec Portable Radiation Detector by Radiation Solutions Inc. was used to obtain spectral
gamma-ray data. Measuring specifications were:
-0.3 m measuring point interval
-30 sec measuring time per point
-measured radionuclides:
K in [%]
U in [ppm]
Th in [ppm]
Table 1: Outcrops logged by Schnrok (2011). Section numbers refer to Figure 1.



N 2009'17.8"
E 4409'33.7"
N 2010'53.7"
E 4414'21.6"
N 2014'50.3"
E 4417'04.4"
N 2004'56.1"
E 4439'46.8"
N 2007'09.8"
E 430'54.4"
N 1955'01.9"
E 4438'57.1"
N 2008'46.9"
E 4428'40.4"


[m a.s.l.]

profile [m]


Jabal Nafla



Dibsiyah Fm.




Sanamah Fm.

Jabal Atheer



Sanamah Fm.





Jabal Blehan



Juwayl Fm.

Jabal Juwayl



Juwayl Fm.

Jabal Fard AlBan


Laboratory work

4.2.1. Thin sections

A total of 43 samples from the logged sections of Dibsiyah, Sanamah, Khusayyayn and Juwayl
Formations have been studied by Heberer (2012) with a petrographic microscope to identify the mineral
composition. For the preparation of thin sections only pieces without weathering alterations have been
isolated from each sample. Because of their crumbly consistence, some samples had to be stabilized with
resin. Assessment of the mineral suite was done by estimation. Grain size, roundness and sorting have
also been determined. Grain contact types comprise punctual, concave-convex and structured contacts.
The sandstones have been classified using a QFL ternary plot after McBride (1963), which can also be
adapted for provenance analysis. Other than thin section microscopy, Heberer (2012) also used REM
analysis on a total of 9 samples in order to investigate transport mechanisms as well as geochemical
analysis (17 samples total) to gain more information about the provenance. The results of this diploma
thesis are incorporated in the overall data base and used for statistical analysis of reservoir properties (see
Chapter 8).

[- 18 -]

4.2.1. Palynology
For palynological studies and dating a total of 20 outcrop samples (see Annex) have been selected, mainly
from the Juwayl, but also from the Khusayyayn, Sanamah and Dibsiyah Formations. All samples, each
with 150 g, have been prepared using standard palynological techniques. For dissolution of carbonates
and silicates, HCl (33%) and HF (43%) have been used, respectively (see Figure 6). Density separation
has been done with ZnCl2 solution (D 2.2 g/ml) and the residue has been sieved at 15 m mesh size.
For analysis with a transmitted-light microscope (magnification 40x 100x), slides have been mounted in
glycerol gelantin.

Figure 6: Sample preparation for palynological studies at TU Darmstadt: soaking of samples in HF (43%) for 24

4.2.2. Porosity and permeability

The porosity measurement was carried out using the AccuPyc II 1330 gas and GeoPyc 1360 powder
pycnometers which are used in conjunction (Figure 7). They combine pure and envelope volume
measurements to determine porosity. They both work based on the Archimedes principle. The Accupyc II
1330 Pycnometer determines pure density and volume by measuring the pressure changes of helium in a
calibrated volume.
The principle is based on the general gas law:
Equation 1

P1 (V1 - Vp) = P2 (V2 - Vp)

[- 19 -]

The device operates with two chambers of known volume V1 and measured pressure P1. In the sample
chamber with helium gas pressure, the volume of the sample Vp is unknown. The sample relaxing in an
expansion chamber provides a new pressure P2 in the two chambers, one associated with volume V2. The
equation can now be solved to get the unknown value which is the true volume of a sample (the volume
in g/cm3). In addition, the GeoPyc 1360 Pycnometer was used to measure the envelope volume and to
calculate the envelope density of samples. Envelope density is the mass of an object divided by its
volume. When the sample density obtained from Accupyc 1330 is inputted, then the instrument can report
percentage porosity.
The final porosity results obtained for each of the samples was manually cross-checked using the formula:
Equation 2

(VE - VP)/ VE *100%

Where: VE is the envelope or total volume and VP is the pore volume

Figure 7: AccupycII 1330 (left) and 1360 (right) Pycnometer at the Institute for Applied Geosciences, Darmstadt.

The permeability of the samples was measured using two different methods: the minipermeameter and the
column permeameter. These gave values of the apparent and intrinsic permeability respectively in
Darcies. Permeability measurements were conducted on either cube-shaped samples or core plugs. In the
case of the minipermeameter, nitrogen gas was injected into the rock samples via a probe which was
pressed against the sample rock face (Figure 8a, b). The software makes use of gas permeability
measurements at different pressures, which are plotted against the inverse of pressure difference. The
intercept of the resulting straight line with the gas permeability axis is equal to the liquid permeability. In
order to receive accurate mean horizontal and mean vertical permeability, in each direction 6
measurements in x and y direction were carried out.

[- 20 -]

Figure 8: a Principle of mini permeameter measurements of cube-shaped or cylindrical samples (after Greb, 2006). b
Drilling core plugs for Poroperm measurements.

[- 21 -]

The column permeameter measures the value of intrinsic permeability of the cylindrical sample only in
one direction. Because the plugs were drilled vertical to the dip of the sedimentary beds, this permeability
value is comparable and should correlate with that of the vertical z-direction, obtained from the
minipermeameter. The sample is placed in an air tight cell membrane and pressured air is forced to flow
through the sample from the cell inlet with pressure p1, then going out through the cell outlet with
pressure p2 (Figure 9). The pressure difference between the cell inlet and the outlet gives the intrinsic
permeability value, which is independent of fluid property. The intrinsic permeability of a medium is
largely a function of the size of pores and the degree of interconnectivity.

Figure 9: Gas permeameter at the Institute of Applied Geosciences, Darmstadt and principle of measurement after
Br (2008).

In order to translate gas permeabilities into water permeabilities, a specific system set-up was developed
in the frame of a student`s project. The following description closely refers to the report of Ngole (2012).
The water permeameter system consists of four water cylinders which are interconnected by valves and
tubes (Figure 10 and Figure 11). These include water inflow cylinder (P1), outflow cylinder (P2), high
differential pressure (Pdiff high) and low differential pressure cylinder (Pdiff low). P1 (inflow) is
connected to the top of sample chamber through valve D, while on the other side on top of the sample
chamber there is a tube going to Pdiff high through valve B. P2 (outflow) is connected in the base of the
sample chamber by a tube which is controlled by valve C. Pdiff low is also connected at the base of
sample chamber with the tube that crosses valve A. Furthermore, Pdiff (high) and Pdiff (low) are linked by
valve E, Pdiff (high) and P2 by valve F and valve G connects P1 and P2 in order to create short cuts between
all cylinders. A vacuum pump is connected by a tube on top of P1 cylinder through valve Y. Moreover
there is a tube taking water to the P1 or emptying the cylinders via valve Z.
An experiment starts by filling water in all four cylinders, whereby P1 and P2 were filled to their
maximum level mark, while pressure difference cylinders were filled to their initial water level marks. In
addition, the samples were evacuated from air by a suction pump and saturated with water before any
measurement was done. This was done by opening valve D and Y and therefore having full access to the
sample from the pump, which produces a vacuum of 30 mbar. During this stage all other valves were
closed including valve 7 in the software. After sucking of the air, the samples were then saturated with
water from P2 by simply opening valve C while pump is still on. After this, the system was pressurized by
assigning 6000 mbar output pressure and 3000 mbar input pressure. This minimizes possible relicts of air.

[- 22 -]

The inflation of sealing was done by allowing air form pressure chamber to fill the sample chamber. This
step prevents water to bypass the sample. Like in air permeability, before starting any measurement all
sensors were zeroed and then a reasonable pressure gradient was applied to enable water to flow from P1
to P2. This was done by opening valves A, B, C, and D while closing all other valves to avoid shortcuts.
The input pressure, output pressure, differential pressure and discharge were recorded and finally used in
calculating the intrinsic permeability.

Figure 10: Set-up of water permeability equipment as developed for this project (from Ngole, 2012).

Figure 11: Sample chamber with connecting pipes to the hydraulic cylinders (from Ngole, 2012).

[- 23 -]

5. Sedimentology and stratigraphy



As pointed out in chapter 3.1 the concepts of the internal lithostratigraphic subdivision of the units within
the Wajid Sandstone are still a matter of debate and exemplified by the papers of Kellogg et al. (1986), Al
Sharhan et al. (1991), Evans et al. (1991), Stump and Van der Eem (1995, 1996), Al Laboun (2000) and
Al Husseini (2004). Basically, this study follows Stump and Van der Eem (1995) in subdividing the
Wajid Group into five formations: The Dibsiyah, Sanamah, Qalibah, Khusayyayn, and Juwayl formations
( Figure 4). The results of this thesis, however, lead to a modification of correlations and time intervals
(see discussion in chapter 5.6).
5.1.1. Dibsiyah Formation
The Dibsiyah Formation is a succession of medium-grained to conglomeratic sandstones with few
intercalations of finer siliciclastic horizons. Its characteristic feature is the presence of the Skolithos and
Cruziana ichnofacies. Some of the major aspects and components of these ichnofacies are shown in
Figure 12.
Stratigraphic relationships
The base of the Dibsiyah Formation is always covered by debris from the buttes and mesas in which the
formation is exposed. At Jabal Maqarib, a few meters of coarse-grained, only slightly lithified sandstones
and conglomerates are exposed immediately above the Precambrian basement; the contact, however, is
nowhere clearly exposed. The sediments consist of quartz pebble conglomerates much coarser than those
of the Dibsiyah sediments proper. In addition, data from several wells, drilled into the basement during
the investigations of the Wajid aquifer (GTZ/DCo 2009), have nowhere encountered a good basal coarse
conglomerate. Instead, the basal layers are represented by a thin weathering horizon with angular to
rounded quartz pebbles and feldspar fragments similar to those encountered in the overlying lithofacies
associations of the Dibsiyah Formation. Although the sediments at Jabal Maqarib seem to onlap the
Precambrian basement, they might well be derived from the outcrops of the Dibsiyah Formation. The
upper boundary of the Dibsiyah Formation in the study area is an erosional unconformity at the base of
the overlying Sanamah Formation. As sediments of the latter were deposited in subglacial valleys (Keller
et al. 2011), the depth of erosion varies strongly in dependence from the position within the valley.
Locally, erosion cuts into the lower part of the Dibsiyah Formation.
The preserved thickness of the Dibsiyah Formation is 160 m to 190 m.

[- 24 -]

Figure 12: Meter-scale facies changes between piperock and tabular sandstones without Skolithos, outer part of sand
sheet complex b Monocraterion city in medium-grained sandstone. Note concentric layers on wall, what might
indicate that these tubes are actually Rosselia c Strongly segmented tubes of unknown origin d Skolithos piperock.
In the lower part, individual beds are preserved and individual Skolithos pipes do not cross bedding surfaces. In the
upper part, Skolithos burrowing has obliterated bedding and burrows cross bedding surfaces e Cruziana sp f Various
types of Skolithoturbation: basal layers show individual Skolithos burrows, cross bedding is still visible. Above is a
succession, in which Skolithoturbation has obliterated most of the primary structures. Reactivation within this
package is recognized through burrows that stop at former bedding planes and others that cross them. Upper part is
separated by a bedding plane indicating a major break in sedimentation.

[- 25 -]

5.1.2. Qalibah Formation

In the subsurface, known from wells (GTZ/DCo 2009) and seismic lines (Evans et al. 1991), the Qalibah
Formation consists of two members: the lower Qusaiba Member and the upper Sharawra Member. The
Qusaiba Member is a succession of dominantly shale with minor siltstones and sandstones; the upper unit
of dominantly siltstones and sandstones is called Sharawra Member. In the absence of biostratigraphic
control and based on seismic investigations, the Qusaiba Member is interpreted to be equivalent to the
Lower Silurian hot shales of northern Arabia and northern Africa (Lning et al. 2000).
Stratigraphic relationships
The Qalibah Formation is only exposed in a narrow strip in the south-central part of the study area
(Figure 1). There, several meters of calcareous fine-grained siliciclastic sediments unconformably rest on
Precambrian basement. These sediments are attributed to the Qusaiba Member. The upper contact to the
Khusayyayn Formation is very sharp and unconformable.
A maximum of 6 to 10 m is preserved in the outcrops of the Qusaiba Member.
5.1.3. Khusayyayn Formation
Sediments of the Khusayyayn Formation really dominate the outcrops of the Wajid Group (Figure 1).
The Khusayyayn Formation is a rather uniform succession of dominantly coarse sandstones deposited in
medium to giant tabular foreset sets.
Stratigraphic relationships
The base of the Khusayyayn Formation is a regionally developed unconformity. Near Najran, the
Khusayyayn Formation directly rests on Precambrian Basement. Near Hima (Figure 1), the basal
unconformity can be traced from outcrops, in which the Khusayyayn sandstones successively cut out the
Qusaiba Member, directly to outcrops where it rests on the basement. South of Wadi Ad Dawasir, the
Khusayyayn rests on different horizons of the Sanamah Formation. Evans et al. (1991) report on an
undetermined fish fragment apparently indicating a Devonian age. However, details on this finding have
never been published and cannot be verified.
The most continuous succession is that at the type locality Jabal Khusayyayn, where 55 m are exposed;
however, neither the lower nor the upper boundary is exposed there. The combination and correlation of
sections in the northern study area indicate thicknesses of around 150 m. Values of 200 m as reported by
Kellogg et al. (1986) and Stump and Van der Eem (1995, 1996) could not be verified.
5.1.4. Juwayl Formation
Outcrops of the Juwayl Formation are known from three different, not interconnected areas: In the
northern part of the study area, two NW SE trending channels are present (Figure 1; Kellogg et al. 1986;
Keller et al. 2011), in which Juwayl sediments are found. In addition, in the interchannel area, there are
some outcrops of the Juwayl Formation. To the east, the Juwayl sediments disappear beneath the
unconformity with Late Permian Khuff Formation, which trends approximately north-south (Kellogg et
al. 1986). In the southeast, Juwayl sediments are exposed along the Tuwaiq Mountain escarpment (Figure
1) at Bani Khatmah and Khashm Khatmah. The underlying sediments are not known. The succession is
capped by the Jurassic unconformity, which brings the Tuwaiq Mountain Limestone on top of the Juwayl
sediments. The outcrops west of Najran (Dahran Al Janub; Figure 1) show a succession of fluvial
sediments on top of undoubted Khusayyayn strata. These fluvial deposits with their sharp basal surface
have been described by Dabbagh & Rogers (1983); however they refused to give a stratigraphic
assignment to these rocks. Al Sharhan et al. (1991) compared these rocks with those of Bani Khatmah and
concluded that they might represent the same stratigraphic interval. It is assumed, that the presence of
siliciclastic sediment distinctly finer than that of the Khusayyayn Formation together with the overall
fining-upward also observed in other Juwayl outcrop areas are indicators that these sediments have to be
attributed to the Juwayl Formation.

[- 26 -]

Stratigraphic relationships
The Juwayl Formation rests unconformably on the Khusayyayn Formation. The unconformity has
different expressions in the Wajid outcrop belt: In the north, the unconformity is the result of subglacial
erosion (tunnel valleys), in the other areas, it seems to be a paraconformity. The only age constraint on the
Juwayl deposits was given by McClure (1980) and Besems and Schuurmann (1987) through
palynomorphs from Bani Khatmah, which indicate a Sakmarian (Early Permian) age of these deposits.
Above a major unconformity, the overlying carbonates of the Khuff Formation mark the onset of a
completely different tectono-sedimentary regime that lasted from the latest Permian well into the
The composite section for the northern area including the channel fills is approximately 125 m thick. A
similar thickness was determined for the Bani Khatmah area with its lake facies was reported by McClure
(1980), whereas Hadley & Schmidt (1975) report thicknesses between 50 m and 135 m from that area.


Lithofacies types

LF 1: Shale
Shales (LF 1) are very rare in the sedimentary succession of the Wajid Group. Individual packages of
more than 20 cm thickness have only been found in the Qalibah Formation, where they are grey to beige,
and in the Juwayl Formation (Figure 13a), where they are often entirely silicified.
Shales are a typical product of stagnant water bodies (e.g., lakes) or slack water in the nearshore marine
environment, where settling out of suspension is the dominant depositional process.

LF 2: Shale and siltstone

Intimate alternations of shale and siltstone represent LF 2. The sediments are variegated and locally form
successions of several meters thickness. In the Juwayl Formation, shale and siltstones laminae form
characteristic dark-light couplets with a thickness of a few mm (Figure 13b). Packages of these couplets
locally accumulated to packages of several meters (Figure 13c). In several sections, these sediments are
strongly silicified. The shales and siltstones were deposited in stagnant waters as evidenced by the
absence of any kind of current induced structures. The rhythmic alternation of light silty and dark shaly
laminae together with associated glacial deposits is characteristic of varve sediments, typical of glacial
lake environments (Keller et al. 2011). Some of the individual layers may have originated from distal
turbidity currents, which are not uncommon in lakes (Einsele 2000).

[- 27 -]

Figure 13: Fine-grained lithofacies of the Wajid Group. a Massive green shale (LF 1), Juwayl Formation, Section. b
Shale-siltstone alternation (LF-2) strongly silicified, Juwayl Formation, Section. The rhythmic alternation of light
and dark layers is typical of varve sediments. c Shale-siltstone alternations with conglomerate layers represent lake
sediments with ice-rafted debris. d Siltstones with ripples (LF-3.2), Juwayl Formation Section e Variegated
siltstones in the upper part of the Juwayl Formation f Wave ripples in fine sandstone (LF-5) g Thin-bedded
sandstone with flaser bedding (LF-6), Juwayl Formation h White sandstone with horizontal bedding (LF-7.1),
Juwayl Formation.

[- 28 -]

LF 3: Siltstone
Massive siltstones (LF 3.1) have only been observed in the Sanamah Formation and the Juwayl
Formation, where these brown and beige sediments attain several 10s of centimetre thickness. Siltstones
of LF 3.2 and LF 3.3 are usually thin bedded, show horizontal lamination, and are of reddish to brown
and beige colour (Figure 13d). In LF 3.3 of the Dibsiyah Formation most of the primary sedimentary
structures have been obliterated by burrowing; the corresponding bioturbation index (Taylor & Goldring
1993) is 4 to 5. The massive siltstones of LF 3.1 represent some kind of mass flow deposit as shown by
the absence of current induced structures. The siltstones likely were deposited through distal turbidity
currents that originated close to the mouth of a glacially-fed river.
Sedimentary structures indicate that the siltstones of LF 3.2 and LF 3.3 were formed from bed load
transport under lower flow regime conditions. Where these deposits are associated with 2D or 3D dunes,
they likely are the product of the vast interdune areas where current velocities are distinctly lower than in
the dune fields themselves (Ashley 1990).
LF 4: Siltstone to fine sandstone
Siltstones and sandstones form thin- to medium bedded horizons of intensively red or locally yellow
colours. Internal stratification is almost absent; locally, low-angle cross bedding and ripple-drift cross
bedding have been observed. The sediments were deposited in micro-scale or meso-scale bedforms. They
show strong and large-scale soft-sediment deformation, including truncated folds, dome-like, and largescale ball-and-pillow structures (Figure 14). The sediments record low energy conditions with an
alternation or a combination of bedload transport and fall out of suspension. Nevertheless, a large amount
of sediment was provided, which was rapidly deposited and subsequently subject to dewatering. As these
deposits are found in the Sanamah Formation and the Juwayl Formation, and as these deposits are part of
a glacial succession, they are interpreted as ice distal products. Decreasing energy of the rivers draining
the glaciers led to the deposition of coarse sediment close to the glacial front, but further downstream
only silts and sands were delivered. Locally, these sediments may even represent deposits of a delta in a
glacial lake. Deformation of the sediment, especially when associated with shearing and thrusting, is
interpreted to result from subsequent glacier advance (Keller et al. 2011).

[- 29 -]

Figure 14: Soft- sediment deformation in the Wajid Group a Large, almost recumbant folds in coarse sandstones
(LF-8.2) of the Khusayyayn Formation, Section , b Slumping in sandstones of the Khusayyayn Formation, Section ,
c Slumping in the sandstones of the Dibsiyah Formation, Jibal Al Qahr d Dewatering (flame) structures in
sandstones of the Dibsiyah Formation, Jibal Al Qahr e Sliding and bed-internal folding in rapidly deposited
sandstones, Juwayl Formatio, Jabal Blehan f Sliding with bed-internal folding in a single sandstone layer of the
Juwayl Formation, Jabal Blehan g Massive siltstones strongly deformed by grounding icebergs, Juwayl Formation,
Bani Khatmah h Total destruction of primary sedimentary structures in lake sediments of Bani Khatmah, Juwayl

[- 30 -]

LF 5: Sandstone, ripple-drift cross bedding

Fine to medium grained sandstones in dominantly micro-scale beds with cross bedding of different origin
represent LF 5. The sediment is moderately sorted to sorted. Whereas in many horizons, the cross bedding
originated from unidirectional flow, in others bidirectional cross bedding, often symmetrical, was
observed. From 3D outcrops it becomes apparent that the latter are wave ripples (Figure 13f). The
sediment is the product of a moderate to low energy environment, in which bedload transport was the
main agent. Bedforms indicate unidirectional and bidirectional transport. Although well-developed mud
flasers or mud drapes are absent, the bidirectional bedforms are likely to represent tidal influence.
LF 6: Sandstone, flaser bedding
LF 6 is composed of fine to medium grained sandstones, moderately to well sorted, with well-developed
flaser bedding (Figure 13g). The sediments are generally present in micro-scale beds and may be stacked
to bedsets of more than one meter thickness. The sandstones were deposited in moderate to low energy
environments with dominantly bedload transport. Slack-water periods are documented through the fallout of mud, which gave rise to the flaser texture of the sediment.
LF 7: Sandstone, horizontal to low-angle cross bedding
LF 7 is made up of fine to coarse grained sandstones in meso-scale to macro-scale beds. All of these
deposits are horizontally bedded or show low-angle cross bedding. As there are distinct differences in the
grain size, LF 7.1 represents fine to medium grained sandstones (Fig 7h), whereas LF 7.2 is composed of
almost unimodal white coarse sand (Fig 8a). LF 7.3 is medium to coarse sand, which served as a substrate
for burrowers, who effectively destroyed many but not all of the primary sedimentary structures. The
corresponding Bioturbation Index is 4 to 5. All these sediments show beige to intensively red colours.
The individual laminae locally are graded. Sometimes, the lamination is accentuated by heavy mineral
stringers. From the studies of Paola et al. (1989) and Cheel (1984), it seems that horizontal lamination is
mainly produced under high-energy, upper flow regime conditions. High frequency scouring and
subsequent filling and low frequency migration of bedforms with a height of several grain and amplitudes
of up to 100 cm are superimposed to form the laminae. In flume studies, these processes were able to
produce graded laminae and to produce heavy mineral segregations.
LF 8: Sandstone, fine to medium, tabular cross bedding
LF 8 is composed of fine, medium, and coarse sandstones deposited in beds a few tens of centimetres
(micro-scale) to almost two meters (macro-scale) thick. The bounding surfaces of the foreset sets are
planar and commonly almost horizontal. All geometries from purely angular (Figure 12c) to increasingly
curved with a tangential basal contact of the foresets (Figure 12d) to sigmoidal geometries (Figure 12e)
have been observed and partly used to distinguish between the subfacies.
LF 8.1.1 (Figure 12d) is distinctly white fine to medium sandstone in meso-scale beds. The
foresets are mm-thick and of the angular type or slightly curved.
LF 8.1.2 is fine- to medium-grained sandstone, yellowish to red, deposited in micro- to mesoscale beds. The foresets are mm-thick and moderately to strongly curved.
LF 8.2 consists of locally pebbly, medium- and coarse-grained sandstones in meso-scale to
macro-scale beds (Figure 12f). LF 8.2.1 with micro-scale to meso-scale foreset and cosets locally
contains abundant feldspar fragments, and, in the Dibsiyah Formation, is frequently burrowed.
Individual foresets are mm-thick to several mm thick and dominantly moderately curved. LF
8.2.2 shows medium to thick foresets that locally are close to 150 cm thick (Figure 12e). The
foresets are of the angular type. Where these sediments of LF 8.2.2 are frequently slumped
(Khusayyayn Formation), they have been designated LF 8.2.3.
LF 8.3 (LF 8.3.1) is represented by medium and coarse sandstones, also with medium to thick
foreset sets (Figure 12g). In contrast to LF 8.2, however, the individual foresets are thick and
often graded from basal pebble laminae into sand of coarse or medium grain size (Figure 13a).
Here too, feldspar clasts are abundant in some horizons. LF 8.3.2 is distinguished on the presence
of abundant burrows of Skolithos sp. and related species and of Cruziana sp. and only observed in
the Dibsiyah Formation.

[- 31 -]

LF 8.4 is petrographically is similar to LF 8.3. However, the individual bed shows a finingupward succession of graded beds, that is, individual foresets are graded and the foresets at the
base of the bed are coarser grained than those towards the top.
LF 8.5 again is medium to coarse sandstone; however, here the entire bed is graded.

Throughout the Wajid Group, sets and cosets of micro-scale, meso-scale, and macro-scale LF 8 sediments
have been observed. In addition, giant sets with a height > 200 cm are present in the Khusayyayn
Formation. The tabular sandstone beds originated in moderate to high energy environments. Tabular
sandstones are the typical product of migrating large 2D dunes (Ashley 1990) under unidirectional flow
conditions with bedload transport.
LF 9: Sandstone, macro-scale 2D-trough cross bedding
Although in general rather similar, LF 9 and LF 10 are distinguished because of the distinct grain size
association of coarse sand and abundant quartz pebbles in LF 10. Quartz pebbles are absent in LF 9 and
the sorting in general is better. The typical feature of these deposits is their depositional geometry in
trough cross beds, usually several times wider than deep. In many cases, the 3D outcrops permit the
recognition of the third bounding surface as a planar surface. In general, sediments have been deposited in
meso-scale and macro-scale bedforms. Micro-scale units are present only to a minor extent.
LF 9.1 is moderately sorted and of medium to coarse composition.
LF 9.2 is sandstone deposited in 2D trough cross beds (Figure 14c), which is relatively well
sorted, either within the medium sand fraction or in the coarse sand fraction. Quartz grains are
moderately rounded to rounded.
LF 9.3 is similar to LF 9.1; however, bioturbation is prominent, the corresponding Bioturbation
Index (Skolithos ichnofacies) varies between 2 and 5.
In all subfacies, siltstone intraclasts have been frequently observed at the base of the scour fills (Figure
14d). Similar to LF 8, sandstones of LF 9 were deposited under medium to high energy conditions. As
pointed out by Ashley (1990), 2D through cross bedded sandstones result from the migration of 3D
dunes. In comparison with their 2D counterparts, transport energy must be at least slightly higher to
produce 3D geometries. Mudstone intraclasts suggest the presence of low energy environments in the
vicinity (inter-dune environments).
LF 10: Sandstone to pebbly sandstone, macro-scale 2D-trough cross bedding
LF 10 is mainly present in macro-scale bedforms and to a lesser extend in meso-scale forms. The
following subfacies have been identified:
LF 10.1 is conglomeratic sandstone, deposited in 2D trough cross beds. Rounding of the quartz
grains varies between subangular to rounded, sorting is moderate to poor.
LF 10.2 is represented by medium and coarse sandstones in which grading is preserved. In LF
10.2.1, the entire bed of coarse to medium or fine sand is graded. LF 10.2.2 shows medium to
thick foresets, in which the individual foresets are graded from basal pebble laminae into coarse
and rarely medium sand (Figure 14d).
LF 10.3 is a rare type of sediment in the Wajid Group and only present close to the contact
between the Sanamah Formation and the underlying Dibsiyah Formation. It consists of inversely
graded conglomeratic sandstones with large tabular clasts of grey siltstone.
LF 10.4 and LF 10.5 both preserve the record of moderate to intensive bioturbation. Whereas the
pebbly or conglomeratic sandstones of LF 10.4 were the home of trilobites that left a variety of
Cruziana tracks (BI 2-4), sands of LF 10.5 were haunted by vertical burrowers whose activities
are recorded as Skolithos sp. and related forms (Figure 15; BI 2-5).
The hydrodynamic interpretation for LF 10 is the same as for LF 9. However, the absence of quartz
pebbles in LF 9 indicates an important shift in environmental conditions in the depositional system. The
reasons for this shift will be discussed later.

[- 32 -]

Figure 15: Aspects of bioturbation in the Dibsiyah Formation at Jabal Nafla a Bedding plane surface with
Monocraterion b Sandstones and siltstones, lower bed is strongly bioturbated, no bioturbation in overlying siltstones
c Well-developed longitudinal cross section of Monocraterion sp. d Conglomeratic piperock, Bioturbation Index 4
to 5 e Skolithos tubes in micro-scale cross bedded tabular sandstones f Piperock with various generations and
penetration depths of Skolithos erosionally overlain by 2D dune sandstone g Monocraterion? tubes and small
interspersed Skolithos tubes. Monocraterion tubes are up to 5 cm in diameter h similar to g but with longitudinal
sections through Monocraterion. Some of them might actually represent Rosselia sp.

[- 33 -]

LF 11: Sandstone to pebbly sandstone, 3D trough cross beds

The following subfacies have been identified:
LF 11.1.: medium, but dominantly coarse sandstones with varying amounts of pebbles with 3D
trough cross bedding (Figure 14g). Locally in the Sanamah Formation, individual foresets are up
to 25 cm thick and graded.
LF 11.2 is distinguished on the presence of graded foresets, often several mm to rarely 15 mm
thick, in which a basal pebble layer successively grades into fine to medium sand (Figure 14h).
The 3D troughs represent channels, a few tens of meters wide at most and up to a few meters
swarms of channels. Vertically, stacks of no more than 3 or 4 channel sets were found.
These sandstones represent high energy deposits of a (glacio-) fluvial environment, in which channels
were frequently fluctuating and transported large amounts of sediment. LF 11.2 was deposited more
episodically, probably as a response to thawing-freezing (seasonal) events. The channel systems with
their grain size distribution are typical of braided rivers, which originate beneath the glacier and which
transport the subglacially eroded material to the plains in front of the glacier or ice shield.
LF 12: Sandstone, massive
The following subfacies have been identified:
LF 12.1 is massive sandstone with pebbles, cobbles or boulders. Floating blocks with sizes up to
several meters have been observed, which consist of the same material as the matrix they are
associated with. The sandstones were deposited in irregular channel-like features with an
erosional base. Some of the erosive bases form vertical walls pointing to unusual environmental
conditions. Locally, faint slab-like, strongly concave internal cross bedding is visible. Individual
packages of these yellowish to brownish unstructured sediments are up to 30 m thick (Figure
LF 12.2 is yellow to beige and grey medium to coarse massive sandstone with a varying amount
of pebbles or cobbles. These sandstones and conglomeratic sandstones were deposited in medium
to thick horizons without apparent bedding (Figure 16d). Only locally, a weak large-scale crossstratification can be observed. In general, the clasts are mainly randomly distributed but locally
they are concentrated in patches. Some of the sandstones have an erosional base, other were
deposited in channels some 10 m wide. Locally, slumping disrupted the beds and generated
floating intraclasts.
LF 12.3 is structureless fine to medium sandstone only observed in the Sanamah Formation. It is
mainly red but also yellow to beige, and in contrast to the other sandstones of LF 12, at least
moderately sorted.
LF 12.4 is a rather frequent deposit in the upper part of the Dibsiyah Formation. It consists of
coarse, locally pebbly sandstones, in which any original depositional feature has been entirely
obliterated by the burrowing activity of Skolithos sp. and related animals (Figure 16a).

[- 34 -]

Figure 16: Steeply dipping, slightly curved, graded foresets of a package of micro-scale bedforms of 2D dunes (LF8.1.2), Dibsiyah Formation, Jabal Dibsiyah b meso-scale angular cross beds. Each of the cross beds is graded from
fine pebble to coarse sand (LF-8.3.1), Dibsiyah Formation, Jabal Nafla c 2D cross bed is a cross section through 3D
dune (LF-9.2), Dibsiyah Formation, Jabal Nafla d Set of 2D cross beds in white sandstones. Each of the individual
sets has a basal layer of slitstone intraclasts, Section , Juwayl Formation e Micro-scale stack of 2D cross beds in the
core of the sand sheet complex of the Dibsiyah Formation, Jabal Nafla f Meso-scale to macro-scale 2D trough cross
beds in the Khusayyayn Formation (LF-10.1) g 3D through cross bedded conglomeratic sandstones (LF-11.1) of
glacio-fluvial origin, Sanamah Formation, Jabal Sanamah g Channel fill sandstone, in which almost all foresets are
graded from fine pebbles to coarse or medium sand (LF-11.2).

[- 35 -]

The massive rocks of LF 12.1 interfinger with the 3D trough cross-bedded sandstones of LF 11.
Apparently, they developed from large-scale synsedimentary liquefaction of LF 11.Hyperconcentrated
flows transported large blocks of coarse sandstone and caused oversteepened and vertical channel walls,
and diffuse lobe structures. The massive facies results from temporal liquefaction during short pulses of
deglaciation (thawing) or even temperature rise in summer. As the transport processes were highly
viscous and honey-like and as it results from temporary thawing, this unique facies association has been
termed Sorbet facies by Keller et al. (2011). LF 12.2 and LF 12.3 are present in both glacially
influenced units of the Wajid Group, the Sanamah Formation and the Juwayl Formation. Sediment was
provided in large quantities and transported under high energy conditions. The absence of internal
textures points to deposition from hyperconcentrated flows. In modern glacial environments, these facies
are typical of sandur flats in front of ice sheets or glaciers (Maizels 1997, Russell et al. 2006).
The better sorting and rounding in LF 12.3, which is present in the Sanamah Formation only, may
indicate greater distances to the (subglacial) source area or, more likely, recycling of older sediments.
LF 12.4 is actually an end member of the weakly to strongly bioturbated coarse sandstones of LF 9 and
LF 10 in the Dibsiyah Formation and has a Bioturbation Index of 6 (Taylor & Goldring 1993); hence, the
original bedforms most probably were 2D and 3D dunes.
LF 13: Conglomerate
The following subfacies have been identified:
LF 13.1 contains abundant pebbles and cobbles; sorting is poor. The mainly reddish matrix is
composed of medium to coarse sand (Figure 16c). The conglomerate is mainly monomictic to
oligomictic with rounded to well-rounded clasts of vein-quartz origin.
- In LF 13.1.1, the pebbles are of low sphericity and have a rather long a-axis. In the
Sanamah Formation, big slabs of grey silty sandstones were apparently eroded from the
underlying Dibsiyah Formation. The thickness of the individual conglomerate horizons
varies between 20 cm and 3 m (Figure 16e).
- LF 13.1.2 is fine to medium quartz pebble conglomerate with subordinate coarse sand.
The grains are rounded to well-rounded clasts of high sphericity. In addition, siltstone
clasts and shale intraclasts have been observed. Individual layers are up to 20 cm thick
but stacks of these sediments may accumulate to 200 cm thickness. Sedimentary
structures include angular foresets in planar cross beds and rare sigmoidal foresets.
LF 13.2 is matrix-supported conglomerates. Many of the clasts of LF 13.2 show glacial striations,
the distinct shape of glacially transported clasts, and shatter marks.
- LF 13.2.1: Monomictic matrix-supported conglomerates are dominant in the Sanamah
Formation. They are poorly sorted and have a sandy to silty matrix, in which subangular
to rounded clasts of vein-quartz origin are found. Some of these clasts show shatter marks
and striations. In addition, slabs of the clast-supported conglomerates (LF 13.1) are
present in some horizons.
- LF 13.2.2 ist represented by polymictic matrix-supported conglomerates with a sandy to
silty matrix (Figure 16h); they are found both in the Sanamah Formation and the Juwayl
Formation. These sediments form mostly poorly sorted structureless horizons with beds
up to 6 m thick, in which pebbles and boulders are irregularly distributed within the
matrix. Sometimes however, they are concentrated in nests and pavements. In the
Sanamah Formation, the clast spectrum of LF 13.2.2 is relatively restricted with vein
quartz, feldspar clasts, pebbles and boulders from the underlying strata including the
Dibsiyah Formation, and very few basement clasts. In the Juwayl Formation, magmatic,
metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are represented in the clast spectrum.
- LF 13.2.3 is only observed in the Juwayl Formation consisting of polymictic
conglomerates with a shaly matrix. They are in general present as well bedded horizons,
in which the clasts are irregularly distributed and often show impact structures (Figure

[- 36 -]


Facies associations and depositional environments

Standing alone, several of the lithofacies described above are non-diagnostic for a specific depositional
environment. However, when grouped into lithofacies associations, these associations characterize welldefined depositional environments. Nine lithofacies associations have been recognized in the sediments of
the Wajid Group (LF-A1 through LF-A9). Figure 17 shows the new lithostratigraphic master log for the
Wajid Group with these facies associations and their presence within the different formations. Some of
the associations (LF-A4 through LF-A6 and LF-A9) have recently been documented by Keller et al.
(2011). Table 1 lists the lithofacies associations and the constituting lithofacies (LF) in addition to the
attribution to the formations of the Wajid Group.

LF-A1: Conglomeratic 3D dunes association (Dibsiyah Formation)

This lithofacies association is composed of quartz pebble conglomerates (LF 13.1.2) and a variety of
(pebbly) sandstones deposited with 2D trough cross beds of LF 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3 (Figure 18a). In
addition, siltstone layers (LF 3.2., 3.3) are present in often laterally discontinuous beds (Figure 18c),
because they have been eroded by the currents responsible for the formation of the 2D trough cross beds.
Consequently, the former presence of fine-grained material locally is not documented in the sedimentary
succession itself, but by their fragments in coarser sediments, into which they were incorporated through
erosion and redeposition. The contacts between the beds are often sharp and show reactivation surfaces.
Bed amalgamation is common. Beds and bedsets are of macro and meso scale, only locally micro-scale
beds have been observed. Bioturbation is present throughout this association (Figure 15), mainly
represented by Skolithos sp. and Monocraterion sp.; other unidentified tubes are common (Figure 12).
Cruziana and other trilobite tracks have also been found.
LF-A1 records high energy, marine conditions dominated by the presence of 3D dunes. 3D dunes with
their relatively simple internal structure as described above are the result of strong unidirectional flows
(Ashley 1990). On shelves or epicontinental platforms, storms, geostrophic currents, or strong tidal
currents are the main transport agents. No evidence of storm deposition has been encountered in the
Dibsiyah Formation, so that either geostrophic or strong asymmetrical tidal currents were responsible for
sediment transport. Strong uni-directional flow is corroborated by steeply inclined foresets with angles >
25 (Harms et al. 1982; Fleming 1982). Bidirectional currents regularly produce slipfaces smaller than
20. 2D dunes and 3D dunes are relatively stable phenomena when compared to small-scale bedforms
(ripples). They may be quasi-stationary for months or years (Allen 1980; Allen and Collinson 1979;
Bokunewiecz et al. 1977); hence in the interdune areas, which are protected from the currents, low-energy
depositional pools are present, in which fine-grained material (mud or silt) can be deposited. Scouring in
front of the large-scale bedforms during lateral migration then leads to erosion of the interdune sediment
and its incorporation into the dunes as intraclasts.

[- 37 -]

Figure 17: Composite lithostratigraphic masterlog and succession of lithofacies associations for the Wajid Group,
mainly based on outcrops in the northern study area. Break in the column marks shift to another section (section
name in second column) or interval not observed in the outcrops. The approximate paleogeographic position of each
section is given in Figure 22. Section localities are those of Figure 1.
H = Hima; Q = Qalibah Formation

[- 38 -]

Figure 18: Sedimentary successions of the Wajid Group a Alternation (LF-A2) of sandstones with tangential basal
contact (LF-8.1.2) and purely tabular sandstones (LF-8.2), Dibsiyah Formation, Jabal Nafla b Piperock, Bioturbation
Index 4 to 5, sharply overlain by 2D trough cross-bedded sandstones, Dibsiyah Formation, Jabal Nafla c Remnant of
red siltstones (LF-3.2) within tabular sandstones of LF-8.1.2. Migration of 2D dunes over interdune areas led to
erosion of the siltstones d Set of tabular sandstones (LF-8) erosionally cover piperock with a Bioturbation Index of 5
to 6. e Sedimentary succession of the upper Sanamah Formation (LF-A6) with micro-scale to medium-scale
sandstones and siltstones. Massive beds on top of outcrop are unconformable Khusayyayn Formation, Jibal Al Qahr
f Outcrop of Qalibah Formation (LF-A7) with alternation of fine-grained siliciclastic rocks, roadcut south of Hima g
Qalibah Formation with variegated fine-grained siliciclastics overlain by white calcareous sandstone. Massive
tabular cross beds are base of unconformable Khusayyayn Formation. Roadcut south of Hima. h Detail of g,
calcareous sandstone with a few undetermined shells.

[- 39 -]

LF-A2: 2D 3D dunes complex association (Dibsiyah Formation, Khusayyayn Formation)

Although a rather monotonous succession, it is the most spectacular and most easily recognized
association in the outcrop belt of the Wajid Group because of the giant and thick foresets of the tabular
cross beds so typical of the Khusayyayn Formation (Figure 19b, c). Individual foresets of several
centimetre thickness and 200 cm height have been observed. The association comprises basically
sediments that are arranged in tabular cross beds (LF 8). In addition, sediments with 2D trough cross
bedding (LF 9, LF 10) are present and a few horizons with parallel bedding (LF 7) have been observed.
The bounding surfaces are always sharp and in many cases show signs of erosion and reactivation.
Locally, beds are arranged to show typical patterns of herringbone cross stratification. Sedimentary
structures (Figure 14b, c) include slumping, ball-and-pillow structures, and large scale overturned folds
(Figure 14a). The presence of ball-and-pillow structures is remarkable, given the coarse sandy nature of
the sediment. Apparently, subtle changes in the texture between underlying and overlying bed were
sufficient to permit these processes to take place. In the Dibsiyah Formation, the amount of vertical
burrows in the beds varies considerably; in the Khusayyayn Formation only a few Skolithos burrows have
been observed.
Similar to LF-A1, this association records deposition under high-energy, marine conditions. The
sediments are the product of strong uni-directional currents responsible for the formation of 2D dunes and
3D dunes. However, the co-occurrence of 2D dunes (tabular sandstone bodies) and 3D dunes (trough
cross bedded sandstones) indicates fluctuations in the transport energy in the environment (Ashley 1990)
and an overall decrease when compared to LF-A1. This is corroborated by the drastic decrease in
conglomeratic layers and pebbles in the sediment. Previous authors (Dabbagh & Rogers 1983; Stump &
Van der Eem 1995) attributed the Khusayyayn Formation to a fluvial environment. Although except for
the few Skolithos burrows no unequivocal marine indicators are present, it is likely that all the bedforms
of the Khusayyayn Formation are of marine origin. Individual beds are traceable over hundred meters in
the outcrop and so are bedsets. Giant dunes near Hima are traceable over several hundreds of meters, and
the few lithofacies types described from the formation are observed in all outcrops from Najran to the
north of the study area. No 3D through cross bedded sandstones or conglomerates are present that would
indicate stacking of braided river channels. In addition, no other lithology or architectural element of a
braided river (or a meandering river) system has been identified. Hence, a high-energy, shallow-marine
depositional environment similar to that of the Dibsiyah Formation is most likely for the Khusayyayn

[- 40 -]

Figure 19: Sedimentary successions of the Wajid Group a Qalibah Formation with thick-bedded sandstones and
unconformable Khusayyayn Formation, Hima b Typical outcrop of Khusayyayn Formation with macro-scale to
giant bedforms and rocks of LF-A2. Section approximately 15 m high, Jabal Khusayyayn c Very uniformly dipping
meso-scale tabular cross beds of the Dibsiyah Formation (LF-A2). Beds are part of outer sand sheet complex, Jabal
Dibsiyah d Light-coloured sandstones and siltstones with conglomerate layer (LF-A6) in the Juwayl Formation,
Bani Ruhayyah e The glacial lake succession at Bani Khatmah. Section is approximately 40 m thick and consists of
fine-grained siliciclastics and matrix-supported conglomerates (LF-A9).

[- 41 -]

LF-A3: 2D dunes piperock association (Dibsiyah Formation)

The most characteristic feature of this association are horizons, locally 7 m thick, that are entirely
burrowed by Skolithos sp. and related organisms (Figure 20a). No primary structure is found in these
massive rocks. Some of these very thick horizons show undulating surfaces and given the fact that these
horizons weather out as positive forms, some of them appear as reef-like mound structures. Internally,
tubes of up to 100 cm length (!) have been observed. These totally burrowed horizons are known as
Tigillites. They alternate regularly with thick beds of tabular cross bedded sandstones (Figure 15f,
Figure 12a). The lower and upper contacts of the horizons are always sharp.
In general, the physical conditions of sediment transport and the depositional environment are similar to
LF-A2. In contrast to LF-A2, however, there is no more quartz-pebble conglomerate in the succession
and pebbles are almost absent from the sediment. In comparison to LF-A2, this association is the product
of a more episodic sediment accumulation. Almost all dunes show reactivation or erosional surfaces.
Whereas in many of the well preserved layers, the Bioturbation Index is 0 or locally 1 to 2, the massive
piperock has an index of 7. Together with the length of the tubes (100 cm), this indicates that the
Skolithos animals had sufficient time for colonization and that they were able to retreat to their homes
during accommodation events (Desjardins et al. 2010). This probably also indicates that the individual
burrows are not one-time burrowing structures but a succession of superimposed burrows.
LF-A4: Glacio-fluvial conglomerate association (Sanamah Formation, Juwayl Formation)
In both formations, conglomeratic associations are present, which originated from glacio-fluvial
processes. The association in the Sanamah Formation is dominated by conglomerates and coarse
sandstones. No silt or clay is present at all. In contrast, in the Juwayl Formation fine and medium
sandstones and locally some siltstones are present. Hence this association is subdivided into LF-A4a:
Massive to coarse glacio-fluvial conglomerate association (Sanamah Formation) and LF-A4b: diverse
glacio-fluvial conglomerate association (Juwayl Formation). LF-A4a is dominated by conglomerates
deposited in bedded or massive units. The association is composed of LF 11.1, LF 12.2, LF 13.1, and LF
13.2.1. Sediments of LF 13.2.2 (polymictic matrix-supported conglomerate) are present but rare. Within
this facies association, almost all contacts between beds are erosional (Figure 16g). The depth of the
scours and channels varies from centimetres to several tens of meters. The largest erosional phenomena
are the basal depositional surfaces across which this facies association was distributed. They are
palaeovalleys several hundred meters wide and several tens of meters deep. In LF-A4b, massive and
conglomeratic rocks of LF 10, LF 11.1, LF 12.4, and LF 13.2.2 alternate with finer grained siliciclastic
deposits of LF 7.1 and LF 8.2. In addition, massive siltstones (LF 3.1) are locally present. Massive
sandstone laterally passes into 3D through cross bedded sandstones and the base of the coarse units is
mostly erosional. Channels are several meters wide and a rarely more than one meter deep.
In the Sanamah Formation, based on the presence of clasts of undoubted glacial origin and the succession
of facies this association was interpreted to be a proglacial outwash fan in front of the glacier with its
sediment provided by strong subglacial melt water streams (Keller et al. 2011; facies S1). These streams
deposited their load within the channels that had previously been carved.
A similar scenario can be developed for the Juwayl Formation. There, however, the presence of finer
grained sandstones and some siltstones indicate that the melt water streams were not as strongly laterally
confined as in the Sanamah Formation. Instead, between individual glacier outlets, sandur flats, braided
river remnants, and probably small lakes were present that added to the more diverse lithologies
preserved. These differences between Ordovician and Permian deposits may simply be due to different
ice dynamics and the distance to the glacier front with the Permian deposits recording a more ice distal

[- 42 -]

Figure 20: Massive sandstones and conglomerates of the Wajid Group a Massive Tigillites or piperock of the
Dibsiyah Formation (LF-12.4). The entire primary structure is destroyed by bioturbation, individual pipes are more
than one meter long, Jabal Nafla b Massive sandstone of the Juwayl Formation (Sorbet Facies, LF-12.1). The
outcrop is approximately 25 m high, Jabal Overheat c Basal conglomerate of the Sanamah Formation overlying
Dibsiyah piperock. The conglomerate (LF-13.1) is poorly sorted and mainly consists of quartz pebbles d Massive to
3D cross bedded conglomerates, poorly sorted (LF-12.1 to LF-11). The quartz pebbles show glacial striations and
shatter marks, Sanamah Formation, Jabal Dibsiyah e Almost pure quartz pebble conglomerate with clasts of low
sphericity and long a-axis (LF-13.1.1), Sanamah Formation, Jabal Sanamah f Sanamah conglomerate (LF-13-1) with
large siltstone slabs eroded from the underlying Dibsiyah Formation, Section g Matrix-supported conglomerate with
large basement boulder (LF-13.2.2) interpreted as dropstone. The varves and the dropstone have been deformed by a
later glacier advance, Jabal , Juwayl Formation h Matrix-supported conglomerate of siltstone and shale with
abundant pebbles of basement origin (LF-13.2.3). The pebbles are interpreted as rainout from icebergs, the finegrained sediments are glacial-lake sediments, Juwayl Formation, Bani Khatmah.

[- 43 -]

LF-A5: Massive to 3D cross-bedded sandstone association (Sanamah Formation, Juwayl Formation)

This facies association is composed of massive sandstones of LF 12 together with pebbly, 3D trough
cross bedded sandstones of LF 11.1. In the Juwayl Formation, these facies interfinger with well bedded
sandstones and siltstones (LF 4). These sediment packages are organized in irregular channel-like features
cutting deeply into the underlying rocks. Locally, faint slab-like, strongly concave internal cross bedding
is visible. The most prominent feature of this association is its arrangement in large clinoforms up to 50 m
high, which can be traced over several hundreds of meters (see Keller et al. 2011).
Sediment was provided in large quantities and transported by high-energy subglacial melt waters (Keller
et al. 2011, facies S2). The absence in many beds of internal bedding features points to hyperconcentrated
mass-flow deposition. These facies are typical of sandur flats in proglacial settings downstream of
proximal fluvial conglomerates of LF-A5 (Maizels 1997; Russell et al. 2006). As the sediments in the
Juwayl Formation are in general slightly finer, they represent a more distal glacio-fluvial setting than
those of the Sanamah Formation. Large-scale deformation structures observed in these sediments are
typical of glacial shearing of not yet fully lithified sediment (Figure 14g, h; Figure 20g). Locally in the
Sanamah Formation, this facies association is organized in large scale clinoforms, several meters thick
and hundreds of meters wide. They are typical of Gilbert-type deltas that may have developed within the
water-filled channels or in ice-dammed lakes in front of the glaciers.
LF-A6: Siltstones to fine-grained sandstone association (Sanamah Formation, Juwayl Formation)
This association is rapidly alternating succession of shales (LF 1), shale-siltstone alternations, (LF 2)
siltstones (LF 3.1, LF 3.2), siltstones to fine sandstones (LF 4) and occasionally some sandstones of LF 5
(Figure 18e). The rocks are arranged in centimetre to a few decimetre thick depositional units.
Characteristically, many of the siltstones and sandstones show truncated folds, dome-like and large-scale
ball-and-pillow structures. The successions are brown to grey and individual stacks may be several meters
to few tens of meters thick.
Deposition occurred partly from falling out of suspension but dominantly through bedload transport.
Some massive siltstones and sandstones were deposited from mass flows. In this facies association, the
entire suite of lithologies originated in an ice distal setting (Keller et al. 2011). The increase in finegrained material towards the top of the succession indicates increasing distance to the retreating glaciers.
Sediments of this facies association record rapid sediment accumulation with dewatering giving rise to
slumping, ball-and-pillow structures and associated phenomena.
LF-A7: Calcareous fine-grained siliciclastics association (Qalibah Formation)
In the southern outcrop area, several outcrops have been visited, in which a thin succession of finegrained calcareous siliciclastic sediments is present (Figure 18g, h). As this succession is rarely more than
6 m thick and as the individual beds are rarely present in beds more than a few centimetres thick, the
sediments themselves have not been described as separate lithofacies units. The succession consists of
reddish calcareous siltstones with shell fragments (braquiopods?) and locally intensive bioturbation
(Figure 18h), of green shales, and calcareous white sandstones. Intercalated are white crinkly calcareous
layers which resemble microbial mats.
The facies association records a restricted marine environment, probably slightly hypersaline, as indicated
by a monospecific fauna, microbial mats, and some structures that can be attributed to haloturbation, e.g.
the disturbance of sediment by the growth of salt crystals. As the Qusaiba Member is stratigraphically
related to the Lower Silurian post-glacial flooding successions of northern Arabia and northern Africa,
these sediments described here most probably reflect the early marine onlap of fine-grained sediment onto
the exposed glacial topography of southern Arabia. Basinward, these restricted marine sediments grade
into still finer grained and organic-rich deposits as known from the subsurface.

[- 44 -]

LF-A8: Shale-siltstone association (Juwayl Formation)

This association is composed of thick packages of relatively pure clay shales in alternation with massive
(LF 3.1) and laminated (LF 3.2) siltstones. Micro-scale bedforms dominate (Figure 19e, f). Locally, white
fine-grained sandstones with low-angle tabular cross beds are present (LF 8.1.1) in micro-scale to mesoscale units.
The sediments record basically low-energy conditions. Whereas the shales were deposited in stagnant
water, the siltstones record both mass flow deposition (LF 3.1) and current activity in the lower flow
regime. The massive siltstones likely are distal turbidites. The white sandstones are difficult to interpret.
Evans et al. (1991) and Melvin & Sprague (2006) interpreted similar deposits in central Saudi Arabia as
aeolian deposits; they may similarly reflect shallow-marine deposits, in which tidal activity accounts for
the sorting and rounding of the sediment. This facies association represents a succession deposited during
a relative rise in water level. This could have been a rise in the level of the glacial lake that existed in
much of southern Arabia, or it was sea-level rise during advanced deglaciation. No unequivocal evidence
is present to support either possibility. Vestiges of glacial processes are no longer visible in this
succession, which terminates the Wajid Sandstone Group in the Bani Ruhayyah section, and which is
erosionally overlain by the Khuff carbonate rocks.
LF-A9: Diamictic siltstone and shale association (Juwayl Formation)
Fine-grained sediments (LF 1, LF 2, and LF 3.1) are the fundamental building block of this association.
In addition, and most important for the environmental interpretation, is the presence of LF 13.2.3
(polymictic conglomerates in a clay or silt matrix). This succession is tens of meters thick and
characterized by beige and yellow, partly reddish colours (Figure 19d, e). The entire succession shows
large-scale soft-sediment deformation structures (folding, thrusting, dragging, water escape; Figure 14g,
The presence of LF 2, representing varve deposits, together with the polymictic conglomerates of LF
13.2.3, indicate that this facies association was deposited in a vast glacial lake, existing during the Late
Palaeozoic Gondwana glaciation. This conclusion was drawn by Pollastro (2003), Osterloff et al. (2004)
and Bussert & Schrank (2007) for adjacent areas of southern Saudi Arabia and Oman into Ethiopia and
recently also confirmed for the Wajid Group by Keller et al. (2011). In this context, the fine grained
material was provided by subglacial melt waters draining into the lake, where fractionation created
buoyant plumes of suspended sediment. Settling out of suspension is then reflected in the mm thick
laminae of light and dark particles usually attributed to seasonal variations of supply in sediment and
organic matter. Boulder pavements or pebble carpets and outsized boulders record the presence of
icebergs. Drift of icebergs across the lake is reflected in deformation structures caused by impact of the
keels onto the lake bottom.


Sediment logs and depositional models

Figures 6 to 16 show logged sections, outcrop photographs and 2D architectural models from the field
work of this thesis. In the following, these results are presented and interpreted in the frame of
depositional models, geodynamic evolution of the Arabian Plate, and sea-level fluctuation.
5.4.1. Dibsiyah Formation
The depositional model for the Dibsiyah Formation is based on the assumption that during the Cambrian,
an epicontinental sea bordered the Arabian Shield (Figure 2). In many places of northern Arabia and
adjacent Africa, the Precambrian Cambrian unconformity is marked by deeply weathered crystalline
rocks with a prominent palaeosoil on top of it (Avigad et al. 2005). This soil marks the top of a vast
peneplain developed immediately after the fading away of the Pan-African orogeny. Above this soil,
arkosic sandstones of fluvial origin are rapidly transgressed by shallow marine sands (Avigad et al. 2005;
Kolodner et al. 2006). These sands were delivered by a braided river system draining the Arabian-Nubian

[- 45 -]

Shield consistently in a northward direction. In southern Saudi Arabia, fully marine strata of the lower
Dibsiyah Formation are separated from the basement by a thin zone of weathering and arkosic
conglomeratic sandstones. No fluvial deposits have been encountered (GTZ/DCo 2009). This zone is here
regarded as a transgressive lag deposits at the base of the Cambrian-Ordovician marine succession.
Hence, nearshore deposits and their transition into hypothetical braid planes at the lower end of the
braided river system should have been located farther south and west.
The coarse material delivered through the braided river braid plane system makes up much of the
lowermost part of the Dibsiyah succession (LF-A1; Figure 21). The sedimentary structures with 3D dunes
and abundant conglomeratic layers testify to very high energy conditions. The Cambrian and Early
Ordovician are a time of overall sea-level rise (Ross & Ross 1988, 1995; Miller et al. 2005). With the
gradual sea-level rise and the concomitant migration of the shoreline, the sediments were deposited in
slightly deeper and less energetic environments as manifested in the transition to increasing 2D dune
structures and the reduction in conglomeratic layers and pebbles (LF-A2). This overall trend continues
into LF-A3, the upper part of the Dibsiyah Formation. This unit is regarded as an almost starved
succession with episodic sediment accumulation and redistribution and a prospering fauna that took
advantage of these conditions.
The three lithofacies associations of the Dibsiyah Formation together (Figure 17, Figure 21) represent
parts a vast sand sheet complex (Stride et al 1982). Nearest to the shore, large compound dunes form the
core of the complex; in the Dibsiyah Formation this core is represented by LF-A1 and LF-A2. Farther
offshore, smaller dunes follow, in the Dibsiyah Formation LF-A2 and LF A3. The zone of small ripples
with increasing fine-grained material still farther offshore is not preserved in the Wajid Group. The
evolution from a supply-dominated regime in the lower Dibsiyah Formation towards an accommodationdominated regime in its upper part is roughly reflected in the ichnofabrics. Many of the overall
observations in the Dibsiyah Formation have been recently described in detail from the Lower Cambrian
Gog Group in the southern Rocky Mountains by Desjardins et al. (2010). Their model and interpretations
will be followed here.
In the lower part of the Dibsiyah Formation, relatively short and narrow burrows (< 10 mm and 5 mm,
respectively), widely spaced are present in the foresets and the upper surfaces of 2D and 3D dunes. The
Bioturbation Index varies between 1 and 2. Desjardins et al. (2010) interpreted this Ichnofabrics 1 to
represent short-lived colonization events between sedimentation events. Ichnofabrics 2 is characterized
by the co-occurrence of abundant Skolithos and Diplocraterion in beds with a Bioturbation Index of 3 to
4. Diplocraterion is very scarce in the Dibsiyah Formation; however, the overall characteristics of this
ichnofacies are observed. It occurs in micro- to meso-scale bedforms in different lithofacies. Successions
of colonization, erosion, and re-colonization are evident in the sediments and probably indicate a decrease
in sediment supply and concomitantly an augmentation of the colonization windows.
Ichnofabrics 3 is characterized by the co-occurrence of Skolithos and Planolites, a frequent association in
the Dibsiyah sandstones in micro- and meso-scale deposits. The burrows of Skolithos are more robust
than in the other ichnofacies (200 mm long and 20 mm wide) and have similar dimensions as Planolites.
The burrowers are present in moderately to intensively bioturbated horizons (index 3 to 5). The
coexistence of deep-tier suspension feeders (Skolithos) and shallow-tier sediment feeders (Planolites)
indicates alternating episodes of current dominated times and slack-water times. The latter were used by
Planolites to spread across the sands without being immediately buried beneath an overriding dune. In the
Dibsiyah Formation, several points have been observed, where well-preserved Planolites inhabit the
upper part of a sandstone bed, which in turn is overlain by siltstone (Figure 15b, c). Ichnofabrics 4 is a
monospecific occurrence of Skolithos in beds with a Bioturbation Index of 6 and 7. These horizons, often
structureless through homogenization by the burrowing activities, are up to 7 m thick and laterally
continuous for more than 1 km. The burrows are rarely wider than 20 mm, but their length may exceed
100 cm (!). They cross cut internal surfaces. As described above, the mound-like surface of some of these
horizons corresponds to surfaces of macro-scale dunes. Desjardins et al. (2010) concluded that such
deposits with their ichnofabrics indicate inactive sediment surfaces during colonization and the capability
of the organisms to retreat deep into the sediment in times of strong currents.

[- 46 -]

The evolution and succession of ichnofabrics in the Dibsiyah Formation is yet another indicator of a
marine environment that developed from nearshore supply dominated to a farther offshore,
accommodation dominated setting. Hence, the ichnofabrics evolution closely follows the sedimentary

Figure 21: Lithostratigraphic logs of the Dibsiyah Formation and the basal overlying strata of the Sanamah
Formation. Scale in meters. Section localities are those of Figure 1. Note the overall fining-upward from LF-A1 to
LF-A3 and the concomitant increase in bioturbation and piperock.

[- 47 -]

5.4.2. Sanamah Formation

The Sanamah Formation unconformably rests on the Dibsiyah Formation. In the Wajid outcrop area, the
basal unconformity was carved during initial glacier advance during the Hirnantian glaciation.
Consequently, the thickest packages are preserved in sub-glacial tunnel valleys (Figure 22a), whereas
from the intervening areas there is little information on the time-equivalent sediments (Keller et al. 2011).
The basal unit (LF-A4a; Figure 23) represents the proximal proglacial conglomeratic channel fill of the
initial glacier advance. The entire succession of LF-A4a with its numerous erosional surfaces testifies to
small-scale, probably seasonal changes of sediment supply, deposition and erosion. This is characteristic
of a polythermal regime (Keller et al 2011; Chapter 6). Two subsequent glacier advances are recorded in
the sediments (Keller et al 2011, Chapter 6). Above the basal package is a succession of massive
sandstones (LF-A5; Figure 23), which were deposited across an erosional surface with abundant
striations. The overlying sediment is typical of sandur flats in front of glaciers or ice sheets. The 3 rd
glacial advance was only short-lived and failed to carve a major surface. Instead, following the basal
coarser grained sediments, the remainder of the succession (LF-A6; Figure 23) is characteristic of large
sediment supply and accommodation big enough to accommodate the sediment. The fining up of the
sediments and the increasing distance of the environment to the sediment source probably reflects the last
pulses of the waning ice sheet.

Figure 22: Spatial architecture of the Wajid Group and approximate paleogeographic position of the lithologs used
for the construction of the masterlog of Figure 19. a = Dibsiyah through Khusayyayn Formations b = Khusayyan
through Khuff Formations. Legend as in Figure 21. Section localities are those of Figure 1.

[- 48 -]

Figure 23: Lithostratigraphic logs of the Sanamah Formation. The basal correlation surface is the Dibsiyah
Sanamah unconformity, the upper correlation is hung on the pre-Khusayyayn unconformity. Section modified from
Filomena (2007). Scale in meters. Legend as in Figure 21. Section localities are those of Figure 1.

[- 49 -]

5.4.3. Qalibah Formation

The outcrops present of the Qalibah Formation (Figure 18f-h) do not permit a detailed discussion of the
facies architecture or palaeogeographic relationships. In general, however, if the sediments attributed to
the Qusaiba Member indeed represent this unit, they should be part of the widespread transgressive
deposits traceable over much of Arabia and North Africa (Lning et al. 2000, 2005), where they are a
primary source rock for hydrocarbon accumulations.
5.4.4. Khusayyayn Formation
The Khusayyayn Formation is bounded below by a major unconformity. In the northern study area, this
unconformity is cut into the Sanamah Formation (Figure 22a, b). In the Jibal Al Qahr, Khusayyayn strata
rest on rocks of LF-A6 of the upper Sanamah Formation; at Jabal Zaffot (Figure 22a, b), the unconformity
cuts down into rocks of LF-A5. Near Hima, a thin package of the Qalibah Formation is preserved beneath
the Khusayyayn (Figure 18g), but in the vicinity, the onlap of the Khusayyayn Formation onto crystalline
basement can be observed. Everywhere, meso-scale or macro-scale bedforms of 2D dunes are found near
the base (LF-A2). The succession above the unconformity is characterized by large-scale to giant beds
and bedsets (Figure 19a). Although no continuous succession is present, the reconstruction of the
approximate palaeogeographic positions of the sections measured permit a vertical reconstruction of
facies shifts. At Jabal Khusayyayn (Figure 24), a package of macro-scale and giant bedforms successively
passes into meso-scale and a few micro-scale bedforms. Overlying is a succession with well-developed
herringbone cross stratification in meso-scale beds. This succession within LF-A2 records a relative fall
of sea-level from subtidal into intertidal environments, where the loss of accommodation leads to thinner
beds and bedforms and where opposing tidal currents of similar intensity produce the well-known
herringbone structures. Sections representing a stratigraphic higher interval with the contact to the Juwayl
Formation (Jabal Abood; Figure 24) record the return to deeper conditions and the development of mesoscale and macro-scale bedforms.
The Khusayyayn Formation is interpreted to have originated on an epicontinental platform under supplydominated conditions. The tremendous amount of medium and coarse sand distributed over much of the
outcrop belt, but also recorded from the subsurface (GTZ/DCo 2009), formed a vast sand sheet complex.
This complex required a well-developed distribution system, probably in the form of braided rivers
braid plane systems. No traces of this system are preserved in the Khusayyayn Formation, but it must
have been active to the west and south of the Wajid outcrop belt. The outcrops near Abha and Khamis
Mushayit have been partly attributed to the Khusayyayn Formation by Babalola (1999) and Hussain et al.
(2004), which from their lithology and sedimentology seems very reasonable. Farther east towards
Najran, Dabbagh & Rogers (1983) describe similar deposits without giving them a stratigraphic
assignation. These deposits of the southern part of the Wajid Sandstone clearly belong to the
Khusayyayn Formation. All authors presented detailed cross bed measurements which uniformly indicate
an overall southern provenance of the deposits. Although this cannot conclusively proofed here, there
seem to be more vestiges of 3D dunes in the south than farther north supporting the model of a southern
provenance of the sediments This observation was also made by Dabbagh & Rogers (1983), although
their stratigraphic assignments are not conclusive. The core of the sand sheet, dominated by 3D
structures, was in the south, and the outer parts with dominance of 2D structures are present farther north.
Evans et al. (1991) proposed a fluvial to aeolian depositional environment for the Khusayyayn Formation.
This is most unlikely given the very uniform distribution of mega- scale and giant cross beds, the grain
size and sorting, which would be very atypical for an aeolian system, and the absence of any other kind of
structure characteristic of a (braided) river system. Especially the absence of 3D trough cross beds and
fluvial channel stacks is hardly compatible with a fluvial interpretation.

[- 50 -]

Figure 24: Lithostratigraphic correlation of the Khusayyayn Formation. A and B mark two possible correlations
of the Jabal Abood section to the type sections (see discussion the text). Sections Jabal Eqab and Jabal Duhaim have
been added to show the problems of correlations in the very uniform succession without marker beds. Scale in
meters. Legend as in Figure 21. Section localities are those of Figure 1.

[- 51 -]

5.4.5. Juwayl Formation

The Juwayl Formation unconformably rests on the Khusayyayn Formation (Figure 22b). In the northern
study area, the corresponding relief is that of two major glacially cut channels, whereas in the south, the
geometry is not well defined due to the lack of appropriate outcrops (Figure 1).
In the northern area, the basal deposits within the channels belong to LF-A5 (massive to 3D cross bedded
sandstones; Figure 22b) and mostly represent the Sorbet facies (Figure 20b). Locally, they form
packages of more than 30 m thickness. Near the base of this unit and locally covering the flanks of the
valleys, are varve deposits (LF-2) either as huge blocks in the Sorbet facies or as strongly deformed
relictic beds above undeformed Khusayyayn strata. Apparently, a glacial lake was present in this area that
either covered the post-Khusayyayn erosional surface or that existed in the channels. In this case, the
channels must be older than the initial (varve) sediments which were later reworked by newly advancing
glaciers and which dragged the varve deposits into the channels.
The sedimentary succession at Jabal Blehan (Figure 25) shows that sediments of the channel fill
succession (LF-A5) up section grade into LF-A6 with siltstones and fine-grained sandstones (unit J3 of
Keller et al 2011). The sedimentary evolution in this overall periglacial setting starts with deposits of a
glacial lake that was driven back during glacier advance and that evolved into a vast fluvio-glacial plain
on which sandstones were deposited. Maximum glacial advance probably coincides with the transition
from LF-A5 to LF-A6 (Figure 22b, Figure 25). The latter represents a more ice-distal succession as a
consequence of the retreat of the glacier or the ice sheet. A somewhat different succession is present at
Jabal Saeb (Figure 25), where glacio-fluvial conglomerates are present (LF-A4b), which are overlain by
shales and siltstones (LF-A8; Figure 22b). Similar to Jabal Blehan, the lower unit represents deposits of a
glacier advance, whereas the overlying fine-grained siliciclastic rocks mirror a glacial retreat.
Mainly fine-grained siliciclastic sediments have been preserved in the Bani Khatmah area (Figure 13e,
Figure 19c) in the vicinity of Najran. From these deposits, a glacial lake can be reconstructed and together
with the observations by Pollastro (2003) and Kruck & Thiele (1983) permit the reconstruction of a vast
glacial lake over much of southern Arabia. Similar deposits are known from Ethiopia (Bussert and
Schrank 2007) and from other areas of adjacent Gondwana fragments (Torsvik and Cocks 2011).Whether
these individual lake deposits each represent an independent depositional basin (Torsvik & Cocks 2011)
or whether they were interconnected to form a single giant glacial lake (Pollastro 2003; Keller et al 2011)
remains open for discussion.
If the individual outcrop areas of the Wajid Sandstone are considered, it seems that in the north
depositional environments are preserved that were closer to the ice or glacier margin of the Gondwana
glaciation. Sediments of LF-A4b or LF-A5 are absent in the south, where mainly distal glacio-fluvial and
lake sediments are preserved. A lithologic correlation between the areas has not yet succeeded. However,
the transition from glacier advance (cold phase) to glacier retreat (warm phase) postulated in the northern
sections might be reflected in the southern sections near Bani Khatmah: There, the lower part of the
succession shows dominantly bedded sandstones and siltstones with few dropstones and little or absent
deformation. Above a marked surface with a well-developed boulder pavement, dropstones increase
suddenly and this part of the succession was affected by grounding icebergs (Keller et al. 2011).
If this interpretation is correct, then the upper part of the northern sections and their southern correlatives
together reflect one retreat of the Gondwana ice shield and the expansion of the glacial lake at the
expense of more ice-proximal environments. Whether this episode documents the final demise of the ice
shield during the Permian or not remains speculation because of the pre-Khuff unconformity, which
ultimately terminates with the Wajid Sandstone sedimentation ( Figure 4, Figure 25).

[- 52 -]

Figure 25: Lithostratigraphic logs of the Juwayl Formation. Scale in meters. Legend as in Figure 21. Section
localities are those of Figure 1.

[- 53 -]


A new standard log for the Wajid Sandstone Group

As one of the outcomes of this thesis, a refined stratigraphic log (Figure 17) for the Wajid Group is
presented. This log is composed of individual sections that all are described in this thesis and that are
combined into one major log. As the lithostratigraphy of the Wajid Group does not follow the classical
layer cake stratigraphic models (tunnel valleys in the glacial deposits, Hercynian tectonism), the
method of combining sections from known palaeogeographic positions (Figure 22) leads to a more
realistic approach to distribution and thicknesses of the individual formations and of the entire Wajid
Group and to its stratigraphic architecture.
The new master log (Figure 17) starts with the sediments of the Dibsiyah Formation (Figure 21), in which
3 lithofacies associations have been recognized (LFA1 LF-A3). The standard section for this part of the
Wajid Group at Jabal Nafla (Figure 21) is approximately 150 m. The basal succession is characterized by
2D trough cross-bedded conglomeratic sandstones and sandstones (LF-A1). The presence of Skolithos sp.
and Cruziana in several localities indicates that all these sediments were deposited under marine
conditions. Hence, this succession has been interpreted as a high-energy, near shore marine environment
with tidal channels. This part of the section varies between 25 m and 50 m thickness in the different
outcrops (Figure 21). Up section (Figure 17), LF-A2 with its increasing amount of bioturbation of the
Skolithos type indicates that the environment became even more favourable for early marine life. The
decrease of conglomerates and pebbles in the succession testifies to a relative sea-level rise and increasing
distances to the braided river braid plane supply system. Thicknesses between 40 m and 50 m have been
measured for this part of the succession. The third unit is an alternation of tabular cross-bedded
sandstones and massive Tigillites. It was deposited under starved conditions in accommodation
controlled regime. The overall trend to more starved conditions in an environment still farther offshore
continues. This unit has a minimum thickness of 90 m as measured at Jabal Dibsiyah, but it might have
been considerably more.
Above the glacially induced unconformity at the base of the Sanamah Formation, LF-A4 represents the
basal sediments of the valley fills (Figure 22a, b). The reference section was chosen at Jabal Sanamah,
where the most complete succession of Sanamah sediments is preserved. Massive to cross-bedded
conglomerates represent outwash plain sediments deposited in front of the glaciers. Individual pulses of
melt water flow are recorded as thick graded layers as observed in the Jabal Atheer section (Figure 23).
This part of the section, where observed, is approximately 25 m thick (Figure 23). It is erosionally
overlain by massive to cross bedded sandstones of LF-A5. Erosional features are common within this
package, in which the massive units are the product of hyperconcentrated flows and the sandstones that of
high-energy subglacial melt waters that transported enormous amounts of sediment. The arrangement in
large-scale clinoforms points to the existence of standing water bodies, either as sediment-locked lakes in
the valleys or larger scale lakes in front of the ice shield. At Jabal Atheer, 70 m of this facies association
are preserved beneath the Khusayyayn unconformity (Figure 23). Yet another unconformity separates this
succession from the overlying rocks of LF-A6. The siltstones and sandstones represent ice-distal
environments with still high sediment input. The overall succession has a transgressive pattern to it,
interpreted to reflect the waning and retreat of the Ordovician ice shield in northern Gondwana. From
Jabal Sanamah, a minimum thickness of approximately 130 m has been taken for the master log Figure
The contact to the overlying Qalibah Formation is not exposed in the outcrop belt. From the subsurface
(GTZ/DCo 2009; Schnrok 2011), it is known that the contact is a major transgressive surface that is
represented in northern Saudi Arabia and northern Africa (Lning et al. 2000) and that documents the
post-glacial sea-level rise in this part of northern Gondwana. In the outcrop belt, only some 6 m to 10 m
are preserved and shown in the master log (Figure 17). No section has been measured here, but the
outcrops at Hima are chosen for the Wajid master log (LF-A7). There, the Qalibah Formation onlaps the
basement and in turn is overlain unconformably by the Khusayyayn Formation with mega-scale to giant

[- 54 -]

In the master log, most of the Khusayyayn Formation is represented by the type section, where some 55
m of a sand sheet periphery complex crop out (LF-A2; Figure 24), which is attributed to the lower part of
the succession. This section is composed of dominantly macro-scale bedforms in the lower part that are
overlain by meso-scale forms. In the middle of the section, tidal structures are evident in the succession.
The higher part of the succession shows the return to subtidal conditions with dominantly meso-scale
bedforms and an overall decrease in grain size to medium and fine sands. The transition into the Juwayl
Formation is exposed at Jabal Abood (Figure 24). There, meso-scale and macro-scale bedforms with
abundant slumping are exposed. In one horizon, dewatering and concomitant deformation led to
overturned folds several meters thick. This succession is unconformably overlain by massive
sandstones (Sorbet facies, LF 12; LF-A5) of the Juwayl Formation. In Figure 24, two possible
correlations of this section to the type section at Jabal Khusayyayn are shown. If alternative A is correct
then the entire thickness of the Wajid Group is some 20 m less than given in the master log.
At Jabal Umm Lsan (Figure 25), the type section of the Sorbet facies, approximately 50 m of these
facies are exposed and show all details described above. Unfortunately, neither the lower nor the upper
contact is exposed. A minimum thickness of 50 m has been incorporated into the master log, which
continues with the strata exposed at Jabal Blehan (Figure 25), where Sorbet facies (LF-A5) pass into LFA6 with siltstones and fine sandstones. Internal soft sediment deformation is frequently observed in this
succession. According to Keller et al. (2011), this succession mirrors the first recognizable glacier
advance glacier retreat episode in the Juwayl Formation. A similar succession, although represented
through LF-A4b and LF-A8 (Figure 22b), is present at Jabal Saeb (Figure 25) and there unconformably
overlain by the carbonates of the Khuff Formation. Within the conglomerates of LF-A4b, granitic
boulders and other basement components are present indicating a source area on the Arabian Shield to the
west. The overlying fine-grained siliciclastic deposits (unit J3 of Keller et al. 2011) reflect the rise of the
lake level and its expansion towards the north. The succession of events between the deposition of these
beds and the overlying Khuff Formation remains speculative.



The predominant number of the 20 collected samples of clayey to silty sediments contains degraded
organic material that is usually poorly preserved. It can only be distinguished between opaque and
translucent plant debris. Complete and well preserved palynomorphos are absent in all 20 samples. Only
in five samples (Wuh-1 9, Wuh-5 varves, WKh-T 5, Ma'aleq, Fard C) fragments and bodies are
preserved, which can be assigned to palynomorphs. They are possibly acritarchs, prasinophytes, spores
and especially bisaccate pollen of gymnosperms (Figure 26). The latter have been found in samples,
which originate from the Juwayl-Formation. Bisaccate pollen occur from the Upper Carboniferous and
are later in the Mesozoic the dominant pollen in continental sediments. A more detailed and reliable
stratigraphic determination is due to the lack of well-preserved palynomorphs currently not possible. Also
the prasinophyte, a green alga, in sample WKh-T 5 is poorly preserved, so that no exact species can be
attributed to this taxon. Prasinophytes occur throughout the entire Phanerozoic in marine sediments. The
samples show at least that palynomorphs were primary preserved in the sediments. Therefore, the poor
quality of palynomorphs can be explained by the fact that all samples were collected in outcrops.
Consequently, these rocks were exposed to the extreme climatic conditions in Saudi Arabia. This leads to
an extensive weathering and oxidation of palynomorphs, so that only plant debris like opaque and
translucent phytoclasts, which have the highest preservation potential, are detectable in these outcrop
samples. However, it is auspicious to carry out palynological investigations of fresh rocks from boreholes
that contain material of the same age. These could provide useful stratigraphically relevant palynomorphs,
because well-preserved palynomorphs of the Palaeozoic are well known for this geographical area.

[- 55 -]

Figure 26: a, b, c: Flimsy and decomposed organic bodies, possible acritarch (sample Wuh-1 9, Juwayl Formation).
d: Needle-shaped translucent phytoclast (plant debris, sample WKh-T 5, Khusayyayn Formation). e: Decomposed
fragment of a bissacate gymnosperm pollen (sample Fard C, Juwayl Formation).



5.7.1. Biostratigraphical evidences for the age of the Wajid formations

The age of the Wajid Group and its constituents are still only loosely confined and the effort of this study
on palynological analysis of 20 samples from various outcrops could not improve the situation because no
indicative biostratigraphic information could be derived. Hardly any biostratigraphically indicative fossil
has been found also by other authors, except for some trilobite tracks, a few fish remains, and a few
palynomorphs (Evans et al., 1991; McClure 1980; Besems and Schuurmann 1987). Hence, the overall
stratigraphic framework is based on the lithologic comparisons with better dated successions in the
northern Kingdom and the tracking of subsurface seismic surfaces into the outcrops (Evans et al., 1991).
No biostratigraphic data are available from the Dibsiyah Formation despite its diverse ichnofauna. On a
global scale, mass occurrences of Skolithos piperock or Tigillites as they are known in northern Africa
and Arabia (Crimes 1981) are a Cambrian and Ordovician phenomenon (Droser 1991). They are
especially important around Laurentia in Cambrian strata preceding the birth of the Great American
Carbonate Bank (Dejardins et al. 2011; Fedo & Cooper 2001; Droser 1991; see also Table 1 in Desjardins

[- 56 -]

et al. 2011). Tigillites are known from Cambrian and Ordovician siliciclastic shelves around Gondwana
(Mngano & Buatois 2004; Mngano et al. 1996; Seilacher et al. 2002; Klitzsch 1981; Destombes et al.
1985; Gibert et al. 2011). However, nowhere they are characteristic of a certain stratigraphic interval but
of environmental conditions indicating shallow-marine, nearshore siliciclastic seas with high energy
conditions and hence the absence of silt and mud (Seilacher 1967; Droser & Bottjer1989; Droser 1991).
Hence, as the Dibsiyah Formation underlies sediments that are confidently correlated to the Hirnantian
glaciation and as it contains Cruziana and other trace fossils it must be of late Early Cambrian or
Ordovician, pre-Hirnantian age. At present, no more precise age attribution is possible.
The Sanamah Formation did not yield biostratigraphically indicative fossils. However, its lithology and
sedimentology together with its inventory of glacially induced features (see Keller et al. 2011) leave little
doubt that these deposits are equivalents of the Hirnantian glacial sediments of North Africa (Ghienne
2003; Ghienne & Deynoux 1998; Ghienne et al. 2003 ; Le Heron et al. 2004, 2005, 2009, 2010) and
Eritrea and Ethiopia (Bussert & Schrank 2007; Kumpulainen 2009). The overlying Khusayyayn
Formation yielded some fish remains (Evans et al. 1991), which tentatively have been assigned a lower
Middle Devonian age. Evans et al. (1991) also cite Middle Devonian microfloras from a well east of
Hima. In general, they assigned an Early Devonian through Mississippian age to the Khusayyayn
Formation. The only biostratigraphically rather well dated unit is the Juwayl Formation, from which
microflora data are available (McClure 1980; Besems and Schuurmann 1987).They constrain the
depositional age of the Juwayl Formation to the Early Permian (Sakmarian; see also Stephenson &
Filatoff 2000a, b). According to these authors, the stratigraphic gap between the Juwayl Formation
beneath and the Khuff Formation above may comprise as much as the interval from the Artinskian/early
Kazanian through much of the Tatarian ( Figure 4).
5.7.2. Estimation of the time involved in deposition of the Wajid Group
In Figure 4, the assignments of the Wajid Sandstone to the standard international stratigraphic
subdivision are shown. From the discussion above, it is evident that most of the assignments must be
incorrect or need major refinements. Just two examples: How likely is it that the Dibsiyah Formation with
its 180 m represents most of the Cambrian and Ordovician? How likely is it that the Khusayyayn
Formation with its 150 m represents most of the Devonian and the Mississippian? In basin analysis,
sedimentation rates provide a valuable tool for the estimation of time included in a specific succession
(Ager 1973; Sadler 1981; Dott 1983; Miall 1997, 2010, in press; Einsele 2000). Sadler (1981) and Miall
(in press) documented that calculated sedimentation rates are inversely correlated to the time frame for
which the rate was calculated. Although the local instantaneous sedimentation rate may be extraordinarily
high, with increasing time the chance increases that this package is affected by compaction, erosion,
reworking etc. and that eventually the entire package is removed from the stratigraphic record. This also
means that Agers observation that the stratigraphic record is more gap than record becomes
increasingly important if sedimentary successions of basin scale are considered.
Sedimentation rates vary over 11 orders of magnitude, from the deposition of a single lamina of quartz
grains to entire packages of sedimentary basin fills (Miall 1997). If calculated at the appropriate scale,
sedimentation rates indeed reflect sedimentary processes acting over the corresponding time scale. From
these sedimentation-rates time-frame relationships, Miall (in press) developed a hierarchical scheme
called Sedimentation Rate Scale (SRS) with 11 SRS units. These units show the relations between time
scale, instantaneous sedimentation rates, sedimentary processes, preservational boundary conditions, and
cyclicity. The SRS are based on measured sections whose depositional time frame is well known. A shelf
margin succession for example, of 25 m to 160 m thickness deposited over 25.000 years, gives
sedimentation rates of 1 m/ka to 6,4 m/ka (Suter et al. 1987). By implication, if a sedimentary succession
is present with a well-defined depositional framework, a plausible recurrence interval, and a known
thickness, it should be legitimate to calculate the time involved in deposition of this specific succession.
The Dibsiyah Formation is a sand sheet complex much like the present day North Sea (Stride et al. 1982)
or other shelf areas bordering North America (Suter et al. 1987; Suter 2006). This depositional system
with its variety of submarine dunes corresponds to SRS 8 and SRS 9 of Miall (in press). Recurrence times
vary between 104 and 106 years and sedimentation rates between 100 and 10-2 m/ka. If for the sake of

[- 57 -]

simplification a thickness of 200 m is assumed for the Dibsiyah Formation, the depositional time frame
for the Dibsiyah Formation would be:
Sedimentation rate 100 m/ka depositional time 0.2 Ma
Sedimentation rate 10-1 m/ka depositional time 2 Ma
Sedimentation rate 10-2 m/ka depositional time 20 Ma
Examples from recent sediments have shown (Suter et al. 1987; Suter 2006) that values between 10 0 m/ka
and 10-1 m/ka are widespread in modern environments. Hence, a depositional time between 0.2 Ma and 2
Ma for the Dibsiyah Formation is a reasonable assumption. Even if one considers that there might be an
order of magnitude difference due to differences in the subsidence rates of modern shelves and the
ancient epicontinental platform rooted on the Arabian-Nubian Shield, the time span during which the
Dibsiyah Formation was certainly not greater than 20 Ma. Given that the occurrence of trilobites occurred
some 20 Ma after the onset of the Early Cambrian, the Dibsiyah Formation could occupy any 20 Ma (or
less) interval between the uppermost Early Cambrian and the Katian. It could for example represent the
Cambrian Series 2 and 3 interval or similarly the late Darriwilian through Katian interval. However, as
the Dibsiyah Formation is a siliciclastic deepening-upward succession of an epicontinental basin, the
deepening upward and the concomitant increase in accommodation must be directly related to coastal
onlap. Coastal onlap curves for the Cambrian and Ordovician (Vail et al. 1977; Ross and Ross, 1988;
Miller et al. 2005, Haq & Schutter 2008) consistently show an increase of coastal onlap from the base of
the Cambrian into the Early Ordovician, then a sharp decrease (regression) and a renewed increase in
onlap into the Caradocian/Katian. It is speculated here that the Dibsiyah Formation might correspond to
the most important onlap event around the Furongian Tremadocian (Late Cambrian earliest
Ordovician). Hence, the Dibsiyah Formation would represent a highstand system above maximum
flooding surface O10 or O20 of Sharland et al. (2001).
Similarly, the Khusayyayn Formation, which reflects a similar depositional environment as the Dibsiyah
Formation, must have been deposited between 1.5 Ma and 15 Ma if the measured thickness of 150 m is
taken as a basis and sedimentation rates are on the order of 10-1 m/ka to 10-2 m/ka. If the biostratigraphic
data given by Evans et al. (1991) are correct and the (base of the) Khusayyayn Formation belongs to the
basal Middle Devonian, the Khusayyayn Formation should comprise the Eifelian, Givetian, and parts of
the Frasnian, if sedimentation rates are assumed at 10-2 m/ka. Hence, the Khusayyayn Formation and the
Juwayl Formation should be separated by a major stratigraphic break of 50 Ma to 60 Ma. If these
calculations come only near to the truth, the existing stratigraphic distribution charts for the Wajid Group
have to be modified considerably. The proposal is shown in the right column of Figure 4.
5.7.3. Geotectonic setting of the Wajid Basin
Sharland et al. (2001) subdivided the Phanerozoic geotectonic history of the Arabian Plate (AP) into 11
tectono-stratigraphic megasequences (AP 1 to 11). The stratigraphic sequences are genetic stratigraphic
sequences in the sense of Galloway (1989), in which maximum flooding surfaces or maximum coastal
onlap define the upper limits of genetic stratigraphic sequences. During the Cambrian, south-western
Saudi Arabia occupied a position well within the cratonic interior of Gondwana (Figure 2). Although one
cannot attribute the Dibsiyah Formation definitely to a certain time interval of the Cambrian or
Ordovician, one can attribute it to AP 2 of the Sharland et al. (2001) scheme. Whereas AP 1 still
comprises Neoproterozoic sediments, which are genetically related to the latest stages of the Pan-African
orogeny and the assembly of Gondwana, AP 2 is the first post-tectonic sequence and is of Cambrian and
Ordovician age. The upper bounding surface is the glacially induced erosional unconformity at the base
of the Hirnantian deposits. Hence the Dibsiyah Formation constitutes part of AP 2 of Sharland et al.
(2001), whereas the glacial deposits of the Sanamah Formation form the base of AP 3 in south-western
As the top of AP 3is located close to the base of the Famennian, the Khusayyayn Formation also belongs
to this AP 3. According to Sharland et al. (2001), AP 3 still reflects intracratonic conditions, which is also
clearly shown in the Wajid Sandstone. The Sanamah Formation is a terrestrial succession, in which
sediment accumulation was dominantly controlled by the depth of erosion at the base of the glaciers. As
the Upper Ordovician ice shield covered much of northern Africa and Arabia and probably extended into
Turkey (Monod et al. 2003), the ultimate control of accommodation lay with a base level under regional,

[- 58 -]

intracratonic control, probably a lake level, yet another indicator of an epicontinental depositional
environment. As the Khusayyayn Formation is very similar in depositional environment to the Dibsiyah
Formation, and as sedimentation rates are similar, and as the onlap of the Khusayyayn Formation onto the
basement is observed in the study area, the epicratonal system must have persisted into the Middle
Devonian. Similar to the Dibsiyah Formation, the Khusayyayn Formation must have been deposited
during a time of major coastal onlap but a plate-wide correlative maximum flooding interval has not yet
been identified (Sharland et al. 2001).
AP 4 (Famennian through mid-Stephanian), is characterized by changes in the tectonic regime along
the margins of Gondwana and its rotation. This AP is attributed to the Hercynian tectonic cycle (Sharland
et al. 2001). Although uplift and tectonic inversion have been interpreted to be responsible for erosion and
non-deposition of Devonian and Carboniferous sediments and for the formation of some anticlinal
structures, nothing of these processes is seen in southern Saudi Arabia. Although apparently no sediment
of this AP is preserved in the Wajid Group, it can be concluded that the area remained in a tectonically
quiet state, because there is no folding or faulting documented in the older strata; there is nowhere
sediment preserved that would testify to increased or abnormal sedimentation rates; and there is no
angular unconformity between the sediments of AP 3 (Khusayyayn Formation) and AP 5 (Juwayl
Formation).The latter belongs to the basal part of AP 5, which comprises the deposits of the Late
Palaeozoic Gondwana glaciation. Similar to the Sanamah Formation, the ultimate control on erosional
depth of the glaciers and preserved sediment thickness was the regional base level of the glacial lake that
covered southern Arabia at that time. Abundant basement clasts in the Juwayl sediments (Keller et al.
2011) testify to the proximity of an area, in which the glacier or the ice sheet directly eroded the
Precambrian basement through stripping off the thin remaining sedimentary cover of Cambrian,
Hirnantian, and Devonian sediments of the Wajid Group.
The entire scenario of marine sediment packages with abundant indications of short-term sedimentary
breaks due to sediment starvation, terrestrial glacial deposits whose thickness was controlled by glacial
lake base level and major stratigraphic gaps between the units of several 10s of millions of years,
indicates that the Wajid Sandstone was deposited in an epicratonic setting not affected by the tectonic
processes at the distant margins of Gondwana.
5.7.4. Provenance of the Wajid Sandstone Group
The source area and lithology of the Wajid Sandstone is still under debate, although recently the opinion
seemed to settle for a major source area somewhere in present-day Yemen. Plots of normalized Al2O3,
Fe2O3 and Al2O3/(Al2O3+Fe2O3) vs. Fe2O3/TiO2 imply Yemen highlands as a likely source for the Lower
Wajid units. They were derived from a tectonically stable, passive margin setting, as bivariate plots of
K2O/Na2O and SiO2 show, and deposited in a braided river system (Babalola, 1999). This is supported not
only by geochemical analysis, but also by paleocurrent observations and heavy mineral assemblages. A
stable cratonic setting is supported by the maturity of the sediments (> 90% quartz). A secondary, minor
source area may lie somewhere on the Arabian Shield, as indicated by variations in the paleocurrent data
(Babalola, 1999). This is in contrast to the younger clastic sequences in the area, which mainly originate
from a western source area on the Shield.
Hussain et al. (2004) further supported this hypothesis by identifying the Neoproterozoic Afif, Abas, AlBayda, Al-Mahfid and Al-Mukalla terranes as well as older, recycled sediments from the infra-Cambrian
as sources for the Dibsiyah and Khusayyayn Formations. The high ZTR (zircon, tourmaline, rutile) index
of heavy minerals from the Wajid Sandstone and its maturity indicate intermediate/acidic igneous rocks
and/or recycled sediments as source(s). A source further south than Yemen is unlikely due to the lack of
Neoproterozoic rocks in Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia (Hussain et al., 2004). Similar conclusions are
drawn by Wanas & Abdel-Maguid (2006) in their study, utilizing petrographic as well as major and trace
mineral analysis. They identify metamorphic and plutonic rocks from a cratonic interior, passive margin
setting as a source for the Wajid sediments. The southeastern margin of the Arabian Shield is suggested
as a probable source area. Wanas & Abdel-Maguid (2006) further correlate the Wajid Sandstone with
equivalents in North Africa and other parts of Arabia, indicating their deposition on a stable continental
shelf formed by a low-lying landmass on the margin of the Arabian-Nubian shield.

[- 59 -]

Several shifts in heavy mineral-derived provenance signals occur within the Wajid succession, namely
within the Upper Dibsiayh Formation, between the Upper Dibsiyah and Sanamah Formations and at the
base of the Khusayyayn Formation. The heavy mineral assemblage from the Khusayyayn Formation
mainly persists in the Juwayl Formation, although a greater variability points towards a contribution from
several sources. Changes in the stratigraphic provenance signals mainly correlate with Formation
boundaries, with the exception of the Dibsiyah Formation. The change in the heavy mineral suite within
the Upper Dibsiyah Formation could not be linked to a discontinuity. All these shifts in provenance
signals are not attributed to shifts of the source region(s), but rather to shifts in exposed source rocks in
the same area(s), possibly caused by progressive denudation, changes in uplift patterns and/or drainage
systems (Knox et al., 2007).
Petrography and geochemistry of samples from the sections in this thesis analysed by Heberer (2012)
confirmed former results on sand provenance of the Wajid Group. According to the QFL discrimination
diagram of sandstone provenance according to Dickinson et al. (1984), the sandstone samples plot in the
field of cratonic interior. Generally, the Khussayyayn Formation has a higher feldspar content compared
to the other formations and tends to the field of basement uplift. Major chemical components vary little
among the formations. The Khusayyayn formation shows a higher K 2O content consistent with the higher
proportion of feldspars. Other deviations can be assigned to diagenetic control, i.e. CaO and Fe2O3. The
latter is enriched in the Sanamah Formation which reflects more widespread iron cementation in this
formation.Compared to the average composition of the upper Crust, SiO2 is enriched and other
components are mostly depleted. Depletion is weaker for the Dibsiyah and Sanamah Formations and
higher for the Khussayyayn and Juwayl Formations which may be interpreted as increased weathering in
the source regions and/or increased diagenetic overprint. Applications of various discrimination diagrams,
in particular those of Roser & Korsch (1985) and Bhatia (1983), yield a passive margin setting for most
samples. Some samples of the Dibsyiah Formation also plot in the field of active continental margin
which may be interpreted as a result of erosion of pan-Africanic orogenic basement rocks. A passive
margin setting is also confirmed by trace elements, e.g. the discrimination diagram La-Th-Sc and Th-ScZr/10 after Bhatia & Crook (1986).

[- 60 -]

6. Glacial depositional environments


Glacial deposits in the Wajid Group

The Wajid Sandstone Group bears an exceptional good record of both Paleozoic glacial episodes
affecting Gondwana. Recently, the sedimentary environments of the Hirnantian glaciation have been
studied in detail in northern Africa e.g. by Ghienne & Deynoux (1998), Ghienne et al. (2003), Le Heron
et al. (2004, 2005). A similar modern sedimentological study of Paleozoic glacial and proglacial
environments was missing for Saudi Arabia and reports on glacigenic deposits in the Wajid Group are
scarce and not well contrained so far (see chapter 3.1). The Hirnantian glaciation is represented by the
Sanamah Formation and the Permocarboniferous glaciation by the Lower Juwayl Formation. Therefore, a
specific aim of this study was to systematically explore the heterogeneous glacial and proglacial deposits,
develop a genetic depositional model and compare the findings with other regions at the northern rim of
Gondwana. Most parts of this chapter have been published in Keller et al. (2011), however, the
classification of lithofacies types and facies associations in this paper refers to the Sanamah and Juwayl
Formations only. In the following the lithofacies classification has been modified and adopted to the
overall classification of the Wajid Sandstone Group as presented in chapter 5.2. Keller et al. (2011)
subdivided both formations in three units and described them as facies associations. This subdivision is
kept in the following and the corresponding facies associations according to chapter 5.3 are mentioned in


Facies associations, glaciogenic processes and

depositional model

Several of the lithofacies described above per se are non-diagnostic for a certain environment. However,
when grouped into lithofacies associations, these associations characterize well-defined depositional
environments. In the Sanamah Formation, three units (S1 - S3; Figure 27a, b) have been identified, and
three also in the Juwayl Formation (J1 - J3; Figure 27c, d). Concomitantly, in the Sanamah Formation,
these units also represent facies associations and depositional sequences, separated by major surfaces.
Figure 27 shows cross sections and longitudinal sections through the channels in SW Saudi Arabia for
both glacial episodes. Figure 30 shows glaciological scenarios to explain the observed sedimentary facies,
depositional architecture, and glacial phenomena for both the Sanamah and Juwayl Formations. Figure 34
shows schematic depositional models for all six facies associations inspired by LeHeron et al. (2010).
Massive to cross-bedded conglomerate facies association (Unit S1)
This unit corresponds to facies association LF-A4 and consists of clast-supported conglomerates (LF
13.1), matrix-supported conglomerates (LF 13.2), and coarse, conglomeratic sandstones (LF 10). It is
interpreted as a subaqueous outwash fan, its sediments deposited by sediment-laden, high-energy
subglacial meltwater jets. Strong turbulence in the flowing water together with discontinuous sediment
supply is responsible for repeated erosional events and the frequent changes between water-lain sediments
and gravitationally-induced mass transport by hyperconcentrated flows. No silt or clay is present in the
sediments, pointing to a complete fractionation of the sediment load into underflow and overflow in the
water column, where fine particles become buoyant and are transported further down current (Le Heron et
al. 2004). High-pressure meltwater flow also prevented any deposition of pure till deposits. Only few
pockets of weakly-sorted, clast-supported conglomerates are preserved locally on the channel floor.
This facies association is typical of outburst floods or jkulhlaups and has been described from modern
environments in detail by Maizels (1991, 1993, 1997). Deposition from hyperpycnical flows is
responsible for the generation of lobes composed of graded beds such as observed at Jabel Atheer as the
basal channel fill. This unit characterizes the lower part of the channel fill (Figure 28). Meltwater flows
and hyperconcentrated flows modified the original glacial topography and created an erosional
topography superimposed onto the pre-existing morphology. The lobes gently dip down valley towards
the southeast. Geometries and thicknesses of the ice-proximal outwash fans indicate ample
accommodation of several 10s of metres and probably up to 80 m must be assumed.

[- 61 -]

Figure 27: Schematic model of the sedimentary architecture of the fill of tunnel valleys and onlapping glacial to
postglacial successions for the Late Ordovician (a, b) and the Permo-Carboniferous (c, d) glaciations in SW Saudi
Arabia (Wajid Sandstone). S1-S3 and J1-J3 correspond to the units described in the text. a and c are cross sections
through the valleys, b and d are sections parallel to the axis of the valleys (modified from Le Heron et al. 2004).

[- 62 -]

Figure 28: a: Erosional unconformity of a palaeovalley incised into the shallow-marine Dibsiyah Formation and
filled with glacial to proglacial deposits of the Sanamah Formation. b: Sedimentary architecture of an Upper
Ordovician palaeovalley fill showing low-angle prograding sediments of the basal conglomeratic unit S1. They are
overlain by steeply downlapping clinoforms of the sandy unit S2. Clinoforms dip towards the south. c: Low-angle
cross-bedded lobes of conglomeratic unit S1 with erosional base (Sanamah Formation). d: Low-angle cross-bedded
medium- to coarse-grained sandstones with nests of pebbles in unit S2 (Sanamah Formation).

[- 63 -]

Massive to cross-bedded sandstone facies association (Unit S2)

This unit corresponds to facies association LF-A5 and is dominated by medium to coarse sand, often
pebbly. The facies association is composed of massive, medium- to coarse -grained lithofacies (LF 11), of
cross-bedded medium- to coarse-grained facies (LF 9), and of massive coarse sandstones (LF 12).
Sediment was provided in large quantities and transported by high-energy subglacial melt waters. The
absence in many beds of internal bedding features points to hyperconcentrated mass-flow deposition.
These facies are typical of sandur flats in proglacial settings in front of glaciers or ice sheets (Maizels
1997; Russell et al. 2006). Locally, this facies association is organized in large clinoforms up to 50 m
high (Figure 28). They are typical of Gilbert-type deltas that may have developed within the water-filled
channels or in ice-dammed lakes in front of the glaciers.
Units S1 and S2 are separated by a surface marked by striations and a kettle hole shown in Figure 29.
Although still present, the content of granules and gravels diminishes considerably across this boundary.
Apparently, this surface marks the transition from aggradation towards retrogradation and consequently
from a stationary or advancing glacier system to retreat. At the base of unit S3, a prominent, irregular
erosional discontinuity is developed, which cuts down approximately 20 m into unit S2 (Figure 27a).
Fluted surfaces and striations constrain a second glacier advance which conserved most of the valleys fill
and spread out over the glaciofluvial plain, whose sediments were deposited during the former glacier
retreat. Flutes and striations point to a polythermal regime; that is, parts of the sediments must have been

Figure 29: Sketch of a kettle hole in S2 at Jabal Maaleeq. According to its geometry, it corresponds to a crater or
rimmed kettle hole in the sense of Maizels (1997).

Siltstones to fine-grained sandstone facies association (Unit S3)

This unit corresponds to facies association LF-A6. The general decrease of grain size, the preservation of
silt, absence of mass-flow deposits despite some local slumps, and few and less pronounced internal
erosional surfaces indicate less turbulent flow conditions and a decrease of transport energy when
compared to unit S2. This succession is interpreted as a proglacial product of a subaerial, ice-distal,
glacio-fluvial plain. Following Le Heron et al. (2005), who found similar features in the Murzuq Basin in
SW Libya, the soft-sediment deformation features are interpreted as the result of glacial soft-sediment
deformation of unfrozen, waterlogged sediments, most presumably by a glacial surge over the glaciofluvial plain during a late stage of deglaciation. This soft-sediment deformation indicates yet another
glacier advance over unfrozen sediments after deposition of unit S3. The corresponding disconformity is
non-erosive and flat. Therefore it is concluded that this glacial advance represents a short-term glacial
surge during deglaciation (Figure 30a). This might have been caused by rising temperatures establishing
warm-based conditions and reducing ice viscosity, as well as by postglacial sea-level rise and buoyant
uplift of the ice shield. The Qusaibah Shale overlying the unconformity is interpreted to represent the
major marine transgression following the Ordovician glaciation (Sharland et al., 2004).

[- 64 -]

Diamictic siltstone and shale facies association (Unit J1)

This unit corresponds to facies association LF-A9 and shows matrix-supported conglomerates (LF 13.2)
alternating rapidly with siltstones and shales (LF 2, LF3). The shales are interpreted as subaqueous varve
deposits in an ice-distal lake setting (Figure 31b). Most probably, they are the product of buoyant plumes
of suspended matter fractioned from subglacial, high-pressure meltwaters draining into the lakes. Some
icebergs reached these lakes and delivered dropstones. The diamictites, best exposed at Bani Khatmah
(Figure 1) far from the other outcrops, are interpreted as ice-proximal equivalents to the varve facies.
Outsized conglomeratic clasts and their arrangement as pebble carpets and nests can be only explained by
debris rafting through icebergs (Figure 32c, d). This interpretation is supported by localized soft-sediment
deformation structures, which are most probably formed by scratching of iceberg keels over soft
sediment. Extensive pebble carpets and associated erosional surfaces (Figure 32b) might be also produced
by short-term advances of an oscillating ice margin. Altogether a glacio-lacustrine environment is
assigned to this facies association. This interpretation is corroborated by observations by Pollastro (2003)
and Osterloff et al. (2004). Apparently, a vast glacial lake covered much of south-eastern Saudi Arabia
and adjacent Oman. As lake sediments are also found in Ethiopia (Bussert & Schrank 2007) this lake
probably extended across much vaster areas.
Coarse-grained sandstone facies association (Unit J2)
This unit corresponds to facies association LF-A5 with few intercalations of LF-A4. It is composed of
coarse-grained lithofacies (LF 11 and LF 12) in combination with finer-grained sediments (LF 9 and LF
4). The massive to slab-like, weakly cross-bedded sandstones show identical grain-size spectra to the
cross-bedded sandstone facies, and together with intraclasts and close interfingering there is no doubt that
this facies is produced by localized, synsedimentary liquefaction of the surrounding cross-bedded
sandstones. The facies represents the product of repeated hyperconcentrated flows (Figure 33a, c).
Preservation of floating blocks of coarse sandstones, oversteepened to vertical channel walls, and weak
internal lobe structures point to smooth, highly viscous, honey-like (Sorbet!) mass flow within the
sedimentary succession. Consequently, it is called Sorbet facies in this thesis. Similar facies
associations have been reported from modern proglacial settings in Iceland (Maizels 1993, 1997), where
massive sandstones with only faint internal structures are typical of outburst floods on sandur planes. The
difference to modern environments, however, is the dimension of the features observed in the Juwayl
Formation. This may have to do with ice-shield dynamics vs. local glacier dynamics on Iceland.
The channelized, cross-bedded sandstones are interpreted as having been deposited in a large glaciofluvial plain in front of the ice margin. The meltwater streams were directed towards the pre-existing
large-scale channels with their high accommodation and rapid sediment accumulation. Features like
vertical channel walls, floating blocks of unlithified coarse sand, undisturbed overlying sediments, and
the lens-shape geometry of the massive sand bodies can be only explained by a polythermal regime in this
glacio-fluvial plain. It is argued here, that these bodies originate from temporal liquefaction of frozen
glacio-fluvial deposits during short pulses of deglaciation or seasonal temperature rises during summer.
The highly viscous sands behaved like sorbet, hence the name Sorbet facies. LF 9 and LF 4 represent a
more ice-distal glacio-fluvial setting. The large-scale deformation structures are interpreted as having
been caused by glacial shearing of soft sediments, most presumably during a glacial surge in the late stage
of deglaciation. The intimate association of LF 11 and LF 12 with LF 9 and LF 4 indicates oscillation of
the ice margin and consequently the migration of depositional environments.
Unit J2 is interpreted to represent a rapid progradation of glacio-fluvial to deltaic sediments. This was
presumably caused by increased sediment supply as seen in modern environments (Maizels 1993, 1997)
and/or base level fall due to water-level drop of the pre-existing glacial lake, which is assumed to have
covered large areas of the southwestern Arabian Platform during this time (Kruck & Thiele 1983;
Pollastro 2003; Bussert & Schrank 2007). A forced lake-level fall during peak glacial conditions implies
reduced meltwater discharge and subaerial exposure of former subaqueous delta and lake deposits.

[- 65 -]

Well-bedded shale to sandstone facies association (Unit J3)

This unit corresponds to facies association LF-A6 and LF-A8. This unit represents a transgressive
succession, most probably due to sea-level rise during advanced deglaciation. In northern Saudi Arabia,
similar coarse-grained, large-scale cross-bedded sandstones have been interpreted as eolian (Unayzah A,
Evans et al. 1997; Melvin & Sprague 2006); however, based on the relative poor sorting and the coarse
sand, and taking into account their stratigraphic position in a transgressive sequence, an interpretation of
tidally influenced channels in a shallow-marine setting is preferred. Such channels are repeatedly
observed towards the top of the succession; however, they become increasingly smaller and less frequent.
Evidence for glacial processes is no longer visible in this succession, which terminates the Wajid
Sandstone Group, and which is erosionally overlain by the Khuff carbonate rocks. During deposition of
unit J3, the glacio-fluvial plain became more distal to the ice front. This finer-grained unit shows intense
soft-sediment deformation similar to that observed in the Sanamah Formation but less thick. Therefore, a
similar scenario of a short-term glacier surge running over the glacio-fluvial plain during deglaciation is
suggested (Figure 30b). Above the basal, almost planar disconformity, the deposition of transgressive
marine beds started under tidal control and much reduced sediment supply. Similar to the Qusaibah Shale
above the Ordovician sediments, this can be related to a eustatic, postglacial sea-level rise. Later on, in
late Permian time, the first platform-wide marine transgression took place depositing the Khuff
carbonates. This fundamental change of depositional style on the Arabian Platform was controlled by
tectonic subsidence (Sharland et al. 2001).

[- 66 -]

Figure 30: Glacical model for the Late Ordovician (A) and Permo-Carboniferous (B) glaciation based on
sedimentary facies and glacigenic signatures in the outcrop area of the Wajid sandstone in SW Saudi Arabia. The
black arrow indicates the position of the studied outcrops. Note that more glacial cycles may have been active,
which are not preserved in the sedimentary record. See text for further explanation.

[- 67 -]

Figure 31: a: Downbending of clayey varve beds of unit J1 at the rim of a Permo-Carboniferous tunnel valley. b:
Silicified shales interpreted as varves (unit J1). c: Slumped varve deposits with intercalated sandstone bed (unit J1).
d: Angular granitic block deposited as dropstone in varve deposits (unit J1). According to its geometry, this block is
of supraglacial origin. e: Striated metavolcanic dropstone clast deposited in a silty matrix (diamictite, unit J1).
According to its geometry, this rock is of subglacial origin.

[- 68 -]

Figure 32: a: Diamictite with silty laminated beds and impacted by dropstones in unit J1 of Juwayl Formation. b:
Tabular, cross-bedded siltstone overlain by a gravel carpet. Weak erosional base points to ice scratching, probably
by an oscillating ice margin. Unit J1 of Juwayl Formation. c: Local thrust fold within diamictite most probably
caused by scratching of an iceberg keel. Unit J1 of Juwayl Formation. d: Local thrust fold within diamictite most
probably caused by scratching of an iceberg keel. Unit J1 of Juwayl Formation.

[- 69 -]

Figure 33: a: Liquefaction of cross-bedded, channelized sandstones forms viscous grain flows resulting in lobe-like
structures (Sorbet facies). Unit J2 of Juwayl Formation.
b: Large scale, multistory Sorbet facies (arrows with S show base of successive levels of Sorbet facies at
Jabal Um Lsan). c: Erosional base of Sorbet facies. d: Floating intraformational block of cross-bedded sandstones.

[- 70 -]

Figure 34: Schematic depositional models for all six facies associations inspired by LeHeron et al. (2010). Sanamah
Formation (Upper Ordovician) (a) Massive to cross-bedded conglomerate facies association (Unit S1). (b) Massive
to cross-bedded sandstone facies association (Unit S2). (c) Siltstone to medium-grained sandstone facies association
(Unit S3). Juwayl Formation (Permo-Carboniferous). (d) Diamictic siltstone and shale facies association (Unit J1).
(e) Coarse-grained sandstone facies association (Unit J2). (f) Well-bedded shale to sandstone facies association
(Unit J3).

[- 71 -]


Analysis and evaluation of selected structures as

evidence of ancient glaciations

Although typical till deposits are missing in southwest Saudi Arabia, much evidence of a glacial to
proglacial setting of the deposits can be found. This includes specific lithofacies types described above,
which can only be explained if sediments had been temporarily frozen (such as LF11, LF12). In addition,
sand-gravel mixtures and massive to weakly cross-bedded sands without clay and silt could be explained
by unsteady, strongly sediment-laden currents since they typically occur by meltwater outbursts in
proglacial settings (LF13.1, LF13.2, LF10). Here some specific glaciogenic features in the Wajid Group
of southwest Saudi Arabia are described in the following sections.
6.3.1. Striations
In both the Sanamah and Juwayl formations, striations have been observed on disconformable surfaces
and bedding planes. In a single section (Jabal Maaleeq, Sanamah Formation), five horizons have been
observed in which the striae run parallel to those on the underlying and overlying horizons (Figure 35e).
In the vicinity of Jabal Atheer, such a horizon was also observed in the uppermost part of the non-glacial
Dibsiyah Formation just beneath the unconformity with the Sanamah Formation. Other striations were
observed near Bani Ruhayah in the upper part of the Juwayl Formation (Figure 35c). Most of the striae
are well preserved because they are diagenetically cemented by iron oxides.
Striations in the Sanamah Formation show a very consistent direction between 110 and 130; in the
Juwayl Formation, directions between 130 and 150 have been measured. In both formations, striations
are more or less parallel to the axis of the channels in which the sediments were deposited. Locally in the
Sanamah Fommation, two sets of highly divergent striations have been observed (Figure 35a).
Striations are characteristic of a glacial environment; some facts, however, indicate that these striations
cannot have been created through direct glacier contact. In most known examples of true glacial
striations, these striations are preserved in hard rocks at the base of the glacial succession. Magmatic and
metamorphic rocks are suitable for the preservation of striae, but also quartz arenites and occasionally
carbonate rocks. Secondly, in some horizons cross-cutting relationships have been observed between two
generations of striations. This may be due to deviation of the ice movement by local obstructions, by
changing movement direction of a single glaciers during its thinning and retreat or, if found extensively,
formed by two glaciers advancing from different directions (Flint 1957; Benn & Evans 1998). There is no
sufficient information on the distribution of divergent stations in the Sanamah Formation to confidently
establish a specific cause except perhaps some local obstruction associated with the development of
adjacent soft-sediment deformation. All striations observed in the Sanamah and Juwayl formations were
most likely formed on unconsolidated sediments. Soft-sediment striated surfaces have been observed in
other African Palaeozoic units where they have been also interpreted as glacially induced (Deynoux &
Ghienne 2004; Le Heron et al. 2005). Le Heron et al. (2005) interpret these features as formed by
shearing along bedding planes of over-pressured sand packages, most probably by ice load.

[- 72 -]

Figure 35: a: Iron-cemented multi-directional striations at the erosional unconformity between units 2 and 3 within
the Sanamah Formation. b: Fluted surface slightly above the erosional unconformity between units 2 and 3 within
the Sanamah Formation. c: Unidirectional striations at the top of unit J3 of the Juwayl formation. d: Flutes with
oblique overprint of striations at the erosional unconformity between units S2 and S3 within the Sanamah
Formation. e: Iron-cemented unidirectional striations at the erosional unconformity between units S2 and S3 within
the Sanamah Formation.

[- 73 -]

6.3.2. Fluted surfaces

Within the Sanamah Formation there is an unconformity (S2/S3) along which well-developed iron crusts
are preserved. This iron-cemented unconformity can be taken as a marker horizon and can be traced over
large areas. On this surface, flute structures similar to those described by Le Heron et al. (2005) have
locally been observed (Figure 35b). Direction of the flutes coincides with those of the striations and show
directions between 110 and 130.
6.3.3. Dropstones and boulder pavements
Many sediments of the Juwayl Formation were deposited in a vast lake (Pollastro 2003). Within these
fine-grained sediments, exotic clasts of pebble to boulder size are present. Magmatic rocks (granite),
metamorphic rocks (especially metagreywackes) and sedimentary rocks of older Wajid Group units have
been identified (McClure et al. 1988). Frequently, the clasts show faceting and striations, in particular the
fine-grained pebbles of metagreywacke (Figure 31e). They also deform the laminas of sediments they rest
on (Figure 32a). These clasts can be reasonably interpreted as ice-rafted dropstones. At Bani Khatmah, a
succession of fine siltstones to sandstones containing dropstones is abruptly overlain by a clast-supported
conglomerate whose clasts show striations (Figure 32b). The accumulation of these boulders most likely
represents remnants of a conglomeratic pavement associated with the oscillation of an ice front.
6.3.4. Local post-depositional sedimentary deformation
At Bani Khatmah and at Jabal Overheat, the lacustrine sedimentary succession of the Juwayl Formation
show large-scale, post-depositional deformation structures consisting of folds and thrust faults (Figure
32c, d). Some of the horizons are almost entirely deformed. These structures may be partly associated
with pressure exerted by icebergs drifting across stagnant water and occasionally touching down on the
sediment surface.
6.3.5. Origin and possible significance of the large valleys
Both the Sanamah Formation and the Juwayl Formation were partly deposited in broad valleys up to
several kilometres wide and more than 100 m deep. In northern Saudi Arabia, similar Ordovician
structures on seismic lines are up to 600 m deep (McGillivray & Husseini 1992). Seismic mapping of
these valleys in northern Saudi Arabia show a radial orientation and longitudinal shape with low sinuosity
(Sharland et al. 2001). These features are therefore preferentially interpreted as tunnel valleys. However,
other models also exist which have been reviewed by Sharland et al. (2001) for northern Saudi Arabia and
Le Heron et al. (2004) for northern Africa. They consider a subglacial origin as well as pure fluvial
incision and fluvial incision coupled with ice isostasy. A tectonic origin as proposed by Stump & Van der
Eem (1995, 1996) is rather unlikely, given the tectonic quiescence at that time and the dimensions of
uplift, erosion and subsidence required within a rather limited time interval. A radial pattern of valleys
would also be unlikely.
The lithofacies associations with vestiges of repeated outburst floods indicate that these valleys might
have originated as tunnel valleys (Piotrowski 1994; Ghienne & Deynoux 1998; Le Heron et al. 2009).
This interpretation implies subglacial erosion by meltwater during the ice maximum and shortly
thereafter, when the hydraulic transmissivity of ice sheet stratum was insufficient to drain all basal
meltwater and meltwater excess was evacuated via open channels at very high discharge rates and flow
velocities (Piotrowski 1997). These sudden repeated outbursts caused efficient subglacial meltwater
erosion close to the margin of the ice shield and may have prevented till deposition in the valleys as has
been described from Pleistocene examples. The depth of the Palaoeozoic valleys in the study area of up to
100 m is surprisingly close to those reported from Pleistocene examples of northern Germany (Piotrowski
1997). One distinct property of subglacial tunnel valleys is the irregularity of their gradient. It could not
be decided whether this is true for the valleys in the study area, because valley floors were not exposed
along longitudinal profiles and geophysical surveys have not yet been carried out.
6.3.6. Large-scale soft-sediment deformation by glacier push
Glaciogenic large-scale soft-sediment deformation structures are well known from Quaternary ice sheets,
but have rarely been recognized in Palaeozoic deposits. Le Heron et al. (2005) showed that structures

[- 74 -]

such as large thrust-and-fold systems, giant ball-and-pillow structures and dome-like structures are
widespread in front of the Upper Ordovician ice sheet in Libya and that they have important glaciological
and stratigraphic significance. These structures were produced by glacier push and by load-induced
diapirism. Similar features are present at the top of the Sanamah Formation and within the upper part of
the Juwayl Formation, where these phenomena attain dimensions of up to 30 m. They are not restricted to
the presumed tunnel valleys, and thus are valuable marker beds. The deformation is most probably caused
by a short-term glacial surge during deglaciation and potentially of chronostratigraphic value (Le Heron
et al. 2005).
6.3.7. Palaeozoic glaciological models for SW Saudi Arabia
Based on observed facies associations, architecture and glaciogenic sedimentological features as
described before, a conceptual model for the two Palaeozoic glacial episodes in SW Saudi Arabia is
presented (Figure 33a, b). Three and two-glacial advances for the Ordovician and Permo-Carboniferous
are proposed, respectively, which include additional high-frequency fluctuations as deduced from the
sedimentary deposits. The sedimentary record starts at or shortly after the ice maximum when
subglacially eroded tunnel valleys began to be filled up. Here, a polythermal regime for this time is
suggested. In the Ordovician, a second advance led to erosion and created widespread striations in
underlying beds (discontinuitiy S2/S3). In both the Ordovician and Permo-Carboniferous cases, the upper
part of the glaciogenic successions show distinct horizons of widespread soft-sediment deformation
followed by post-glacial flooding. The observed features of soft-sediment deformation could be explained
by glacial shearing under mostly warm-based conditions. However, clear till deposits are absent. Here a
short-term surge scenario for these late re-advances is proposed, probably initiated by the buoyancy of the
ice sheet due to meltwater ponding in downwarped marginal areas and/or a postglacial sea-level rise.
Reduced ice viscosity due to temperature rise may also have played a role. In both cases, the glaciogenic
succession is covered by pronounced marine transgressive sequences which correspond to primary
maximum flooding surfaces in the sequence stratigraphic framework of the Arabian Plate (S10 and P20:
Sharland et al. 2001).


Palaeozoic glaciations of Gondwana

The sedimentary record of the two glacial episodes in southern Saudi Arabia shows striking similarities
and indicates rather similar glaciological conditions during the Late Ordovician and during the PermoCarboniferous. In addition, sedimentary facies and architecture of Upper Ordovician deposits of the
Arabian Platform can be compared with those recently described from Mauritania (Ghienne & Deynoux
1998; Ghienne et al. 2003) and the Murzuq Basin in Libya (Le Heron et al. 2004). Le Heron et al. (2004,
2005) described many similar features and suggested a model of a polythermal regime at an oscillating
ice front, followed by deglaciation and a late glacial surge. Finally, postglacial eustatic sea-level rise led
to transgression and the deposition of marine beds above the glacial succession. The almost identical
pattern of glaciological regimes over a distance of more than 1000 km along the northern margin of
Gondwana supports the hypothesis of a large, coupled ice shield over at least North Africa and Arabia as
has been suggested by Le Heron & Dowdeswell (2009), rather than an isolated ice sheet on the Arabian
Some differences remain, however, concerning the number of ice advances and ice retreats. While Le
Heron et al. (2004) found incision of the tunnel valleys into glaciogenic deposits of an earlier ice advance,
and Ghienne et al. (2003) as well as Le Heron et al. (2006) suggested four glacial cycles from
observations in Mauritania and Libya, Ordovician glaciogenic deposits in SW Saudi Arabia are restricted
to the valley fill and thin onlapping on the valley margins. Together with a first glacier advance which
eroded the subglacial valleys and deposited a first glaciolacustrine to deltaic sequence (S1), two further
advances are indicated by a major intra-formational erosional unconformity (S2/S3) and widespread soft
deformation at the top (S3) (Figure 20b). Vaslet et al. (1991) concluded from observations on outcrops
and seismic data from northern Saudi Arabia that two erosional episodes formed the tunnel valleys, which
were subsequently filled by the Zarqa Formation and after the second erosional episode by the Sarah
Formation. Both units together are the northern equivalent of the Sanamah Formation of the Wajid Group.

[- 75 -]

Repeated ice advance-retreat episodes have also been reported from the subsurface of west-central Saudi
Arabia (Melvin & Miller 2002). It is suggested that these two erosional events in glaciogenic Upper
Ordovician sequences of the northern and central Arabian platform can be correlated with the two
unconformities observed in SW Saudi Arabia, and might be of high chronostratigraphic value. The
second erosional event, however, is less pronounced in the SW and failed to cut down to the bottom of the
valleys as has been reported from northern Saudi Arabia (pre-Sarah unconformity).
The lack of pre-incision glaciogenic deposits on the Arabian Platform that are present in Libya might be
explained by topographic effects such as a flatter morphology and the absence of prominent intracratonic
basins on the Arabian Shield. This would have resulted in low accommodation and a lower potential for
preservation of the sediments. Another explanation would be that tunnel valley formation was not
exclusively restricted to one distinct glacial stage along the entire margin, but that it may have occurred
repeatedly at an oscillating ice margin. It will probably never be possible to resolve these events
biostratigraphically because of the absence of any fauna. Hence, a correlation to the North African events
must necessarily remain speculative. As recent research (Saltzman & Young 2005; Buggisch et al. 2010)
has shown that the Hirnantian glaciation was only the peak event of a succession of larger-scale glacial
episodes since the Katian, a correlation entirely based on sedimentological criteria would be audacious.
Hence it may be that not all of the events in Saudi Arabia correspond to the Hirnantian glaciation proper.
The Permo-Carboniferous glacial episode is not well documented in northern Africa; it is, however, well
constrained by biostratigraphical data from Oman (Pollastro 2003; Osterloff et al. 2004), Yemen (Kruck
& Thiele 1983) and Ethiopia (Bussert & Schrank 2007). Here, glaciogenic deposits were deposited in
glacial valleys cutting down to the Precambrian basement. For Ethiopia, Bussert & Schrank (2007)
suggested that the sediments were deposited in a glaciolacustrine to glaciofluvial environment, similar to
the model presented here. Similarily, Kruck & Thiele (1983) and Pollastro (2003) assume that large areas
of the south-western Arabian Platform have been covered by a glacial lake during this time. This
hypothesis could be confirmed by describing typical glaciolacustrine facies associations from the Wajid
Several indications exist that the Permo-Carboniferous ice sheet was much more heterogeneous than that
of the Late Ordovician. During the early Carboniferous, the Hercynian tectonic event led to a major
unconformity on the Arabian Platform; up to several hundred metres of sediments were removed by
erosion (Sharland et al. 2004). The presence of large angular basement blocks in the Juwayl deposits can
only be explained by supraglacial transport and rock fall from a mountain range or nunataks. Such
elevated areas seem to have existed not only around the Arabian Shield but also at the southern edge of
the Arabian Platform in Oman, Yemen and Ethiopia (Kruck & Thiele 1983; Bussert & Schrank 2007).
The glaciogenic deposits of Bani Khatma, 250 km south of the other outcrops (Figure 1), show a
spectrum of dropstone petrography not known from the presently exposed rocks of the Arabian Shield
(McClure et al. 1988). The clasts were presumably shed from a southern source located at the opposite
margin of the glacial lake. Kruck & Thiele (1983) found a SW-directed and Bussert & Schrank (2007) a
northsouth directed ice flow. Both are opposite to the model of a single huge Gondwana ice shield with a
unidirectional northNW directed ice flow. Therefore, Bussert & Schrank (2007) concluded that an
independent ice cap must have existed in Eritrea and/or in southern or central Saudi Arabia, which was
probably restricted to the area of the Hercynian uplift in this region.
The incision of tunnel valleys, a polythermal setting in front of an oscillating ice sheet and extensive
glacial surge during a late stage of glaciation reflects similar glaciological processes in the Carboniferous
and in the Ordovician. This includes large ice sheets which discharge to sea- or lakelocked coastal areas.
A remarkable difference is the quartzose petrography of the Ordovician conglomerates and accompanying
sandstones compared to the Permo-Carboniferous deposits. Upper Ordovician glacial erosion mostly
reworked mature shelf sediments poor in clay, which had been deposited across the Precambrian
Cambrian peneplain of the Arabian Shield (Avigad et al. 2005). No pebbles of basement rocks were
found, which indicates that the Arabian Shield was not exposed or was poorly exposed during the Late
Ordovician and that it did not act as a major sediment source. This drastically changed during the
Hercynian tectonic event. In addition, less intense chemical weathering and enhanced production of clay

[- 76 -]

minerals with the advent of land plants may be responsible for a quite different composition of the
Carboniferous sediments (Keller & Lehnert 2010).

7. Gamma ray logging


Theoretical background

Natural gamma radiation is caused by three main radionuclides: 40K, 232Th and 238U. These elements occur
primarily in magmatic rocks but can accumulate in sediments through erosion and redeposition. From the
three main radionuclides, potassium is the most abundant, followed by Uranium. Thorium is the rarest of
the main radionuclides. Potassium is mainly found in clay minerals and therefore in sedimentary rocks
like claystones and shales, as well as in evaporites that contain KCl. Other rock-forming minerals that
contain potassium are the feldspars orthoclase and microcline (Rider, 2002). Naturally occurring Uranium
consist of mostly 238U and to very small parts of 235U and 234U. They originate primarily from igneous
rocks and pass from solution into sediments in three principal ways (Rider, 2002):
1) Chemical precipitation in stagnant, anoxic waters with slow sedimentation rates
2) Adsorption by organic matter under reducing conditions
3) Complexation with phosphate
Thorium also originates from igneous rocks but unlike Uranium has only poor solubility in water. Thus
Thorium is mainly contained in heavy minerals whereas U may be also significantly adsorbed on clay
minerals (Rider, 2002).
Natural -ray logging is a type of passive nuclear measurement and is applicable to both boreholes and
outcrops. The method is widely used in borehole logging to identify lithologies, especially shale beds, and
correlate different wells. There are two different types of -ray logs: total and spectral -ray logs. The
former method is faster, cheaper and provides enough information for lithological and correlation
purposes and is thus more common in borehole measurements, but does not specify the source of the radiation (K, U or Th). Values are shown in a joint graph and represent the total (combined) -activity of
K, U and Th. Common units are [cp/s] (counts per second) or [API]. The latter type provides information
about the source of the radiation and is therefore a more accurate, but also more expensive and timeconsuming method. The specific activities of K, U and Th are shown in separate graphs. Common units
are [%] (K) and [ppm] (U, Th). Outcrop measurements are usually done as spectral -ray logs, utilizing
handheld devices. One of the advantages of -ray logging is that it can be used in cased wells. Thus the
method has been applied extensively in groundwater drilling projects of the GIZ/DCo in Saudi Arabia
(Schnrok 2011). For correlation purposes or the identification of trends, the natural -ray log is usually
sufficient, whereas spectral -ray data can be vital for the analysis of single anomalies or peaks.
In this study, -ray logs taken by Schnrok (2011) have been analysed and compared with lithological
logs. Special attention was given to trends in the -ray patterns, which are referred to as dirtying-up,
cleaning-up and bow trends after Emery et al. (1996) (Figure 36).

[- 77 -]

Figure 36: Well log response characters after Emery et al (1996).


Natural gamma-ray of sections

Gamma-ray logs measured by Schnrok (2011) were correlated with lithological logs of this study from
the same outcrops.
The potassium concentrations are stated as less than 1%, which is probably due to detection limits on
the handheld gamma-ray detector. Uunfortunately, this is not clearly stated by Schnrok (2011).
Dibsiyah Formation (Jabal Nafla)
The gamma-ray log of the Dibsiyah Formation at Jabal Nafla (see Figure 37) has a total average API of
50. Average concentrations for the particular elements are less than 1% K, ~ 3 ppm U and ~ 8 ppm Th.
The trends as well as the overall gamma-ray level are dominated by thorium. Peaks of uranium coincide
with thorium peaks. While most of the log shows repeated bow trends of both thorium and uranium, at the
top of the log is a prominent dirtying up trend dominated by thorium. Two major thorium peaks, with
coincide with two minor uranium peaks, stand out in the log and are associated with iron-cemented
sandstones in lithofacies LF 8. The trends and peaks are not related to grain size.

[- 78 -]

Figure 37: Combined lithological and (spectral) gamma-ray log of the Dibsiyah Formation at Jabal Nafla. Gammaray data taken from Schnrok (2011).

Sanamah Formation (Jabal Atheer)

The gamma-ray log of the Sanamah Formation at Jabal Atheer (Figure 38) has a total average API of 50.
Average concentrations for the particular elements are less than 1% K, ~ 3 ppm U and ~ 8 ppm Th, which
is the same as for the Dibsiyah formation. Trends are mostly bow trends of both thorium and uranium.
One cleaning up trend of thorium has been identified in the middle of the log. The most prominent feature
of the log is given by two prominent uranium peaks of up to 190 ppm, caused by iron-cemented crusts.
They also seem to be associated with a change in both facies and grain size, occurring on the top and
bottom of a bank of clast supported conglomerate (LF 13.1). The conglomerate layer is bordered by
coarse sandstones on the bottom and medium grained sandstones at the top. The change in facies and
grain size is likely cause for the genesis of iron cemented crusts enriched in uranium. Aside from the two
uranium peaks, the overall level of U and Th gamma radiation increases towards the top of the log. A
minor peak of both Th and U is at the top of the succession, in alternating layers of medium and coarse
grained sandstone.

[- 79 -]

Figure 38: Combined lithological and (spectral) gamma-ray log of the Sanamah Formation at Jabal Atheer. Gammaray data taken from Schnrok (2011).

Khusayyayn Formation (Jabal Khusayyayn)

The gamma-ray log of the Khusayyayn Formation at Jabal Khusayyayn (Figure 39) shows an overall
dirtying up trend from an average gamma-ray level of 60 API at the bottom to 160 API at the top. There
is also an increase of both quantity and intensity of single peaks from bottom to top. Overall
concentrations are mostly stable for U with roughly 4 ppm and K at 1%, but with a slight increase
towards the top. The low amount of K is surprising given the higher content of K-feldspar reported by
Heberer (2012) for samples from the Khusayyayn formation (Table 2). This may again be an issue with
detection limits of the handheld gamma-ray detector. Unfortunately, the initial data measured in the
outcrop by Schnrok (2011) was not accessible. Th concentration shows an increase from 5 ppm at the
bottom to 25 ppm at the top, resulting in a strong Th-dominated dirtying up trend. This trend coincides
with a fining-upward trend in grainsize across the whole profile. A possible explanation could be the
enrichment of Th in the finer grained fraction, resulting in a negative correlation between Th
concentration and grain size. This does not account for single peaks in the more or less homogenous
upper parts, though. A prominent feature is a negative thorium and uranium peak between 25 m and 30 m,
in a layer of pebbly trough cross-bedded sandstones of lithofacies LF 9. This change in lithofacies and
drop of Th concentration fits with the observed negative correlation between Th concentrations and grain
size for this log.

[- 80 -]

Figure 39: Combined lithological and (spectral) gamma-ray log of the Khusayyayn Formation at Jabal Khusayyayn.
Gamma-ray data taken from Schnrok (2011).
Table 2: Average K2O and Feldspar content of Wajid Formations (Heberer 2012).


Average K2O

Average estimated feldspar content


Juwayl Formation (Jabal Blehan)

The gamma-ray log of the Juwayl Formation at Jabal Blehan (Figure 40) has a total average API of 15 at
the bottom, 60 API in the middle and 30 API at the top. Average concentrations for the particular
elements are less than 1% K, ~ 2 ppm U and between ~ 2 ppm and 14 ppm Th. The log is strongly
dominated by Thorium, which shows a dirtying up trend comprising almost the entire section. Highest
overall readings of Thorium as well as a single high spike correlate to silty lithofacies at the top. Like in
the log from the Jabal Khusayyayn there is a negative correlation between grain size and Th
concentration, shown by coinciding fining-up and dirtying-up trends. A minor U peak seems to fall
together with a change in lithology from coarse grained, massive sandstone (LF 12) to shale-siltstone
alterations (LF 2), similar to the much more prominent U-peaks in the Jabal Atheer (Figure 38). Besides
that, uranium readings neither show trends nor high single peaks.

[- 81 -]

Figure 40: Combined lithological and (spectral) gamma-ray log of the Juwayl Formation at Jabal Blehan. Gammaray data taken from Schnrok (2011).


Natural gamma-ray and the standard Wajid log

Using the correlated gamma-ray and lithological logs from chapter 7.2 and the standard Wajid lithological
log of chapter 5.5, a composite spectral gamma-ray log for most of the Wajid succession has been created
(Figure 41). The overall gamma-log trends are dominated by thorium, with uranium being important only
locally and often mimicking the thorium trends on a smaller scale. Potassium is in this scale irrelevant for
trends throughout the logged succession; there is only one slight increase in potassium concentration
visible, at the top of the lower Khusayyayn Formation, which coincides with a general increase of
thorium and uranium concentrations. As increased K-feldspar contents are reported from samples from
the Khusayyayn formation (Heberer 2012), it is surprising that the log does not reflect this more. This
may be a matter of scale and detection limit of the handheld gamma-ray detector though. The uranium
concentration shows two prominent spikes: In the middle part of the Sanamah Formation, uranium
concentration eclipses thorium concentration by far. This is believed to be caused by iron crusts.
The total natural gamma radiation stays constant, except an increase at the top of the Khusayyayn
Formation and a reduction in the Juwayl Formation. Within the overall constant concentration levels
especially of thorium there are two major bow trends visible, as well as several minor ones. One
prominent dirtying up trend was located in the lower Khusayyayn Formation, as well as a minor one in
the Juwayl Formation. These coincide with finig-up trends, implying at least a remote connection
between grain size and Th concentration. Sudden positive as well as negative changes of concentration
levels (spikes) also occur. Positive spikes of the thorium concentration can be found in the lower part of
the upper Dibsiyah Formation and throughout the Khusayyayn Formation. Uranium concentration spikes
are not necessarily linked with increased thorium concentrations. Negative concentration spikes (sudden
drops of the concentration level) occur in the upper Dibsiyah Formation. Here, thorium concentration
drops independently of the uranium readings, whereas in the middle Sanamah and lower Khusayyayn
Formations, drops of thorium and uranium concentrations coincide. In the available scale, potassium
concentrations show neither positive nor negative spikes, with the exception of one minor increase in Kreadings at the top of the lower Khusayyayn Formation (Figure 39). This fits with the increased Kfeldspar content of the Khusayyayn formation reported by Heberer (2012), but nevertheless K
concentrations are surprisingly low compared to the feldspar content.

[- 82 -]

Figure 41: Combined log of (spectral) gamma-ray logs from Schnrok (2011) and the standard Wajid lithology
(Chapter 5.5).

[- 83 -]

8. Reservoir characteristics

Theoretical background

Reservoir studies involve a large set of tools and scales, ranging from analysis of well cores, outcrop
studies to basin analysis (Figure 42). The latter makes large-scale seismic data necessary and includes
modelling. This study aims at contributing to a reservoir model of the Wajid Sandstone Group by an
outcrop-analogue approach and a statistical analysis of petrophysical parameters from rock samples.
Among those, porosity and permeability are the most important attributes of reservoir rock. They
determine the amount of fluid a rock can contain and the rate at which that fluid can be produced (Bloch,
1994; in SEPM Short course 30). Prediction and/or interpolation of porosity and permeability are of
fundamental importance to set-up mathematical reservoir models. Therefore a process-oriented
understanding of both parameters is needed, because their variety is a result of complex geological
processes. This includes rock texture, environment of deposition, and physical and chemical diagenesis
during burial. These processes can only be resolved by studying the microfacies of rock samples, e.g. thin
section analysis and raster electron microscopy (REM), sometimes complemented by mineralogical and
geochemical analysis. In this study, a statistical analysis of 160 own petropyhsical and hydraulic
measurements within the Wajid Sandstone is carried out (chapter 8.2), which is complemented by a
petrographical study of 38 samples in order to evaluate the reasons for variable porosities and
permeabilities in the Wajid Sandstone Group (chapter 8.3). The reservoir characterization of the Wajid
Sandstone Group in this thesis includes measurements and petrographical work of several student`s
projects and master theses, which are merged and analysed together here. The student`s projects are
Olowale (2010), Osemwegie (2011), and Ngole (2012). Diploma and master theses are: Filomena (2007),
Dirner (2007), Olawale (2010), and Heberer (2012).

Figure 42: Flow chart of reservoir characterization of sedimentary rocks (after Hornung, 1999). This study focuses
on lithology and petrophysics.

[- 84 -]


Porosity and permeability

8.2.1. Statistics
Figure 43 and Figure 44 give a visual summary of measured porosities and permeabilities grouped by
formations and lithofacies. Some lithofacies types are not represented, because they are finer than
siltstones or they have only little extension. The median of porosities varies little among the formations
and ranges between 23 and 27%. Scatter of data is very low in the Khusayyayn Formation (ca. 4% nonoutlier range) and highest in the Juwayl Formation (ca. 40% non-outlier range). The Dibsiyah and
Sanamah Formations show moderate scatter with ca. 10% non-outlier range. According to the median,
Sanamah and Juwayl Formations show positively skewed distribution, i.e. low porosities are dying out
over a larger range. Different permeability measurements all show highest medians of 1500 to 2000 mD
for the Khusayyayn Formation and lowest medians of 300 to 1400 mD for the Dibsiyah Formation. The
variability is highest for the Sanamah Formation and the Juwayl Formation. The permeability
measurements are further compared in chapter 8.2.2.

Figure 43: Box plots of porosities and permeabilities grouped by formations.

[- 85 -]

Lithofacies types are roughly arranged by increasing grain sizes and decreasing sorting. The median of
porosity is highest for siltstone to fine sandstone (LF4), and lowest for siltstone (LF3). Mixing with
pebbles (LF 10 and LF11) tend to reduce porosity, most probably because of poorer mixing. Surprisingly,
the massive sandstone LF12, which looks very homogenous in hand specimen, has a relatively low
porosity. The reasons will be investigated in chapter 8.3. by petrographical analysis. The different
permeabilities roughly follow porosities, except the fine-grained LF4. This indicates that the connectivity
of pores is reduced here.

Figure 44: Box plots of porosities and permeabilities grouped by facies types (see chapter 5.2).

8.2.2. Anisotropy
Anisotropy was tested by a triangular plot of oriented measurements with the mini- permeameter, where
x,y are horizontal permeabilities, and z vertical permeabilities (Figure 45). Samples outside the central
triangle show anisotropy of more than 50% in one direction. The majority of samples plot inside the
triangle, i.e. they are not significantly anisotropic. The Dibsiyah and Sanamah Formations show the most
anisotropic samples, whereas anisotropy in the Khusayyayn and Juwayl Formations are rarer. Referring to
lithofacies types, LF3, LF10 and LF12, they show strongest scatter and to be the most anisotropic
samples. This can be explained by oriented texture for the fine-grained texture in LF3 and strong
bioturbation in LF10. Again, LF12 shows often anisotropy, although the massive sandstone looks quite

[- 86 -]

Figure 45: Triangular plot of oriented measurement of permeabilities with the mini permeameter. a. Grouped
according to formations, b. grouped according to lithofacies.

8.2.3. Total and intrinsic permeability

In order to compare the two different methods of permeability measurements, the average from x,y,z
orientations from the mini-permeamter and the intrinsic permeability of 70 column measurements are

[- 87 -]

plotted together (Figure 46). Both correlate very well with a correlation coefficient of r 2 = 0.96. This
means that mini-permeameter measurements are representative also for liquid permeabilities such as
water. Because of the larger data set and the information about orientations, only mini-permeameter
measurements are used for further analysis.

Figure 46: Correlation log total Permeability vs log intrinsic permeability.

8.2.4. Crossplots porosity and permeability

The correlation of porosity versus permeability depends on the geometry and connectivity of pores in a
sample and is often relatively poor. This is also the case for the Wajid Sandstone samples. Correlation
coefficients for formations and lithofacies are both weak with r 2 ca. 0.2, but both show a significant
positive trend (Figure 47). Identical porosities can result in permeabilities ranging over five magnitudes.
Again, specific trends can be detected. The Dibsiyah and Sanamah Formations show strongest deviation
from the regression line, except two samples from the Khusayyayn Formation. Furthermore, the Juwayl
Formation tends to lower porosities at the same permeabilities than the other formations, i.e. pointing to a
more efficient connectivity and pore distribution compared to the others. Sandy to pebbly, cross bedded
lithofacies types plot close to the regression line such as LF7 and 8, and with exceptions also LF10.
Bioturbated samples and massive sandstones show a relatively high permeability compared to their
porosity, which may be interpreted as homogenization of the grain fabric (LF9, LF12). Finer grained
samples show the expected opposite trend, but some exceptions exist (LF3, LF4).

[- 88 -]

Figure 47: Cross plots of porosity versus total permeability from mini permeameter measurements. a. Grouped
according to formations, b. grouped according to lithofacies.

8.2.5. Hydraulic permeability

Table 3 and Figure 48 show measured gas and water permeabilities. Gas permeability has relatively
higher values than water permeability as shown by their maximum and minimum values and their means
or medians. Both are often skewed to lower values. Nevertheless, there is strong scatter to which degree
water are lower than gas permeabilities ranging from 4 to 95%. This underlines the individual geometrical
conditions of the pore space in the samples. The differences in gas permeabilities between the formations
as shown in section 8.2.1, hence, are also valid for water permeabilities. Fig x shows that gas and water
permeabilities correlate well with a correlation coefficient of r2 = 0.86 (Figure 49). This means that in

[- 89 -]

principle gas permeabilities can be used to predict water permeabilities. In particular, this is valid for
higher permeabilities, which are of specific practical importance.
Table 3: Gas and water permeabilities of selected Wajid Sandstone Samples (data from Ngole, 2012). Conversion
factor of 1D into m s-1 = 9.66x10-6 (Freeze & cherry, 1979).
Sample ID

Wuh 3(4)
Wuh-3 (6a)
WDSK 17a
WD - 1 a
WD - 05
WD - 06 a)
WD - 12
WS - 04
SWJ 3.2
WJ 1.2
WJ 1.3
WJ 5

Wuh-1-5/Fard base




LF 8.2.1
LF 10
LF 12.4
LF 7
LF 4
LF 8.2
LF 8.5
LF 8.6
LF 12.2
LF 9
LF 11.2
LF 8.5
LF 8.1
LF 8.2

Gas (intrinsic)

Water permeability


[ms ]

Proportion of
water from gas

Figure 48: Box plot of gas and water permeability in mD of selected Wajid Sandstone Samples (data from Ngole,

[- 90 -]

Figure 49: Cross plot of gas versus water permeability in mD.


Reservoir characterisation

8.3.1. Poroperm and sedimentary facies

Statistical analysis of porosities and permeabilities in chapter 8.2 demonstrated that grain texture (e.g.
grain sizes, sorting) is obviously a controlling factor, however, it does not explain some wide scatter and
significant differences between similar lithofacies types. Some additional factors could be identified by
sedimentological analysis in the field, such as anisotropies and fabric rearrangements due to bioturbation.
The different formations of the Wajid sandstone group comprise distinct lithofacies types and thus
different depositional environments (Chapter 5). In turn, this leads to distinct pattern of porosities and
permeabilities. Although porosities are not significantly different between the formations, their variability
mirrors heterogeneities. They have been found being minor in the Khusayyayn Formation and
pronounced in the Juwayl Formation. The Khusayyayn also show the highest permeabilities on average.
Variabilities are again high in the Juwayl Formation and also in the Sanamah Formation. Both show
strong variation in grain textures and lithofacies types due to their proglacial setting representing very
different hydraulic conditions and including glacial impact (chapter 6). Anisotropy is highest in the
Dibsiyah and Sanamah Formations which is at least partly caused by bioturbation.
Both also show strongest deviation from the regression line porosity versus permeability. The Juwayl
Formation exhibits lower porosities at the same permeabilities, which was interpreted as a more efficient
connectivity and pore distribution.

[- 91 -]

8.3.2. Poroperm and petrology

The question of wide scatter of porosities and permeabilities as well as weak correlation of some
lithofacies types with permeability still needs to be solved, because it cannot simply be based on grain
texture and sedimentary structures. Heberer (2012) carried out a detailed microfacies study using thin
sections and raster electron microscopy of selected rock samples of sections in this thesis. For 38 samples,
petrological results can now be compared with porosity and permeability measurements. In particular,
diagenetic imprint and primary versus secondary porosities can be evaluated as additional controlling
Table 4 displays permeabilities and selected petrological data from Heberer (2012) which are believed to
play a role in controlling reservoir properties, matrix, cement, sorting, and rounding. Qualitative estimates
were converted in numerical classes in order to perform statistical analysis. To evaluate the relative
importance of factors a principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out for column and mini
permeameter measurements separately.
The PCA for intrinsic permeability show similar weighting with pore space, connectivity and rounding,
whereas matrix and cement show opposite trends (Figure 50a). This corresponds more or less to what is
theoretically expected. The Dibsiyah and Sanamah Formations preferentially group in the lower
quadrangles. The major reason is widespread iron cementation (Fig Figure 51a), which is also obvious
from the intense red colours of these sandstones in the field (Chapter 5). Furthermore, rounding is usually
good to very good which is a result of very mature, multi-cycled, quartz-rich sand (Wanas & AbdelMaguid, 2006). The Khusayyayn Formation is closely grouped and again shows minor heterogeneity.
Thin sections show a large amount of altered feldspar, in particular orthoclase, but also microcline is
present. The Khusayyayn sandstones are exceptional in the Wajid Sandstone Group because of their
arkosic composition. Conserved feldspar content reach 20%. On the one hand side, feldspar alteration
leads to secondary porosity, on the other hand side the proportion of pseudo matrix increases. Feldspar
alteration also produces higher amounts of calcitic cement. Both lead to the unique grouping of the
Khusayyayn Formation in the PCA plot. The highest scatter is observed again for the Juwayl Formation.
Thin section analysis shows samples with iron cementation (Wuh-1-2) similar to the lower Wajid
formations, but also some with increased pseudo matrix (Wuh-4-9-12). Others show strong leaching and
voluminous secondary porosities (e.g. Wuh1-1, Wuh-1-4, Wuh-4-2, Wuh-4-3, Figure 51). The PCA plot
in Figure 50b based on mini permeameter measurements shows a similar pattern as described for intrinsic
permeability. Permeability shows same tendencies such as sorting and pore space and opposite trends to
cementation and rounding. The close orientation of x,y,z directions show low relevance of anisotropy at
the microfacies scale, where bioturbation may only indirectly interfere textures and cementation

[- 92 -]

Table 4: Porosities, permeabilites and potential controlling factors from thin section analysis. Percentage estimates are taken directly from Heberer (2012), whereas matrix,
cement, sorting, and rounding were classified from qualitative estimates in order to carry out statistical analysis.
Legend (classes): 1 = existing, 2 = present, 3 = abundant.

Sample and Facies











LF-12.4, LF7.1






LF-10, 10.1,
10.2, 10.21





Cement Cement Cement

Pseudo- Connec- Rounding Sorting




1720,53 3932,73 2826,64 4400,04


























3879,97 6483,34 5181,66 7613,76







1033,35 1284,97 1159,16 1603,86







2317,34 2895,22 1931,72








4038,29 3438,44 3738,37 5510,65














5621,68 4210,24 4915,96 3194,85





1106,86 1154,38 1129,95 1213,34




1308,88 2030,08 1669,48















Cement +










1712,34 2408,05 2060,19 2891,39









2653,29 2422,24 2773,95















2691,96 2059,93 2375,94 2230,64








1720,88 1734,33







1435,78 3782,76 2609,27 1962,82







1391,64 1399,73 1395,67
































1685,85 1083,83 1384,84 1124,75





LF-10.2, LF12.5

1894,59 1424,89 1659,74 1647,52

1947,11 679,04 1313,08
















1728,71 1613,04















2490,88 2332,34 2411,61





6444,92 4464,68
























































2707,24 2915,06 2811,15 2866,23












Fard A








Fard B











2131,42 1934,49 2032,95 2032,95


Figure 50: Principal component analysis of microfacies parameters relevant for reservoir properties. Grouped
according to formations. A. Intrinsic permeability, b. x,y,z directions measured by a mini permeameter.


Figure 51: a. Thin section photograph (crossed Nichols) of iron-rich sandstone in the Dibsiyah Formation
(WDh1-51). b. Thin section photograph (crossed Nichols) of iron-rich sandstone in the Sanamah Formation
(WDSK-17a). c. Thin section photograph (crossed Nichols) of sandstone rich in pseudomatrix in the Juwayl
Formation (Wuh-4-9-12). d. Thin section photograph (crossed Nichols) of sandstone with high secondary
porosity and little carbonate cement in the Juwayl Formation (Wuh 1-4). All photographs from Heberer (2012).

Figure 52 a and b show the same PCA plots but visualized for different lithofacies types. Because of
the lower number of samples not all lithofacies types are represented and some only by few samples.
LF7 and partly LF8 cross-bedded sandstones have been shown before to be very good reservoir rocks.
This is confirmed by plotting preferentially in the upper two quadrangles. The porous Juwayl samples
with secondary porosities belong to these types. LF10, pebbly sandstone, is more variable. Here, the
mineral composition overprints textural factors, because samples from the Khusayyayn formation
from the lithofacies type are shifted to the right in the diagram due to formation of pseudo matrix from
feldspar alteration. LF12 which resembles to a homogenous sandstone and good reservoir rock in the
field seems to be affected by both, pseudo matrix formation and cementation and hence shows a
variable reservoir quality. Heberer (2012) found a high amount of crushed quartz grains making up a
large proportion of the matrix and underpinning the specific nature of these mass flow deposits in a
proglacial setting (Chapter 6).
Heberer (2012) also carried out a SEM study on transport mechanisms on selected samples of the
Wajid Group. The samples were selected to contain as little cement as possible. Calcite and iron
cement were removed by cooking the samples with HCl. Quart cements on the other hand could not be
removed and proved to be problematic. After treatment with HCl, quartz grains have been studied
under the SEM for features indicating transport mechanisms. A total of 10 samples have been
analysed: 2 from the Dibsiyah, 3 from the Sanamah, 2 from the Khusayyayn and 3 from the Juwayl
Formation. Although a final association of the samples to certain transport mechanisms was not
possible, tendencies have been identified: The Dibsiyah Formation shows features of fluvial transport
and the Sanamah Formation indicates glacial transport, while the Khusayyayn Formation is either of
fluvial or marine and the Juwayl Formation of fluvial, marine or glacial origin. Samples from the
Juwayl and Khusayyayn Formations show quartz grains with partially abraded, old surfaces. These
indicate reworked sediments which have experienced significant weathering between first deposition
and remobilisation.


Figure 52: Principal component analysis of microfacies parameters relevant for reservoir properties. Grouped
according to lithofacies types. A. Intrinsic permeability, b. x,y,z directions measured by a mini permeameter.


9. Discussion and conclusion


Sedimentary facies and stratigraphy

In its outcrop belt, the Wajid Group of southern Saudi Arabia can be subdivided into 5 formations: the
Dibsiyah Formation, Sanamah Formation, Qalibah Formation, Khusayyayn Formation, and Juwayl
Formation. Thirteen lithofacies have been distinguished (LF1 through LF 13), which cover the entire
spectrum of siliciclastic grain size classifications. Shales and siltstones are relatively rare in the
succession, whereas sandstones, especially medium-grained to coarse-grained sandstones abound.
Conglomerates are locally abundant in the Sanamah Formation and in the Juwayl Formation. A second
order descriptor is bioturbation, which is very common in the Dibsiyah Formation, but rare to absent
in the other units. These 13 lithofacies have been combined in 9 lithofacies associations (LF-A1
through LF-A9).
LF-A1 through LF-A3 together describe large-scale submarine sand sheet complexes. These
complexes are present in the Dibsiyah Formation and the Khusayyayn Formation. The sedimentologic
and ichnofaunal characteristics of both units indicate marine depositional environments throughout. A
fluvial environment for the basal Dibsiyah Formation as interpreted by Evans et al. (1991) and Stump
and Van der Eem (1995, 1996) is most unlikely. The results of this study are more consistent with a
shallow marine pro-deltaic environment. LF-A4 through LF-A6 are the product of glacial
environments. In the Sanamah Formation, this was the Hirnantian glaciation, in the Juwayl Formation
it was the Permian part of the Late Palaeozoic Permo-Carboniferous Gondwana glaciation. In
combination, all three facies associations record proximal to distal glacial environments. The
succession of lithofacies and facies associations permits the recognition of three glacier advance
retreat cycles in the Sanamah Formation and of two in the Juwayl Formation. Whereas in the Sanamah
Formation only deposits of subglacial tunnel valleys and the adjacent proglacial environments are
preserved, in the Juwayl Formation additionally remnants of a large glacial lake are preserved. LF-A8
and LF-A9 of the Juwayl Formation are dominantly fine-grained associations. A few conglomeratic
layers testify to the proximity of glaciers or an ice sheet from where the coarse components were
provided by fluvial processes or as fallout from icebergs. Together these two associations record a rise
in water level, most likely of a large glacial lake. This glacial lake was present over much of the
southern Arabian Peninsula and might have extended into Africa.
The few meters of sediment preserved of the Qalibah Formation do not permit a definite assignment to
a facies belt. However, fine-grained calcareous sediments with stromatolitic structures point to a
restricted marine environment, probably present during the early post-Hirnantian sea level rise.
Sediments of the Wajid Group were deposited during approximately 200 Ma to 260 Ma, depending on
the definite depositional age of the Dibsiyah Formation. Extrapolations of sedimentation rates to
depositional time show that within the Wajid Group and under the assumption of very conservative
sedimentation rates, 62 Ma years are represented in the sediments: 20 Ma in the Dibsiyah Formation, 2
Ma (the length of the Hirnantian) in the Sanamah Formation, 15 Ma in the Khusayyayn Formation,
and 25 Ma in the Juwayl Formation. Most likely, the time represented is much less. This means that
the sediments preserved do not even cover of the Palaeozoic era. This is compatible with field
observations of abundant unconformities and sedimentary breaks in the starved successions. The
sedimentary processes, starved shallow-marine and terrestrial-glaciogenic, and the relationship
between preserved and non-preserved time in the sediments indicate that throughout the Palaeozoic,
southern Saudi Arabia was located in an epicratonal setting, in which tectonic subsidence and relative
sea level changes exerted only minor control.



Glacial depositional environments

Based on detailed analysis of sedimentary facies and architectural geometries of Upper Ordovician
and Permo-Carboniferous glacigenic deposits, a genetic model for both glacial episodes is proposed
and compared with other locations in northern and north-eastern Gondwana. Saudi Arabia is one of the
few places where both glaciations can be studied in well-preserved sedimentary succession, which
formed under similar boundary conditions. Among these are (a) incision of subglacial tunnel valleys
according to the ice-loading model, (b) subsequent valley-fill by subaqueous to subaerial proglacial
deposits in front of an oscillating, polythermal ice-shield, (c) intra-formational erosional events
through repeated ice advance, (d) widespread and large-scale soft sediment deformation due to glacial
surge during deglaciation, (e) marine transgression as a consequence of eustatic sea-level rise
following deglaciation. The general pattern fits well with observations recently published by Ghienne
et al. (2003) and Le Heron et al. (2004, 2005, 2009) from northern Africa, pointing to closely coupled
glaciological processes along the northern margin of the Gondwana ice-shield during Upper
Ordovician glaciation. Although the same general patterns apply for the Permo-Carboniferous
glaciation, styles and petrographical properties differ most probably due to a more complex ice-flow
pattern with a rougher topography after the Hercynian event and contrasting weathering.


Natural gamma-ray

As shown by Schnrok (2011), spectral gamma-ray measurements from outcrops correlate with
spectral and natural gamma-ray logs from wells and boreholes. The gamma-ray data, together with
lithologs, show evidence of the typical tripartite division of the Wajid Sandstone, with the Lower and
Upper Wajid being hydraulically separated by the shaly and silty Qalibah Formation. The Qalibah
Formation is also a key formation for correlating well data, as it is easy recognizable, especially
features like the maximum flooding surface at the boundary between the Qusaiba and Sharawa
Members and the Pre Tawil Unconformity at the boundary between the Sharawa Member and the
Khusayyayn Formation. While a differentiation of the Lower Wajid and Qalibah Formation into
different units is possible through log patterns, a further differentiation of the Upper Wajid was
impossible, neither was delimitation to the lithological equivalent of the overlying, sandy Khuff
Formation, due to similar log patterns. Gamma-ray trends throughout the log are dominated by
thorium and consist of mostly bow or barrel trends with two singled out dirtying up trends. Where
uranium trends have been identified, they are in accordance with thorium trends Potassium exhibits no
significant trends except one minor dirtying up trend at the top of the lower Khusayyayn Formation,
where a general dirtying up trend is observable. The lack of visible K trends may be due to both scale
of the logs and the detection limit of the handheld gammay-ray detector. Unfortunately no further data
was available from Schnrok (2011). Thus, trends in gamma-readings are mainly caused by thorium
and, in rare occasions, uranium.
This is quite surprising since thorium and uranium are usually associated with different enrichment
Thorium is regardes as mostly immobile and its sources are detrical heavy minerals. This is reflected
in the log trends for both elements, which dont show a clear connection. A connection between
thorium enrichment and sedimentary facies has not been observed, though the dirtying-up trends for
thorium in the logs of the Jabal Blehan (Juwayl formation) and Jabal Khusayyayn (Khusayyayn
formation) seem related to fining-up trends in grainsize. Uranium is commonly linked to diagenetic
processes and secondary enrichment. This is most notably observable in the log from the Jabal Atheer
(Sanamah formation), where 2 significant peaks in uranium concentration coincide with diagenetically
precipitated iron crusts (Schnrok 2011). The controlling factors for the spectral gamma radiation are
therefore spread out between different sources: Uranium occurrence is mainly influenced by
diagenetic effects, thorium by provenance and transport mechanisms and potassium, since it is mainly
contained in feldspar, is linked to factors controlling feldspar distribution and preservation, like
weathering, provenance and transport mechanisms. In order to better understand the natural gammaray characteristics of the Wajid sandstone, further study is necessary.



Reservoir quality

Generally, the Wajid Sandstone Group is known as good reservoir rock and bears important gas and
water resources in central and southern Saudi Arabia (Evans et al., 1997; Konert et al., 2001). This
thesis presents the first statistical analysis of porosities and permeabilities over the entire Wajid
Sandstone Group in the outcrop belt and links these values with lithofacies and microfacies studies in
order to identify controlling factors. Furthermore, for the first time a combined approach of standard
mini permemeter and sophisticated column permeameter measurements were carried out, the latter
enables to convert gas in water permeabilities. Generally, both methods yield comparable results, i.e.
standard mini permeameter measurements are a good approach also for liquid permeabilities, as far as
they will be corrected. Here, independent hydraulic tests were performed (chapter 9.5).
Although the data of this thesis confirms the overall good reservoir quality, also wide scatter is
obvious. This is particularly the case for permeabilities. High porosities do not guarantee high
permeabilities and correlation of both is weak, although a positive trend exists. This means that
porosities cannot be used to predict permeabilities accurately. Medians of porosities range from 23 to
27% and 15 to 28% for formations and lithofacies types respectively. Different permeability
measurements all show highest medians of 1500 to 2000 mD for the Khusayyayn Formation and
lowest medians of 300 to 1400 mD for the Dibsiyah Formation. The variability is highest for the
Sanamah Formation and the Juwayl Formation. To analyse these heterogeneities and identifying
controlling factors, two approaches were applied: (i) lithofacies types, which represent grain texture
and sedimentological structures at the mesoscopic scale in the field, and (ii) microfacies analysis using
thin sections and raster electron microscopy of selected samples.
Referring to lithofacies, the following trends have been identified:
Siltstone and fine sandstones exhibit the highest porosities, but permeability is low for siltdominated samples. Pebbly sandstones show reduced porosities and permeabilities, most
probably because of general poorer mixing. Highest porosities and permeabilities were found
for cross-bedded sandstones. Thick massive sandstones in the Juwayl Formation, which are
expected to have very good reservoir properties show surprisingly high variability.
Anisotropy is generally low for the Wajid Sandstone samples, except for siltstones, and
bioturbated sandstones. Siltstones show oriented texture because of compaction and increased
proportions of platy sheet silicates (clay minerals, micas). Again the massive sandstones in the
Juwayl Formation show strong scatter with anisotropic samples.
Porosites and permeabilities are most closely related for sandy to pebbly, cross bedded
lithofacies types. Bioturbated samples and massive sandstones show a relatively high
permeability compared to their porosity, which may be interpreted as homogenization of the
grain fabric and/or secondary porosity by leaching. Finer grained samples show the expected
opposite trend, but some exceptions exist.
Referring to microfacies, the following trends have been identified:
High permeabilities can be linked with open pore space, pore connectivity, and rounding, but
less with sorting. Low permeabilities are linked with increased proportions of pseudo matrix
(mostly clay-rich impregnations from alteration of primary minerals or lithoclasts or primary
matrix from depositional processes), and cementation by iron oxides, calcite, and/or quartz.
The mineral composition of the sandstones also matter. Most sandstones of the Wajid group
are quartz arenites. However, the Khusayyayn Formation is an exception and has arkosic
composition. On the one hand side, feldspar alteration leads to secondary porosity, on the
other hand side the proportion of pseudo matrix increases. Feldspar alteration also produces
higher amounts of calcitic cement. Both lead to the unique grouping of the Khusayyayn
Formation in the PCA plot. Nevertheless, destruction and formation of secondary porosity
prevails and leads to the highest average permeability in the entire Wajid Sandstone Group.
Pseudo matrix has also a competing effect in the massive sandstones of the Juwayl Formation.
Heberer (2012) found a high amount of crushed quartz grains making up a large proportion of
the matrix and underpinning the specific nature of these mass flow deposits in a proglacial
setting. This biomodal grain distribution led to strongly reduced permeability despite the


favourable main grain texture. Secondary leaching, however, recovered good peremabilities in
some cases.
Secondary porosity is most obvious in the Upper Wajid Sandstone Group. In the case of the
Khusayyayn Formation, feldspar alteration leads to a relatively uniform enhancement of
permeabilities. In contrast, leaching in the Juwayl formation is more heterogeneous and
cemented or matrix rich patches are common. Nevertheless, highest permeabilities in the
Wajid Sandstone Group with more than 5 D are related to secondary porosity and open pore
space more than 20% in thin sections. Furthermore, the Juwayl Formation exhibits lower
porosities at the same permeabilities, which was interpreted as a more efficient connectivity
due to secondary leaching. The spatial distribution of these leached realms must be a primary
goal for further reservoir studies and ongoing exploration in the Wajid Sandstone and its
Iron cementation is strongest in the lower Wajid Sandstone Group, in particular in the Dibsiyah
Formation. This seems to be the major reason for reduced permeabilities. Likely, the iron
originates from continental weathering of shield areas during the warm Cambro-Ordovician period
and was remobilized during burial. The Qusaiba Shale presumably hindered the circulating pore
waters to penetrate the upper Wajid Sandstone equally.


Implications for hydrogeology

The Wajid Sandstone Group hosts the most important groundwater resources in southwest Saudi
Arabia and was used to develop agriculture in the Wadi Ad-Dawasir area. Intense water abstraction
led to strong draw-down of groundwater levels up to more than 100 m within two decades and
initiated a detailed survey of the regional groundwater system, which was carried out by GIZ/DCo
(2010). This study has shown that in the subsurface, the Wajid Sandstone succession represents two
aquifers: a lower aquifer, represented by the Dibsiyah and the Sanamah Formations, and an upper
aquifer, represented by the Khusayyayn and the Juwayl Formations. The aquitard comprises the
siltstones and shales of the Qusaiba Shale equivalent to the Qalibah Formation in the outcrop belt.
Some connection also exists to local Quaternary Wadi deposits. The Upper Wajid is the only aquifer
with significant exploitable groundwater resources because the Lower Wajid aquifer occurs in greater
depth and its major water volume is not exploitable by recent pumping technologies. Water quality is
usually good with salinities from 338 mg/l to 5,470 mg/l (average 1,010 mg/l)and from and 83 to
7,490 mg/l (average 1,200 mg/l) in the lower and upper Wajid aquifer, respectively (GIZ/DCo, 2010).
Results of a total of 28 pumping tests, 21 in the upper Wajid and 7 in the lower Wajid, were available,
either from reports from GTZ/DCO (2010) or Italconsult (1969). Pumping tests performed by
GTZ/DCO (21 of 28) were analyzed using the Cooper and Jacob large time approximation of the
Theis nonequilibrium method for nonleaky, confined aquifers (Cooper and Jacob, 1946). No clear
indications for a double porosity behavior were found in the time-drawdown data and the straight line
solution was applied for the determination of transmissivity and storativity. Using the drilling profiles,
hydraulic conductivities were calculated based on aquifer thickness. The arithmetic mean of the
hydraulic conductivities derived from the pumping tests was about 4 times higher in the upper Wajid
(8.3 x 10-5 m/s) compared to the lower Wajid (2.2 x 10-5 m/s) (Tab. 1).
For comparison, measured water permeabilities (mD) for the sandstone samples obtained in the
laboratory column experiments were converted into hydraulic conductivities (m/s). In the four
formations, hydraulic conductivities varied by a factor of 3 only, with highest values for the Dibsyiah
formation (Tab. 1). Whereas hydraulic conductivities for matrix and pumping tests are within a factor
of 2 in the Lower Wajid Aquifer, matrix conductivities are more than one magnitude lower in the
Upper Wajid Aquifer.
Castaing et al. (2002) showed that the ratio between fracture permeability and matrix permeability (in
m) indicates whether fracture flow or matrix flow dominates. Castaing et al. (2002) could show, that
at ratios of about 100 the influence of a fracture system on groundwater flow becomes visible and
might dominate at a ratio of 10,000. In principal, also hydraulic conductivities (in m/s) can be used for
comparison. Toublanc (2005) suggested, that the overall conductivity is the sum of matrix


conductivity and fracture conductivity (Kf overall = Kf matrix + Kf fracture) and therefore fracture conductivity
for the upper and lower Wajid can be calculated be rearrangement of the equation (Tab. 1). Ratios are
14 for the upper Wajid and 0.8 for the lower Wajid, indicating the matrix flow is most likely to
dominate. This was also shown by Zeeb et al. (2010) in a similar approach.
This data show surprisingly close hydraulic conductivities of matrix, fracture networks and pumping
tests for the Wajid Sandstone aquifer, although these methods deal with different scales and
measurement methods. Fracture conductivities are in the same order of magnitude as the matrix
conductivities. This is not enough for the fracture network to become dominant in regional
groundwater flow. In addition, matrix provides a much larger volume for storage of fossil groundwater
than fractures. This makes matrix permeabilities of prime importance in the Wajid Aquifers for both,
stored groundwater volumes and groundwater flow. The reason of this high hydrogeological
importance of the sandstone matrix is given by a relatively homogenous grain size spectrum (sand to
gravel) over the whole succession, a weak cementation, and the almost complete absence of finegrained sediments except the sealing layer between the Upper and Lower Aquifer. This specific
sedimentological preconditions enables overall high porosities and good pore connectivities. This case
study illustrates, that a priori geological knowledge combined with sedimentological outcrop-analogue
studies and petrophysical measurements of representative samples in the laboratory can be of specific
relevance to derive reasonable input parameters for regional groundwater models and thus
groundwater management.
Table 5: Comparison of hydraulic conductivities at different scales for the Wajid Sandstone Group. All values in
m s-1.
Hydraulic conductivity
overall* (ms )

Hydraulic conductivity
matrix** (ms )



5.5 x 10
1.1 x 10 ( 8.6 x 10 )
3.9 x 10 ( 2.4 x 10 )



1.1 x 10
5.9 x 10 ( 8.0 x 10 )
1.7 x 10 ( 1.6 x 10 )

Upper Wajid sandstone

- Juwayl formation
- Khusayyayn formation

8.3 x 10 ( 6.7 x 10 )

Lower Wajid sandstone

- Sanamah formation
- Dibsiyah formation

2.2 x 10 ( 1.8 x 10 )

Hydraulic conductivity
fractures*** (ms )


7.7 x 10


1.0 x 10



*pumping tests, GTZ/DCO (2010), Italconsult (1969). **Column experiments, this study. ***calculated
after Castaing et al. (2002).


The completion of my dissertation and subsequent Ph.D. has been a long journey. Its true that Life is
what happens when you are completing your dissertation. Life doesnt stand still, nor wait until you
are finished and have time to manage it. Much as happened and changed in the time Ive been
involved with this project, or as some of my dear friends have so affectionately referred to it The
Paper. Many have questioned whether I would finish my dissertation, as have doubted my
commitment to it. I, on the other hand, barring losing confidence so many times Ive lost count,
getting writers block just as many times, ending one relationship, moving, beginning another
relationship, computers crashing, needing to work as much as possible, and pure frustration in general,
knew Id compete my Ph.D. I just had to do it in my own time and on my own terms.
My dissertation has always been a priority, but as most know, there are several priorities in a persons
life at any one time. Unfortunately due to lifes challenges and the changes that followed, my
dissertation could not always be the number one priority. At any rate, I have finished, but not alone,
and am elated. I could not have succeeded without the help, support and reconcile of my God ALLAH
ALMIGHTY (Sobhanah Wa Taala) first So Ive to thank my God first and say (Al Hamdolellah),
Then the invaluable support of several faithful and honest persons. Without these supporters,
especially the select few Im about to mention, I may not have gotten to where I am today.
Id like to give my special to thank the Ministry of Water and Electricity represented in His
Excellency Engineer Abdullah Al-Husayen and The Deputy ministers, Dr. Ali Al-Tukhais and Dr.
Mohammad Al-Saud to give me this chance to do my PhD, and for their unlimited support. His
Excellency Dr. Al Saud, is keeping following my study and ask for any support from his side all the
time. So thank you Dr. Al Saud.
To this selected scientific group, Id like to give heartfelt special thanks, beginning with Prof. Dr.
Matthias Hinderer. He helped and gently pushed me through the last chapter. His flexibility in
scheduling, gentle encouragement and relaxed demeanour made for a good working relationship and
the impetus for me to finish. He was not only my Prof. He was working and advising me as my oldest
loyal and sincere brother. Thank you Prof. Matthias.
Id also like to give special thanks to Prof. Dr. Martin Keller,. who stepped in as my Chair late in the
process. He was not only my co-advisor, but my mentor and friend. His patience, flexibility, genuine
caring and concern, and faith in me during the dissertation process enabled me to attend to the
scientific environmental life while also earning my Ph.D. Hes been motivating, encouraging, and
enlightening. He has never judged nor pushed when he knew I need to juggle priorities. Weve
laughed together, spent nights and days together in the desert during my field work. I couldnt have
completed all the required paperwork and delivered it to the correct place without him.
My gratitude is also extended to Prof. Dr. Christoph Schth (and his beautiful family) who has known
the answer to every question. He was one of the first friendly faces to greet me when I began this
doctoral program and has always been a tremendous help no matter the task or circumstance. Thank
you Christoph, you shall always be remembered as a smiling face, a warm and friendly heart and one
of the few who assisted me in completing my doctoral program.
My heartfelt special thanks should also go to my good friend Dr. Eng. Andreas Kallioras. He was the
first face who greeting me when I arrived in the airport for the first time in Germany, he was close to
me all the time, I felt that I know him since years. He supported and helped me morally and financially
with his gentle and nice wife Maria. I cannot thank both of you enough. I am forever grateful. Thank
You Andreas and Maria!
My special thanks should go to Dr. Helmut Bock, he was gentle flexible and nice during the field
work. He was the first who introduced me to the study area. When others doubted, he remained a fan.
When I became too serious, his humour and friendly sarcasm allowed me to laugh and lightened my


Even after his retirement, he remained a supporter and provided insight and direction-right up to the
end. For this, I cannot thank him enough. I am forever grateful. Thank You Dr. Helmut!
I am very grateful to the remaining members of my dissertation committee, in The Ministry of Water
and Electricity, (Saed Duair, Ahmad Khalefah, and Ibraheem Shabeebi).
Second the colleagues in the GIZ company office: Prof Dr. Randolf Rausch, Johannes Doehler, Mazen
El Hallaq, Heiko Dirks, Lahher, Waseem, Mosa, Abdulrazaq Maqsoud and Jack Kapreal. Another
good colleague is Abdulmutaleb Al Noor, he was the first who work with me in the beginning of my
study and field work for more than one month. Thank you Mr. Al noor
Thirdly the other good colleagues, teachers and technicians in TU-Darmstadt (Dr. Jens Hornung, Dr.
Olaf Lenz., Kirsten Herrmann, Holger Scheibner, Alexander Bassis, Isiaka Olawale, Isimemem
Osimwegie, Terence Ngole, Susanne Heberer and the special friend Nils Michelsen), in addition to
Daniel Bendeas from Tbingen University, for his support in the beginning of my field work, and all
other colleagues who gave help or support from other sectors. Their academic support, input and
personal cheering are greatly appreciated.
Forth, my dearest , lovable and faithful friend and brother, Mohammad Al Ateeq in King Abdul Aziz
City For Science And Technology (KACST), Im very grateful to him for his support and help from
the first days of my study, he was always feel happy to support me. Thank you Mohammad, and
thanks to all of your colleagues, teachers, and friends.
I am very grateful to The National Agricultural Development Company NADEC, for there venerable
support during my fieldwork in the study area, they gave me the chance to use their guest hose for
months. I couldnt have completed the fieldwork without their help. My thanks go especially to the
General Director of Nadic Abdul AZIZ Al Babtain, Eng. Salem Al Shawi, Eng. Ali Al Ghasham, Eng.
Adel Al Otaibi, Faris Ad Dawsari and all other staff in the company in the main office in Riyadh, the
project in Hail and in Wadi Ad Dawaser Project.
Next Id like to thank Eng. Saud Ad Dehan and Prof. Dr. Naser Al Ajami they were always happy to
help me, Eng. Saud used to push others in his company to help me in the field, in the labs of his
company and in the electronic library. And he used to push me too to work hard and honest; he gave
the chance to use some of his own expensive field measuring tools to use it in the field e.g. the
radioactive measurement field server. So thank you Eng. Saud and all staff in Technology experts.
Dr. Naser was always interested to help me in the field, he accompanied me for two weeks during my
field work, he used to give me valuable scientific advises and some lectures about my study and how
to develop my new own tools in the discovery of the different sedimentological data from the field, so
thank you Prof. Dr. Naser.
I cannot begin to express my gratitude and feelings for my brother Dr. Mohammad Al Ajmi. We
laughed, fought, shouted and discussed, among other things. Having met in this very doctoral
program, Mohammad had the first-hand knowledge of the dissertation process and what I was
experiencing. This understanding was priceless. He has played the part of friend, confidant,
conscience, humourist, phone comrade, etc., etc. Need I say more? Hes been as tough on me as hes
been supportive and caring.
For all these reasons and many, many more, I am eternally grateful. Thank you Mohammad for being
persistent and encouraging, for believing in me, and for the many precious memories along the way.
Another staunch supporter and fan was my youngest brother, Abdullah. He was taking care of my
family in my absence for long time when I was working in the field where there were not mobile
connection, for months in the desert, and when I was in Germany for few months. He was giving
much care and he spent a lot of money for my family from his own pocket. Thank you, Abdullah.
One other friend I must mention is Abdullah Al Humain. He was our previous General Director in the
Ministry. He was the first who fought and worked hard to give me this chance in this project in 2008,
through the Ministry and GIZ Company. He constantly asked me are you done yet? and


affectionately referred to me as his friend the professional student.

encouragement, support and most of all your humour.

Thank you for your

In addition, these acknowledgements would not be complete if I did not mention my wife, Jawhara.
She went through every excruciating step and mood change with me, and all of my kids (Anfal,
Abdullah, Musab, Atheer, Reema, and Haneen). They have been a twinkle in my eye. They have been
central to my completion of this study as they have given me confidence and motivated me in so many
ways. Throughout my doctoral program, they have been a bright light, often sending supportive emails and letters, and calling me to encourage me, asking about mine when Im out in the field or in
Germany, always concerned with how stressed I might be. There are no words that can express my
gratitude and appreciation for all youve done and been for me. As I ramble, I still have not found the
words that describe or express how I feel for my wife and my kids and what their presence in my life
has meant. Thanks to all of you.
Of course these acknowledgments wouldnt be complete without giving my special thanks to my
mother and sister. Both have instilled many admirable qualities in me and given me a good foundation
with which to meet life. Theyve taught me about hard work and self-respect, about persistence and
about how to be independent. Mom, especially, was a great role model of resilience, strength and
character. Both have always expressed how proud they are of me and how much they love me. Im
proud of them too and love them very much. I am grateful for them both and for the smart genes they
passed on to me.


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of Earth History. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 357: 137-166
Vail PR, Mitchum RM Jr., Todd RG, Widmier JM, Thompson S III, Sangree JB, Bubb JN, Hatlelid
WG (1977) Seismic stratigraphy and global changes of sea-level. In: Payton CE (ed) Seismic stratigraphy applications to hydrocarbon exploration: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 26: 49-212
Vaslet D (1990) Upper Ordovician Glacial Deposits in Saudi Arabia. Episodes 13: 147-161
Vaslet D, Al-Muallem MS, Maddah SS, Brasse JM, Fourniguet F, Breton JP, Le Nindre YM (1991) Geologic
map of the Ar Riyadh Quadrangle, Sheet 241, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral
Resources, Geoscience Map GM-121, with explanatory notes
Wanas HA, Abdel-Maguid NM (2006) Petrography and geochemistry of the Cambro-Ordovician Wajid
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Zeeb C, Gckus D, Bons P, Al Ajmi H, Rausch R, Blum P (2011) Fracture flow modelling based on satellite
images of the WajidSandstone, Saudi Arabia. Hydrogeology Journal 18: 1699 1712


Table 6: Detailed lithological logs of Wajid outcrops (see attached CD and/or hardcopy)

WSh-3 (WDSK)

Jabal Nafla
Jabal Juwayl
Jabal Eqab
Jabal Zaffot
Jabal Atheer
Jabal Majed
Jabal Duhaim
Jabal Khusayyayn
Jabal Mashbokah
Jabal Seab
Jabal Bani Ruhayyah
Jabal Abu Ledam
Jabal Abood
Jabal Blehan
Jabal Fard Al-Ban
Jabal Um Lsan


File name



Table 7: Samples taken for palynological analysis.

Bani-2 2
Hima 1
Hima 2
Hima 3
Wuh-1 5
Wuh-1 9
Wuh-1 10
Wuh-4 13
Wuh-6 2
Wuh-5 varves
Wkh-T 5
Wuh-7 1
Fard Alban(B)
Fard top
Fard C
Fard base
Wdh-1 Silt
Wdh-1 Silt layer
Wdh-1 Silty



Table 8: Sample list with Poroperm data used in this study.

Lab No.
Sample ID

Sample Name

XY (Average)


Intrinsic permeability (mD)

Wuh 4(9-12)












Wuh 3(1) Juwayl












Wuh 3(4)






Fard PUU






Wuh-3 6b






WDSK (1)













Fard PUU




























Wuu-1 Juwayl







Wkh- T(12)







Uh-2 11b




















WDh-1 Top














wuh-7(1) b lehan









































































































Wuh-3 (6a)




























WDSK 17a






















S-2 Top







Wuh 4(5)










































Overheat (1)






































































Wdsk 14





















WUU 17
























































WD - 78







WD - 1 a







WD - 03 c)







WD - 03 b)





WD - 03 a)




WD - 02





WD - 05





WD - 06 c)




WD - 06 b)





WD - 06 a)





WD - 08




WD - 09





WD - 10





WD - 11


WD - 12


WD - 13








WD - 1





WS - 04





WS - 05




WK 1




SWJ 3.1


SWJ 3.2


SWJ 3.3


WJ 1.1








WJ 1.2




WJ 1.3



WJ 1.4


WJ 2




WJ 5




WJ 3 (?)







Fard base






Fard Top






Hima 1






Hima 2






Hima 3






Fard base


Fard Top






Fard base


Fard Top






Fard base


Fard Top


Fard base






Fard Top






Fard base






Fard Top


Fard base


Fard Top


Fard base


Fard Top


Fard base


Fard Top






Fard base


Fard Top













































Fard- B








Bani Khatma






































Contact Information

Al Ajmi
Hussain Fahad Hussain
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
00966-14478288 (Home)
00966-14791802 EXT: 121 (office)

Personal Data
Date of birth: 14.4.1964
Place of birth: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Nationality: Saudi
Marital status: married, 6 children

Current Position
Chief Geologist, Ministry of Water and Electricity, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Full-time PhD student with GTZ, Riyadh office

Educational Background
1980 1984
1984 1985
1985 1989
1989 April 1994

High school, King Abdul Aziz School, Science division,

Advanced English, Mathematics and Airplane (power plant
& fuselage) maintenance courses, Saudi Arabian Airlines
Institute (Saudia), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
employee in "Saudia" (Saudi Arabian Airlines) reservation
office in Riyadh; self employment in private business
Study of Geology (General Geology, Collage of Science,
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Reception of BSc.
Three months advanced English course, King Saud

December 2006:

March 2013

MSc in Geology, Collage of Science, King Saud University

Title of Master thesis: "Geology of Sakaka Area, Northern
Saudi Arabia"
PhD- In Sedimentology and Stratigraphy from The
Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany.

Professional Background
1994 to 2001:
2001 to 2004:
2004 to 2009
2009 2013
Since April 2013

Junior Geologist, Ministry of Agriculture and Water

Junior Geologist, Ministry of Water and Electricity
Senior Geologist in Ministry of Water and Electricity
Chief Geologist in the Ministry of Water and Electricity
The Chief of The Hydrogeological Consultancy team in The
Ministry of Water and Electricity, Saudi Arabia

Professional Experience

Shallow and deep water well design and supervision (90 m to 2400 m)
Sedimentological and hydrological studies in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic aquifers in
Saudi Arabia
Geophysical well logging interpretations
Palynology of Late Middle to Late Paleozoic strata in Saudi Arabia
Evaluation of ground water aquifer contaminations with sewage water and other

Training Courses

Workshop on "water wells designing and drilling", organized by the Water Resources
Development Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Water, Riyadh, 1994.
Hydrological training course on "Aquifer hydrological parameters calculations",
organized by the Water Resources Development Department, Ministry of Agriculture
and Water, Riyadh, 1997.
Advanced course in "The use of isotope and radioactive pollutants in the study of
groundwater", organized by Isotopes and Radioactive Pollutants Center, Cairo, Egypt,
Workshop on "remote sensing studies", organized by German Foundation for
Technical Cooperation, Riyadh (GTZ), 2005.
Long term training course on "ground water modeling", organized by German
Foundation for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), 2006.
Long term training on "applications of geographical information systems", organized
by German Foundation for Technical Cooperation, Riyadh (GTZ), 2007.
Three weeks mapping course in Spain in 2009.
3 days GPR training course in Germany 2009.
One week rock coring, sampling and hydrological parameters measurements under
controlled conditions in Technical University of Darmstadt 2009.


Fellowship, Scientific Visits and Conferences

Attending all Saudi conferences and seminars in the field of geology since 1995
Visit to "Desert Research Center", Cairo, Egypt, 1998
Visit to "Ground water Research Center", Cairo, Egypt, 1998
Visit to a number of Water Research Centers in Germany, 2006
3rd International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments and 1st Arab
Water Forum, 2008.



Technical Reports, Publications, Abstracts

The impact of the tectonic movements of the "Central Arabian Graben system" on
mixing water between different aquifers in Wadi Nisah area, southwestern Riyadh,
1997, unpublished report.
Study of groundwater levels drop in the northern part of the Al-Kharj area, south of
Riyadh, 2006, unpublished report.
Study of Al-Kharj groundwater contamination by treated wastewater, south of Riyadh,
2007- 2008, unpublished report.
Al-Ajmi, H.; Keller, M.; Hinderer, M.; Rausch, R. (in press): New Insights into the
Facies Distribution of the Wajid Sandstone in Its Western Outcrop Area and
Implication on Reservoir Properties, Prince Sultan International Water Conference,
Al-Ajmi, H.; Keller, M.; Hinderer, M.; Rausch, R.: Palaeozoic Glacial And Proglacial
Depositional Environments On The Arabian Platform I: Ordovician Glaciation
(Sanamah Formation, Lower Wajid Group, SW Saudi Arabia), IAS Meeting 2009,
C Philipp Blum and Daniel Bohnsack.; The Role of Outcrop Analogue studies for the
Characterization of aquifer properties, ICWRAE 330-336 5-8 December 2010 Riyadh
Saudi Arabia.
Al-Ajmi, H.; Keller, M.; Hinderer, M.; Rausch, R. Advances in Understanding the
relation between reservoir properties and facies distribution in the Paleozoic Wajid
Sandstone, Saudi Arabia, Springer Advances in the Reserearch of Aquatic
Environment v2, p 21-28 2011.
Al-Ajmi, H.; Keller, M.; Hinderer, M.; Saed Al-Duair, J . Hornung, and C. Schuth.
Regional Distribution of Properties of the Palaeozoic Wajid Sandstone Group
Southwestern Saudi Arabia. AAPG 50586 posted April (2012).
Keller, M.; Al-Ajmi, H. ; Hinderer, M.; Rausch, R.: Palaeozoic Glacial And Proglacial
Depositional Environments On The Arabian Platform II: Permian Glaciation (Juwayl
Formation, Upper Wajid Group, SW Saudi Arabia) , IAS Meeting 2009, Alghero
Hinderer, M.; Keller, M.; Al-Ajmi, H.; Rausch, R.: Tales of two glaciations in the
Paleozoic of southwestern Saudi Arabia: Implications for ice shield dynamics and
paleogeography of the southwestern Arabian Platform and adjacent areas. Lithosphere
Dynamics And Sedimentary Basins: The Arabian Plate And Analogues, Abu Dhabi
Keller, M.; Hinderer, M.; Al-Ajmi, H.; Rausch, R.: Aspects of Ordovician glacial
deposits in southern Saudi Arabia, IGCP 503 Final meeting, Copenhagen 2009.

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