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Research Journal of Material Sciences _______________________________________________ ISSN 23206055

Vol. 1(7), 1-8, August (2013)

Res. J. Material Sci.

One Pot Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles via Chemical and

Green Method
Gnanasangeetha D.1 and SaralaThambavani D.2

Department of Chemistry, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, INDIA
Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, INDIA

Available online at:

Received 1st July 2013, revised 8th August 2013, accepted 15th August 2013

Presently the progress of green chemistry in the synthesis of nanoparticles with the use of plants has engrossed a great
attention. This study reports the exploit of aqueous leaf extract of Corriandrum sativum as an eco-friendly agent for the
pattern of Zinc Oxide nanoparticle using zinc acetate and sodium hydroxide as a surrogate for Chemical method. The
present exploration describes the synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanoparticles prepared by green and chemical
technique (XRD, SEM, FTIR and EDAX). ZnO nanoparticles have found fabulous application in biomolecular detection,
diagnostics, micro electronics and water remediation. Though chemical and green methods are trendier for nanoparticles
synthesis, the biogenic green fabrication is a better choice due to eco-friendliness.
Keywords: Corriandrum sativum, Characterization, Zinc oxide nanoparticles, Zinc acetate.

Green synthesis techniques make use of moderately pollutant free
chemicals to synthesis nanometerials and embrace the use of
benign solvents such as water, natural extracts. Green chemistry
seeks to reduce pollution at source1, 2. It is enhanced to prevent
waste than to treat or clean up waste after it is formed. This
principle focuses on choosing reagents that facade the least risk
and generate only benevolent by products. Though physical and
chemical methods are trendier for nanoparticles synthesis, the
biogenic fabrication is a better choice due to eco-friendliness3, 4.
Nanoparticles due to their smaller size and large surface to
volume ratio exhibit remarkable novel properties and methodical
applications in the field of biotechnology, sensors, medical,
catalysis, optical devices, DNA labeling, drug delivery5 and they
are rewardingly treated as a bridge between bulk material and
atomic and molecular structures. ZnO nanoparticles have found
fabulous application in biomolecular detection, diagnostics, and
micro electronics6. Green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles were
agreed out using Corriandrum Sativum leaf extract for the ecofriendly development of novel technologies. We have developed a
facile and eco-friendly method for the synthesis of Zinc Oxide
nanoparticles using aqueous leaf extract of Corriandrum Sativum
with Zinc acetate dihydrate as precursor. ZnO have extensive
applications in water purification7. ZnO nanoparticles have been
used to remove arsenic, sulphur from water even though bulk zinc
oxide cannot absorb arsenic. It is because nanoparticles have
much larger surface areas than bulk particles8. The plant
phytochemical with antioxidant properties is accountable for the
preparation of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles. Recently
nano particles synthesis was achieved with bacteria, fungi,
actinomycetes9, 10, 11 and use of plant extract such as neem,
camellia sinensis, Corriandrum, nelumbo licifera, ocimum
International Science Congress Association

sanctum and several others which is compatible with the green

chemistry principles12,13. Among the diverse biosynthetic
approaches, the use of plant extracts has compensation such as
easily available, safe to handle and possess a broad viability of
metabolities. The phytochemicals responsible for the synthesis of
nanoparticles are terponoids, flavonoids, carbohydrates, saponins,
alkaloid and protein14. Coriandrum sativum also known as
cilantro, Chinese parsley or dhania is an annual herb in the family
Apiaceae15. It is a soft, hairless plant growing to 50 cm. The
leaves are uneven in shape, broadly lobed at the base of the plant
and slender. The flowers are borne in small umbels, white
asymmetrical with the petals pointing away16. Genus name comes
from the Greek word koris (bedbug) in reference to the purported
resemblance of the smell of fresh leaves to bedbug infested linen.
The therapeutic properties17 of Coriander include being,
aphrodisiac, carminative, depurative, digestive, analgesi
fungicidal, revitalizing, antispasmodic, stomachic and stimulant.
Coriander is constructive to refresh and awake the mind. It can be
used for mental fatigue, migraine pain, tension and nervous
weakness18-25. Approaches such as simple solution-based
methods, chemical precipitation26,27, sol-gel, solvothermal28-31
electrochemical and photochemical reduction techniques are more
widely used32, 33. Chemical method leads to the presence of some
toxic chemicals adsorbed on the surface that may have adverse
effects34. Increasing awareness towards green chemistry and
biological processes has led to the development of an eco-friendly
approach for the synthesis of nanoparticles. The use of
environmentally benign plant leaf extract35-38 for the synthesis of
zinc oxide nanoparticle offers copious profit of eco-friendliness
where toxic chemicals are not used39, 40. ZnO is non toxic it can be
used as photocatalytic degradation materials of environmental

Research Journal of Material Sciences ____________________________________________________________ ISSN 23206055

Vol. 1(7), 1-8, August (2013)
Res. J. Material Sci.

Material and Methods

Zinc acetate dihydrate (99%purity) and sodium hydroxide
(pellet.99%) was used as the introductory material was
supplied by Sigma-Aldrich chemicals. A fresh leaf of
Corriandrum sativum were washed thoroughly with double
distilled water, grinded and was filtered through Whatman
filter paper was used for further studies. Identification of
active phytoconstituents (Table-1) was done by the methods of
Trease and Harbourne41, 42.
Qualitative Phytochemical Analysis of Corriandrum

solution . This was then placed in a magnetic stirrer for 2hrs.

The pale white precipitate was then taken out and washed over
and over again with distilled water followed by ethanol to get
free of the impurities. Then a pale white powder of ZnO
nanoparticles was obtained after drying at 60C in vacuum
oven over night. In synthesis II (Chemical method), 0.02M
aqueous Zinc acetate dihydrate was dissolved in50 ml distilled
water under vigorous stirring. At room temperature, aqueous
2.0M NaOH was added drop by drop to reach pH 12. Which
was then placed in a magnetic stirrer for 2hr.After completion
of reaction, the white precipitate formed was washed
thoroughly with distilled water followed by ethanol to remove
the impurities. The precipitate was dried in a hot air oven for
overnight at 60C. Complete conversion of Zn (OH) 2 into
ZnO NPs took place during drying.









Fixed oils

Spot test



Results and discussion

Lead acetate








The end product in Green synthesis method- I was pale white

precipitate where in chemical synthesis method II white
precipitate appeared. The X-Ray powder Diffraction pattern of
the synthesized sample from aqueous leaf extract of
Corriandrum sativum by Green synthesis method I was
recorded on an X-ray diffractometer using Cu(k) radiation (
= 1.5415 x 10-10 ) operating at 40 kv and 30 mA with 2
ranging from 10-90
figure-2 shows distinctive peak at
(100), (002), (101), (102), (110), (103), (200), (112) and (201)
that are in good agreement with wurtzite ZnO(JCPDS CARD
NO: 36- 1451)43. High purity and crystallinity of the prepared
ZnO NPs confirms the sturdy and clear peak. For other
impurities no characteristic peak was accessible44. Zinc oxide
NPs synthesized by Chemical method -II using X-ray
diffraction of the Figure-3 using zinc acetate dihydrate and
sodium hydroxide shows 2 values at 32.1, 34.7, 36.6, 47.9,
56.9, 63.2, 66.7, 68.3, 69.4, 77.3 equivalent45 to (100), (002),
(101), (102), (110), (103), (200), (112), (201) and (202) planes
in that order. The results confirmed that the ZnO nanoparticles
are of wurtzite hexagonal type structure46. Using Debye
Scherers equation d = k / cos the average particle size
obtained for ZnO nanoparticle is 66nm in Green synthesis
method -I while the size was found to increase to 81nm in
Chemical method II.




+ Presence




- Absence

ZnO nano particle was prepared by two different methods. In

synthesis I (Green synthesis method) to 50 ml of distilled
water 0.02M aqueous Zinc acetate dihydrate was added under
constant stirring. Aqueous leaf extract of Corriandrum were
introduced into the above solution after 10min stirring at
different sets (0.25,0.5,1ml).To the same 2.0M NaOH was
added to make pH 12 resulted in a pale white aqueous

International Science Congress Association

The external morphology and particle size of the sample were

characterized by (SEM) (LEO 1530FEGSEM) Scanning
Electron Microscope. FT-IR spectra (Fourier Transform
Infrared Spectrometer) were recorded on Jasco FT-IR5300
model spectrophotometer in KBr pellets in the range of 4000400 cm-1 for Green and Chemical methods. Crystal phase
identification of the samples were characterized by powder
X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD, PW 3040/60 Philips XPert,
Holland) with Cu (K) radiation ( =0.15416 nm) operating at
40 kv and 30 mA with 2 ranging from 10- 90 for Chemical
and Green method.

Research Journal of Material Sciences ____________________________________________________________ ISSN 23206055

Vol. 1(7), 1-8, August (2013)
Res. J. Material Sci.

Zinc Acetate dihydrate (0.02m)

Aqueous Corriandrum Leaf extract

Vigorous stirring

Constant stirring

Method I

Homogenous solution of Zinc

Acetate dihydrate

Homogenous solution of
Corriandrum Leaf extract

Method II
Drop wise 2.0m
NaOH until pH12

Continuous stirring for 2 hrs

Solution is washed with water and ethanol and then


The residue obtained is put for drying in oven at a

temp of 60 for about 12 hrs






Synthesis by Green and Chemical Method

International Science Congress Association

Research Journal of Material Sciences ____________________________________________________________ ISSN 23206055

Vol. 1(7), 1-8, August (2013)
Res. J. Material Sci.

FTIR spectra of ZnO nps of aqueous leaf extract of
Corriandrum Sativum;
XRD spectra of ZnO nps of aqueous leaf extract of
Corriandrum sativum by Green synthesis method-I

FTIR spectra of ZnO nps using chemical method

XRD spectra of ZnO nps using Chemical method-II
The samples synthesized by green (method I) and chemical
(method II) separately were analysed on a Jasco FT-IR5300
model operating at a resolution of 4000-400cm-1 in the percent
transmittance mode. Figure-4 shows the FT-IR spectra of ZnO
nanoparticles prepared from aqueous coriander leaf extract by
green synthesis method-I. The pattern of absorption at 710 cm-1
and 768 cm-1, 849 cm-1 aromatic C-H out of plane bending is a
typical mono substituted benzene ring 1,2,3 tri-substituted
benzene ring and 1, 4 di-substituted benzene ring. Band 1029
cm-1 corresponds to C-N stretching vibration of amine47.

International Science Congress Association

Medium absorption in the region 1617- 1411cm-1 often implies

an aromatic ring. Two weak absorptions near 2900-2750 cm-1
indicates the presence of aromatic aldehydes48. The weak
absorption at 2049 is due to CC stretching vibration. The
broad and intense band at 3237-3565 cm-1 is owing to OH
stretching. Absorption at 450-540cm-1 identifies the presence of
ZnO nanoparticle. Broad IR bands at 3237, 1614, 2900 cm-1
show the presence of hydroxyl group, aldehydes, amines and
aromatic ring confirms that the phytoconstituents could possibly
enhance the stabilization of ZnO nanoparticles in the aqueous
medium. Figure-5 shows the FT-IR spectra of ZnO
nanoparticles prepared for chemical method-II. Intense, broad
band near 3360 cm-1 represents the hydrogen bonded O-H
stretching vibration49. The band at 2990 cm-1 represents
asymmetric Csp3-H stretching frequency of alkyl group. The
band at 540- 417 cm -1 point out ZnO nanoparticles50-52.
Regardless of repeated washing the surveillance proves the
subsistence of aldehydes, amines, terpenoids, phenolic

Research Journal of Material Sciences ____________________________________________________________ ISSN 23206055

Vol. 1(7), 1-8, August (2013)
Res. J. Material Sci.
compounds were bounded to the surface of ZnO nanoparticle
enhances stabilization by covering the metal nanoparticles46.
The physicochemical properties of Corriandrum sativum acts as
a bio template which prevents the particles formed from
SEM image Figure-3 (a,b,c,d) by green synthesis method-I
dogged the particle size and external morphology of the ZnO
nanoparticle . It can be seen from the image that the zinc oxide
nanoparticles range from 100-190 nm. Figure-3c and 3d shows
cubic structure composed of quite a lot of individual small
nanoparticles. The morphology of ZnO nanoparticle prepared by
chemical method-II is shown in the Figure-6 (e,f,g,h) represents
that the obtained products are composed of near flower shape
morphology with the average size in the range of 0.5m. The
profile (3g) of .5m clearly pictures like a flower. Nanoparticles
in profile (6e, 6f) have been agglomerated into bigger ones.
Profile (g, h) confirms the structure of nanoflowers of 100200nm which is in close agreement with green method.


To further confirm the structure elemental analysis of aqueous

extract of Corrianndrum ZnO NPs by green synthesis-I and
Chemical method -II was carried. EDX spectrum Figure-7 peaks
of zinc and oxygen elements 55.92 and 44.08% proves ZnONPs
prepared is essentially free from impurities. EDX pattern
displayed in Figure-8 indicates that the as-prepared products of
chemical method are composed of zinc and oxygen of 68.30 and
31.70 %. We have developed a green and chemical route for
zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesis. But preparation of zinc oxide
nanoparticles using Corriandrum sativum is being ecofriendly
and can be an effective alternative for the large scale synthesis
of zinc oxide nanoparticles. Among the diverse synthetic
approaches, the plant phytochemical with antioxidant property
is accountable for the preparation of Zinc oxide nanoparticle as
the byproducts are benign. . Green method provides progression
over chemical method as it is cost effective, environment
friendly and scaled up for large scale synthesis.



Figure-6 (a,b,c,d)
SEM pictures of aqueous extract of Corriandrum ZnO NPs at different magnifications by green synthesis method-I

International Science Congress Association

Research Journal of Material Sciences ____________________________________________________________ ISSN 23206055

Vol. 1(7), 1-8, August (2013)
Res. J. Material Sci.



Figure-6 (e, f, g, h) SEM Image of synthesized ZnO NPs using chemical method-II

Elemental Spectra of aqueous extract of Corrianndrum ZnO
NPs by Green synthesis method-I revealed by EDX analysis,

International Science Congress Association

EDX spectra of ZnO nps using Chemical method-II

Research Journal of Material Sciences ____________________________________________________________ ISSN 23206055

Vol. 1(7), 1-8, August (2013)
Res. J. Material Sci.


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