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Erona Ress: Council Oks Land Purchase Preparations

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Happy Holidays

Dr. Tami Hunt

Dr. Emmylou Wilson
320 S. Main Street, Verona, WI
(608) 848-5168

Thursday, December 18, 2014 Vol. 48, No. 30 Verona, WI Hometown USA $1

City of Verona


Verona Press

Verona Area School District

Council OKs
land purchase
Next step for district is approving
referendum wording
Jim Ferolie
Verona Press editor

After getting grilled by the Plan Commission

in early December about a proposal to purchase
land that was supposed to be a commercial center, the Verona Area School District got less
resistance Monday from the Common Council.
But school district representatives Chris Murphy and Dennis Beres still had to sweat a bit.
They got some heavy questioning by Ald.
Mac McGilvray (D-1), who expressed doubts
about the source of funding for traffic improvements that would be needed, as well as the cost
of giving up a prime spot to a tax-exempt entity
along West Verona Avenue. Four other alders
expressed some similar reservations.
Still, there was never any real doubt whether
the city would grant the various changes to the
comprehensive plan, underlying zoning and survey maps on the 108-acre area (and the noncontroversial 18-acre elementary school site that
went with it). Four alders expressed their support
almost immediately, and Mayor Jon Hochkammer had already stated his stance in favor during
the Plan Commission meeting.
Ultimately, even McGilvray joined in the
unanimous approval after just under an hour of
discussion. But he and others did so with a few
I will be supportive of this tonight, but its
because I know you and know youve worked
hard on the school board and I trust you, McGilvray told Beres, the district president, whos in
his 13th year on the board.
Alds. Luke Diaz and Elizabeth Doyle brought
up traffic concerns and walkability to the site,
which will be fronted by a commercial strip.
Ald. Evan Touchett repeated a question that had
been raised and discredited at the Plan Commission about losing tax base immediately. And Ald.

Turn to Land/Page 4

Photos by Karina Galvn

Above left, New Century School fifth-grader Will Leuer tries to create a new game on on an iPad Friday, Dec. 12. Above right, Sugar
Creek second-grader Arwen Marse gives instructions to Angry Birds sprites to make them move.

Cool codes
Students around the Verona Area School District spent time over the last two weeks learning an increasingly
useful skill: coding. The effort was part of the national Hour of Code week, in which students around the
country of all ages spent part of their school days learning the language of computers. The main task involved
directing Angry Birds characters to move around a map, but some schools also used their own tools. For
more information on the program, visit

See more photos

Photo by Scott Girard

Students at Glacier Edge Elementary School had some fun and learned a lot at the same time during Hour of Code projects last week.

Verona Police Department

Military gear, body cameras not likely here

Seth Jovaag
Verona Press correspondent

Protests sparked by police killings of unarmed men in Ferguson,

Mo., and New York City have
cast a spotlight on law enforcement tools and procedures.
Two topics police use of
body-worn cameras and of

military-grade gear and weaponry have drawn media attention

nationwide and in Wisconsin.
But in Verona, police arent
planning to purchase body cameras or use a longstanding federal
program to obtain leftover military gear free of charge, said chief
Bernie Coughlin.
Verona stands out among law

enforcement agencies in Dane

County for not using the so-called
1033 program that, since 2004,
has doled out more than $28 million of surplus Department of
Defense gear to 219 agencies
statewide, according to a report
in August by Gannett Media Wisconsin.
Twenty-four state agencies

including Madison police

used the program to obtain mineresistant armored trucks in the
past year, according to the Wisconsin State Journal. That raised
eyebrows in small cities like
Neenah, whose armored vehicle
was highlighted in a New York
Times article in June.
Other departments have

obtained assault rifles, grenade

launchers or even helicopters, as
in Kenosha County, which got a
unit valued at $916,000, according to a database created by Gannett.
Much of the gear is mundane.
Gloves, trousers, cabinets, rope

Turn to Police/Page 16


Verona Press


The Verona Press

December 18, 2014

Legler familys 23-year tradition continues at gazebo

4-H club takes over
holiday decorating at
Mount Vernon Park
Unified Newspaper Group

Each Christmas for the last

23 years, the Legler family
has been decorating the gazebo at Mount Vernon Park in
memory of Bruce Legler.
Since some of the family members are beginning to
move away and the interest
of the next generation isnt as
strong, they approached their
friend, Florence Connors,
leader of the Springdale 4-H
Club. They asked if her group
could continue the tradition
in their stead as a community
service project, and Connors
said they are proud to do so.
I was thrilled that they
called, Connors said. I
always admired the gazebo
from the distance as you drove
by at the holiday season.
Connors said she has a
whole different outlook on
the project now that the family
told her the gazebos history.
She shared this story with
the children of the 4-H club
so they had a better understanding of the project they
are undertaking, stressing the
importance of it being a volunteer effort.
We committed to it, she

and two children, Amy and

Keith, wanted to do something in his memory.
Since Bruce had always
enjoyed going to Mount Vernon Park, especially to arm
wrestle during July tug-of-war
festivities, his mother thought
that spectators could better
view arm wrestling from the
platform of a gazebo.
The next summer, the
gazebo was constructed with
the help of Herb Bircher, his
son and other volunteers.
Engraved in the red wood
beam of the gazebo is Bruce
Legler Memorial.
During the Christmas season of 1992, the gazebo was
decorated by the Legler famHoliday tradition
ily with a deer theme, since
After Bruce passed away Bruce enjoyed deer hunting.
from cancer at age 36 on July In the more than 20 years the
6, 1991, his mother, Patricia, family has been decorating

Photos submitted

Above, members of the Springdale 4-H Club helped decorate the Bruce Legler Memorial
gazebo, shown at left, at Mount Vernon Park on Dec. 6. Front row from left: Levi Maier,
Kendyll Theobald, Eli Maier, Emily Maier and Anna Putney. Back row from left: Toby Maier,
Reece Theobald and Savannah Meyer.

the gazebo, they have created

seven different themes that
they rotate between, including
angels, bells, candy, Disney,
gingerbread and snowflakes
and snowmen.
Inside the gazebo is always
a live, decorated Christmas
tree, since Bruce strongly
disliked artificial trees. The
original trees were planted on
the Legler farm land by his
sister Terri and her husband
Bob Fiez and were cut down
when they were big enough to
hold the center position in the
In 2005, following the death
of Patricia, family members
each made a Christmas ornament with a personal message
on the back.
An angel weather vane was
also attached to the roof peak
in memory of her that year.

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Each Christmas season since

then, several spotlights illuminate the angel on the roof of
the gazebo.
When the Legler family had
been in charge of decorating,
they received donations from
Vita Plus Corp. and Miller &
Sons Supermarket, including
the roping around the railings.
The gazebo had generally been decorated from the
weekend after Thanksgiving
until around New Years. It
has been enjoyed by many
since its construction, not only
for Christmas, but also for
weddings, family gatherings
and many festivals.

New organizers
On Dec. 6, a few of Bruces
siblings passed the lights, if
you will, and helped ensure
the transition was successful to
the new group of volunteers:
the Springdale 4-H Club.
The family provided the
lights, decorations and steel
fence posts needed to anchor
the spotlights.
All (the) club needed to
supply was the members, ladders, hand maul and some
adult leaders willing to

spend a few hours of their

time on a very fun project,
Connors said. It was easy to
walk into this.
Bruces sister, Joan Hoppenjan, had previously been
storing the decorations in her
shed and has helped every
year, but she will be moving
away soon. The other siblings
include Brian Legler, Terri
Fiez, Beth Campbell and Greg
We all live 10 miles from
each other, but were dispersing, Hoppenjan said.
The family will still decorate the gazebo with U.S. flag
buntings for the Fourth of
July holiday, which was an
important part of Bruces life
as well. Hoppenjan said the
family will continue to offer
advice if asked, but has confidence the project is in good
It looks really good just
as good as when we were
doing it, Hoppenjan said.
In fact, Bruces twin, Brian,
told Connors the group was
right on with the blue lights
on the Christmas tree.
(It was) unknown to the
4-H club, when the tree was

decorated with blue Christmas

lights this season, that Bruce
had the most beautiful blue
eyes, Connors said. They
chose to do the bell theme this
The Christmas tree was
donated by the Ottman Family
Christmas Tree Farm in Belleville.
Connors had called the
owner to ask if there were
any trees they were having a
hard time selling that the club
could purchase.
They generously donated
a wide, stubby tree, Connors
said, since not many homes
have the space for a tree that
large anyway.
The electric bill is covered
by the Mount Vernon Park
The display will stay up
until around New Years Day,
and the 4-H club is looking
forward to decorating it for
the foreseeable future.
Everything fell into place,
Connors said. (The display)
is simple, but its just nice.
Information provided
by the Legler family and
Florence Connors

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December 18, 2014

The Verona Press

An Eagles
Non-union employees get raise Nest no more
Verona Area School District

2.5 percent same as union employees

received earlier this year
Scott Girard
Unified Newspaper Group

Non-union staff around

the Verona Area School
District will receive the
same wage increase as
their union peers for the
2014-15 school year.
The school board
approved the 2.5 percent
increase Monday night for
non-union support staff
and administrative staff.
The boards personnel
committee had recommended approval of the
increase, and it passed
Were a little bit late
on that, quipped VASD
human resources director
Jason Olson.

The increase comes as

the district continues its
discussions with a new
teacher compensation
committee comprising
teachers and administrators.
Olson reported the committee is holding monthly
meetings, which began in
November, to look at alternative ways to compensate
staff in whats becoming a
competitive environment
among districts. He said
the committees priorities
are to find a model sustainable for the long term,
support teachers growth
and ensure a plan offers a
clear plan staff can follow
to earn more.
So they can know what

they can and cannot expect

over time and what are the
different pathways available to them, Olson told
the board. We really want
to encourage growth and
The committee includes
first-year teachers and at
least one who has been in
the district more than 30
years, Olson said.
The committee will
likely eventually bring a
proposal to the board for

Health insurance
Board member Ken
Behnke, who chairs the
boards personnel committee, reported the districts
health insurance claims
data is not looking really
He said claims are

exceeding premiums, a
problem that will catch up
to the district soon.
In the very near future
we will find that this is
going to be an issue, he
told the rest of the board.
Itll be a real financial
issue for us.
We have a really good
deal now, he continued,
and were reaping the benefits of the contract that the
administration was able to
negotiate in the past.
The districts health
insurance plan expires in
July 2016.
Earlier this year, it
amended its policy to stop
offering health insurance to
new hires working between
20 and 29 hours per week.
It grandfathered in the 18
employees who work those
hours and used the districts
insurance policy.

VANN to receive $20k from food pantry contest

The Verona Area Needs
Network (VANN) is one of
75 food pantries that will
receive $20,000 through
Wal-Marts 2014 Food
Pantry Holiday Makeover
VANN plans to use the
funds for refrigerators in
the pantry store and a childrens play area.
The goal of the contest,
which ran from Dec. 2-12,
was to strengthen communities by helping food
pantries across the country refresh their facilities
to make it easier for them
to help families who may
struggle with hunger. Of the
150 food pantries selected
to participate, the 75 with
the most votes at the end of

the contest won.

VANN was 13th of 75
at 2,217 votes. In comparison, the most votes went
to Chesapeake Cares Food
Pantry in Maryland with
8,731 votes.
According to Marcia
Kasieta, Move the Food
Campaign team leader, the
community rallied together
to spread the word about
the contest.
For example, Park Printing Solutions donated
15,000 one-page fliers about the contest and
VANN volunteers distributed them to local businesses,
area churches and VASD
The business community, pastors and school

administrators then further spread the word, she

said. Local service organizations, the Chambers of
Commerce in both Fitchburg and Verona, and local
elected officials used their
social networks to generate
additional votes. It was a
real community effort.
Many people voted and
showed support for VANN
in areas outside of Verona
and Fitchburg as well.
Through Facebook comments and new likes to
our page, we were delighted to discover that people
throughout the country
were rooting for us some
with past or current connections to Fitchburg and
Verona and others that

just wanted to support our

cause, she said.
VANN is also raising
funds through its Move
the Food capital campaign
in hopes of remodeling
the former Badger Prairie
Health Care Center administration building. The
new location, just east of
the City of Verona, would
double the size of the pantry store, increase the cold/
dry storage capacity with
walk-in refrigeration and
help expand its services to
the community with more
office space.
For information, visit

Now called the Verona Ice Arena

as youth hockey rebrands

Scott Girard
Unified Newspaper Group

There were no more

Eagles playing hockey
at the ice rink in Verona
earlier this year, but until
September it remained the
Eagles Nest Ice Arena.
And until late last
month, thats what the
signs said.
Arena executive director
Joel Marshall explained
the name change was part
of the the Verona Youth
Hockey organization
beginning to rebrand itself.
The main reason was
our major user group,
which is the youth hockey association, with them
trying to rebrand and get
more youth involved in
our area, Marshall said.
That was a time to piggyback because theres no
longer any Eagles skating
The group took some
other steps, including lowering prices, to make its
association more accessible and has had success. Marshall said the
entry level of the hockey

program, which serves

kids between 4 and 6 years
old, had only 16 participants last year.
This year, thats up to
(It) could be coincidence, Marshall said of
the name change. I would
say it helped.
Another factor was to
make sure the Verona
community outside of the
hockey program understood the rink had public
(People felt) like it was
more of a private club or
facility, Marshall said.
(The change was) a reach
out to our public showing
them that we are public.
So far, Marshall said
feedback has been mostly, Oh, yeah that makes
A new sign went up at
the end of November, displaying the new Verona
Ice Arena title to passersby
on West Verona Avenue.
For information on the
Verona Ice Arena, including public skate times, visit

Samantha Christian

Marijuana growing operation busted near Verona

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to identify those involved.

Information can be given
to Madison Area Crime
Stoppers at 266-6014 or
online at madisonarea


people on the lease did not live

at the duplex, and appear to
have signed for others who are
responsible for the criminal
Police are still looking


A large-scale marijuana
growing operation was dismantled along Raymond Road
last Thursday following a tip
from utility workers.
The Dane County Narcotics
Task Force seized 850 plants,
with a street value of approximately $850,000, from a sideby-side duplex on the 7100
block of Raymond Road, just
outside the Town of Verona.
Police were alerted to
check on the property after
utility workers noticed illegal
and dangerous wiring, the
Madison Police Department
said in a news release. The
residences were found to be
in deplorable condition with
numerous fire hazards being
caused by jerry-rigged electrical work.
Police reported that the

December 18, 2014

The Verona Press

Letter to the editor

Room tax math needs some double-checking

The Verona Area Chamber of
Commerce is very appreciative of
the Presss coverage of our room tax
efforts, but upon reading (the Dec. 4)
article I felt some of your math needed correcting.
The Press wrote The chamber is
responsible for disbursing 70 percent
of a longstanding 1 percent addition
to regular sales taxes. The Madison
Area Sports Commission gets 70
percent of another 1 percent, and
the city keeps the rest for its general
fund. This is incorrect.
Guests staying at Verona hotels
are charged a 7 percent tax on the
price of a room, meaning a $100
room charge would actually cost a
guest $107. Last year the total room
tax collected in Verona was just shy
of $200,000.
By state statute, the city of Verona is allowed to keep 30 percent of
all room tax revenues in its general
fund. The remaining 70 percent is
divided between the Chamber, the
Greater Madison Convention and
Visitors Bureau, and the Madison Sports Commission. Using the
example of $100 in room tax, the
breakdown would be as follows:
City of Verona - $30
Verona Area Chamber of Commerce - $54
Greater Madison Convention
and Visitors Bureau - $6
Madison Sports Commission $10

The article is correct in that the

Chambers 54 percent of all room
tax revenues during the last reporting period came to $106,772. Math
enthusiasts are more than welcome
to figure out what the other organizations received using the numbers
The Press made another math
error when calculating future hotel
rooms. There are presently 140
rooms at Veronas two existing
hotels. If the Fairfield Inn adds 91
rooms and the Hyatt another 231,
the resulting 322 rooms more than
triple the number of available rooms,
not double it as noted in the article.
If these new hotels host guests at a
rate similar to our existing hotels, the
effect on room tax revenue will be
quite dramatic.
As the article pointed out, it is the
Chambers position that a proactive
approach toward the potential significant uptick in room tax revenue is
a prudent step. This may involve the
creation of a convention and visitors
bureau or some other type of solution. Only time will tell.
In the interim, keeping in mind the
goal is to promote Verona tourism to
the best of our ability, the Chamber
is always open to ideas regarding the
expenditure of room tax funds.
Karl Curtis
Verona Area Chamber of Commerce executive director

Thursday, December 18, 2014 Vol. 48, No. 30

USPS No. 658-320

Periodical Postage Paid, Verona, WI and additional offices.

Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group,
A Division of Woodward Communications, Inc.
POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to
The Verona Press, PO Box 930427, Verona, WI 53593.

Land: Changes contingent on successful referendum

Continued from page 1
Heather Reekie fished for a way
to re-evaluate the purchase down
the road, in perhaps 12 years or
The plan got strong support
from Hochkammer and Ald.
Brad Stiner (D-3) who called it
good for the community, citing
the high schools importance to
the city and Beres contention
that a failed (or aborted) referendum would mean looking at
other locations, likely outside the
current city limits. But McGilvray cast doubt on the idea that
any other municipality would do
much to accommodate the district.
I dont believe for a minute
the high school wouldnt be in
the city, he said.
In addition to his concern about
giving up on large-scale commercial development both the
majority of the West End and
the complementary Erbach property to what Beres had called a
target of opportunity, McGilvray wasnt sure the west side of
the city was the right place to go.
He noted that there isnt much
expansion potential to the west or
to the southwest.
To me, the largest growth
potential is to the east, McGilvray said, referencing some
undeveloped areas of the Town
of Verona. It would be shortsighted for the city to commit
itself to changing its plan ... when
there might be potential at other
Beres, who was quick to point
out that Fitchburg more than a
passing interest in hosting its
own high school, also addressed
a concern that the district doesnt
have a specific, defined plan
for what would go on the site

This newspaper is printed on recycled paper.

Jim Ferolie
Jeremy Jones
Scott Girard
Samantha Christian, Bill Livick,
Anthony Iozzo, Mark Ignatowski,
Scott De Laruelle

Unified Newspaper Group, a division of

Woodward Communications,Inc.
A dynamic, employee-owned media company
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results.
Printed by Woodward Printing Services Platteville


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Rachel Eileen Kalscheur, age

96, passed away peacefully at
home on Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014,
surrounded by her loving family.
Rachel was born on May 6,
1918, in Riley, the daughter of
Otto and Nellie (Bryan) Paradise,
Sr. She grew up in Verona, not
far from her birthplace.
On Nov. 14, 1945, Rachel married Herbert Kalscheur. They
lived in Madison where Rachel
was a devoted wife, homemaker and mother. In 1963, they
moved to Verona and lived there
until Herbs retirement in 1980.
Rachel and Herb then spent several years enjoying winters in
Delray Beach, Fla., and summers
on Lake Mendota in Middleton.
Rachel enjoyed traveling, playing cards, watching sports and
spending time with her family
and friends.
Rachel is survived by her three
children, Jim (Gloria) Kalscheur
of Verona, Emily (Terry) Roach
of Middleton, Jon (Emily)
Kalscheur of Naperville, Ill.;

Meditation 101 Course

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her husband, Herb, on May 15,

1996, and her brother, Otto Paradise, Jr. on Aug. 24, 1989.
Rachels family would like to
thank Agrace HospiceCare for
the wonderful care and support
they provided.
A funeral service will be held
at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 18,
at Ryan Funeral Home, Verona
Chapel, 220 Enterprise Dr., with
Father Tom Coyle officiating.
Burial will follow at St. Andrew
Catholic Cemetery in Verona.
Visitation will be on Thursday
at the funeral home from 10 a.m.
until the time of service.
In lieu of flowers, memorials
may be made to Agrace HospiceCare, 5395 E. Cheryl Parkway,
Fitchburg, WI 53711 or to The
Salvation Army of Dane County, Attn: Development Dept.,
3030 Darbo Drive, Madison, WI
To view and sign this
guestbook, please visit:


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Many other classes

four grandchildren, Amy (Eric)

Buzza, Jacob, Joshua, and Katie
Kalscheur; two step-grandchildren, Michael and Meghan Murphy; two great-grandchildren,
Alison and Alex Buzza; two
sisters, Marguerite Schewe of
Verona and Shirley Hellenbrand
of Cross Plains, as well as many
very special nieces, nephews,
cousins and friends.
She was preceded in death by

Pruning is
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Rachel Eileen Kalscheur

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The council approved plans for

MT Treads, a diner with a full
liquor license that would fill the
spot emptied by Michaels Frozen Custard a year ago.
McGilvray noted how the
drive-through window remained
in the plans and asked if that was
even legal in Wisconsin with
a liquor license. But the liquor
license will go through a separate process, and co-owner Tina
Bastian said liquor is not a dealbreaker because the business
will focus mainly on food.
The bar is an added bonus,
she said.
She also noted, in response to a
question from Stiner, that the restaurant will turn half of the current kitchen area into bar seating.
Bastian said the restaurant will
cater to a senior demographic
Plan, Parks change
and even work with the Verona
The council also approved Senior Center on transportation.

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Rachel Eileen Kalscheur

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the appointment of former alder

Mike Goetz to serve on both
the Plan Commission and Parks
Goetz, a former police officer
and Army National Guard veteran who has lived in Verona for
14 years, will chair Parks, a designation that automatically goes
with a seat on Plan. The opening
was not announced publicly.
He succeeds Janie Ritter, who
decided to resign two months
ago because of increasing travel
burdens at her job with the Wisconsin Safety Council combined
with family obligations.
Something had to go, she
told the Press on Tuesday. I told
(planning director) Adam (Sayre)
Id be gone for a while but I
hope, to be back because I really
did enjoy it.
The term expires May 1.


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though a high school is clearly

an option.
Its not really vague, its a
future planning use, he said.
Its like money in the bank.
You dont necessarily know what
youre going to use that retirement money for, but you know
its for retirement.
He and various city and district staff also noted that all of the
changes are contingent on a successful referendum, which would
have enough time for a November do-over if April fails.
Beres had opened the discussion with an explanation of the
context of the districts decision
to pursue the large land purchase.
All of us have looked deeply
into alternatives, he said. That
parcel was not necessarily targeted by us but certainly fits all of
our needs and the recommendations of our consultants.
He pointed out the very favorable timing that allows the district to keep the mill rate flat
because of a debt dropoff, as well
as to get ahead of the development area, unlike most expansions in years past.
Ultimately, if we do nothing
... we will be forced to deal with
it, he said.
Superintendent Dean Gorrell,
who appeared to be blindsided
by the inquisition he had gotten at the Dec. 1 Plan Commission meeting, wasnt available
to attend Monday but produced a
five-page document with 10 more
pages of appendices answering
questions raised by the commission.
The school board has until Jan.
19 to set a referendum for the
April 7 election.


Caring for our Green World since 1978


The Common Council is expected to discuss items

that were on the Dec. 1 Plan Commission at next weeks
meeting, Dec. 15. There was no Dec. 8 meeting, as the
council traditionally holds just one December meeting.

An event listed on the Coming Up page mistakenly

omitted the location and contact information to RSVP.
The holiday cookie decorating and card addressing event
will take place at 11 a.m., Thursday, Dec. 18, at the
senior center.
The Press regrets these errors.

December 18, 2014

The Verona Press

Nutcracker Suite
The Verona Youth Ballet put on an hourlong Nutcracker Suite
Saturday, Dec. 13, at the Verona Area High School Performing Arts
Below, Kate Alcorn, right, hops around Hailey Van Eck during the
Mother Ginger dance.
Right, Clara (Violet Cradock) dances Claras Dance in act two of
the show.
Photos by Scott Girard

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Above, Ohana Haugh, left, and Claire Swain leap during the Waltz of the

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Right, The Nutcracker (Leander Kung) dances a Russian ballet in the second

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December 18, 2014

The Verona Press

Coming up


Birthday luncheon and party

Hockey game trip

Tom Waselchuk, leader of The

Dang-Its, a country music group, will
give a solo performance at the birthday
luncheon and party at 11:45 a.m. on
Friday, Dec. 19, at the senior center.
His mix of songs ranges from singa-longs and standards to humorous
and off-beat numbers. Lunch will be
served at 11:45 a.m. and music begins
at 12:30 p.m. Please RSVP to the
senior center, 845-7471, for the meal
by noon, Thursday, Dec. 18.

The senior center has purchased

tickets for the Jan. 21 Madison Capitols USHL hockey game against the
Lincoln Stars. The game will be held
at the Alliant Energy Center and starts
at 10 a.m. The cost for the game is $10
for a ticket only, or $15 for a ticket and
food (hot dog, popcorn and soda).
Carpools to the game will leave the
senior center at 9:15 a.m. If you would
like to attend, contact Jennifer Miller
Money needs to be collected no later
than Jan. 15 if you wish to attend.

Retro Swing Band

Enjoy listening to music from the

30s, 40s and 50s at the senior center at Choosing a better life
12:30 p.m., Monday, Dec. 22. The Retro
Relieving stress, building resilience
Swing Band is an 18-piece ensemble and enjoying life all sound like good
formed as a senior recreation band.
goals for the new year. Tina Hallis,
Ph.D., owner of The Positive Edge,
New Years Eve party
LLC, and Cathy River, a neurofeedThe year is coming to an end, and back technician from the Madison
its time to ring in 2015. The senior Brain Center, will give a presentation
center will host a formal celebration at the library from 7-8:30 p.m., Tuesto ring in the new year. Lunch will day, Jan. 20.
They will discuss how choosing an
begin at 11:45 a.m., and there will be a
attitude for a better life is easier with
countdown to noon afterwards.
Please RSVP to the senior center, the help of scientifically based strate845-7471, no later than noon, Tuesday, gies and practices. They will also share
Dec. 30, for the meal. To keep this a details on these strategies and give
formal event, please dress in your Sun- people opportunities to practice them.
The program is free and open to the
day best. Enjoy reviewing highlights
public. For more information or to
from 2014 and other fun events.

register, visit

or call 845-7180.

Snag the job of your dreams

Find out how you can land your
dream job from 6:30-8:30 p.m., Monday, January 26, at the library.
Laura Gmeinder, certified human
resources professional, will share tips,
tricks, and insider secrets to help you
hone your skills, reach your potential
and land the job youve been dreaming of.
This program is free and open to the
public. To register, or for more information, visit,
or call 845-7180.

Be prepared!
Learn the key elements of estate
planning at the library from 6-8 p.m.,
Thursday, Feb. 12.
Be Prepared! Get Your Will and
Other Legal Documents in Order
is presented in partnership with the
Wisconsin Womens Business Initiative Corporation. In the program, you
will learn about estate planning and
receive resources to help you complete your own personalized plan.
Registration is required. Call 2575450 for more information.
This program is free and open to
the public.

Community calendar
2 p.m., movie, Elf (PG), senior
Thursday, December 18
11 a.m., Cookies Decorating and center
Holiday Cards, senior center
Monday, December 22
7:30 p.m., Holiday Concert, VAHS 12:30 p.m., Retro Swing Band,
senior center
4:30 p.m., Early Childhood Music,
Friday, December 19
10 a.m., Parkinsons group,
senior center, 845-7471
Wednesday, December 24
10-11:30 a.m., Young and the
Senior center, library, all city
Restless playtime (ages 0-5),
facilities closed
Thursday, December 25
11:45 a.m., Birthday Luncheon
Senior center, library, all city
and Party, music by Tom
facilities closed
Waselchuk, senior center

Friday, December 26

2 p.m., movie, How the Grinch

Stole Christmas, PG, senior center

Tuesday, December 30

1:30 p.m., Free Kids Movie,


Wednesday, December 31

11:45 a.m., New Years Eve

Luncheon and Party, senior center
7 p.m., Library closed for holiday

Thursday, January 1

All city facilities closed

Library closed for holiday

Whats on VHAT-98

renew your

Saturday, Dec. 20
8 a.m. Common Council
(from Dec. 15)
11 a.m. Amanda Zieba at
Senior Center
1 p.m. 2012 Wildcats Football
4:30 p.m. Verona
Characters at Historical Society
6 p.m. Common Council
(from Dec. 15)
9 p.m. Amanda Zieba at
Senior Center
10 p.m. Verona Characters
at Historical Society
11 p.m. Midtown Jazz at
Senior Center
Sunday, Dec. 21
7 a.m. Hindu Cultural Hour
9 a.m. Resurrection Church
10 a.m. Salem Church Service
Noon Common Council
(from Dec. 15)
3 p.m. Amanda Zieba at
Senior Center
4:30 p.m. Verona
Characters at Historical Society
6 p.m. Common Council
(from Dec. 15)
9 p.m. Amanda Zieba at
Senior Center
10 p.m. Verona Characters
at Historical Society
11 p.m. Midtown Jazz at
Senior Center

Monday, Dec. 22
7 a.m. St. James
Preschoolers & I Hear Singing
at Senior Center
1:30 p.m. Chatting with
the Chamber
3 p.m. Amanda Zieba at
Senior Center
4 p.m. A Taste of Theater
5 p.m. 2012 Wildcats Football
9 p.m. Hindu Cultural Hour

Presentation at Senior Center
11 p.m. Midtown Jazz at
Senior Center
Tuesday, Dec. 23
7 a.m. Scams Presentation
at Senior Center
9 a.m. Daily Exercise
10 a.m. Midtown Jazz at
Senior Center
3 p.m. Daily Exercise
4 p.m. St. James Preschoolers
& I Hear Singing at Senior Center
5 p.m. A Taste of Theater
6 p.m. Resurrection Church
8 p.m. Words of Peace
9 p.m. Chatting with the
10 p.m. Verona Characters
at Historical Society
Wednesday, Dec. 24
7 a.m. St. James
Preschoolers & I Hear Singing

Weve recently launched the option to

renew your newspaper subscription
electronically with our secure site at:

at Senior Center
1:30 p.m. Chatting with
the Chamber
3 p.m. Amanda Zieba at
Senior Center
5 p.m. Common Council
(from Dec. 15)
7 p.m. Capital City Band
8 p.m. Amanda Zieba at
Senior Center

Presentation at Senior Center
11 p.m. Midtown Jazz at
Senior Center
Thursday, Dec. 25
7 a.m. Scams Presentation
at Senior Center
9 a.m. Daily Exercise
10 a.m. Midtown Jazz at
Senior Center
3 p.m. Daily Exercise
4 p.m. St. James
Preschoolers & I Hear Singing
at Senior Center
6 p.m. Salem Church Service
8 p.m. Daily Exercise
9 p.m. Chatting with the
10 p.m. Verona Characters
at Historical Society


2833 Raritan Rd., Fitchburg
(608) 271-2811
Sunday: 8 & 10:45 a.m.
Verona Business Center
535 Half Mile Rd. #7, Verona
(608) 271-2811
Sunday: 9 a.m.
5705 Lacy Rd., Fitchburg
(608) 273-1008
Pastor Phil Haslanger
Sunday: 8:15 & 10 a.m.
Sunday school 10:15 a.m.
(608) 271-6633
Central: Raymond Road & Whitney
Way, Madison
Sunday: 8:15, 9:30 & 10:45 a.m.
West: Corner of Hwy. PD & Nine
Mound Road, Verona
Sunday: 9 & 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.
The Verona Senior Center
108 Paoli St., Verona
(608) 819-6451,
Pastor Tim Dunn
Sunday: 9:30 a.m.
201 S. Main St., Verona
(608) 845-7125
Lead Pastor Jeremy Scott
Sunday: 10:15 a.m.
130 N. Franklin St., Verona
Pastor Dwight R. Wise
Sunday: 10 a.m. family worship
6705 Wesner Rd., Verona
(608) 848-4965
Pastor Nathan Strutz and Assistant
Pastor Steven Pelischek
Thursday: 6:30 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m.
St. Andrew Church
301 N. Main St., Verona
St. William Church

1371 Hwy. PB, Paoli

(608) 845-6613
Fr. William Vernon, pastor
Saturday: 5 p.m., St. Andrew, Verona
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., St. William, Paoli
Sunday: 9 & 11 a.m., St. Andrew,
Daily Mass, Tuesday-Saturday: 8
a.m., St. Andrew, Verona
427 S. Main St., Verona
(608) 845-6922
Pastors Kurt M. Billings and Peter
Office Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; 8 a.m.noon Wednesday
Saturday: 5 p.m.
Sunday: 8:30 & 10:45 a.m.
502 Mark Dr., Verona
(608) 845-7315
Rev. Dr. Mark E. Yurs, Pastor
Laura Kolden, Associate in Ministry
Sunday: 10:15 a.m.
Sunday school: 9 a.m.
Staffed Nursery: 8:45-11:15 a.m.
Fellowship Hour: 11:30 a.m.
2752 Town Hall Rd. (off Hwy ID),
Mount Horeb
(608) 437-3493
Pastor Jeff Jacobs
Sunday: 8:45 a.m. with communion
415 W. Verona Ave., Verona
(608) 845-5855,
Pastor Gary Holmes
9 & 10:30 a.m. contemporary worship.
Sunday School available during worship. Refreshments and fellowship
are between services.
2920 Hwy. M, Verona
Sunday Praise and Worship: 9:15 a.m.
Nursery provided in morning.
Sunday school (all ages): 10:45 a.m.
Small group Bible study: 6 p.m.
Hwy. 92 & G, Mount Vernon
(608) 832-6677
Pastor Brad Brookins
Sunday: 10:15 a.m.
Hwy. 69 & PB, Paoli
Rev. Sara Thiessen
Sunday: 9:30 a.m. family worship

Do We Discover or Invent Ourselves?

There is a sense in which we find ourselves in the world
with a very definite nature, a nature that is a product of
both our biological inheritance and the society we are
born and raised in.
We can no more throw off our genes or the contributions of our society than a Zebra can throw off its stripes.
But, we are also more than just our genes and our social
We make choices from a young age which determine
the direction and shape of our destiny.
Geneticists now know that certain genes are in fact
turned on or off in response to certain events, and some
of those events are things of our own choosing.
Our wonderful journey through life is both a journey of
self-discovery and a process of self-invention.
Who we are and who we will become are always struggling with and playing off of each other. Strive to know
yourself, but also become the best person you can be.
Christopher Simon via Metro News Service
Your vision will become clear only when you can look
into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who
looks inside, awakes.
Carl Jung

Pastor Bob Vetter
10:00 am: Blended Worship
11:00 am: Coffee Bar/Fellowship
11:15 am: All-Ages Activity
408 N. Bergamont Blvd., North of CC
Oregon, WI


Thursday, Dec. 18
7 a.m. Scams Presentation
at Senior Center
9 a.m. Daily Exercise
10 a.m. Midtown Jazz at
Senior Center
3 p.m. Daily Exercise
4 p.m. St. James
Preschoolers & I Hear Singing
at Senior Center
5 p.m. A Taste of Theater
6 p.m. Salem Church Service
7 p.m. Words of Peace
8 p.m. Daily Exercise
9 p.m. Chatting with the
10 p.m. Verona Characters
at Historical Society
Friday, Dec. 19
7 a.m. St. James
Preschoolers & I Hear Singing
at Senior Center
1:30 p.m. Chatting with
the Chamber
3 p.m. Amanda Zieba at
Senior Center
4 p.m. A Taste of Theater
5 p.m. 2012 Wildcats Football
8:30 p.m. Amanda Zieba at
Senior Center

Presentation at Senior Center
11 p.m. Midtown Jazz at
Senior Center


2951 Chapel Valley Rd., Fitchburg
(608) 276-7729
Pastor Rich Johnson
Sunday: 8:30 & 10:45 a.m.

430 E. Verona Ave.


Call 845-9559
to advertise on the
Verona Press
church page

The Verona Press

December 18, 2014

Local children to dance in Nutcracker

If you go


want you to be aware of the following public notices
published the week of DECEMBER 2, 2014:

What: Dance Wisconsin

presents The Nutcracker
When: 2 p.m. and 7:30
p.m. Saturday, Dec. 20; 2
p.m. Sunday, Dec. 21
Where: Shannon Hall
at the Wisconsin Union
Theater, 800 Langdon St.,
Tickets: $20-$32
Info: uniontheater.wisc.
edu or call 265-ARTS

Meetings: Wisconsin Veterinary, Dec. 8; Economic Development Authority, Dec. 2;

WEDC, Dec. 5; LWSRB, Dec. 8; UW-Superior, Board of Regents, Dec. 8.
Air Pollution Permit Reviews: Columbia Energy Center, Dec. 2; Briggs & Stratton,
Dec. 2; Xcel Energy, Dec. 8; Dairyland Power, Dec. 8; Bremner Foods, Dec. 8; RR
Donnelley, Dec. 8; SCA Tissue, Dec. 8.


Dance Wisconsin, under

the artistic direction of JoJean
Retrum, will revive its classical Nutcracker ballet at the
Wisconsin Union Theater,
800 Langdon St., Madison,
with appearances by local
Dancers from the Verona
area include Mia Nielsen,
daughter of Candice and Lars
Nielsen, and Sophia Walker,
daughter of Nicole and Scott
Walker. Both girls dance at
Synergy Dance Studio and
are dancing in the party scene.
The Tchaikovsky score will
be performed by the Dance
Wisconsin orchestra and conducted by Blake Walters. The
Monona Grove High School
singers will accompany several pieces.
Performances will be held
in the newly renovated Shannon Hall at 2 p.m. and 7:30
p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 20,
and 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec.

Request for Comments: Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services, Dec. 2.

General: Department of Transportation, Dec. 4.
Search public notices from all state communities online at: is a public service made possible

by the members of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.

Ticket prices for adults range
from $20 to $32. There is a $2
discount for seniors, and chilPhoto submitted
drens tickets are half price.
For more information or to From left, Verona residents Sophia Walker and Mia Nielsen will
purchase tickets, visit union- perform in Dance Wisconsins Nutcracker on Dec. 20-21 at the or call 265- Wisconsin Union Theater.

Help Us Fill the Van

Police report
For The Verona Area Needs Network (food pantry)
Accepting Food Donations Now until

December 31, 2014

Bring 5 or more food items to salon & receive a gift card

to give to someone that hasnt been to Sojo Blau before.

Lets Keep Paying it


Hearing aids

Oct. 2
6:39 a.m. A 21-year-old Patrick, S.C. man was cited for first
offense OWI and other infractions after an officer saw him
nearly strike a sign on Hwy.
18-151 at Hwy. 69. He was
also cited for deviation from
designated lane, possession of
drug paraphernalia and open
intoxicants, operating without


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Fish Fry
Cod, Perch, Blue Gill & Walleye
Jumbo Shrimp




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Oct. 1
11:53 a.m. Two 14-year-old
VAHS students, one from Madison and the other from Fitchburg, were cited for disorderly
conduct and suspended for the
remainder of the day after getting into a fight over a broken



Sept. 30
9:49 a.m. A VAHS student
reported that her ex-boyfriend
was using social media to
spread photos of her he took
last December. Officers determined that the incident originated in Stoughton and referred the
matter to the Stoughton Police
6 p.m. An officer was
approached by a Verona man
who said earlier in the day his
wife found a bag of leafy green
plant material in front of Postal
Connections. His wife suspected it was marijuana and brought
it home so it would not be lying
out in the open. The man turned
the bag over to an officer, who
destroyed it.

Daily Specials


Sept. 29
12:11 p.m. Two bulldogs
were taken to Verona Veterinary Medical Service after they
were found running loose with
no tags on Northern Lights
Road. A man who claimed he
owns the dogs picked them up.
He received a warning for owning animals at large and was
instructed to get them local


104 E. Verona Ave



Reports collected from the insurance and displaying unau- Oct. 5

to be 0.25.
log book at the Verona Police thorized plates. His blood-alco2:20 a.m. A 49-year-old Vero2:44 a.m. A 27-year-old
hol content was 0.11.
na man was arrested for third Verona man was arrested
offense OWI. He was stopped for first offense OWI. He was
Sept. 28
Oct. 4
on Hwy. PB at Hwy. M and later stopped on South Main Street
10:33 a.m. An attendant at
10:56 a.m. A 36-year-old transported to the Verona Police broken lamps. He refused to
the Prairie Oaks Citgo had one of Verona woman reported to the Department. An intoximeter test take an intoximeter test.
his cars tires slashed following police that her husband took found his blood-alcohol content
Jeff Buchanan
an argument with a customer their son away. When the police
over the customer purchasing contacted the husband, he Latest Technology - Affordable Prices
items in part with money from cooperated and told the police
the stores penny tray. Police he was having breakfast with his
dr. douglas
located and interviewed the sus- son at IHOP. The husband and
pect, who denied involvement wife were advised to get a child
1310 Mendota St., Madison, WI 53714
in the damage to the tire but did custody agreement in place.
244-1221 1-800-646-0493
not deny that an argument had
taken place.

December 18, 2014

The Verona Press

Andy Dolejs, right, of Verona, helps his son Oliver, 6, cut a coffee
filter into a snowflake.

Photos by Scott Girard

See more photos

Rudolph gets a bit hungry.

Get more photos from the reindeer

visit and other events at:

Thank You

Santas sleigh-guiders
A few of Santas helpers took an early flight down to Verona for a
visit to the library Saturday, Dec. 13. Families lined up almost to the
parking lot entrance for a chance to take a picture on a sleigh with
one, while two others walked around for people to see. Kids and
their parents warmed up with hot chocolate, music and crafts inside
the library after they got their chance to see the reindeer. Above,
From left, Kristi, 8, Katie, 6, and Eric Kim, 2, of Madison, take a
photo with Dancer.


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Albanian American
Aldo Leopold Nature Center
American Cancer Society
American Heart Association
ARC Dane County
Badger Honor Flight
Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Dane County
Catholic Charities
Chamber of Golf
Community Shares of
Dane Buy Local
Department of Workforce
Downtown Madison
Gildas Club
Hometown Days
Madison Area Crime Stoppers
Madison Metro Jaycees
Overture Center
MCPASD Education Fund
Ronald McDonald House
Sauk Prairie Hog Chapter
Freedom Ride
Special Olympics Wisconsin
Speedway Snowmobile Club
The Road Home Donation
The Salvation Army
United Way of Dane County
VAHS Hockey
VAHS Stadium Project
Verona Area High School
Verona Area Performing Arts
Verona Chamber
Verona Firefighters
Verona Legion
Verona Little League
Verona Police Department
Verona Public Library
Verona Young Life
Wildcat Youth Football
Wine & Dine


Relatives, Friends
and Volunteers
for brightening
the lives of our

December 18, 2014

The Verona Press

Verona teen to compete

at World Irish Dance

12 Days of Culvers

Photo submitted

Verona resident Olivia Livelli, 13,

will compete at the 2015 World
Irish Dance Championships in

and plays tennis and golf.

Livelli is also an honors
student and has been chosen for Wisconsin Center
for Academically Talented
Youth, an advanced learning opportunity for students
who excel in literacy.
Livelli enjoys her work
as an assistant teacher and
mentor to younger Irish

Dec. 12
Dec. 13
Dec. 14
Dec. 15
Dec. 16
Dec. 17
Dec. 18
Dec. 19
Dec. 20
Dec. 21
Dec. 22
Dec. 23

$1 one scoop Hot fudge sundae

$2 BBQ Pork sandwich
$1 short Mint or eggnog shake
$1 onion rings
$5 Taco salad
$1 soup
$1.50 Cheese Curds
$1 one scoop Waffle Cone
$2 one scoop Turtle
$1 short Mint or eggnog shake
$5 Two Piece Chicken Dinner
$1.50 Chili


Verona resident Olivia

Livelli, 13, has been selected to compete in the 2015
World Irish Dance Championships, which will be held
in Montreal, Canada from
March 29 through April 5.
The eighth-grader at Glacier Creek Middle School in
Cross Plains has been dancing with Trinity Irish Dancers from Chicago since she
was 7 years old.
Trinity Irish Dancers
have won an unprecedented 17 world titles for the
United States more than
any other North American
school in history.
At the age of 10, Livelli
became a world champion
as part of her choreography team when Trinity
took gold in Dublin, Ireland. Since then, she has
competed as a soloist and
in other international competitions. Livelli placed
11th at Nationals and 12th
at the 2014 Mid-America
Livelli is also a member
of Trinitys First Company
performance team and had
the pleasure of touring and
performing in Japan and
at festivals in the U.S. this
past summer.
She is an avid swimmer

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Thursday, December 18, 2014


Verona Press
For more sports coverage, visit:

Boys basketball

Cats win first

game at

Jeremy Jones, sports editor

845-9559 x226

Anthony Iozzo, assistant sports editor

845-9559 x237
Fax: 845-9550


Anthony Iozzo
Assistant sports editor

The Verona Area High

School boys basketball
team was able to hold off
Janesville Parker Saturday
in a 65-57 win, its first
victory in the Big Eight
The Wildcats started
strong and jumped out to
a nine-point lead, but it
was a strong third quarter
that eventually propelled
Verona (2-3 overall, 1-3
Big Eight).
The Wildcats outscored
Parker 18-8 in the third
and held off a late rally by
Parker in the fourth.
Verona had its second
consecutive strong first
quarter, a trend that breaks
the slower starts of the
previous three games.
Sophomore Nathaniel
Buss led the Wildcats with
17 points, while junior
Cole Schmitz added 16.
Senior Will Kellerman
picked up eight, and senior
Jake Toman contributed
seven points.
Marq Brooks led The
Vikings with 21 points.
Darrin Empereur added 14.
Verona travels to Beloit
Memorial at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Burlington at 7
p.m. Monday.

Photo by Anthony Iozzo

Junior heavyweight Zack Edwards overpowers Madison Memorial sophomore Matthew Kysely on Tuesday before picking up the pin in 3 minutes, 40 seconds in a Big Eight
Conference dual at Madison Memorial High School. The pin was the last of 11 straight as the WIldcats knocked off the Spartans 84-0.

Wins and pins

Craig 67, Verona 59

The Wildcats lost a
13-point lead Thursday in
a 67-59 loss against Janesville Craig.
Verona allowed 49
points in the second half,
after holding the Cougars
to just 18 in the first half.
The Wildcats jumped out
to a 19-6 lead in the first,
but Craig closed the deficit
to seven at halftime.
Schmitz led the Wildcats
with 21 points, while Kellerman added 19. Toman
chipped in 13.
SanTrell Payton led
Craig with 24 points, while
Adam Anhold picked up
14. KeJaun Green added

Cats knock off Big Eight

rivals with bonus points
Anthony Iozzo
Assistant sports editor

Bonus points were key for the

Verona Area High School wrestling
team during Fridays 37-36 win
over Middleton, but freshman Jono
Herbsts comeback pin over Don
Bolache at 106 pounds were points
that set the Wildcats up for the win.
With Verona taking a forfeit loss at
113 pounds, Herbsts pin cancelled
out the inevitable loss of points and
allowed sophomore Brandon Daniels

(120) an honorable mention at 120

pounds for the WisconsinWrestlingOnline Division 1 poll and junior
Tyler Udelhoven (126) a chance to
finish Middleton off.
Daniels defeated Trevaun Turner
in a 13-0 major decision, and Udelhoven pinned Shamar Madlock in
5 minutes, 51 seconds to clinch the
Jono did a great job getting the
pin at 106, and the pressure came
down to Tyler, who knew going in
that if he got a pin that it was out of
reach for Middleton, co-head coach
Jason Ott said. He was able to do
that, and it was a great feeling.
The Wildcats also forfeited the

heavyweight match, so two losses by

pin to start the match was not what
Verona was looking for. But senior
Eric Schmid (152) ranked No. 2
at 152 pounds got his team rolling with a 17-second pin over Hassam Said, and senior Jackson Bryant
(160) held off Max Mayhew for a
15-11 win.
Junior Peter Janssen (182) also
had a big 10-5 comeback win against
Caleb Cymbalek, and senior Dakin
Coons (195) ranked No. 14 at 220
pounds defeated Taggert Haase
ranked No. 7 at 182 pounds in D1
Junior Trayvonn Johnson (220)
ranked No. 10 at heavyweight

followed with a pin over Matthew

Davey in 41 seconds.
We knew going into the match,
it was about bonus points getting
them and not giving them up, Ott
said. Our guys did a great job of
smelling those extra points out there
for the team.

Verona 84, Madison Memorial 0

The Wildcats followed up Fridays
dual win with an 84-0 win over Big
Eight Conference rival Madison
Memorial Tuesday.
Verona picked up 11 pins and also
had three forfeit wins junior Matt

Turn to Wrestling/Page 12


New faces need to step up if gymnasts are going to reach state

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Verona/Madison Edgewood
gymnastics had a stretch of threestraight WIAA Division 1 state
appearances snapped last season,
but had high hopes entering this
Finishing fifth overall at sectionals last season, the Wildcat/
Crusaders were hoping a few new
faces and the return to health of
the teams top gymnasts would
vault the program back to state
this winter.

Fans of the team, however, may

wonder where state qualifier Lexi
Alt this season. Despite battling a
ankle injury Alt still managed to
qualify for state where she finished 19th overall on the bars. She
decided after last season to not
return, though.
When she was healthy, she was
one of the states top gymnasts,
finishing fifth overall in the allaround competition in Wisconsin Rapids her freshman behind
a runner-up finish on vault and a
third-place finish on beam. Her
departure leaves the team without

a bonafide star.
A state qualifier in a different
sport, freshman Maggie Nunn finished 12th overall in the WIAA
Division 1 state diving competition. The V/ME coaching staff
was hoping Nunn might use those
same skills as a member of the
Wildcat/Crusaders this winter, but
instead the underclassman decided to return to club gymnastics.
So that is an obvious disappointment for the team and our
goal of making it back to state,
co-head coach Rachel Hauser
said. I dont think its beyond

reach, but weve got to revise our

strategy for the season.
Junior Mandy Michuda returns
as the teams top varsity allaround competitor after finishing
10th overall at last years Madison Memorial sectional meet.
Michudas strongest individual
event is probably the uneven bars
where she finished 10th at sectionals.
Senior Sammy Seymour had
Veronas top individual performance at sectionals behind Alt
last season, placing eighth overall on the floor exercise. Seymour

and junior Kirsten Queoff should

both help the team out even more
this season on vault, beam and
Senior Hannah Semmann finished 10th on floor and 11th overall on the uneven bars at sectionals. She will also compete the
occasional floor routine this season.
Besides last years returning
letterwinners, the Wildcat/Crusaders also have some higher-level additions, who will be looking

Turn to Gymnastics/Page 12

December 18, 2014

Youth hockey

The Verona Press

Boys swimming

Wildcats race to win at Beloit

Memorial triangular
Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Photo submitted

Squirt B club wins at New Richmond

The Verona Squirt B Wildcats won the New Richmond tournament last weekend, beating White Bear Lake (Minn.) 9-0 and New
Richmond 8-0 on Saturday.
In Sundays championship against Eau Claire, the Wildcats got two goals from Lars Brotzman, including the game-tying goal with :47.6
remaining. Goaltender Elyse Ziegelbauer stopped all four shots she faced in a shootout, with Brotzman and Jack Marske scoring in the
shootout as Verona won 3-2 (2-0).
Team members (front from left) are: Max Ahlman, Garrison Codde, Logan Roth, Noah Ehlenbach, Ben Aune, Jack Marske, Elyse
Ziegelbauer, Jordan Franke, Brigham Tvedt and David Dina; (midde) Kaden Krause, Lars Brotzman, Cole McDermott, Ellie Osting and
Max Codde; (back) coaches Scott Ahlman, Jared Marske, Alex Clauff and Steve Aune.

Boys hockey

Renlund re-enacts some revenge on Oregon

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Freshman Sam Renlund scored a

pair of goals and assisted on another
en route to a 4-1 non-conference
victory Thursday inside the Oregon
Sports Arena.
Sam played in this rink. He was
here when it was built. He knows
all the history behind this place,
Verona head coach Joel Marshall
said. He definitely has ties here
and definitely had a little extra jump
in his step tonight.
Renlunds father, Tony, spent
eight years as the Panthers head
coach and was instrumental in Oregon constructing its own rink after
splitting with McFarland.
There was probably a little extra
fuel in the tank for me tonight coming back and playing against many
of my former teammates, Sam
More importantly for Verona,
the win ended a four-game losing
streak, the longest of head coach
Joel Marshalls tenure.
We played against some good
teams over that stretch, and didnt
have our best game tonight, but we
got a notch in the right column,
Marshall said. We definitely struggled the past couple games against
good goalies to find the net. It definitely felt good tonight to bury a
couple and pull away.
Scoreless through the first period,
Renlund struck 59 seconds into the
second period with captain Brodie Roehrig and Gavin McCormick
picking up assists. Four minutes
after the Panthers saw assistant captain Nate Anderson leave the game,
Colin Hughes answered, trickling a
shot off the pipe and past goaltender
Nathan Cleghorn.
The Verona junior was unbeatable the rest of the evening, though,
stopping 18 shots.
Renlund struck off a one-timer
with just over two minutes left
in the second before Jake Keyes
extended the lead to two goals 21
seconds later. Roehrig and Renlund
worked a 2-on-1 to perfection to
cap the scoring with a goal 1:44 into
the third period.
Panthers sophomore Henry Roskos turned away 29 of 33 shots on


Despite winning only five

of 11 events, the Verona/
Mount Horeb boys swimming team was able to win
both sides of Fridays Beloit
Memorial triangular.
Verona rattled off a 12248 victory against the Big
Eight Conference rival Purple
Knights and hung on to hold
off Janesville Parker, which
won six events, 98-72.
Parker is improved this
year, so we had to swim well
to beat them, Wildcats head
coach Bill Wuerger said. We
definitely needed our depth.
Jacob Wellnitz claimed the
200-yard freestyle by two seconds in 1:52.41 and the 100
butterfly by more than threetenths of a second in 59.25.
Jimmy Conway claimed
the 500 free in 5:32.62, while
Veronas final individual win
of the evening came from
Bryce Angaran, who won the
100 backstroke by nearly five
seconds in 56.66.
The Wildcats only relay
win came from the 200 free
relay quartet of Glen Hook,
Cullen Meurer, Will McMillan and Wellnitz, who won by
over five-and-a-half seconds
with a time of 1:38.41.
The Wildcats JV team
defeated Beloit 94-73 and
Janesville Parker 100-66.
Paul Stiller, James Wellnitz, Ryan Stewart and Bryan
Touchett won the 200 medley
relay. Kaleb McMillan, Ethan
Young, Charlie ZachmanBrockmeyer and Wellnitz
capped the meet with a victory in the 400 free.
Grant Wightman took the
50 free. Stewart, Wellnitz,
Stiller, Young and McMillan
added the 200 IM, 100 fly,

100 backstroke, 200 free and

100 free titles, respectively.
Verona hosts Madison La
Follette in a conference dual
at 5:30 p.m. Friday. The Wildcats travel back to Beloit for
an invitational at 10 a.m. Saturday.

Fort Atkinson Invitational

The Wildcats placed fourth
with 223 points Saturday at
the Fort Atkinson Invitational.
McFarland (430) didnt win
an event but were still able
to dominate the meet thanks
to its depth. Fellow Badger
South rival Monona Grove
(334) won three events to finish second.
Verona finished 26 points
behind Sun Prairie (third),
who along with Wauwatosa
East/West (fifth) swam at the
meet for the first time, which
made for more competitive
meet than in years past.
Veronas Jacob Wellnitz
finished a distant second to
Monona Grove freshman
Ben Mcdade in the 500 free
(5:14.62) for the Wildcats top
finish. Meurer added a fourthplace finish in 5:23.43.
Angaran added a sixthplace in the 200 IM with a
time of 2:11.86 and fourth
in the 100 back (58.18). Will
McMillan finished 10th.
Hook (1:06.96) and Hoppe
finished sixth and ninth in the
100 breaststroke, respectively.
Veronas 200-medley
relay team of Bryce Hoppe,
Hook, Angaran and McMillan
opened the meet with a sixthplace finish in 1:48.16.
Hook, McMillan, Hoppe
and Wellnitz placed eighth on
the 200 free relay. Wellnitz,
Angaran, Meurer and Hook
closed out the meet with a
fourth-place finish on the 400
free (3:33.07).

Girls hockey

Lynx blanked by Bay Area

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor
Photo by Jeremy Jones

Verona freshman Sam Renlund (6) reacts after a second period goal Thursday in Oregon.
Renlund, whose father Tony spent 8 years as the Panthers head coach, scored twice and
assisted on another in a 5-1 win for the Wildcats.

goal for Oregon (2-3-0).

The Wildcats hosts Big Eight
rival Beloit Memorial (3-3-0 overall, 2-1-0 conference) at 7 p.m.
Friday before traveling to Graham
Arena in Rochester, Minn. for their
annual Kiwanis Hockey holiday
tournament Dec. 29-31.
Verona faces sixth-ranked Eau
Claire Memorial (5-2-0) at 3 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 29, Fargo South
at 5 p.m. Tuesday and Rochester
Lourdes at 3:45 p.m. Wednesday.
Its a tough schedule for us,
Marshall said. Being young, hopefully we get a couple seniors back
in the lineup who can help out. Its
a learning curve, but were trending
in the right direction.

Verona 7, Sun Prairie 0

Jake Taylor and Jake Keyes both
scored two goals Saturday as the
host Wildcats blew out conference
rival Sun Prairie 7-0. Brodie Roehrig, Jack Anderson and Renlund all
chipped in a goal and an assist in
inside Verona Ice Arena.
Verona outshot the Cardinals
36-19, scoring twice in each of the
first two periods and another three
in the third period. The Wildcats

finished 2-for-5 on the power play

and also picked up a pair of shorthanded goals.
Junior goaltender Alex Jones
stopped all 19 shots he faced in the
win. Jake Thornton turned away 29
of 36 for Sun Prairie (1-5-0).

Janesville 5, Verona 3
The Wildcats traveled to the
Janesville Ice Skating Center on
Tuesday looking to improve to .500
in conference.
Bluebirds forward Connor Perkins
had other ideas, though, recording
a hat trick and assisting on another
goal as Janesville survived 5-3.
Verona, which fell to 3-5-0 overall (2-4-0 conference), tied the game
midway through the first period on
an Anderson even-strength goal.
Janesville (5-2-1, 3-2-0) took the
lead for good five minutes later on
a Sam Iverson power-play goal and
never looked back.
Renlund and Keyes both added
even-strength goals, but the Wildcats were unable to draw even.
Cleghorn stopped 21 of 26 shots
on goal in the loss, while Janesvilles Jessie Heisz made 17 saves.

The Metro Lynx got their

toughest challenge of the season Saturday inside the Cornerstone Community Center
in DePere.
Facing the top-ranked Bay
Area Ice Bears, the Middleton
girls hockey co-op was only
able to muster 11 shots on
goal, falling 5-0.
Bay Area is a very good
team, the best we have played
so for this year, Lynx head
coach Derek Ward said. We
played well the first period
keeping it tied after one. They
had the lions share of the
shots but I felt the quality
scoring chances were pretty
close to equal.
A scoreless game through
nearly one-and-a-half quarters, Bay Area (6-0-0) rattled
off three goals in just over two
Ward took a timeout to try
to settle the team down and
the girls responded, keeping
the Ice Bears them off the
score board.
Courtney Wittig struck first
6:55 into the second period
before Megan Call added a
power-play goal a minute later
just five seconds after Maegan Sheehan was assessed
a body checking penalty.
Megan Saari finished out the

period with an even-strength

goal 1:14 later.
Laken Anderson added a
pair of specialty team goals
in the third to wrap things
up, scoring short-handed at
5:53 and on the power play at
Erin Webb turned aside 36
of 41 shots on goal in the loss,
while Lindsey Stainis stopped
all 11 for Bay Area.
Erin stood strong with
Bay Area crashing the net
the whole game, Ward said.
We will continue to work
at our overall game, so if we
get the chance at state to play
them again it will a different
The Metro Lynx head to the
Hudson Sports & Civic Center this weekend where they
will play Minneapolis (3-60) on Friday and Mahtomedi
(2-6-0) Saturday. Middleton
hosts the Culvers Cup inside
Madison Ice Arena on Dec.
We all know that playing anyone from Minnesota
comes with its own mystique
but we are just hoping to continue to grow with every day
on the ice, whether it be in
practice or a chance to play a
game, Ward said. We are
looking to be the best team
we can be at in February and
March when it really counts.


December 18, 2014

The Verona Press

Girls basketball

Photo submitted

Returning letterwinners for the Verona/Madison Edgewood girls gymnastics team (from left) are:
Emma McGuire, Hannah Semmann, Kirsten Queoff, Mandy Michuda and Sammy Seymour.

Gymnastics: Big 8 season opens Thursday

Continued from page 10
Photo submitted

to fill varsity positions. Chief among the

new additions are: Edgewood sophomore
Maddie Molitor, Edgewood freshman Vanessa Wagner and Verona freshman Lanie
Hauser said the team should also have
some strong additions to its JV team with
newcomers Fernanda Alayo and Mariana
Gandolfo, Verona freshmen, and Wildcat
junior Carly Winner.
The Wildcat/Crusaders open the Big
Eight Conference season at 6:3 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18, against Madison West and
Madison Memorial High School.

Cats spend $1,000 to help those in need

The Verona Area High School girls basketball team recently bought $1,000 worth of gifts for children
in the school district this holiday season.

Cats snap losing streak at Parker

Anthony Iozzo
Assistant sports editor

The Verona Area High

School girls basketball team
snapped its two game losing
streak Friday with a 58-52
win at Janesville Parker.
The Wildcats took the
lead in the third quarter,
running out to a 12-point

lead, and were able to hold

on after a big fourth by the
Junior Grace Mueller
led Verona with 17 points,
while sophomore Alex
Luehring added 14. Junior
Kira Opsal also reached
double digits with 10 points,
and junior Cheyenne Trilling added nine.

Seniors Morgan McCulloch and Kathryn Dubanowich led Parker with 17 and
15 points, respectively.
The Wildcats (3-2 overall, 2-2 Big Eight) travel
to Beloit Memorial (1-5,
0-4) at 7:30 p.m. Thursday
before hosting Madison
East (3-2, 2-2) at 7:30
p.m. Saturday.

Big Eight
Defending Big Eight Conference champion Middleton is seemingly always strong
and the favorite to repeat. Sun Prairie has a
new coach but returns Abby and Paige Millard. The Cardinals and Verona/Edgewood

find themselves in different sectionals this

year, however.
The conference lost five of its top athletes from last year, so the podium is sure
to look very different this year at invites
and tournaments, Hauser said.
Madison Memorials Caroline Smith and
Kayley Alioto, Middletons Aryn Skibba
and Sun Prairies Katyalex Schoenike all
graduated, while Alt has chosen to pursue
other sports and will not be returning to
gymnastics this year.
With Sun Prairie moving to the Arrowhead sectional, the opportunity is there for
the Wildcat/Crusaders to still see some
new state qualifiers.
Verona/Madison Edgewood hosts Sun
Prairie inside Glacier Edge Elementary on
Jan. 15. Other key conference duals are
Feb. 5 at Madison Memorial and Feb. 17 at
The WIAA sectional meet is set for Saturday, Feb. 28 in Middleton.

Wrestling: Johnson wins 220-pound title at Tomah Scramble

Continued from page 10
Maier (113), Herbst (106)
and Daniels (120) on the
Junior heavyweight Zack
Edwards won in 3:40 over
Matthew Kysely, while
junior Dom Sabbarese (182)
won in 1:02 against Lukas
Junior Ryan Weiss (152)
got the fall on Mohammad
Halabi, and junior Egill Hegge (132) pinned Sager Smith
in 1:53.
Junior Austin Powers
(138) got the fall over Edel

Gadrinab in 1:20, and freshman Reagan Stauffer (145)

added a pin over Karl Hummel in 1:18.
Udelhoven (126) scored
the fall over Everett Anderson in 49 seconds, and
Schmid pinned Kendall Stysma in 11 seconds.
Braynt got the fall over
Karter Etchin in 1:02, and
Coons picked up a pin over
Isaac Kysely in 53 seconds.
Johnson got his pin in 14 seconds over Quinn Reynolds.
It was nice to get Zack out
there and some of the other
guys that have been working

hard all year and just havent over Dylan Campton (Cashbeen able to get many match- ton) and a 1-0 decision over
es, Ott said.
Aaron Broer (West Salem/
Tomah Scramble
Coons and Bryant also had
Verona filled just nine big days, both finishing secweight classes Saturday at ond overall. Coons finished
the Tomah Scramble, but 4-1 at 195 pounds. He pinned
there were several individual Garret Lutz (Mauston) in
success stories at the tourna- 1:35 and defeated Silas Coleman (Richland Center) 3-1.
Coons added a win by injuJohnson was the big winner with a 4-0 record and a ry default over Alex Goergen
championship at 220 pounds. (Caledonia), and he defeated
Johnson pinned Jack Hessil Dalton Hahn (Reedsburg)
(Tomah) in 1:43 and defeated 6-4. Coons only loss came
Nick Rueth (Neillsville) 3-1. to David Chadd (Lancaster)
He added a 16-0 technical fall ranked No. 1 at 195 in D3

in a 13-0 major decision.

Bryant pinned Kody
Sloane (Viroqua) in 1:22
and knocked off Tyson Wolf
(Lancaster) 13-10. He also
added a pin over Trey Haugen (Reedsburg) 8-3 in 3:52.
Sabbarese took fifth overall
with a 4-1 record, which was
first place in Pool B at 170
pounds, while Udelhoven
finished sixth overall at 126
pounds with a 2-1 record.
Sabbarese defeated Dominic Spinelli (Mauston) 9-8,
and he pinned Dillon Daute
(Westby) in 3:47. He also
pinned Jarrett Parr (Tomah)

in 2:36 and Alec Gorski

(West Salem/Bangor) in 31
Udelhoven defeated Max
Dach (Viroqua) 5-0, and
he won by an 11-3 major
decision over Ty Gauerke
We didnt realize how
tough it was going to be until
we got there and saw how
many state champions were
there, Ott said. I think we
passed with flying colors.
The Wildcats travel to
Mount Horeb High School
for an invitational at 9:30
a.m. Saturday.

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Long Term Care

Q. My mother is in a nursing home, and I would like to bring her home to my

house for the holidays, but given her needs that won't be possible. What can
I do to make her holiday time special?

A. Holiday time can be difficult for older people separated from their loved ones
by illness and physical frailty, and these are the very people who tended to us in
our early years to support us into adulthood. This is the time to give back to our
loved ones. We can do this by cultivating that sense of gratitude, an appreciation
for the value they have had for us throughout our lives. Take some time out of
the holiday season to reflect on this and jot down three things that you appreciate
about a family member or members. By writing down these simple statements
Dr. Peter C. Jackson, PSYD
of gratitude, you will be inspired to respond in a way that will be meaningful
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If you would like to join our Ask a Professional page, contact Donna Larson at 608-845-9559 to find out how!


December 18, 2014 - The Verona Press - 13

Ask the Verona



Q. Do you grind your teeth?

A. Although teeth grinding/clenching can be caused by other things, it is most com-

monly associated with stress and anxiety and often occurs during sleep. It can also
be attributed to an uneven bite, missing teeth, other pains such as back or neck pains.
Clenching, much like snoring, can be difficult to identify because people may not know
that it occurs or do not realize the signs or symptoms. Your dentist can help diagnose
teeth clenching/grinding by looking for signs of teeth wear, notching of enamel at
gumline, teeth chips or fracture lines and sometimes muscle pains, teeth sensitivities
Dr. James Sands, DDS or headaches. Untreated clenching/grinding can lead to a variety of problems ranging
from worn teeth, broken teeth, loose teeth and bone loss to jaw pains, headaches or
TMJ disorders. Teeth loss can and does occur from clenching/grinding. A dentist can
evaluate your teeth and review types of mouth guards/night guards that can be worn to
counter the forces and wear on the teeth, jaws and muscles. The dentist can also review
diet or habit factors that can reduce the damage. If you suspect that you or a partner
grinds/clenches their teeth, contact Associated Dentists in Verona for an evaluation.

Q. How can Santa legally restrict his elves from going to work for the Grinch?
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A. Some families love this tradition and some

prefer not to begin it. In some cases, older children
really enjoy it but younger ones struggle with the
concept. If your family follows the tradition, its important to talk often
about the fact that its a way to give ideas to gift-givers but that not
everything will appear under the tree.

Q. Why Are Elders Always So Cold?

A. Chances are their bodies are merely going through a natural dip in metabolic rate due to the aging

process. A lowered metabolic rate affects the bodys ability to maintain what is considered a normal
temperature of 98.6. When metabolism slows, so does the bodys ability to generate heat. This means
elders can become cold outdoors in the sun during summer or indoors in a well-heated room during
winter. It is important to seek medical advice in order to identify underlying causes. Hypothyroidism
and cardiovascular disease are chronic medical conditions that affect body temperature. It is important
to note that, regardless of the reason, the bodys inability to stay warm can lead to hypothermia if the
Stephen Rudolph
body temperature reaches 95 or below. Elders in frail health are more susceptible to hypothermia,
even when the room temperature is 71 to 75. Whether being cold is the result of slowed metabolism
or a medical condition, older adults must stay warm to maintain an appropriate body temperature. Nearly half of the elderly who
develop hypothermia die from its effects. Therefore, a cozy blanket, sweaters, caps, scarfs and gloves are a must during cold
months. Large meals during cold weather also help heat up the body as the digestive process generates heat within. A warm
beverage such as hot chocolate helps too. Avoiding alcoholic beverages is also recommended as they cause the body to lose heat.

The Caring Center/Verona Montessori House

402 W. Verona Ave. Verona (608) 845-8620

5396 King James Way, Suite 210, Madison, WI 53719

(608) 442-1898





Q. How Do IKeep Low Rates from SinkingMy Retirement Plans?

A. If you keep some of your retirement savings in fixed-rate investments, you probably havent

welcomed the low interest rates of the past few years. Thats why you may need to consider some of
these moves: First, rebalance your investment portfolio to provide an appropriate mix of investments
for your objectives and risk tolerance. Next, review your withdrawal rate the amount you plan
to take out each year from your savings and investments during your retirement. As you chart your
retirement strategy youll need to factor in a realistic withdrawal rate. Finally, you may want to think

Brendon Diers, AAMS

about redefining your definition of retirement to include working part time, consulting or opening a
Financial Advisor
small business. The more you can earn, the less dependent youll be on your investment portfolio. Low
interest rates dont mean you must lower your retirement expectations as long as you plan ahead and explore your options.

Brendon Diers, AAMS, Financial Advisor

161 Horizon Dr., Suite 107a Verona, WI 53593

(608) 845-2533 Member SIPC


This article was written by Edward Jones for the use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Q. What Health Insurance information do we need to bring to our tax meeting?

A. Taxpayer health insurance coverage will need to be reported on 2014 tax returns

for the first time.

If you bought insurance through the Federal or a State Exchange, they will send you a
tax document, form 1095-A, by the end of January. We will need that form to complete
your return. Although only the Exchanges are required to provide 1095s this year,
you may also get one from your insurance company or employer. Bring those if you
Greg Andrews, CPA receive them.
If you dont have coverage, theres a new tax. If you received an advance credit from
an Exchange, that credit will need to be re-computed and adjusted based on your actual
If everyone on your return was covered by Medicare or employer health insurance all
year, thats all we need to know. We will check a box your 1040, and move on to other
tax issues. We hope most returns are this simple!

HomeTown Tax & Financial, S.C.

110 Enterprise Dr., Suite 104 Verona (608) 845-5511




Q. My furnace is not working. Is there anything I should do before calling for

Q. Should I have my home pre-inspected before listing it?

A. It may be a great idea to have your home pre-inspected if you are planning

Keith & Kinsey Schulz

Real Estate Team




Q. Should I let my child make a wish list for


with the other party. In Santas case, the protected trade may be offering a once-a-year home delivery service in exchange for cookies
and milk. The degree to which non-competition agreements are enforceable varies by the context (i.e. employment versus sale of
business) as well as jurisdiction. Wisconsin generally allows reasonable non-competition agreements, but will invalidate an agreement
entirely if any portion is deemed unreasonable. Since the North Pole shares a similar climate to Wisconsin, Santas attorney may
look to our rules for guidance:
1 The agreement must be reasonably necessary for the protection of the employers (Santas) legitimate interest.
2. The restriction imposed thereby may only last for a reasonable amount of time (2 to 4 years for humans; 200 to 400 years for elves).
3. The covenant must restrict activities only within a reasonable geographical zone (the North Pole).
4. The agreement may not be harsh or oppressive (e.g., preventing the elves from wearing red or growing a beard).
5. The agreement must not be contrary to public policy considerations (e.g., preventing all good boys and girls from receiving gifts).

on listing an older home. The inspection can give you an overview of what
may need repairing or what you might be up against when a buyer has their
inspection. Repairing items prior to listing your property can improve how
your property shows and minimize potential negotiating later. Keep in mind,
the majority of buyers will still want their own independent inspection. The
main objective of a pre-inspection is for your own information for repair and
disclosure purposes. Inspectors are generalists and not all are created equal.
For a list of great local inspectors, check out our website under About the

First be sure that the thermostat is in the heat position and the temperature is set above
the indoor temperature. Next, check for power at the furnace by turning the fan switch (on the
thermostat) to the on position. If the furnace blower does not turn on, check the circuit breaker
for the furnace and the switch at the furnace, to ensure they are on. Also check the air filter to
ensure it is clean. If you have LP gas or oil heat, ensure that you have sufficient fuel. Some LP
gas furnaces have pressure switches that will not allow the furnace to run if the tank is low on
fuel. Even though the water heater sitting right next to the furnace lights and runs, the pressure
may be too low to allow the furnace to light. If you have a high efficiency gas furnace with pvc
vent pipes, be sure that the piping is clear of obstructions such as snow, birds or rodent nests.
Also look to see if there are any flashing diagnostic lights on your furnace. For all your heating
and air conditioning questions, contact Dave at OK Heating and Air Conditioning.


Dave Kaltenberg

Making a Difference, One Home at a Time!




Q. What is IDET?
A. Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy (IDET) is a procedure for the treatment

of pain related to an injury (herniation or rupture) of the disc(s) of the spine.

An electric current travels through a probe that is inserted into the disc that is
injured. The current heats the discs tissues to cause the disc to shrink and also
cauterizes the nerve endings in the outer disc tissue. The tissue healing time
is around 6 weeks and rehabilitation exercises, such as core strengthening and
stabilization exercises, begin between 8-12 weeks after the procedure. This can
be an effective, less invasive treatment, as compared to a surgical discetomy,
yet it is important to realize that the rehabilitation is a crucial component for
recovery. Contact Stellar Rehabilitation for additional information.
Comprehensive Therapy Services
1049 N. Edge Trail Prairie Oaks
(608) 845-2100 Verona, WI 53593


Susan Armstrong, MPT

Physical Therapist

161 Horizon Dr., Suite105 Verona, WI

53593 (608) 845-8494

Q. Ive been getting headaches at least once a week and my medical doctor
has ruled out any underlying condition. Is there anything a chiropractor
can do that will have a lasting effect?

A. 95% of headaches are primary headaches, meaning they are tension or

migraine headaches and are not caused by disease but originate from muscle
tension in the head and neck. Chiropractic adjustments restore normal spinal
function which helps to alleviate tension and increase circulation to these areas.
Jill Unwin,
Chiropractors will also guide you in correcting common causes of headaches
D.C., C.C.E.P
such as stress reduction, ergonomics, and diet. As far as long-term effects, a report
released in 2001 by researchers at Duke University Evidence-Based Practice
Center in Durham, NC, found that spinal adjustments resulted in almost immediate improvement for
those headaches that originate in the neck, and had significantly fewer side effects and longer lasting
relief of tension-type headache than a commonly prescribed medication.
212 E. Verona Ave., Suite B Verona, WI
(608) 848-1800


If you would like to join our Ask a Professional page, contact Donna Larson at 608-845-9559 to find out how!


(608) 492-2272


December 18, 2014

The Verona Press

Elaine K. Geiger

Case No. 14PR847

1. An application for Informal Administration was filed.
2. The decedent, with date of birth
October 12, 1926 and date of death November 19, 2014, was domiciled in Dane
County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 420 Edward Street, Verona, WI 53593.
3. All interested persons waived
4. The deadline for filing a claim
against the decedents estate is March
13, 2015.
5. A claim may be filed at the Dane
County Courthouse, Madison, Wisconsin, Room 1000
Lisa Chandler
Probate Registrar
December 5, 2014
Atty. Marilyn A. Dreger
200 W. Verona Avenue
Verona, WI 53593
Bar Number: 1001608
Published: December 18, 25, 2014 and
January 1, 2015


The Common Council of the City

of Verona, Dane County, Wisconsin, do
ordain that Section 14-1-8 of the Code of
Ordinances, City of Verona, Wisconsin
is created to read as follows:

Sec. 14-1-8 Certified Survey Map

Notwithstanding any other provisions within the City of Verona Subdivision Chapter, the Common Council
reserves the authority to exercise powers under Wis. Stat. 236.34(1)(ar). Specifically, the Common Council, following
the procedure set forth in Wis. Stat.
236.34(1)(ar), may, on a case-by-case
basis, adopt resolutions that specify
a maximum number of parcels that is
greater than 4 into which land that is
situated in the City and zoned for commercial, industrial, or mixed-use development may be divided by certified
survey map.
The foregoing ordinance was duly
adopted by the Common Council of the
City of Verona at a meeting held on December 15th, 2014.
Jon H. Hochkammer, Mayor
Kami Scofield, City Clerk
Enacted: December 15, 2014
Published: December 18, 2014



The Common Council of the City of

Verona, Dane County, State of Wisconsin, does hereby ordain as follows:
1. That Section 13-1-42, Zoning
Map of Title 13, Chapter 1 Zoning
Code, of the Code of Ordinances of the
City of Verona be amended by repealing
the existing zoning of Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Rural Agricultural
(RA) on the following described parcel
in the City of Verona and assigning the
Public Institutional (PI) and Urban Commercial (UC) zoning classification:
West End CSM
* Lot 4 Public Institutional (PI)

Erbach CSM
* Lot 1 Urban Commercial (UC)
* Lot 2 Public Institutional (PI)
* Lot 3 Public Institutional (PI)
CSM #3416
* Lot 1 Urban Commercial (UC)
2. The approval of the zoning map
amendment shall become effective upon
the Verona Area School District acquiring the subject property by December
1, 2015.
3. The approval of the zoning map
amendment for Lot 1 of the Erbach CSM
and Lot 1 of CSM #3416 shall become
effective upon the property owners executing a Memorandum of Understanding with the City no later than December
1, 2015 to address potential on-site and
off-site infrastructure improvements.
4. That the City Clerk is directed to
forthwith make the above change in the
zoning district boundaries on the official
map of the City of Verona pursuant to
Section 13-1-42 of the City ordinances
after passage and publication as required by law.
The foregoing ordinance was duly
adopted by the Common Council of the
City of Verona at a meeting held on December 15th, 2014.
Jon Hochkammer, Mayor
Kami Scofield, City Clerk
Enacted: December 15, 2014
Published: December 18, 2014

Ordinance No. 14-855


WHEREAS, pursuant to Section

62.23 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the
City of Verona is authorized to prepare
and adopt a comprehensive plan in accordance with Section 66.1001(1)(a) and
66.1001(2) of said Statutes, and adopted
its Comprehensive Plan on September

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14, 2009; and

WHEREAS, The Plan Commission,
by a majority vote of the entire Commission at a meeting held on December
1, 2014, recommended to the Common
Council the adoption of an amendment
to change the land use designation of
parcels of land located on West Verona
Avenue as provided on the attached
Exhibit from a mixed use area with primarily commercial land uses to public
institutional and commercial land uses
within the Comprehensive Plan with the
following condition:
1. The proposed Comprehensive
Plan amendment shall become effective
upon the Verona Area School District
acquiring the subject property by December 1, 2015.
WHEREAS, The City published
and posted a Class I public notice and
held a public hearing regarding the plan
amendment; and
ORDAINED by the Common Council of
the City of Verona hereby adopts the
attached amendments to the City of Verona Comprehensive Plan with the recommended Plan Commission condition.
this Ordinance shall take effect upon
passage by a majority vote of the Common Council of the City of Verona and
publication/posting as required by law.
(seal) Jon Hochkammer, Mayor
Kami Scofield, City Clerk
Enacted: December 15, 2014
Published: December 18, 2014

Ordinance No. 14-857


WHEREAS, pursuant to Section

62.23 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the
City of Verona is authorized to prepare
and adopt a comprehensive plan in accordance with Section 66.1001(1)(a) and
66.1001(2) of said Statutes, and adopted
its Comprehensive Plan on September
14, 2009 and adopted the Southwest
Neighborhood Plan on July 13, 2009 as
a component of the Citys Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, The Plan Commission,
by a majority vote of the entire Commission at a meeting held on December
1, 2014, recommended to the Common
Council the adoption of an amendment
to change the land use designation of
parcels of land located on the east side
of Locust Drive south of the Cathedral
Point Subdivision as provided on the
attached Exhibit A from a residential
land uses to public institutional within
the Southwest Neighborhood Land
Use Map as adopted within the City s
Comprehensive Plan with the following
1. The proposed Comprehensive
Plan amendment shall become effective
upon the Verona Area School District
acquiring the subject property by December 1, 2015.
WHEREAS, The City published
and posted a Class I public notice and
held a public hearing regarding the plan

amendment; and
ORDAINED by the Common Council of
the City of Verona hereby adopts the
attached amendments to the City of Verona Comprehensive Plan with the recommended Plan Commission condition.
this Ordinance shall take effect upon
passage by a majority vote of the Common Council of the City of Verona and
publication/posting as required by law.
Jon Hochkammer, Mayor
Kami Scofield, City Clerk
Enacted: December 15, 2014
Published: December 18, 2014

November 24, 2014
Verona City Hall

1. The meeting was called to order

by Mayor Hochkammer at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call: L. Diaz, E. Doyle, J.
Linder, Mac McGilvray, H. Reekie, B.
Stiner, E. Touchett and D. Yurs. Also
in attendance: City Administrator, B.
Burns; Police Chief, B. Coughlin, Finance Director, Cindy Engelke; Library
Director, B. Simons; City Planner, A.
Sayre; Public Works Director, R. Rieder;
and City Clerk, K. Scofield.
4. Public Comment
5. Approval of Minutes: Motion by
Yurs, seconded by Reekie to approve the
minutes of the November 10 Common
Council meeting. Motion carried 8/0.
6. Mayors Business
- Alternate Side Parking has begun
in the City
- There is only one Council meeting held in December and that Council
meeting will be on the third Monday, December 15th
7. Administrators Report
8. Engineers Report
A. Finance Committee
(1) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: Payment of Bills. Motion by McGilvray, seconded by Doyle to approve
the payment of bills in the amount of
$973,704.65. Motion carried 8/0.
(2) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: Agreement between Musser Appraisal Service and the City of Verona
for the Annual Maintenance of Commercial and Personal Property Assessment
Services. Motion by McGilvray, seconded by Linder to approve the agreement with Musser Appraisal Service in
an amount not to exceed $7,000. Motion
carried 8/0.
(3) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: PUBLIC HEARING on the 2015 City
of Verona Budget. Motion by McGilvray,
seconded by Doyle to open the Public
Hearing on the 2015 City of Verona budget. Motion carried 8/0. There were no
comments during the Public Hearing.
Motion by McGilvray, seconded by
Doyle to close the Public Hearing. Motion carried 8/0.
(4) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: Resolution R-14-049 Approving the
2015 City of Verona Budget. Motion by

McGilvray, seconded by Doyle to approve Resolution R-14-049. Motion carried 8/0.

(5) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: Resolution R-14-050 Approving the
Levy of Property Taxes for City Purposes. Motion by McGilvray, seconded by
Linder to approve Resolution R-14-050.
Motion carried 8/0.
B. Public Safety & Welfare Committee
(1) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: Ordinance No. 14-853 Amending
Section 13 of Chapter 1 of Title 10 of
the City of Verona Code of Ordinances;
Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Parking
Prohibited During Certain Periods. Motion by Yurs, seconded by Touchett to
approve Ordinance No. 14-853. Motion
carried 8/0.
10. Old Business
(1) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: Negotiating Strategy for Boundary
Agreement Discussions with the City of
The City Council may convene in
closed session as authorized by Section 19.85 (1)(e) of the Wisconsin Statutes for the purpose of deliberating or
negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds, or
conducting other specified public business whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.
The Common Council may reconvene
in open session and discuss and take
action on the on the subject matter discussed in closed session.
Motion by Yurs, seconded by McGilvray to convene into closed session.
A roll call vote was taken with the following voting aye: Doyle, Linder, McGilvray, Reekie, Stiner, Touchett, Yurs
and Diaz. Voting no: none. The Motion
carried 8/0 and at 7:20 p.m. the Common
Council convened into closed session.
(2) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: Potential Purchase of Property at
108 S. Franklin Street
The Common Council may Convene in Closed Session as Authorized
by Section 19.85(1)(e) of the Wisconsin
Statutes for the Purpose of Deliberating
or Negotiating the Purchase of Public
Properties whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. The Common Council may reconvene in Open Session and Take Action
on the Closed Session Item.
Motion by Yurs, seconded by
Linder to convene into closed session.
A roll call vote was taken with the following voting aye: Linder, McGilvray,
Reekie, Stiner Touchett & Yurs. Voting
no: Diaz and Doyle. The Motion carried
6/2 and at 7:20 p.m. the Common Council convened into closed session.
Motion by Doyle, seconded by Yurs
to reconvene into open session. The
Motion carried 8/0 and at 8:28 p.m. the
Council reconvened into open session.
11. New Business
(1) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: Approval of Operator Licenses from
Kimberly Shaw at Vincenzo BP. Motion
by Yurs, seconded by Reekie to approve
the licenses. Motion carried 8/0.
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Motion by Diaz, seconded by
Reekie to adjourn the meeting at 8:31
p.m. Motion carried 8/0.
Kami Scofield, City Clerk
Published: December 18, 2014

Holiday deadlines

Our 5-Star Medicare-rated

DeanCare Gold (Cost) Plan
covers more and costs less.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Great Dane Shopping News

Display Advertising: Wednesday, December 17 at 3pm

Classified Advertising: Thursday, December 18 at Noon

2014 recipient
of Medicares
highest rating

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Community Papers
Display & Classified Advertising:
Friday, December 19 at Noon

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Great Dane Shopping News

As low as $68/month

Display Advertising: Monday, December 22 at 3pm

Classified Advertising: Tuesday, December 23 at Noon

Request your DeanCare Gold fact kit today.

DeanCare Gold (Cost) is a product of Dean Health Plan, Inc. and is available to Medicare
beneficiaries residing in Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Grant, Iowa, Jefferson, Rock or
Sauk Counties. The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete
description of benefits. For more information contact the plan. You must continue to pay
your Medicare Part B premium. Benefits, provider network, premium and/or copayments
may change on January 1 of each year. Limitations, copayments and restrictions may
apply. Medicare evaluates plans based on a Five-Star rating system. Star ratings
are calculated each year and may change from one year to the next. This is an
advertisement and is intended to obtain insurance prospects. For more information call
(877) 301-3326 or for TTY dial 711 or call (877) 733-6456. Hours of Operation: October
1, 2013, through February 14, 2014, Monday through Sunday 8:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m.,
February 15, 2014, through September 30, 2014, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. 8:00
p.m. and October 1, 2014, through February 14, 2015, Monday through Sunday 8:00
a.m. 8:00 p.m.
DeanCare Gold (Cost) is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment
in DeanCare Gold depends on contract renewal.
H5264_2050-0314-TopNotchAd_CMS Accepted 2014 Dean Health Plan, Inc.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Community Papers
Display & Classified Advertising:
Tuesday, December 23 at Noon

Our offices will be closed

December 25 and 26, 2014 and January 1, 2015
845-9559, 873-6671 or 835-6677


Exceptional Dean care with

premiums of just $68/month,
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Coverage includes hearing and
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Your premiums will never
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With a network of over 2,000 doctors,
youre bound to nd a great t.

December 18, 2014

102 Bingo

453 Volunteer Wanted

HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone. From

your friends at the Oregon Observer,
Verona Press and Stoughton Courier


the Badger Childhood Cancer Network
Adopt-A-Family program to provide
holiday gifts and groceries for families of
kids with cancer. Spread some holiday
cheer by sharing musical talents with the
seniors in the EAST Madison/Monona
Coalition of the Aging Adult Day Center
and Nutrition sites. Volunteers who enjoy
singing, playing musical instruments (a
piano is available), and/or performing
in any other capacity are welcomed to
provide entertainment and bring joy to
seniors. Independent living, Inc. is in
need of volunteers to deliver Evening
Meals on Wheels during Christmas
and New Year's Eve. Deliver our hot,
nutritious dinners to older or disabled
adults in the area of your choice. Call the
volunteer Center at
608-246-4380 or visit www. for more
information or to learn about other

143 Notices
more about how you can help our
service members, veterans and their
families in their time of need, visit the
Fisher House website at (wcan)
SOCIAL SECURITY Disability Benefits.
Unable to work? Denied benefits? We
can help. Win or pay nothing. Contact Bill
Gordon & Associates at 800-960-03070
to start your application today! (wcan)
WCAN (Wisconsin Community Ad Network) and/or the member publications
review ads to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous
people are ready to take your money!
TO BE TRUE! For more information, or to
file a complaint regarding an ad, please
contact The Department of Trade, Agriculture & Consumer Protection 1-800422-7128 (wcan)

163 Training Schools

Be one in just 10 Saturdays!
Fan us on Facebook! Next class begins
1/3/15. Call 920-730-1112 Appleton (reg
WI EOB) (wcan)

173 Tutoring & Instruction

Reputation. 35 years experience. (608)

342 Boats & Accessories

Over 700 new and used in stock.
Visit the largest marine & motorsports
showroom in the usa & save huge.
American Marine & Motorsports,
Shawano. Call

516 Cleaning Services

WANTED 60'S&70'S Motorcycles

Dead or Alive! 920-371-0494 (wcan)

355 Recreational Vehicles

ATV & SIDE-BY-SIDE Headquarters.
Huge blow-out pricing. Door busters
Youth ATV's starting at $699 plus FSD.
Over 100 Honda CF Moto at liquidation$/
866-955-2628 www.americanmarina.
com (wcan)

360 Trailers
Boat ATV Sled or Pontoons.
2 or 4 Place. Open or Enclosed.
American Marine, Shawano
866-955-2628 (wcan)

548 Home Improvement

Light Construction Remodeling
No job too small
Basement Systems Inc.
Call us for all your basement needs!
Waterproofing. Finishing. Structural
repairs. Humidity and mold control. Free
Estimates! Call 800-991-1602 (wcan)
"Honey Do List"
No job too small


part-time, salary with potential
commission. Other benefits apply.
Well established, high-traffic salon.
Must be highly motivated people
person and a team player. Oregon
area. Please send resume to

Professional, Interior,
Exterior, Repairs.
Free Estimates. Insured.

572 Snow Removal


Volume discount. Will deliver. 608609-1181

Residential & Commercial.
20+yrs exp. Fully insured.

648 Food & Drink

WRAP UP your Holiday Shopping with
100% guaranteed, delivered to the door
Omaha Steaks! SAVE 37% PLUS 4
FREE Burgers. Many
gourmet favorites ONLY $49.99.
Order today 800-931-1898. Use code
49377PXR or
father72 (wcan)

and surrounding area.
Merry Law Offices 608-205-0621
No charge for initial consultation. "We
are a debt relief agency.
We help people file for bankruptcy relief
under the bankruptcy code."

586 TV, VCR &

Electronics Repair

601 Household


We are seeking drivers

for our Verona location.
What we offer:
Competitive hourly pay
Full training leading to a
Commercial Drivers License (CDL)
Be at least 21 years of age
Have a valid drivers license
Be able to pass a background
investigation and drug test
For more information call 608-845-8516
Or stop in and apply at
219 Paoli Street, PO Box 930245
Verona, WI 53593


sizes in stock. 9 styles.
2133 Eastern Ave, Plymouth WI
Open 7 days A Week (wcan)

666 Medical & Health Supplies

The affordable solution to your
stairs. Limited time $250 off your
stairlift purchase. Buy direct and
save. Please call 800-598-6714 for
free DVD and brochure. (wcan)
medical alarm and 24/7 monitoring. For
a limited time, get free equipment, no
activation fees,
no commitment, 2nd waterproof alert
button for free and more.
Only $29.95 per month.
800-281-6138 (wcan)

672 Pets
10/31. Also Siamese Kittens available.
715-459-3835 or
715-451-1511 (wcan)
Yellow & Black Born 11/12/14
Shots & Dewormed
Parents on site. 920-526-3512

688 Sporting Goods

& Recreational

730 Condos &

Townhouses For Rent


Adjustable helmet. Black. $160. OBO
WE BUY Boats/RV/Pontoons/ATV's &
Motorcycles! "Cash Paid" now. American Marine & Motorsports Super Center,
Shawano 866-955-2628 (wcan)

692 Electronics
Only $19.99 per month. Free premium
channels HBO, Starz, Cinemax &
Showtime for 3 months & free receiver
upgrade! NFL 2014 Season Included.
Call Now! 800-320-2429 (wcan)

696 Wanted To Buy


2bdrm-1bth townhome with garage.
Microwave/laundry/dishwasher. Large
bedrooms, walk-in closets, skylights,
patio, private entrance. Gas heat/AC
$775/mo plus utilities. 608-772-0234.
RANCH STYLE Condo405 New Age Way, Verona
2BR 1.5BA, 1400 SF.
Full unfinished basement for storage.
Two+ car attached garage.
All appliances, private entry & deck.
Available 12/20/14. $1600. rent per
month. Call Liz at 608-577-7526
or e-mail

750 Storage Spaces For Rent

10X10 10X15 10X20 10X30
Security Lights-24/7 access
Credit Cards Accepted
CALL (608)444-2900

TOP PRICES Any Scrap Metal

Cars/Batteries/Farm Equipment
Free appliance pick up
Property clean out. Honest
Fully insured. U call/We haul.
WE BUY Junk Cars and Trucks.
We sell used parts.
Monday thru Friday 8am-5:30pm.
Newville Auto Salvage, 279 Hwy 59
Edgerton, 608-884-3114

705 Rentals
Apartments for Seniors 55+, currently
has 1 & 2 bedroom units available
starting at $725 per month, includes
heat, water, and sewer.
608-835-6717 Located at:
139 Wolf St., Oregon, WI 53575
OREGON- 233 S. Main St. 1BR apartment, garage, washer/dryer $630 month.
Call 608-455-7100
STOUGHTON 1616 Kenilworth Ct.
Large 2-BR apts available now.
Pets welcome. Many feature new wood
laminate flooring.
$775-$825/mo. 608-831-4036
STOUGHTON 2BR apartment
$740-$780, includes heat, water/sewer.
608-222-1981 x2 or 3. No dogs, 1 cat
ok. EHO.
VERONA-2 BEDROOM, A/C, no smoking, H/W included, cats negotiable, coinop laundry, semi-private yard, garage
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December 18, 2014

The Verona Press

Police: Coughlin chose not to use federal surplus equipment

They may be a helpful tool, but where does
it end? Were already recording an awful
and sandbags are common
lot of public interaction. To this point, it
In Dane County, Oregon
not been one of our higher priorities.
police have obtained scores
Continued from page 1

of items worth $55,000,

including rifles, helmets,
backpacks, tool chests
and two ATVs. Among
30 items given to McFarland police were .45 caliber pistols and M-16 rifles,
a $10,795 floodlight, a
$3,800 computer and a used
truck worth $5,000.
Middleton got about
$8,800 in gear, including
two pairs of night-vision
goggles worth a combined
$8,600 and single pairs of
cold weather boots ($105),
overalls ($33.50), socks
($13.60) and binoculars
($50). Fitchburg in 2006
got two floodlights worth
more than $21,000.
Coughlin, however, said
Verona has made a conscious decision not to use
the program.
Verona already provides

Bernie Coughlin
Verona police chief

officers with rifles in each

squad car and bullet-proof
vests purchased with the
help of federal grants. Other
equipment offered through
the program is often outdated or wouldnt be used
enough to merit storing it,
he said.
Though the equipment is
free, Coughlin said theres
still a cost to taxpayers at a
federal level for using it.
Just because other
departments are getting
it, that doesnt mean we
should get it, he said.
Thats not what we do.

Armored truck used

Thats not to say that
Verona doesnt occasionally utilize some heavy-duty
On Thanksgiving night,
a three-hour standoff at St.
James Lutheran Church
between law enforcement
and a 21-year-old man ended after a SWAT team from
the Dane County Sheriffs
Office brought its multi-ton
Bearcat armored truck to
the scene.
The man, a citizen of
Nepal who had walked
to Verona from his Midvale Boulevard home, had

Photo by Samantha Christian

Verona Police Department squads are already equipped with a rifle, stowed between the seats at right,
and camera that activates when the siren or lights are turned on, at left. Unlike surrounding communities, Chief Bernie Coughlin said the department has decided not to utilize a federal program to obtain
leftover military gear.

allegedly threatened to the church.

shoot people and set fire to
The truck, worth more
than a quarter-million dollars, allowed authorities to
safely approach the church
and talk the man into surrendering via a publicaddress system, Coughlin
It worked beautifully,
he said. We were very
thankful it was available.

Show off your kids in

Unified Newspaper Groups 5th Annual

Cameras not priority

Body cameras for police
are also in the news. Earlier this month, President
Obama asked Congress to
spend $75 million to help
pay for 50,000 small cameras that could be mounted
on police officer uniforms.
Proponents say the cameras could foster public
confidence that police are
doing their jobs correctly,
though critics see it as a
costly requirement that
could raise privacy concerns.
In Dane County, it
appears only Stoughton
and McFarland police

Coming Wednesday, January 28, 2015

departments have body

cameras, said McFarland
chief Craig Sherven, president of the Dane County
Chiefs of Police Association.
Verona police already
have cameras in squad cars
that activate when the siren
or lights are turned on. And
officers occasionally wear
microphones in the field to
capture audio from interviews or encounters.
Coughlin said body cameras may someday become
standard for police and
doesnt rule them out for
But he wonders if costs to
maintain and replace cameras and the servers needed
to store the videos could
add up fast.
They may be a helpful
tool, he said, but where
does it end? Were already
recording an awful lot of
public interaction.
To this point, it has not
been one of our higher priorities.

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Childs Name __________________________________________________________________________

Age (please indicate months or years)___________________________

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Male Female

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Photo taken by (if a professional photo) ______________________________________________________

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4-5 years

6-7 years



0-11 months 12-23 months

Pictures should be full color and wallet size or larger. For optimal printing quality, please be sure the head in the photo is no smaller than the size of a nickle.
If submitting your photo(s) electronically, please be sure the photo resolution is at least 150 DPI.
Photos must be received by Friday, January 2, 2015 to be included. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like your photo returned.


Please check age category:

Orchard Pointe
6317 McKee Rd

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